Distiller's mother biography. Vladimir Vinokur: biography, personal life, children, photos


The mother of a famous Russian artist died. Anna Yulievna left her relatives at the age of 97. Vladimir Natanovich honored the memory of the parent with a post on Instagram and the last declaration of love, the site says.

Vladimir Vinokur lost his mother

Vladimir Vinokur announced the tragic news - his 96-year-old mother Anna Yulyevna died. The artist wrote about this in his microblog and published a photograph in which he is depicted with the dearest woman in the world.

"Dear mommy! Love you! And I will always love you! FAREWELL DEAR!" (The spelling and paragraphs of the author have been preserved. - Note Ed.), - with such touching words, Vladimir Natanovich honored the memory of his parent.

In the picture, the artist and his mother smile radiantly, looking intently into the camera lens. Here Vladimir Vinokur is very similar to Anna Yulyevna. Unfortunately, now this photo will remind him of the bitterness of loss - his mother is no more, she will never smile again.

Photo: Instagram:@vladimir_vinokur

Honorary humorist and his family

What caused the woman's death is still unknown. Most likely, the death of Anna Yulyevna is purely biological. Fans express their sincere condolences and support to their idol.

By the way, Vladimir Vinokur is an honorary comedian, singer, TV presenter and teacher. In addition, he took part in such films as "Goldfish", "Matilda", "The Snow Queen", "Do not be afraid, I'm with you."

Photo: Instagram:@vladimir_vinokur

Vladimir is still faithful to his only wife, Tamara Pervakova, with whom he raised his daughter Anastasia. The artist also rejoices at his three-year-old grandson Fedor.

Recall that recently the star of the series "Streets of Broken Lights" passed away. The celebrity died at the age of 55. Lyudmila gained fame thanks to her roles in films such as Streets of Broken Lights and Secrets of the Investigation.

Photo: Instagram:@vladimir_vinokur

We express our sincere condolences to the families, friends and fans of the departed. May the earth rest in peace for them.

Vladimir Vinokur - biography

The ability to make an audience laugh is a rare and valuable gift. It’s not for nothing that someone up there protects Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur so much, prompting the right decisions at the right time and leading him away from trouble ...

Childhood and family of Vladimir Vinokur

Vladimir Vinokur was born on March 31, 1948 in Kursk into a Jewish family of a builder and teacher.

The creative biography of Vladimir Vinokur began in childhood. Little Volodya was very fond of singing. He was not shy when dad put him on a stool, and mom announced to the guests: “Vladimir Vinokur is singing.” But millions of boys and girls participate in home concerts, and only a few become folk artists.

It never occurred to the parents that their son could be seriously carried away by the stage. Dad, Natan Lvovich, was engaged in construction, was a big boss, a deputy. Mom, Anna Yulyevna, worked as an honored teacher, taught Russian language and literature. Both dreamed that Volodya would study as an engineer, eventually head a shock construction site and become in his native Kursk the same respected person as his father. It was only upsetting that the son did not show much zeal for study.

When my mother was appointed class teacher, Volodya was delighted - he thought life would become easier and more fun. But Anna Yulyevna immediately made it clear: there will be a special demand from him, God forbid, there will be talk that he is given grades “by pull”. And although the boy now knew literature for five plus, the exact sciences were still not given to him.

At school, Volodya participated in amateur performances. The love of singing for Volodya Vinokur came by inheritance - everyone in the Vinokur family loved music!

Volodya, of course, was not forbidden to sing. Mom herself took her son to the choir of the House of Pioneers, where he soon became a soloist. In 1962, 14-year-old Volodya received a ticket to Artek. He distinguished himself there too - he won a song contest and received an award from the hands of Yuri Gagarin himself. And soon Semyon Dunayevsky, who came to Artek with his choir, found him. The metropolitan master really liked the boy, and he decided to give him advice ... to stop singing. He explained that the mutation must be waited out so as not to plant the ligaments forever.

When Vinokur returned home, the parents did not understand what had happened - the son said that he was giving up singing. The father decided: the hobby had passed, it was time for the offspring to take up his mind. After the 8th grade, Volodya went to a construction college. During the practice, Natan Lvovich took him to him; for educational purposes, he put his son in the most difficult areas - he was a plasterer, a carpenter, and a bricklayer.

