M bitter childhood genre works. "Childhood" of Maxim Gorky as an autobiographical story


Maksim Gorky


1913, Nizhny Novgorod. The story is told on behalf of the boy Alyosha Peshkov.


My first memory is the death of my father. I did not understand that my father was no more, but the cry of Varvara's mother ran into my memory. Before that, I was very ill, and grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina came to us, “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny, loose nose.” Grandmother sniffed tobacco and was all “black, soft,” like a bear, with very long and thick hair.

On the day my father died, my mother went into premature labor. After the funeral, my grandmother took me, my mother and newborn brother to Nizhny Novgorod. We went on a steamboat. On the way, my little brother died. Grandmother, trying to distract me, told fairy tales, which she knew a great many.

In Nizhny we were met by a lot of people. I met grandfather Vasily Vasilyich Kashirin, a small, scrawny old man "with a beard as red as gold, with a bird's nose and green eyes." With him came uncles Alyosha, Yakov and Mikhailo, and cousins. I didn’t like my grandfather, “I immediately felt an enemy in him.”


The grandfather's family lived in a large house, the lower floor of which was occupied by a dyeing workshop. They lived unfriendly. Mom married without a blessing, and now her uncles demanded her dowry from her grandfather. From time to time the uncles fought. The house "was filled with a hot fog of enmity between everyone and everyone." Our visit only intensified this hostility. Growing up in a friendly family, it was very hard for me.

On Saturdays, grandfather seized grandchildren who had been guilty for a week. This punishment did not pass me by either. I resisted, and my grandfather caught me half to death. Later, when I was resting in bed, my grandfather came to put up. After that, it became clear to me that my grandfather was “not evil and not terrible,” but I could not forget and forgive the beatings. Ivan the Gypsy especially struck me in those days: he put his hand under the rods, and part of the blows went to him.


After that, I became very good friends with this funny guy. Ivan Tsyganok was a foundling: his grandmother found him one winter near her house and raised him. He promised to become a good master, and the uncles often quarreled because of him: after the partition, everyone wanted to take Gypsy for himself. Despite his seventeen years, Tsyganok was kind and naive. Every Friday he was sent to the market for food, and Ivan spent less and brought more than he should have. It turned out that he was stealing to please the stingy grandfather. Grandmother cursed - she was afraid that one day the Gypsy would be captured by the police.

Soon Ivan died. In the yard of my grandfather lay a heavy oak cross. Uncle Yakov made a vow to take it to the grave of his wife, whom he himself had killed. It fell to the gypsy to carry the butt of this huge cross. The guy overworked and died from bleeding.


Time has passed. Things got worse at home. Saved my soul only grandmother's tales. Grandmother was not afraid of anyone except cockroaches. One evening the workshop caught fire. Risking her life, the grandmother led the stallion out of the burning stable and burned her hands very badly.


“By spring, the uncles split up,” and my grandfather bought a big house, on the ground floor of which there was a tavern. The rest of the rooms were rented out by my grandfather. A dense neglected garden grew around the house, descending into a ravine. My grandmother and I settled in a cozy room in the attic. Everyone loved their grandmother and turned to her for advice - Akulina Ivanovna knew many recipes for herbal medicines. She was originally from the Volga. Her mother was “offended” by the master, the girl jumped out of the window and remained crippled. From childhood, Akulina went “around people”, begging for alms. Then her mother, who was a skilled lacemaker, taught her daughter her skill, and when her fame went, the grandfather appeared. Grandfather, being in a good mood, also told me about his childhood, which he remembered “from a Frenchman”, and about his mother, an evil Kalashnitsa woman.

Some time later, my grandfather undertook to teach me to read and write from church books. I turned out to be capable of this, and soon fluently analyzed the church charter. I was rarely allowed to go outside - every time the local boys beat me to the bruises.


Soon our quiet life ended. One evening, uncle Yakov came running and said that uncle Mikhailo was going to kill his grandfather. From that evening on, Uncle Mikhailo appeared every day and made scandals to the delight of the whole street. So he tried to lure his mother's dowry from his grandfather, but the old man did not give up.


Closer to spring, my grandfather suddenly sold the house and bought another one, "along Kanatnaya Street." The new house also had an overgrown garden with a pit - the remains of a burned-out bathhouse. On the left, Colonel Ovsyannikov was next to us, and on the right, the Bethlenga family. The house was filled with interesting people. Of particular interest to me was the freeloader, nicknamed the Good Deed. His room was filled with strange things and he was constantly inventing things. I soon became friends with Good Deed. He taught me how to present events correctly, without repeating and cutting off everything superfluous. Grandmother and grandfather did not like this friendship - they considered the freeloader a sorcerer, and the Good Cause had to move out.


I was also very interested in Ovsyannikov's house. In a gap in the fence or from a tree branch, I saw three boys playing in the yard together and without quarrels. One day, while playing hide-and-seek, the younger boy fell into a well. I rushed to help and, together with the older children, pulled the baby out. We were friends until I caught the eye of the colonel. While he was kicking me out of the house, I managed to call the colonel an "old devil", for which I was beaten. Since then, the Ovsyannikovs Jr. and I have communicated only through a hole in the fence.


I rarely mentioned my mother. One winter, she returned and settled in the freeloader's room. My mother began to teach me grammar and arithmetic. Life was difficult for me in those days. Often the grandfather quarreled with his mother, tried to force her to a new marriage, but she always refused. The grandmother stood up for her daughter, and one day her grandfather severely beat her. I took revenge on my grandfather by spoiling his favorite saints.

Mother made friends with a neighbor, a military wife, who often had guests from the Bethlengs' house. Grandfather also began to arrange "evenings" and even found the groom's mother - a crooked and bald watchmaker. His mother, a young and beautiful woman, refused him.


“After this story, the mother immediately got stronger, straightened up tightly and became the mistress of the house.” The Maksimov brothers, who migrated to us from the Bethlengs, began to visit her often.

