Human losses in World War 2. The myth of being overwhelmed with corpses (losses in the Great Patriotic War)


Military losses during the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War have been the subject of both disputes and speculation for many years. Moreover, the attitude towards these losses is changing exactly the opposite. So, in the 70s, the propaganda apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU for some reason almost proudly broadcast about the heavy human losses of the USSR during the war years. And not so much about the victims of the Nazi genocide, but about the combat losses of the Red Army. With completely incomprehensible pride, the propaganda “canard” was exaggerated, allegedly about only three percent of the front-line soldiers born in 1923 who survived the war. With rapture they broadcast about entire graduation classes, where all the young men went to the front and not one returned. An almost socialist competition was launched among rural areas, who has more villages, where all the men who went to the front died. Although, according to demographic statistics, on the eve of the Great Patriotic War there were 8.6 million men in 1919-1923. birth, and in 1949, during the All-Union census of the population, there were 5.05 million of them alive, that is, the decline in the male population of 1919-1923. births during this period amounted to 3.55 million people. Thus, if we accept that for each of the ages 1919-1923. Since there is an equal size of the male population, there were 1.72 million men of each year of birth. Then it turns out that 1.67 million people (97%) died of conscripts born in 1923, and conscripts born in 1919-1922. births - 1.88 million people, i.e. about 450 thousand people of those born in each of these four years (about 27% of their total number). And despite the fact that the military personnel of 1919-1922. births made up the regular Red Army, which took the blow of the Wehrmacht in June 1941 and almost completely burned out in the battles of the summer and autumn of that year. This alone easily refutes all the conjectures of the notorious "sixties" about the allegedly three percent of the surviving front-line soldiers born in 1923.

During the "perestroika" and so-called. reforms, the pendulum has swung the other way. Unthinkable figures of 30 and 40 million servicemen who died during the war were enthusiastically cited, the notorious B. Sokolov, a doctor of philology, by the way, and not a mathematician, is especially zealous with the methods of statistics. Absurd ideas were voiced that Germany lost only almost 100 thousand people during the entire war, about a monstrous ratio of 1:14 dead German and Soviet soldiers, etc. Statistical data on the losses of the Soviet Armed Forces, given in the reference book “Secrecy Removed”, published in 1993, and in the fundamental work “Russia and the USSR in the Wars of the 20th Century (Losses of the Armed Forces)”, were categorically declared falsifications. Moreover, according to the principle: since this does not correspond to someone's speculative concept of the losses of the Red Army, it means falsification. At the same time, the losses of the enemy were underestimated in every possible way and are being underestimated. With veal delight, figures are announced that do not climb into any gates. So, for example, the losses of the 4th Panzer Army and the Kempf task force during the German offensive near Kursk in July 1943 were cited in the amount of only 6900 killed soldiers and officers and 12 burnt tanks. At the same time, miserable and ridiculous arguments were invented to explain why the tank army, which had practically retained 100% combat capability, suddenly backed away: from the landing of the allies in Italy, to the lack of fuel and spare parts, or even about the rains that had begun.

Therefore, the question of the human losses of Germany during the Second World War is quite relevant. Moreover, interestingly, in Germany itself there are still no fundamental studies on this issue. Only circumstantial information is available. Most researchers, when analyzing Germany's losses during World War II, use the monograph of the German researcher B. Müller-Hillebrandt “The Land Army of Germany. 1933-1945". However, this historian resorted to outright falsification. Thus, indicating the number of those drafted into the Wehrmacht and the SS troops, Müller-Hillebrand gave information only for the period from 06/01/1939 to 04/30/1945, modestly keeping silent about the contingents previously called up for military service. But by June 1, 1939, Germany had already been deploying its armed forces for four years, and by June 1 of that year, there were 3214.0 thousand people in the Wehrmacht! Therefore, the number of men mobilized in the Wehrmacht and the SS in 1935-1945. takes on a different form (see table 1).

Thus, the total number of people mobilized into the Wehrmacht and SS troops is not 17,893.2 thousand people, but about 21,107.2 thousand people, which immediately gives a completely different picture of Germany's losses during the Second World War.

Now let's turn to the actual losses of the Wehrmacht. The Wehrmacht operated three different loss accounting systems:

1) through the channel "IIa" - military service;
2) through the channel of the medical and sanitary service;
3) through the channel of personal accounting of losses in the territorial bodies of the list accounting of German military personnel.

But at the same time, there was an interesting feature - the losses of units and subunits were taken into account not in total, but according to their combat mission. This was done in order for the Reserve Army to have comprehensive information about which contingents of military personnel must be submitted for replenishment in each specific division. A reasonable enough principle, but today this method of accounting for the loss of personnel allows you to manipulate the numbers of German losses.

Firstly, separate records were kept of the losses of personnel of the so-called. "combat strength" - Kampfwstaerke - and support units. So, in the German infantry division of the state in 1944, the “combat strength” was 7160 people, the number of combat support and rear units - 5609 people, and the total number - Tagesstaerke - 12 769 people. In a tank division according to the state of 1944, the “combat strength” was 9307 people, the number of combat support and rear units was 5420 people, and the total number was 14,727 people. The "combat strength" of the active army of the Wehrmacht was approximately 40-45% of the total number of personnel. By the way, this allows you to very famously falsify the course of the war, when the total number of Soviet troops at the front is indicated, and the German ones only combat. Like, signalmen, sappers, repairmen, they don’t go on attacks ...

Secondly, in the "combat strength" itself - Kampfwstaerke - units "directly fighting" - Gefechtstaerke - were separately allocated. Infantry (motorized rifle, tank-grenadier) regiments, tank regiments and battalions and reconnaissance battalions were considered units and subunits "directly engaged in combat" as part of divisions. Artillery regiments and divisions, anti-tank and anti-aircraft divisions belonged to combat support units. In the Air Force - the Luftwaffe - "units directly engaged in combat" were considered flight personnel, in the Naval Forces - the Kriegsmarine - sailors belonged to this category. And accounting for the losses of personnel of the "combat strength" was carried out separately for the personnel "directly fighting" and for the personnel of combat support units.

It is also interesting to note that only those killed directly on the battlefield were taken into account in combat losses, but the military personnel who died from severe wounds during the evacuation stages were already attributed to the losses of the Reserve Army and were excluded from the total number of irretrievable losses of the active army. That is, as soon as the wound was determined to require more than 6 weeks to heal, the Wehrmacht soldier was immediately transferred to the Reserve Army. And even if they did not have time to take him to the rear and he was dying near the front line, anyway, as an irretrievable loss, he was already taken into account in the Reserve Army and this serviceman was excluded from the number of combat irretrievable losses of a specific front (Eastern, African, Western, etc.) . That is why, in accounting for the losses of the Wehrmacht, almost only those killed and missing appear.

There was another specific feature of accounting for losses in the Wehrmacht. Czechs drafted into the Wehrmacht from the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Poles drafted into the Wehrmacht from the Poznan and Pomeranian regions of Poland, as well as Alsatians and Lorraine through the channel of personal loss accounting in the territorial bodies of the German military personnel list were not taken into account, since they did not belong to the so-called . "Imperial Germans". In the same way, ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche), drafted into the Wehrmacht from the occupied countries of Europe, were not taken into account through the personal account channel. In other words, the losses of these categories of servicemen were excluded from the total accounting of irretrievable losses of the Wehrmacht. Although more than 1200 thousand people were called up from these territories to the Wehrmacht and the SS, not counting the ethnic Germans - Volksdoche - the occupied countries of Europe. Only from the ethnic Germans of Croatia, Hungary and the Czech Republic, six SS divisions were formed, not counting the large number of military police units.

The Wehrmacht did not take into account the losses of auxiliary paramilitary formations: the National Socialist Automobile Corps, the Speer Transport Corps, the Imperial Labor Service and the Todt Organization. Although the personnel of these formations took a direct part in supporting the hostilities, and at the final stage of the war, units and units of these auxiliary formations rushed into battle against the Soviet troops on German territory. Often, the personnel of these formations were added as reinforcements to the Wehrmacht formations right at the front, but since this was not a reinforcement sent through the Reserve Army, no centralized accounting of this reinforcement was kept, and the combat loss of this personnel was not taken into account through the service loss accounting channels.

Separately from the Wehrmacht, the losses of the Volkssturm and the Hitler Youth were also recorded, which were widely involved in hostilities in East Prussia, East Pomerania, Silesia, Brandenburg, West Pomerania, Saxony and Berlin. The Volksshurm and the Hitler Youth were under the control of the NSDAP. Often, units of both the Volkssturm and the Hitler Youth were also directly at the front merged into the Wehrmacht units and formations as replenishment, but for the same reason as with other paramilitary formations, a personal personal account of this replenishment was not carried out.

Also, the Wehrmacht did not take into account the losses of the SS military and police units (primarily the Feljandarmerie), which fought against the partisan movement, and at the final stage of the war rushed into battle against the Red Army.

In addition, the so-called. “volunteer assistants” - Hilfswillige (“Hiwi”, Hiwi), but the losses of this category of personnel in the total combat losses of the Wehrmacht were also not taken into account. Special mention should be made of "voluntary helpers". These "assistants" were recruited in all countries of Europe and the occupied part of the USSR, in total in 1939-1945. up to 2 million people joined the Wehrmacht and the SS as "voluntary assistants" (including about 500 thousand people from the occupied territories of the USSR). And although most of the Hiwi were service personnel of the rear structures and commandant's offices of the Wehrmacht in the occupied territories, a significant part of them were directly part of the combat units and formations.

Thus, unscrupulous researchers from the total number of irretrievable losses of Germany excluded a large number of lost personnel who directly participated in the hostilities, but were not formally related to the Wehrmacht. Although the auxiliary paramilitary formations, and the Volkssturm, and "voluntary assistants" suffered losses during the battles, these losses can rightly be attributed to the combat losses of Germany.

Table 2, presented here, attempts to bring together the strength of both the Wehrmacht and the German paramilitaries, and roughly calculate the loss of personnel of the armed forces of Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

The number of German soldiers who were captured by the Allies and capitulated to them may be surprising, despite the fact that 2/3 of the Wehrmacht troops operated on the Eastern Front. The bottom line is that in the captivity of the Allies in a common boiler, both the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS (the designation of the SS field troops operating on the fronts of the Second World War), and the personnel of various paramilitary formations, Volkssturm, NSDAP functionaries, employees territorial divisions of the RSHA and police territorial formations, up to firefighters. As a result, the Allies counted as prisoners up to 4032.3 thousand people, although the actual number of prisoners of war from the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS was significantly lower than the Allies indicated in their documents - about 3000.0 thousand people, however, in our calculations will use official data. In addition, in April-May 1945, German troops, fearing retribution for the atrocities committed on the territory of the USSR, rapidly rolled back to the west, trying to surrender to the Anglo-American troops. Also at the end of April - beginning of May 1945, the formation of the Wehrmacht Reserve Army and all kinds of paramilitary formations, as well as police units, surrendered en masse to the Anglo-American troops.

Thus, the table clearly shows that the total losses of the Third Reich on the Eastern Front in killed and died from wounds, missing, dead in captivity reach 6071 thousand people.

However, as you know, not only German troops, foreign volunteers and paramilitary formations of Germany, but also the troops of their satellites fought against the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front. It is also necessary to take into account the losses and "voluntary assistants -" Hiwi ". Therefore, taking into account the losses of these categories of personnel, the overall picture of the losses of Germany and its satellites on the Eastern Front takes the picture shown in Table 3.

Thus, the total irretrievable losses of Nazi Germany and its satellites on the Eastern Front in 1941-1945. reach 7 million 625 thousand people. If we take losses only on the battlefield, excluding those who died in captivity and the losses of "voluntary assistants", then the losses are: for Germany - about 5620.4 thousand people and for satellite countries - 959 thousand people, in total - about 6579.4 thousands of people. Soviet losses on the battlefield amounted to 6885.1 thousand people. Thus, the losses of Germany and its satellites on the battlefield, taking into account all factors, are only slightly less than the combat losses of the Soviet Armed Forces on the battlefield (about 5%), and there is no ratio of 1:8 or 1:14 combat losses of Germany and its satellites the losses of the USSR are out of the question.

The figures given in the tables above, of course, are very indicative and have serious errors, but they give, in a certain approximation, the order of losses of Nazi Germany and its satellites on the Eastern Front and during the war as a whole. At the same time, of course, if it were not for the inhuman treatment of Soviet prisoners of war by the Nazis, the total number of losses of Soviet military personnel would have been much lower. With an appropriate attitude towards Soviet prisoners of war, at least one and a half to two million people from among those who died in German captivity could have survived.

