The best Latin expressions. Latin aphorisms (1 photo)


Latin is the most common lettering language around the world, one of the sacred languages, the official language of Catholicism, the verses of Pythagoras are written in “golden Latin”, it was borrowed from church practice by adherents of secret teachings.

Latin is used to write tattoos of magic words, ritual texts, prayers, signs of ceremonial magic.

And nullo diligitur, qui neminem diligit - no one loves someone who does not love anyone himself.
And teneris unguiculis - from tender (soft) nails. Cicero
Аb aqua silente cave - devils live in a still pool
Аb imo pectore - from the depths of the soul - with all my heart - from a pure heart (Lucretius)
Ab ovo - from beginning to end
Ab hoedis segregare oves - to distinguish black from white
Ab hodierno - from this date
Acceptissima semper munera sunt, aucor quae pretiosa facit - the most pleasant gifts are those that a person dear to you brings
Ad carceres a calce revocare - to return from the finish line to the start - to start from scratch. Cicero
Ad clavum - to sit at the helm - to hold the reins of government in your hands. Cicero
Ad delectandum - for pleasure
Ad calendas (kalendas) graecas - before Greek calends - never - after rain on Thursday
ad infinitum - to infinity
Aere perennius - stronger than copper (used in the meaning of "durable")
Aeternae veritates - eternal truths
Aeterna historia - eternal history
Aeterno te amabo - I will love you forever
Alea jasta est - the die is cast - a decision that does not allow a return to the past
Amicus meus - my friend
Amantes - amentes - crazy lovers
Amor Dei intellectuālis - cognitive love for God. Spinoza
Amor vincit omnia - love conquers all
Amor magister optimus - Love is the best teacher.
Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no cure for love.
Amor omnia vincit - love above all
Amor omnibus idem - everyone has the same love
Amor patriae - love for the motherland

Amor sanguinis - love of blood, bloodlust
Amor sceleratus habendi - criminal passion for money-grubbing

Amorem canat aetas prima - let youth sing about love
Amoris abundantia erga te - an excess of love for you
A mensa et toro - from the table and the bed
Amantes - amentes - lovers - crazy
Amantium irae amoris integratio - quarrels of lovers - renewal of love
Amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla - beloved by us, like no other will be loved
Amicitia semper prodest, amor et nocet - friendship is always useful, but love can also harm
Amicus cogoscitur amore, more, ore, re - a friend is recognized by love, disposition, speech, deed
Amor caecus - love is blind
Amor Dei intellectuālis - cognitive love of God
Amor et deliciae humani generis - love and joy of the human race |
Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - love, like a tear - is born from the eyes, falls on the heart
Amor non quaerit verba - love does not seek (does not require) words
Amor fati - love of fate
Amor et deliciae humani generis - love and joy of the human race
Ars longa, Vite brevis - art is long-lived, but life (of a person) is short
A die - From this day
A solis ortu usque ad occasum - from sunrise to sunset
Absque omni exceptione - without any doubt
Audentes fortuna juvat - Happiness favors the brave
Ab imo pectore - with full sincerity, from the heart
Ad finem saeculorum - until the end of time
Amor non est medicabilis herbis - love is not treated with herbs
Amor omnibus idem - love is one for all
Amor tussisque non celantur - you can't hide love and cough
Atrocitati mansuetudo est remedium - meekness is a remedy against cruelty. Phaedrus
At sacri vates ... - a quote from the poem "Love Pangs" (III, 9) of the same poet: "But the singers are sacred, and we are called the favorites of the highest"
Audaces fortuna juvat - fate helps the brave
Aurea mediocritas - the golden mean. Horace
Аurea ne credas quaecumque nitescere cernis - all that glitters is not gold
aut aut - or - or - there is no third

Bene placito - of good will
Beata stultica - blissful stupidity
Beati possidentes - happy possessing
Carpe diem - seize the day, seize the moment
Caritas et pax - Respect and Peace
Con amore - With love
Consensu omnium - By common consent
Consortium omnis vitae - Commonwealth of all life
Credo - I believe!
De die in diem - from day to day
Dei gratia - by the grace of God, thank God
Desinit in piscem mulier formosa superne - a beautiful woman from above ends in a fishtail
Evviva - long live!
Ex consensu - by agreement
Fac fideli sis fidelis - be faithful to the one who is faithful (to you)
Fata viam invenient - you can't escape fate
Febris erotica - love fever
Fiat voluntas tua - your will be done
Fortiter ac firmiter - strong and strong
Hoc erat in votis - this was my desire
Hoc erat in fatis - so it was destined (by fate)
Ibi victoria, ubi concordia - there is victory where there is agreement
In aeternum - forever, forever
In saecula saeculorum - forever and ever
In vento et aqua scribere - writing on wind and water
Ira odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem - anger breeds hatred, consent feeds love.
Lex fati - the law of fate
Liberum arbitrium - freedom of choice
Lux in tenebris - light in the dark
Magna res est amor - the great thing is love
Mane et nocte - morning and night
Mea vita et anima es - you are my life and soul
Natura sic voluit - so nature wished
Ne varietur - not subject to change
Nemo novit patrern, nemo sine crimine vivit, nemo sua sorte contentus, nemo ascendit in coelum is a Latin phrase with a funny play on words, which was very popular with the Renaissance intelligentsia. Nemo (lat., literally: "no one") was jokingly considered a proper name. Then the sentence "No one knows his father, no one is free from sin, no one is satisfied with his fate, no one will go to heaven" gets the opposite meaning: "Nemo knows his father, Nemo is free from sin", etc.
Nil nisi bene - nothing but good
Non dubitandum est - no doubt
Non solus - not alone
Nunc est bibendum! - now let's feast!
Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amori - love conquers all and we submit to love
Omnium consensu - by common consent
Optima fide - with full confidence
Ore uno - unanimously
Peccare licet nemini! - no one is supposed to sin!
Per aspera ad astra - through hardships to the stars!
Pia desideria - good wishes, cherished dreams
Placeat diis - if the gods please
Prima cartitas ad me - first love is me
Pro bono publico - for the common good
Pro ut de lege - in a legal way
Probatum est - approved
Proprio motu - at will
Quilibet fortunae suae faber - everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness
Sancta sanctorum - Holy of Holies
Si vis amari, ama! - if you want to be loved, love yourself
Sic fata voluerunt - so it was fate
Sponte sua - of good will
Sed semel insanivimus omnes - One day we are all insane
Sic erat in fatis - so it was destined
Sursum Corda! - head up!
Ubi concordia - ibi victoria - where there is agreement, there is victory
Febris erotica - love fever
Vires unitae agunt - forces act together
Vale et me ama - be healthy (s) and love me
Vivamus atque amemus - let's live and love
Vivere est cogitare - to live is to think!
Volente deo - with God's help.

The most complete list!

A selection of beautiful phrases and popular aphorisms in Latin, sayings and quotes with translation for tattoos. Lingua latina is one of the most ancient languages, the appearance of which is attributed to the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e.

Wise Latin sayings are often used by contemporaries as inscriptions for tattoos or as independent tattoos in a beautiful font.

Phrases for a tattoo in Latin

Audaces fortuna juvat.
(translated from Latin)
Happiness favors the brave.

Contra spent spero.
I hope without hope.

Debellare superbos.
Crush the pride of the recalcitrant.

Errare humanum est.

Est quaedam flere voluptas.
There is something of pleasure in tears.

Ex veto.
By promise, by vow.

Faciam ut mei memineris.
Quote from the work of the ancient Roman author Plautus.
I'll make sure you remember me.

Fate, rock.

Done, performed.

Finis coronat opus.
End crowns the work.

Gaudeamus igitur, Juvenes dum sumus!.
Let's rejoice while we're young.

Gutta cavat Lapidem.
A drop wears away a stone.
Literally: Gutta cavat lapidem, consumitur anulus usu - A drop hammers a stone, the ring wears out from use. (Ovid)

Hoc est in votis.
That's what I want.

Homo homini Lupus est.
Man is a wolf to man.

Homo Liber.
Free man.

In hac spe vivo.
I live by this hope.

The truth is in wine.

Magna res est amor.
Love is a great deal.

Malo mori quam foedari.
Better death than dishonor.

Ne cede malls.
Don't be discouraged by misfortune.

Noll me tangere.
Dont touch me.

Omnia mea mecum Porte.
I carry everything with me.

Per aspera ad astra.
Through hardship to the stars.
Also used is the option Ad astra per aspera- to the stars through thorns.
A well-known saying, authorship is attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca, an ancient Roman philosopher.

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi.
What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.
Latin phraseological unit, which determines that there is no equality among people and cannot be.

Suum cuique.
To each his own.

Ubi bene, ibi patria.
Where it is good, there is the homeland.
The original source, apparently, is in the comedy "Plutus" by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes.

Vale et me ama.
Farewell and love me.
With this phrase, Cicero ended his letters.

I came, I saw, I conquered!
Caesar's laconic notice of his victory over Pharnaces, son of Mithridates, at Celus, 47 BC.

Vlvere military est.
Live means fight.

Vivere est cogitare
To live is to think.
The words of the Roman statesman, writer and orator Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris.
Expect from another what you yourself did to another.

Abiens, abi!
Leaving go!
Adversa fortune.
Evil rock.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.
Try to keep your presence of mind even in difficult circumstances.
Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit.

Enjoy life, it's so fleeting.

Ad pulchritudinem ego excitata sum, elegantia spiro et artem efflo.
I am awakened to beauty, I breathe grace and radiate art.

Actum ne agas.
What's done, don't go back to it.

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, and tergo nostra sunt.
Other people's vices are in front of our eyes, ours are behind our backs.

Aliis inserviendo consumer.
By serving others I waste myself.
The inscription under the candle as a symbol of self-sacrifice, cited in numerous editions of collections of symbols and emblems.

Amantes sunt amentes.
Lovers are insane.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant.
Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them.

Amor etiam deos tangit.
Even gods are subject to love.
Amor non est medicabilis herbis.
Love is not cured by herbs. (i.e. there is no cure for love. Ovid, Heroides)

Amor omnia vincit.
Everything wins love.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.
Listen a lot, talk a little.

Audi, vide, size.
Listen, look and be silent.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.
I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam.
Either I'll find a way, or I'll make it myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori.
Either win or die.

Aut caesar, aut nihil.
Or Caesar, or nothing.

Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus.
Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is itself valor.

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.
I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.

Certum voto pete finem.
Set yourself only clear goals (i.e. achievable).

Cogitationes poenam nemo patitur.
Nobody is punished for thinking.
(One of the provisions of Roman law (Digesta)

Cogito, ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am. (The position from which the French philosopher and mathematician Descartes tried to build a system of philosophy, free from elements of faith and based entirely on the activity of the mind. Rene Descartes, "Principles of Philosophy", I, 7, 9.)

Conscientia mille testes.
Conscience is a thousand witnesses. (Latin proverb)

Dolus an virtus quis in hoste requirat?
Who will decide between cunning and valor when dealing with an enemy? (Virgil, "Aeneid", II, 390)

Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt.
Destiny leads the one who wants to go, drags the unwilling one. (A saying of Cleanthes, translated into Latin by Seneca.)

Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas.
You have to eat to live, not live to eat. (A medieval maxim paraphrasing the ancient sayings of Quintilian: “I eat to live, not live to eat” and Socrates: “Some people live to eat, but I eat to live.”)

Hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui.
To be able to enjoy the life lived means to live twice. (Martial, "Epigrams")

Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor.
Pain makes even the innocent lie. (Publius, "Sentences")

Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi.
Forgive others often, never yourself. (Publius, "Sentences")

Infandum renovare dolorem.
To resurrect the terrible, unspeakable pain again, to talk about the sad past. (Virgil, Aeneid)

Homo homini lupus est.
Man to man is a wolf. (Plavt, "Donkeys")

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus.
Time is the most useful adviser to man.

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum.
Fix the past, manage the present, foresee the future.

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida.
To whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice.

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.
Every person is prone to err, but only a fool can persevere in error.

Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit.
When vices flourish, those who live honestly suffer.

Damant, quod non intellectual.
They judge because they don't understand.

De gustibus non disputandum est.
Tastes could not be discussed. (The Russian analogue is the proverb “There is no comrade for the taste and color”)

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil.
About the dead or good, or nothing. (A probable source is the saying of Chilo “Do not slander the dead”)

Descensus averno facilis est.
Easy way to hell.

Deus ipse se fecit.
God created himself.

Divide et impera.
Divide and rule. (Latin formulation of the principle of imperialist policy, which arose already in modern times.)

Dura lex, sed lex.
The law is harsh, but it is the law. The meaning of the Latin phrase: no matter how severe the law, it must be observed.

While I breathe I hope!

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Edite, bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas!
Eat, drink, there is no pleasure after death!
From an old student song. A common motif of ancient inscriptions on tombstones and tableware.

Educa te ipsum!
Educate yourself!

Esse quam videri.
Be, not seem to be.

Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Nothing comes from nothing.

Ex malis eligere minima.
Choose the least of the evils.

Ex ungue leonem.
You can recognize a lion by its claws.

Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum.
We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears.

Experientia est optima magistra.
Experience is the best teacher.

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus.
When we are healthy, it is easy to give good advice to the sick.

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.
Acts are stronger than words.

factum est factam.
What's done is done (fact is fact).

Fama clamosa.
Loud glory.

Fama volat.
The earth is full of rumours.

Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes.
I did my best, who can, let him do better.
(A paraphrase of the formula with which the Roman consuls concluded their accounting speech, transferring authority to the successor.)

Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet.
Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.

Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium.
Having thought up the female disposition to humble, say goodbye to peace!

Festina lente.
Hurry up slowly.

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide.
Be vigilant; trust, but watch who you trust.

Fidelis et forfis.
Loyal and brave.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

flagrant delicto.
At the crime scene, red-handed.

Fors omnia versas.
Blind chance changes everything (the will of blind chance).

Fortes fortuna adjuvat.
Fate helps the brave.

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo.
Firm in action, soft in handling.
(Stubbornly achieve the goal, acting gently.)

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.
Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.
Everyone finds his own destiny.

Fructus temporum.
The fruit of time.

Fuge, late, tace.
Run, hide, shut up.

Fugit irrevocabile tempus.
Irrevocable time is running.

Gaudeamus igitur.
So let's have some fun.

Gloria victoribus.
Glory to the winners.

Gustus legibus non subiacet.
Taste is not subject to laws.

Gutta cavat lapidem.
A drop sharpens a stone.

Heu conscienta animi gravis est servitus.
Worse than slavery are remorse.

Heu quam est timendus qui mori tutus putat!
He is terrible who reveres death for good!

Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt.
People trust their eyes more than their ears.

Homines, dum docent, discunt.
People learn by teaching.

Hominis est errare.
Humans tend to make mistakes.

Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia.
I don't hate a person, but his vices.

Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora.
The more people have, the more they want to have.

Homo hominis amicus est.
Man is man's friend.

Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto.
I am human, and nothing human is alien to me.

Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent.
Where the laws are in force, and the people are strong.

Igne natura renovatur integra.
By fire all nature is renewed.

Imago animi vultus est.
The face is the mirror of the soul.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
To command oneself is the greatest power.

Forever, forever.

Daemon Deus!
In Demon God!

In dubio abstine.
Refrain when in doubt.

Infelicissimum genus infortunii est fuisse felicem.
The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est.
Doubt is half of wisdom.

In pace.
Peace, peace.

Incedo per ignes.
I walk through the fire.

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est.
Doubt is half of wisdom.

Injuriam facilius facias guam feras.
Easy to offend, harder to endure.

In me omnis spes mihi est.
All my hope is in myself.

In memory.
In mind.

In pace leones, in proelio cervi.
In times of peace, lions; in battle, deer. (Tertullian, "On the wreath")

Inter arma silent leges.
When weapons rattle, the laws are silent.

Inter parietes.
Within four walls.

In tyrrannos.
Against tyrants.

The truth is in wine. (Compare Pliny the Elder: "It is generally accepted to attribute guilt to truthfulness.") A very common phrase in tattoos!

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.
Truth is in wine, health is in water.

In vitium ducit culpae fuga.
The desire to avoid a mistake involves another. (Horace, "The Science of Poetry")

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Ira initium insaniae est.
Anger is the beginning of madness.

Jactantius maerent, quae minus dolent.

It is those who grieve the least who flaunt their grief the most.
Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare.

It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself.

Leve fit, quod bene fertur onus.

The load becomes light when you carry it with humility. (Ovid, Love Elegies)

Lucri bonus est odor ex re qualibet.

The smell of profit is pleasant, no matter what it comes from. (Juvenal, "Satires")

Lupus non mordet lupum.
The wolf will not bite the wolf.

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem.
The wolf changes his coat, not his nature.

Manus manum lavat.
The hand washes the hand.
(A proverb that goes back to the Greek comedian Epicharmus.)

Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo.
My conscience is more important to me than all gossip.

Mea vita et anima es.
You are my life and soul.

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.
A good name is better than great wealth.

meliora spero.
Hoping for the best.

Mens sana in corpore sano.
In a healthy body healthy mind.

memento mori.
Memento Mori.
(The form of greeting that the monks of the Trappist order exchanged when they met. It is used both as a reminder of the inevitability of death, and in a figurative sense, of imminent danger.)

Memento quia pulvis est.
Remember that you are dust.

Mores cuique sui fingit fortunam.
Our destiny depends on our morals.

Mors nescit legem, tollit cum paupere regem.
Death does not know the law, takes both the king and the poor.

Mors omnia solvit.
Death solves all problems.

Mortem effugere nemo potest.
Nobody can escape death.

Natura abhorret vacuum.
Nature does not tolerate emptiness.

Naturalia non sunt turpia.
Natural is not shameful.

Nihil est ab omni parte beatum.
Nothing is safe in every way
(i.e. there is no complete well-being Horace, "Odes").

Nihil habeo, nihil curo.
I don't have anything - I don't care about anything.

Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata.

We always strive for the forbidden and desire the unlawful. (Ovid, Love Elegies)

Nolite dicere, sinescitis.
Don't speak if you don't know.

Non est fumus absque igne.
There is no smoke without fire.

Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.
Knowing misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers. (Virgil)

Non progredi est regredi.
Not moving forward means going backwards.

Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum.
Not one step back, always forward.

Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt.
Nowhere there are those who are everywhere.

Oderint dum metuant.
Let them hate, as long as they are afraid. (The words of Atreus from the tragedy Action named after him. According to Suetonius, this was the favorite saying of the emperor Caligula.)

Odi et amo.
I hate and love.

Omne ignotum pro magnifico est.
Everything unknown is majestic. (Tacitus, Agricola)

Omnes homines agunt histrionem.
All people are actors on the stage of life.

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat.
Every hour hurts, the last one kills.

Omnia mea mecum porto.
I carry everything with me.
(When the city of Priene was taken by the enemy and the inhabitants tried to take as many of their things as they fled, someone advised the sage Biant to do the same. “I do this, because I carry everything with me,” he replied, meaning their spiritual wealth.

Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur.
Everything flows, everything changes.

Omnia mors aequat.
Death equalizes everything.

Omnia praeclara rara.
Everything beautiful is rare. (Cicero)

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar.
I get everything I want.

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.

Optimi consiliarii mortui.
The best advisors are dead.

Optimum medicamentum quies est.
The best medicine is peace.
(Medical aphorism, authored by the Roman physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus.)

Pecunia non olet.
Money doesn't smell.

Per aspera ad astra.
Through hardship to the stars. (Through difficulties to a high goal.)

Per fas et nefas.
By all truths and lies.

Per risum multum debes cognoscere stultum.
By frequent laughter you should recognize a fool. (Medieval set expression.)

Perigrinatio est vita.
Life is a journey.

Persona grata.
Desirable person or trustworthy person.

Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. (Matt. 7:7)

First among equals. (A formula characterizing the position of a monarch in a feudal state.)

Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt.
What were vices are now morals.

Quae nocent - docent.
What hurts, teaches.

Qui nisi sunt veri, ratio quoque falsa sit omnis.
If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will be false.

Qui tacet - consentire videtur.
Whoever is silent is considered as having agreed. (Russian analogy: Silence is a sign of consent.)

Quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautum est in horas.
No one can know when to watch out for which danger.

Quo quisque sapientior est, eo solet esse modestior.
The smarter a person is, the more modest he is usually.

Quod cito fit, cito perit.
What is soon done, soon falls apart.

