Martirosyan has cancer. Where does Garik Martirosyan live, what place does he occupy in Forbes? Details from the showman's personal life


Many believe that celebrities sacrifice happiness in their personal lives for the sake of fame and are so fickle in relationships that they cannot create a friendly and strong union. The Martirosyan family shatters this well-established stereotype. The famous TV presenter idolizes his family and has the most tender feelings for his wife. Zhanna Martirosyan stands out noticeably against the background of the wives of other celebrities. What is the secret of her charm? This will be discussed in the article.


Zhanna Martirosyan (nee Levina) met Garik at the KVN festival. The girl grew up in the city of Sochi. After graduating from school, she became a student at the State Law University in the city of Stavropol. Zhanna Martirosyan was a fan of the KVN team of her native university and went to support her idols on This trip in 1997 became fateful for her, because at one of the parties she ended up at the same table with Garik Martirosyan. The young people immediately liked each other, but at the end of the festival they parted. The girl left for Stavropol, not even leaving her future husband her phone number. A year later, Garik and Zhanna Martirosyan met again, and a few days later they decided not to leave.


Jeanne's family did not expect such a rapid development of events, but did not resist the desire of her daughter. The engagement of the lovers took place in Yerevan, after which they went on tour with the New Armenians KVN team, in which Garik performed. A busy work schedule allowed the young people to get married only two years later. But it happened in Cyprus. Zhanna Martirosyan, whose photos are published in this article, is very easy-going and favorably accepted the fact that she was taken away from the hotel, and not from home. The wedding ceremony took place in a spacious villa with a swimming pool, the guests were friendly "new Armenians", and perhaps the only moment reminiscent of the homeland was the wedding ceremony, which took place in the local

Family life

Zhanna Martirosyan, whose biography is of interest to many, defended her law degree. However, she is in no hurry to start her own career, because every minute of her life belongs to her children and her husband. Two heirs are growing up in the Martirosyan family: daughter Jasmine (2004) and son Daniel (2009). Perhaps because Garik provides for his family completely, Zhanna does not have to work. She enjoys family happiness and helps her husband in everything.

home traditions

In all interviews, Garik claims that his wife is a great hostess. She cooks well, brings up children wonderfully and knows how to create real comfort in the house. The famous showman admits that he is always pleased to return from work to the hearth and relax with his loved ones. Zhanna Martirosyan, whose photographs often appear in the press, knows how to do everything. She makes gifts to her relatives with great pleasure and does it with great ingenuity. For example, the Martirosyans have a tradition not just to give presents, but to hide them in different places. Thus, the hero of the occasion must find a gift himself. Although one day Zhanna gave Garik a surprise that was very difficult to hide - she bought her husband a piano. Knowing about her husband's musical tastes, the girl wished to give him an expensive and beautiful gift.

Designer Talent

Zhanna Martirosyan easily takes on every new project related to family life. For example, when her husband gave her an apartment in the capital, she took up the arrangement of a new home on her own. She managed to transform the room so much that Garik advised his wife to do interior design professionally. Zhanna really managed to create a unique atmosphere of home comfort in the apartment. Apparently, truly talented people show their abilities in everything they undertake.

Help my husband

Zhanna Martirosyan not only perfectly copes with the role of a hostess and mother, but is also rightfully considered a friend in the workshop of her husband. She is the first to hear the jokes, which then appear on the screens. Garik highly appreciates this, although he admits that he did not immediately appreciate his wife. Zhanna tries to be with her husband at all social events: she goes with him to film premieres, awards, takes part in interviews. At the same time, she has a fresh and toned look in all the photos from social events. Perhaps this woman is the most active "second half" among the wives of former KVN officers. Jeanne is known and loved no less than her famous husband.

Zhanna Levina-Martirosyan, whose biography is developing successfully, is absolutely happy. She has everything that women usually aspire to: a beloved husband, smart and beautiful children, a cozy home. I would like to wish her strong family happiness in the future. Perhaps in the future Zhanna will want to loudly declare herself in show business or another. Of course, a loving husband will support her in all endeavors and allow her to make her own career.

