Mac in Europe. Czech Republic - poppy empire in Europe


History and meaning

For the first time, as a symbol, the color of the poppy appears in the poem of the Canadian military doctor John McCray "In the fields of Flanders" (), Which begins with words that sound like this in Russian translation:

The idea to use the red poppy as a symbol of remembrance belongs to moine michel, lecturer at the University of Georgia , USA . Impressed by McCrae's work, in November 1918 she wrote her own poem, " We'll keep the faith» , where she vowed to always wear a red poppy in memory of those killed in the First World War . After 1918, Moina Michel was engaged in financial support for incapacitated war veterans. In order to raise the necessary funds, Michael offered to sell artificial silk poppies.

The symbol was first used by the American Legion to commemorate American soldiers who died during World War I. It is widely distributed in the Commonwealth countries - Great Britain and its former colonies, as well as in North America and Australia.


In Ukraine

The red poppy was first used in Ukraine in 2014 during events dedicated to the anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe.

The design of the Ukrainian red poppy was also developed on the initiative of the National Television Company of Ukraine; the author of the symbol is Kharkov designer Sergey Mishakin, the work is allowed for free use for non-commercial purposes.

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An excerpt characterizing the Red Poppy (symbol)

- Well, what about the children?
- And the children will live, your excellency: you can live for such gentlemen.
“Well, what about my heirs?” Pierre said. "Suddenly I'll get married ... It might happen," he added with an involuntary smile.
- And I dare to report: a good thing, Your Excellency.
“How easy he thinks,” thought Pierre. He doesn't know how scary it is, how dangerous it is. Too soon or too late… Scary!”
- How would you like to order? Would you like to go tomorrow? Savelich asked.
- No; I will postpone a little. I'll tell you then. Excuse me for the trouble, ”said Pierre, and looking at Savelich’s smile, he thought:“ How strange, however, that he does not know that now there is no Petersburg and that first of all it is necessary that this be decided. However, he certainly knows, but only pretends. Talk to him? What does he think? thought Pierre. No, sometime later.
At breakfast, Pierre told the princess that he had been at Princess Mary's yesterday and found him there - can you imagine who? - Natalie Rostov.
The princess pretended that she did not see anything more unusual in this news than in the fact that Pierre saw Anna Semyonovna.
– Do you know her? Pierre asked.
“I saw the princess,” she answered. - I heard that she was married to the young Rostov. This would be very good for the Rostovs; They say they are completely broke.
- No, do you know Rostov?
“I only heard about this story then. Very sorry.
“No, she doesn’t understand or pretends to be,” thought Pierre. "Better not tell her either."
The princess also prepared provisions for Pierre's journey.
“How kind they all are,” thought Pierre, “that now, when it certainly couldn’t be more interesting for them, they are doing all this. And everything for me; that's what's amazing."
On the same day, a police chief came to Pierre with a proposal to send a trustee to the Faceted Chamber to receive the things that were now being distributed to the owners.
“This one too,” thought Pierre, looking into the face of the police chief, “what a glorious, handsome officer and how kind! Now he's dealing with such nonsense. And they say that he is not honest and uses. What nonsense! And yet, why shouldn't he use it? That's how he was brought up. And everyone does it. And such a pleasant, kind face, and smiles, looking at me.
Pierre went to dine with Princess Mary.
Driving through the streets between the conflagrations of houses, he marveled at the beauty of these ruins. Chimneys of houses, fallen off walls, picturesquely reminiscent of the Rhine and the Colosseum, stretched, hiding each other, through the burnt quarters. The cabbies and riders who met, the carpenters who cut the log cabins, the traders and shopkeepers, all with cheerful, beaming faces, looked at Pierre and said as if: “Ah, here he is! Let's see what comes out of it."
At the entrance to the house of Princess Marya, Pierre found doubts about the fairness of the fact that he was here yesterday, saw Natasha and spoke with her. “Maybe I made it up. Maybe I'll go in and see no one." But before he had time to enter the room, as already in his whole being, by the instant deprivation of his freedom, he felt her presence. She was in the same black dress with soft folds and the same hairdo as yesterday, but she was completely different. If she had been like that yesterday, when he entered the room, he could not have failed to recognize her for a moment.
She was the same as he knew her almost as a child and then the bride of Prince Andrei. A cheerful, inquiring gleam shone in her eyes; there was an affectionate and strangely mischievous expression on his face.
Pierre dined and would have sat out all evening; but Princess Mary was on her way to Vespers, and Pierre left with them.
The next day, Pierre arrived early, dined and sat out the whole evening. Despite the fact that Princess Mary and Natasha were obviously glad to have a guest; despite the fact that all the interest in Pierre's life was now concentrated in this house, by evening they had talked everything over, and the conversation moved incessantly from one insignificant subject to another and was often interrupted. Pierre sat up so late that evening that Princess Mary and Natasha looked at each other, obviously expecting him to leave soon. Pierre saw this and could not leave. It became difficult for him, awkward, but he kept sitting, because he could not get up and leave.

