The best domestic classic. Classical Literature (Russian)


In today's world, there are fewer and fewer people who read. Sad but true. If earlier meeting a person with a book in public transport was something in the order of things, now it is a real rarity. Gadgets are crowding out literature, leaving it somewhere in the background. After all, it is much easier to turn on a toy or climb on social networks than to immerse yourself in a complex fictional world. Reading has become a job, not an affordable pastime. It is sad. After all, books form a point of view on the world, religion, politics, art, love. They allow you to broaden your horizons and gain experience from the mistakes of others, bring up humanity and compassion. No computer game or Facebook can do that.

Therefore, to expand the boundaries of one's own consciousness, it is necessary to read. At least world-famous works, the so-called classic books that everyone should read.

Russian literature

Not everyone can wade through the jungle of ancient Greek or Roman cultural heritage and understand the works of Socrates, Aristotle or Plutarch. Therefore, it is better to start with what is closer in mentality: books of Russian classics that everyone should read. It can be like works known since the school curriculum, but perceived in a completely different way in adulthood, when no one forces you to read under duress. So are books that are considered modern classics.

"Eugene Onegin"

First love, mental anguish, jealousy, choice - all this is on the pages of the famous novel in verse. And what used to slip away will sparkle with new colors and make you empathize with the heroes.

In addition, the novel perfectly conveys the spirit of its time and describes the realistic life of the nobility.

"Crime and Punishment"

One of the first psychological novels, which enjoys worldwide popularity, was written by Dostoevsky back in 1866. This work is included in the list of "100 classic books that everyone should read."

Any person can decide that he has the right to administer justice, but what is the price of these actions? Is it internal freedom or a crime? The lines between good and evil are so blurred that it is easy to stumble. And the hand will be given by the one who himself is already considered beyond the bounds.

"Fathers and Sons"

Turgenev's novel touches upon the issue of generations: "they are not like us" and the desire to prove that the new is better than the old. However, the ideological struggle fades when feelings come into play. What will the main character choose: following ideals or love for a woman, the desire to change the world and rebuild it anew, or a quiet life in his native village? After all, maybe the ideals of the fathers are not as bad as they seem.

"Master and Margarita"

If you are interested in more modern novels with elements of mysticism and fantasy, pay attention to Bulgakov. This is a classic that everyone should read. Everything is here: partings and meetings, atrocities and retribution, execution and resurrection. Several parallel lines, one more interesting than the other, ambiguous characters... The novel has been repeatedly filmed, theatrical performances are staged on it. And disputes around the meaning and the main characters are still ongoing.

Quiet Don

Which everyone should read are so diverse and diverse that you can find what you like. Those who are interested in history will be interested in this work by Mikhail Sholokhov. Together with the main characters, the reader will live through the First World War and the Civil War, see the events through the eyes of the participants.

"Not listed"

The story of Boris Vasilyev tells about a simple Russian guy who, instead of an easy path, chose a difficult one and put civic duty to his Motherland in the first place.


Now the dystopia genre has become popular, but few people remember that Russian authors have such works.

However, such a work was written by Yevgeny Zamyatin back in 1920 and still has not lost its relevance. It is also included in the list of books "classics that everyone should read."

Thirty-second century. A society with strict totalitarian control over everything and everyone. No names - instead of them numbers. There is no freedom of choice, even in clothes - instead of it, a uniform. There is no personal space. Even in your own house it is impossible to find salvation from the all-seeing eye - the glass walls do not hide anything. There should be no place for love and attachment to anything. But what to do if they arise? Either convey, or join the opponents of the existing system. However, will a small group be able to withstand a huge and well-functioning machine?

Foreign literature

"Romeo and Juliet"

A young girl and a young boy from opposing families were supposed to hate each other a priori, but instead they fell in love. Instead of dutifully following the parental will, they decided to go against the traditions and fight for their happiness.


The cult book has been repeatedly filmed, but nothing can overshadow the impression of the printed source.

The protagonist travels to Transylvania to sell the house to his client - the strange, eccentric old man Dracula. Not listening to the warning of random fellow travelers, the young man finds himself in the epicenter of terrible events, the beginning of which he himself initiated. But who could have guessed that his client is a real Evil. Having miraculously escaped from captivity, the young man returns home. But the nightmare does not stop even in London.


