Malikov biography personal life. Biography


Dmitry Malikov is in his own way a unique phenomenon in the Russian musical world. He is both a prominent representative of show business and classical music school.

Dmitry was born in Moscow on a harsh January day in a creative family. His father was and still remains a famous musician, founder of the VIA "Gems", and his mother at that time was an excellent dancer, then she became one of the soloists of "Gems". Now she serves as the director of her son's concert band.

Since the parents often toured, the grandmother was engaged in raising the boy, and later his sister. "Gems", created in the 71st year, quickly gained popularity and in the early 70s literally thundered throughout the USSR.

Dima was given to study music early - at the age of 5. In addition to music, the boy was also fond of sports, he played hockey well. Despite his musical abilities, Dima was not too happy with piano lessons, moreover, he ran away from them. His parents hired him a well-known Moscow teacher who came to the Malikovs at home. The apartment was on the first floor, and the boy just ran out of the window to play football with the guys. The indignant teacher sternly reprimanded the grandmother for the tricks of her grandson and claimed that he would never be a musician.

However, the parents nevertheless forced the boy to sit down at the piano, his father left the belt in a conspicuous place, and Dima had to study at a music school.

In a regular school, he studied well, he liked his studies and was given easily. Dima did not have an obstinate disposition, and the sensitive upbringing of his grandmother gave its shoots. Dima grew up to be a very decent and kind person.

He started performing on stage early. As second-graders, he and Volodya Presnyakov already created their first team, in which Dima played the piano, and Vova played the drums. Dmitry also often performed at school holidays. As a teenager, he himself began to write songs, one of which he performed at one of the concerts at the age of 15.

Early successes in music

After graduating from the 8th grade, he entered a music school, at the same time he began his creative activity. He performed songs of his own composition from the stage and played keyboards in his father's band. His songs quickly became famous. Thanks to his talent and good looks, he quickly gained popularity among the domestic public, especially among the female half of it. At the age of 20, he already gave solo concerts at the Olimpiysky. Dmitry wrote songs not only for himself, his works were performed by other pop stars.

And at 22, he starred in the film "See Paris and Die", where he played almost himself.

His first album was released in 1993, after the debut he released new discs every year until 2002.

After graduating from the music school, Dmitry entered the conservatory, which he graduated with honors in 1994.

In addition to pop activities, Dmitry has always paid a lot of attention to classical music. In parallel with pop concerts, he gave concerts of classical works on the piano. His performances took place in Germany, later he even released an album of instrumental music. And in 2007, Dmitry saw the light of a large-scale project called "Pianomania", which is a symbiosis of classical and ethnic Russian music in a modern arrangement. Dmitry himself believes that the viewer needs such a project today, since there is some decline in Russian culture, which is why it is so important to bring serious music to the masses. Major concerts were held in many cities under the auspices of this project.

Dmitry also works as a producer. One of his brainchildren is the Plazma group, and he also produces two more young performers.

The singer is involved in charity work, in 2011 he founded the Penetrating the Heart Foundation, which helps the disabled and children with serious illnesses.

Since 2012, Dmitry has been leading the Good Night, Kids! He is pleased to be the host of this program, he loves to do good deeds, especially for children.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry has been happily married for a long time. The famous singer Natalya Vetlitskaya became the first common-law wife, but they did not live together for long and broke up at the initiative of Natalya.

At 22, he met his current wife Elena. She is older than Dmitry and then she was already an accomplished designer. The beautiful Elena had to be conquered. From the 92nd year, they began to live together and raise their daughter Elena from their first marriage. And in 2000, when their joint daughter Stephanie was born, they suddenly decided to get married.

When the couple came to the registry office to register the child, they were told that there would be a dash in the father column. Then Dmitry decided to marry here and now, which they did. Now my daughter is already 15 years old, and she is taking her first steps on the stage. Although Dmitry believes that the future of his daughter is not in music. The couple believe that she will become a doctor.

