Maria Adoevtseva: Instagram photo. Maria Adoevtseva: biography, life after the Instagram project of Maria Kozhevnikova


What a contagious trend lately - to become photographers. If you have a guitar, then you are a guitarist, if you have a gun, you are a hunter, if you have a camera, you are a photographer. But in addition to having devices, it is also desirable to be able to handle them. And the person of our discussion just knows how to adjust the desired aperture, lighting, fashion effects, etc.

Maria Adoevtseva turned Instagram into a kind of demonstration platform for her own professional skills. If you have a need for high-quality photos that make you slimmer, prettier, smarter or more interesting - welcome to @mashaadoevtseva. There is no doubt about her photographic skills. It affects the experience gained on a completely unknown project - "Dom-2", where she came to create relationships (and by the way created).

In addition to family happiness, she honed her now key skills. The project needs to come up with a new motto, not "build your love", but "find a new profession".

Instagram Masha Adoevtseva is now a family album. There are many photographs of her touching daughter and husband, the same Sergei Palych. The account has almost 200 subscribers, and this is the merit of Masha herself, because her photos carry positive and faith in a happy family life.

  • 9470 2018.04.01 11:56

    Happy Palm Sunday, dear people?? this is a holiday of willows and palm branches, a holiday of jubilation, a holiday of faith, hope and a pleasant expectation of Easter! Only one week left and the whole world will have Joy?

  • 4320 2018.03.31 20:16

    Did it have a wonderful day? and people made it! Fireflies, which are not so easy to meet on the street, who like to give more than take. This is now a rare gift. You have done a lot, more than it seems. Even if many people didn’t manage to get to us today, we already had a real team, even a soulful bachelorette party, where everyone felt good as they had known for a long time! Girls, I hug you all! Glad to know everyone. Tag you in a photo so you don't get lost? Thanks to everyone who participated in one thing! Together we collected 18,200 rubles. This is help. Who could not come, but still have a desire to help the shelter - write me a personal message, I'll tell you how you can still make your contribution. Thank you! Would there be more such days and the earth would one day become a paradise??? Thank you so much cafe Receptor @cafereceptor for providing a hall and a good atmosphere?

  • 7749 2018.03.31 12:39

    We have opened? come to us at the #goodfair_denangela, an incredibly sincere company gathered here, delicious pastries, knitted things, jewelry, warm smiles? that's all we have) hurry up to us: Cafe Receptor, Derbeneska embankment, 7/22. Waiting for you until 15-00?

  • 10136 2018.03.30 11:03

    Our family nostalgia. This portrait is from last year's trip to the Crimea. The difference is just some 8 months, and how much has already happened. Who can find at least 3 differences?? Are they on the face? especially mine? cheeks and belly give out immediately, rounding day after day? the girls also stretched out, matured, those dresses with panamas have already become too small, and dad behind the scenes in the same T-shirt, still beloved and dear)) And one more small difference - on this canvas we are more beautiful than in life. How fabulous. And what good looks. A feast for the eyes? suddenly you also want to perpetuate your family in a tension stretcher - contact @familyholst studio? will make a portrait for all time in the best possible way and almost in a day??? The main thing is that the eyes are always smiling in the photo?

  • 6101 2018.03.29 17:41

    How do we prepare for Easter? In addition to the task of collecting as many things as possible in a week, very pleasant preparations are now underway. Easter. We will meet Bright Sunday at this apartment, so everything will need to be properly tidied up, cleaned, and a clean tablecloth should be laid. Yes, and bake Easter cakes. A new vacuum cleaner came to our aid. I have recently begun to sneeze a lot, the joys of pregnancy are such, so I was very reverent in choosing the improved #karcher ds6 model for allergy sufferers with an aquafilter. It also cleans the air at the same time. Two years ago, we got his steam cleaner brother, I already wrote about him too. And now they have taken this assistant. In a pair, they cope better than any Cinderella)) Satisfied. Very?. And the dust, of course, indestructible, just got out, it is right there again! Is it especially visible in the sun? Has everyone already started cleaning their apartments)?

