Munchkin how to play. Frequently asked questions about the board game "Munchkin"


Here it is - a deck for real fighters, harsh dungeon cleaners. Pathetic speeches? Playing a character? Internal logic of the world? Who are you brainwashing! You and I know why normal people come to RPGs - we come to level up, kill monsters and prove that we are cooler here. We are Munchkins and this is our deck.

Well, here we go!

Good man Steve Jackson came up with, and artist John Kovalik created amazing illustrations for a deck that was supposed to parody all the clichés of MTG, AD&D and RPG in general, and as a result became an independent super popular game. Do these words mean anything to you? Well, figs with them! To play Munchkin, you do not need to study the intricacies of elven psychology and immerse yourself in roleplaying a medieval magician. It is enough just to have cards, a company of 3-6 people and a desire to have fun, recklessly and meanly to spend the evening.

The eternal warrior with a chainsaw goes to battle

In each deck, two types of cards are waiting for you: Dungeons (they are also Doors - the door, by the way, is drawn on them) and Treasures (on the back of which they are drawn, who would have thought, they are). Divide the deck between these two piles and proceed. On your turn, you enter the Dungeon - that is, you take a card with the image of the Door and follow its instructions. There you can meet:

  • Races and classes for character modification;
  • Bonuses or curses that can be used in one way or another;
  • Level up cards;
  • Monsters to fight against, comparing their power and yours. Here, by the way, is a very important point: any player can get into any fight, so even if you are two points superior to the monster, it does not mean anything. As well as the fact that he is 5 points ahead of you!
  • Well, and - far from always, but only in cases where it developed from the previous situation in the Dungeon - you can get a Treasure card from the second pile.

One, two, three, four... ten!

This mantra lives in the head of every Munchkin, and it is this that determines the goal of the game - to reach the 10th, the coolest level, before others. Then only mountains will be above you, and even then not all. What? Oh, well, we will make scrambled eggs from eggs, no one will guess that this is against the rules.

By the way, about the rules

They are Munchkin's biggest joke. The fact is that they can not only be violated - they are initially contradictory. And the opportunity to cheat the game is built on the inconsistency of the rules. The creators are honest guys! - they themselves write that the rules of the cards may contradict the rules of the booklet, and then everything depends on your diplomacy and logic. You can help other players, pretend to help, but in fact cold-bloodedly plunge them into the abyss of lowering the level, you can use unforeseen opportunities, just remember: the last word, as it is written in the rules, is with the owner of the deck. And this is not exactly the conditions of the game - it’s just that if he doesn’t like something, he will collect the cards and leave, leaving you with a nose and exorbitantly bloated, dissatisfied ... well, let’s say, conceit.

And there are a lot of cards here!

Really. After all, in front of you is the very first basic set, and over 12 years of existence, more than ten extensions and independent continuations have already been released for it. They can be changed, interfered with, interfered with in parts, interfered unexpectedly, and even given away. Because a lot of people play Munchkin.

Among the players:

  • MTG fans, tired of the game's excessive pathos;
  • Fans of funny computer RPGs tired of excessive monitor flicker;
  • True munchkins, bullies, careerists, ambitious and unprincipled, inventive, sassy and absolutely not restraining themselves - people who have finally found a game to their liking.


  • 95 door cards;
  • 73 treasure maps;
  • cube;
  • Box.


    Munchkin! - basic version

    Munchkin 2 Wild Ax DLC

    Munchkin 3. Clerical errors - addition

    Munchkin 4. Horse cravings - addition

    Munchkin 5. Pathfinders - addition

    Munchkin 6: Crazy Dungeons - Expansion

    Munchkin Cthulhu

    Munchkin Super - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Munchkin Fu - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Pirate Munchkin - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Munchkin Star - can be used as a standalone game or as an add-on

    Munchkin with a figurine! - original english version

    Munchkin Quest - hard version with different rules

The duration of the game depends on the luck and activity of the players, but the average duration of a game for four people is an hour and a half. A large company can sit and the whole evening. Manufacturers recommend laying out cards for three to six people so that the set is enough for the entire party. But if you have a pack of add-ons, then you should not even be afraid that the cards will run out.

Categories of players

  • from 10 years

Among the players, two categories can be distinguished - a real munchkin and not-yet-munchkin. Believe me, during the game you will immediately distinguish them by the level of riskiness. Also, non-Munchkins quickly become Munchkins once they get into the spirit of the game.

Time in game

  • from 30 minutes

Purpose of the game

Well, of course, the goal of this game, like many others, is to win, to reach level 10. Formally. But in fact, the essence is in the process, in the opportunity to be an hour or two completely frostbitten munchkin, to combine combat power and undercover intrigues. Absolutely crazy, but so wonderful!

Packaging and design

All Munchkins in Russia are adapted from Hobby World, keeping the original design by John Kovalik. The first editions were black and white (more precisely, beige and brown), all subsequent games and reissues are already in color.

Types of cards

Munchkin is a card game, and you can't do without cards to play it. If there were only 168 of them in the basic set, then with the growth of the game, not only new cards began to appear, but also their new groups, and in some places the playing field. Moreover, fans are even trying to make their own Munchkin maps, for example, based on the MMORPG Skyrim.

In the Munchkin base game, the main types of cards are − Doors and Treasures. They are stacked in two decks face down, and there are instructions for using them in the description of the game.

The played cards go into two face-up discard piles. When the cards in the main decks run out, you shuffle the discards and put them in their place. How often you will need this depends on the number of players and the additions used at a time. Of course, you can play Munchkin with two people, but then almost all the intrigue is lost - who will stab you in the back this time?

How many cards can one munchkin have in a game? The rule book states that in the hands - five, in front of you - until all possible slots run out. With the help of cards with items and artifacts, the Munchkins are able to raise their stats so much that they become ready for any adventure.

Among the regular cards in the deck, you can find several special cards depending on the version of the game. The Cheater's Cube and the Desirable Ring, which cancels any curse, are especially valued by all. There is another fun card that is used after the die is rolled - Cat Interference. Even if the munchkin doesn't have a cat, he can reroll his bad roll - or someone else's good one - with this card. No cats when a Munchkin is around!


A door is a card with an image of a door on its back, which players must open in the first phase of their turn. Behind the door, they may have a monster to fight, a curse, a class, a race, various monster boosters, a Mount, a Mercenary, and several separate types of cards, depending on the version of the game.

Monster cards

Munchkin Monster Cards can also become a weapon against rivals if you have a Wandering Thing in store - with the help of this card you can throw a monster into a seemingly already won battle.


Treasure cards can only be obtained after defeating a monster. This deck contains items and one-time, usually bonus, Level Up cards, as well as other cards, usually of a very useful nature.

How to play a treasure map

To play a treasure card, it must be placed from your hand on your table. Or on the table of the one to whom you throw a one-time item to help (or not to help). It usually doesn't matter which card is dealt first and which is dealt next, but the situations are different.

How to use treasures

Treasures-clothings are laid out on their table - they equip the character, sell or change. Unplayed cards with one-time items or special properties are held until the moment is right to use them. For example, in battle to receive a one-time bonus.

How to use curses

Curses in Munchkin are a very tricky subject. It would seem that their purpose is to do something nasty. Which is what they usually do, sending curses at each other at the most inopportune moment. But they can sometimes bring bonuses to the victim. For example, oddly enough, to get rid of another curse.

You can use curse cards at any time in the game, even during someone else's or your own battle

Curses drawn during the opening phase of doors work instantly on the one who activated them, unless otherwise noted.


In some games from the Munchkin series there is a special kind of map - Dungeons. They are twice the size of regular doors and open when someone draws a portal card from the Doors deck. Dungeons temporarily change the rules of the game for everyone involved.


In later additions, a new type of card appears - the sea lion. A bleep usually breaks (opens) when one or more characters die and gives an instant or lasting effect that affects the participants. When the seventh bellow is broken, the game ends, even if none of the characters have reached level 10.

Discrepancies between maps and rules

Of course, the rules are written for everyone, but not in Munchkin. There are cards that contain information or instructions that are contrary to the rules. In this case, what is written on the card is considered a priority. Even if because of this the opponent wins or your head is bitten off. Even if it seems terribly dishonest to you. That is life. More precisely, such is the Munchkin.

Beginning of the game

The game begins by voicing the rules, including the deck owner's home runs, and determining turn order (usually done with a die roll). Players move starting with the player with the highest score and proceeding clockwise. Also at the beginning of the game, a punishment is stipulated for those who get caught in a dishonest game.

How to start the game

At the beginning of the game, the cards are laid out into two decks - Doors and Treasures. Each participant is dealt 8 cards (in the old version - 4 each) - 4 Door cards and 4 Treasure cards. This is a random set with which he will go on an adventure. Also, everyone is entitled to a level counter. It is not in the basic set, so save a pack of matches, counting sticks, chips, or a handful of ten-sided cubes. Or buy a ready-made counter separately.

What is a player character

The player speaks, of course, not on his own behalf, but on behalf of his character. Verbal acting out in "Munchkin" is not required, but the cards will provide the character with a race, class and body kit. Only the floor remains of the player (and that can be changed under the influence of a curse).

Character Creation

By default, everyone starts with people of the first level. The player begins further character creation on his first turn from the cards that he was dealt during the distribution. With a successful scenario, you can immediately find yourself, for example, a well-armed dwarf warrior in armor with decent bonuses. And you can also be a man with empty hands, after which you can only hope that a monster is not lurking behind the Door.

Character stats

Each character "consists" of three characteristics - Race, Class and Level.

The main indicator of a character's coolness is his earned level. They cannot go below the first level under any conditions, except as specified separately on the cards. There are also bonuses that Items give. In total, the character's level and bonuses are taken into account when confronting monsters. For the duration of the battle, you can be strengthened by One-time items.


There are only 3 types of race cards in the Munchkin bass set - Elf, Dwarf and Halfling. To the fourth race - Man - you belong if you have not posted any of them.

Each race has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a halfling can sell an item for twice the price once per turn, a dwarf can carry as many large items as he likes, and an elf quickly runs from monsters.

You can only have one race at a time if you don't have a Half-Breed (Racial Cocktail) card.


A class is your character's "profession", something he's really good at. So, the Warrior wins the battle with a draw, the Thief can, oddly enough, steal and hit in the back, the Wizard is good at fooling monsters, and the Cleric is very effective in combat with the undead (he also knows how to resurrect dead monsters, but be quiet about that nobody).

You can only be a representative of one class at a time if there is no Supermunchkin card.

Eat clothes which may or may not use specific classes and races. And then there are monsters that really like or really dislike certain classes or races, so sometimes you have to drop elven ears in battle so that they don’t get bitten off.


Hand - these are the cards that you have in your hand, already received, but not yet played. Their number at the end of the turn is limited to five (for a Dwarf, or under certain circumstances - six). If there is a surplus, then they must either be played or donated to charity - the player with the lowest level. You can’t just throw it away, except in the case when you are the lagging behind.

According to the norms of decency, it is recommended to keep them open like a fan so that there is no doubt about their number, but this depends on the house rules of each company. Someone calmly treats the Hand, folded in a pile, someone sees that in a fan of cards under a good ten, but is silent, because he himself has a couple of monsters hidden in his sleeve or pocket. Of course, this is not allowed by the rules, but in Munchkin, rules are made to be broken. But keep in mind that cheaters are usually punished, so it's better not to cheat or at least not get caught.

During combat, only cards with one-time bonuses, curses, and Rogue Thing can be played from the Hand.

Once a card is played, it cannot be returned to the Hand. It is possible to lose an entire Hand to Curse or death.

Player Items

Player's Items, also known as Items, are divided into Weapons, Armor, Golovniki, Shoes, other items that give bonuses, items that do not take up hands, and Disposable Items. Accordingly, how many body parts you have, so many things you can carry. You cannot wear two armor or two helmets (unless you suddenly become two-headed, which is possible in Munchkin). There is also a limitation - one character without a Mercenary can carry only one large item (Large must be written on the card)

By default, all characters have the same number of limbs as a normal human, and most weapons are divided into one or two arms. And this has to be reckoned with, no matter how much one would like to use a bow, a hammer and a thieves' dagger at the same time. Even a cheat won't save here.

If you're lucky

But if you're lucky, you can get, for example, a Handy Helmet or a Two-Handed Sword, and then you can use a Three-Handed Sword or take three one-handed weapons. And with the Steam Handgun, there will be as many as four hands. Additional hands will be given by the Mercenary (however, if he is killed or calculated, he will take away everything that you have given him before in these hands), and in some branches there are even mutant helpers whose number of hands may vary.

By the way, the same applies to the feet, and with some luck, you can manage to wear two pairs of Shoes.

There are things that have a restriction in use by class or race. This can be bypassed with a Cheat card.

Items are laid out at the beginning of the turn. If there are not enough arms or legs or the race-class does not allow you to use the thing, the card can be laid out by turning it sideways. For what? Remember to limit the number of cards in your hand. These cards can be activated at any time during your turn, except during combat.

An item is considered to be any item that has a price (even if it says No price). Accordingly, they can be sold. For each batch of items sold at a time in the amount of 1000 gold or more, the character receives a level (except for the victorious one).

How to use class and race cards

Race and class cards come when doors are opened. Each race and each class has its advantages and disadvantages, they are written on the map. It is up to you to decide whether to use them or remain a simple person without additional chips.

You can place or change class and race at any time during your turn, except for combat. In battle, you can only discard them if you got an enemy with a racial or class hatred that gives him bonuses. But none of them can be deployed in battle.

What are Half-Blood and Super Munchkin cards?

The Half-Blood and Super Munchkin cards allow you to use two races or two classes at the same time. In this case, the player receives both all the bonuses of these races / classes, as well as disadvantages. Be a dwarven elf, please. Warrior-bard - yes, it's easy.

There is also a second option - to use these cards with only one race or class card, and then you get all the advantages and do not get the disadvantages. But note that it will no longer be possible to use clothes intended only for people.

As usual, you may discard your race or class and replace it with a new card from your hand. The Half-Blood and Super Munchkin cards will not go anywhere. Just like when you are killed. You can reset them either voluntarily or involuntarily, falling under the curse of Race Change or Class Change.

Game progress

The game is made up of moves, and moves are made up of phases. There are certain rules about what you can and cannot do in each phase of your turn. In the process, players draw cards from each deck and use them to come in victory. The winner of the "Munchkin" is the one who first reaches the tenth level, and it can only be obtained in battle or by divine intervention.

The process of the game and how the players walk

Everything is clear, isn't it?)

After the die is rolled and it is determined who follows whom, the game begins. Players get their hands on a starter set of cards, create characters, and go one by one, trying to defeat monsters and earn levels.

The players can both hold the received cards in their hand and use them against opponents or lay them out in front of them. The cards laid out in front of the participant (race, class, weapon, etc.) call the table - even if you are located on the floor.

