Small Business: Ideas for Beginners and Niche Tips. The most profitable type of small business in Russia


Any novice entrepreneur thinks about how to optimize the income received from running their own business. The question of which areas and areas of business are the most promising and profitable in the shortest possible time with minimal investment is always on the agenda. After all, no one wants to invest and waste precious time on a project that is obviously a failure.

Consultants at trainings assure entrepreneurs that any project can be made profitable. But the risks can be significantly reduced if you carefully analyze the needs of the target audience, as well as think over the strategy and calculate the business plan of the intended enterprise.

What you need to know before starting a business

Factors to be taken into account when business planning:

  • First you need to draw up a plan of expenses that the initial capital of the entrepreneur should cover.
  • The factor of competition must be taken into account. The smaller the settlement, the lower the competition and the wider the field for the implementation of their ideas. But you also need to take into account that the needs of the target audience can naturally be lower in a small city, as well as sales volumes.
  • Of course, satisfying the basic needs of people can be a good business idea for an aspiring businessman. This includes the following areas: medicine, food and household goods, clothing industry and points of sale. Therefore, the opening of pharmacies, food, hardware or clothing stores, hairdressers is a win-win option. Especially in high traffic areas.
  • It is better to rely on ideas for business and areas for their implementation, in which the entrepreneur is well versed.

In order to determine which business is the most profitable, it is necessary to highlight factors that determine its "profitability":

  • The speed of the return of money plays an important role, because it is more profitable when the sales income is returned as soon as possible from the moment of cash investment.
  • A profitable business should focus on an area in which there is a great demand from consumers.
  • Profitability, that is, income should increase in parallel with the amount of goods or services sold.
  • The low price at which raw materials are purchased increases the profitability of the business.
  • The return on assets shows how correctly the investments were made and whether they pay off with the profit received.

Small business

Starting a small business will require minimal labor and financial investments. You can gather a small group of people from among your acquaintances and do repairs, clean apartments, or open a budget fast food, cafe or kiosk selling inexpensive goods, such as hot dogs or soft drinks.

Not so long ago, the most sought-after business was network marketing, the principle of which was the sale of goods directly from hand to hand without renting premises. Examples of such successful projects are Oriflame or the Forex exchange.

The most promising business areas

Let us consider in more detail the most profitable business areas where you can implement a successful business project.

  • About meeting the basic needs of people has already been listed above: food, medicine, clothing.
  • An important area in which there is a high demand covers the computer industry, the implementation of technology. Installation and repair of computers, sale of equipment are always in demand.
  • Plumbing: sinks, bathtubs, toilets. Services for their repair, sale and installation are highly valued in Russia.
  • Design services as the most profitable business. People love to be surrounded by not only functional, but also beautifully designed things. In demand: logo design, advertising design, PR services.
  • Real estate services for the purchase and sale of real estate. The need for housing is also included in the list of basic needs of people according to Maslow's pyramid.
  • Another important need is the desire to feel safe. Therefore, alarm installation services and security companies are popular.
  • The sale of cars, their repair and maintenance, replacement of spare parts - all this is one of the most profitable business areas. The means of transportation is an important attribute of the life of a Russian in a country with large distances between settlements.
  • Education, opening private universities, conducting trainings. Any field of activity has a need for well-trained specialists.
  • Brokerage. Stock markets have exploded in popularity in the last decade. An example is the Forex exchange, whose turnover is about 4.7 trillion. American dollars. Profits are received by brokers, banks and market makers, that is, people who organized the exchange, while customers basically lose their money.

Pros and cons of the tourism business. What you need to know to open your own travel agency.

  • One of the most profitable types of business in Russia has become the sale of alcoholic and tobacco products.
  • vending business. Requires only the cost of buying and installing vending machines that sell coffee or replenish telephone bills. It does not require large investments and efforts, you only need to occasionally change consumables. Brings passive income.
  • Promising areas of business include the development of high technologies, PC maintenance, and programming. Today, the Internet business is also actively gaining momentum and is rightfully included in the TOP of the most promising business areas.
  • The construction of small forms of real estate remains promising. Corruption in this segment is lower than in others. The demand for spacious housing built according to European standards in Russia is currently very high.

It is worth taking a closer look at online business as the most relevant business in the age of high technology. E-commerce is a type of small business that operates financial and trade flows through the Internet. This type of business guarantees:

  • the ability to quickly and dynamically exchange information;
  • perform electronic marketing;
  • trade on the Internet;
  • convert electronic currency into rubles;
  • transfer large amounts of money in electronic monetary units;
  • use Internet banking services;
  • insure your business on the Internet;

You also need to take into account the circumstances, the time of year. For example, in summer you can make good money selling air conditioners, and in winter - heating systems.

The easiest business

Simple types of business, as a rule, are not very profitable. These include the following.

  • Growing and selling food. Many have summer cottages where they grow vegetables: cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. Further, food products can be sold on the open market, because they will always be in price.
  • If you learn how to cook exclusive dishes, then you can sell them through an online store, arrange the delivery of your goods to restaurants or as business lunches to offices.
  • If a person knows how to handle children, then you can organize a private kindergarten right at your home or in a special room, eventually recruit educators and continue to receive income from parents.

In addition to the last point, the sale of children's toys should also be added. Now hand-made products are especially popular, made by hand using only environmentally friendly materials. An example is the business of selling Bumvyazhiki.

A new, unique and promising franchise. By purchasing it for 59 thousand rubles, the franchisee will have a great opportunity to earn big money, as well as devote himself to an interesting and promising business.

Paper bags are unique, funny and very cute dolls. They are made from completely safe and very soft material. These dolls are loved by children, especially girls. Flapjacks combine simplicity, usefulness and unique appeal.

Not every toy can be as simple and interesting as Paper Bags. This ensures a great consumer interest in this product, and, consequently, a high profit for the franchise owner.

The most unprofitable areas of business, or how to protect yourself from bankruptcy

Perhaps, the sale of book products becomes an unprofitable area of ​​activity in the era of the popularization of the Internet. Of course, there is a need for educational book materials, but almost any other type of book products can be downloaded on the Internet. Therefore, it is more profitable to open an online bookstore, as the owner of the Amazon website did, quickly becoming one of the richest people in the world.

Also, with the increase in computerization and the spread of personal computers, computer clubs are losing their popularity.

But if the business becomes unprofitable, then you can try to fix it by paying attention to the following factors.