  • 6877 2018.03.29 10:06

    Yesterday I didn’t have the strength to thank you for the congratulations ?? Oh yeah! we finally settle down in our living space. In the meantime, you need to survive the move. Now all the forces of the bag to the box are being taken away. In me Plyushkin struggles with the ascetic. The head and the husband keep saying get rid of the rubbish already, and Plyushkin whispers "still come in handy", "for good memory", "take it, you will regret it, you will always have time to get rid of it"! These are my unbearable sorrows. It’s too early to rejoice about the housewarming, there are still so many troubles ahead, the main thing is to have time to equip the apartment in a couple of months and not be born among the suitcases? Finally, I’ll arrange a garage sale, I don’t get into anything anymore, but so much untouched and good is idle) in the story today I’ll give a call where I’ll arrange a dresser sale)) Thank you for sharing both joys and difficulties with us! It's so much easier...together)

  • 12798 2018.03.28 10:08

    I like to start everything from scratch. Where everything big starts small ... Of course, they dreamed of a large two-story house in order to move once and for all, put down roots and calm down, but the circumstances of life decreed differently and a small apartment is also quite a way out when you have nowhere to go?)) The main thing is, that now we have our own personal corner, our own little world and quite a bit of time to equip it, put in a sea of ​​comfort and spread out our simple belongings ?? #ournewworld

  • 2371 2018.03.27 19:31

    My friends?! Everyone! everyone, everyone!!! Come visit us at the first charity fair. It will take place this Saturday, March 31, from 12:00 to 15:00 at the Receptor cafe @cafereceptor on Derbenevskaya embankment, 7/22. It will be an absolutely non-commercial friendly event where everyone can express themselves. Those who wish to participate can bring their freshest branded pastries, new crafts, souvenirs, knitted or sewn products, etc. All funds raised from the #goodfair_denangela will go to help the orphanage of the Tver region in the #Bogoroditskylifemonastery Who wants to participate, write to WhatsApp or direct! Please unsubscribe in the comments, which of you can and plans to come, support our good cause, we want to know the approximate traffic and the volume of goods offered! I will be waiting for you all!!! ???

  • 6845 2018.03.26 09:40

    Terrible news arrived in the morning ... grief knocked on the houses of hundreds of families ... I read the information of eyewitnesses, my heart is torn to pieces ... there, living people experienced hell on earth, children called their parents to say how much they love them, said goodbye forever ... and parents, what was it like when you can’t do anything ... there’s probably nothing more terrible than this! this is our grief too, a common pain, because these are also our children, families, animals ... we are all ONE! Now is the time for fervent prayer and remembrance of death! You will not return people, it remains only to unite, pray and live with each other as the last day... Kingdom of Heaven for the dead, strengthen relatives and friends.. #wintercherrykemerovo

  • 7912 2018.03.25 12:04

    Happy Sunday my darlings?? let it be in everything beautiful, family, filled with meaning! Let everything be good! And we have already been sent a video backstage from our most tender "pregnant photo shoot". And I got excited? Children radiate so much love there, do I learn from them? Thanks to the team for organizing our shooting? When I get the photos, I'll tell you in more detail how everything went? Peace to all!!!

  • 6387 2018.03.24 20:29

    Sunset. Quite recent? according to the Sabbath custom, the family went to the vigil. The weather was so wonderful outside, promising ... spring is rushing from the snowdrifts ... and the air, that same air with the hope of something bright, kind, like from childhood. We decided to say goodbye to the girls today with the home temple, for a long time his dad built it last year's winter evenings. They took him to Sunday school. Let a piece of us stay here. After all, very soon we will find ourselves in another place. In another temple. And everything else will change too. Life will continue wherever you are, and home, it is where you like it! And where is your family! Another good day...?

  • 16116 2018.03.23 20:11

    Perhaps the most tender day this March? I will write it down on my heart "? March 23 as the day of affectionate eyes and warm hands"? did the girls act like angels on the set today? huddled up to their mother like kittens, didn’t argue with the photographer) would rather print these pictures and hang them in frames in their new house, which is still only a dream... ??