Player turn

At the beginning of the turn, before the Door is opened, the player can manipulate his cards - "change clothes" into other items, exchange laid out things with other players (or bribe them for the future), sell something to gain a level, or play the appropriate card, change race or class, or curse someone just in case.

Turn phases

  1. We open the door. The player opens the Door card, shows it to everyone, and sees ... let's say a monster. Then you will have to fight with him, earning a level with a victory, or run away in disgrace. If you got a card with a curse, then it immediately works on the player if he does not have protective gear. Any other card can be taken into your hand or played immediately.
  2. Looking for trouble. If there was no battle, but you really want to, and there is a card with a monster in your hands that you can handle, then at this stage you can play it. Just don't be too presumptuous - there are people around who just dream of doing something nasty to your character.
  3. We clean the pimples. If you emerged victorious from the battle, you can rummage through the enemy lair and take as many cards from the Treasure pile as you are entitled to. If you didn't encounter the monster at all, draw one Door card blindly.
  4. From bounty. Now we need to ensure that there are no more than five cards in the hand (not counting the stipulated exceptions). You can do everything that is allowed at the very beginning of the turn. If after that there are surpluses, then they must be given to the outsider (outsiders) and pass the move to the next player.

Level counter

At the end of your turn munchkin should twist the counter of its levels if the level has changed. In order not to forget yourself and so that everyone can see how dangerous you are. Anything can be a counter, which is convenient for measuring numbers up to 10 and back.

The battle

In most cases, players receive a bonus and a level per battle. No matter how peaceful the player and his character are, if you want to win, you will have to fight.


Victory in the game can only be won in battle, so you have to rely either on luck, that a weak monster will fall in the final battle, and your opponents will not or will not be able to strengthen it, or on your own Munchkinism and coolness. At high levels, the game is tough, and opponents are trying their best to prevent you from killing the monster.

Fight with monsters


No matter how you spin with the sale of items and bonus cards like Level Up, you will have to fight at least one battle. The tenth level is given only for killing a monster. However, most likely there will be more fights, and you need to be ready for them.

Monsters come in different levels, starting with the first, they are written at the top, right above the intricate name. These are fictional animals, and infernal creatures, and Lawyers. There is even one flower in a pot.

To defeat a monster in combat, you need to surpass its level by at least one (that's where all the gear comes in handy). Only a warrior wins on a tie. However, sometimes you can fool the monster so that he changes his mind about killing you and goes his own way. Then you will not get any level or treasures, but your head will remain on your shoulders.

) for a complete list.

The answers in this FAQ are based on the new version of the game rules, unless otherwise noted.

Q: How can I find out if the version of the rules in the box I'm about to buy is up to date?
A: The year of manufacture is indicated on the back of the box. If the Russian version of the game was released in 2012 or later, the cards and rules contain the current text, if not, then this version is outdated.

Important Note #1: Achieving Level 10

The basic rule is that you can't get to level 10 without killing a monster. If you're level 9 and something else happens that should give you a level, then... you won't get it. You stay at level 9. If you have a card or ability that allows you to gain a level at the expense of another player, you cannot play that card or use that ability.

BUT... some cards override this rule. If the card explicitly says that it allows you to end the game or gain a winning level, then it does. Therefore, if the card does not say that it allows you to get a victory level, it does not allow you to do this.

Note also that ANY level gained by killing a monster counts as a win. If you have a racial or class ability that allows you to gain an additional level after winning a certain battle, then this level can be victorious. However, a "Level Up" card played after combat cannot bring victory, as the card itself does not kill the monster.

Of course, all of the above applies to getting levels 19 and 20 (but not to level 10) when playing « Epic Munchkin" .

Important Note #2: Adding/Using/Changing Items in Combat

All this is already reflected in the rules, we just collected it in one place.

You cannot change clothes during combat. In other words, if the fight has already begun, you cannot put on another firebrand or armor, or take another weapon that requires hands. By and large, all items worn or laid out should remain in the state they were in the beginning of the battle ... even if some of them have become unusable.

Example: Elf uses " Bow with ribbons " and bears Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment". He does not have additional hands, so the Luchok occupies both hands at his disposal. The elf enters combat, during which the other player casts the "Loss of Race" curse on him. The ex-elf immediately loses the bonus from the Beam, but he cannot take the Chainsaw (because you can’t change clothes in battle). But if he had another Elf card in reserve, he could play it (if it was his turn) and get the Luchka bonus back.

During combat, you cannot play new item cards (whether it's your turn or not), except disposable clothes, which say "play any battle". Such items can be used by any player in any battle, both from hand and from the game.

Using disposable items during combat to support players (not monsters!) does not count help described in the rules. This means that in any given battle, any number of players can play cards to help or hinder either side until either card or wish runs out. But do not forget that only one player can enter the battle as assistant.

Important note #3: Win, kill, lose.

In terms of the game, defeating a monster is both killing it in combat and getting rid of it in a way that players don't have to flee. That is, if the wizard used "Tame" or the player used " Popomorph Potion", or something else happens that ends the fight without washes- the monster is considered defeated. In this case, the player may or may not get the treasures, depending on the method of victory.

The monster is considered killed, if you defeated it through level and combat bonuses, or if you used a card or ability that explicitly says it kills a monster. For this you get both levels and treasures. Some monsters can be defeated automatically, depending on the situation. Unless the card says otherwise, it usually means instantly killing a monster, for which you also get levels and treasures.

However, even if the only monster was automatically defeated, the remaining players have a chance to play " Wandering Creature" to add a monster that must also be defeated in order to receive a reward.

"Lost" means you can't swing enough and you have to kick your ass.

Important Note #4: Fighting Multiple Monsters

When you're fighting more than one monster, you can't sum up ANY combat until ALL monsters are defeated, or until the munchkins flee. That is, if you use something that makes one of the monsters disappear, you will not be able to claim levels and/or treasures for defeating it until you kill or defeat all the remaining monsters. For example, a wizard cannot pacify one monster and take its Treasures until you have dealt with the rest. The fight is not over as long as there is someone to fight.

Important Note #5: Collaborators/Komrades/Mercenaries/Teammates/Bugai/Minions

When you mix several different versions of a game "Munchkin" it counts as Mercenaries = Companions = Brutes = Minions, etc. In other words, they are all part of the Mercenary class, each player can only have one such card (but not every kind), unless any cards or abilities do not allow to have more. All of them can be sacrificed for automatic flushing, and they have no special abilities other than those listed on the cards. If you are playing with one Munchkin set, you must follow the rules for that set.


Q: How many curses (traps, catastrophes) can I play in one turn? And for one player?
A. You can play as many curses as you have on hand. But everyone else can do the same...

Q: If a curse/trap can be applied to multiple items, who decides which one?
A: It depends on what is written on the card. If it says: “Choose and discard one small item,” and not something like: “Choose and discard one small item at Fedya, ha ha,” then the victim chooses. Some cards specify who (for example, the player on the right) and how (for example, randomly) makes the choice.

Q: If the Curse says "Losing armor" and I have an unused armor, can I lose it?
A: It depends on the wording of the curse. If it says "Losing the armor you put on", it will be the armor that you use (and therefore get bonuses from them). If it says "You lose one armor", then you must discard any one armor you have in play. If it says "Losing armor", then you must discard all of your armor that is in the game. (And, as stated below, an armor with a "Cheat!" card does not cease to be an armor!)

Q: I opened the door and a curse fell on me, forcing me to throw off my clothes. Can I sell an item for a level instead?
O: Nope. The curse has already broken. You can't stop him in the middle or try anything else. In Munchkin, events happen in the order they happen. Some cards are exceptions ("Wish Ring"), but this exception is written on the card itself.

Q: What happens when I die? Do curses persist?
A: Some are saved. For example, "Tiny Hands", "Big Feet", "Sex Change", "Chicken on the Tower" etc. Most of these curses can be removed with the Wish Ring or with some luck. If the Curse has a lasting effect, then it persists even after death. Remember: your new character looks the same as the previous one. If you change gender, then the old gender will not return after death (but since you most likely died in combat, you will not have a -5 penalty), you still have tiny pens or big feet, and if you didn't have a smut at the time of your death, then that damn chicken is straddling your head again. It sucks to be damned though, you already know...

Cards and clothes

Q: I need to draw a random card from my opponent's hand, but I can see which ones are treasure cards and which ones are doors. Can I use it?
A: If it is important for your company that the selection is truly random, then either close your eyes, or roll a die, or have another player interfere with the cards of the hand under the table and state the number of the card you want to draw (the latter method is not recommended for companies that play for glass table).

Q: What does the phrase "cards from the game" ("cards in the game") mean? Do the cards in my hand count?
A: The cards in your hand are just cards, that's all. You can play them out of hand, but until that happens, they are not in play. The cards on the table are the cards in play, and they indicate which cards they are. For example, a race card is Race, and so on.

B: Yeah, obviously. But if I need to discard cards, can I discard them from my hand? Or from the game?
A: If you need to discard cards and it is not explicitly specified where to discard them from (for example, the wizard's "Subdue" explicitly says - discard the entire hand), then you can discard both from your hand and from the game.

Q: Is an item the same as a treasure?
Oh no. an item is a card with a cost in gold (or with the inscription "No price"). Most items are treasures, but not all (for example, almost all mounts are door cards). A treasure without a value is not an item, as much as you would like it to be.

Q: If I lose items, can I discard them from my hand? Or just from the table?
A: Always, always only from the table. A card in hand does not count as a carried item. If you need to discard cards from your hand, this will be clearly indicated.

Q: If I am a thief and I steal an item from another player, can it be considered that he himself gives me this item?
A: No, munchkin. Donation is a voluntary process. The key difference is that the giver chooses what to give.

Q: What if the card forces the player to give me the item?
A: To give means to give. It doesn't matter what makes the player do it.

Q: At what point do cards from the game go to the discard pile? For example, during the battle I use a one-time item, does it remain in play until the end of the battle or is it immediately discarded?
A: One-use cards do not go to the discard pile until the end of the battle. However, they are no longer considered "your" cards, unless something restarts combat and returns the cards to their original owners, in which case your rights to it will be restored.

Q: We just had a fight and played a bunch of cards. The player to my left is a cleric. And he starts to put the cards in the discard pile the way he likes - is that right?
A: Whose move is the one who puts the cards in the discard pile. In the order you see fit.

Q: The Yuppitock card doesn't say it's a potion, but it LOOKS like a potion. Does the potion rule apply to him?
Oh yeah. If it is a liquid poured somewhere, then it can be considered a potion. (But note that other types of disposable items, such as "grenades" or "pus", are designated by a special word. Also note that "potions" is not "pus", and "pus" is not "potions")

Q: Do all items that say “one-time use” work like potions?
A: All disposable items (those that say “use once”) can be played directly from the hand, unless otherwise stated (no exceptions at the moment).

Q: What is a "weapon"?
A: In a more formalized game, we would write the word "weapon" on all swords, axes, etc. Use common sense, even if IT'S a Munchkin. In general, any item that requires hands and is not marked as anything else, as well as items like Song and Dance Sword, can be considered a weapon.

Q: Can I sell items for less than 1000 gold? Well, let's just get rid of them...
Oh no. If items for 1000 gold are not collected, they cannot be sold.

Q: Let's say I have items for 1000 years, can I have items "without a price" with them?
O: Absolutely. “Without price” means the same as “0 gold”, therefore, you can sell these items, if the card does not say otherwise (but it must be written “Without price” on the card! If the price is not indicated, sell such card is not allowed).

Q: The rules say that "in play" cards can be sold or discarded. When are cards discarded?
A: It depends on the type of card. First, the card must be in play, i.e. lie on the table in front of you (it would be rather ridiculous to discard the cards of other players). Class and race cards (including Half-Blood and Super Munchkin) may be discarded at any time, including in order to trigger an ability, except for abilities that grant discarded race or class cards (unless the ability race or class does not require you to reset that race or class). A card that has a long-term effect on you cannot be discarded. Items are the only type of cards that can be traded. And, if nothing (for example, a curse) prevents you from discarding an item, then it can be discarded in the following cases:

Sale per level (at the same time, see the rule about the minimum sale price above);
- To use any ability of a race, class or other cards;
- To fulfill the requirements of indecency or curse/trap;
-It's a big piece and you NEED to get rid of it (because of the Mercenary's death, or because you're no longer a dwarf) and no one else can take it.

Q: When can I change the status of items in the game from "used" to "carried" and vice versa?
A: To be clear, all items on the table are clothes in the game or carried. The ones you are currently using are " used". You can change their state at any time when you're not in combat or doing something else (for example, you can't do this during a wash roll, or before the curse effect is applied).

Q: I heard some use the term "backpack", but I can't find it in my rules. Are my rules out of date?
Oh no. Some seasoned players use the term "backpack" to refer to the items they carried but not used, however this term is not in the official rules and we do not recommend using it because it leads to this kind of confusion. (In addition, there are several items in the game that have the word "backpack" in their name, and they mean something completely different. It's best not to use this term)

Q: There are cards in different sets with the same name but different descriptions.
A: That's not a question. This is a statement of fact. Different sets HAVE cards with the same name but different descriptions. In some cases this was done on purpose, but not in all. We don't think this is a big problem. We believe that just changing the names of the maps will cause problems.
For convenience, we have list of duplicates( maps.
However, make sure you don't mix old and new kits. As of May 2010, the wording on some cards (notably "Super Munchkin" and "Cheat!") has been changed, and new sets of all Munchkin sets will come out with these changes. The list of maps that have changed (excluding maps with minor changes that do not affect the game) can be found in list of changes(

Q: I have a card that says it gives me an extra hand, but it says "-1 hand" on the bottom. What the heck?
A: "-1 hand" just means that you get an extra hand; all cards that require hands to use have a positive value, for example: "in 1 hand" in the lower corner of the card. When you add up the number of hands used by your cards, this number should not exceed 2 - so the card that gives an extra hand has a negative value.

Races and classes

Q: If I use Half-Blood along with one race card, is my second race a human?
Oh yeah. You get "only advantages, no disadvantages" of another race, but you cannot use Items marked "human only" or get bonuses against monsters with a "weakness" to humans (although there are quite a few of them).

Q: Can I use two Half-Breeds to get more than two races, or two Super Munchkins to get more than two Classes?
A: No, unless it's part of the house rules, of course.

Q: Can I play Half-Blood with two of the same race (or Super Munchkin with two of the same class) to get double the bonus?
O: Uh... No. (My dad is an elf, and my mom is... an elf!). Each player in the game can only have one card of any race or class. In other words, if you are a half-orc and you have another orc card in your hand, you cannot play it without discarding an orc card from play.

Q: If I use Super Munchkin or Half Breed (Double Mojo, Bilingual...), can I discard one of the class or race cards and replace it with another (or not replace it)?
A: From a dwarven elf, you can change into a human dwarf or, if you have a Halfling card, into a dwarven halfling. You don't lose your half-breed. "Supermunchkin" works in a similar way with classes.

