Ludwig van Beethoven. Analysis of the structure, dramaturgy, musical images of Beethoven's Fourth Sonata Ludwig van Beethoven

Description of work

The purpose of this course work is to examine in detail the features of the form on the example of the first part of the piano sonata No. 9 E-dur. This sonata, like many others, is quite popular among pianists and is included in the stable repertoire of many of them. It is not only the focus of virtuoso performing techniques, but also a reflection of Beethoven's characteristic imagery.
The objectives of our study are a detailed analytical analysis of the structure, tonal plan, melody, harmonic and textural features in the first part of this cycle.


1. Introductory section:
History and theory of development of the sonata genre ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Sonata genre in the works of L. van Beethoven …….…………………...10
2. Central analytical section:
2.1 The figurative content of the Piano Sonata No. 9 in E-dur by L. van Beethoven……………………………………………………….………….….......12

2.2 Structural analysis of the first part of the sonata: comments on the form diagram…………………………………………………………………….……….15


1. Typical and individual features of the sonata form in the first part of the sonata for piano No. 9 E-dur by L. Beethoven ……………….……….26

1.2. Features of the composer's style on the example of L. van Beethoven's piano sonata No. 9 in E-dur………………………………………….…………..27

List of used literature ………………………..…………….28

Files: 1 file

Creativity 1817-26 marked a new rise of Beethoven's genius and at the same time marked the end of the era of musical classicism. Until the last days, remaining faithful to classical ideals, the composer found new forms and means of their embodiment, bordering on the romantic. The great master of the sonata form, in which dramatic conflicts developed before, Beethoven in his later compositions often refers to the fugue form, which is most suitable for embodying the gradual formation of a generalized philosophical idea. The last five piano sonatas (Nos. 28-32) and the last 5 quartets (Nos. 12-16) are distinguished by a particularly complex and refined musical language.

Thus, the sonata genre reached its highest peak in the work of Beethoven, who created 32 piano pieces. 10 violin and 5 cello sonatas. In his sonatas, figurative content is enriched, dramas are embodied. collisions, the conflict beginning is sharpened. Many of his sonatas reach monumental proportions. Along with the sharpness of form and concentration of expression, characteristic of the art of classicism, Beethoven's sonatas also show features that were later adopted and developed by romantic composers. Beethoven often writes a sonata in the form of a four-part cycle, reproducing the sequence of parts of a symphony and a quartet: sonata allegro - slow lyrical part - minuet (or scherzo) - finale. The middle parts are sometimes arranged in reverse order, sometimes the slow lyrical part is replaced by a part at a more mobile pace (allegretto). Such a cycle will be fixed in the sonatas of many romantic composers. Beethoven also has two-movement sonatas (piano sonata op. 54, op. 90, op. 111), as well as sonatas with a free sequence of movements (piano sonata op. 26; quasi una fantasia op. 27 nos. 1 and 2; op 31 No. 3). In the last Beethoven sonatas, the tendency towards the close unity of the cycle and greater freedom of interpretation is intensified. Links are introduced between the parts, continuous transitions are made from one part to another, fugue sections are included in the cycle. The first part sometimes loses its leading position in the cycle, the finale often becomes the center of gravity. There are reminiscences of previously sounded themes in various parts of the cycle (sonatas op. 101, 102 No. 1). The slow introductions to the first movements also begin to play a significant role in Beethoven's sonatas (op. 13, 78, 111). Some of Beethoven's sonatas are characterized by elements of programming, which was widely developed in the music of romantic composers. For example, the three movements of the piano sonata, op. 81 are called "Farewell", "Parting" and "Return".

2. Central analytical section

2.2 The figurative content of the piano sonata No. 9 in E-dur by L. van Beethoven

Piano Sonata E-dur is a cycle of three parts. This work becomes another example of the classical sonata genre in the works of the Viennese classics and Beethoven in particular. The contrast between the parts of the cycle is built according to the principle fast - moderately fast - fast (Allegro - Allegretto - Allegro comodo). Such a sequence of parts creates a single line of dramatic development, in which all parts are sustained in a single figurative key.

The first part carries the main semantic load, the main semantic function is associated with it. The second movement is the lyrical center and in this case is close in character to the minuet, although the composer does not give a genre designation. The sonata ends with a traditionally quick finale. In form, the last movement is a rondo sonata, despite the fact that Rondo is indicated in the title of the movement. Such a structural design of the finale is quite natural for the Viennese classics, and even more so for Beethoven. Starting from Mozart, in such cases, the finale was most often written in the form of a rondo-sonata, while Beethoven no longer finds samples of the final movements in the form of an “ordinary” rondo. Thus, the sonata is an organic, complete and harmoniously built cycle that vividly characterizes Beethoven's thinking and his piano style.

Let's proceed directly to the consideration of the figurative content of the first part. This section of the sonata is filled with a bright, positive mood. All the themes in the exposition are distinguished by their completeness, saturation of the life-affirming beginning, their character of expression is homogeneous in figurative mood. The initial invocative intonations of the main part, directed upwards, attract the attention of the listener. The linking party sounds just as affirmative, as if confirming the thought just expressed. The side part at first removes the saturation and density of presentation. In the exposition, the side part becomes the focus of light lyrics, which, nevertheless, does not stand out from the general figurative sphere. The active final part returns the original mood and "charges" the energetic figurative atmosphere again. Characteristic is the use of sequential sequences and numerous repetitions, lengthening the intonational phrase and thus supporting the dramatic intensity of the composition. Of particular importance is the development, which, although small in scale (30 bars), but brings a noticeable dramatic intensity. The minor expressive theme that appears here sets off, like a contrasting middle, the light images of the exposition and reprises of the sonata form. The dramatic climax falls at the beginning of the reprise, i.e., at the retelling of the main part. This theme this time sounds with the dynamics of f with ascending impetuous passages in the part of the left hand, its melody is condensed by chord presentation. All this gives the theme of the main party a solemn and festive sound. All other parties are presented without changes, except for their tonal rethinking. The final part smoothly flows into a small code construction, once again confirming the main image of the composition.

The second part, as already mentioned, is the lyrical center of the entire concert cycle. Written in the key of e-moll (the minor of the same name), it becomes the other side of the original image. The scale of the part is small - it is a complex three-part form. The extreme sections (da capo form) are built in a simple three-part form with a developing type in the middle, and the middle section 7 has a simple two-part form (key C-dur). The basis of development in this part is the slight variation and numerous repetitions associated with the danceable nature of the music.

The finale of the sonata, written in the key of E-dur, is based on images of joy and jubilation, which are in many respects in tune with the beginning of the work. forms of movement, namely, on light, swift arpeggiated passages. The entire finale is sustained in a single figurative and semantic key, echoing the first part of the sonata, and establishes a bright festive mood.

2.2 Structural analysis of the first part of the sonata: comments on the form-scheme

The first part of L. van Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 9 E-dur, which we are studying, was written in sonata form. This is a typical interpretation of the sonata form for the Viennese classics, in particular for the early period of the composer's work. Thematism already gravitates toward expanded forms, but such a design will be fully revealed in Beethoven's later compositions. There is no deep dramatic conflict between the parties, but the contrast is still present. The development is rather a construction of the type of an episode in which the development of the thematic of the main part occupies a minimal place.

The exposition traditionally begins with a presentation of the main part. In its structure, it is a long sentence of twelve bars. Of these, the first four, in fact, set out a complete musical thought such as an epigraph, which we will denote by letter a. It is this thematic element that will play a key role in the construction of other themes of the sonata exposition, and will also undergo a certain amount of development in the development. The other two elements of the main party "finish" the thought stated at the beginning. The first of them is figurative intonations textured in the form of roll calls. The second element is already connected directly with the cadence zone.

The connecting part begins like the second sentence of the main one, which is quite in tune with the classical sonata form. In form, the connecting part is a sentence of ten measures, in which most of it is played by the dominant harmony in relation to the key of the side part. It should be noted here that the tonic substitution technique, in which the expected resolution of the last harmony of the connecting part into the key of h-moll is replaced by the appearance of H-dur.

