Master class for deputy directors for educational work. General management


General management

Managing an organization is a layered pie made up of many different tasks and challenges. When the work is well organized, from the outside it seems that the manager himself does nothing - everything is done by employees or machines. But if the work is not adjusted, the leader's mistakes are immediately visible. This is where the skill level of the manager comes into play.

Successful decisions of the leader increase the productivity of the entire team, and his mistakes cost the company dearly. The manager faces many tasks, each of which can be solved in several ways. Making the right choice without proper preparation is very difficult. Management courses will help fill in the gaps and develop the necessary skills.

Many approaches to management remain relevant for several decades. And this database is constantly updated thanks to scientific research and the experience of millions of managers. Now managers do not have to invent "bicycles" to solve each problem - it is enough to learn about ready-made solutions in the classroom.

Block Business management focused on building a quality management system. The head and top managers of the company need a strategic view of operations, finances, personnel, etc. They should not just make decisions, but build a reliable decision-making system.

Chapter Management Skills dedicated to the development of personal qualities of a manager. Here the skills of setting tasks, holding meetings, developing and making decisions, and many others are practiced.

Section Seminars Tactics and units created for middle managers. They are rarely given attention in books and classic management courses. Such managers should be engaged in debugging business processes and implementing projects in special conditions: their actions are limited by the level of authority and the overall development strategy of the company.

In the courses of the section Changes the issues of business optimization and restructuring of the company's internal processes in an unstable market and a changing external environment are revealed.

Ensuring stability The company's activities are based on risk management, taking into account the legal and tax features of doing business. A skilled manager does not panic in a crisis, but makes prudent strategic decisions.

Prices for courses and seminars for executives vary. They range from 19,465 rubles. up to 55,500 rubles, so you can always choose the format of training that suits you in terms of cost.

Come to the seminars of the Russian School of Management, we will teach you how to manage effectively!

IBDA offers a wide range of programs to improve the skills of executives, managers and employees of companies.

The best teachers of economic and managerial disciplines, well-known business consultants, as well as top managers, top managers, leading specialists of successful Russian companies work on our courses. Thanks to this, the students of our programs not only receive a significant amount of theoretical knowledge, but also have the opportunity to draw a lot of valuable ideas based on the practical experience of experts working in the field of business.

The 6 programs are MBA modules that you can study separately, independently of each other.

Advanced training in IBDA

Pre-MBA Program

The program of mastering the basic knowledge of the laws of the market and the business environment, the main technologies of modern management. Recommended for managers who do not have an economic or managerial higher education.

Duration: 152 a.m. hours

Within the framework of this program, students in a concentrated form receive knowledge of the basic laws of a market economy and the business environment, as well as the main management technologies that form the basis of university economic and management education.
This knowledge is a necessary condition for effective mastery of practical management tools within any practice-oriented business education program.

Program: Corporate Finance Management

Advanced training course for managers, directors and deputies of firms in economics and finance, heads of economic and financial departments of companies, employees of these departments applying for managerial positions.

The program gives students knowledge of modern technologies for analyzing the financial condition of a company, developing and implementing its financial strategy, and tools for attracting and effectively using financial resources. Particular attention is paid to anti-crisis financial management and financial and economic technologies for overcoming the crisis.

Program: Entrepreneurship and Company Management

A training program for business owners involved in management or exercising control functions, for managers with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Duration: 92 ac. hours

The program is aimed at developing the skills and abilities to carry out entrepreneurial activities and manage a company at different stages of its life cycle, and at different stages of the economic cycle: during a crisis of production decline, depression, subsequent recovery and recovery in the economy.

Program: Marketing and Sales Management

A training course for company executives, commercial directors, heads of marketing and sales departments, employees of these departments applying for managerial positions.

Duration: 92 ac. hours

The program of the course on marketing examines modern technologies for market research and forecasting, management of the company's marketing activities, effective methods for increasing sales in retail and in the B2B market, developing skills in the formation and implementation of the company's marketing strategy

Program: Personnel Management

A training program for senior company managers, HR specialists, heads of HR departments, managers and employees of these departments applying for leadership positions.

