Maxim Fadeev mother's nationality. Wife and son of Maxim Fadeev - a tragedy in a happy family


There are many stars on the domestic stage who have gone through a difficult path before becoming famous. The stories of some of them are so tragic that one involuntarily wonders how these people have the strength to keep smiling. We will talk about a person with a big heart and great willpower in this article. His name has become synonymous with the success of musical projects. His authority is indisputable in musical circles. He simultaneously manages several projects and manages to do everything, despite their diversity. We are talking about the producer, performer, director, musician and arranger Maxim Fadeev.

Fadeev is a very open and positive person.


early years

A multifaceted talent was born in the city of Kurgan on May 6, 1968. The Fadeev family was very creative. Mother Svetlana Petrovna Fadeeva, a gypsy by birth, a performer of Russian and gypsy songs and romances. Father is an honored worker of arts, a composer. He is the author of music for more than 20 performances. His music sounded and sounds in the productions of the Kurgan and Shadrinsk Drama Theaters and the Gulliver Puppet Theater.

Cheerful and smiling teenager - the future brilliant producer

We can say that the life path of the future artist was determined from childhood. At the age of five, Maxim begins attending a music school. By the age of 13, he had already learned to play the bass guitar tolerably. At the age of 15, Fadeev entered two departments of the music school at once - conductor-choir and piano. Along the way, Maxim continued to master the instruments, then it was an acoustic guitar.

It often happens that new outlooks on life are due to sudden changes in life or something extraordinary. In the life of Maxim, the first such case was a terrible event caused by a congenital health problem. At the age of 17, Fadeev's heart disease worsened while exercising in the gym. He was taken to intensive care, where he experienced clinical death. His heart stopped beating and the doctor was forced to do direct heart massage with her hands. Fortunately, the doctors managed to bring Fadeev back to life. It was a real miracle. Much later, in 2015, in the Tonight program, Maxim Fadeev will talk about this and meet with the doctor who saved his life.

Life after death

After what happened, Fadeev rethought a lot for himself, began to think about things that he had not paid attention to before. It was then that he began to write songs and seriously thought about a musical career. The first experience is the song “Dance on broken glass”. Even in his youth, he sang in a local group at the Palace of Culture, but then there were no serious thoughts about creativity. The next step was the place of the backing vocalist in the Convoy group, however, having quarreled with the leader of the group, Fadeev left it. It so happened that after some time, the leader himself left the group and the musicians called Maxim back. As part of the "Convoy" Fadeev traveled to thousands of villages, performed at discos.

Group "Convoy" and soloist Maxim Fadeev, one of the later photos

The creative potential of Fadeev, as a creator of music, was unimaginable. Naturally, he wanted to break through and move on. In 1989 he went to the music competition "Jurmala-1989". Having passed the zonal selection in Yekaterinburg and the subsequent selection in Moscow, Maxim is ready to participate further. True, the competition is already turning into Yalta-1990. Fadeev takes 3rd place and receives not only a cash prize, but also a certain fame. True, fame is not as a performer, but as a talented musician. He begins to receive orders for arrangements, writing musical intros and jingles. At the same time, he met Fyodor Bondarchuk, who in 1991 shot for him a very innovative, unusual for his time video clip for the song “Game without Fire”. Until 1993, Maxim lives and works in Omsk, then in Yekaterinburg, continuing to engage in creativity. In 1993, he decided to move to Moscow, with the support of Sergei Krylov.

Moscow. Dreams. Unformatted

Moving to Moscow, Fadeev was full of hope and creative ideas. He had long outgrown the province, and it seemed that his talent would be fully developed in the capital. It turned out that Max was mistaken. He gets a job as an arranger in a recording studio, which he collaborates with many pop stars of that time. His clients were Larisa Dolina, Valery Leontiev, Vyacheslav Malezhik and many others. However, no one was interested in his own work. On all TV channels and radio, he heard only "no" and "not the format." This can be understood now - his music was far ahead of its time, but then the novice performer despaired. The constant "no" killed in him the desire to develop a solo career and he abandoned attempts to take place as a performer.

Acquaintance with Linda

At the end of 1993, Fyodor Bondarchuk asks Maxim to "see" the singer Svetlana Geiman. According to Fedor, a truly talented performer was in search of a great arranger. Since then, the super-productive collaboration between Fadeev and Svetlana, who took the stage name "Linda", began.

Fadeev and Svetlana "Linda" Gaiman

Fedor himself met Linda when he was filming a video for her first popular song "Playing with Fire" for her. Then Yuri Aizenshpis was its producer, however, the cooperation was terminated and Fadeev was invited to rework the existing arrangements. Linda's stylist was the famous Alexander Shevchuk, and the jointly invented image was formed under the influence of the image of the American singer Madonna. Fadeev invited his former group "Konvoy" to work on the arrangements, and a new gothic image was developed jointly with stylist Daria Ukhacheva. The first fruit of the joint work was the composition "Little Fire", for which a video was shot. The song was included in Linda's debut album "Songs of Tibetan Lamas", which made a splash after its release. Innovation in terms of sound, presentation and style did not go unnoticed. Linda's popularity grew like a powerful avalanche.