  • Pay attention to a thorough check of cash costs, cutting unnecessary costs.
  • Attracting partners interested in business development.
  • The company's expense and income statements must be up-to-date and accurate.
  • Increasing the qualifications and interest of employees.
  • Compliance with generally accepted industry standards.
  • Prevention of the possibility of theft by employees.
  • Interview with employees to get acquainted with the problems existing at the enterprise.
  • Position in the market, familiarization with similar products presented by competitors, drawing up a new business plan that would include points on which the company can overtake competing firms.
  • Development and implementation of a PR campaign that emphasizes the strengths of the business as an advertisement among the target audience.
  • Revision of the company's policy regarding the target audience. Conducting surveys to accommodate her needs.
  • Comparison of price and quality of the company's products. Decrease in the cost of goods in case of their non-correlation.
  • Classification of the client base to develop an individual approach strategy for each group.
  • Accounting audit.
  • High protection of company data.
  • Investing money in the acquisition of new technologies and industries.
  • Structure analysis.
  • A flexible social ladder for well-performing employees.
  • Reassessment of staff actions and staff reduction.
  • It is possible to reorient the company's activities to more interesting and promising projects.
  • If necessary, the division of the company into a part that performs old tasks, and a part that has to deal with new projects.


In order to determine for yourself which business is the most profitable and relevant, and subsequently open your own successful business project that is guaranteed to work in a short period of time, you need to think it over, plan well, taking into account many circumstances and nuances that can dramatically affect the course affairs.

  • You need to decide for yourself in which area it is better to open a business, based on the requests of potential customers, geographic location and the market for the goods presented in a particular region. After all, it is demand that generates supply, and this is perhaps the key factor that will affect the course of business - a skillful analysis of the target audience for which the final product is oriented.
  • It is necessary to stake on promising and simple directions of business development.
  • You also need to be able to come up with an innovative solution that can quickly gain a wide customer base, find advantages that will advantageously distinguish your business from competitors.
  • It is necessary to take care of advertising and promotion of goods. A close-knit team will be an important attribute of success.

Comprehensive consideration of the tasks set and ways to achieve them is the key to success in building your business in Russia. Small business is quite young, and many niches are still unoccupied, and the inexperienced Russian consumer has a wide range of potentially profitable requests.

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Own business is not only an opportunity to improve financial well-being. Entrepreneurs get a great chance to improve the world and give others new perspectives. Many believe that the modern world offers fewer and fewer opportunities to start, all niches are occupied, and spheres of influence are distributed. The era of making profits by only meeting the minimum requirements in terms of customer satisfaction is indeed over. The consumer really has the right to receive the best services and goods. But also each of us is looking forward to something new. Customers, like children, want to be surprised and pampered with new “toys”. The world is evolving and new needs are emerging. Their satisfaction, fresh and original ideas become the basis of successful business projects. We will introduce you to these ideas.

“Fresh and good ideas for trading”

Shop that pays to enter

In the small Australian town of Kurparu, there is a shop that specializes in selling gluten-free products called Celiac Supplies. Recently, the store has become famous, and its name began to appear even in the headlines of foreign publications. The reason is an innovation invented by the hostess. Customers pay for the right to enter the store. The price of the entrance ticket is low and is 5 Australian dollars. Pensioners, people with disabilities and children are exempt from payment. A visitor who buys a product in a store receives a discount that is equal to the amount paid for entry.

Store owner Georgina explains the innovation quite sensibly: “People come in, look at products and prices, go out and buy the same products in another store. Why should I waste my time and energy and work for free?” Georgina is trying to convey a simple concept - there are things in the world that get for free (sun, air, birdsong), but someone else's work should be appreciated with dignity.

The innovative approach to trading was met with mixed reception. Many criticize the entrepreneur, someone openly ridicules her. On the shop page on Facebook, there is a serious debate about the appropriateness of such approaches.

But Georgina nevertheless achieved a certain result. Although there was no tangible increase in profits, there were much fewer thefts and idle onlookers in the store. But in terms of advertising, Georgina has achieved an outstanding result.

What is the essence of this Australian store example? Look for non-standard approaches to attract customers. Ads with offers of "the best" or "lowest" prices are rather boring and do not attract the expected influx of visitors. Promotional poster that reads “We are the greediest salespeople in town. We are so insolent that we demand money for entry!” will produce the effect of an exploding bomb and will attract many new customers to your store. They will come to you only for the sake of watching and having fun. And be sure to buy at least some trifle.

Without packaging

The lack of packaging significantly reduces the cost of any product. This technique does not always work, but in some situations it brings additional income. This principle is used in the work of Bulk Barn (Canada). The network of trading establishments has installed special glass vending machines in which customers can choose various goods. More than four thousand items are sold without packaging: loose tea and coffee beans, cereals, flour, spices, nuts, dried fruits, sweets and many others. In addition to a pleasant price, the network is developing a new direction to refuse plastic packaging materials that pollute the planet. It is worth noting that the idea works and brings huge profits to the owners of the company.

We sell muesli

This business idea was awarded the title of the best young enterprise in Germany in 2013. The business was created by three friends from the city of Passau. Young entrepreneurs managed to meet the starting capital of 3,500 euros.

The essence of the idea is simple and ingenious. The guys created an online store selling muesli. Customers are given the opportunity to choose a variety of, but always only organic ingredients and mix them as they wish. The assortment includes several types of cereal bases, a huge variety of fruit additives, nuts. The store also offers high-quality varieties of tea, fresh juices, healthy cereals, coffee.

In 2007, when the business was just being created, it consisted of one outlet and an online store. Now it is a developed network with about 200 employees.

Master class on the correct sale of men's jeans

It is generally accepted that shopping is an exclusively female occupation. For most men, any trip to the market or to the store turns into a real torture. Standard shelves, on which various items of clothing are laid out in piles in several rows, cause melancholy and despondency in men. Most of them consider finding and trying on the right size a waste of time.

Nadya Shurabura, who created the innovative Hointer jeans store in the American city of Seattle, made a wise decision to take into account the peculiarities of male psychology and create the most comfortable conditions for customers.

The store sells only men's jeans, flocks of ladies chirping and choosing goods do not distract or embarrass the representatives of the stronger sex. There are no endless racks with folded jeans. Only hangers located on the beams. The product is facing the buyer with the front. Each model is presented in the hall in only one size, although all options are in stock.

Customers are offered a convenient application for a mobile device. With it, you can scan the QR code of the model you like and specify your size. Literally within a few seconds, a notification arrives on the buyer’s device indicating in which of the fitting rooms the ordered jeans are waiting for him. The model that you like and fit is paid at the checkout. Everything that does not satisfy the buyer is sent to a special hole in the fitting room.