Nevertheless, a detailed and detailed study of the real human losses in Germany during the Second World War does not exist to date, because. there is no political order, and many data relating to the losses of Germany are still classified under the pretext that they can cause "moral injury" to the current German society (let them remain in happy ignorance of how many Germans perished during the Second World War). Contrary to the popular print of the domestic media in Germany, actively falsifying history. The main goal of these actions is to introduce into public opinion the idea that in the war with the USSR, Nazi Germany was the defending side, and the Wehrmacht was the "vanguard of European civilization" in the fight against "Bolshevik barbarism." And there they actively extol the “brilliant” German generals, who for four years held back the “Asian hordes of Bolsheviks”, with minimal losses of German troops, and only the “twenty-fold numerical superiority of the Bolsheviks”, who filled the Wehrmacht with corpses, broke the resistance of the “valiant” soldiers of the Wehrmacht. And the thesis is constantly being exaggerated that more “civilian” German population died than soldiers at the front, and most of the dead civilian population supposedly falls on the eastern part of Germany, where the Soviet troops allegedly committed atrocities.

In the light of the problems discussed above, it is necessary to touch on the clichés stubbornly imposed by pseudo-historians that the USSR won by “filling up the German with the corpses of its soldiers.” The USSR simply did not have such an amount of human resources. On June 22, 1941, the population of the USSR was about 190-194 million people. Including the male population was about 48-49% - approximately 91-93 million people, of which men 1891-1927. births were about 51-53 million people. We exclude approximately 10% of men unfit for military service even in wartime - this is about 5 million people. We exclude 18-20% of the "booked" - highly qualified specialists who are not subject to conscription - this is about 10 million more people. Thus, the draft resource of the USSR was about 36-38 million people. What the USSR actually demonstrated by conscripting 34,476.7 thousand people into the Armed Forces. In addition, it must be taken into account that a significant part of the draft contingent remained in the occupied territories. And many of these people were either deported to Germany, or died, or embarked on the path of collaborationism, and after the Soviet troops liberated from the occupied territories, much fewer people were drafted into the army (by 40-45%) than could be called up before the occupation. In addition, the economy of the USSR simply could not stand it if almost all men capable of carrying weapons - 48-49 million people - were drafted into the army. Then there would be no one to melt steel, to produce T-34 and Il-2, to grow bread.

In order to have in May 1945 the Armed Forces numbering 11,390.6 thousand people, to have 1046 thousand people to be treated in hospitals, to demobilize 3798.2 thousand people for injuries and illnesses, to lose 4600 thousand people. prisoners and lose 26,400 thousand people killed, just 48,632.3 thousand people should have been mobilized into the Armed Forces. That is, with the exception of cripples completely unfit for military service, not a single man of 1891-1927. birth in the rear should not have remained! Moreover, given that some of the men of military age ended up in the occupied territories, and some worked at industrial enterprises, older and younger ages would inevitably fall under the mobilization. However, the mobilization of men older than 1891 was not carried out, as well as the mobilization of conscripts younger than 1927. In general, the doctor of philology B. Sokolov would have been engaged in the analysis of poetry or prose, perhaps he would not have become a laughingstock.

Returning to the losses of the Wehrmacht and the Third Reich as a whole, it should be noted that the issue of accounting for losses there is quite interesting and specific. Thus, the data on the losses of armored vehicles, cited by B. Müller-Gillebrandt, are very interesting and noteworthy. For example, in April-June 1943, when there was a lull on the Eastern Front, and fighting was going on only in North Africa, 1019 tanks and assault guns were taken into account as irretrievable losses. Moreover, by the end of March, the “Afrika” army had barely 200 tanks and assault guns, and in April and May, at most 100 armored vehicles were delivered to Tunisia. Those. in North Africa in April and May the Wehrmacht could lose at most 300 tanks and assault guns. Where did another 700-750 lost armored vehicles come from? Were there secret tank battles on the Eastern Front? Or did the Wehrmacht tank army find its end in Yugoslavia these days?

Similarly, the loss of armored vehicles in December 1942, when there were fierce tank battles on the Don, or the losses in January 1943, when the German troops rolled back from the Caucasus, abandoning their equipment, Müller-Hillebrand leads in the amount of only 184 and 446 tanks and assault guns. But in February-March 1943, when the Wehrmacht launched a counteroffensive in the Donbass, the losses of the German BTT suddenly reached 2069 units in February and 759 units in March. It must be borne in mind that the Wehrmacht was advancing, the battlefield remained with the German troops, and all armored vehicles damaged in battles were delivered to the tank repair units of the Wehrmacht. In Africa, the Wehrmacht could not suffer such losses, by the beginning of February the “Afrika” army consisted of no more than 350-400 tanks and assault guns, and in February-March received only about 200 armored vehicles for replenishment. Those. even with the destruction of all German tanks in Africa, the losses of the Afrika army in February-March could not exceed 600 units, the remaining 2228 tanks and assault guns were lost on the Eastern Front. How could this happen? Why did the Germans lose five times more tanks in the offensive than in the retreat, although the experience of the war shows that the opposite is always the case?

The answer is simple: in February 1943, the 6th German Army of Field Marshal Paulus capitulated in Stalingrad. And the Wehrmacht had to transfer to the list of irretrievable losses all armored vehicles, which they had long lost in the Don steppes, but continued to be modestly listed in the medium and long-term repairs in the 6th Army.

It is impossible to explain why, while gnawing through the defenses of the Soviet troops near Kursk in depth, saturated with anti-tank artillery and tanks in July 1943, the German troops lost fewer tanks than in February 1943, when they delivered counterattacks against the troops of the South-Western and Voronezh fronts. Even if we assume that in February 1943 the German troops lost 50% of their tanks in Africa, it is difficult to assume that in February 1943 in the Donbass, small Soviet troops were able to knock out more than 1000 tanks, and in July near Belgorod and Orel - only 925.

It is no coincidence that for a long time, when the documents of the German “panzer divisions” were captured in the “cauldrons”, serious questions arose as to where the German equipment had gone if no one had broken out of the encirclement, and the amount of abandoned and broken equipment did not correspond to what was written in the documents. Each time, the Germans had significantly fewer tanks and assault guns than were listed according to the documents. And only by the middle of 1944 did they realize that the real composition of German tank divisions must be determined according to the “combat-ready” column. Often there were situations when in the German tank and tank-grenadier divisions there were more "dead tank souls" than actually available combat-ready tanks and assault guns. And burnt out, with turrets rolled to the side, with gaping gaps in the armor, the tanks stood in the yards of tank repair enterprises, on paper moving from vehicles of one repair category to another, waiting either to be sent for remelting, or they were captured by Soviet troops. On the other hand, German industrial corporations at that time were quietly “sawing” the finances allocated for allegedly long-term repairs or repairs “with shipment to Germany”. In addition, if the Soviet documents immediately and clearly indicated that the irretrievably lost tank burned down or was broken so that it could not be restored, then the German documents indicated only the disabled unit or unit (engine, transmission, chassis), or it was indicated location of combat damage (hull, turret, bottom, etc.). At the same time, even a tank completely burned out from a shell hit in the engine compartment was listed as having engine damage.

If we analyze the same B. Muller-Gillebrandt's data on the losses of the "Royal Tigers", then an even more striking picture emerges. In early February 1945, the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS had 219 Pz. Kpfw. VI Ausf. B "Tiger II" ("Royal Tiger"). By this time, 417 tanks of this type had been produced. And lost, according to Muller-Gillebrandt, - 57. In total, the difference between produced and lost tanks is 350 units. In stock - 219. Where did 131 cars go? And that is not all. According to the same retired general in August 1944, there were no lost King Tigers at all. And many other researchers of the history of the Panzerwaffe also find themselves in an awkward position, when almost everyone points out that the German troops recognized the loss of only 6 (six) Pz. near Sandomierz. Kpfw. VI Ausf. B "Tiger II". But what about the situation when, near the town of Szydlów and the village of Oglendow near Sandomierz, Soviet trophy groups and special groups from the armored department of the 1st Ukrainian Front were studied in detail and described with serial numbers of 10 wrecked and burnt and 3 fully serviceable "Royal Tigers" ? It remains only to assume that, standing within the line of sight of the German troops, the wrecked and burned-out "Royal Tigers", were listed by the Wehrmacht in their long-term repair under the pretext that theoretically these tanks could be beaten off during a counterattack and then returned to service. Original logic, but nothing else comes to mind.

According to B. Müller-Gillebrandt, by February 1, 1945, 5840 heavy tanks Pz. Kpfw. V "Panther" ("Panther"), lost - 3059 units, 1964 units were available. If we take the difference between the produced "Panthers" and their losses, then the remainder is 2781 units. There was, as already mentioned, 1964 units. At the same time, Panther tanks were not transferred to German satellites. Where did 817 units go?

With tanks Pz. Kpfw. IV is exactly the same picture. Produced by February 1, 1945 of these machines, according to Muller-Gillebrandt, 8428 units, lost - 6151, the difference is 2277 units, there were 1517 units on February 1, 1945. No more than 300 machines of this type were transferred to the allies. Thus, up to 460 cars are unaccounted for, having disappeared to who knows where.

Tanks Pz. Kpfw. III. Produced - 5681 units, lost by February 1, 1945 - 4808 units, the difference - 873 units, there were 534 tanks on the same date. No more than 100 units were transferred to the satellites, so it is not known where about 250 tanks evaporated from the account.

In total, more than 1,700 tanks "Royal Tiger", "Panther", Pz. Kpfw. IV and Pz. Kpfw. III.

Paradoxically, to date, none of the attempts to deal with the irretrievable losses of the Wehrmacht in technology has not been successful. No one was able to decompose in detail by months and years what real irretrievable losses the Panzerwaffe suffered. And all because of the peculiar methodology of "accounting" for the loss of military equipment in the German Wehrmacht.

In the same way, in the Luftwaffe, the existing methodology for accounting for losses made it possible for a long time to list in the “repair” column downed, but fallen on their territory, aircraft. Sometimes even a shattered plane that crashed at the location of German troops was not immediately included in the lists of irretrievable losses, but was considered damaged. All this led to the fact that in the squadrons of the Luftwaffe up to 30-40%, and even more, the equipment was constantly listed as not combat-ready, smoothly moving from the category of damaged to the category to be written off.

One example: when in July 1943, on the southern face of the Kursk Bulge, pilot A. Gorovets shot down 9 Ju-87 dive bombers in one battle, the Soviet infantry examined the Junkers crash sites and reported detailed data on the downed aircraft: tactical and factory numbers, data on dead crew members, etc. However, the Luftwaffe acknowledged the loss of only two dive bombers that day. How could this happen? The answer is simple: by the evening of the day of the air battle, the territory where the Luftwaffe bombers had fallen was occupied by German troops. And the downed planes were in the territory controlled by the Germans. And of the nine bombers, only two scattered in the air, the rest fell, but retained relative integrity, although they were mangled. And the Luftwaffe with a calm soul attributed the downed aircraft to the number of only received combat damage. Surprisingly, this is a real fact.

And in general, considering the issue of losses of Wehrmacht equipment, it must be borne in mind that a lot of money was made on the repair of equipment. And when it came to the financial interests of the financial and industrial oligarchy, the entire repressive apparatus of the Third Reich stood at attention before it. The interests of industrial corporations and banks were guarded sacredly. Moreover, most of the Nazi bosses had their own selfish interests in this.

It is necessary to note one more specific point. Contrary to popular belief about the pedantry, accuracy and scrupulousness of the Germans, the Nazi elite was well aware that a complete and accurate accounting of losses could become a weapon against them. After all, there is always a possibility that information about the true extent of the losses will fall into the hands of the enemy and be used in a propaganda war against the Reich. Therefore, in Nazi Germany they turned a blind eye to the confusion in accounting for losses. At first there was a calculation that the winners were not judged, then it became a deliberate policy in order not to give the winners, in the event of the complete defeat of the Third Reich, arguments for exposing the scale of the disaster to the German people. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that at the final stage of the war, a special erasure of archives was carried out in order not to give the winners additional arguments in accusing the leaders of the Nazi regime of crimes not only against other peoples, but also against their own, German. After all, the death of several million young men in a senseless massacre for the sake of implementing crazy ideas about world domination is a very strong argument for the prosecution.

Therefore, the true scale of Germany's human losses during the Second World War is still waiting for its scrupulous researchers, and then very curious facts may be revealed to them. But on the condition that these will be conscientious historians, and not all kinds of corned beef, milk, Svanidze, Afanasyev, Gavriilpopov and Sokolov. Paradoxically, the commission to counter the falsification of history will have more work to do inside Russia than outside it.