  • 6678 2018.03.23 09:52

    I continue to fill my #diary_of_a_pregnant_Maria Now it's #19week and I can already say "I like my pregnancy". I'll tell you about my toxicosis and forget it as soon as possible. He was early and very nasty. If with the first pregnancy I didn’t know what it was at all, with the exception of mild nausea and motion sickness in the car, then here I “enjoyed” it to the fullest. He pressed me almost from the first month. At first I rejoiced at him as a messenger of pregnancy, but then I quietly began to hate him. I was sick for almost the entire second month. Morning, afternoon, evening, night. I had to be needed by the family, do something around the house, and I was lying like a steamed vegetable ?, getting up only in? and throw something into the furnace ?, crackers and brine helped a lot. The condition was all the time like a binge. I wanted something fried, then some incomprehensibility at different times, from which it became even more nauseating. I could not streamline my meals for a long time, especially at night, discomfort in the stomach began from this mess. And all this was accompanied by excruciating insomnia. After the New Year holidays, it was decided to take the children to the village and leave them to rest there for a couple of weeks. They would still remember such a sluggish-horizontal and nervous maman forever. The road to a thousand kilometers back and forth seemed unbearable, I thought I would turn inside out. Even to this day, he gets sick in the car, and sometimes a bag for rehydration comes in handy? One thing pleases me, my "toxic" winter is over, I exhausted myself about a month ago and finally began to enjoy my rapidly growing tummy? while I'm still lifting a bun and getting into old clothes? I naively believed that everything would begin and continue as in the first B, but apparently I still need to know all the "joys of motherhood." How is your #pregnancy going?

  • 8179 2018.03.22 16:34

    More sunshine in the feed?!!! More children?!!! More smiling, simple faces, ordinary everyday life and even more honest thoughts!!! Today, many top Instagram feeds are turning into some kind of race for something, who is after fame, who is after a long ruble, millions of readers, jump above themselves and go down to the nude ... everyone has their own passions, and so little, very little simplicity! Children are not chasing anything, they feel good everywhere, the main thing is that they are loved ??? Elizabeth and Varvara were wearing what they were wearing and found them, in pantyhose and shaggy, but so familiar and hugging? Thanks to my reader Yulia and her mother for making cheerful sweaters for girls in tandem???? @lovesequin89

  • 8625 2018.03.22 09:07

    Low bow to you! Everyone! Especially the haters! How can I become even stronger without you?! I was moved to tears by how many caring people helped without asking for help. My direct was inundated with an ambulance! Who wanted to donate their boxes for resettlement, who wanted to rent their housing, who offered to live, and how many words of support there were! THIS IS VERY EXPENSIVE!!! This is what he is, a neighbor who will not pass by! Thanks friends! You consoled and showed by your example, by similar stories, that a change of scenery in life is not a tragedy at all, but a great success! Did I believe? The best is always around the corner, and after the rain there is always a rainbow! PS: I also want to say in defense of my husband after some ridiculous comments !!! Do not dare to ever condemn anyone, you do not know the affairs of other people, all life in general, and we still cannot know exactly where we ourselves will find ourselves tomorrow! Peace for everyone! ? and may everything be safe in our soul, family, life!

  • 5907 2018.03.21 11:04

    4 years ago it was decided to start living anew. Together with Liza, we moved to this nice apartment overlooking Moscow City and Moscow State University) the owner of the apartment, being my reader in IG, to the call that I was looking for new housing, kindly offered to move here, due to the fact that the apartment was idle, and she had to leave for permanent residence. We have been very fortunate to live in this prosperous place ever since. But yesterday everything changed dramatically. The owner of the apartment urgently needs to return back to her native walls. And we have only been given a month and a half to find our new home. And somehow it’s not the time when all the thoughts are about where to put the crib for the baby, and you need to think about where to find half a hundred boxes to put yourself somewhere... such sad news for this day ... we don't know yet where we will move, but the head works better than usual on such days of trials. Heavenly powers, I hope you are with us! I know that whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. But the most comforting thing is that two entered here, and five exited ?? These walls have seen many happy days❤

  • 10533 2018.03.19 19:57

    Expectation...? Forgive me if I seem somehow sad, and maybe boring. I just need to say something important... Lately I've been praying only about one thing "Lord, teach me to love!!!", "Soften our evil hearts!!!"... I write and tears flow, why are we, people, Can't we love each other? Why did they become so alien and distant? I remember how as a child we lived as one family in the stairwell and where did it all go? We have completely stopped going to visit each other and we don’t even always know what to call our neighbor. We lock ourselves in our little worlds, draw boundaries and forget how "human warmth" is... Why do we express emotions with emoticons and keep correspondence? Why they stopped calling each other just like that, and not when something is needed, why do we forget to say a simple "I love"! Why do we spend more time on our phones than with our loved ones? After all, there is less and less time for life. We all live in the "happiness of tomorrow", that's why we are unhappy that there is neither now nor happiness .. please find, run up to your loved ones now and say "I love you!" or "Forgive me." Just. As children. Thanks to our girls for seeing us like this. Better than we really are...❤