What do red poppies symbolize? It can be answered with almost complete certainty that many of us have never asked this question in our lives. But the huge fiery "sea", on which the wind creates scarlet waves, is a spectacle so beautiful that you can look at it endlessly. For all peoples and at all times, this flower has been a multifaceted symbol. There are many legends and myths about him, he was dedicated to the gods and used in medicine. The red poppy is a symbol of what? What did it mean in antiquity, in the East, and in our time? It's time to find out about it.


For the inhabitants of this country, the flower was a symbol of youth, feminine beauty and charm. Once upon a time, peasants near Thebes cultivated the kind of poppy that is grown today in our country. The upper classes could guess that the flower has narcotic properties, and ordinary people soothed with poppy water and used it as an analgesic. Because of its beauty, the poppy became a symbol of Egyptian burials, and even today flowers are found in tombs.


We can say that in ancient Rome and Hellas this flower was revered most of all, it is from there that several legends about its origin come from. According to one legend, after the death of Adonis, Venus wept for a long time, nothing could calm her down. And every tear of hers turned into a poppy. It's sad, of course, but the red poppy is a symbol of what else? According to another legend, the poppy was created by Hypnos in order to calm Demeter, whose daughter was kidnapped by Hades. Hypnos gave her a decoction of this flower to drink, and she consoled herself. Even today, her statues are decorated with these scarlet flowers. At the same time, the poppy was also a symbol of fertility due to the good germination of seeds.


In Persian culture, the poppy is a symbol of happiness, eternal love, joy, the wild flower hinted at the desire for an intimate relationship. Buddhists were firmly convinced that the poppy appeared after the falling asleep Buddha touched the earth with his eyelashes. B was associated with success, beauty, relaxation and remoteness from the hustle and bustle. However, later it became a symbol of accessible women and brothels. At the beginning of the 19th century, after the "opium war", the smoking of this drug became so popular that the flower became associated with evil and decay.

Red poppy - a symbol of what in the Middle Ages?

In their bloodthirsty and gloomy traditions, Christianity declared the poppy a sign that the Last Judgment would soon come. The flower, according to the beliefs of that time, recalled the terrible sufferings of Christ, and was also a symbol of indifference and ignorance. On the day when the Descent of the Holy Spirit took place, churches were decorated with poppies, and children during the procession carried flowers, scattered petals. Next came the priest with the holy gifts. In the 16th century, a treatise by the physician Theodorus Jakob appeared with a warning that the seeds of the flower and other parts of it should not be overused.

new time

There was a belief that red poppies grow on battlefields for a reason. They supposedly symbolize the blood of dead soldiers. It looked very plausible in the days after the First World War in Flanders. Then, after the burial of the dead soldiers, the fields suddenly turned scarlet. At that time, Professor Moina Michael turned the poppy into a symbol of charity. She sold flowers, and gave money to veterans and invalids of the war.

