Favorite saying of the music director of the kindergarten. Essay "music director is not a profession, but a vocation"


Pedagogical essay "My profession is

Music Director!

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pedagogical essay

"My profession is music director."

Inikhova Olga Vyacheslavovna

music director

Novo-Talitsy village

Children should live in a world of beauty,

games, fairy tales, music, drawing,

fantasy, creativity.

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

I always knew that I would make music with children. As soon as I realized that I am a musician.

But it didn't happen all of a sudden...

Piano lessons from the age of five, dances and songs in kindergarten, and of course, a teacher at a music school, who set me on this path, which I still follow.

I became a professional musician after graduating from the Ivanovo Musical College in the piano class, and I received the highest level of musical education at the Music Department of the Vladimir Pedagogical University. And now I am a music teacher, piano teacher, accompanist.

And now I can! What can I do? To do for kids what my first teachers did for me. These women - beautiful, soft, kind, cheerful - nurtured in me the seeds of beauty that music brings with it.

And so, six years ago, I entered the kindergarten's music room...

Everything is in place, I'm ready. And now they are looking at me - my first babies! They don't seem to be able to understand everything I know. But they absorb everything with open mouths and open eyes. It turns out that children at the age of four know a lot, they cannot tell correctly, but they definitely feel and even more than we do. Then I realized the most important thing for myself. I, like many adults, did not want to grow up, but next to the children it turned out to be very simple. And most importantly, you need to remain a child in order not only to convey to children all the beauty of the musical world, but to present it correctly. And I decidedstay in the world of childhood , and learn to feel music together with children in a new way - sincerely surprised with them.

How much joy, smiles, tenderness these first children brought me! Since then I love them all. Different in mood, in character, like children's songs. Together with them, I plunge into a fairy tale, make discoveries, play funny musical games. It is important to show the children that I am in no way smarter than them, that we are equal with them. Then they will surely open up, and I will have the opportunity to plant in their souls the very seeds of beauty, love and goodness that eternal Music brings. After all, every person has a natural potential from birth, which I, as a teacher, cannot be overlooked.

I cannot predict what my children will become when they grow up, what professions they will devote their lives to, because other people will reap the benefits of our preschool education. But it is very important to me what kind of sprouts will break through in their souls thanks to music. In the modern world, full of the cruelty of wars, weapons and profit, there is no place for morality and compassion. And these qualities will help to bring up Music. It brings purity and joy. No wonder people say:"Settle where they sing. Those who sing do not think badly."

The next important realization of my profession is that I am not just a musical director of a kindergarten,I am a universal teacher . It turned out that I am not only a musician, but also a singer, screenwriter, reader, choreographer and costume designer. I need to be such that I can fully realize all the goals and objectives set by myself and our education system.

I give children knowledge, skills, singing and dancing skills, develop a sense of rhythm and performing qualities. It sounds dry, mundane and uninteresting. But it depends on me how correctly the baby will develop, what harmony his little inner world will be filled with. My duty is to teach children to distinguish good from bad, beautiful from ugly. My task is to raise a person who is able to independently draw conclusions and find the right way out of any situation.

So who is he - the Music Director?

This is the one who leads by the hand into the world of sounds, feelings! This is the one who creates a harmonious personality, able to empathize, feel, ready to plunge into the world of fantasy and see all the beauty of the world around, to realize it and its uniqueness!

A wonderful profession.

Luck smiled on me in life.

Thankful for this fate.

I know it couldn't be otherwise

In this world, on this earth.

After all, there are so many professions in the world,

Important, necessary and labor.

But I'm attracted to children

And I can't imagine life without them!

I sing songs with children

And I teach all the guys to dance.

and there is no more wonderful profession!

I can firmly say this.

I want to teach kids

Hear the music in the raindrops

And in the rustle of autumn leaves,

And the murmur of a forest stream.

I want to teach kids

See music in the waves of the sea,

and in the snowflakes that fall from the sky,

And in the beautiful flowers of the field.

Life without music is boring in the world,

She needs to be seen in everything.

Well, the main music is children!

I wanted to say this.

(I.N. Olkhovik)

“If in early childhood the beauty of a musical work is brought to the heart, if the child feels the many-sided shades of human feelings in the sounds, then he will rise to such a level of culture that cannot be achieved by any other means”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

It was a long time ago. In the family of Nikolai and Valentina, a daughter, Masha, was born. Masha grew up as a mischievous girl, with a kind soul and a large supply of energy, moderately noisy, but that's how she tried to sing her first notes ... Less than a year later she was taken to kindergarten, where her musical and dancing abilities began to manifest.

