Masha city 312 biography. Personal life


Pop-rock band founded in 2001 in Kyrgyzstan. The name of the team was the code of the city of Bishkek - 312. The composition of the group today: And I(vocals) Masha(guitar), Dim(keyboards, backing vocals) Nick(drums) Leon(bass, backing vocals).

The history of the creation of the group "City 312"

The group gathered nine years ago, on October 14, 2001, in Bishkek and quickly gained momentum in their native Kyrgyzstan, after which the team members decided that they needed to go to conquer the Russian capital. The vocalist of the group Aya was at that time a popular singer in Kyrgyzstan, she had regular concerts, but she easily abandoned her solo work, becoming a member of the group City 312.

Nevertheless, Moscow at first accepted the newly minted team very cool. As the vocalist of the group Aya recalls: “There was a very popular group “Ayan” in Kyrgyzstan, where Dim and Leon came from. They played reggae with oriental flavor. I will not be modest, I also became famous, but as a solo performer. She sang lyrics, soul. I did projects on the radio ... One fine day, the guys and I met and decided to go to Moscow together. Compatriots are not jealous of us, they do not curse us as "traitors", but on the contrary, they are proud of our successes. We understood that it would be difficult, but we tried not to think about the bad. We had no idea how hard it would be in a foreign city. The first thing we heard in Moscow: “What the hell are you doing? It's not people, it's wolves." However, our plans initially were not to return to the shield. We held on to each other, knocked on all the doors, and in the end, healthy (or maybe not so) adventurism won.

Arriving in Moscow, the band members began to stubbornly distribute demos to radio stations, television, send their songs to record companies, but with the work of the group "City 312" no one was interested. Unable to withstand the harsh realities of the metropolis, one of its members, X, left the group. A young talented guitarist soon took his place. Masha. She easily fit into the team, and the group sounded fresh and interesting.

After a couple of years in Moscow, the group achieved its first significant success, becoming in 2003 the laureate of the first Russian festival "Rainbow of Talents".

Gradually "City 312" began to perform at a wide variety of venues in the capital, including nightclubs, festivals and serious large venues, such as the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. At this time, the famous drummer comes to the group Igor Javad-Zade, who until that time had worked with such stars as Zemfira , "Nautilus Pompilius", "A-studio".

December 3, 2005 the band signs a long-term contract with a record company "Real Records" to release several albums. This was the first real success of the young team from Kyrgyzstan. Debut record "213 roads" released in 2005, but did not bring much popularity to the team. But the second album called "Out of range" conquered all radio stations in Russia and neighboring countries. The album features hits such as "Out of range", "Lanterns", "Dawn City" and other popular songs. 2006 was also marked by the fact that the song "I will stay" included in the soundtrack to the famous blockbuster Timur Bekmambetov "The night Watch ". After this picture, the whole country recognized the group.

Aya comments: “The offer came from our company Real Records. We knew that the chance to work with Dozor was very small, but we took the risk. It's great that the filmmakers took the risk with us. For this we thanked them.”

2006 was a fruitful year for numerous awards: the Golden Gramophone award for the song Out of Access Zone, the MTV RMA 2006 award in the Best Debut nomination, the Breakthrough of the Year award from the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, the New Songs about the Main Channel One, Beauty magazine award in the Best Soundtrack nomination for the song Out of Access Zone for the film Peter FM.

In 2007, the band's next album was released, titled "Turn around". And in 2009 "City 312" toured a lot in Russia and abroad - the group visited the USA, Belgium, Poland and other countries. Since 2010, the band has been preparing new material for the album "New music", which is expected to be released at the end of 2010. It will include such hits as "Invisible", "Spring-2", "Do not swim".

Regarding the release of the new album, the band members admit: “The whole problem is that the third album, which is called New Music, was recorded back in November. We just received the cover yesterday. The cover is interesting, it suited us. We, like all listeners, are also waiting for its release, we can only say: stand strong with us, for us this is a sore point. And the situation with the clip is simpler, it's just calmly discussed, it's just the expediency of the release of the clip in a given period. There are so many good songs that I think we will choose something worthy for the video and show it to you. Looking forward to the release of the album. He slows everything down. It does not depend on us. I understand when an artist cannot write or record a song... But an album has been created here, and something new is on the way, but we cannot give birth to this, because we cannot release what has been done. This is depressing for us as musicians.”