The side part has a clear period structure (8+8), in which the second sentence is a contrapuntal permutation of the voices of the first, with slight variation. After the full-sounding main and linking parts, the side part with its discharged, sometimes monophonic texture, lyrical second intonations in the melody introduces an element of figurative contrast into the exposition. The final game is of considerable scale compared to the rest of the games, and consists of a number of elements. The first of them, through repetitions, establishes a “new” tonic and has a clearly final character, which does not cast doubt on its definition as the beginning of the final party. The second element introduces the illusion of movement, continuation of development, and even leads to the dynamics of ff, however, after a sharp stop, a third element appears - a rethought first element of the main party. This construction to some extent performs the function of a link with the development, because. ends with a dominant harmony, the resolution of which falls on the beginning of development 8 .

Development begins with modified intonations of the main part against the background of the sonority of unstable harmonies of the tonality of the harmonic subdominant (a-moll), which marks a change in function from stable (exposure) to unstable (development) with a median type of presentation. After the motives of the main theme, a new emotionally agitated theme appears, which has a cross-cutting character of presentation. However, one can find a conditional boundary in it: the first eight measures are stated within the key of a-moll, the second eight begin with C-dur and end with a dominant to the key of e-moll. The development in the key of E-dur 9 ends with a pre-excitation zone already, which is based on the intonations of the same first element of the main part.

The reprise in this sonata form reproduces all the themes with some changes. The reprise begins with a varied presentation of the main part, in which the structure and tonality are preserved, but the texture and dynamics change. The connecting part, following the main one, is also presented in a modified texture design, and also does not modulate, remaining within the framework of the main key. The side part is presented without changes and is, in fact, a “transport” of the whole theme into a new key. The final part expands in the area of ​​its third element (instead of four - fifteen measures), which takes on the function of the coda of the entire movement.

2.3 Analysis of the means of expression in the first part of the piano sonata No. 9 in E-dur by L. van Beethoven

The compositional structure and dramatic design of the considered piano sonata reflect the characteristic tendencies of the Viennese classical school. Traditional structural clarity, vivid expressiveness of the instrumental beginning, connection with the traditions of dance music, significant melodic diversity - these are the main features inherent in the thematic development in the first part of the E-dur sonata. Let us consider in more detail their interaction on the example of the analysis of the means of expressiveness of the main topics in the exposition presentation:

Main Party:

The theme of the main part is an example of a melody of a light, energetic, even Beethoven-like heroic character. The initial motif in confident movement with marching elements outlines the fourth interval (movement from the fifth step up to the first), which is then sequenced. This is the first element of the main party. In the next thematic element (light sixteenths of duration moving along tertiary intervals), the features of some scherzo are guessed. Finally, the last element of the main part draws another figurative side: a smooth movement along the sounds of chords, adjacent to the cadence zone. Thus, over the course of twelve measures, the thematic development is fully developed, the original image is fully disclosed.

Despite the multi-part composition of the main part, it is all sustained within the main key. The mode is clearly outlined by the main functions, and the full functional turn is carried out already in the first four bars. The entire main party ends with an invading cadence on the dominant, the resolution of which falls on the linking party.

Functions of sounds in fret:

I st. - function T.

II Art. – top opening tone.

III Art. is the function of the upper mediant in E-dur.

IV Art. - S, in altered form - SS before D.

V Art. – function D.

VI Art. is the lower mediant in the main key.

VII Art. – lower introductory tone.

The expressive quality of the mode under consideration lies in emphasizing stability by highlighting its main steps. The tonic function predominates here, which is a traditional feature of the main part in the sonata forms of the Viennese classicism period. Let's take a closer look:

  • 1 measure ("call-up motive") - completely on T (stability);
  • 2 measure - completely on S st., and in consonant and dissonant presentation (instability);
  • 3 step - dominant function (increased instability).
  • 4 measure - permission to the tonic and stop.
  • 5-6 measure - completely on the I st. (stability), except for the very last sound, which is an increased IV step, gravitating towards the dominant
  • 7-8 measures - completely on the dominant function (unstable).
  • Bars 9-12 are a twice repeated cadence in which the dominant function is played out.

The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is closely connected with his biography, as well as with hearing loss. While writing his famous work, he experienced serious health problems, although he was at the top of his popularity. He was a welcome guest in aristocratic salons, worked hard and was considered a fashionable musician. On his account there were already many works, including sonatas. However, it is the essay in question that is considered one of the most successful in his work.

Acquaintance with Juliet Guicciardi

The history of the creation of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" is directly related to this woman, since it was to her that he dedicated his new creation. She was a countess and at the time of her acquaintance with the famous composer she was at a very young age.

Together with her cousins, the girl began to take lessons from him and conquered her teacher with cheerfulness, good nature and sociability. Beethoven fell in love with her and dreamed of marrying the young beauty. This new feeling caused him a creative upsurge, and he enthusiastically began to work on a work that has now acquired cult status.


The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, in fact, repeats all the vicissitudes of this personal drama of the composer. Juliet loved her teacher, and at first it seemed that marriage was on the way. However, the young coquette subsequently preferred a prominent count to a poor musician, whom she eventually married. This was a heavy blow for the composer, which was reflected in the second part of the work in question. It feels pain, anger and despair, which contrast sharply with the serene sound of the first movement. The author's depression was exacerbated by hearing loss.


The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is as dramatic as the fate of its author. He was suffering from serious problems due to inflammation of the auditory nerve, which led to an almost complete loss of hearing. He was forced to stand close to the stage in order to hear the sounds. This could not but affect his work.

Beethoven was famous for being able to accurately select the right notes, choosing the right musical shades and keys from the rich palette of the orchestra. Now it was becoming more and more difficult for him to work every day. The gloomy mood of the composer was also reflected in the work in question, in the second part of which the motive of a rebellious impulse sounds, which seems to find no way out. Undoubtedly, this theme is connected with the torments that the composer experienced when writing a melody.


Of great importance for understanding the composer's work is the history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Briefly, the following can be said about this event: it testifies to the composer's impressionability, as well as how close he took this personal tragedy to his heart. Therefore, the second part of the work is written in an angry tone, which is why many believe that the title does not match the content.

However, the composer's friend, poet and music critic Ludwig Relshtab, she recalled the image of a lake at night with moonlight. The second version of the origin of the name is connected with the fact that at the time under consideration the fashion for everything that was somehow connected with the moon dominated, so contemporaries willingly accepted this beautiful epithet.

Further fate

The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata should be briefly considered in the context of the composer's biography, since unrequited love influenced his entire subsequent life. After parting with Juliet, he left Vienna and moved to the city, where he wrote his famous will. In it, he poured out those bitter feelings that were reflected in his work. The composer wrote that, despite the apparent gloom and gloom, he was predisposed to kindness and tenderness. He also complained about his deafness.

The history of the creation of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" 14 in many ways helps to understand further events in his fate. Out of desperation, he almost decided to commit suicide, but in the end he gathered his strength and, being already almost completely deaf, wrote his most famous works. A few years later, the lovers met again. It is indicative that Juliet was the first to come to the composer.

She recalled a happy youth, complained about poverty and asked for money. Beethoven lent her a significant amount, but asked her not to see him again. In 1826, the maestro fell seriously ill and suffered for several months, but not so much from physical pain as from the consciousness that he could not work. The following year he died, and after his death a tender letter dedicated to Juliet was found, proving that the great musician retained a feeling of love for the woman who inspired him to write his most famous composition. So, one of the most prominent representatives was Ludwig van Beethoven. The Moonlight Sonata, the history of which was briefly revealed in this essay, is still performed on the best stages around the world.




On the subject "Analysis

musical works"

topic: "Analysis of the final of the First

sonatas by L. Beethoven»

Completed by a 5th year student

specialty "Music Theory"

Maksimova Natalya

Head Mamcheva N.A.





1. Relevance of the work

2. Goals and objectives of the work


1. A brief theoretical digression into the topic

2. Detailed analysis and analysis of the finale of the 1st sonata




Beethoven is one of the greatest phenomena of world culture. "His work ranks on a par with the art of such titans of artistic thought as Tolstoy, Rembrandt, Shakespeare" 1 . In terms of philosophical depth, democracy, boldness of innovation, "Beethoven has no equal in the musical art of Europe of past centuries" 2 The composer developed most of the existing genres of music. Beethoven is the last composer of the 19th century for whom the classical sonata is the most organic form of thinking. The world of his music is impressively diverse. Within the framework of the sonata form, Beethoven was able to subject the diverse types of musical thematics to such freedom of development, to show such a vivid conflict of themes at the level of elements, which composers of the 18th century did not even think about.

