Maria sittel children and husband. My husband and I had a holiday romance


“My husband and I met at sea, and he proposed there. I chose a beautiful place, I remember some crazy sunset ... Everything was very simple, but romantic, frank and sincere. Now Sasha says to me: “Well, why didn’t you marry me for so long? We would have had time to give birth to one more, ”says Maria Sittel, mother of four children, host of the Vesti information program on the Rossiya TV channel.

- Masha, when there are so many children in the house, it is not an easy task to arrange a holiday for everyone with gifts and surprises. How are you doing?

Letters to Santa Claus help. Every year, the children and I write letters, including the elder Dasha, and hand them over to dad. Only he knows where Santa's mailboxes are.

What are you asking yourself this year?

- Now, if Grandfather Frost gave me a sewing machine ... But he hasn’t been able to give it to me for many years ...

– Masha, why do you need a sewing machine? With your pace of life, how do you find time to sew?

- There can be a sewing machine in the house. It is very important! I have three boys! They went out into the street, played football - and their pants were at the seams ... A sewing machine is like a mixer, it makes life easier. Before, for example, I sewed clothes for myself, now there is no time. But I think I'll start again.

When are you going on your next maternity leave?

- Do not wait! (Laughs.) When my boys grow up a little and I have a little more free time, I will make a workshop for myself somewhere in the bathhouse - and I will sew, craft, saw, plan there. And be sure to put the potter's wheel. By the way, this is another dream of mine - a real potter's wheel!

– What else can you do?

- Cooking, sewing, knitting.

- You have four children, three of which are practically the same age. How do you deal with them? After all, read a book to one, turn on cartoons to another, feed the third ...

- It's complicated. I'll be honest. Perhaps the Lord gives strength. I recently watched a young mother walking down the street with a child, he was four years old. And so she scolded him: “You pulled me! Stop! Don’t shout, I told you…” I don’t blame her in any way, I just wanted to help her and support her with a word. I immediately remembered myself, with one small child in my arms. I felt so sorry for myself at times: it seemed to me that I didn’t have time for anything, that there was no opportunity to take care of myself, that life consisted only of worries and troubles about the child. And such thoughts sometimes appeared exactly before the birth of the next. And now everything is fine! I can do everything. Children make us wiser. I don’t know where this understanding comes from, but now the main thing for me is that they are all here, they are nearby, they are mine! When I get tired, my family sees it, they understand that it’s hard for me and, of course, they try to help. Sometimes I just say, "Give me 10 minutes, please." And I go to a room where I can be alone. It is necessary to extinguish emotions, just breathe. By the way, a great way to relax. You can’t be offended by children, they are your continuation, you are all in them. Well, how can you blame them? Children are not saved by advice, discipline, or strictness. Only our love saves them. The state of mind in childhood, which is created by parents, leaves a mark for life. And you know, the more children, the more God gives you strength. With one it is much more difficult, with four it is easier. Here is such a paradox. In any case, no matter how many children you have, having become a mother, you can no longer just sit with a book or watch TV all evening. With the birth of a child, your whole life changes, and you need to be prepared for this. Love always requires sacrifice, and very often time must be sacrificed. Well, as for a career ... I want to say to all women who are afraid to give birth because of a career: believe me, most people are sympathetic to your desire to become a mother.

- Not so many large families work on television ... Colleagues are not surprised when they look at you?

- They were not surprised, but rejoiced when they found out that I was preparing to give birth to my second child - Vanya. When I said about the third pregnancy, it was a surprise. And then they got used to it. (Laughs.) But everyone knew that with a favorable set of circumstances, I would return to work very soon and would not stay long. I left at the moment when I realized that I was internally ready and the brain was working in the right mode.

- Were you nervous at work because you had to run home as soon as possible to feed the next baby? Are you a "crazy mom"?

- Worrying is bad. And of course, I am a mom and in my heart I always worry about the children. There were times when Sasha had to walk with a stroller around work, and at that time I broadcast and immediately ran to feed the hungry baby after the end.

- Masha, it so happened that most of her life, the eldest daughter Dasha lived with your parents. Have you thought about the fact that someday she can remember this for you, reproach you?

- Yes, Dasha lived in Penza, but perhaps we had an even closer connection. Sometimes, living under the same roof, people can become completely alien and distant from each other. Dashenka and I called up several times a day, checked our lessons, and even taught poetry over the phone. Once, for "Frost and Sun: A Wonderful Day," she received two marks: "five" was put in the magazine, and the mark "6" flaunted in the diary. The teacher said, "Show this grade to the person who helped you!" It seems to me that in some moments I invested in Dasha even more than now in the boys. When I left for Moscow, I understood that if I did not spend my energy on my child, I would lose her. Therefore, even at a distance, I tried to be as attentive, loving and quickly responsive to her needs. In addition, I still worked on a rotational basis: I lived in Moscow for a week, and the next - in Penza with my family. For another, eternal travel would be a burden, but I really love the road. For eight years every weekend I threw a bag into the car, got in and drove: either from Moscow to Penza or back. So my daughter was never separated from me. Well, if she ever puts me in reproach that I worked in Moscow ... I will accept and try to change something. I am ready to change for the sake of children and I will never change any of them for myself.

