Matsuev is expecting a baby. Denis Matsuev - With love for music from childhood to adulthood



I have been suffering for more than a week .... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more about that later ... The apartment disappears immediately, they are very far from the sea, there are of course. But there the price is one and a half times higher. A guest house... but those that are in my price range are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, quite modest budget, but they have a shared kitchen... which means you can cook and save a little on a cafe. (but here of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, it is necessary to go downstairs to prepare the food in the morning and raise the prepared food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfasts up to 20 thousand, but they don’t even a kettle in the room... there is also an apart-hotel... of course it's super.. and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I pay for the presence of the kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy the products myself .. or I give these 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes, the average cost of breakfast in a hotel is 250-300 rubles) ..... and where there are 2 more times a day, with the condition that we have a 4-year-old child ... and how much money to put in for food .. per day .... entertainment, I looked at the prices a little .. I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, you need to lay 15 (one trip to the oceanarium 700 + 700 I don’t know how many children, probably 500 = 1900, also a dolphinarium, I still think it makes sense to go to the water park ...., tell me, I want to leave for 2 days in Krasnaya Polyana, that you don’t have to dangle back and forth all the same 50 km. That's where I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles a day. There you can even take lunch for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for early and late check-out, and this will most likely need to be paid back in 2 more days ... Tell us how you plan your vacation for the money .... So, as a family, we were only in Minsk. but it’s 4 days, and I think that we spent a lot (about 30 thousand, but this is with tickets and accommodation) I have never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was not married, it was only abroad But this time we we do not consider Yes, but ... I will not delve into it. Those who consider themselves can count and pass by...We have half the country like this....Sunshine to all....who is not difficult to wait for advice.


Minister's daughter without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. Before that, we already had a dog, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rainbow dreams, I walked with my wonderful obedient dog, watched TV stroking his ear, etc. and so on.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a small puppy, has turned into a large crocodile that has gnawed all the walls. On the street, he absolutely does not obey me, despite the help of the cynologist, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I can’t find an approach to it, but I don’t have enough patience anymore. And so I think: do not spoil his psyche and myself and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


sawmill mom

I adopted a cat from a shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered. It was thrown on May 9 to the woman who was leaving him. His eyes were festering, bleeding, dirty, flea-ridden.
I am at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. Purrs when playing and eating. Slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. The kitten despises, growls, hisses, but does not touch.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten with boiled breast, kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food of an adult cat, vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, I was afraid to give it. She fed on chicken meat.
And more., advise a name for a kitten.
Only not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.


One of the best Russian pianists, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Denis Matsuev ranks 36th in the world ranking of professionals in 2015, according to the portal. Already at the age of 9 he played a Haydn concerto with the Irkutsk Symphony Orchestra on the stage of the regional philharmonic, and at 23 he became the winner of the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition. Now Matsuev skillfully combines concert activity with social and musical activities and is more popular than ever. Denis Matsuev's wife should be an unusual woman - the musician's fans think and they are right.

Artistic, well-mannered, always friendly and very likeable, Matsuev attracts many female glances. However, the famous pianist is reluctant to talk about his personal life, because he “does not like to discuss it,” and tries to laugh it off. Usually, he declares that by nature he is a romantic and is married, in fact, to Music, and if he has a mistress, then it is Jazz. And he adds that he is always in love - this is very conducive to successful musical creativity.

In fact, Denis Leonidovich has been married for more than 10 years and his wife is the ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina. She is 4 years younger than her husband and has managed to make great strides in life. She is the winner of the IX International Competition of ballet dancers and choreographers in 2001 in Moscow - 2nd prize, the silver medalist of the same competition in Luxembourg in 1999, the winner of the Golden Lyre competition in the nomination "Female Face of the Year" in 2005 and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. At the Bolshoi Theater, Shipulina is in good standing: she often dances solo parts in popular ballet productions and has played leading roles in such performances as Giselle, Notre Dame Cathedral, Spartacus, The Legend of Love, Manon Lescaut and many others.

The Matsuevs often have to part, but this only strengthens their love. According to the ubiquitous media and relatives, their union is considered one of the strongest in the field of Russian culture. Denis Leonidovich very often goes on tour around the world, and besides this, he is engaged in social activities. He is the chairman of the New Names charitable foundation, which is engaged in the musical education of the younger generation in the regions and the support of young talents in studies and creativity, and the organization of competitions. He is also a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture. He and his wife have little time for leisure and they try to spend it together.

By the summer of 2016, persistent rumors began to circulate around this married couple that Ekaterina Shipulina was preparing to become a mother, but both of them kept a mysterious silence. True, the ballerina somehow noticed in one of the conversations that she was not worried about the career difficulties associated with the birth of a child: her mother, also a ballerina, managed to give birth to two daughters and return to the stage. In October, Denis Matsuev's wife gave birth to a daughter. Now their family happiness has become even more harmonious and full.

The famous pianist and prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater have been together for many years

Photo: Denis and Ekaterina

The famous pianist Denis Matsuev and the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina are preparing to become parents. This was announced by an insider site during one of the events as part of the New Wave contest in Sochi. Denis himself did not confirm the information, but did not deny it either.