On November 25, 2010, the band presented the first 3D video clip in Russia for a new song "Help me".

Discography of the group "Gorod 312"

  • "213 roads", 2005
  • "Out of the access zone", 2006
  • "Turn around", 2007
  • "City 312. Live", 2008
  • "New Music", 2010

G group "City 312" For about 3 years now he has been feeling at home in the capital.
They are young and beautiful. They are loved by many: young people and the most demanding public. Popular among the regulars of Moscow nightclubs.
Performance style: high-quality pop-rock + simple, beautiful, without violence and zaumi. The group communicates with the audience not in an encrypted ornate language, but in a simple, human, and most importantly, accessible language of a friend.

AND I- soloist.
The personality is strong, bright, not deprived of talent. Vocal data match the owner. The autobiography is quite rich. It’s good that she still found the strength in herself to convey her creativity to us. And all these "born, married" ... She just lives for the whole, now and today, which she generously shares with you! Unpredictable, sociable, business acumen, independent. And she is simply lovable.

She began to sing in the womb. Not having had time to be born, she became the winner of the competition "The purest intonation" among infants.
God generously rewarded her with everything: a bright appearance, absolute pitch, a beautiful voice and a sober head. It goes without saying that there was no question of any bad habits.
She graduated from a private vocal school, and then from the pop department of the conservatory, also in the vocal class.
At the initial stage of realizing her creative potential, she traveled all over the CIS, taking part in various festivals and competitions. But one day the moment of truth came when she realized the futility of such events - she needed a group of like-minded people clenched into one powerful fist to achieve real goals.
Quite by chance, two musician brothers were in her circle of friends. Dim And Leon who unexpectedly supported her impulse and swore on blood to be with her both in grief and in joy until her death.
This was the beginning of a team with an intriguing name "City 312".

Hobby: unreal hospitality, constant change of image, computer games, surfing.
Musical tastes: Skin, Tricky, Massive Attack.

DIM- keyboards, backing vocals.
A man exceptional in every way. Author of words and sounds. Sanguine. Self-ironic. Knows a lot about a lot of things.

He came from a family to which art was by no means alien. Dad sang wonderfully in a booming baritone, uncle played the oboe at the Opera House, and only mom had neither hearing nor voice. Yes, forgot to mention the aunt, actress and theater director (although this is unlikely to be of interest to anyone). Why all this? And besides, from the moment of birth, he was ordered to go to a music school and endure nudilovka for 8 years, taught by professional teachers. Thank God, at the age of 6 I was smart enough to choose the latter between accordion and piano. Then he still could not understand that being an accordion player is the worst thing.
After the music school, he went straight to the music school (from all the cracks of which literally pearled with jazz). After finishing it, he created a group in which his younger brother inexplicably got into (amazing coincidence!) as a bass player.
Then DIM was taken into the ranks of the Armed Forces and for 2 years he blew funeral marches into the French horn, simultaneously playing officer weddings and Sabantu.
After serving in the army, together with the group, he began to storm the musical Olympus of his city and reached incredible heights in this. And then he moved to Moscow, where to this day you can meet his cheerful smile at the performances of "City 312".

Hobbies: skiing, billiards, cooking, traveling, members of the opposite sex.
Musical tastes: "A-HA", Lenny Kravitz.

MASHA- guitar.
A girl with character. Despite its fragility, it copes well with complex guitar parts. It is also well managed with men and rodents. Masha's favorite is a young rat named Umka.