After Christmas time, I had smallpox for a long time. All this time my grandmother took care of me. Instead of a fairy tale, she told me about her father. Maxim Peshkov was the son of a soldier, "who rose to the rank of officer and was exiled to Siberia for cruelty to his subordinates." Maxim was born in Siberia. His mother died and he wandered for a long time. Once in Nizhny Novgorod, Maxim began working for a carpenter and soon became a noble cabinetmaker. My mother married him against the will of my grandfather - he wanted to marry his beautiful daughter to a nobleman.


Soon the mother married the younger Maksimov, Evgeny. I immediately hated my stepfather. Grandmother, out of frustration, began to drink strong wine and was often drunk. In the pit left by the burnt bath, I built myself a shelter and spent the whole summer in it.

In the fall, my grandfather sold the house and told my grandmother that he would no longer feed her. "Grandfather rented two dark rooms in the basement of an old house." Shortly after the move, the mother and stepfather appeared. They said that their house burned down with all the belongings, but the grandfather knew that his stepfather lost and came to ask for money. My mother and stepfather rented a poor apartment and took me with them. My mother was pregnant, and my stepfather cheated the workers by buying half-price credit notes for products that the factory paid instead of money.

I was sent to a school where I didn't like it very much. The children laughed at my poor clothes, and the teachers did not like me. At that time, I often misbehaved and annoyed my mother. Meanwhile, life got harder and harder. Mom gave birth to a son, a strange big-headed boy, who soon died quietly. My stepfather has a mistress. Once I saw how he again beats the pregnant mother in the chest with his thin and long leg. I swung a knife at Yevgeny. Mom managed to push me away - the knife only cut the clothes and slid along the ribs.


"I'm with my grandfather again." The old man became stingy. He divided the economy into two parts. Now they even brewed tea with their grandmother in turn. In order to earn a living, my grandmother took up embroidery and lace-making, and I, with a company of children, collected rags and bones, robbed drunkards and stole firewood and hemp "in the forest warehouses along the banks of the Oka." Classmates knew what we were doing, and mocked even more.

When I entered the third grade, my mother moved in with little Nikolai. My stepfather disappeared again. Mom was seriously ill. Grandmother went to the house of a rich merchant to embroider a cover, and grandfather fiddled with Nikolai, often underfeeding the child out of greed. I also liked to play with my brother. My mother died a few months later in my arms, without ever seeing her husband.

After the funeral, my grandfather said that he was not going to feed me, and sent me "to the people."

Boy Alyosha Peshkov tells a story that began in 1931 in Nizhny Novgorod.

The death of my father is the first thing I remember from my childhood. Due to my infancy, I did not understand how strong this loss was. I remember the wild sobs of my mother Varvara. It happened after my illness. My grandmother came to treat me, her hair was pitch black. Nervous, my mother gives birth to my brother prematurely on a fateful day for us. My baby brother and I are going with my grandmother to Nizhny Novgorod, after burying my father. My brother is dying on the ship, and my grandmother distracts me by reading fairy tales aloud.

Many people came to meet us in Nizhny Novgorod, including my three uncles. My grandfather, whom I met there, did not like him.

The big house in which the whole family lived became my refuge. Their life was not harmonious. Mom's brothers wanted to appropriate Mom's dowry. Because she did not marry according to the will of her father. At times you could watch my uncles fight. With our arrival, the quarrels became more frequent. It was uncomfortable for me to live there, I was used to a friendly attitude in the family.

Saturday was upbringing day. Grandfather beat with rods all the children who had been guilty during the week. I received in full.

I have a cheerful friend Ivan-Gypsy. He was thrown to his grandmother in the cold season. He was going to become a glorious master. And he was another stumbling block for the uncles, after the division of property, everyone wanted to appropriate it. The 17-year-old youth was sympathetic and ingenuous. On Fridays he was sent to the market for food. Ivan always stole a little and therefore spent less money, which could not but please the greedy grandfather. Out of fear of punishment, Grandmother did not approve of this.

Somehow, Ivan had to carry a cross to the grave of Yakov's wife, whom his uncle himself took his life. He injured his internal organs, bleeding began. Ivan has died.

Time passed. Life in the house became more and more unbearable. I rejoiced only in my grandmother's tales. During a fire in the workshop, the grandmother severely damaged her hands by fire, saving the stallion.

In the spring, the uncles parted ways. Grandfather bought a two-story house with a tavern on the ground floor. All rooms were rented out. In the attic there was a room with private facilities, where we stayed with my grandmother. She won the love of all her neighbors, helped to treat diseases with herbs. She was born near the Volga. Her mother was paralyzed, so her grandmother had to beg. Her mother taught her to weave lace, in which she was a skilled craftswoman. My grandfather met my grandmother when she was a famous lace maker. Later I learned to read and write with the help of church books. I was a gifted student, I knew the church charter well.

The next spring, my grandfather suddenly bought a new house "on the cable car", selling the old one. Our neighbors were: Colonel Ovsyannikov and the Betlenga family. I was interested in spending time with a freeloader named "Good Deed". He made unusual things. I began to express my thoughts beautifully, thanks to his teachings. But soon the Good Deed leaves, and his grandparents accuse him of witchcraft.

Colonel Ovsyannikov had three sons, they were very friendly and played merrily. But somehow I ran to save the youngest of them when he fell into the well. We became friends, but the colonel did not like our friendship and he kicked me out. In my hearts, I called him "old devil", for which I received lashes. But through a hole in the fence, we still maintained a relationship. In winter my mother came and taught me to count and write. Grandfather forced mother to find a husband. The Maximov brothers often visited us. Evgeny Maksimov and my mother got married. I didn't love him.

The work of M. Gorky is connected with his personal life experience. The eventful life of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, the future writer Maxim Gorky, was reflected in the autobiographical trilogy "Childhood", "In People", "My Universities".

The story "Childhood" is of great value for studying the life path of the future writer, for understanding the process of his spiritual development. The liveliness and authenticity of the depicted is achieved by the fact that the pictures, characters, events bear the stamp of children's perception.

The history of the formation and growth of the human personality is shown in it against the backdrop of Russian reality in the 70s and 80s of the 19th century. The author wrote: "... and I'm not talking about myself, but about that close, stuffy circle of terrible impressions in which ... a simple Russian person lived." At the same time, the story is imbued with the idea of ​​the spiritual strength of the people, of the "good - human", which is inherent in it. Therefore, the characterization of those characters in the story that Alyosha encounters, as well as the analysis of pictures of the life of the townspeople, should become an important part of the lesson. At each lesson, students should also pay attention to the psychology of Alyosha, show how his strength matures in constant communication with real people from the people and in the fight against inertia, cruelty of people disfigured by craving for property.

