Literary quiz in the world of fairy tales middle group. Literary quiz in the middle group



  • To consolidate children's knowledge of familiar fairy tales (names of fairy tales, their heroes), to help children understand the works of folklore.
  • To form an Orthodox worldview, moral norms and aesthetic ideals in preschool children through the study of folklore works.
  • Enrich and expand the vocabulary of children, activate oral speech (monologic and dialogic), develop intonation expressiveness.
  • To develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste, to improve the elements of acting, the expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures.
  • Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of psycho-emotional comfort, the formation of friendly relationships between peers.
  • Develop attention, imagination, creativity of children.
  • To cultivate love for the artistic word, to form a positive motivation for the study of folklore works.

Materials and equipment: books with illustrations of fairy tales, audio recordings of Russian folk melody, "Visiting a fairy tale", musical accompaniment to the dramatization of "Two Merry Geese"; attributes: a scarf and glasses for Grandmother - Storyteller, hats for "merry geese."

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with small folklore forms, telling Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, singing Russian folk songs, lullabies, guessing riddles; acquaintance with a saying, beginning, ending, repetitions in Russian folk tales; listening to folk music; viewing illustrations for fairy tales; organizing book exhibitions and exhibitions of Russian household items; staging of individual episodes of fairy tales; reflection in drawings, modeling and applications of impressions received from listening to fairy tales, as well as the image of the heroes of favorite fairy tales; the inclusion in everyday life of didactic games "Collect a fairy tale", "Experts on fairy tales", "Who lives in a fairy tale?", "Guess from which fairy tale", "Let's revive our fairy tales".

Travel progress - fairy tale quizzes

Children enter the music hall to a Russian folk tune, stop in the center of the hall.

Educator: Hello guys. Today we have an extraordinary job. We will visit a fairy tale. Do you know where fairy tales came from? Long ago in Rus', when people still could not read and write, they composed songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales with which they amused their kids. The children really liked them. Fairy tales were composed by the people and passed from mouth to mouth, which is why they are called Russian folk tales. Years have passed. People learned to read, write and made such beautiful and interesting books (shows to children). They collected a lot of Russian fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes. Russian folk art is called in one word - folklore. Folklore is folk wisdom.

caregiver: Do you want to go on a fabulous journey? Is everyone on horseback? Go!

(Children jump "like horses" in a circle to a Russian folk melody.)


I'm going, I'm going to my grandmother to my grandfather!
On a horse in a red cap.
On a flat path
On one leg.
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything straight and straight
And then suddenly ... into the pit!

(At the end of the nursery rhyme, the children squat)

Educator: Here we have arrived.

Grandmother storyteller

Meets us
Bread, salt treats.

Grandmother storyteller: Hello my good ones! Hello my pretty ones!

I was waiting for you. Stay with me. Come on in and make yourself comfortable.

(Children sit on chairs.)

The audio recording "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.

Grandmother storyteller: Fairy tales begin with a fairy tale - this is not yet a fairy tale. The story is ahead.

A fairy tale teaches us a lot
Kindness, patience, kindness.
Fairy tale wisdom, knowledge light!
Fairy-tale hello to you.
Let's start the show
Surprise for all guests.

Grandmother storyteller: Do you guys know fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Grandmother storyteller: Here are my assignments. Identify and name the story.

"Guess which fairy tale."

Goats, babies,
Open up, open up!
Your mother has come
Milk brought.
I, a goat, was in the forest,
Ate grass grass
I drank cold water;
Milk runs along the notch,
From the notch on the hooves,
And from the hoofs into the cheese the ground. (Kids and wolf).

By the barn methen,
Scraped by the knuckles,
Mixed with sour cream
planted in the oven,
It's cold on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the rabbit
I left the wolf
Left the bear
From you, fox, do not cunningly leave. (Kolobok).

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
Look out the window
I'll give you peas.
Stren, nonsense, guselki,
Golden strings.
Is the fox at home?
Come out, fox. (Cat, rooster and fox).

By pike command,
According to my wish -
go, axe, chop wood,
and firewood - go into the hut yourself
and put in the oven. (By pike command).

