Favorite characters: the names of the gnomes from the fairy tale about Snow White. Names of gnomes from snow white Names of all gnomes from snow white

Slender, with wheat-colored hair, hazel-brown skin, and surprisingly turquoise eyes, Burghel was half Aeron's height and had to climb onto a stool to look through the peephole. Like most houses in Ouble, this one was built for the people, and the lesser inhabitants dealt with the inconvenience as best they could.
But the size of the apartment just allowed Byurgel to place all his dwarf-sized belongings. The front room was his workshop and contained an unimaginable variety of tools: hammers, chisels, saws, lock picks, colored lenses, jewelry magnifiers, jars of powders and powdered ingredients for casting spells. A fat gray cat, the mage's familiar, lay curled up on the grimoire. He opened his yellow eyes, gave Aeron a contemptuous look, then fell asleep again.
— Richard Lee Byers, Black bouquet

An endless hum of industriousness is heard where close-knit societies of gnomes settle. The rumble is pierced by louder sounds: here and there there is a rattle of gears, echoes of an explosion, exclamations of surprise or triumph, and, especially often, ringing laughter. Gnomes delight in life, enjoying every moment a new invention, discovery, exploration, creation or prank.


Gnomes are very energetic, and it seems that every inch of their tiny body radiates enthusiasm and vitality. On average, gnomes are just over 3 feet tall. (90 centimeters), and weigh 40 to 45 pounds (18 to 20 kilograms). Their swarthy or brown faces are usually adorned with wide smiles (over which their prominent noses hang), and their light eyes glow with excitement. Their blond hair usually sticks out in different directions, as if expressing an unflagging interest in everything in the world.

The individuality of the gnomes is clearly expressed in their appearance. Dwarf men keep their beards, unlike their tousled hair, neatly trimmed, but often comb them into a few strands, or give them a funny pointy shape. Their clothes, usually of soothing brown tones, are exquisitely embroidered, embossed, or embroidered with precious stones.


According to the gnomes, life is a wonderful thing, and they are ready to drain such a source of pleasure to the drop during the three to five centuries measured by it. People may wonder how not to die of boredom for such a long life, elves can savor the beauty of the world around them for many years, and it seems that only gnomes are worried that even for such a generously allotted time they are not able to remake and revise everything they want .

Dwarfs talk as if their thoughts do not have time to get out of their heads. However, even when they share ideas and opinions on all sorts of topics, they manage to listen carefully to others, inserting appropriate exclamations of surprise, and showing respectful signs of attention.

LIGHT burrows

Dwarves make their homes in hilly, wooded lands. They live underground, but love the fresh air more than dwarves, enjoying the wildlife of the surface whenever they can. Their homes are well hidden with clever devices and simple illusions. Welcome guests quickly find themselves in bright warm holes. Those who are not expected are unlikely to be able to even find these holes.

Dwarves who settle in the lands of men are usually gem cutters, engineers, sages, or tinsmiths. Some human families keep teacher gnomes so that their pupils can enjoy a combination of serious learning and joyful pleasure. A dwarf can teach several generations of the same family over the course of his long life.

While gnomes love jokes of any kind, especially puns and pranks, they also dedicate themselves to the bigger challenges they set for themselves. Many gnomes are skilled engineers, alchemists, tinsmiths, and inventors. They are willing to make mistakes and laugh at themselves as they improve their craft, making bold (sometimes desperate) decisions, and dreaming big.


Dwarves love names, and most of them have half a dozen names or so. The gnome's mother, father, clan elder, aunts and uncles: each gives the gnome a name, as well as various nicknames that may or may not stick for a long time. Dwarf names are usually variations on the names of ancestors or distant relatives, although some of them are completely new. When dealing with humans and others who are "stuffed" with names, dwarves use no more than three names: a personal name, a clan name, and a nickname, picking the ones that sound the most funny.