    4361 2018.03.19 09:28

    Let's all do "Angel's Day" together?!!! I was ashamed of myself that I had done few good deeds during this Lenten time! And in general? The only thing I came up with was to make a charity market for all my friends and readers. We plan to hold it on March 31 in a cozy loft. I'll tell you exactly where later. Let's all get together, get to know each other and spend time with visible benefits! I really want to help the Zhitenny Monastery, which is still under construction. It has an orphanage for children from disadvantaged families. With your help, this monastery has already been helped once. Let me remind you by the hashtag: #help the monastery I call on all of you to unite again and do even more Good!!! Alone in the field is not a warrior, but together - we are a powerful force?? I believe there will be many of you! So, if you have such a desire to participate, you know how to cook delicious pies or maybe you knit, sew, sculpt, craft, you have a shop where you want to donate something to a charity - urgently write to me in direct or on WhatsApp: 89258516220 ? All funds raised from sales from the charity fair will go to the maintenance of the orphanage and the construction of the Life Monastery #Bogoroditsky Life Monastery If you are now far from the opportunity to join us, support the post with a hearty "like" ❤ and any comment so that more people see it and join our still small team of volunteers! Well, who is with us to fertilize the world, there are such))?

  • 7860 2018.03.18 12:06

    Love all our Sundays? Although they are similar to one another, they are valuable for this, that they are inseparable all day long. In the morning we were in the temple, we were frozen like tsutsiki)) had breakfast, warmed up with tea, now the girls are drawing, and dad is sharpening hundreds of pencils for them. And no one needs to go anywhere. This is how we are "indoor" people, even my entire feed is in home style, as you have already noticed? but nothing will get warmer soon, let's walk more☺ PS: I know that there will be questions about my suit? I wear clothes from @homewear_for_you, they are for the same home girls who even go at home pleasant and cozy)) look for a minute, there are quite a lot of knitted pajamas, the quality is very gentle, you want to touch your cheek ?? What do you like to wear at home? By the way, how is your Sunday going?

The ex-participant of the Dom-2 project, Maria Adoevtseva, unlike many residents of the star television set, was distinguished by her intelligence and loyalty to her chosen partner. The Ukrainian beauty managed to create a strong couple and build a real family, which proved viable beyond the perimeter for six whole years.

Childhood and youth

Masha's homeland is the legendary Odessa, and her real name is Kruglykhin. She got it from her mother, who raised her daughter alone, the girl had never seen her father in her life.

After school, Maria entered the institute, choosing a difficult direction - political science. Studying was difficult, even thought of leaving the university, but the purposeful girl nevertheless received a diploma.

While still a student, Masha realized that the soul requires creativity, and thought about the career of an actress. She combined her studies at the institute with acting classes, while simultaneously learning the basics of directing.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Maria did not devote her life to her chosen profession, but opened her own school for aspiring actors. True, not for long. Soon, due to personal circumstances, the girl had to leave for Kyiv, and then to Paris, where she learned French.

"House 2"

Maria Adoevtseva twice visited the show "Dom-2", in total the contract with the producers of the television set lasted about two years. For the first time the girl came to the favorite of the fans of the project. However, the young man did not reciprocate, and a week later Masha left the set.

Maria Adoevtseva in the project "Dom-2"

The Odessa woman met Sergei Adoevtsev, who would later become known to the audience as Sergei Palych. At first, the novel developed over the phone, and soon Maria accepted the man's offer to move to Moscow. Young people began to live together, but one day the beloved simply disappeared. As it turned out, Sergei went for fame and new relationships to the television program of the TNT channel.

Maria did not want to give up just like that, she returned to the project, declaring publicly about a serious relationship with Sergei Palych, although he had already met with the ladies of the scandalous construction site. But the stubborn Masha achieved the same reunion with her lover. Jealousy pushed Adoevtsev to reconcile with his former common-law wife - he began to look after Maria, and Sergey could not stand it. The couple became one of the brightest on the TV show.

