Personal experience: how children study in China. boarding schools in china


Benefits of Secondary Education in China

Secondary education in China today is deservedly considered the best in the world. It is enough to look at the results of the international PISA rating, which has been organized since 2000 and held by the OECD every 3 years. The rapidly increasing lead of Chinese students is more than impressive: in the year they scored 556 in general and 600 in mathematics (493 and 496 on average in the OECD), and in the year already 613 in mathematics (494 on average in the OECD). Such a Chinese "miracle" is due to the wise policy of the Chinese government in the field of education and the extremely high degree of motivation of Chinese schoolchildren, who consider academic success today as a guarantee of a prosperous life in the future.

The Chinese government has set itself the goal of transforming the country from an agrarian semi-literate country into a super-tech power in 20 years, for which it adopted a plan to modernize the education system. This plan is based on the symbiosis of Western teaching methods and traditional Chinese, on the promotion of Chinese universities in world rankings, and is aimed at turning Chinese education from a recipient into a donor. This plan proved to be correct and very effective. If in 2001, according to the data of the Ministry of Education of China, the number of foreigners studying in Chinese universities was only 60 thousand people, then in 2012 it has grown to 328.3 thousand. At this pace, China will soon compete with the traditional leader in attracting foreign students - the United States (the number of foreign students is 764.5 thousand). By 2020, China should become the largest educational center in Asia, increasing the number of foreign students to 500,000. And he has already left Russia behind: 224 thousand foreign students, and if we take away those who came from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Abkhazia, then only 100 thousand will remain. Not surprisingly, significant government investments in education in China are quickly paying off: income from the sale of educational services has already reached $ 1 billion, which is 2 times more than Russia's income.

5. Matura is recognized worldwide and guarantees direct admission to Western universities.

6. excellent sports infrastructure and comfortable living conditions

7. Inexpensive compared to UK, Switzerland, USA and Canada prices

8. children find themselves in an environment of peers motivated to study

Boarding schools in China

School name City Training program Cost, EUR/year Language of instruction Notes Photo Rating

Harrow International School Beijing

English (ESL)

6-12 grades

Harrow International School Shanghai

English (ESL)

6-12 grades
School network: London, Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Hong Kong

Beijing Huijia Private School

English (ESL)
(preparatory course)

1-12 grades
Focus on technology in agriculture

Keystone Academy

English (ESL)
(preparatory course)

8-12 grades

Yew Chung Shanghai International School


1-12 grades
Yew Chung Foundation School Network: Hong Kong, Beijing, Qingdao, Chongqing and Silicon Valley, USA

Canadian International School of Beijing


1-12 grades

Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School


Canadian International School Kunshan


1-12 grades
Affiliated with St. John's Kilmarnock School (SJK), Ontario (Canada)

Beijing Shuren Private School



6-12 grades
In 2014, the college received 16 out of 20 possible points from the first Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) and was named an excellent educational institution ("Excellent"). Best International School of the Year in 2011 (Independent School Awards)

Guangzhou Huamei International School


Canada (Ontario)


1-12 grades
1st Private Boarding School in South China

Beijing New Talent Academy


1-12 grades

Beijing National Day School


6-12 grades

Guangdong Country Garden School



1-12 grades
Every third graduate studies in the top 50 best universities in the world
The best school in Guangdong

Shanghai Gold Apple Bilingual School


1-12 grades

Fudan International School


7-12 grades
School at one of the best Chinese universities - Fudan University

Beijing International Bilingual Academy


Beijing No. 55 high school


6-12 grades

Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada


1-12 grades

Beijing No. 04 High school


Dulwich College Suzhou


English (ESL)

1-12 grades
Dulwich College International (DCI) network in 8 cities and 5 countries (colleges in London, two campuses in Shanghai - Jinqiao and Minhang, in Beijing, Suzhou, Seoul, Singapore and Yangon, 2 international high schools in Suzhou and Zhuhai

High School Affiliated To Nanjing Normal University



State. school at Nanjing Normal University (NSFZ)
1 of 10 exemplary schools in China
Ranking of 2016 Chinese schools by the number of graduates enrolled in US universities: 22nd place

Shanghai Jin Cai High School

English (ESL)

1-12 grades
In the Botanical Park

Wellington College Shanghai


7-12 grades

Wellington College International Tianjin


1-12 grades
Partnership with Wellington College, Eagle House, The Wellington Academy (UK)