Male names: Alvin, Alston, Boddinok, Brock, Burgel, Varrin, Wrenn, Herbo, Gimble, Glim, Gebeddo, Dimble, Zook, Kellen, Namfoodle, Orrin, Rundar, Sibo, Sindri, Fonkin, Frug, Eldon, Erki

Women's names: Bimpnottin, Brina, Waywoket, Donella, Duvamil, Zanna, Karamip, Karlin, Lilly, Lorilla, Lupmottin, Madnab, Nix, Nissa, Oda, Orla, Royvin, Tana, Shamil, Elivik, Elijobell, Ella

clan names: Beren, Garrick, Daergel, Mörnig, Knuckle, Ningel, Raulnor, Timbers, Touraine, Folkor, Sheppen

Nicknames: Badger, Barefoot, Twolocks, Mallet, Ku, Nim, Ashheart, Brewery, Cloak, Pook, Gem, Stumbleduck, Fnipper


Curious and impulsive, gnomes may embark on adventures to see the world or for the love of exploration. As lovers of gems and other small items, some gnomes see adventure as a fast, if dangerous, path to riches. Regardless of what prompted their adventure, dwarves who adopt this way of life enjoy it as much as any other activity they engage in, sometimes to the great displeasure of their fellow adventurers.


It is rare to find a dwarf who would be hostile or evil unless he suffered a severe injury. Gnomes know that most races don't share their sense of humour, but they enjoy any company as much as anything they do.


Your gnome character has the following traits that are common to all gnomes.

Increase in characteristics. Your Intelligence score is increased by 2.

Age. Gnomes mature at the same rate as humans, and most likely move on to a quiet adult life by the age of 40. They are able to live from 350 to almost 500 years.

Worldview. Gnomes are most often kind. Those who strive for order usually become sages, engineers, researchers, scientists or inventors. Those who are more prone to chaos become minstrels, rogues, travelers, or skilled jewelers. Gnomes are good-hearted, and even swindlers come out of them more playful than vicious.

Size. Gnomes stand between 3 and 4 feet (91 and 122 centimeters) tall and average 40 pounds (18 kilograms) in weight. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base movement speed is 25 feet.

Dark vision. Accustomed to living underground, you have excellent vision in the dark and in dim light. At a distance of 60 ft. you can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. In the dark, you can't see colors, only shades of grey.

Dwarf cunning.

Varieties. There are two kinds of gnomes in D&D worlds - rock gnomes and forest gnomes. Choose one of these types.


Forest gnomes have a natural ability for illusion, and have inherited agility and stealth. In D&D worlds, forest gnomes are rare and secretive people. They congregate in communities hidden in the depths of the forests, and use illusion and deception to hide from danger or hide their escape if discovered. Wood gnomes are generally friendly with other good forest folk, and consider elves and good fairies to be their main allies. These gnomes also make friends with small forest animals that warn them of danger.

Increase in characteristics. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

natural illusion. You know the spell lesser illusion. The base stat to use it is Intelligence.

Communication with small animals. With the help of sounds and gestures, you can convey simple concepts to Small or even smaller animals. Wood gnomes love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other animals as pets.


Rock gnomes stand out for their resourcefulness and resilience. Most gnomes in D&D worlds are rock, including the artisan gnomes from the world of the Spear Saga.

Increase in characteristics. Your Constitution value is increased by 1.

Craft knowledge. When making an Intelligence (History) check against a magical, alchemical, or technological object, you can add double the proficiency bonus to the check instead of the normal one.

Tinsmith. You are proficient with crafting tools (tinker's tools). With these, you can spend 1 hour of time and 10 gp worth of materials to craft a Tiny Mechanical Device (AC 5, 1 hit point). This device stops working after 24 hours (unless you take 1 hour to keep it running). You can use an action to disassemble it; in this case, you can get back the used materials. At the same time, you can have no more than three such devices.