A star named Linda

In 1995, the presentation of the released album was held at the Yubileiny stadium. In the same year, an album of remixes "Dances of Tibetan Lamas" and a video for the song "Circle by Hand" were released. Linda gets recognition not only among ordinary listeners. Prizes from various magazines and festivals are pouring in like from a cornucopia. In 1995, Linda was named singer of the year by three different sources. Maxim Fadeev understands that he is very interested in producing activities precisely after the start of cooperation with Linda. In parallel with his work with Linda Fadeev in Germany, he writes music for films and hatches plans to create a group. "Oil plant" - this name was chosen by Maxim.

In 1996, the second numbered album "Crow" was released. Conceptual music and deep lyrics created a fantastic combination. The songs are widely rotated on radio and television, the created image is copied by subcultures throughout Russia. After filming the clips "North Wind and Crow", Linda's popularity reaches a peak, which will last for quite some time.

A curious case, unique for the Russian stage, is connected with the release of the clip "Crow". After the presentation of the video in 1997, foreign specialists from the headquarters of the American singer, who were famous for their scouting abilities, finding interesting ideas even where others would not look, created an image similar to Linda - a woman in black, crows, ethnic sound. By the way, to work on the album "Crow" Fadeev attracted specialists in ethnic instruments, the choir of Scottish grandmothers and the children's choir "Kalinka".

End of cooperation with Linda. Moving to Germany

In parallel with his collaboration with Linda and writing music for films, Fadeev paid attention to his own work. Despite the lack of motivation and special desire, he did it more for himself. In 1997, his album "Scissors" was released, which was not understood upon release. But, as always, it became almost a cult after a while. But then, in 1997, his songs were very reluctant to take on the radio. There were also problems with concert performances - Maxim became very stout and embarrassed of his appearance.

Maxim Fadeev - 1997

Working with Linda was very productive and resulted in 5 full-length albums, several collections, video clips and a huge number of awards. 9 times Linda was recognized as the singer of the year according to various publications and music festivals. The apogee of their popularity can be called a concert at the "Singing Field" in 1997 in Kyiv. The event had an unprecedented scale and went down in history, becoming a record holder. The collected 400 thousand spectators is the maximum that Russian performers managed to collect. In 1999, the collaboration between Linda and Maxim ended. The Convoy group stayed with Linda.

Then Fadeev decided to move to Germany. There were a lot of talks and rumors, but Maxim revealed the real reason for the move quite recently. It was due to distrust of Russian doctors, and his wife Natalya was pregnant with her second child. That is why they moved to live in Germany. And since cooperation with Linda was terminated, nothing kept Maxim at home. Fadeev, after a short pause, created new bands - Total in 2001 and Monokini in 2002. Collaborating with his brother, who wrote music for Monokini, Fadeev vividly reminds of himself.

Unique fresh sound, recognizable style - the bands are becoming very popular in Russia, and Fadeev himself begins to receive interesting offers from Russia.

Return to Russia and new projects

In 2002, two significant events take place - Fadeev launches a new project "Gluk'oza" and receives an offer to become a producer of "Star Factory - 2" from Konstantin Ernst. Seeing great prospects on the Russian stage, Maxim returns to Moscow. The mysterious Gluk'oza project shoots very powerfully. "Star Factory" is also at the peak of popularity, and the previously created bands "Monokini" and "Total" are dearly loved by the public.

Then no one knew who was hiding behind the cartoonish daring blonde from the mega-popular video “I Hate” and Fadeev skillfully fueled the growing hype. Later it will become known that Natalia Ionova is hiding behind the image of a bad girl. Their acquaintance with Fadeev was amusing and very strange. At the premiere of the film "Triumph", for which Max wrote the soundtrack, Ionova, who lives in a hotel above the producer, vomited from above his balcony. Yes, then Natalya led a very controversial lifestyle, but, nevertheless, Maxim was able to discern potential and talent in a daring hooligan. She did not want tours, interviews and magazine covers, Fadeev did not want her to continue this lifestyle. They were able to work together, however, to maintain order, Maxim had to hire a "nanny" for the hooligan - a former FSB officer who closely followed the girl, preventing her from committing anti-social acts. Hiding the performer, Fadeev created a whole mini-animated series with a three-dimensional blonde in the title role.

Fans could only see Glucose live at the final concert of Star Factory 2 in June 2013. The singer, songs and video clips for them received various awards many times. And based on a series of clips, a computer game was even created.

Production on a massive scale. The conquest of the Russian stage

In 2003, Maxim Fadeev created his own production center, and also became a co-owner of the Monolith Records label. The recently completed "Star Factory - 2" opened the way to the stage for many talented performers. Among them:, Pierre Narcisse, Irakli, Elena Temnikova and Yulia Savicheva. The last two, after the end of the music competition, continue their successful cooperation with Fadeev. Also, the producer begins cooperation with Katya Lel.

In 2006, the trio "Serebro" was founded, with Elena Temnikova becoming the main soloist. Like all Fadeev's projects, the new trio instantly gains wild popularity and already in 2007 takes part in the Eurovision Song Contest, taking a high third place with the song "Song # 1".

Unfortunately, the original composition has undergone changes and only Olga Seryabkina sings in the group from the very beginning. Elena Temnikova did not comment on her departure from the group for a long time. However, after some time in one of the interviews. As for the Serebro group, they are still at the peak of popularity, their videos on youtube hold the first places in the charts on television, and the participants themselves are constant leaders in voting for the sexiest girls in Russia.

