Master class on arts and crafts for teachers of additional education with video. Applied art - what is it? Arts and crafts and its types Works of masters of arts and crafts



Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth


Director of educational institution DOD DTDiM

Adopted on the basis of the decision

methodological council

Minutes No. 2 dated November 23, 2009

Initiation into a master

arts and crafts "I am the keeper"

(methodological development of the competitive program

in the decorative and applied department of the educational institution DOD DTDiM)

Developed by:

methodologist of educational institution DOD DTDiM,


Explanatory note

“It is very important to introduce a child from a young age

to the history of the small Motherland, to awaken first

curiosity, then love, and then responsibility

for its present and future"

It's no secret that lately children's interest in Russian national culture, arts and crafts has been declining. And teachers of additional education see their task in multiplying the spiritual potential of the younger generation, shaping its intellectual, moral and aesthetic culture through a deep interest in the past of their people, in national, domestic and world cultures.

Our Palace of Creativity is that niche in education, which is the guardian of folk, national culture, because folklore, painting, and decorative art are studied and developed here.

Dedication to the master of arts and crafts is a small experience of the OU DOD DTDM in the study, preservation and development of folk art through the revival of folk traditions, crafts, pride and love for the native land.

This methodological development is intended for methodologists, teachers of additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation and arts and crafts.

The methodological development is intended to assist in the initiation of students of the first year of study into masters of arts and crafts or during any open class in applied associations.

Age of participants. The script is designed for students 10-14 years old.

Decor. The hall is decorated with handicrafts and drawings of students. On the stage there is a table and a bench with carved patterns, on the table is a samovar hung with dryers. In the corner is an old chest with Russian national costumes. Nearby is a mannequin in a stylized Russian outfit, leading girls in Russian sundresses. In the center of the stage, on the wall, in large letters, “I - ………” is displayed.

The task of future masters, having passed certain tests, is to open the missing letters.

Target: development of the spiritual world of the child's personality, familiarization with the values ​​of folk culture, the formation of spirituality, patriotism, interest in the types of folk and modern applied art, presented in the arts and crafts department of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.



To acquaint students with the areas of arts and crafts;

To study the types of Russian folk crafts through gaming activities.

2. Educational

To develop the creative abilities of students in the performance of game creative

To develop and preserve the best examples of Russian national culture.

3. nurturing

Raise respect for the past of your people, its traditions, rituals and crafts;

Promotion of creative associations of arts and crafts.

Form: game cognitive program.

Scenario of the competition program "I am the keeper"

Russian folk music sounds. On the stage, dancing, two sisters come out, sing ditties.

1. The sun is shining, the sun is shining

Early in the morning at dawn,

We have a good life

On the native side.

2. Oh, dance to us,

It's fun to sing.

Why don't we sing?

Having fun.

1. Gathered for gatherings

Masters of all courts.

And today we will show everyone

Who is ready to be creative?

2. Make way, sister,

Here are our masters.

(Music sounds, craftswomen from the associations "Beading", "Embroidery", "Knitting", Art Studio, "Testoplasty", "Artistic Craft", "Flower Making" come out and sit in the hall at the tables).

1. Come in, you are welcome

Sit down at the tables.

2. Eh, one, one more time,

The competition is starting

For craft keepers

We sing songs.

(musical number)

2. Oh, sister, and we started merrily, but we have a very serious business ahead of us.

1. And in Rus' since ancient times it has been customary that any business with a song, ditties, jokes, yes

arguing with jokes.

2. After all, today is a holiday for all holidays. Today we dedicate needlewomen of the arts and crafts department to become masters.

1. Initiation into the keepers of ancient traditions, crafts, folk art.

2. Today we praise together

Our needlework,

Why not appreciate

Folk skill.

Makosh: If needlework with golden hands

Yes, it was done with a good heart,

That good work to you in a good deed,

Yes happy life.

And if there is resentment and envy in the soul,

Then my anger will be severe. (music, thunder)

2. Oh, sister, who is this?


1. This is the goddess Makosh. She walks among people, invisible, barefoot, with loose

hair, in a long shirt without a belt. She spins threads from a tow and into a ball

winds up. Not simple those threads, magic. These are the threads of human destiny. Well?

Enough to tell fairy tales, it's time to do the deed and dedicate the young craftswomen to the custodians.

2. And in order to initiate young craftswomen, they need to pass tests and show their

skill in needlework.

1. So, the first test.

(music "Battle of the clock")

2. The task is not simple, but with a trick, crafty. Each team is given a riddle.

she, the team, must guess.

1. And these riddles are about folk crafts.

Snow white dishes

Tell me: where are you from?

Looks like it came from the north

And blossomed with flowers:

blue, blue,

Delicate, beautiful.

Merry white clay,

Circles, stripes on it.

Goats and lambs are funny

A herd of colorful horses.

Nurses and water carriers,

Both riders and children

Dogs, hussars and fish.

Well, call me!

Bobbins are jumping:


The handkerchief suddenly appeared

And a collar of white thread

Beautifully done. Take a look!

(Vologda lace)

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There the grass curls and flowers

Grow unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sun-drenched.


round, iron,

useful in the economy,

Black, yellow, red,

Amazingly beautiful!

(Zhostovo trays)

Growth different girlfriends

Everyone looks alike

One two three four five…


We were blinded by masters

It's time to color us

Horses, young ladies, lambs -

All are tall and slim.

Blue-red stripes

On the sides we can see.

(Filimonov toys)

The boards are made of linden,

And spinning wheels, and horses ...

Painted with flowers

It's like they're half-assed.

Riders gallop there,

Firebirds are flying high

And black and white dots

They burn in the sun.


Red roses on a black background

Lilies, poppies, daisies, snowdrops...

They are tied with girls' heads,

The eyes are sly, the faces are tender.

(Pavlovo shawls)

2. Well done, they coped with the task, and the letter of the cherished word (X) appears on the stage.

1. The next test: "Russian patterns"

2. The task is not simple, creative. Each team cuts out a dress, sundress, skirt, suit from paper.

1. The next step: on this product, draw the characteristic features of the pattern of one of the folk crafts. The whole team draws.

2. The name of the fishery on the cards. We invite one team member to the stage to choose a card.

(the names of crafts are written on the cards: Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets, Filimonovskaya toy, Dymkovo toy, Pavlovo-Posad shawls, Zhostovo trays, Polkhov-Maidanovskaya painting, Vologda lace).

1. The job is selected. Start painting.

(music "Fight of the clock". The task is completed, we open the letter P)

2. As from white mosses,

Whether from that log cabin of oak,

A quiet river flowed out.

Like from a white tow

Yes, from long linen,

Yes, from that painted bottom

The girl was spinning a thin thread,

The thread is thin, the thread is strong ...

1. By the spun thread and the character was determined. The thread is thin, even - character

girls are calm, docile; the thread is in knots, breaks - and the character is hot.

And now we are moving on to the next test, it is called "Magic

clew". The team must crochet a 20 cm chain. Time for the competition

- 1 minute.

(music "chill of the clock"

2. That's it, stop! The test is passed and the next letter (A) is revealed on the scene.

1. Any craftswoman can do everything. Even make a hat out of improvised material.

2. Well, well, let's check. I invite one participant from each table to the stage. So we have two teams. This is what you have to create a headdress from: here are men's ties, clothespins, ribbons, flowers, belts.

1. Get ready, start!

(music "Battle of the clock")

2. Stop. Look at these extraordinary hats.

1. How much work and creativity the girls put in.

2. Most importantly, they did everything as a close-knit team. And this, I believe, is one of the main qualities of future guardians: in the art to go hand in hand.

1. And we open the next letter (H).

2. Open, open, open the auction of folk crafts. If you haven't forgotten them, tell me as soon as possible.

1. So, the first table.


2. Keepers know the craft for five

This makes me want to dance.

1. Wait - you will dance, the tests are not all passed, and the letters are not all open.

We open the letter (I).

2. Eh, one, one more time,

And the needle began to dance.

Oh, stitch, another stitch,

Look, I embroidered a bag.

1. You are all joking, sister. And our craftswomen will now embroider the next letter

cherished word.

2. And what letter?

1. The letter T. Let's start.

(music "Battle of the clock", after the task is completed, open the letter (T)

1. Who does not like to take a nap under a warm blanket in a cold winter.

2. Yes (sweetly stretching). But my grandmother made blankets from scraps. And they were so colorful and fun.

1. And now we will try to reproduce the needlework of our grandmothers. The test is as follows: each table of scraps on a sheet of paper makes a colorful, bright picture.

2. So let's get started.

(music "Battle of the clock", competition "Patchwork",

after the task is completed, open the letter (E)

1. Since ancient times, it has been customary that the Russian people always sing songs.

2. Here we are, needlewomen and craftswomen, we will sing.

1. We will sing in turn, at the same time we will find out which table knows how many folk songs.

(TO competition "The Russian soul sings", after the competition opens - (L)

1. So the evening passed.

2. And they learned the cherished word "I am the keeper."

1. Now, you are the guardians, now you protect, enrich and transfer the art of Ancient Rus' to your future masters.

2. And do not forget that handicrafts made with love and kindness bring light and warmth to people.

(music, take out 9 candles on a tray)

1. Take this light and carry it through life, be true guardians of beauty,

creativity, art, love, kindness.

2. May your souls always bring people warmth, joy, the light of life. Take candles.

(music, candles are taken apart, carried to the tables)

1. And now our dedicated masters will present souvenirs to you, dear viewers.

(music, program participants give crafts to the audience)

2. It's time to say goodbye to you.

1. Only sadness will be brighter in the heart.

1 and 2 together: May you always be proud of the masters

Generous, songful Rus'!

(musical number)


1. Bulletin of program and methodological materials for institutions of additional education for children, No. 3, 2008

2. Magazine "Vneshkolnik", No. 6, 2003

3. Journal "People's Education", No. 11, 2000.

4. “Forgotten crafts”, M. Publishing house “Drofa”, 2004.

Decorative and applied art is an extensive section of art, covering various areas of artistic activity and focused on the creation of utilitarian items. The aesthetic level of such works, as a rule, is quite high. The collective term combines two types of art - applied and decorative. The first has signs of practical application, the second is designed to decorate the human environment.

Creativity and utility

Applied art - what is it? First of all, these are objects whose characteristics are close to the artistic style, and their purpose is quite diverse. Vases, jugs, dishes or sets made of fine porcelain, as well as many other items decorate living rooms, kitchen sets, bedrooms and children's rooms. Some items may be works of genuine art and yet belong to the category of applied art.