“I forgive the Russians in advance for everything they do with Germany” (With)

This article discusses the losses suffered by the Red Army, the Wehrmacht and the troops of the satellite countries of the Third Reich, as well as the civilian population of the USSR and Germany, only in the period from 06/22/1941 until the end of hostilities in Europe

1. Losses of the USSR

According to the official data of the 1939 census, 170 million people lived in the USSR - significantly more than in any other single country in Europe. The entire population of Europe (excluding the USSR) was 400 million people. By the beginning of World War II, the population of the Soviet Union differed from the population of future enemies and allies by a high mortality rate and low life expectancy. Nevertheless, the high birth rate ensured a significant increase in the population (2% in 1938–39). Also, the difference from Europe was in the youth of the population of the USSR: the proportion of children under 15 years old was 35%. It was this feature that made it possible relatively quickly (within 10 years) to restore the pre-war population. The share of the urban population was only 32% (for comparison: in the UK - more than 80%, in France - 50%, in Germany - 70%, in the USA - 60%, and only in Japan did it have the same value as in THE USSR).

In 1939, the population of the USSR increased markedly after the entry into the country of new regions (Western Ukraine and Belarus, the Baltic states, Bukovina and Bessarabia), whose population ranged from 20 to 22.5 million people. The total population of the USSR, according to the certificate of the CSB on January 1, 1941, was determined at 198,588 thousand people (including the RSFSR - 111,745 thousand people). According to modern estimates, it was still less, and on June 1, 41 it was 196.7 million people.

Population of some countries for 1938–40

USSR - 170.6 (196.7) million people;
Germany - 77.4 million people;
France - 40.1 million people;
Great Britain - 51.1 million people;
Italy - 42.4 million people;
Finland - 3.8 million people;
USA - 132.1 million people;
Japan - 71.9 million people.

By 1940, the population of the Reich had increased to 90 million people, and taking into account satellites and conquered countries - 297 million people. By December 1941, the USSR had lost 7% of the country's territory, on which 74.5 million people lived before the start of the Second World War. This once again emphasizes that despite Hitler's assurances, the USSR had no advantages in human resources over the Third Reich.

During the entire period of the Great Patriotic War in our country, 34.5 million people put on military uniforms. This amounted to about 70% of the total number of men aged 15–49 in 1941. The number of women in the Red Army was approximately 500,000. The percentage of those called up was higher only in Germany, but as we said earlier, the Germans covered the labor shortage at the expense of European workers and prisoners of war. In the USSR, such a deficit was covered by the increased length of the working day and the widespread use of the labor of women, children and the elderly.

For a long time, the USSR did not talk about direct irretrievable losses of the Red Army. In a private conversation, Marshal Konev in 1962 called the figure 10 million people, the well-known defector - Colonel Kalinov, who fled to the West in 1949 - 13.6 million people. The figure of 10 million people was published in the French version of the book "Wars and Population" by B. Ts. Urlanis, a well-known Soviet demographer. In 1993 and 2001, the authors of the well-known monograph “Secrecy Removed” (under the editorship of G. Krivosheev) published the figure of 8.7 million people; at the moment, it is indicated in most reference literature. But the authors themselves state that it does not include: 500,000 conscripts called up for mobilization and captured by the enemy, but not included in the lists of units and formations. The almost completely dead militiamen of Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv and other large cities are also not taken into account. Currently, the most complete lists of irretrievable losses of Soviet soldiers are 13.7 million people, but approximately 12-15% of the records are repeated. According to the article "Dead Souls of the Great Patriotic War" ("NG", 06/22/99), the historical and archival search center "Destiny" of the "War Memorials" association found that due to double and even triple counting, the number of dead soldiers of the 43rd and 2 th Shock armies in the battles studied by the center were overestimated by 10-12%. Since these figures refer to the period when the accounting of losses in the Red Army was not accurate enough, it can be assumed that in the whole war, due to double counting, the number of dead Red Army soldiers is overestimated by about 5–7%, i.e., by 0.2– 0.4 million people

On the issue of prisoners. The American researcher A. Dallin, according to archival German data, estimates their number at 5.7 million people. Of these, 3.8 million died in captivity, that is, 63%. Domestic historians estimate the number of captured Red Army soldiers at 4.6 million people, of which 2.9 million died. Unlike German sources, this does not include civilians (for example, railway workers), as well as seriously wounded who remained on the battlefield occupied by the enemy, and subsequently died from wounds or shot (about 470-500 thousand). The situation of prisoners of war was especially desperate in the first year of the war, when more than half of their total number (2.8 million people) was captured, and their labor had not yet been used in interests of the Reich. Open-air camps, hunger and cold, illness and lack of medicines, cruel treatment, mass executions of the sick and incapable of work, and simply of all those who were objectionable, primarily commissars and Jews. Unable to cope with the flow of prisoners and guided by political and propaganda motives, the occupiers in 1941 sent home over 300 thousand prisoners of war, mainly natives of western Ukraine and Belarus. Subsequently, this practice was discontinued.

Also, do not forget that approximately 1 million prisoners of war were transferred from captivity to the auxiliary units of the Wehrmacht. In many cases, this was the only chance for prisoners to survive. Again, most of these people, according to German data, at the first opportunity tried to desert from units and formations of the Wehrmacht. In the local auxiliary forces of the German army stood out:

1) voluntary helpers (hiwi)
2) order service (one)
3) front-line auxiliary parts (noise)
4) police and defense teams (gema).

At the beginning of 1943, the Wehrmacht operated: up to 400 thousand Khivs, from 60 to 70 thousand Odies, and 80 thousand in the eastern battalions.

Some of the prisoners of war and the population of the occupied territories made a conscious choice in favor of cooperation with the Germans. So, in the SS division "Galicia" for 13,000 "places" there were 82,000 volunteers. More than 100 thousand Latvians, 36 thousand Lithuanians and 10 thousand Estonians served in the German army, mainly in the SS troops.

In addition, several million people from the occupied territories were deported to forced labor in the Reich. The ChGK (Extraordinary State Commission) immediately after the war estimated their number at 4.259 million people. More recent studies give a figure of 5.45 million people, of which 850-1000 thousand died.

Estimates of the direct physical extermination of the civilian population, according to the ChGK of 1946.

RSFSR - 706 thousand people.
Ukrainian SSR - 3256.2 thousand people.
BSSR - 1547 thousand people
Lit. SSR - 437.5 thousand people.
Lat. SSR - 313.8 thousand people.
Est. SSR - 61.3 thousand people.
Mold. SSR - 61 thousand people.
Karelo-Fin. SSR - 8 thousand people. (10)

Another important question. How many former Soviet citizens chose not to return to the USSR after the end of the Great Patriotic War? According to Soviet archival data, the number of "second emigration" was 620 thousand people. 170,000 Germans, Bessarabians and Bukovinians, 150,000 Ukrainians, 109,000 Latvians, 230,000 Estonians and Lithuanians, and only 32,000 Russians. Today, this estimate seems to be clearly underestimated. According to modern data, emigration from the USSR amounted to 1.3 million people. Which gives us a difference of almost 700 thousand, previously attributed to irretrievable losses of the population.

For twenty years, the main estimate of the losses of the Red Army was the figure of 20 million people, “far-fetched” by N. Khrushchev. In 1990, as a result of the work of a special commission of the General Staff and the USSR State Statistics Committee, a more reasonable estimate of 26.6 million people appeared. At the moment it is official. Attention is drawn to the fact that back in 1948, the American sociologist Timashev gave an assessment of the losses of the USSR in the war, which practically coincided with the assessment of the General Staff Commission. Maksudov's assessment made in 1977 also coincides with the data of the Krivosheev Commission. According to the commission of G. F. Krivosheev.

So let's summarize:

Post-war estimate of the losses of the Red Army: 7 million people.
Timashev: Red Army - 12.2 million people, civilian population 14.2 million people, direct casualties 26.4 million people, total demographic 37.3 million.
Arntts and Khrushchev: direct human: 20 million people.
Biraben and Solzhenitsyn: Red Army 20 million people, civilian population 22.6 million people, direct human resources 42.6 million, total demographic 62.9 million people.
Maksudov: Red Army - 11.8 million people, civilian population 12.7 million people, direct casualties 24.5 million people. It is impossible not to make a reservation that S. Maksudov (A.P. Babenyshev, Harvard University, USA) determined the purely combat losses of the spacecraft at 8.8 million people
Rybakovsky: direct human 30 million people.
Andreev, Darsky, Kharkov (General Staff, Krivosheev Commission): direct combat losses of the Red Army 8.7 million (11,994 including prisoners of war) people. Civilian population (including prisoners of war) 17.9 million people. Direct human losses 26.6 million people.
B. Sokolov: the loss of the Red Army - 26 million people
M. Harrison: total losses of the USSR - 23.9 - 25.8 million people.

The estimate of the losses of the Red Army, given in 1947 (7 million) is not credible, because not all calculations, even with the imperfection of the Soviet system, were completed.

Khrushchev's assessment is also not confirmed. On the other hand, the “Solzhenitsyn” 20 million people lost only to the army or even 44 million are just as unfounded (without denying some talent of A. Solzhenitsyn as a writer, all the facts and figures in his writings are not confirmed by a single document and understand where he came from that took - impossible).

Boris Sokolov is trying to explain to us that the losses of the armed forces of the USSR alone amounted to 26 million people. He is guided by the indirect method of calculations. The losses of the officers of the Red Army are quite accurately known, according to Sokolov, this is 784 thousand people (1941–44). , displays the ratio of the losses of the officer corps to the rank and file of the Wehrmacht, as 1:25, that is, 4%. And, without hesitation, he extrapolates this technique to the Red Army, receiving his own 26 million irretrievable losses. However, this approach, on closer examination, turns out to be inherently false. Firstly, 4% of officer losses is not an upper limit, for example, in the Polish campaign, the Wehrmacht lost 12% of officers to the total losses of the Armed Forces. Secondly, it would be useful for Mr. Sokolov to know that with the regular strength of the German infantry regiment of 3049 officers, there were 75 people in it, that is, 2.5%. And in the Soviet infantry regiment, with a strength of 1582 people, there are 159 officers, i.e. 10%. Thirdly, appealing to the Wehrmacht, Sokolov forgets that the more combat experience in the troops, the lower the losses among officers. In the Polish campaign, the loss of German officers? 12%, in the French - 7%, and on the Eastern Front already 4%.

The same can be applied to the Red Army: if at the end of the war the loss of officers (not according to Sokolov, but according to statistics) was 8-9%, then at the beginning of the Second World War it could have been 24%. It turns out, like a schizophrenic, everything is logical and correct, only the initial premise is incorrect. Why did we dwell on Sokolov's theory in such detail? Yes, because Mr. Sokolov very often sets out his figures in the media.

In view of the foregoing, discarding the obviously underestimated and overestimated estimates of losses, we get: the Krivosheev Commission - 8.7 million people (with prisoners of war 11.994 million data for 2001), Maksudov - the losses are even slightly lower than the official ones - 11.8 million people. (1977? 93), Timashev - 12.2 million people. (1948). The opinion of M. Harrison can also be included here, with the level of total losses indicated by him, the losses of the army should fit into this interval. These data were obtained by various calculation methods, since both Timashev and Maksudov, respectively, did not have access to the archives of the USSR and Russian Defense Ministry. It seems that the losses of the USSR Armed Forces in the Second World War lie very close to such a "heap" group of results. Let's not forget that these figures include 2.6-3.2 million destroyed Soviet prisoners of war.

In conclusion, one should probably agree with Maksudov's opinion that the emigration outflow, which amounted to 1.3 million people, should be excluded from the number of losses, which was not taken into account in the study of the General Staff. By this value, the value of the losses of the USSR in the Second World War should be reduced. In percentage terms, the structure of losses of the USSR looks like this:

41% - aircraft losses (including prisoners of war)
35% - aircraft losses (without prisoners of war, i.e. direct combat)
39% - loss of the population of the occupied territories and the front line (45% with prisoners of war)
8% - home front population
6% - GULAG
6% - emigration outflow.

2. Losses of the Wehrmacht and SS troops

To date, there are no sufficiently reliable figures for the losses of the German army, obtained by direct statistical calculation. This is explained by the absence, for various reasons, of reliable source statistics on German losses.

According to Russian sources, 3,172,300 Wehrmacht soldiers were captured by Soviet troops, of which 2,388,443 were Germans in the NKVD camps. According to estimates by German historians, there were only about 3.1 million German servicemen in Soviet prisoner of war camps. The discrepancy, as you can see, is about 0.7 million people. This discrepancy is explained by differences in the estimate of the number of Germans who died in captivity: according to Russian archival documents, 356,700 Germans died in Soviet captivity, and according to German researchers, approximately 1.1 million people. It seems that the Russian figure of the Germans who died in captivity is more reliable, and the missing 0.7 million Germans who went missing and did not return from captivity actually died not in captivity, but on the battlefield.