Q: Is it possible to change the current class to the same one (for example, to avoid distribution "from the bounty")?
A: A class can be reset at any time. You can play a class at any time during your turn. There is no requirement that the new class be different from the previous one. So yes.

Q: I only have one class and I change it. Do I lose items that say "if you lose class, discard a card"?
A: If you are playing a new class card immediately after discarding the old one, then no. A class change consists of two phases: the reset of the old class and the play of the new Class, and nothing can intervene between these two events.

Q: Can a class or race card be kept sideways on the table to use later?
Oh no. The only type of cards that can lie on the table and not be used are items (although they have their own restrictions, for example, a limit on large items, etc.)

The battle

Q: What happens when there is a draw?
A: If there is not at least one munchkin warrior in the battle, then the monsters win.

Q: If I'm fighting two monsters, can I kill one and run away from the other?
Oh no. If you have a card that allows you to discard one of the monsters (e.g. Popomorph Potion), then you can do so and fight the rest. (You must win a fight to claim any treasure. You can't subdue one monster, take its treasure, and then fight the rest.) But you can't fight one monster and run away from the others. Monsters fight together.

Q: What happens when a Rogue Thing is thrown a monster that one of the players can ignore? For example, if they throw an Amazon, and one of the players is a girl?
A: When players help each other, monsters don't fight them individually. That is, if there is a girl among the players, then the wandering Amazon will give up the treasures and leave without engaging in battle. Therefore, by the way, the Stoned Golem is not a very good monster to throw up, as players can simply ignore it. (We remind you that the owner of the battle always pulls the treasures, and only then distributes them according to the agreement).

Q: So if I'm not a Halfling, I can completely ignore the Stoned Golem?
Oh yeah. It's like it doesn't exist at all. But if you don't kill him, you won't get his treasure even if you kill all the other monsters! (And you can't go back to him after the fight with other monsters is over: he's stoned, but not stupid!)

Q: I'm level 2 and I'm being attacked by a level 9 monster. A level 5 player enters the battle. The third player throws us a monster that does not pursue players of level 3 and below. We lose and are forced to flee. A tossed monster is chasing both of them?
A: During combat, monsters fight together. But when it comes to chasing them, they act on their own and the Munchkins try to escape from each of them individually. That is, the thrown monster does not pursue you, but pursues your assistant.

Q: What about during the fight? You said they fight together. Does this mean that if one of the monsters has a bonus (positive or negative) to fire items, then this applies to both?
O: That's right. The monster's immunity (or weakness) will apply to all monsters in combat. (This does not include normal combat bonuses and penalties; if one monster gets "-2", it does not mean that EVERY monster gets "-2", this penalty applies to the entire group once. And if one monster does not fight, it is not means that ALL monsters do not fight, but only apply to this one). If it helps, think of the fight as a general fight, and the various immunities and weaknesses as conditions that apply to the whole fight.

B: I'm going to roll the dice for the wash. Can I cast Curses on other Munchkins before rolling? And then?
A: While curses can be played at any time, the roll of the die is inextricably linked to the effects of the flush. So yes, you can play curses before the roll, but not between the roll and the lascivious/flush. After that, you can play curses as usual.

Q: I met a monster that "Does not chase anyone whose level is X or below." I am below that level. Can I fight this monster?
A: Of course, you can fight the monster. If you fail to win and are about to flush, your flush will be automatic (no die roll).

Q: Do the bonuses that monsters receive against classes/races stack? For example, if a monster has a +4 bonus against dwarves and +4 against elves, and I'm a half-dwarf/half-elf, will that monster have +8 against me?
A: If it's not mentioned on the card itself, the bonuses add up. That is, yes, in this case it will be +8. (Honest warning: we used to say otherwise, but now THIS is officially the correct one)

Q: If during a fight someone changes my race or class (for example with a curse), does that change my bonuses?
Oh yeah. If you are no longer an elf, you cannot receive bonuses from "elf-only" items, etc. You can never benefit from two races or classes in the same fight unless you have a card to do so. The exception is bonuses gained by discarding cards. If a warrior has already discarded a card to gain a +1 bonus, and then ceases to be a warrior, he retains this bonus (but will no longer be able to discard cards to gain more bonuses from warrior abilities). Yes, this rule can be turned to your advantage, hehe. (However, you cannot discard your Warrior class to play another Warrior card and fully use Rampage twice.)

Q: In combat, I use a disposable item, and someone with a curse or "Theft" is trying to get rid of it. Does the bonus stay?
A: Stealing will not work if you are in combat. Cursing can destroy your item while you're about to play it, but if you've already played it into combat, it's no longer yours and you can't curse it.

Q: Some cards allow you to automatically defeat monsters of a certain type (for example, "Potion of Mouth Stink" for Wandering Nose or "Leech Bomb"). Can someone stop this? Can someone play "Rogue Thing"?
A: Even though you defeated the monster automatically, you still have to give the other munchkins a reasonable amount of time to respond. Most likely, they will no longer help the defeated monster, but they may well play the “Wandering Creature”. (But if the monster had the "bring a friend" ability, like undeads or sharks, for example, then it will not work, because the monster is no longer there).

Q: One of the players added a “Rogue Thing” to the battle with the effect “before the battle” (for example, the Pagan Demon makes you drop your item before the battle starts). But I'm already in combat, should I take this effect's action?
Oh no. You got lucky this time (We oooooo really wanted to say yes since we are Munchkins, but that would lead to some problems)

Q: My friends start counting down 2.6 seconds as soon as the monster card is put down and the fight starts. This time is not enough to even read the map! This is right?
A: The rules say you have to give "reasonable time" for other players to react in order to win the fight. What your friends are doing is unacceptable, you should be able to read the card to determine what to do in this situation. On the other hand, you can't take time every fight to read every card on the table, or endlessly sort through the cards in the hope of finding something suitable. The 2.6 second rule is a joke that you can't delay the game indefinitely just because someone else is winning.

Q: Does the "acceptable time" rule apply if you defeat a monster without killing, or only with a kill?
A: With any kind of victory. If you win without killing, then other players have some reasonable time to play a suitable card and interfere with you. But if you removed a monster from the fight (for example, " magic lamp”), they cannot play monster modifiers or cards of a similar type that specifically affect the monster since there is no one in combat, nor can they use any special rules to draw monsters into combat that depend on the presence of monsters in combat ( for example, such as usually sharks from " Pirate Munchkin"). But they can play Wandering creature».

Q: If a card is played into battle that says "valid next battle" (for example, "Sex Change"), does the effect of the card apply to the CURRENT battle or the next one?
A: If the fight isn't over yet (and it probably is, since people are playing cards against you), then the effect of the card is applied to the current fight (this is explicitly written in the rules since version 1.5, so now there is no confusion)

Q: If the player encounters a monster that is not chasing him, does the player receive treasure?
O: No, no, no. The player must try to defeat the monster, but if he fails to win, he is automatically washed off without a die roll and without any lewdness. The player does not receive any reward if they fail to defeat the monster!

Q: Can I play a "Level Up" card on another player - for example, to have a monster start chasing them?
A: The original meaning of the cards Get a level was in another, but it's so mean and Munchkin that we can't say no. Therefore, we have revised the rules and make it clear: you can play cards " Get a level» on other players. But, just like playing this card on yourself, the munchkin must be able to gain this level. You can't play this card on a munchkin if he can only level up by killing a monster.

Q: Do you have to kill the monster? If I win, can I choose a wash?
A: You can't run away if you defeat a monster with whatever you have in the game. However, you don't have to play one-shot items, negative modifiers, etc. to win, even if those cards win you.

Q: When exactly do I die and how long do I stay dead?
A: Death occurs when you are subjected to lewdness, which says that you are dying (not all lewdness leads to death). If you were preparing to run away from other monsters after that, you no longer need to do this - monsters do not haunt the dead. While you are dead, you cannot receive cards and levels, regardless of the reasons. You STAY dead until the next player's turn. After that, your character is resurrected and can already participate in the battle, despite the fact that you do not yet have cards (which you can get through the distribution of "bounties", as a reward for helping in battle or at the beginning of your next turn). Fortunately, death is temporary...

Q: Do I have to flush? What if I WANT to die?
A: Your character doesn't want to die. He's always TRYING to get away. If you want to die, hope for a bad die roll.


B: I playedCheat!on one of his coats. Can I transfer it to another?
Oh no. Card "Chit!" cannot be transferred to other items after it has been played. If for some reason you can now use a "read" item without a "Cheat!" card, then... alas. Translate "Chit!" still not possible.

Q: Is it possible to use the card "Cheat!take sha skein from another player or a pocopget in the dump to take shskein from there?
O: No and no. "Chit!" allows you to carry (have in the game) and use an item that does not suit you due to class/racial/slot restrictions. In other words, you can put on a second headband; or a second big piece if you're not a dwarf; or some other one- or two-handed weapon when all your hands are already occupied; or "A bow with ribbons" if you are not an elf, etc. But the item should already be at your disposal, the card "Cheat!" does not allow you to get it just like that. Formally, starting from the 19th edition, according to the text of the card, you can play "Cheat!" on a piece of clothing that you can use without it, but why do you need it?

Q: If I have a small item with a "Cheat!" card, and I get the "Lost small item" curse, can I tell that the "read" item is not small item, and therefore it is not affected by the curse?
A: Good move, but no. "Chit!" does not cancel the properties of items, it only allows the use of items, despite the restrictions.

Q: Does "Chit!" the effect of a curse on an item (for example, the Cursed Curse or Antimatter)?
A: If a curse adds a negative effect to an item, then "Cheat!" cannot remove this effect.

Other matters

Q: If I said I was going to do something, do I have to do it, or can I change my mind? For example, I am a wizard, and I said that I would fight a monster, but then it was strengthened. Can I say I've changed my mind and put him down?
A: NO decision of yours must be final unless the rules or cards say otherwise (however, if you play a card or roll a die, you can no longer revoke and replay).

Q: Two different cards allow me to roll a die in the same situation (let's say both avoid a curse). Does one card take precedence over another?
A: Choose the card that gives you the best score and roll the die. If the roll fails, try another one. You can try until you run out of options.

Q: The card shows a weapon that must be wielded with two hands, but the text on the card says it's one-handed. What to believe?
A: Believe the text. If it says "in 1 hand", then this is a one-handed item, no matter what is drawn in the picture.

Q: Is the initial gender of the characters the same as the gender of the players or is it selectable?
A: The rules say it matches. But the authors of the game do not object to the introduction of "house rules" for cosplayers, transsexuals or open-minded players who, for example, received class / race cards with pictures of the opposite sex. Official "Munchkin" or "Unnatural Ax" T-shirts can also change your gender. If you like to play by "house rules", you can think of other ways to change the floor more often, but don't forget about the standard "-5" penalty.

Q: During the tournament, one of the players stated that he (she?) is actually a man. I thought it was a woman! Is there a rule for this?
A: If the player says that he is a woman, then that is enough. However, if later she tries to say that she is still a man, this will no longer work.

Q: I'm a guy, but the race/class card I played has a female character. Does this mean I changed gender?
Oh no. The drawings on the cards are made solely to make it more interesting to look at them. It does not affect the gender of your character in any way.

Q: I need to draw two cards and then discard one of them. What to do if one of the cards says “play immediately” (“Hurrah, treasure!”, “Divine intervention”, etc.)?
A: The card's effect takes effect immediately as soon as you choose to keep it. If a card with such an effect is discarded, it means that it did not appear in the game and the effect did not take effect.

Q: How are the cards applied? Immediately, as soon as they were played, or when the player says that he has finished playing the cards?
A: As soon as they are played. Some games use a "stack" where the effect of all cards played is applied at once. Munchkin is not that kind of game.


Q: If someone with Divorce Knee Pads forces me to help him, can I cut him, play cards against him, etc., so that we have to run away?
A: Decide for yourself. You were forced to fight, but not forced to win.

Q: I hate Divorce Knee Pads. They ruin the whole game. What to do?
A: There are several options:
- Steal this card from all decks and EAT. If you get caught, back off.
- If your friends also don't like Knee Pads, play without this card (you can do this with any cards).
- If a player with Knee Pads gets too much advantage, team up against him. Cut him down in every fight, throw potions at him, eat his food when he comes out, etc., you get the idea. No one can stand against the combined forces of all rivals.
We've been asked this question so often that in editions 14 through 18 we replaced "Divorce's Kneecaps" with an additional "Rogue Thing". But in 19th Edition, we brought the Kneepads back with a slight reduction in their power (and kept an extra Wandering Thing for the sacrifice of one Magic Lamp).

Q: Can I use the "Help What You Can" card to take "Divorce Knee Pads" and get someone to help me?
A: Yes, if the player you force to help changes the outcome of the battle from defeat to victory (and this is a prerequisite for using the “Help in any way you can” card). But don't expect anyone to like this move...

Q: Can you use the "Help In Any Way You Can" card to take a Potion of a Popomorph (or a "Magic Lamp" or...) and take a monster out of combat?
A: In the context of the card Help in any way you can, the phrase "change the outcome of the battle in your favor" means that you must defeat the monsters at the expense of your combat strength. The item should increase your combat strength enough to defeat the monster (or, in the case of Knee Pads, lead to such a result). You can't play a "Help What You Can" card if you're already winning combat, take an item that doesn't provide enough bonus, or take other items that won't change your combat strength.

Q: How often can a thief steal?
A: As long as he has cards to discard.

Q: What happens to a level 1 thief if his thievery attempt fails? He is dying?
A: Nothing happens to him. You cannot lose level 1. (Beware of level 1 thieves - they literally have nothing to lose!)

Q: Can a thief steal if he is in combat?
Oh no. He is somewhat busy.

Q: Can a thief steal from those who are in combat?
Oh no. They are somewhat busy.

Q: Can a thief steal if neither he nor his victim is in combat, but combat is in progress?
Oh yeah.

Q: Can a thief cut himself?
Oh no. Although it would be very Munchkin, the card says "another player".

Q: I drew Divine Intervention in the dark. What's happening?
A: The text of the card says that no matter how you get it, all clerics immediately gain a level. Reveal a card, and if you are a cleric, play it with glee. Otherwise, play a card in disgust to show your contempt for those lucky ones who became clerics in time...

Q: What happens if a player receives Divine Intervention at the very beginning of the game?
A: The player must immediately play this card. Those players who have the opportunity to become clerics can do so and gain a level. After everything is over, the card goes to the discard pile.

Q: Can a cleric in a fight with multiple undeads discard three cards per monster to get a +9 bonus against each of them?
O: Wow! This is what is called “thinking like a Munchkin”. Unfortunately, you can only discard a maximum of 3 cards per battle, not per monster...