Wide scope of activities

Applied art - what is it from the point of view of the master? A labor-intensive creative process or a simple craft made from improvised materials? a work of art that deserves the highest praise. The utilitarian purpose of the product does not detract from its merits. Decorative and applied art is a wide field of activity for artists and sculptors, designers and stylists. Exclusive works of art created in a single copy are especially appreciated. At the same time, mass-produced products are classified as souvenirs.

Decorations in the house

Decorative and applied art - what is it, if we consider it as part of the aesthetic filling of the domestic environment? It is safe to say that all products and objects located around reflect the tastes of people who are in close proximity to them, as a person tries to surround himself with beautiful things. Decorative and applied art makes it possible to decorate housing, office space, recreation area. Particular attention is paid to the design of rooms for children.

And, finally, applied art - what is it in the understanding of the public? These are exhibitions, vernissages, fairs and many other public events that introduce people to culture. Fine arts and crafts increases the level of human development, contributes to the formation of his aesthetic taste. In addition, visiting the expositions broadens the general horizons. Each exhibition of applied art is an acquaintance of the general public with new achievements in the field of artistic creativity. Such events are of particular importance in the education of the younger generation.

A bit of history

Folk arts and crafts originates in Russian villages. Simple crafts by homegrown craftsmen are often classified as products in the category of "folk arts and crafts". A good example of the folklore style is the so-called painted cockerels, figurines, red clay ornaments.

The fishery is rooted in the past, it is more than four hundred years old. Ancient applied art appeared thanks to the national holiday "Whistle", when the entire female population sculpted clay whistles for this day in the form of chickens, lambs, horses. The party went on for two days.

Over time, the holiday lost its significance, and folk arts and crafts continued to develop. Currently, Dymkovo art products are being replicated in the Vyatka Toy production association. Products are traditionally covered with whitewash and painted with bright, rich colors.

fine arts

Products of folk art in their original form, as a rule, become the basis for fairy-tale characters invented by the inhabitants of Russian villages, are displayed in the famous Palekh caskets, Zhostovo trays, and Khokhloma wooden products. The applied art of Russia is diverse, each direction is interesting in its own way, the products of Russian masters are in high demand among foreign collectors.

"Demand gives rise to supply" - this wording perfectly reflects the state of affairs in the field of folk art crafts in Russia. For example, art products in the Gzhel style have been popular all over the world for several centuries. The famous white and blue vases, plates, and tea bowls are desirable in every home, and especially valuable specimens are the pride of collectors. It is still unclear what applied art is - work, craft or artistic creativity. In fact, each product requires some effort to create it, and at the same time it is necessary to give the image an artistic value.

Applied art in the children's room

In certain cases, the subject of artistic creativity can be addressed to the younger generation. Of particular value are products made by children's hands. The spontaneity inherent in boys and girls of preschool age, naive fantasy mixed with the desire to express their innermost feelings give rise to real masterpieces. Children's arts and crafts, represented by drawings, plasticine figurines, cardboard little men, are the most real artistic creativity. Today, competitions are held throughout Russia, in which small "artists" and "sculptors" participate.

Modern Russian applied art

Photographs, daggerotypes, etchings, engravings, prints, as well as many other examples, are also artistic creations. Products can be very different. At the same time, they are all united by belonging to social and cultural life under the common name - decorative and applied art. Works in this area are distinguished by a special folklore style. It is not for nothing that all art crafts originated in the Russian hinterland, in villages and villages. There is a homegrown unpretentiousness and a complete absence of that pretentiousness that is sometimes found in works of fine art in the products. At the same time, the artistic level of folk art is quite high.

In Russia, arts and crafts is part of the economic power of the country. Below is a list of the main areas of folk art crafts that have received worldwide recognition and are exported in industrial volumes.

  1. Lacquer miniatures on a wooden base (Palekh, Mstyora, Fedoskino).
  2. Zhostovo art painting on metal, Limoges enamel, enamel.
  3. Khokhloma, Gorodets, Mezen art painting on wood.
  4. Gzhel, Filimonovo toy, Dymkovo toy - artistic painting on ceramics.


Palekh folk art craft appeared in Russian open spaces at the beginning of the 20th century. The art of lacquer drawing originated in a small village in the Ivanovo province called Palekh. The craft was a continuation of the icon-painting art, which is rooted in pre-Petrine times. Later, the masters of Palekh participated in the painting of the Moscow Kremlin, the Novodevichy Convent, the cathedrals of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The revolution of 1917 abolished icon painting, the artists were left without work. In 1918, the craftsmen created a Palekh art artel, in which wooden handicrafts were painted. Then the craftsmen learned how to create papier-mâché boxes and paint them in miniature style using traditional icon-painting techniques.

In 1923, lacquer miniatures were presented at the All-Russian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition, where they received a diploma of the 2nd degree. And two years later, the Palekh caskets were exhibited in Paris, at the World Exhibition.

The success of unusual art products became an incentive for the creation of the organizations "Union of Palekh Artists" and "Palekh Art Workshops" under the Art Fund of the USSR.


This word is associated with Russian lacquer painting with the use of craft appeared in the village of Fedoskino near Moscow in the second half of the 18th century. The drawing was applied to papier-mâché products and then varnished in several layers.

The beginning of the art of the Fedoskino miniature was laid by the Russian merchant P. I. Korobov, who visited the German city of Braunschweig and adopted technologies for creating snuff boxes, beads, caskets and other items decorated with picturesque pictures there.

The Fedoskino lacquer miniature is painted with oil paints in four stages: first, a sketch of the drawing is made (“painting”), then a detailed study (“repainting”), glazing - coating with transparent paints, the last process - glare, which conveys highlights and shadows in the image.

The Fedoskino drawing technique involves the use of a tint layer of reflective components: metal powder or gold leaf. In some cases, the master can make a mother-of-pearl lining. Transparent glazing paints together with the lining create a unique deep glow effect. The ink layer is underlined by a black background.


This was the name of the Russian folk craft, which appeared in the middle of the 18th century in the Vladimir province. It all started with "petty letters" - miniature icons with the smallest details. After the revolution of 1917, when there was no need for icon painting, mstyora switched to caskets and boxes made of papier-mâché. The drawing was applied mixed on egg yolks. By the middle of the 20th century, the technologies of the lacquer miniature of the mstyora were finally formed.

The basic principles of drawing a picture are to transfer the general contours from tracing paper to the surface of the product, then "opening" follows, drawing the picture itself. The next step is detailed painting. And finally "melt" - the final coloring with glare, which includes created gold (the smallest gold powder). The finished product is covered with transparent varnish in six layers with intermediate drying, then polished.

The characteristic features of Mstyora painting are carpet decorativeness, a sophisticated play of shades and three color schemes used in coloring: yellow ocher, red and silver-blue. The theme of the drawing is classical: fairy tales, historical monuments, architecture.


The folk craft of Zhostovo is metal trays painted in a special style. Zhostovo art was born at the beginning of the 19th century, in the villages of the Trinity volost, in the Moscow region. Residents of three villages (Ostashkovo, Zhostovo and Khlebnikovo) started making papier-mâché painted items. And in the workshop of the Vishnyakov brothers, they began to make trays from tin with a colorful pattern.

The Vishnyakovs' price list included two dozen different items made of metal and papier-mâché, all of them painted, colorfully designed and in high demand at fairs, while the painted tray was always in the forefront.

Zhostovo painting is a floral theme in several versions: a garden bouquet, random flowers, a garland, a wicker wreath. Field plants constituted a separate composition.

Bouquets on a tray look natural due to the careful study of small details. In this case, the color palette is used as saturated as possible. The background, as a rule, is black, the edges of the tray are decorated with openwork ornaments, vegetative or stylized as a wood structure. The Zhostovo tray is always hand-painted and is an exclusive work of art.


This name was given to Russian folk craft, dating back to the beginning of the 17th century. Khokhloma painting is the most complex and expensive of all currently existing techniques. Artistic applied art is a long creative process associated with wood processing, multi-layer priming and painting with oil paints.

The process of making Khokhloma products begins with blanks. First, the craftsmen, that is, chop wooden blocks with an ax. Then the workpieces are processed on machines to the desired size and shape. The processed blanks are called "linen". After grinding, they are coated with special liquid clay and dried. Then the already primed workpieces are covered with several layers of linseed oil with intermediate drying. This is followed by tinning, or rubbing aluminum powder into the surface, after which the product becomes a white-mirror color. At this stage, it is already ready for painting.

The main colors of Khokhloma are black and red (soot and cinnabar), auxiliary colors are gold, brown, light green and yellow. In this case, very thin brushes are used (made exclusively from squirrel tails), since strokes are applied with a barely noticeable touch.

The thematic content of the picture is rowan berries, viburnum, strawberries, small foliage, thin, slightly curved green stems. Everything is drawn with bright, intense colors, the contours are clearly marked. The image is built on the principle of contrast.


This is the most popular folk craft, a traditional Russian center for the production of artistic ceramics. It occupies a vast region, consisting of 27 villages, under the general name Gzhel Bush, 60 kilometers from Moscow.

From time immemorial, Gzhel places have been famous for deposits of high-grade clay suitable for apothecary vessels. In 1770, the Gzhel volost lands were assigned to the Pharmaceutical Order. At the same time, in the Gzhel villages, they launched the production of bricks, pottery pipes, stove tiles and children's toys for Moscow.

Dishes made of Gzhel clay were especially good, light and durable. At the beginning of the 19th century, there were 25 factories for the production of tableware in the parish. The proximity of Moscow stimulated the development of the production of clay products; a myriad of bowls, plates, dishes and other kitchen utensils were sold at the capital's fairs.

Gzhel toys at that time were made from waste utensils. No matter how much clay was left, all of it was used to model cockerels, hens, lambs and goats. Initially, handicraft workshops worked chaotically, but soon a certain line in production was outlined. Raw materials began to be harvested specifically for souvenirs, craftsmen also specialized in the profile of the most sought-after products.

White shiny horses and figurines were painted in different colors until cobalt, a universal paint, appeared. The intense bright blue color is the best match with the snow-white enamel of the workpiece. In the 50s of the last century, artists completely abandoned all other colors and began to use glazed blue cobalt coloring. At the same time, the motives of the drawing could be very different, on any topic.

Other crafts

The range of Russian folk art crafts of arts and crafts is unusually wide. Here is artistic Kasli casting and embossing with interspersed elements. Intarsia and marquetry technologies allow you to create magnificent paintings and panels. Russian applied art is a vast cultural layer of the country, the property of society.