I got into the musical party from the dance. I tried ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, ballroom dancing, shaping, aerobics and the like. Although in the end it all ended with a red diploma from the philological faculty of the university.
Further, oddly enough, she taught shaping and ballroom dancing. But chu! Once, an old, useless electric guitar fell into her field of vision, (later turned out to be quite hopeless). And the girl had no choice but to start mastering the curiosity.
The basics of guitar science were taught to her by the most famous jazz guitarist in the city. Alexey Knyshov, and the rest was helped by the guys from the group "City 312", with whom the friend-singer AY introduced.
Just at this time, the guitarist unexpectedly left the band, which at that time was a terrible disaster. (2 weeks later there was a responsible concert in the schedule). So Masha had to master the entire repertoire of the group in 14 days and go to the first professional concert in her life. Out of fear, she fired out all her guitar parts as if from a cannon, without a single kiss.
And from this historical moment, Masha is an indispensable part in the mechanism of the group "City 312".

Hobby: dancing, pets, handmade.
Musical tastes: "Linkin Park", "Ramstein", "Guano Apes".

LEON- bass guitar, backing vocals.
The personality is strange and mysterious. Favorite of the weak half of humanity. Very selective in women and picky in gastronomic preferences. Likes to surf the internet.

Following in the footsteps of his older brother, a musician, he entered a music school at the age of 7 in the violin class. He was known as a very promising violinist, teachers had high hopes for him (which, alas, he did not justify by entering the pop department of the music school). The young man chose the bass guitar, which terribly upset his parents and teachers. He has been playing in a professional group since the age of 14. From about the same young age, he declared himself as a talented composer and arranger. Responsible for the groove of the group, which is built initially and a priori on it.
Very gifted, has a specific sense of humor and unsurpassed artistry, cynical.

Hobbies: football, computer technology, internet, diaries of Varia Zvyagina.
Musical tastes: "Jamiroquay", Sade.

Creativity of the group is a kaleidoscope with unexpected patterns of pure and poignant lyrics, crazy energy and real drive!

HAPPY PARENTSAdmit it, you specifically guessed that the child would appear in the year of the anniversary?DMITRY PRITULA Well, you can’t really guess with this ... Although ... We had some plans, after the implementation of which we dreamed of having a baby. For example, first acquire an apartment and make repairs in it. MARIA PRYTULA In general, with our busy schedule, we were finally able to afford a child. D.P. I wanted Olivia to be a full-fledged citizen of her country, who, by law, is registered in her parents' apartment.

It will be convenient for her here - the metro is close. By the way, neither Masha nor I drive a car, so we often use the underground mode of transport.

S.R.So you can be seen in the subway?M.P. Easy. D.P. And we are often recognized there. But they don’t bother much, the maximum is a joint photo for memory. The metro is very convenient - you can always accurately calculate the time. But in Moscow it is worth a lot.

S.R.How long have you been together?D.P. 18 years. We met at the Lenin House of Culture in our hometown of Frunze (now Bishkek). By the way, who does not know: the number "312" in the name of the group is its telephone code. I rehearsed there as part of the well-known Bishkek group "Ayan", and Masha danced in the studio next door in the ballroom group. All the girls in it were like a selection. Incredible beauties! M.P. And once the guys-musicians came up with something like a reporting concert, at which they supposedly needed backup dancers. D.P. I really wanted to get to know them better. M.P. Come to us: girls, help! D.P. We invited Masha, her sister and their friend. And now they come to our studio for the first time ... Young, beautiful ... Masha was 16 at that time. Since then, we have been together.

S.R.Masha, how did you change your career as a dancer to a career as a musician?M.P. I didn't really plan to change anything. I danced with pleasure and taught ballroom dancing, I got carried away with the guitar quite late, after graduating from the university. I just had free time, the guys gave me an instrument for my birthday. Well, I started to study slowly - so, for myself. It happened later, in Moscow, that it was necessary to urgently replace the retired guitarist. And I had to learn the repertoire as soon as possible. D.P. She, together with us, was preparing for the first full-fledged concert of "City 312". Actually, the group was formed in the Russian capital, where we came with a great desire to grow. It is clear that not all dreams come true right away - this city meets quite harshly. We had prosperity and recognition in Bishkek, but nothing here. But, oddly enough, there was even a certain buzz in this.

S.R.Maybe it's good for creativity?D.P. Very important! We wrote so many interesting songs during this time!

S.R.Olivia is an unusual name. Why is this?M.P. Precisely because we wanted something unusual. Well, and one more thing - so that there is a normal combination with the Ukrainian surname Prytula, because not every female name harmonizes with her. And I liked the meaning: the tree of life, the tree of the world. Olive!

