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Oh, and a difficult summer practice awaits Yulia and her friends! Would you like to understand whether distribution to the royal palace is a reward or a punishment? And for what? It seems that nothing particularly outstanding has recently been noticed behind the company ...

And then the leader threatens with expulsion, the prince rolls up with indecent proposals, the conspirators are building insidious plans. But the company of battle mages was not used to lose heart. The leader - to educate, the prince - to teach a lesson, the conspirators - to neutralize. Didn't mix anything up? And if so, it doesn't matter. If something is forgotten, Elvar friends will remind you. Where do elvars come from in practice? But someone has to save the palace from trainee magicians! Here is what they will do...

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Eighth-year student of the Yolka Martial Magic Department, immediately to the director!

The cry of the loudspeaker reverberated throughout the territory of the entire Univer. I jumped up on the stool. The teacher, who was just explaining to us the mechanisms for removing damage (sixty hours as if from a bush, not counting the evil eye), shook his finger at me:

Did you do something again? I don't remember anything like that?

I shrugged. For the third week now, she has been as clean as freshly fallen snow. And this has its own explanation. We're leaving for practice in a week. And the director can distribute especially humorous ones somewhere in the swamps. You are tormented by killing mosquitoes and tearing off leeches.

Although it does not threaten me: in a week they are waiting for me in Elvarion. At the thought of my beloved (to be honest) country and an old friend, my lips broke into a dreamy smile of their own accord. Even the teacher got through.

Okay, go ahead. If the boss asks...

It means that he is vilified ... - someone sang from the back rows.

Without turning around, Vovchik, the teacher, snapped his fingers. A squealing sound came from the back rows, and a distinctive smell began to spread throughout the classroom.

- Christmas tree, to the director! Shalek - to wash and wash. And at the same time you will try to break my spell. I applied loosely. We continue the lesson.

I snorted and left the office. Vovchik in his repertoire. Eh, we haven't messed with teachers for a long time. Why not him? If you take a walk to the alchemist for the latest novelties of the season, or rather to Lerg, those potions that he brews are not yet amenable to any analysis ...

Thinking about a new dirty trick, I was happy exactly until the moment I went into the director's office. Antel Gurley greeted me with a friendly smile and vile news:

Good morning, Yolka. Write a letter to your elvar, this year you are going to practice in Milotan. There is the sea, the sun, the sand... You can't imagine a better place.

Five seconds I just came to my senses from this news. I actually already tuned in to Elvarion. And in general, what kind of white goblin did I forget in this Milotan ?! Maybe ask directly?

Chief, why can't I practice at Elvarion?!

Antel Gurley, without even looking up from the table with a bunch of papers, negatively put forward his hand with a pen clutched in it. At the same time, he pointed to the door. Yep, that's how I got out!


I watched with interest as a greasy drop of ink plopped onto the carpet, and continued my whining:

Well, please-a-a-a-luysta!

Come out and close the door behind you,” the director ordered just as evenly. But it was not there. I brazenly plopped down on the carpet next to the stain.

Expose me by force if you want! And I will not budge until you explain to me why such disgrace! I want to go to Elvarion!!! Want!!! I want-u-u-u!!!

It worked. The director looked up from his papers and looked at me. He looked terribly tired.

For about five seconds I felt like a terrible pig, and then I decided to whine again. The director interrupted me just in time:

- Yolka, have a conscience. It's boring without you! So these papers hesitated! I would incinerate everything to the devil's mother, but they would bring in three times as many new ones!

And what?! - Lorrie asked, slowly floating into the director's office right through the wall. - If the papers hesitated (fi, what a non-aristocratic expression!), then my granddaughter should be sent to distant lands for practice? I'm against!

And I - for! - snapped Antel Gurley. - Christmas tree, get up off the carpet, don't make a farce.

I won't, just send me to Elvarion.

I can not.

The director looked at me as if I were a particularly harmful bug, but nevertheless deigned to explain:

Because you are a battle mage!