The vast majority of publications devoted to the calculations of the combat demographic losses of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS troops are based on data from the central bureau (department) for accounting for the losses of personnel of the armed forces, which is part of the German General Staff of the Supreme High Command. Moreover, while denying the reliability of Soviet statistics, the German data are regarded as absolutely reliable. But upon closer examination, it turned out that the opinion about the high reliability of the information of this department was greatly exaggerated. Thus, the German historian R. Overmans in the article “The human casualties of the Second World War in Germany” came to the conclusion that “... the channels of information in the Wehrmacht do not reveal the degree of reliability that some authors attribute to them.” As an example, he reports that “... the official report of the casualty department at the headquarters of the Wehrmacht, relating to 1944, documented that the losses that were incurred during the Polish, French and Norwegian campaigns and the identification of which did not present any technical difficulties were almost twice as high as originally reported." According to Muller-Gillebrand, which many researchers believe, the demographic losses of the Wehrmacht amounted to 3.2 million people. Another 0.8 million died in captivity. However, according to a certificate from the organizational department of the OKH dated May 1, 1945, only the ground forces, including the SS troops (without the Air Force and Navy), for the period from September 1, 1939 to May 1, 1945, lost 4 million 617.0 thousand people. people This is the most recent report on the losses of the German Armed Forces. In addition, from mid-April 1945, there was no centralized accounting of losses. And since the beginning of 1945, the data is incomplete. It remains a fact that in one of the last radio broadcasts with his participation, Hitler announced the figure of 12.5 million total losses of the German Armed Forces, of which 6.7 million are irretrievable, which exceeds the Müller-Hillebrand data by about two times. This was in March 1945. I do not think that in two months the soldiers of the Red Army did not kill a single German.

There is another statistics of losses - the statistics of burials of Wehrmacht soldiers. According to the appendix to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany "On the preservation of burial places", the total number of German soldiers who are in recorded burial places on the territory of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries is 3 million 226 thousand people. (on the territory of the USSR alone - 2,330,000 burials). This figure can be taken as the starting point for calculating the demographic losses of the Wehrmacht, but it also needs to be adjusted.

Firstly, this figure takes into account only the burial places of the Germans, and a large number of soldiers of other nationalities fought in the Wehrmacht: Austrians (of which 270 thousand people died), Sudeten Germans and Alsatians (230 thousand people died) and representatives of other nationalities and states ( 357 thousand people died). Of the total number of dead Wehrmacht soldiers of non-German nationality, the Soviet-German front accounts for 75-80%, i.e. 0.6-0.7 million people.

Secondly, this figure refers to the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Since then, the search for German graves in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe has continued. And the messages that appeared on this topic were not informative enough. Unfortunately, no generalized statistics of the newly discovered graves of Wehrmacht soldiers could be found. Tentatively, it can be assumed that the number of newly discovered graves of Wehrmacht soldiers over the past 10 years is in the range of 0.2–0.4 million people.

Third, many burial places of the dead soldiers of the Wehrmacht on Soviet soil disappeared or were deliberately destroyed. Approximately 0.4–0.6 million Wehrmacht soldiers could be buried in such disappeared and nameless graves.

Fourth, these data do not include burials of German soldiers killed in battles with Soviet troops in Germany and Western European countries. According to R. Overmans, only in the last three spring months of the war, about 1 million people died. (minimum estimate 700 thousand) In general, on German soil and in Western European countries, approximately 1.2–1.5 million Wehrmacht soldiers died in battles with the Red Army.

Finally, fifth, among the buried were Wehrmacht soldiers who died of "natural" death (0.1-0.2 million people)

Major General V. Gurkin's articles are devoted to assessing the losses of the Wehrmacht using the balance of the German armed forces during the war years. Its calculated figures are given in the second column of Table. 4. Two figures are noteworthy here, characterizing the number of Wehrmacht soldiers mobilized during the war, and the number of prisoners of war of Wehrmacht soldiers. The number of those mobilized during the war years (17.9 million people) is taken from the book by B. Müller-Hillebrand “The German Land Army 1933-1945”, vol.Z. At the same time, V.P. Bokhar believes that more were drafted into the Wehrmacht - 19 million people.

The number of prisoners of war of the Wehrmacht was determined by V. Gurkin by summing up the prisoners of war taken by the Red Army (3.178 million people) and the allied forces (4.209 million people) until May 9, 1945. In my opinion, this number is too high: it also included prisoners of war who were not soldiers of the Wehrmacht. The book by Paul Karel and Ponter Beddecker “German Prisoners of War of the Second World War” states: “... In June 1945, the Allied Command became aware that there were 7,614,794 prisoners of war and unarmed military personnel in the “camps, of which 4,209,000 by the time capitulations were already in captivity." Among these 4.2 million German prisoners of war, in addition to Wehrmacht soldiers, there were many other people. For example, in the French camp of Vitrilet-François, among the prisoners, "the youngest was 15 years old, the oldest was almost 70." The authors write about captive Volksturmites, about the organization by the Americans of special "children's" camps, where captured twelve-thirteen-year-old boys from the "Hitler Youth" and "Werewolf" were gathered. Mention is made of the placement in camps even of the handicapped.

In general, among the 4.2 million prisoners of war taken by the Allies before May 9, 1945, approximately 20–25% were not Wehrmacht soldiers. This means that the Allies had 3.1–3.3 million Wehrmacht soldiers in captivity.

The total number of Wehrmacht soldiers who were captured before the surrender was 6.3-6.5 million people.

In general, the demographic combat losses of the Wehrmacht and SS troops on the Soviet-German front are 5.2–6.3 million people, of which 0.36 million died in captivity, and irretrievable losses (including prisoners) 8.2 -9.1 million people It should also be noted that until recent years, Russian historiography did not mention some data on the number of Wehrmacht prisoners of war at the end of hostilities in Europe, apparently for ideological reasons, because it is much more pleasant to assume that Europe "fought" against fascism than to be aware that that some and a very large number of Europeans deliberately fought in the Wehrmacht. So, according to a note by General Antonov, on May 25, 1945. The Red Army captured 5 million 20 thousand Wehrmacht soldiers alone, of which 600 thousand people (Austrians, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Poles, etc.) were released before August after filtration measures, and these prisoners of war were sent to camps The NKVD did not send. Thus, the irretrievable losses of the Wehrmacht in battles with the Red Army can be even higher (about 0.6 - 0.8 million people).

There is another way to "calculate" the losses of Germany and the Third Reich in the war against the USSR. Quite correct, by the way. Let's try to "substitute" the figures relating to Germany into the methodology for calculating the total demographic losses of the USSR. And we will use ONLY the official data of the German side. Thus, the population of Germany in 1939, according to Müller-Hillebrandt (p. 700 of his work, so beloved by supporters of the theory of "clouding with corpses"), was 80.6 million people. At the same time, you and I, the reader, must take into account that this includes 6.76 million Austrians, and the population of the Sudetenland - another 3.64 million people. That is, the population of Germany proper within the borders of 1933 in 1939 was (80.6 - 6.76 - 3.64) 70.2 million people. We figured out these simple mathematical operations. Further: natural mortality in the USSR was 1.5% per year, but in the countries of Western Europe the mortality rate was much lower and amounted to 0.6 - 0.8% per year, Germany was no exception. However, the birth rate in the USSR exceeded the European one in approximately the same proportion, due to which the USSR had a consistently high population growth throughout the pre-war years, starting from 1934.

We know about the results of the post-war population census in the USSR, but few people know that a similar population census was conducted by the Allied occupation authorities on October 29, 1946 in Germany. The census gave the following results:

Soviet zone of occupation (without East Berlin): men - 7.419 million, women - 9.914 million, total: 17.333 million people.
All western zones of occupation, (without western Berlin): men - 20.614 million, women - 24.804 million, total: 45.418 million people.
Berlin (all sectors of occupation), men - 1.29 million, women - 1.89 million, total: 3.18 million people.
The total population of Germany is 65,931,000 people.

A purely arithmetic operation of 70.2 million - 66 million, it seems, gives a decrease of only 4.2 million. However, everything is not so simple.

At the time of the census in the USSR, the number of children born since the beginning of 1941 was about 11 million, the birth rate in the USSR during the war years fell sharply and amounted to only 1.37% per year of the pre-war population. The birth rate in Germany and in peacetime did not exceed 2% per year of the population. Suppose it fell only 2 times, and not 3, as in the USSR. That is, the natural increase in the population during the years of the war and the first post-war year was about 5% of the pre-war population, and in numbers amounted to 3.5-3.8 million children. This figure must be added to the final figure of the decline in the population of Germany. Now the arithmetic is different: the total population loss is 4.2 million + 3.5 million = 7.7 million people. But this is not the final figure either; for completeness of calculations, we need to subtract from the figure of population loss the figure of natural mortality for the years of the war and 1946, which is 2.8 million people (let's take the figure of 0.8% to be "higher"). Now the total population loss in Germany, caused by the war, is 4.9 million people. Which, in general, is very “similar” to the figure of the irretrievable losses of the Reich ground forces, given by Müller-Gillebrandt. So what did the USSR, which lost 26.6 million of its citizens in the war, really “fill up with corpses” of its enemy? Patience, dear reader, let's still bring our calculations to their logical conclusion.

The fact is that the population of Germany proper in 1946 grew by at least another 6.5 million people, and presumably even by 8 million! By the time of the 1946 census (according to German, by the way, data published back in 1996 by the "Union of Exiles", and in total about 15 million Germans were "forcibly displaced") only from the Sudetenland, Poznan and Upper Silesia were evicted to Germany 6.5 million Germans. About 1 - 1.5 million Germans fled from Alsace and Lorraine (unfortunately, there are no more accurate data). That is, these 6.5 - 8 million must be added to the losses of Germany proper. And these are “slightly” different numbers: 4.9 million + 7.25 million (arithmetic average of the number of Germans “expelled” to their homeland) = 12.15 million. Actually, this is 17.3% (!) of the German population in 1939. Well, that's not all!

I emphasize once again: the Third Reich is not even ONLY Germany at all! By the time of the attack on the USSR, the Third Reich “officially” included: Germany (70.2 million people), Austria (6.76 million people), Sudetenland (3.64 million people), captured from Poland "Baltic corridor", Poznan and Upper Silesia (9.36 million people), Luxembourg, Lorraine and Alsace (2.2 million people), and even Upper Corinthia cut off from Yugoslavia, a total of 92.16 million people.

The procedure for calculating the total human losses of Germany

The population in 1939 was 70.2 million people.
The population in 1946 was 65.93 million people.
Natural mortality 2.8 million people.
Natural increase (birth rate) 3.5 million people.
Emigration inflow of 7.25 million people.
Total losses ((70.2 - 65.93 - 2.8) + 3.5 + 7.25 = 12.22) 12.15 million people.

Every tenth German died! Every twelfth was captured!!!


The irretrievable losses of the USSR Armed Forces in the Second World War amount to 11.5 - 12.0 million people irrevocably, with actual combat demographic losses of 8.7-9.3 million people. The losses of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops on the Eastern Front amount to 8.0 - 8.9 million people irrevocably, of which 5.2-6.1 million are purely combat demographics (including those who died in captivity) people. In addition to the losses of the German Armed Forces themselves on the Eastern Front, it is necessary to add the losses of the satellite countries, and this is neither more nor less than 850 thousand (including those who died in captivity) people killed and more than 600 thousand prisoners. Total 12.0 (largest) million versus 9.05 (lowest) million.

A logical question: where is the “filling up with corpses”, about which Western, and now domestic “open” and “democratic” sources talk so much? The percentage of dead Soviet prisoners of war, even according to the most benign estimates, is at least 55%, and German, according to the largest, no more than 23%. Maybe the whole difference in losses is explained simply by the inhuman conditions of the prisoners?

The author is aware that these articles differ from the latest officially proclaimed version of the losses: the losses of the USSR Armed Forces - 6.8 million servicemen killed, and 4.4 million captured and missing, Germany's losses - 4.046 million servicemen dead, dead from wounds, missing (including 442.1 thousand dead in captivity), the loss of satellite countries 806 thousand killed and 662 thousand prisoners. Irretrievable losses of the armies of the USSR and Germany (including prisoners of war) - 11.5 million and 8.6 million people. The total loss of Germany 11.2 million people. (for example on Wikipedia)

The issue with the civilian population is more terrible against 14.4 (the smallest number) million people of the victims of the Second World War in the USSR - 3.2 million people (the largest number) of victims from the German side. So who fought with whom? It is also necessary to mention that without denying the Holocaust of the Jews, the German society still does not perceive the "Slavic" Holocaust, if everything is known about the suffering of the Jewish people in the West (thousands of works), then they prefer to "modestly" keep quiet about the crimes against the Slavic peoples.