George Orwell's work is suspiciously reminiscent of Zamyatin's book. The same atmosphere of hopelessness, the same attempts to escape from control, doomed to failure in advance.

In a world where every step of a person is known almost in advance and the future is predetermined, it is difficult to resist the system. Difficult and scary. What happens to those who go against the current? They disappear... And then they appear brainwashed. The protagonist tried to be like everyone else, allowing himself only a little dissent. Maybe because he knew a little more than others. Meeting an unusual girl completely changed his life. She brought new colors into it, became the catalyst for many events.

"A little prince"

The list of "books - classics - that everyone should read" includes this unusual fairy tale for adults. Saint-Exupery tells about the adventures of the Little Prince, about his acquaintance with the Earth, but at the same time he also talks about more important things: love, friendship, fidelity.

"Three Musketeers"

The adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas is known to many thanks to numerous adaptations. But nothing can convey the atmosphere of medieval France better than a book. On its pages, beloved characters come to life again and details are revealed that films are silent about.

Young D'Artagnan comes to Paris from the provinces in search of a better life and finds it by enlisting in the military in a privileged part. And at the same time, true friends for many years, no less loyal and insidious enemies, and, of course, adventure.

"Catcher in the rye"

Some refer to Salinger's novel, but not every teenager will be able to understand him.

The story is told from the perspective of an ordinary seventeen-year-old boy Holden, a student at a closed American school. One day he was kicked out for his behavior and had to spend a few days in New York alone.

It's hard to say what this novel is about. Everything and nothing in particular. The hero reflects on the meaning of life, his place in it, about goals and aspirations. His thoughts are mostly depressive. However, the story pulls you in and doesn't let go.

For children

It makes no sense to read or give complex works to children of primary school age, as many parents like to do. It is unlikely that they will be able to understand and appreciate them. In addition, there is a lot of excellent literature designed specifically for young readers. So what are the books (classics) that every child should read?

"The Wizard of Oz"

The adventure story of little Ellie and Totoshka will not leave you indifferent. A girl who, by chance, finds herself in a magical land, is waiting for adventures full of dangers. The yellow brick road was not as easy as it seemed at first. However, new friends will help to overcome all difficulties and find the way home.

"Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Restless Tom brings only problems to his family, he is such a restless and resourceful boy. Even the punishment he is able to turn in a favorable direction for himself. Tom manages to find adventures even where they could not be! But together with his faithful friend Huck, he is able to overcome any difficulties. Even bring to light the terrible Indian Joe.

"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

In the Flower City, everyone does their own thing: Znayka invents, Vintik and Shpuntik repair, Tube draws, Dr. Pilyulkin heals ... One Dunno sits back and composes fables. But on the other hand, he has the most beautiful hat and tie - no one else has such. Due to the carelessness of Dunno, the rest of the inhabitants of the Flower City often get into trouble. But he's not from evil ... And he will try to correct what he has done.

For teenagers

The list of "books (classics) that every teenager should read" includes works recognized as the "gold fund" of literature.

"Lord of the Flies"

Golding's novel should appeal to those who love young adult books. It is one of the first books written in this direction, and its echoes can be found in many authors.

A group of boys miraculously survived a plane crash and ended up on a desert island. At first everything was fine: the sea, palm trees, hunting, fruits, hope for salvation, organization of life in the image and likeness of Robinson Cruz. Two boys who want to be leaders and understand that there can only be one. From a tiny spark of enmity, a whole fire of hatred flared up, in which any idea of ​​humanity was burned.

"Treasure Island"

Pirates, treasures, dangers at every turn - this was not what the young man was looking for when he searched the chest of the guest in search of money. But in addition to what he was looking for, the young man finds a shabby map of the island, where the location of the treasure is marked. Enlisting the help of senior comrades, he goes in search of treasure. But along with them, pirates go to the island ... Who will get the found treasure?

Modern classic

"Do not let me go"

There are books (classics) that everyone should read. And this is one of them. created an amazing work of art. At first it is not entirely clear what is at stake, but then it is impossible to tear yourself away, even realizing all the horror of what is happening on the pages.

These children grew up without knowing their parents, without knowing love, but convinced that they had a special destiny. They have been told about this since childhood, and they are used to considering it something ordinary, not strange and not terrible.


