The best selection of materials for the question: Why did Khrustalev leave Comedy Woman? Why did Dmitry Khrustalev leave Comedy Woman Where did the gum Khrustalev go.


Dmitry has long become a popular showman, and his creative biography began with participation in KVN. Today, his career is developing quite successfully, but he has not yet found stability in his personal life - the first common-law wife of Dmitry Khrustalev is already in the past, and he has not yet met a new girl who could take her place.

Biography of Dmitry Khrustalev

He was born in Leningrad on February 20, 1979 and from childhood demonstrated his creative inclinations, and after school he entered the St. Petersburg Agrarian University, then transferred to the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation at the Faculty of Economics, and all this time he played in KVN. Despite the active game in the "Club of cheerful and resourceful", Dmitry successfully graduated from the university and started working in the office of one of the companies, but very soon realized that he would not be able to sit all day long at the workplace at the computer monitor and draw up various papers.

Khrustalev remembered his long-standing passion for ballroom dancing, which he did a lot in childhood, got a job first as a pioneer leader, then as a ballroom dance teacher, and finally returned to KVN.

First, he played for the team "Team of St. Petersburg", and then - "Team of the USSR", and as part of both teams he achieved high awards - "Small KiViN", the KVN Summer Cup. With his team, in which Dmitry was the permanent captain, he traveled all over the country, collecting full halls and receiving impressive fees. Khrustalev did not manage to avoid the star disease that struck down the good-natured and humorous guy, but Khrustalev, fortunately, was able to cope with this illness and again became that Dima, as all relatives and friends knew him.

Personal life of Dmitry Khrustalev

At a time when Khrustalev's stage career was gaining momentum, in his hometown he met a sweet girl who went to the same cafe where Dima met with friends. They met, started dating, and then decided to live together.

Dmitry Khrustalev's wife Victoria Deichuk is a lawyer, she was born and raised in St. Petersburg, and she never wanted to leave her beloved city even for the sake of her common-law husband. But Dmitry, by the nature of his work, increasingly had to visit Moscow, where his career on television began.

First, he became a resident of the Comedy Club in a duet with Viktor Vasiliev, then he was invited as a co-host of the Comedy Vumen show.

In 2011, a misfortune happened in the life of Dmitry and Vika - they got into a car accident on the way to the airport, from which they were supposed to fly to the Comedy festival in Egypt. The wife of Dmitry Khrustalev received a serious head injury, fell into a coma and ended up in the hospital. Dmitry made every effort to make Vika recover, took her to Germany for treatment, but their relationship after this incident finally deteriorated.

Despite the fact that Dmitry constantly traveled to Victoria in St. Petersburg, their life together began to crumble due to constant separation, and, in the end, after ten years of civil marriage, they decided to leave. Perhaps this decision was prompted by the fact that Mitya broke out a new romance with his colleague in Comedy Vumen Ekaterina Varnava. After parting with Victoria, Dmitry continued to help her, bought a large apartment in St. Petersburg, donated a car and continued to maintain relations.

A new novel in the personal life of Dmitry Khrustalev

After parting with his common-law wife, Khrustalev began a new romance - with Ekaterina Varnava. Due to the fact that they worked together and talked a lot on stage, few people paid attention to the beginning of the romantic relationship between the two colleagues, moreover, they diligently hid them. Katya admitted that she fell in love with Khrustalev when she did not yet know him personally, but only watched his performances as part of the KVN team.

When they started working together at Comedy Vumen, at first love was played out only on stage, and Barnabas did not take Dmitry's words seriously when he said that he could become an ideal husband for her. They were more and more imbued with mutual sympathy, and after six months of relationship they began to live in the same apartment.

At that time, Khrustalev was already free, and nothing prevented him from changing something in his personal life.

