Did Tikhon love Katerina in a thunderstorm. Katerina's farewell to Tikhon


Answer from GALINA[guru]
Katerina married her son Kabanikhy not for love, but because her parents wanted it that way, because the concepts of “marriage” and “love” had completely different meanings.
Marriage is a worthy life, and love is something sinful and forbidden.
Tikhon Kabanov - the heroine's husband, a merchant's son. He married Katerina because his mother demanded it, and he believes that he himself loves Katerina, but is that so? He himself is weak-willed and completely subordinate to his mother, he does not even dare to protect his wife from the attacks of his mother-in-law. All he can advise her is to ignore her mother's reproaches. He himself does this all his life, agreeing with his mother and dreaming at the same time of running away to his neighbor Savel Prokofievich and having a drink with him. Happiness for Tikhon is a two-week trip to Moscow on business. In this case, Katerina is no longer interested in him, and when she asks him to take her with him, he frankly admits: “Yes, as I know now that there will be no thunderstorm over me for two weeks, there are no shackles on my legs, so it’s up to my wife me? » Katerina feels sorry for her husband, but can she love him? Seeing neither understanding nor support from him, she involuntarily begins to dream of a different love, and her dreams turn to another hero, and Boris. Is he a hero? He is different from the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov - he is educated, studied at the Commercial Academy, he is the only one among the townspeople who walks in a European suit. But these are all external differences, but in fact Boris is just as weak-willed and dependent.
After marriage, Katya's life changed a lot. From the free
joyful, sublime world in which she felt her
merging with nature, the girl fell into a life full of deceit,
cruelty and depravity.
It's not even that Katerina married Tikhon against her will:
she didn’t love anyone at all and she didn’t care who she married.
The fact is that the girl was robbed of her former life, which she
created for myself. Katerina no longer feels such delight from
attending church, she cannot do her usual activities.
Sad, disturbing thoughts do not allow her to calmly admire
nature. Katya has to endure, while she is patient, and dream, but she already
can't live with his thoughts, because the cruel reality
brings her back to earth, where there is humiliation and suffering.
Katerina is trying to find her happiness in love for Tikhon: "I will be a husband
be in love. Tisha, my dear, I won't trade you for anyone. "But
sincere manifestations of this love are suppressed by Kabanikha: "What on
Are you hanging your neck, shameless? You don't say goodbye to your lover."
Katerina has a strong sense of outward obedience and duty, which is why she
forces himself to love an unloved husband. Tikhon and himself because of
tyranny of his mother cannot truly love his wife,
though he probably wants to. And when he, leaving for a while, leaves Katya,
to walk freely, the girl becomes completely
Why did Katerina fall in love with Boris?
Probably the reason is that she lacked something clean in the stuffy
atmosphere of the Kabanikhi house. And love for Boris was this pure, not
let Katerina finally wither away, somehow supported her.
Katya cannot live on with her sin, and the only way
to get rid of him at least partially, she considers repentance, she confesses
in everything to her husband and Kabanikh. Such an act in our time seems very
strange, naive. "I don't know how to deceive; I can't hide anything
I can" - such is Katerina. Tikhon forgave his wife, but did she herself forgive
myself? Being very religious. Katya is afraid of God, and her God lives in
her, God is her conscience. The girl is tormented by two questions: how will she return
home and will look into the eyes of her husband, whom she cheated on, and how she
will live with a stain on his conscience. The only way out of this
situation Katerina sees death: "No, I'm either home or in the grave -
it doesn't matter... It's better in the grave... To live again? No, no, don't... not good"
Haunted by her sin, Katerina takes her own life to save
your soul.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Katerina and Tikhona Ostrovsky thunderstorm.

Russian writers of the 19th century often wrote about the unequal position of Russian women. "Your share! - Russian female share! It is hardly more difficult to find!" exclaims Nekrasov. Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and others wrote on this subject. And how did A. N. Ostrovsky discover the tragedy of the female soul in his plays? .. “Once upon a time there was a girl. Dreamy, kind, affectionate. She lived with her parents. in nature, to dream, they didn’t force her to do anything, the girl worked as much as she wanted. The girl loved to go to church, listen to singing, she saw angels during church services. And she also loved to listen to wanderers who often came to their house and they talked about holy people and places, about what they saw or heard. And this girl was called Katerina. And so they married her ... "- so I want to start a story about the fate of this woman. We know that Katerina got out of love and affection to the Kabanikha family. This imperious woman was in charge of everything in the house. Her son Tikhon, Katerina's husband, did not dare to contradict his mother in anything. And only sometimes, having escaped to Moscow, he arranged a spree. Tikhon loves Katerina in his own way and pities her. But At home, her mother-in-law eats her constantly, day after day, for work and without work, sawing her like a rusty saw. "She crushed me," Katya reflects.