Wuxi United International School



1-12 grades

Alcanta International College



9-12 grades

Beijing Haidian International School


1-12 grades

The school is located in the nature protection zone of the reserve

Oxford International College of Chengdu



9-12 grades
Admission to the Top 10 British universities or the top 40 universities in the world

Saint Paul American School

School education in China: the school year begins on the first of September. As for parents in China, some aspects of preparing a child for school are not so expensive. This primarily applies to school uniforms. All schools in China have uniforms that students must wear regardless of what grade they are in. A student's clothing usually consists of a shirt, trousers (skirt) and a baseball cap, on which the school emblem is embroidered. All other accessories, without which studying in Chinese schools cannot be complete, parents buy on their own.

Schools in China provide twelve years of education, which is divided into three levels: elementary school and two levels of high school. Every year on the first of September, more than 400 million students from the first to the twelfth grades come to school. Half of them are first-graders and students of the first stage of secondary school.

In order for a child to receive at least compulsory secondary education, he must have attended school for at least 9 years: 6 years in primary school and three years of lower secondary school. Obtaining a full education is carried out at the request of the parents and the student himself. To be able to continue your studies at a university, you must complete all twelve classes and pass the final exams. But more on that later.

In order for a child to be accepted into the first grade of a school in China, like in our country, they conduct some kind of exams to determine the level of knowledge of the child. But, if in our schools it is written work and interviews, then in Chinese it is testing. The future student should mark the correct answer to the question from the proposed 3-4 options. After receiving primary education after six years of study, schoolchildren take their first exams. This kind of slice of knowledge allows the child to score the required number of points for admission to high school. The high results of these exams allow the student to go to the secondary school at the university, the completion of which guarantees admission to this university.

Chinese schools conduct unified state final exams, which are also entrance exams for entering a university. As mentioned earlier in the article on the Chinese educational system, all higher education institutions are ranked by the level of prestige, and in order to enter, you need to score a certain number of points in school exams. The application can be sent to several educational institutions whose passing score is lower or corresponds to the number of points that was scored during the exams.

It will not be superfluous to note that universities and schools in China differ from our educational institutions in a large level of workload. This is due to the fact that students must learn more than several thousand characters, which must not only be written correctly, but also pronounced correctly. With this in mind, the Department of Education in Beijing has passed a regulation according to which school starts at 8 am and lasts no more than eight hours a day. At the same time, the curriculum increased the number of physical education lessons to 70 minutes per week.

Many readers may have the impression that the above applies to private schools. But I want to clarify right away that such an educational system is used in public schools.

Schools in China operate on the principle of a five-day work week. But if in our schools first-graders study until a maximum of 13 hours, then their Chinese "colleagues" are in an educational institution until 16 in the afternoon. Due to the heavy workload, the school day is divided into two parts. From 8 to half past twelve, children study the main subjects: Chinese and foreign languages, mathematics, which are in the schedule every day. Then, until 2 pm, children can relax and have lunch, and then continue their studies. In the afternoon, students in Chinese schools study secondary subjects: singing, work, physical education and drawing.

Chinese schools are special in that each class has an average of 30-40 students. The learning process is divided into two semesters, the results of which are displayed in the report card. It is worth mentioning that the assessment of the achievements of children during their studies is carried out according to a hundred-point system. All current results are displayed in a classroom journal and parents, if desired, can monitor the progress of their children.

A big plus in the Chinese educational system is that the educational process is carefully controlled by the government, and schools constantly receive funding from the treasury for the maintenance of buildings or the renewal of the material and technical base.

Today, the Chinese are increasingly occupying leading positions in science, culture and art. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire leave no chance for Europeans brought up in hothouse conditions. This is because education in China is ten hours a day. Every day and all year.

Illiteracy defeated

The UNESCO report "Education for All" notes that by 2003, China came out on top in terms of the development of education. Started in 1985, the education reform has produced tangible results. A number of legislative acts of the government contributed to the mandatory literacy education of all residents, the development of higher education, an increase in the number of foreign professors in universities and the influx of students from other countries. So, from the 80s, compulsory primary education was introduced, in the 90s, nine-year education became compulsory.

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the fight against illiteracy is the percentage of women aged 15 to 24 who do not even have a primary education. In China, it is 4%. Compare with India, where it is 44%, and in rather Europeanized Turkey - 8%.

The percentage of illiterate adults in China today is about 4%. And back in the 50s of our century, 80% of the Chinese were illiterate. Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are 99% literate in China.