A family lived in the forest of animals.
One day a girl came.
The animals were very angry
That they slept and ate in their house.
Name it soon
These fabulous animals. (Three bears).

Grandmother storyteller: Well done guys, you know fairy tales.

Physical education "Three bears"

Three bears were walking home. (Children walk in place waddling).
Dad was big - big. (Raise your arms above your head, pull up).
Mom is smaller than him. (Hands at chest level).
And the son is just a baby. (Sit down).
Walked with rattles. (Stand up, hands in front of the chest clenched into fists).
Ding, ding, ding, ding. (Children imitate the game with rattles).

Grandmother storyteller: Children, what is the name of the beginning of a fairy tale?

Children: Beginning.

Grandmother storyteller: What are the beginnings of Russian folk tales?

Children: Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom, it was a long time ago.

Grandmother storyteller: What is the end of the story called?

Children: Ending.

Grandmother storyteller: And what are the endings in Russian folk tales?


That's the end of the tale, and whoever listened - well done.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.
And I was there, drinking beer, and only wet my mustache.

Grandmother storyteller: Children, and if the same words are repeated often, what is it called?

Children: Replays.

Grandmother storyteller: And what repetitions are found in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"?

Children: The bun rolls, rolls ... And the bun rolled further, only they saw it.

Grandmother storyteller: Well done! And I'll give you one more task.

"Recognize fairy tale characters by description."

From flour he was baked,
It was mixed on sour cream,
On the window, he was chilling,
He rolled down the path.
And along the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat it,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't get away from her.
What is a fairy tale? (Kolobok).

Lived a Kitten with a Cockerel
At the edge of the forest
But one day Lisonka
Crept up to the hut
Dragged Cockerel
Over high mountains
Dragged Cockerel
Into your fox hole. (Cat, Rooster and Fox).

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? ... (Bear).

Grandmother storyteller: Well done, we recognized the fairy-tale characters from the description.

caregiver: Grandmother-storyteller, our guys not only know how to solve riddles, they have prepared a surprise for you.

Playing a Russian folk song "Two Merry Geese".

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese (geese come out).
One is grey, the other is white
Two cheerful geese (dance).
Washing goose paws (wash paws)
In a puddle by the groove -
One is grey, the other is white
They hid in a ditch.
Grandma is screaming:

(child "grandmother" comes out and sings)

"Oh, the geese are gone! -
One is grey, the other is white
Geese, my geese!"

(children "geese" come out)

The geese came out
Bowed to grandmother
One is grey, the other is white
They bowed to the grandmother.

(grandmother hugs children).

Grandmother storyteller: Well done, joker geese, stay with us.

In Russian folk tales, good fights evil. There is even a proverb: "A fairy tale is a lie, but in it there is a hint to good fellows a lesson." What is this lesson about?

Children: About what not to do.

Grandmother storyteller: How do fairy tales end?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Well done, guys, pleased the Grandmother-storyteller with a good knowledge of fairy tales!

"See you again soon" game.

Children stand together in a circle, stretch their left hand forward "from the heart, from the soul" (it turns out a pyramid of palms) and say the traditional words:

"One, two, three, four, five - we'll meet again soon!"

Children say goodbye to the Grandmother-storyteller.

caregiver: So our fabulous journey comes to an end, we set off on the road.

Game exercise "The horse is waiting for me on the road."

Children correlate the text of the poem with movements.

The horse is waiting for me on the road,
Beats with a hoof at the gate,
Mane plays in the wind
Lush, fabulous, beautiful.
I quickly jump into the saddle -
I will not go - I will jump.
tsok - tsok - tsok -
There, beyond the fast river
I'll wave my hand to you.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Organization of methodological activities. Implementation of the GEF DO and updating the educational process, 2014.

2. Complex classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Middle group, 2012.

3. Russian folk tales.

4. Handbook of the senior educator of a preschool institution No. 5, 2009.

5. Shorygina T.I. "Polite tales. Etiquette for kids", 2010.

Literary quiz for children of the middle group together with their parents.

"Our favorite stories"


1. Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.