Vladimir Vinokur - education

After three years of such “hard labor”, Vladimir realized that it was time to change something. Everything was in order with the voice, and without waiting for the diploma. Vinokur went to enter GITIS. And after all, it almost turned out - I passed the creative tours, only I could not present my certificate. The young man was on the verge of despair. Only years later did he realize: “Everything that happens is for the best!” This phrase became his motto for life.

After the failure at GITIS, Vladimir was on the verge of depression, and then a summons to the army came. And at that moment the guardian angel covered him with his wing: Vinokur was called to the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Military District. For two years he sang and led concerts. He even had a chance to perform at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses!

Having honed his skills at army concerts, Vladimir effortlessly became a student of GITIS. The series of luck continued: he was hired by the circus - to sing in the program "Towards a Dream". I received at that time not a little - 100 rubles! But the main plus was the acquaintance with Yuri Nikulin. Looking at the great comedian, the young man realized that he really wanted not to sing, but to amuse the audience. When Vinokur had already become a famous artist, Nikulin jokingly reproached him: “Boy, you deceived me. He said you want to become a singer, but he became a clown.

Vladimir Vinokur - biography of personal life

While still a student, Vladimir began to sing in the Moscow operetta. It was here that he met his love. Ballerinas took part in the play "Don't Hit the Girls". How he liked them! Behind the scenes, Vladimir constantly laughed, told stories. Only one girl didn't laugh. She generally tried not to look in his direction, and if she addressed, then at “you”, although he was only 5 years older than her. But here's the paradox - he liked Tamara Pervakova more than the others. When Vladimir tried to kiss her, she became embarrassed and ran away. This inexperience, defenselessness in her and bribed.

After the institute, Vinokur was invited to the Moscow theater, but the residence permit was a condition for employment. Then Tamara, who got a 2-room apartment in the capital from her grandmother, proposed a fictitious marriage. Vladimir admitted that he truly loves her. "I'll try to believe you," Tamara replied. She called him “you” until the very wedding. They got married in 1974 and have been happily married ever since.

Vladimir Vinokur - career

Fulfilling the promise given to the bride to become rich and famous, Vinokur began his path to fame. In 1975, he joined the Gems ensemble, which was popular in those years. At concerts, he allowed himself liberties - instead of approved songs, he made parodies of famous singers. Get away with it - after all, the public liked the numbers!

The decision to go to the Mosconcert and master the colloquial genre turned out to be the right one: funny monologues made Vladimir famous. And in 1989, 41-year-old Vinokur received the title of People's Artist.

Vladimir Vinokur - miraculously did not die

The guardian angel reminded of himself regularly. In the summer of 1986, Vinokur had to travel by sea from Novorossiysk to Sochi. But Lev Leshchenko, with whom he was supposed to perform, was urgently summoned to Moscow. Vladimir did not want to go alone and stayed in Novorossiysk for a day. And in the morning I learned from the newspapers about the catastrophe: the ship collided with a dry cargo ship and sank. Hundreds of people died, and Vinokur could be one of them.

in 1987, during a concert in Afghanistan, shelling began. The first shell did not reach the hangar where the artists were performing, the second one flew over, but the explosion was strong. All the speakers fell onto the stage, covering their heads with their hands, only Vinokur remained standing. Then the military, patting on the shoulder, called him a hero, and he was just in shock and did not know what to do.

And in January 1992, during a tour in Germany, the car in which Vladimir Natanovich was driving had a terrible accident. Saved only by the fact that he was in the back seat. More than 20 years have passed, but the artist still remembers this nightmare in detail: “We drove under one hundred and fifty kilometers. But I was calm - for Germany, this is normal. And suddenly the car flew out onto the ice. It spun and spun and crashed into an oak tree with its left side. The driver died, his fiancee, who was traveling with us, had a fracture of the spine. At that moment, I didn’t think anything - a painful shock!