Masters of arts and crafts

MBU "MSCO "Svetoch"

Chudovsky municipal district

Arts and Crafts Material from the Metodichkus website

Folk arts and crafts is the result of the creativity of many generations of craftsmen. It is unified in its artistic structure and extremely diverse in its national characteristics, which are manifested in everything from the choice (use) of material to the interpretation of pictorial forms.

Born among farmers, pastoralists, hunters, folk art throughout the history of its development is associated with nature, the laws of its renewal, the manifestation of its life-giving forces. The very existence of man is inseparable from nature, which provides material for housing and clothing, food, determines the rhythm of human life by the change of day and night, the alternation of the seasons. Therefore, all this is reflected in the works of folk art, which constitute an integral phenomenon of the culture of each people.

The well-known statement that folk art is firmly connected with everyday life concerns not only arts and crafts. Songs and dances, epics and fairy tales are also inseparable from the daily life of the people, because they embodied dreams of beauty, ideas about a better life, about good and evil, about the harmony of the world. In harvest festivals, seeing off winter, meeting spring, in various ceremonies and rituals, the creative principle manifested itself in a complex, multifunctional way. In this regard, folk art is called syncretic, i.e. uniting different functions of objects and connecting them with everyday life.

A deep understanding of the material by the folk craftsman allows him to create perfect works of arts and crafts. Wood and clay, stone and bone, leather and fur, straw and wicker - all these materials are organically used in various household items. They are not faked with expensive materials, but are processed and decorated in accordance with their own natural properties. Therefore, a pottery made of plain clay cannot be confused with porcelain dishes, and a tinned copper vessel with an object made of silver.

This ability to use the natural qualities of the material was embodied in artistic and technical techniques that make it possible to most rationally design and decorate products with ornaments or plot images, combining real prototypes with the bold imagination of the creator. This is how the types of artistic craft traditional for many peoples of our country developed: carpet weaving, patterned weaving, embroidery, lace-making, pottery, artistic processing of wood, bone, stone, metal and other materials.

MBU "MSKO "Svetoch" (Municipal Budgetary Institution Intersettlement Social Cultural Association "Svetoch") is a network of cultural institutions of the Chudovsky district, which includes leisure centers of the settlement centers of the Chudovsky municipal district. At each Leisure Center and the Folk Art Center, masters of arts and crafts work and The purpose of the work of the masters is to popularize, revive and preserve folk art.

Each of the masters has its own unique and original technologies and methods of work, passed down from generation to generation. The technology of work of masters of arts and crafts basically repeats the method of creating handicrafts, souvenirs, household items, jewelry as it was in the old days, but the masters also master modern technologies and materials, which makes the manufacturing process itself attractive and its result and interest from tourists and participants of master classes.

A variety of directions of masters of art and crafts, create a rich palette of creative life and familiarization with Russian folk culture and creativity on the territory of the Chudovsky municipal district.

We want to introduce you to the Chudov masters,

whose work is becoming not only popular in Chudovskaya land,

but also outside the city of Chudovo and the Novgorod region.

Omelyanchuk Marina Gennadievna

Master of DPI on the technique of "Patchwork". Head of circles for children and adults in patchwork "Needlewoman" and "Rainbow". Works in the center of folk art and leisure Selishchi.

Master of DPI on the technique of "Patchwork". Head of circles for children and adults in patchwork "Needlewoman" and "Rainbow". Marina Gennadievna graduated from the courses of folk craft "Patchwork technique".

Patchwork was known even to our grandmothers and always came to their aid in the manufacture of elementary household items, such as blankets, bedspreads, and so on. But this is not only a way to save money or sew something useful using the leftover pieces of fabric. Today, this type of needlework allows you to create something beautiful and original, whole paintings or canvases. The occupation is useful and exciting, attracts many with its eccentricity.

Marina Gennadievna sews a lot of beautiful and useful things from scraps. She uses this wonderful material to create compositions, various things (headwear, toys, jewelry, appliqué panels), carnival costumes, and for theatrical events. One can say about her: “she creates with her soul”, each of her works is unique, made with great love and warmth of human hands. She shares her talent with others, under the guidance of Marina Gennadievna, master classes for children and adults on making items from patches are held. All participants enjoy attending master classes.

For the development of arts and crafts and creative abilities, Marina Gennadievna has awards:

Diploma of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Novgorod Region for participation in the 11th regional New Year's Fair of folk arts and crafts "NIKOLSKY TORG"

Diploma of the Committee of Culture of the Novgorod region for participation in the zonal exhibition of the regional festival of artistic creativity.

Gratitude of the Chairman of the Committee of Culture and Tourism of the Novgorod Region for the great work on the preservation, development and promotion of folk art.

Diploma for participation in the nominations "Carnival of Ideas", "Patchwork" of the 4th inter-district festival of hand-made attire "-" SILVER THIMMING"

Diploma of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Novgorod Regional House of Folk Art for participation in the regional exhibition-competition "Cat's House"

Gratitude of the Administration of the Chudovsky municipal district for active participation in the interregional agro-industrial "Assumption Fair"

Diploma of the Committee of Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Chudovsky Municipal District for participation in exhibitions and competitions.

Diploma of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Chudovsky Municipal District for participation in the regional festival of artistic creativity "Consonance"

Gratitude of the Chairman of the Committee of Culture and Sports for the development of decorative and applied arts

Diploma of MBU "MSCO" Svetoch "for participation in the interregional festival of folklore and crafts" Nursery rhymes of grandfather Mazai "

Gratitude of MBU "MSCO" Svetoch "for participation in the exhibition DPI" Creativity of my family "

Gratitude of the Administration of the Tregubovsky rural settlement of the Chudovsky municipal district of the Novgorod region for active work in the field of culture, popularization of folk customs and traditions.


Shilova Maria Petrovna

Works in the branch of the Oskuy leisure center since 2000. Working as the head of the branch, Maria Petrovna combines her main work with circle activities. Under her leadership, there are circles "Magic Workshop", "Rag Doll" for children and adolescents. From childhood, she showed interest in folk art. The "Rag Doll" circle is an opportunity to independently make any doll - a motanka, which will become a reliable amulet with incredible energy that brings good luck, wealth, abundance and happiness.

The circle "Workshop of Magic" consists of several areas - beading, patchwork, origami, etc. The task of the circle is based on educating the artistic taste of schoolchildren, developing their interest in folk art, its traditions and heritage. In the course of circle work, students get acquainted with the basics of design, deepen their knowledge of design and modeling.

Children learn to economically use the material used in the work, they develop fine motor skills of the hands and the necessary coordination of movements.

Making beautiful and necessary items with your own hands causes an increased interest in work and brings satisfaction with the results of labor.

As the leader of circles, she raises her level in folk art through self-education. This is helped by the Internet and subscription publications. Maria Petrovna conducts a "Master Class" for children and adults on various types of applied art. She constantly participates in district, settlement and regional exhibitions. Her crafts are in demand among the population. Holidays to which its members willingly take part: Christmas, St. Valentine's Day, Maslenitsa, Annunciation, Easter, Victory Day, Ivan's Day, Apple Savior, Bereginya Pokosnitsa, Day of the Elderly, New Year and at the request of residents.

Shilova Maria Petrovna was awarded a diploma for participation in the regional festival of youth creativity “One Hundred Ways to Live Interestingly!”, “The nursery rhymes of grandfather Mazai”, gratitude for participation in the regional exhibition of decorative and applied arts “Creativity of my family”, a letter of thanks for active participation in the Interregional agro-industrial Assumption Fair 2014 and 2015", a diploma in the exhibition-competition "Gifts of Autumn", as well as a diploma for participation in the 11th regional New Year's Fair of folk arts and crafts "Nikolsky Torg" and a diploma from the MOU "OOSH" p. Oskui for participating in the school exhibition of creative works "They say mom has golden hands!".

Sheveleva Vasilisa Mikhailovna graduated in 2003

Podporozhye Polytechnic College

specializing in wood painting.

In 2014 she was trained in the city of Veliky Novgorod on the technique of "Gorodets painting"

Conducts master classes

Rechkina Irina Ivanovna head of the circle "Clay toy"

created in 2001 on the basis of the Georgian TsNTD.

In 2015, she was trained in the city of Veliky Novgorod, as part of a regional seminar-

workshop on manual modeling from clay on the basis of the workshop "Potter's Yard"

Marriage Inna Yuryevna, head of the Bereginya circle created in 2015

on the basis of the Georgian TsNTD,

rag doll maker.

Galina Nikitina

Master of the DPI of the Spassko-Polistskiy Leisure Center

Tomilova Tatyana Nikolaevna

She started working at the MBU "MSCO "Svetoch" as the head of the Spassko-Polistsky Leisure Center in January 2008
- in 2012 on advanced training in the group of directors of the KFOR, at the Novgorod Regional Center for Personnel Training "Logos";
- in 2014-2015 within the framework of the cycle of regional workshops "Hand heel" on the basis of the department of handicraft culture of the GBUK "NODNT".
Since 2008 Tomilova T.N. leads the DPI circle "Very skillful hands." The main direction of the circle's work is the Russian folk doll.
The purpose and objectives of the circle are to get acquainted with the history of folk dolls, develop interest in the cultural values ​​and traditions of their people, study the history and types of folk dolls, costume details (dress, jacket, scarf, ribbon). Improving fine motor skills (twisting, winding, tying knots), creativity, imagination, thinking, attention. Give the child the opportunity to feel pleasure and pride in the result of their work. To instill a careful attitude to the cultural traditions and history of their people.
The folk doll is a huge part of our history. Dolls accompanied our ancestors from birth to death. They were kept in chests and passed on the day of the wedding. A long time ago they were made not for sale, but for themselves - as amulets, as ritual and ritual symbols. They were made (coiled, twisted, rolled up) slowly, thoroughly. With hope and, most importantly, with great love. In the process of making dolls, neither scissors nor needles were used. The threads were torn by hand, the same was done with the fabric - rags of worn clothes or used bed linen. And be sure to use natural (natural) and “happy” fabric, the one that was worn in a good life period, not overshadowed by any troubles or stresses. Often, dolls were made completely without a face, it was believed that evil spirits could not settle in such dolls. The details of the dolls were not sewn together, but tied together, tied to each other. At the same time, they made wishes, sang, sentenced or read prayers. Hence the positive energy that we, looking at the result, unconsciously feel even today. Hence the feeling of comfort, calmness and warmth. Dolls were made mainly by women - keepers of tribal traditions. Another interesting feature is the manufacture of ritual and protective dolls in one step, without postponing the process that has begun either “tomorrow” or “for later”.
Tatyana Nikolaevna constantly studies and uses in her work traditional techniques and methods of making dolls. All dolls are made in one lesson of a circle or a master class, in a technique as close as possible to the technique of our ancestors, using natural linen and cotton fabrics and minimal use of modern materials.
The works of the circle members and their leader regularly participate in exhibitions and fairs at regional, interregional events, and took part in events at the regional level.
The works of the master and her students can be found in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tosno, Arkhangelsk, Veliky Novgorod, Murmansk, Staraya Russa, Okulovka, Chudov and other cities.