2. develop memory, thinking, observation, speech.

3. Cultivate an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales, friendship.

Equipment: exhibition of fairy tale books, puzzles based on Russian folk tales.

Quiz progress


Dear parents and children, look how many different books we have. In each of them live the characters of your favorite fairy tales. A fairy tale is an amazing, magical world in which the most extraordinary miracles and transformations take place. Do you like fairy tales? Then I suggest you hold a literary quiz "Our favorite fairy tales." To conduct a quiz, we need to divide into two teams: Children and parents.

1 competition "Name a fairy tale"

For children: The title of the story is determined from the cover of the book.

For parents: guess the riddle and identify the tale by its cover.

Guys, I'm holding a book in my hands.

And I won't tell you what it's called.

But guess now...

In this book, name days

There were many guests there.

But on these birthdays

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

Nearly killed her

But the insidious villain

Someone cut off his head.

(K. Chukovsky. Fly-Tsokotuha)

Before the wolf did not tremble,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Still got it...


An arrow flew and hit the swamp.

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin,

Became beautiful and pretty in an instant?

(Princess Frog)

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

Helped good

Blue river.

Everyone helped us

We were all covered

To mother and father

We got home.

Who took the brother?

Name the book.

(Swan geese)

2 competition

For children: "Name the heroes from which fairy tale"

    Girl, brother, swan geese, baba yaga, mouse.

    old woman, old man, gingerbread man, hare, wolf, bear, fox.

    a peasant, a goryukha fly, a squeaker mosquito, a gnaw mouse, a frog, a bunny, a fox, a wolf, a bear, a mitten.

    goat, kids, wolf.

For parents: "Which hero is superfluous"

    "Geese-swans" - a girl, a baba-yaga, a bear.

    "Teremok" - a hare, a wild boar, a wolf.

    "Wolf and seven kids" - goat, kids, wolf, bear.

    "Zayushkina's hut" - a dog, a hare, a wolf, a rooster, a mouse.

3 competition "Fairytale warm-up"

For children:

    What was the nickname of the dog in the family, which included: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter? (Bug)

    Who loved to brag and paid with his life? (kolobok)

    What was the name of the girl who went for a walk, got lost, went into a strange house where bears lived? (Masha)

    Who had an icy hut, and in what fairy tale? (Fox)

    What animal found the teremok in the forest? (Mouse_norushka)

For parents:


    Zayushkina ... hut

    Ugly duck

    Swan geese

    The Scarlet Flower

    Princess Frog

    Dr. Aibolit

    Father Frost

    Koschei the Deathless

    Brother ... Ivanushka

    Sister ... Alyonushka

    Hen ... Ryaba

4 competition "Collect a fairy tale"

From puzzles, teams collect illustrations for fairy tales, and then name the fairy tale.

5 contest "Fix the mistake"

For children:

    "Cockerel Ryaba"

    "Dasha and the Bear"

    "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs"

    "Duck swans"

For parents:

    "Chanterelle with a saucepan"

    "Zayushkin house"

    "Princess Turkey"

    "Boy with Cam"


What good fellows! It is immediately obvious that you love and know fairy tales.