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And Elena Malikova, who have been together for 25 years, first became parents in 2000. Now their daughter Stefania Malikova is 17 years old, she is studying at MGIMO and taking her first steps in show business. In general, she has become quite an adult and is about to fly out of her parental nest. But star parents will definitely not be bored. Yesterday it became known that Dmitry and Elena Malikova became parents again. True, this time with the help of a surrogate mother.

The second child of the Malikovs was born in St. Petersburg. So far, neither the singer himself nor his wife have commented on the event. By the way, for Elena Malikova, the child became the third. She has an older daughter from her first marriage. She also graduated from MGIMO. In addition, she studied in Paris. Elena's eldest daughter is married and has already become a mother herself. She and her husband, businessman Jamal Khalilov, are raising their daughter Anna.

Elena and Dmitry Malikov with daughter Stephanie at her last call at school

Elena and Dmitry Malikov with their daughter Stephanie, who went to first grade

Information about the appearance of a second child with Dmitry and Elena Malikov was confirmed in an interview with Channel Five by the mother of the singer Lyudmila Vyunkova. She also noted that now she is all in worries. Meanwhile, journalists have already managed to find out how much the services of a surrogate mother cost the star family. According to media estimates, based on the price list of the elite St. Petersburg clinic of reproductive medicine, where the second child of the Malikovs was born, the birth of a second child cost about two million rubles.

It is also currently known that the singer himself has not yet seen his son. At the time the boy was born, Dmitry Malikov was on tour in Yekaterinburg. The artist told media representatives that he needed time before he could give a full comment.

Dmitry and Elena Malikova in 1993

Dmitry Malikov with his daughter Stephanie in photographs from the family archive

55-year-old Elena Malikova answered all critics and ill-wishers, advising not to pay attention to the numbers in the passport.

Singer Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena became parents for the second time on January 24: the baby of the star couple was born in a clinic in St. Petersburg. The musician's heir was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother. Elena admitted: she and her husband were not going to tell the general public about their son and intended to keep the news of his birth a secret for as long as possible.

The plans of the star couple were violated by one of the clinic staff, leaking information to one of the TV channels. And then Malikov himself on Instagram told his fans that he had become a father. It was not in vain that the star couple wanted to avoid publicity, because along with congratulations and wishes of happiness to the newly-made parents, quite offensive remarks sometimes fly on social networks. The comments discuss the late motherhood of Elena, who will celebrate her 55th birthday in February, i.e. reaches retirement age, she is 7 years older than her husband, and the fact that a surrogate mother carried and gave birth to the Malikovs' child.

Elena decided to answer all ill-wishers through Instagram. The artist's wife advised critics not to look at age and not be afraid of the numbers in the passport, but simply live and enjoy every day - the way they do with Dima. The birth of a baby brought great happiness to their home, and now the couple began a new life.

« Good morning! I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for the kind words and congratulations, and even THANK YOU for the malicious comments - your poison and sting released into my address train my soul!? I would not like to enter into polemics with the whole world, but those who consider it necessary to comment on our personal life should also hear my point of view. So here it is! You can have a different attitude towards life and age - get annoyed with the young, beautiful, rich, be afraid of old age and tomorrow, think about death with horror ... But there is another way - just be happy every day, love those who are nearby, take care of them, do not sit still, but act, do not become limp, but develop and, finally, do not look into your passport - there is nothing new and interesting there. Moreover, be sure to forgive the offenders, in my opinion, INSTAGRAM was sent to us for forgiveness?. And the last! Thanks to the birth of our son, one more love on this earth has become! ❤. I wish you happiness!”, wrote Elena Malikova.

Fans in the comments reassure Elena: do not pay attention to evil and envious people, the main thing is the happiness of the family and the birth of a baby. " You are great! It is such a joy and an incentive to be better, get younger and learn new things.”, - the followers write, - “K Of course, becoming parents at a late age is a big responsibility, but people in their 20s are far from succeeding».

Many women took the side of Malikova, who, like Elena, are sure: at 40, life is just beginning.