The autobiographical nature of "Childhood" enhances its educational value, and the skillful use of its emotional impact on children depends on the teacher.

At the first lesson, it is necessary to read the first chapter of the work with students, then move on to a conversation about the main issue of the story - the struggle of “good - human” with the world of inertia and money-grubbing. The feeling of the beauty of the world that opens up while sailing on a steamer along the Volga is combined with a sharp sense of hostile forces in it. Already here the beginning of Alyosha's conflict with the old world is given.

We offer the main range of questions and tasks that should be covered in the lesson: what pictures open before us in the first chapter? What characters are they associated with? Through whose eyes do we look at everything that happens in the story? What and how did Gorky tell about the Volga, its banks and cities? Who opens up a beautiful world for a boy?

What place did grandmother take in Alyosha's life? Answer with the words of the story.

Describe Alyosha's first impression of meeting his grandfather. How does grandfather talk to people? What feeling did he evoke in Alyosha? How is it stated in the text? Read the description of the Kashirins' house. Find epithets and comparisons in this description and determine their role.

In conclusion, the teacher says that in this house, among the people Alyosha did not like, the boy's difficult childhood will flow.

At home, students read the second chapter and answer the questions suggested in the textbook.

The second lesson is devoted to revealing the "lead abominations" of Russian life in the story and understanding the character of grandfather Kashirin.

Almost exhaustive material for elucidating these issues is provided by the second chapter, which draws horrifying pictures of drunken cruelty, mischief, mockery of the weak, family fights over property that pervert human souls.

We begin work on the topic with a discussion of the question: what struck Alyosha in the Kashirins' house? It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the author's description of the situation in the grandfather's house (the first three paragraphs of the second chapter), to find the words and expressions that most accurately characterize it. Then, using specific examples, show the “mutual enmity of everyone with everyone”, which poisoned both adults and children. The following episodes will be in the focus of students' attention: a quarrel between uncles, a scene with a thimble, spanking children, Sasha's denunciation of Alyosha.

The morals in the grandfather's house are most fully conveyed in the quarrel scene (it is read). We draw the attention of schoolchildren to how the author conveys the bestial appearance of the fighting brothers, how grandmother and grandfather behave during a quarrel, and how this characterizes each of them. Although the grandfather is also possessed by the spirit of money-grubbing, at the same time he is pathetic, because he is unable to stop his sons. A bright spot against the gloomy background of a cruel life stands out a grandmother who is trying to bring peace to this house.

Grandfather and grandmother's conversations about the need to divide property will show students that the main reason for the enmity in the Kashirin family was the craving for property, which gives rise to merciless cruelty. The teacher should explain to the students that the enmity of the brothers was exacerbated by the precarious position of small enterprises in the era of the development of capitalism.

What especially struck Alyosha in the Kashirin family? Attention is drawn to the attitude in this house towards women and children. The scene of punishment is analyzed, which is important not only for depicting cruelty, on the one hand, and humility, on the other. It is also interesting because it shows how cruelty, in turn, gives rise to such no less terrible and vile qualities as hypocrisy and betrayal. Having adapted to the world of violence and lies, Sasha became an informer and sycophant of Uncle Jacob, slavishly submissive and weak-willed - the son of Uncle Mikhail. We find out: what did Gorky say about the children of Yakov and Mikhail? What epithets and comparisons most vividly convey their character? How does Sasha Yakov make students feel? In what episodes does he most fully manifest himself?

Who is the most sympathetic character and why? An analysis of the episode with the thimble will show what place Grigory occupies in the Kashirins' house, that his fate is the typical fate of a worker in Tsarist Russia. A former companion of his grandfather, who devoted his whole life to the Kashirins, now, half-blind and sick, he endures bullying even from children.

A natural continuation of the conversation on this topic will be the discussion of the question: who was the main culprit of that "abundant cruelty" of life in the Kashirins' house? So students move on to the analysis of the image of Kashirin. They should be brought to an understanding of the complexity and inconsistency of the image of a grandfather, the guardian of possessive principles, the victim of his own greed and greed, to show why cruelty and greed have become the predominant features of his character.

After listening to the opinion of the students about how they felt when they first met their grandfather, we proceed to the analysis of episodes in which his character is especially clearly manifested. We find out his manner of talking with people, we look for imperative intonations characteristic of grandfather's speech in the first and second chapters.

Students think over the answers to the questions: how is Kashirin's appearance depicted? What is the difference between a grandfather and his sons, Jacob and Mikhail? How is the portrait characteristic of the grandfather confirmed by his actions and judgments about people? Why did Alyosha have "special attention, cautious curiosity" towards his grandfather?

Having comprehended the features of the character of the grandfather, we read and analyze further his story about his past; pay attention to what and how the grandfather tells. To understand the content of his story, the following questions can be asked:

What were your grandfather's childhood and youth like? What pictures are drawn to Alyosha in the grandfather's story about his youth? Compare these pictures with the description of the Volga in the works of Nekrasov N.A. and in the painting by Repin I.E. "Barge Haulers on the Volga". The richness of intonation, the melodiousness and figurativeness of speech, its closeness to folklore give a complete picture of the folk basis of the grandfather's character, the richness of his imagination, and craving for beauty.

How did Alyosha see his grandfather in this conversation? It turns out that grandfather can be both affectionate and cordial, he knows how to tell interesting stories. Alyosha and his appearance seem different (compare with the original portrait). The boy realized that his grandfather advanced thanks to his mind.

What embittered grandfather? The analysis of the reasons should be considered in more detail. Having drunk the bitter cup of the burlak to the bottom, having experienced humiliation and beatings, the grandfather finally made his way into the people, became the owner. But the cruel morality of capitalism, the pursuit of a penny, the constant fear of losing the dye house gave rise in him to the spirit of the owner, anger, distrust of people. Kashirin gradually lost all the best that was in him from the people, opposing himself to working people. It is advisable to read separate lines from the thirteenth chapter, telling about the future fate of the grandfather, when he, having gone bankrupt, loses the remnants of his human appearance.