The sonata form attracted the composer with many qualities inherent only to it: the display (exposition) of musical images different in character and content presented unlimited possibilities, “opposing them, pushing them in a sharp struggle and, following the internal dynamics, reveal the process of interaction, interpenetration and transition in the end into a new quality" 3

Thus, the deeper the contrast of images, the more dramatic the conflict, the more complex the process of development itself. And Beethoven's development becomes the main driving force behind the transformation of sonata form. Thus, the sonata form becomes the basis of the vast majority of Beethoven's works. According to Asafiev, “a wonderful prospect opened before music: on a par with other manifestations of the spiritual culture of mankind, it [sonata form] could express the complex and refined content of the ideas and feelings of the 19th century with its own means.”

The principles of Beethoven's thinking crystallized most fully and most vividly in the two most central genres for him - the piano sonata and the symphony.

In his 32 piano sonatas, the composer, with the greatest penetration into the inner life of a person, recreated the world of his experiences and feelings.

This work is relevant, because. the analysis of the finale as the final part of the sonata is important for understanding the composer's musical thinking. A. Alschwang believes that the artistic techniques and principles of thematic development give grounds to consider the finale of the First Sonata “the initial link in a whole chain of stormy finales, up to the finale of the Appassionata”.

The purpose of the work is a detailed structural analysis of the finale of Beethoven's 1st piano sonata in order to trace the development and interaction of musical themes on the basis of sonata form, which is work tasks.


The origin of the sonata form dates back to the end of the 17th - the beginning

XVIII centuries. Its features were most clearly manifested in the piano works of Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757). They found their fullest expression in the work of F. E. Bach (1714-1788). The sonata form in the classical style was finally established in the works of Haydn and Mozart. The pinnacle of this was the work of Beethoven, who embodied deep, universal ideas in his works. His works of sonata form are distinguished by their significant scale, compositional complexity, and the dynamics of the development of the form as a whole.

V.N. Kholopova defines the sonata form as reprise, based on the dramatic contrast of the main and side parts, on the tonal opposition of the main and side parts in the exposition and their tonal convergence or unification in the reprise. (Kholopov V.N.).

L.A. Mazel defines the sonata form as reprise, in the first part (exposition) of which there is a sequence of

the presence of two themes in different keys (main and subordinate), and in the recapitulation these themes are repeated in a different ratio, most often, tonally approach each other, and both themes are most typically held in the main key. (Mazel L.A. The structure of musical works. M .: Muzyka, 1986. p. 360).

I.V. The method is such a definition: a sonata is a form based on the opposition of two themes, which, at the first presentation, contrast both thematically and tonally, and after development, both are repeated in the main key, i.e. tonally converge. (Sposobin I.V. Musical form. M .: Muzyka, 1980. p. 189)

Thus, the sonata form is based on the interaction and development of at least two contrasting themes.

In general terms, the outline of a typical sonata form is as follows:





One of the main driving forces in sonata form is the contradiction, the contrast of two themes. An impetuous theme is compared with a passionate, but melodious one, a dramatic one with a calm, soft one, an alarming one with a song one, etc.

In general, for the first theme (the main party) a more active character is typical.

For a side part, the following choice of keys is typical:

1. In major works - usually the key of the major dominant, the third major step. Less often, the tonality of the sixth major step or the sixth low minor is chosen.

2. In minor works, the parallel major, minor dominant is more typical. Starting with Beethoven, the tonality of the major sixth low degree is found.

Sonata form contains several typical features:

1) The main party is usually a free formation or a period. This is a dynamic, effective – active section.

2) A side part is more often an image of a different character. Usually tonally more stable than the main one, more complete in its development and usually larger in scale.

3) Connecting part - carries out the transition to the side part. Tonally unstable, does not contain closed constructions. It contains 3 sections: initial (adjacent to the main part), developing and final (pre-school).

4) The final part is, as a rule, a series of additions that confirm the tone of the side part.

5) The development is characterized by general tonal instability. Developed mainly elements of the main and secondary parties.

In the process of its development, the sonata form was enriched with various modifications, for example: sonata form with an episode instead of a development, an abbreviated sonata form (without a middle part), etc.

As a rule, sonata form is used in the first parts of sonata-symphonic cycles - sonatas, symphonies, instrumental quartets, quintets, as well as opera overtures. Often this form is used in the finals of sonata-symphonic cycles, sometimes in slow parts.

In general, the dramaturgy of the parts of the STS is as follows:

I part. As a rule, active, effective. Exposure of contrasting images, conflict.

II part. Lyric Center.

III part. Genre-domestic character.

IV part. The final. Summing up, conclusion of the idea.

The sonata is usually in three movements.

The first piano sonata f moll (1796) begins a line of tragic and dramatic works. It clearly shows the features of a "mature" style, although chronologically it is within the framework of the early period. Its first part and finale are characterized by emotional tension and tragic sharpness. Adagio reveals a number of beautiful slow movements in Beethoven's music. “The sonata's finale, Prestissimo, stands out sharply from the finales of its predecessors. Stormy, passionate character, roaring arpeggios, bright motive and dynamic contrasts” 1 . Here the final plays the role of a dramatic peak.

The finale of the 1st sonata is written in the form of a sonata allegro with an episode instead of development and developmental elements.

The exposition starts with main party in F minor in Prestissimo "very fast" tempo, in free formation. This party already has 2 contrasting themes at its core - a dramatic active-volitional "in F minor" and a song-dance "in A-flat major"

1st topic- very energetic and expressive, thanks to the rapid triplet accompaniment.

Already on the example of the first two bars, one can notice Beethoven's favorite trick - the contrast of the theme elements:

1) Textured contrast:

In the lower part there is an active triplet movement.

In the upper part - a massive chordal texture.

2) Dynamic contrast: the first motive - on p ("piano" - softly), the second - on ("forte" - loudly)

3) Register contrast: “quiet motive in the middle register, loud - low and high without filling in the middle register, (range E - c 3).

4) “Sonic” contrast: - the lower part is a continuous “fluid” presentation, the upper one is dry, jerky chords.

2nd topic- differs sharply from the first. It is based on the song and dance genre.

The texture of this theme is more sparse - long durations appeared - half, while in the first theme the triplet movement was based on eighths.

1. Tonal contrast: the first phrase is in A flat major, the second is in F minor.

2. "Characteristic", pictorial contrast: the first phrase is of a dance-song nature, in the second - a new stroke is introduced - tr (trill), which emphasizes some fervor of the phrase. The structure of the second theme is built on the principle of summation - short motives and chants.

3. In the second topic, there is a contrast of registers.

B. tt 6-7 the beginning of the phrase is in the middle register (range g - as 2), then (tt 8-9) the theme "spreads" in opposite directions without filling the middle (range c - c 3).

Conducting the second phrase immediately begins in close proximity in the middle register (range e 1 - f 2).

In addition, the A-flat major phrase plays an important dramatic role in the finale: the next episode is anticipated by this tonality and intonation.

Thus, within the main party there is already a vivid conflict at the level of two themes: a tonal conflict (comparison of f moll and As dur), a thematic conflict, as already mentioned above, a dynamic conflict (the first theme is a comparison of p and, the second - p)

For figurative comparison, the contrast of strokes is also important. 1st theme - jerky staccato, 2nd theme - non legato and legato.

The second theme of the main part leads directly into the connecting part.

The next section is tie party - forms, together with the main one, a kind of 3-part form, the middle of which is the second theme of Ch. parts, since the binder is based on the theme of the 1st theme.

The connecting part is emphasized by even greater contrast of dynamics (p and ff see tt. 13-14) and is built entirely on the DD harmony, as a precursor to the side part.

Thus, the linking part combines both the initial and the preceding section.

The two-bar transition to the link is marked by a double __ (“fortissimo” - very loud, strong).

Side party consists of two contrasting sections - the so-called 1 side part and 2 side part.