« We have a sick society, unfortunately, a lot of frames, restrictions, artificially grown in the minds of people!- writes one of the subscribers. - Age, height, bank account status and a bunch of other parameters by which society strives to live! And for some reason it is decided in our sick society that after 40-45 years a woman dies. She is, but there is nothing to take from her! Now, I despise this limited approach. I have friends who are not interested even at 30. And we need such examples as Malikova! Let these fragrant, beautiful, and self-confident women become millions of times more! With the birth of a baby!»

Dmitry and Elena have not yet come up with a name for their son - the parents are sorting out all the possible options, but have not yet settled on a single one. The Malikovs brought their son from a St. Petersburg clinic to Moscow on January 29: a beautifully decorated nursery was waiting for the newborn. Then the couple decided to show the boy to their fans by posting a touching family photo on Instagram. In the photo, Malikov gently kisses his wife, and the tiny brother, dressed in a blue suit, is holding the daughter of a star couple Stephanie in his arms. Caring parents covered the child's face with a smiley face. The photo appeared on Elena Malikova's Instagram. Without restraining her emotions, the artist's wife spoke about how she lost her parents, and again found a happy family, only when she married Dmitry:

« I was the only child in the family Elena wrote. - Beloved, smart, beautiful, but the only one. When I was 20, my mother suddenly died, then my father. I was saved from the horror of what had happened then by my, still very little, daughter Olya. Just because she was. After some time, my life changed dramatically - I met Dima, thanks to him I found a wonderful family: he, his parents, sister, grandmother, aunts, nephew, our wonderful daughter and son ... Family is a team! Where one is for all and all is for one! And the more young players in it, the stronger it is».

The birth of a baby was the best birthday present for Dmitry Malikov: on January 29, the musician celebrated his 48th birthday. The news that the artist had a son was a complete surprise for everyone. Many at first decided that this was a hoax, because recently Dmitry has constantly surprised his fans on social networks with incendiary posts and videos in which he jokes a lot and gives non-trivial advice.

The former sex symbol of the 90s is experiencing a new wave of popularity, becoming an Instagram star. Moreover, in the large army of his fans there are ladies of all ages - from 15 to 60 and older. It is not surprising that the news about the birth of a son from a surrogate mother was initially perceived on the Internet as another bike. And only when the composer confirmed that he and his wife really became parents, the fans showered him with congratulations.

Recall that 48-year-old Dmitry and 55-year-old Elena Malikov have been together for a quarter of a century. The couple got married 25 years ago. In 2000, they first became parents. Their daughter Stefania Malikova is now 17 years old, she studies at MGIMO and works as a model.

One of the most popular pop singers of the Soviet and Russian stage is Dmitry Malikov. He drove women crazy with his luxurious hair and radiant eyes.

In the mid-90s of the last century, a talented performer suddenly stops singing and begins to fruitfully engage in classical music. It was in this capacity that he was recognized and loved by the European and American public.

Dmitry Malikov is currently an exemplary family man, husband and father. Recently, his long-awaited son was born to him, which the star of the 90s told himself on Lera Kudryavtseva's show "Secret for a Million".

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Malikov

In the 80s of the last century, the artist becomes incredibly popular. At this time, he begins to host the Wider Circle show program. His style, unusual for that time, attracts numerous girls who know everything about the star, including height, weight, age, how old Dmitry Malikov is.

The artist recently turned 47 years old, about which he truthfully and frankly told on the TV show "Secret for a Million". With a height of 183 centimeters, the popular performer weighs 85 kilograms.

Dmitry Malikov, a photo in his youth and now which can be easily found on social networks, plays sports, leads a healthy lifestyle.

Biography of Dmitry Malikov

Dimochka, as the parents called the future artist, was born in the early 70s of the last century in the center of the metropolitan metropolis. Father - Malikov Yuri Fedorovich and mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, a popular artist, sang in the VIA "Gems". Dmitry was not brought up alone. He has a younger sister, Inna, who also sings songs, but unlike her brother, she is not as popular.