The growth of education is the key to success

Another indicator indicating that the level of education in China is growing at a rapid pace is the number of specialists with higher education per 100,000 people. 20 years ago, this figure was 600 graduates for every 100,000 people. The Ministry of Education of the Celestial Empire plans to reach the figure of 13.5 thousand specialists by 2020.

In 1949, there were 205 higher education institutions in China. Today there are about 2 thousand of them with the number of students in 20 million people.

Education system in China

The structure of obtaining knowledge in China does not differ from most European ones. It includes the following steps:

  • Preschool (children from 3 to 5 years old).
  • Primary school and lower secondary (6+3, 5+4 or 9-year systems).
  • Secondary school (three years of study).
  • Secondary specialized education (2 years after high school, or 4 years after incomplete secondary).
  • Graduate School.

The education system in China today provides for nine years of compulsory education (lower secondary level). Further, graduates either receive a special education, or become university students. Or they stop further training.

Before school

Pre-school education in China is a network of public or private institutions. The country's legislation is aimed at supporting the private sector in this area of ​​education. The Ministry of Education has approved a unified program of preschool education. But if in state structures the priority is the preparation of children for school and labor education, then private preschool institutions specialize in aesthetic, cultural and personality-oriented education.

In general, the day of a Chinese preschooler is similar to the same day of a Russian child. The distinctive features of the educational process that characterizes education in China before school can be considered the following:

  • Morning in kindergarten is flag raising time. Love and pride for the country is cultivated from preschool age.
  • Education to work consists of the fact that at educational institutions there are gardens where preschoolers learn to grow vegetables. And sometimes they even cook them.
  • Even children's games are subject to strict discipline. Free time is a time of idleness, and this simply does not exist in China.

Strict discipline combined with control that does not allow the child to even think that he is special is often criticized. But for the Chinese, the rule “what is good for the state is good for the person” is an unshakable rule.

Most kindergartens are open until six in the evening, but there are those where children can stay around the clock.

Primary school and junior high

This segment of training is required. It is paid by the state. Primary school takes 6 years of study, and secondary - 3. The program includes the study of Chinese (in-depth), mathematics, history, natural history, geography, music. The variable part is ethics, morality and the legal part. Evaluation is carried out in the form of tests, according to a 100-point system.

Mandatory is the practice when children work several hours a week at mini-enterprises or farms.

Idleness is considered unacceptable here. The load on children is huge, homework is required. Even during the holidays, children do homework, which is quite voluminous.

The discipline is very strict, the gates of the school are only opened to let the children in and out. A common school uniform is provided for students of each school. Absence from classes without an important reason - expulsion.

Interesting! In schools, the morning begins with exercises and a line with the obligatory raising of the flag. Daily exercises are also provided, and in the middle of the educational process - gymnastics for the eyes using acupuncture methods. After lunch, which lasts an hour, 5 minutes are provided for sleep.

High School and Vocational Education in China

After high school, if the child chooses a certain direction and the family's finances allow, you can continue to study for 3 years in high school.

There are two types of high schools:

  • Academic. These are specialized schools, the main task of which is to prepare the student for entering the university in the chosen direction.
  • Vocational. Here they train workers for certain types of work.

It is possible to enroll in a vocational school after graduating from an academic high school. Then the child will have to study less in it - two years instead of three.

You can enter a university only after graduating from high school. At the same time, the scores that a student will receive at a single final exam determine the hierarchy of the future university, because they do not pass exams upon admission - everything is determined by the high school score.

Higher education in China

In 64 countries of the world, diplomas obtained in Chinese universities are recognized. Russia is among them.

All top-level institutions have their own hierarchy, established in a single rating. The high school graduate's unified examination score determines which institution he can enter - the "highest level" or the provincial level. The admission of an applicant is a holiday for the whole family, even if the child has entered paid education. State scholarships and subsidies from customer enterprises are expected for students, which often bear the cost of training specialists.

China Higher School is:

  • Colleges with a two-year (mid-level specialist certificate) and a four-year (bachelor's degree) program.
  • Higher educational institutions (bachelor, master, doctor of science), usually with a narrow specialization. Specialists are trained in 820 specialties.

Training is conducted in English or Chinese by choice. The system of the educational process is semester with winter and summer holidays.

For gifted Chinese, winners of national competitions and olympiads, as well as for children from low-income families, there are budget places, but there are very few of them, and the competition is very high.