Master of the DPI Tregubovsky Leisure Center:

Andreeva Tatyana Gennadievna

Education: higher, graduated from Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise in 2000.

Specialty: Technology of artistic processing of materials.

Specialization: teaching creative disciplines.

Qualification: engineer-artist.

Main place of work: Administration of the Tregubovsky rural settlement.

Part-time work: head of the circle of arts and crafts "Magic Patterns" since 2000.

The main direction of the circle's work is Gorodets painting.

Gorodets painting- Russian folk art craft. For children, familiarization with folk craft is of great importance for their overall development. They should not only know about such artistic painting as Gorodetskaya, but also be able to distinguish it from other artistic paintings. Nowadays, the topic of preserving the traditions and customs of the native land is very important. Through a story about interesting, colorful plots of Gorodets, I want to interest and captivate children into the wonderful world of Russian folk painting.

Gorodets painting is unusual,
The composition here is symmetrical.
Flowers of unusual beauty are collected in bouquets.
Drawings bright flicker,
The white revival revives them.

The main task in the classes of the "Magic Patterns" circle is the task of instilling a love for creativity, developing artistic abilities, as well as identifying these abilities, cultivating a value attitude to folk culture, the environment through personal creativity.

Studying arts and crafts in a circle, the children combine the knowledge of technical techniques with the artistic imagination inherent in their children's imagination, create not only useful, but also beautiful products. Products made by children's hands can serve as decoration for interiors, because. have aesthetic value. The aesthetic significance of communication with folk art is very important for the overall artistic development of children.

Why, out of the many folk crafts, did I prefer Gorodets wood painting? Gorodets painting is distinguished by its unique visual language, expressed in symbols, features of the transformation of natural motifs and rich colors. The palette of Gorodets painting is colorful and varied. Gold, green, yellow, blue, blue, brown, pink and red colors are combined with black and white. A special expressiveness of the Gorodets painting is given by an elegant “animation” made with whitewash. Strokes, lines, dots, arcs adorn flowers and shapes. Traditional for Gorodets painting scenes of tea drinking, troika riding, festive festivities. A lush ornament of bathing caps, roses, leaves frames plot pictures arranged in tiers. A beautiful gorodets thin-legged horse with a strong neck is a poetic image-mystery. Proud horses are painted on the doors of cabinets, the backs of high chairs, tables, plates on the wall. Fairy-tale flowers surround the horses, sometimes outlandish birds and animals are also depicted here. It seems that horses are galloping through magical gardens.

In the characterization of the plot, whitened tones give rich shades of color transitions. The painting is immediately carried out with a brush, without applying a preliminary drawing, with a free and juicy stroke. It is very diverse - from a wide stroke to the thinnest line and a virtuoso stroke.

Of course, in the beginning, the children's works are far from perfect, but in their paintings you can see all the characteristic features of Gorodets painting, while the most important thing is that children touch real folk art. They develop respect for folk art.

For the promotion and development of arts and crafts, creative abilities, she was awarded a letter of thanks from the MBU "MSCO" Svetoch ". She took an active part in the regional fair of folk crafts and crafts "Nikolsky Torg", in the interregional festival of folklore and crafts "Assumption Fair", in many other exhibitions and master classes on the territory of the settlement and the region.

Methodical development "Funny flower". Master class in arts and crafts for teachers of additional education on the topic: "Sculptural textiles"

The purpose of the master class: improving the professional skills of teachers in the process of active pedagogical communication on mastering the technique of "sculptural textiles".

to introduce teachers to the sculptural and textile technique of making dolls;
to teach the sequence of actions, the use of methods and techniques of "sculptural-hosiery" technique using the example of making a "Funny Flower" magnet;
create conditions for self-realization and stimulation of the growth of the creative potential of teachers in the process of conducting a master class;
to promote the intellectual and aesthetic development of teachers.

Expected results of the master class:
increasing the creativity of teachers;
the opportunity for teachers to use a new non-traditional method in their practice;
study of development on the topic of the master class;
growth of motivation of MC participants to form their own style of creative pedagogical activity;
practical mastering by MC participants of special knowledge, abilities, skills and techniques of “sculptural-hosiery” technique in the process of work;
creating a magnet "Funny Flower", showing creative initiative, imagination, thinking.

Methodological equipment of the lesson:

interactive (verbal, visual, practical);
research (the ability to independently distribute the activities of work, the choice of action and its method, freedom of creativity).
conversation with a demonstration of practical actions;
creation of works of decorative and applied art;
Using visibility:
presentation for the master class, made in the Power Point program "Sculptural textiles or stocking technique";
samples of finished work performed by the teacher;
schemes for the phased implementation of products;
materials for practical work.

Materials and tools:
pantyhose 20-40 den boiled;
colored tights and with lurex (or colored capron);
sintepon "Standard" 150-250 g / m²;
needles for dolls, pins;
reinforced threads 35 LL or polyester threads 40/2 "Gamma" or "Bestex";
kapron threads;
side cutters;
glue gun and rods to it;
copper wire with a diameter of 0.7 mm - 0.9 mm;
dry cosmetics: shadows, blush;
glue "Titan";
Polish for hair;
ready-made eyes 10-15 mm (can be homemade from gypsum);
hair material, acrylic yarn of different colors;
colorless nail polish
warm green tape;
magnet with a diameter of 1.5-3.0 cm x3 mm;
forms for wire 5-7 cm.

Outline plan structure
master class on the theme "Sculptural technique"

- introductory part, where the head of the master class gives the necessary target settings, reveals the content of the lesson and its expected results;
- the theoretical part of the MK, the leader's story, about the technique of the master class using the presentation "Sculptural textiles";
- the practical part of the MK, the participants of the master class begin, under the guidance of the head of the master class, to perform crafts;
- a commentary part, where the head of the master class explains those elements of his work that, from his point of view, are most important and are of an original nature;
- the culmination of the creative process, an exhibition of works, photographs of the works of all participants in the master class with comments from the participants themselves;
- reflection, not value judgments “this is good”, “this is bad”, but introspection of one’s own thoughts, feelings, knowledge, attitude are important.
- Summing up the results of the master class, in conclusion, a little relaxation;
- list of used literature and Internet resources.
Technological map of the master class "Funny Flower"

Stages of the master class. The activities of the head of the MK. Time Activities of the master class participants
1. Introductory part: Presentation of the topic, disclosure of the purpose and objectives of the master class 4 min.
2. Theoretical part of MK:
a story about the "sculptural textiles" technique, accompanied by a presentation "Sculptural textiles or hosiery technique", as well as a show of handicrafts made by the head of the MK and accompanied by quiet music
15 minutes. MK participants look at images of handicrafts using the “sculptural textiles” technique, listen to the story and emotionally immerse themselves in the topic of MK
3. Practical part of MK:
Before starting work, the head of the MK conducts a safety briefing. Tell and show the methodological and technological methods of manufacturing products using the technique of "sculptural textiles" of a flower with a face. After that, together with the head of the MK, the participants begin to work on the magnet "Funny Flower" 60 min. After listening to the safety briefing, the MC participants begin independent creative activities. Work under the guidance of the teacher conducting the MC, ask questions
4. Commenting part of MK:
Give the participants of the MK a rest, conduct a physical education session. During the practical creative work, conduct consultations, theoretical and practical explanations and individual assistance to the participants of the master class for the quality of the assignment.
Show different methods and techniques of face tightening. 30 min. Perform a physical activity. They listen carefully and repeat the elements and methods that the MK teacher shows on their crafts.
5. The culmination of the creative process:
After the completion of the work by the participants of the MC, all the works are photographed and a mini exhibition is made, during the exhibition, the participants collectively discuss their work and ask questions to the teacher conducting the MC.
6 min. Make up work on one table. Take photos of their work. Consider and appreciate the beauty and variety of handicrafts. Ask their questions to the head of the MK.
mobilizing participants for self-assessment. Invite participants to evaluate their working capacity, psychological state, and performance.
The discussion of the master class includes questions to the head of the master class, the exchange of experience of its participants. 10 min. MC participants exchange experience, discuss MC, engage in self-assessment of the work done. Reflection - the "Mood Tree" technique:
using prepared leaflets, give an assessment of MK.
The master teacher summarizes the results of the MC and, taking into account the wishes of his audience, recommends literature, Internet sites for additional information on this issue, informs where you can purchase materials and tools for work. Please fill in the form. At the end of the MC, the leader of the MC suggests meditating. 10 min. Fill out the questionnaire proposed by the head of the MK. Meditate.

The course of the master class.
- Dear colleagues
- Shout out loud and in chorus, friends,
Will you refuse to help me? (no or yes?)
Do you love kids? Yes or no?
You came to the master class,
And no strength at all
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you…..
How to be gentlemen?
Do we need to solve children's problems? (Yes)
Give me an answer then
Will you refuse to help me? (No)
The last thing I ask you is:
Will everyone be active? (No or Yes)
So, with a great mood and positive emotions, we begin the master class.

I am very glad to see you here, in our house - the House of Children's Culture "Rainbow". My name is Ermakova Elena Alekseevna. I am the head of the association of arts and crafts "Sudarushka". In the classes of the circle, the guys and I learn to knit, make various toys, crafts and souvenirs from threads, paper, beads and salt dough, and the children who have been attending the association for 3 years are also engaged in sculptural textiles. It is the work in the “Sculptural Textile” technique that we will study today.

They are visible, invisible
Do not count them:
And who only invented them -
Merry, blue?
Must have been torn off
A piece from the sky
Slightly - slightly conjured
And they made ... a flower!