Thus, the side part is written in a 2-part form - in relation to the main part, a structural contrast is formed. The tonality of the minor dominant (c moll) chosen for it - which, in general, is typical for classical sonata forms - forms the most important sign of sonata form exposition - tonal contrast. With the introduction of a side part, a thematic and figurative contrast with the main part appears. The first side part has a dramatic character. This is emphasized by the abundance of unstable harmonies, fluidity of presentation, continuous triplets, dynamism, undulating movement. It is characterized by tension. The rich range of the melodic line and “reference points” - from es 1 to as 2 and descending to d - emphasizes the impulsiveness of feelings - the whole theme first occupies the middle register, then covers the middle and high, and at the end - the low register (in the lower part - C 1).

The second side part is written in the form of a period with a retelling. It contrasts thematically with the first collateral. Its basis is song. Large durations (quarters compared to triplets of eighths of the first secondary), legato, “quiet” dynamics, melodically descending phrases, clear structure and song character, lyricism of the image, light, sad mood.

Nevertheless, there is some similarity in themes: a triplet movement in the lower part (in relation to the second theme, it is more appropriate to speak of accompaniment). Within the theme, deviations occur in Es dur - this gives some enlightenment to the image.

Side party leads to a vibrant dynamic final game , consisting of a number of additions and built on the material of the first theme of the main game. The final section returns the active volitional image. The first time it is carried out, it leads to the original key f moll, as a result of which the entire exposure is repeated. In the second passage, it leads to a new section - episode in the key of As major.

The introduction of the episode is explained by the fact that the images of the main and side parts were not brightly contrasting, and therefore the episode of the finale of Beethoven's first sonata is a lyrical digression after the stormy minor "statements". The elegiac character is emphasized by the note sempre piano e dolce (quietly, gently all the time).

The episode is written in a simple 2-part form and has a number of developed elements that will be discussed later.

1 part of the episode is a 20-bar period. His cantilena theme "grew", by comparison, from the second theme of the main part. This theme is characterized by melodiousness and dance character. The structure of the theme is built on the principle of summation: small chant motifs and then ornamental song phrases.

The second theme contrasts with the first only thematically. Throughout the episode, the lyrical, song image dominates.

The further development part is interesting in comparison with the topics. One would expect the development of elements of the main and side parties. But, since the latter was also of a dramatic nature, the development compares the elements of the main part and the episode as a struggle between the dramatic active line and the lyrical-song line.

The contrast between these elements is indicative. If in the main part the chords were expressed brightly dynamically, then in development they are on pp (“pianissimo” - very quiet). And, conversely, the theme of the episode implied a gentle lyrical performance, but here - an emphasis on ___ (“sforzando” - suddenly loud).

In the developmental part, 3 sections can be distinguished: the first 10 measures are the initial section, based on the thematics of the main part and the episode, and for the time being "growing" from the previous key.

The next 8 bars are a developmental section based on the episode's heavily accented theme elements. And the last section (next 11 bars) is the pre-reprise section, where the last 7 bars are on the dominant organ point to f moll, against which the elements of the main part are developed, thereby preparing the transition to the reprise.

reprise, as in the exposition, begins with Ch. n. in the main key f moll. But, unlike the exposition, the length of the second theme is no longer 8, but 12 tons. This is explained by the need for a tonal convergence of the party. As a result, the end of the second theme is slightly changed.

Linking part of the reprise is also based on the material of the first theme of the main part. But now it is built on the dominant precedent to f-moll, bringing both parties closer to the main key.

Reprise side part differs from the side part of the exposition only in tonality.

Only in final game changes are observed. Elements of the first theme of the main part are now presented not in the upper part, but in the lower part.

At the end of the final, an active volitional beginning is affirmed.

On the whole, “tragic notes, stubborn struggle, protest are heard in the first sonata. Beethoven will return to these images in Moonlight Sonata, Pathetique, Appassionata 1 .


The form of a piece of music is always the expression of an idea.

On the example of the analysis of the finale of the 1st sonata, one can trace the principle of the Viennese classical school - the unity and struggle of opposites. Thus, the form of the work plays a major role in the figurative dramaturgy of the work.

Beethoven, preserving the classical harmony of the sonata form, enriched it with bright artistic techniques - the bright conflict of themes, sharp struggle, work on the contrast of elements already within the theme.

Beethoven's piano sonata is equivalent to a symphony. His conquests in the field of piano style are colossal.

“Having extended the range of sound to the limits, Beethoven revealed the previously unknown expressive properties of the extreme registers: the poetry of high airy transparent tones and the rebellious roar of basses. With Beethoven, any kind of figuration, any passage or short scale acquires semantic significance.

The style of Beethoven's pianism largely determined the future development of piano music in the 19th and subsequent centuries.


1. Bonfeld M.Sh.

2. Galatskaya V.S. Musical literature of foreign countries. Issue 3. M.: Music, 1974

3. Grigorovich V.B. Great musicians of Western Europe. M.: Enlightenment, 1982

4. Konen V.D. History of foreign music. Issue 3. M.: Music, 1976

5. Kyuregyan T.S.

6. Mazel L.A. The structure of musical works. M.: Music, 1986

7. Sposobin I.V. musical form. M.: Music, 1980

8. Tyulin Yu. Musical form. M.: Music, 1974





Episode + Development



2x private

A number of additional

A holistic analysis of the content and form of the sonata Op. 31 No. 2 in D minor (No. 17)

Piano Sonata in D minor, op. 31 No. 2, was written by L. van Beethoven in 1802, together with sonatas No. 16 and No. 18. Unofficial titles: "The Tempest", "Sonata with Recitative", "Shakespeare's Sonata". It is believed that Sonata No. 17 is a psychological portrait of the composer himself. Unlike other sonatas, it goes without a dedication. 1802 - a period of tragic reflections, gloomy feelings, thoughts of suicide due to deafness, the collapse of hopes for personal happiness. It was in 1802 that the composer wrote the famous "Heiligenstadt Testament" (see Appendix 1). After the death of L. van Beethoven, several documents were found in a secret drawer of his closet, to which he apparently attached special importance. One of these documents was a poignant letter written by him in October 1802 in the village of Heiligenstadt near Vienna and called the Heiligenstadt Testament.

A dramatic worldview appeared in the seventeenth sonata not only in figurative and intonational terms, but also in a freer, improvisational logic of building a musical form, through the development of thematics. This sonata continues the line of fantasy sonatas with a tense lyrical and dramatic development, so there are no clear cadences between sections of sonata form in it, most often the end of one section is at the same time the beginning of another. Such a connection is possible due to the musical features of sonata themes, which often begin and end with dominant harmony. It should be said that tense dominant harmony (usually in the form of a seventh chord) is used here more often than stable harmonies, which creates a strong tension and aspiration of the musical movement of the sonata. In this sonata, as in some of the previous ones, L. van Beethoven again returns to pathetic moods, to the epic and majestic flow of images of his first allegro and largo. It is remarkable that more and more new searches for dramatic expressiveness make L. van Beethoven seem to exceed the measure, to overstep the boundaries of purely instrumental techniques. The entire piano palette, even enriched with echoes of symphonic timbres, is not enough for him. And in the development of the allegro of this sonata, a recitative of a vocal type appears, so expressive that we seem to hear a word that has not yet been uttered, which many years later will sound in the vocal part of the ninth symphony. The melodic material of the middle part of the adagio is also noted for its extraordinary expressiveness. The melody passes against the background of short trembling beats of the timpani, like a lively voice, strict and persuasive. These speech intonations are replaced by a spontaneous beginning in a wonderful finale, which creates the impression of either a slight movement of the wind or a stormy whirlwind.

Sonata No. 17 continues the line of fantasy sonatas: lyrical-psychological, passionate tone of expression, psychological contrasts of a high level of tension, improvisational, fantasy music techniques, but unlike Sonata No. 14, it does not have the heading “SonataquasiunaFantasia”. The content of the sonata is the lyrics of a passionate, stormy, dramatized sound, a return to pathos, but with psychological understanding. There are three parts in the cycle, outwardly of a classical structure: Largo - Allegro, d-moll; Adagio, B-dur; Allegretto, d-moll. Each part is written in the sonata form of various variants, complicated by features of other forms: fantasies (elements, structure, developmental techniques), variation (all themes in all parts are based on common elements as variants), through form (there are no exact reprise repetitions).