In the future, the union was not hindered by sympathy from other participants: Maria acquired fans, she was looked after, including by Alessandro Materazzo and, and Sergey sometimes stared at other girls. Fans of the show breathlessly followed the development of relations between the philosopher Adoevtsev and the jealous Kruglykhina.

The piquancy was added by the addictions and negative qualities of Sergei - the young man distinguished himself by his love of alcoholic beverages and aversion to work. Problems with alcohol led to loud scandals with comrades in the TV project. In 2010, right on the Doma-2 site, the guys celebrated a modest wedding, and soon, according to the voting results, the couple had to leave the project.

Personal life

Maria Adoevtseva always had enough fans, in her early biography there was a place for stormy novels. In her youth, an Odessa woman moved to the capital of Ukraine at the invitation of a young man with whom a serious relationship developed. She also went to France with a man.

Marriage with Sergei Palych lasted six years. After the project, the young man became interested in photography, and finally and irrevocably stopped drinking. Masha opened a showroom where she sold evening dresses, later she also learned how to handle a camera, arranged wedding, children's and family photo shoots.

Adoevtsev dreamed of an heir, and in 2013 the wife gave her husband a daughter, Lisa. The couple's relationship was public - fans followed the lives of the ex-participants of the TV show on their pages on social networks and the official website of Doma-2, which generously shared details. Even the wife's daughter was shown to fans almost immediately after birth.

Over time, religion entered the circle of interests of Maria Adoevtseva. Pages on social networks were filled with photographs from the graves of saints and from temples, which the girl often visited with her daughter. In addition, Maria took up charity work, helped the Pochaev Charity House, creating interior gizmos for sale with her own hands.

At the beginning of 2016, Masha disappointed the fans, who had already dubbed the Adoevtsevs an ideal couple. The girl in an interview said that she was divorcing her husband. She called the main reason for the breakup a misunderstanding on the part of Sergei, explaining:

“For me, marriage is the union of souls. But when such a connection ceases, then the family collapses.

Later, Maria frankly stated that immediately after the birth of her daughter, she realized that Seryozha was not suitable for the role of a reliable and responsible husband. And after the breakup, the man is not even interested in the child.

Maria Adoevtseva now

After divorcing her husband in "Instagram" photos began to appear where the girl poses with two children - a daughter and an unknown baby. Fans suggested that the Odessa adopted another girl. But it turned out that Maria Adoevtseva was going to get married again.

With a new chosen one named Mikhail, the former member of "House-2" got married in 2017. Fans learned that the girl from the photos is the daughter of the chosen one, her mother died a few years ago.

Liza and her named sister Varya, who is only a year older, get along well, spend a lot of time together. The girls accepted their new parents simply and with joy. As Maria admitted on social networks, Varya immediately began to call her mother, and Lisa did not hesitate to address Mikhail as her father.

In February 2018, TV fans who never tire of following the ex-participants noticed changes in the girl's appearance, suggesting that the Ukrainian beauty was expecting a baby again. However, then Masha evaded a direct answer. On the eve of Great Lent, she only wrote about the priest's permission not to fast. But in April, everything became clear without words - soon Maria will become a mother for the second time.

Today was a good day. Beautiful and sunny. The photo reflected us the same. I had children with me. Where are we without each other. We went to a picturesque lake, walked a little, the girls just had time to wet their feet and suddenly it started to rain. Summer warm rain. I just managed to take everyone to the shelter of the nearest cafe, and I myself ran to Grandma Tonya for a bucket of strawberries. She was also waiting for me under a huge umbrella with her harvest in the local market. Then I flew back so happy, wet to the children. I look, and they look out the window at me. Scared for mom. It was so nice to see them through the misted window. And we went home together, cheerfully walking through the puddles. We ate strawberries with sugar at home and let's do our own thing. They also agreed that Bab Tonina's strawberry from the garden was the best ever eaten. Probably it will seem that this story is about nothing, and maybe about everything at once. After all, life may be made up of such good days...❤

Voila❤ I decided to change my image a little again. How are you? When I sent the photo to my husband, I didn’t believe that my own wife was wearing it😜 and my daughters saw what was in the elegant package, they immediately began to persuade them to put it on as soon as possible. I obeyed. Yes, and from you, girls, what is there, it’s always nice to read kind words 🙊 think it’s asking for it 😆 in my opinion, the suit sat perfectly, everything I love and the most delicate color of the powder pleases the eyes 😍 The very rare case when a thing came to my liking and I in my photo😋 To be honest, I didn’t really like trouser suits, but I feel this one and I bring it into the feast and into the world. I love universal things 👌 I ordered a suit at @by_milani ❤ there are such suits in a variety of colors 😁 how do you like this style, honestly? ❤