When creating a device, select one of the following options:

  • Clockwork toy. This clockwork toy depicts an animal, monster or creature like a frog, mouse, bird, dragon or soldier. Placed on the ground, it travels 5 feet. in a random direction for each of your turns, emitting sounds corresponding to the depicted creature.
  • Lighter. This device produces a miniature flame that can be used to light a candle, torch, or campfire. Use of this device requires action.
  • Music Box. When opened, this box plays a melody of medium volume. The box stops playing if the melody ends or if the box is closed.


The third subrace of gnomes, the deep gnomes (or svirfneblin), live in small communities scattered in the Underdark. Unlike duergar and drow, svirfneblin are as good as their surface cousins. However, their humor and enthusiasm are overshadowed by the oppressive environment, and their inventive prowess is mainly expressed in working with stone.


Addition:"Princes of the Apocalypse"

Born underground

Svirfneblin are more like creatures of stone than flesh. Their skin is usually grey, brown, or greyish-brown, which acts as natural camouflage with the rock around them. Their bodies are angular, heavily muscled or frankly fat, and despite their small stature, they are heavier than they look; svirfneblin often weigh 100 pounds or more, but rarely grow over 3 feet.

Male svirfneblin are bald from early childhood, although they may grow wiry beards or mustaches as adults. Women have a lot of hair on their heads, but they usually braid it or cut it off so that it does not interfere with their work.

Svirfneblin are well adapted to subterranean existence. They have excellent vision in the dark, and many of them have magical talents that rival the innate abilities of drow and duergar. They are surprisingly strong for their size, and also resilient to hard work and dangers that would break most other creatures.

Magnificent Miners

Despite their cautious nature, svirfneblin are not cheerless. They admire craftsmanship and fine craftsmanship just as much as any other dwarf. Svirfneblin love gems of all kinds, and they boldly seek gems in the deepest and darkest tunnels. They are also experts in cutting and quarrying and value rubies more than other gemstones.

Dwellers of the Deep

Svirfneblin are known as deep gnomes because they prefer to live deep underground. Most svirfneblin have never seen the light of day. Their homes are cleverly hidden behind labyrinthine passageways and cunning illusions. Svirfneblin settlements are surrounded by vast networks of mining tunnels studded with death traps and hidden gatehouses. Once the traveler has passed through the outer defenses, the tunnels lead him to amazing cave towns, carved out of the surrounding rock with great finesse. Svirfneblin are strict in their comforts compared to their surface counterparts, but they take pride in their stonework.

The deep gnomes do their best to stay hidden. Even if the surface traveler succeeds in finding the svirfneblin, gaining their trust can prove to be an even more difficult task. Those rare travelers who have been able to befriend the deep gnomes realize that they are loyal and brave allies against any foe.

Scouts and spies

Dwarfs with a superficiality are drawn to the life of an adventurer out of a desire to learn about the world around them, see new things, and meet new people. Compared to them, most svirfneblin rarely wish to travel. They see the surface world as a wild, borderless place filled with unknown dangers. However, some of the svirfneblin realize they need to know a thing or two about what goes on on the surface near their hiding places. As a result, some svirfneblin become scouts, spies, and messengers, going on risky missions and doing their best to avoid attention. They do not like to talk about their goals and their home, but if they are kind, they can trust the inhabitants of the surface.

Some svirfneblin become merchants, doing business with other races above and below ground. Drow, duergar, and other peoples know that svirfneblin are neutral in their views and generally honest in their dealings. Working as an intermediary between warring races who cannot deal directly can be extremely lucrative, and they fulfill this function. Svirfneblin middlemen tend to know more about rumors and threats between opposing merchants than anyone else.

Deep Gnome Names

Svirfneblin prefer less flashy names than their rock or forest gnome cousins. Clan names reflect the skill or profession the family is associated with, but may change if one excels in a new direction.