Well, yes. And what?

And then. How long have you been practicing in your specialty?

A year and a half ago,” I shrugged.

A year and a half ago, even a little more, the guys and I got into a pretty bind, looking for Lavender's daughter - Lily. The little dragon got into trouble right up to the tail, as only young girls can during the parade of hormones. Love-carrot-cabbage ... and that your beloved is on a leash with bad people - I didn’t even notice. And she was taken prisoner. Lavender was hysterical for three days, begging to find her daughter. And who had to look for her and rescue her? That's right, don't go to the fortuneteller. The ruler of Elvarion personally tried to check what was happening on his border - and took me into the company. And it’s good that he took it, otherwise we wouldn’t have escaped. The kidnappers and his scalp would fit in the collection. By the way, the guys who took advantage of the naivete of young dragons were nailed a couple of months after they were caught. Lavender personally burned them with fire in the central square of Elvarion. The dragons were very insistent - so that others should not be:

This is an extreme situation. Now tell me how long have you been worked by specialty? Not two days a year, giving all her strength to pulling her brainless elvar out of every trap into which he climbs out of his boyish stupidity, but simply - she worked. Every day, to destroy evil spirits, slowly and methodically?

I shrugged. This was more difficult for me. After all, the Elvars have only one method of dealing with evil spirits - to crumble it into a small scar. What remains after them, even the necromancer will not collect, it is easier to make a hodgepodge or cutlets - anyway, it's almost minced meat. And everyone in Elvarion owns a weapon. There, even little girls are given not dolls, but daggers. And each elvaressa perfectly throws them at the target - steps from five hundred to the bull's-eye. And no one will wait for the magician to put the zombies to rest or deal with the chimera - they will kill themselves, quickly and efficiently. In a word, only elves and vampires have any evil spirits with cannibalistic manners, worse than the Elvars.

I don't remember such a case.

Antel Gurley rubbed his forehead again. He looked terribly tired - and I felt like a complete pig: I burst into the office, I shake my license, I demand an explanation ... Hmmm. But the director could put me out the door. In the tech world, that's what everyone would do. And he is trying to explain something to me, to explain ... Why you won’t find anywhere in the world of technology such bosses?!

Here I am too. What is your past practice report? - The director deftly, in one spell, pulled out a scroll of paper from the air and defiantly unfolded it. - We are reading a description of the exploits of a certain student of Yolka! Heroically destroyed five thousand caterpillars on cabbage! Killed a hell of a lot of locusts. She was present at the burning of the remains of the Marsh Toadosaurus. And the paws were pulled out before you. Do you want to lose all skills?

I don't want to, I sighed.

Then what are you doing here for me? Let me go on messing around? So?

Chief, you're wrong, - stood up for me Lorrie. - Don't play with words. My granddaughter just loves Elvarione.

It is not surprising, if you remember with what eyes Turn looks at her, - Vedun could not resist. - How have there not yet been massive fires!

Strange, strange, - Lorrie assented sarcastically, and the director and the ghost snorted like two horses. I pouted.

How many times to repeat - we are just friends. And he looks at me with burning eyes when he wants to tear his head off. Ten times a day.

So few? Lorrie raised her left eyebrow aristocratically.

And with such a grimace you look like an elderly goat - I snapped in response.

Whoever gets angry and gets personal is initially wrong in a dispute, Lorrie did not let me down.

We could have bickered for a very long time, without even taking offense at each other, but the director slammed his fist on the table:

- Elka, do you understand everything? You can protest as much as you like, but you will go to practice where I said. Moreover, this is a wonderful place for mind training. It's warm, sunny, the sea is very close, the evil spirits are rushing in a jamb, just have time to destroy it. Five people will go there: you, Lerg, Buttercup, Evin, Birch. You won't be bored. And there are two teleports to Elvarion. If anything - hit the road to your elvar.

Goncharova Galina Dmitrievna

Yolka and Thorn

book two

Summer practise

Chapter 1

Eighth-year student of the Department of Martial Magic, Yolka, immediately to the director!