When the crippled artist was taken to the clinic, German doctors promised that he would live, but they advised him to forget about the stage - well, what artist is without a leg? “So the Germans said: “Kaput on the right leg! We must cut!” - and they have already begun to prepare me for the operation, ”Vinokur recalls with horror. Thanks to Iosif Kobzon, he was transferred to a Russian military hospital, and after 3 months he was on his feet. He recovered for a long and difficult time, and when he was able to walk normally, he came to the same German doctors and performed “Gypsy Girl” for them. They couldn't believe their eyes.

A few years later, Vladimir Natanovich, along with other artists of the Full House, was supposed to perform on the ship. But even at the start I felt bad. Friends practically forcibly took him to a hospital in Nizhny Novgorod, where Vinokur was diagnosed with purulent appendicitis. If he had stayed with everyone on the ship, they would not have had time to save him.

The artist has long understood that the main thing in life is not money, apartments and cars. Having found himself on the verge of death several times, he learned to enjoy the little things: the gentle sun, the fresh wind, the laughter of his grandson Fedya, who was given to him by his daughter Nastya last year. “Life is short, hurry up to do something good,” the artist advises and reinforces his words with deeds, giving us precious minutes of laughter.

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur is a Soviet and Russian comic artist, singer, founder and artistic director of the Parody Theatre, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1989).

On March 31, 1948, Kurskaya Pravda informed readers that a hero boy was born in the city maternity hospital. The weight of the newborn is 4 kg. This hero was Vladimir Vinokur. The boy was born and grew up in a friendly family. Father, Natan Lvovich Vinokur, managed a construction trust, mother, Anna Yulyevna, taught Russian language and literature at school. Vladimir's ancestors were Jews and Ukrainians.

The artist recalls that his older brother Boris was spoiled more because he was a cheerful and energetic child. And Volodya is a chubby boy with crooked legs, a silent man by nature. As a child, Volodya often played alone, because his feet were buried in special sand for medicinal purposes. By the age of 14, the teenager had changed dramatically - he became sociable, constantly laughed and joked.

At school, Volodya studied without enthusiasm. But in the 4th grade, Vinokur's mother became the class teacher, the boy was forced to catch up in his studies. Vladimir knew Russian literature for all six points, so that his mother would not have to blush for him.

The future comedian had a trusting relationship with his father. The boy told secrets, shared problems, asked for advice. In the Vinokour family, the father was jokingly called the chief director.

The biography of Vladimir Vinokur has been associated with music since childhood. The boy sang well, so his parents enrolled him in the choir of the House of Pioneers. At the first competition, the team with soloist Vinokur took first place, and the boy was awarded a trip to Artek. In the pioneer camp, Volodya again took part in the competition for the best performance of a military song. Vinokur sang the work of Vano Muradeli "Buchenwald alarm" and became the first. The young artist was awarded by a specially invited person.

In the same place, Semyon Dunaevsky drew attention to a talented guy. The conductor advised me to take a break in vocals until the age of seventeen, until the breakdown of the voice ends. The guy listened to Dunaevsky's advice. Parents did not understand why the son stopped singing, Vladimir was persuaded, punished, forbidding him to play on the street. As a result, the father said, they say, if you don’t want to sing, you will enter the construction college. Vladimir did just that. After college, the young man worked at a construction site, and at home he studied vocals with teachers. This was useful to him in the army - Vinokur performed with the ensemble of the Moscow Military District.

In 1969, Vladimir sent documents to GITIS - at that time the young man was still serving in the army. The applicant successfully passed all creative competitions and became a first-year student.


When Vladimir studied at the 4th year of GITIS, the director of the capital's operetta theater invited the young man to the theater troupe. Vinokur worked in this team for two years and played many roles.

In 1989, the artist founded the Parody Theater of Vladimir Vinokur. Eight years later, the theater was given the status of a state theater. Within the walls of this institution, the productions of “I'm leaving alone ...”, “Is there an extra ticket”, “Wine-Show-Cours” were successfully staged. Vladimir Vinokur worked for many years with and other comedians.


The creative biography of Vladimir Vinokur continued to develop. His singing career began in 1975 in the popular Gems group. The pianist Mikhail Bank recommended him there. Two years later, the artist became the winner of the All-Russian competition and thought about a solo career.