Male names: Belwar, Brickers, Valshud, Durtmek, Krieger, Kronhad, Tulvar, Firbl, Schneiktik, Schnelfek

Women's names: Beliss, Darzii, Friknati, Ivridda, Creevy, Lulziss, Nalvati, Schnella, Tilmarra, Versidda

clan names: Crystalfist, Gemcutter, Ironfoot, Rockhewer, Simfinder, Stonecutter

Features of the deep gnomes

When creating a gnome character, you can select a svirfneblin as an alternate subrace for the gnome. For your convenience, the traits of a gnome and a deep gnome are described together here.

Increase in characteristics. Your Intelligence score is increased by 2 and your Dexterity score is increased by 1.

Age. Deep gnomes live shorter lives than other gnomes. They, like humans, reach maturity and are considered adults by the age of 25. They live from 200 to 250 years, although the hard work and dangers of living underground can lead to their early death.

Worldview. Svirfneblin believe that survival depends on understanding with other creatures and try not to make enemies, and therefore prefer a neutral alignment. They rarely wish others harm and are unlikely to risk their lives protecting the interests of another.

Size. Svirfneblin typically stand between 3 and 3.5 feet tall. (from 91 to 106 centimeters), and weight from 80 to 120 pounds (from 36 to 54 kilograms). Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base movement speed is 25 feet.

Excellent dark vision. Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.

Dwarf cunning. You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Stone camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain.

Languages. You speak, read and write Common, Dwarf and Underworld. The Dwarven dialect of svirfneblin is more guttural than that of surface gnomes, and most svirfneblin know Common very poorly, but those who deal with outsiders (this includes you as an adventurer) know Common well enough to travel.

Optional Trait

If your DM allows you to use feats from the Player's Handbook, then your deep gnome has access to a special feat, described below.

Svirfneblin Magic

Requirement: Gnome (deep gnome)

You have inherited the innate spellcasting ability of your ancestors. This ability allows you to cast a spell on yourself indefinitely. undetectable, without the need to use material components. With this ability, you can also cast the following spells one at a time: deafness/blindness , blurry image And disguise. You regain your ability to cast these spells when you finish a long rest.

The base stat for using these spells is Intelligence, and you cannot level up these spells.

    • The material is taken from the pdf version of the translation "Player's handbook" from the studio

What was the name of the gnomes in the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and got the best answer

Answer from Poddubny Stanislav Semyonovich[guru]
Like seven days a week.

Answer from Loratus[guru]
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Or maybe not. But for some reason it was the days of the week that came to mind.

Answer from Denis[newbie]
Snow White

Answer from Nadia[guru]
Original in English In Russian
Doc Egghead
bashful bashful
Sneezy Chihun
Happy merry fellow
Dopey Simpleton
Sleepy Sonya
Grumpy Grumpy

Answer from Guest from the Future[guru]
“Oh, yes, you can speak,” Snow White beamed with joy. But don't tell me your names. I'll try to guess myself. You are Doc, - she pointed at the dwarf in glasses, which had slid down to the tip of his nose.
- Hmm, hmm ... - Doc made a stupid face. - Yes, right!
- And you are Quiet, right?
The dwarf blushed and tied his beard in a knot in embarrassment. Seeing the third dwarf stretching and yawning, Snow White said without a shadow of a doubt:
- Your name is Sonya.
- I wonder how you guessed? muttered the dwarf sleepily. The rest of the dwarfs began to laugh, and Snow White proudly tossed her head, happy that she was able to guess the names so easily.
One of the gnomes clutched his nose, trying to keep from sneezing, and the girl immediately realized that his name was Chihun. And the other laughed so hard he couldn't even pronounce his own name.
“My name is Cheerful,” he finally said, choking with laughter, and pointed to his neighbor, who was staring at Snow White with a stupid smile in his mouth; his ears were large, protruding, and constantly moving.
- This is the Simpleton, - Veselchak introduced him. - He never talks.
- Why? Can not? the girl asked sympathetically.
- He doesn't know how. Never tried.
- It is amazing! - exclaimed Snow White, after which she turned to the dwarf, who was standing with a disgruntled expression. Mimicking him, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him, trying to look just as important.
- And you, of course, Grumpy.
- So what? muttered the dwarf. - Everyone knows my name. Hey you, - he jabbed at Doc's side. - Now you ask what her name is and what she's doing here.