Trio "Serebro" - 2016

In 2007, together with the matured Natalya Ionova, Fadeev created the Glucose Production company, which deals with the affairs of the Glucose brand and shoots the cartoon Savva. Heart of war. Work on it began back in 2007, but the cartoon was released only in 2016. The prototype of the protagonist was the son of Fadeev Savva, all the music and the script for the tape were written by Maxim himself. Despite the support of the stars of Russian show business, the cartoon turned out to be rather weak and was coldly received by the public. But Fadeev himself is not to blame for this. It turned out that during the production process, the producer, known for his gullibility and kindness, was deceived several times. Therefore, the production of the tape was so delayed and the output was not a sufficiently modern and high-quality product. But the soundtrack to it was flawless.

Maxim Fadeev on television

In addition to active production activities, Maxim actively cooperates with TV channels and constantly flashes on the TV screen. The first experience was the second "Star Factory" in 2002-2003. Then he repeated his cooperation with Channel One in the field of "Factory" in the fifth season, where he collaborated with Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. In the future, he again received an invitation to participate in the project “Star Factory. Return", but refused. Interestingly, Pugacheva also declined the invitation. “I'm used to working with Fadeev and without him I won't be in the project,” Alla Borisovna commented on her decision.

In February 2014, the premiere of the show “Voice. Children". Fadeev was a mentor and his ward Alisa Kozhikina won the final of the show. In the same year, Alisa represented Russia at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Dreamer" written for her by Maxim and Olga Seryabkina. She placed fifth.

Fadeev and his ward Alisa Kozhikina

In 20115, in the second season of The Voice. Children” was also won by Fadeev’s ward Sabina Mustaeva. Fadeev refused to participate in the third season, citing personal reasons for the refusal. In addition to the children's Voice, Fadeev acted as a jury at the Main Stage competition on the Russia-2 channel.

Personal life Fadeev's personal tragedies

In addition to the tragic incident in his youth, when Maxim's heart stopped working, fate more than once dealt painful blows to a talented person. He married once and still loves one woman - Natalya. She, under the pseudonym Dasha Ukhacheva, worked as a stylist in Linda's team. They met in a very strange and romantic way. When Maxim was looking for a girl for the first clip of the Convoy group, Natalya came to the casting and Fadeev fell in love at first sight, still not knowing a name, nothing about his wife. She was going to leave that day, but Maxim miraculously persuaded her to stay. Three months later, he proposed to her. They have been together for over 25 years. They lost their first child, a girl, during childbirth, through the fault of obstetricians. In the future, Maxim will refuse the fee for the show “Children. Voice".

The fact is that my wife Natasha and I once experienced a tragedy - due to a mistake by doctors, we lost our first child, a daughter ... Maybe that's why all the participants in the show are like family to me. I can't charge money for talking to them.

Later, in 1999, in Germany, their son Savva was born, in which Maxim does not care.


Very often, the kind and sympathetic Fadeev had to endure the betrayal of loved ones. Linda, the project that he created from the beginning to the last stroke, under the influence of his father, who sponsored the project, left the producer, while childhood friends, the Convoy group, left with her. Maxim does not like to remember this episode, but in an interview he was forced to resurrect unpleasant events in his memory a couple of times.

I am sure that all the changes in our relationship occurred solely due to the influence of her dad, who acted as a sponsor. He was told various stories about me, horror stories and lies, and he believed me. And he began to behave like an elephant in a china shop. Instead of weighing everything, analyzing, coming and just talking. There were some threats, ridiculous insults and accusations. It was ugly. This is where our paths diverged. I left. Linda and I never spoke after that. But as far as I know, they still consider me enemy number one. They keep saying bad things about me. It's such a disgusting story that I don't even want to talk about it. And in this situation, the most terrible thing was that for the sake of my own ambitions, my friends betrayed me. We decided to stay and work in the project even after my departure. All to one.

He experienced similar pain when one of the most terrible events for a person from the world of music happened in his life. He suddenly lost his hearing. Not completely, but everything he heard was terribly distorted. Almost everyone turned away from him, except for the family and friends of Lolita and Nikolai Baskov, who continued to support Fadeev in every possible way. Fortunately, the hearing was eventually restored. Maxim resorted to the help of Chinese traditional medicine, and Dr. Hu restored his hearing with acupuncture and other procedures. Despite the limited opportunities, Fadeev was able to write several songs even without hearing almost anything.


Despite everything, Maxim continues to believe in people.

I only got stronger. But he did not stop believing in people, he began to work with other artists. It is impossible, because of someone's dishonesty, no matter how painfully it hits you, to put an end to the attitude towards man and his nature in general. Although this story is indicative in the sense that it is a vivid example of the producer's activity, which is sometimes incomprehensible to the layman. It is often believed that the producer is some kind of evil guy who just makes money from unfortunate performers. This is wrong. An artist is a picture that a master paints. An artist can create a canvas that will be admired by everyone, or paint a picture that will have limited success, or even turn out to be invisible and faded.

He claims that he does not feel any negativity towards either Linda or his former friends from the Convoy group, but their paths have diverged.

Maxim Fadeev now

The producer continues an active creative life. Under his caring wing, the Serebro group and Yulia Savicheva are still working. In 2014, the talented Nargiz Zakirova, who won second place in the Voice show a year earlier, joined his team. Their collaboration is very productive, and the recently released one for a long time held the first place in almost all the hit parades of the country. New wards also appeared: Oleg Miami, the 4G children's group, Sasha Zhemchugova, Eva and Nyuta.