I would like to end the article with the phrase of an unknown British officer. When he saw a column of Soviet prisoners of war being driven past the "international" camp, he said:

“I forgive the Russians in advance for everything they do with Germany”
Assessment of the ratio of losses based on the results of a comparative analysis of losses in the wars of the last two centuries

The application of the method of comparative analysis, the foundations of which were laid by Jomini, to the assessment of the ratio of losses requires statistical data on wars of different eras. Unfortunately, more or less complete statistics are available only for the wars of the last two centuries. Data on irretrievable combat losses in the wars of the 19th and 20th centuries, summarized based on the results of the work of domestic and foreign historians, are given in Table. The last three columns of the table demonstrate the obvious dependence of the outcome of the war on the magnitude of the relative losses (losses expressed as a percentage of the total number of the army) - the relative losses of the winner in the war are always less than that of the vanquished, and this dependence has a stable, recurring character (it is valid for all types of wars), that is, it has all the features of the law.

This law - let's call it the law of relative losses - can be formulated as follows: in any war, victory goes to the army that has the least relative losses.

Note that the absolute numbers of irretrievable losses for the victorious side can be either less (Patriotic War of 1812, Russian-Turkish, Franco-Prussian wars), or more than those of the defeated side (Crimean, World War I, Soviet-Finnish) , but the relative losses of the winner are always less than those of the loser.

The difference between the relative losses of the winner and the loser characterizes the degree of persuasiveness of the victory. Wars with close values ​​of the relative losses of the parties end with peace treaties with the defeated side retaining the existing political system and army (for example, the Russo-Japanese War). In wars ending, like the Great Patriotic War, in the complete surrender of the enemy (the Napoleonic Wars, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871), the relative losses of the winner are significantly less than the relative losses of the vanquished (by at least 30%). In other words, the greater the loss, the greater must be the size of the army in order to win a convincing victory. If the losses of an army are 2 times greater than those of the enemy, then in order to win the war, its strength must be at least 2.6 times the strength of the opposing army.

And now let's return to the Great Patriotic War and see what human resources the USSR and Nazi Germany had during the war. Available data on the strength of the opposing sides on the Soviet-German front are given in Table. 6.

From Table. 6 it follows that the number of Soviet participants in the war was only 1.4-1.5 times the total number of opposing troops and 1.6-1.8 times the regular German army. In accordance with the law of relative losses, with such an excess in the number of participants in the war, the losses of the Red Army, which destroyed the fascist military machine, in principle could not exceed the losses of the armies of the fascist bloc by more than 10-15%, and the losses of regular German troops - by more than 25-30 %. This means that the upper limit of the ratio of irretrievable combat losses of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht is the ratio of 1.3:1.

The figures for the ratio of irretrievable combat losses given in Table. 6 do not exceed the value of the upper limit of the loss ratio obtained above. However, this does not mean that they are final and not subject to change.

As new documents, statistical materials, research results appear, the losses of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht (Tables 1-5) may be refined, changed in one direction or another, their ratio may also change, but it cannot be higher than 1.3: 1 .


1. Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR "Number, composition and movement of the population of the USSR" M 1965
2. "The population of Russia in the 20th century" M. 2001
3. Arntts "Casual losses in the Second World War" M. 1957
4. Frumkin G. Population Changes in Europe since 1939 N.Y. 1951
5. Dallin A. German rule in Russia 1941–1945 N.Y.- London 1957
6. "Russia and the USSR in the wars of the 20th century" M.2001
7. Polyan P. Victims of two dictatorships M. 1996.
8. Thorwald J. The Illusion. Soviet soldiers in Hitler,s Army N. Y. 1975
9. Collection of messages of the Extraordinary State Commission M. 1946
10. Zemskov. Birth of the second emigration 1944–1952 SI 1991 No. 4
11. Timasheff N. S. The postwar population of the Soviet Union 1948
13 Timasheff N. S. The postwar population of the Soviet Union 1948
14. Arnts. Human losses in World War II M. 1957; "International Life" 1961 No. 12
15. Biraben J. N. Population 1976.
16. Maksudov S. Population losses in the USSR Benson (Vt) 1989.; "About the front-line losses of the SA during the Second World War" "Free Thought" 1993. No. 10
17. The population of the USSR for 70 years. Edited by Rybakovsky L. L. M 1988
18. Andreev, Darsky, Kharkov. "Population of the Soviet Union 1922–1991" M 1993
19. Sokolov B. "Novaya Gazeta" No. 22, 2005, "The Price of Victory -" M. 1991
20. Germany's War against the Soviet Union 1941-1945, edited by Reinhard Ruhrup 1991. Berlin
21. Müller-Gillebrand. "Land Army of Germany 1933-1945" M.1998
22. Germany's War against the Soviet Union 1941-1945, edited by Reinhard Ruhrup 1991. Berlin
23. Gurkin V. V. About human losses on the Soviet-German front in 1941–45. NiNI No. 3 1992
24. M. B. Denisenko. WWII in the demographic dimension "Eksmo" 2005
25. S. Maksudov. The loss of the population of the USSR during the Second World War. "Population and Society" 1995
26. Yu. Mukhin. If not for the generals. "Yauza" 2006
27. V. Kozhinov. The Great War of Russia. Series of lectures 1000th anniversary of Russian wars. "Yauza" 2005
28. Materials of the newspaper "Duel"
29. E. Beevor "The Fall of Berlin" M.2003


How the official data on the losses of the USSR changed

Recently, the State Duma announced new figures for the human losses of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War - almost 42 million people. An additional 15 million people were added to the previous official figures. The head of the Museum-Memorial of the Great Patriotic War of the Kazan Kremlin, our columnist Mikhail Cherepanov, in the author's column of Realnoe Vremya talks about the declassified losses of the USSR and Tatarstan.

The irretrievable losses of the Soviet Union as a result of the factors of the Second World War are more than 19 million military personnel.

Despite many years of well-paid sabotage and all sorts of efforts by generals and politicians to hide the true price of our Victory over fascism, on February 14, 2017, at the State Duma, at the parliamentary hearings “Patriotic education of Russian citizens: the Immortal Regiment”, the figures closest to the truth were finally declassified :

“According to the declassified data of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, the losses of the Soviet Union in World War II amount to 41 million 979 thousand, and not 27 million, as previously thought. The total decline in the population of the USSR in 1941-1945 was more than 52 million 812 thousand people. Of these, irretrievable losses as a result of the action of war factors are more than 19 million military personnel and about 23 million civilians.

As stated in the report, this information is confirmed by a large number of original documents, authoritative publications and testimonies (details - on the Immortal Regiment website and other resources).

The history of the matter is

In March 1946, in an interview with the Pravda newspaper, I.V. Stalin announced: "As a result of the German invasion, the Soviet Union irretrievably lost about seven million people in battles with the Germans, as well as due to the German occupation and the deportation of Soviet people to German penal servitude."

In 1961, N.S. Khrushchev, in a letter to the Prime Minister of Sweden, wrote: "The German militarists unleashed a war against the Soviet Union, which claimed two tens of millions of lives of Soviet people."

On May 8, 1990, at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the final number of casualties was announced: "Almost 27 million people."

In 1993, a team of military historians led by Colonel General G.F. Krivosheeva published a statistical study “Secrecy has been removed. Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in wars, hostilities and military conflicts. It indicates the amount of total losses - 26.6 million people, including combat losses published for the first time: 8,668,400 soldiers and officers.

In 2001, a reprint of the book was published under the editorship of G.F. Krivosheev “Russia and the USSR in the wars of the XX century. Losses of the Armed Forces: A Statistical Study". One of her tables stated that the irretrievable losses of the Soviet Army and Navy alone during the Great Patriotic War were 11,285,057 people. (See page 252.) In 2010, in the next edition of the Great Patriotic War without a secrecy stamp. The Book of Losses, again edited by G.F. Krivosheev, the data on the losses of the armies fighting in 1941-1945 were specified. Demographic losses reduced to 8,744,500 troops (p. 373):

A natural question arises: where was the mentioned “data of the State Planning Committee of the USSR” about the combat losses of our Army stored, if even the heads of the special commissions of the Ministry of Defense could not study them for more than 70 years? How true are they?

Everything is relative. It is worth remembering that it was in the book “Russia and the USSR in the Wars of the 20th Century” that we were finally allowed to find out in 2001 how many of our compatriots were mobilized into the ranks of the Red (Soviet) Army during the years of World War II: 34,476,700 people (p. 596.).

If we take on faith the official figure of 8,744 thousand people, then the share of our military losses will be 25 percent. That is, according to the commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, only every fourth Soviet soldier and officer did not return from the front.

I think that a resident of any settlement of the former USSR will not agree with this. In every village or aul there are plates with the names of the dead fellow countrymen. At best, only half of those who went to the front 70 years ago wear them.

Statistics of Tatarstan

Let's see what the statistics are in our Tatarstan, on the territory of which there were no battles.

In the book of Professor Z.I. Gilmanov “Workers of Tataria on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War”, published in Kazan in 1981, it was stated that the military enlistment offices of the republic sent 560 thousand citizens to the front and 87 thousand of them did not return.

In 2001, Professor A.A. Ivanov in his doctoral thesis "Combat losses of the peoples of Tatarstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." announced that from 1939 to 1945 about 700 thousand citizens were drafted into the army from the territory of the Tatar Republic, and 350 thousand of them did not return.

As the head of the working group of the editorial board of the Book of Memory of the Republic of Tatarstan from 1990 to 2007, I can clarify: taking into account the natives called up from other regions of the country, the losses of our Tatarstan during the Second World War amounted to at least 390 thousand soldiers and officers.

And these are the irretrievable losses of the republic, on whose territory not a single bomb or shell of the enemy fell!

Are the losses of other regions of the former USSR even less than the national average?

Time will show. And our task is to wrest from obscurity and enter into the database of the losses of the Republic of Tatarstan, presented in the Victory Park of Kazan, if possible, the names of all fellow countrymen.

And this should be done not only by single enthusiasts on their own initiative, but also by professional search engines on behalf of the state itself.

It is physically impossible to do this only in excavations at the battlefields in all Memory Watches. This requires massive and constant work in the archives published on the websites of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other thematic resources of the Internet.

But that's a completely different story...

Mikhail Cherepanov, illustrations provided by the author


Mikhail Valerievich Cherepanov- Head of the Museum-memorial of the Great Patriotic War of the Kazan Kremlin; Chairman of the Association "Club of Military Glory"; Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Historical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan.

  • Born in 1960.
  • Graduated from Kazan State University. IN AND. Ulyanov-Lenin with a degree in Journalism.
  • Since 2007 he has been working at the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  • One of the creators of the 28-volume book "Memory" of the Republic of Tatarstan about those who died during the Second World War, 19 volumes of the Book of Memory of the Victims of Political Repressions of the Republic of Tatarstan, etc.
  • Creator of the electronic Book of Memory of the Republic of Tatarstan (a list of natives and residents of Tatarstan who died during the Second World War).
  • Author of thematic lectures from the cycle "Tatarstan during the war years", thematic excursions "Feat of countrymen on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War".
  • Co-author of the concept of the virtual museum "Tatarstan - Fatherland".
  • Member of 60 search expeditions to bury the remains of soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War (since 1980), board member of the Union of Search Teams of Russia.
  • Author of more than 100 scientific and educational articles, books, participant of all-Russian, regional and international conferences. Columnist of Realnoe Vremya.

In 1993, after the collapse of the USSR, the first public Soviet statistics of losses during World War II appeared, created under the leadership of General Grigory Krivosheev by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Here is an article by the St. Petersburg amateur historian Vyacheslav Krasikov about what the Soviet military genius actually calculated.

The topic of Soviet losses in World War II is still taboo in Russia, primarily because of the unwillingness of society and the state to look at this problem in an adult way. The only "statistical" study on this topic is the work "Secrecy Removed: Losses of the USSR Armed Forces in Wars, Combat Operations and Military Conflicts" published in 1993. In 1997, an English-language edition of the study was published, and in 2001, the second edition of "Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in wars, hostilities and military conflicts" appeared.

If you do not pay attention to the shamefully late appearance of statistics on Soviet losses in general (almost 50 years after the end of the war), the work of Krivosheev, who headed the team of employees of the Ministry of Defense, did not make a big splash in the scientific world (of course, for the post-Soviet autochthons, it became a balm per capita, since it brought Soviet losses to the same level as German ones). One of the main sources of data for the team of authors led by Krivosheev is the General Staff Fund in the Central Archive of the RF Ministry of Defense (TsAMO), which is still classified and to which researchers have no access. That is, it is objectively impossible to verify the accuracy of the work of military archivists. For this reason, in the West, the scientific community, which has been dealing with the issue of losses in World War II for almost 60 years, reacted coolly to the work of Krivosheev and simply did not even notice it.