Quomodo fabula, sic vita; non quam diu, sed quam bene acta sit refert.
Life is like a play in a theatre; what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

Respue quod non es.
Drop what is not you.

Scio me nihil scire.
I know that I know nothing.
(Latin translation of the loosely interpreted words of Socrates. Cf. Russian. Learn a century, you will die a fool.)

Sed semel insanivimus omnes.
One day we all go crazy.

Semper mors subest.
Death is always near.

Sequere Deum.
Follow the will of God.

Si etiam omnes, ego non.
Even if everything, then not me. (i.e. Even if everyone will, I won't)

Si vis amari, ama.
If you want to be loved, love.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
(Source - Vegetius. Also compare Cicero: "If we want to use the world, we have to fight" and Cornelius Nepos: "The world is created by war.")

Sibi imperare maximum imperium est.
The highest power is power over yourself.

Similis simili gaudet.
Like rejoices in like.

Sic itur ad astra.
This is how they go to the stars.

Sol lucet omnibus.
The sun shines on everyone.

Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est.
Only a mother deserves love, a father deserves respect.

Sua cuique fortuna in manu est.
Everyone has their own destiny in their hands.

Suum cuique.
To each his own
(i.e., to each what belongs to him by right, to each according to his merits, Regulation of Roman law).

Tanta vis probitatis est, ut eam etiam in hoste diligamus.
The power of honesty is such that we appreciate it even in the enemy.

Tanto brevius omne tempus, quanto felicius est.
The faster time flies, the happier it is.

Tantum possumus, quantum scimus.
We can do as much as we know.

Tarde venientibus ossa.
Who comes late - the bones. (Latin proverb)

Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.
Times change and we change with them.

Tempus fugit.
Time is running out.

Terra incognita.
unknown land
(trans. something completely unknown or inaccessible area on ancient geographical maps, unexplored parts of the earth's surface were designated as such).

Tertium non datur.
There is no third; there is no third.
(In formal logic, this is how one of the four laws of thinking is formulated - the law of the excluded middle. According to this law, if two diametrically opposed positions are given, of which one affirms something, and the other, on the contrary, denies, then there will be a third, middle judgment between them can not.)

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito!

Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it!
Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis.

Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything.
Ut ameris, amabilis esto.
To be loved, be worthy of love.

Utatur motu animi qui uti ratione non potest.
Whoever cannot follow the dictates of the mind, let him follow the movements of the soul.

Varietas dellectat.
Variety is fun.

Verae amititiae sempiternae sunt.
True friendship is eternal.

A well-known and very popular phrase for a tattoo:

I came, I saw, I conquered.

(According to Plutarch, with this phrase, Julius Caesar reported in a letter to his friend Amintius about the victory in the battle of Zela in August 47 BC over the Pontic king Pharnaces.)

Veni, vidi, fugi.
I came, I saw, I ran.
Phrase for a tattoo with humor :)

Victoria nulla est, Quam quae confessos animo quoque subjugat hostes.
The real victory is only when the enemies themselves recognize themselves as defeated. (Claudian, "On the sixth consulship of Honorius")

Vita sine libertate, nihil.
Life without freedom is nothing.

Viva vox alit plenius.
Living speech nourishes more abundantly
(i.e., oral presentation is more successfully absorbed than written).

Vivamus atque amemus.
Let's live and love.

Vi veri vniversum vivus vici.
I conquered the universe by the power of truth during my lifetime.

Vivere est agere.
To live means to act.

Vivere est vincere.
To live means to win.

carpe diem!
The winged Latin expression is translated as “live in the present”, “seize the moment”.

The whole sentence is: " Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. - Time: seize the moment, believe the future as little as possible.

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris.
Expect from another what you yourself did to another.

Ad pulchritudinem ego excitata sum, elegantia spiro et artem efflo.
I am awakened to beauty, I breathe grace and radiate art.

Abiens, abi!
Leaving go!

Adversa fortune.
Evil rock.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.
Try to keep your presence of mind even in difficult circumstances.

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit.
Enjoy life, it's so fleeting.

Actum ne agas.
What's done, don't go back to it.

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, and tergo nostra sunt.
Other people's vices are in front of our eyes, ours are behind our backs.

Amantes sunt amentes.
Lovers are insane.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant.
Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them.

Amor etiam deos tangit.
Even gods are subject to love.

Amor omnia vincit.
Everything wins love.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.
Listen a lot, talk a little.

Audi, vide, size.
Listen, look and be silent.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.
I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam.
Either I'll find a way, or I'll make it myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori.
Either win or die.

Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus.
Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is itself valor.

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.
I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.

Certum voto pete finem.
Set yourself only clear goals (i.e. achievable).

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus.
Time is the most useful adviser to a person.

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum.
Fix the past, manage the present, foresee the future.

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida.
To whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice.

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.
Every person is prone to err, but only a fool can persevere in error.

Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit.
When vices flourish, those who live honestly suffer.

Damant, quod non intellectual.
They judge because they don't understand.

Descensus averno facilis est.
Easy way to hell.

Deus ipse se fecit.
God created himself

Dum spiro, spero!
While I breathe I hope!

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Edite, bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas!
Eat, drink, there is no pleasure after death!
(From an old student song. A common motif of ancient inscriptions on tombstones and tableware.)

Educa te ipsum!
Educate yourself!

Esse quam videri.
Be, not seem to be.

Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Nothing comes from nothing.

Ex ungue leonem.
You can recognize a lion by its claws.

Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum.
We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears.

Experientia est optima magistra.
Experience is the best teacher.

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus.
When we are healthy, it is easy to give good advice to the sick.

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.
Acts are stronger than words.

factum est factam.
What's done is done (fact is fact).

Fama clamosa.
Loud glory.

Fama volat.
The earth is full of rumours.

Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet.
Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.

Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium.
Having thought up the female disposition to humble, say goodbye to peace!

Festina lente.
Hurry up slowly.

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide.
Be vigilant; trust, but watch who you trust.

Fidelis et forfis.
Loyal and brave.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

Fors omnia versas.
Blind chance changes everything (the will of blind chance).

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo.
Firm in action, soft in handling.
(Stubbornly achieve the goal, acting gently.)

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.
Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.
Everyone finds his own destiny.

Fructus temporum.
The fruit of time.

Fuge, late, tace.
Run, hide, shut up.

Fugit irrevocabile tempus.
Irrevocable time is running.

Gaudeamus igitur.
So let's have some fun.

Gloria victoribus.
Glory to the winners.

Gustus legibus non subiacet.
Taste is not subject to laws.

Gutta cavat lapidem.
A drop sharpens a stone.

Heu conscienta animi gravis est servitus.
Worse than slavery are remorse.

Heu quam est timendus qui mori tutus putat!
He is terrible who reveres death for good!

Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt.
People trust their eyes more than their ears.

Homines, dum docent, discunt.
People learn by teaching.

Hominis est errare.
Humans tend to make mistakes.

Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia.
I don't hate a person, but his vices.

Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora.
The more people have, the more they want to have.

Homo hominis amicus est.
Man is man's friend.

Homo homini lupus est.
Man to man is a wolf.
(Plavt, "Donkeys")

Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto.
I am human, and nothing human is alien to me.

Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent.
Where the laws are in force, and the people are strong.

Igne natura renovatur integra.
By fire all nature is renewed.

Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi.
Forgive others often, never yourself.
(Publius, Maxims)

Imago animi vultus est.
The face is the mirror of the soul.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
To command oneself is the greatest power.

In aeternum.
Forever, forever.

Daemon Deus!
In Demon God!

In dubio abstine.
Refrain when in doubt.

Infandum renovare dolorem.
To resurrect terrible (literally: "unspeakable") pain
(that is, to talk about the sad past).
(Virgil, Aeneid)

In pace.
Peace, peace.

Incedo per ignes.
I walk through the fire.

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est.
Doubt is half of wisdom.

Injuriam facilius facias guam feras.
Easy to offend, harder to endure.

In me omnis spes mihi est.
All my hope is in myself.

In memory.
In memory.

Inter arma silent leges.
When weapons rattle, the laws are silent.

Inter parietes.
Within four walls.

In tyrrannos.
Against tyrants.

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.
Truth is in wine, health is in water.

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Ira initium insaniae est.
Anger is the beginning of madness.

Jactantius maerent, quae minus dolent.
It is those who grieve the least who flaunt their grief the most.

Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare.
It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself.

Lupus non mordet lupum.
The wolf will not bite the wolf.

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem.
The wolf changes his coat, not his nature.

Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo.
My conscience is more important to me than all gossip.

Mea vita et anima es.
You are my life and soul.

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.
A good name is better than great wealth.

meliora spero.
Hoping for the best.

Mens sana in corpore sano.
In a healthy body healthy mind.

Memento quia pulvis est.
Remember that you are dust.

Natura abhorret vacuum.
Nature does not tolerate emptiness.

Naturalia non sunt turpia.
Natural is not shameful.

Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata.
We always strive for the forbidden and desire the unlawful.
(Ovid, Love Elegies)

Nolite dicere, sinescitis.
Don't speak if you don't know.

Non est fumus absque igne.
There is no smoke without fire.

Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.
Knowing misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers.

Non progredi est regredi.
Not moving forward means going backwards.

Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum.
Not one step back, always forward.

Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt.
Nowhere there are those who are everywhere.

Odi et amo.
I hate and love.

Omnes homines agunt histrionem.
All people are actors on the stage of life.

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat.
Every hour hurts, the last one kills.

Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur.
Everything flows, everything changes.

Omnia mors aequat.
Death equalizes everything.

Omnia praeclara rara.
Everything beautiful is rare.

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar.
I get everything I want.

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.

Optimi consiliarii mortui.
The best advisors are dead.

Pecunia non olet.
Money doesn't smell.

Per fas et nefas.
By all truths and lies.

Per risum multum debes cognoscere stultum.
By frequent laughter you should recognize a fool.
(Medieval proverb.)

Perigrinatio est vita.
Life is a journey.

Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. (Matt. 7:7)

Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt.
What were vices are now morals.

Quae nocent - docent.
What hurts, teaches.

Qui nisi sunt veri, ratio quoque falsa sit omnis.
If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will be false.

Qui tacet - consentire videtur.
Whoever is silent is considered as having agreed.
(Compare Russian. Silence is a sign of consent.)

quotes, words in Latin with translation into Russian.
Latin claims to be universal. Ancient mythology, philosophy, literature, medicine, any scientific terminology - is built on the basis of Latin-Greek term elements. Latin aphorisms adorn the speech of politicians, journalists, writers.