Maxim opened together with the singer Emin Agalarov a children's cafe "At Uncle Max", which is wildly popular. Interesting workshops, meetings with stars, concerts and competitions are constantly held in the cafe.

The largest milkshake cocktail in Russia was created at the opening of the restaurant "Uncle Max"

The institution is famous for its unusual serving of dishes, constantly changing program and star guests.

In 2013, Maxim bought a hotel on the island of Bali, which he converted into a personal villa. He spends most of his time there. He likes the philosophical attitude to the life of local Buddhists. And they, in turn, love Maxim very much. He put up a huge Buddha statue on his property and is always kind to the locals. For this, he will receive from them the respectful nickname "Buddha-man." The artists of his production center often visit the good uncle Maxim in Bali. Exotic birds live on the territory of the villa. According to Max, he is happy in unity with nature there.

Nargiz at the Buddha statue at Fadeev's villa

Maxim himself has recently decided to take up his appearance and physical form. With almost 70 kilograms overweight, he promised not to shave off his beard until he lost weight. For a year on a diet, he lost twenty kilograms and is not going to stop. We wish good luck to the talented person!

Ever since childhood, I adore the creativity, music and projects of Max Fadeev - high quality, interesting, fresh. But, as often happens, very little is known about his personal life, therefore, after reading an interview with Max Fadeev's family, I decided to post it in its entirety.

It shows the ambitions of young wives, and their mistakes, and real family happiness. So I read it with a grain of salt.

Almost nothing is known about Max Fadeev's wife. Information slipped that she was the stylist of the singer Linda, sang for Gluk'Ozu and her name is Dasha Ukhacheva. Trying to find Dasha, I went through all the address and telephone directories. But neither in Moscow, nor in Kurgan, where she comes from, there were no women with such a name and surname. Then I decided to call Max himself. First, his mother, Svetlana Petrovna, picked up the phone,

Max Fadeev's parents

Photo: Max and Artem Fadeev's parents: Mom - Svetlana Petrovna and Dad - Alexander Ivanovich are also professional musicians.

Maxim Fadeev about his parents: "My father Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev is a composer, honored teacher of the RSFSR. Mom Svetlana Petrovna is a choir teacher, a performer of romances. Great-uncle Timofey Belozerov is a Soviet poet, a street in Omsk is named after him. Grandmother is a student of the brilliant Lydia Ruslanova. So we have this probably family."

and then passed it on to her youngest son, Artem, who is less known in wide circles, but, according to knowledgeable people, no less talented composer and arranger than Max.

Brother of Max Fadeev - Artem

Photo: composer, producer and arranger Artem Fadeev

You're trying in vain, - Artyom laughed good-naturedly. - In fact, Max's wife's name is Natalya Fadeeva, and Dasha Ukhacheva is her pseudonym.

Natalya Fadeeva (Dasha Ukhacheva) - Max Fadeev's wife

Photo: Maxim posted this photo on August 12, 2015, the birthday of his wife Natasha Fadeeva.
By signing: "20 years ago, a tradition appeared in our family. On my Natasha's birthday, I always give her 1001 flowers! So yesterday I congratulated her."

Photo: Max Fadeev with his second wife Natasha and son Savva.

Before Natasha, Max Fadeev's wife was Galya

In 1988, our dad, having left the post of head of the Kurgan Musical College, became the artistic director of the local philharmonic, says brother Artem Fadeev. - It was in the hands of both me and Max. I could safely skip classes, because at that time I was a student at the school, and Max, who is seven years older than me, fulfilled his old dream - he created the Convoy group at the Philharmonic.

Having the opportunity to tour the villages and nearby cities, Fadeev began to receive his first money. But even in those days, they were ridiculously small. A salary of 70 rubles was barely enough for Max to support his young wife Galina.

Galya and Maxim did not live long, - says Svetlana Petrovna. - First daughter-in-law ran away from my son to one of Maxim's friends. Then I changed my mind and decided to return. But no matter how she begged him, her son did not forgive her. She made a mistake and now she's paying. Her second husband turned out to be a drug addict and a bandit. She ran away from him with a child and now trades in the market. Recently I met her, she called me mom and admitted that she didn’t love anyone except Max.

And Max noticed Natasha in Kurgan when he selected girls to participate in the video of the Convoy group, ”Artem continues. - She danced in the crowd. When her brother saw her, he immediately said: "This is my future wife." And so it happened.

In the summer of 1990, when Max and Natasha rented a miserable apartment without a telephone on the outskirts of Kurgan, on the threshold suddenly appeared popular in those years, the singer Sergei Krylov. He had heard a lot about the young talented Kurgan musician Fadeev and, having arrived on tour in the Trans-Urals, came to his house to get acquainted. He also suggested that Max move to the capital.

At first, the couple settled with a friend, and then rented a one-room hut not far from the ring road. The stocks of stew and condensed milk that the couple brought with them quickly ran out, so young people often went hungry.

Remembering those years, my brother loves to tell the story of how Natasha once found an old potato behind the stove, cooked it and, savoring it, enjoyed herself for a long time in the company of her beloved spouse, Artem said.
Home music making

Everyone with whom I had to communicate excitedly spoke to me about Natasha's selflessness. They also said that for the sake of the family, she abandoned her career as a singer.