However, Katya stayed as the common-law wife of Dmitry Khrustalev for no more than a year - it was not so easy to live together, quarrels began to flare up between lovers more and more often, and Barnabas, tired of constant strife, went to live with a friend, and Mitya said that it would be better for them to live apart. Both claimed that the feelings between them did not pass, but they never managed to reunite again.

Dmitry Khrustalev today

Now Dmitry's career is on the rise - he takes part in various shows. As a presenter, Khrustalev participated in the Leningrad Stand-up Club project on the STS channel, together with Viktor Vasiliev hosted the Variety Theater parody program, and was a jury member of the Dance show. In 2013, Dmitry became a co-host of the Evening Urgant program on Channel One.

In addition, Khrustalev starred in more than fifteen films, and perhaps his filmography will continue further.

Dmitry Khrustalev is a Russian actor and TV presenter. The audience remembered the participation in KVN, humorous television shows Comedy Club and Comedy Woman. The showman is also the co-host of the popular TV show Evening Urgant.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Khrustalev was born in the city on the Neva on February 20, 1979 under the zodiac sign Aquarius. Dmitry's mother, Larisa, dreamed of an acting career from her youth, went to a circle at the Youth Theater, but one day she accidentally pinched her leader's finger with a screen. Then the actress broke up with theatrical activities and began to work as a cook.

Dmitry grew up in an incomplete family, he was raised only by his mother and grandmother. Due to circumstances, Dmitry became the only man in the family and from an early age felt responsible for his relatives. The artist still maintains a warm relationship with his mother Larisa Khrustaleva, calling up every day.

Dmitry Khrustalev never thought about his future profession and took the choice of an educational institution lightly. After graduation, the young man entered the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation and even achieved some success in this area. The guy quickly got tired of working as an engineer, and he tried himself in various professions: he taught ballroom dancing, worked as a senior pioneer leader, preferring creative pursuits.


Whom only Dmitry Khrustalev did not work, but, having participated in the KVN game, the young man realized that this was his business. The creative biography of the Russian artist began.

Dmitry devoted a significant part of his life to KVN, being the permanent captain of the St. Petersburg team. It would seem that an artist of short stature (Dmitry's height is 167 cm with a weight of 72 kg) will not be able to achieve success in this direction, but it happened differently.

Successful performances in the Major League, several television broadcasts and participation in all kinds of humorous programs did their job - the guys from the Northern capital became famous.

Pop stars could envy jokers, because comedians from St. Petersburg had everything: endless tours, full houses, excellent fees, luxury hotels, limousines and expensive restaurants. During this period, 20-year-old Dmitry Khrustalev was struck down by a terrible disease - star disease. Fame and popularity spoiled the good-natured nature of the comedian, but over time, the man overcame this test and returned to his former life.

KVN Team Peter - "Khrustalev on vacation"

As part of the St. Petersburg team, Dmitry Khrustalev won the Moscow Cup (1998), became the finalist of the Major League (1999), the owner of the Small KiViN (2000) and vice-champion of the Major League in 2002. As part of the USSR National Team, he received the KVN Summer Cup.

Dmitry Khrustalev and Viktor Sukhorukov parody Lenin

A short, bald showman with a white-toothed smile aroused sympathy among fans of humor thanks to sharp jokes and charm. Features of appearance helped the artist to take part in a parody of the leader of the world proletariat, which he did brilliantly. But real fame came to Dmitry thanks to parodies of the President of the Russian Federation.

Soon, KVN was not enough for Khrustalev, as his creative potential was in full swing. The comedian was called by talented directors Dmitry Sarvin and Ilya Moshchitsky, who were familiar with the artist, and offered to participate in tests on stage at the Music Hall. Having discussed the employment and the amount, Dmitry Khrustalev agreed. So KVNshchik became a theater actor - the cherished desire to play on the professional stage came true.

The aspiring actor played several roles at once in the play "Interview with the Vampire". Inspired by success, Dmitry, together with his former colleagues at KVN, played in the projects “Handsome Prince” and “Threesome Game” at the Music Hall.