Our lesson is dedicated to the most beautiful creation of nature - flowers, but not ordinary flowers, but made by hand from nylon and synthetic winterizer. (showcase your work)
- The theme of the master class: "Sculptural textiles". The purpose of our MK: improving professional skills in the process of active communication on the development of the "Sculptural Textile" technique

- I will introduce you to the stocking doll technique, I will teach you how to make funny flowers using threads, nylon and synthetic winterizer (magnets: a flower with a face). One of the tasks is to create conditions for your self-realization and stimulate the growth of creativity in the process of MC.
- Flowers always give us real joy. Whatever they are, small or large, bright or not, but they always delight us with their beauty. Without flowers, it is already completely impossible to imagine the nature and beauty of the world around us.
- Flowers and nature have always inspired musicians, artists, writers. Always and everywhere flowers were a symbol of beauty.
- Since ancient times, man, admiring such a beautiful creation of nature, tried to convey this beauty in his products.
“A person can have many different moods, but he has one soul, and he subtly puts this soul of his into all his work.”
D. Galsworthy.

- Now I want to open for you an amazing, beautiful and very warm world-the world of dolls! It seems to me that this world cannot leave anyone indifferent, and I would really like that, immersed in it, you would forget about everyday life, the burden of everyday problems, smile and find yourself in childhood, when everything was so clear, joyful and serene ...
Using the electronic presentation "Sculptural textiles" I begin the story and demonstrate my work.
- For any child, the game is the most desirable type of activity: during the game, he not only learns the world around him, but also transforms his impressions of it, conveys thoughts, feelings, emotions. In many ways, this makes the game related to art: it’s not for nothing that when we talk about creativity, we often use such phrases as “play of colors”, “play of sounds”, “play of words”. One of the main distinguishing features of the life of any child is a huge number of toys that surround him from the very moment of birth. For many centuries, toys continue to be used for the development of children, introducing them to the world of adults.
Dolls are one of the most ancient types of toys: they originate along with human civilization. At first, the dolls were of a ritual nature, only later acquiring their play value.
It seems to me that there is no such girl who would not play with dolls. Manufacturers of modern dolls are trying to keep up with the current time, making "business women" and "models" with ideal parameters. But there are still dolls that are designed to protect, attract good luck and appease fate.
These include motanka dolls, knot dolls, straw dolls, plant dolls, each of which symbolizes a certain action, baby dolls, "pops", amulets and many others. And to believe in the miraculousness of these man-made products or not is a personal matter. (during the story, there is a slide show with varieties of dolls, the pictures were taken from the Internet)
- A traditional toy for games in peasant families was a rag doll. Grandmothers made them. The very process of work consisted in winding tightly stuffed and twisted pieces of plain fabric with threads. An outfit for a doll was made from colorful pieces of fabric. (slide 10)
- Since the middle of the 19th century, when the industry began to develop, mass production of dolls appeared. And yet, people still have a craving for handmade dolls in the 21st century.
And such dolls are called copyright.
Anyone can make their own author's doll, and not only from fabric. A fashionable trend today is the manufacture of dolls from nylon tights, stockings or socks.
- This technique is not without reason called the unusual phrase "sculptural textiles". Why "sculptural" is still understandable, because a doll, a figure is a sculpture in itself. But why "textile"?
Everything is simple! Because we will not sew a toy, but sculpt it! It is to sculpt with the help of a synthetic winterizer (or any other filler), a needle and a thread.
- Homemade stocking dolls are relatively recent, but thanks to simple technology and readily available, cheap materials, they have become a popular type of handicraft.
Kapron, by its properties, turned out to be more pliable, elastic and durable material for sewing dolls than other fabrics. It can be subjected to repeated bending, complex deformation - it will not lose its shape. A few decades ago, a technique for making homemade flowers from nylon and wire appeared.
(showing his works: flowers from kapron)
- And after that, folk craftsmen mastered the technique of making stocking dolls. In many respects, this was facilitated by the appearance on the market of a light, voluminous (resembling cotton wool), but at the same time elastic artificial material - synthetic winterizer. It became an inexpensive basis for all parts of the body of the future doll. The rest of the work is based on the personal imagination of the master: by laying folds and bends on the padding polyester, he can make the doll a nose of any shape, small or large lips, a high or low forehead, make dimples on the cheeks or lay nasolabial wrinkles to give the toy age. Sintepon and kapron turned out to be so grateful materials in work that anyone can master the technique of making dolls and create unique and original toys.
- You need to learn how to sculpt from fabric gradually. After all, like a sculptor, our work will not be born in a couple of hours. Today we will analyze how to make a puppet mask (i.e., the face of a doll).
The head of the doll, created using the technique of sculptural textiles, consists of two halves: front and back.
It is customary to call a face a puppet mask.
- The exchange of stories, as well as the exchange of life experiences, is a natural form of interaction between people. So listen to the parable:
Once upon a time there was an envious man, one day he decided to test the wisdom of his teacher. A man caught a butterfly in the field, squeezed it in his fist and went to the square, where the teacher was talking with his students. Coming closer, he said: Teacher, you are wise, you know everything. Tell me, is the butterfly in my fist alive or dead?
His calculation was as follows: If the teacher says that the butterfly is alive, then he will imperceptibly clench his fist and show a dead butterfly, and if the teacher says that the butterfly is dead, he will open his fist and release the butterfly to freedom. Thus, any answer of the teacher will be wrong, and then everyone will see who is really wise.
And the teacher looked at him sadly and replied: EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR HANDS, MAN. So, dear colleagues, I also want to tell you that everything is in your hands today.
- I'm sure that you all know the safety rules, but without them it's impossible, and for this, before starting work, I will give you a safety briefing, but not usually, but in verse:
To sew and embroider
We need to know the rules.
I remember them from my childhood
Let me briefly remind you.
First of all, you need to know:
Do not try to take a needle in your mouth,
Don't take your eyes off the needle
And don't stick it in your clothes
Don't leave her anywhere
Otherwise, be in trouble.
Remember - needles and pins
Do not roll on the bench.
Worked - don't forget
Stick them in the needle bar.
You can work with scissors
But just be very careful.
It is very important for everyone to understand
How should they be served.
Not sharp ends
And forward rings.
Left - right do not wave,
And put them in a pencil case,
I do not scare in vain.
Scissors are a dangerous item.
Everyone needs to know the rules
Observe carefully.
And get you and me
Sewing pleasure!

Surely every house has old unnecessary nylon tights. Usually, at best, they are used to store garlic, onions, etc., and more often they are simply thrown away as unnecessary. In general, quite funny dolls are easily obtained from them, and for this you do not need to have any special skills - any child can make such a doll, showing quite a bit of perseverance and imagination. In addition, everything that is needed for this, in addition to the old tights themselves, is in every home, you don’t have to buy anything special. Nylon products resemble skin, which is very important in the manufacture of dolls - they look like a person.

- The main working materials in the manufacture of dolls are synthetic winterizer, nylon stockings, a needle, threads.
For large parts of the body, a stocking is stuffed with large pieces of padding polyester, and then with the help of small balls compressed from the padding polyester, the nose and its wings, lips, cheeks are laid out. The stocking stuffed in this way is stretched to the state of "wrinkle-free" and tied. Next, a thread with a needle comes into play. The master squeezes out the bridge of the nose with his fingers and begins to stitch it to secure the resulting shape. Then the wings of the nose, chin, eye sockets, cheeks are formed in the same way. Each operation must be completed with a reliable fixation of the thread, so that when squeezing out the following parts of the face, the already finished ones do not warp. If it is necessary to add a padding polyester to form any part of the face, the stocking is untied from below and material is added through the resulting hole. A good technique for shaping the mouth is the process of tightening its corners through the eye sockets.
Instead of hair, yarn is sewn or glued. On separate wires we form arms and legs and insert them into the prepared clothes. We attach the head - the toy is ready.
- Let's try to create now a new and unusual doll from improvised materials. And, I assure you, such work will be released exclusively! And even you yourself, with all your desire, do not repeat it!
And we will create such a “Funny flower”

Let's move on to the practical part. The first thing we will do is the petals for our flower.
Take the wire you need the shape for the wire, namely what size you want to make the petals of your flower and make these blanks. You can use other objects in place of the forms, such as a spray can of hairspray. (I show how to make blanks for the petals.

The twisted tip must be wrapped with tape or adhesive tape so that it does not break through the capron in the future. But you can not do this, because. we will have very short tips. We make 9 pieces of such blanks, and more if there is a desire and opportunity. You can also make petals from twisted wire. Showing an example

Now we take a colored nylon (you choose the color you like best) and fit our blanks, fasten with nylon threads (showing how to properly fit the blanks of the petals with nylon)

There should be nine colored petals and two or three green ones per leaf.
- And now let's take a break and have a rest, we will have a physical education minute.
"Fist-rib-palm" - four positions of the hand on the plane successively replace each other. It is performed first with the right hand, then with the left hand. Then with both hands at the same time.
palms up,
palms down,
And now they are on the barrel -
And clenched into a fist.
- Rested? And we continue our master class.
Now we are starting to make a face or as it is called a puppet mask for our flower.
A few words about the thread. It must be taken to match the capron. The closer to the color of the stocking, the more beautiful the work.
You need to cut a circle out of cardboard, lay basting stitches along the edge of the nylon, but it is better to take a larger piece of nylon, for example, part of a sock or stocking, it will be more convenient for beginners. (i.e. for us)

So ... they tore the synthetic winterizer.
Now you need to stuff it into a stocking prepared for this in advance.
You need to stuff a piece of stocking tightly. You can leave a hole in the upper part of the future mask, and in the process of work, supplement it with padding polyester if necessary. The second cut needs to be sewn up. Gather the edges, then wrap them inward and tighten the thread. We fix it.
Or the second way, which we will use:
For convenience, first we put a piece of synthetic winterizer into the capron, and put cardboard on top.
And we tighten the hole, sew it up. This will be the future face.
We start by stitching the muzzle, the first thing we will do is the nose. I suggest you get a little creative and decide what kind of nose you want for your flower doll. For example: potatoes, spicy or it will be a grandmother's flower, etc. We put a small ball in place of the intended nose.
Following the directions of the arrow, we tighten the points of holes and depressions on the wings of the nose with a thread, forming the same wings.
To help you, I gave out several schemes for tightening the nose, maybe someone will independently perform the tightening of the nose with their own method.
Explanation and demonstration of nose constrictions.
We make the next tightening for the eyes and cheeks.
The next step is lip sculpting.
I draw your attention to the fact that the stitches with which we fix the parts should be extremely small.
In general, each doll turns out to be completely different from what we want to see it. Each has its own character.
So ... with small stitches and our fingers we form the lips of the doll. We pinch the fabric and the padding polyester, try on where necessary, poke the stuffing of the sphere with a needle, pull out parts of the padding polyester with it, in general, we sculpt. And as soon as we understand that we have reached the shape we wanted, we fix everything that has turned out with stitches.
In general, in this technique, you can not only sculpt people. Animal faces, all sorts of fictional, mythical and legendary characters - it all depends on your imagination!
Lips can be stretched in a smile, made twisted and even laughing wildly.
First we sculpt the lower, then the upper lip. Don't forget to leave some room for the chin.
How NOT to do it!
Don't loosen the thread too much!
We form wrinkles. How - you already know.
And again I will pay attention to the synthetic winterizer must be clean!
Otherwise, threads and other debris will be visible on the finished doll face under the nylon "skin".
I used MK Elena Lavrentieva to sculpt the muzzle. I handed out her MK to you, you can use everything described in detail there.