Men will agree that such shopping conditions can be considered ideal.

Freeosk - a special tasting machine

The very first devices of this type were created by the German confectionery company Stollwerck in 1887. Customers were offered the opportunity to try sweets before buying. Since 2013, Chicago supermarkets have revived this tradition and installed special Freeosk machines. To install a free tasting machine, it is important to choose the right location and place for the maximum concentration of the target audience.

The benefit of customers is obvious - the opportunity to try new products for free. The benefit of the supermarket is less obvious to the uninitiated layman - cheap marketing research of the interests and tastes of buyers. It is not worth talking about how much the positive image of the trading network rises.

Delivery of purchases to the airport

The popular Australian retail store Woolworths offers its customers a new service - the ability to order and pay for goods through a mobile application. The purchase is delivered to the airport and handed over to the client after the aircraft has landed.

This service aroused great enthusiasm among business people and tourists and immediately began to be in great demand. A tired traveler upon arrival in the city no longer needs to head to the store to fill an empty refrigerator with food. Everything can be ordered in advance and received at the exit from the airport.

“Ideas for restaurant business”

Entrance with pre-purchased tickets

The owner of the Chicago restaurant Nextrestaurant Grant Achatz spied this idea from the airlines. You can enter the territory of the airport only with a plane ticket purchased using an online service. A similar system works in this restaurant. It is simply unrealistic for a visitor "from the street" to get into it. Entrance is allowed only for those who have paid in advance for a certain menu in advance through the system of applications on the Internet.

The innovation was liked by the visitors, who now do not need to wait for a vacant table and order fulfillment. Menu prices depend on the day of the week and time of day. The most expensive option is Saturday evening, on weekdays and at lunch the cost of the order is much lower.

The menu of the restaurant changes drastically at least once every 3 months. The previous option is never repeated. The restaurant offers dishes of different national cuisines and has an immense supply of ideas. The institution is extremely popular, there are no free tables here.

Creative from Blockbuster

While watching a movie in cinemas, they offer a standard set: drinks, popcorn and other snacks. While at home, many people like to eat well with a good movie.

Entrepreneurs catering to patrons at a Toronto film festival had the perfect idea to offer restaurant guests food from movies that are featured in movies today.

A restaurant that counts calories consumed

Restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) offers guests an original service. The waiter brings the bill, which indicates not only the prices, but also the number of calories in each portion eaten.

This idea can be developed. For example, offer a low-fat or low-carb menu. Protein options are available for those who monitor weight and care about health. You can arrange contests and reward customers who have consumed the most calories.

The idea is a success, because most of the catering establishments offer very high-calorie and unhealthy food. An additional opportunity to control the composition of dishes and their impact on health is the gratitude of the guests.

A restaurant where guests create their own drinks

A simple and very cool idea was offered to visitors by the owners of the Japanese bar Logbar. Here the client is given the opportunity to create new cocktails by mixing different ingredients. Be sure to come up with the original name of the drink, which is included in the bar menu and offered to other guests.

If a drink is successful, its creator makes good money. Under the terms of the project, part of the bar's profits is offered to the creator of the cocktail.

“Ideas for the hotel business”

Twitter hotel

On the island of Mallorca, there is an interesting hotel SolWave, which is used to attract guests to this super-popular social network. Each guest is given the opportunity to download a branded application and get access to original entertainment. The corporate social network allows you to participate in contests, communicate with other guests and make appointments at hotel parties, get to know each other and flirt.

The hotel also has original rooms. In one of them, a huge mirror with painted luxurious mustaches hangs on the wall. You can instantly send a funny photo with your reflection in this mirror to your friends. Using special hashtags, you can order drinks to the administrator.

"Earnings on the Internet"

Online dining

Sociability, attractiveness and the ability to cook are characteristic features of many girls. Seo-Yun Park from South Korea, that these underestimated talents can make good money. The girl quit her boring office job, bought a camera and started broadcasting her lunches online. From a cool hobby, a worthy source of income has developed. From ads and views, Seo-Yun earns about $10,000 every month.

The secret of this show's popularity is simple. In developed countries, the number of single people who are entirely focused on their careers is noticeably increasing. For them, lunch with a virtual interlocutor becomes a real find, brings the joy of communication and brightens up loneliness. The girl also helps those who are forced to go on a diet, but are not ready to give up the traditional dinner in society and a pleasant conversation.

  • 1 11 successful business ideas from scratch
  • 2 Examples of the most successful business ideas
    • 2.1 Victoria's Secret store
    • 2.2 KFC fast food chain
    • 2.3 Successful Woolworth business
    • 2.4 Successful Nintendo business
    • 2.5 Successful Pampers business
    • 2.6 Successful business example of Sela
    • 2.7 Example of successful Nike business
    • 2.8 Hilton business example
    • 2.9 Adidas and Puma successful business example
    • 2.10 Successful Viagra business example
    • 2.11 Successful Mars business example

Even the most successful and big business always starts with small, awkward steps. But a creative or quite ordinary idea can make a person rich, turning his small enterprise into a huge company.

11 successful business ideas from scratch

Probably, in order to start your own business, you need to gain some experience. To do this, you can first find out the most successful business ideas and how their creators made their dreams come true.

Examples of the most successful business ideas

Victoria's Secret store

Roy Raymond wanted to surprise his wife by giving her an unusual and pleasant gift. He decided to give her beautiful underwear.

But when the man got to the women's store, he was simply confused and did not know what to choose. Even experienced consultants could not help Roy in his choice.

Roy never bought anything from the store, so he had a stunning idea. He decided to create his own line of lingerie and already in 1977 opened his own store called "Victoria's Secrets".

In this unusual store, the owner tried to combine a friendly atmosphere with a certain elegance that is found in European boutiques.

In such a store, even men feel comfortable.

Raymond also invented a new system for selling lingerie, namely through catalogs. This solution has become revolutionary in the world of sales.

But five years later, Roy decided to sell his business to Leslie Wexner, who changed the image of a calm store for men.

Now lingerie from Victoria's Secrets was positioned as an exclusively luxurious item for women. And Reymod did not manage to find the next business of his life and committed suicide.

Fast food chain KFC

One of the founders of fast food chains in the United States was Harlan Sanders.

After the man lived a boring, even miserable life, at the age of 60 he decided to go into business. Garlan had only 6 classes behind him, and by the age of 40 he tried to realize himself in more than ten professions.

