Liber Kpadonu: biography, external data. Liber Kpadonu family


Age: 31

City Ufa

Height: 170 cm Weight: 50 kg

The project was 688 days

Liber Kpadonu was born in the city of St. Petersburg, but the family did not live there for a long time, and when Liber was fourteen years old, she moved to Ufa. Papa Kpadonu Addah Gilbert is an African, originally from Benin (West Africa), educated in Russia. Currently, he works for Bashneftegeofizika (Ufa) and has a PhD in Geology and Mineralogy. Mom Nadezhda Evgenievna is Russian, a lawyer by profession.

In 2009, Liber entered the Moscow State University of Culture (specialty "Organization of cultural events"), studied for two years, but there is no information about graduation from the university.

She loves creativity very much: in her free time, she danced in go-go nightclubs in the capital. Interestingly, Libi took up dancing by accident. When she was 16 years old, the art director of one of the nightclubs noticed her in the crowd and invited her to work as a dancer. The girl accepted the invitation, although her father was against it. In addition, she is fond of jazz, sings well, cooks deliciously and even tries herself as an actress. Likes to play computer games.

Before the project, Libi did not develop relationships with young people. According to the girl, the parents of the guys she met were against the relationship, because they did not want to see a girl with an African appearance in their family.

For the first time on the project Liber Kpadonu came on September 2, 2011 to Gleb Zhemchugov. She expressed sympathy for him, as she considered him an honest and fair man. Strawberry reciprocated, but only for the first time, and after Liber agreed to move into a vip-room without intimacy with him, the guy abruptly stopped his courtship.

Liber's first serious romance happened a little later with a participant named Anti Kurhinen. The guys even settled in a separate room in the Polyana. However, this did not save the guy from another male vote. The participants did not consider the couple sincere and voted against Anti. Liber did not leave for her lover, although she mourned his departure for a long time.

For some time the girl remained alone, but, however, did not get bored. Libi happily took up social life on the House 2 project: together with her friends, as lonely as herself, the girl weaved intrigues and commented on everything that happened on the project. Kpadonu took part in conflicts more than once: after another skirmish with her, Oksana Strunkina ended up in the hospital. Anastasia Kovaleva also did not miss the opportunity to find fault with the skin color of Liber Kpadon, and the subsequent brawl between the girls was remembered by the audience for a long time. It is interesting that with those girls with whom the mulatto fought, in the end she got a strong friendship.

When a young pumped-up chef Vanya Barzikov came to the project, Liber immediately drew attention to him. But the guy did not show interest in Liba and tried to recapture Katya Tokareva from Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky. When nothing came of this idea, Vanya switched to Libi. Needless to say, he liked the girl. He simply responded to her advances. However, this victory for Libi was short-lived. Irina Aleksandrovna stared at the nineteen-year-old handsome man, who decided that he would be a great match for her youngest daughter Margarita. Vanya even went after Rita in the preliminary voting, however, something didn’t work out for them further. Then Vanya liked Oksana Strunkina, but this union also did not work out.

As a result, Liber's patience paid off and Vanya again decided to try to build a relationship with her. True, the guy immediately warned that he did not like Liber's bad habits, especially smoking. The girl promised to improve. For a while, she seemed to be able to do it. True, over time it turned out that the cunning mulatto still continued to smoke secretly. Vanya had a hard time enduring the deceit of his beloved and serious conflicts and even frequent brawls began in the couple. In general, Liber's addictions led to the fact that the guys quite often quarreled and dispersed, but then reconciled again and continued to live together.
Liber's main achievement in her first parish was her victory in the Person of the Year competition. The mulatto sold the prize car and spent part of the money on charity. After a triumphant victory in one of the voting, the guys left the project. Outside the perimeter, Vanya and Liber lived together for almost six months, and in the spring of 2013 it became known that the guys broke up. Before the second appearance on the project, she worked at the Lyalyafa karaoke together with Oksana Strunkina.