They brought marafetik with the help of dry cosmetics,
We begin to glue the petals.
In sequence. Top, bottom, then around the edges. Then another row between the first petals.
Cut out another circle from cardboard, cover with padding polyester and nylon, the diameter is the same as on the muzzle (4 cm)
It will be like a stub)))
But before gluing, we will glue the stem on it.
For the stem and leaves, I use just such a floristic wire. It comes in different diameters. For leaves I have a diameter of 0.9 mm, for stems - 1.2 cm
Glue the stem onto the plug from the wrong side. I glue everything on a hot gun.
And now with the stalk we glue our cap onto the flower, very carefully, so that it would turn out beautifully from behind.
We glue the leaves, you can not glue it, but wrap it warmly with green tape.
Don't forget about the magnet itself.
OK it's all over Now!
You can add accessories (for example, insects: ladybugs or butterflies) and here is the result of our work)))
Of course, there are no such flowers in nature, but we don’t have ordinary flowers))) We have funny flowers.
And this is a cabbage

The same rose, but without the stem. You can use black beads instead of a peephole.
And one more small digression...
By all the rules of puppeteers, the eyes of the doll are attached last. I don’t know where it came from, but it’s necessary to follow just in case. You never know... The doll was originally a mystical invention...

It is advised to attach something last, but no one forbade trying it on. Therefore, in the process, we will more than once put our eyes on the future face.
You need to purchase eyes of different shapes and colors in advance: blue, green and black. In the process of sculpting, I applied them this way and that, trying them on.
You know, it seems that the shape of the eyes is the same, the colors are only different, and with each color the expression is completely different ...
If you are making a female mask, you can also attach eyelashes to your eyelids.
I propose to discuss the resulting "Flowers"

I recommend on which sites and from which masters it is better to learn, where good and detailed MK are located. I give a list of literature that I used in preparation for the MK.
Reflection - "Mood Tree" technique:
- Listen to the parable, and then we will discuss our master class. A sage was walking, and three people were coming towards him, who, under the hot sun, were carrying carts with stones for the construction of a temple. The sage stopped and asked each one a question. He asked the first one: “What did you do all day?”. And he replied with a grin that he had been carrying cursed stones all day. The sage asked the second: “What did you do all day?” And he replied: "And I conscientiously did my job." And the third smiled, his face lit up with joy, and he answered with pleasure: “And I took part in the construction of the temple.”

Dear colleagues, you have 3 leaves: blue, red and green. And on the board we have a tree, only it is without leaves, let's dress it now.
If you consider yourself the third worker (this means that this master class was useful for you, you learned something new and this knowledge will be useful to you in the future if you were comfortable in the lesson), then attach a green leaf to the tree.
If you consider yourself a second worker (you were interested in the lesson, but you knew this technology before and you did not receive new knowledge and work experience), then attach a red leaf to the tree.
A If you consider yourself the first worker (you are not in a very good mood, you were not interested in the lesson, then attach a blue leaf to the tree.

- Please try to justify your answer.
1. First worker.
2. Second worker.
3. The third worker.
The participants of the MK speak out why they attached a leaf of this particular color. There is a discussion.
I ask teachers to fill out a questionnaire prepared in advance.
- Dear colleagues, we have worked very fruitfully today, everyone has made wonderful magnets that will delight you and your loved ones.
- You have learned how to make funny flowers using the technique of sculptural textiles using nylon and synthetic winterizer. I really hope that this knowledge will be useful to you, and you will be able to decorate your home with such flowers.

Our master class is coming to an end and I want to tell you one more ancient parable:
An old man sits by the side of the road and looks at the road. He sees: a man is walking and leading a child.
“What are you doing here, old man?” the man asked.
- I'm waiting for you! - answered the old man - You were entrusted with this child for upbringing, weren't you?
- That's right! - the man was surprised.
If you want to plant a tree for a man, plant a fruit tree.
If you want to give a man a horse, give the best horse.
If you dare to raise a child for a man, return him with wings.
How can I do this if I can't fly myself?
- And you try! - said the old man and closed his eyes.
Years have passed
The old man sat in the same place and looked at the sky.
He sees: a child is flying, and behind him is his Teacher.
They approached the old man, sank to the ground and bowed.
- I return the child winged! - and proudly looked at his pet.
And the old man looked at the wings of the Teacher and said:
“And I am most pleased with your wings ...”

We, teachers, need to make a lot of efforts not only to raise a winged child, but to learn to fly ourselves. Continue to search for yourself and ways of cooperation with your students. Learn by learning, and educate by being educated.
And I also prepared for you a small MK gift that I borrowed from the wonderful craftswoman Akulova Elena in the “Country of Masters” (I distribute to the MK participants the printed material for making “Kotosharik”) This is how “Kotosharik” looks like (I show a picture and a finished toy made by me)
- And in conclusion, I suggest you meditate. (conducted to calm music).
Let's find our heart, press both hands to our chest, and listen to how it beats: "knock, knock, knock." Now imagine that you have a piece of tender sun instead of a heart in your chest. Its bright and warm light spreads over the body, arms, legs. There is so much of it that it no longer fits in us. Let's smile and give each other a little light and warmth of our hearts.
And now mentally put on your left hand everything with which you came to the master class today: your baggage of thoughts, knowledge, experience. And on the right hand - what they received at the master class of the new.
Now let's clap our hands together and say THANK YOU!
And I can only thank you for your attention and participation in the work
- I hope that the knowledge you acquired at today's workshop will help you solve creative problems not only in classes with children, but also in life.
Thank you for your cooperation. Be always healthy! And creative success to you!
1. Master class as a modern form of certification in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Technology algorithm, models and examples of implementation, quality criteria / comp. N.V. Shirshina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.
2. Master classes and pedagogical seminars in the additional education of children. Theoretical and organizational aspects / Comp.: Klenova N. V., Abdukhakimova S. A. / Ed.: Postnikov A. S., Prygunova A. P. - M .: MGDD (Yu) T, 2009
3. Clients A. Folk crafts. - White City, M, 2003.
4. Borovikov L. I. How to prepare and conduct a master class for a creatively working teacher of additional education // Education and additional education in the Novosibirsk region. - 2004. - No. 1.
In the process of conducting the Master class, I use my video:

Exhibition, as a result of the work of students of the children's association

Galaburda Lyubov Ivanovna

Lyubov Ivanovna was born in with. Priuralskoye in 1957. Since childhood, she loved to draw, but the formation of her creative personality took place already at an older age. Having moved to live in Odessa, Lyubov Ivanovna became close to the artists and began to take lessons from them. Then she graduated from design courses, and then the art and graphic department of the Odessa Pedagogical Institute and began working in her specialty. Her graduation work "The Tree of Life" was made in the technique of macrame.

“Izhma clothes of the 17th-19th centuries”, “Reindeer breeder family”, “Bride and groom”, “Ancient Komi hunters” - these were the names of the works that participated in the first exhibitions. These are no longer individual dolls, but entire plots from the mythology of the Komi people.

Today about L.I. Galaburd is known not only in Pechora, but also in other cities of the Komi Republic and even abroad. In 1997, her dolls visited Finland at an exhibition of Finno-Ugric peoples.

Since 1989, Lyubov Ivanovna has been a member of the city association of artists and craftsmen of Pechora.

In February 2000 L.I. Galaburda passed an important maturity exam - at a traditional exhibition in Syktyvkar she was admitted to the Union of Masters of the Komi Republic. But ahead, according to Lyubov Ivanovna, there is still a lot of work to implement new ideas and ideas.

Life circumstances forced Lyubov Ivanovna to come in 1991 to the Komi land. Here she becomes a famous doll maker.

The Local History Museum became interested in the works of Lyubov Ivanovna and ordered her to make dolls in folk costumes.

The wooden base of the doll, face, clothes, all other details are made by the craftswoman herself and her assistants from the "Skillful Hands" school circle. L. I. Galaburda and children began to make such dolls to order.

They turned out to be bright, expressive, and soon there were so many of them that it was enough for a whole exhibition.

In 1996, her first solo exhibition took place in the city of Syktyvkar. Creative works were highly appreciated by specialists. Lyubov Ivanovna was awarded a diploma "For the development of the traditions of the Komi people."

At the exhibitions of applied artists in the museum, L. I. Galaburd's dolls can be immediately distinguished from all others, because each of them is a real work of art. To make such a doll, it takes a lot of time and a variety of materials. The craftswoman works with wood, birch bark, fabric, paper, leather, fur, suede and beads. Dolls are made according to descriptions from ethnographic sources.

Participation in exhibitions:

Since 1997 - a permanent participant of the republican exhibition "Master of the Year".

1997 - Expo-97. Syktyvkar - Finland.

2000, July-August - Exhibition of works by members of the Union of Masters of the Komi Republic. Pechora Museum of Local History.

Evtyunin Mikhail Viktorovich

Mikhail Viktorovich Evtyunin was born on September 8, 1950 in the city of Nebit-Dag, Turkmen SSR, into the family of a military man.

The officer family often changed garrisons, and Misha went to first grade in the Lithuanian city of Panevezys. He studied in Kedainiai, Siauliai, and graduated from school in Poland in 1968.

His father, a third-generation officer, dreamed of a military career for his son, but life decreed otherwise: Mikhail entered the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. During the years of study at the institute (1968-1979), he managed to serve two years in the tank troops and work for a year as a toolmaker at a plant in Ryazan.

As a student of the construction team, Mikhail visited Norilsk and Dudinka. The north attracted with romance, severe beauty, and after the distribution, the young specialist firmly decided to go only to the north. In 1979, Mikhail was accepted as an electrical engineer at the Pechora Aviation Enterprise.

In Pechora in those years, the Arktos tourist club was extremely popular. Tourists made trips to the Ural Mountains and the Carpathians, mastered Karelia, conquered the mountain rivers of the Caucasus and Altai. In memory of each campaign, Michael brought stones: agate, jade, crystal. In 1985, red jasper was added to his collection. Then the idea of ​​stone processing came up. This stone, which has become a work of art, is kept in the collection of Mikhail Viktorovich.