Q: On the map "Hurray, Treasure!" it is written that it must be played immediately. Does that mean as soon as it is drawn from the deck?
A: The card "Hurrah, treasure!" must be played as soon as it is drawn from the deck. If you received "Hurrah, treasure!" at the beginning of the game, you must play it as soon as it is in your hand, then draw 3 cards blindly.

Q: And if I need to choose between the card "Hurrah, treasure!" and another card?
A: If you need to draw cards and choose one of them, and one of these cards turned out to be “Hurrah, treasure!”, then “Hurrah, treasure!” is not played until you choose it. If you choose this card, play immediately.

Q: If I play a card that lets me draw "Hooray, Treasure!" hand, what to do?
A: So you take "Hurrah, treasure!" into the hand for a fraction of a second, after which the "play immediately" condition is triggered. At the same time, it is believed that “Hurrah, treasure!” was pulled out in the dark.

Q: Can a cleric play "Hooray, Treasure!" over and over again, discarding it before drawing three cards, and then discarding it again, etc.?
Oh no. "Hurrah, treasure!" must be discarded AFTER you draw three cards. But still, GREAT move! (By the way, for this reason, you should not mix two “Hooray, treasures” into one deck)

Q: If the wizard is not in combat, can he use "pacify"?
Oh no. According to the card's text, the player can use "pacify" instead of fighting the monster, not to interfere with someone else's combat. That is, "pacification" can be used by a wizard who opened the door or is an assistant in battle.

Q: If a wizard helps in combat and subdues a monster, does he get treasures for it?
A: Treasures obtained by subduing are no different from treasures obtained by killing a monster. Thus, the treasures (which are drawn after the fight is over and all the monsters are defeated) are distributed according to the original agreement between the fight master and the helper.

Q: If the wizard is fighting multiple monsters, can he discard all the cards from his hand to subdue one monster, get his treasure in his hand and immediately discard it to subdue the next monster, etc.?
Oh no. When fighting multiple monsters, you cannot get the treasure of any of them until all the monsters are defeated.

Q: Can a wizard discard cards to gain a flush bonus after a die roll?
A: Since the 19th edition, yes! (In previous editions, you had to discard cards in advance).

Q: The False Mirror says, "If you pull out the Curse Release until your next fight, the Curse is removed." But there is no such card. Maybe he meant "Wishful ring"?
A: Wow, you have a pretty old version of the Munchkin - we fixed that a long time ago! Yes, the Wishful Ring can remove the curse until the next turn.

IN: "Cheater toubik"allows you to change the result toany number of my choice. Can I choose 1000000 or "-1000000" and...
O: Congratulations! You are playing one of the very first versions of Munchkin. In all subsequent editions, it is explicitly stated that one must physically turn the cube to the desired side up and say that it was so. All modifiers to the result of the roll take effect after you have rolled the die - as if you had actually rolled that number.

Q: Can I playPotion dfriendship"on the monster after being flunked withwash?
Oh no! The fight ends after you fail to kill the monster.

Q: What happens if a monster is played "The Bad Couple", or I play "Doppelganger" and then get cut, or someone plays a potion on one of the sides?
A: The Bad Couple doesn't double anything other than monster modifiers (we introduced this rule in 19th edition to make life easier for everyone). The Doppelgänger is an exact copy of the player, so you need to count their combat strength and double it.

Q: Some cards (Magic Lamp, Darkness, Potion of the Popomorph, etc.) allow you to remove ONE monster from combat. Does his "couple" (or his other "relatives" from additions) leave the battle? In other words, is the Bad Couple a modifier (like Elderly) or a single monster (like brought into battle with a Rogue Thing card)?
A: The Ugly Couple is a separate monster. That is, in front of you now are two monsters, each of which must be disposed of separately. If you played a card that removed a monster from combat before someone played The Bad Couple, then the monster that the Bad Couple would have joined is no longer there, so The Bad Couple can no longer be played.

Q: What happens when a Wandering Thing is thrown into a fight with a helper Gazebo?
A: The helper leaves, leaving the player alone with Gazebo and the rest of the monsters.

Q: Can I play Instant Wall to force someone to run out of combat?
Oh no. Instant Wall allows one or two Munchkins to escape if they choose to. It is played after the players have decided to run away, but before they have rolled the dice.

Q: Aren't Mademonoiselles supposed to be undes?
A: No, they just look like that.

Q: Mademonoiselles cannot be defeated with item bonuses, only by level. Is it possible to use items to avoid combat, for example, "Magic Lamp"?
Oh yeah.

Q: Can I use Warrior's Rampage against Mademoniselles?
Oh no. The text of the Mademonoiselles says: "In combat with them, no bonuses will help. Defeat them with the size of the level."

Q: What exactly is the lewdness of the Plutonium Dragon? If I fail the wash, do I just die?
A: We have clarified this in the 19th edition. It wasn't explicitly written about in earlier versions, but if you get fried and eaten, you'll most likely die. The answer is yes, you're just dying...

Q: In what cases does the "Magic Lamp" allow me to take treasures?
A: If you play "Lamp" during the fight with a single monster, you will receive its treasures. If during a battle with several monsters you play "Lamp" on one of them, you will not receive its treasures even if you defeated the others (but you will receive the treasures of the rest of the defeated ones).

Q: If I use Switchman's Potion to take someone else's combat onto me, can I use cards or abilities (such as Magic Lamp) that only apply on my turn?
Oh no. This is not your move. The card says that “the monster is now being fought by another player,” but this does not mean that the original player’s turn was interrupted, but only that you violated the order of his turn.

Q: The Dowser's Pole doesn't say "disposable", but it must be discarded after use. Can it be considered as a disposable item (played by hand, during a fight, etc.)?
A: This card is a single use card, even if it doesn't have the magic word "one use" written on it, so the rules for single use items apply to it as well. It can be played during combat, handheld, etc.

Q: I used some kind of ability to automatically kill the monster. Another player played Rogue Thing and added another monster to the fight, then he played Switchman's Potion and took my fight to himself. He defeated the monster. Who gets the level and treasure for the monster I killed?
A: You, after all, you killed him. (This question has had different answers over time, but now we have an answer directly from Steve, so it overrides all other options.) You get levels and treasures after the fight is over. If the other player wins, you take the treasure first.

wild ax

Q: On the card "Merzhavka-Pohtnitsa" it says something like this: "... you will have to run away if you do not help the munchkin of the opposite sex." Does this mean I can't play cards like "Gone to Base"?
A: The map says you should run, but it doesn't say you should do it right now. You cannot fight the monster, but you can play other cards on it, and if you manage to take the monster out of combat, then its requirement is also removed.

Q: If I use the "Sword of Killing Everything But Squid" and I get attacked by Calmadzilla, can I play "Wraith" to turn it into something else?
Oh no. As soon as Calmadzilla appears, the fight ends and you must immediately try to escape. (From the text of the card itself, this is not 100% clear, but the meaning is exactly the same!)

Q: If I use False Beard, do the monsters think I'm a dwarf?
A: Yes (it's not clear why this question was included in the "FAQ" - this is stated on the card itself). If you wear a False Beard, the monsters think you are a dwarf and react accordingly. Your real race doesn't matter to them because they can't see it.

Q: Can an orc use his ability to undo a curse after the fact? I became an Orc while I was under the Hen on the Tower curse - can I cancel it?
Oh no. If the orc did not use his ability at the moment the curse fell, it takes effect and he will not be able to remove it later.

Q: Why doesn't Orc have a bonus against 3,872 Orcs?
A: Instead of writing a special rule on the Orc card for the sake of one monster, we decided that Orcs equally hate representatives of all races.

Q: The "Bounty" curse card says "every player". What does it mean?
A: That means every player except the victim of the curse. The point is that the victim distributes all his belongings to other players.

Q: Can you explain how the Siege Engine works?
A: The original version of the Siege Engine was designed for the old version of the Mercenary map, and the result was something strange. We changed the map text when we released the color version of the game. Siege Engine is now a two-handed large item that does not count towards your large items, and you can decide at the start of combat whether or not you use it to gain a +4 bonus and a -1 penalty to flush.

Q: Can I play Annihilation to cancel the monster I met behind the door I just opened? What will happen?
A: Put the monster card in the box and forget about it. But since this one hasn't been played by your opponents, you won't be able to open another door. And since the monster was already in the game, you can neither look for trouble nor clean the stash.

Q: I just killed a monster and should be level 10. Another player is playing Trojan Horse with Plutonium Dragon and says that I can't level up (and win the game) until I beat the Dragon. I say that I already killed the monster, and even if I don't get the treasure, I still won because got level 10. Who is right?
A: Congratulations on your win! Depriving you of treasure doesn't mean you don't level up for killing. In fact, if you strictly follow the rules, you should level up before fighting a new monster.

Q: Another player has used Rogue Thing. What if I "annihilate" a monster or a Rogue Thing card?
A: In both cases, the annihilated card goes into the box and the other card is returned to its owner's hand.

Q: I cast the Curse Curse on an item and we're not sure how it should work. Can this Item be rotated? Do her abilities work (examples: fiery, impossibility of loss due to indecency, combination with other similar items for one slot, additional hands, etc.)?
A: You cannot rotate this item, it will occupy its slot until you remove the curse or otherwise get rid of it. If the item had other bonuses (for example, to flush), they are lost. If it is a fire item, it ceases to be considered as such. It cannot be lost through indecency, but this is the property of the “Cursed Shnyaga”, and it doesn’t matter if the item originally had this property. It can be lost as a result of the curse, even if the item says not to. If an item says that it can be used with other items of the same type, then you can no longer use all the other items of this type (for example, "Raincoat" with "Cursed Shnyaga" cannot be equipped with other armor) and must "take off (t .e. rotate them). But if another piece has such a property, then there is no problem (“Raincoat” can be worn with another armor with “Damn Shnyaga”). An item that grants an extra hand loses this ability.

Q: Does the Curse of Tiny Hands prevent me from carrying (i.e. having in the game) two-handed items, or just using them?
A: It forbids carrying them, according to the text of the card (and therefore forbids using them). Please note that starting from the 20th draw, we have changed this card and now the ban applies to all items that require more than 1 hand, and not just two-handed ones.

Clerical errors

Q: How does the Spellbed work?
A: "Lodge" gives you the opportunity to become a wizard in addition to your current class(es), with all its advantages and disadvantages. In fact, this is an additional class card. If you use Bed, you can use wizard-only items, flight and subdue abilities, bonuses/penalties against monsters, and also, if you play by epic rules, you can use epic wizard power , starting at Level 10. But at the start of a fight (i.e. right after you open the door and see the monster, or when you're looking for trouble), you have to decide whether or not to use Bed. If you decide to use, then you will have a penalty of "-1" to the wash.

Q: If I use "Puffballs", do the monsters think I'm an elf?
A: Yes (it's not clear why this question was included in the FAQ - this is stated on the card itself). If you're wearing "Bubbles", the monsters think you're an elf and react accordingly. Your real race doesn't matter to them because they can't see it.

Q: What happens if I put on "False Beard" and "Puffs" at the same time?
A: Monsters will think you're half-dwarf, half-elf.

Q: How does Autocutter work?
A: Autocutter allows non-thieves to use the Crop method during combat. That is, the owner can discard one card and cut the player by "-2" once per battle. If the thief uses Autocutter, he gets a bonus to the power of the "cut" (instead of the standard "-2" he cuts by "-3").

Q: Grip handles allow me to turn a big piece into a small one. Can a thief play them on someone's big piece and try to steal it?
Oh no. You can't play modifiers on other players' gear unless it's explicitly stated on the card.

Q: Can I play Earl the Duck if I'm at level 1 and can't lose a level? What if I'm 9th (or 19th or 20th in an epic game) and can't level up without killing a monster? What if I use a special die with a guaranteed result of "6"?
A: You can play this card anyway, but you won't lose/gain levels in the situations described.

Craving for a horse

Q: I have Dzhigitovka Boots and, accordingly, two Mounts. What happens when I lose Boots? Discard the second Steed immediately? Is he killed? And if it was a Riding Tiger, does it return to the "hand"?
A: You're losing a Steed because you can only have one. This is not the case after which the Tigra returns to the "hand".

Q: Do I need to do anything special to play Mount Booster?
Oh no. This is the same booster as the Item Booster, only it is played exclusively on the Steed.

Q: I have a fire-breathing Steed. Does this mean my attacks become fire/flame?
Oh yeah.

Q: Is it possible to play a Mount from the "hand" during a Troubleshooting?
Oh no. The Steed can only be fought when the Door is opened.

Q: Is it possible to drop the Steed for autowash (similar to the Mercenary)?
A: No, unless the card says otherwise.


Q: Do I get treasures or a level when I tame a monster?
A: No, munchkin. You didn't kill him.

Q: If I fight multiple monsters, when does taming occur?
A: This happens first, your new mount will help you against other monsters.

Q: What happens to my old mount when I tame a monster?
A: The same thing happens when you replace an old mount with a new one. The old one goes to waste.

Q: Does a tamed mount count as a large item?
A: Because it doesn't have a price, it doesn't count as an item, and it's not affected by items-only cards. However, he obeys all the rules of the horses.

Q: If I discard a tamed monster, what happens to that card?
A: The card goes into the discard pile of the door deck. This is no longer a horse. It's a monster again.

Q: Do I keep my tamed mount if I stop being a ranger?
O, sure.

Q: What happens if boosters, potions, etc. have been played on a monster. before I tamed it?
A: Taming a mount is similar to “pacifying” a wizard, so one-time items of amplifiers, etc. are discarded (if it was the only monster). There are various interpretations of this on the forum, but this answer is the official one.

Q: The Rushing Chicken makes all my flush attempts automatically successful. And if I meet a monster that says that you can’t run away from it (for example, Voshki), whose ability will win?
A: A monster that cannot be run away from always overrides any abilities that allow you to run away automatically, because the monster does not even allow a flush attempt.

Q: I'm using Skates as a mount and played a mount booster on them, what happens if I declare them to be boots?
A: The mount booster will remain on the Skates, but will not give you a bonus while you use them as boots.

Crazy Dungeons

Q: In the Reworked Curses Dungeon, all curses affect all munchkins at once. How do curses like “Income Tax” work in this case, which already affect all players?
A: Since "Income Tax" is already a curse, play this card exactly as it says.

Q: What about the Cleric Error in the Curse Recycled Dungeon?
O: Hmm. Well, okay... Since Clerical Error initiates combat, and we can't allow multiple fights at the same time, we have to say that Clerical Error can't be universal. Play it the way it says on the card.

Q: I played the Dwarf card and drew a Dungeon of Perfect Miserliness, during which all dwarves gain a level. Can this level become victorious?
A: It doesn't say that on the map, so this level can't be won.

Q: The rules say that when I play a portal from my hand or find it by kicking a door, I draw a replacement card. What happens if I discard a portal to activate an ability or as a curse or lewd effect?
A: Since the portal itself does not count as being played, you are not pulling a replacement.