scarlet flower today

And today the red poppy is a symbol of what? For example, to this day this flower is the emblem of the British Legion. Every fall, artificial flowers are sold as a reminder of those who fell in armed conflicts and two world wars. In Ukraine, for example, poppy is associated with fertility and endless expanses. Petals were sprinkled so that the young would have health and many children. Also in this country is a red poppy - it has recently been decided to use it at all official events.

scarlet flower tattoo

Everyone knows that the flowers depicted on the body are of great importance. What does the red poppy mean in this case? A tattoo with this flower has always been associated with death or sleep. And these two concepts are too close to each other, for example, it often duplicates the state of death, it is so difficult to distinguish them. This is all very strange, and people have been thinking about solving the mystery for decades.

Another meaning of such a pattern on the body is truth, devotion, fidelity. When deciding to decorate the body with poppies, consider whether it is worth it. Whatever meaning you put into the drawing yourself, there will always be some secrets and meanings unknown to us.


As we can see, history is rich not only in events, but also in such important legends and beliefs about each nation interpreted this beautiful flower in its own way, the meanings are not just different for everyone, sometimes they even contradict each other. Let's dwell on the fact that this is a symbol of happiness, youth and fertility! Let's believe in the best - so it will happen!

Ukraine for the first time officially starts a new tradition of celebrating May 8 and 9 in the European spirit of remembrance and reconciliation.

Author - artist Oleksa Rudenko, engraving by Georgy Malakov

At the same time, another date will be added - September 2 - 70th anniversary of the end of World War II .

The Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance notes that the new meaning of celebrating the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation and Victory Day includes:

- rethinking the events of the Second World War, the destruction of Soviet historical myths, an honest dialogue around the complex pages of the past;

- the same honoring the memory of everyone who fought against Nazism, emphasizing the solidarity and military brotherhood of all the United Nations, both states and then stateless peoples (Jews, Ukrainians, etc.);

- shifting the focus from the history of military operations to the stories of specific people, and then abandoning the celebration in favor of veneration.

Read also:

Symbol of the celebration of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation and Victory Day - Red poppy. It is an international symbol of the memory of the victims of all military and civil armed conflicts, an allusion to the bloody trace of a bullet, conveys suffering and death.

The use of the red poppy flower as a symbol of remembrance originated in the poem "In the Fields of Flanders" (1915) by Canadian military doctor John McCrae. The poppy symbol is also present in Ukrainian folklore - according to legend, poppies bloom where the blood of the Cossacks was shed.

"In the fields of Flanders"

Fields in Flanders, poppies rustle here

Between the crosses, where on a row a row

He marked a place for us; in the sky, in flight,

The larks chirp boldly that song,

She is inaudible among the cannons that rumble below.

We are all dead. But just a few days ago

We lived, met the dawn and sunset,

We loved loved ones, but now we lie

In the fields in Flanders.

Rise and you to battle with the enemy:

From weakening hands we now give you

The torch, it's yours, hold it high.

If you leave faith when we are far away,

Where poppies grow, we will not fall asleep

In the fields in Flanders.

The use of the Soviet-imperial symbol of Victory Day - the "George Ribbon" - has been discredited by the participants in the current Russian aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, the "St. George's Ribbon" in Ukraine is not officially banned at the state level.

Ukrainian Institute of National Memory

In World War II, Ukrainians suffered more casualties than Great Britain, Canada, the United States and France combined. The total losses of Ukraine in this war are estimated at 8-10 million lives. The number of Ukrainian victims is comparable to the population of modern Austria.

The Ukrainians of Transcarpathia were the first in interwar Europe who did not accept the annexation of their territory. With arms in hand, they stood up to defend their freedom from aggression in March 1939. From September 1, 1939, Luftwaffe planes bombed Galicia and Volhynia.