Years passed. The girl grew up. Here is the first class. And at the age of 8, my mother took her daughter by the hand and took her to a music school.What it was, she didn't know. She only knew that she would be taught music... It was a new world for her. The world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. Masha learned to feel the universe around her ... not just to see, touch, but also to feel inside herself, passing through her heart and soul. The girl learned to merge with the music. Masha studied at a music school in the accordion class and successfully completed it. Mom and dad and her whole family were very happy about the success of their daughter.

After leaving school, Masha enters the Slavgorod Pedagogical College, because she decided to connect her life with children and music.

1996 - the final exams are over, in the hands of the long-awaited diploma. And on the threshold of kindergarten No. 4 "Firefly" is no longer a young girl Masha, but a graduate Sharova Maria Nikolaevna.

Working in a kindergarten as a music director, I found my recognition - this is music and children. Children are our future. They always demand something new, interesting, emotional. Leaving the walls of the kindergarten, everyone will go their own way. We, teachers, must do everything so that children grow up smart, healthy, reliable, worthy citizens of our country.

My pedagogical principle is to help the child open up. Each baby is a unique, inimitable personality. It is open to goodness and beauty. The most amazing thing is that together with the kids I am learning to understand music in a new way, sincerely, without deceit.

I believe that a music director should be a teacher - a generalist. He is a musician, singer and choreographer, director and screenwriter, costume designer and artist. Yes, it is difficult, but it is worth it when you see the enthusiastic eyes, the emotions of children and parents. Let not all pupils become professionals, but they will grow up as real people.

I am very grateful to my teachers, teachers - mentors. They helped me rise to a new stage of my development.

I am characterized by the desire for the maximum personal contribution to the renewal of the kindergarten. A broad outlook, pedagogical tact, organizational skills help me to cooperate fruitfully with colleagues, parents, cultural workers, which as a result improves the quality of my events: matinees, competitions, entertainment.

I am an active participant in all events, methodological associations, I share my experience with colleagues, for many years I have been the chairman of the trade union committee of the preschool educational institution, I enjoy the well-deserved respect of my colleagues and parents.

Life in kindergarten should be bright, rich in impressions, like a good, interesting book, the best pages of which will be holidays!

A modern teacher should be professionally literate, have a broad outlook, know regulatory documents, introduce innovative technologies into work with children, and be able to establish contacts with children and adults. That's the kind of music director I am.

Essay "My Pedagogical Philosophy"

Music lesson in kindergarten. Our music director Irina Nikolaevna is an absolutely extraordinary person. Very beautiful, kind, romantic, with a beautiful voice. And how she plays the piano! Her fingers masterfully slide over the black and white keys, and it takes my breath away!

This is how my dream was born - to become a music director.

September sunny morning. Our 2 "a", class hour. Nina Matveevna talks about her pedagogical path, about her dream of becoming a primary school teacher. I listen to it with bated breath. She ends her story with the words: “Happy is the person who becomes in life what he dreamed of becoming from childhood. That's why I'm happy!" These words will forever sink into my soul.

Later, when I decide to become ... a chemist, the thought flashes through my mind: “So I can’t say that I’m happy?” ...

By the will of fate and thanks to my mother, the childhood dream was still destined to come true - I became the musical director of the kindergarten. And now, after many years, I often watch how a child's enthusiastic look lingers on my hands, sliding over the keys. And maybe it is at this moment that some child makes a discovery for himself?!

In my opinion, in communication with music, a child discovers a whole world for himself, even if it is still unknown and incomprehensible to him. Is it not a discovery to hear the trill of a lark in Tchaikovsky's music and to see this miracle in the blue sky? Isn't it a revelation to hear in the disturbing music of Grieg the frightening gnomes in the cave of the mountain king and to see them, insidious, evil, but afraid of sunlight? Is it not a discovery to hear in Mussorgsky's music funny, not yet hatched chicks, enthusiastically conveying their unpretentious movements, and to see these chickens - small, funny, funny. And many, many more discoveries will be made for a preschooler thanks to music, because its possibilities are endless!

You can talk about music endlessly. It can be sad and sad, joyful and enthusiastic, tender and solemn, with a call to great deeds! But whatever music sounds, one thing remains indisputable - it is able to influence the mind, consciousness and minds of mankind!