S.R.Does your daughter look like an olive?M.P. You know, my younger sister Tanya supported me during childbirth, and as soon as the baby was born, I asked her: “Does it look like an olive?” "Yes!" she answered. And indeed, the daughter was all so oval, all right. D.P. She also has olive eyes.

S.R.And Dima was not at the birth?M.P. Dima is too impressionable. I was in a fighting mood: “Itself!” I thought it would be better if he wasn’t around at that moment, so as not to worry. And so it happened: during childbirth, he was on board a plane high in the sky. And for every birth, I took my sister, who really wanted to help me, for every fireman. D.P. Yes, I did not dare to be there, although my younger brother Lenya, our bass player, was at the birth of his wife four years ago and said that this was the highest happiness. But we are different: I'm really terribly impressionable. M.P. He may faint. D.P. Can. Recently, for example, I was riding the subway and reading in the newspaper how to recognize a drug addict in a child. I imagined Oliva, who had embarked on this terrible path, and, imagine, I felt so bad that I began to lose consciousness right in the car.

S.R.Wow! Dmitry, did you want a girl?D.P. I - yes! Because girls are closer to their parents. Guys - this is what is called, tear it off and throw it away. He turns 16 - and that's it, goodbye. And the girl loves her mother all her life. And even more dad! I really want my daughter to love me!

S.R.Masha, did you go on maternity leave?M.P. I worked for up to six months and would have worked longer, but, you know, a musician does not look very good on stage with a big belly ... Moreover, constant flights could harm me. But, I think, at our gala concert in honor of the 10th anniversary of the group, which will take place on November 19 at the MILK club, I will already go out as part of the "City 312".

S.R.Masha, what has changed for you in your worldview with the advent of your daughter?M.P. I still do not believe myself that I could give birth to such a miracle. And another miracle is that two loving people united in the daughter. And I also realized that the most difficult thing in life, it turns out, is to sit with a small child. Even pregnancy and childbirth is nonsense compared to this. Both physically and psychologically. And this despite the fact that everyone around me helps, both mothers and sister.

S.R.Tell us what Dima's dad is.M.P. I think he is able to replace me in everything. Sometimes he gets up at night. Help is never refused. D.P. This happens rarely. To be honest, I changed the diaper only once in my life, although I know how. And all because Masha manages everything herself. Through your magazine, I want to thank her again for everything she does for me and my daughter. I am sure she is the best mother and wife in the world.

S.R.But you, Dima, how do you communicate with Olivia? Sing, maybe?D.P. And a lot. I sing children's songs, they are melodic and simple, my daughter takes them with pleasure. The main thing is not to repeat yourself: she likes everything to change constantly. She likes contrasting songs: one is perky, the other is in the rhythm of a waltz.

S.R.Do you have any thoughts about Olivia's future?D.P. Masha graduated from a choreographic school, danced professionally, taught, now she is engaged in sports - in general, Olive will not be lost with her. I already tried to stretch it into twine, but Masha said that if you start doing it early, the child may stop growing. M.P. We do not want to make an Olympic champion out of a child, but sport should be mandatory. Naturally, without fanaticism.

S.R.what is she now, your Olivia?M.P. She is a lively girl. Everyone says that the character is strong. Restless, like Dima. Whom it resembles outwardly - we still can’t figure it out, we look with dad and understand that this is a person completely different from us. Probably, later someone's specific features will appear. D.P. Daughter, like me, indefatigable, impatient. Masha is calmer, she is a seasoned person. It is already clear that Olivka internally looks more like me. But, by the way, it was written about her name: character in dad. And, you see, it is confirmed. In general, a good child, so far I like everything!