In 2007, the comedy television show Comedy Club appeared in the actor's life. Having become the star of a comic TV project in a duet with his friend Viktor Vasiliev, Dmitry Khrustalev firmly entrenched himself in the television field.

In 2008, the successful women's show Comedy Woman started on television. Talented girls who previously performed in KVN united and created an excellent team. Dmitry Khrustalev became a key figure in Comedy Vumen. The artist did an excellent job with the role of the host - the only man at that time in a purely female show.

In 2013, the showman became a co-host in the Evening Urgant program. In 2014, Khrustalev hosted the TV show "Leningrad Stand-up Club" and "Variety Theatre". The parody show "Variety Theater" Dmitry Khrustalev led together with Viktor Vasilyev, and already in 2015 the showman joined the jury of the "Dance" project.

In the same 2015, Russian media reported that the TV presenter became a participant in a road conflict with an SUV driver in the center of the Russian capital. Portal L!FE published the corresponding video of the incident.

The recording recorded how the presenter gets out of the car, approaches the SUV and starts talking to the driver. The showman talks to the driver of the vehicle for a while, but after a short conversation, he heads to his car. Soon Dmitry returns to the opponent's car, opens the door and hits the man several times.

Fight involving Dmitry Khrustalev

According to eyewitnesses, the TV presenter, trying to bypass the cars that blocked his roadway, tried to fit into the stream. This caused dissatisfaction with the off-road driver. The verbal skirmish escalated into a short scuffle. Despite the actions of the artist, a real fight did not happen.


Dmitry Khrustalev made his film debut in 2004, playing an episodic role in the Allow me to enter project. Then the actor got the role of a gambling KVNschik in the TV series Alice's Dreams (2006-2007).

Acting fame came to Dima with the film "The Best Film 2" (2009), in which the actor played Dimati, Major's friend (he played the role).

Having received an offer to shoot, the artist agreed without hesitation. According to Dmitry, he was flattered by the attention of his colleagues at the Comedy Club, and the question of salary did not bother him. I wanted to make a real parody movie, because in Russia this genre was practically not represented by that time. In the tape, the star of the St. Petersburg KVN team parodied the character he played in the film "Heat". Khrustalevsky Dimati is a rapper who runs away from skinheads.

Dmitry Khrustalev in the movie "The Best Movie 2"

It was difficult for the comedian to jump into the dirty Ostankino pond: homeless people usually bathed there. But Dmitry Khrustalev overcame himself and jumped into the muddy water, almost crying. The next day, the artist was checked in the hospital, but nothing happened. Financially, The Best Movie 2 was successful, but received negative reviews from film critics.

In 2011, Khrustalev played the role of Edgar in the comedy Pregnant, and also played a cameo role in the film Office Romance. Nowadays".

Personal life

There are many rumors around the personal life of Dmitry Khrustalev. Since 2001, the artist's common-law wife has been lawyer Victoria Deichuk. Dmitry has repeatedly mentioned his immense love for Vika. Despite this, the matter never came to the wedding and the birth of children, and after 10 years the couple broke up.

The catalyst for the breakup was a car accident that Dmitry and Victoria got into. The girl was seriously injured, fell into a coma. Dmitry made every effort to save the life and health of Victoria, but the relationship was no longer the same.

In 2012, the media began to discuss social events to which the humorist came with a colleague from Comedy Woman. The lovers did not hide their feelings. But at the end of 2014, information appeared that the artists decided to end the relationship.

In May 2017, Russian media reported that Dmitry Khrustalev was first published with a new lover. The showman has long been considered a prominent bachelor, because it is not so easy to capture the heart of a man.

Earlier, secular chroniclers suggested that Khrustalev had an affair with the soloist of the DINAMA group, Maria Goncharuk. Reporters tried to find out what the nature of the communication of prominent representatives of the Russian stage was, but they could not do it, and the celebrities themselves refused to comment on any information.