“You know, I don’t comment on my personal life. Hello Vadim Vernik! - the pianist said with a laugh in a telephone conversation with a correspondent of the site

In 2012, in OK! Vadim's interview with Denis came out, where the pianist, who at that time was 37 years old, spoke about his attitude towards family and children: “This cannot be planned. Someday this will happen, I know that I will have children. And it will happen, maybe even in the very near future. It's like improvisation, like inspiration, like flying, the chemistry is, you know, either it's there or it's not. So far, all my love affairs have always ended in great friendship. I am a terribly amorous person and now I am in such a romantic state and do not want to change it yet.

Denis and Ekaterina also practically do not talk about the relationship. It is known that they met at the opening of a restaurant with mutual friends and that they have been together for many years. Photographs of Catherine

The prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina told La Personne about the premiere of Nureyev and about her creative search.

Let's start with Nureyev. Opinions about the performance were divided: someone was delighted, someone did not understand at all what the hype was about. It is interesting to know your opinion, the person who was inside this work.

Many people asked me about my impressions after the premiere, but it's hard for me to evaluate. This show is like a child to me. All of us, the participants in the performance, have been working on this ballet since the very first day, sometimes we didn’t even treat it very adequately. Of course, we fell in love with him, by the end we liked everything about him.

I like this performance.

Dress A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

You danced the monologue "Diva", where you had to tell the story of two divas: Natalia Makarova and Alla Osipenko. How were these roles formed?

Everything came from Yuri Posokhov, who put such a correct choreography to music and text. When staging, he proceeded from the letters written by these ballerinas, in particular, from words and even intonations. Of course, this is what played a big role. I think it is the choreography that touches the viewer's most subtle feelings and evokes strong emotions.

In your opinion, why is there no such ballet dancer as Nureyev in our time?

I think he was such a special person, headstrong and freedom-loving. Now artists may be afraid of losing their jobs, stability, although nowadays you can go abroad without any problems. I don't know the exact answer. He was one of the first such rebels. Now there are also outrageous, scandalous artists, but now all this is no longer relevant. Gone are the days when it was interesting. Now artists try to behave with dignity, this is considered professionalism.

When a creative person goes into secular life - does it interfere or not, what do you think?

With Nureyev, it was organic, he did not force himself. For many, this image is part of the image. I think if it's fun, why not?..

A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova dress; Boots Zara

When you look at your Instagram, you get the impression that you are a very open person. But it is clearly seen that this is the outer side of life. Is it such a position not to open your personal life for show?

Yes. Personal life is personal, to remain behind the scenes. When people flaunt their relationships, their families and children, most often it looks unnatural. There is some show in this.

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Prada velvet sandals; Zara bag

You studied at the Perm School, but then moved to the Moscow Academy of Choreography. What prompted you to take this step, ambition?

At that moment, no. It was a coincidence, since the parents, being the premieres of the Perm Theater, were invited by Bryantsev to the Muses. theatre. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Of course, they agreed, and literally a year later my mother took us to a Moscow school. It's great that I had experience teaching with different methods. I studied in Moscow for 4 years. It was at the Moscow Academy of Choreography that I felt some leadership qualities in myself, of course, I only wanted to go to the Bolshoi. Where else?

Did you imagine that someday you will become the prima of this theater?

Probably not. I started with the second corps de ballet, went to courtiers, sat on a bench. In general, I went through all the stages.

Is it difficult when parents are ballet?

On the one hand, yes. They tell you 24 hours a day what to do and how to do it. It is you who eventually understand that parents say the right things. In fact, I am very grateful to them for the fact that they did not discourage the desire for this art.

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Zara bag

During the time that you have been dancing in the theater, many leaders have changed ...

This is true!

Dress A L Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Gucci bag (property of Galina Ulanova); Boots Zara

What would you recommend for a leadership change?

Yes. This is hard. You seem to have already achieved something, and then another person comes and you prove everything again. Each leader has his own opinion, his own tastes. The artist may be great, but the manager may not like it.

And how to be in such a situation?


What do you have in your life besides ballet?

Recently, there has been less opportunity to go somewhere, meet friends, although I try to find time for meetings and drama theater. Now the priority is the child. I don't even want to leave him, to be honest.

I would like to return to our photo session in the museum-apartment of Galina Ulanova. We did not just invite you to this photo story. You are currently working with Nadezhda Gracheva, who was the last student of Galina Ulanova. Tell me, how often does she share Galina Sergeevna's remarks with you at rehearsals?

She speaks very sincerely about Galina Sergeevna. They were connected by many things, Nadezhda Alexandrovna began her career in the theater with her and, of course, Galina Ulanova gave her a lot in creative terms. Besides, she's a legend!

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

As for the remarks, I just remembered, the remark about Saint-Saens' "Swan". There is no clear system in this number, there is a canvas, and each ballerina has her own hands and poses. And so, Nadezhda Alexandrovna said that Ulanova appeared in this issue without suffering right away, as most ballerinas do. She had such a concept that the swan appears proud, beautiful, yet not tragic. He doesn't die right away.

And finally, what would you wish your viewers for the New Year?