Literary quiz on Russian folk tales in the middle group.
Purpose: to develop the speech of children, expand the active vocabulary, activate oral speech, develop correct speech breathing, speech apparatus, develop articulation and diction, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, achieve a plastic image of the gait of the heroes of the play, improve the elements of acting, instill a love for oral folk art .
Course progress.
Educator. Guys, today I invite you to visit a fairy tale. I know that you all love them very much. "Grandma, tell us a story" - one could hear a hundred. And two hundred years, and five hundred years ago. Grandmother took a spindle or knitting needles in her hands and asked: "What kind of fairy tale do you want, grandchildren?" grandmother tells a fairy tale, she will come or knit.
Guys, who invents fairy tales?
And people invented fairy tales and told one to another; so through the centuries fairy tales have come down to us.
Guys, what words do fairy tales begin with?
Children. They lived, they lived.
Educator. What is a fairy tale?
Children. An extraordinary story with animals. Unusual things happen to the characters. Magic. Animals say things. Birds.
Educator. How do fairy tales end?
Children. Good triumphs over evil, happy ending, we rejoice with the heroes
Educator. Guys, we read a lot of fairy tales. Let's take a quiz and see. Who among us knows Russian folk tales well.
1 task.
I will read you an excerpt from a fairy tale. And you determine its full name.
a) Bug called Masha the cat. Masha for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather ... ("Turnip")
b) Climbed, climbed, climbed - he couldn’t climb in any way and says:
- I'd rather live on your roof.
- Yes, you crush us!
- No. I won't crush.
- Well, get down!
The bear climbed onto the roof. Just sat down - fuck! ("Teremok.") c) She came to the very wilderness, to the very thicket. He sees - there is a hut. Knocked no answer. She pushed the door, and it opened. (Masha and the Bear)
2 task.
I will show you illustrations, and you will tell me a fairy tale.
a) Masha and the bear.
b) A man and a bear.
c) A wolf and seven kids.
d) Zayushkin's hut.
e) Gingerbread man.
e) A cat, a rooster and a fox.
3 task.
And now you must learn the tale from the footsteps. What is the hidden hero?
a) tail in the hole (chanterelle sister and gray wolf.)
b) an apple falls from an apple tree (Fear has large eyes.)
Physical education minute
Bear cubs lived in more often,
twisted their heads.
Like this, like this
They turned their heads.
Bear cubs looking for honey
They shook the tree together.
Like this, like this
They shook the tree together.
And they drank water from the river.
Like this, like this
And they drank water from the river.
And then they danced
Paws raised together.
Like this, like this
Paws raised together.
4 task - riddles
a) recognize the characters by description, guess?
Guys, I hold the book in my hands, but I won’t tell you what it’s called, but still you can guess for yourself now:
- I did not tremble before the wolf,
He ran away from the bear.
And the fox on the tooth,
Still got it (kolobok)
b) The apple tree helped us,
The stove helped us
Helped a good, blue river,
Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,
We got home to mother and father.
Who took the brother? Name the book? (Swan geese)
5 task
What fairy tale is this line from? What kind of hero said them?
- "The beaten unbeaten is lucky, the beaten unbeaten is lucky" (Fox-sister and gray wolf. Fox) 6 task
fabulous lotto
I name the first word, and you guess the full name of the tale.
Swan geese)
Little Red Riding Hood)
Zayushkina (hut)
Princess Frog)
Well done boys!
And now we will show you the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut." A staging of the Russian folk tale "Zayushkin's hut." Rewarding the winners of the quiz.
There are many sad and funny tales in the world,
And we can't live without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth
May good always triumph over evil!

Attached files

The development of speech. Fairy quiz.

Middle group.

Target: To reveal the knowledge and skills of children.

Tasks: To interest in theatrical activities to show the possibilities for the manifestation of creativity and imagination;

- to develop memory, attention, the ability to compare and generalize; to stimulate the dialogical speech of children;

- arouse a desire to participate in joint activities;

- to educate in children love and interest in the fairy tales of Russian and other peoples, a moral attitude to each other.

Preliminary work:reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles, memorizing physical exercises, finger games.

Equipment:puppet theatre, pictures depicting animals (answers to riddles), toys - animal figurines, illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", illustration for the fairy tale "Aibolit" (sitting under a tree),



Guys, today we will hold a Fairy Tale Quiz. We will remember stories and answer questions. Be attentive, friendly and inquisitive. Sothe first task - you need to guess the riddles and name the answer as soon as possible.

1 . Red coat, sly eyes

She is beautiful in all forests.

And her name is (Fox) .

2 . White in winter, gray in summer (Hare) .

3 . Grayish, toothy, prowling across the field

Calves, guys looking for (Wolf) .

4. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

sucked brown paw

And when he woke up, he began to cry

This is a forest animal (Bear) .

5. Nimble little animal

Jump up and down the trees (Squirrel) .

6. prickly tangle

Can't see a head, no legs ( Hedgehog ).

7 . Everyone always wants to have

Striped piglets.