In 1977, Vladimir moved to work as a soloist of the Mosconcert. Vladimir Vinokur performed at the largest venues in Russia, including the Kremlin Palace. The singer participated in concerts with, and other masters of the Soviet stage. At that time, Vladimir Vinokur was one of the few artists who toured in Germany, America, Belgium, Mexico and other countries.

His latest song project is the duet "Levchik and Vovchik". Vinokur and Leshchenko first performed together at the anniversary. Since then, their singing tandem has been popular with the public. The songs of Vladimir Vinokur fell in love with the audience.

A television

By the end of the 70s, the artist began to be regularly invited to television broadcasts. The comedian performed in the programs “Around Laughter” and “New Year's Attraction”, popular at that time. Parodies and monologues by Vladimir Vinokur were his calling card. Among the characters of Vinokur, the most popular were the singer Grigory Dolgolob, the performer of the Passing Song, the stuttering neuropathologist, Sashok, who became famous for the phrase “There will be a surprise!”. With the participation of the artist, the concert films "On the Stage Vladimir Vinokur", "In the Circle of Friends", "Invitation to the Evening" were released.

Popular love and recognition came to the comedian after the release of the Full House program, in which he participated for many years. On the air of the show, Vladimir Vinokur repeatedly performed in the sketches "Sclerosis for Two", "Throws of Fate", "Dugout", "New Russians". At national concerts, the artist performed the monologues "Teshenka", "Zaika", "In the clinic", "Viagra", as well as parodies of, Lev Leshchenko,. In 2014, on the air of the Full House program, another monologue of the artist Mikhalych and mat was released about the love of a plumber for strong expressions.

In 1985-86 Vinokur appeared on the screens as a co-host of the programs "Once Upon a Fall" and "Once Upon a Winter". Parodies by Vladimir Vinokur often sound on the air of radio stations. The artist participated in the program “Good morning!”, Conducted the radio programs “Baby Monitor”, “You, Me and the Song”. On the Humor TV channel, collections are regularly released, compiled from the best performances of Vinokur.


The cinematic career of the artist began in 1975. Vladimir played the episodic role of a court actor in the comedy anthology "Au-u!". At the working site, Vinokur was lucky to work with,.

Six years later, the artist was invited to the adventure musical film "Don't be afraid, I'm with you!" to record the vocal parts of the two main characters. The film was broadcast on Azerbaijani television, and the songs were released as a double disc at the Melodiya recording studio.

In the early 90s, director Valentin Khovenko invited the pop artist to play the lead role in the comedy Pistol with a Silencer about the escape of the mentally ill from an American clinic. Vinokur became partners in the work site, and.

In 1992, while in Germany, Vladimir Vinokur was in a serious car accident that claimed the lives of two of the artist's friends who were in the cabin at the time of the incident. Vladimir received multiple leg fractures. After the consultation, German doctors offered the humorist an operation to amputate one leg. Vinokur came to the rescue. The singer agreed with the Russian military hospital about the operation for Vladimir Natanovich. Two years after the treatment, Vinokur was already able to walk, later the functions of his legs were fully restored.

In the late 90s, the artist appeared in the film "Military Field Romance", and in 2003 he played the main robber in the musical New Year's film based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", where the stars of Russian show business shone,. Wrote music for the film.

In the late 2000s, Vladimir Vinokur's filmography was replenished with participation in two films - "Goldfish" and "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors".

In 2010, on behalf of the Foundation for the Support of Culture and Art, Vladimir Vinokur came up with the idea of ​​creating a high-budget historical drama. He was invited as a director and co-producer of the picture. Work on the film was carried out for 7 years and came to an end.

Personal life

With his wife, ballerina Tamara Pervakova, the comedian met at the children's play "Don't Hit the Girls." Vinokur, whose height is 176 cm, played a loser, and Pervakov - a clockwork doll. The artist liked the girl: Tamara was serious and strict, immediately stopped the courtship of the young man. But Vinokur did not give up - he set the table in the hostel, invited the girl and began to pester her. Pervakova cried and left. Vladimir ran after him to apologize and reassure. At that moment, as Vinokur admits, something happened in his soul.