At home, students prepare an expressive reading of their grandfather's story about their past, read the third and fourth chapters and answer questions from the textbook.

In the third lesson, the teacher will begin work on the second theme of the story - "bright, healthy and creative" in Russian life. The focus is on the history of the formation of Alyosha's character and the image of the Gypsy.

At the beginning of the lesson, we find out what the third chapter says about the cruel customs in the Kashirins' house (evil "jokes" of the uncles with the grandfather's former companion, their attitude towards the Gypsy). It is desirable that students express their attitude towards their uncles, give an assessment of Grigory's behavior: is he right, so patiently enduring all insults? Summing up the conversation on the first topic, you can ask the students: what kind of author's feeling is permeated with the pages of the story that tell about life and customs in the Kashirins' house?

Working on the main theme of the story - the formation of the character of Alyosha Peshkov, it is necessary to help students understand why Alyosha felt like a "stranger" among the "stupid tribe". Alyosha got into the Kashirins' house when he was four years old, but the impressions of a different life already lived in him. He remembered a close-knit family, father Maxim Savvateevich, an intelligent, cheerful and talented person, at first he was proud of his mother, who was not like the people around her. For the rest of his life, Alyosha remembered the “first days of saturation with beauty” while sailing on a steamer.

How was the first impression of the Kashirin family reflected in the sensitive soul and big heart of the boy? We single out those lines that say that Alyosha did not like everything: both adults and children, and even “grandmother somehow faded”, painful thoughts evoked in him the words of his mother, whom he “prevents from leaving home , where she cannot live. "Dense, motley, inexpressibly strange life" in the Kashirin family is perceived by Alyosha as "a harsh tale, well told by a kind, painfully truthful genius." Behind the epithets and comparisons that the author conveys the state of mind of the boy, one can guess a subtle, poetic nature, a man of good feelings who does not put up with evil.

How has Alyosha changed during the days of "ill health"? - The teacher will help the children to better understand the changes that have taken place in Alyosha with the help of narrower questions: how does Gorky convey the state of Alyosha? What new things did the boy have in relation to people?

We reveal the changes that have taken place in Alyosha on the material of the seventh chapter. Students will tell how Alyosha is infuriated by the cruelty of street fun, how he is ashamed in front of the blind master Grigory because his grandfather does not feed him.

Another source that strengthened Alyosha on his path was communication with real people from the people. A significant role in Alyosha's moral maturation belongs to Gypsy, with whose image the second theme of the story is connected - the image of how "through ... a layer ... of bestial rubbish, bright, healthy and creative sprouts." Gypsy embodies wonderful human qualities: extraordinary kindness and humanity, diligence, deep inner decency, talent, craving for the best.

The image of the Gypsy does not cause any particular difficulties for students.

The teacher will give direction to the work with the following questions:

What did Alyosha learn about Gypsy's past from his grandmother's stories? Describe his portrait. What place did Tsyganok occupy in his grandfather's house? How did those around him treat him? What characteristics did his grandfather and grandmother give him? How do you understand the expression "golden hands"? In what episodes is the giftedness, talent of the Gypsy shown? Tell about his amusements and expressively read the dance scene (an analysis of this episode can be carried out while watching a movie clip). How does Alyosha see the dancing Gypsy? Find comparisons in the description and determine their role. Did the artist B. A. Dekhterev manage to convey the character of the Gypsy in his drawing? Why did Alyosha fall in love with Gypsy "and was surprised to the point of dumbness"? What influence did Tsyganok have on Alyosha?

In conclusion, we find out (or report) how Tsyganok died, whether his death was accidental.

You can invite students at the end of the lesson to independently draw up a plan for the image of the Gypsy.

At home, students read the fourth chapter and receive individual tasks to collect material for the image of a grandmother.

The fourth lesson is entirely devoted to the analysis of the image of the grandmother. A person of great natural intelligence, bright artistic talent and sensitive heartfelt responsiveness, Akulina Ivanovna inspired her grandson with love for the world and people, opened her eyes to the beauty of nature, made him akin to folk art. According to the high order of her soul, she remained for Gorky all her life, in his words, "a friend, closest to her heart ... the most understandable and dear person"; her disinterested love for the world enriched Alyosha, "saturating him with strong strength for a difficult life." Initially, Gorky even intended to name the story "Grandma".

Students will find material for observing the image in the first - fourth and seventh chapters. The forms of work can be different: a conversation on questions or a teacher's story.

Direct independent work of students on these chapters is also possible, when the student himself understands the meaning of the text and its artistic side, and then informs the class about his observations. In the latter case, specific tasks are needed that can be individualized: the first row prepares observations on the first chapter, the second - on the second, third and seventh chapters, the focus of the third row is the fourth chapter.

Questions and tasks for the first chapter can be as follows:

Describe the portrait of your grandmother. What means of figurative language did Gorky use when creating this portrait? What epithets prevail in this case? Name them. What is the grandmother's talent? How does the grandmother’s conversation with Alyosha and an excerpt from her fairy tale confirm Gorky’s words about the peculiarities of her speech? What words did the writer express his gratitude to his grandmother? For expressive reading, one can recommend a portrait of a grandmother and her conversation with her grandson.

Grandmother's sense of beauty makes her irreconcilable to everything ugly. The writer revealed this side of her character in the second, third and seventh chapters. Akulina Ivanovna is shown in them against the backdrop of the gloomy life of the Kashirin family. Let's ask students the following questions:

What role did grandma play in the home? In what episodes are her kindness, the desire to introduce a spirit of peace into relations between people? (Pay attention to the form of grandmother's address to different people). How does the conversation with Alyosha about master Gregory characterize her (chapter seven)? What is grandma's prayer? How is Akulina Ivanovna shown on festive evenings? How does she appear to Alyosha during the dance, and how did the artist capture her in the drawing? (Read this episode expressively, name words that convey the beauty of grandmother's movements and the richness of her creative powers).