- After all, you once dreamed of becoming a doctor, but in the end Dasha chose this profession. Your influence?

- No no! I was very worried and afraid that my unrealized dreams would somehow be projected onto her. The last thing I needed was for her to study for me, this is a matter of principle. I am aware that this is my dream, and Dasha, maybe, wants something completely different in life. For the last five years at school, we purposefully studied mathematics, Russian, chemistry, biology, physics and foreign languages. Worked with tutors. And by the time the exam was passed, there were plenty to choose from. Until the 10th grade, Dasha was lost: what specialty suits her? I still don't understand how she chose medicine. But I am immensely happy that she is a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University.

- Vanya, as he introduced himself to us - Vanya the hero, you have the oldest of the boys. Does he help with the younger ones?

- Yes, Ivan - Vanya the Bogatyr - after our dad "for the eldest" and recently began to help with the upbringing of Savva and Kolenka. In general, we try to do everything together. However, it doesn't work any other way. (Laughs.) If we make dumplings, then all the boys are in flour. If I wash the dishes, then one folds, the other wipes, the third arranges; however, almost all the cups have already been broken. If something is spilled, I say: guys, no matter who did it, let's clean it up together. Everyone immediately races after the rags. It is very important to nurture this cohesion in children from birth. Of course, often they flatly refuse to do anything. Savva will say his signature “No!”, and Vanya supports him. Then I say: "Okay, I'll do it myself and Kolenka will help me." I show them that I won’t stay alone anyway, someone help me. Then they, of course, quickly run to help. It is very important to guide the children. If a good start is laid from childhood, then it is not difficult to become a good person.

- Does Dasha cope with the boys?

She is even "younger" than all of them! Their relationship is excellent. They, of course, do not always recognize her as a girl for authority, but they love her. I watched the picture of how Dasha talked with Savva: “Well, let me kiss you, I missed you so much.” "No!" - and he fawns over her and does not let go, leads her to play hide and seek. Dasha spends a lot of time at the university, and I see how Vanya waits every day for her return to play her guitar, or tap on the keys of a synthesizer, or look through a microscope. Vanya is a very inquisitive friend. Unfortunately, Dasha has very little time now - she studies six days a week, and on Sunday there are lessons all the time. But the brothers cannot explain this, they burst into her room with swords drawn, and they cannot be pulled out of there. Then the daughter says: “Mom, I went to the bathhouse.” He collects things and goes to learn lessons in the bathhouse, which we recently built.

- And the children are not offended by the lack of attention on your part, because you also have a difficult job?

“I don’t think they understand at all that I’m at work. While it is difficult for them to explain what work is, they rarely see me on TV, they know that my mother is somehow connected with television, but their life is so full of their children's worries that they never sit waiting. Here dad works, and he is not at home from dawn to dusk. And I have the opportunity to spend a week with the children, and work a week, they do not notice my absence.

- Which of them is father, and who is mother?

- Oh, this is a question for genetics! It's hard for us to define. I see both my own and Sasha's features in each of them. And sometimes it's very funny. For example, Vanya is a terrible "hoarder". As I. He has his own locker, where he puts all the most important things. And I have my own locker with the most intimate. In this sense, we are terrible owners. And Savva, the main thing is that everything should be in half and in fairness. He alone under the pillow will not eat sweets. It's for dad.

- Is your husband a strict father to children?

- In the usual sense of the word (dad said - and immediately everyone lined up) - no. He is a good, kind dad, very worried. For some reason, you can’t be strict with our children, they immediately begin to take offense and withdraw into themselves. So Sasha is more of an authoritative dad.

- Your acquaintance, after all, began as a holiday romance. How soon after that did you decide to get married?

- Three years later. We met at sea, and he made an offer at sea too. But after two years. I chose a beautiful place, I remember some crazy sunset ... In general, Sasha is a romantic! Everything was very sincere, sincere and unexpected. You could see how worried he was.

Did you immediately accept the offer?

I've been thinking for a whole year! (Laughs.) Now Sasha says: “Well, why didn’t you marry me for so long? We could have had another one."

- That is, you are not going to stop at four?

- It's like the Lord will give.

- When Sasha appeared in your life, Dasha was already a teenager. How did she receive it?

- Amazing! They have a great relationship, she immediately liked Sasha, and, fortunately, we had no problems.

- Does Dasha see her own father?