On the air for September 13, 2013, Liber returned to the ranks of the reality show participants. In December 2013, she moved in with Andrey Esin, who admitted a few days later that he had a girl outside the perimeter. Having broken the Mutalka's heart, Esin left the project.

Liber quickly became friends with the "old men" of the project, who, like her, returned to "build love" (Elina Karyakina, Sasha Zadoinov, etc.). But at the same time, mutual dislike with other "old men" who came to make a "revolution" (Rustam Kalganov and Andrey Cherkasov) became obvious almost immediately. As a result, at first, the ambitious mulatto was mainly engaged in "social life", and not personal relationships. She entered into disputes with Rustam, boldly criticized Andrei, and, together with Elina, fought against being on the project Olga Vasilievna.

A good opportunity presented itself when Tatyana Okhulkova left the project and her eternal admirer Zhenya Rudnev was left alone. Less than two days later, Rudnev, who until recently had been so passionately in love with Okhulkova, spoke of sympathy for Liber. It was so unexpected for the participants and spectators that many suggested that the guys united so as not to leave city apartments, since Liber was opening a dance school at that time, and Zhenya was waiting for the arrival of Lyudmila Valerievna's mother. In general, in this strange couple everything happened too rapidly and unpredictably: they settled on the third day after the departure of the former passion of Rudnev, about a week later Zhenya started talking about children, and after a while the precocious groom wanted to meet his beloved parents. It even went as far as marriage. The guys wanted to get married on the 10th anniversary of the project and even already applied to the registry office, but after a series of conflicts, Liber turned on the back and said that she was not ready to marry Evgeny. Zhenya was very upset by the cancellation of the wedding and he is not going to give up. Rudnev re-offered, but the answer was "no". The third attempt failed...

Both in the first and in the second parish, the participants and presenters made claims to Liber that she allegedly abuses alcohol. The girl herself always categorically denies these accusations, and the guys she met reacted to these words in different ways. Also, more than once information was raised about Liber's problems in gynecology. She is sure that she will not be able to get pregnant on her own and she will have to do artificial insemination. Now Kpadonu is being seen by doctors in Ufa.

Page Liber Kpadonu Vkontakte.

Liber Kpadonu was born in 1987 in St. Petersburg. The biography of the girl is of interest to viewers, especially for fans of the Dom-2 project. Her father is African, originally from Benin, and her mother is Russian. Today we know Libi as a former participant in the above-mentioned TV project, but what happened before is of interest to viewers, readers, and fans of the dark-skinned beauty. Let's open the veils of some secrets... but by the way, Libi gives the impression of a very open person and does not seem to be hiding any secrets. But some interesting facts from the life of Liber Kpadonu will be revealed to us in this article by the biography of the girl.

Mystery No. 1 - the love story of Gilbert and Hope

Father Liber - Addah Gilbert Kpadonu - candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, mother Nadezhda Evgenievna - Russian, lawyer by profession. Libi repeatedly told reporters that her father's family had three sisters and he had only four children, which is very few for Africa. Grandfather Libi, Gilbert's father, educated all his children. At first, Gilbert studied in France, then, upon arrival in St. Petersburg, he entered the Mining University. Mom Liber Nadezhda Evgenievna comes from the city of Oktyabrsky. My father came there for practice, where the young people met, and the story is as follows. Dad, in broken Russian mixed with French, asked mom how to get to the cinema, Nadezhda saw him off. It was love at first sight - the very next day, Gilbert proposed to Nadezhda, the future spouses eventually left for Leningrad. How many rumors and gossip there were in Oktyabrsky - and do not count! Still - an African took the girl away ... It was an Event for a provincial town thirty years ago. To be honest, the marriage was not approved by either the groom or the bride. But then a daughter was born - Liber Kpadonu, whose biography from the very beginning was already doomed to interesting, exciting pages, and it was the birth of a child in the family that marked the beginning of the reconciliation of the parents of husband and wife. The grannies couldn’t stop looking at their granddaughter, Gilbert’s mother said with emotion: “Oh, how fair she is!”.

