Maria Kravchenko topless. Maria Kravchenko - biography, information, personal life


Maria Kravchenko

One of the star participants in the Comedy Woman show on TNT, Maria Kravchenko, calls herself the lucky one who managed to turn her gaming hobby into a well-paid media job. The show is popular, girls are recognized by sight, they ask for autographs, each has its own fans. However, Maria's heart is already taken: her chosen one is television producer Konstantin Zolotarev, their daughter Victoria is nine months old.

Maria is from the Khabarovsk Territory. Therefore, she admits that she spied her stage image of a “show-off girl who knows her own worth” from life. In the provinces, grateful viewers often confuse the on-screen Masha with the real one, mistaking her for their simple talker, offering to go drink beer with them ... You will only find out how far-sighted a strategist with a reinforced concrete character is at a personal meeting. I was rewarded with a firework of emotions, complete with sincere comments and accurate observations. It turned out that Maria is a clever director of her own destiny, and even under pressure she does not give up her intended goal, which, no doubt, is captivating in her.

Maria, you are a bright girl, whom you will not pass by. And, apparently, this is a hereditary trait - one of your grandmothers, a fatal lady, married for the fifth time at the age of fifty-eight!

Maria Kravchenko:“Believe me, even now, when a number of years have passed, she could well get married again. I affectionately call her a flirt. (Laughs.) Grandmother Valentina Viktorovna, my mother's mother, is one of those women who love themselves very much. Naturally, I, like any child, unconsciously read this program: how she took care of herself, did not allow herself to go to work on foot, because grandfather, Minin Ivan Alekseevich, held a managerial position, with a flexible schedule, and could take her and bring her . And when he died, my grandmother was only fifty-five years old, and she immediately said that she was not going to grow old alone. But she also buried her next husbands. Long-livers in our family are women! And she, of course, is of the old school, she herself first married at eighteen ... Therefore, when we, twenty-year-olds, recklessly played KVN together with my friend Katya Varnava, my grandmother from time to time remarked accusingly: “You are there, obviously, only two bachelors and stayed!“ To which I always answered that, firstly, I have other interests, and secondly, although my character is more similar to her than to my mother, but I’m going to get married once and on all life. (Smiling.) By the way, I can't help but mention my grandfather. This person, not native to me by blood, nevertheless, was probably the closest. My mentor and teacher, he was the most important person in my family for me. We talked on a variety of topics, learned poems together. Until now, an audio cassette has been preserved, where at the age of one and a half I recite to adults “At the seashore there is a green oak ...”. Well, in the brands of cars, and in their arrangement, he taught me to understand. I knew about the chassis, starter, pads, brake candles almost from infancy.

How was your relationship with the opposite sex?

Maria:“I was in love. Fury. Heartbreaker. They also dressed me up like a doll. I remember a nice pink coat lined with Mickey Mouse ... But it was puffy, hiding the waist, which upset me at the age of three. But in any case, the boys fought for me, and already in kindergarten I began to spin novels.

What traits did you take from your parents?

Maria:“From dad, a strict physical education teacher at school, the desire to go all the time for records. And from my mother, a technologist in the clothing industry, the ability to plan everything and a clear position in life that I must achieve everything myself and be financially independent. And I used to rely only on myself. My girlfriends tried to find a richer boyfriend so that they could replenish their wardrobe at his expense, go on vacation, that is, they cultivated such exclusively female behavior, and I, apparently, having a tough, slightly masculine disposition, got the joy of what I earn myself. I'm also a workaholic. (Smiling.) Of course, I love myself, but not the way I am, but with the desire for improvement. The process of personal growth, as they say, is necessary for me. But I also like to pamper myself - I will never refuse a trip to a beautician, a hairdresser, for new clothes. It is clear that with the advent of my daughter, a lot has changed, and I forget about my requests as soon as I am in the children's department.

When you got married and became a mother, did you give up the role of a breadwinner?

Maria:"No. Imagine, when I, pregnant, was sitting at home, it seemed humiliating to me to ask my husband for money. I stepped right on my throat in this matter - I got used to another!

Are you mercantile?