Garik Martirosyan is, without a doubt, one of the best comedians in Armenia and the entire post-Soviet space. Thanks to his many years of work, our today's hero has managed to become a true legend of many comedy projects, including such programs as KVN, Comedy Club, ProjectorParisHilton and some others. Garik is currently at the zenith of his fame. He is popular, successful and loved by millions of viewers. Looking at how organically this talented Armenian looks on stage, one might think that all his achievements were given to him very easily. But is it really so? Of course not. After all, any success is the result of hard work and great diligence.

Early years, childhood and the family of Garik Martirosyan

The future famous showman was born in sunny Yerevan on February 14, 1974. As noted in some sources, the true date of birth of the famous humorist is February 13th. The thing is that immediately after the birth, the mother of our today's hero asked to somewhat correct her son's documents. The reason for this was the banal superstition associated with the number "13".

Perhaps it was this small episode that predetermined the entire future fate of the comedian. He grew up as an extraordinary child. And, in the end, he became a famous comedian and a successful Moscow producer.

However, let's not get ahead of ourselves too much...

Despite the fact that in the family of the future actor no one was directly connected with art, the parents of the future artist have always paid great attention to the moral education of their sons. From early childhood, Garik Martirosyan and his brothers Ambratsum and Levon attended a music school. However, for our today's hero, training in this institution ended soon enough. The thing is that in childhood, Garik was a very mobile and fussy child, and therefore often simply fooled around in specialized classes. For such behavior, he was expelled from a music school, but this unfortunate misunderstanding did not at all make the future artist abandon music. Subsequently, he independently learned to play the piano, guitar and percussion instruments well.

In addition, already in his school years, Garik began to play in various semi-amateur productions. As noted in some biographical sources, the debut role for the future humorist was the role of Archimedes in one of the children's performances staged on the stage of his native school.

KVN Garik Martirosyan tore the hall

Garik loved art, but the most significant influence during this period on our today's hero was his mother. By profession, Jasmine Surenovna was a doctor, and therefore, looking at her, Martirosyan also decided to choose this particular profession. Having received documents on graduation, the future artist entered the Yerevan State Medical University, where he began to study as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. However, looking ahead a little, we note that Garik worked as a doctor for only three years. Already while studying at the university, KVN games became his main passion. Thus, choosing between a career as a doctor and a career as an artist, our today's hero chose the latter.

Star Trek Garik Martirosyan: KVN, Comedy Club

During his studies at the university, Garik Martirosyan joined the young KVN team "New Armenians". In this team, our today's hero performed for a total of nine years, during which he managed to become the Champion of the Higher League (1997), the two-time winner of the Summer Cup (1998, 2003), the winner of the Jurmala festival "Voicing KiViN", as well as the winner of many others prestigious awards of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

A brilliant career on the KVN stage opened the doors to the world of Russian show business for Garik Martirosyan. In 2005, our today's hero, along with other teammates, decided to organize a new comedy project, which was launched in the very near future. So on the TNT channel, the comedy program Comedy Club began to appear, created according to the type of American stand-up shows. Within the framework of this project, Garik Martirosyan worked as a producer and one of the regular participants. And very soon, such efforts brought the artist a serious success. The talented Armenian became known in all the states of the post-Soviet space, and also earned a name for himself in the production circles of Moscow.

In November 2006, Garik Martirosyan decided to start a new project, which would be radically different from everything that he had created before. The British show "Little Britain" was taken as the basis, which very soon organically transformed into the Russian project "Our Russia".

The new show brought new success to its creator, and as the host of the Minute of Glory program, Garik Martirosyan appeared already in the status of an established star.

Garik Martirosyan now

The late period in the work of the talented Armenian was remembered by many new victories and new successful projects (“Laughter without rules”, “Show News”, etc.). Garik still, as before, worked on the creation of fresh issues of the Comedy Club, Our Rush, and some time later began to appear as a permanent host of the ProjectorParisHilton project. For his work on this TV show, Martirosyan received the prestigious Tefi award in the nomination of the best infotainment program of the year.

Garik Martirosyan is currently working on new ambitious projects and making plans for the future.