Picture dear to the heart❤ Now our dad is like a holiday. We can only hug like this on weekends. They are the circumstances of life, they will come and will not ask whether we want it or not. And yes, it is important to know, so as not to grumble - everything is the will of the Lord. And we must try to humble ourselves and accept what is today, right here and only now. After all, today is the best day for happiness. The very best day. So far so, but then it may be different. P.S. for especially tactless readers, I dispel the prevailing myth that my husband does not work as any chorister at the temple, he does not live at my expense and never lived, otherwise the legend has already been folded, laughing. We have an ordinary middle-class family, my husband works in the public service, now we will meet once a week so that we don’t lose our jobs, I’m generally only a housewife, and also a blogger, by the way. It is convenient because I save the family budget 😊 now we are building a house, raising children, everything is like everyone else. I hope that now someone will sleep soundly. We are ordinary guys, as you can see, we live in our best day😍❤

Now we are in absolute peace and quiet. A person sometimes needs to go to a river or a lake, ride a boat, hear the crackle of burning branches from a fire, get lost in the forest, breathe in loneliness by the sunset of the day. I'm finally coming to my senses. It's so great, it turns out... to live simply, just to live❤

The very rare case when I swam "in happiness"... ❤ I don't know the best place on earth to feel like in childhood. Here you somehow smile by yourself, you walk as if drunk from the air and flower aromas, then you lull yourself with chants, and you quickly calm down with kind eyes, and you also instantly forget about problems. It's like they don't exist at all. Here you sleep like a baby, sweetly, carefree... You just live here as you should live, slowly... savoring every minute important to me right now

Happy birthday Husband❤! In the morning I said the main words, and for the rest of the day I thought of adding something else. More patience for you to carry the cross of our having many children, more patience to endure me and your little "klush". By the way, I like how you call them so affectionately. Let us have enough vitality and capital to complete the construction of the house we have planned, to raise together how many children God has given or will give, and we still need to have time to travel around at least half the world😉 I don’t know if I will be able to become “the shadow of my husband” happy marriage, but learn how to bake the best pancakes in the world and bite your tongue when necessary to save our "world" I promise. So far, it’s not working out well for me, but you have to be patient with this, I’m working. In the name of Love❤

Happy Saturday ☀️😍 it's good that Misha is on vacation now, we are now together all the time, together and the hardships of the days are shared and of course common joys. But soon this fertile time will end and I will again be "one for all" 😊 I love doing things with my husband, especially homework, he somehow manages everything so quickly and clearly, and I am slow, then I’ll be distracted by this, then by this , and for men everything somehow comes out smoothly and masterfully. On weekends, we share work, I work in the kitchen, tidy up, my husband can iron a mountain of laundry at this time, he does this better than I can do. Children help not to interfere, they are busy with something of their own, but they can also take rags in their hands and help forward with a song. Loitering is not accepted in our house. And now we sent dad and Ilyushka for a walk, while we stayed with the girls around the house. We also need our own cabal😋 and the boys have their own❤ It's good when the house has its own personal paradise...🙏

Well, my friend with a dozen😍😍😍 Today Ilya is neither more nor less, but for 10 whole months🎉🎈🎁 he doesn’t walk yet, but he’s standing, he mastered the first steps hand in hand with his parents, waving his hand at “Ilyusha, hello”, everything is clearer pronounces "Mom" and even "Dad" slipped a couple of times, 3 and a half teeth are already outside, two from the bottom and one and a half upper ones, eats well both food and boobs, but loves boobs more, I still give it on demand, at night I still inseparable, although he falls asleep in the crib, but asks for an armpit. It looks like the guy has a good sense of humor, he likes to laugh, even "chuckle" at jokes and adult jokes. Hair grows slowly, but it is clear that he is already blond. The eyes are gray-blue, cunning with a mischievous 😉 in general, the nice fellow seems to be growing. We love you, Ilyuska! Grow big, don't be a noodle😘😘😘

The star of the popular reality show Maria Adoevtseva is rightfully considered one of the most discussed heroines in the history of the project. On the television set, the girl was able to meet love in the person of Sergei Palych and equip her family hearth outside the perimeter. True, a few years later their relationship came to an end. About how Maria survived the breakup with her daughter’s father, how her life develops after “House-2”, as well as raising a child, she told in an exclusive interview with StarHit.