Maria:"Is it bad? I can count money, save money. Every year I have a new diary, in which the income and expenditure of funds is clearly kept. And they are considerable: today, for example, we are building a dacha, and flying abroad on vacation, I arrange grandiose shopping for myself. But at the end of the year, I always count how much I earned in a year, and draw conclusions.

Are you just as virtuoso in economic matters?

Maria:“I know how to cook, but due to lack of time I do it very rarely. Luckily we have an au pair. But I would never entrust a child to a nanny - my mother and grandmother look after Vika. And my beloved friend Katya Varnava is now my relative - godfather, because she became the godmother of our Victoria. I think that my daughter was lucky, because Ekaterina is a worthy role model, purposeful, she achieved everything herself and continues to conquer new heights. I would like my daughter to be surrounded by such people since childhood. And since Katya is also a wonderful person, sincere, kind, I can trust her with my child without a doubt. In addition, we are guaranteed free dance lessons from the best choreographer as a goddaughter.”

And how did your picture of the world change when Victoria was born?

Maria:“I found out that my mother has no days off in principle. I used to plan: now I’m preparing for filming, then the filming process itself, then a tour of five cities with many hours of flight, bus journeys, but then I’ll get enough sleep ... But now there’s no such thing! It even made me look with different eyes at our Tanya Morozova, who almost fell asleep right at the rehearsals after the birth of her child. From now on, I know what it is. In addition, Vika has a lot of all kinds of gymnastics, massages with specialists ... I am not a frivolous parent - I have already worked out all the future methods of education and training in my head. Personally, I am a failed figure skater, but I won’t let the cub out on the ice: the sport is too traumatic. I would like my daughter to play tennis. Yes, she genetically, like me, has weak hands, but muscles and punching power are developed by training ... Of course, I will not force her if she suddenly discovers other talents. But I will definitely insist on the knowledge of foreign languages.

You play great in a team, but hasn't the idea to play solo ever come up?

Maria:“I can do a lot by myself, but I get great pleasure from playing in a team. I love the energy of the Comedy Woman team (we've been together for ten years, by the way). Each of us is an integral part of a single whole, and that's great."

Initially, you chose the stage image of a kind of chav, a street girl from the outskirts of the city ... Is this the role of resistance?

Maria:“I grew up in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and am well acquainted with such girls, their manners, habits. Moreover, at the moment my image in the TNT show has changed a lot, as you probably noticed. Now I am a wife who saws her husband. And then it was my know-how, tested back in KVN on short sketches, based on the contrast of my appearance and vocabulary. It was a huge success."

But even a professional actor finds it difficult to play something very far from himself…

Maria:“That's just the essential difference between us and the artists. When an actor with a diploma is given a role, he recalls the Stanislavsky system, and the KVN members do not analyze for a long time - they instantly play. So I have great universities.”

Then it’s strange that you didn’t enter the theater, but the Institute of Steel and Alloys at the Faculty of Education, where you met Katya Varnava ...

Maria:“Of course, initially I, like any limit, was sure that one of them was unsurpassed. I saw myself in Hollywood imperishables, that's why I arrived in the capital to act as a film actress, but failed. I was not going to pay for higher education or kill several years of my life for repeated attempts. I went to a linguist-translator, as my English was at a decent level. Moreover, the university was chosen at random, it was all the same. Maybe it's for the best that everything turned out this way and I don't have a degree in acting. I had a sad stage when I played in the private performance "Wedding" with venerable dramatic actors known to viewers from numerous TV series. And there I came to the conclusion that I have nothing to learn from these masters. KVN and Comedy Woman gave me much more, where everyone on stage supports each other. And on professional stages, on the contrary, they pull the blanket over themselves, they can easily interrupt you, as if they have their own production, and you have a different one ... To be honest, I was dumbfounded. Maybe there is a different atmosphere in repertoire groups, I don’t know.”

It is believed that in any female group, one way or another, it can not do without scandals. How do you manage to be friends and work without quarrels?

Maria:“We are all from the same party, we have a lot in common. Creative disagreements happen. And if something more serious is suddenly brewing, then we, like a woman, attribute everything to hormones, PMS and forgive each other in advance. But, fortunately, all our squabbles die out in the bud, do not flare up into a fire. And yes, tastes change. At the time of KVN and Barnabas, we couldn’t stand the same Nadya Sysoeva, she seemed to us a stupid, brainless chicken. (Laughs.) And she was well aware of this - we did not hide it. But there is only one step from love to hate - now we are comfortable in the same company, in each other's company. True, sometimes I jokingly scare her: “Remember how you pissed me off?! Be afraid that this feeling will return!” (Laughs.)