The first artistic products: beads and cabochons. Then earrings, pendants, bracelets, again beads, candlesticks. In his works, the master uses californite, charoite, crystal, jade, rhodochrosite. But the most favorite of the stones is agate. The best works are made from it. Mikhail Viktorovich studied the literature on the technique of stone processing, he designed some of the machines himself.

In the early 90s of the twentieth century, it was decided to organize a workshop for non-core services at the airline and offered to head it to M.V. Evtyunin. Subsequently, the workshop turned into a stone-cutting workshop, and Mikhail Viktorovich's hobby became a job. True, I had to engage in creativity in my free time from administrative affairs.

The work of the master Evtyunin M.V.

The fame of the Pechora master crossed the borders of the city and the republic. In 1986 his works were exhibited in the museum of Inta. In 1994-1995 M.V. Evtyunin was invited to an exhibition in the capital of stone-cutting business - Yekaterinburg, where craftsmen from all over the former USSR came together.

In 1995 Mikhail Viktorovich took part in the republican exhibition in Syktyvkar. Several times his works were exhibited and successfully sold in the VDNKh pavilion at the Gemma colored stone fair. Since 1996 M.V. Evtyunin works at the depot. He devotes his free time to his favorite work.

The work of the master Evtyunin M.V.

Participation in exhibitions:

1986 - Exhibition. Inta.

1995 - Exhibition. Syktyvkar.

1995 - Exhibition. Ekaterinburg.

1998 - Exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History

Ivanov Boris Borisovich

Born in the Vladimir region in 1944. Parents brought a three-year-old child to Pechora, since then he has been living and working in this city.

Boris Borisovich's ability and love for drawing is hereditary, his parents drew well. Mother was a great needlewoman: she embroidered a lot and well, the whole house was decorated with her hands.

Creativity B.B. Ivanov is a rare combination of several areas: painting, graphics, applied art.

The first lessons in painting were taught to him by repressed artists who were serving their sentences in Pechora. I especially remember A.A. Vasiliev, he was able to see and develop artistic abilities in a nine-year-old boy.

Perhaps that is why Boris Borisovich is engaged in an in-depth study of the history of political repressions on the territory of the Pechora region. He is a member of the Memorial Society. The Pechora Time newspaper published his articles on the history of the Gulag. In the martyrology "Repentance" there is his graphic drawing "Killed, lit a cigarette."

Ivanov Boris Borisovich

At the beginning of his creative life he was engaged in painting and graphics. He especially likes to paint landscapes. "Man and nature, - according to B. Ivanov, - a single environment, they cannot exist without each other." Therefore, he likes working with wood, any that is available at the moment.

Boris Borisovich is one of the masters involved in metal work, metal forging. In his works, he seeks to recreate the forgotten traditions of finishing woodwork with forged metal. It is difficult to fully engage in the artistic processing of metal, since this requires special workshops and equipment, which are not available in Pechora. Creating decorative and applied products requires a lot of time

The work of B. B. Ivanov

The works of Boris Borisovich are jewelry, they are distinguished by impeccable taste, subtlety, complex technique of execution. For example, a candlestick, made based on the mythology of the Komi-Zyryans, consists of 100 elements, each of which had to be brought to perfection. His work is highly professional.

The artist has no free time, he is always busy, so there are no students. “Teaching binds the master by hand, because there will be no time to work for yourself,” B.B. Ivanov. This was the reason for the rejection of the proposal of the department of culture to create and lead a school of masters.

Boris Borisovich is a regular participant in art exhibitions of the Pechora Museum of Local Lore and Local Lore, republican exhibitions of folk art. In 2000, he was admitted to the Union of Masters of the Komi Republic.

Works by Ivanov B. B.

Participation in exhibitions:

1996 - Exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1997 - Expo 1997. Syktyvkar - Helsinki.

1997 - Exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History

1998 - Pechora artisan. Syktyvkar, Pechora artisan. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1999 - Personal exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

2000 - "Master of the Year - 1999". Syktyvkar; Alley of masters. Pechora Museum of Local History; Pechora Autumn - 2000. Pechora Museum of History and Local Lore.

Izyumov Yuri Alexandrovich

“There is beauty, it must be found, created and shown to others”, - this is the creative credo of master Yuri Alexandrovich Izyumov.

Izyumov Yuri Alexandrovich was born on May 30, 1944 in the village of Vodny, Ukhta region. His father, a teacher, a Komsomol activist, was repressed even before the war and imprisoned in the Ukhta camps: he doubted aloud that the pace of building socialism was too fast. His mother soon followed him. And so the family remained in Ukhta places. In 1963, after graduating from high school, Yuri was drafted into the army. He came to Pechora on a Komsomol ticket in 1966. For more than 20 years he worked at ATP UNGG as a truck driver, and then in car repair shops he soldered, tinned, and riveted.

The ability to draw manifested itself in school years. Even then, he surprised with sketches of portraits of famous writers and poets. Since childhood, he loved the tree, its smell, warmth. I once noticed that a workmate was engaged in woodcarving. I wanted to try it myself. He showed him the first simple tricks, presented him with a tool - a piece of a medical scalpel, securely inserted into a homemade wooden handle. Yu. Izyumov began to make his carved crafts with this tool. He learned wisdom from books, comprehended everything on his own. Favorite tree - aspen and birch growth - cap.

Since 1991 Yu.A. Izyumov is a master mentor of the Shondiban arts and crafts studio, opened at the department of culture of the Pechora City Executive Committee. Yuri Alexandrovich strove to pass on his secrets to talented, sympathetic schoolchildren and adults. I wanted to get acquainted with the experience of the capital's wood carvers, visit republican and all-Russian exhibitions, museums of applied art. I visited the workshop of the Syktyvkar sculptor V. Rokhin, at a republican seminar, at an exhibition in Vologda.

It is not known how fate would have disposed of the talent of the master, if there had not been a faithful friend nearby, the persistent wife of Lidia Vladimirovna, who herself took the first works to the museum. The wife helped and supported in difficult times, and advised.

The ability to draw was passed on to her daughter. She gives her paintings to friends in St. Petersburg, parents.

Yuri Alexandrovich loved to create to music. With pleasure I listened to songs performed by I. Talkov, V. Vysotsky, N. Kadysheva. Favorite singer - A. Pugacheva. Interested in historical novels. Since childhood, he loved all animals, especially dogs. Many who knew Yuri Alexandrovich note that he was kind by nature, some kind of light emanated from him.

Over a decade and a half of creative activity, the master created more than 200 products. Yu.A. Izyumov is a member of the Union of Masters of the Komi Republic since 1993. The work of Izyumov Yu.A. awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of the Komi ASSR, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and diplomas for his contribution to the development of folk art.

The work of the master Izyumov Yu. A.

The whole apartment of the Izyumovs was decorated with love by the skillful hands of Yuri Alexandrovich. What is not on the lace shelves made of wood.

The interior of the kitchen is a fairy tale made of wood, the dream of any housewife who is not indifferent to beauty. Cabinets, chests, boxes - everything is decorated with carvings, the kitchen itself is like a magic chest from a fairy tale.

Products Yu.A. Izyumov exhibited at exhibitions in Riga, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Syktyvkar, Pechora. The Pechora Museum of Local Lore purchased ten products of the master-applier. The Norwegians took two products to their homeland. In the spring of 1993, an invitation came to an exhibition-fair in America, but it was not possible to make this trip. 30 works were exhibited in the ethnographic museum of St. Petersburg. After the exhibition, the master began to receive offers from commercial structures, but Y. Izyumov felt with his soul that putting a wooden carving on stream meant taking the soul out of it. And instead of joy, you get cheap souvenirs from those that neither mind nor heart. The master gave his products only to those whom he respected, gave them into reliable hands. He did not seek to sell them, he even refused to purchase products for the Golden Fund of the Museum of Folk Art.

The work of the master Izyumov Yu. A.

Participation in exhibitions:

Since 1985, the products of Yu. A. Izyumov have been constantly exhibited at the Pechora Museum of Local History.

1987 - To the 70th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1996 - Rainbow of joy. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1996 - Personal exhibition "Charmed by Carving". Pechora Museum of Local History.

Krotov Andrey Yurievich

Born in 1956 in the city of Baku, in a military family. Due to the nature of the father's service, the family often moved from place to place, having traveled all over the North Caucasus.

In 1977, Andrei, choosing a military career, graduated from the Stavropol Higher Military School. From 1977 to 1993 he served in military aviation as a navigator in combat control. In 1989 A. Krotov arrived in Pechora.

Krotov Andrey Yurievich

Andrei's passion for minerals began with a meeting with Mikhail Evtyunin, around whom a team of guys who were passionate about stone processing gathered. The stone, according to Andrey, attracts him, fascinates him with unique colors, drawings and the play of light.

With the joint efforts of enthusiastic stone cutters, a workshop was equipped in the basement. It housed equipment, partly purchased, but mostly made by hand. Minerals are also stored here, for which craftsmen sometimes go to the mountains. These are rock crystal, jasper, amazonite, agate, quartz and others.

The work of Krotov A. Yu.

Andrei Yuryevich is known in the city as a master of stone jewelry: necklaces, earrings, brooches, bracelets and pendants. Jewelry made by him is in demand among many representatives of the "weaker sex". The master's products aroused great interest at exhibitions in the city of Inta, in the museum of geology in Syktyvkar. Several times his works were exhibited in the VDNKh pavilion at the Gemma colored stone fair.

In addition to jewelry, Andrey Yuryevich carves candlesticks, figurines and other items from stone. Once he made a custom-made prize for the Russian championship in cross-country skiing.

"Originality and quality" - this is the motto that A.Yu. Krotov is a recognized Pechora master in the processing and manufacture of jewelry and decorative items from stone.

The work of Krotov A. Yu.

Participation in exhibitions:

1993 -1995 - Permanent participant of exhibitions in the Family Reading Library.

1996-1999 - Museum of Geology. Syktyvkar.

1997 - Exhibition. Inta.

Morozov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Born in the northern Russian city of Kargopol, Arkhangelsk region in 1927 in the family of an employee. My father worked as an accountant, my mother was a housewife.

In 1932, my father went to Syktyvkar to organize a society for the deaf and dumb. The whole family moved to Syktyvkar after the father: his wife and three children. Vladimir Nikolaevich lived in Syktyvkar until 1944. They lived hard in the basement. In the spring, the apartment was flooded knee-deep with water. Mother was forced to go to work: during the day she worked in the police, in the evenings she taught in the educational program, and at night she stood in lines for bread. From labor and illness, the mother passed away early.