The system of higher education in China won international prestige a long time ago. In scientific universities, the Chinese are represented quite widely in America, Australia and Europe. About 20,000 Chinese graduate from postgraduate and doctoral studies outside of China every year.

The most popular universities in China

Ranked by QS (2017) 4 Chinese institutions in the top 100 universities in the world: Peking University, Shanghai Jao Tong University, Fundan and Qingau Universities. And in some disciplines (engineering and information technology, chemistry, and others), Chinese universities lead the world rankings. For example, the Shanghai University of Transport Communications (Jiaotong) leads in the position of engineering technology.

Nine leading universities in China entered the educational project called "Group K-9". This group is comparable to the well-known "Ivy League" in America. Research and development costs in this group are fully funded by the state, which is 10% of the annual budget! In addition to the four ranking universities already mentioned, the Chinese Ivy League includes Nanjing, Zheng Universities, China University of Science and Technology (Beijing), Xian Jiaotong University (Beijing), Harbin Institute of Science and Technology.

In terms of citation of articles and the number of patents for inventions, China is in third place, after America and Japan. But with such state support, which ensures the rapid growth of education and science, the likelihood of an increase in China's rating is quite high.

Education in China for Russian students

Studying in China is not such an unattainable goal as it seems. There are many educational programs and agreements between universities in Russia and China. A system of student exchange has been developed and, of course, for those who are already students, it is easier to get to study in China.

For graduates who want to get into the universities of the Middle Kingdom, a school leaving document will not be enough. In addition, upon admission, you will need to pass the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi language exam. Most major universities set their own additional rules, such as additional testing or age limit.

In any case, preparation for admission implies an individual selection of a university and careful preparation of documents according to the requirements of a particular educational institution.


The whole world has long been "covered by the eastern boom." The study of Japanese and Chinese is growing steadily. An increasing number of young people are interested in the history and traditions of the countries of the East. Our neighbor - the largest country in Asia - is increasing its influence in various spheres of the life of the world community. The breakthrough in the economy and the victory over illiteracy make us think about the exceptional features of education in China as a component of the success of the Celestial Empire.

Chinese Kao zhong and Gaokao sound no less frightening than the GIA and the Unified State Examination, which Russia, by the way, borrowed from the PRC.

How else are our educational systems similar and how would your child study in a Chinese school?

Modern China- a state with a highly developed economy and great prospects. However, economic success would not have been possible with an illiterately organized educational system: compulsory free nine-year education is guaranteed by the Constitution. Today in the PRC, more than 200 million people study in a million multi-profile and multi-level educational institutions. But back in the fifties of the twentieth century, 80% of the population of China were illiterate!

school days

School education is divided into three levels: primary school and two levels of secondary school. Interestingly, all three levels are different educational institutions. The academic year, like ours, begins on September 1, but consists of two semesters with a break for winter (from January to February) and summer (from mid-July to the end of August) holidays. Pupils attend classes five days a week, however, if Russian students study on average until one in the afternoon, then Chinese children are at school until 4 pm and have up to 9 lessons daily. Due to the high level of workload, the school day is divided into two parts with a break for lunch and sleep (“conveniently” sitting at a desk), and physical education lessons are necessarily held every day.

Particular attention is paid to the education of patriotism: the morning begins with the raising of the national flag, and the “Chinese dream” (analogous to the American version) became the obligatory theme of the essay.

We should pay tribute to the government of the PRC, which not only controls educational institutions, but also provides them with repairs and material and technical base.

With a whip, not with a stick

In elementary school, children study nine compulsory subjects, which include Chinese, mathematics, social studies, environmental studies, physical education, ideology and morality, music, fine arts and labor education. Starting in grade 4, students spend two weeks a year on the farm or in workshops. Children are taught various crafts and the basics of agriculture.

High school involves a large number of homework and a minimum of free time. After the lessons, children attend developing sections - sports, dance, language, etc., which are designed to grow a highly organized, competitive personality.

The number of students in the class is 40-50 people , therefore it is very expedient that not students, but teachers pass from audience to audience here. Evaluation of educational results is carried out according to a hundred-point system. Points are put up in a classroom journal, and parents, if desired, can monitor the progress of their children.