What are your professional costs?

Maria:“Illness - sick backs, legs, skin spoiled by makeup and flights. On stage, we still jump like young girls, forgetting that we have husbands and children, but everyone began to feel their age, no matter how terrible it sounds. If at twenty we could easily break into a club after a concert and dance until the morning, then at thirty we are already drawn to get to a hotel room as soon as possible. Moreover, the road is rather exhausting, and not the concerts from which we get high.

Usually clowns are extremely gloomy types in real life, but you can’t say the same about the girls from Comedy Woman ...

Maria:“Yes, the girls and I tend to have funny conversations backstage as well. How many times have we been going to communicate normally, not to joke, nothing happens. (Smiling.)".

I noticed. When asked about family reunification, you even answered one publication that five years ago all your relatives came to Moscow: mom, dad, grandmother and dog ...

Maria: “Well, how could I separate the dog from my relatives ?! This year our pinscher Gavryusha turns sixteen years old. He is old, with cataracts in both eyes, and we adore him, he has long been a beloved member of the family. In general, I am an experienced dog lover, but I prefer miniature breeds, with which it is not necessary to walk every day even in bad weather.

You graduated from a music school, dreamed of becoming a singer, and as a kind of hello from those years, now you sing in the Love Supermarket group as part of the show ...

Maria:“As a child, I really dreamed of singing like Sofia Rotaru. I was directly torn between music and sports, because it would also be nice to become a titled figure skater. (Smiling.) But in the end, the music won. Today, this is how I realize my abilities. But I don't plan to sing like a vocalist. What is commercially successful in our country is not close to me at all.”

So far, only the movie "Women against Men" has been on your account. Are you considering participating in another feature film, series for yourself?

Maria:"Why not? I'm a fan of soap operas like Wild Angel, Clone, Roads of India. But I am attracted to borderline states - I want to play an alcoholic, a drug addict, a psychopath in modern conditions, something that is alien and incomprehensible to me. Unfortunately, there are very few decent scenarios. For example, recently they called me to the detective, where I was supposed to play the investigator. Already in the very first scene I am sitting with my male colleagues in the bathhouse. Where does this fit?!”

Your mother sewed hats, your grandmothers probably embroidered, knitted ... Is such quiet needlework not close to you?

Maria:“I am too motor for such a painstaking task. I'd rather listen to music. (Smiles.) But nevertheless, my grandmother taught me how to embroider napkins, shirts and tablecloths - my father's mother, Maria Akimovna, after whom I was named. This, too, by the way, was a unique lady. I even got the idea to write a script and shoot a film about her life, full of extraordinary events. She comes from a poor family, went through insane trials, and during the Great Patriotic War she ran away from the Germans three times. Cramped in living conditions, she raised three children alone. And by some miracle, having no connections, only having a powerful pressure, she achieved a reception from Khrushchev. I talked to him in his office, after which she was greeted in her homeland, in Western Ukraine, as a heroine, with an orchestra, a car, and they immediately allocated a new apartment.

Are you also ready to fight for your own, not expecting miracles?

Maria:“Undoubtedly. Otherwise, I would not have moved from Komsomolsk-on-Amur like a nugget - I would have waited to be dug up.

You have a golden crown-pendant around your neck, it is very symbolic… Is it a gift?

Maria:"Husband crowned." (Smiling.)

Konstantin Zolotarev - producer. So you have an office romance?

Maria:“Exactly, without departing from production. The husband is also from KVN. True, he remembers me there, but I do not. Perhaps the reason for this is the age difference - nine years, these are different generations of kaveenshchikov. My husband's team for me is practically grandfathers. And we met Kostya at work. The only thing is, he scared me more than pleasantly attracted attention. He gave the impression of a too serious, reserved, concentrated person. And I thought he was probably evil. (Smiling.) But Kostya dispelled my fears. It so happened that we are together. Although even now I make comments to him, I ask you not to wrinkle your forehead, not to look so tense. Do you know what the paradox is? I often told my mother that I would not marry a man like my father, who is quick-tempered, stubborn, and sometimes can shout. I wanted to be the leader of the family. And only years later I guessed that my mother was a leader, but diplomatic. She was always so calm and reserved. So, surprisingly, my Konstantin, like my dad, like me, is Capricorn by the sign of the Zodiac. He is also a physical education teacher, like my father, and he is also quick-tempered, stubborn and sometimes speaks in raised tones. It turns out that I chose a copy of my parent - that's how I was lucky! Never say never!".