During the Second World War, hostilities swept across the entire territory of Ukraine twice. Kharkiv, one of the largest cities in Ukraine, changed hands four times.

Ukrainians have become cannon fodder for two dictators at once - Hitler and Stalin. Every third person died in the Red Army (compared to every 20th in the British army). The reason for such a terrible situation was simple - Stalin did not take into account any losses, based on the logic "Women still give birth!".

Let's talk about unhealthy food.

McDonald's is not at its best right now. At the end of 2013 sales around the world fell, and in 2014 and at the beginning of 2015 the trend continued. According to the US Customer Satisfaction Index, McDonald's has lost its position among large fast food restaurants. There is a crisis even changed the CEO. On March 1, the fast food chain was headed by Briton Steve Easterbrook, who replaced Don Thompson, who left his post.

However, every customer, visiting McDonald's in any country, knows what to expect from him. You can eat Big Mac with French fries everywhere. But there are also surprises.

  • America

At home, McDonald's is in deep stagnation. The corporation is clumsy, lagging behind the market is noticeable to the naked eye. Consumer tastes are changing, but the fast food chain is not. The image is falling. McDonald's in the US is like a restaurant for the poor - empty, appropriate contingent, some establishments even impose a time limit on food.

With the arrival of Steve Easterbrook, the changes were certainly not long in coming. But not all led to the desired effect. McDonald's took on everything that was possible, and looked at what idea take root. Didn't work with fish nuggets. And because of the increased menu, it has become more difficult for customers to make their choice. Due to the change in cooking technology, the waiting time for the order increased, which also did not save the situation. Customers leave, and it will not be easy to get them back.

Unusual menu items

  • Europe

McDonald's helps the rest of the world, here the network is quite popular. But even so, he needs to develop and improve. Recently, the fast food service at Frankfurt am Main Airport switched to a restaurant service scheme. A waiter with a tablet can come right up to the table and take your order. And then - collect it and bring it. At the same time, self-service terminals and cash desk workers have not disappeared.

The trend of healthy eating has not gone unnoticed. In the same Germany, they began to sell burgers from 100% organic beef German and Austrian cows. Animals feed only on ecological meadows that do not contain pesticides.

In case of popularity, such schemes will be extended to other points of the network. And this applies not only to Europe, but also to other countries. It remains to figure out where to find so many ecologically clean pastures.

Unusual menu items

McDonald's is one of the most common foreign fast foods in China. Compared to other "street" food, the prices are quite high. But fast food remains one of the few sources coffee which is hard to find in China. Therefore, the fast food chain is invariably popular with foreigners who are tired of the peculiar Asian cuisine.

The menu is numbered, even without knowing the language, you can literally place an order "on your fingers." Service developed delivery, and not only McDonald's, but also other foreign fast foods, like KFC and Pizza Hut. They try to attract the interest of the indigenous population by adding dishes from local ingredients to the menu, which at first glance may seem strange.

Unusual menu items

  • Africa

McDonald's can only be found in several African countries. The range of products is complemented by dishes popular among the local population, such as McFalafel. As in other Muslim countries, during Ramadan, a menu is available that is fully consistent with religious principles.


Egyptian McDonald's left the impression of a noisy and dirty place. But even there, the menu is more extensive than the Russian one.

Unusual menu items

In this country, the opposite is true. It is convenient to follow a small isolated market, so many innovations are being tested in Australia. The first McCafe was opened there, in 1993, in Melbourne. Now, in the same city, an official food delivery service has appeared (this is not an innovation, but it is quite rare).

At McDonald's in Australia, you can place an order through an app on your smartphone, and then show the QR code to the cashier. Food will be brought to you without any problems. You can even design your own burger from the ingredients available.

In Sydney, one of the McCafe turned into a restaurant healthy cuisine The Corner. It lacks the usual burgers, which were replaced by salads, lentils, rice and chicken breast.

Unusual menu items

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