Veni, vidi, vici! I came, I saw, I conquered! Julius Caesar

Odi et amo! I hate and love! Gaius Valerius Catullus.

Cura nihil aliud nisi ut valeas! While I breathe I hope! Cicero.

Abiens abi. Leaving go.

Adhibenda est in iocando moderatio. You should use restraint in your jokes. Cicero.

Ave atque vale. Rejoice and forgive. Gaius Valerius Catullus

Perigrinatio est vita. Life is a journey.

Abyssus abyssum invocat. The abyss calls to the abyss.

All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire. Aristotle
All human actions have at least one of these seven causes: Chance, Character, Compulsion, Habit, Profit, Passion, and Desire. Aristotle

Amicus verus - rara avis. A true friend is a rare bird.

Amor non est medicabilis herbis. Love is not cured by herbs. Ovid

Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers everything. Virgil Maron

Amor ac deliciae generis humani. Love is the consolation of the human race.

Audentes fortuna iuvat. Fortune favors the brave. Virgil Maron

Bonis quod bene fit haud perit. What is done for good people is never done in vain. Plautus

Bonus animus in mala re dimidium est mali. A good mood in trouble halves the trouble. Plautus

Caeca invidia est. The lead is blind. Titus Livy.

carpe diem. Seize the day. (Live today). Horace.

Carum quod rarum. Expensive is rare.

Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. Rene Descartes.

Concordia parvae res crescunt, discordia maximae dilabuntur. With agreement, small things grow; with discord, even great things fall into decay. Sallust.

Consuetude altera natura. Habit is second nature. Cicero.

Consumor aliis inserviendo. In serving others, I waste myself; shining on others, I burn myself.

Contrafactum non est argumentum. There is no proof against the fact.

Dives est, qui sapiens est. Rich who is wise.

Emporis filia veritas. Truth is the daughter of time.

Epistula non erubescit. Paper does not blush, paper endures everything. Cicero.

Errare humanum est. To err is human. Seneca

est modus in rebus. Everything has a limit; everything has its measure. Quint Horace.

Est rerum omnium magister usus. Experience is the teacher of everything. Caesar

Et gaudium et solatium in litteris. Both joy and consolation in the sciences. Pliny.

Ex parvis saepe magnarum rerum momenta pendent. The outcome of big cases often depends on the little things. Livy

Fabricando fabricamur. When we create, we create ourselves.

Festina lente. Hurry slowly

Fit via vi. The road is built by force. Annei Seneca

Ibi victoria, ubi concordia. There is victory where there is unity.

Justum et tenacem propositi virum! Who is right is firmly moving towards the goal! Quint Horace.

Libri amici, libri magistri. Books are friends, books are teachers.

Longa est vita, si plena est. Life is long if it is full. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Mare verborum, gutta rerum. A sea of ​​words, a drop of deeds.

Nulla dies sine linea. Not a day without a line. Pliny.

Nulla regula sine exception. There is no rule without exception. Annei Seneca

Omnia mea mecum porto. I carry everything with me. Cicero.

Potius sero quam numquam. Better late than never. Livy

Quam bene vivas refert, non quam diu. What matters is not how long you live, but how well you live. Seneca.

Qui dedit benificium taceat; narret qui accepit. Let the one who has done a good deed be silent; Let the one who received it tell.

Qui multum alphabet, plus will buy. One who has many desires. Annei Seneca

Qui non zelat, non amat. Who is not jealous, he does not love.

Quod dubitas, ne feceris. Whatever you doubt, don't do it.

Semper avarus eget. The miser is always in need. Quint Horace.

Silent enim leges inter arma. Laws are silent during the war. Cicero

Soli Deo Honor et Gloria. To God alone honor and glory.

Timendi causa est nescire. Ignorance is the cause of fear. Annei Seneca

Ut pictura poesis. Poetry is like painting.

Veritas numquam perit. Truth never dies. Seneca

Verus amicus amici nunquam obliviscitur. A true friend never forgets a friend.

Vestis virum reddit. Clothes make the man, clothes make the man. Quintilian.

Veterrimus homini optimus amicus est. The oldest friend is the best. Titus Maccius Plautus.

Vir bonus semper tiro. A decent person is always a simpleton. Mark Valery Martial.

Vir excelso animo. A man of exalted soul.

Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia. Life is governed not by wisdom, but by luck.

Vivere est cogitare. To live is to think. Cicero.

Vox emissa volat; litera scripta manet. What is said disappears, what is written remains.

Vox populi vox Dei. The voice of the people is the voice of God

Ex ungue leonem. You can recognize a lion by its claws (the bird is visible in flight)

Latin is the most unusual of all the languages ​​known to modern people. Not being the language of live interpersonal communication, it continues to play an important role in the culture of people, becoming a kind of language of science. Inspired by the treatises of ancient Roman thinkers, medieval scholars continue to write scientific papers and conduct disputes in Latin.
Section topic: quotes, wise thoughts, phrases, in Latin with translation into Russian.

Latin winged expressions

Amico lectori (To a friend-reader)

Necessitas magistra. - Need is a mentor (need teaches everything).

[netsessitas of the master] Compare: “Necessity for inventions is cunning”, “You will become bast shoes, as if there is nothing to eat”, “If you get hungry - you will guess bread”, “Suma and prison will give you mind”. A similar thought is found in the Roman poet Persia ("Satires", "Prologue", 10-11): "The teacher of arts is the stomach." From Greek authors - in the comedy of Aristophanes "Plutos" (532-534), where Poverty, which they want to expel from Hellas (Greece), proves that it is she, and not the god of wealth Plutos (to everyone's joy, healed of blindness in the temple the god of healing Asclepius and now wasting himself on mortals), is the giver of all blessings, forcing people to engage in sciences and crafts.

Nemo omnia potest scire. - No one can know everything.

[nemo omnia potest scire] The basis was the words of Horace ("Odes", IV, 4, 22), taken as an epigraph to the Latin dictionary compiled by the Italian philologist Forcellini: "It is impossible to know everything." Compare: "You can not embrace the immensity."

Nihil habeo, nihil timeo. - I have nothing - I'm not afraid of anything.

[nihil habeo, nihil timeo] Compare with Juvenal (“Satires”, X, 22): “A traveler who has nothing with him will sing in the presence of a robber.” Also with the proverb " The rich man cannot sleep, he is afraid of a thief."

Nil sub sole novum. - There is nothing new under the sun.

[nil sub sole novum] From the Book of Ecclesiastes (1, 9), the author of which is considered to be the wise King Solomon. The point is that a person is unable to come up with anything new, no matter what he does, and everything that happens to a person is not an exceptional phenomenon (as it sometimes seems to him), but has already happened before him and will happen again after.

noli nocere! - Do no harm!

[zero nozere!] The main precept of a doctor, also known in the form “Primum non nocere” [primum non nozere] (“First of all, do no harm”). Formulated by Hippocrates.

Noli tangere circulos meos! - Don't touch my circles!

[zero tangere circulos meos!] About something inviolable, not subject to change, not allowing interference. It is based on the last words of the Greek mathematician and mechanic Archimedes given by the historian Valery Maxim (“Memorable deeds and words”, VIII, 7, 7). Taking Syracuse (Sicily) in 212 BC, the Romans gave him life, although the machines invented by the scientist sank and set fire to their ships. But the robbery began, and the Roman soldiers entered the courtyard of Archimedes and asked who he was. The scientist studied the drawing and, instead of answering, covered it with his hand, saying: "Do not touch this"; he was killed for disobedience. About this - one of the "Scientific Tales" by Felix Krivin ("Archimedes").

Nomen est omen. - The name is a sign.

[nomen est omen] In other words, the name speaks for itself: it tells something about a person, portends his fate. It is based on the comedy of Plautus "Persus" (IV, 4, 625): selling a pimp a girl named Lukrida, cognate with the Latin lucrum [lukrum] (profit), Toxil convinces him that such a name promises a good deal.

Nomina sunt odiosa. - Names are undesirable.

[nomina sunt odiosa] A call to speak on the merits, without getting personal, not to cite well-known names. The basis is the advice of Cicero (“In Defense of Sextus Roscius the American”, XVI, 47) not to mention the names of acquaintances without their consent to this.

Non bis in idem. - Not twice for one.

[non bis in idem] This means that twice for the same offense is not punished. Compare: "Two skins are not pulled from one ox."

Non curator, qui curat. - He who has worries is not cured.

[non curatur, qui curat] Inscription on the terms (public baths) in Ancient Rome.

Non est culpa vini, sed culpa bibentis. It's not the wine's fault, it's the drinker's fault.

[non est kulpa vini, sed kulpa bibentis] From the couplets of Dionysius Katbna (II, 21).

Non omnis moriar. - Not all of me will die.

[non omnis moriar] So Horace in the ode (III, 30, 6), called "Monument" (see the article "Exegi monumentum"), speaks of his poems, arguing that while the high priest will ascend the Capitoline Hill, making an annual prayer for the good of Rome (which the Romans, like us, called the Eternal City), his unfading glory will also increase, Horace. This motif is heard in all rehashings of the "Monument". For example, in Lomonosov (“I erected a sign of immortality for myself ...”): “I won’t die at all, but death will leave // ​​my great part, as I end my life.” Or Pushkin (“I have erected a monument to myself not made by hands…”): Met, I will not die all - the soul in the cherished lyre // my ashes will survive and smolder will escape.

Non progredi est regredi. - Not to go forward means to go back.

[non progradi est regradi]

Non rex est lex, sed lex est rex. - Not the king is the law, and the law is the king.

[non rex est lex, sad lex est lex]

Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. - We study not for school, but for life.

[non schole, sed vitae discimus] Based on Seneca's reproach ("Moral Letters to Lucilius", 106, 12) to armchair philosophers, whose thoughts are divorced from reality, and their minds are cluttered with useless information.

Non semper erunt Saturnalia. - There will always be Saturnalia (holidays, carefree days).