Duration: 92 ac. hours

The advanced training program is dedicated to the study of effective technologies for managing people and labor collectives at all stages of the movement of labor resources: selection and hiring, training and development, results management, training of a personnel reserve, career planning, dismissal. Particular attention is paid to the psychological technologies of people management and the issues of building an effective system of motivation.


The Company Operations Management program is recommended for:

  • business leaders and managers looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their business; those who have realized the need to use modern tools for production and operational management and rely on the best management practices in the difficult conditions of the economic crisis;
  • engineering and technical workers of industrial enterprises associated with solving managerial problems of optimizing production processes;
The program includes the study of the theory of constraints in production management and project management, the principles of business process optimization based on lean manufacturing technology, quality management based on the "6 sigma" system, methods for optimizing procurement management and demand forecasting in supply chains. Curriculum

6 programs:

Why Successful People Choose IBDA Programs

  • AACSB International - a global association for the development of management education
  • EFMD - European Foundation for Management Development
  • Executive MBA Council - the international Council of Executive MBA programs
  • GMAC (General Mamagement Admition Council) - the world center for analytical research in business education
  • CEEMAN - Central and Eastern European Management Associations
  • RABO - Russian Association of Business Education
  • IBSA - International Business School Alliance (International Business School Alliance)
  • NASDOBR - National Accreditation Council for Business and Management Education
  • The Association of Managers of Russia - one of the leading business associations in Russia?
  • PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) is an organization whose mission is to support business education to form a new generation of managers guided by universal values, able to cope with the complex challenges of our time.

According to the results of the internal ranking of the Academy

  • all schools of the Academy were divided into three levels
    (international, national and local),
  • and programs by "star"
    (from 1 to 6 "stars").
The group of leaders - "International Level Schools" - was headed by the Institute of Business and Business Administration.
The MBA and EMBA IBDA programs received the highest rating - six "stars".

IBDA traditionally occupies the top positions in many domestic and foreign ratings, including the most important indicator of the quality of a business school - the success of its graduates:

  • According to a study by Eduniversal, the leading European expert and rating agency in the field of education, IBDA programs are among the best programs in the world in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.
  • IBDA is the leader of the national rating of business schools in Russia for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012.
  • – 160 students, graduates and teachers of IBDA.

According to the results of a study by the Russian MBA League, studying on the MBA program contributes to serious career growth and a significant increase in salaries.

  • Alumni of the IBDA MBA program report a 69% increase in their own income in 2-4 years after the end of the program.
  • The study includes leading business education programs that provide graduates with the highest income and the most successful career growth. 940 graduates of 27 leading Russian business schools from 5 federal districts took part in the survey

“We are proud of this indicator, because for six years the RANEPA Institute of Business and Business Administration, according to the People's Rating of Russian Business Schools, has traditionally taken 1-2 places in terms of increasing the income of its graduates... This indicates that we are able to help our students to get the necessary knowledge, skills and practical experience, to influence their mentality so that they are successful,” said Sergey Myasoedov, IBDA Director.

Evidence of successful completion of programs

Evidence of successful completion of programs 396 862

The result of the program

  • Practical Knowledge
    • After completing your Executive Education, you will be thoroughly prepared to meet strategic and tactical business challenges.
    • Learning through the listener's experience provides an opportunity to generalize and discuss real life cases with colleagues of equal level.
    • Gain new knowledge and systematize existing experience, improve skills and value in the labor market.
    • You will acquire valuable knowledge of modern management tools, useful practical tools and skills that will help you quickly climb the career ladder.
  • Networking
    • The IBDA Alumni Association has more than 30 thousand members: it is called a community of successful people.
    • Friendly ties and the possibility of joint projects with other students of the business school.
  • Freedom and confidence in decision making
    • You will develop the skills to make successful decisions in the field of company management, based on an understanding of processes and a vision of the business as a whole.
    • You will be able to communicate with other students in the same professional language and make useful business contacts: our study groups are homogeneous in composition, we select the most capable and promising.
    • Develop leadership qualities.

Training program for deputy directors for VR “Pedagogical competencies in working with the children's team. Student self-government.