High tension is reached by her problems in the scene of farewell to Tikhon. To a request to take her with him, to reproaches, Tikhon replies: “... I haven’t stopped loving, but with some kind of bondage you’ll run away from whatever beautiful wife you want! Just think: whatever it is, but I’m still a man; "Live life like this, as you see, that's how you'll run away from your wife too. But as I know now that there won't be any thunderstorm over me for two weeks, there are no shackles on my chains, so am I up to my wife?"

Katerina found herself in an environment where hypocrisy and hypocrisy are very strong. Her husband's sister, Varvara, clearly speaks of this, arguing that "the whole house rests" on their deceit. And here is her position: "And in my opinion: do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered." "Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good!" - so many people argue. But not like Katherine. She is an extremely honest person and is sincerely afraid of sinning, even in thoughts of cheating on her husband. It is this struggle between her duty, as she understands it (and she understands correctly: it is impossible to cheat on her husband), and a new feeling and breaks her fate.

What else can be said about Katerina's nature? It's better to put it in words. She tells Varvara that she does not know her character. God forbid that this should happen, but if it happens that she finally gets tired of living with Kabanikha, then no force can hold her back. He will throw himself out the window, throw himself into the Volga, but will not live against his will. In her struggle, Katerina finds no allies. Barbara, instead of comforting her, supporting her, pushes her towards treason. The boar is exhausting. The husband only thinks how to live without a mother for at least a few days.

And the fatal is over. Katerina can no longer deceive herself.

"To whom am I pretending?" she exclaims. And he decides to go on a date with Boris. Boris is one of the best people that live in the world shown by Ostrovsky. Young, handsome, smart. He is alien to the orders of this strange city of Kalinov, where they made a boulevard, and do not walk along it, where the gates are locked and the dogs are lowered, according to Kuligin, not because the inhabitants are afraid of thieves, but because it is more convenient to tyrannize households. When a woman gets married, she loses her freedom. "Here, that she got married, that she was buried - it doesn't matter," Boris argues. Boris Grigoryevich is the nephew of the merchant Diky, who is known for his scandalous and abusive character. He harasses Boris, scolds him. At the same time, he appropriated the inheritance of his nephew and niece, and he reproaches them. It is not surprising that in such an atmosphere, Katerina and Boris were drawn to each other. Boris was captivated by "she has an angelic smile on her face," and her face seems to glow.

And yet it turns out that Katerina is not a person of this world. Boris is ultimately not a match for her. Why? For Katya, the most difficult thing is to overcome the discord in her soul. She is ashamed, ashamed in front of her husband, but he is disgusted with her, his caress is worse than beatings.

In our time, such problems are solved more simply: spouses will divorce and again seek their happiness. Especially since they don't have children. But in the time of Katerina, they never heard of a divorce. She understands that she and her husband live "to the grave." And therefore, for a conscientious nature, which "cannot beg for this sin, never beg for it", which "will fall like a stone on the soul", for a person who cannot endure reproaches many times more sinful people, there is only one way out - death. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.

By the way, the premonition of the tragedy manifests itself precisely in the scene of Katerina's farewell to her husband. Speaking about the fact that she is dying next to the Kabanikha, that there will be trouble, she begs Tikhon to take a terrible oath from her: "... so that I would not dare to talk to anyone else without you, or see each other, to think I didn't dare about anyone but you."

Alas, in vain Katerina falls on her knees before this man. He picks her up, but does not want to hear about anything. Two weeks of freedom is dearer to him than his wife.

A.N. Ostrovsky is very modern as a truly talented artist. He never left the complex and painful issues of society. Ostrovsky is not just a master of drama. This is a very sensitive writer who loves his land, his people, his history. His plays attract with amazing moral purity, genuine humanity. In "Thunderstorm", according to Goncharov, "the picture of national life and customs subsided with unparalleled artistic fullness and fidelity." In this capacity, the play was a passionate challenge to the despotism and ignorance that reigned in pre-reform Russia.

The scene of Katerina's farewell to Tikhon plays an important role in the plot of the work.

The main characters in the episode are Kabanov and Katerina. The latter, terribly, does not want to be left without a husband for two reasons: firstly, a girl is afraid to be alone with her mother-in-law and her tyranny; secondly, Katerina is afraid that in the absence of her husband she will do something unacceptable to her. This is proved by the oath that Tikhon never took from his wife. Kabanov takes pity on Katerina and sincerely asks for her forgiveness, but he does not give in to persuasion not to leave or take his wife with him, and does not even try to hide his desire to escape from his family, bondage, and his wife will only be a hindrance to him.

Also, Kabanov does not understand Katerina's fear, as evidenced by the many interrogative sentences at the end of the episode. Katerina's speech, on the contrary, contains a plea expressed in exclamations.

