Maria Maksakova about Eurovision: “I know many languages ​​and can represent any country. Maria Maksakova: You shouldn't renounce from Eurovision, as well as from scrip and prison This is Anya from Denmark


The widow of the assassinated deputy Denis Voronenkov, who now lives in Kiev, is herself one of the divas, although operatic ones, and for some reason it seemed to me that for therapeutic purposes such an offer should be made to her. It was not without doubts and mental awkwardness that I took this desperate step. But only my old observation was confirmed - Masha is strong! A unique woman who accepts any blows of fate in full growth and with an open visor...

In general, she accepted the offer to light the Eurosong with joy. When we met, all the divas of the competition, I must say, faded in my eyes like gray mice. Lost 16 kg, stylishly dressed, fresh-faced, easy and pleasant to talk to, as always…

The thought of a terrible drama in the life of this young, beautiful and energetic woman did not give rest, fettering the joy of meeting. With amazing tact, Maria herself tried to level the awkwardness - which means the breadth of a thoroughbred nature!

As we walked to the VIP box, the young widow was continually being devoured by lustful looks. Good! Having appeared at Eurovision for the first time, Ms. Maksakova, after a very interested viewing of what was happening, shared with MK an unfiltered look of a person from the side, which, of course, is interesting and valuable. Not every day the people of Melpomene and high art can descend to pop European passions...

- Masha! I want to warn you - this is a competition for housewives and gays.

Ha ha ha! You speak harshly about the main musical event of the year.

- Not at all, this is such a common cliche, I just mocked.

It's clear. Actually, this is my first time at this competition, although it was held both in Moscow and in other cities where I could theoretically be. However, this is the first time that I have come to see firsthand how it happens. I was very happy for "our" Bulgarian (Christian Kostov). He deserved to be in the final.

I know that he is a Muscovite, that even at the children's "Voice" Dima Bilan was his mentor, and in such a continuation of the career of this young man there is a certain symbolic sign of fate, given the role Eurovision played in the life of Bilan himself.

Maria with the journalist "MK".

I liked the Irishman (Brian Murray). He was strikingly different from other participants, it's a pity he didn't make it to the final. Extremely unusual tone. There is an opera altino, there is a tenor altino, and he has a voice that does not fall under any classification at all. Extremely unusual timbre, high. He made an impression on me, although in general I am not a fan of "male sopranos". Another woman in a red dress sang with a very beautiful voice.

- This is Anja from Denmark. Sort of a diva...

The voice of a very large range, she sang beautifully. And in terms of the sum of my impressions, I was struck, of course, by the incredibly festive, almost carnival atmosphere and the amazing speed with which the scenery and stage surroundings changed at lightning speed on stage. Technique, of course, goes forward, you just wonder. I still remember those times in the theater when the curtain was closed even for more modest changes (decorations). And, of course, this is a very colorful show: light, lasers, screens. Strongly impressive.

- In general, are you satisfied with your “premier” at Eurovision? Maybe now she herself somehow fits into this story?

I do not know. Watching the audience, I see that this is a very young competition. And we are already veterans...

- Come on! At Eurovision, both Bonnie Tyler and Andrew Lloyd Weber and even Engelbert Humperdinck performed ...

I'm not talking about the participants, but mostly about the audience, and it seems to me that this sets the main tone for what is happening. I remember that I once went to some night live broadcasts in Moscow a few years ago, when all this was discussed in the studio, so-and-so, exalted almost to the level of some kind of musical Olympus ...

It seems to me that in Europe there is no such attitude towards Eurovision as some kind of fateful, almost the main musical and political event of the year. This is just a music competition, a popular entertainment format, and in this sense, Eurovision, just like scrip and prison, should not be renounced. Well, you never know what can happen in my life?

You really gave a wonderful example of Humperdinck, a man who took a pseudonym after the famous 19th century German composer of Hensel und Gretl because he was his admirer. A legendary personality, I really liked him, by the way, when he sang (at Eurovision 2012 in Baku), and I was simply amazed that he received so few points. Because I think he is a brilliant singer. Therefore, given that he was already under 80 at that time, I still have 35 years left. And it's hard for me to say what will happen over the years. You see, I used to think that I knew what would happen tomorrow, but now I realized that I didn’t.

Well, your last video, which blew up the Internet in the fall, “Be mine” is quite a Eurovision hit, by the way ...

Moreover, it was written by the same author as the song for Samoilova, and for Gagarina, and for Garipova at Eurovision - Leonid Gutkin. If everything hadn’t changed so dramatically in my fate… We were going to continue in this format, we were preparing an album, a major label was going to release it with pomp… So we can assume that I was already almost two steps away from Eurovision, ha- ha ha...

- Eurovision is Eurovision, but in Moscow, of course, everyone is interested in how you live in Kyiv? Do you want to convey something to your Moscow friends through MK?