They accompany us throughout our childhood and help us believe in miracles and love, even when we become adults. Can you remember the names of the gnomes from the beautiful fairy tale "Snow White"? Let's remember together.

Who are the gnomes?

Gnomes can be found on the pages of Scandinavian and German Volklore. They are human-like, small in stature and have beards. The occupation of fabulous creatures is associated with the extraction of diamonds and jewelry deep underground. Gnomes do not like people very much, but, as a rule, they do not do evil either.

How fairytale creatures got names

The names of the dwarfs for "Snow White" were invented by the one to whom most adults owe a fabulous childhood, namely Walt Disney. In the original, written by the Brothers Grimm, these cute fairy-tale creatures did without names. There were also several other differences: for example, in the original, the queen dies after dancing in hot shoes. But such a plot is not suitable for a small viewer, it was decided to change it a little. Here are the favorite names of the gnomes from "Snow White":

  1. Smart ass. This is the oldest of the gnomes and, as expected, the most important. For solidity, it has glasses. Knows everything and everything. True, he stutters during a conversation.
  2. Grumpy. This gnome is always dissatisfied with everyone. Everywhere suspects a trick. The only fairy-tale creature infused with unkindness towards Princess Snow White.
  3. Veselchak. This dwarf darling is the soul of any company with an infectious smile. Sweet and kind.
  4. Sonya. This gnome always and everywhere wants to sleep. He constantly yawns and is slightly retarded.
  5. Modest - here he is - a model of shyness. At the same time, the gnome always blushes very much.
  6. Chihun. The gnome was clearly suffering from allergies. Especially when smelling flowers. He sneezed so hard that, at the mere sign, the gnomes ran to stop him, and in one episode they even tied his beard in a knot.
  7. Vyalenky or Simpleton. The youngest of all gnomes. Very cute and funny. This is the only one of all the gnomes who has not yet grown a beard. And he doesn't have hair either.

Which of the gnomes is the most-most?

The names of the seven gnomes have been refreshed in your memory, but can you remember what your favorite gnome was? Vyalenky becomes the winner among little fairy-tale heroes! This is not surprising, because he is the youngest of all seven gnomes, very kind and simple-hearted, which is why kids love him the most.

Each fairy tale has its own story, which is written during the creation of the animation. Some interesting facts that relate to the creation of the cartoon "Snow White":

Who removed "Snow White" from the throne

Despite criticism and skeptical reviews, "Snow White" remained the leader of the box office until the appearance on the screens of the film "Gone with the Wind". It was the first color film. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is an Oscar winner.

We sincerely hope that the names of the gnomes helped you briefly return to childhood and take a break from the complexities of the adult world.

The Simpleton is the only cartoon dwarf who doesn't have a beard. This gnome is very clumsy and never talks. They say he just never tried to talk because of his character. A simpleton is a very cute, but a bit stupid dwarf. He wears a pink hat and a green suit. The Simpleton has blue eyes and a very friendly look.

Chihun (Sneezy)

Chihun got his funny name for a reason. With one sneeze, this dwarf can accidentally blow away even the heaviest object in the room. They say that this hero began to sneeze after he had a fever. He can sneeze at absolutely any, even completely inappropriate moment for this. And every time his brown cap flies over his eyes.

Modest (Bashful)

Modest is the most shy and timid dwarf of the seven. Despite the long white beard that adorns the faces of almost all gnomes, the Modest always looks very cute and modest. One has only to pay attention to the Shy Man, as he immediately begins to feel uncomfortable. This dwarf wears a green cap and often smiles shyly.