- No. We do not know anything about him, and after the divorce, we did not see him.

Why do you think your first marriage didn't work out?

- Never mind. What was, was. I am happy that I have a husband Sasha and four wonderful and beloved children.

Recently, many women complain about the lack of care and attention from modern men ...

“I don’t feel the lack of attention to myself yet. My Sasha asks at every opportunity: “How can I help you?” He was brought up that way. Often gets up at night to calm Kolya, if he cries, he can wake up several times a night, despite the fact that he has to get up early in the morning and go to work.

- Do you have conflicts?

- It's amazing, until we got married, we often argued, even cursed, sometimes we didn't want to see each other. And when they got married, everything stopped. Marvelous! Of course, I am very stubborn in some matters, but when my husband says: “You don’t even let me express my point of view!” - it chills me. With something I happen to categorically disagree, but it is better not to say anything. I’ll say later: “And yet, I don’t agree here because of this ...” And he replies: “Okay, dear!” He kisses me and we stop arguing altogether.

- Didn't there have been those notorious three-, seven-year crises of family life?

Anything can happen in any family. But I never lead a conflict to a dead end. It is important to hear the other, to approach your loved one in time and say: let's talk, is something wrong? You can't gloss over the problem. It often happens that two people come home from work - and immediately disperse in different directions. Husband - to the TV, wife - to the phone, but you need to be able to organize joint leisure. And in general, keep your nose to the wind. After all, I bought these bikes and skates! The atmosphere in the family largely depends on the woman. Only love decorates everything, with it our life is filled and acquires meaning.

- Does it happen that you go somewhere together with your husband?

- Sasha and I often go to the theater and have never gone to the cinema. Whenever possible, we go to the opera - Sasha is a big fan. And if a rare time we get a couple of free days, we will definitely fly somewhere to the sea. Wander together.

- When there are so many children in the house, you probably have to prepare for the New Year in advance?

- Yes, starting from the end of October, we are gradually removing boxes with New Year's toys, Christmas trees, decorations and other tinsel from the attic. The trees are already dressed up, it remains to decorate the house. The guys and I cut out snowflakes, paper Christmas trees, gifts, make homemade garlands, paint Christmas balls. There are many handmade things on our Christmas tree. In general, Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I love winter very much. In general, winter and especially the New Year holidays for us are decorations, decorations ... And a holiday every day.

- Are you leaving Moscow for the holiday?

- No, for us it is a tradition when the whole family gathers. This season, we have not planned to go anywhere yet, we need to put the younger children on cross-country skiing. The skating season has already begun. If we succeed, maybe in February we will go somewhere with the whole family.

- Masha, and yet - four children! It is not only clear how you cope with them - it is also unclear how you manage to get in shape so quickly after the next birth!

- And you try to gather everyone at once twice a day on the street, and you will not have a single extra calorie! (Laughs.) It turns out that I have been breastfeeding them all for over a year. And so, while I am breastfeeding, what diets can there be? So far, I only have enough for swimming - to support my back. Walks, fresh air, bikes in summer and good mood. Perhaps everything.

- What about the diet?

- What do you! Strength is needed to raise children. (Laughs.) Now I’ll finish feeding Kolenka and won’t eat anything for three days! Give the body a chance to rest.

- Do you cook yourself?

- Certainly. I cook a lot, the house is full of peasants! Everyone loves delicious food. I learned how to cook lamb very skillfully, how to bake chicken and duck perfectly. And with Dasha we have a dessert duet, we bake different cakes. We always have homemade dumplings in the freezer. Strategic reserve!

What if you are too lazy to cook?

- It doesn't happen to me. Laziness is the pain of the spirit. And then, imagine, one hungry man is a disaster, and when there are four hungry men ... I'd better get up early so that I can sleep peacefully later.

- Everything is very harmonious with you ... And yet, is there some small thing that you lack for complete happiness?

- A potter's wheel and a sewing machine! I have everything else!

Maria Sittel is a popular Russian news anchor. She was repeatedly awarded various television programs, in addition, she is the winner of the Teffi award.

Maria Sittel

The girl was born in the provincial city of Penza. It was there that she met her first husband; at the age of 20, Masha had already given birth to her first child, a daughter, Dasha. However, in the family life of the host, everything was not smooth, she soon divorced her husband.

After bitter experiences, Sittel decided to go to Moscow and make a career as a TV presenter. Maria left her daughter with her parents, and she went to carry out her plans. The girl worked long and hard, with any outstanding vacation, she immediately rushed home to her daughter and parents.

Maria Sittel

5 years ago, Masha finally met her beloved man. They became a businessman Alexander, they met in Cyprus. Sittel, like her future husband, was on another vacation. The holiday romance began quickly, and, as is usually the case, should have ended in a couple of weeks.