Personal life of Garik Martirosyan and political aspirations

In recent years, reports have often appeared in the press that Garik Martirosyan is going to join the United Liberal National Party of Armenia, which is headed by his brother Levon.

Garik Martirosyan with his wife in the program "Relish"

According to the artist himself, the only obstacle to a political career is his family. And therefore, with the adoption of a final decision, Garik is still delaying. The thing is that a political career in Armenia will mean his inevitable move to Yerevan and parting with family and friends - his wife Zhanna Levina (works as a lawyer in Moscow), as well as daughter Jasmine (born in 2004) and son Daniel ( born in 2009).

Currently, the entire family of the comedian lives in the Russian capital.

In the summer of 2016, comedian and TV presenter Garik Martirosyan, who is not on any social network, cheated on himself: he opened a working account on Instagram and launched the Insta Battle project on its platform. Every day, the showman asks subscribers one question, and then selects the funniest answer, for which the author is paid from a hundred to a thousand euros. The awards are issued by the MEM Media agency, with which Martirosyan works. The showman told why he needed it, why he disappeared from television, does not register on social networks and never watches the performances of venerable American comedians. Why do you need this project?

Martirosyan: I really like to do something in an unknown field, where no one has done anything before me. "Insta battle" was invented by me, and I embody it myself. Unlike television projects that have specific goals, economics, and so on, we do not set such goals. We want to cheer ourselves up, Instagram users and all Russian-speaking people with a sense of humor, especially in such a sad time when autumn has come and winter is ahead.

That is, you do not have the task of discovering new stars?

If new stars emerge from this competition, I will be very happy. Probably, among those who write to us, you can find screenwriters who can give out good jokes. But I do not flatter myself with hopes of discovering new talents. It's just an entertainment platform for anyone who thinks they have a sense of humor.

Have you tagged any of the users?

Of course, there are guys who joke a lot and consistently well and witty. But here I behave strictly professionally: I don’t fall in love with anyone in a creative sense on purpose. I don't take note of anyone. This is a habit developed by years of sitting on the Comedy Battle jury. Here, after all, the main thing is wit, and not the person herself.

Who jokes funnier: Instagram users or newcomers who try out on TNT?

There are no special differences. Yes, of course, those who are professionally engaged in humor have more precise wording, their heads work faster, their brains are more efficient. But I assure you: completely ordinary people come and work at TNT. However, there is a problem. In Russia, unfortunately, there are no humorous universities and special courses where a person can hone his sense of humor.

There is, of course, a large KVN school. People can create their own teams, go to festivals - the scheme has been tested a long time ago. But this is the only way in Russia to develop a sense of humor. If you are lucky, if you have enough talent and creative strength, they will get into the major league of KVN, and then into the television arena. I can’t give people this perspective in the Insta Battle. We do not have an educational page, but just an entertaining one.

Social networks, as the name implies, are created primarily for a person to socialize. I met new people, made friends, expressed myself. Someone is interested in the information flows that run there, news, videos. But I have such a busy life, so many people surround me, that sometimes I don’t have time to communicate with the people who work with me. The Comedy Club office is a social network in itself. Well, imagine: five thousand people work in it. And if I also sit on social networks, I will go crazy. I need to stay awake, buy myself a second brain and a second pair of eyes.

Never in my life! I don't watch anything for the sake of coming up with brilliant ideas. I'm afraid of brilliant ideas. I'm afraid of American shows, I'm afraid of American stand-up artists, I'm afraid of those who work in the same genre as me, because their understanding then gives wrong shoots. Everything I have done in my life is dictated by my personal creative fantasies. I never take anything from anyone, I'm just not interested.

Do you follow what is written about you on the Internet?

I don't follow. If possible, write that it's enough to write something about me on the Internet, because I simply don't follow it.

But you reacted when a remedy for baldness was advertised on the network on your behalf.

This was the only story I followed. I had to react when already the twentieth person turned to me about some kind of baldness ointment. This is an absolute fake. We have long ago found those who advertised this remedy on my behalf, and the trial will soon take place. The company representing my interests on TNT will sue them.

A year has passed since this story.