Rumors that Ionova (Gluk'Oza) opens her mouth to songs recorded by Max's wife have been circulating for a long time. According to radio producer Mikhail Kozyrev, Fadeev thought of creating a kind of virtual project: so that there would not be a living person on the stage, but a computer character singing from the big screen. But the Russian listener was not ready for such an extraordinary move, everyone wanted to see the performer with their own eyes, so they had to hastily look for a girl who would open her mouth to the songs performed by Max's wife. Here is what Kozyrev says about this:

I clearly remember that Fadeev immediately declared: “My wife will not go on stage and will not go on tour. It's iron." I answered him: “Is it with our income from the sale of discs? Then you need to figure out how to return the money, and maybe even earn money! - "I'll figure it out!" Max said. I came up with - this whole well-known story with a girl.

The famous PR man Alexander Kushnir supports the same version:

I will talk about facts. And the facts are as follows: first, Fadeev showed me an absolutely finished album, where on some songs a pickle sounded so that the pirates would not steal it. And Natasha Ionova appeared only a year after that. I remember that my old friend, the president of Universal Music Russia, Dmitry Konov, once publicly uttered the phrase: "The voice of Fadeev's wife belongs to Natasha Ionova." By the way, I mentioned this story in the book "Headliners". After its release, I waited for lawsuits from disgruntled producers and artists, whose cards I revealed. But none of the trenches leaned out. A somewhat different version was presented by a participant in one of Max's now forgotten projects:

Max's wife actually sang on the first disc. At first they were just fooling around. She, of course, does not have outstanding vocal abilities. But after all, everyone knows that with the current technical capabilities, even an absolutely voiceless one can sing. But when the question became an edge, Max rested: “I won’t let my wife go on stage!” Then they rushed in search of a girl corresponding to the created legend. And then Natasha Ionova sang in the given manner herself - and this is not so difficult.

- Did Max's wife play music? - I asked the most exciting question to the mother of the Fadeev brothers.

Yes, don’t listen to these gossip, - Svetlana Petrovna immediately stopped the conversation on a sensitive topic, realizing what I was getting at. - Natasha is at home. She is so caring, the main thing for her in life is her son Savva, he is now ten years old, and her husband Max. She never thought of any scene. Well, judge for yourself whether she was up to the songs: when Max promoted the Gluk'Oza project, Savvochka at that time was not even two years old. The son and daughter-in-law trembled over him. After all, before that they experienced a terrible grief - their first child, a girl, died. Therefore, Max could not have come up with such an idea - to promote his wife as a singer.

- Well, at least at home, for herself, Natasha sings? I asked Artyom.

Here you are, probably, at home, you also sing - according to your mood, - the producer's brother retorted. - Max's wife has no musical education. Of course, purely theoretically, as Natasha Ionova sings, anyone can sing. And Natasha Fadeeva can too, but Max as a producer does not need it!

Payback for betrayal?

All these rumors are not true, - Artem continues to be indignant. - If you remember, Gluk'Oza appeared after Linda. It seems to me that talk about Max's wife went from the side of her father's entourage. Of course, I am not blaming anyone, but simply expressing my point of view.

With the father of the singer Linda - banker Lev Geiman - Max met in 1994.

He offered the young musician to conclude a contract - to compose songs exclusively for his daughter Sveta, who became Linda in show business. Max happily agreed and gave out successful albums that brought popularity to his ward, and solid fees to him. Natasha Fadeeva also worked on the same project. After graduating from stylist courses abroad, she helped her husband come up with images for aspiring singers. The project brought the spouses long-awaited material well-being.

In 1997, Maxim and his wife moved into a huge two-level apartment in a new district of Moscow - Northern Butovo. At the same time, the novice producer moved his mother and brother from Kurgan to the Moscow region, buying them a 2-room apartment in the city of Fryazino. And at the same time, grief happened to Max - the long-awaited little daughter died.

The producer decided to change the scene to distract himself. In 1998, Max Fadeev and his wife moved to Germany, in a small village near Nuremberg. At first, Max continued to compose for Linda. But a crisis broke out in Russia, Geiman's bank burst. In addition, Fadeev no longer wanted to work with only one performer and dreamed of new projects. He made an unexpected offer to his recent benefactor: Linda should release a video where she sings in a straitjacket, and then leave show business for two years. At the same time, she should not give any interviews, perform and appear on television. Linda's managers were taken aback by such an unexpected move, because under the contract, Max was supposed to release the singer's next album.

At that time, Fadeev complained to his friends that unknown people threatened him. And Gaiman's people, commenting on the break with him, did not get tired of repeating that Max had a difficult character and he did not fulfill his financial obligations.

Linda's entourage, of course, followed the promotion of Gluk'Oza with great jealousy. And if you stick to Artyom’s version, it’s completely possible: after learning about whose voice first sounded in the new project, Gaiman’s people made efforts to make the Fadeev family secret come out.

Family is not for songs

When I got through to the Fadeevs, I asked how Artyom's wife, Tatyana Zaikina, was doing. More than six years ago, she appeared on the scene under the name Monokini. By the way now Monokini performs under the name MoNa (MoNa) and blogging -

The aspiring singer came from Volgograd. Her friend, the “manufacturer” Irina Dubtsova, helped her find the Fadeev brothers. The girl impressed not so much with her vocals as with her spectacular appearance. Max wrote an album for her, and Artem fell in love and offered to marry. But the new producers soon lost interest in her and abandoned the project. This year the term of the contract with ARS expires. It was rumored that the Fadeev brothers were going to light the Monokini star again.