Forgetting what's next

Everyone will become (Boar) .

Educator.Guys, where do all these animals live? (in the forest, in a fairy tale, in a book).

Task two. Didactic game: "Name the word."

caregiver- Various animals live in the fairy forest, you must remember what they are called.

Mouse……. Norushka


Bunny…….. Runaway

Chanterelle ... ... Sister

Wolf………. Teeth click

Bear……. clubfoot

Wild boar……..Fang

Magpie…… Belobok

Hare…… Short tail

Bear……. Toptygin

Fox ... .. Patrikeevna.

The third task is to remember the beginning of the fairy tale.

Guys, when animals and birds get sick, who treats them?

- Good doctor Aibolit. He always comes to the aid of animals.

Why was the doctor called Aibolit?

- When someone is hurt, he calls the doctor, cries, complains, says: “Oh, it hurts!”. The doctor will come and heal.

The teacher shows illustrations for K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Aibolit".

caregiverGuys, let's remember how the fairy tale about Aibolit begins.

Good Doctor Aibolit!

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the wolf

And a bug and a worm

And a bear.

Heal everyone, heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit!

Task four. The pictures are mixed up - the fairy tale needs to be shown (arrange the illustrations for the fairy tale in the correct sequence), the fairy tale needs to be told.

The teacher hangs out illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (in disarray). Illustrations are placed in order (teamwork). Then the most active child tells a fairy tale, everyone helps in difficulty.


- Who is the main character of this tale? (children's answers)

- What happened to Kolobok? (children's answers)

What song did Kolobok sing when he met the Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. (children's answers)

- How can you change the end of the tale so that the Fox does not eat Kolobok? (children's answers)

Task five. Physical game.

The teacher invites the children to consider an illustration based on a fairy tale

"Zayushkina hut", answer the question.

What happened to the Hare, why is she crying? (Answers).

Educator -Guys, let's Bunnyshow this whole story.

Children stand opposite each other, in pairs.

Our bunny lived in a hut.
(Hands above the head, fingers are interconnected in the form of a house).

He sang the song merrily
(Nodding head).

But the fox knocked,
(Bang fist on fist.)

She drove our hare away.
(clap their hands).

Now Bunny walks sad.

He does not find a place for himself.
(Sigh and spread arms out to the sides.)

And Dogs and Bear
(Wag their tail like a dog, walk like a bear clubfoot)

They approach our Hare
(approach to each other).

And they don't leave with anything.

Only one rooster

Helped our hare.
(Waving hands up and down)

And now they live in the house
(Hands above the head, fingers are interconnected in the form of a house)

Singing in harmony.
(They hug each other.)


And now our bunny will go to visit another fairy tale.

Task six. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".

There is a toy "Teremok" on the table. Near the tower are toys - little animals.

- What is the name of the house where the animals live in this fairy tale?(Teremok ).

- So, where will Bunny live with friends? (In the tower ).

- What songs were sung in this tower? (Someone who lives in a teremochka ... .).

- Who was the first to fly to Teremok? (goryukha fly ).

- Who jumped next? (frog frog) .

- Who else began to live in the tower?(hare, wolf, fox).

- Which of you guessed which hero from the fairy tale "Teremok" is missing?

- What happened when the bear came?(Broke, destroyed the tower) .

- Guys, we remembered all the heroes of the fairy tale, and now we will try to show it like real artists.

The fairy tale "Teremok" is dramatized using masks. The teacher reads the text on behalf of the author, and the children play the roles of the heroes of the fairy tale.

So our quiz "Journey through fairy tales" has ended. What did you like the most?

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1 MDOU DS s. Pushanina, Belinsky district, Penza region Fairy tale quiz "Journey through fairy tales" (middle group) Educator: Isaeva E.A.