Tamara Pervakova was special. Before the wedding, the girl called the groom "you". June 8, 1974 Vladimir and Tamara became husband and wife. The wedding took place in the concert hall "Russia". Since then, the personal life of Vladimir Vinokur has been inextricably linked with Tamara. The spouses rarely quarreled, except perhaps because the wife did not cook well, and the comedian always loved to eat deliciously. Over time, Pervakova learned to cook, but as soon as culinary delights appeared in the home kitchen, Vinokur decided to lose weight.

For a long time, the couple did not have children. Daughter Nastya was born when Tamara was 32 years old, and Vladimir was already 37. To take care of the child and the home, Pervakova left the ballet.

Nastya followed in the footsteps of her mother - in 2003 the girl graduated from the choreographic academy and now works at the Bolshoi Theater. The artist's husband was music producer Grigory Matveevichev. On December 10, 2015, Vladimir Vinokur became a grandfather - his grandson Fedor was born.

Vladimir is satisfied with his personal life. The artist admits that a sense of humor and frequent tours strengthened the marriage, because the longer Vladimir was not at home, the more he was drawn there. Vinokur loves guests, so he tries to arrange holidays with feasts more often and invite friends.

Vladimir Vinokur now

Now Vinokur can be seen in the programs "Crooked Mirror" and "Humorina". Together with the artists of the Parody Theater, as well as colleagues from the troupe, Vladimir pleases fans every week on the air of the Russia-1 TV channel. In 2017, the artist took part in the filming of a documentary about his colleague and friend Muslim Magomayev. At the end of August, Vinokur visited sunny Baku, where he performed at a creative evening as part of the Heat-2017 festival.


  • "Culinary School Instructor"
  • "One for all"
  • "Grey Wolf Sports Observations"
  • "Sclerosis for two"
  • "No one will leave us alive"
  • "New Russians"
  • "Photographer"
  • "Dugout"
  • "You can't buy health"
  • "Marriage Agency"
  • "Psychiatrist"

The famous humorist Vladimir Vinokur announced the death of his mother Anna Yulyevna.

"Dear mommy! Love you! And I will always love you! Farewell, dear!" Vinokur wrote in an Instagram post.

"My condolences! Brace yourself, Volodya! Kingdom of heaven to your mother! We will never forget her! She will always be with you in your heart. I'm writing from an airplane, I'm taking off now. There, in the clouds, I am mentally with you, ”the humorist wrote.

Recall that Petrosyan is in the midst of a difficult divorce process with. The couple filed counterclaims against each other for the division of jointly acquired property. On Monday, August 13, the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow will start hearing the parties.

Vinokur always treated his mother with trepidation and maintained a very close relationship with her all his life. Anna Yulyevna almost never missed her son's concerts and often attended events with his participation.

Vinokur has repeatedly said that he owes his sense of humor to his mother.

“She is a real optimist. I don't understand how you can stay like that at her age. I take an example from her and learn to be the same, ”admitted the humorist.

Last year, Anna Yulievna celebrated her 95th birthday with her family in a Moscow restaurant. Vladimir Vinokur himself and his daughter Anastasia published photos from the celebration. Many subscribers drew attention to how good Anna Yulyevna looked at her venerable age.

“And you have not aged at all, only your heads have turned a little whiter! – the ballerina wrote in social networks. - My wealth, support and support in life! The oldest in the family! Our queen, teacher in every sense Anya - 95 years old! And Vladimir Vinokur is the best son, brother, father, husband, and grandfather! And a friend! Love you! Long summers.

In 2015, Anastasia gave birth to a son, Fedor. According to the stories of Vladimir Natanovich, the appearance about his grandson and great-grandson Anna Yulyevna changed the life of the whole large family.

“With the advent of Fedya, my daughter and I are constantly in touch - it happens, and I’ll dial her three times a day,” quotes the artist. - It's good that he and Grisha live nearby: if I'm not on tour, then I call every evening - they say, are you still awake? And then I’ll drop by to play with Fedka. I come, he crawls out to meet me - and that's it, I'm going crazy with love.

Vladimir Vinokur is the second child in the family. He was born in Kursk on March 31, 1948. His elder brother Boris was born in 1944. The father of the future artist Natan Lvovich Vinokur worked as a builder, and his mother worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature and received the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR.