Artem and Tanya divorced back in November last year, Svetlana Petrovna stunned me. - Lived for six years, but did not have children. Tanya kept dreaming that she would finally sing. But she herself is to blame - she betrayed Artem, went to another. What a stupid thing to do! Artemka loved her so much and often told me: “My wife is a miracle, I can’t live without her!” She'll never find a guy like her! He even persuaded her to stay, humiliated himself. How many times have I told her: don't repeat the story of Max's first wife! Tanya has nothing to be offended by us. They dressed her like a doll, lived in abundance, walked in gold, wanted a car - please. Every year they had two vacations abroad, wherever they were! Artem built a house for her sake on the Novo-Rizhskoye Highway, swung over 450 square meters. Lately, I've been feeling like they're on the verge of breaking up. Tanya every evening went for a walk alone - to the clubs. Returned at midnight. Subject endured. He said: "Let him work up and calm down."

After Tanya Monokini, Artem started dating Elena Temnikova. Then Lena still sang in the group Serebro (Serebro).

But in May 2014, Elena left the trio, after in July (many write that in April, but it’s not exactly clear) 2014, Lena married a 32-year-old businessman named Dmitry, and on March 27, 2015 Temnikova gave birth to a daughter. (

After leaving her husband, Tatyana changed her phone. And her friends told me that she was hiding from everyone - she was afraid of something. As I was assured, she did not go underground because of Artyom. They say that Monokini came under the influence of the son of some very wealthy parents. He seemed to be a drug addict and a very unbalanced type. According to her acquaintances, Tanya was really looking forward to the end of the contract with the ARS company, hoping to go on stage again. Only I wasn’t sure that Artyom also wanted this. The Fadeev family set her up in a homely mood: both Max, and Artem, and Natasha, and her mother-in-law urged her to give birth to a baby and devote herself to the family.

Artem wrote a new album. Perhaps he would have given it to Tanya, ”said Svetlana Petrovna. - But now I know for sure: Olya Koryagina, who left VIA Gra, will sing these songs. You will see - in the fall there will be such a bomb! And Artyomka will not be left without a wife. A lot of girls run after him. At least Olga Seryabkina from the Silver group. But he is now close to someone else. She is not a singer, her name is Ira. Good one: homely, loves to read, enjoys knitting. I hope they will have a strong family, like my Maxim and Natasha.

People who know Max closely say that he was strongly affected by the break with his first wife Galya. For a long time he could not survive that she had left him. And Natasha Fadeeva did not sing from the stage, not only because she was engaged in little Savva. Max Fadeev, knowing well the mores of the party, fears that his wife will be dizzy by "star disease" and she will leave him. He inspired the same fears in Artyom. Natasha was obedient, and Monokini showed character.

A talented music producer with a unique ear and voice, Maxim Fadeev is the hero of today's article. Projects and musical groups under his leadership are very popular in Russian show business.

Maxim Fadeev is a hereditary musician whose name is on everyone's lips today. The works of this famous producer and composer are not only successful, but also original, different from the masses of others. Maxim Fadeev collaborates with many Russian stars, which the whole country knows about and far beyond its borders.

Max Fadeev is one of the most sought-after composers and producers in the country, fame came to him a long time ago, and there are many more masterpieces ahead that will win the hearts of listeners. Height, weight, age, how old is Max Fadeev - all this can be found on the network, which is regularly done by many of its users. His height is 180 cm, but the data on weight are contradictory, all because the man has been obese all his life. Perhaps his weight is related to heart problems that he has from a young age. Max Fadeev recently celebrated his 50th birthday.

On the Internet, there are a lot of photographs depicting Max Fadeev. Photos in his youth and now of a famous singer and composer are often viewed. Throughout his life, he often changed his image, especially at a younger age.

Biography and personal life of Max Fadeev

The biography and personal life of Max Fadeev is very interesting and quite voluminous. The composer was born in Kurgan, in a family of musicians. Father - Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev - was engaged in musical accompaniment of many performances, a singer and composer; mother - Svetlana Petrovna Fadeeva - singer (Russian and gypsy songs); brother - Artem Alexandrovich Fadeev, composer.

At the age of 17, due to intense training, Max Fadeev went to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a heart defect, then he was on the verge of death.

He began his musical career by participating in the Convoy group as a backing vocalist, and later as a soloist.

This was followed by work as an arranger, cooperation with the popular Valley, Leontiev. The music of Max Fadeev always stood out and differed from others, which did not always play into his hands. Only after some time, this will allow him to become one of the eminent producers of the country.

At any song contest and TV show, Max Fadeev is always a welcome guest, jury member or judge.

In the personal life of the composer, everything is smooth and calm. He is happy, after many years of marriage with his only and beloved wife Natalia. Max Fadeev and Natalia had a son, whom the couple named Savely.

Family and children of Max Fadeev

Max Fadeev's family and children are his main value in life. Despite the popularity and fame, his heart has always belonged to only one woman. Acquaintance with the future wife happened in his youth, when Max Fadeev was only standing at the origins of his career. According to the composer, when he first saw Natalya, he immediately decided for himself that she would certainly become his wife. Soon, the couple legalized the relationship and to this day they are happily married.

It is interesting that the popular producer turned out to be an avid family man, as evidenced by the trees ennobled by him in his own dacha.

The son of Max Fadeev - Savely Fadeev

The son of Max Fadeev - Savely Fadeev, was born in 1997. The guy is very similar to his father, and if you compare the photo of Max Fadeev in his youth and his son Savva today, then almost the same face.