However, everything turned out to be more complicated. Alexander fell in love with a beautiful TV presenter and began to court her. A few months later, the businessman proposed to Mary a marriage proposal. The girl did not immediately agree, she did not want to step on the same rake a second time. But a year later, the wedding took place.

Maria, husband Alexander and daughter Daria

In 2010, Maria and Alexander had a wonderful son, Ivan. My father was extremely happy with this gift. In 2012, another child was born in their family - the boy Savva. He was born very healthy and strong. And a year later, Masha gave her husband a third gift - a third son. This is the dream of every father.

Despite the fact that Sittel is the mother of 4 children, she still keeps herself in great shape and takes care of her appearance. She says that it's all very simple, you just need to love your body and appearance.

Pregnant Maria Sittel

Maria Sittel is a Russian TV presenter who, from 2001 to 2016, hosted the news program Vesti on the Rossiya TV channel.

The woman is married and already has five children, and a few days ago there was news about her sixth pregnancy.

Maria Sittel is expecting her sixth child: education and the beginning of a career on television

Sittel Maria Eduardovna was born in Penza on November 9, 1975. She studied at the lyceum with a medical specialty in her hometown. In 1993 she entered the Pedagogical Institute in Penza. There she studied the specialty "Biology - Chemistry".

A little later, she received another higher education, graduating from the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. Maria Eduardovna has always been fond of sports, skiing, reading books and photography.

In 1997, the girl began to build a career on television, holding the position of presenter. The following year, 1998, she became a correspondent, and a little later, a news anchor for the Penza TV channel Express. A year later, in 1999, Maria Sittel went to work at the Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Maria Sittel is expecting her sixth child: a career as a presenter on the Rossiya TV channel

From 2001 to 2006 She served as a TV presenter of the Vesti program on the Rossiya channel. In 2003, in addition to daytime, evening editions were added. Since 2004, she has hosted the daily Special Opinion program on Radio Russia.

In the period 2006 - 2008. Maria Sittel was a joint host with Dmitry Kiselev of the large issue of Vesti, which came out at 20:00. On April 25, 2007, together with Nikolai Svanidze, she commented on the farewell ceremony for the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin.

From 2006 to 2007 she was the host of the Vesti++ TV program. In the period 2008 - 2016 together with Ernest Mackevicius and Andrey Kondrashov, she hosted the evening editions of Vesti. Since 2009, according to Wordyou. until 2011 - the only host of the program "Special Correspondent".

Maria Sittel is expecting her sixth child: husband and children of Maria Sittel

Maria Eduardovna Sittel met her current husband, a successful businessman Alexander Tereshchenko, in 2008 while vacationing in Cyprus. Their relationship did not imply a serious continuation in the future, but a few days after they met, the young man made her an interesting offer, which the woman could not refuse. In 2009, the lovers arranged a small wedding ceremony in the circle of relatives and closest friends.

In addition to the eldest daughter Maria from her first marriage, in 2010 their common eldest son Vanya was born. In 2012, the couple had a baby again, he was named Savva. In 2013, the woman gave her beloved husband another son, Nikolai.

In the fall of 2016, a little princess, Catherine, was born.

Recently there was news that young people do not stop there and are expecting a sixth child. But there was no official confirmation of the rumors from Mary or Alexander.

“My husband and I met at sea, and he proposed there. I chose a beautiful place, I remember some crazy sunset ... Everything was very simple, but romantic, frank and sincere. Now Sasha says to me: “Well, why didn’t you marry me for so long? We would have had time to give birth to one more, ”says mother of four children Maria Sittel, host of the Vesti information program on the Rossiya TV channel.

- Masha, when there are so many children in the house, it is not an easy task to arrange a holiday for everyone with gifts and surprises. How are you doing?

Letters to Santa Claus help. Every year, the children and I write letters, including the eldest Dasha, and hand them over to dad. Only he knows where Santa's mailboxes are.

What are you asking for this year?

Now, if Grandfather Frost gave me a sewing machine ... But he hasn’t been able to give it to me for many years ...

- Masha, why do you need a sewing machine? With your pace of life, how do you find time to sew?

The house cannot be without a sewing machine. It is very important! I have three boys! They went out into the street, played football - and their pants were at the seams ... A sewing machine is like a mixer, it makes life easier. Before, for example, I sewed clothes for myself, now there is no time. But I think I'll start again.

- When will you go on your next maternity leave?

Don't wait! (Laughs.) When my boys grow up a little and I have a little more free time, I will make a workshop for myself somewhere in the bathhouse - and I will sew, craft, saw, plan there. And be sure to put the potter's wheel. By the way, this is another dream of mine - a real potter's wheel!

- What else can you do?

Cooking, sewing, knitting.

- You have four children, three of which are practically the same age. How do you deal with them? After all, read a book to one, turn on cartoons to another, feed the third ...