Mystery #2 - Failed Athlete

The biography will also tell about the character of Liber Kpadon: the girl's year of birth - 1987 - passed under the element of the Fire Rabbit. Fire is what burns inside the sultry mulatto, and this can be seen from her behavior, communication with people, and her hobbies. Therefore, it is not surprising that she grew up as a very athletic child, was the champion of St. Petersburg in athletics, and she was predicted to have a career in sports. But the family moved to Ufa when Libi was 14, and although the coaches asked her to leave, her parents were adamant. Libi did not like Ufa after Peter. And although she did not have to experience any particular difficulties in adapting to a new school - her exotic appearance always and everywhere aroused interest - she had difficulty mastering both the Bashkir language and the new environment. But she is a strong, athletic girl, she could well fight back, so the guys didn’t climb on her, and everything eventually fell into place.

Adaptation did not take place at the new school Liber Kpadonu - the girl's biography keeps a funny incident that Libi likes to remember. On her first day at school, when she had to say the phrase "my name is Liber" in the Bashkir language, the boys suggested the right words to her. The phrase, of course, turned out to be abusive ...

Mystery number 3 - dancing in nightclubs

In 2009, Libi entered the Moscow State University of Culture with a degree in Organization of Cultural Events.

But in addition to positive moments, Liber Kpadonu's biography is also full of piquancy. The height, weight (170 cm and 50 kg) and the external data of the girl: exotic appearance, artistry and flexibility - contributed to the conquest of nightclubs, the work of a dancer in which brought good material wealth. The fact is that her work as a dancer was a certain form of protest - she really did not like it in Ufa, and she really did not want to interrupt her beginning sports career in St. Petersburg. And she showed independence. At the age of 16 she went to work as a dancer in one of the clubs, later combined this activity with her studies at the university. Upon learning of his daughter's work, the father was horrified. He gave her an ultimatum and said - live on your own, if your parents' word is not a decree, and you don't need your father's house. Libi accepted her father's challenge...

But this cannot go on forever, is it possible to respect yourself by dancing "go-go"? Perhaps it is precisely because of disrespect and dislike for herself that the beauty does not develop relationships with young people. Liber Kpadonu, whose biography is not a secret for the inhabitants of the Internet, is a very spectacular girl, but ... Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy. She says that the reason for her failures on the love front is her appearance - none of the potential mothers-in-law wants to have an African daughter-in-law. But in vain - because this race is famous for very talented and hardy people.

Secret number 4 - relationships with men

She likes to play computer games, although this can hardly be called her hobby. September 20, 2011 Libi, after futile attempts to find and build relationships with men, came to the television project "Dom-2" to Relations with him did not work out. Gleb offered sex. Right away and, as they say, "on the forehead."

But Libi, like any girl, wanted romance, relationships, foreplay, development. It immediately became clear that Gleb was not her prince. Evgeny Rudnev were among her lovers. Without going beyond the TV project, she married the latter, but the project remained, and the marriage broke up. The young people did not live together for long - they did not get along in character. And not only. Eugene was mired in financial problems, and Libi did her best to help him get out of trouble. And financial issues often became a stumbling block in a young family. Whatever you say, sooner or later Liber Kpadonu's biography should be replenished with marriage. Family and children are in the first place among Africans - this was said by both Libi herself and her father.

Secret number 5 - about children

Today, Liber does not smoke (quit), does not abuse alcohol (although she often indulged in strong drinks before). Liber is free and ready for a new relationship and a family. But she has pain ... Female, intimate ... She had an ectopic pregnancy, so she says that when planning a child, you may have to resort to artificial insemination to eliminate the risk of miscarriage. Maybe this is the reason for her failures in relationships with men - she cannot get pregnant. We wish Liber Kpadonu's biography to be filled with health and sonorous children's laughter as soon as possible - the age is already the most suitable. At about 30 years old, a woman begins to clearly understand and realize what she needs in life, what mistakes to avoid when raising children.