S.R. Dima, how are your songs born?D.P. Always different. For example, in our hometown, music was primary for us, on which the text was then stretched. Everything is different here. Now the text is primary, namely the text, and not a poem, because high poetry and modern songs are most often different concepts. M.P. First, there is a need to say something to people. D.P. Masha, by the way, often comes up with ideas for songs. So it happened, for example, with "Turn around." We went with her once in the subway, and she says: “Listen, we need to write a song about how indifferent people are now in big cities.” And she suggested the phrase: “Turn around, I can’t get up without your hand!”. Or the composition "Invisible", which was filmed one of our best clips. Masha dug up my old lines in some notebook, brought a guitar, signed below: "Invisible" - and closed me in the room. Two hours later I came out of there with a finished song. Masha is not only the first person who hears my songs, she is also a rather tough and competent critic. If you pass its censorship, then it will be easier. By the way, it's hard to believe, but Masha and I spend 24 hours a day together.

S.R.Well, how do you live with it? Do you fight often?D.P. We like! For all 18 years of marriage, they quarreled five times, probably.

S.R.Wow! they say people are the same when they are different. maybe you have such a case? D.P. May be. Masha loves to listen, I love to talk, she loves to be laughed at, and I love to have fun. But it is important that at the same time our views on life are very similar.

S.R.And even with the birth of a child, there were no difficulties in living together?D.P. It's just that life has another interesting side. Difficulties don't really scare us. The child makes me happy, every new day makes me happy, and I even like the chores. In addition, Masha is an ideal mother, she creates such comfort that I practically do not get tired of the child. Still, the main guardianship is on her. Mothers help when she is completely tired. From the outside, it seems that all this is not at all difficult for her.

S.R.Isn't it difficult, Masha?M.P. Well… Actually, it's hard. But you can get used to it! D.P. And the child is restless. The first three months Olive gave us heat. But we never fell for her or for each other. It seems to me that a wife should be not just smart, but wise. That's exactly what Masha is.

- Dim, you and Masha have been together for almost 20 years, but at the same time you have been married a little more than 10. May I ask an immodest question: why did you delay the marriage proposal for so long?

Dim: The fact is that Masha is my second wife. The first time I got married right after I came from the army, but, unfortunately, that marriage did not bring me happiness. As soon as my first wife and I stamped our passports, she changed dramatically - and my life instantly turned into a nightmare. The birth of a daughter did not save the situation, but only exacerbated it. As a result, when I left the family, I was forbidden to see the child. Once - my daughter was then five years old - I got so bored that I decided to take extreme measures: I stole her from kindergarten. He brought me home, introduced me to Masha (we already lived together). They instantly became friends - played, chatted. And when she returned home, my daughter said: “I will go to dance with Masha in the studio!” After that, of course, they gave me a “fun” life. They said: “Your girlfriend is a witch, she jinxed our daughter!” - and stuff like that. I was very upset.

In general, Masha, seeing my attitude towards marriage, was not eager to get married. And, in my opinion, everything suited her. We met her a year after I became free again. I played in a well-known group in Bishkek called "AYan", and Masha and her sister were engaged in ballroom dancing in the club where we had a rehearsal base. Seeing such beauties, we decided to get acquainted with one of the musicians at all costs. And they lured them into our group under the pretext that we need to dilute the team of musicians with beautiful girls. And for some time Masha "played" the trombone in our group, and her sister played the trumpet. That is, they pretended to play - in fact, I reproduced the sounds for them on the keyboards. Began to be friends. I was 24 years old, and Masha was 16. Please don't make round eyes - there was nothing illegal. We just met, walked, went to a cafe. Once I bought her a guitar, and she, having several years of piano music school behind her, quickly mastered it. Our group was then in the top of all the charts, the concerts were paid well - and we lived happily ever after.

- And Masha's parents weren't against the fact that such an adult young man, albeit a famous musician, was taking care of her?

Dim: Masha has wonderful parents. They saw that I was a positive guy - I don’t drink, I don’t smoke (which is generally not typical for a musician).

True, when I bought an apartment and Masha moved in with me, and she had just turned 18, the future mother-in-law became sad. It seemed to her that everything was happening too early, and we were not scheduled then. It's funny, but just a few years ago, when we were already living in Moscow, Mom's car came to visit us and suddenly said: "No, you're still a good guy!" That is, it turns out that all these years she had a little doubt that her daughter had chosen a worthy party for herself, and then she finally gave up.