Of course, good health! Live and enjoy every second! Inspiration and fulfillment of all dreams! And by all means go to the theater, enjoy, empathize and have fun!

Interview Alisa Aslanova

Photo Daria Ratushina

Designer A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

Producer Ekaterina Bornovitskaya

Stylist Ksenia Vorobieva

MUAH Alena Soboleva

We thank Galina Ulanova's Apartment Museum and the Bakhrushinsky Museum for their assistance in organizing the shooting.

Very cultured, impeccably educated and even a little old-fashioned - in a word, a true gentleman. Such is still a very young, but already world-famous pianist Denis Matsuev. He is loved and expected everywhere: wherever he comes, the halls of the conservatory are full to overflowing!

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev - Short Biography

Russian virtuoso pianist and musical and public figure.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Denis Matsuev organized the international festival "Stars on Baikal", which now takes place every year in Irkutsk.

Artistic director of the Crescendo competition, a forum for young musicians that has been held since 2003.

In his native Irkutsk, he opened a concert hall for 60 people, it is called the House of Music of Denis Matsuev. The city also does not forget about Denis - in 2001, the musician Matsuev was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Irkutsk".

Denis Matsuev prefers to remain silent about his personal life, however, he was not married, he has no children.

In the biography, a young guy from Irkutsk, Denis Matsuev, had no chance of escaping a profession related to music! His parents were directly connected with the world of harmony of sounds. Music teacher mom and leading composer at the theater school dad - figuratively speaking, Matsuev's entire childhood biography was accompanied by music.

While still very young, Denis greatly pleased his parents: he went to the piano and played a melody from the weather forecast, which he heard every evening on the evening TV news program. Exchanging glances, mom and dad understood each other without words, and the future of their son was decided. No, no, this does not mean at all that since then he was forced to sit at the keys and hammer out a boring solfeggio.

There was enough time to drive with the boys in the yard, and to break away at the hockey and football stadiums. Actually, he had no complaints about the piano either - he really liked it. Years later, in his interview, Denis will give parents of potential talents good advice: do not force children to play! Everyone needs their time - someone an hour, someone four. And there is no point in coercion.

In order not to sacrifice the childhood of their child to future achievements, reasonable adults completely adjusted to it. Two grandmothers hurried to retire early, if only to help the young talent, look after him and in every possible way encourage his desire to learn the game. Of course, very soon all this bore fruit!

Already at the age of 9, Denis played a Haydn concerto with the Irkutsk Symphony Orchestra on the stage of the main city philharmonic society. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? Nevertheless, like any normal child, the guy sometimes rebelled: he was tired of his gift, and he tried to run away to the yard boys to play football, fight, - in general, to do what a child prodigy like him was not in status. In addition, he simply raved about sports!

In the capital, they learned about the young talent even before Denis graduated from school. Simultaneously with the certificate of secondary education, Matsuev received an invitation to study at the school at the conservatory. They took it without exams. Thousands of young pianists dream of it, and the chance fell to a young genius. A bright future itself went into his hands, but Denis rebelled - he did not want to leave Irkutsk.

Manipulations went into action: the father hinted that in the capital Denis would be able to go to the matches of the most famous football teams. Only after that the guy got on the train Irkutsk - Moscow. The whole family, sacrificing their career, followed their son, and the grandmother sold her apartment for the sake of her future grandson.

So, Denis Matsuev came to Moscow with his parents and with 14 thousand dollars, which at that time was a very decent amount. After a very short time, the boy won his first metropolitan competition, began to communicate with leading musicians and travel abroad. Where he just did not perform!

And in the Vatican, and in Buckingham Palace, and even at the UN headquarters! But the modest Denis did not turn up his nose: of course, he liked all these capitals of the world, but he loved his homeland no less and traveled around Russia with tours in a reserved seat car. And when they asked him "Why?", he answered: "At the call of the heart."

Denis Matsuev - And sports, and piano, and love

Of course, the dream of not missing a single match of the beloved Spartak at Luzhniki remained a dream - the tour schedule turned out to be too tight. But, despite this, Denis did not leave his passion, but on the contrary, he himself became a player in the Starko football team. Once he even ended the Stars on Baikal festival with a football match - his fellow musicians became the players.

“And what about Matsuev’s personal life?” - you ask. Talking about it is taboo. In various interviews, he calls music the love of his life. Classical - a wife, and jazz - a mistress. "How so?" - Journalists ask in unison. A young, active, athletic, talented and world-famous man still does not have a lady of the heart?

To all this, Denis replies that due to the tight schedule and constant flights, there is a catastrophic lack of time for personal life. However, a real man should not ruffle the names of those he meets. So what if newspapers, magazines and tabloids are full of photos of him with beautiful strangers? There is no talk of marriage or long-term relationships.

Denis Matsuev understands that it will not be easy for his wife to accept his way of life. She will miss him all the time. Relationships where the family is sacrificed to work are easily destroyed, but is this what he strives for?

In general, Matsuev takes love very seriously and is somewhat old-fashioned: he does not recognize communication on the Internet, Skype and SMS. He loves to look into the eyes, give flowers - in general, a romantic! 12905

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