It took time to find these people. If you think that this is some kind of open company that sits in an office on the Garden Ring, then no, it is not. The problem is that Internet users, like, in fact, all other viewers, are very gullible. Anything is written in my name. Seeing my photo cut out and pasted into some article, people don’t think that I couldn’t say that in principle.

So they trust. You can safely go into politics.

It would be possible, but I chose television creativity. Political topics interest me, but I don't see myself as a politician at all.

There are many of you on TV. Do you watch TV?

In fact, I have not performed anywhere for two years. I'm not interested in anything right now. Let's say I'm on a creative break. I will start a new life next year. Our country began a new life a hundred years ago, and I will follow the example of my ancestors. From next year I will start creating revolutionary events, only, fortunately, in humor. I do not want to say in advance - a bad omen.

In the near future, if all goes well, you may even see Internet comedy programs created exclusively for YouTube, RuTube, Facebook and other Internet platforms. I believe that the Internet is a terrible force.

The Comedy Club program is usually associated with the best presenters of this show.

This list automatically includes the cheerful and musical Garik Martirosyan.

Recently, viewers are increasingly asking the question: “Why don’t they show Martirosyan on TNT anymore? Where did Garik go? Why did the talented presenter disappear from the Comedy Show?

The humor and "sharp" tongue possessed by Garik Martirosyan made many TNT viewers fall in love with him.

But where did the leader go? Where did Gary go?

There is probably no definite answer to this question.

There are several versions that can explain the sudden departure of Garik from the Comedy Club.

One of the most popular versions

A quarrel with the host of the show "The Bachelor" Timur Batrutdinov, who repeatedly taunted Garik and he, in turn, offered to take his place as the host of Comedy.

But could this situation affect the fact that Garik no longer goes on stage? Influence the fact that he no longer hosts everyone's favorite show?

Another version that can explain where the presenter went

This is an ordinary job and a large number of projects in which a talented presenter takes part.

For your relatively short activity, Garik Martirosyan managed quite a lot:

  • engage in acting;
  • become the author of the League of Nations project;
  • produce;
  • act as a leader;
  • participate in the KVN team.

Garik led the Comedy Club program for five years.
Having successfully spent this period on stage, he transferred his duties to Timur Batrutdinov.

What happened to Garik? Where is he now? Where did the talented and versatile presenter go?

The host, without which it is difficult to imagine "Comedy".

There is no single answer to this question. How to find out where the Comedy star is now? The most correct answer, apparently, needs to be heard from Garik directly.

We hope he will return to "his place". After all, the stage is his calling.

Celebrity fans want to know everything about their idols: what music they listen to, what cars they drive, what food they eat. Fans of comedians are no exception: they are interested in knowing where Garik Martirosyan lives. The latter does not go to meet his fan base and has not even started a page on social networks. But in the world of open information, it is difficult to hide any fact, even if it is a place of residence.

Short biography of the comedian

The life path of a Russian stand-up artist in Armenia begins back in 1974. The following years look like an endless stream of achievements that everyone can envy:

  • He grew up as a restless child, because of which he suffered a lot during his school years. So, behavior became one of the reasons for exclusion from the music school;
  • But the young tomboy did not give up music lessons, and even succeeded a lot in this field. Keyboards, strings, drums - he was able to do everything equally well;
  • Despite the fact that in his youth Garik even wrote music, he chose a medical education, for which he entered the specialized Yerevan Institute;
  • As a student, he began to participate in the work of the KVN university team. It happened in 1993, and since then the life of a failed doctor has been connected with the world of humor;
  • After leaving KVN, he, along with his friends from the New Armenians team, founded a stand-up project modeled on American TV shows. And they even called it in English, so that there was no doubt - "Comedy Club";
  • Among other projects to which he managed to have a hand: Our Russia, ProjectorParisHilton, Minute of Glory, Main Stage, etc.

Who is Garik Martirosyan's wife by nationality?