He was a stoker, sold car tires, tried himself in the role of a military man, a conductor, delivered mail and even helped on a farm.

But nothing brought him pleasure or money. His family lived quite modestly, but Garlan's wife always believed in the potential of her husband and steadfastly endured all the troubles and changes.

In 1930, the man took up another business. He decided to open a car repair shop. But along with her, he opened a small dining room for his clients.

It was this decision that brought popularity to his business. At first, the dining room was located in one of the workshop rooms.

The dining room consisted of only one table and six chairs, and the food was prepared right in the home kitchen.

Very soon, the fried chicken served here became popular throughout Kentucky. This dish was called Garlan Sanders Fried Chicken. And the highlight of this dish was the seasoning, which was prepared from 11 different spices.

Already in 1937, Sanders expanded his business slightly and opened a motel called Sanders Court & Cafe. It also included a self service restaurant.

And in the 50s, his famous chickens were already sold in almost every corner of America. Several hundred restaurants ordered such a delicious and unusual novelty from Sanders.

Successful business Woolworth

And here is another example of the success of a simple man who managed to become a real millionaire, thanks to the fact that he invented food price tags and became the founder of a large Woolworth chain of stores.

At 21, this entrepreneur was young, rather shy, and on top of everything else, he also stuttered. But he was lucky enough to get a job in a small store, as an assistant to the seller.

In those years, sellers did not yet indicate the prices of goods; they all had to be remembered. In addition, the seller himself could assess the quality and quantity of the goods by eye, and tell his price.

The buyer bargained, and if such a price did not suit him, he simply left. But Frank was afraid to bargain, advertise or praise his product.

Once, due to fear of clients, he even lost consciousness. In order to punish his assistant, the owner left him in the store for the whole day and said that if there was no revenue, then Frank could look for another job.

Before the store opened, the guy attached pieces of paper with minimum prices to all goods. She became the first prototype of today's price tag.

All the goods that were stale in the warehouse, Frank laid out directly on the table, and placed a sign next to it with the inscription "Everything for 5 cents." And the table itself was placed by the window so that people could see this inscription directly from the street.

To the surprise of the owner, almost all the goods were sold out within three hours, and the revenue for the whole day was almost like a week. Buyers, without haggling, gave those sums that were written on the price tags.

Frank realized that after such a decision, he himself could become a good entrepreneur. He decided to borrow money and open his own shop.

In 1919, Frank was the owner of a thousand shops, and his fortune was about 65 million.

Successful Nintendo business

Back in 1889, the creation of the now successful Japanese company began, which specializes in the creation of computer games and various consoles.

The original name of the company was Marufuku, and it mainly produced various types of Japanese-style card games. They were painted by hand and then covered with a special varnish.

Such a small, unpretentious business very soon grew into an already large company. In 1902, card making shifted to a Western style that had not previously been known to the Japanese. Thus, the company has become a leader in the field of gambling.

In the 70s, Nintendo decides to expand its production range and move from cards to toy development.

They came up with many simple and at the same time practical toys. For example, a machine that automatically serves baseballs, a mechanical arm, and even some kind of device that, in a joking way, shows the level of your love.

And starting in 1978, Nintendo began to develop arcade games.

Successful Pampers business

Victor Mills is a production chemist for Procter and Gamble, helping his daughter care for her grandchildren.

He understood that the constant washing and drying of diapers takes a lot of time and is quite an unpleasant and laborious process.

Then he decided to create a disposable diaper that would not have to be washed, and could be thrown away without regret.

But this diaper had to quickly absorb liquid, stay dry and fit into children's underpants or be their shape.

Since Mills tested all his inventions on his relatives, even the first liquid toothpaste, the first diaper models were also on his grandchildren.

After several experimental copies, Mills nevertheless created a new product for his company. The brand of such diapers was called Pampers.

Now the whole world uses this invention, and many mothers are grateful to Mills for saving their time.

An example of a successful Sela business

Back in the early 90s, Boris Ostrobrod left the USSR for Israel.

He began his entrepreneurial activity in Tel Aviv, namely, he engaged in trade.

His business was simple and small. He bought swimwear in Israel and brought them to Russia.

But the first batch of swimsuits, which was purchased for small savings, sold out instantly.

Boris, together with his brother, gradually began to develop his business and very soon he was already cooperating with Chinese partners.

The man realized that his business would be successful only if he personally controlled the production process.

That is exactly what he did. As a result, even global brands began to be sewn in China.

Thus, the brothers created the well-known Sela brand. It was Russia that became the market for this brand, and all the production of these products was also carried out in China.

The brothers' main office was still located in Tel Aviv. And the Sela brand itself means “rock”. The brothers decided to conquer the rock of business, and they not only managed to do it, but even surpassed their cherished dreams.

An example of a successful Nike business

The story of a successful businessman Phil Knight begins with his sports career.

He was one of the middle distance runners on the University of Oregon sports team.

Despite the fact that the guy was a mediocre athlete, he knew all the disadvantages of sportswear, namely, completely uncomfortable sneakers.

At that time, the popular German Adidas sneakers were a real luxury.

They cost a fortune, but the price justified the quality. Phil quite simply solved such a global problem of athletes.

He decided to create his own company that would produce cheap sneakers, and their quality would be no worse than that of the popular Puma and Adidas.

But in order to realize such a difficult idea, and at the same time make money, sneakers could only be produced in Asia.

Already in 1964, Knight, along with his trainer, invested $ 500 each, and ordered 300 pairs of sneakers from the Japanese company ASICS. After that, Phil starts selling Japanese sneakers in America right from the van.

His sales skyrocketed, and very quickly his small business grew from a mere resale to a huge production of quality footwear under the patented Nike brand.

Hilton Business Case Study

Kondrat Hilton arrived in the small town of Cisco, which is located in the state of Texas in the summer of 1919.

Then the man was 31 years old. His first business failed miserably. The bank that Hilton created did not last even a year and went bankrupt.

For a temporary residence, Hilton went to the hotel, and he was very struck by the picture that he saw there.

People who were also looking for a place to stay for the night, almost fought for free places. Hilton saw the dream of any entrepreneur - it's crowds of customers.

But the owner of the Mobley hotel was tired of annoying customers and wanted to quickly sell his 60-room hotel. Hilton immediately forgot about such a business as banks and decided to realize a new dream.

A few days later, Kondrad was the owner of his first hotel, and within six years he managed to open the famous Dallas Hilton hotel.