Kyiv is a wonderful city. Many have been there, including all my Moscow friends, and they love Kyiv just like I do. A stunning city with an ancient history, immersed in greenery. I was really looking forward to spring in Kyiv. Of course, I didn’t think that this spring would bring me so much personal grief, but this has nothing to do with the city, it is beautiful, as always ... But life goes on.

I am now, unfortunately, shackled in this material space of four dimensions. For the time being, we will have to figure out how and where to move. So everything can be - both in life and in creative aspects.

About whether you are going to return to Russia, which is also of interest to everyone in Moscow, we will probably talk a little later, having caught our breath from Eurovision, right?


Read the report from the second Eurosong final:

Opera diva Maria Maksakova (who recently left to live in Ukraine with her husband Denis Voronenkov) spoke about Eurovision and, in particular, about the composition of the representative of Russia. According to the opera singer, her song is better.

The other day, Maria Maksakova literally blew up the media space by presenting a video for the song "You will be mine." The opera singer performed in a new image of a pop singer. Interestingly, the song for Maria was written by Leonid Gutkin, the creator of the hit by Yulia Samoilova, the representative of Russia at the International Music Contest "Eurovision", which will be held on May 11 in Kyiv.

"It's funny. And they are already saying that I should have been sent to Eurovision, because I have more chances to win sympathy here - due to my views and position," Maksakova commented on this coincidence.

However, Maria noted that she would hardly have agreed to participate in the song competition. At the same time, Maksakova spoke about the choice of Channel One. To begin with, the singer said that she had once participated in the jury of music competitions and always advocated that no one put pressure on pity.

At the same time, Maksakova expressed the idea that any person, regardless of physical condition, should sing if he wants to and if he has talent. "But in the context of the competition, where the participants must still be on an equal footing, certain ethical questions arise for such a choice," Maksakova concluded.

Maria compared Julia's song with her own. "It seems to me that mine is better. It was written especially for me, so it has a radically different energy message. But if this song, as they say, went, resonates, then thank God ..." - quotes Maksakova "Moskovsky Komsomolets" .

At the same time, the singer admitted that she had reasons for some embarrassment. "We often prepare something special for Eurovision, they say, here's a surprise for you in a wrapper, and we'll see what you will do with it. And who are these people, who were they before the competition, who knew them? This is not right, there is an element of speculation in this, and a very unhealthy one, and a complete lack of fair motivation," Maria said.

The singer believes that people who “fully engaged in and lived creatively independently of any Eurovision” should go to the contest. Maksakova cited Sergey Lazarev, Polina Gagarina, Dima Bilan and Alla Pugacheva as an example.

"Otherwise, it turns out that we are going there not with an open visor, but, as in a court, with a good lawyer. The competition is not a place for speculative projects, like Buranovsky Babushki and others, but for artists, after all ..." - summed up Maria Maksakova.

Made a splash at Eurovision 2017...

Opera diva, singer 39 years old is no longer in mourning, after the murder in Keva of her husband, a former State Duma deputy, she first appeared in public in the capital of Ukraine.

The other day, the singer, among the spectators, visited one of the stages (the second semi-final) of the Eurovision music contest in Kyiv. The artist came to the competition with the well-known columnist and music critic Artur Gasparyan.

On the night of today, 05/15/17, a photo of a noticeably thinner opera diva was posted on the #mariamaksakova page on Instagram while visiting this competition (see photo under the text).

Maksakova shared her impressions of this event with the media. The famous Performer said that she visited the competition for the first time and noticed that there were many young people among the spectators. At the same time, in her opinion, in Europe the competition is perceived as one of many and is not turned into the main event of the year.

Maria gave the following assessments to its participants:

"Actually, this is my first time at this competition, although it was held both in Moscow and in other cities where I could theoretically be. Nevertheless, this is the first time that I came to see how it happens with my own eyes. Very I was happy for "our" Bulgarian (Kristian Kostov). He deservedly reached the final. I liked the Irishman (Brian Murray). He was very different from the other participants, it's a pity he didn't make it to the final. An extremely unusual timbre, "MK quotes her words.

“It seems to me that in Europe there is no such attitude towards Eurovision as some kind of fateful, almost the main musical and political event of the year. This is just a music competition, a popular entertainment format,” the singer believes.

Actually, it was Gasparyan who persuaded Maria to go out and unwind a little. As the journalist writes, Maksakova looks thinner, but overall quite cheerful and very attractive. Arthur discussed the participants of the show with Maria, and the artist did not hide that, in principle, she liked Eurovision.

To the question of Gasparyan, Maksakova would not want to shine among the participants in the show, Maksakova replied: “Oh, I don’t know. Watching the audience, I see that this is a very young competition. I'm not talking about the participants, but mostly about the audience, and it seems to me that this sets the main tone for what is happening. It seems to me that in Europe there is no such attitude towards Eurovision as some kind of fateful, almost the main musical and political event of the year. It's just a music competition, a popular entertainment format, and in this sense, Eurovision, as well as money and prison, should not be denied. Well, you never know what can happen in my life?

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