Secrets of "House-2"

There was so much here... Libi came here twice! She even won the Person of the Year award. I sold the car (the prize), and donated part of the money to charity. She has a good heart and a clear mind. And how many intrigues, spoiled relationships, tears and joy were played here ... But she does not like to lie to herself. And so she left the Dom-2 project due to the inability to combine her plans outside the perimeter with participation in a TV show. Well, right! “Show Mast Go He”, but this is not real life, but a cast of it. We must go through life, and not in her image, and Libi, free from marriage and obligations, decides to leave the TV project for free swimming. Right! Perhaps the reason for leaving was a young man. But Kpadonu prefers not to talk about it, perhaps she does not want to jinx her happiness, for which she hopes and waits so much!


What does the biography tell us about the character of Liber Kpadonu? Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius, she is an incorrigible romantic, frisky, artistic, kind, open, cheerful girl. Extrovert. She will defend her point of view to the last. She won't let anyone break her. And, for example, while on the Dom-2 project, she more than once took an active part in skirmishes and fights.

Perhaps her combative nature scares men away? Although, again, depending on what kind of man she needs, perhaps a quiet home boy will be to her liking, because someone is in charge, and someone is always a follower.

Career Secrets

Libi "lit up" in the cinema - she starred with Dmitry Dyuzhev in the film "The Leader of the Diverse." She loves to sing and dance, she says that singing is her life, air and water. In terms of a film career, she plans to turn around, but what exactly is still a secret, Libi remains intriguing.

She loves gold, she has a lot of jewelry, and the business that she ran on the Dom-2 project (and perhaps still does) is the sale of jewelry. She says that these are peculiarities of African traditions - to have a woman a lot of gold. And Libi wears and collects jewelry with pleasure, accepting gifts.

By the way, the jewelry business is a family affair: the parents of Liber Kpadonu, whose biography has so far been completed in our story, are involved in the business process. They are constantly expanding their product range (there are jewelry for both wealthy customers and people with average incomes). "Dom-2" made a good advertisement for their business. Well - we wish good luck and prosperity to the Kpadonu family!

Member Name: Liber Kpadonu

Age (birthday): 17.12.1987

City: St. Petersburg, Moscow

Height and weight: 170 cm

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Liber was born in the city of St. Petersburg, in the family of an African father - Kpadonu Aldakh Gilbern and a Russian mother - Nadezhda Evgenievna. When Liber turns 14, her parents decide to move to Ufa.

At the age of 16, Liber was noticed by the art director of one of the nightclubs and invited to work as a dancer. To which the girl agrees, despite the prohibitions of her father. She was also seriously interested in jazz and singing. And she was attracted to cooking.

After graduating from school, Liber enters the Moscow State University of Culture, specializing in organizing cultural events. Parallel, she is a go-go dancer.

The girl did not have a serious relationship before the project, as many parents were against having a daughter-in-law with an African appearance.

Appeared on the Liber project on August 2, 2011 and expressed her sympathy, considering him the most sincere and fair participant.

Gleb reciprocated his sympathy until Liber said that at first there would be no intimacy between them. And then Gleb turned away from her.

For a long time, the girl was alone and went headlong into project life, and became one of the active participants. Liber, who had a short temper, repeatedly attacked the members who made fun of her skin color.

Once, because of the beatings of Kpadon, Oksana Strunkina was hospitalized. Anastasia Kovaleva also grabbed a couple of slaps in the face from the explosive girl, but publicly apologized in the future, a very strong friendship formed between them.

When a young chef came to the project, Liber tried in every way to please him, but he was seriously passionate about the idea, to beat him off, but he didn’t succeed, and he switched to a mulatto.

But their relationship was not long, as Irina Alexandrovna looked at the handsome guy and tried to do everything so that Vanya became the boyfriend of her daughter Margarita. But she didn’t succeed, but nevertheless she achieved that Vanya simply began to try many girls on the TV show. But still returned to Liber.