Sonya is the slowest and sleepiest dwarf not only in the cartoon, but also, it seems, in the whole wide world. He always looks tired. If Sonya does not sleep, then he constantly walks around yawning. The favorite pastime of this hero is, of course, sleep. This dwarf wears a green cap and a suit of the same color. Sonya is easily recognizable by his slowness and sleepy appearance.

Cheerful (Happy)

The name Veselchak fully reveals his character. This dwarf laughs more than all the other heroes and is always in a great mood. His friendly disposition is immediately noticeable even to the naked eye. And plump cheeks and a round tummy only emphasize the glorious character of Veselchak.


Grumpy is the most distrustful of the seven dwarfs. At first, Grumpy is very disapproving of Snow White's presence in the dwarfs' house. But then it is he who warns Snow White of the danger and rushes to her aid, despite the risk and his grouchy nature. Of all the dwarves, Grumpy has the biggest nose, he often squints one eye and, of course, grumbles a lot.

Egghead (Doc)

Egghead is the leader of the seven dwarfs. This hero of the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" has an incredible mind and quick wit. The nerd knows everything about everything, it's not for nothing that he was given just such a nickname. This hero always wears glasses, as every scientist should. And Egghead often confuses words, which does not prevent all other gnomes from treating him with respect.


Princess Snow White lived in a castle with her stepmother the queen.

Although royal blood flowed in the veins of the girl, her stepmother forced her to do the dirtiest work and dressed her in rags. Despite this, the girl was happy as soon as she found a moment to sing a song and dream alone. However, her stepmother became increasingly jealous of her beauty. When Snow White learned that the queen wanted to kill her, she decided to run away.

In fear, she ran through the dark forest. Tree branches tore at her dress and bats clung to her hair. It seemed to the girl that disgusting monsters were hiding behind the twisted black trunks. And when she stumbled and fell into the pond, the logs lying in the water seemed to her terrible crocodiles. Finally, from fear and fatigue, she was completely exhausted and fell to the ground unconscious.

Waking up, Snow White saw that cute and friendly little animals were clustered around her. They escorted her to a small house that stood in a clearing lost in the forest.

Snow White knocked on the door. No one answered her, and then she cautiously entered the house.

Oh, I see seven small chairs! - the girl exclaimed in amazement. - There must be seven children living here.

She spent the whole day sweeping dust, taking out the trash, scrubbing and mopping the floor. On the second floor, the girl found seven lovely little beds.

Just look! - Snow White exclaimed. - Each bed has a name written on it! And the names are so funny - Doc, Simpleton, Chihun, Tikhonya. Can children have such names? And also Grumpy, Veselchak and Sonya. Ah…” the girl yawned.

Terribly want to sleep. I’ll lie down for a minute, - muttered sleepy Snow White, lay down across the beds and fell asleep sweetly ...

She dreamed that seven little men showed up in the room. Snow White thought she could hear them talking: “Wow, that monster! Spread across three beds! Let's kill it before it wakes up!"

At these words, Snow White suddenly woke up and sat up in bed.

Ah, so you are real, - she was amazed, looking down at the seven small figures. - How are you?

How are you? Things are as white as soot, - muttered one of the gnomes, threateningly crossing his arms over his chest and knitting his eyebrows.

Oh, yes, you know how to speak, - Snow White beamed with joy. - But just don't tell me your names. I'll try to guess myself. You are Doc, - she pointed with her finger at the gnome in glasses, which had moved down to the tip of his nose.

Hmm, hmm ... - Doc made a stupid face. - Yes, that's right!

And you are Quiet, right?

The dwarf blushed and tied his beard in a knot in embarrassment. Seeing the third dwarf stretching and yawning, Snow White said without a shadow of a doubt:

And your name is Sonya.

I wonder how you guessed? - the dwarf muttered sleepily. The rest of the dwarfs began to laugh, and Snow White proudly tossed her head, happy that she was able to guess the names so easily.