3 I see that the teams are ready. And our journey continues and we are waiting for the next competition. 1. competition: “Guess the hero by the replica” To the “Turnip” team - “I sit high and look far away” (Masha “Masha and the Bear”) To the “Kolobok” team - “I left my grandfather” (Kolobok “Gingerbread Man”) To the “Turnip” team - “go pull the bug” (Granddaughter “Turnip”) To the “Kolobok” team “we hear, we hear. Yes, this is not mother’s voice ”(goats“ Wolf and seven kids ”) Team“ Turnip ”-“ ​​the fox carries me through the dark forests ”(Rooster“ Cat, rooster and fox ”) Team“ Gingerbread Man ”-“ catch small and big fish ” (Wolf "Fox sister and gray wolf") Team "Turnip" - "Yes, I will not push you: I myself will lie on the bench, the tail under the bench, the chicken under the stove." (“Fox with a rolling pin”) To the “Kolobok” team - “come, kumanek, come, dear! I'll feed you!" (Fox "Fox and Crane") Team "Turnip" - "River river cover me" ("Geese Swans") Team "Gingerbread Man" - "this is a simple Petin's spoon, but this one is not a simple chiseled one, the handle is gilded (Zhiharka "Zhiharka") 2 competition. “Recognize the character of a fairy tale by description” 1. “and she began to grow by leaps and bounds: every day, it becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is white, like snow, her braid is blond to the waist, only there is no blush at all. (“The Snow Maiden”) 2. “She was left an orphan, these people took her, fed her and starved her to work: she weaves and spins, she cleans up, she is responsible for everything.” ("Havroshechka")

4 1. This character is brave, savvy, sympathetic, every time he saved his friend from trouble. (Cat from the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox") 2. This character is cunning, flattering, crafty, greedy, selfish, a pretender and a rogue, likes to be proud of himself and boast. (“Fox sister and gray wolf”) 3. competition “Know the fairy tale” (1 point for the correct answer) Presentation “Know the fairy tale” 4. competition: “Recognize the characters from the description, guess?” 1. I didn’t tremble before the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And the fox was on the teeth, All the same, he got (kolobok) 2. The apple tree helped us, The stove helped us, The good, blue river helped, Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us, We got home to mother and father. Who took the brother? Name the book? (Geese-swans) 5. “Name the fairy tale correctly” “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka” “Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf” “Fox-sister and gray mouse” “At the command of the dog” “Daryushkina hut” “Sivka-booth” “ Wolf and 7 tiger cubs "Pashenka and the Bear" "Crow Geese" "Turkey Princess" 6. "Collect a fairy tale" Children receive one set of split pictures for the plot of a Russian folk tale. Children need to collect an illustration for a fairy tale and determine its name. 7. "Songs of fairy-tale heroes" The participants of the game need to determine which characters belong to songs or words from fairy tales. I don't have a mustache, but a mustache, Not paws, but paws, Not teeth, but teeth I'm not afraid of anyone! (Hare-brag) Don't sit on the stump, Don't eat the pie! Bring grandma, bring grandpa! (Masha and the Bear) Freeze, freeze, wolf tail! (Fox and gray wolf) Alyonushka, my sister! The fox is carrying me. Swim out to the shore. For dark forests, High fires burn, For fast rivers, Cast-iron boilers boil, For high mountains, Damask knives are sharpened, Kitty-brother, They want to kill me! (goat) Save me! (cockerel)

5 8. "Fairytale Lotto" I will name the first word, and you guess the full name of the fairy tale. 1. Geese - (swans) 2. Red (cap) 1. Zayushkina (hut) 2. Princess (frog) 9. "Blitz poll", I will ask each team questions, and you should answer quickly. 1. In what fairy tale did the girl break the furniture? "Three Bears" 2. In which fairy tale did one hero drive another hero out of the house and begin to live there? "Zayushkina's hut" 1. In what fairy tale did the hero lure the cockerel out of the house by cunning, and then carried it away beyond the dark forests? “The cat, the rooster and the fox” 2. In which fairy tale did the hero eat all the porridge, and the other remained hungry? The Fox and the Crane” 1. In which fairy tale did one hero break the whole house? "Teremok" 2. In which fairy tale did the heroes blind their icy granddaughter? "Snegurochka" 1. What hero did the fox eat? "Gingerbread Man" 2. In what fairy tale did the birds take the boy away? "Geese swans" 1. What hero was spent on pies? (Bear) "Masha and the Bear" 2. In what fairy tale did the mutant vegetable grow up? "Turnip" Our journey through fairy tales is over. Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