This is a very unusual story from the English writer Joanne Harris. Mystical, beautiful, with an indescribable feeling of immersion in the Middle Ages, although the action of the novel takes place in the early 1960s.

A new resident arrives in a small French town with her daughter. She opens a shop for sweets, which she cooks herself according to old recipes. Everyone who has tried them is sure to come back for a treat, and this looks very suspicious in the eyes of the local priest. And the woman is not as simple as it seems. She and her daughter are hiding a big secret.

"Perfumer. The Story of a Murderer

The story of a genius who turned into a monster, wanting to create the perfect fragrance. Even if for this it was necessary to commit a crime, the main character did not doubt for a minute. What does the life of a young innocent girl mean? Nothing. She is just the desired ingredient in a complex perfume composition.

After the film adaptation was released, the book produced the effect of an exploding bomb: stunned, disgusted, delighted. There were no indifferent people.

Instead of an afterword

Classical books that every educated person should read are difficult to put together in a limited list. There are too many worthy works, the tastes of all people are different, so you just need to read and look for your own, not limited to “chewing gum for the brain”. Books that make you think and leave a mark on the memory are worth the time spent on them.

The best classic books of autumn 2018

Our new ranking of the top 100 best books of the classics has undergone significant changes. It's all the fault of the start of a new academic school, and a school program that clearly sets the tone in this category. Nevertheless, only the really best books of the classics, not only Russian, but also foreign, got into it. After all, this list of the best classics was compiled on the basis of your requests on the Internet and reflects the interest of readers in our country in the best possible way.













































































The story "Sunstroke" Author: Bunin I. A. Year of publication of the story: 1925 Bunin's story "Sunstroke" is considered by many to be one of the best works of the writer. It is included in the school curriculum, and has also been filmed more than once. The last film adaptation was released in 2014 and was very successful. This aroused even more interest in the story "Sunstroke" to read, and also allowed Ivan Bunin to […]

Many of us from school have remained convinced that, for the most part, Russian classics are a rather boring and unthinkably drawn-out work for several hundred pages about the hardships of life, mental suffering and the philosophical searches of the main characters. We have collected Russian classics that are impossible not to read to the end.

Anatoly Pristavkin "A golden cloud spent the night"

“A golden cloud spent the night” by Anatoly Pristavkin- a story that is poignant in its tragedy, which happened to orphans, the twin brothers Sasha and Kolka Kuzmin, who were evacuated along with the rest of the children from the orphanage during the war years to the Caucasus. Here it was decided to establish a labor colony for land development. Children turn out to be innocent victims of the government's policy towards the peoples of the Caucasus. This is one of the most powerful and honest stories about military orphans and the deportation of the Caucasian peoples. “A golden cloud spent the night” has been translated into 30 languages ​​of the world and is rightfully one of the best works of Russian classics. 10th place in our rating.

Boris Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"

Novel Boris Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago", which brought him world fame and the Nobel Prize - in 9th place in the list of the best works of Russian classics. For his novel, Pasternak was sharply criticized by representatives of the official literary world of the country. The manuscript of the book was banned for publication, and the writer himself, under pressure, was forced to refuse to present the prestigious award. After the death of Pasternak, she was transferred to his son.

Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

In terms of the scale and scope of the period of life of the main characters described in it, it can be compared with Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace". This is an epic story about the life and fate of the representatives of the Don Cossacks. The novel covers the three most difficult eras of the country: the First World War, the 1917 revolution and the Civil War. What happened in the souls of people in those days, what reasons forced relatives and friends to stand on opposite sides of the barricades? The writer tries to answer these questions in one of the best works of Russian classical literature. "Quiet Don" - on the 8th place in our rating.

Stories by Anton Chekhov

The universally recognized classic of Russian literature, occupy 7th place in our list. One of the most famous playwrights in the world, he wrote more than 300 works of various genres and died very early, at 44. Chekhov's stories, ironic, funny and eccentric, reflected the realities of life of that era. They have not lost their relevance even now. The peculiarity of his short works is not to answer questions, but to ask them to the reader.