[non sampler erunt saturnalia] Compare: “Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat”, “Not everything is with a supply, you will live with kvass”. Occurs in the work attributed to Seneca "The Apotheosis of the Divine Claudius" (12). Saturnalia was celebrated annually in December (since 494 BC), in memory of the golden age (the era of prosperity, equality, peace), when, according to legend, Saturn, the father of Jupiter, reigned in the region of Latium (where Rome was located). People had fun on the streets, went to visit; work, legal proceedings, and the development of military plans were stopped. For one day (December 19), the slaves received freedom, sat down at the same table with their modestly dressed masters, who, moreover, served them.

Non sum qualis eram. - I'm not what I used to be.

[non sum qualis eram] Starev, Horace ("Odes", IV, 1, 3) asks
the goddess of love Venus leave him alone.

Nosce te ipsum. - Know yourself.

[nostse te ipsum] According to legend, this inscription was inscribed on the pediment of the famous Temple of Apollo in Delphi (Central Greece). It was said that once seven Greek sages (VI century BC) gathered near the Delphic temple and put this saying at the basis of all Hellenic (Greek) wisdom. The Greek original of this phrase, "gnothi seauton" [gnoti seauton], is given by Juvenal ("Satires", XI, 27).

Novus rex, nova lex. - New king - new law.

[novus rex, nova lex] Compare: “A new broom sweeps in a new way.”

Nulla ars in se versatur. - Not a single art (not a single science) closes in on itself.

[nulla are in se versatur] Cicero (“On the Limits of Good and Evil”, V, 6, 16) says that the goal of every science lies outside it: for example, healing is the science of health.

Nulla calamitas sola. - Trouble does not [walk] alone.

[nulla kalamitas sola] Compare: "Trouble has come - open the gate", "Trouble brings seven troubles."

Nulla dies sine linea. - Not a day without a line.

[nulla dies sine linea] A call to practice your art daily; an excellent motto for an artist, writer, publisher. The source is the story of Pliny the Elder (“Natural History, XXXV, 36, 12) about Apelles, a Greek painter of the 4th century BC. BC, who drew at least one line every day. Pliny himself, a politician and scientist, the author of the 37-volume encyclopedic work "Natural History" ("History of Nature"), which contains about 20,000 facts (from mathematics to art criticism) and used information from the works of almost 400 authors, followed this rule all his life Apelles, which became the basis for the couplet: "According to the testament of the elder Pliny, / / ​​Nulla dies sine linea."

Nulla salus bello. - There is no good in war.

[nulla salus bello] In Virgil's Aeneid (XI, 362), the noble Latin Drank asks the king of the rutuli Turna to end the war with Aeneas, in which many Latins die: either retire or fight the hero one on one, so that the daughter of the king Latina and the kingdom went to the victor.

Nunc vino pellite curas. - Now drive away worries with wine.

[nunc wine pallite kuras] In Horace's ode (I, 7, 31), Teucer refers to his companions in this way, forced to go into exile again after returning from the Trojan War to his native island of Salamis (see "Ubi bene, ibi patria").

Oh rus! - O village!

[o Rus!] “O village! When will I see you!” - exclaims Horace (“Satires”, II, 6, 60), telling how, after a hectic day spent in Rome, having solved a bunch of things on the go, he wholeheartedly strives for a quiet corner - an estate in the Sabine Mountains, which has long been the subject of his dreams (See "Hoc erat in votis") and presented to him by the Maecenas - a friend of Emperor Augustus. The philanthropist also helped other poets (Virgil, Proportion), but it was thanks to the poems of Horace that his name became famous and began to denote any patron of the arts. In the epigraph to the 2nd chapter of “Eugene Onegin” (“The village where Eugene was bored was a lovely corner ...”) Pushkin used a pun: “Oh rus! Oh Rus! »

O sancta simplicitas! - O holy simplicity!

[Oh sankta simplicitas!] About someone's naivety, slow-wittedness. According to legend, the phrase was said by Jan Hus (1371-1415), the ideologist of the Church Reformation in the Czech Republic, when during his burning as a heretic by the verdict of the Constance Church Cathedral, some pious old woman threw an armful of brushwood into the fire. Jan Hus preached in Prague; he demanded equalization of the rights of the laity with the clergy, called the only head of the church of Christ, the only source of doctrine - Holy Scripture, and some popes - heretics. The Pope summoned Hus to the Council to state his point of view, promising safety, but then, having kept him in prison for 7 months and executing him, said that he did not fulfill the promises made to the heretics.

O tempora! about mores! - About times! oh manners!

[oh tempora! o mores!] Perhaps the most famous expression from the first speech of Cicero (consul 63 BC) against the senator-conspirator Catiline (I, 2), who is considered the pinnacle of Roman oratory. Revealing the details of the conspiracy at a meeting of the Senate, Cicero in this phrase is outraged both by the impudence of Catiline, who dared to appear in the Senate as if nothing had happened, although his intentions were known to everyone, and by the inaction of the authorities against the criminal plotting the death of the Republic; while in the old days they killed people who were less dangerous to the state. Usually the expression is used, stating the decline of morals, condemning an entire generation, emphasizing the unheard-of nature of the event.

Occidat, dum imperet. - Let him kill, if only to reign.

[oktsidat, dum imperet] So, according to the historian Tacitus (Annals, XIV, 9), the power-hungry Agrippina, the great-granddaughter of Augustus, answered the astrologers who predicted that her son Nero would become emperor, but would kill his mother. Indeed, after 11 years Agrippina's husband was her uncle, Emperor Claudius, whom she poisoned 6 years later, in 54 AD, passing the throne to her son. Subsequently, Agrippina became one of the victims of the suspicion of the cruel emperor. After unsuccessful attempts to poison her, Nero staged a shipwreck; and having learned that the mother was saved, he ordered to stab her with a sword (Suetonius, “Nero”, 34). He himself also faced a painful death (see "Qualis artifex pereo").

Oderint, dum metuant. - Let them hate, if only they were afraid.

[oderint, dum matuant] The expression usually characterizes power, which rests on the fear of subordinates. The source is the words of the cruel king Atreus from the tragedy of the same name by the Roman playwright Action (II-I centuries BC). According to Suetonius ("Gaius Caligula", 30), the emperor Caligula (12-41 AD) liked to repeat them. Even as a child, he loved to be present during torture and executions, every 10th day he signed sentences, demanding that the condemned be executed with small, frequent blows. The fear in people was so great that many did not immediately believe the news of the murder of Caligula as a result of a conspiracy, believing that he himself spread these rumors in order to find out what they think of him (Suetonius, 60).

Oderint, dum probent. - Let them hate, if only they would support.

[oderinth, dum probent] According to Suetonius ("Tiberius", 59), this is what the emperor Tiberius (42 BC - 37 AD) used to say, reciting anonymous poems about his ruthlessness. Even in childhood, the character of Tiberius was shrewdly defined by the teacher of eloquence Theodore Gadarsky, who, scolding, called him “mud mixed with blood” (“Tiberius”, 57).

Odero, si potero. - I will hate if I can [and if I cannot, I will love against my will].

[odero, si potero] Ovid (“Love Elegies”, III, 11, 35) speaks of the attitude towards an insidious girlfriend.

Od(i) et amo. - I hate and love.

[odet amo] From the famous couplet of Catullus about love and hate (No. 85): “Though I hate, I love. Why? - perhaps you will ask. / / I don’t understand myself, but feeling it in myself, I collapse ”(translated by A. Fet). Perhaps the poet wants to say that he no longer feels the former sublime, respectful feeling for the unfaithful girlfriend, but he cannot stop loving her physically and hates himself (or her?) for this, realizing that he is cheating on himself, his understanding of love. The fact that these two opposite feelings are equally present in the hero's soul emphasizes the equal number of syllables in the Latin verbs "hate" and "love". Perhaps this is also why there is still no adequate Russian translation of this poem.

Oleum et operam perdidi. - I [in vain] spent (a) oil and labor.

[oleum et operam perdidi] This is how a person who has wasted time, worked to no avail, without getting the expected results, can say about himself. The proverb is found in the comedy of Plautus "The Punian" (I, 2, 332), where the girl, whose two companions the young man noticed and greeted first, sees that she tried in vain, dressing up and anointing herself with oil. Cicero gives a similar expression, speaking not only of oil for anointing (“Letters to relatives”, VII, 1, 3), but also about the oil for lighting used during work (“Letters to Atticus”, II, 17, 1) . We can also find a similar statement in Petronius' novel "Satyricon" (CXXXIV).

Omnia mea mecum porto. - I carry everything with me.

[omnia mea mekum porto] The source is a legend told by Cicero (“Paradoxes”, I, 1, 8) about Biant, one of the seven Greek sages (VI century BC). Enemies attacked his city of Priyon, and the inhabitants, hastily leaving their homes, tried to take with them as many things as possible. To the call to do the same, Biant replied that this is exactly what he does, because. always carries in itself its true, inalienable wealth, for which knots and bags are not needed - the treasures of the soul, the wealth of the mind. It’s a paradox, but now Biant’s words are often used when they carry things with them for all occasions (for example, all their documents). The expression can also indicate a low level of income.

Omnia mutantur, mutabantur, mutabuntur. Everything is changing, has changed and will continue to change.

[omnia mutantur, mutabantur, mutabuntur]

Omnia praeclara rara. - Everything beautiful [is] rare.

[omnia preklara papa] Cicero (“Lelius, or On Friendship”, XXI, 79) talks about how difficult it is to find a true friend. Hence the final words of "Ethics >> Spinoza (V, 42): "Everything beautiful is as difficult as it is rare" (about how difficult it is to free the soul from prejudices and affects). Compare with the Greek proverb "Kala halepa" ("Beautiful is difficult"), given in Plato's dialogue "Hippias the Great" (304 e), where the essence of beauty is discussed.

Omnia vincit amor, . - Love conquers everything, [and we will submit to love!]

[omni vontsit amor, et nos tsedamus amori] Abbreviated version: “Amor omnia vincit” [amor omnia vontsit] (“Love conquers all”). Compare: “Though drowning, but converge with a sweetheart”, “Love and death do not know barriers.” The source of the expression is Virgil's Bucoliki (X, 69).

Optima sun communication. - The best belongs to everyone.

[optima sunt communia] Seneca (“Moral letters to Lucilius”, 16, 7) says that he considers all true thoughts to be his own.

Optimum medicamentum quies est. - The best medicine is rest.

[optimum medikamentum kvies est] The saying belongs to the Roman physician Cornelius Celsus (“Sentences”, V, 12).

Otia dant vitia. - Idleness breeds vices.