Building the course work

    Introduction, introduction. (5 minutes)

    Acquaintance “My social role. Key pedagogical competencies in working with the children's team”; (25 minutes)

    Exercise "Gallery"; (40 minutes)

    The concept of self-government; (15 minutes)

    Work in groups "structure of self-government". (15 minutes)

    Working with the children's team: poetry at work. (25 minutes)

    Social Design:

Ladder of Success (30 minutes)

Expertise (25 minutes)

Project development (30 minutes)

    Farewell - I give you my heart. (25 minutes)


Dear Colleagues! Working with the children's team, with its socially active and socially disadvantaged part is not work. This is a service. This is a constant search and a constant clear position in life. You are an example for everyone, a beacon, a leader, in any case, I wish you to be leaders for children. We say that now it has become difficult with children, but I will say this - it has become very difficult for children to become people and it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this, since the information environment does not contribute to this. What a blessing that our children have us. Health and happiness to us!

The theme of student self-government is the theme of a leader, a leader, a spark that we kindle in children's hearts, and this task can only be dealt with by having a clear active position, showing a lot of energy and love of life.

In order to successfully implement social technologies in your work, you need to reveal your own personal resources. Accordingly, the audience at our master class will have an active role.

2. Exercise "Mirror".

Let's take a look in the mirror.

Choose the heroine you are now, and then the image that appeals to you the most. These two images may coincide.

Participants demonstrate and explain their choice.

These heroes are a vivid illustration of the basic pedagogical competencies required in working with the children's team.

So, those who like the Princess should pay attention to the following competence:

Establishing subject-subject relations. Interest in the inner world of students ;

That is, your motto is “I am not a Princess!”.

Who feels like a nanny in relation to pupils?

Your core competency:

Faith in the strength and capabilities of students. That is, "I'm not a Nanny!"

And finally, those who are close in spirit to Baba Yaga should work on the following competence:

General culture Emotional stability.

But it’s difficult to stay in the image of Marusya, but this is the most resourceful state of the teacher, when the teacher is able to keeppositive orientation to pedagogical activity. Self confidence .

So, the presented 4 competencies will help to establish a healthy climate in the children's team.

3. Exercise "Gallery".

And now let's get rid of our usual role.

So, imagine, we are all famous artists. We work in different genres, for example (slide).

Try doing your own portrait in one of these styles. Do you only have a pen? So, you are only making a sketch for your picture, which you will then color. So, draw yourself the way you feel, no need for external resemblance, paint a portrait in such a way that it is easier to understand you.

Abstractionism(from Latin abstractio - removal, distraction) - a direction of art that has abandoned the image of forms close to reality in painting and sculpture. One of the goals of abstractionism is to achieve harmony, create certain color combinations and geometric shapes in order to evoke various associations in the contemplator. The main representatives of abstractionism were: (1866-1944), (1881-1973).

abstract impressionism- a direction of abstract art in which free abstract compositions are created with a large brushstroke. The meaning of the image was to reflect the psychological state of the artist and his character.
Masters of Abstract Expressionism: Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, Franz Kline, Lee Krasner

avant-garde(from French avant-garde - advanced detachment) - a set of experimental, modernist, emphatically unusual, exploratory undertakings in the art of the 20th century. Avant-garde trends are: fauvism, cubism, futurism, expressionism, abstractionism, surrealism, actionism, pop art, conceptual art.

Academicism(from French academisme) - a direction in European painting of the 16th-19th centuries. It was based on dogmatic adherence to the external forms of classical art. Followers characterized this style as a reflection on the art form of the ancient ancient world and the Renaissance. Academism replenished the traditions of ancient art, in which the image of nature was idealized, while compensating for the norm of beauty. Annibale, Agostino and Lodovico Carracci wrote in this style.

To complete this exercise, you do not need to be an artist, you need to imagine that you are artists and create your portrait in any artistic genre, as you understand, technical skills are not important in this case.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

Next stage. We sit in a circle or split into pairs. Exchange pictures either in a circle or in pairs. Look at the work of your colleague, try to understand what he wanted to say with this picture, you can ask the author a question.

And the final step:

you must present the work of a neighbor, starting the presentation with the words: "This is a self-portrait of a famous artist (artist), we call the name, looking at this work (we describe the picture as experts)."