I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs"

The novels of writers with a wonderful sense of humor I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" take 6th place among the best works of Russian classics. After reading them, every reader will understand that classical literature is not only interesting and exciting, but also funny. The adventures of the great strategist Ostap Bender, the protagonist of the books by Ilf and Petrov, will not leave anyone indifferent. Immediately after the first publication, the writers' works were ambiguously perceived in literary circles. But time has shown their artistic value.

In fifth place in our ranking of the best works of Russian classics - The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This is not only a great novel about one of the most difficult and terrible periods in the country's history - repressions in the USSR, but also an autobiographical work based on the author's personal experience, as well as letters and memoirs of more than two hundred camp prisoners. The release of the novel in the West was accompanied by a loud scandal and persecution against Solzhenitsyn and other dissidents. The publication of The Gulag Archipelago became possible in the USSR only in 1990. The novel is one of best books of the century.

Nikolai Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a universally recognized classic of world significance. The novel "Dead Souls" is considered the crown of his work, the second volume of which was destroyed by the author himself. But our rating of the best works of Russian classics included the first book Gogol - "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". It is hard to believe that the stories included in the book and written with sparkling humor were practically the first experience in Gogol's writing. A flattering review of the work was left by Pushkin, who was sincerely amazed and fascinated by Gogol's stories, written in a lively, poetic language without pretentiousness and stiffness.

The events described in the book take place in different time periods: in XVII, XVIII XIX centuries.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky ranks third in the list of the best works of Russian classics. He received the status of a cult book of world importance. This is one of the most frequently filmed books. This is not only a deeply philosophical work in which the author poses the problems of moral responsibility, good and evil to readers, but also a psychological drama and a fascinating detective story. The author shows the reader the process of turning a talented and respectable young man into a murderer. He is no less interested in the possibility of Raskolnikov's atonement for guilt.

Great epic novel Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace", the volume of which terrifies schoolchildren for many decades, is actually very interesting. It covers the period of several military campaigns against France, the strongest at that time, led by Napoleon Bonaparte. This is one of the brightest examples of the best works of not only Russian, but also world classics. The novel is recognized as one of the most epic works in world literature. Here every reader will find his favorite topic: love, war, courage.

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Topping our list of best classics is the marvelous novel. The author never lived to see the publication of his book - it was published 30 years after his death.

The Master and Margarita is such a complex work that not a single attempt to film the novel has succeeded. The figures of Woland, the Master and Margarita require filigree accuracy in the transfer of their images. To achieve this, unfortunately, not a single actor has yet succeeded. The film adaptation of the novel by director Vladimir Bortko can be considered the most successful.

All the romantic pathos that shrouded the Middle Ages is presented in Ivanhoe. Valiant knights, beautiful ladies, castle sieges and the political subtleties of vassal relations - all this found a place in the novel by Walter Scott.

In many ways, it was his creation that contributed to the romanticization of the Middle Ages. The author described the historical events that affect the period in the history of England after the Third Crusade. Of course, there were some serious artistic improvisations and fiction, but this made the story only more exciting and beautiful.

It was impossible not to include in this selection the most famous creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. For many schoolchildren, the study of "Dead Souls" is the highlight of the literature lessons.

Nikolai Gogol is one of the few classics who knew how to write about the problems of petty-bourgeois life and Russia as a whole in such a sarcastically direct tone. There is neither the epic heaviness of Tolstoy, nor the unhealthy psychologism of Dostoevsky. Reading is easy and enjoyable. However, hardly anyone will deny him the depth and subtlety of the observed phenomena.

The adventure novel "The Headless Horseman" is multi-layered: detective and love motives are intertwined in it. The plot intricacies create intrigue and keep you in suspense until the very last pages of the book. Who is this headless horseman? A ghost, a figment of the heroes' imagination, or someone's insidious trick? You are unlikely to fall asleep until you get an answer to this question.

Charles Dickens was extremely popular during his lifetime. People were waiting for his next novels in much the same way that we are now waiting for the release of some Transformers. The educated English public loved his books for their inimitable style and plot dynamism.

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club is Dickens' funniest work. The adventures of English snobs, who proclaimed themselves to be researchers of human souls, are full of ridiculous and comical situations. Social issues, of course, are present here, but it is presented in such a simple form that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the English classic after reading it.