Mash, almost 6 years have passed since you left the project. Do you regret at all about being on the country's main TV set?

My mother is a devoted fan of Doma-2 and still watches it. I fight with her every day so that she spends less time with the "zomboy". After all, Moscow is a place where negative information can envelop you even when you leave the entrance of the house. After a "portion of trouble" you walk all day not yourself. A native home is a quiet haven where peace and comfort reign. Therefore, I ask you not to turn on the telly, so as not to remind you of the troubles of the city. But when my mother watches Dom-2, I immediately remember how I lived on the site. In the show, I experienced a storm of emotions: I cried a lot, laughed. Of course, I cannot disown "House-2", this is part of my life. If not for him, I would not have moved on to a new stage, which is now in my life - spirituality. Probably, during my stay on the project, I only regret quarrels with friends.

Are you in touch with someone from the TV project?

Yes, with Nelly Ermolaeva, for example. Our rooms in the city apartments were nearby, so we became friends. Nelly was even a bridesmaid at my wedding. True, after my departure from the show, we fell out of communication for a while. Everyone has eternal business. But when we met again by chance, we realized that we were still drawn to each other. Yes, and Nelly loves my daughter Lisa very much. She treats her like a mother. God bless Nelly your children! I also have a warm and trusting relationship with Dasha Pynzar. It just so happened that I communicate only with the TV moms of the project, because the girls retained their human qualities even after leaving the show. I am grateful to fate that they met on my life path!

You do not at all hide in front of your readers on social networks that you have become very religious. How did it happen? What influenced you?

In general, people come to God through sorrow. For example, the circumstances of life caused you unforeseen damage. For some people, it immediately becomes ill and painful. In addition to friends, they immediately turn to God. In my life, too, there was a loss, I lost my husband. Of course, Sergey is alive in body, but for me he is spiritually lost ... My husband and I do not live together now, Sergey left me spiritually ... For me, marriage is a unity of souls. But when such a connection ceases, the family collapses. Some people can live together for years without love and "kinship", I can't do that. When Sergei moved away from me on a spiritual level and ceased to be responsible for our family, the Lord revealed himself to me.

People say that "God is always near." Is this an empty statement for you?

Two years ago, Sergei and Lisa and I went on vacation to Abkhazia. Due to my inexperience, I somehow violated the immigration law. At the customs, I was told that I would be able to get to Russia only after a year and a half. They offered, as an alternative, to leave for my native Odessa, but without the right to leave for the Russian Federation. Of course, I refused this option, because at that time there were military operations in Ukraine. So the whole family and I stayed to live in Abkhazia. Sergey at some point left for Moscow for work, and I was left alone with my daughter, the sea and the mountains. And one fine morning I was drawn to the temple, where I myself asked to be given the gospel to read to me. After reading the New Testament, more than one miracle happened, in addition to the fact that the border to Russia was opened to me, my mind seemed to have seen the light and became incredibly clear. Some special look at oneself, at the world, at the Lord was opened... How can one not believe in the power of the Almighty?! I returned to Moscow as a completely different person, as if I had been reborn in these months and since then began to live in a completely different way.

Sudden changes in life always alarm people. How did new interests affect your environment?

I get trolled all the time on social media. They write that she joined a sect. People from ignorance do not understand that repentance can overtake at any moment. And repentance is not when inside we reproach ourselves for a spiritual fall and not even our tears at confession, after which we move on and lead our sinful life. You have to change your mind, improve yourself and improve in practice. Yes, my social circle has changed. People who treated me superficially - immediately weeded out. And the one who is honest with me stayed on in my life. I don't have many real friends, but they are. Some former friends reminded me of today's viewers of Doma-2. It seems that there was an ordinary girl on the project, but she became Orthodox. Fans immediately look for double-mindedness, they do not understand what is happening in the human soul and hang labels.

Do you have new family traditions?

Now I have radically changed internally, I began to perceive the world around me and people in a completely different way. Now I prefer to devote more time to spiritual growth. For example, to read patristic literature, the lives of saints... On Sundays, I began to go to services. In all this I see incredible beauty and feel how I am filled with pure energy. Friends sometimes even joke and say: “Masha, you will soon become a nun.” But I'm not offended. I answer them that I would be able to surrender to the monastery if there was no child. Now I strive for solitude, peace of mind.