[ocia dant vicia] Compare: “Labor feeds, but laziness spoils”, “From idleness, foolishness profits, in labor the will is tempered.” Also with the statement of the Roman statesman and writer Cato the Elder (234-149 BC), quoted by Columella, writer of the 1st century. AD ("About agriculture", XI, 1, 26): "Doing nothing, people learn bad deeds."

otium cum dignitate - worthy leisure (dedicated to literature, arts, sciences)

[Otsium kum dignitate] Definition of Cicero (“On the Orator”, 1,1, 1), who, after leaving the affairs of the state, devoted his free time to writing.

Otium post negotium. - Rest - after work.

[ocium post negocium] Compare: “Did the job - walk boldly”, “Time for business, hour for fun”.

Pacta sunt servanda. - Treaties must be respected.

[pact sunt servanda] Compare: “A deal is more expensive than money.”

Paete, non dolet. - Pet, it doesn't hurt (it's okay).

[pete, non-dolet] The expression is used, wanting to convince a person by their own example to try something unknown to him, causing concern. These famous words of Arria, the wife of the consul Caecina Peta, who participated in an unsuccessful conspiracy against the feeble-minded and cruel emperor Claudius (42 AD), are cited by Pliny the Younger (Letters, III, 16, 6). The plot was uncovered, its organizer Scribonian was executed. Pet, sentenced to death, had to commit suicide within a certain period, but could not decide. And once his wife, at the conclusion of the persuasion, pierced herself with her husband's dagger, with these words took him out of the wound and gave it to Pet.

Pallet: aut amat, aut student. - Pale: either in love or studying.

[pallet: out amat, out student] Medieval proverb.

pallida morte futura - pale in the face of death (pale as death)

[pallida morte futura] Virgil ("Aeneid", IV, 645) speaks of the Carthaginian queen Dido, abandoned by Aeneas, who decided to commit suicide in a fit of madness. Pale, with bloodshot eyes, she raced through the palace. The hero, who left Dido on the orders of Jupiter (see "Naviget, haec summa (e) sl"), seeing the glow of the funeral pyre from the deck of the ship, felt that something terrible had happened (V, 4-7).

Panem et circles! - Meal'n'Real!

[panem et circenses!] Usually characterizes the limited desires of the inhabitants, who are not at all concerned about serious issues in the life of the country. In this exclamation, the poet Juvenal ("Satires", X, 81) reflected the basic demand of the idle Roman mob in the era of the Empire. Resigned to the loss of political rights, the poor people were content with handouts that dignitaries achieved popularity among the people - the distribution of free bread and the organization of free circus spectacles (chariot races, gladiator fights), costume battles. Every day, according to the law of 73 BC, poor Roman citizens (there were about 200,000 in the I-II centuries AD) received 1.5 kg of bread; then they also introduced the distribution of butter, meat, and money.

Parvi liberi, parvum maluni. - Small children - small troubles.

[parvi liberi, parvum malum] Compare: “Big children are big and poor”, “Sorrow with small children, and twice as much with big ones”, “A small child sucks its chest, and a big one a heart”, “You can’t sleep a small child gives, and the big - to live.

Parvum parva decent. - Small suits small.

[parvum parva detsent (parvum parva detsent)] Horace (“Messages”, I, 7, 44), referring to his patron and friend Maecenas, whose name later became a household name, says that he is completely satisfied with his estate in the Sabine mountains (see. "Hoc erat in votis") and he is not attracted to life in the capital.

pauper ubique jacet. - The poor man is defeated everywhere.

[pavper ubikve yatset] Compare: “All the bumps fall on poor Makar”, “The censer smokes on the poor man”. From Ovid's poem Fasti (I, 218).

Pecunia nervus belli. - Money is the nerve (driving force) of war.

[pecunia nervus belli] The expression is found in Cicero ("Philippi", V, 2, 6).

Peccant reges, plectuntur Achivi. - Kings sin, but [simple] Achaeans (Greeks) suffer.

[paekkant reges, plectuntur akhiv] Compare: "The bars are fighting, and the peasants' forelocks are cracking." It is based on the words of Horace (“Messages”, I, 2, 14), who tells how the Greek hero Achilles (see “inutile terrae pondus”) insulted by King Agamemnon refused to participate in the Trojan War, which led to defeats and death many Achaeans.

Pecunia non olet. - Money doesn't smell.

[bakunia non olet] In other words, money is always money, no matter where it comes from. According to Suetonius (Divine Vespasian, 23), when Emperor Vespasian taxed public toilets, his son Titus began to reproach his father. Vespasian raised a coin from the first profit to his son's nose and asked if it smelled. “Non olet” (“He smells”), Tit replied.

Per aspera ad astra. - Through thorns (difficulties) to the stars.

[per aspera ad astra] Call to go to the goal, overcoming all obstacles on the way. In reverse order: "Ad astra per aspera" is the state motto of Kansas.

Pereat mundus, fiat justitia! - Let the world perish, but justice will (be done)!

[pereat mundus, fiat justice!] "Fiat justitia, pereat mundus" ("Let justice be done and let the world perish") - the motto of Ferdinand I, Emperor (1556-1564) of the Holy Roman Empire, expressing the desire to restore justice at any cost. The expression is often quoted with the last word replaced.

Periculum in mora. - Danger - in delay. (Procrastination is like death.)

[pariculum in mora] Titus Livius (“The History of Rome from the Foundation of the City”, XXXVIII, 25, 13) speaks of the Romans, oppressed by the Gauls, who fled, seeing that it was no longer possible to delay.

Plaudite, cives! - Applaud, citizens!

[plavdite, tsives!] One of the final appeals of Roman actors to the audience (see also “Valete et plaudite”). According to Suetonius (Divine Augustus, 99), before his death, the emperor Augustus asked (in Greek) the friends who entered to clap if he, in their opinion, played the comedy of life well.

Plenus venter non studet libenter. - A well-fed belly is deaf to learning.

[plenus venter non studet libenter]

plus sonat, quam valet - more ringing than meaning (more ringing than weighing)

[plus sonatas, kvam jack] Seneca (“Moral Letters to Lucilius”, 40, 5) speaks of the speeches of demagogues.

Poete nascuntur, oratores fiunt. Poets are born, but speakers are made.

[poet naskuntur, oratbres fiunt] Based on the words from Cicero's speech “In Defense of the Poet Aulus Licinius Archius” (8, 18).

pollice verso - twisted finger (finish him!)

[pollice verso] By turning the lowered thumb of the right hand to the chest, the audience decided the fate of the defeated gladiator: the winner, who received a cup of gold coins from the organizers of the games, had to finish him off. The expression is found in Juvenal ("Satires", III, 36-37).

Populus remedia cupit. The people are hungry for medicine.

[populus remedia will buy] Saying of Galen, personal physician of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned 161-180), his son-in-law, co-ruler Verus and son of Commodus.

Post nubila sol. - After a bad weather - the sun.

[post nubila sol] Compare: "Not all bad weather, the sun will be red." It is based on a poem by the New Latin poet Alan of Lille (XII century): “After the gloomy clouds, it is more comforting for us than the ordinary sun; // so love after quarrels will seem brighter ”(translated by the compiler). Compare with the motto of Geneva: “Post tenebras lux” [post tenebras lux] (“After darkness, light”).

Primum vivere, deinde philosophari. - First to live, and only then to philosophize.

[primum vivere, deinde philosopharies] A call before talking about life, to experience and go through a lot. In the mouth of a person associated with science, it means that the joys of everyday life are not alien to him.

primus inter pares - first among equals

[primus inter pares] On the position of the monarch in a feudal state. The formula dates back to the time of the emperor Augustus, who, fearing the fate of his predecessor, Julius Caesar (he was too clearly striving for sole power and was killed in 44 BC, as see in the article “Et tu, Brute!” ), retained the appearance of a republic and freedom, calling himself primus inter pares (because his name was in first place in the list of senators), or princeps (i.e. the first citizen). Hence, established by Augustus by 27 BC. the form of government, when all republican institutions were preserved (the senate, elective offices, the people's assembly), but in fact the power belonged to one person, is called the principate.

Prior tempore - potior jure. - First in time - first in right.

[prior tempore - potior yure] A legal norm called the right of the first owner (first seizure). Compare: "Who ripened, he ate."

pro aris et focis - for altars and hearths [to fight]

[about Aris et Fotsis] In other words, to protect everything that is most precious. Occurs in Titus Livius ("History of Rome from the founding of the City", IX, 12, 6).

Procul ab oculis, procul ex mente. - Out of sight, out of mind.

[proculus ab oculis, proculus ex mente]

Procul, profani! - Go away, uninitiated!

[prokul este, profane!] Usually this is a call not to judge things that you do not understand. Epigraph to Pushkin's poem "The Poet and the Crowd" (1828). In Virgil (Aeneid, VI, 259), the prophetess Sibyl exclaims, having heard the howl of dogs - a sign of the approach of the goddess Hecate, the mistress of shadows: “Alien mysteries, away! Leave the grove immediately! (translated by S. Osherov). The seer drives away the companions of Aeneas, who came to her in order to find out how he could descend into the realm of the dead and see his father there. The hero himself was already initiated into the mystery of what is happening thanks to the golden branch he plucked in the forest for the mistress of the underworld, Proserpina (Persephone).

Proserpina nullum caput fugit. - Proserpina (death) spares no one.

[prozerpina nullum kaput fugit] Based on the words of Horace (“Odes”, I, 28, 19-20). About Proserpine, see the previous article.

Pulchra res homo est, si homo est. - A person is beautiful if he is a person.

[pulchra res homo est, si homo est] Compare in the tragedy of Sophocles “Antigone” (340-341): “There are many miracles in the world, / / ​​man is more wonderful than all of them" (translated by S. Shervinsky and N. Poznyakov). In the original Greek - the definition of "deinos" (terrible, but also wonderful). It's about the fact that great powers lurk in a person, with their help you can do good or evil deeds, it all depends on the person himself.

Qualis artifex pereo! What artist is dying!