It's complicated. I'll be honest. Perhaps the Lord gives strength. I recently watched a young mother walking down the street with a child, he was four years old. And so she scolded him: “You pulled me! Stop! Don’t shout, I told you…” I don’t blame her in any way, I just wanted to help her and support her with a word. I immediately remembered myself, with one small child in my arms. I felt so sorry for myself at times: it seemed to me that I didn’t have time for anything, that there was no opportunity to take care of myself, that life consisted only of worries and troubles about the child. And such thoughts sometimes appeared exactly before the birth of the next. And now everything is fine! I can do everything. Children make us wiser. I don’t know where this understanding comes from, but now the main thing for me is that they are all here, they are nearby, they are mine! When I get tired, my family sees it, they understand that it’s hard for me and, of course, they try to help. Sometimes I just say, "Give me 10 minutes, please." And I go to a room where I can be alone. It is necessary to extinguish emotions, just breathe. By the way, a great way to relax. You can’t be offended by children, they are your continuation, you are all in them. Well, how can you blame them? Children are not saved by advice, discipline, or strictness. Only our love saves them. The state of mind in childhood, which is created by parents, leaves a mark for life. And you know, the more children, the more God gives you strength. With one it is much more difficult, with four it is easier. Here is such a paradox. In any case, no matter how many children you have, having become a mother, you can no longer just sit with a book or watch TV all evening. With the birth of a child, your whole life changes, and you need to be prepared for this. Love always requires sacrifice, and very often time must be sacrificed. Well, as for a career ... I want to say to all women who are afraid to give birth because of a career: believe me, most people are sympathetic to your desire to become a mother.

- Not many people with many children work on television ... Colleagues are not surprised when they look at you?

They were not surprised, but rejoiced when they found out that I was preparing to give birth to my second child, Vanya. When I said about the third pregnancy, it was a surprise. And then they got used to it. (Laughs.) But everyone knew that with a favorable set of circumstances, I would return to work very soon and would not stay long. I left at the moment when I realized that I was internally ready and the brain was working in the right mode.

- Were you nervous at work because you had to run home as soon as possible to feed another baby? Are you a "crazy mom"?

It's bad to be nervous. And of course, I am a mom and in my heart I always worry about the children. There were times when Sasha had to walk with a stroller around work, and at that time I broadcast and immediately ran to feed the hungry baby after the end.

- Masha, it so happened that most of her life, the eldest daughter Dasha lived with your parents. Have you thought about the fact that someday she can remember this for you, reproach you?

Yes, Dasha lived in Penza, but perhaps we had an even closer connection. Sometimes, living under the same roof, people can become completely alien and distant from each other. Dashenka and I called up several times a day, checked our lessons, and even taught poetry over the phone. Once, for "Frost and Sun: A Wonderful Day," she received two marks: "five" was put in the magazine, and the mark "6" flaunted in the diary. The teacher said, "Show this grade to the person who helped you!" It seems to me that in some moments I invested in Dasha even more than now in the boys. When I left for Moscow, I understood that if I did not spend my energy on my child, I would lose her. Therefore, even at a distance, I tried to be as attentive, loving and quickly responsive to her needs. In addition, I still worked on a rotational basis: I lived in Moscow for a week, and the next - in Penza with my family. For another, eternal travel would be a burden, but I really love the road. For eight years every weekend I threw a bag into the car, got in and drove: either from Moscow to Penza or back. So my daughter was never separated from me. Well, if she ever puts me in reproach that I worked in Moscow ... I will accept and try to change something. I am ready to change for the sake of children and I will never change any of them for myself.

- After all, you once dreamed of becoming a doctor, but in the end Dasha chose this profession. Your influence?

No no! I was very worried and afraid that my unrealized dreams would somehow be projected onto her. The last thing I needed was for her to study for me, this is a matter of principle. I am aware that this is my dream, and Dasha, maybe, wants something completely different in life. For the last five years at school, we purposefully studied mathematics, Russian, chemistry, biology, physics and foreign languages. Worked with tutors. And by the time the exam was passed, there were plenty to choose from. Until the 10th grade, Dasha was lost: what specialty suits her? I still don't understand how she chose medicine. But I am immensely happy that she is a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University.

- Vanya, as he introduced himself to us - Vanya the hero, you have the oldest of the boys. Does he help with the younger ones?

Yes, Ivan - Vanya the Bogatyr - after our dad "for the eldest" and recently began to help with the upbringing of Savva and Kolenka. In general, we try to do everything together. However, it doesn't work any other way. (Laughs.) If we make dumplings, then all the boys are in flour. If I wash the dishes, then one folds, the other wipes, the third arranges; however, almost all the cups have already been broken. If something is spilled, I say: guys, no matter who did it, let's clean it up together. Everyone immediately races after the rags. It is very important to nurture this cohesion in children from birth. Of course, often they flatly refuse to do anything. Savva will say his signature “No!”, and Vanya supports him. Then I say: "Okay, I'll do it myself and Kolenka will help me." I show them that I won’t stay alone anyway, someone help me. Then they, of course, quickly run to help. It is very important to guide the children. If a good start is laid from childhood, then it is not difficult to become a good person.