Photo: frame from the film "Women against men"

Apparently, you and your husband are also similar ...

Maria:“We, two stubborn Capricorns, daily stubbornly overcome our obstacles. But we make plans thoroughly, and he also writes everything down, like me. And in stores, I diligently save him money, discouraging him from buying the twentieth jacket in a row, on which he had his eye. We do not live boringly, but because we love each other, we readily make compromises.

But at the same time, your pragmatist is not without romanticism. He proposed marriage to you in Cuba, unexpectedly appearing in a hotel room with a ring and a bouquet of flowers. Tell interesting details.

Maria:“Kostya decided to surprise me, and he gave it to him with a fight. The plane flew to the island not for eighteen hours, as it should be, but for all thirty, since it made an emergency landing in another place. Despite the extreme conditions, Kostya continued on his way. And at that time, after a long shift, being tired, at the fifth month of pregnancy, I fell asleep already in the morning. And then I was awakened by a knock on the door. I, sure that this is the shameless maid Conchita, open it with a fierce look, disheveled after sleep, in a dressing gown, somehow thrown over, and I see a kneeling beloved in the corridor with a bouquet of roses and a ring. I cried, and more because my script was completely different. I definitely looked like a witch, and in my dreams I painted myself beautiful at such a romantic moment, which made me sad. But the answer was positive. In the future, we will definitely arrange a holiday for ourselves, play a noisy wedding, always with the Hands Up group, because it was to their songs that I danced at home, at a local disco. Now Sergey Zhukov and I are friends, and he promised not to miss our celebration.”

How do you see your future? Do you think the show should go on forever?

Maria:“No, I am a realist, and when the time comes to move on to a new round, I will open my own business. There are even some ideas already, such original “purple cows”, as it is written in a marketing book that I am currently studying, but I will not share them with you. I will also plunge into a new business with my head, because if you want to succeed, not to burn out, you need to control everything yourself from and to, without being distracted by anything else.

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  • Comedian Date of birth January 13 (Capricorn) 1985 (34) Place of birth Komolsk-on-Amur Instagram @kravacomedy

    Maria Olegovna Kravchenko became a victim of her stage image. Everyone is too accustomed to seeing the impudent, rude and aggressive Masha in the girl. But in fact, Kravchenko is not at all like her character. In life, she is different - modest, intelligent and a little shy.

    Biography of Maria Kravchenko

    Maria was born in a small working-class town, so she knows firsthand about the life of the Russian hinterland. Creating her stage image, she focused on memories. After all, her Masha is a simple girl from the street. Self-confident, enterprising, tough. A person who knows that you need to fight for your piece of the pie. In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kravchenko saw many such girls. But only I saw - Maria herself is not at all a "travesty". She studied well, graduated from a music school in piano. Kravchenko says that she liked making music - but not enough to turn a hobby into a profession.

    In addition to playing the piano, the girl was fond of English. After leaving school, she even entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys to get a degree in teaching foreign languages. So by profession Maria Kravchenko is an English teacher.

    Already at school, Maria began to be interested in KVN. The girl loved to perform on stage, she was plastic and artistic. Music lessons also came in handy - Kravchenko sang well. And of course, the girl had a good sense of humor - without this, there is no way in KVN. After school, Maria continued to play, but already in the student team. It was there, in the cathedral of her native institute, that Kravchenko met Ekaterina Varnava. The girls became friends and created a kind of duet. Together they staged humorous miniatures, skillfully using the difference in appearance. This made it possible to create bright, diverse images.