One of the gnomes clutched his nose, trying to keep from sneezing, and the girl immediately realized that his name was Chihun. And the other laughed so hard he couldn't even pronounce his own name.

My name is Veselchak, - he finally said, choking with laughter, and pointed to his neighbor, who was staring at Snow White with a stupid smile in his mouth; his ears were large, protruding, and constantly moving.

This is Simpleton, - Veselchak introduced him. - He never talks.

Why? Can't you?" She asked sympathetically.

He doesn't know how. Never tried.

This is amazing! - exclaimed Snow White, after which she turned to the dwarf, who was standing with a disgruntled expression. Mimicking him, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him, trying to look just as important.

And you, of course same, Grumpy.

So what? - the dwarf muttered. - Everyone knows my name. Hey you, - he jabbed at Doc's side. - Now you ask what her name is and what she's doing here.

Tell us what you are and who are you doing here? - asked the dwarf, but immediately corrected himself: “That is, who are you, dear girl?”

Oh, really, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Princess Snow White.

Princess? - exclaimed the gnomes in unison. These words made a special impression on Doc.

Ah, Your Snow White... that is, Your Highness, we are very flattered by the honor that you bestow on us, - the dwarf bowed ceremoniously.

Snow White made an amiable curtsy in response.

Oh, shut up, cudgel, - Grumpy gave Doc a kick in the side. - Tell her better to leave!

Please don’t send me away,” the princess piteously asked. “If you do this, she will kill me!” The gnomes froze in horror.

Kill you? Who dares to do such a thing? Who, tell me?

My stepmother, the queen.

Queen! - cried the gnomes. Snow White nodded her head sadly.

She is evil, - said Tikhonya.

She’s stdashno short, - Chihun muttered.

She's a disgusting old witch!" Grunt snorted. "I warn you, if the queen finds Snow White here, she'll take a cruel revenge on us all.

But she doesn’t know where I am!” Snow White objected.

The Queen knows everything, - Grumpy answered gloomily. - She owns black magic!

She won't find me here, I assure you. And if you let me stay, I'll run your household, sew, clean, cook and...

She will cook food! - the gnomes jumped with delight.

Do you know how to make marmalade revenade morgaliki?” Doc asked excitedly. That is...

Rhubarb marmalade rolls!” shouted Grunt and Sneeze.

Of course I can, - Snow White smiled. - And berry mousse too.

Hooray! Berry mousse! - the gnomes yelled in chorus with delight. - Snow White remains!

Shouts of joy echoed throughout the house. The gnomes jumped, danced and clapped their hands, and Princess Snow White had fun with them. She was in a wonderful mood. The girl found seven new friends and a refuge where she could safely hide from the evil queen and her black magic. Everyone was happy - even Grumpy.


Although the dwarves warned that the queen would continue to pursue her, Snow White was sure that nothing bad would happen to her again. Therefore, when one morning the dwarfs went into the forest and the girl was left alone, she cordially met a miserable old woman in rags, who knocked on the door of the house. The kind and trusting Snow White did not even suspect that this old woman was her terrible stepmother, who changed her appearance.

The old woman gave the princess a red apple in bulk. Snow White hesitated, but the apple looked so appetizing that she finally took a bite.

The apple turned out to be poisoned! Princess Snow White fell into a sleep like death, from which only true love's kiss could awaken her.

When the dwarves returned, they found the lifeless Snow White. The gnomes were inconsolable. They made a crystal coffin with gold decorations for Snow White, but could not decide to bury the beautiful princess. The gnomes placed the coffin with the girl in a shady forest clearing and spent days and nights mourning there, decorating the coffin with the most beautiful forest flowers.

I will never forget the day when the princess appeared with us, and the dinner she cooked then, - Doc sighed sadly.

Eh, grumbled Grumpy. At least no one puts me in a tub of hot water now and makes me wash my face. Doc looked at him in surprise.