An example of a successful business Adidas and Puma

After the First World War ended, people needed to start earning their living again.

Among these families was the Dassler family, who, at their family council, decided that the time had come to start a small business. They decided to make shoes, and call the brand by its own name - Dassler.

At first, the family produced various slippers and orthopedic shoes for disabled athletes. After all, there were quite a lot of them after the war period.

The raw material for such shoes was the old uniform, already decommissioned after the war. But the soles were made from car tires.

Already in 1924, a small business turned into a Dassler shoe factory.

This enterprise was run by two brothers with completely opposite characters - the balanced and calm Adolf, who was engaged in production, as well as the sociable and active salesman Rudolf.

Within a year, Adolf had designed and started producing the first spiked boots. Which were designed to play football.

Such sneakers were forged thanks to the blacksmith brothers Zelein. This football model turned out to be very comfortable. Boots and gymnastic slippers became the main products of the Dassler family.

Athletes of the 1928 Summer Olympics have already performed in comfortable shoes from the Dasslers.

But after the father of the family died, the brothers had a disagreement and they divided their company into two Puma and Adidas.

The brothers were never able to find a common language and their famous firms remain the main competitors of each other to this day.

An example of a successful Viagra business

In Pfizers Sandwich, UK, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer was researching a new drug that would cure a variety of heart problems.

The developers of a drug called sildenafil citrate assumed that it would restore normal blood flow to the heart muscles and help lower blood pressure.

But studies have shown that this drug does not significantly affect blood pressure or blood circulation in the myocardium.

In addition, it turned out that the men who took part in this experiment did not want to return the pills that they still had left.

All this is due to the fact that when taking the drug, they experienced an improvement in erection.

Pfizer scientists decided not to stop their research, because they were very interested in the unusual property of the new drug.

Material formats

Materials are presented in the following formats:

  • Real business ideas are concentrated in success stories. These are not just assumptions, but 100% real stories of those entrepreneurs who have succeeded in their niche. They honestly “without cuts” talk about how they started, what methods they used, which is especially worth focusing on.
  • A unique format developed by the Moneymaker Factory is product ideas. Here we consider a single product / product, on which you can, if not “make” a fortune, then decently earn money, for example, on start-up capital.
  • Cases with a step-by-step and detailed analysis of fresh ideas, including methods for promoting and introducing to the market and a brief financial model.

Is it easy to start a business?

No, it's not easy! That is why, in order to open your own business, make it successful, and, therefore, profitable, you need to calculate everything in detail, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, understand what you understand inside and out.

A short algorithm for a successful path will look like this:

  1. Let's decide on a niche in which you consider yourself a dock (well, or at least a specialist);
  2. Choosing a suitable business idea;
  3. We analyze the external environment (market capacity, level of competition);
  4. We choose the optimal form of economic activity and the taxation regime;
  5. We register activities in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

How to choose from a variety of your idea for a business and succeed

And now let's look at the second point in more detail in order to understand how to choose the most popular and profitable business idea.

  • Expertise. Choose what is close in spirit to you, in which you feel like a professional. A competent banking analyst will easily open a consulting firm, but whether he can organize a successful marriage agency is already a question.
  • Attachments. The amount of capital investment should be lifting, so that in case of ruin, the loss of money does not become a tragedy for you and does not lead to the sale of a single apartment or a kidney. Practice shows that if you violate this condition, then you will think about how not to lose the invested funds, and not about how to open a successful and profitable company. Therefore, almost all publications indicate the size of the starting capital, and this point should not be overlooked.
  • prospects. When choosing, soberly evaluate how the chosen idea is fresh and promising. Does it make sense to open a fast food outlet next to McDonald's, or a grocery store in close proximity to Magnit? It is better to choose a direction that will compare favorably with competitors, for example, with the same Magnet, an “eco-shop” can be very successful, and with a McDuck, an institution focused on healthy eating.
  • Client flow. We recommend that you always take into account the target audience and location, because the format that ideally "went" in Moscow may not work in a small town or village, on the contrary. Obviously, in an industrial area with a large number of enterprises, an elite beauty salon will look out of place, but a pub will be very profitable.
  • Legislation. Carefully study the regulatory and regulatory documents for the chosen niche in order to assess the legal risks. Let's say you want to open a hookah bar, and an analysis of legislative acts will tell you that there is a serious risk of tightening legislation in this area.

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If you are looking for your place in business, you have a minimum of funds for investments and no entrepreneurial experience, the article “Small Business: Ideas for Beginners” is for you. We will look at 25 profitable business ideas for beginners, their advantages and disadvantages. You will learn how to choose a niche and what it takes to start a new venture.

To figure out which business is best for you, take a piece of paper and write down the answers to the following questions:

If you have already found several ideas based on your notes, compare all the options and choose the most suitable one. For those who have not yet decided which business to open, we offer you to get acquainted with the best business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Is doing business in a small town a difficult task? Not true! Read what are the features of a business in a small town and what to do to make it effective.

Best Small Business Ideas

Choosing an idea and a niche for a business is a headache for almost all aspiring entrepreneurs. You really don't need to reinvent the wheel. As practice shows, the most successful are ready-made projects that have already proven their viability many times over.

For beginners, simple business ideas are suitable that do not require special knowledge or serious training. Refuse also projects aimed at a narrow target group. A business that can be started in your free time from your main job is best suited.

Business idea number 1. E-commerce

The World Wide Web is the most promising platform for business. Today, Instagram alone has about 100 million active users, Facebook has 2 billion, and VKontakte has 80 million. This is a huge number of potential customers for an online store. It is enough to create a separate page, purchase goods (for example, on a Chinese site) and attract buyers.

E-commerce is a great idea for small businesses

On a note! It is best for novice merchants to work on the dropshipping system. You will not need to buy goods and store them in a warehouse. An online store is only an intermediary between the buyer and the wholesaler. By the way, you can read about dropshipping.

The most popular products for sale online:

  • clothes and shoes- the best-selling product on the Internet. Choose either well-known brands or personalized clothing. A T-shirt with a customer's name or favorite pattern is more in demand than the faceless clothing you can buy in any other store;
  • phone accessories- covers, headphones, chargers;
  • accessories for creativity and hobbies. In traditional stores, the range of such products is too scarce.
  • high quality fashion jewelry;
  • organic food. Healthy lifestyle at the peak of popularity. Cereals, dried fruits, vegetable oils, low-calorie organic sweets show a consistently high level of sales.