It is assumed that the couple was introduced by Diana Ivanitskaya, Maria's colleague in the musical group. Referring to a source close to Maria, the Russian media reported that Dmitry's secret romance with the DINAMA soloist lasted about six months, until the couple decided to appear in public.

The satellites appeared at the annual MODA Topical magazine awards, where the hostess of the evening handed out awards to eminent guests. Having passed the representatives of the press and not stopping at the press hall, Khrustalev and Goncharuk took their places at the table, where they spent a gala evening. Instagram users immediately began to discuss joint photos of the couple.

Dmitry Khrustalev collects glasses and glasses. Even in winter, the showman is inseparable from his bright glasses.

Dmitry Khrustalev now

In 2017, Dmitry Khrustalev took part in an advertising campaign for the mobile operator MegaFon and the creative agency Instinct. The opportunity to get a second gadget with a discount of up to 50% when buying one smartphone is the essence of the action. It is known that the new mini-film was shot by the director, and the actress was the company on the set of the video for Dmitry Khrustalev.

Ekaterina Skulkina and Dmitry Khrustalev in MegaFon advertising

Dmitry Khrustalev continues active creative activity. In 2017, the showman became the TV presenter of the My Mom Cooks Better project, the main characters of which were show business stars. The plot of the film was based on the story of the same name. broadcast on TV-3 channel. Psychics needed to guess the identity of the person hiding behind the screen. But the mediums went down the wrong path, initially calling the guest a plump tall woman.

Now the showman has signed a contract with another international brand Honor from Huawei for filming in advertising. The artist became the protagonist of a series of videos called "Caucasian Wedding". The project is dedicated to the new Honor 10 smartphones, which are sold through MTS communication stores.

Dmitry Khrustalev in advertising MTS + Honor 10

The video was created in picturesque locations - ancient cities, among the plains and mountains of the southern region of Russia. The hero of Dmitry Khrustalev is a tourist who manages to easily create professional shots thanks to the new camera on his smartphone. A young man is asked to replace an ill photographer at a Caucasian wedding. The hero of Dmitry brilliantly copes with the task. He even manages to capture on the screen Caucasians in black attire against a dark background.


  • 2007 - Comedy Club
  • 2008 – Comedy Woman
  • 2013 - "Evening Urgant"
  • 2014 - "Leningrad Stand-up Club"
  • 2015 - Variety Theater
  • 2015 - "Dance"
  • 2017 - "My mom cooks better"

Mitina's mother dreamed of a stage, wanted to shine and play romantic roles, but one ridiculous episode changed her life: when she was studying in a puppet circle founded at the Youth Theater, she accidentally pinched her leader's finger. Thus ended her unsuccessful career as an actress. But thoughts about the stage did not leave her. Working as a cook, she created all the conditions for her son so that the crystal dream of her childhood would come true, and Mitya did not disappoint. He grew up as a very artistic child, from childhood he loved to recite poetry, he wrote them himself at the age of 13, studied at a ballroom dance school and knew how to move extremely gracefully.


Already at school, Khrustalev became the soul of the company; where he appeared, peals of laughter were constantly heard, even teachers could not help smiling when he began to tell something. Not a single school play was held without his participation.

Mom had no doubt that her Mitenka would become famous. Now a small, frail, but at the same time insanely charming artist is known throughout the country, millions laugh at his jokes. True, he came to the stage in an original way ... In general, Mitya first entered the Agrarian University, and then, a year later, transferred to the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Khrustalev suffered terribly from melancholy, studying science beyond the control of the mind, and yearned for something bright, cheerful. He tried himself as a dance teacher, but that was not it ... But clever fate brought him to the KVN team and opened the doors to the big stage. Dmitry Khrustalev, whose biography began with boring lectures at an unloved institute, was able to achieve popular recognition very soon.