In the fourth chapter, the grandmother is shown at the moment of danger (it is advisable to read the entire chapter in class). We recommend the following questions to prepare for the message:

Why was Alyosha so struck by her grandmother during the fire? What verbs convey the speed of her movements? How does she organize fire fighting? What is interesting about the episode with the horse Sharap? What lines from the story can be signed under the drawing by Dekhterev B.A.? How did the grandfather assess the strength of the grandmother? What lines from N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Frost, Red Nose” are remembered when reading these pages?

Summing up, let's say about the grandmother's extraordinary humanity, her love for people, her ability to do good to people in an evil environment, her faith in the victory of justice. In the image of his grandmother, Gorky embodied all the best that was characteristic of ordinary Russian people. At the same time, the wisdom of the grandmother is the wisdom of the patriarchal people, it expresses their humility, forgiveness. Grandmother comes to terms even with the cruelty that she herself had to experience more than once from her grandfather, finding justification for outbursts of his anger.

Will complete the work on the image drawing up a plan.

At home, students read the story to the end and prepare answers to questions from the textbook.

At the last lesson, the role of the lodger Good Deed in Alyosha's life is clarified and the writer's faith in the creative forces of the people and its future is discussed (chapters five, eight, twelfth, thirteen).

The lesson begins with a conversation about what people and events influenced Alyosha's character. It should be briefly repeated what impressions Peshkov made from life in the Kashirins' house, what his grandfather taught (additional material is given in the fifth chapter), what influence Tsyganok and grandmother had on the boy. It is important that students understand how Alyosha's unconscious protest against violence develops into conscious resistance to the injustice and cruelty that he observed around him, and what role in the growth of this feeling belongs to those wonderful people with whom his fate confronted.

Alyosha owes his inner growth and spiritual enrichment to the guest, nicknamed the Good Deed, who conquered the boy with his directness and truthfulness.

We listen to students' answers to the textbook questions and deepen them with the help of the following questions:

Who do you think the Good Deed is? (A passage is read that speaks of his mysterious and incomprehensible activities). Why did Alyosha make friends with Good Deed and what did he value in this friendship? Students are invited to give examples of friendly conversations between the lodger and Alyosha and read out the most vivid dialogues. What does Alyosha have in common with a Good Deed? What was it about the grown-ups' attitude to him that evoked Alyosha's particular indignation? How does Alyosha express his protest against injustice? Is he random? Explain how you understand the words: "Thus ended my friendship with the first person from an endless series of strangers in my native country - her best people."

These were the first lessons of the harsh life received by Alyosha in the Kashirins' house. Of undoubted interest will be the question: are there any features in Alyosha that allow us to believe that a person with a big heart can grow out of this boy?

Ordinary Russian people, smart, kind, interesting, talented, strengthened in Alyosha the noble and bright features of his personality: truthfulness and courage, kindness and sensitivity, the desire for knowledge, will and diligence (the thirteenth chapter), which were further developed during wanderings " in people ”(we consider the final drawing to the story).

It should be said about the educational significance of Alyosha's life path. The teacher can give examples of the difficult childhood of many people in pre-revolutionary Russia, when only thanks to their great will and energy they were able to defeat the surrounding evil and enter the wide road of life.

In conclusion, we read the twelfth chapter, which expresses the main idea of ​​the story, and discuss the question: what does the story teach us?

At home, students select material for the topic "Alyosha in the Kashirin family."

The task of the next lesson, a lesson in the development of speech , - bring students' knowledge on this topic into a strict system, that is, draw up a plan, highlight the most important thing in each paragraph, work out the transitions from one point of the plan to another, repeat citation techniques (one of the forms is plan points), think over a short introduction and conclusion to the topic .

Sample Plan

I. Alyosha Peshkov - the central character of A. M. Gorky's story "Childhood".

II. The harsh school of Alyosha's life.

  1. House of "mutual enmity of all with all."
  2. A stranger among the "stupid tribe".
  3. Alyosha's protest against the "lead abominations of Russian life."
  4. What gave Alyosha friendship with the Gypsy.
  5. A friend for life is a grandmother.
  6. The role of the tenant Good Deed in the spiritual maturation of Alyosha.
  7. "Strong strength for a difficult life."

III. What I like about Alyosha.

One or two students' stories should be listened to in class.

Students write essays at home.


  1. Gorky M. "Childhood". Moscow, Enlightenment 1982
  2. Weinberg I. Pages of a big life. Moscow, 1980
  3. Gorky at school. Collection of articles edited by Golubkov V.V. Moscow, 1960
  4. Dubinskaya M.S., Novoselskaya L.S. Russian literature in grades 6-7. Kyiv, 1977
  5. Korovina V.Ya. Literature in grade 7: Methodological advice. The book for the teacher. Moscow, Education, 1995
  6. Snezhevskaya M.A., Shevchenko P.A., Kurdyumova T.F. etc. Methodological guide to the textbook - anthology "Native Literature". 6th grade. Moscow, Education, 1986

In the work "Childhood" episodes of the difficult childhood of Alexei Peshkov are revealed. It was published under the pseudonym M. Gorky.

His father died early, and not a natural death. His grandmother gave him a lot. She always tried to cheer up her grandson. He was afraid of his mother. She was a closed, strict woman who did not give warmth to her son.

From an early age, he learned cruelty and hatred. All this was practiced by my grandfather. His views on education contradicted his father's views. And the little boy had to learn all the methods of punishment of the mother's family.

He had to memorize prayers that he did not understand. Their meaning was not explained to him. His life has completely changed. Numerous relatives influenced the character of the child.

By school age, he knew poverty. He did not have textbooks, so he was suspended from classes. And in the house itself there were constant beatings of the brothers' grandmother. There was a sense of cruelty on their part, as he could not answer them. And he is sent "to the people" so that he can provide for himself.

In the work, the author wants to show with a red thread that childhood is the best. They leave an imprint on the developing personality for life. And it is very important how the child's body grows up. That day by day fills his soul. What does he learn and what does he know.

And so, children need to have personalities nearby who invest a sense of tenderness, spiritual joy, sympathy and compassion for others.

Children are individuals and require respect.

All good, pure particles must be placed in children's pure souls. Teach good deeds, the ability to come to the rescue. Do not refuse to help those around you.

The most important are the traditions laid down in the family. The ability to forgive each other, take care of each other. Live with everyone in peace and harmony.