The artist himself does not explain his work in any way, the artist's task is to hear and understand how his work responded to the audience. Just like our actions, actions, our socially significant products impress others and everyone has the right to interpret them in their own way.

Now let's follow, using the example of this exercise, how a person's self-identification occurs:

    An individual creates a product - a portrait;

    The individual represents, fixes his product in the social space;

    The individual fixes the attitude to his own product from the outside.

So, in order for our pupils to voluntarily and freely create socially significant products, certain conditions are necessary:

    Social space where you can successfully place your product;

    The social product should become an occasion for discussion and evaluation.

Refer to the scientific concept:

"A person becomes for himself what he is in himself, through what he presents for others. This is the process of becoming a person."

According to Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, whose scientific works became the basis of many advanced educational concepts

The specifics of training, in contrast to education, is that:

the first is connected mainly with the instrumentally impersonal nature of the transfer and assimilation of social experience,

the second is a translation, first of all, of the subjective qualities of individuals.

What does it mean that

the first is the translation of values,

the second - personal meanings and experiences.

This confirms that any socially significant activity allows you to implement the activity that is significant, both for the student himself and for a certain community, which gratefully accepts the product of his activity. Thanks to him, staying at school as in some kind of developing institution immediately acquires meaning for the child.

And vice versa, what is a mechanical, meaningless, formalized action - ultimately corrupts the personality.

Anatoly Nikolaevich Lutoshkin, a unique scientist, teacher, and romantic, writes in his book “How to Lead”:

At school, the formation of a person’s character, his interests, hobbies, the development of abilities, value orientations. The relationships of the children in the class are also changing, new friends appear, yesterday's enemies find common interests. Life does not stand still, and the teacher, by his work, must help classmates to better understand each other, help them "work well". This is first. And secondly, it is impossible to build relationships in the class only at the level of “like” or “dislike”. If this were the only way, then classmates would spend all their free time in a showdown.

Another name that is inextricably linked with the development of children's self-government is the name of Alexander Aronovich Lieberman, the founder of the gymnasium for developing education and the scientific director of the first City Duma project, as well as the head of the Perspektiva pre-school educational institution.

The acquisition of new social skills by children places higher demands on the teachers working with them, since there is a need for new means of interaction with a teenager. As teenagers learn to take on more responsibility in adult society, educators need to be prepared to:

a teenager will begin to show his individuality more vividly;

he (the teenager) will need to constantly demonstrate the connection between freedom and responsibility, fixing mistakes in his activities and indicating ways to correct them;

you will have to deal with the design of a permanent place for a teenage party, on the one hand, ensuring its cultural conformity, on the other hand, doing it unobtrusively, without pressure;

So, in order for a teenager to show himself brighter, it is necessary:

Get more authority and social significance of the structure in which he is located, as well as get the opportunity to satisfy his needs in interpersonal communication.

For this, in fact, there were

Interest clubs (circles); children's public organizations, where the children's initiative was formed and supported.


We have come to the conclusion that in order to perform any semantic significant actions with children, deep work with the children's team is necessary.

Therefore, our further education in its former form is meaningless, we will create teams.

(Break into groups)

Any pedagogical postulates, and we remember that we are artists, can be represented in poems and songs, as the leaders of the pioneer movement did. Such as Anatoly Lutoshkin, about whom I will talk a lot. People who truly know how to work with a children's team, love children and have a very environmentally friendly attitude to childhood as a phenomenon of becoming a person, they are all romantics and almost all of them collected poems and songs that reflect their beliefs and impressions of working with children.

I offer each group a poem from the notebook of Anatoly Nikolaevich Lutoshkin, for sure it was not chosen by chance, so this verse is your task

Firstly - beautifully recite;

Secondly, to present the main idea of ​​this work in the form of a modern pedagogical formulation. Please use pedagogical terminology, modern, in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard.

(Introduction of verses)

Thank you, colleagues, now you have actually demonstrated your willingness to sympathize, empathize and truly relate to your work with a soul. And it costs a lot.

Let us turn to another work by Anatoly Lutoshkin, “The Emotional Potential of the Children's Collective”, of course, not everything, in my opinion, is indisputably in this book, not everything is relevant today, but he managed to brilliantly present the stages of development of the children's team.