Savva decided to choose the profession of a photographer, he is studying at the directing department. Despite the fact that Max Fadeev and his family are well off, the father always wanted his son to achieve everything in his life on his own and not spoil Savva. The boy went to an ordinary public school, studied well and is the pride of his parents.

Natalya and Max Fadeev annually arrange a photo shoot for their son's birthday, in which both kiss Savva. It's kind of a nice family tradition.

Daughter of Max Fadeev

Unfortunately, the family of the popular composer was not without sad moments. Long before the birth of Savva's son, Natalia was carrying the daughter of Max Fadeev. The child grew and developed normally in the womb, but due to a medical error, the girl died during childbirth.

This tragedy will be remembered for a long time in the memory of the Fadeevs. Many couples who have suffered the grievous loss of their child break up, but the strong union of Natalia and Max Fadeev survived this, they were able to withstand all the trials and live on.

Today, they have an adult son, Saveliy, whom his parents are very proud of.

Max Fadeev's wife - Natalya Fadeeva

Max Fadeev's wife, Natalya Fadeeva, went through all the trials with her husband, from the hungry 90s to long evenings, in which she always and patiently waits for her husband from work. The producer has a busy schedule, he has a lot of work, and therefore, his wife for him is not only a beloved woman, but also a friend who will always support in difficult times.

The composer associates Natalya Fadeeva with warmth and tenderness, comfort, which is so lacking on long business trips. In the photos that can be seen online, Max and Natalia look very happy. At many social events, Max Fadeev appears with his beloved wife. Their union is an example to follow, because not all star couples can boast of a family idyll.

Instagram and Wikipedia Max Fadeev

Instagram and Wikipedia Max Fadeev enjoy unprecedented popularity. The composer's social network has over 1.5 million subscribers. Here Max Fadeev often indulges his fans with fresh photos and videos. There are also family photographs, in particular with a son, in which the producer does not like the soul.

Wikipedia will help anyone who wants to carefully read the detailed biography of Max Fadeev. He is also registered in many other social networks - Facebook, Twitter, owns his own website.

The country-famous singer, producer and composer continues to delight listeners today with wonderful works and new projects.

Maxim Fadeev is a well-known producer, author of lyrics and compositions, a mentor in many shows that are broadcast on Russian channels. Thanks to his work and promotion, the domestic show business saw many new artists. We are talking about the Silver group, Yulia Savicheva, Pierre Narcisse, Linda, Nargiz.

Family and childhood

Maxim Fadeev was born on Kurgan. From childhood, the future celebrity was fond of music. Already at the age of five, pronounced creative abilities were clearly manifested. Maxim Fadeev's mother perfectly performed romances, and her father was a composer. The grandmother of the future producer was a student of the legendary Lidia Ruslanova. His great-uncle was a very famous poet in the USSR.

Maxim is not the only child in the family. He has a brother Artem, who was also able to realize himself in the creative field. In particular, he writes songs. At the age of 20, Fadeev began playing the bass guitar when he unexpectedly landed in the children's room of the police. The bully was punished by the fact that he had to master this musical instrument. Fadeev became so interested in studying that the guitar became a part of his life. After graduating from middle school, the future celebrity entered a specialized school. As a specialization, he immediately chose two faculties. At the age of 17, Fadeev was seriously injured. The treatment was long, so the first songs of the composer were born during it. The debut of them was called "Dance on broken glass." He really liked this occupation, so Fadeev seriously began to think about a specialized career.

First appearances

In his youth, Maxim Fadeev had his own musical group. The team functioned under the Youth House of Culture. Young people performed covers of the songs of legendary foreign performers. Seeing a talented guy, the organizers invited him as a soloist in the Convoy group. It was not difficult for Fadeev to copy Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury.

The band was often sent on tour to small villages. There, the musicians performed at rural discos. The team was quite famous in Kurgan. Moving to Moscow In 1989, Fadeev became a participant in the Jurmala competition, which was later renamed Yalta. During the event, he proved to be excellent. He managed to take an honorable third position, so he was shown on central TV channels. This was enough for a successful start to a career, because the event is very important.

A talented guy was noticed by Sergey Krylov when he came to Kurgan on tour. He came to Fadeev's house to meet personally and listen to the songs. As a result, the artist invited a provincial musician to the Russian capital and promised to help him get settled.

Fadeev was very flattered by this offer, but he did not immediately take advantage of it. The musician understood that he had not yet grown to the level of the capital. For some time he lived in Yekaterinburg and Omsk. Only then did the future producer decide to move to Moscow. He was accepted to one of the recording studios as an arranger. Then the novice specialist was offered to work with Vyacheslav Malezhik, Valery Leontiev, Larisa Dolina.

Producer experience

If we talk about production, then the first experience was in 1993. Actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk invited Fadeev to listen to the singer, who later became known under the pseudonym Linda. Cooperation with the performer lasted for six years. The project enjoyed incredible popularity, critics noted that the product presented on stage is of very high quality. This partnership was the beginning of other contracts. Soon Maxim Fadeev was offered to write several songs for films. Often at work, the musician flew to Germany and the Czech Republic.

At this time, the reality project "Star Factory" successfully launched on Channel One. The first season was so successful that the casting for the second started immediately. Producer Konstantin Ernst offered to become exactly Fadeev. Then he discovered many names: Elena Temnikova, Glucose, Irakli, Yulia Savicheva, Narcis Pierre. The girl from the cartoon Natalya Chistyakova Ionova was considered perhaps his most successful project. Fadeev began working with this artist even before the start of filming in the star house. The musician still communicates with the artist today. He even agreed to be godfather to one of her daughters.