It is very important that the child has everything necessary for learning. And he saw more good deeds, pure thoughts and heard beautiful words in the world. He developed his talent, but did not despair and sink to the bottom. He tried to resist evil and fought bad deeds. He respected his mother and appreciated her. After all, she gave him life, fed and raised him.

Analysis of the work Gorky's Childhood

Writer Maxim Gorky devoted a huge part of his work to children. He did not just write children's stories about pleasant and sweet moments in life, but wrote about the difficulties that not only adults, but also children sometimes face. And in the work "Childhood" we see how the real life situations of the author are described. The whole internal monologue of this work allows us to understand the inner world of the hero. This story is autobiographical, making it clear that the author passed through all the experiences and life situations through himself and perhaps once encountered them in real life.

In our understanding, childhood is a joyful and carefree time, but in this work the author endows the hero with adult problems, which are often reflected in the future life. The way of formation and development of personality is revealed very competently.

It all starts with memories of a happy childhood with parents, then the death of a loved one and the first steps on the adult stage of the journey. The story is told in the first person, from a little boy Alyosha. The whole storyline and all the secondary characters reveal the feelings of the little hero and his positive qualities. They also complement the image of the boy. After moving to his grandparents in this strange life, he has to learn prayers and read the Bible. No matter how much he dislikes this house, he finds people close in spirit to himself - this is the master Grigory and the apprentice Tsyganok. This gives us a deeper understanding of the boy's life experiences and feelings, just as it is hard for him after moving into unfamiliar walls.

Feelings and love for the grandmother are especially expressed very clearly. All these experiences make the boy look at the world through the eyes of children, and adults more meaningful. Sometimes the words of little Alyosha suggest that he has already learned many life situations. But in such situations, adult support is very important. In this work, this role was played by the grandmother. Her voice, quiet stories, eyes all helped the boy wake up from all the problems. From reading this image, one gets the feeling that the grandmother's eyes glow with warmth and love. She becomes his best friend. We see grandmother as the complete opposite of grandfather, who is always ready to help. She worries about the severity of her grandfather, knows how to appreciate the surrounding beauty, and this is used by all the people around her. It is this image that was created for the boy in order to protect him from problems in life, and helps to stay afloat even in the most difficult times.

The situation is described very contrastingly when the grandfather beats our hero for a damaged tablecloth. This incident opened the boy's eyes to the nature of people and the pain and indifference surrounding him. And here the grandmother acts as an angel, she grabs the beaten Alyosha in her arms. The author very accurately endows the hero with experiences from his world, making it clear that the thoughts and impressions of the author are very important to him. Even when they get poorer, Alyosha, begging, brings all the change to his grandmother.

Throughout the story, the author teaches us compassion for other people's human problems, to be kinder to the world around us and to give kindness and love. It also teaches, despite all the difficulties, to grow responsive and kind. It especially says that you need to be kinder to your neighbor and never refuse to help unknown people.

Some interesting essays

    Cinema and theater are two independent art forms. Each of them depicts life in its own way. Theater appeared long before the advent of cinema. Even in ancient Greece, the tragedies of Sophocles and Aeschylus were staged on the stage.

    Life without a dream... is it possible? I think no. We all live dreams, and not only. Agree, in childhood, every person dreamed of something, right? The whole disadvantage of a childhood dream is that it is probably more like a funny joke.

Frame from the film "Gorky's Childhood" (1938)

Very briefly

The boy's father dies. Together with his mother, he moves to the house of a cruel and greedy grandfather. The mother marries and the boy is raised by his grandmother. When the mother dies, the grandfather sends the boy "to the people".

1913, Nizhny Novgorod. The story is told on behalf of the boy Alyosha Peshkov.


Alyosha's first memory is the death of his father. He did not understand that his father was no more, but the cry of Varvara's mother ran into his memory. Before that, the boy was very ill, and grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina, "round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny, loose nose," came to help. Grandmother sniffed tobacco and was all “black, soft,” like a bear, with very long and thick hair.

On the day of her father's death, Varvara began premature birth, the child was born weak. After the funeral, the grandmother took Alyosha, Varvara and the newborn to Nizhny Novgorod. They traveled by boat. On the way, the baby died. Grandmother, trying to distract Alyosha, told fairy tales, which she knew a great many.

In Nizhny they were met by a lot of people. Alyosha met grandfather Vasily Vasilyich Kashirin - a small, scrawny old man "with a beard as red as gold, with a bird's nose and green eyes." With him came the boy's uncles, Yakov and Mikhailo, and cousins. Alyosha did not like grandfather, he "immediately felt an enemy in him."


The grandfather's family lived in a large house, the lower floor of which was occupied by a dyeing workshop. They lived unfriendly. Varvara married without a blessing, and now her uncles demanded her dowry from her grandfather. From time to time the uncles fought.

The arrival of Alyosha with his mother only intensified this enmity. It was very difficult for a boy who grew up in a friendly family.

On Saturdays, grandfather seized grandchildren who had been guilty for a week. Alyosha did not escape this punishment either. The boy resisted, and the grandfather caught him half to death.

Later, when Alyosha was resting in bed, grandfather came to put up. After that, the boy realized that his grandfather was “not evil and not terrible,” but he could not forget and forgive the beatings. Ivan the Gypsy especially struck him in those days: he put his hand under the rods, and part of the blows went to him.


After Alyosha became very friends with this cheerful guy. Ivan Tsyganok was a foundling: his grandmother found him one winter near her house and raised him. He promised to become a good master, and the uncles often quarreled because of him: after the partition, everyone wanted to take Gypsy for himself.

Despite his seventeen years, Tsyganok was kind and naive. Every Friday he was sent to the market for food, and Ivan spent less and brought more than he should have. It turned out that he was stealing to please the stingy grandfather. Grandmother cursed - she was afraid that one day the Gypsy would be caught by the police.

Soon Ivan died. In the yard of my grandfather lay a heavy oak cross. Uncle Yakov made a vow to take it to the grave of his wife, whom he himself had killed. It fell to the gypsy to carry the butt of this huge cross. The guy overworked and died from bleeding.