The first part is a complete sonata form, but thanks to individual mutematism, it has a number of sharply innovative musical ideas in dramaturgy, composition, and language. The main part (bars 1 - 20) in the exposition is built on two contrasting elements: arpeggio and ariose-recitative descending second intonations-sighs. The first construction - d-moll, begins with a dominant function. The second construction of the main part is a variant of the initial one, but in the key of F-dur, with an expansion of the structure and intonation and modal-tonal development. These two constructions have, as it were, an introductory meaning - in the course of a free improvisational presentation, a gradual crystallization of thought occurs. It acquires a clear form only in the third construction, which plays a connecting role, but, despite this, it does not have a single stable, in the full sense of the word, expositional construction. The image from the very beginning is revealed in the process of growth and development. The main party has the form of a period, which consists of two sentences. The first sentence is 6 measures (2+4) with a cadence on the dominant, the second sentence is 14 measures (2+12) with a cadence invading the connecting section on the tonic d-moll. A period with an extension, since the second sentence is extended in the cadence zone by 6 measures due to the dramatic recitative against the background of the cadence quarter-sext chord. The first sentence consists of two phrases - one phrase is 2 measures, and the second is 4 measures. The second sentence also consists of two phrases - one is 2 measures, and the second is 12 measures long. This phrase is built on a series of motifs that are repeated sequentially in an ascending direction, then in a descending one and the last chromaticized final motif in the main part. This period has a type of scale-thematic structure - summation. The period has a type of repeated structure, since the beginnings of two sentences are the same, with the only difference being that they sound in different keys. Both sentences consist of two parts based on intonationally contrasting elements.

The first phrase of the main theme (2 bars) is based on the first element - an arpeggiated ascending sixth chord (dominant in the first sentence, dominant to the third step in the second). By nature, he is interrogative and contemplative. In its genre foundations, one can designate signaling (more precisely, the sound of a fanfare) and declamation. Although the genre basis of the fanfare is very veiled by the pianissimo dynamics and improvisational free rhythm, the declamation sounds like a quiet question hanging on the dominant.

The second construction of the main theme, dramatic in character, consists of the second and third elements. The intonations of the second element have a downward direction. In the genre foundations, declamation is clearly manifested, especially the lamento intonation - a second descent with an emphasis on the first note - the entire melodic line of the first sentence is completely built from this mini- intonation, outlining the Phrygian revolution in minor with reference sounds, first from la, then from re. And in the second sentence, the rhythmic division by two eighth notes is preserved, and the melodic movement is dynamized, large jumps appear, rising in waves to the culmination in measure 13 and breaking down to the tonic. Also in this part of the theme, the third element appears, the genre basis of which is associated with a march based on uniform chordal accompaniment. In the second sentence, this chordal accompaniment on the weak beats (2 and 4) gives the opposite effect of "out of breath".

The harmony of the main theme is simple, set out in clear chords, built in the first sentence on passing revolutions from D6 to T6, in d-moll and g-moll and stops at the dominant, and in the second sentence at the deviation in III, subdominant and using tense harmonies of the Neapolitan sixth chord and diminished seventh chords. A period with a deviation, since the second sentence begins in a new key, but returns to the main key by the end. After the composer has outlined the main theme, he begins the development of the main theme, or rather, the modification of its first element. And this is the beginning of the linking section of the exposition.

The assignment of the main theme of the seventeenth sonata to the chant type can cause controversy. Should we not see initio in her recitative two-bar. Yes, it has the weight and aspiration that are characteristic of initio, but there are also contraindications for this. First of all - Largo pace. At such a tempo, even a short thematic turn, moving along the sounds of a triad, can appear sing-song - it all depends on the nature of the performance. We must not lose sight of the fact that in the reprise the sing-song tones of Largo are continued by the actual recitative, and their nature is revealed. The formal sign that distinguishes the chant from the initio is also important: the latter, as it was found out above, moves after the first sentence, while the chant is repeated only after the attached second element in the next sentence of the period. This is exactly the structure of the topic here: ab+a1b1.

The shift of the chant in the second sentence to a parallel is unusual for this type of theme, but there is still something unusual in this theme: the beginning of the main part from a dominant chord is the first case in the history of sonata form.

The linking part (bars 21 - 40) has a common character with the main part, but a more excited image, a triplet rhythm, and the echo of two bright motives - bass and upper voice create a dialogue of two contrasting beginnings typical of L. van Beethoven. Ascending movement along the sounds of decomposed chords - strong-willed, objective proclamation and lamentous deplorable, singsong phrases based on subjective emotionally expressive second intonation. Never before has the thematism of the linking party been distinguished in the sonatas of L. van Beethoven by such a bright individuality, salience and functional significance in the further development of sonata dramaturgy. Written in the key of d-mollc with modulation in a-moll. The connecting section is a development of the main theme, based on a dialogue in different intonation registers of the first two elements of the main part and modulation into the key of the dominant. Structurally, this section occupies 20 measures and is built on the principle of fragmentation into smaller and smaller constructions (4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1), moreover, sequentially rising up. The tension of the section is also given by triplet harmonic figurations.

It is interesting to trace the transformation of intonations: in the first fanfare intonation, when transferred to a minor on forte, the declamatory component intensifies, now it sounds like an exclamation. The second intonation, due to the appearance of an off-beat, becomes more melodious, but in the process of development it is concentrated in one sound-exclamation. The tonal plan of the section presents a modulation from d-moll to a-moll, through a brightly-tense diminished double dominant chord to a-moll. The structure is developmental. “This is where the real drama begins,” writes Romain Rolland. Indeed, the roll call of two voices is a dialogue of two participants in the action. The “advance” of the lower voice and the “retreat” of the upper one almost visually take place. The fact that we recognize in these voices the transformed elements of the main party is another argument in favor of treating them as "actors". Here the illusion of combining functions is created, since in the main part these “persons” are only preparing for action, which gives the initial stage of the exposition the significance of a dramatic introduction; the action itself begins with a linking party. The intensity of passions in this section of the exposition reaches its apogee in the climax, where the motive of the upper voice is compressed to one sound, containing the richest inner content. Such a compaction of the intonation space leads to the fact that the expression contained in it requires relaxation, and as a result of the straightening of the intonational space, a moment arises when the functions of development and presentation are combined - the theme of a side part is born.

The side part (bars 41 - 54) is a new version of the development of the lyrical elements of the main part. The a-moll tonality indicates a strong tonic-dominant connection between these themes. Like the main part, the side part begins with a dominant function, which maintains a tense tone of presentation. The ariose-monologic type of melody creates a strong contrast with the previous thematics, and this, in turn, sharpens and ultimately focuses attention on the events taking place in the exposition. The theme of the side part grows out of the lamento intonations of the main theme, retaining its characteristic rhythm. Her small phrases sound more begging, doomed than the aspiring single line in the main party. The side batch has the form of a period of 3 sentences (4 + 4 + 6), each with a summation structure (1 + 1 + 2 (4 in the last)). The first two sentences consist of two motives of 1 measure each and a phrase of 2 measures. The third sentence consists of 2 motifs of 1 measure each and a phrase extended to 3 measures. The period has a type of repeated structure, since each sentence begins the same way only from different sounds. The period is monochromatic. It has neither modulations nor deviations. The 1st and 2nd cadenzas end on the tonic, and the final cadenza ends on the tonic sixth chord. The harmony is simple, consisting of a tonic and a dominant (to a greater extent), set out in melodic figuration around the fifth degree, with the inclusion of seventh and none sounds. The theme of the side part is developed in short excited chants, the repetitions of which, perhaps, are generated by the imitation system. It is significant that the theme of the side part is introduced, as it were, “on the fly” and sounds on the dominant organ point of the dominant key, that is, on the harmony of the usual preface to the side part. The reason for this is the activity of the dramatic action, as if compressing the intonational space in all its parameters.