Q: Does the Elven Evolution Dungeon (in which everyone who is not yet an elf gets an elf card) overrides the effect of the One and Only card played on an elf. "The One and Only" forbids other players from becoming a member of this race, but the Dungeon makes everyone elves. What will work?
A: The Elven Evolution Dungeon makes everyone an elf regardless of their current race. Therefore, the dungeon overrides the effect of “One and Only”. However, when everyone gets out of this dungeon, they won't be able to save the elven race.

Q: When exiting the Elven Evolution Dungeon, it is required to "reset the races to the normal cap, and the elf card can be discarded or lost as normal". Does this mean that I should become what I was?
Oh yeah. When you exit this dungeon, you must choose between your races (past and elf) and reset the excess to the normal limit (usually one). You can keep the elf or become something else.

Q: In the Dungeon of Vain Labors, the game goes up to Level 11, but Levels 10 and 11 are reached in the same way. Can I still play the “Get Leveled” card to move from level 9 to level 10?
A: No, you can't play Level Up to get Level 10. This dungeon doesn't change the rules for getting level 10, it just adds level 11.

Q: We were in the Irrational Beating Dungeon and I pulled out the “Dungeon cleared” portal! Should we level up?
A: If you reset the Irrational Beating Dungeon, then yes, you will level up. If you reset another dungeon, then no.

Two-Handed Cheat (Former Blender)

Q: If I wear "Freudian Prop" and then put on a "Revealing Suit", or vice versa, can I get myself a bonus comparable to the US National Debt?
Oh no. The "sex change" caused by "Props" does not apply to cards such as "Revealing Suit". However, if you lose the Props and the last gender you declared is different from the one before the Props were put on, this change will count and add the Revealing Suit bonus.

Q: If I use "Old Edition", can I play "Elf" as a class if I'm already an elf (as a race)?
Oh no. You can only have one copy of each class and race. Even if you use the "Old Edition" to play a race as a class or a class as a race, you cannot duplicate a race or class that you already have played.

Q: Can I use an add-on from one set to play with another? For example, can I mix Dancing With Sharks with Munchkin Fu without using the Pirate Munchkin base set?
A: Sure, but a lot of card interaction effects can be lost and you won't feel the full value of the expansion. Munchkin sets can be combined in a variety of ways, some more effective than others. Usually add-ons should be used with an appropriate base set. (“The two-handed cheat” is an exception, it can be used with any sets you want. It is made as an addition to the classic (fantasy) set, because the classic “Munchkin” is the most common and popular).

Q: I mixed the classic Munchkin with the Vampire Munchkin! Will the elf get two levels for helping kill “Your Old Craacter” (Pants Macabre DLC)?
Oh no. elves only get one level for every monster they help kill, so an elf can get either a normal level for an elven ability, or a level for killing a "Past Character", but not both...

Q: I mixed Munchkin Cthulhu and Munchkin Zombie. Does Skittle add a bonus like "bowling gear" to Munchkin Zombie?
O, sure! (Also, all those items help the Good, Bad, Munchkin Indians, if you're playing the English version!) Special rules are usually supposed to override the standard ones, unless otherwise stated. We add all the notes on mixing sets to the Two-Handed Cheat rules, so if you often play mixed decks, we recommend downloading the latest version of these rules.

Q: I have a “Coupon” and a “Gift Card”. Can I use "Coupon" to take "Gift Card" plus 400 gold items from the discard pile, and then use "Gift Card" to take back the "Coupon" - and so on until I have collected all the items?
A: On the “Coupon” it says that it has no cash equivalent and there should not even be the words “no price”, which means it is not an item and cannot be picked up using a “Gift Card” (this is the official errata).

In the tail and in the mane

Q: In the picture, the Klaxon is attached to the Phoenix, but the Phoenix cannot be modified. "Klaxon" - an exception?
Oh no. The person responsible for this drawing was duly punished.

Q: I donated a Phoenix and it went to a player who already had a mount. What will happen?
A: If the Phoenix is ​​given to a player who already has the maximum number of mounts, that player must discard one mount. It doesn't have to be the Phoenix if the player wants to keep it.

Q: The Avatar card says that I am automatically flushed from all monsters if I lose a fight. But what if these are monsters from which washing is impossible?
A: You still run away from them. They're too busy trying to catch Avatar.

More good cards

Q: I received Treasures for killing a monster, and one of them turned out to be a Curse. Does it work like a normal Curse? How did my Treasures become cursed?
A: This is a printing error. These Curses should be Doors, not Treasures. The correct versions of these Curses can be found in Munchkin Monster Enhancers, Marked for Death, and Go Up a Level. (We need to be sure that people will find them!) We advise you not to use such erroneous Curses.

Munchkin Boosters

Important: boosters not for the classic set are in the appropriate sections. The Conan the Barbarian booster is under the Munchkin Conan set despite them having a "classic" shirt.

Q: I've seen boosters come in the little foil packs that collectible game cards are sold in. Is there a random set of cards?
Oh no. Each specific booster contains a fixed and identical set of cards. These additions are not random or collectible.

More Good Cards

Q: I got treasures for killing a monster, and one of them turned out to be a curse. Does it work like a normal curse? How did my treasures become cursed?
A: This is a printing error. These curses should be in the door deck, not the treasure deck. The correct versions of these curses can be found in "Munchkin Monster Enhancers", "Marked for Death" and "Go Up a Level". (We hope people find them!) We advise you not to use such erroneous curse cards.

Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster 2011

Q.What happens if I play Annihilation on a map protected by Marvelous Magenta Moat?
A. Nothing. "Marvelous Magenta Moat" protects the map.

Q. What happens if I play "Annihilation" on "Marvelous Magenta Moat" itself?
A. "Marvelous Magenta Moat" is annihilated, it cannot defend itself. If "Marvelous Magenta Moat" protected another card, that card is saved.

Q. Can I play the Munchkinomicon on the Marvelous Magenta Moat without other players stealing it and taking advantage of it?
A. No. The rules of the Munchkinomicon override the rules of the map. (It's a very rare case where the rules override the kata, but the Munchkinomicon is pretty unusual in itself)

Exclusive booster "Warehouse 23" 2012

Q: What's the joke with the Can of Worms? Is that a monster in the treasure deck?
A: Hmmm, this is a typing error that we decided to leave as is. There is a special mini-FAQ for this card in the errata section for this booster.

Fairy dust

Q: I have the first edition of Fairy Dust and the cards are curling. What should I do?
A: The first edition of “Fairy Dust” was printed on metallic paper, which behaved unexpectedly. Live and learn.

We replaced these cards through Warehouse 23, but this promotion has ended.

Q: If I enchant the Brilliant Good Fairy but don't kill her, will I get two pollen cards along with four treasures?
Oh yeah.

Q: If I play Pixie Potion, do I have to roll the die immediately? If yes, and it returns to my hand, can I use this potion again in this fight?
A: The roll is made after the combat is over.

Monster Boosters

Q: I was fighting a level 10 monster and another player played "... And Its Little Friends" with a level 15 monster. Which monster is considered the "original monster" to determine the level of monsters that other players can drop?
A: The "starting monster" in this case is the one that started the fight. In fact, another player could not play a level 15 monster, because his monster must also be lower than your original monster.


Q: Can I curse the Munchkinomicon? What will happen?
A: If the Munchkinomicon must be discarded due to a curse, it is normally placed on top of the treasure discard pile. If the curse turns its bonus into a penalty or has another permanent effect, it stays with the Munchkinomicon until it is returned to the Treasure deck as specified in the rules. However, the Munchkinomicon never binds to the player, even if a curse is cast on them that says otherwise.

Q: Can I play Annihilation at the Munchkinomicon? If yes, what will happen?
A: Yes, as long as the Munchkinomicon is in play, it can be annihilated (no Munchkin, it can't be annihilated if it's on top of the treasure dump). Put it in a box and forget about it...unless someone has the Summon The Book spell, which can bring the Munchkinomicon back even after Annihilation!

Q: It says in the rules that you get the Munchkinomicon when you die. But you can't get cards when you're dead. How does this happen?
A: The rules of the Munchkinomicon are higher than the usual rules for death: as soon as your former friends leave your corpse for the vultures, the Munchkinomicon appears in your possession and gives you a spell card. As stated in the rules, if more than one player dies per turn, the stinking decaying corpses roll dice to decide who gets it.

Q: If I pick up the Munchkinomicon from another player's corpse, do I get a spell? It is not clear from the text of the rules.

Q: If I steal the Munchkinomicon from another player, do I get a spell?
A: It's not an exchange, so yes, you get the spell.

Q: If I use "Help me what you can!" and take the Munchkinomicon from another player, do I get the spell?
A: It's not an exchange, so yes, you get the spell.

Q: The rules say that I cannot draw the Munchkinomicon on the same turn that I sold or discarded it. Can I use Summon The Book to get it back?
A: Since the main purpose of this spell is to take the Munchkinomicon for yourself, you can do it. (This is a good example of when the card text is above the rules.)

Q: Can I lure the Munchkinomicon from another player during a battle?
A: Yes, just like the Munchkinomicon rules say. This is an exception to the normal rules forbidding equipping during combat.

Q: When do spells reset?
A: After use. Yes, this means that if there are few cards left in the spell deck, you can quickly shuffle a new deck if the opportunity presents itself. (If you want to make it a household rule that spells don't reset until end of turn, that doesn't make much sense.)

Q: Do spells count as "one-time cards"?
Oh no. Spell cards count as spells.

Q: Can multiple players repeatedly pull off each other's Munchkinomicon during another player's fight to gain spells and prevent the player from winning?
A: As soon as the player says "OK, I win, is anyone going to interfere with me?", the "acceptable time" countdown begins. You cannot stop a winning player by saying you are going to do something, you must take a specific action (play a card or discard a card to activate an ability). Searching the discard is not a specific action - you can draw a spell with the Munchkinomicon if you want, but until you've cast a combat-affecting spell, you can't change the combat situation, and the "acceptable time" countdown continues.

One exception: if you're going to find a SPECIFIC card in the discard pile that can affect combat, and you can name it, then by declaring your intention to look for it, you can stop the timer. However, if you start to play for time (for example, read each card, instead of looking only at the names in search of the specified card), then this exception ceases to apply and the player can safely declare victory in the battle.


Q: Under what conditions do I level up as a Dark character?
A: When you play a card or use a class/racial/etc. ability against another munchkin, and in the end the monster wins. For example, if you play a booster or a one-shot card to give a monster a bonus, or cut a munchkin, you will gain a level if the munchkin has to run away.

Q: Is it possible to be both Dark and Supreme at the same time?
O: Yes, you can.

Q: Can I play "Master", "Dark" or "High" cards if I am a human?
A: "Master" is only played for classes, and "human" is not a class. "Dark" and "Supreme" are played on a race card. Human is a race without a card, so you can't play "Dark" or "High" cards on a human. (However, allowing a person to be Supreme or Dark is a perfectly fine "house rule").

Q: When can I play (or discard) a Master, Dark, or Superior card?
A: These cards can be played just like class or race cards.

Q: "Ultimate" can exchange all the treasures obtained in battle for an additional level. Can I see the treasure first?
A: The meaning of the card is that you refuse to pull treasure in exchange for an extra level, and you can't inspect it.

Q: Can I play the "Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies" card if I died in some way outside of combat? The text is not entirely clear.
A: "Rockfall Killed Everyone" can only be played after losing a battle. That is, if you were flushed. If you managed to die in a different way - that's your problem.

Waiting for Santa

Q: Do the good boy and the brat have epic abilities?
Oh no.

The Good, the Bad and the Munchkin (Cowboy)

Q: Indians get bonuses for items with the word "bow" in their name. Does this also apply to the Koteluk card?
Oh yeah. If the word "bow" appears in the name of a card, Indians receive this bonus.

Q: How does the Indian ability Pathfinder work? Can I pick up a monster and fight it on my next turn?
A: Instead of kicking the door, you can discard one card from your hand to fight the monster at the top of the discard pile. If there isn't a monster lying there, you can't use this ability, and you can't pick up the monster in your hand to fight it later. No one can guarantee that you will fight him next turn or that you won’t lose this card as a result of the curse, or maybe you will even throw him “Wandering Thing” into another player’s battle, or decide that you’d better fight another monster or open a new door.

Q: I decided not to kill Batruk, but to keep him as a partner, do I get three treasures?
A: Yes, but in this case you don't get a level for it.

Q: The Dead Man's Hand trap can only be canceled with cards from the game. But the Pharmaceutical Show (which must be played from the hand) may cancel any card just drawn or played. Can I use Doctor Show to get rid of Dead Man's Hand?
Oh no. Normally Doctor Show cancels another card as if it was never played, but Dead Man's Hand makes it clear that you can't play cards from your hand to stop it. In this case, this restriction is stronger than the ability of “Doctor Show”.

Beating a Dead Horse

Q: I don't understand the Cattywampus map. How to kill this monster?
A: Your combat strength must be less than or equal to his combat strength. One way to achieve this is to add more monsters to the fight, because this trait (like any monster trait...although this one is the most special) applies to the entire battle.

Munchkin apocalypse

Q: I don't understand the Rescue Rocket card. It can be played after I failed a wash to avoid all the lewdness of this fight, but what if I've already suffered a lewdness from one of the monsters?
A: The card should save one monster from indecency, and not all those who were in battle. This is the official errata.

Vampire Munchkin

Q: I force the player to help me kill a monster with the power “Dominance”, but he plays +5 booster on the monster. Is this by the rules?
Oh yeah. “Dominance” forces the opponent to join the fight as a helper (i.e. their combat strength stacks with yours). But this does not prevent him from playing cards and using his abilities to interfere with you in battle.

Q: Can I use Transform to put an item in my hand, thus saving it from the curse?
Oh no. As soon as the curse appears, the item is destroyed. You cannot use "Transform" retroactively to prevent this.

Q: Nebula allows me to automatically escape without a die roll, but it requires two cards to be discarded to activate the ability. Do you need to discard 2 cards or 4 to escape from two monsters?
A: Since after a fight with multiple monsters, each monster is flushed separately, you need to discard 4 cards (2 for each) or discard 2 cards and roll the flush die to escape the second monster.

Q: The Lunar Cycle card says roll the die. What cube?
A: Unless otherwise stated, the usual six-sided die (d6) is meant.

Pants Macabre

Q: I have opened the door and I am fighting The Evil. The map says: everyone who meets him loses a level. But for the victory over him give 2 levels. So, in the end, I just get a level for winning?
Oh yeah. But the level at the beginning of the battle still has to be lost, as this affects the combat strength.

pirate munchkin

Q: Does a ship count as a wheelbarrow or a horse?
A: A ship is not a wheelbarrow or a horse. Unless it says so on the card itself. And there are none. For now. (But cars and horses are interchangeable. Confused? Good).