Star fever

He prepared his first performances very carefully, played them for hours in front of a mirror, he always had two or three versions of a performance ready. Later, Mitya even became the captain of the team. And in 2000, he could already compete in popularity with eminent stage masters. It is not surprising that the 20-year-old boy was struck by star disease, because he went on tour throughout the country, collected huge halls and early tasted the delights of a glamorous life. The disease, however, passed very quickly (the upbringing of an intelligent mother affected), and Khrustalev lost interest in such parties, he began to work on himself and decided to make a creative career on his gift to make people laugh.

It was during this period that he received a flattering offer to play in the theater. The play "Interview with a Vampire" captured Dmitry so much that he forgot about the stage for a while and rehearsed from morning to evening. Mitya was able to realize the dream of his mother. The scene was fascinating, it completely absorbed Khrustalev, and Dima even thought about devoting himself completely to the theater.

comedy club

The performance was a resounding success, and Khrustalev Dmitry Yuryevich continued his activities. He was terribly glad that his like-minded and friend Viktor Vasiliev was invited to the next project. Even then, the guys realized what new horizons their joint work would open up, and soon witty friends were invited to the Comedy Club on the TNT channel. Their duet turned out to be very promising, they were given time in each program. The guys relied on the sophistication of true Petersburgers, their jokes were very witty: the artists very sharply drew the line between the cultural capital of Russia and Moscow. The duet was able to make a special touch to the general background of the program, and after a few performances, the editors were inundated with letters from grateful viewers. Yes, without further ado, we can say that Dmitry Khrustalev is a "comedy" actor from God.

Soon interesting offers from film directors rained down. In 2006, Khrustalev made his screen debut in the television series Alice's Dreams, and in 2008 he appeared in the star cast of the comedy The Best Movie 2. The parody role brought him true success, it was very funny that Dmitry managed to parody the famous Moscow rapper Timati. Critics, however, smashed the film to smithereens, but the picture turned out to be very funny and found its audience.

comedy woman

In 2008, a new comedy project Comedy Woman was launched on the TNT channel. Dmitry was offered the role of a leader in a purely female team, and he happily agreed. Still would! To work in such a flower garden of beautiful and talented girls. The project brought together former KVN students and simply beauties, the team turned out to be very harmonious and immediately fell in love with the audience. Dmitry Khrustalev ruled his “raspberries” wisely and decisively. Lovely skirmishes with Natalia Andreevna made the audience laugh to tears. For Russian television, a purely female humorous project was an absolute innovation. The show has taken root on the channel and has become so rated that for many years the audience has been looking forward to the start of the program.

Star hobby

Khrustalev loves to shock the public, there are legends about his collection of sunglasses, and he began to collect them in his student years. The collection was noticeably replenished during the period of his constant tours, he brought one pair from each city. Moreover, all instances have their own history. In general, it is already impossible to imagine Dmitry without regular colored glasses. In each transfer, he uses at least one pair, and no one knows in advance what Dmitry will soak this time. Later, he began to collect more and piles, today the collection includes a huge number of cups of various shapes and colors. All friends know about his hobby and try to bring a friend an interesting new copy.

Love affair at work

The Comedy Woman show appeared as an alternative to the purely male Comedy Club and proved that the girls have no less humor, they make fun of themselves and their rivals in the television workshop so ironically that the guys had to work hard to meet the set bar. All this splendor is ruled by the slender, ironic and sometimes caustic Khrustalev. From the very beginning of filming, a warm relationship developed between one of the participants in the show, Ekaterina Varnava, and the presenter, which immediately became the property of the audience. At first, stage skirmishes of an unambiguous nature only amused both, but very soon a couple could be seen outside of filming in various haunts of the capital. A tall, stately beauty and a small, thin Khrustalev were a colorful couple.