The final part (bars 55 - 92) contains the intonational elements of all the previous images, thus, as it were, summing up the first expositional stage in the development of the action. It also ends very significantly: on the dominant to the main tonality (sound A), as if opening the way to a new stage of development. Written in the key of a-moll in the form of a period with additions. Has a scale within 38 bars. Consists of 4 sentences. The first sentence - 8 measures, consists of 2 motives of two measures and a phrase of 4 measures. It ends with a half cadenza on a tonic triad. It is built on the alternation of the tonic a-moll sixth chord and the Neapolitan sixth chord. Already in this section, a rhythmic figure with an emphasis on the second note, opposite to the lamento rhythm, is born. The second sentence has a size of 6 measures, consists of three phrases of 2 measures. In the next sentence, this figure is clearly shown in a downward movement in parallel thirds, reminiscent of the main party. Size 6 measures, consists of 6 motives for 1 measure. The fourth sentence - 18 measures, consists of 4 motifs of 2 measures and a large phrase of 10 measures. This is where development slows down. In this section, against the background of swirling harmonic figurations, we see the melodic scheme of the main part in a concentrated form - a repeated descending Phrygian revolution from the note mi. The same revolution in octave unison completes the exposition. The final batch is a period of non-repetitive building. Each sentence has its own new theme, not similar to the previous one. Monotone. The final cadenza ends on D to the main key. Calming is carried out on the alternation of the harmony of the cadence quarter-sextachord and the dominant, which also violates the stereotype familiar to L. van Beethoven himself. The more significant is the moment of the tonic in A minor. Behind her deep calm is the result of the experienced drama.

The unity of the exposition in the system of cadences separating the parts of the sonata exposition is very clearly felt: 20 measures of the main part - an invading cadence in a-moll; 41 bars to an invading cadenza in a-moll; after 24 measures, the second cadence in a-moll, with a stop. The system of cadences comes into conflict with the thematic material, because the connecting part is all based on the main theme and therefore, as it were, gives its continuation, and the side part is separated: 40 measures of the main and connecting, 45 measures of the secondary and final. Such a discrepancy between structures reflects the dialectic of Beethoven's sonata form; in the "dispute" of different principles, the dynamism of the form and its perception are born, since when listening, we notice this discrepancy.

So, in the exposition of the first part of the sonata, contrasting elements are contrasted only at the level of the thematic core and the theme of the main part as a whole. The remaining stages of movement at the level of exposure only use the result of these contrasting oppositions. This is where Beethoven's dramatic effectiveness comes into play.


Tonal Plan

Thematic row, letter

scale series

  • 2+4+2+12


  • 4+4+12
  • 4+4+2+2+2+2+2+1+1

splitting up

  • 4+4+6
  • 1+1+2+1+1+2+1+1+4


  • 14+6+18
  • 2+2+4+2+2+2+1+1+1+1+2+2+2+2+4+6

Summation and division with closure

Structural row,

form definition

Period of 2 proposals, re-building, Period with deviations. The half cadenza ends with a D and the final one with a t. Period with extension by adding at the end of the recitative.

Construction of a developing type, built on the elements of G.P.

Period of

3 proposals of re-building, one-tone

The 2nd cadence ends with t and the final one with t6.

period with additions. Monotone. There are Phrygian turnovers. The half cadence ends with t and the final one with

D to the main key.

Functional row

Presentation of the 1st topic

GP exposure

tie of the 1st theme (G.P.)

Linking section of the expo


P.P. exposure

Final section of the exposition

Final shape definition

The exposition of the I part of the sonata No. 17 by L. V. Beethoven was written according to the laws of the sonata form of Viennese classicism. G.P. - written in the form of a period. It sets out the main theme, which consists of 2 elements. The connecting section is built on the elements of G.P. The final section is similar to the period form with additions in the dominant key

Form-scheme 1. 2 Exposition of the I part of the sonata op. 31 #2 (#17)

The development is built on the first motive of the main part and the dialogizing linking part. At the end of development, the dominant predicate. The development can be divided into three sections. The first (bars 93-98) introduces the fanfare element of the main theme. It is performed three times (D6, dis um6, Fis6), providing colorful juxtapositions of the transition to the fis-moll key of the second section. The first section occupies 6 measures - they include 3 phrases of 2 measures each, built according to the type of periodicity. However, the forces of contrast, contained in the core of the main party, affect further. At the beginning of development, contrast polarization takes place: the three quiet arpeggios of the first element (their tonal-harmonic positions greatly expand the scope of further development) are answered by the theme of the connecting part - the most dramatic active element of the exposition, reaching here, thanks to a higher compositional level, the ultimate intensity. The second section (bars 99-120) continues the development of the connecting section of the exposition, actually repeating it in a more dramatic form in fis-moll and leading to a climax in bars 119-120. The section takes 22 measures and consists of two sentences and 6 phrases and is built according to the type of crushing. The third section (bars 121-142) is a prelude before the start of the reprise, based on the dominant harmony to d-moll and swirling intonations that create the effect of slowing down the movement. The development ends with a series of chords on the dominant bass, outlining the upper tetrachord of the harmonic d-moll, and a descending octave monologue, anticipating the recitative of the main part in the reprise.

So, the second section of the I part of the seventeenth sonata of L. van Beethoven is of a developmental nature. It is based on the development of the first element of the main party and the connecting section of the exposition. It ends with a prelude to a reprise on the dominant function to the main key. The development of the I part of the seventeenth sonata by L. van Beethoven is an example of the existence of a form of a moving period (sentence), but it turns into a free development of the developmental type itself. This applies to the greatest extent to developments of dramatic content, unfolding from large constructions to small ones and receiving generalization in a vivid melodic form. Such a decrease in structural elements plays an inhibitory role, being located on the pre-reprisal organ point.


Tonal Plan

Thematic row, letter

scale series

  • 2+2+2


  • 4+4+14
  • 4+4+2+2+2+2+2+2+1+1

splitting up

  • 4+4+4+10


Structural series, shape definition

The construction has an introductory character, based on the theme of G.P.

The construction continues the development of the connecting section of the exposition. The form is like a period.

Building a developmental character

Functional range

Varied presentation of the 1st element of G.P.


Development of the connecting theme of the exposition

Preface to reprise

Final shape definition

The development of the 17th sonata by L.V. Beethoven has a developmental character. Based on the development of the first element of the G.P. and the connecting section. It ends with a prelude to a reprise on the dominant function to the main key.

Form-scheme 2. 2 Development of the I part of the sonata op. 31 #2 (#17)

Reprise. All the themes in it are modified, especially the main party, to which new elements are added: two expressive lyrical-psychological recitatives, stated in one voice, as if speaking in the first person. Hence the name of the sonata - "sonata with recitative". The side part and others are already set out in the main key of d-moll with deviations. The main part and the connecting section in the reprise are carried out with changes. These sections are the culminating zone of the form. The recitative in the recapitulation, as an element of a through dramatic action in the zone of the main part, also leads to an update of the binder. Only the side and final parts are given in accordance with the norms of the sonata form, thanks to which the general movement is evened out.

In the main part (bars 143 to 149), the main emphasis is on the dramatic recitative, which is an extension of the first element (an arpeggiated sixth chord) of the main part of the exposition. The main part is written in the key of d-moll and in the form of a period. The period is 16 cycles. The first sentence is extended to 10 bars. Of these, 6 measures are a long phrase, then 4 measures are the next phrase with a half cadence on the dominant. The second sentence consists of only one phrase (6 measures), which breaks off in recitative, passing immediately to the ostinato chords of the connecting section. There is no final cadence. The period has a splitting type with a closure. The period is monophonic, of repeated structure, since both sentences begin in the same way, only from different sounds.

The linking section (bars 150 to 170) is reduced to 12 bars and new material is introduced, keeping a distant connection with the first (fanfare) and third (chord) elements of the main part. The whole section is built as a dialogue in two measures of these transformed intonations with the structure (4 + 4 + 4) - a type of periodicity. The first element, which was characterized by an upward movement along the chord sounds - here becomes stormy waves of arpeggios through the entire range. Of the connecting section of the exposition, only the triplet rhythm is preserved in the reprise, but it also changes to faster durations on the last beat (sixteenths or sextuplets). The third element, marching chord sounds, appear in their extreme quality - in the form of an even, ostinato repetition of four chords in a low register. This is the culminating section of the form, where the destruction of the main (personal) thematism takes place, its disappearance, and the remaining elements acquire the maximum degree of generalization, impersonality. Tonally, the movement goes through fis-moll, G-Dur and two diminished chords leading to a side part in the main key.