6 MDOU DS p. Pushanina, Belinsky district, Penza region "Day of a fairy tale" in the age group 2 Educator: Isaeva E.A.

7 "Day of a fairy tale in a group of different ages 2" "Day of a fairy tale in kindergarten." A fairy tale teaches good to understand, To reason about the actions of people, If it is bad, then condemn it, But the weak to protect it! Children learn to think, dream, get answers to questions. Every time they learn something, they know the world around them. Morning: - A surprise moment to introduce children to the fairy-tale world: ask the children to listen to the rustle that comes from the bookshelf. - In the book corner to prepare an exhibition of books on Russian folk tales. - Didactic game "Depict a fairy-tale hero" Morning exercises in verse (based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev) Early in the morning in order Children line up, walk. We go out to exercise: Petya the cockerel is the first, Proudly throwing up the comb, An important gait, Silk beard Walks very cheerfully and sets an example for us. Look, there are two good fellows Walking in pairs They just came out of the egg: Both the chicken and the duckling Chino go in pairs And do not lag behind us. Very narrow path Walking on a ridged path

8 Where would we put the leg? Let's go friend after friend And we'll walk that path. Oh, look - three kittens Walk in threes. Playful three children Walk together in a trio. They lead us behind us From kittens, we will not lag behind. We will all stand behind them in threes. Hands raised high They walk on their heels. Mice grandmother and granddaughter, Quieter, quieter on tiptoes Well, and we will go like mice. And then simple walking They usually go. They walked in a single column. But for a short time we walked like this: We came across a swamp. We didn't think at all of Leap forward. And they began to jump over the bumps: A bump, a bump, a tubercle, Well, here's a wood! We had a lot of fun. They run. And they started to run! Like horses we ran

9 They run like a horse. And they raised their knees! Here we saw a wolf, running in all directions. They ran in all directions Along the paths, along the paths, Only our legs flicker! The forest is left behind They walk slowly. You can go slowly: The wolf will not follow us, He only lives in the thicket! Stop. General developmental exercises. 1. Come on out, bunnies: Paws, stretch your back. Raise your paws higher and look at the sun. Paws down and shake And repeat everything again. 2. Mouses are invited to the sports ground. Hey, little mice, smile Left and right bow. 3. What a capricious cat! She suddenly got a little angry: She arched her back and hisses at you and me! And then she arched her back, put the tail with a pipe. Our cat has improved How good she is!

10 4. The hedgehog sat down on the path He wanted to rest: The hedgehog began to knead his feet, Rock them back and forth! 5. Oh, on silky grass I see Petya-cockerel! Look at the fly and the frog They knead all sides They roll on the grass: They also harden! Come on kitty, come out, you bring everyone to breakfast! We must also not forget: Wash the paws of the children for everyone! 6. Look, a gray bunny and a frog are jumping after each other! We must take an example from them, Jump with them! The teacher's assistant brings breakfast in a "magic" pot. Clever, Katenka, Eat sweet porridge, Tasty, fluffy, Soft fragrant, Semolina, semolina, Very desirable. Delicious, tender, very useful! Day: Before the lesson, the following is held: - Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale" - Finger game "Teremok". Preparing for a walk and a walk: In the locker room, the children discover the footprints of the Hare, then they discover the Hare toy in the area. The hare encourages children to observe nature. Cloud observation. We guess which of the heroes of the fairy tale the clouds look like. We draw their outlines on the sand. Mobile game relay race. Walk along the same path along which the bun rolled. Work "Magic broom". Sweep trash off porches and walkways.

11 Lunch called "Bogatyr's lunch". Preparation for sleep: Whoever closes his eyes, he will dream of fairy tales. Second half of the day: - Respiratory gymnastics "Cockerel". - Playing with fingers, accompanying movements with a poetic form according to the plot of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut". - Listening to an audio recording and watching a presentation for the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax." - Construction games "Hut on chicken legs". Evening: meeting with parents. Homework for children: draw how the day went in fairy tales. Recommendations for parents: Read a bedtime story to your child.