I often re-read the aphorisms and sayings of famous people and understand how accurately they managed to notice and convey in words all the subtleties of the impact of music on a person, on his soul. So, even the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “Music is able to have a certain effect on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people. And this is the indisputable wisdom of a person who understands the great power of music! The famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted that “music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings." It is in the process of perceiving music that such feelings as delight, inspiration, joy, alertness, pity can be born. And for a child, these can be feelings still unknown, not experienced - tension, excitement, empathy. What responsibility lies with those who introduce children into this world... This responsibility lies with me as well. At the lessons of musical literature at a music school, I gradually learned the feelings that were born thanks to music. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata made an indelible impression on me, and a feeling new to me at that time - a feeling of tragic sharpness, emotional tension - evoked an emotional response, deep spiritual movements!

Our contemporary poet A. Zabelin once said: "There is no music more beautiful in the world than that which sounds in the hearts of people." I think these words have a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. After all, if magic music sounds in a person’s heart, it means that goodness, joy and happiness come from him. And even in moments of sorrow, if there is music of sadness and pain in someone's heart, it is also beautiful and sincere! After all, it is not for nothing that at all times music, a song accompanied a person in different periods of his life - lullabies were sung to a baby, labor songs facilitated work, ritual songs served as the basis for numerous ritual actions - the glorification of the mysterious forces of nature.

How right are those who say that children should be protected from the influence of heavy rhythms and disharmony. Paraphrasing the words of A. Zabelin, I would say: “There is no music more beautiful in the world than the one that sounds in the hearts of children!”. In this phrase, I conclude my main task in working and communicating with children - to introduce them to a fascinating world, to acquaint them with the work of great composers, whose music will give children wonderful moments of emotional experiences, reveal unknown feelings, leave a good light of melodies in their hearts.

And again the words of my teacher come to mind: “Happy is the person who becomes in life what he dreamed of becoming from childhood!”. Therefore, about myself, I can say for sure - I'm happy!

Title: Essay of the musical director of the kindergarten "My pedagogical philosophy"

Position: music director
Place of work: MBDOU No. 109
Location: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

My approach to work

The work of a musical director in a kindergarten can be compared to a stream, it is always in motion and polyphonic. And since the “stream” cannot be stopped, therefore I am always in motion, learning new, unknown.
It's been 7 years since I've been in this position. From the first day it became clear that this job is for me! I love children, I am very happy when we get what we have planned. I get pleasure when I see the happy faces of the children who perform in front of their parents and peers at the holidays, receive awards for winning competitions.
I like to see the success of the guys - my graduates. Many continue to be creative: they sing and dance, attending various circles in the House of Culture and the Center for Children's Folk Art in our city. Some of the guys, on my recommendation, continue their studies at a music school. In the Kindergarten, I work as a part-time job, and my main job is a teacher at a music school. My former students are my current students. It is very important to identify musical abilities in a child from childhood and develop them further. Studying at a music school, children become participants and winners of city, district and regional competitions and festivals. Their achievements are a part of my work, my talent, my soul!
I build my musical activity with children on the principles of developing creative potential, which is facilitated by: creating a warm, friendly, relaxed atmosphere in order to emancipate each child; activity and lack of uncertainty; implementation of children's ideas during classes; arranging the work so that the musical activity is attractive, playful and creative.