The benefits of e-commerce are many. Firstly, you do not need to spend money on office space rent and staff salaries. Secondly, it will take a minimum of time to start a business - 2-3 weeks. Thirdly, your store will be open 24 hours a day and you do not need to constantly monitor its work. Fourthly, audience coverage is not limited to any particular city or region. An online store always has room to grow.

The disadvantages of e-commerce include high competition, as well as the need for promotion and constant advertising.

Business idea number 2. Realtor

The services of real estate agents are becoming more and more popular. To implement this idea, you do not need special knowledge and education. The business is considered profitable, and financial investments are practically not required. There is only one drawback - an irregular working day, especially during the first time of training and searching for clients.

A realtor must be well versed in the real estate market of the region, view ads daily, single out good housing at a reasonable price from the general mass, find clients, show them the premises.

To open a real estate business, it is not necessary to register an individual entrepreneur. At first, it is possible to provide services without official status. The best place to start is with the rental market. When there is enough experience and knowledge, you can move on to apartments and houses intended for sale.

Business idea number 3. candle production

Decorative candles are a universal gift and a stylish interior decoration. You can make products of different shapes, colors, execution techniques. Thematic candles are popular: in the form of Easter eggs, Christmas trees, cartoon characters, bottles of beer, fruits, etc.

Finished products can be sold to small retail stores, large retail chains, online stores. But it is most profitable to open your own small point and sell goods there.

At the start, it is better to work as an artisan so as not to spend money on opening an individual entrepreneur or company. True, in this case you will not be able to sell ready-made candles to enterprises or large retail outlets. Therefore, your first customers will be friends and acquaintances. To stimulate sales, you can start a page on a social network and post photos of your work there.

The downside of the idea is that candle production cannot be organized in a residential building. A garage or a small room in an industrial area with an area of ​​​​at least 25 meters is suitable.

To open an enterprise, you need a starting capital of 3000-4000 dollars. There is almost always a demand for decorative candles. This is a profitable business. The competition is not too high, and the margin on the goods is 100-400%.

Business idea number 4. Photo stocks

To make money on photos, you need to have a good camera, computer and photo editor (for example, Adobe Photoshop). Business does not require registration of the enterprise. It can be combined with the main job or other types of earnings in the network.

First, learn how to take beautiful and high-quality photographs. Simple stories, photo reports, artistic and thematic photos are in great demand. After editing in Photoshop, upload the best pictures to special sites that are an intermediary between buyers and photographers. They also ensure the security of the transaction. The most popular photobanks are CreStock, Lori, Shutterstock, etc.

Business idea number 5. landscape design

In Russia, the demand for the design and landscaping of sites is growing every year. Companies that have been operating in this market for a long time prefer rich clients, since the price tag is much higher there. Representatives of the middle class are also willing to pay for high-quality landscape design of summer cottages. However, there are almost no firms focused on this segment.

On a note! It is best to start with the design of small household plots and cottages. Such orders are the simplest. When there is enough experience, you can move on to the design of city parks, squares and clubs. The authorities prefer to give such orders to well-known companies with a good reputation.

Business idea number 6. Organization of holidays

People always celebrate birthdays, weddings or corporate parties, even in times of crisis. Therefore, the professional holding of such events is in high demand. At first, you can only deal with children's holidays. Little customers are easier to please, they are easy to cheer. The main task of the animator is to ensure that the children leave the holiday happy.

It will take 20,000-30,000 rubles to open a company. Most of the money will go to tailoring suits. But you can save money by renting clothes from theater studios. In the future, the main expenses will be spent on transport, advertising and staff salaries.

It is not necessary to rent an office. But you should have a website or a page on the social network, where you can see photos of your events and satisfied customers. It is important to have a car to deliver animators to the venue of the holiday. It is advisable to purchase good musical equipment.

The key to a successful business is the high professionalism of people who speak directly to the audience. Therefore, they must be chosen responsibly. The number of staff depends on the specialization of the agency. In some cases, it is enough to find only animators. Sometimes a DJ, toastmaster or even a florist is needed. Be sure to hire a manager who will work with customers and perform the function of a logistician.

Business idea number 7. cleaning company

The services of professional cleaners are used by owners of small and large office premises, supermarkets, shopping centers, public organizations and individuals. Cleaning business can start with a narrow specialization, but then the range of services provided must be constantly expanded. Be sure to master removing stains from furniture and cleaning carpets. These services have a high cost, so they can significantly increase the overall income of the enterprise.

On a note! If you plan to work only with individuals, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. But for cooperation with large organizations, it is necessary to register an LLC.

The main disadvantage of this idea is the need for significant financial investments. At the initial stage, about 500 thousand rubles will be needed. To save money, you can purchase the simplest cleaning equipment. But in the future, the equipment will have to be replaced with something better and more powerful.

Not everyone wants to clean up - and then you will come to the rescue

You don't need to rent a large office. Premises with an area of ​​25 sq. m. is enough. The staff should consist of 2-3 cleaners. Over time, you can hire a manager and an accountant.

Business idea number 8. Technical support service

If you are good with computers, you can try to open a technical support service. This idea requires minimal investment, but finding enough customers will be difficult. To search for orders, you can create a website that advertises your services. It is important that search engines respond to the user’s request “city of such and such technical support” to give out exactly your page. Therefore, when creating a website, you need to involve all your knowledge in SEO optimization.

To increase the number of orders, you can place ads on Avito, city portals and other similar sites.

Business idea number 9. Sale of vegetables and fruits

Food business is always a lucrative business. The competition in this area is very high, but small vegetable shops are not very common.

Customers prefer to buy vegetables and fruits in small retail outlets. There they are usually fresher and more natural than in supermarkets. Small vegetable stalls work with local producers whose products are more trusted by customers. The goods most often come directly from farmers, bypassing warehouses and wholesale depots. This greatly reduces costs and provides an attractive price for customers.

The amount of start-up capital strongly depends on the region. Therefore, you need to do the calculations yourself, taking into account the prices for the goods and the rent of the premises.

The main criterion for choosing a place is the density of the human flow. An outlet can be a small shop, pavilion or stall.

If you are interested in how to open a grocery store, read. We will learn how to register a business, what documents are needed, how to organize supplies and other complex issues.

There are two drawbacks to this idea:

  1. vegetables and fruits spoil quickly, which increases costs;
  2. the success of trading depends entirely on how the product looks.