In childhood, the future singer was fond of sports, dreaming of becoming a famous football player. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, who dreamed of seeing Dima as a great pianist, he ignored music lessons. But at the age of 14, to the surprise of all his relatives, the young man began to study at a music school. After some time, Dmitry could be seen at the piano. Among other things, he began to compose songs that were later performed by the most popular performers of the Soviet Union: Sofia Rotaru, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Katya Semyonova. They performed the compositions of a talented young man and his father's VIA "Gems".

At the age of 20, a talented young man himself sang his composition. It was then that the biography of Dmitry Malikov became popular. He began to play keyboards in the team "Gems", which was headed by his father.

After college, the artist studied at the Moscow Conservatory. It was at this time that he became incredibly famous. Together with Katya Semyonova, the young man led the popular show program "Wider Circle".

Since the 90s of the last century, Dmitry has been increasingly interested in playing the piano. In 1992, the pianist toured Europe, causing a sensation everywhere.

Dmitry wrote a large number of songs and compositions. The artist played in 3 films and several show programs. Malikov is also appreciated by professionals. He has been awarded 15 awards.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

The personal life of Dmitry Malikov has attracted the attention of many of his fans since the late 80s of the last century. Since that time, many of the most popular artists have been included among the companions of the popular musician. According to rumors, he was in a romantic relationship with Katya Semyonova and some other colleagues in the artistic workshop.

Since 1992, Dmitry has been in a relationship with his current wife. At first they lived in a civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stephanie, the couple officially registered the marriage. Recently it became known that the couple recently had a son, who was presented to them by a surrogate mother.

Family of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov's family was artistic. His father in the early 70s of the last century organized a vocal and instrumental ensemble, which became a kind of symbol of the Soviet era. Then he and his wife sang in it.

It is not surprising that the children of such creative people did not follow in their footsteps. First Dmitry, and then his younger sister Inna became performers.

At present, his daughter Stephanie has become a singer for a popular artist. Dmitry himself writes songs for his favorite, which immediately become popular and go to the people.

Children of Dmitry Malikov

The children of Dmitry Malikov are loved by the popular Russian composer and performer. He does not divide them into his relatives and adoptive ones. The daughter of his wife from his first marriage, Olga Malikov, considers his own. He adopted the girl at school age and gave her an excellent education.

The Russian pop star of the early 90s of the last century loves her daughter Stephanie very much. He posts a large number of her pictures on his Instagram page.

Recently it became known that a son was born in the artist's family. The composer and singer Dmitry Malikov himself spoke about this in the Secret for a Million show program.

Son of Dmitry Malikov

At the end of January 2018, the star of the Soviet and Russian stage again became a father. A boy was born in the family, who was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother. Dmitry Malikov himself announced this joyful event when he came to the studio of the Secret for a Million show program. What name was given to the heir is still unknown.

The son of Dmitry Malikov, according to the stories of the singer himself, was born healthy. His weight is 3.7 kg, and his height is 53 cm. The couple are very happy about this event, but so far they do not give any information about their son, carefully protecting him from the excessive attention of journalists.

Daughter of Dmitry Malikov - Stefania Malikova

At the beginning of the new millennium, a popular pop singer became a father for the first time. His wife gave him a daughter, whom it was decided to name Stephanie. From childhood, the girl amazed others with her talent. She dreamed of becoming a popular performer. For several years, Dmitry did not say anything about his beloved heiress, but in 2013 he himself posted pictures of his daughter on his Instagram page.

During her school years, Stefania was very fond of music and literature lessons. Mathematics made her resentful. But despite this, the beloved heiress of the popular artist of the 90s of the last century graduated from school with an excellent certificate. In it, only in hated mathematics is four, and in other subjects, fives flaunt.

Now the girl is studying at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. She celebrated her 18th birthday by receiving gifts from her parents and grandparents.

The daughter of Dmitry Malikov, Stefania Malikova, has been performing on the stage since 2016. She sang several songs that were written for her by her father.