Are you really sorry we let her stay?

Certainly. I immediately realized that this would not lead to good - and here's the result.

So you think that we should have driven her away? - Doc was surprised.

This time, Grumpy didn't say anything, just lowered his head sadly.

The simpleton was also very worried. Thoughtfully he wandered through the meadow and collected daisies, feeling a great heaviness in his heart. He could not forget how Snow White said goodbye to him when he went into the forest. She always gently ruffled his ears and gently kissed the very top of his bald head.

Friends, hold on, do not give in to despondency, - Doc called on the gnomes, seeing their dejected faces.

That's right, - Veselchak agreed. - We must somehow hold on and find solace in memories. Remember how we had fun on the day of the appearance of Snow White?

Tikhonya blushed to the ears, as he constantly recalled that evening. It all started with a song that the dwarves sang with Snow White. Veselchak sang his verse beautifully, but when his turn came up, Quiet, he began to blush and stutter, and this was in the presence of the princess! However, Snow White's approving smile gave him courage, he calmed down and finished his verse properly.

I pppo ... - Chihun began, - pom ... - he squeezed his nose with two fingers and quickly put his bouquet aside. Pollen always made him sneeze. He began to speak quickly, quickly, fearing that he would sneeze before he could finish:


They thought it up great, but Sneeze didn't foresee one thing: the long cloak of the Simpleton completely covered his head and caused an irresistible desire to sneeze. The poor fellow struggled with himself as best he could, but in the end he could not stand it. A sneeze, as loud as a cannon shot, shook them so that Simpleton lost his balance and fell to the ground with a crash. Everyone laughed a lot, and Snow White was the loudest.

Yes, it looked funny, - Sonya smiled reluctantly, holding back a yawn, - But the best of all that ... I remember ... was the story that the princess told us that evening.

It was a love story, - Tikhonya recalled.

Stupidity, grumbled Grumpy. Stories like that don't make any sense.

What are you talking about, they are beautiful, Doc objected dreamily. The prince was so handsome and romantic that she could not resist and furtively kissed him...”

Kissed ... - as if an echo repeated Tikhonya.

The gnomes were silent for a long time. They weren't angry with Grumpy, as they knew that he loved Snow White as much as they did, even though he didn't want to admit it.

I will never forget the song she sang to us, - Veselchak finally said. - That the prince would come and take her to his castle. She sang about spring when their love blossomed, about birds, flowers and wedding bells announcing the fulfillment of desires.

One by one, bowing their heads, the gnomes approached the crystal-gold coffin and stacked their bouquets there. Doc and Jolly removed the lid and put a wreath of the most beautiful flowers into the princess's hands, then knelt on either side of the coffin.

Suddenly, the gnomes raised their heads in fright, hearing the clatter of hooves and a sonorous male voice not far away. Soon a tall handsome young man rode out into the clearing. He jumped off his horse, went to the coffin and, dropping to one knee, kissed the lifeless lips of Snow White.

The princess's eyelids fluttered. She opened her eyes and, seeing the prince, smiled happily. The girl held out her arms to him, and he hugged her and kissed her again, and then lifted her up like a feather and put her in the saddle.

From such a picture, the gnomes with enthusiastic cries began tossing up their hats, and then they began to joyfully jump around the clearing, laughing and singing a cheerful song. They made such a noise that soon the whole forest knew about their joy.

However, the hour of parting has come. The prince lifted the dwarfs one by one so that Snow White, who was sitting on a horse, could say goodbye to them.

Finally, he himself jumped into the saddle, and the horse moved along the forest path, and Snow White looked back for the last time and waved to the dwarfs.

The gnomes stood by the road for a long time and watched as the handsome prince took their beloved Snow White to the castle. Soon ringing bells announced to the whole kingdom about the wedding of the young couple, who from that time lived happily ever after.

Translation by A. Kocharov

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