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MDOU kindergarten 1 of the combined type of the village of Urazovo, Valuysky district, Belgorod region. Educational activities for the development of speech in the middle group "Journey to the fairy tale" Teremok "" 2016 Prepared

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Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten "Rosinka" p.

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Card file of didactic games for the development of coherent speech using Russian folk tales for older preschoolers. Completed by: Lyapina Marina Anatolyevna educator MBDOU 1 d / s "Sun" Kholmsk, 2016


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Topic: Journey through Russian folk tales Purpose: Consolidation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales. Tasks: Educational: To teach to recognize a fairy tale by illustrations, riddles, episodes; consolidate the skill

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MBOU "Starobezginskaya secondary school" KVN "Favorite fairy tales" village Staraya Bezginka Objectives: to expand students' knowledge about fairy tales; form emotional perception and speech; education of students on folk traditions. 1. Introductory

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Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type 12 "Thumbelina" Lesson "Visiting the fairy tale" Cat, rooster and fox ". (for educators at RMO junior groups). Mocheneva Irina

Technological map of OOD. Group: senior Educational area: "Speech development". Section: “Speech development” Topic: “The casket of fairy tales” Purpose: To summarize children's ideas about fairy tales. Objectives: Educational.

Final event Entertainment "Remember the fairy tale" in the second junior group 2 Educator. Akhmedova S.N. Purpose: to raise interest in Russian folk tales, to remember with children the content of a familiar fairy tale.

Teacher of MDOU "Kindergarten 13": Vinokurova Tatyana Stanislavovna Purpose: To develop elementary mathematical and constructive abilities in children in a playful, fairy-tale situation using interactive

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Theatrical and game activity as a factor in the development of speech in young children Fairy tale "Geese-swans" Characters: Mother Father Masha daughter Vanechka son Horse Geese-swans group of children

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OPEN LESSON "NEPOSEDY". Summary of the integrated GCD on speech and artistic and aesthetic development. Theme: Journey through the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man". Purpose: Development of coherent speech of children.

KVN on fairy tales in the middle group Topic: “Journey through fairy tales” Author: Korobova V.S., educator NDOU (ChU) Kindergarten "Cinderella" Purpose: To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of well-known fairy tales; create

Magical New Year's Tale Scenario of a New Year's party in the middle group The presenter enters the hall and congratulates the guests on the holiday. To the music, children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Leading. For all of us

Synopsis of GCD for children 4-5 years old Topic: “Friendship should be cherished” Author: Boyko Natalia Aleksandrovna educator of the highest qualification category Madou, Nizhnevartovsk DC 90 “Aibolit”, KhMAO-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 3" Teremok "Summary of the lesson on the topic:" Journey to the country of geometric shapes "(second junior group) Educator: Salimova

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution child development center kindergarten 37 "Nightingale" Summary of the final integrated activities in the middle age group "Helping the fabulous

Integrated lesson on the development of speech and modeling for children 3-4 years old Theme: "Russian folk tales" Educator: Shcheglova Elena Ivanovna MBDOU "Kindergarten" Beryozka ", Sampursky district, Tambov region

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 9 "Kid" of the combined type Abstract of the lesson on theatrical activities "In the footsteps of a fairy tale" (Senior group) Educator MDOU 9

Education with a fairy tale Presentation Streltsova Nadezhda Pavlovna - The magical meaning of fairy tales has been known for a long time. Quite a few fairy tales have come down to us, reflecting the centuries-old experience of previous generations.

Petrushka appears on the screen. Masha and the Bear. Peter: Hello, rabbits! Vosp: Parsley, this is not a hare. Peter: Then, hello, kittens! Vedas: These are not kittens. Peter: Who is this? Vosp: These are our guys.

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Entertainment scenario for the second junior group of kindergarten, topic: “Housewarming in our group!” Author: Borisova L.N. (MKOU "KNOSH") 10.02.2014 Task: To facilitate the process of adaptation in a new group as much as possible,

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