Q: How and when can I use the Treasure pirate ability?
A: Pirate ability “Treasure” is used if you haven't encountered a monster. That is, if you are a pirate and on your turn did not encounter a monster behind the door, and also if you did not “look for trouble” (i.e., did not play a monster from your hand against yourself), then you proceed to the “Clean the Nits” phase. And you have the opportunity to take the treasure in the dark or in the open.

Q: I'm playing fast-forward with the eavesdropping at the door phase. How does this affect pirates?
A: The pirate still has the ability to take the treasure in the dark or in the open when he cleans the stash. Yes, this somewhat weakens the pirates. But this is hardly a big problem.

Q: I am a level 1 pirate. Can I change levels for treasures?
Oh no. You don't have levels to trade. A level 1 munchkin cannot lose a level even voluntarily (to pay for an ability).

Q: I'm a Level 9 Munchkin with a French accent. Can I use the Seduction ability to get someone to help me and ignore the level gain?
A: You can't just ignore getting a level for a fight.

Q: What happens if I used Seduction at level 7, and after that a monster was thrown into the battle, and now, having won this battle, I win the game?
A: The munchkin charmed by you leaves the fight. He can't help you win the game, and you can't ignore getting levels. Now you are on your own.

Q: I "seduced" the opponent, but she used the "Sextant Break" to change her gender to male. Now she must leave the fight, because. Is her gender no longer opposite to mine?
Oh no. You already seduced her... him... never mind. In any case, “SEXTANT BREAKDOWN” cannot undo the events that have occurred. She is now a he, and still helps you in combat (with a -5 penalty, of course).

Q: Does Flesh Artillery duplicate the bonus from monster boosters, are they also disposable?
A: Flesh Artillery only duplicates the bonuses of cards that say "one-time" ("one-time", "apply only once"). There is no such phrase on monster boosters, so their bonuses are not duplicated by Flesh Artillery.

Q: “Ghastly Tattoos” cannot be worn under armor, but “Three Years Deep in Mud” can. Can I wear dirt under my tattoos?
A: If you have dirt under your tattoos, you should immediately stop playing and see a doctor, because this is very bad (in other words: no, you can't).

Q: My favorite accent in Pirate Munchkin is British. I saw that there are Brits in Munchkin Impossible too. It is the same?

Q: One of the Dutch accent abilities allows you to draw the top treasure card. Can I take a card from the discard pile?
A: You can only take cards from the discard pile if the card explicitly says to take them from the discard pile. In other cases, a card is taken from the corresponding deck.

Q: Sloop Slurp forbids having any other large items besides the Sloop itself. Does this mean that even if I'm in the navy, I can't have another ship?
Oh yeah. Ships are big things. "Sloop Slurp" does not allow you to have other large items.

Q: Do I have to play ship boosters per ship? These are clothes, they have a price in golds (piastres), so can I play them like regular clothes?
A: You can sell them for a level or use "Cheat!" to play them as standalone items, but otherwise they need to be played on the ship.

Q: Sir Francis Drake doesn't fight anyone with a British accent. If I fight him and the Brit helps me, will Drake leave the fight too? What if there are other monsters in combat?
A: Sir Francis Drake retires from combat as soon as any Munchkin with a British accent appears in combat. However, you won't get the treasure he left until you defeat all the other monsters.

Q: Munchkin met with a shark. How many sharks can I toss from my hand? What if all the cards in my hand are sharks?
A: You can play as many sharks as you like from your hand, all of them.

Dancing with sharks

Q: The Octopussy card says that it ignores me if I have more than two hands. Is it considered that the item under the “Cheat” gives me a third hand?
Oh no. The octopus looks at real hands. When you use "Cheat!", you are using an item despite its requirements, rather than growing an extra arm.

Q: Can I use the Resourceful Pathfinder ability to put the item back in my hand without losing it to the curse?
A: Resourcefulness does not allow you to take items on hand to avoid curses.

Munchkin Conan (base set)

Q: Does the text on the card "Jungle Dragon" mean that all one-time cards played to help it will provide a +2 bonus?
A: This means that one-time cards played to help the Jungle Dragon will receive an additional +2 bonus.

Conan the Barbarian (booster)

Q: I wear the "Mask of Acheron" and have a full hand of monsters. Can I discard some cards to add some monsters to the fight?
Oh no. Acheron's Mask can only be used once per battle.

Q: Please clarify the text of “The Dweller” card: “Any item that gives a combat bonus to players can be used to help The Dweller. He has a LOT of hands!”.
A: If you have a combat bonus item in your game or in your hand and want to play it on The Dweller, you can do so. The card will be reset along with The Dweller.

Munchkin Cthulhu

Q: All other players have already become cultists. If I play a card that makes me a cultist, the game ends immediately. Can another player use the O R Lieh card? to cancel the map, and as a result, my entry into the cult and the end of the game?
A: Very few cards in Munchkin can negate the effect of another card as if it was not there ... and "Oh R" lieh? - one of them.In this case, the game does not end, because you do not become a cultist.

Q: I have a Cult Member ID. When exactly do I become a member of a cult? How often can I change my mind?
A: You can change it whenever you want, as much as you want, and for whatever purpose you want. For example, you can simultaneously count as a cultist to get a +2 bonus in combat, while not counting as a cultist to prevent the last non-cultist from gaining a level. If this confuses you, you'd better avoid reading those mysterious books that you might come across in the dungeons.

Q: All other players are already cultists. I have a Cult Member ID. If I am the highest level player, can I declare myself a cultist to end the game?
Oh yeah. Ia Ia!

Q: I've been cursed with the "Evil Weapon" curse and cursed an item only for a certain class. If I reset this class, can I remove this item and stop getting a penalty from the curse effect?
Oh no. Once the Vicious Weapon has taken effect, the item is no longer considered an item in any respect, but becomes a permanent penalty that just hangs on you. What's more, this piece has already been removed. But whether it is removed or not, it will give you a penalty until you remove the curse.

Unspeakable Vault

Q: I was affected by "Bibliophobia". The card says I can't use cards with the word "book" or the ending "-icons" in the title. Does this refer to the Necronookiecon?
A: By design, Bibliophobia works on Necroerocon as well. You are very attentive!

Crazed Caverns

Q: The rules say that when I play a portal from my hand or find it behind a door, I draw a replacement card. What happens if I reset a portal to activate an ability or because of a curse or lewdness?
A: Since the portal is not considered played (not included in the game), you do not draw a replacement.

Munchkin Fu

Q: The rules say that "any card that gives a combat bonus to monsters can be played on Bug". If a level 1 player plays a +10 monster modifier on their Bug, will his combat strength be 13?
Oh yeah. Player level (+1), Bully's bonus (+2), and modifier (+10) add up to 13.

Q: I am a monk with two styles and an Overstyle card that gives me a third style. If for some reason I am forced to lose one style, is it possible to lose one of the monk styles?
A: If the Overstyle card is played for a style and you would lose a style, that would be the style you would lose.

Q: Is the Overstyle card something like a Super Munchkin?
O: Yes and no. Overstyle allows you to have another style, but unlike Super Munchkin, when you lose an extra style, you cannot play another style and keep the Overstyle card. If you lose style, you lose this card.

Q: All Gaki cards say "Anyone can play any card to help Gaki. Any card that doesn't normally help monsters gives Gaki +2." What cards do you mean?
A: I mean any cards. Items, styles, classes, monster cards. If the card does not provide a bonus to monsters, it can be discarded so that Gaki gets +2 for each card discarded

Q: Is there a limit on the number of style developments?
A: No, unless it is indicated on some map. Your style can be developed as many times as you like.

Q: I am a ninja. I use a class ability and discard two cards to roll a die for an attack bonus. If I suddenly lose class after discarding two cards, can I roll the die?
A: Once you've discarded two cards, you've activated the ability (paid its cost) and must roll the die. You cannot lose class until you roll the die and receive the bonus.

Q: The text on the Style Gaki card reads: “He's eating your combat bonuses! The style bonuses are useless against him." If my style doesn't grant bonuses, but does grant an ability, can I use it?
Oh yeah. The key word is "bonus". Gaki just doesn't let you use bonuses against him.

Q: The Not Feng Shui card allows me to exchange any of my cards in the game for any card in the game from someone else, as long as the resulting hand is not against the rules. That is, I can replace a weapon with a weapon or a class with a class, did I understand correctly?
Oh yeah. But "Not Feng Shui" allows you to change and unequal cards (for example, clothes for a class). The only restriction is that the resulting alignment should not violate the rules. For example, you cannot give someone an item that he cannot use, or change the status of an item (exchange an unused item for a used one). You cannot change cards that already have others on them (for example, change the class under Super Munchkin or the item under Cheat) unless you change them to cards of the same type (say, class for class).

Monky Business

Q: My version of Monky Business doesn't have set icons on maps, but my friends do. It is important? Are there any other differences between our cards?
A: There is no difference between your cards. It's just a typographical error (or ninja intervention), the first two printings of the Monky Business expansion were released without an icon. Starting from the third edition, there is an icon.

Munchkin Impossible (Spy)

Q: My favorite loyalty in Munchkin Impossible is British. I see that the Pirate Munchkin also has a British card. They are identical?
A: They're not the same thing, but monsters and items don't see the difference. Yes, you can mix these sets and be a British subject with a British accent.

Q: Speaking of the Brit, the card says that even if he doesn't have a class, he is considered to be a Playboy class. Does this mean that I can use the abilities of this class? And do the monsters react to me like a playboy?
A: Starting with Munchkin Impossible 3, this wording has been changed: you are considered a playboy for all card effects, but you don't actually have a Playboy class. This is the official errata.

Q: Can I play Super Munchkin with British Citizenship using the Playboy ability?
Oh no. You don't actually have a Playboy Class, it's only for Items and Monsters.

Q: I'm British with no class, so I'm considered a playboy. If I have Really Secret Agent played, does that take away all the playboy flaws?
Oh no. Really Secret Agent removes the disadvantages of citizenship, not class. In any case, you don't get a Playboy class just by being British, you just look like a playboy.

Q: Extra Training works the same as Super Munchkin, doesn't it?
O: Yes and no. Extra Skill allows you to have one more skill (Training), but unlike Super Munchkin, when you lose an extra skill, you don't have the option to replace it and keep the Extra Skill card. That way the card goes along with the skill

Q: Spy Fly can only be killed with a gun (Gun), even the level doesn't count. If someone plays this monster as a "Rogue Thing", does that mean that I can only use cannons in this fight?
Oh yeah. Monsters fight as a group, and the ability of one monster like this affects the whole group. If Spy Fly is somehow removed from combat, you can use other bonuses against other monsters.

Q: The tourist's "Sorry, I'm Lost" ability allows the munchkin to avoid fighting the monster he just encountered. Can this ability be used at any point in the fight? ?
A: The Tourist must make a decision before anything happens, including before anyone plays a monster booster or Rogue Thing. When the monster is already knocked up, the tourist is considered to be already in combat and cannot use its ability.

Q: Can I use "Diplomatic Immunity" to leave the fight, even if something forces me to help another?
Oh yeah. Diplomatic Immunity helps you get out of combat no matter how you got there.

Q: On the “James Bomb” card, it says that you can only fight him at a level without items. Can I use non-item bonuses in this fight, like skill bonuses?
A: The card should be read as: "Only a level without items or other bonuses." So - no, bonuses from non-items will not help either. This is the official errata.

Q: If I mix sets, are mounts and cars considered the same?
A: When mixing sets, yes. A horse is a wheelbarrow. A wheelbarrow is a Horse. Whatever affects one also affects the other. However, ships are neither one nor the other, even when mixing sets.

star munchkin

Q: Do mutants forever have to choose between three arms or two heads?
A: They can always choose between these abilities (or choose two pairs of legs), but they cannot use both at the same time.

Q: The mutant has the ability to discard cards to draw new ones, but this cannot be done in combat. Does this mean the mutant can't do this when someone else is in combat, or only when he's in combat?
A: Only when he himself is in combat.

Q: What exactly does the cyborg's "Level 2" ability mean?
A: If you start the game as a cyborg, you start at level 2. If you become a cyborg at level 1, you immediately rise to level 2. A cyborg character can never drop below 2nd level, just like other characters can't go below 1st level. However, if you stop being a cyborg, you do not lose a level, and if you become a cyborg when you are already at level 2 or higher, nothing happens. This is clarified in all editions except the first.

Q: I'm not a gadget guy. What are my aggregate restrictions?
A: You can carry as many units as you like, but only use one. The rest must be turned sideways, like any other item that you cannot use (such as items for a race that is not your current one). In this they differ from the large items from all other sets, where you can carry only one.

B: I am a sens. I asked another munchkin to help. He refused. Am I still getting the +2 bonus for fighting alone despite asking for help?
A: Of course you do. You're still alone in combat, which is all it takes to use this ability.

Q: And if the sense has a partner, does he still get the +2 bonus for "fighting alone"?
Oh yeah. You can get a bonus with partners. Doppelganger can be used. And if another player throws a grenade or something against the monster to help you, you don't lose the bonus. You will only lose this bonus if another player joins you in combat as a helper.

Q: How does cat curiosity work?
A: If the cat opens the door and does NOT find a monster there, it has a choice of three options: look for trouble (monster from the "hand"), clean the holes (the door to the closed one) or open the second door. If the cat opens the second door, treat it like kicking the door at the beginning of the non-cat's turn, that is, if there is no monster behind the second door, you can look for trouble or clean the stash.

Q: If the cat uses curiosity, what happens to the first card?
A: If it's a trap, it works. If something else - the cat can play it or take it into hand at its discretion

Q: Are there any restrictions on when individual "laser" items can be detached? In particular, if someone has a composite "laser" weapon, can someone apply "Antimatter" to all this gear?
A: No, you can withdraw, sell, or discard individual cards any time you need to (subject to the standard discard rules, of course). In particular, "Antimatter" says "one item". The rules treat each "laser" weapon card as a separate item.

Q: Does death get rid of "Antimatter"?
Oh no. The card says "nothing else will save you from it" - that's what it means. This card overrides the normal rules for death. She will stay with you even after death, when your new character appears!

Q: What happens if the Antimatter affects the Puff Cannon? Does it now always give a -6 penalty, or is it still up to the player to use it?
A: Antimatter only reverses the sign of the bonus, nothing else. Thus, the "anti-material" "Puff-cannon" is still optional. If you choose to use it, you will receive a -6 penalty in combat. If, despite this, you killed a monster, then it disappears - you do not get a level for it, but you get treasures. Therefore, if you choose not to use Puff Cannon, there will be no penalty.

Q: If there are two players in combat and the Great Cthulhu catches them, do the survivors get two levels?
Oh no. However, if the Great Cthulhu had "The Bad Couple" or "...His Clone" and they each caught one Munchkin, the survivors (i.e. everyone who didn't fight) go up two levels.