The cry of the loudspeaker reverberated throughout the territory of the entire Univer. I jumped up on the stool. The teacher, just explaining to us the mechanisms for removing damage (sixty hours, like from a bush, not counting the evil eye), shook his finger at me.

Did you do something again!? I don't remember anything like that?

I shrugged. For the third week now, she has been as clean as freshly fallen snow. And this has its own explanation. We're leaving for practice in a week. And the director can distribute especially humorous ones somewhere in the swamps. You are tormented by killing mosquitoes and tearing off leeches.

Although I am not threatened, In a week they are waiting for me in Elvarion. At the thought of a beloved (what a sin to hide) country and an old friend, his lips broke into a dreamy smile of their own accord. Even the teacher got through.

Okay, go ahead. If the boss asks...

So, he is vilified ... - someone sang from the back rows

Without turning around, Vovchik (this is just a teacher) snapped his fingers. A squealing sound came from the back rows, and a characteristic smell began to spread throughout the classroom.

- Yolka, to the director, Shalek - to wash and wash off. And at the same time you will try to break my spell. I applied loosely. We continue the lesson.

I snorted and left the office. Vovchik in his repertoire. Eh, we haven't messed with teachers for a long time. Why not him? If you take a walk to the alchemist for the latest novelties of the season, or rather to Lerg, those potions that he brews are not amenable to any analysis yet ...

Thinking about a new dirty trick, I was happy exactly until the moment I went into the director's office. Antel Gurley greeted me with a friendly smile and vile news

Good morning, Yolka. Write a letter to your elvar, this year you are going to practice in Milotan. There is the sea, the sun, the sand... You can't imagine a better place.

For five seconds, I just walked away from this news. I actually already tuned in to Elvarion. And in general, what kind of white goblin did I forget in this Milotan !? Maybe ask directly?

Chief, why can't I practice at Elvarion!?

Antel Gurley, without even looking up from the table with a bunch of papers, negatively put forward his hand with a pen clutched in it. At the same time, he pointed to the door. Yep, that's how I got out!


I watched with interest as a greasy drop of ink plopped onto the carpet and continued my whining.

Well, please-a-a-a-luysta!

Come out and close the door behind you,” the director ordered just as evenly. But it was not there. I brazenly plopped down on the carpet next to the stain.

Expose me by force if you want! And I will not budge until you explain to me why such disgrace! I want to go to Elvarion!!! Want!!! I want-u-u-u!!!

It worked. The director looked up from his papers and looked at me. He looked terribly tired.

For about five seconds I felt like a terrible pig, and then I decided to whine again. The director interrupted me just in time.

- Yolka, have a conscience. It's boring without you! So these papers hesitated! I would incinerate everything to the devil's mother, but they would bring in three times as many new ones!

And what!? - Lorrie asked, slowly floating into the director's office right through the wall. - If the papers wavered (fi, what a non-aristocratic expression!) then my granddaughter should be sent to distant lands for practice? I'm against!

And I - for! - Antel Gurley snapped. - Christmas tree, get up off the carpet, don't make a farce.

I won't, just send me to Elvarion.

I can not.

The director looked at me as if I were a particularly harmful bug, but still deigned to explain.

Because you are a battle mage!

Well, yes. And what?

And then. How long have you been practicing in your specialty?

A year and a half ago,” I shrugged. A year and a half ago, even a little more, the guys and I got into a pretty bind, looking for Lavender's daughter - Lily. The dragon got into trouble right up to the very tail - as only young girls can during the parade of hormones. Love, carrots, cabbage ... and that your loved one is on a leash with bad people - I didn’t even notice. And she was taken prisoner. Lavender was hysterical for three days, begging to find her daughter. And who had to look for her and rescue her? That's right, don't go to the fortuneteller. The ruler of Elvarion personally tried to check what was happening on his border - and took me into the company. And it’s good that he took it, otherwise we wouldn’t have escaped. The kidnappers and his scalp would fit in the collection. By the way, the guys who took advantage of the naivete of young dragons were nailed a couple of months after they were caught. Lavender personally burned them with fire in the central square of Elvarion. The dragons were very insistent. To be disrespectful to others.