Their relationship was pretty serious Kpadonu sincerely fell in love with Barzikov. But in their pair there were serious conflicts due to Liber's bad habits.

Libi smoked and was fond of liquor. Once a guy gave her an ultimatum, either habits or him. To which the girl finally quit drinking and smoking.

A serious event for the mulatto was the victory in the contest "Person of the Year" and the TV show House 2 gave her a chic car. But the girl decided to sell the prize and donate part of the money to charity, which caused great sympathy among viewers.

Later, confident in their relationship, Liber and Vanya decide to leave the project. But outside the perimeter, their union lasted only six months.

September 13, 2013, Liperj Kpadonu decides to return to the project and starts an affair with Andrey Yesin and they move into separate apartments, but after a few days the guy leaves the project, as true love awaits him outside the perimeter. This parting seriously affected the state of Liber.

The girl simply did not want to get involved in the guys anymore, but seriously began to intrigue for, which, in her opinion, was simply not needed on the project. Later, a divorced one draws attention to a chic mulatto, and they declare themselves a couple. But their union was caught in a lie.

It turned out that the guys simply did not want to leave the city apartments, since Liber opened a dance school, and Zhenya was waiting for the arrival of his mother. But their fiction led to great love, and the guys decide to get married.

Later, they arrange a luxurious wedding within the walls of House 2. But fortunately, or unfortunately, the marriage breaks up after six months, and young people scatter to different corners.

Rudnev continues to build relationships, and Liber decides to leave the TV show, as a lot of things have accumulated outside the perimeter that she simply does not have time to complete.

Now Liber has its own jewelry store and a successful dance school.. And very soon she will release her own series of fashionable clothes. For her success, she thanks the project and all its inhabitants. But, there is no time for personal life yet.

In the fall of 2016, Liber Kpadonu recorded the song "Rain Lines".

Libere Photos

Liber Kpadonu has over 500,000 followers on Instagram.

She was born on December 17, 1987 in St. Petersburg, at the age of 14 she moved with her parents to Ufa, where she graduated from high school. After school, she decided to go to conquer Moscow and entered one of the capital's universities. In parallel with her studies, Liber worked part-time in clubs, dancing go-go.

Exotic appearance and the name Liber got from his father - Gilbert Kpadon, a native of Benin, West Africa. He came to Russia to study, where he met Liber's mother Nadezhda Evgenievna.

Behind the project, Liber did not develop serious relationships with young people, her appearance was to blame. Tired of this, she decided to try her luck on the project and find a person who would accept her for who she is.

Arriving at the show, Libi singled out all the participants. She was bribed by his sincere and good-natured appearance. Gleb reciprocated her, but as it turned out later, he only needed sex from the girl.

Libi and Gleb Strawberry

Unsuccessful relationships did not break the strong character of Libi, in anticipation of new sympathies, she began to lead an active social life. She was happy to criticize the participants and give out advice, weave intrigues and participate in brawls. The participants often "walked" on the appearance of Liber, to which she always reacted violently. After one such statement, she grabbed her hair, so much so that the girls were barely pulled away. And after a fight with Libi, she even managed to end up in the hospital, however, later, forgetting all the insults, the girls became friends.

Liber with girlfriends Oksana Strunkina and

Liber's life sparkled with new colors when a handsome young man appeared on the project. At the beginning, the guy did not pay any attention to her and tried to build relationships with other girls. But Libi still managed to woo him, and they began a relationship. Together they left the project, but, after six months, they had a fight and fled.

In the fall of 2013, Liber again came to the project, to. However, it turned out that the guy has a girlfriend outside the perimeter, and he went to her. Friends helped Liber not lose heart at that moment: with whom she was friends even before the project, and who in every possible way supported and protected the girl.

Liber with friend Joseph Mungolle

Not all participants on the project were loyal to Libi. The revolutionaries and, who themselves had just returned to the show, for some reason were not happy with the appearance of the girl in the perimeter and began to "plant" her in every possible way.