In Russia, there have been repeated attempts to criticize the study of Grigory Krivosheev - critics reproached the general for methodological inaccuracies, the use of unverified and unproven data, purely arithmetic inconsistencies, and so on. As an example, you can see. We want to offer our readers not so much another criticism of Krivosheev's work itself, but an attempt to introduce new, additional data (for example, party and Komsomol statistics) into circulation, which will shed more light on the size of total Soviet losses. Perhaps this will contribute in the future to their gradual approach to reality and the development of a normal, civilized scientific discussion in Russia. The article by Vyacheslav Krasikov, in which all links are affixed, can be downloaded in full. All the scans of the books he refers to

Soviet historiography: how many are left unforgotten?

After a war in civilized countries, it is customary to reflect on the course of battles by subjecting them to a critical discussion in the light of enemy documents that have become available. Such work, of course, requires maximum objectivity. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to draw the right conclusions so as not to repeat past mistakes. However, the works that were published in the USSR in the first post-war decade cannot be called historical research even with a big stretch. They consisted mainly of cliches on the theme of the inevitability of victory under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party, the original superiority of Soviet military art and the genius of Comrade Stalin. Memoirs during the life of the “leader of the peoples” were almost never published, and the little that came out of print looked more like fantastic literature. There was essentially no serious work for censorship in such a situation. Unless to identify those who are not diligent enough in the matter of glorification. Therefore, this institution turned out to be completely unprepared for the surprises and metamorphoses of the hectic Khrushchev “thaw”.

However, the information explosion of the 50s is the merit of more than one Nikita Sergeevich. The blissful idyll described above was destroyed by banal human ambition.

The fact is that in the West the process of understanding the recent hostilities proceeded in a normal civilized way. The generals talked about their achievements and shared their smart thoughts with the public. The Soviet military elite, of course, also wanted to participate in such an interesting and exciting process, but the "Kremlin highlander" did not like this kind of activity. But after March 1953, this obstacle disappeared. As a result, Soviet censorship was immediately attacked by an order to publish translations of some works about the Second World War written by former enemies and allies. In this case, they limited themselves only to cuts of especially unpleasant pages and editorial comments that helped Soviet readers to “correctly” understand the work of foreigners “prone to falsification”. But when, following this, a large number of their own gold-chasing authors received permission to publish their memoirs, the process of “comprehension” finally got out of control. And it led to completely unexpected results for its initiators. Many events and figures became public knowledge, which, complementing and clarifying each other, formed a completely different mosaic than the previously existing picture of the war. What is worth only one threefold increase in the official figure of the total losses of the USSR from 7 to 20 million people.

Of course, the writers themselves understood "what's what" and tried to pass over their own failures in silence. But something was reported about such moments in the battle path of former comrades-in-arms. As a result, there were also side effects. Such as a public scandal with written complaints against each other in the Central Committee of the CPSU, Marshals Zhukov and Chuikov, who did not share the victorious laurels. In addition, any pleasant, at first glance, fact can destroy the myth created over the years in one fell swoop. For example, the information, flattering for high-ranking "home front workers", that the Soviet industry was constantly producing more equipment than the German one, inevitably called into question the general's bragging about victories "not by number, but by skill."

Thus, military-historical science has taken, on the scale of the Soviet Union, a gigantic step forward. After that, it became impossible to return to Stalin's times. Nevertheless, with the coming to power of Brezhnev, they again tried to streamline the affairs in the field of coverage of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Thus, by the middle of the 1980s, the intellectual environment of the Russian historiography of the Second World War was finally formed. Most of the specialists who are developing this topic today have been nourished by its traditions. It cannot, of course, be argued that all historians continue to cling to the stereotypes of "the times of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimea." Suffice it to recall the “perestroika” euphoria of revelations that ended in a grandiose scandal in 1991, when, in order to please the generals from history, who literally went into a “protective” hysteria, the editorial board of the new 10-volume “History of the Great Patriotic War” was purged, since its authors wanted to rise to objective analysis performed according to Western scientific standards. As a result, the "rootless cosmopolitans" were excommunicated from the archives, as well as the corresponding organizational conclusions. The head of the Institute of Military History, General D. A. Volkogonov, was relieved of his post, and most of his young assistants were dismissed from the army. Control over the work on the preparation of the 10-volume book was tightened, for which they connected to it marshals and generals tested and proven in their previous activities. Nevertheless, a fairly large amount of statistical information on this topic during the post-war decades managed to break out of the archival doors. Let's try to systematize it.

Official Soviet figures

If we carefully trace the history of how the “numerical equivalents” of the victims of World War II changed in the USSR, we will immediately find that these changes were not in the nature of random digital chaos, but were subject to an easily traced relationship and strict logic.

Until the end of the 80s of the last century, this logic boiled down to the fact that propaganda, although very, very slowly, but gradually still gave way to science - albeit overly ideological, but based on archival materials. Therefore, Stalin's 7,000,000 total military losses of the USSR under Khrushchev turned into 20,000,000, under Brezhnev into "more than 20,000,000", and under Gorbachev into "more than 27,000,000". In the same direction, the numbers of losses of the Armed Forces "danced" as well. As a result, already in the early 60s, it was officially recognized that more than 10,000,000 soldiers died at the front alone (not counting those who did not return from captivity). In the 70s of the last century, the figure of "more than 10,000,000 dead at the front" (not counting those killed in captivity) became generally accepted. She was cited in the most authoritative publications of the time. As an example, it suffices to recall an article by Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Colonel-General of the Medical Service E. I. Smirnov, published in a collection that was prepared jointly by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Military History of the USSR Ministry of Defense, and saw the light in the publishing house Nauka ".

By the way, in the same year, another "landmark" book was presented to the readers - "The Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", where the numbers of army losses and Red Army soldiers who died in captivity were published. For example, up to 7 million civilians (?) and up to 4 million captured Red Army soldiers died in German concentration camps alone, which gives a total of up to 14 million dead Red Army soldiers (10 million at the front and 4 million in captivity). Here, apparently, it is also appropriate to recall that then in the USSR each such figure was official state - it necessarily passed through the strictest censorship "sieve" - ​​it was repeatedly rechecked and often reproduced in various reference and information publications.

In principle, in the USSR in the 70s, in fact, it was recognized that the losses of the army by those who died at the front and in captivity for 1941-1945 amounted to approximately 16,000,000 - 17,000,000 people. True, the statistics were published in a somewhat veiled form.

Here in the 1st volume of the Soviet Military Encyclopedia (article "Combat losses") it is said: " So, if in the 1st World War about 10 million people were killed and died from wounds, then in the 2nd World War only the losses killed on the fronts amounted to 27 million people» . These are precisely army losses, since the total number of deaths in World War II in the same publication is defined as 50 million people.

If we subtract from these 27,000,000 losses of the Armed Forces of all participants in the Second World War, except for the USSR, then the remainder will be about 16-17 million. It is these figures that are the number of dead military personnel recognized in the USSR (at the front and in captivity). To count "everyone except the USSR", then it was possible according to the book by Boris Urlanis "Wars and the population of Europe", which was first published in the Union in 1960. Now it is easy to find it on the Internet under the name "History of military losses".

All of the above statistics on army losses were repeatedly reproduced in the USSR until the end of the 80s. But in 1990, the Russian General Staff published the results of its own new "updated" calculations of irretrievable army losses. Surprisingly, they somehow mysteriously turned out not more than the previous "stagnant", but less. Moreover, less cool - almost in 2 times. Specifically, 8,668,400 people. The solution to the puzzle here is simple - during the period of Gorbachev's perestroika, history again became politicized to the limit, turning into a propaganda tool. And the "big stripes" from the Ministry of Defense decided in this manner "on the sly" to improve the "patriotic" statistics.

Therefore, no explanation for such a strange arithmetic metamorphosis followed. On the contrary, soon these 8.668.400 (again without explanation) were "detailed" in the reference book "Secrecy stamp removed", which was then supplemented and republished. And what is most striking is that Soviet figures were instantly forgotten - they simply quietly disappeared from books published under the patronage of the state. But the question to the logical absurdity of such a situation remained:

It turns out that in the USSR for 3 decades they tried to "denigrate" one of their main achievements - the victory over Nazi Germany - they pretended that they fought worse than they actually did and for this they published false data on army losses, inflated by two times.

And the real "beautiful" statistics were kept under the heading "secret" ...

Vulture of secrecy eating the dead

Analyzing all the amazing data of Krivosheev's "research", one can write several solid monographs. Different authors are most often carried away by examples of analyzing the results of individual operations. These are, of course, good visual illustrations. However, they call into question only partial figures - against the background of general losses, they are not very large.

Krivosheev hides the bulk of the losses among the “re-conscripted”. In the "Secret Classification" he indicates their number as "more than 2 million", and in "Russia in the Wars" he generally throws out from the text of the book an indication of the number of this category of conscripts. He simply writes that the total number of mobilized people is 34,476,700 - excluding those re-conscripted. The exact number of those re-conscripted - 2,237,000 people - was named by Krivosheev in only one article, published in a small-circulation collection sixteen years ago.

Who are the "re-called"? This is, for example, when a person was seriously wounded in 1941 and after a long treatment was "written off" from the army "for health reasons." But, when in the second half of the war human resources were already coming to an end, the medical requirements were revised and lowered. As a result, the man was again recognized as fit for service and drafted into the army. And in 1944 he was killed. Thus, Krivosheev counts this person in the mobilized only once. But from the ranks of the army he "takes out" twice - first among the disabled, and then as a dead man. Ultimately, it turns out that one of the "withdrawn" hides from accounting in the amount of total irretrievable losses.

Another example. The man was mobilized, but was soon transferred to the NKVD troops. A few months later, this part of the NKVD was transferred back to the Red Army (for example, on the Leningrad Front in 1942, an entire division was immediately transferred from the NKVD to the Red Army - they simply changed their number). But Krivosheev takes this soldier into account in the initial transfer from the army to the NKVD, but does not notice the return transfer from the NKVD to the Red Army (since those re-conscripted from him are excluded from the list of those mobilized). Therefore, it turns out that the person is again "hidden" - in fact, he is in the army of the post-war period, but Krivosheev is not taken into account.

Another example. The man was mobilized, but in 1941 he went missing - he remained surrounded and "taken root" among the civilian population. In 1943, this territory was liberated, and the "Primak" was again drafted into the army. However, in 1944, his leg was torn off. As a result, disability and write-off "on the net." Krivosheev subtracts this person from 34,476,700 as many as three times - first as a missing person, then among 939,700 called up in the former occupied territory of the encirclement, and also as a disabled person. It turns out that "hides" two losses.

It would take a long time to list all the tricks used in the handbook to "improve" statistics. But it is much more productive to recalculate the figures that Krivosheev offers as base ones. But to recalculate in normal logic - without "patriotic" cunning. To do this, let us again turn to the statistics indicated by the general in the small-circulation collection of losses already mentioned above.

Then we will get:
4.826.900 - the number of the Red Army and the RKKF on June 22, 1941.
31.812.200 - The number of mobilized (together with the re-conscripted) for the entire war.
In total - 36.639.100 people.

After the end of hostilities in Europe (at the beginning of June 1945), there were 12,839,800 people in the Red Army and the Red Army (including the wounded in hospitals). From here you can find out the total losses: 36.639.100 - 12.839.800 = 23.799.300

Next, we count those who, for various reasons, left the Armed Forces of the USSR alive, but not at the front:
3.798.200 - commission for health reasons.
3.614.600 - transferred to the industry, MPVO and VOKhR.
1.174.600 - transferred to the NKVD.
250.400 - transferred to the Allied armies.
206.000 - expelled as unreliable.
436.600 - convicted and sent to places of detention.
212.400 - no deserters found.
Total - 9.692.800

Let us subtract these “living” from the total losses and thus find out how many people died at the front and in captivity, and were also released from captivity in the last weeks of the war.
23.799.300 – 9.692.800 = 14.106.500

To establish the final number of demographic losses that fell to the share of the Armed Forces, it is necessary to subtract from 14,106,500 those who returned from captivity, but did not enter the army again. Krivosheev with a similar purpose deducts 1,836,000 people registered by the repatriation authorities. This is another trick. In the collection “War and Society”, prepared by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Russian History, an article by Zemskov V.N. “Repatriation of Displaced Soviet Citizens” was published, which details all the components of the number of prisoners of war of interest to us.

It turns out that 286,299 prisoners were released on the territory of the USSR before the end of 1944. Of these, 228,068 people were re-mobilized into the army. And in 1944-1945 (during the period of hostilities outside the borders of the USSR), 659,190 people were released and mobilized into the army. In other words, they are also already counted among the re-conscripted.