Business idea number 10. Advertising agency

It is not necessary to hire a large staff. For the first time, you need to find 2-3 people who are familiar with computer design. Part of the work can be entrusted to freelancers.

The main problem is finding orders. The first customers can be found by wisely using the Internet.

All funds spent on launching an advertising agency will be returned after the first orders.

Business idea number 11. Breeding and sale of aquarium fish

This business is good with low level of competition. Therefore, an aspiring entrepreneur does not need to worry about the need to stand out in some way. Aquarium fish can be bred right in your apartment, and then sold. An entrepreneur does not need to have a special education, it is enough to read the literature on the topic. There is also a lot of information on the World Wide Web.

You need to start with individuals that breed best. They are inexpensive. You can start selling soon. But these fish have many disadvantages. Firstly, such breeds are the most common and can be bought at almost any pet store. Secondly, since the cost of the fish is low, the profit from their sale will also be low.

The best-selling and easy-to-care aquarium fish:

  1. gold;
  2. notopter;
  3. barbs;
  4. cichlids;
  5. synodontis, etc.

On a note! You can breed more expensive and rare species of fish. But you need to choose the breed with caution. There is practically no information about some representatives of the aquarium fauna on the Internet. And improper care can lead to the death of your pets. In addition, fish from Australia, Asia or India do not breed well. In some cases, they may not give offspring at all.

This business requires a small financial investment. Of the equipment, you will have to buy 10 aquariums with a volume of 200 liters each. You also need compressors for aeration, filters for water purification, thermometers and thermostats.

With 10 aquariums, an entrepreneur can receive 900-1000 dollars of net profit every month.

Business idea No. 12. Online store on Vkontakte

Recently, in the popular social network Vkontakte, it became possible to open your own online store. The main advantage of this idea is a quick start. Creating an online marketplace will take a few minutes. The work is simplified as much as possible, but for beginner businessmen this is exactly what you need.

Before registering a store, you must create a group or a public page. If you already have them, you can create a new market right there. To do this, go to the community management page, select "Page Management" and click on the buttons "Additional sections" - "Products". Next, fill in the information about your store. After that, you can upload the product and advertise your products.

A big disadvantage of this business is the inability to make payments directly in the online store. You will have to accept payments by e-wallets, bank accounts or cards. It is convenient to make payments using the Yandex. Cashier Plus.

Business idea number 13. Cargo transportation

Another promising business for beginners is trucking. Thanks to the rapidly developing Internet commerce, the demand for such services is constantly growing.

By the way, cargo transportation is closely related to the logistics industry - a complex and interesting activity.

You don't have to buy your own cars to open a freight forwarding agency. The task of a businessman is to find clients and negotiate with the owner of the truck. That is, the agency performs the role of a dispatch service, which transfers applications to performers for a percentage.

Over time, you can buy your own cars and put hired drivers in them.

Business idea number 14. Making business cards

When making business cards, special attention should be paid to quality and design. After all, it is the business card that speaks of the success and seriousness of the business.

Making business cards is a simple process, so even a beginner can implement a business idea. First, with the help of graphic programs (Photoshop, Corel Draw), a layout is created. If the customer likes it, printing begins. Any paper can be used, depending on the order. Next, the paper sheet is cut, and the finished business cards are packaged.

Business card making business has room to grow - for example, use new unusual materials

From the equipment you will need:

  • powerful PC with installed graphic editors;
  • digital machine;
  • cutter for business cards;
  • laminating machine;
  • materials (paper, cardboard, film).

At the initial stage, at least 100 thousand rubles are required, excluding office space rental. To save money, you can purchase an inexpensive cutter. But it’s not worth saving on a printing press, since the quality of your products depends on it.

Business idea number 15. Tutoring and teaching via Skype

Thanks to the Internet, you can share your knowledge with people from all over the world. Using Skype, it is possible to implement the following business projects:

  1. Learning foreign languages;
  2. lawyer consulting;
  3. psychologist consultations;
  4. life coaching.

The services of a coach and a psychologist require high moral principles. If you do not have the appropriate education, find another area for activity

All of the above can be done only with the appropriate knowledge and education. Such a business does not require any costs, not counting the cost of the Internet. The undoubted advantage of the idea is that you can give consultations anywhere - at home or while traveling.

Business idea number 16. recruitment agency

The business is attractive because it requires a minimum initial investment. Another plus is that the state has little control over the activities of recruitment agencies.

Potential customers are large and small companies that do not want to recruit staff on their own. Scheme of work of a recruitment agency:

  1. The customer submits an application and the agent starts the search.
  2. If there is no suitable candidate among the applicants, the personnel officer submits an ad in a newspaper or on the Internet.
  3. The agent conducts a preliminary interview with applicants. Those who are most suitable for the requirements of the employer are sent for an interview with the head of the customer company.
  4. If the applicant is hired, the recruitment agency receives a commission.

Recruiting is an interesting field of activity

This business idea has several downsides. Customers or applicants may not comply with the terms of the contract, not provide all the necessary information. Then the second party is dissatisfied with the work of the recruitment agency. Another common problem is that the employer evades payment. The applicant is accepted, but later and without the participation of a recruitment agency.

Business idea number 17. Photo studio

The owner of a photo studio receives income from three directions:

  • professional advertising photography (for placement in catalogs, booklets, portfolios);
  • reportage shooting;
  • studio and photo equipment rental.

Opening a photography studio will require large financial investments. But with the right organization of the advertising campaign, all costs will return after a few months. And the entrepreneur will receive a consistently high income.

To correctly implement this business idea, you need to consider the following points:

  1. The premises should be located in the city center, even if the cost of rent is high. The area of ​​the photo studio must be at least 60 square meters. m. Ceiling height - from 3 meters to accommodate all the equipment.
  2. The studio needs to be renovated. In the room, in addition to the studio itself, there should be a shower cabin, a fitting room with a mirror and a screen, as well as an office for the administrator with a computer and Internet access.
  3. From the equipment you will need a SLR camera, 4 light sources with a power of 1000 W or more, holders, a camera tripod, herons, stands, softboxes, curtains, umbrellas.

The staff of the photo studio consists of a photographer, an administrator and a make-up artist.

Business idea number 18. Making plush bouquets

Lovely exclusive bouquets of soft toys are always in high demand. Business can be organized at home, the materials are inexpensive and available to everyone. To make bouquets you need:

  • soft toys of small size;
  • accessories for decorating bouquets used by florists.

Competition in this area is low, so the finished work is much more expensive than its cost.