Vladimir graduated from the FZO school in Syktyvkar as a boat mechanic, worked as an assistant foreman, and in 1942 became a foreman.

In 1944, he volunteered for the front, but did not have to fight. He was sent to study at the School of Junior Commanders at the Obozerskaya station in the Arkhangelsk region, where he fell ill and was demobilized in 1946. In the same year, he leaves for Kherson to be treated and work. After Kherson, fate threw in Stalino, in Dneprodzerzhinsk. In Stalino, he mastered the specialty of a modeler.

Vladimir Nikolayevich lived in the southern regions of the country for more than ten years, in 1957 he came to his sister in Kozhva. I didn’t know or heard anything about the new city of Pechora before that. At that time, the construction of the House of Culture of Rivermen (DKR) was underway in Pechora. Having learned that Vladimir Nikolaevich was a modeller, he was hired as an instructor. They gave students six people, whom he taught their stucco craftsmanship. They built DKR and studied at the same time.

After the DKR, stucco work was carried out in the cinema. M. Gorky. Here in the cinema there are also two of his author's sculptural works - "Miner" and "Hunter".

The work of the master Morozva V.N.

I had to decorate simple residential buildings with stucco work (for example, two houses on Gorky Square): cornices, sockets. In 1962-1963 modeling was stopped in the houses.

A team of sculptors led by V.N. Morozov was popular in the Komi Republic: they went to work on the construction of the House of Culture in Vorkuta, the railway station in Syktyvkar.

While working in Pechorstroy, he graduated in absentia from the Volkhov Construction College with a red diploma, and became a foreman at a reinforced concrete products plant. At the plant, a lot of design work was done by his hands: a concrete bas-relief of Lenin, the Board of Honor of Pechorstroy, wall ornaments, panels. I also had to paint picturesque portraits for the Hall of Fame. Especially a lot of work was before the holidays - designed posters.

Orders were also received for other design work. They designed the hostel on Byzovaya.

Since 1983 V.N. Morozov retired. Started cutting wood. I especially like working with cap. He is interested in working with different materials. In his collection there are many vases made of openwork metal, a wine horn, various caskets.

The work of the master Morozov V. N.

Participation in exhibitions:

1990 - Charity exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1992 - Exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1995 - Exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1996 - Personal exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1998 - Exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

Osipova (Ogorodnikova) Oksana Valentinovna

Pechora craftswomen mother and daughter Ogorodnikovs are known not only in the Komi Republic, but also abroad. They are connected not only by family ties, but also by creative ones. Galina Yakovlevna Ogorodnikova was born in 1947 in the village of Soski, Kirov Region. Father Yakov Ivanovich Saadakov worked all his life at the Selmash plant. He was a carpenter, carpenter, and furniture maker. Mom Nina Mitrofanovna - the station attendant - skillfully crocheted. Grandmother Maria Efimovna had a great influence on Galina Yakovlevna, who knew how to weave, spin, knit, sew, embroider.

Galina Yakovlevna came to Pechora with her husband in 1963. She sewed and knitted all the time for her children.

In the mid-80s, many Pechora women became interested in weaving using the macrame technique, Galina Yakovlevna achieved perfection in this type of applied art. The first work is "Poodle". At first she copied products from magazines, calendars, and then began to create her own, author's works. In 1991, she released her photo album "Macrame", her products were used in the design of preschool institutions in the city "Korablik", "Yolochka". Narrative panels made by Galina Yakovlevna create a unique image of the interior of kindergartens.

Since 1984, Galina Yakovlevna has been a member of the city association of artists, artistic and expert council, in 1985 she headed the association of artists. In 1988 she participated in the festival of folk art in Syktyvkar.

Galina Yakovlevna, a master applier, owns many types of creativity: weaving in the technique of macrame, tatting, knitting, crocheting, woodcarving.

Galina Yakovlevna considers master Yu.A. Izyumov, who managed to pass on his secrets to a student. She does not shun either rough "preparatory" work or the search for material. Works with birch, aspen. In the late 80s she worked in the cooperative "Elegant". In 1990 she led a macrame circle, in 1991-1992 she taught at the Shondiban studio.

The daughter, Oksana Valentinovna Osipova, followed in the footsteps of her mother. Born in 1969 in Pechora. From childhood, parents noticed the girl's ability to draw. For several years, Oksana studied at the fine art studio of the House of Pioneers under the guidance of A. Akishin.

She entered vocational school No. 22 in Syktyvkar with a degree in artistic painting. In 1989 she graduated from college. Oksana's diploma work: original jewelry, which successfully combines painting on wood and macrame. It was a joint product of mother and daughter.

Thus, a creative union was born. Later they created a lot of bright works, one of which is the fabulous barrel "The Tale of the North". Outwardly, it looks like an old stump with intertwined roots and is divided into four plot pictures from the life of the ancient Komi (decorated using the macrame technique).

The work of craftswomen

Oksana Valentinovna worked in the cooperative "Elegant", in the individual entrepreneur "Souvenir", the folk studio "Shondiban". Her skill as a teacher manifested itself while working in a training and production plant, where she taught a course in artistic painting on wood. Owns twelve types of painting (Khokhloma, Gorodets, Polkhov-Maidanovskaya, Vyatka, Severodvinsk, Ural-Siberian, etc.). Studying the literature on applied arts, Oksana recreated the Pechora painting, and Galina Yakovlevna developed a plot based on the Pechora painting for knitting.

The main theme of Oksana's work is family, home, children. In this regard, her plot panels “Early Morning”, “Berry Time” are interesting, depicting the life of the Izhma Komi.

Actively worked in the city association of applied artists. In 1997 - 1998, Oksana, an employee of the Pechora Museum of Local History, organizes traveling exhibitions from the funds. Since 1999 he has been living in the village of Chernorechenskoye, Knyazhpogostsky district. Works at a high school. Oksana Valentinovna has been a member of the Union of Masters of the Komi Republic since 1998.

The craftswomen Ogorodnikovs took part in all city exhibitions of the local history museum, traveled with their works to national talent reviews. The visiting card of the Ogorodnikovs was the “Krin” pendant, which they gladly give to people as a good memory. Their works as Pechora souvenirs were taken to many cities of Russia, as well as to foreign countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy.

The work of craftswomen

Participation in exhibitions:

Since 1985 - regular participants in the annual exhibitions of masters of applied art in the Pechora Museum of History and Local Lore, since 1994 - exhibitions in the Union of Masters "Master of the Year" in Syktyvkar.

1989 - Exhibition of applied artists. Ukhta.

1990 - Charity exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1992 - Exhibition of handicrafts of students and teachers. Perm, Nizhny Novgorod.

1996 - Teacher, educate a student. Syktyvkar.

1997 - Komi Expo - 97, Rainbow of joy. Syktyvkar.

1999 - Personal exhibition "Flight of fantasy and taste" in the Central Library. Pechora.

Kharuzin Yury Fedorovich

Born in 1953 in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region. My father was connected with the forest all his life: he worked in forestry, carpentry. They knew and loved the forest: they helped their father at work. The mother took care of the household and the children.

In the 90s, schools in the Komi Republic began to pay great attention to the revival of the traditions of the Komi people and Yu.F. Kharuzin was offered to try to work with birch bark, to teach this skill to schoolchildren. Since that time, Yuri Fedorovich began to independently study the literature on decorative and applied art of the Komi, completed courses in teaching applied art in Syktyvkar. The desire to master applied art to perfection and pass on his knowledge and skills to children made Yuri Fedorovich learn from the honored masters of applied art of Komi M. Kochev and S. Overin. They showed not only how to work with birch bark and wood, but also what tool to use, how to make this tool yourself.

The work of master Kharuzin Yu. F.

Participation in exhibitions:

1996 - Rainbow of joy. Pechora Museum of Local History

1997 - Teacher-student. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1998 - Pechora artisan. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1999 - Conference of the Komi people. GO "Leisure". Pechora.

2000 - Pechora autumn-2000. Pechora Museum of Local History.

Yurkevich Galina Pavlovna

Galina Pavlovna was born in 1950 in the village of Nyashabozh, Izhma district. After school, she chose the profession of a teacher. She graduated from the Komi department of preschool education at the Pedagogical College in Syktyvkar. Then for 20 years she worked as a teacher in kindergartens in Vuktyl and Pechora. Since the beginning of the 90s, Galina Pavlovna has been teaching at boarding school No. 8. She works as an ethnopedagogue, teaches Komi children how to speak, introduces them to folk toys, costumes, and folklore.

Under her leadership, thematic holidays are held, puppet shows are staged based on the mythology of the Komi people. Decorative and applied art G.P. Yurkevich has been studying since 1984. She became interested in sewing from scraps: belts, rugs, Komi toys. In 1993, she was so captivated by this occupation that making dolls becomes both her hobby and work. The doll is always with her: both at home and on the road. In the school puppet theater, Galina Pavlovna, together with her children, is studying the history of Komi puppets according to legends and fairy tales.

The work of master Yurkevich G.P.

In 1994, G. P. Yurkevich received a passport-certificate for the right to make dolls in Komi national clothes and sell them. She is a member of the Union of Masters of the Komi Republic. Every year her works participate in the exhibition "Master of the Year" in Syktyvkar.

The creative task of the master-applier is to adhere to folk traditions and at the same time create his own, new in decorative art.

Participation in exhibitions:

Since 1996 - a permanent participant of the republican exhibition "Master of the Year", "My Favorite Toy" of the Pechora Museum of Local History.

1996 - Rainbow of joy. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1996 - I Congress of Turkic peoples. Usinsk.

1996 - III Congress of the Izhma Association. Izhma.

1997 - Exhibition. Pechora Museum of Local History.

1997 - Teacher, educate a student. Syktyvkar.

1997 - Tree of life. Podporozhye.

1997 - Expo-97. Syktyvkar-Helsinki.

1997 - Patchwork mosaic. Syktyvkar.

1998 - Holiday toys. Moscow.

1998 - Pechora artisan. Syktyvkar.

1999 - Exhibition of industrial goods. Pechora. Palace of Sports "Jubilee"

2000 - Pechora autumn-2000. Pechora Museum of Local History.

Source for text and photo:
Small Encyclopedia of Pechora [Electronic resource]: history, culture, ecology. - Electron. text data. and Count. Dan. - Pechora: Pechora CBS, 2001. - 1 el. opt. disc (CD-R).

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