The side part (from bars 171 to 184) is played in the main key (d-moll) with virtually no changes. The side batch has the form of a period of 3 sentences (4 + 4 + 6), each with a summation structure (1 + 1 + 2 (4 in the last)). Signs of such a period are that it has 3 cadences distant from each other. The first two sentences consist of two motives of 1 measure each and a phrase of 2 measures. The third sentence consists of 2 motifs of 1 measure each and a phrase extended to 3 measures. The period has a type of repeated structure, since each sentence begins the same way only from different sounds. The period is monochromatic. It has neither modulations nor deviations. The 1st and 2nd cadenzas end on the tonic, and the final cadenza ends on the tonic sixth chord. The harmony is simple, consisting of the tonic and the dominant (to a greater extent), set out in melodic figuration around the fifth degree, with the inclusion of seventh and none sounds.

The final section (from bars 185 to 228) is also played almost unchanged. A few measures are added only at the end - these are figurations-waves on a tonic triad in the bass against the background of a sustained tonic sixth chord, as if the concentration of the first element of the main part in the main key. It is written in the key of d-moll in the form of a period with additions. Has a scale within 44 bars. Consists of 4 sentences. The first sentence - 8 measures, consists of 2 motives of two measures and a phrase of 4 measures. It ends with a half cadenza on a tonic triad. It is built on the alternation of the tonic a-moll sixth chord and the Neapolitan sixth chord. The second sentence has a size of 6 measures, consists of three phrases of 2 measures. In the next sentence, this figure is clearly shown in a downward movement in parallel thirds, reminiscent of the main party. Size 6 measures, consists of 6 motives for 1 measure. The fourth sentence - 22 measures, consists of 4 motifs of 2 measures and a large phrase of 16 measures. This is where development slows down. The period of non-repetitive construction, since each sentence has its own new topic, not similar to the previous one. Monotone. The final cadenza ends on the tonic of the main key. The coda is replaced by a long sustained tonic harmony: since it almost did not sound throughout the Allegro, its impact is especially significant. It concentratedly reflects everything that happens in the first part and hears the answer to all the questions that arose in Allegro, the answer is deep, not reducible to any unambiguous formula.

As a result, we can say that the reprise of the seventeenth sonata by L. van Beethoven has the main part, which is modified by introducing a recitative to the first element, written in the form of a period. The connecting section, which is built on new material, only slightly resembles elements of the main part and side part. The side part is repeated without changes and is written in the form of a period of 3 sentences. The final section is also carried out without changes, only with the addition of several bars at the end, which replace the coda and are built on the tonic and tonic sixth chord. Written in period form with additions.


Tonal Plan


cue row or letter

  • 6+4+6

Crushing with closure

  • 4+4+4
  • 2+2+2+2+2+2


  • 4+4+6
  • 1+1+2+1+1+2+1+1+4


  • 2+2+4+2+2+2+1+1+1+1+2+2+2+2+4+2


row, define


Two sentence period

enii, monophonic, repeated structure. The half cadence ends in D and concludes

no body cadence

developmental character

Period of

3 proposals for rebuilding. single tone

2nd cadence ends

Xia on t, and the final cadenza ends

period with additions. single tone

ny. There are Phrygian revolutions. The half cadenza ends with t and the final

The next cadence ends with t.

front row

Repeat G.P. exposure with viewism

1st element

G.P. reprises

New material resembling

main section of the reprise

Repeat unchanged P.P. exposure

P.P. reprises

Building the final


Final definition


The reprise of part I of the 17th sonata by L. V. Beethoven has a G. P., which is modified by introducing a recitative to the first element (hence one of the names of the sonata “sonata with recitative”). It has the form of a period of two sentences. The connecting section, which is built on new material, only slightly resembles elements of G.P.. The side part is repeated without changes and has the form of a period of 3 sentences. The final section is also carried out without changes, only with the addition of several measures at the end, built on t and t6. It has the form of a period with additions. At the end, a coda is added, which sounds on a tonic triad.

Form-scheme 3. 2 Reprise of the first part of the sonata op. 31 #2 (#17)

As a result of the analysis, it can be concluded that there are significant changes in the reprise and exposition, primarily in the sphere of the main part, but also stable elements in the sphere of the connecting and side part. In the sonata allegro of the seventeenth sonata, there are only three full cadenzas - the end of the main part (at the level of exposition), the exposition (at the level of the form as a whole), of the entire sonata form (at the level of the sonata cycle). In other words, only the initial expositional sections of each of the three levels are clearly completed, the other facets of the form are blurred by the continuity of development, the source of which is dramatic effectiveness. But in this case, the implementation of this principle is combined with another major formative trend. In this continuous fluidity of musical movement, in the absence of contrasting oppositions outside the main party, the principle of self-movement is manifested, which played a leading role in J. S. Bach and many other composers of the Baroque era and became the most important factor in shaping in the late period of L. van Beethoven's work. The first part of L. van Beethoven's sonata No. 17 has a high degree of theatricality, a bright, dramatic development of the main intonations. This is achieved due to the through development of intonations and the dialogic nature of their combination with each other. When L. van Beethoven was asked what his music was about, he replied: "Reread Shakespeare's The Tempest."

Second part. Adagio. B-dur, sonata form without development. Like the first movement, it begins with an arpeggio. The main theme uses the technique of dialogue-roll call. This movement is one of two examples of sonata form without elaboration in the group of analyzed works - already from the second sentence of the main theme suggests the possibility of variation, and it is realized in the reprise. The reprise as a whole also appears as a reprise-variation. Thus, the form of the sonata without development is subject to the basic principle of variation. In the secondary theme of the Adagio, with its reliance on the fifth and the singing of the III step from below and I and VI from above, Russian intonations are heard. The second movement from the seventeenth sonata follows the general principle of Beethoven's slow movements in the sense of carrying out the main theme in the coda (bars 89 - 98). Invisible ways are connected with the side part of the first part, full of aching anguish and plaintivity.

The third part. allegretto. d-moll. Sonata form based on figurative and musical-thematic unity. A new version of the development of the main thematic intonations, closeness to the prelude genre. In the finale of the seventeenth sonata, the unity of movement of the main and secondary parts is facilitated by the fact that the latter begins on the dominant from the dominant, demonstrating its striving forward, towards the cadence of the exposition. Fluidity is a trick that applies, of course, to the entire finale. It is necessary to highlight a very important structural feature - the holding of the main theme in the code, as a factor of the final character. It creates an inclination towards the rondo form, which has already been encountered in its various manifestations. If the inclination towards sonata form is formed at the beginning of the form, in its expositional section, then the inclination towards rondo in works with sonata form is noticed towards the end, after the sonata structure has been determined: exposition - development - reprise. The final introduction of the main theme in this case has a rounding significance. But this, apparently, also affects the connection with the long tradition of writing finals in the form and even in the rondo genre. It was to her that L. van Beethoven himself often followed, especially in the early period of his work. This tradition obviously left its mark on the sonata finales.

The inclination towards the rondo is enhanced if the main theme, with the preservation of the structure (in whole or in part), is also in development, - then a total of 4 passages are formed, clearly showing the rondo-likeness in sonata form. The finale of the seventeenth sonata also provides an example of holding the main theme in the coda. It is curious that the conduct of the main theme in the code completely coincides with the exposition, while the reprise differs from it. It is important to emphasize the similarity of the extreme conducts: they border the form, thus reminiscent of the dacapo principle found in various ancient forms.

Typical features of classical sonata form:

The exposition mainly consists of tonic-dominant turns. The subdominant often appears only in the cadence (since it can shake the dominance of the tonic), deviations are rare.

The main part determines the main content of the musical form. It, like the grain of the whole work, in most cases is carried out without major changes: it is in the exposition for the first time and is being developed. The main part always ends in the main key, with a cadenza on the tonic or dominant.

The linking party is a transitional section. It is a gradual intonational preparation for the side part.

The shape of the side batch is free and allows many variations. However, it should be noted that under the influence of relative harmonic freedom, these forms often lose their squareness due to additions, extensions, etc. There is often a rhythmic renewal of the side part. Enlargement of durations and slowing down of movement are characteristic. Less frequent is movement activation and shorter durations.

The final part should harmonically fix the new key. Often there is a multiple repetition of the cadence turnover or the presence of a tonic organ point.