Mikhail Zhvanetsky wrote that a man can be judged by the woman next to him. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the showman's chosen one, Zhanna Levina-Martirosyan:

  • She was born in Sochi in a decent and wealthy family. There are no exact data regarding nationality, but there are rumors about belonging to the chosen people (Jews);
  • The surname "Levin", which is related to the variants "Levinson" and "Levi", can speak indirectly about the origin. On the other hand, it is worn by many Russian people - descendants of the noble family of the same name. Be that as it may, this issue is of great concern only to the Nazis;
  • The girl received a law degree and worked as an investigator for some time. In the service, she had to see blood, but this did not make the woman dry and not emotional;
  • The acquaintance with her future husband took place back in 1997, when the New Armenians KVN team toured cities and villages. Since then, they have been dating for two decades;
  • In 1999, a magnificent wedding took place in a Mediterranean resort. In 2004 and 2009 children were born (a boy and a girl). Jeanne had to quit her job, and today she devoted herself entirely to family life.

Showman's place of residence

At the dawn of his artistic career, Garik had a very modest housing on Pyatnitskaya Street. In a tiny apartment there was barely enough space for a family with a child.

Today, the country-famous comedian boasts luxury apartments worth almost one hundred million rubles:

  1. The five-room apartment is located in the Golden Keys premium class residential complex in the Western Administrative District of Moscow (on Minskaya Street, 1A);
  2. Each room has its own design, developed in an eclectic style: within the same room, classics and high-tech can easily coexist - and together they look very organic;
  3. There are musical instruments in the living room (the head of the family is a big fan of playing the guitar and keyboards);
  4. The silver and black design of the bedroom is reminiscent of theatrical scenery. The room is divided in half: in one wing there is a bed, in the other - a TV and sofas;
  5. The nursery is decorated in the art deco style and resembles a toy house. The only detail that reminds of reality is a giant photograph with his father on the wall;
  6. The kitchen resembles a cozy country house of aristocrats. An elegant chandelier and floral curtains complete the atmosphere;
  7. In this chic house, even the restroom can be called an art object. There are mosaics on the walls, and the ceiling is decorated with photo wallpapers with a forest landscape.

What place does Garik Martirosyan have in Forbes?

The living conditions in the house on Minskaya Street are reminiscent of a fairy tale from the life of a millionaire. The first impression is true: information about fees with six zero stars has been around for a long time:

  • In 2011, Garik got on the pages of the Russian Forbes. The comedian's income was estimated by the publication's specialists at $2.8 million. In the prestigious top 50 richest domestic celebrities, the colorful Armenian took the honorable 41st place;
  • The early 2010s can be called the zenith of Martirosyan's creative career. During these years, he played the role of the host of the most popular program ProjectorParisHilton, took an active part in the work of the Comedy Club and NashaRussia;
  • However, in the ranking of millionaires, he did not last long. In an interview with the famous YouTube blogger Yuri Dudyu on September 13, 2017, the country's former chief comedian spoke about his unenviable financial situation;
  • According to him, earning at least a million a year (in US currency) is possible only with 100% workload and in the current conditions is almost unrealistic.

Why does Garik Martirosyan not lead Comedy?

Last but not least, the departure from his “native” project, “Comedy Club”, affected the finances of the founding father of the domestic stand-up. For five whole years he was a resident (permanent participant) of the scandalous project. However, on April 17, 2015, fans of the legendary showman were seriously alarmed when they found host Timur Batrutdinov in place.

Among the most popular versions of what happened:

  1. Disagreements within the team of comedians "Comedy". Allegedly, Timur did everything in order to survive his colleague from the program, and achieved this;
  2. The conflict of the largest television channels. Recently, "Russia-1" has been claiming the title of the main "button" of the Russian-language broadcast. The channel's management is making great efforts to poach outstanding personnel. Among the latter, not only Martirosyan appears, but also Andrei Malakhov;
  3. Creative crisis. This is the official reason, which the hero himself broadcasts in every interview. “I have nothing more to say,” one of the creators of the modern humorous landscape of the country declares without a shadow of irony.

It so happened that modern Russian humor can be safely called Armenian humor. Just look at the composition of the Comedy Club or Open Microphone. And it makes no difference where Garik Martirosyan lives - in Moscow or Yerevan. His work is a fusion of two great cultures. What explains the popularity of this wonderful comedian.

Video: Dud interviews Martirosyan

In this video, Garik will reveal many of his secrets, tell you how much he earns and where he lives now:

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