The girl very successfully participates in model shows. Recently, she very successfully presented a new collection designed by the famous Russian couturier Valentin Yudashkin.

Stefania is currently dating Leonid Gruzdev. Young people plan to marry in the future.

Adopted daughter of Dmitry Malikov - Olga

True love overcomes all barriers. When Dmitry met his wife Elena, she already had a schoolgirl daughter. The popular performer soon adopted the girl. She became his beloved eldest daughter.

After school, the adopted daughter of Dmitry Malikov, Olga, entered MGIMO. After receiving the specialty, the girl went to France for an internship. Currently, she is one of the most sought-after photographers in the Russian Federation.

In 2015, Olga married businessman Jamal Khalilov. In 2016, a girl was born in the family, who was named Anechka. The popular performer himself proudly wrote about this event on his Instagram page.

Former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

In the late 80s of the last century, young people met. Dmitry was only 17 years old, Natalya was a year older, but the girl had already managed to be married and divorced. Katya Semyonova introduced the future common-law spouses on the program “Wider Circle”. They started dating. Just a few weeks later, the lovers began to live together.

Almost 3 years lasted cloudless happiness. But then the couple began to move away from each other. After meeting with Elena, Dmitry did not hide anything. He honestly and openly told his ex-wife that he fell in love with another. The former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov, Natalya Vetlitskaya, did not keep her husband. They parted peacefully and without recriminations. Until now, former spouses sometimes communicate, congratulate each other on holidays and significant events.

Dmitry Malikov's wife - Elena Malikova

In the early 90s of the last century, the artist met a woman from whom he immediately lost his head. He was not stopped by a 7-year age difference and the presence of a child with a chosen one. Soon the lovers began to live together. After 2 years, the popular performer officially adopted the daughter of his civil wife. After the birth of their daughter Stephanie, Dmitry Malikov and his beloved woman formalized the marriage union.

Dmitry Malikov's wife, Elena Malikova, is successful in everything. She takes care of the house and children, develops her own models of clothes. The woman played in several films. Currently, she is engaged in a little son, who was born to the spouses by a surrogate mother. Elena herself offered Dmitry to resort to her services, since she had already crossed the 50-year mark and could not give her husband a child herself.

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Malikov

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Malikov are very active by the popular artist. Here you can learn a lot of information about the life and creative activity of the artist, and various sources allow you to maximize your knowledge.

On the page on Instagram, the star of the 90s uploads numerous pictures taken both during his popularity and now. There are a lot of photos of his beloved daughter Stephanie here.

Pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki also exist. They are run by fans of a popular artist who tell fans about their idol.

Malikov Dmitry Yuryevich - Russian singer, composer and pianist, he was born on January 29, 1970 in Moscow. In 1999, the musician was recognized as the Honored Artist of Russia. In 2000, he was awarded the Ovation Award. In 2007, Dmitry becomes the best singer of the year. He participated in the filming of movies and TV shows, tried himself as a TV presenter, recorded several albums with instrumental and vocal compositions. Despite his mature age, the artist looks young and fresh, full of strength and energy. His amazing optimism infects numerous fans who follow the musician's life on social networks.

First songs

The musician grew up in the family of Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Fedorovich Malikov and ballet soloist Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova. Dmitry also has a sister, Inna. To date, parents continue to support their son, Lyudmila Mikhailovna is the concert director of Malikov.

The father of the future artist was the creator and leader of the famous ensemble "Gems", his wife later became the soloist of this group. The couple constantly toured the country, so their son was raised by his grandmother, Valentina Feoktistovna. She was condescending to her grandson, forgiving him petty pranks. The family lived in the "House of Composers" on Preobrazhenka.

From a young age, Dima dreamed of becoming a hockey player. Along with studying at a regular school, he went in for sports, and also learned to play the piano. The music teacher came home to the Malikovs, the restless boy immediately ran away through the window. This upset Valentina, because she dreamed of a career as a singer for her beloved grandson. At the age of 14, the boy managed to write his first song called "Iron Soul". The listeners took it well, after that the thoughts of a sports career were gradually replaced by music.