Although in Moscow at first the four of us (Aya, Masha and me and my brother Leon) lived in a rented kopeck piece on the outskirts. Money was tight, only enough for food, and even then not always. The girls dressed in second-hand clothes. Surprisingly, Masha never once said to me: “Why did we leave everything and leave?”

Did she have other reasons for reproaches? Jealousy, for example? You are a musician, all the time in sight, you have crowds of fans ...

Dim: Of course, the fans were and are. I, like any normal guy, flirt with girls, but I never allow myself more. We are together 24 hours a day, what can happen? In addition, I explained to Masha a long time ago that men need to look at the girls around them, admire them, evaluate them. Masha is wise - she understood everything. She doesn't seem to be the owner at all. And in the end, we went to the registry office only at the insistence of relatives.

Masha: They did it, however, secretly - I showed my passport with a seal to my mother only a week later. They did not want to arrange a wedding categorically. Dim had worked out at weddings as a musician and believed that this was a strange action, where a bunch of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people wish you happiness and drink to your health.

Dim: I must say that Masha did not really need a wedding. For women, after all, a solemn marriage is, first of all, a beautiful dress. And my fiancee was engaged in ballroom dancing, and she had no shortage of luxurious outfits. They even got tired of her. So we came to the registry office in T-shirts and jeans. And Masha was still brutally late for work. We quickly put our signatures in the right places and fled. Then they lived happily, but they did not talk about children for a very long time. Having moved to Moscow, we decided first to settle down: it’s not the case to give birth to a baby, living in a rented apartment. We bought our housing, made repairs and then thought about replenishment.

- Masha, was it hard to go on stage pregnant?

Masha: I felt so good that I would have worked until the birth. But since the doctors forbade flights, I had to go on maternity leave at the seventh month of pregnancy. And I was also very upset by the looks that were cast on my stomach, covered with a guitar, by our spectators. It was evident from their faces that they clearly felt sorry for me and the unborn child, they probably thought that they were forcing me to go on stage and torment the baby with loud sounds. And it was only a joy for me to work, and it is unlikely that the girl reacted negatively to the music, because the main sound is directed to the hall.

Dim: When it was time for Masha to give birth, I, as happens with musicians, flew away on tour. My wife calls me at the airport and tells me that she called a taxi to the hospital because it all started. What I felt then is hard to convey! I wanted to rush at full speed to the hospital and be next to her, but you can’t cancel the tour. While flying to Novokuznetsk, I was terribly worried, I couldn’t find a place, and after landing, I received an SMS: “You became a dad!” and a photo of my daughter. I immediately began to show it to everyone, trying to understand who she looked like. The guys from the group jumped up to the ceiling with happiness with me. And as soon as he returned from the tour, he immediately went to the hospital. And he decided not to delay the upbringing - he immediately made the TV working in the ward louder so that the child would learn to sleep under the noise.

- Masha, tell me honestly, were you not offended that all the husbands were brought to the hospital, and your husband was somewhere far away?

Masha: For musicians, this is a common story, and we discussed this option in advance. Therefore, I didn’t even really hope that Dima would be with me. But when we were at home, he immediately actively joined the educational process: he walked a lot with the baby, put him to bed, played. And so it continues to this day. Unfortunately, we don't spend much time with our daughter: two weeks a month at best. I went to work when she was five months old. Liva spends almost all the time with her nanny, a wonderful woman - she is already like family to us. Yes, and parents help, they are happy to babysit their granddaughter.

Dim: In general, "City 312" in its entirety does not have a soul in our baby. As soon as she was born, we were loaded with baby clothes, all these dresses and overalls, and in all sizes. So from birth to a year we didn’t really buy things. When our soloist Aya has free time, she hurries to play with Olivia. And the girl just loves her. If our clip is playing on TV or on the computer, she runs, pulls her hands to Aya.

Masha: Of course, my daughter misses us a lot! When we are at home, he is afraid that mom and dad can leave at any moment, and all the time he holds on to us - by the leg or by the trouser leg. Sometimes it’s impossible to even go to the store without it - immediately screaming. But in general, she is a very attentive girl to our parents, she saved all her achievements - the first step and the first word - for those moments when we were with her. So mom and dad have not yet missed any important milestones in the development of their daughter.

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