I always, whenever possible, try to participate in competitions of professional skills. This makes it possible to sum up the pedagogical activity, to understand the level of one's skill and to outline the further path of development.
Being a music director is not a job, it's a calling! It is impossible to teach to love and understand what you do not love and do not understand yourself. All this requires great preparation, everyday emotional attitude, constant improvement of self-education. At this point in time, in connection with modern educational requirements, in the mode of work according to the Federal State Educational Standards, I use the design method in my educational work with children. After studying the methodological literature and applying the knowledge in practice, I came to the conclusion that this method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. In addition to long-term seasonal projects, I implement short-term thematic projects, such as: "Visiting a Fairy Tale", "Nature and Music" and others.
My priority in the development of musical abilities in preschoolers is musical and didactic games. The purpose of this direction is to help children actively enter the world of music, stimulate the development of musical and sensory abilities, teach them to distinguish the property of musical sound using visual-auditory and visual-visual methods of musical education.
Studying new modern educational technologies, I became interested in technology TRIZ(theory of inventive problem solving) And RTV (development of creative imagination). I made didactic aids, handouts, developed games that I use in my practice. According to my observation, classes with the use of TRIZ and RTV elements are a powerful tool for developing active creative thinking in children: shyness is overcome, fantasy develops, horizons and vocabulary expand. All this provides preschoolers with the opportunity for successful self-realization not only in music, but also in other activities.
In Kindergarten, I organized a music circle "Okay". It is attended by children of older groups. The purpose of this circle is to develop the creative personality of the child by introducing him to the art of music. Classes in the circle include breathing and articulation gymnastics, vocal exercises, work on songs, musical repertoire by listening to music, learning folk and modern dances, playing children's noise instruments. My pupils annually take part in the regional competition "Golden Hive", where they win prizes. And we also perform at various city, regional holidays and show our creativity in our kindergarten.
The children enjoy attending the classes. They learn to listen and love music, feel its character, sing cleanly, without tension, acquire choreographic skills, and in the future they do not experience difficulties in the process of speaking to an audience, behave confidently and relaxed, become sociable.
At music lessons and at the music circle classes, we create unique images, and to make the image more complete, I think over every detail in clothes. I create costumes for performances myself and, of course, my parents help me. We demonstrate these costumes at the annual regional competition "Golden Sewing", for which we receive awards and prizes.
In my work, I work closely with parents, where I use various forms of work: consultations, master classes, preparations and holding various thematic holidays. Parents really like this cooperation, and they are happy to take part in all our activities. Such cooperation brings success to our common work.
In my opinion, a music director should be a universal teacher. He must be able to answer all the countless children's "why?", be able to "wake up" and support the child's desire through feelings, emotions to perceive the world around him. Sometimes it's hard, but it's worth it! Because it's nice to see in the pupils a piece of their own work. It is very warm and joyful in my soul when a child “opens up” before your eyes, becomes a little artist, always eagerly strives to the music hall: he wants to sing, dance, play, learn, create ...

Essay of the musical director of the kindergarten

“Music inspires the whole world,
supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination;
music gives life and fun to everything that exists...

It can be called the embodiment of all that is beautiful.
and everything sublime."
Is it possible to live without music? I think not. There are practically no people who have excluded music from their lives. In the modern world, the popularity of music is enormous: it reflects all spheres of life, all forms of human relations with society, with nature and with oneself.
For me personally, music is a very important part of my life. It helps me focus or entertain myself. The only important thing is that it should be in tune with my mood: it calms me down, awakens my imagination, makes me remember or forget. Music, if you love it, it's not a hobby, it's a part of your life, like work, family, friends...
My passion for music has been going on since early childhood. My parents were regular participants in amateur performances in the village House of Culture (dad is a guitarist in the VIA, he performed solo songs, and my mother also sang and led concerts), I “grew up and was brought up” on stage, at rehearsals, imitated artists. An ear for music was discovered right away, so my parents sent me to a music school, where I made great strides - more than once I became a laureate of regional, interzonal and regional competitions of performing skills, took places.
Time passed ... Every person, after graduating from school, thinks about what he will do in life. It happens that the choice is determined by circumstances or “His Majesty” the case. What was the reason for my choice of profession, I still do not understand, but since then my life has been connected with music. I entered the Voronezh Musical College at the piano department in order to work at a music school! Everything went on as usual: classes with teachers, practice, the first place of work - the Petropavlovsk Children's Art School. But by the will of fate, I had to change my place of residence, and at the same time my place of work. At first it seemed to me that the work of a music director in a kindergarten was not for me, a feeling of insecurity, fear, and it was not clear how to teach kids to understand music, to instill in them performing qualities (dance, song).
But the further I was carried along the creative path, constant self-education, the more interesting it became to work, the clearer I imagined the essence of my work. From childhood, a small personality must be instilled with a love for music, both for classical, children's, and for the qualitative part of modern works. And especially - love for the folk song, for the music of his people. Musical education, of course, is not necessary, but acquaintance with the masterpieces of musical art, the ability to perceive and appreciate them, develops the spiritual world of a child and a person in general.
"Music director" is a universal teacher. He must be able to answer all children's questions, be able to "wake up and support" the desire to communicate and perceive the world around him through feelings and emotions. He is both a musician and a singer, a dancer and an artist, a screenwriter and director of holidays. I like to see the success of the guys - my graduates, to see in them a piece of my invested work. Many continue to be creative: they sing and dance, attending various circles in the House of Culture of our city. It is very warm and joyful in my soul when a child “opens up” before your eyes, becomes a little artist, always eagerly strives to the music hall: he wants to sing, dance, play, learn, create ... I, as a music director, united with educators, is capable of much, because music is the necessary stimulus that helps to achieve goals in the comprehensive development of children, a constant guide to the thin strings of their souls.

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