Schools in China strictly monitor attendance: more than 12 passes can easily become a reason for expulsion. There are also clear rules about appearance: a compulsory school uniform and short or ponytailed hair. Each school has its own color uniform and logo on baseball caps.

prestige race

In China, a decent education is treated as a high honor, having received which, a person will be able to improve not only his financial situation, but the life of the whole country. Fierce competition and the problem of unemployment in an overpopulated state makes children fight for their place in the sun from the first grade.

In order to get into a prestigious secondary school at the end of primary school, it is necessary to pass a "tricky" entrance exam, the content of which is not known in advance. Most often, it takes the form of a test in mathematics, and the level of tasks is an order of magnitude higher than the children took in the classroom. In this regard, the most enterprising parents either hire tutors or, even before the birth of a child, buy an apartment in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe school they like in order to be automatically enrolled in it. For those who are lucky, there is another way to a prestigious educational institution - a computer program that, out of ten students recommended by teachers, selects one who will be enrolled in a reputable school.

Exit to a great life

Nine years of education are paid by the state, for the next three years parents pay from their wallet. Only the most outstanding students can count on a scholarship. The last three years of study are devoted to preparing for the main final exam - gaokao (literally "high exam"). Children are trained to perform test tasks that are convenient for teachers to test knowledge, but at the same time do not leave opportunities for children to express their point of view, talk about guidelines and values, and give an emotional assessment.

Gaokao takes place in two or three days. Three subjects are compulsory: Chinese, mathematics and a foreign language - English, less often Japanese, Russian or French. The remaining subjects depend on the humanitarian or technical profile chosen by the child. The maximum score varies depending on the importance of the subject. Plus, there is regional discrimination: applicants with the same score from Beijing and, say, provincial Kunming have unequal chances of entering a popular university.

Thus, in the PRC, being the first is not just a style of behavior, but a vital necessity. And the first step on a long journey is, of course, a school that is in many ways similar to the one you went to.

The foundations of the modern Chinese educational system were laid in the early years of the Communist Party. Thanks to this system, within a few decades, the authorities managed to completely eradicate illiteracy (before 1949, only 20% of the Chinese could read and write) and introduce compulsory primary and secondary education. Despite the fact that many Western educators often criticize Chinese educational principles, the inhabitants of China themselves consider this system to be very effective and well-established.

The education system in ancient China

The first schools in China appeared in the 3rd millennium BC. e. They were of two types:

  • Xiang. The children were taught by older members of the community. The younger generation learned from the elders about the gods, hunting methods, crafts and family life.
  • Xu. Training in military affairs, as well as writing, counting and the basics of morality.

Over time, the system of educational institutions expanded and became more complex. There was a whole network of schools created by the state or private individuals. For a long time, getting an education in China was the privilege of the upper strata of society. The situation changed under Confucius (551-479 BC), who taught not only representatives of the nobility, but also the poor. There was no specific educational program. Children started going to school at the age of seven. The duration of training depended on the abilities of the student. There were no textbooks in the ancient Chinese school either. It was believed that the simplification of the material and the use of gaming teaching methods would lead to a decline in morality and education in society.

All children studied history, morality, writing, counting and music. People from aristocratic families also comprehended the art of war. Usually only boys attended schools, but wealthy parents tried to educate their daughters as well. Girls also studied general education subjects, but instead of military craft, they learned to compose poetry, dance and do needlework.

The most important discipline of the ancient Chinese school was writing. Knowledge of hieroglyphs opened the most prestigious and highly paid positions before a person. The study of the hieroglyphic system began in schools and continued at universities (the latter began to appear in China as early as the 1st millennium BC).

Education has always been highly valued in China. It was believed that only educated and intelligent people are able to achieve the prosperity of the country. Therefore, China has a special examination system for officials. The examiners had to evaluate how well the future official was familiar with Confucianism, as well as the candidate's ability to reason and argue his point of view.

Early childhood education system in China

From 3 to 6 years old, little Chinese attend kindergartens. Preschool educational institutions are divided into two types:

  • Private. Here, the greatest attention is paid to the development of the individual characteristics of the child, his talents, creative abilities, and the first acquaintance with science and art takes place.
  • State. In such kindergartens, the main emphasis is on instilling in children the first labor skills. Children learn to serve themselves and perform small household tasks.

Regardless of the type of kindergarten, educators instill in all Chinese kids respect for elders, the desire for success, a sense of patriotism and an interest in politics. The entire educational system in China is built primarily on discipline. From the earliest years, children must strictly follow the schedule and instructions of adults. Educators control even children's games. According to Chinese teachers, such rigor allows the child to become a full-fledged member of society, find his place in life and bring maximum benefit to his people.