Learning how to make plush bouquets is easy. You can find many tutorial videos and tutorials on YouTube. Your product should be compact and light, especially if the gift is for a child.

All work can be done manually. But in order to cope with large volumes, you will have to purchase a sewing machine and an overlocker.

Business idea number 19. home atelier

The advantage of the studio is that it can be organized right at home. You need to learn how to sew. To do this, you can go to cutting and sewing courses, which are available in almost any major city. In extreme cases, you can use the lessons from the Internet.

With a modest choice of clothes, the atelier is an interesting option for the buyer.

You don't have to buy new equipment. At the initial stage, a used sewing machine will do. Thus, the business requires minimal financial investment.

By the way, it's not bad if you or your employee has taste. So you can expand your customer base and attract people who are unsure of their ability to choose their wardrobe.

Business idea number 20. Renting apartments

You don't have to be a homeowner to build a real estate rental business. You can rent the premises yourself, and then re-sublet it for a higher price.

The process begins with finding an apartment. The price should not be high, but the house should be located in the city center or not far from it. Next, you need to contact the owner of the apartment and draw up an agreement in which he gives the entrepreneur the right to sublease the housing.

On a note! The contract must be concluded for a long period, otherwise you will incur losses.

After signing the contract, make a small repair in the apartment and buy simple furniture. Then place an ad in a newspaper or the Internet. It is better to rent housing on a daily or monthly basis, since short-term rentals are more expensive than long-term ones.

This business has three major drawbacks:

  1. After each tenant, the apartment must be cleaned, and bed linen and towels washed. To save time and effort, you can hire a cleaning lady.
  2. The owner of the apartment has the right to refuse to provide you with housing after a couple of months. You can't get your repair costs back.
  3. Tenants come at any time - at night, early in the morning. Therefore, the presence of a personal car is required.

Business idea number 21. Making inscriptions from plywood or wood

Decorative elements made of plywood and wood will decorate any interior. They look stylish and modern. They are often ordered to decorate photo zones, residential premises, offices, elite cafes, boutiques and shops.

To start a business, you need to purchase materials: plywood, paint, jigsaws. Templates for inscriptions can be drawn independently. But, if you do not have artistic skills, the Internet will come to the rescue.

At the start, you need to invest at least 30 thousand rubles. With the right business, the costs will return in a month or two. The main problem is to find a client. It is important to beautifully design a website or a page on a social network to attract customers.

Business idea number 22. Pet furniture

This business will become successful only in a large city. In the village and small towns, pet furniture will not be in demand.

Inside, the furniture for the animal should be made of soft materials. External design can be any to the taste of the owners.

In Russia, there are not many companies involved in such a business, so it will not be difficult for an entrepreneur to negotiate with pet stores. Make colorful catalogs of your products and leave them at retail outlets. Also create your own website with photo works. It will be convenient to take orders through it.

The net profit from the goods is at least 100%. A businessman will have to spend money only on equipment and materials. Production can be organized in your home. Given the minimum investment, the income will be high.

Types of pet furniture that you can build a business on:

  • lining;
  • mattress;
  • sofa;
  • claw-drawer;
  • sunbed;
  • house;
  • climbing structures.

Complex furniture also sells well. For example, house + mattress + scratcher.

Business idea number 23. Rental of special equipment

It is unprofitable for many small companies to purchase their own special equipment, since they need it infrequently. These machines require maintenance and trained personnel, further increasing costs. It is much more profitable to rent special equipment.

Renting equipment is an interesting idea

There are many types of special equipment:

  1. construction equipment - bulldozers, cranes, mixer trucks;
  2. agricultural machinery;
  3. utility vehicles;
  4. warehouse equipment;
  5. water transport;
  6. vehicles for the transport of passengers and goods;
  7. woodworking equipment;
  8. railway transport;
  9. escalators, lifts, elevators, etc.

The choice of technology depends on the characteristics of your region.

The cost of rent is calculated as follows: the price of the car is divided by 12. The amount received is equal to the rental of equipment for the month. Thus, the business pays off within 1-2 years.

Business idea number 24. Finishing products with liquid stone

Liquid stone is a new word in construction. The material quickly gained popularity and its sales are growing steadily. On this you can build a successful small or large business.

Liquid stone is obtained by mixing polymer resin and other components. After hardening, the material looks like a natural stone. The mixture is resistant to temperature changes. It does not absorb water, dirt or dust. Does not change properties or color over time. Liquid stone is many times cheaper than natural stone.

Liquid stone is most often used for interior work. They are finished with sinks, floors, stairs, window sills, countertops. They often decorate the facades of buildings.

To organize production you will need:

  1. space up to 30 sq. m., divided into two halves (one for making the mixture and applying it to the surface, the other for grinding);
  2. grinders;
  3. containers of different sizes;
  4. drills, screwdrivers, circular saw;
  5. other small construction tools.

The room in which the mixture will be produced must always have tap water.

Producing liquid stone is easy. It will take only a few days to master the technology. First, the mixture is poured into the mold. After hardening, the product is polished and give it a finished look.

Advertising and promotion are important in this business. Therefore, already at the start, this item of expenditure should be one of the most significant. You need to carry out advertising campaigns both on the Internet and offline (radio advertising, billboards). To start cooperation with construction companies, you need to correctly draw up commercial proposals. If you manage to get a few large clients, you are guaranteed a consistently high income.

Business idea number 25. Sale of expired goods

This business does not involve cash investments, and the scheme of work is as simple as possible. If the bread has expired, it is withdrawn from sale. Bakeries throw such products in the trash. But expired bread can still be used as animal feed.

Waste disposal is an extra waste, so the plant will be happy if someone picks it up on their own. You need to meet with the accounting department and agree on the sale of the delay. The price is set symbolically, no more than 1 ruble per kilogram. You sell 5-10 times more expensive. Next, the entrepreneur places ads in a newspaper or on the Internet. Due to the low cost of products, customers are quickly found. And since farmers always need feed, there is no need for constant advertising.

The hardest part of this business is finding a factory that is willing to sell you scrap. Not every manufacturer works honestly. Some unscrupulous bakeries mix expired bread into new products.

Video - +10 business ideas


Millions dream of starting their own business, but only a few become entrepreneurs. Most people believe that running your own business requires a lot of knowledge and experience. And accounting is so complex that only a select few can master it. But the truth is that for a successful business you need to have a good idea, a desire to learn and capital (not necessarily financial). And the solution of most administrative and accounting issues can be entrusted to specialized outsourcing companies for a small fee.

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