From 1985 to 1989, Malikov was a student at a music school, after which he successfully entered the Moscow Conservatory on the course of Valery Vastelsky. In 1994, Dmitry graduated from an educational institution with honors. Even during his studies, he played the keys in his father's ensemble "Gems" and continued to write his own songs. Some of them entered the group's repertoire, later Dima's compositions were also performed by Larisa Dolina.

Unexpected popularity

In 1986, the young man was first invited to appear on television. He performed on the show "Wider Circle" with his song "I'm painting a picture." The words to this composition were written by Lilia Vinogradova, in the future she repeatedly helped Dmitry in creating lyrics. A year later, Malikov was invited to the transfer of Yuri Nikolaev "Morning Mail". There he sang the song "Terem-Teremok". After this performance, the audience fell in love with the guy, a huge number of letters from fans came to his address.

In the summer of 1988, the song "Moonlight" took the first position on the "Sound Track" hit parade. At the same time, the artist performs on the big stage with the compositions “You will never be mine” and “Until tomorrow”, the last of which is still considered Dima's hallmark. He is invited to participate in the New Year's "Lights", the musician is officially recognized as the "singer of the year", and Malikov's clips are played on all channels. Already in November 1990, his solo concert on the stage of the Olimpiysky Sports Complex gathered a full house.

Other achievements of the musician

In 1992, Dmitry decides to try his hand as an actor, and he succeeds. The artist played a major role in the film "See Paris and Die", and the audience also remembered his cameo in the TV series "My Fair Nanny". At the same time, he continued to improve his musical abilities. In 1995, he performed Franz Liszt's concerto with the orchestra in the "Paradise Cocktail" program.

Two years later, Malikov goes on tour to Germany, he gives several concerts in Stuttgart. This program is later released on a disc called "Fear of Flying". Instrumental compositions written by the artist often become soundtracks for popular films, series and TV shows. In 2001, the second album was released in a similar style, it was called "Game". This time, Dmitry not only composed his own melodies, but also created several new arrangements for popular pop songs. In 2000, the artist becomes the producer of a new group called Plazma.

In 2007, a new project of the composer called “PianomaniYa” was released. Professional musicians took part in this show, the concert combined the traditions of Russian classics and modern arrangements. Two concerts were held in Moscow, each time the artist managed to collect a full house. Subsequently, a disc with a recording of this show was released, it was sold out in a matter of days.

In 2010, the singer went on tour with a new classical music show "Symphonic Mania". He performed together with the Taranda Russian Ballet, the symphony orchestra and the choir of the Novaya Opera Theatre. This program was presented in 40 cities of France. In 2012, Dmitry created a social project for children, in which he gives master classes in different cities, revealing new talents. Also, since 2012, the artist has been the host of the Good Night, Kids program.

In 2013, Malikov participates in the second season of the television show "Battle of the Choirs", which was broadcast on the channel "Russia 1". In 2015, the musician's thirteenth album is released; on January 29, he arranges a big solo concert dedicated to his 45th birthday.

Artist's personal life

For several years, Malikov lived in a civil marriage with singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. They later broke up due to selfishness on the part of both partners. After the break in the life of the artist came a difficult period. Fans began to forget the singer, in addition, in the early nineties, he lent a large sum to a friend. When Dmitry once again came for money, the friend's wife showed him an album with old photographs. On one of them, the man saw designer Elena Isakson and fell in love with her at first sight.

The woman had a daughter, Olga, who immediately became friends with her mother's new lover. Since 1992, Dima and Lena began to live in a civil marriage. On February 13, 2000, the couple had a daughter, Stephanie, only then they decided to officially register their relationship. Elena is 5 years older than her husband, but this does not interfere with their happiness at all. Malikov is in love with his wife, like 24 years ago, he considers her his best friend and helper in life.

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