The author's remarks indicate Kabanov's equanimity and inflexibility to requests and Katerina's ardent rejection of her husband's departure. The girl either hugs Tikhon, then falls to her knees, then cries - she is in despair. He is indifferent to the persuasion of his wife and only wants to escape from the house that has become hated.

In general, this episode is of great importance in the work, as it affects key events that unfold later, such as Katerina's meeting with Boris.

Updated: 2016-08-17

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One of the main characters in the play "Thunderstorm" is Kabanov Tikhon Ivanovich. He is the son of Kabanikha and at the same time the husband of Katerina. It is on the example of this character that the destructive and crippling power of the "dark kingdom" is most accurately shown, turning a person into a shadow of himself.

Image of contradictions

We can say that the image of Tikhon in the play "Thunderstorm" is full of contradictions. On the one hand, he is such an obedient and respectful son that he completely dissolved in the personality of his mother, and on the other hand, he is a person with his own thoughts, opinions, desires.

Tikhon seems to love his wife Katerina, but at the same time he cannot fully understand her, is not able to do something for her to protect her from bad thoughts, and cannot provide her with emotional support.

Already used to living in the "dark kingdom", but he is very happy when he gets the opportunity to leave his home on business. He rejoices that at least for a while he will be able to take a break from the tyranny of his mother.

What is Tikhon's husband

Consider from this point of view the image of Tikhon. According to the play "Thunderstorm" one can judge that he cannot correspond to the role of a husband in a family where a patriarchal mood reigns. Being the ruler, protector and support in the family is not his part. Tikhon is a weak person, he is gentle and good-natured. All he can do is toss between maternal demands and compassion for his wife. He is used to being subordinate, used to being led.

Tikhon loves his wife, but not in the same way as with a strong character, but calmly and apathetically. His love does not bring emotion to Katerina. And this leads to the fact that she is fond of another man. Tikhon does not cause Katerina's love, he causes pity, which she herself admits to Varvara.

Joy of Tikhon

But when a man escapes from maternal care, a completely new image of Tikhon opens up to the reader. In the play "Thunderstorm", the author showed Tikhon as soft and good-natured, but at the same time a drinker. We see that as soon as Tikhon gets the opportunity to leave the house for a while, he immediately takes this opportunity, and his short vacation does not pass without alcohol. Only in this way is he able to fill the emptiness inside himself and the heaviness in his soul. Only alcohol helps him to forget all the suffering caused to him by his mother. Humiliated after maternal reproaches and admonitions, the protagonist may take it out on his wife. And only his sister Varvara is able to calm the situation in the house, secretly letting her brother go to visit where he can drink.

Tikhon's attitude to his wife's betrayal

Leaving home for a while, Tikhon says goodbye to his wife and mother. Katerina wants to give her husband a farewell oath of allegiance. To which he reacts negatively. Both Tikhon and his mother, pronouncing a ritual order, tell Katerina not to look at other people's guys, but our hero says this phrase arbitrarily, not even suspecting that his wife is capable of treason.

But it is Tikhon's gentle nature that is a shortcoming in Katerina's eyes. And she falls in love with Boris. Later, Katerina herself tells her husband and mother-in-law about her betrayal, since she is no longer able to keep this secret in herself. Tikhon takes the news non-aggressively. He confronts his mother when she advises him to execute Katerina by burying her alive in the ground. He loves his wife and cannot be aggressive towards her.

Katerina did not immediately surrender to a new feeling, she still tried in every possible way to become related to her husband, to return her love for him, to find in herself those feelings that had previously united them. At this moment, the image of Tikhon in the play "Thunderstorm" seems even more spineless. He still had a chance to change everything, but due to his weakness, he could not fully understand his wife, protect her from the torture of her mother-in-law. He could be ingenuous, but he could not become that stone wall behind which a woman needs to feel safe.

And only when Katerina herself lays hands on herself, Tikhon, standing over her corpse, stands up against her mother. He publicly accuses her of the death of his wife, thereby inflicting a terrible blow on Kabanikha.

This is the whole characterization of the hero. Tikhon ("Thunderstorm", Ostrovsky A.N.) - the image with which the author showed male kindness, but at the same time, male weakness. As you can see, this can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences.

Characteristics of Tikhon in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm"

Very briefly, we can say that this main character is a weak and dependent person, he is simple-hearted and completely non-evil, but very weak-willed. But under extreme circumstances, this man is capable of public rebellion, even if it is short-lived.

The play ends tragically and ambiguously. In the end, good does not triumph, but neither does evil. The collapse of the family resolves the external conflict, but the internal conflict that arose as a result of the emotional struggle remains forever in the heart of the protagonist. This spiritual situation resembles the consequences of a terrible thunderstorm that brings death and destruction.

The image of Tikhon in the play "Thunderstorm" is able to attract the reader with his kindness, but at the same time repel him with his inactivity and spinelessness, which is why he can be called contradictory.

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