This is an extreme situation. Now tell me how long have you been worked by specialty? Not two days a year, giving all her strength to pulling her brainless elvar out of all the traps into which he climbs out of his boyish stupidity, but simply - she worked. Every day, to destroy evil spirits, slowly and methodically?

I shrugged. This was more difficult for me. After all, the Elvars have only one method of dealing with evil spirits - to crumble it into a small scar. What remains after them, even a necromancer will not collect - it is easier to make a hodgepodge. Or cutlets - anyway, it's almost stuffing. And everyone in Elvarion owns a weapon. There, even little girls are given not dolls, but daggers. And each elvaressa perfectly throws them at the target. Five hundred steps. Exactly. And no one will wait for the magician to put down the zombies or deal with the chimera. They will kill themselves. Quickly and efficiently. In a word, only elves and vampires have any evil spirits with cannibalistic manners, worse than the Elvars.

I don't remember such a case.

Antel Gurley rubbed his forehead again. He looked terribly tired - and I felt like a complete pig. I burst into the office, I shake my rights, I demand an explanation ... Hmmm. But the director could put me out the door. In the tech world, that's what everyone would do. And he is trying to explain something to me, explain it to me ... Why can't you meet SUCH bosses anywhere in the world of technology?!

Here I am too. What is your past practice report? - The director deftly, in one spell, pulled out a scroll of paper from the air and defiantly unfolded it. - We are reading a description of the exploits of a certain student of Yolka! Heroically destroyed five thousand caterpillars on cabbage! Killed a bunch of locusts. She was present at the burning of the remains of the Marsh Toadosaurus. And the paws were pulled out before you. Do you want to lose all skills?

I don't want to, I sighed.

Then what are you doing here for me? Let me go on messing around? So?

Chief, you're wrong, - stood up for me Lorrie. - Don't play with words. My granddaughter just loves Elvarione.

It is not surprising, if you remember with what eyes Turn looks at her. - The witch could not resist. - How there has not yet been a massive fire.

Strange, strange - sarcastically assented Lorrie and the director with the ghost snorted like two horses. I pouted.

How many times to repeat - we are just friends. And he looks at me with burning eyes when he wants to tear his head off. Ten times a day.

So few? Lorrie raised her left eyebrow aristocratically.

And with such a grimace you look like an elderly goat, - I snapped in response.

Whoever gets angry and gets personal is initially wrong in a dispute, Lorrie did not let me down. We could have bickered for a very long time, not even offended by each other, but the director slammed his fist on the table.

- Elka, do you understand everything? You can protest as much as you like, but you will go to practice where I said. Moreover, this is a wonderful place for mind training. It's warm, sunny, the sea is very close, the evil spirits are rushing in a jamb, just have time to destroy it. Five people will go there. You, Lerg, Buttercup, Evin, Birch. You won't be bored. And there are two teleports to Elvarion. If anything - hit the road to your elvar.

Rather perishing he me, - I muttered. - Can I go to Elvarion for the winter?

Can. And even in autumn. But spring and summer - excuse me. Stay for a couple of days - and that's enough. Have some shame. With your talents, chasing locusts is foolish.

As you say, boss, - I sighed.

It would have been like this from the very beginning, ”he nodded.

I was already grasping the doorknob when I remembered something and turned back. The director has already buried himself in the papers again.

What else!?

And why are they sending this fool with us to practice? Give me a good doctor!

I was angry for no reason. Not only were Bereza and I complete antagonists both in appearance and habits, she also did not approve of my lifestyle and profession. And I am her. We didn’t fight and didn’t do bad things to each other, but ... can’t you send one of the guys with us? Darin, Kirch, Sern, Lose - all wonderful boys, even though they are doctors. And this... birch aphid...

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