Q: I usually play classic Munchkin where all items are priced in gold. Everything here is in loans. If I mix what will happen?
A: In all cases, loans and gold are one and the same. In the new runs of Star Munchkin and Clown Wars, we replaced credits with golds for compatibility with other sets.

Q: My favorite race in Starlight is the mutant. I saw that there are mutants in Super Munchkin too. It is the same?
A: Star Munchkin and Super Munchkin mutants have different abilities, so technically they are not the same. However, cards that affect mutants will affect both if you mix the two decks.

Q: Static Field allows me to immobilize either all players or all monsters when someone is flushed. This allows someone to either automatically flush or automatically lose. Can I wait for the result of the die roll?
Oh no. "Static Field" clearly states that it must be played as they attempt to escape. After they roll the die, they don't try to do it again. They either did it or they didn't.

Q: I did not understand a little about the Chervinator. If I am a merchant, do I have to lose the card? Can I lose a level instead?
A: In a nutshell about the Chervinator: If you are level 1, there is no lewdness. If you are a merchant of level 2 or higher, you lose 1 card or 2 levels. All non-merchants level 2 and above must lose 2 levels.

Clown Wars

Q: I'm a starwalker and I folded my hand to get another player to help me. If I lose my class, will the other player be removed from the fight?
Oh no. You have already paid for the ability by discarding your hand. He's already in the fight.

Q: Electro-Eye prevents everyone from playing cards from their hand into combat. Does that mean I can't play cards from my hand either?
Oh yeah. No one (including you) may play cards from their hand in this combat.

Q: Do compartments act like curses? Do they affect me immediately when I reveal a card, or can I put a card in my hand?
A: If you took the compartment in the dark, you can put it in your hand and play on another player when he opens the door (unless he opens the compartment himself). In other cases, if the compartment is pulled open, you must fulfill the requirement of the compartment (taking into account all the "Vagabonds" that may be there).

Q: If one munchkin helps another in a bay, does the bay affect both of them?
Oh yeah. The compartment works on both. So, for example, both Munchkins lose a level in the Alien Restroom.


Q: Are ships considered cars or mounts?
A: A ship is not a vehicle or a mount, unless it says so on the card itself. And there are none. For now. (But cars and horses are equivalent. Confused? Good!)

Munchkin super

Q: My favorite race in Super Munchkin is the mutant. I saw that there are mutants in Star Munchkin too. It is the same?
A: The Star Munchkin and Super Munchkin mutants have different abilities, so technically they are not the same. However, cards that affect mutants will affect both if you mix the two decks.

Q: What happens if the Loafer Man gets dropped off with the Wandering Thing?
A: Oh, how... Well, what is written on the map? Roll a die to see if you can fight him. If not, he and all other monsters move on to another player, who must roll a die to see if he should fight Loafer Man, and if not, then Loafer Man and all other monsters move on to the next player, who must throw... This continues until someone runs into the whole gang. But remember: until someone rolls a 4, 5 or 6, no one can change the strength of the monsters in the gang.

Q: When I die, what happens to my origin cards?
A: When you die, discard all origin cards. And, if as a result the total rank of your powers exceeds your level, discard your powers until their total rank becomes less than or equal to your level.

Q: I have a partner Kid with the same Power as You. If I have two empty hands and "Claws", will he have a +6 bonus?
A: Same Power Kid As You does not duplicate variable bonuses. Since the number of your free hands can change, the value of the bonus from Claws is considered variable.

Q: I have a partner: The Kid with the Same Power as You, and I meet the Exploder. It blocks my powers until the end of the next fight. Does it affect my partner?
A: Your partner is considered to have the same bonus as the bonus from your powers. In this case, your bonus is 0. So his bonus is also 0.

Q: Is the Giant Magnet too big to be stolen?
Oh no. It doesn't say it's a big piece.

Q: If I used X-Ray Vision to see the cards in another Munchkin's hand, can I tell all the players what he has there?
O: It's up to you. But remember that knowledge is a resource.

Flying raincoat

Q: In Super Munchkin and Flying Cape, there are teammates with a cost in gold. Can they be stolen (by a thief in mixed play or by using the steal ability)?
A: If they have a price in gold and it doesn't say that they are "large", then they can be stolen.

Q: The Smart Guy class card says "Monsters don't have special abilities or bonuses against the Smart Guy!" Does this mean monster boosters don't work in my fight?
Oh no. It just means that there are no monsters that say "+5 against smarties" or "only attacks smarties". Monster boosters are played normally. In addition, a smart guy who has a second class also protects this class from monsters with bonuses against him.

Q: I use the "Bound by Fanaticism" card on another player to get them to help me in combat. What happens if the "Sex Change" curse is played on me? Should the other player still help me?
Oh yeah. Like other abilities that require a card to be discarded to activate, the effect starts from the moment you activate it. If something changes after paying the ability's cost, the effect that happened is no longer cancelled.

Munchkin zombie

Q: I am an atomic zombie with a +2 item in one hand (its bonus is considered +3). If someone played a curse! "Godssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
A: Since this item gives you +3 at the moment, it can be discarded "Geeee!".

Munchkin accessories and additions

Munchkin Dice

Important: Please note that questions about cards from Munchkin Dice can now be found in the Munchkin Reload section.

epic munchkin

Q: I opened two doors to meet a Crippled Goblin and a +10 monster modifier. Someone played the “Switcheroo” card (analogous to “Illusion”) and replaced the Goblin with the Plutonium Dragon. What happens to the modifier? The “Switcheroo” card says that all modifiers return to their owners, but this modifier is out of the deck.
A: The modifier is applied to the Plutonium Dragon.

Q: While playing Epic Munchkin with the Clown Wars expansion mixed in, I opened the doors and pulled out 2 compartments. What to do?
A: Play with the first one and take the second one in your hand. You can't pull a replacement card.


Q: How many Reversal of Fortune cards can I use in a game?
A: Each Kill-O-Meter comes with two Twist of Fate cards, one for the regular Munchkin and one for the Munchkin Quest. You can use the card that suits the current game. If you come across a card that allows you to draw any card from the discard pile, you can also draw Twist of Fate from there if you have already used it. If your company is using a generic Kill-o-Meter, then shuffling Reversal of Fate into your deck is a fair thing to do.

Q: I have two Kill-O-Meters, one regular and one as a smartphone app. Is the "Kill-o-meter" from the application equal to the usual one? Can I use Reversal of Fortune along with Kill-O-Meter from the mobile app?
Oh yeah. "Kill-o-meter" from the mobile application is quite a "Kill-o-meter". But the card must still be real, not virtual.

Q: Kill-O-Meter reads 18, I play Reversal of Fate and change it to 81. Someone plays me +2 - is it 83?
Oh no. The effect of "Reversal of Fate" is not a one-time effect - it lasts throughout the entire battle. That is, we add 2 to 18, it turns out 20, we turn this value over and it turns out ... 2! Terrible, right?

Promo, coins, app and other goodies

Q: Are the Christmas coins valid EVERY year on the dates shown?
A: The holiday ability will work every year during the holiday season. However, despite this, these coins work in the same way as ordinary coins and obey the rule of the current month and year minted on the coin.

Q: In the description of some promo items, it says that after use they must be given to another player. After the game, do they return to their previous owner?
A: Except in the case of agreed house rules, these items are intended to be passed on to other hosts in order to advance the game. Their authors hope that these objects will "travel". Therefore - no, they do not automatically return to their former owners.

Q: Some bookmarks must be destroyed after use. Is it possible instead to destroy, for example, a piece of paper or something similar to save the bookmark?
A: Again, this is possible if you play by pre-agreed house rules. However, the purpose of bookmarks that require their destruction implies the impossibility of their further use. These are real disposable items.

Common misconceptions in Munchkin

version dated 10/16/2013

Do not put disposable clothes on the table.
The rules in the "items" section clearly state that each player can "carry" (i.e. lay out in front of him) any number of small items. About one-time it is separately said that they can be used both from the hand and from the table.

You can't put items on the table that you can't use.
The rules clearly state that a player can "carry" any item, but not all can use it.

If you stop using an item, you must discard it.
It clearly describes what to do with those. which you cannot use - turn sideways.

A thief cannot steal at Level 1.
The FAQ clearly states that it can.

If the monster "disdains", then you can not fight with him.
This term was erroneously included in the card Munchkin from Munchkin Quest. There is no such term in the card game, the correct translation is "does not pursue" (and is translated in all recent editions). This means that you must fight the monster, you cannot ignore it, but if you lose, then the flush from this monster will be automatic.

If the monster is "disdainful", then you can not fight with him, but if you decide to join the battle, then the battle and the wash go according to the usual rules.
That's how it works munchkin quest. In a normal Munchkin, a "squeamish" monster simply lets it run away automatically.

If there is a Bat/Shark/Unded in battle, then only one Bat/Shark/Unded can be thrown, and only at the moment when the first monster enters the battle.
The rules say nothing of the sort. It is said that if such a monster entered the battle, then any player has the right to play from the hand of any such monster. There are no restrictions on quantity, time and sequence.

If the Curse is obtained when the Door is opened, the turn ends immediately.
Nowhere does it say that the turn must end. You simply move on to the second phase of your turn.

Before the "from the bounty" phase, no cards can be played.
You can play items at any time during your turn, except in combat. Many cards (such as Curses) can be played at all times. Nowhere is it forbidden to exercise this right immediately before the distribution of cards "from the bounty".

At the beginning of the turn, before opening the Door, no cards can be played.
The rules clearly state that before phase 1 you can play cards, trade and sell items. In the old versions of the rules, this clarification was not, and the move began immediately with the opening of the Door. But this possibility has always been implied. To eliminate this misconception, this paragraph of the rules was introduced.

You can change clothes from your hand.
The rules in the "exchange" section clearly state that you can exchange cards on the table, but you cannot exchange cards from your hand.

Can be changed with any card.
The rules in the "exchange" section clearly state that only items can be exchanged, and not other cards.

You can lay out on the table and not use any cards (for example, Class or Race).
Only for clothes there is a description of non-use. For other types of cards, there are no such rules anywhere. This is answered in the FAQ.

A mercenary is considered an assistant in combat.
Only another player participating in the battle is considered an assistant.

The Wishing Ring can cancel a sex change after the sex change has already taken place.
There is a clarification on the official forum that the Sex Change Curse has two effects, instant (gender change) and delayed (penalty in the next battle). The instant effect can only be canceled by the Wishful Ring immediately upon receiving the Curse, that is, canceling the entire curse. The delayed effect can be removed with the Wishful Ring at any time, including directly during the next battle.

If the player fails the wash, then he loses the level.

If the player fails the flush, they die.
Nowhere does it say that, it's fiction.

Cards that give the player an automatic flush can force the player to flush.
If the card does not say that it causes the player to run away, then with the help of such a card it is impossible to force the player to run away. Perhaps the misunderstanding came from a mistranslation: "you automatically flush", which has now been replaced by "allows you to automatically flush".

The 5-card hand limit is permanent, not just at the end of the turn.
The rules make it clear that this restriction only applies to the fourth phase of the turn.

The 5-card hand limit applies at the end of each player's turn to all players at once.
The description of the turn phases applies only to the current player, other players do not perform these actions at the same time.

You can only use Class/Race cards that show a character of the same gender as you.
Nowhere does it say that, it's fiction. The FAQ says that matching a character's gender with a picture on a Class/Race card can be introduced by a house rule.

Number of players Installation time Party duration

30 min - 1.5 h

Complexity of rules

not complicated

Strategy level The influence of chance Required Skills

high social adequacy

Game description

The game is in full swing

"Munchkin" is a role-playing game in form, a parody in content. When created, the game was aimed at a youth audience familiar with role-playing games. However, you can play Munchkin at any age.

The game is best played with a group of three to six people. Two can play only for study. Larger companies are technically possible, but the larger the number of players, the less often they will be able to make a move.

The goal of the game is to reach the tenth level - the main characteristic of the character in the game. Everyone starts from the first, and then everyone increases their levels by fighting monsters or using special cards.

Two decks are intended for the game - "dungeons" and "treasures", and a six-sided die. The turn consists of four phases - opening the door to the dungeon, that is, taking a card from the appropriate deck, then acting according to the instructions on the card, then, if you're lucky, receiving a reward in the form of treasures, cards from the second deck, and after that, if necessary, getting rid of from extra cards.

The player's cards are in the hand - in stock, and can be partially laid out on the game table - then they are valid, in the game.

On maps from the "dungeon" may come across:

  • monsters. The main way to level up is to defeat the monster;
  • curses and bonuses, for immediate or later use in the game;
  • races and classes, for use by the character;
  • cards that positively affect the level of the character.

Fighting a monster consists of comparing the levels of the monster and the player. The player can increase his effective level due to "clothes", as well as one-time bonuses. If the player is unable to exceed the level of the monster, he must attempt to escape (flee) by rolling a die. parody of D&D, then death results in the loss of one turn and all cards, while maintaining the level, race and class). If the player wins, he gets a level (or two, depending on the number of monsters and the description of their cards), as well as one or more treasures - cards from the corresponding deck.

The main feature is that during the "battle" other players can both help and hinder the player fighting the monster. Moreover, only one can help, and then with selfish goals - for example, for treasures - and everyone else can interfere. The higher the level of the battling player, the stronger the temptation to prevent him from climbing even higher in order to prevent him from winning.

Another feature of the game is the encouragement of dishonest play: selfless help, help in battle in order to prevent a partner from raising the level (“friending” a monster). Game cards allow you to make tricky combinations. The official rules state that in case of a conflict situation not described in the rules, the dispute is resolved by a loud squabble between the players, with the last word for the owner of the deck (the rule "The owner of the deck is always right").