Time has passed. Things got worse at home. Alyosha's soul was saved only by grandmother's tales. Grandmother was not afraid of anyone except cockroaches. One evening the workshop caught fire. Risking her life, the grandmother led the stallion out of the burning stable and burned her hands very badly.

“By spring, the uncles split up,” and my grandfather bought a big house, on the ground floor of which there was a tavern. The rest of the rooms were rented out by my grandfather. A dense neglected garden grew around the house, descending into a ravine. Grandmother and grandson settled in a cozy room in the attic.

Everyone loved their grandmother and turned to her for advice - Akulina Ivanovna knew many recipes for herbal medicines. She was originally from the Volga. Her mother was “offended” by the master, the girl jumped out of the window and remained crippled.

From childhood, Akulina went “around people”, begging for alms. Then her mother, who was a skilled lacemaker, taught her daughter her skill, and when her fame went, the grandfather appeared. Grandfather, being in a good mood, also told Alyosha about his childhood, which he remembered "from the Frenchman", and about his mother, an evil Kalashnitsa woman.

Some time later, the grandfather undertook to teach Alyosha to read and write from church books. He turned out to be capable of this, and soon fluently analyzed the church charter. Grandfather was a believer, but the god to whom he prayed caused Alyosha "fear and dislike".

The boy was rarely allowed to go outside - every time the local boys beat him to bruises.

Soon Alyoshin's quiet life ended. One evening, uncle Yakov came running and said that uncle Mikhailo was going to kill his grandfather. From that evening Uncle Mikhailo came every day and made scandals, to the delight of the whole street. So he tried to lure a dowry from grandfather Varvarino, but the old man did not give up.


Closer to spring, my grandfather suddenly sold the house and bought another one. The new house also had an overgrown garden with a pit - the remains of a burned-out bathhouse. Colonel Ovsyannikov was next to him on the left, and the Betlenga family was on the right.

The house was filled with interesting people. Of particular interest to Alyosha was the freeloader, nicknamed the Good Deed. His room was filled with strange things and he was constantly inventing things.

Soon the boy became friends with Good Deed. He taught him to correctly state events, without repeating himself and cutting off all unnecessary. Grandmother and grandfather did not like this friendship - they considered the freeloader a sorcerer, and the Good Cause had to move out.

I was very interested in Alyosha and Ovsyannikov's house. In a gap in the fence or from a tree branch, he saw three boys playing in the yard together and without quarrels. One day, while playing hide-and-seek, the younger boy fell into a well. Alyosha rushed to help and, together with the older children, pulled the baby out.

The children were friends until Alyosha caught the eye of the colonel. While he was putting the boy out of the house, he managed to call him "old devil", for which he was beaten. Since then, Alyosha communicated with the Ovsyannikovs Jr. only through a hole in the fence.

Alyosha rarely spoke about his mother, who lived separately. One winter, she returned, settled in the freeloader's room and began to teach her son grammar and arithmetic. Alyosha's life in those days was difficult. Often the grandfather quarreled with his mother, tried to force her to a new marriage, but she always refused.

The grandmother stood up for her daughter, and one day her grandfather severely beat her. Alyosha took revenge on his grandfather, ruining his favorite saints.

Mother made friends with a neighbor, a military wife, who often had guests from the Bethlengs' house. Grandfather also began to arrange "evenings" and even found the groom's mother - a crooked and bald watchmaker. Varvara, a young and beautiful woman, refused him.


“After this story, the mother immediately got stronger, straightened up tightly and became the mistress of the house.” The Maximov brothers, who migrated to her from the Bethlengs, began to visit her often.

After Christmas time, Alyosha was ill with smallpox for a long time. All this time, his grandmother took care of him. Instead of a fairy tale, she told the boy about his father. Maxim Peshkov was the son of a soldier, "who rose to the rank of officer and was exiled to Siberia for cruelty to his subordinates." Maxim was born in Siberia. His mother died and he wandered for a long time.

Once in Nizhny Novgorod, Maxim began working for a carpenter and soon became a noble cabinetmaker. Varvara married him against the will of her grandfather - he wanted to marry his beautiful daughter to a nobleman.

Soon Varvara married the younger Maksimov, Yevgeny. Alyosha immediately hated his stepfather. Grandmother, out of frustration, began to drink strong wine and was often drunk. In the pit left by the burnt bath, the boy built a shelter for himself and spent the whole summer in it.

In the fall, my grandfather sold the house and told my grandmother that he would no longer feed her. "Grandfather rented two dark rooms in the basement of an old house." Shortly after the move, the mother and stepfather appeared. They said that their house burned down with all the belongings, but the grandfather knew that his stepfather lost and came to ask for money.

Mother and stepfather rented poor housing and took Alyosha with them. Varvara was pregnant, and her stepfather deceived the workers by buying half-price credit notes for products that were paid at the factory instead of money.

Alyosha was sent to school, where he really did not like it. The children laughed at his poor clothes, but the teachers did not like him. At that time, the boy often misbehaved and annoyed his mother. Meanwhile, life got harder and harder. Mom gave birth to a son, a strange big-headed boy who died quickly and quietly. My stepfather has a mistress.

Soon Varvara became pregnant again Once Alyosha saw how his stepfather was beating his pregnant mother in the chest with his thin and long leg. He swung a knife at Yevgeny. Varvara managed to push him away - the knife only cut through the clothes and slid along the ribs.


Alyosha returned to his grandfather. The old man became stingy. He divided the economy into two parts. Now they even brewed tea with their grandmother in turn.

In order to earn a living, my grandmother took up embroidery and lace making, while Alyosha and a company of children collected rags and bones, robbed drunkards, and stole firewood and hemp “in the forest warehouses along the banks of the Oka”. Classmates knew what he was doing, and mocked even more.

When Alyosha moved to the third grade, Varvara moved in with the newborn Nikolai. My stepfather disappeared again. Mom was seriously ill. Grandmother went to the house of a rich merchant to embroider a cover, and grandfather fiddled with Nikolai, often underfeeding the child out of greed. Alyosha also liked to play with his brother. The mother died a few months later in the arms of the boy, never seeing her husband.

After the funeral, the grandfather said that he was not going to feed Alyosha, and sent him "".