- Does Dasha cope with the boys?

She is even "younger" than all of them! Their relationship is excellent. They, of course, do not always recognize her as a girl for authority, but they love her. I watched the picture of how Dasha talked with Savva: “Well, let me kiss you, I missed you so much.” "No!" - and he fawns over her and does not let go, leads her to play hide and seek. Dasha spends a lot of time at the university, and I see how Vanya waits every day for her return to play her guitar, or tap on the keys of a synthesizer, or look through a microscope. Vanya is a very inquisitive friend. Unfortunately, Dasha has very little time now - she studies six days a week, and on Sunday there are lessons all the time. But the brothers cannot explain this, they burst into her room with swords drawn, and they cannot be pulled out of there. Then the daughter says: “Mom, I went to the bathhouse.” He collects things and goes to learn lessons in the bathhouse, which we recently built.

- And the children are not offended by the lack of attention on your part, because you also have a difficult job?

It seems to me that they do not understand at all that I am at work. While it is difficult for them to explain what work is, they rarely see me on TV, they know that my mother is somehow connected with television, but their life is so full of their children's worries that they never sit waiting. Here dad works, and he is not at home from dawn to dusk. And I have the opportunity to spend a week with the children, and work a week, they do not notice my absence.

- While we were with you, we noticed that the children are madly in love with their grandfather, your father, Eduard Anatolyevich. Did he decide to move to Moscow from Penza?

He visited us last summer. And this year we moved to a country house, and dad actively helped with the garden and vegetable garden. I noticed that he liked being with us, and asked my dad to stay: “It is clear that you have a house in Penza, a household, but we need you here.” Dad was not against it, he was even delighted. As, however, and mother. But she travels to Penza more often. We have an 87-year-old grandmother living there, who cannot be left alone for a long time. So now my mother travels from Moscow to Penza and back according to the shift method. Sasha's mother also takes great pleasure in babysitting her grandchildren. Without the help of parents and nanny Tatyana, to be honest, it would be very difficult. Grandfather and the boys make birdhouses, plant seedlings, water and make crafts. Studying and reading with grandmothers. Grandchildren from grandmothers are crazy. Remember what the sweetest memories from childhood are a trip to the countryside. And Vanya, by the way, recently suggested that I get chickens, so I think we will soon have a whole farm here. All these, in my opinion, are very important points in the upbringing of children. They enjoy digging, taking out the garbage, watering and repairing something. The main thing is to have someone to take an example from, so that they teach you how to properly hold a hammer, saw and screwdriver.

- And how do you relax? The whole family?

Certainly. This year we bought bikes and organized a bike rally. At the beginning of summer, Vanya switched from a tricycle to a two-wheeled bicycle, and began to ride quite confidently. For Savva, we attached a special chair to an adult bike. Kolenka was left to the grandmother and the nanny - and they themselves traveled a lot around the neighborhood. Well, in winter, the main thing for us is skates and skis.

- Are your boys different in character?

They can instantly catch fire with the same idea. For example, if the elder goes to sculpt from plasticine, the middle one runs after him. In general, everything is bought from us in duplicate, but Kolya is already a year old, so we will soon take in a triple. Vanya loves to play chess, embroider and swim in the water like a duck. Savva loves to glue and cut. If you overlook, all the clothes will be recut. Yes, they have different personalities. Vanya is open to the world, he is emotional and very enthusiastic, he rejoices and gets upset at every little thing. Savva is more pragmatic, "pivotal". His favorite words are “Sam!”, “No!”. He knows what he wants.

- Which of them is dad, and who is mom?

Oh, this is a question for genetics! It's hard for us to define. I see both my own and Sasha's features in each of them. And sometimes it's very funny. For example, Vanya is a terrible "hoarder". As I. He has his own locker, where he puts all the most important things. And I have my own locker with the most intimate. In this sense, we are terrible owners. And Savva, the main thing is that everything should be in half and in fairness. He alone under the pillow will not eat sweets. It's for dad.

- Is your husband a strict father to children?

In the usual sense of the word (dad said - and then everyone lined up) - no. He is a good, kind dad, very worried. For some reason, you can’t be strict with our children, they immediately begin to take offense and withdraw into themselves. So Sasha is more of an authoritative dad.

- After all, your acquaintance began as a holiday romance. How soon after that did you decide to get married?