Development is a big move between the extremes (exposure and reprise). In the process of development, modulations in various keys occur. The path of these modulations, like many other qualities of development, is not regulated. Two main types of tonal movement are possible. If the development began in the key of the end of the exposure (or in the same name) - gradual modulations to more and more distant from the original key and at the end of the development return to the main key.

The reprise - the third major section of the sonata form - reduces the tonal difference of the exposition to unity (this time the side and final parts are presented in the main key or approaching it). Since the connecting part must lead to a new key, it usually undergoes some kind of processing.

Code - an additional section of the form. Its function is the generalization of the material, the approval of the result, the “conclusion” of the entire work.

Individual features of the sonata form of the sonata op. 31 #2 (#17):

The main part of the exposition is built on two elements (like a question - an answer). The main emphasis is on the dramatic recitative (for the first time in music, Beethoven uses it in the thematic of the main part), which is an extension of the first element (an arpeggiated sixth chord). The second element consists of only one phrase (6 measures), which breaks off in recitative, passing immediately to the ostinato chords of the connecting section. There is no final cadence. In the main part of the exposition of the seventeenth sonata, there is a deviation from the main key to the parallel F-dur. The main part is written in period form. The main key is d-moll.

The connecting section is built on the elements of the main party. Written in the key of d-moll with modulation in a-moll. The theme of the linking part is brightly individual, but has an intonational affinity with the main part.

The theme of the side part unfolds in short, excited chants and at an allegro tempo. The holding of her second new theme is a new version of the development of elements of the main party. It has the form of a period of 3 sentences (4 + 4 + 6), each with a summation structure (1 + 1 + 2 (4 in the last)). Written in the key of a-moll.

The final cadenza ends on D to the main key. In this section, against the background of swirling harmonic figurations, we see the melodic scheme of the main part in a concentrated form - a repeated descending Phrygian revolution from the note mi. The same revolution in octave unison completes the exposition. The final part was written in the key of a-moll and has the form of a period with additions.

The development is based on the development of the first element of the main part and the connecting section. The tonal movement of the development of the first part of Sonata No. 17 is presented in such a way that if the development began in a distant key by comparison, then there is a gradual return to the main key. It ends with a prelude to a reprise on the dominant function to the main key.

The reprise has a modified main part - a recitative is introduced to the first element. The connecting part only slightly resembles elements of the main part - it is built on new material. The side and final games are played almost unchanged. The main key is d-moll with deviations.

The coda is replaced by a long sustained tonic harmony: since it almost did not sound throughout the Allegro, its impact is especially significant.

The individuality of this sonata is emphasized, first of all, by the unique, brightly expressive, inimitable, thematic appearance of each of its sections.

What is the difference between the words: confession and monologue?

A monologue can be on any topic, confession is very personal, it is the state of mind of an individual.

Today we will listen to the music of L. Beethoven, about which the French writer R. Roldan said: "This is a monologue without words, a true, amazing confession, similar to which can be found in music ... there is not a single word here, but this music is understandable to everyone" .

Sounds like I Part Analysis.

Melody - basses - triplets.

Man - Man's grief - the world around.

How are these three components developed?

Tenderness, sadness, meditation. Measured, rocking movement of the middle voice. Then comes the pleading melody, a slight upward movement. “Is it with me? - the man thinks. She passionately, persistently tries to reach the bright registers, but gradually the melody goes to the bass. Man dissolved in grief, went into it completely, and nature remained unchanged. Merged with misfortune. The last chords are like a heavy plate covering a person.

Sounds P part

What image does this melody evoke?

This is an island of small happiness. B. Aget called her "a flower between two abysses."

What is this lyrical part?

Some consider Juliet Guichardi to be a musical portrait, while others refrain from figurative explanations of the enigmatic part. Intonations can be interpreted from unpretentious grace to noticeable humor. The person probably performed something long past, beloved, a corner of nature, a holiday, G. Neuhaus said that it was "A flower with drooping leaves."

Sounds part III

What associations have emerged?

Sounds like a storm sweeping away everything in its path. Four waves of sounds rolling with great pressure. Each wave ends with two sharp blows - the elements are raging. But here comes the second theme. Her upper voice is wide, melodious: complains, protests. The state of extreme excitement is preserved thanks to the accompaniment - in the same movement as during the stormy beginning of the 3rd movement. Sometimes it seems that complete exhaustion sets in, but the person rises again to overcome suffering.

This is the main part of the sonata and the natural conclusion of its dramatic events. Everything here is like in the lives of many people, for whom to live means to fight, to overcome suffering.

"Pathetic Sonata" No. 8

The sonata was written by L. Beethoven in 1798. The title belongs to the composer himself. From the Greek word "pathos" - with an elevated, elevated mood. This name refers to all three parts of the sonata, although this "elevation" is expressed in each part in different ways.

I Part written in a fast tempo in sonata allegro form. Unusually the beginning of the sonata "The slow introduction sounds gloomy and at the same time solemn. Heavy chords, from the lower register the sound avalanche gradually moves upwards. Formidable questions sound more and more insistent. They are answered by a gentle, melodious melody with a touch of prayer against the background of calm chords.

After the introduction, a swift sonata allegro begins.

Main party reminiscent of surging waves. Against the background of a restless bass, the melody of the upper voice anxiously runs up and down.

Linking party gradually calms the excitement of the main theme, and leads to a melodic and melodious side party.

Contrary to the established rules in the sonatas of the Viennese classics, the side part of the "Pathétique Sonata" sounds not in the parallel major, but in the minor of the same name.

Control questions and tasks for students

1. In what year was L, Beethoven born?

A). 1670,

B). 1870

IN). 1770.

2. Where was Beethoven born?

A). in Bonn,

B). In Paris,

IN). In Bergen.

3. Who was Beethoven's teacher?

A). Gendel G.F.

B). Nefe K. G.

IN). Mozart W.

4. At what age did Beethoven write the Moonlight Sonata?

A). At 50.

B). At 41.

IN). At 21.

5 . Just right for the love of which woman did Beethoven write the Moonlight Sonata?

A). Juliet Guichardi.

B) Juliet Capulet. IN). Josephine Dame.

6. Which poet gave the name to the sonata No. 14 "Lunar"?

A) and Schiller.

B). L. Relshtab.

IN). I. Shenk.

7. Which work does not belong to the work of Beethoven?

A). "Pathetic Sonata".

B). "Heroic Symphony".

IN),."Revolutionary Etude".

8. How many symphonies did Beethoven write?

Exercise 1.

Listen to two works, determine by style which of them is L. Beethoven, explain your opinion.

Sounds: “Prelude No. 7” by F. Chopin and “Sonata” No. 14, 3rd part of L. Beethoven.


Symphony (from the Greek συμφωνία - “consonance”) - a genre of symphonic instrumental music of a many-part form of fundamental worldview content.

Due to the similarity in structure with sonata, sonata and symphony are united under the general title " sonata-symphony cycle ". In a classical symphony (in the form in which it is presented in the works of the Viennese classics - Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven) there are usually four parts.

the 1st part, at a fast pace, is written in sonata form;

2nd, in slow motion, is written in the form of variations, rondo, rondo sonata, complex three-part

3rd - scherzo or minuet - in three-part form

4th movement, at a fast pace - in sonata form, in the form of a rondo or a rondo sonata.

A program symphony is one that is associated with a known content set forth in the program and expressed, for example, in the title or epigraph - Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony, Berlioz's Fantastic Symphony, Tchaikovsky's symphony No. 1 "Winter Dreams", etc.

Tasks for students

Listening and analysis of fragments from symphonies by program Kritskaya E. D. "Music".

In Mozart Symphony No. 40, exposition.

1. Sing the main melody of solfeggio, vocalization, to a text invented by yourself.

2. Listen and draw the melodic line of the main theme.

3. In the process of listening, draw an artistic image that has arisen.

4. Compose a rhythmic score for DMI.

5. Learn the proposed rhythmic movements and compose rhythmic improvisations.

A. P. Borodin Symphony No. 2 "Bogatyrskaya"

1. The main theme: sing, play the metallophones, the piano.

2. Compare the musical image with the artistic one - A. Vasnetsov "Heroes".

P. Tchaikovsky symphony No. 4 final

1. Sing the main theme with pauses to the words of the song "There was a birch in the field."

2. Perform rhythmic accompaniment on noise musical instruments.

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