Madame Bovary is rightfully considered one of the greatest novels of the world classics. This title does not detract from the fascination of Flaubert's creation - the defiant story of Emma Bovary's love adventures is bold and daring. After the publication of the novel, the writer was even brought to trial for insulting morality.

The psychological naturalism that permeates the novel allowed Flaubert to clearly reveal the problem that is relevant in any era - the convertibility of love and money.

The most famous work of Oscar Wilde touches the nerve with a deeply developed image of the protagonist. Dorian Gray, an aesthete and a snob, has an extreme beauty that contrasts with the internal ugliness that develops over the course of the story. You can revel in watching Gray's moral decline, allegorically reflected in the visual change in his portrait, for hours on end.

"An American Tragedy" is the underside of the American dream. The desire for wealth, respect, position in society, money is characteristic of all people, however, for the majority, the path to the top is closed by default for various reasons.

Clyde Griffiths - a native of the lower classes, who is trying with all his might to break into high society. He is ready to do anything for his dreams. But society, with its ideals of success as an absolute life goal, is itself a catalyst for the violation of morality. As a result, Clyde breaks the law in order to achieve his goals.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an autobiographical novel. Harper Lee described her childhood memories. The result is a story with an anti-racist message, written in simple and accessible language. Reading the book is useful and interesting, it can be called a textbook of morality.

Not so long ago, a continuation of the novel was published under the title " Go set a watchman". It turns inside out the images of the characters of the writer's classic work so much that cognitive dissonance cannot be avoided when reading.

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The works of classical literature, undoubtedly, are the foundations of the foundations: they contain the culture, history, philosophy of the people about which the authors narrated in their works. In the niche of world classical literature, Russian literature occupies a rather significant place: a huge number of works by Russian authors are read with pleasure abroad. We will try to consider the 15 most iconic works of Russian classical literature that everyone should be familiar with.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

The most famous novel in verse tells us an unusual love story between the main character, Eugene Onegin and Tatyana. Their feelings are born at different times and affect the characters in different ways: having fallen in love first, Tatyana, after an explanation with her beloved, withdraws into herself, but, in fact, remains herself. Onegin, however, a feeling that flared up much later changes him beyond recognition. He appears before the reader full of passion and tenderness, having lost his former coldness and pride, and capable of a real, sincere, human feeling. Against the backdrop of the main storyline, the remaining actions of the novel unfold, during which the Russian poet poses a huge number of important problems, such as the social, everyday and cultural way of the entire Russian society of the early 19th century.

A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry"

An immortal play that tells about the sad fate of Russian women, the heartlessness of rich people and the philistine character of small people. It was superbly filmed by E. Ryazanov.

Stories by A.P. Chekhov

Chekhov wrote many stories, both funny and tragic. The main character of Chekhov is an ordinary person with his daily affairs and worries. The stories "Rothschild's Violin", "Ward No. 6", "The Cure for Binge", "The Man in the Case", "Tears Invisible to the World", etc. tell us that no one else understood the soul of a Russian person like Chekhov. Despite the genre, Chekhov's stories are a gem of Russian literature.

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

The main idea of ​​Griboedov's comedy is expressed in the title of the work. The main character, Chatsky, who has returned from abroad, arrives at the house of the nobleman Famusov to see his daughter Sophia, his former lover. This is where his rather unpleasant meeting with the entire “Famus society” takes place: Famusov himself, Sofya, Molchalin, Skalozub, who live fenced off from the world with their stereotypes and long-outdated views of the world. Progressive, educated, who looked at the world in a different way, they instantly take Chatsky as crazy and dangerous to society. The problem of a person who stands out from the stereotypical crowd and because of this is not accepted by society, so sharply posed by Griboyedov, is still relevant to this day.