Three years later. We met at sea, and he made an offer at sea too. But after two years. I chose a beautiful place, I remember some crazy sunset ... In general, Sasha is a romantic! Everything was very sincere, sincere and unexpected. You could see how worried he was.

Did you immediately accept the offer?

I've been thinking for a whole year! (Laughs.) Now Sasha says: “Well, why didn’t you marry me for so long? We could have had another one."

- That is, you are not going to stop at four?

It's like the Lord will give.

- When Sasha appeared in your life, Dasha was already a teenager. How did she receive it?

Amazing! They have a great relationship, she immediately liked Sasha, and, fortunately, we had no problems.

- Does Dasha see her own father?

No. We do not know anything about him, and after the divorce, we did not see him.

Why do you think your first marriage didn't work out?

Never mind. What was, was. I am happy that I have a husband Sasha and four wonderful and beloved children.

- Recently, many women complain about the lack of care and attention from modern men ...

So far, I don't feel the lack of attention to myself. My Sasha asks at every opportunity: “How can I help you?” He was brought up that way. Often gets up at night to calm Kolya, if he cries, he can wake up several times a night, despite the fact that he has to get up early in the morning and go to work.

- Do you have conflicts?

It's amazing, until we got married, we often argued, even cursed, sometimes we didn't want to see each other. And when they got married, everything stopped. Marvelous! Of course, I am very stubborn in some matters, but when my husband says: “You don’t even let me express my point of view!” - it chills me. With something I happen to categorically disagree, but it is better not to say anything. I’ll say later: “And yet, I don’t agree here because of this ...” And he replies: “Okay, dear!” He kisses me and we stop arguing altogether.

- Really there were not those notorious three-, seven-year crises of family life?

Anything can happen in any family. But I never lead a conflict to a dead end. It is important to hear the other, to approach your loved one in time and say: let's talk, is something wrong? You can't gloss over the problem. It often happens that two people come home from work - and immediately disperse in different directions. Husband - to the TV, wife - to the phone, but you need to be able to organize joint leisure. And in general, keep your nose to the wind. After all, I bought these bikes and skates! The atmosphere in the family largely depends on the woman. Only love decorates everything, with it our life is filled and acquires meaning.

- Does it happen that you go somewhere together with your husband?

Sasha and I often go to the theater and have never gone to the cinema. Whenever possible, we go to the opera - Sasha is a big fan. And if a rare time we get a couple of free days, we will definitely fly somewhere to the sea. Wander together.

- When there are so many children in the house, you probably have to prepare for the New Year in advance?

Yes, starting from the end of October, we are gradually removing boxes with New Year's toys, Christmas trees, decorations and other tinsel from the attic. The trees are already dressed up, it remains to decorate the house. The guys and I cut out snowflakes, paper Christmas trees, gifts, make homemade garlands, paint Christmas balls. There are many handmade things on our Christmas tree. In general, Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I love winter very much. In general, winter and especially the New Year holidays for us are decorations, decorations ... And a holiday every day.

- Do you leave Moscow for the holiday?

No, for us it is a tradition when the whole family gathers. This season, we have not planned to go anywhere yet, we need to put the younger children on cross-country skiing. The skating season has already begun. If we succeed, maybe in February we will go somewhere with the whole family.

- Masha, and yet - four children! It is not only clear how you cope with them - it is also unclear how you manage to get in shape so quickly after the next birth!

And you try to collect everyone at once twice a day on the street, and you will not have a single extra calorie! (Laughs.) It turns out that I have been breastfeeding them all for over a year. And so, while I am breastfeeding, what diets can there be? So far, I only have enough for swimming - to support my back. Walks, fresh air, bikes in summer and good mood. Perhaps everything.

- What about the diet?

What do you! Strength is needed to raise children. (Laughs.) Now I’ll finish feeding Kolenka and won’t eat anything for three days! Give the body a chance to rest.

- Do you cook yourself?

Certainly. I cook a lot, the house is full of peasants! Everyone loves delicious food. I learned how to cook lamb very skillfully, how to bake chicken and duck perfectly. And with Dasha we have a dessert duet, we bake different cakes. We always have homemade dumplings in the freezer. Strategic reserve!

- What if you are too lazy to cook?

This doesn't happen to me. Laziness is the pain of the spirit. And then, imagine, one hungry man is a disaster, and when there are four hungry men ... I'd better get up early so that I can sleep peacefully later.

- Everything is very harmonious with you ... And yet, is there some small thing that you lack for complete happiness?

Pottery wheel and sewing machine! I have everything else!

We would like to thank the Nicolas Thibaut event agency ( for their help in organizing the shooting

Maria Sittel is a well-known TV presenter who has long become a living symbol of the Rossiya TV channel. It is she who tells Russians and TV viewers from some other countries about the latest events of the day in the framework of daily television news releases. Sometimes, looking at her, it seems that she knows absolutely everything.