You may be familiar with this concept of the development of the children's team, but it really helps to see the processes in the children's team correctly and understand that there is no bad team, there is a certain stage of its development, and if you do not take the development of the team into your own hands, someone will do it. any more and you will lose your influence.

Of course, such stages as scarlet sails, a flickering lighthouse, may not require special intervention of the teacher, but at first, an important correct strategy for the team to develop and not degrade.

Try as a group to develop the teacher's actions in a given situation of development of the children's team, and then we will compare with what Anatoly Nikolayevich suggested in his book - these two views will help to deal with the situation.

Working in groups "Effective methods of working with a team." Discussion. sheets A3 are required.

We are almost ready to lead the group, there is a small nuance left - let's look in the mirror.

I present to you the heroes of the famous fairy tale "About Fedot the archer - a daring young man."

Baba Yaga is a “folklore element”, the keeper of folk wisdom, trying by any means (both magical and folk) to achieve a positive result, a little old-fashioned, but there are no impossible tasks for her);

The princess knows what she wants from life, refined manners, she is used to the fact that any of her orders must be carried out, not that she does not like children, not to self-forgetfulness.

The nanny - she loves children, parents all want to give her children, they know they won’t leave without an eye, they are always ready to listen, understand and help, only fatigue is chronic, and there is no time for themselves ...

Marusya is good, charming, everyone's favorite, everything goes well with her, but as problems - it is not known where help comes from, she does not complain about life, she is always in good shape.

Choose the character you are now, and then the image that appeals to you the most. These two images may coincide.

Exercise "Mirror"

Well, having imagined ourselves in the most in your opinion resource image, let's proceed to the next stage of our work. Actually to design.

Here, I would like to present to you my brochure, which I wrote for children - leaders of school self-government.

I will go only briefly.

    Why do students need it?

    What terms should they understand?

    What is a project idea. A dream is a conscious desire, where there is a dream there is tension and inspiration. Therefore, the idea is better presented as a kind of collective dream.

    We took the phases of developing a social project from the methodology of business planning, adding our own pedagogical tasks. We made it:

The preparatory phase - it will show whether it is worth moving on as a result should be born:


Project name

Expected Result

Design phase.

Really understand what your initial state is, understand where you are and with what

Detail what you want to achieve

Raise the necessary funds and resources

To be effective, you need:

1. Really understand what your initial state is, understand where you are and with what

2. Detail what you want to achieve

3. Gather the necessary funds and resources.

At each of these three steps, you can make 2 mistakes: skip it (undercomplete) or get stuck (loop). Thus, there are 6 errors that can reduce the effectiveness of the activity to zero.

At the end of this phase, we are ready to defend the project.

This event must happen: in front of the parents, in front of the administration, it doesn't matter, but before the project is implemented, the children must feel support. It is not us adults who say that we should make feeders, but the children present an observation plan, tables for identifying birds, drawings of feeders - they have already studied these issues, which means that 50% of the project has already been completed. All that's left is the most interesting.

Implementation phase - Ladder of success. This needs to be shown with an example.

Exercise "Ladder of Success"

Control phase. We developed these criteria for the competition, each school evaluated itself first, and then received an external assessment, so the children learned to adequately evaluate themselves.

I invite you to evaluate one of the projects submitted for the competition back in 2004, "School Radio Broadcasting".

I distribute the criteria by groups, the project. Project evaluation in progress

So we came to the design, to what we are here for.

Each group will now go through the preparatory design phase.

I remind you: we formulate a problem, a dream, an idea of ​​implementation.

After 10 minutes, you should submit:


    Project name

    Expected Result

Each team prepares at least 3 questions for the speakers, which will help them in the next stages.

Project protection.

And finally, let's implement a small social project here and now. Write your name on the hearts, and now pass the heart around and let everyone who falls into the hands of your heart continue this phrase. And you, in turn, will do it on other people's hearts.

Now we have changed the situation, we have made it obvious to you what others love you for. Cultivate your strengths - this is the source of your energy. And also homework - remember to write down directly what annoys you the most in your work - this is the source of your new resources.

In our department for working with the preschool "Credo" there was a motto:

We have no problems - there are untapped opportunities.