L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

The main storyline of this novel is a tragic love story between the married Anna Karenina and officer Vronsky. The meeting of her true love changes Anna's life, she is ready to sacrifice everything for her, but does not see a reciprocal gesture in her direction from her lover. The heroine, forced to fight with her own feelings and public contempt, decides to throw herself under the train. The problematics of the work are questions about marriage, love and family, which concern modern society no less than at the time of writing this novel.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Tolstoy's epic novel describes the life of Russian society during the Patriotic War with Napoleon, hence the name of the novel. Scenes of war are replaced by scenes of peaceful life, where hundreds of acting heroes reveal to readers their character, their spiritual qualities and life values. Among the huge number of heroes, Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky stand out against the background of the rest, whose names are known even to those who are not familiar with this novel. The first is soft, fearful of committing wrong deeds, non-conflict later becomes a Decembrist. Bolkonsky, presented at the beginning of the novel as cold, tired of the whole society around him, is revealed as a sensitive nature, capable of a feat for the sake of his homeland and a strong feeling towards his beloved woman. This novel, of course, deserves the attention of any connoisseur of literature for its variety of issues raised and all the brightness and contrast of the described social life.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

The plot of the socio-psychological novel is based on the murder of an old pawnbroker by Rodion Raskolnikov and his further state of mind, the search for an answer to the question "is he a trembling creature or has a right." The problem of poverty raised by the author immediately catches the eye of the reader, which, in part, pushes Raskolnikov to a terrible act. But here the author's idea borders on faith in goodness and love, on the ability to forgive and on those bright feelings that should suppress cruelty in the struggle for power.

M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

Sholokhov's novel touches upon the life of the Cossacks, their traditions, customs and values. Their cruel, strict mores of life make the Cossacks special, and the forbidden love of Grigory and Aksinya unfolding against this background is unusual, contrary to all rules, rebellious, but sincere to the core.

N.V. Gogol "Inspector"

Gogol's well-known comedy "The Inspector General" sets as its primary goal the ridicule of the city authorities, who, having learned about the arrival of the auditor, were seriously worried, and then, in his presence, began to openly kowtow in front of him, missing only one important detail - Khlestakov, accepted them for the auditor, turned out to be the most common sly and deceiver from the street. The problems of bribery, neglect of one's duties, pettiness and cowardice are brought to the fore in Gogol's comedy.

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

The book tells about the adventures of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, the protagonist of the poem, a former collegiate adviser posing as a landowner. Chichikov arrives in an unnamed town, a certain provincial "city N" and immediately tries to gain confidence in all the inhabitants of the city of any importance, which he successfully succeeds. The hero becomes an extremely welcome guest at balls and dinners. The townspeople of the unnamed city are unaware of Chichikov's true goals. And its purpose is to buy up or gratuitously acquire dead peasants, who, according to the census, were still registered as living with local landlords, and then register them in their own name as living.

M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

It will be about the spiritual world of man. This topic is well disclosed thanks to the contradictory image of Pechorin. This person is not of the most pleasant character, not always noble deeds, but also a very difficult fate. Someone may condemn him for his treatment of Bela, Maxim Maksimych and Princess, someone sympathizes with him, especially after his monologue about the hardship of his fate in "Princess Mary". Pechorin is a person who is in deep conflict with society, but at the same time, a person who cannot but arouse admiration from this same society by the strength of his personality.

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The novel became a landmark for its time, and the image of the protagonist Yevgeny Bazarov was perceived by young people as an example to follow. Such ideals as uncompromisingness, lack of reverence for authorities and old truths, the priority of the useful over the beautiful, were perceived by the people of that time and were reflected in Bazarov's worldview.

I.S. Turgenev "Notes of a hunter"

The classic hunted a lot in the Oryol province. There he met different people, he followed the life of the Russian people, which he describes in his book. This collection of short stories published in 1847-1851 in the Sovremennik magazine and published as a separate edition in 1852. Three stories were written and added by the author to the collection much later.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

The main problem of the novel "The Master and Margarita" is the search for truth, the search for oneself, one's personality, one's direction, one's life path. Truth is represented here by the Master's novel, but the one who comprehends and finds the truth inevitably becomes mentally ill. One of the main ideas in the novel is also the struggle between good and evil, which affects all the heroes of the novel, intertwining the genres of science fiction, satire and philosophy. Although the novel was published in Soviet times, it has become an unconditional classic.

M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

The story "The Heart of a Dog" is based on the story of how Professor Preobrazhensky decides to transplant a human pituitary gland and ovaries to a homeless dog. His fantastic experiment ends with the transformation of a cute stray dog ​​into a disgusting representative of the proletariat Sharikov. The problem of the proletariat, by the way, is one of the main problems of the story. The post-revolutionary structure of society, which causes undisguised irritation of Preobrazhensky, makes the reader think deeply.

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