But what do we know about her? We will try to delve a little into the past of the famous TV presenter in order to present our readers with a detailed story about her life and fate today.

Early years, childhood and the family of Maria Sittel

Maria Sittel was born on November 9, 1975 in the city of Penza. Her father had German roots, and therefore our today's heroine has always been brought up at the junction of two cultures. Continuing the conversation about her childhood, we note that in the past, Maria wanted to become a doctor and even studied at a medical lyceum for some time. However, at some point, the girl decided to choose a slightly different path in life for herself.

Having received a secondary education, the girl applied to the Penza Pedagogical University, where she began to study at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. In this place, she has established herself as a diligent student. She was loved by teachers and peers. Perhaps that is why, one fine day, several of her university friends invited her to star in a humorous program that they were preparing for one of the Penza TV channels.

The filming experience turned out to be successful, however, despite this, Maria Sittel did not even think about the career of a TV presenter. But fate nevertheless gave her the opportunity to think again about her path in life. In 1997, our today's heroine received an offer from the Penza television company Nash Dom. She was called to work as a leader. And in the end, Maria nevertheless decided to try herself in a fundamentally different role.

At first, the talented young TV presenter worked in the Musical Souvenir program, but subsequently got a job as a reporter in the local news service. After working in her new capacity for several months, Maria Sittel moved from the Nash Dom channel to the Express TV channel, where she also began working as a TV news presenter. Her career developed very rapidly, and therefore the journalist also stayed in the new place for a short time. A year later, Maria exchanged the Express channel for the city's central television, Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

M. Sittel - V. Borodinov - Paso Doble - Dancing with the Stars

Surprisingly, even then the girl did not take journalism seriously. For her, a new job was just an interesting hobby and a great way to earn money. After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute, Maria Sittel entered the Institute of Finance and Economics, where she began to study in absentia with a degree in Finance and Credit.

In parallel with this, a talented native of Penza continued to work on local television. And over time, television work has become for her something more than a favorite hobby.

Star Trek by Maria Sittel on TV

Thanks to her work on television, our today's heroine very soon became known and popular in her native Penza. She was recognized on the streets. And well-known figures of federal television began to come out to it more often with new proposals. As a result, having worked at the Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for only two years, the TV presenter switched to the Rossiya TV channel, with which almost her entire professional career was later connected.

In September 2001, Maria Sittel first appeared before the audience as the host of the Vesti news program. Her partner on the set was Dmitry Kiselev. Subsequently, the talented TV journalist also worked in tandem with Andrei Kondrashov.

Over time, Maria Sittel became a real star not only of the Rossiya TV channel, but of all Russian television. She often regularly appeared on television, and from some point she also began to give master classes for young journalists. As part of such classes, our today's heroine argued that reading newspapers, books, magazines is as much an integral part of the profession of a TV journalist as live broadcasting. Such a multifaceted approach to business became the basis of her corporate identity, and also brought her great success.

In 2007, Maria Sittel became the owner of the Order of Friendship for her contribution to the development of television, and two years earlier she also received the TEFI award as the best presenter of an information program.

Among the personal achievements of the TV journalist, one should also include repeated meetings with the first persons of the Russian state. Maria Sittel led the “Conversation with Vladimir Putin”, and also repeatedly covered the activities of the president in the framework of other projects. For this, our today's heroine was awarded a special letter of thanks from the leader of the Russian Federation.

Maria Sittel's personal life

In ordinary life, our today's heroine is fond of art photography, skiing and reading modern literature. Maria Sittel has four children. Daria's daughter was born in her first marriage. Three subsequent children were born from the current husband of the TV presenter, a businessman named Alexander. The couple met during a joint holiday in Cyprus. After a year-long romance, the lovers legalized their relationship. And in September 2016, Maria became a mother for the fifth time. The newborn baby was named Catherine.

Maria Sittel now

As for work outside of information and analytical journalism, in this respect it is worth noting the fact that Maria Sittel has repeatedly participated in various entertainment programs. Among these, it is worth highlighting the Fort Boyard show projects along with such heroes as Jean Grigoriev-Milimerov, Pete Jason, Vyacheslav Bodolika, Marat Chanyshev, Tatyana Kolganova, as well as Dancing with the Stars. As part of the last of these programs, the Russian journalist managed to take first place, which allowed her to take part in the international show "Eurovision Dance Contest" next year.

Maria Sittel: “Do you believe?”

Among other successes of Maria Sittel, we note her small role in the TV series Prime Time Goddess. It is noteworthy that, according to the writer Tatyana Ustinova, the original book that formed the basis of the series was written under the impression of the work of Maria Sittel. IN

Currently, our today's heroine is still working on the Russia channel. At the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the TV journalist hosts the Vesti program, and also often appears in the “optional” review project “Special Correspondent”.

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