In 2007, his wards, the Silver group, were sent to the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest. Sexy girls in black suits, located next to microphone stands, conquered all of Europe. According to the results of the voting, the Russians got an honorable third place, the second place was taken by Ukraine represented by Verka Serduchka, and Serbia took the main prize. In 2018, together with Timati, Maxim Fadeev began working on the Songs project on the TNT channel, where he again discovered new talents.

Personal life

Maxim Fadeev always dreamed of creating his own children's school of musical art. To implement the project, the creative person developed an exclusive concept. Another dream is the formation of an animation base. In other words, a native of Kurgan believes that children should be made into artists. At the age of 23, Fadeev met his future wife, whom he fell in love with at first sight. The couple quickly got married. In marriage, the son Vyacheslav was born, who is also fond of music.

Fadeev has his own villa on the Indonesian island of Bali. He often goes there to be alone. The house is located 25 meters from the ocean. Bananas, coconuts, mangoes are grown on his own plots. During his life, the producer planted at least 2.5 thousand trees. Few people know, but since childhood, Fadeev loved to write fairy tales. Until now, it has not gone into the open press. Works were written only for reading to children at bedtime. All journalists are used to the fact that Fadeev is an open and direct person. He constantly, without hesitation, criticizes the musicians of his production center. Sometimes his actions towards them are cruel.

Producers are among those people who are constantly in public, they are often credited with various novels, especially with their wards stars, and Maxim Fadeev did not stand aside. However, in this case, the conversations and rumors about him and Glucose, Linda and the members of the Silver group are absolutely groundless. They are all separate individuals who have never been seen in a love relationship with Max. Maxim Fadeev's wife is a real beauty, he has lived with her in a happy marriage for more than 20 years.

Maxim Fadeev's wife photo

The personal life of Maxim Fadeev is something secret, not as bright and rich as his work. His wife's name is Natalya, and ex-wife Galina stayed with him in a short marriage, after which she went to a close friend, today nothing is known about her and no attention has been paid to this person since Fadeev divorced her.

In Kurgan, Maxim created the Convoy group, it was 1988, and a little later, for his video, he recruited girls, among whom was the same Natalya. At that moment, Fadeev immediately realized that this was his future wife, the rest was not long in coming. In the same year, Sergei Krylov persuaded Fadeev to go to Moscow. It was a difficult period, I had to live in different corners and even starve. It even happened that Natalya took out one potato over the stove, cooked it and had dinner with Maxim.

Acquaintance with the famous banker with Lev Geiman bore fruit, the man suggested that Max Fadeev write songs for his daughter Svetlana, Linda's project soon appeared, it was a real sensation on the stage. Natalya was engaged in work on the image, the joint efforts of husband and wife brought stability, the family began to feel material well-being. Having saved up money, they bought a two-level apartment in Northern Butovo, and later in Fryazino, later Maxim and Natalya bought housing for their parents. Natalya Fadeeva, the wife of Maxim Fadeev, often recalls the trials of poverty that she had to go through, how terrible it was. The first pregnancy occurred in 1997, but the girl died as a result of a medical error. It was the strongest stress for a woman, Max Fadeev's wife was on the verge of life and death, as this caused very heavy bleeding.

Maxim and his wife went to a small town in Germany in 1998, there was a period of serious crisis, when the businessman went bankrupt. Maxim Fadeev had a contract, but he gently suggested that Linda leave the stage, starring in a video in a straitjacket. Svetlana's father got angry and threatened Fadeev.

The work of Maxim Fadeev with Glucose also gave rise to various rumors, but his wife still recalls that she did not treat any woman with whom Max worked jealously. Natalya sings very well, although the producer never wanted her to be a singer, it was she who sang Glucose's first album. Such projects are widespread in Korea and Japan, when a singer enters the stage and the phonogram sings, this is a delicate studio work.

Natalya Ionova was an unremarkable girl, later Maxim Fadeev became the godfather for her child. He did not want to advertise his wife, let alone send her on tour, so the songs were urgently transferred to Glucose, at that time she did not have great vocal abilities, but it was not difficult to teach her.

Family and show business

The biography of the Fadeev family includes a huge number of projects that brought considerable fees, wonderful girls participate in them. Fadeev's brother was married to Monokini, later met with Elena Temnikova. Maxim Fadeev gave himself completely to his wife, and Natalya remained faithful to him. Son Savva was born in Germany, the clinic where Natalya gave birth was at the cathedral, one might say church, when they returned to Moscow, the boy was still small. At that moment, another strong blow awaited the woman, Max lost his hearing, and it is simply impossible for the composer to survive this.

Nobody needs a deaf musician, many representatives of show business turned their backs on him, Maxim Fadeev, his wife and son again experienced difficult times. There are many artists who remained loyal only to him and continued to work. Fadeev even wanted to go to the taiga to die slowly, this ailment was painful for him, but there was a Chinese doctor who performed effective treatment and helped restore his hearing. A new branch of life has come, the wife and husband overcame the disease and survived everything.

A photo of Maxim Fadeev's wife can often be seen on the Internet lately, a man gives his wife a thousand and one roses on her birthday. They bought a house in Bali and they are all resting there together, in 2018 they are waiting for new projects and further serious work.

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