List of extensions and additions

  • Clerical Errors , the second addition to Munchkin(66 dungeons, 46 treasures), with it the number of cards when playing Munchkin increased to 392. In this addition, the Dwarf race and the Bard class appeared. Russian localization - « Munchkin 3: Clerical Mistakes
  • Clerical Errata , publishing typo Clerical Errors, contains cards printed with the wrong back (some treasure cards have a dungeon back). At the request of the players, part of the circulation went on sale. Enough copies were sold to recoup the printer's costs.
  • The Need for Steed , the third addition to Munchkin(78 dungeons, 34 treasures), released in 2006 . Contains a new card type, Stallions. Steeds, in a slang meaning similar to the Russian "stallion", an expert in sex), similar to a dragon, an eagle and a turtle. In addition, the number of types of Mercenaries has been increased. Hirellings). Rules for using the new cards are included in the addendum. Russian localization - « Munchkin 4: Craving for Konyaga". All cards correspond to their purpose (Door / Treasure).
  • De-ranged , the fourth addition (60 dungeons, 52 treasures), adds the ranger class to the existing classes (Eng. Ranger), as well as several monsters from the European version of the game. Russian localization - « Munchkin 5: Pathfinders».
  • More Good Cards , the sixth expansion (30 dungeons, 26 treasures), consisting of redrawn maps from Munchkin Blender, as well as fan-selected additional maps. The set contains no new monsters, races, classes, or rules.
  • Cheat with both hands , the new sixth expansion (112 cards) that replaced "More Good Cards" and "Munchkin Blender". Russian localization - « Munchkin 7: Two-Handed Cheat was released in the summer of 2012.
  • Munchkin Fairy Dust , the first mini-expansion (15 cards), including cards with bonuses for players to help each other. The add-on was withdrawn due to the card's susceptibility to bending. In 2010 a new version was released.
  • Munchkin Waiting For Santa , the second mini-addition (15 cards), dedicated to Christmas. Includes Santa Claus cards and various "Santa Monsters" and Christmas treasures. The add-on was withdrawn due to the card's susceptibility to bending. In 2010 a new version was released.
  • Munchkin Marked For Death , mini-addition (17 new cards, 2 corrected). Released in June 2010.
  • Santa's Revenge , a mini expansion pack (15 cards) that includes "Santa Monsters" and Anti-Claus. Released at the end of 2010.
  • Munchkinomicon , mini-addition (15 cards). Includes Munchkinomicon and 14 dastardly spells. The release date is February 2011.
  • Munchkin Reloaded! , mini-addition (15 cards) - the return of everyone's favorite, as well as classic cards.
  • Munchkin Monster Enhancers , a mini expansion pack (15 cards) that includes monster booster cards. Supplement under production.
  • Clown Wars , addition (112 cards) to Star Munchkin. Room cards appeared (eng. Rooms) and Klop (eng. Bug Race) and the Star Ranger class. star ranger). There is a level 20 for playing in Epic Munchkin.
  • space ships Star Munchkin.
  • Monky Business , an add-on (112 cards) to Munchkin Fu released in early 2005.
  • Munchkin Bites , the fourth version (168 cards), created in 2004 . Parodies horror games like the world World of Darkness, and horror-style films.
  • Pants Macabre , addition (112 cards) to Munchkin Bites, released at the end of 2005. Includes the new Mummy race. Mummy)
  • super munchkin fifth standalone version (168 cards), released in summer 2005. It is a parody of superhero comics. Russian localization - « Super Munchkin". This version of Munchkin, like Munchkin Fu, has no races.
  • The Narrow S Cape , addition (112 cards) to super munchkin, published in summer 2006 . Added the class Clever brain class)
  • Munchkin Impossible , the sixth standalone version (168 cards), was released in late 2006 and satirizes secret agent stories such as Mission: Impossible or James Bond. In addition to regular classes, each character in the game can have one (or more) loyalty.
  • Munchkin Cthulhu , the seventh standalone version (168 cards), released in March 2007, plays on Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and horror games based on them, about monsters from another reality. Russian localization - « Munchkin Cthulhu».
  • Call of Cowthulhu , addition (56 cards) to Munchkin Cthulhu, released September 2007.
  • The Unspeakable Vault , the second addition (56 cards) to Munchkin Cthulhu, released in January 2008 . Created thanks to the humorous webcomic Unspeakable Vault (of Doom)
  • Crazed Caverns , the third addition to Munchkin Cthulhu. Contains 20 double size cards and 16 regular cards.
  • The Good, The Bad, And The Munchkin , a separate eighth version (168 cards), consists of jokes about the Wild West and movies about cowboys (ex. Good bad evil). Released in November 2007.
  • Munchkin booty , a separate 9th game (168 cards), plays on the theme of pirates. Released in September 2008. Russian localization - « Pirate Munchkin»
  • Jump The Shark , addition (112 cards) to Munchkin booty. Released in March 2009.
  • Fish & Ships , mini-addition (15 cards) to Munchkin booty. Released in September 2010.
  • Munchkin Blender , a special set (112 cards) made for players who mix different versions Munchkin. This add-on contains cards that allow the player to become, for example, an elf / ninja, use the hunter / ninja or dwarf samurai bonuses, and use la (these are four different weapons). Allows you to use rules Epic Munchkin. Blender is not required to mix different types of decks.
  • Munchkin Go Up A Level , a 132-card set that includes updated cards from almost all versions of the game. Created to clarify some rules and maintain balance in the game. Released at the end of 2010.
  • Munchkin Dice - an application containing six large ten-sided dice. The dice are intended to be used as a character level counter. Also contains 14 cards from the original Munchkin(the most significant modifiers to races and classes) and rules for obtaining random bonuses on dice rolls.
  • Epic Munchkin - a set of rules for playing up to level 20 in all games from the series Munchkin. Players who have reached level 10 and above can use Epic Powers (eng. Epic Powers) of their race or class (opportunities are lost if the player's level drops to level 9 or below). Russian localization - « Epic Munchkin».
  • Munchkin Zombies , a separate 10th game. Players act as zombies. Russian localization - « Munchkin Zombie»
  • Munchkin Apocalypse , a separate 11th game (170 cards). The Munchkins are trying to survive the apocalypse. A new type of cards has been added to the game - sea lions. Russian localization - « Munchkin Apocalypse».


Munchkin Mask: Repels Curses

Munchkin has also spawned several standalone games:

  • There are two RPGs that use the d20 system and are based on Munchkin And Star Munchkin.
  • Munchkin RPG are several books parodying Dungeons & Dragons. Include Munchkin Player's Guide , Munchkin Master's Guide , Munchkin Monster Guide , Munchkin Master's Screen , Munchkin Monster Guide 2.5 .
  • Star Munchkin Role Playing Game - this is one book, including the rules for creating outer space and a new class that was not in the card game - Farce K'nigit.
  • Munchkin Quest - tabletop RPG game based on the original Munchkin, containing a few more items, monsters, and recommendations for them. Released in November 2008. Russian localization - « Munchkin: Munchkin Quest».


Munchkin-inspired fans around the world create their own versions, tweaking and changing the game environment. An example is the board card game "Leader of the Revolution".

Types of cards

IN Munchkin There are several basic types of cards:


These are the main cards that the player opens on each turn. In the deck doors the following cards are available:

Monsters have a level from 1 to 20. If the player defeats a monster, they gain one or more levels and one or more treasures. The number of levels and treasures received by the player is indicated on the monster card and varies depending on the modifiers used in battle. The player may fight the monster encountered when the door is opened or, if there is no monster behind the open door, may Look for Trouble- Play a monster card from your hand and fight it. The battle can use one-time bonus cards to weaken the monster or strengthen the player (and vice versa when other players want to interfere).

If the player's level along with all bonuses

  • less than the sum of the monster's level and bonuses, the player must make an attempt washes by throwing a die. If unsuccessful, the player must reschedule lewdness indicated on the monster card. The dice values ​​required for a successful flush may vary depending on the character's traits, possessions, or other modifiers. Lewdness can be both safe for the player, and deprive him of part of the property or levels / race / class, impose any A curse and even lead to the death of the character.
  • equals the sum of the level and bonuses of the monster, then for all classes except Warrior, the battle is considered lost (same as if the monster outnumbers the player). A warrior with equal levels wins.
  • more sum of the monster's level and bonuses, then the player wins the combat and gains the level(s) and treasures, according to the values ​​shown on the monster's card, and varies depending on the combat modifiers.
Curse/Trap/Disaster Curses are triggered immediately if a player draws them during the open doors phase, and are put into hand for later use against other players if drawn in other closed phases. Curses can be triggered once, or they can last for an extended period of time until their effects are canceled in one way or another. Some cards can cancel the curse received by the player (for example, Wish Ring). Also, some races and classes can get rid of the curse in one way or another. Modifiers These cards are used in combat to strengthen or weaken a monster, thus changing the number of levels and treasures received by the player who defeated the monster. Class Each player may have one class card (by using a Supermunchkin, a player can have two classes at the same time). Each class gives the player their own special abilities. The player who receives a class card may choose to apply it to themselves (discarding the previously held class card) or put it into their hand to apply it at a later time. Race Also, each player may have one race card (respectively, by using the half-breed, previously - Racial Cocktail, a player can have two racial cards at the same time). Like a class, a race gives the player the appropriate special abilities.


These cards are taken by the player in case of defeating the monster and include.

Today we will take a fascinating journey through the world of Steve Jackson and admire the unrivaled illustrations of John Kovalik. Finally, we got to this legendary board game - "Munchkin"! Board game classics.

The board game "Munchkin" is a role-playing game with elements of parody. I want to say right away that there are a lot of varieties of this game, the main thing you need to know when buying it is that there is a standalone game and additional sets of cards. All species interact with each other. At first glance, it is quite difficult to understand it, but an experienced player who is already familiar with card games will be able to do this game from the very first game. If your experience in games ends with Monopoly and Mafia, then you can’t do without a couple of thoughtful evenings on the rules of the game, but Munchkin, believe me, it’s worth it.

  • Age: from 10 years old
  • Game duration: from 40 minutes;
  • Number of players: 3-6 (according to personal experience, ideally 3-4);
  • Producer: "Hobby world";
  • Approximate cost: 600-800 rubles;
  • Game set includes 95 door cards, 73 treasure cards, dice, rules

"Munchkin" ("Munchkin") belongs to a particularly popular game, over the years of its existence it has gained millions of fans around the world, competitions and tournaments are held on it. And it seems that everything about her is known and understandable, but still I want to write this article for those people who just want to plunge into this wonderful world of Wandering Nose and Whooping Geek. My friends, this article is for you! And for you, players with experience, but maybe a little forgotten the rules. So let's get started!

Rules of the game :

For those who play for the first time, I explain. Imagine that you are a person and you are going to hike, you have a head, 2 arms and 2 legs and a body. You can put on all this stuff to help yourself: a weapon in each hand, protection from monsters, a helmet, shoes. In the game, all this is called "clothes", they are laid out in front of you. This is what you are wearing and what gives you advantages and bonuses against monsters. You can carry: firebrand, armor, shoes, weapons in 2 hands or one two-handed. You can only have one large item, the only exception is the Dwarf race. You can also have one mercenary. And there is also a "backpack" - these are the cards that you have in your hand. There are cards in your hand that you cannot use yet.

The game has 2 decks of cards. The first is the doors to the dungeons, the so-called rooms in which you can meet anything (mostly you have to fight there), the second is treasures (you get when you kill a monster). Before the start of the game, each player is dealt 4 cards from each deck. We look at our cards, lay out something in front of us - put on clothes, we can put ourselves a race, class and bonus cards for them - now these cards are in the game, we leave something in our hand. There can be no more than 5 cards in the hand, discard the unnecessary. Also, each player is given one level. Anything can serve as a level, for example, ordinary coins, because. They are not included in the kit (for some reason). The goal of the game is to be the first to reach 10 levels by beating other players. The motto reads: "Piss monsters, grab treasures, frame your friends." In general, this motto is the whole essence of the game - you kill a monster, you take a treasure or treasures as a reward, depending on the monster. Frame your friends - you can play on the side of the monster so that the opponents do not reach level 10 before you.

Turn phases :

At the beginning of each of your turns, you put on or take off your clothes, you can exchange them with other players, sell them for a level (1000 gold equals 1 level). Note: the last level cannot be bought, you can only win by killing the monster. Or with a card that clearly says that you can win with it. You cannot return cards from the table to your hand, they are either exchanged, sold, or discarded.

Having dressed, put on shoes, and fully armed you can go on a hike. Oh, and we have a walk!

Your actions:

kick down the door Take a card and put it on the table right away. It can be a monster, a curse or a trap, a race or a class, as well as various "buns" - cards that give advantages in battle to you or against other players.

Stray Creature - Play with a monster from your hand in any battle (you can also in your own). Your monster will join those that are already fighting - add up their combat strength.

Also in this game, you can have 2 races - if there is a "Half-breed" card and 2 classes - if there is a "Super Munchkin".

Monsters have different levels starting from one. For each defeated monster, 1 or 2 levels are awarded, depending on its complexity, as well as treasures, their number also depends on the level of the monster.

If there is a monster behind the door:

Compare the "combat strength" of both sides- the level of the monster, its features against or for you and its "strong" and "weak" sides, as well as the level plus bonuses. If you can't win, you can ask other players for help, most often for some kind of trophy (usually a treasure), they can help. And vice versa, they can help the monster with all their might! Then the real mochilovo begins!! The game gets hot because the harder it is to win, the higher the reward. Enemies can throw traps, curses, throw monsters. If you are stronger than all of them, and your level is higher, then you will earn a bunch of treasures and even several levels. If it is not possible to soak the monster (monsters) and help does not help, then you will have to wash off. Throw the dice for each monster: if 4 or 5 falls out - you ran away; if you couldn’t escape, see lewdness, each monster has its own, basically it’s the loss of levels or items, you can even die. In case of death :

You save the level, race, class; current curses; cards from the game and from the hand are laid out on the table and each player takes one to choose from, starting from the strongest to the weakest. On your next turn, draw 4 door cards and 4 treasure cards again.

End of turn.

If there's a trap or a curse behind the door:

Apply immediately. Curses and traps can be used absolutely at any time, even during combat and on any player.

If another card

Take it in your hand or use it right away.

In such cases, you can fight the monster from your hand, if you win - get the level (levels) and treasures. If the monster is not in hand, then clean the stash, i.e. you take 2 “door” cards in the dark in your hand, put the necessary items into the game in clothes, discard the excess, or act “from generosity” - we give the excess to the player with the lowest level. The turn is over and goes to the next player.

In order to better understand this game, I will give "The Four Basic Rules of Munchkin» .

  • The Munchkin's level never drops below 1 (but the Munchkin's Combat Strength can even be negative).
  • After the battle, you will only gain a level if you have killed the monster.
  • You cannot receive a reward for defeating a monster (treasures, levels) until you complete the battle.
  • You can only get level 10 by killing a monster (or by using a card that clearly and unequivocally allows you to win in another way).

Play fun, interesting, unpredictable. Curses are pouring on each other, hot battles are being waged, there are many cool cards, such as: the desired ring - cancels any curse. There is just a map get a level. Bonus cards for men only or women only. Additional hands. And many other crazy cards that will get you excited. Believe me, having understood the game, you will want to play it again and again, combining additions this way and that way. I hope that after reading this article, you will want to play this game. She is really cool.


  • Mastering the game - 67 POINTS
  • Game mechanics - 49 POINTS
  • The plot and atmosphere 46 POINTS
  • Ease of play 92 POINTS
  • Quality and design - 7 8 POINTS
  • Received fun - 60 POINTS

TOTAL (for an ordinary person) - 65 POINTS

  • Mastering the game - 95 POINTS
  • Game mechanics - 49 POINTS
  • The plot and atmosphere 78 POINTS
  • Ease of play 92 POINTS
  • Quality and design - 7 8 POINTS
  • Received fun - 86 POINTS

TOTAL (for a geek) - 80 POINTS

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