The plot of M. Gorky's story "Childhood" is based on the facts of the writer's real biography. This determined the features of the genre of Gorky's work - an autobiographical story. In 1913, M. Gorky wrote the first part of his autobiographical trilogy "Childhood", where he described the events associated with the growing up of a little man.

In 1916, the second part of the trilogy “In People” was written, it reveals a hard working life, and a few years later, in 1922, M. Gorky, finishing the story of the formation of man,

The story "Childhood" is autobiographical, but it is impossible to put an equal sign between the plot of a work of art and the writer's life. Years later, M. Gorky recalls his childhood, the first experiences of growing up, the death of his father, moving to his grandfather; rethinks many things in a new way and, on the basis of what he has experienced, creates a picture of the life of a little boy Alyosha in the Kashirin family. The story is told in the first person, on behalf of the little hero of the events. This fact makes the described events more reliable, and also helps to convey the psychology, internal

Hero's experiences.

Either Alyosha speaks of his grandmother as “the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person - it is her disinterested love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life,” then he confesses his dislike for his grandfather. The task of the writer is not just to convey the events in which the little hero became a participant, but also to evaluate them already from the position of an adult who has known a lot in a person’s life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the genre of autobiographical story.

The goal of M. Gorky is not to revive the past, but to tell “about that close, stuffy circle of terrible impressions in which he lived – still lives – a simple Russian person.”

The events of childhood do not flicker like a kaleidoscope in the perception of the narrator. On the contrary, every moment of life, an act, the hero tries to comprehend, to get to the point. The same episode is perceived differently by the hero.

The boy endures the tests that have fallen steadfastly: for example, after his grandfather beat Alyosha for ruining the tablecloth, the “days of illness” became “big days of life” for the boy. It was then that the hero began to better understand people, and his heart "became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and someone else's."

Gorky's work "Childhood" has the boundaries of the traditional genre of the story: one leading storyline associated with an autobiographical hero, and all minor characters and episodes also help to reveal Alyosha's character and express the author's attitude to what is happening.

The writer simultaneously endows the main character with his thoughts and feelings, and at the same time contemplates the events described as if from the outside, giving them an assessment: “... is it worth talking about this? This is the truth that must be known to the root in order to root it out of memory, from the soul of a person, from our whole life, heavy and shameful.

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  30. I. The action of the story is transmitted on behalf of the main character - Alyosha Peshkov. He lived in Astrakhan, where his father, a cabinet maker, was instructed to build a triumphal gate for the arrival of the tsar. But the father died of cholera, from grief, Varvara's mother began premature birth. The boy remembered her scream, disheveled hair, bared teeth. Father was buried on a rainy day, frogs sat in the pit, [...] ...
  31. Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov was born in 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. After the death of his father, Maxim Savvateevich Peshkov, a cabinetmaker, his mother, Varvara Vasilievna, with three-year-old Alyosha, returned to the house of her father Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, the owner of a dyeing workshop. Since 1876, Alexei Peshkov studied first at the Ilyinsky School, then at the Nizhny Novgorod Sloboda Kunavinsky Primary School, but “the course in this [...] ...
  32. What I liked about the story Childhood, Tolstoy The work of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood" left an indelible mark on my soul. This is an autobiographical story with which the trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". The writer himself was very fond of children and got along well with them. Perhaps that is why this trilogy has become one of his best and most popular works. The key character of the story is the usual […]
  33. M. Gorky's trilogy, in which he talks about his difficult life, consists of three parts: "Childhood", "In People" and "My Universities". The story of the childhood of Alyosha Peshkov, who went through many trials, evokes a special feeling of warmth and empathy towards the hero. Many people surrounded the boy, but the image of grandmother Akulina Ivanovna is especially vivid. Perhaps this […]
  34. The story “Childhood” is the initial part of the novel “Four Epochs of Development”, conceived in the summer of 1850. “Childhood”, the first era, was completed in the summer of 1852. Work on “Boyhood” (1854) and “Youth” (1857) was delayed, repeatedly interrupted by other realized plans. “Youth”, the fourth epoch was not written. The story of childhood unfolds in plot over two days (for the first time this was noted by B. M. Eikhenbaum). […]...
  35. In the Kashirin family, Vanya Tsyganok is a foundling. He immediately fell in love with Alyosha. When Alyosha was flogged, he took pity on him, putting his hand under the rod. The gypsy entertained and made the children laugh by playing with cockroaches and mice. Showed tricks with cards and money, cheating at the same time. Although he was nineteen years old, he resented like a child if anyone beat him. During […]...
  36. 1) The history of the creation of the story by L. N. Tolstoy “Childhood”. Studying himself and the world around him, L. N. Tolstoy decided to write a book about the formation of man, about different milestones in human life, and soon wrote the story “Childhood”, which was published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1852 and received an enthusiastic response from readers . The story of L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood" became [...] ...
  37. Childhood is a happy time in the life of every person. After all, in childhood everything seems bright and joyful, and any grief is quickly forgotten, as well as short offenses against relatives and friends. It is no coincidence that many works of Russian writers are devoted to this topic: “Childhood of Bagrov-grandson” by S. Aksakov, “Childhood of the Theme” by Garin-Mikhailovsky, “How the boys grew up” by E. Morozov and many others […]...
  38. Why did Gogol call his work Dead Souls, written in 1842, a poem? The definition of the genre became clear to the writer only at the last moment, since, while still working on the poem, Gogol calls it either a poem or a novel. The work - named at the first edition for censorship reasons "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls", of course, was not an easy adventurous novel, [...] ...
  39. In the story “Childhood”, M. Gorky spoke about his childhood years, in which his grandmother occupied almost the main place. Strange, very plump, big-headed, with huge eyes, a loose reddish nose. The grandmother appeared in the boy's life when his father died, and until the end of her days she was always there. The boy sees and understands that inwardly the grandmother [...] ...
  40. A. S. Pushkin begins to write the novel "Eugene Onegin" in 1823. At that time, the poet is in southern exile. Researchers call this period romantic: Pushkin is fond of Byron's work, which is reflected in his own poetry. But “Eugene Onegin” is far from a romantic work. Pushkin wanted to show in his novel a young man typical of his […]...

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