Handout material for the lesson.

Poems from the pedagogical piggy bank

A. N. Lutoshkina

The worst theft

Theft of trust.

That's where the guards would be needed,

Strong lock on the door!

You secretly revealed to a friend

What warms the soul

He is at leisure

Gave away your secrets!

There is no greed, no malice, -

Just chat hunting

He betrayed you

Entertain someone.

He's a dear secret

Gave into the wrong hands -

Gave it away by accident

From emptiness, from boredom.

That's where the guards would be needed,

Strong lock on the door!

The worst theft

Theft of trust!

(O. Vysotskaya. "Theft")

Don't let your soul be lazy!

So as not to crush water in a mortar,

The soul must work

Drive her from house to house

Drag from stage to stage

Through the wasteland, through the windbreak,

Through the snowdrift, through the bump

Don't let her sleep in bed

By the light of the morning star.

Keep a lazy man in a black body

And don't take the reins off her!

If you want to give her an indulgence,

Releasing from work

She's the last shirt

Will rip you off without pity.

And you grab her by the shoulders

Teach and torment until dark

To live with you like a human

She re-learned.

She is a slave and a queen, She is a worker and a daughter,

She has to work

And day and night, and day and night!

He walked with us and sang about

like blood burns in the dew...

And nobody loved him

and yet everyone loved it.

and lied to friends more than once,

but he knew how to play the trumpet,

like none of us.

He stole humpbacks from friends,

and he hid his bread,

but he played the trumpet like that,

that we were going to fight.

We went under the bullets to put foreheads,

we walked through smoke and heat,

once the copper of his pipes

rang in the back.

And after the battle, by the fire,

where the wounds, blood and groan,

he said: “Well, how is the game?”

And he smiled.

He wasn't honest, he wasn't brave

and lied to friends more than once,

but he knew how to play the trumpet,

like none of us.

(“Trumpeter”. G. Oster.)

We've got so much stuff in us.

It's been written about us

There are so many superficial things in us,

There are so many unnecessary things in us,

There are so many external things in us,

There are so many things in us,

We have so many good things...

And people walk around and don't believe us...

They are big and dry

They walk along the shore

Around the raging elements.

Everything in us is unknown and morning,

And it takes and brings...

In the spring, the rivers are muddy,

To become transparent in autumn.

(poems written by schoolchildren of the 80s)

General management

Managing an organization is a layered pie made up of many different tasks and challenges. When the work is well organized, from the outside it seems that the manager himself does nothing - everything is done by employees or machines. But if the work is not adjusted, the leader's mistakes are immediately visible. This is where the skill level of the manager comes into play.

Successful decisions of the leader increase the productivity of the entire team, and his mistakes cost the company dearly. The manager faces many tasks, each of which can be solved in several ways. Making the right choice without proper preparation is very difficult. Management courses will help fill in the gaps and develop the necessary skills.

Many approaches to management remain relevant for several decades. And this database is constantly updated thanks to scientific research and the experience of millions of managers. Now managers do not have to invent "bicycles" to solve each problem - it is enough to learn about ready-made solutions in the classroom.

Block Business management focused on building a quality management system. The head and top managers of the company need a strategic view of operations, finances, personnel, etc. They should not just make decisions, but build a reliable decision-making system.

Chapter Management Skills dedicated to the development of personal qualities of a manager. Here the skills of setting tasks, holding meetings, developing and making decisions, and many others are practiced.

Section Seminars Tactics and units created for middle managers. They are rarely given attention in books and classic management courses. Such managers should be engaged in debugging business processes and implementing projects in special conditions: their actions are limited by the level of authority and the overall development strategy of the company.

In the courses of the section Changes the issues of business optimization and restructuring of the company's internal processes in an unstable market and a changing external environment are revealed.

Ensuring stability The company's activities are based on risk management, taking into account the legal and tax features of doing business. A skilled manager does not panic in a crisis, but makes prudent strategic decisions.

Prices for courses and seminars for executives vary. They range from 19,465 rubles. up to 55,500 rubles, so you can always choose the format of training that suits you in terms of cost.

Come to the seminars of the Russian School of Management, we will teach you how to manage effectively!

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