Personal relations with Liber did not develop. The presenters decided to send her and other free participants to city apartments to conduct a casting and find guys for themselves. At that moment, in city apartments, I missed having no relationship. He had just broken up with, and was not ready for a new novel. But the appearance of Libi disrupted his plans.

Libi and Evgeny Rudnev in city apartments

Relations in a couple developed rapidly, on the third day they settled in a city apartment. A month later, Zhenya made the first proposal to Libi. Preparations for the wedding have begun. But the rapid approach of the date of the celebration and the inaction on the part of Rudnev made her change her mind. And the couple postponed the wedding.

Zhenya rushed things and did not want to act reasonably. Almost every week he made Libere more and more new offer. Driven to despair, and realizing that if she does not agree, she will lose Zhenya, Libi agrees to the marriage. They play a modest wedding on the project, to which only close friends are invited.

Wedding of Liber and Evgeny Rudnev

Having achieved his goal, Zhenya changes dramatically. He is no longer that share boy who obeys his wife in everything. He begins to humiliate Liber in every possible way, thereby asserting himself at her expense. This guy's behavior quickly finds support among Libi's ill-wishers, which further pushes Zhenya to action. And then, the guy just "blows the roof." First he starts flirting with

One of the brightest participants in the popular TV show decided that she could no longer combine the project with business.

This event was unexpected for everyone: Liber announced that she had decided to leave the project and had already packed her things. Such a serious step, the 27-year-old star of the show, argues that it has become impossible to be torn between business (this year the girl opened a jewelry store) and filming in the project.

“Yes, I really left Dom-2 today. I understand that this came as a complete surprise to many, especially at the height of Man of the Year, where I was in the lead, but I myself have been thinking about this for a long time. I felt that it was getting harder and harder for me to be in this place, the experiences and the pressure of the team did their job. But the main thing is that I have things to do outside the perimeter, for example, my favorite store, in which you need to invest a lot of time and effort, ”Liber shared in a conversation with a Woman’s Day correspondent.

Interestingly, recently at a construction site, during general discussions, Kpadonu sat with her face buried in the phone, for which she received disapproval and condemnation from the entire team. Many suggested that this was the last straw.

“This situation really arose, but precisely because I was waiting for an urgent call from work. The guys did not understand this, but in principle I don’t care anymore. In any case, leaving has nothing to do with this, ”says Woman’s Dau Liber.

First, Nikita announced them with Liber as a couple, and then left after his beloved

Despite the fact that the girl became one of the brightest and most beloved participants and experienced dozens of the most important events in her life on the project, the team was absolutely not upset when they learned that they would lose such a heroine.

“They were not only not upset, there was undisguised joy. It is understandable - "Person of the Year", I'm in the lead. Who needs competitors? But I'd rather go beyond the perimeter and earn money for an apartment myself than beg for it. True, I want to say a huge thank you for every vote that the viewers gave me. But I can safely say that they didn’t do it in vain – even if I don’t get an apartment in the capital, such an endless stream of support gave me great strength,” Kpadonu continues.

According to the girl, her parents fully support her and are glad that her daughter will finally start life outside the perimeter. In addition, after the participant, the project was left by her beloved 22-year-old Nikita Govorukhin.

Recall, quite recently, on June 17, Liber officially filed a divorce from Evgeny Rudnev, after which the guy was on the second site of Doma-2 - Seychelles and built one relationship after another. The girl was in no hurry to plunge headlong into new feelings. Perhaps that is why 22-year-old Nikita left the project after his beloved.

“Some people think that after the project I’m going to Evgeny Rudnev again, but this is not true. I hope that there will be no more people like him on my way. I will never forgive betrayal, says Liber. - And although we did not settle with Nikita, everything was already clear and so. I hope that we will live together outside the perimeter, I would like it so much. He's not the kind of project boy who will hang on to this place. Nikita himself thought about leaving, but because of me he stayed a little longer. Now we plan to build relationships outside the project and hope that we will succeed.”

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