As it turned out later, Barnabas noticed a short, slender boy from the time of KVN and constantly went to all his performances. The public became aware of Khrustalev and Barnabas' office romance after they broke up. The tall stately beauty did not care that the object of her sighs was a head shorter than her. Lawless Heart. She even laughed about it and said that some like Leonardo di Caprio, and she likes Khrustalev.

Declaration of love

The first acquaintance took place at the casting of Comedy Woman. Khrustalev could not remain indifferent to the beauty and cheerful disposition after a six-month acquaintance and joint work on TNT, he finally decided to invite the girl on a date. They sat in a cafe for several hours, and after a while the romance spun so seriously that the couple decided to live together. For Katya, the turning point was the return from the trip, when Dmitry Khrustalev gave her a truly royal meeting at the airport.

Despite their close relationship, Ekaterina Varnava and Dmitry Khrustalev denied a love affair, citing that they are just good friends who are comfortable spending their free time together. Journalists immediately began hunting, and very soon glossy publications were full of unambiguous photographs of a couple in love. They even created several comedy miniatures on Comedy Woman, when Khrustalev was constantly “rolling up” to the object of adoration, and Barnabas, with her usual bitchiness, sent off the shorty, constantly hinting that if he were taller and richer, she would have thought. However, an office romance is also an office romance, because you have to work side by side all the time. Over time, the couple got so used to being together all the time that it began to strain, they began to disagree, sort things out, and when there was no strength after several days of constant filming, they simply stopped talking to each other.


It can be very difficult for two charismatic personalities to get along in the same house, at some point both wanted freedom. They began to get tired of their own stardom, there was no time left to just sit quietly at home, talk heart to heart. But young people almost got married, even an engagement ring was bought. After the break, they still have to see each other every day, because no one has canceled the shooting yet. They tried to communicate easily, in a friendly way, and over time, all the roughness was smoothed out, although there was no question of resuming a love relationship. The fact that the couple broke up became clear on the set of "Ice Age", where Catherine did not appear even once. I must say that Katya really liked Dmitry's mother, Larisa, she constantly maintains relations with her and speaks very warmly about her son's ex-girlfriend.


In general, Dmitry Khrustalev, who is the subject of public interest, turned out to be a very secretive person by nature. So, no one knew that the Journalists even managed to find out her name from him (Victoria Dyachuk). It turns out that the marriage was already almost 10 years old before Khrustalev met and fell in love with Catherine Barnabas. Everything was revealed when Dmitry Khrustalev and his wife got into a traffic accident, which almost ended tragically. Khrustalev himself escaped with several bruises, and his wife, 26-year-old Victoria, was sent to the city hospital in a critical condition. When the couple broke up, according to the testimony of Khrustalev's mother, he bought his ex-wife a good apartment in St. Petersburg and donated a car. Before the divorce, Dmitry Khrustalev and his family also lived in the city on the Neva. The former spouses broke up without scandals, since their marriage has outlived its usefulness, they continue to see each other now, Dmitry supports Victoria and solves many of her problems. Dmitry Khrustalev and his wife do not believe that their marriage collapsed because of Catherine Barnabas: they have moved away from each other for a long time.

Victoria Dyachuk

The wife of Dmitry Khrustalev, Victoria Dyachuk, is not a public person, and the hype around her, albeit former, husband is very unpleasant for her. She never appears in public, and there is not a single photo of her on the network. She prefers not to mention her marriage to a star, and the details of her personal life are known only to a very narrow circle of friends. She is a successful lawyer and has been married to Dmitry since 2001. At one time, while still students, they accidentally met in a cafe, and Khrustalev managed to charm Victoria so much at the first meeting that the couple soon legalized the relationship.


And although Khrustalev has been a resident of the Comedy Club for so many years, he does not confirm this term, because the Latin "remaining in place" is clearly not about him. Another theatrical performance with his participation will soon be released, rehearsals take up almost all of his time. The previous theatrical experience made an indelible impression on Dmitry, he fell ill with the theater, moreover, during the rehearsals the actors were given the opportunity to improvise, and many lines were included in the performance in the final version. Freedom of creativity and improvisation - this is the whole Dmitry Khrustalev. The biography of the actor is full of creative plans, we hope that in the near future we will be able to see interesting projects with his participation.