Vinokur graduated from GITIS in 1975, and combined his studies at the university with work in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. In 1974, he was invited to the popular ensemble "Gems", where at the performances of the group he went on stage with a parody number, speaking in the voices of famous people - Vladimir Vysotsky,.

In 1989, the artist founded the Vladimir Parody Theater, which he still manages. In the same year, the comedian received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Vinokur was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor in 1990, the Order of Douzhba in 2013, and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, in 2018.

Vladimir Vinokur is talented in many ways: he has an excellent voice and acting talent, he can act as a presenter and parodist. All these abilities are reflected in his creative biography, thanks to which Vinokur became a universal entertainer.

Speaking at the head of the Parody Theater, he still finds time to participate in television shows and music festivals. The 69-year-old humorist enjoys doing what he loves, he does not get tired of joking and feels 30 years younger.

Development of vocal abilities in childhood and adolescence

The future humorist was born in 1948 in Kursk. He owes his surname to his great-grandfathers, who were engaged in distillation. His parents are Jewish, but there are also Ukrainian roots: his father worked in a construction company, and his mother worked as a school teacher for many years. Vladimir also has an older brother, Boris.

In the photo, Vladimir Vinokur in childhood.

The future artist grew up as a calm and silent child, however, by the age of 14 he had changed. The young man began to easily communicate with his peers and constantly joke. His love for singing arose in his early school years, and it was then that his parents enrolled him in the choir, where the boy was able to develop his vocal abilities. Having visited Artek, the best soloist of the choir successfully performed there at an international competition, deserving the title of laureate. On the advice of his parents, 15-year-old Vinokur entered a technical school, after which he worked for some time at a construction site. When the time came to serve in the army, the young man became the soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Military District, where he honed his vocal abilities. Soon, the future parodist managed to fulfill his dream, having successfully passed the exams at GITIS.

Versatile creative career

During his studies, a talented student performed at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, and in his last year he got into the operetta theater, where he played many roles. In 1975, Vladimir for some time went on stage with members of the ensemble "Gems". Speaking with a monologue "About the foreman Kovalchuk" at the All-Russian competition of pop artists, he received a lot of admiring words, after which he thought about professional growth. In 1977, the artist was admitted to the Mosconcert. He performed with humoresques and parodies on the stage of the Variety Theatre, the Palace of Congresses and other significant objects of the country. At that time, Vinokur toured a lot, also visiting many European cities. In 1989, the artist began to manage his own parody theater, which is still a success with the audience.

Comedian at a young age...

The parodist got on television back in the 70s, when such programs as "Around Laughter" and "New Year's Attraction" appeared on the screens. It is not surprising that the army of his fans soon increased, who fell in love with such heroes as neuropathologist, singer Grigory Dolgolob, drunken poet Anatoly Blagoveshchensky and others. Vladimir also played on the theater stage and starred in popular Russian TV series (“Pistol with a Silencer”, “The Snow Queen”, “Golden Fish” and others). However, he gained the greatest popularity among the general public after filming in the TV show "Full House", where he took part in the sketches "New Russians", "Sclerosis for Two", "Dugout" and others. In 2018, the artist continues to perform in the humorous TV shows "Crooked Mirror" and "Humorina".

Strong family union

Vinokur met his future wife, actress Tamara Pervakova, while still studying at the university. At that time, the 26-year-old student worked at the Operetta Theater, where the 20-year-old girl was a ballet dancer. He began courting Tamara, and in 1974 they got married. The couple dreamed of children for a long time, but their only daughter Anastasia was born only in 1985.

In the photo, Vladimir Vinokur with his family: wife, daughter and son-in-law. Instagram vladimir_vinokur.

The upbringing of the baby was mainly done by his wife, since the artist devoted a lot of time to his career. The girl followed in the footsteps of her mother and graduated from the academy of choreography. Now the ballerina works at the Bolshoi Theater and devotes a lot of time to her family: her husband, music producer Grigory Matveyevichev, and son Fedor, who was born at the end of 2015. The grandson completely changed the life of the comedian and his wife, who doted on the boy. Vinokur still gives his wife flowers and says words of love to her. The artist does not forget his old friends who come to his house for family holidays and anniversaries.

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