That is, 887.258 (228.068 + 659.190) former prisoners at the beginning of June 1945 were among the 12.839.800 souls who served in the Red Army and the Red Army. Consequently, from 14.106.500 it is necessary to subtract not 1.8 million, but approximately 950.000 released from captivity, but not re-mobilized into the army during the war.

As a result, we get at least 13,150,000 servicemen of the Red Army and the Red Army Fleet who died at the front in 1941-1945, were captured and were among the "defectors". However, this is not all. Krivosheev also "hides" losses (killed, died in captivity and defectors) among those written off for health reasons. Here, "Secrecy removed" p. 136 (or "Russia in the wars ..." p. 243). In the figure of 3,798,158 commissioned invalids, he also takes into account those who were sent on leave for injury. In other words, people did not leave the army - in fact, they were in its ranks, and the reference book excludes them and thus “hides” at least several hundred thousand more dead.

That is, if we proceed from the figures that Krivosheev himself proposes as the initial basis for calculations, but handle them without general juggling, then we will get not 8.668.400 dead at the front, in captivity and "defectors", but about 13.500. 000.

Through the lens of party statistics

However, those data on the number of those mobilized in 1941-1945, which are declared by Krivosheev as "basic" figures for calculating losses, also seem to be underestimated. A similar conclusion suggests itself if we check the reference book with the official statistics of the AUCP(b) and VLKSM. These calculations are much more accurate than army reports, since in the Red Army people often did not even have documents and even posthumous medallions (the Interpreter's blog partially touched on the related topic of tokens in the Red Army). And communists and Komsomol members were taken into account incomparably better. Each of them necessarily had a party card in his hands, regularly participated in party meetings, the protocols of which (indicating the nominal number of the “cell”) were sent to Moscow.

These data went separately from the army - along a parallel party line. And this figure in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev USSR was published much more willingly - censorship treated it more condescendingly - as indicators of ideological victories, where even losses were perceived as proof of the unity of society and the devotion of the people to the socialist system.

The essence of the calculation boils down to the fact that the losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in terms of Komsomol members and communists are known quite accurately. In total, by the beginning of the war in the USSR, there were a little less than 4,000,000 members of the CPSU (b). Of these, 563,000 were in the Armed Forces. During the war years, 5,319,297 people joined the party. And immediately after the end of hostilities, its ranks consisted of about 5,500,000 people. Of which 3.324.000 served in the Armed Forces.

That is, the total losses of members of the CPSU (b) amounted to more than 3,800,000 people. Of which about 3,000,000 died at the front in the ranks of the Armed Forces. In total, approximately 6,900,000 communists passed through the Armed Forces of the USSR in 1941-1945 (out of 9,300,000 in the party during the same period of time). This figure is made up of 3,000,000 dead at the front, 3,324,000 who were in the Armed Forces immediately after the end of hostilities in Europe, as well as about 600,000 invalids who were commissioned from the Armed Forces in 1941-1945.

Here it is very useful to pay attention to the ratio of killed and disabled 3,000,000 to 600,000 = 5:1. And Krivosheev has 8.668.400 to 3.798.000 = 2.3:1. This is a very telling fact. Let us repeat once again that Party members were counted incomparably more carefully than non-Party members. They were issued a party card without fail, in each unit (up to the company level) their own party cell was organized, which took into account each newly arrived party member. Therefore, party statistics were much more accurate than regular army statistics. And the difference in this very accuracy is clearly illustrated by the ratio between the dead and the disabled among non-party and communists in official Soviet figures and by Krivosheev.

Now let's move on to the Komsomol members. As of June 1941, there were 1,926,000 people in the Komsomol from the Red Army and the RKKF. Still, at least several tens of thousands of people were registered in the Komsomol organizations of the NKVD troops. Therefore, it can be assumed that by the beginning of the war there were about 2,000,000 members of the Komsomol in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

More than 3,500,000 members of the Komsomol were drafted into the Armed Forces during the war years. In the Armed Forces themselves, over 5,000,000 people were accepted into the ranks of the Komsomol during the war years.

That is, in total, more than 10,500,000 people passed through the Komsomol in the Armed Forces in 1941-1945. Of these, 1,769,458 people joined the CPSU (b). Thus, it turns out that in total at least 15,600,000 communists and Komsomol members passed through the Armed Forces in 1941-1945 (about 6,900,000 communists + more than 10,500,000 Komsomol members - 1,769,458 Komsomol members who joined the CPSU (b).

This is approximately 43% of the 36,639,100 people who, according to Krivosheev, passed through the Armed Forces during the war years. However, the official Soviet statistics of the 1960s and 1980s do not confirm this ratio. It says that at the beginning of January 1942 there were 1,750,000 Komsomol members and 1,234,373 Communists in the Armed Forces. This is a little over 25% of the entire armed forces, numbering about 11.5 million people (together with the wounded who were being treated).

Even after twelve months, the proportion of communists and Komsomol members was no more than 33%. At the beginning of January 1943, there were 1,938,327 Communists and 2,200,200 Komsomol members in the Armed Forces. That is, 1.938.327 + 2.200.000 = 4.150.000 communists and Komsomol members from the Armed Forces, who had approximately 13.000.000 people.

13,000,000, since Krivosheev himself claims that since 1943 the USSR maintained an army of 11,500,000 people (plus about 1,500,000 in hospitals). In the middle of 1943, the proportion of communists and non-party people did not increase very noticeably, reaching only 36% in July. At the beginning of January 1944, there were 2,702,566 Communists and approximately 2,400,000 Komsomol members in the Armed Forces. I have not yet found a more accurate figure, but in December 1943 it was exactly 2,400,000 - the highest number in the entire war. That is, in January 1943 it could not be more. It turns out - 2.702.566 + 2.400.000 = approximately 5.100.000 communists and Komsomol members from the army of 13.000.000 people - about 40%.

At the beginning of January 1945, there were 3,030,758 Communists and 2,202,945 Komsomol members in the Armed Forces. That is, at the beginning of 1945, the share of communists and Komsomol members (3.030.758 + 2.202.945) from the army of about 13,000,000 people was again about 40%. Here it is also appropriate to recall that the bulk of the losses of the Red Army and the Red Army (respectively, the number of those mobilized to replace them) occurred in the first year and a half of the war, when the share of the CPSU (b) and the Komsomol was less than 33%. That is, it turns out that on average during the war the share of communists and Komsomol members in the Armed Forces was no more than 35%. In other words, if we take as a basis the total number of communists and Komsomol members (15,600,000), then the number of people who passed through the Armed Forces of the USSR in 1941-1945 will be approximately 44,000,000. And not 36.639.100, as indicated by Krivosheev. Accordingly, the overall losses will also increase.

By the way, the total losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR for 1941-1945 can also be approximately calculated, if we start from the official Soviet data on losses among communists and Komsomol members, published in the 60-80s. They say that the army organizations of the CPSU (b) lost approximately 3,000,000 people. And the VLKSM organizations number about 4,000,000 people. In other words, 35% of the army lost 7,000,000. Consequently, all the Armed Forces lost about 19,000,000 - 20,000,000 souls (killed at the front, killed in captivity and became "defectors").

Losses in 1941

Analyzing the dynamics of the number of communists and Komsomol members in the Armed Forces, one can quite clearly calculate Soviet front-line losses over the years of the war. They are also at least twice (more often than twice) higher than the data published in the Krivosheev reference book.

For example, Krivosheev reports that in June-December 1941, the Red Army irrevocably lost (killed, missing, died from wounds and diseases) 3,137,673 people. This figure is easy to verify. The encyclopedia "The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" reports that by June 1941 there were 563,000 communists in the army and navy. It is further indicated that over 500,000 members of the CPSU (b) died in the first six months of the war. And that on January 1, 1942, there were 1,234,373 party members in the army and navy.

How to find out what is the meaning of "above"? The twelfth volume of The History of the Second World War 1939-1945 states that during the first six months of the war, more than 1,100,000 communists joined army and navy organizations from civilians. It turns out: 563 (as of June 22) + "over" 1,100,000 (mobilized) = "over" 1,663,000 communists.
Further. In the sixth volume "History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945" from the plate "Numerical growth of the party" you can find out that the military party organizations accepted into their ranks in July-December 1941 145,870 people.

It turns out: “More than” 1.663.000 + 145.870 = “more than” 1.808.870 communists were involved in the Red Army in June-December 1941. Now from this amount we subtract the amount that was on January 1, 1942:
"Over" 1.808.870 - 1.234.373 = "Over" 574.497

It was we who received the irretrievable losses of the CPSU (b) - killed, captured, missing.

Now let's decide on the Komsomol members. From the "Soviet Military Encyclopedia" you can find out that by the beginning of the war there were 1,926,000 members of the Komsomol in the army and navy. The encyclopedia "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" reports that over 2,000,000 Komsomol members were drafted into the army and navy during the first six months of the war and indicates that in addition, 207,000 people were already accepted into the Komsomol in the ranks of the Red Army and the RKKF. We also see there that by the end of 1941, the Komsomol organizations in the Armed Forces numbered 1,750,000 people.

We calculate - 1.926.000 + "over" 2.000.000 + 207.000 = "over" 4.133.000. This is the total number of Komsomol members who passed through the Armed Forces in 1941. Now you can find out irretrievable losses. From the total, we subtract what was available on January 1, 1942: “Over” 4.133.000 - 1.750.000 = “over” 2.383.000.

It was we who got the dead, the missing, the prisoners.

However, here the figure should be slightly reduced - by the number of those who left the Komsomol by age. That is, about one tenth of those remaining in the ranks. It is also necessary to take away the Komsomol members who joined the CPSU (b) - approximately 70,000 people. Thus, according to a very conservative estimate, the irretrievable losses of the Red Army and the RKKF among the communists and Komsomol members amounted to at least 2,500,000 souls. And Krivosheev has the number 3.137.673 in this column. Of course, together with non-party people.

3.137.673 - 2.500.000 = 637.673 - this remains on the non-partisans.

How many non-party people were mobilized in 1941? Krivosheev writes that by the beginning of the war there were 4,826,907 souls in the Red Army and Navy. In addition, at the training camp in the ranks of the Red Army at that time there were another 805.264 people. It turns out - 4.826.907 + 805.264 = 5.632.171 people by June 22, 1941.

How many people were mobilized in June - December 1941? We find the answer in an article by General Gradoselsky, published in the Military Historical Journal. From the analysis of the figures given there, we can conclude that during the two mobilizations of 1941, more than 14,000,000 people came to the Red Army and the Red Army (excluding militias). And in total, 5.632.171 + more than 14.000.000 = approximately 20.000.000 people were involved in the army in 1941 in this way. This means that from 20,000,000 we subtract "more than" 1,808,870 Communists and about 4,000,000 Komsomol members. We get about 14,000,000 non-party people.

And, if you look at these figures through the statistics of the losses of the Krivosheev reference book, it turns out that 6,000,000 communists and Komsomol members irretrievably lost 2,500,000 people. And 14,000,000 non-party 637,673 people ...

Simply put, the losses of non-party people are underestimated at least six times. And the total irretrievable losses of the Soviet Armed Forces in 1941 should not be 3.137.673, but 6-7 million. This is at the bare minimum. Most likely more.

In this regard, it is useful to recall that the German Armed Forces in 1941 lost about 300,000 people killed and missing on the Eastern Front. That is, for each of their soldiers, the Germans took at least 20 souls from the Soviet side. Most likely, more - up to 25. This is approximately the same ratio with which European armies of the 19th and 20th centuries beat African savages in colonial wars.

The difference in the information that governments communicated to their peoples also looks about the same. Hitler, in one of his last public speeches in March 1945, announced that Germany had lost 6,000,000 men in the war. Now historians believe that this did not differ much from reality, determining the final total of 6,500,000-7,000,000 dead at the front and in the rear. Stalin in 1946 said that Soviet losses were about 7,000,000 lives. Over the next half century, the figure of human losses in the USSR increased to 27,000,000. And there is a strong suspicion that this is not the limit.

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A comment

Calculation of the losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War remains one of the scientific problems unsolved by historians. Official statistics - 26.6 million dead, including 8.7 million military personnel - underestimate the losses among those who were at the front. Contrary to popular belief, the bulk of the dead were military personnel (up to 13.6 million), and not the civilian population of the Soviet Union.

There is a lot of literature on this problem, and maybe someone gets the impression that it has been studied enough. Yes, indeed, there is a lot of literature, but there are still many questions and doubts. Too much here is unclear, controversial and clearly unreliable. Even the reliability of the current official data on the loss of life of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War (about 27 million people) raises serious doubts.