Dmitry Khrustalev was born in Leningrad in an ordinary family. Dmitry's mother worked as a cook. She attended a puppet circle at the Youth Theater and dreamed of an acting career, but once she pinched the head of the circle with a screen, after which she had to forget about theatrical activities.

After school, Dmitry entered the Agrarian University of Pushkin, and later transferred to the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, graduating from which he received the specialty of an engineer of the first category. For some time he worked in his specialty, but the work seemed to him boring and uninteresting. Later, Dmitry managed to visit a pioneer leader and a teacher of ballroom dancing. Then he decided to retrain as comedians and went to KVN.

Dmitry Khrustalev in KVN

As a member of the Major League of KVN, Khrustalev took 3rd place in the "King of the Carnival" competition, losing to Sergei Shnurov and Evgeni Plushenko. In the early 2000s, the team, captained by Dmitry Khrustalev, was ahead of many celebrities and showbiz stars in popularity. They traveled a lot around the country with tours and collected large halls. In his 20s, Dmitry drove limousines, lived in expensive hotels and had crowds of fans. At some point, he was seized by star disease, he began to behave arrogantly, allowed himself to be rude to waiters in restaurants, in general, he was inadequate. But he soon took matters into his own hands.

KVN parody of Putin (Khrustalev)

Khrustalev devoted many years to KVN. At first it was just entertainment, and when KVN began to keep up with the times and became a commercial enterprise, Dmitry began to earn good money from it.

Theatrical work

Familiar directors Dmitry Sarvin and Ilya Moshchitsky invited Dmitry Khrustalev to play in the play "Interview with a Vampire", which took place on the stage of the Music Hall. He gladly accepted this offer. So his dream came true to play on the professional stage.

In the performance, Khrustalev played several roles, both minor and major. All three parts of the production were sold out. Later, Dmitry took part in the projects "Love in Three" and "Handsome Prince" on the stage of the Music Hall, along with former KVN colleagues Polina Sibagatullina and Viktor Vasiliev.

In the Music Hall, Khrustalev received a diploma in the specialty "Variety Artist".

comedy club

In the mid-2000s, Dmitry Khrustalev, along with Viktor Vasilyev, was invited to the Comedy Club show. At the peak of the show's popularity, they became its residents. Many consider Comedy Club vulgar and vulgar. According to Dmitry, the line between a normal text and vulgarity is sometimes blurred, but he and Viktor Vasilyev try not to go on stage with vulgarity and always tried to come up with something intellectual and educational for their performances.

In his speeches, Khrustalev often parodies Lenin and Putin.

At the Comedy Club, Dmitry Khrustalev performs with former KVN players Timur Batrutdinov, Pavel Volya, Garik Martirosyan, Garik Kharlamov and Timur Rodriguez.

Movie roles

Dmitry's film debut took place in 2004 in the Ukrainian series "Let me enter", then in 2006 he played in the series "Alice's Dreams". Film fame came to Dmitry in 2009 after filming in the comedy “The Best Movie 2”. He played the role of Dimati - a parody of the hip-hop artist Timati. The film was successful financially, but received negative reviews from film critics.

Dmitry Khrustalev. Interview

Personal life of Dmitry Khrustalev

Since 2001, Khrustalev has been married to Victoria Dyachuk, whom he met in a cafe. Victoria is a lawyer by profession. Dmitry has to “torn” between St. Petersburg and Moscow. St. Petersburg is his hometown, he comes here on vacation, and he has to earn money in Moscow.

According to Dmitry: “Humor is a profitable business. We make humorous shows and sell them to TV channels. We give concerts around the country. And we also perform at corporate parties, including oligarchs, they are also people. In 2011, Khrustalev starred in the comedy Pregnant as Edgar and a cameo in the comedy Office Romance. Nowadays".