On your Instagram, Lisa can often be seen wearing a headscarf or even with church candles...

I am instilling Orthodoxy in Lisa, because without it, life will be incomplete. My daughter loves going to church with me. Lizonka even defends the services to the end, without discontent. Of course, sometimes he is naughty and asks for some water, but these are trifles. Because of childish curiosity, she constantly examines the icons, asking who is which of the saints. And the other day my daughter learned the prayer to the Mother of God. A child, when he lives in such an environment, is filled spiritually. Lisa even began to behave like an adult, calmly.

Lisa recently went to kindergarten. Does she like it there?

I recognize myself in her as a child. My mother always told me: "Masha, you are like the leader of the Redskins." She has a lot of friends, she is the soul of the company. When music is turned on for my daughter, she starts to sing along and dance. By the way, I noticed that Lisa has a good memory and hearing. Therefore, I am already thinking of giving it to an Orthodox choir. At the service, she often sings along with local choristers on the kliros and says, “Mom, I also want to sing like angels!”

Many mothers say that with the advent of a child, there is absolutely no time left for themselves ... How are you doing with this?

I often joke that my free time starts at night. Cleaning, laundry, cooking. There is no escape from this. I can sleep three or four hours a day and feel great in the morning. I try to spend most of my time with my daughter. Yes, it’s not always easy for me, but I manage. I never thought about a babysitter. No one can raise a child better than a mother. Well, I still do photography. The work not only brings me a good income, but also interesting people.

Many of your fans notice that even after leaving the project, you have not changed at all outwardly. What's the secret?

My recipe is constant movement. I don't sit still. Plus, I eat right and fast.

Is Lisa an obedient child? What parenting methods do you follow?

I think that it is necessary to raise a child in reasonable severity. If Lisa oversteps the bounds of what is permitted, then I am strict. I tell her: "Lisa, I will have to punish you because you do not listen to me." And she understands this. But if my daughter behaves well, then I am kind. I always say that if the baby is not explained what is good and bad, then he himself will not understand this.

Account: mashaadoevtseva

Occupation: former participant of the show House 2

Maria Adoevtseva started Instagram not very long ago, but it quickly gained popularity and at the moment it is read by 215 thousand subscribers. Maria herself is known as a participant in the reality show House 2 and is familiar to viewers as Maria Kruglykhina. After leaving the project, she got married and had a child. This is one of the few couples who stayed together outside the perimeter. On her Instagram, she posts many interesting photos of her family life and her little daughter.

Instagram Maria Adoevtseva mainly consists of photos of her little daughter. After leaving House 2, she became seriously interested in photography and you can see many beautiful pictures in the feed. In addition to her main model, her daughter, Maria often takes fashion photos, takes pictures of her loved ones, and, of course, food. But basically, her blog will be of interest to young mothers.

Maria is a wonderful photographer, she skillfully applies filters, knows how to correctly compose and makes good collages. Therefore, Maria Adoevtseva is popular with a photo from Instagram, it’s nice to look at her page.

New profile photos appear almost every day. Maria is actively involved in various photo projects and in addition to her shots, you can see professional work by other photographers.

Unlike the Instagram of most stars, Maria's blog does not contain intrusive advertising. The only thing you can see is the offer of the services of your video studio.

Biography of Maria Adoevtseva

Maria Adoevtseva biography is not so significant yet:

  • Mary has gone through a lot in her life. She was born in Odessa, after graduating from school, at the insistence of her then young man, she moved to Kyiv. Maria dreamed of becoming an actress, but she did not work out in this field. Even when she lived in Odessa, there was an attempt to open an acting school. This hobby did not last long, and just after that, Maria moved to the capital of Ukraine.
  • In addition to acting, Masha was very fond of languages ​​and lived in Paris for some time to learn French.
  • The biography of Maria Adoevtseva as a famous person begins in Moscow, after she joined the television project Dom 2. Few people remember that she came there twice. At first, she only stayed on the show for five days. The second time was more successful and she was able to stay for a long time.
  • First, her young man, Sergey Palych, applied for the project, and Maria came after him. Despite all the difficulties and joint departure from the project,

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