History of calculation and official state recognition of losses

The official figure for the demographic losses of the Soviet Union has changed several times. In February 1946, the loss figure of 7 million people was published in the Bolshevik magazine. In March 1946, Stalin, in an interview with the Pravda newspaper, stated that the USSR had lost 7 million people during the war years: “As a result of the German invasion, the Soviet Union irretrievably lost in battles with the Germans, and also thanks to the German occupation and seven million people." The report “The Military Economy of the USSR during the Patriotic War” published in 1947 by the chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR Voznesensky did not indicate human losses.

In 1959, the first post-war census of the population of the USSR was carried out. In 1961, Khrushchev, in a letter to the Prime Minister of Sweden, reported 20 million dead: “Can we sit back and wait for a repeat of 1941, when the German militarists unleashed a war against the Soviet Union, which claimed two tens of millions of lives of Soviet people?” In 1965, Brezhnev, on the 20th anniversary of the Victory, announced more than 20 million dead.

In 1988–1993 A team of military historians led by Colonel General G. F. Krivosheev conducted a statistical study of archival documents and other materials containing information about casualties in the army and navy, border and internal troops of the NKVD. The result of the work was the figure of 8,668,400 people lost by the power structures of the USSR during the war.

Since March 1989, on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a state commission has been working to study the number of human losses in the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The commission included representatives of the State Statistics Committee, the Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Defense, the Main Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Committee of War Veterans, the Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The commission did not calculate losses, but estimated the difference between the estimated population of the USSR at the end of the war and the estimated population that would have lived in the USSR if there had been no war. The commission first made public its demographic loss figure of 26.6 million people at a solemn meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 8, 1990.

On May 5, 2008, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree "On the publication of the fundamental multi-volume work" The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 "". On October 23, 2009, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation signed an order "On the Interdepartmental Commission for Calculating Losses During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". The commission included representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rosstat, Rosarkhiv. In December 2011, a commission representative announced the country's overall demographic losses during the war period. 26.6 million people, of which losses of active armed forces 8668400 people.

military personnel

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense irretrievable losses during the fighting on the Soviet-German front from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, they amounted to 8,860,400 Soviet troops. The source was data declassified in 1993 and data obtained during the search work of the Memory Watch and in historical archives.

According to declassified data from 1993: killed, died from wounds and diseases, non-combat losses - 6 885 100 people, including

  • Killed - 5,226,800 people.
  • Died from inflicted wounds - 1,102,800 people.
  • Died from various causes and accidents, shot - 555,500 people.

On May 5, 2010, Major General A. Kirilin, head of the RF Ministry of Defense Directorate for perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland, told RIA Novosti that the figures for military casualties - 8 668 400 , will be reported to the leadership of the country, so that they are announced on May 9, the day of the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

According to the data of G. F. Krivosheev, during the Great Patriotic War, 3,396,400 military personnel were missing and captured (about 1,162,600 more were attributed to unaccounted for combat losses in the first months of the war, when combat units did not provide any reports), that is, all

  • missing, captured and unaccounted for combat losses - 4,559,000;
  • 1,836,000 military personnel returned from captivity, did not return (died, emigrated) - 1,783,300, (that is, the total number of prisoners - 3,619,300, which is more than together with the missing);
  • previously considered missing and were called up again from the liberated territories - 939,700.

So the official irretrievable losses(6,885,100 dead, according to declassified data from 1993, and 1,783,300 who did not return from captivity) amounted to 8,668,400 military personnel. But from them you need to subtract 939,700 re-conscripts who were considered missing. We get 7,728,700.

The mistake was pointed out, in particular, by Leonid Radzikhovsky. The correct calculation is as follows: the number 1,783,300 is the number of those who did not return from captivity and went missing (and not just those who did not return from captivity). Then official irretrievable losses (dead 6,885,100, according to declassified data of 1993, and those who did not return from captivity and went missing 1,783,300) amounted to 8 668 400 military personnel.

According to M.V. Filimoshin, during the Great Patriotic War, 4,559,000 Soviet servicemen and 500,000 conscripts called up for mobilization, but not included in the lists of troops, were captured and went missing. From this figure, the calculation gives the same result: if 1,836,000 returned from captivity and 939,700 were re-conscripted from those who were considered unknown, then 1,783,300 military personnel were missing and did not return from captivity. So the official irretrievable losses (6,885,100 died, according to declassified data from 1993, and 1,783,300 went missing and did not return from captivity) are 8 668 400 military personnel.

Additional data

Civilian population

A group of researchers led by G. F. Krivosheev estimated the losses of the civilian population of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War at approximately 13.7 million people.

The final number is 13,684,692 people. consists of the following components:

  • were exterminated in the occupied territory and died as a result of hostilities (from bombing, shelling, etc.) - 7,420,379 people.
  • died as a result of a humanitarian catastrophe (hunger, infectious diseases, lack of medical care, etc.) - 4,100,000 people.
  • died in forced labor in Germany - 2,164,313 people. (another 451,100 people did not return for various reasons and became emigrants).

According to S. Maksudov, about 7 million people died in the occupied territories and in besieged Leningrad (1 million of them in besieged Leningrad, 3 million were Jews, victims of the Holocaust), and about 7 million people died as a result of increased mortality in non-occupied territories.

The total losses of the USSR (together with the civilian population) amounted to 40–41 million people. These estimates are confirmed by comparing the data of the 1939 and 1959 censuses, since there is reason to believe that in 1939 there was a very significant undercount of the male draft contingents.

In general, the Red Army during the Second World War lost 13 million 534 thousand 398 soldiers and commanders in the dead, missing, dead from wounds, diseases and in captivity.

Finally, we note another new trend in the study of the demographic results of World War II. Before the collapse of the USSR, there was no need to assess the human losses for individual republics or nationalities. And only at the end of the twentieth century, L. Rybakovsky tried to calculate the approximate value of the human losses of the RSFSR within its then borders. According to his estimates, it amounted to approximately 13 million people - slightly less than half of the total losses of the USSR.

Nationalitydead soldiers Number of casualties (thousand people) % of total
irretrievable losses
Russians 5 756.0 66.402
Ukrainians 1 377.4 15.890
Belarusians 252.9 2.917
Tatars 187.7 2.165
Jews 142.5 1.644
Kazakhs 125.5 1.448
Uzbeks 117.9 1.360
Armenians 83.7 0.966
Georgians 79.5 0.917
Mordva 63.3 0.730
Chuvash 63.3 0.730
Yakuts 37.9 0.437
Azerbaijanis 58.4 0.673
Moldovans 53.9 0.621
Bashkirs 31.7 0.366
Kyrgyz 26.6 0.307
Udmurts 23.2 0.268
Tajiks 22.9 0.264
Turkmens 21.3 0.246
Estonians 21.2 0.245
Mari 20.9 0.241
Buryats 13.0 0.150
Komi 11.6 0.134
Latvians 11.6 0.134
Lithuanians 11.6 0.134
Peoples of Dagestan 11.1 0.128
Ossetians 10.7 0.123
Poles 10.1 0.117
Karely 9.5 0.110
Kalmyks 4.0 0.046
Kabardians and Balkars 3.4 0.039
Greeks 2.4 0.028
Chechens and Ingush 2.3 0.026
Finns 1.6 0.018
Bulgarians 1.1 0.013
Czechs and Slovaks 0.4 0.005
Chinese 0.4 0.005
Assyrians 0,2 0,002
Yugoslavs 0.1 0.001

The greatest losses on the battlefields of the Second World War were suffered by Russians and Ukrainians. Many Jews were killed. But the most tragic was the fate of the Belarusian people. In the first months of the war, the entire territory of Belarus was occupied by the Germans. During the war, the Byelorussian SSR lost up to 30% of its population. In the occupied territory of the BSSR, the Nazis killed 2.2 million people. (The data of recent studies on Belarus are as follows: the Nazis destroyed civilians - 1,409,225 people, destroyed prisoners in German death camps - 810,091 people, driven into German slavery - 377,776 people). It is also known that in percentage terms - the number of dead soldiers / population, among the Soviet republics, Georgia suffered great damage. Almost 300,000 out of 700,000 Georgians called to the front did not return.

Losses of the Wehrmacht and SS troops

To date, there are no sufficiently reliable figures for the losses of the German army, obtained by direct statistical calculation. This is explained by the absence, for various reasons, of reliable source statistics on German losses. The picture is more or less clear regarding the number of Wehrmacht prisoners of war on the Soviet-German front. According to Russian sources, 3,172,300 Wehrmacht soldiers were captured by Soviet troops, of which 2,388,443 were Germans in the NKVD camps. According to estimates by German historians, there were about 3.1 million German servicemen in Soviet prisoner of war camps alone.

The discrepancy is approximately 0.7 million people. This discrepancy is explained by differences in the estimate of the number of Germans who died in captivity: according to Russian archival documents, 356,700 Germans died in Soviet captivity, and according to German researchers, approximately 1.1 million people. It seems that the Russian figure of the Germans who died in captivity is more reliable, and the missing 0.7 million Germans who went missing and did not return from captivity actually died not in captivity, but on the battlefield.

There is another statistics of losses - the statistics of burials of Wehrmacht soldiers. According to the appendix to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany "On the preservation of burial places", the total number of German soldiers who are in recorded burial places on the territory of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries is 3 million 226 thousand people. (on the territory of the USSR alone - 2,330,000 burials). This figure can be taken as the starting point for calculating the demographic losses of the Wehrmacht, but it also needs to be adjusted.

  1. Firstly, this figure takes into account only the burial places of the Germans, and a large number of soldiers of other nationalities fought in the Wehrmacht: Austrians (of which 270 thousand people died), Sudeten Germans and Alsatians (230 thousand people died) and representatives of other nationalities and states (357 thousand people died). Of the total number of dead Wehrmacht soldiers of non-German nationality, the Soviet-German front accounts for 75-80%, i.e. 0.6-0.7 million people.
  2. Secondly, this figure refers to the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Since then, the search for German graves in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe has continued. And the messages that appeared on this topic were not informative enough. For example, the Russian Association of War Memorials, established in 1992, reported that over the 10 years of its existence, it had transferred information about the burial places of 400,000 Wehrmacht soldiers to the German Union for the Care of War Graves. However, whether these were newly discovered burials or whether they have already been taken into account in the figure of 3 million 226 thousand is unclear. Unfortunately, no generalized statistics of the newly discovered graves of Wehrmacht soldiers could be found. Tentatively, it can be assumed that the number of newly discovered graves of Wehrmacht soldiers over the past 10 years is in the range of 0.2–0.4 million people.
  3. Thirdly, many burial places of the dead soldiers of the Wehrmacht on Soviet soil disappeared or were deliberately destroyed. Approximately 0.4–0.6 million Wehrmacht soldiers could be buried in such disappeared and nameless graves.
  4. Fourthly, these data do not include burials of German soldiers killed in battles with Soviet troops in Germany and Western European countries. According to R. Overmans, only in the last three spring months of the war, about 1 million people died. (minimum estimate 700 thousand) In general, on German soil and in Western European countries, approximately 1.2–1.5 million Wehrmacht soldiers died in battles with the Red Army.
  5. Finally, fifthly, the Wehrmacht soldiers who died of “natural” death (0.1–0.2 million people) were also among the buried.

An approximate procedure for calculating the total human losses of Germany

  1. The population in 1939 was 70.2 million people.
  2. Population in 1946 - 65.93 million people.
  3. Natural mortality 2.8 million people.
  4. Natural increase (birth rate) 3.5 million people.
  5. Emigration inflow of 7.25 million people.
  6. Total losses ((70.2 - 65.93 - 2.8) + 3.5 + 7.25 = 12.22) 12.15 million people.


Recall that disputes about the number of deaths are ongoing to this day.

Almost 27 million citizens of the USSR died during the war (the exact number is 26.6 million). This amount included:

  • military personnel killed and died from wounds;
  • who died from diseases;
  • executed by firing squad (according to the results of various denunciations);
  • missing and captured;
  • representatives of the civilian population, both in the occupied territories of the USSR, and in other regions of the country, in which, due to hostilities in the state, there was an increased mortality from hunger and disease.

This also includes those who emigrated from the USSR during the war and did not return to their homeland after the victory. The vast majority of the dead were men (about 20 million). Modern researchers argue that by the end of the war, of the men born in 1923. (i.e. those who were 18 years old in 1941 and could be drafted into the army) about 3% survived. By 1945, there were twice as many women as men in the USSR (data for people aged 20 to 29).

In addition to the actual deaths, a sharp drop in the birth rate can also be attributed to human losses. So, according to official estimates, if the birth rate in the state remained at least at the same level, the population of the Union by the end of 1945 should have been 35-36 million people more than it was in reality. Despite numerous studies and calculations, the exact number of those who died during the war is unlikely to ever be named.

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