Since 2008, Dmitry has been the host of the Comedy Woman show on TNT. In his own words, it is much easier for him to work in a women's team.

    Dmitry Khrustalev will now be the co-host of Ivan Urgant in the Evening Urgant show. He replaced Alexander Oleinikov, who left this project. Dmitry did not leave the TNT channel and the Comedy Vuman show. The TNT channel confirmed that Dmitry is not going anywhere. He will continue to host Comedy Woman. He will lead two projects in parallel.

    Rumors that Dmitry Khrustalv is no longer participating in the Comedy Vumen program appeared after he became co-host of Ivan Urgant in the Evening Urgant program on Channel One. But in fact, Dmitry had parallel work in these two shows. He had to make the decision to leave Comedy Vumen after he became the host of another humorous program of the new show on the STS channel

    Leningrad Stand-up club, which hosts a competition between comedians seeking to make the audience laugh. It was probably too difficult for Dmitry to combine three programs already, and he opted for Evening Urgant and the Leningrad Stand-up Club.

    In fact, he did not go anywhere, he was simply offered to work in parallel on two channels: on the first channel and on TNT.

    on the first channel, he will be the co-host of Ivan Urgant and on the TNT channel he will participate in Comedy Woman.

    Former KVNschik and showman from St. Petersburg Dmitry Khrustalev will become co-host of Ivan Urgant in the TV show Evening Urgant. He will take the place of Alexander Oleinikov. Filming of the show has not yet begun, and how Khrustalev will get used to the new role will become clear in six months.

    A wonderful showman from St. Petersburg Dmitry Khrustalev left the project comedy woman due to the fact that he became Ivan Urgant's partner in the show Evening Urgant.He replaced Alexander Oleinikov. TV channel management TNT said that Dmitry will participate in both projects. But apparently he does not have the opportunity to do this due to lack of time.

    I would like to note that the rumors that Dmitry Khrustalev left Comedy Woman because of a quarrel with Ekaterina Varvara turned out to be the usual untruthful gossip.

    Of course, it's a pity that Dima does not participate in Comedy Woman. He is greatly missed in the show.

    Dmitriy Khrustalev did not leave Comedy Vumen. Such rumors appeared after he became the second host in the evening Urgant program on Channel One. Now Dmitry participates in both programs in parallel, managing to work on two channels at once.

    Dmitry Khrustalev abruptly disappeared from the Comedy Wumen TV show, but he did not leave it. He was offered to host another show Evening Urgant. Dmitry now needs more time to manage to work on two shows at the same time.

    Dmitry Khrustalev began his television career in the team of St. Petersburg University. He was the brightest personality in the St. Petersburg team. a wonderful dancer, he infected the whole team with ballet. Alexander Maslyakov has repeatedly presented them as the most dancing KVN team.

    After leaving the club, Dmitry looked great among the KVN ladies in Comedy Women on TNT.

    His lightness and unique humor found a huge number of fans among those who did not know him from his performances at KVN. Therefore, the appearance of Dmitry Khrustalev on Channel One in the Evening Urgant program as the second presenter instead of Alexander Aleinikov, who left the program, caused such a commotion and rumors about his departure from TNT among fans of Comedy Women.

    I would like to reassure everyone who loves Khrustalev: he is not going to leave TNT, he will work on two channels.

    Yes, Dmitry Khrustalev was rarely seen in the Comedy Women program on TNT, but he didn’t go anywhere, just now he is filming in several more shows, on the first channel - Evening Urgant and in the Leningrad StandUp Club show on the STS channel in which Dmitry is the host.

    Dmitry Khrustalv did not leave the Comedy Wumen show. The fact is that he was offered to host another wonderful show - Evening Urgant. So now Dmitry will have to work much harder, hosting 2 shows is not an easy task.

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