[qualis artifex pereo!] About something valuable that is not used for its intended purpose, or about a person who has not realized himself. According to Suetonius (Nero, 49), these words were repeated before his death (68 AD) by the emperor Nero, who considered himself a great tragic singer and loved to perform in the theaters of Rome and Greece. The Senate declared him an enemy and was looking for execution according to the custom of his ancestors (they clamped the criminal’s head with a block and flogged him to death), but Nero was still slow to part with his life. He ordered either to dig a grave, or to bring water and firewood, all exclaiming that a great artist was dying in him. Only when he heard the approach of the horsemen, who were instructed to take him alive, Nero, with the help of the freedman Phaon, plunged a sword into his throat.

Qualis pater, talis filius. - What is the father, such is the good fellow. (What is the father, such is the son.)

[qualis pater, talis filius]

Qualis rex, talis grex. - What is the king, such is the people (i.e. what is the priest, such is the parish).

[qualis rex, talis grex]

Qualis vir, talis oratio. - What is the husband (man), such is the speech.

[qualis vir, talis et orazio] From the maxims of Publius Syra (No. 848): “Speech is a reflection of the mind: what is the husband, such is the speech.” Compare: "Know the bird by its feathers, and the young man by his speeches", "What is the priest, such is his prayer."

Qualis vita, et mors ita. What is life, such is death.

[qualis vita, et mors ita] Compare: "To a dog - dog death."

Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus. - Sometimes the glorious Homer dozes (mistakes).

[quandokwe bonus dormitat homerus] Horace ("The Science of Poetry", 359) says that even in Homer's poems there are weaknesses. Compare: "There are spots on the sun."

Qui amat me, amat et canem meum. Whoever loves me loves my dog ​​too.

[qui amat me, amat et kanem meum]

Qui canit arte, canat, ! - Who can sing, let him sing, [who knows how to drink, let him drink]!

[kvi kanit arte, rope, kvi bibit arte, bibat!] Ovid (“The Science of Love”, II, 506) advises the lover to reveal all his talents to his girlfriend.

Qui bene amat, bene castigat. - Who sincerely loves, sincerely (from the heart) punishes.

[kvi bene amat, bene castigat] Compare: “He loves like a soul, but shakes like a pear.” Also in the Bible (Proverbs of Solomon, 3, 12): "Whom the Lord loves, he punishes, and favors him, as a father to his son."

Qui multum alphabet, plus cupit. - Who has a lot, wants [still] more.

[qui multum habet, plus will buy] Compare: “To whom over the edge, give him more”, “Appetite comes with eating”, “The more you eat, the more you want.” The expression is found in Seneca ("Moral Letters to Lucilius", 119, 6).

Qui non zelat, pop amat. - Who is not jealous, he does not love.

[qui non zelat, non amat]

Qui scribe, bis legit. - Who writes, he reads twice.

[quie creaks, encore legit]

Qui terret, plus ipse timet. - He who inspires fear is even more afraid of himself.

[qui terret, plus ipse timet]

Qui totum vult, totum perdit. Whoever wants everything loses everything.

[qui totum vult, totum perdit]

Quia nominor leo. - For my name is a lion.

[quia nominor leo] About the right of the strong and influential. In the fable of Phaedra (I, 5, 7), the lion, hunting with a cow, a goat and a sheep, explained to them why he took the first quarter of the prey (he took the second for his help, the third because he was stronger, and he forbade even touching the fourth).

Quid est veritas? - What is truth?

[quid est varitas?] In the Gospel of John (18, 38) this is the famous question that Pontius Pilate, procurator of the Roman province of Judea, asked Jesus brought to him for judgment in response to His words: “For this I was born and for this I came into the world to bear witness to the truth; everyone who is from the truth hears my voice” (John 18:37).

Quid opus nota noscere? - Why test the tested?

[quid opus note noscere?] Plautus (“The Boastful Warrior”, II, 1) speaks of excessive suspicion towards well-established people.

Quidquid discis, tibi discis. Whatever you study, you study for yourself.

[quidquid discis, tibi discis] The expression is found in Petronius ("Satyricon", XLVI).

Quidquid late, apparebit. - All the secret will be revealed.

[quidquid latet, apparebit] From the Catholic hymn "Dies irae" [dies ire] ("Day of Wrath"), which refers to the coming day of the Last Judgment. The basis of the expression, apparently, was the words from the Gospel of Mark (4, 22; or from Luke, 8, 17): “For there is nothing secret that would not be made obvious, nor hidden that would not be made known and not revealed would".

Legiones redde. - [Quintilius Bap,] return [me] the legions.

[quintile ware, legiones redde] Regret for an irretrievable loss or a call to return something that belongs to you (sometimes they say simply "Legiones redde"). According to Suetonius (“Divine Augustus”, 23), Emperor Augustus repeatedly exclaimed so after the crushing defeat of the Romans under the command of Quintilius Varus from the Germans in the Teutoburg Forest (9 AD), where three legions were destroyed. Upon learning of the misfortune, Augustus did not cut his hair and beard for several months in a row, and every year he celebrated the day of defeat with mourning. The expression is given in Montaigne's "Experiences": in this chapter (book I, ch. 4) we are talking about human incontinence worthy of condemnation.

Quis bene celat amorem? - Who successfully hides love?

[quis bene celat amorem?] Compare: “Love is like a cough: you can’t hide from people.” Given by Ovid ("Heroides", XII, 37) in a love letter from the sorceress Medea to her husband Jason. She recalls how she first saw a beautiful stranger who arrived on the Argo ship for the golden fleece - the skin of a golden ram, and how Jason instantly felt Medea's love for him.

[quis leget hek?] This is how Persia, one of the most difficult to understand Roman authors, talks about his satires (I, 2), arguing that for the poet, his own opinion is more important than the recognition of readers.

Quo vadis? - Are you coming? (Where are you going?)

[quo vadis?] According to church tradition, during the persecution of Christians in Rome under the emperor Nero (c. 65), the apostle Peter decided to leave his flock and find a new place to live and work. As he left the city, he saw Jesus on his way to Rome. In response to the question: “Quo vadis, Domine? ” (“Where are you going, Lord?”) - Christ said that he was going to Rome to die again for a people deprived of a shepherd. Peter returned to Rome and was executed along with the apostle Paul, who was captured in Jerusalem. Considering that he was not worthy to die like Jesus, he asked to be crucified upside down. With the question "Quo vadis, Domine?" in the Gospel of John, the apostles Peter (13:36) and Thomas (14:5) addressed Christ during the Last Supper.

Quod dubitas, ne feceris. Whatever you doubt, don't do it.

[quod dubitas, ne fetseris] The expression is found in Pliny the Younger (“Letters”, I, 18, 5). Cicero also speaks of this (“On Duties”, I, 9, 30).

Quod licet, ingratum (e)st. - What is permitted does not attract.

[quod licet, ingratum est] In Ovid’s poem (“Love Elegies”, II, 19, 3), a lover asks her husband to watch over his wife, if only for the sake of the other burning hotter with passion for her: after all, “there is no taste in what is permitted, the prohibition excites more sharply "(translated by S. Shervinsky).

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi. - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.

[quod litse yovi, non litset bovi] Compare: “It’s up to the abbot, and the brethren - zas!”, “What is possible for the pan, then it’s impossible for Ivan.”

Quod petis, est nusquam. - What you crave is nowhere to be found.

[quod petis, est nuskvam] Ovid in the poem "Metamorphoses" (III, 433) refers to the beautiful young man Narcissus in this way. Rejecting the love of the nymphs, he was punished for this by the goddess of retribution, falling in love with what he could not possess - his own reflection in the waters of the source (since then, a narcissist has been called a narcissist).

Quod scripsi, scripsi. What I wrote, I wrote.

[quote skripsi, skripsi] Usually this is a categorical refusal to correct or redo your work. According to the Gospel of John (19, 22), this is how the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate answered the Jewish high priests, who insisted that on the cross where Jesus was crucified, instead of the inscription “Jesus of Nazarene, King of the Jews” made on Pilate’s order (according to Hebrew, Greek and Latin - 19, 19), it was written "He said:" I am the King of the Jews "(19, 21).

Quod uni dixeris, omnibus dixeris. What you say to one, you say to everyone.

[quod uni dixeris, omnibus dixeris]

Quos ego! - Here I am! (Well, I'll show you!)

[Quos ego! (quote ego!)] In Virgil (Aeneid, 1.135) these are the words of the god Neptune, addressed to the winds, which disturbed the sea without his knowledge, in order to smash the ships of Aeneas (the mythical ancestor of the Romans) against the rocks, thereby rendering a service unfavorable to hero Juno, wife of Jupiter.

Quot homines, tot sententiae. - How many people, so many opinions.

[quota homines, that sentencie] Compare: “A hundred heads, a hundred minds”, “The mind doesn’t have a mind”, “Everyone has his own mind” (Grigory Skovoroda). The phrase is found in Terence's comedy "Formion" (II, 4, 454), in Cicero ("On the Borders of Good and Evil", I, 5, 15).

Re bene gesta. - to do - to do so,

[re bene guesta]

Rem tene, verba sequentur. - Comprehend the essence (master the essence), and there will be words.

[rem tene, verba sekventur] The words of the orator and politician given in the late textbook of rhetoric of the 2nd c. BC. Cato the Elder. Compare with Horace (“Science of Poetry”, 311): “And the subject will become clear - without difficulty, and the words will be picked up” (translated by M. Gasparov). Umberto Eco (“The Name of the Rose”. - M .: Book Chamber, 1989. - P. 438) says that if he had to learn everything about a medieval monastery to write a novel, then the principle “Verba tene, res sequentur” applies in poetry ("Master the words, and the objects will be found").

Repetitio est mater studiorum.-Repetition is the mother of learning.

[repetition est mater studio]

Requiem aeternam. - Eternal rest [grant them, Lord].

[requiem eternam dona eis, domine] The beginning of the Catholic funeral mass, whose first word (requiem - peace) gave the name to many musical compositions written in her words; of these, the most famous are the works of Mozart and Verdi. The set and order of the texts of the requiem was finally established in the 14th century. in the Roman Rite and was approved by the Council of Trent (which ended in 1563), which banned the use of alternative texts.

Requiescat in pace. (R.I.P.) - May he rest in peace,

[requiescat in pace] In other words, peace be upon him (her). The final phrase of the Catholic prayer for the dead and a common epitaph. Sinners and enemies can be addressed to the parodic “Requiescat in pice” [requiescat in pice] - “Let him rest (may he rest) in tar.”

Res ipsa loquitur.-The thing speaks for itself [for itself].