    Unfortunately, neither the MISiS team nor the women's team of this institute "Own Secrets" achieved much success. A little later, in 2005, Maria and Ekaterina met the members of the Small Nations team. Although "team" is still a bit of a wrong word. The "small peoples" were really small. It was the only KVN team consisting of 2 people - Nikolai Gigani and Renat Fatkhullin. The girls joined a close team, and the duet turned into a quartet. Even with such modest forces, the guys achieved good results in the game. They made it to the Premier League final, which is a great result for bigger teams as well. Alas, the "Small Nations" failed to play in the Major League. Already in the 1/8 of the competition, the team lost to stronger teams.

    Maria was not disappointed. She went back to Secrets of Her Own and tried again. But this time the team did not go beyond 1/8 of the competition.

    After that, Kravchenko decided that she needed to look for other options. By that time, the girl already clearly understood that she wanted to joke professionally. She became one of the participants in the Made in Woman project. This show was the forerunner of the well-known Comedy Woman. True, it had nothing to do with television. The girls performed in clubs, performed comic miniatures and even worked in the stand-up genre. There are very few women among stand-up comedians, this is a traditionally “male” genre. But Mary was not afraid to argue with tradition - and won.

    Soon, the talented girls were noticed by the producer of the TNT channel. The team was invited to television. Maria Kravchenko appeared in Comedy Wumen in 2008. Even then, she played Masha on the stage. Later, another one was added to this image. Kravchenko sang in the Supermarket of Love group. It was a vivid and accurate parody of numerous women's groups on the stage.

    Comedy Woman is not Kravchenko's only experience on television. She hosted one issue of the show "Outside the Game" - this is a program dedicated to KVN. And in two games "fun and resourceful" Maria was not a participant, but a member of the jury.

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    The couple is now raising a daughter. The baby was named Victoria.

    Member Name:

    Age (birthday): 13.01.1985

    City: Komsomolsk-on-Amur

    Education: MISiS

    Family: married, have a child

    Height and weight: 153 cm

    Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

    Reading this article:

    Maria Kravchenko was born in an industrial town, and she remembers those years with special warmth. While mom and dad were at work, the humorist actively amused neighbors and classmates with her performances.

    She made up her numbers on the go, sang and danced. Mom, realizing that talent was growing in her child, sent Masha to a music school for piano lessons.

    Despite the fact that Maria calmly went to these classes and even made great progress, she already understood then that she did not like classical music and a calm atmosphere.

    Temperamental girl wanted more energetic and promising activities, so she took up the study of English in parallel.

    After graduating from school, Masha moved to Moscow and entered the Faculty of Education at MISiS.

    A little later, she meets, and this meeting completely changed the lives of both.

    The girls decided to create a humorous tandem and perform as part of student evenings.

    The brilliant numbers immediately fell in love with the public, and the girls began to accept other people who wanted to perform in their team.

    This is how the KVN team "Team MISiS" appeared, which later changed its name to "My Secrets". In 2007, the team ceased to exist, since Maria and Katya left it.

    Kravchenko was offered to become an actress in the Made in Woman show.

    It was later renamed "Comedy Woman" and made into a television project.

    And at first it was the usual club performances. Kravchenko is one of the few actresses who has been working in the show on a permanent basis from the very beginning of its appearance.

    The image for Mary turned out to be the most convenient for her- a kind of self-satisfied, confident and even hooligan girl who knows how to get her way.

    As she herself says, in her childhood she constantly observed such characters, so it was not difficult for her to play such a girl.

    In life behind the scenes, Masha is completely different.- she is more calm, romantic, educated and well-mannered.

    The screen image greatly interfered with her personal life, since all the boyfriends were in love with Kravchenko from the show, and her opposite came to them on dates.

    Maria even once acted as a bride in the Let's Get Married program, where she revealed her soul. However, the guy she chose did not live up to expectations and the first impression.

    In 2013, information was first leaked about Masha's romance with the producer of the TNT channel Konstantin Zolotorev. And in the spring of 2015, she gave birth to a child from him.

    At this point in time comedian continues to perform in the show, periodically acting in films.

    The comedy "Women Against Men", where she again had a chance to play a hooligan, became the first role.

    Maria Kravchenko just loves high heels, and even if she cannot wear them, she will try them on with pleasure. And in men, she especially appreciates well-groomed hands - for a girl from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, this means a lot.

    Maria's photo

    The girl leads Instagram, her page is very popular, more than 400 thousand subscribers.

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