School education

In China, schooling lasts 12 years and is divided into three stages:

  • Primary (6 years). Every child is required to take several tests when they enter school. The content of the entrance exam is kept secret. Parents and children cannot even know in what form the entrance examinations will take place. Every Chinese parent considers it necessary to make every effort to ensure that his child gets into the best school in the city. At this stage, children receive basic knowledge about the world and society. Then they first try themselves as workers. School education involves the passage of children's work experience at enterprises or farms.
  • Medium (3 years). At this stage, children take in-depth programs in the exact sciences, get acquainted with computer science, learn foreign languages, and learn more about politics and the state structure of their native country. After completing the compulsory nine-year education, a student may not go to the upper grades, but receive a secondary vocational education in a technical school or college.
  • Senior (3 years). Unlike the first two stages, education in the upper grades is paid. Only those children who wish to enter the university go to this stage of education. Before the start of the school year, the student will have to choose a profile direction - vocational or academic - and pass the appropriate tests.

In China, education and a career are highly valued. Even elementary school students realize the importance of studying and try to study as diligently as possible. Starting from the first grade, children do a lot of homework and additionally study with tutors. Also, students are required to strictly observe school discipline. It is enough to miss only 12 classes without a good reason to be expelled from school.

As a rule, the school day of each Chinese student consists of 6-7 (for high school students - from 8-9) lessons and visits to numerous additional classes, electives and sports sections. Lessons last 40 minutes. Physical education lessons are held every day. Since classes continue for a very long time, after lunch there comes a kind of “quiet hour”, which lasts 60-80 minutes. Usually, before the break, children study the most difficult subjects, and in the afternoon - lighter and more creative ones.

During the year, schoolchildren and students go on vacation twice:

  • Summer holidays last from early July to September;
  • New Year holidays begin in mid-January and end in mid-February.

During the holidays, children continue to study. By the beginning of the new semester, they will need to submit completed homework assignments to teachers. In addition, many schoolchildren are sent abroad by their parents during the holidays to improve their foreign language skills or to take additional educational courses.

The higher education system in China

Chinese universities are considered among the best in Asia. Diplomas issued by many of them are highly valued in Europe and America. The Chinese leadership is doing a lot for the development of the national higher education. Today, most Chinese universities are huge high-tech scientific complexes with libraries, museums and modern laboratories. The best professors from all over the world are often invited to lecture at universities.

All universities in China are divided into several categories, depending on the prestige and quality of education. School graduates who are preparing to enter the university take a single exam, the results of which are evaluated on a 100-point scale. In order to be admitted to the entrance exams to a university belonging to a certain category, a graduate must pass a single exam for the appropriate number of points. Usually admission to universities takes place in conditions of fierce competition. In some Chinese universities, the competition reaches several hundred people per place.

Studying at universities is not cheap, therefore, especially for students in difficult financial situations, the government has created a system of loans. Also, such students can count on scholarships.

A few years ago, a special program functioned in China, involving the cooperation of universities and large Chinese enterprises. Thanks to this program, all students were employed immediately after receiving their diplomas. Today, graduates themselves are looking for work, with the exception of those who entered the university in the target direction from the enterprise.


In China, as in the West, there is a three-level system of higher education:

  • Bachelor's degree (4 years);
  • Master (2-3 years). At this stage, an in-depth study of some subjects is supposed.
  • Doctorate (2-4 years).

A student who has received a bachelor's degree can become a postgraduate student. When entering a master's program, a student should be very careful in choosing the direction of study, since the topic of the future dissertation will have to correspond to the chosen field of knowledge.

Education in the magistracy involves attending seminars and lectures, preparing your own projects and reports, as well as publishing articles in scientific collections. For each completed work, the student receives points by which his work is evaluated during the year. If a graduate student gains the required number of points, he gets the right to write his own dissertation. The graduate student is assisted in the preparation of the dissertation by the curator, however, the intervention of the supervisor in the work of the ward, as a rule, is minimized.

The main requirement for a finished dissertation is its uniqueness. Works containing more than 15% plagiarism are not allowed to be protected.

As a rule, postgraduate studies are paid, but students with relevant and important topics of work can count on receiving a government grant.

Today, China's educational institutions annually attract tens of thousands of students from around the globe. For many, a Chinese university diploma has become an indicator of quality and prestige.

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