[res ipsa lokvitur] Compare: “A good product praises itself”, “A good piece will find a mustache”.

Res, non verba. - [We need] deeds, not words.

[res, non verba]

Res sacra miser. - The unfortunate is a holy cause.

[res sacra miser] Inscription on the building of the former charitable society in Warsaw.

Roma locuta, causa finita. - Rome has spoken, the case is over.

[roma lokuta, kavza finita] Usually this is a recognition of someone's right to be the main authority in this area and decide the outcome of the case with their own opinion. The opening phrase of the bull of 416, where Pope Innocent approved the decision of the Carthaginian synod to excommunicate the opponents of Blessed Augustine (354-430), a philosopher and theologian, from the church. Then these words became a formula (“the papal curia made its final decision”).

Saepe stilum vertas. - Turn the style more often.

[sepe stylum vertas] Style (stylus) - a stick, with the sharp end of which the Romans wrote on waxed tablets (see “tabula rasa”), and with the other, in the form of a spatula, they erased what was written. Horace ("Satires", I, 10, 73) with this phrase encourages poets to carefully finish their works.

Salus populi suprema lex. - The good of the people is the highest law.

[salus populi suprema lex] The expression is found in Cicero (“On the Laws”, III, 3, 8). "Salus populi suprema lex esto" [esto] ("Let the good of the people be the supreme law") is the state motto of Missouri.

Sapere aude. - Strive to be wise (usually: strive for knowledge, dare to know).

[sapere avde] Horace ("Messages", I, 2, 40) speaks of the desire to rationally arrange his life.

Sapienti sat. - Smart is enough.

[sapienti sat] Compare: "Intelligent: pauca" [intelligenti pavka] - "Understanding [enough] not much" (an intellectual is understanding), "A smart one will understand at a glance." It is found, for example, in Terence's comedy "Formion" (III, 3, 541). The young man instructed the dodgy slave to get the money, and when asked where to get it, he answered: “Here is my father. - I know. What? - Smart is enough ”(translated by A. Artyushkov).

Sapientia gubernator navis. - Wisdom is the helmsman of the ship.

[sapiencia governor navis] Given in a collection of aphorisms compiled by Erasmus of Rotterdam (“Adagia”, V, 1, 63), with reference to Titinius, a Roman comedian of the 2nd century. BC. (fragment No. 127): "The helmsman controls the ship with wisdom, not force." The ship has long been considered a symbol of the state, as can be seen from the poem of the Greek lyricist Alkey (VII-VI centuries BC) under the code name "New Wall".

Sapientis est mutare consilium. - It is common for a wise man to [not be ashamed] to change [his] opinion.

[sapientis est mutare council]

Satis vixi vel vitae vel gloriae. - I have lived enough for life and for fame.

[satis vixi val vitae val glorie] Cicero (“On the return of Marcus Claudius Marcellus”, 8, 25) cites these words of Caesar, telling him that he did not live long enough for the fatherland, which suffered civil wars, and alone is able to heal its wounds.

Scientia est potentia. - Knowledge is power.

[scientia est potency] Compare: "Without science - as without hands." It is based on the statement of the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) about the identity of knowledge and human power over nature (“New Organon”, I, 3): science is not an end in itself, but a means to increase this power. S

cio me nihil scire. - I know that I don't know anything.

[scio me nihil scire] Translation into Latin of the famous words of Socrates, given by his student Plato ("Apology of Socrates", 21 d). When the oracle of Delphi (the oracle of the temple of Apollo at Delphi) called Socrates the wisest of the Hellenes (Greeks), he was surprised, because he believed that he knew nothing. But then, starting to talk with people who assured that they knew a lot, and asking them the most important and, at first glance, simple questions (what is virtue, beauty), he realized that, unlike others, he knows at least that knows nothing. Compare with the Apostle Paul (To the Corinthians, I, 8, 2): "Whoever thinks that he knows something, he still does not know anything as he should know."

Semper avarus eget. - The miser is always in need.

[semper avarus eget] Horace (“Messages”, I, 2, 56) advises curbing your desires: “The greedy one is always in need - so set limits to lust” (translated by N. Gunzburg). Compare: “The stingy rich man is poorer than the beggar”, “Not the poor one who has little, but the one who wants a lot”, “Not the poor one, who is poor, but the one who rakes”, “No matter how much the dog is enough, but the well-fed is not to be”, “You can’t fill a bottomless barrel, you can’t feed a greedy belly.” Also in Sallust (“On the Conspiracy of Catalina”, 11, 3): “Greed is not reduced either from wealth or from poverty.” Or Publilius Cyrus (Sentences, No. 320): "Poverty lacks little, greed - everything."

semper idem; semper eadem - always the same; always the same (same)

[samper idem; semper idem] "Semper idem" can be seen as a call to maintain peace of mind in any situation, not to lose face, to remain oneself. Cicero in his treatise “On Duties” (I, 26, 90) says that only insignificant people do not know the measure either in sorrow or in joy: after all, under any circumstances it is better to have “an even character, always the same facial expression” ( trans. V. Gorenshtein). As Cicero says in the Tusculan Conversations (III, 15, 31), this is exactly what Socrates was like: the quarrelsome wife of Xanthippe scolded the philosopher just because his expression was unchanged, “because his spirit, imprinted on his face, did not know changes "(translated by M. Gasparov).

Senectus ipsa morbus.-Old age itself is [already] a disease.

[senectus ipsa morbus] Source - comedy Terence "Formion" (IV, 1, 574-575), where Khremet explains to his brother why he was so slow to visit his wife and daughter, who remained on the island of Lemnos, that when he finally got there, learned that they themselves had long gone to him in Athens: "He was detained by illness." - "What? Which one? - “Here's another question! Is old age not a disease? (Translated by A. Artyushkov)

seniores priores. - Senior advantage.

[seniores priores] For example, you can say this, skipping the oldest in age ahead.

Sero venientibus ossa. - Latecomers [get] the bones.

[sero vanientibus ossa] Greetings to late guests from the Romans (the expression is also known in the form "Tarde [tarde] venientibus ossa"). Compare: "The last guest gnaws a bone", "The late guest - bones", "Whoever is late, he slurps water."

Si felix esse vis, esto. - If you want to be happy, be [him].

[si felix essay vis, esto] Latin analogue of the famous aphorism of Kozma Prutkov (this name is a literary mask created by A.K. Tolstoy and the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers; this is how they signed their satirical works in the 1850-1860s).

Si gravis, brevis, si longus, levis. - If [pain] is severe, then it is short-lived, if it is prolonged, then it is light.

[si gravis, brevis, si longus, levis] These words of the Greek philosopher Epicurus, who was a very sick man and considered pleasure, understood by him as the absence of pain, to be the highest good, are quoted and disputed by Cicero (“On the Limits of Good and Evil”, II, 29 , 94). Extremely serious illnesses, he says, are also long-term, and the only way to resist them is courage, which does not allow cowardice to show. The expression of Epicurus, since it is ambiguous (usually quoted without the word dolor [dolor] - pain), can also be attributed to human speech. It will turn out: "If [the speech] is weighty, then it is short, if it is long (wordy), then it is frivolous."

Si judicas, cognosce. - If you judge, figure it out (listen),

[si judikas, cognosce] In Seneca's tragedy "Medea" (II, 194) these are the words of the main character addressed to the king of Corinth Creon, whose daughter Jason, Medea's husband, was going to marry, for whom she once betrayed her father (helped the Argonauts take away the golden fleece he kept), left her homeland, killed her brother. Creon, knowing how dangerous Medea's wrath was, ordered her to leave the city immediately; but, succumbing to her persuasion, gave her 1 day of respite to say goodbye to the children. This day was enough for Medea to take revenge. She sent clothes soaked in witchcraft drugs as a gift to the royal daughter, and she, putting them on, burned down along with her father, who hastened to help her.

Si sapis, sis apis.-If you are intelligent, be a bee (that is, work)

[si sapis, sis apis]

Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses. - If you had kept silent, you would have remained a philosopher.

[si takuisses, philosophus mansisses] Compare: "Keep silent - you will pass for a smart one." It is based on the story given by Plutarch (“On the Pious Life”, 532) and Boethius (“Consolation of Philosophy”, II, 7) about a man who was proud of the title of philosopher. Someone denounced him, promising to recognize him as a philosopher if he patiently bears all the insults. After listening to the interlocutor, the proud man mockingly asked: “Now do you believe that I am a philosopher?” - "I would believe if you kept silent."

Si vales, bene est, ego valeo. (S.V.B.E.E.V.) - If you are healthy, it's good, and I'm healthy.

[si vales, bene est, ego valeo] Seneca (“Moral Letters to Lucilius”, 15, 1), talking about the ancient and preserved until his time (1st century AD) custom to begin a letter with these words, he himself addresses Lucilius like this: “If you are engaged in philosophy, that's good. Because only in it is health ”(translated by S. Osherov).

Si vis amari, ama. - If you want to be loved, love [yourself]

[si vis amari, ama] Quoted from Seneca (“Moral Letters to Lucilius”, 9, 6) words of the Greek philosopher Hekaton.

Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war.

[she vis patsem, para bellum] The saying gave the name to the parabellum - a German automatic 8-shot pistol (it was in service with the German army until 1945). “Whoever wants peace, let him prepare for war” - the words of a Roman military writer of the 4th century. AD Vegetia ("A Brief Instruction in Military Affairs", 3, Prologue).

Sic itur ad astra. - So go to the stars.

[sik itur ad astra] These words from Virgil (“Aeneid”, IX, 641) are addressed by the god Apollo to the son of Aeneas Ascanius (Yul), who struck the enemy with an arrow and won the first victory in his life.

Sic transit gloria mundi. This is how worldly glory passes.

[sik transit gloria mundi] Usually they say this about something lost (beauty, glory, strength, greatness, authority), which has lost its meaning. It is based on the treatise of the German mystic philosopher Thomas of Kempis (1380-1471) "On the Imitation of Christ" (I, 3, 6): "Oh, how quickly worldly glory passes." Starting around 1409, these words are pronounced during the ceremony of consecrating a new pope, burning a piece of cloth in front of him as a sign of the fragility and perishability of everything earthly, including the power and glory he receives. Sometimes the saying is quoted with the replacement of the last word, for example: "Sic transit tempus" [sic transit tempus] ("Thus time passes").

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