Mathematical KVN will prepare a kindergarten group. Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group dow


Musical KVN for children of the preparatory group

Scenario of an intellectual and entertaining event for children of the seventh year of life

A detailed summary of a musical lesson in the form of KVN

Competition "Representation of teams"
Musical director:

And now I propose to get to know our teams better. I invite the team "Ozorniki" to present. Children run out.
Look at these beautiful faces.
These are our mischievous and mischievous.

Introducing the Mischievous team:
Today there will be jokes in the hall. All: That's good!
Laughter, smiles, jokes. All: We are all lucky!

Nothing to grumble and get angry,
Let's have fun!

We nerds have this rule:
All: Feel free to stand up for a friend!
Team "Ozorniki" performs "Song of Friends", music by V. Gerchik.
We'll be together today
Songs to sing and dance.
We'll be together today
Win in KVN.

"Naughty" funny
And very cute.
Support us in the game.
All: Guys, we are great!
The musical director thanks the guys for their performance and invites the "Naughty" team to perform.
Musical director:
These rascals did not come to us from a book.
They are from our kindergarten. We must greet them!

Representation of the team "Naughty:
"Naughty" sends greetings to everyone!
Our friendly team is not.

Here, of course, all friends:
Kolya, Liza, Vova, me!
The "Naughty" team performs "The Song of Friendship", music by Y. Rozhavskaya.
We are playing KVN for the first time.
We are a little worried. Support us.

And then, we will certainly win in KVN.
After all, we are serious guys, at least a little naughty.

Long live smiles and cheerful laughter!
The best cure for all diseases.

All who are sad, all who are gloomy,
And ready to cry
Come for a cure
From a bad mood!
Musical director:
The presentation of the teams took place.
The teams get ready for the warm-up.

Competition "Warm-up"
Musical director:

We start the workout.
In the first part of our warm-up
Real teasers.

Children take turns running to the middle of the hall and shouting funny poems, pretending to tease their rivals.

Crybaby, wax, shoe polish,
Hot pancake on the nose.
It's not good to cry
You can catch a cold.

Lenchik - donut,
Ate a candy bar
Piglet and bull
I drank a barrel of milk!

Bass drum!
Who is playing on it?
All: Red cockroach!

Your Andryusha-karapuz.
I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandma is arguing
Andryusha refuses:
This, grandma, is not me,
This is your kitty!

And your Vanya is simplicity.
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

Fedya - redya ate a bear.
I ate a lamb early in the morning.
I ate a frog for a snack.
Eat goose! All: Oh, I'm afraid!

Petya rode a bull
Balalaika in hand.
The balalaika fell
The bull's leg was broken.

salted hawk,
boiled on a pot,
upholstered in cones,
To not be angry.

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move
The neck does not turn
And I want to laugh.

Put on a big cap
Eat a lot of bread
Grow up to the sky!

Musical director:
This "Warm-up" does not end there.

Competition "Warm-up" (second part)
The second part of this competition is dancing, playing.
The soundtrack of the song "Fun to Mom" ​​from the musical collection "Favorite Vacations" sounds, music by K. Busygin. Children improvise dance and game movements.

Each team in turn depicts how they ride horses, fly eagles, so that mom would have fun. At the end of the song, the children dance together.

Jury summarizes the results of the first two competitions.
For a victory, an emoticon of the corresponding color is attached to the magnetic board under the name of the team.
After the announcement of the results of the competition, the next task is the first to be performed by the winning team.
The music director announces the next competition.

Competition "Know the melody"
The captains approach the table and choose any of the flowers, on the reverse side of which there is a number that determines which piece of music the team will characterize. Despite the fact that only two teams participate in KVN, more musical works are being prepared for listening. This is necessary in order to preserve the intrigue, not to extinguish the spirit of competition. The captains announce the number on their flower. The list of musical works and their verbal description are kept by the jury and the music director. .
The musical director performs a piece of music or puts on the desired soundtrack corresponding to the sounded number.

After listening to the work, the children of the team raise their hands to name the work and the composer, to give a verbal description of the music. It is desirable to use works of different musical genres, contrasting in nature.

The following works were used in this competition:
1. "Clowns", Kabalevsky Dmitry Borisovich. The music is cheerful, mischievous, playful, sunny, humorous, light, fast, jerky.

2. "Lullaby", Sviridov Georgy Vasilyevich. The music is gentle, soft, smooth, calm, lulling, quiet, kind.

3. "March of wooden soldiers", Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich. The music is sonorous, marching, courageous, loud, abrupt, joyful, clear, perky.

Parents of the children of this team can join to help. For each correct answer, the team receives a smiley. Wrong answers do not count.
After all the answers, the opponents can express their additions and receive a smiley.
The jury is watching very carefully so that the children do not repeat the answers of others.
At the end of the competition, the jury announces the results. The required number of emoticons is added to the magnetic board.

"Contest of Captains"
The captains sing Andrey Usachev's comic songs: "What are the pillows" and "Eh!".

First, the Captains evaluate each other. For example: Anton sang a song joyfully (fun, mischievous, good, excellent, loud - quiet).
He smiled. I liked (disliked) the way he sang the song.
Then the performance is commented by the jury.

First of all, the jury evaluates the emotionality of the performance. Then, how correctly the children described each other's performance.
Captains can add one to two emoticons to their team.

Competition "Homework"
Musical director:
: The next contest is "Homework".
Competition theme: songs
Children perform songs that have been learned and staged in advance with the help of the music director and educators of the group.

"Mischievous" stage the song of Andrey Usachev "Merry Mouse".
Children become a semicircle. In the center is a toy piano.
Children - soloists portray the Mouse, the Owner and the Tuner of the Instruments.

"Naughty" sing Andrey Usachev's song "A Piglet Rode at Dawn".
The choir stands in a group in the right corner of the hall. Piglet and Pig come out on the left.
They are dressed as described in the song: a plaid suit, a flower panama hat on their heads, and white gloves on their “hooves”.

In the center is a children's car, which Piglet will sit in to ride.
This competition evaluates the artistry and emotionality of the performance.

Musical director:
We have music and laughter at KVN.
I invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the fun.
Fairy Domisolka appears to the music.
Fairy Domisolka:
Fairy Domisolka I.
Hello my friends!
I want to make friends with you
Dance and have fun.
Girlfriends - notes, hurry up.
Start your presentation. Girls run out - Notes:
We are cheerful notes
Everyone is louder and friendlier.
In the circle of fervent musicians
We invite all friends.

What are we called, you ask!?
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si!

All melodies and songs
Both on stage and in the orchestra
They always consist of notes.
Even the cat knows it.

Notes perform the song "Magic Seven", music by V. Rubashevskaya.
Musical director:
You sang a wonderful song now.
Rejoice with the mischievous dance of all of us.
To the soundtrack of the song "Domisolka", the notes and the Fairy perform the "Mischievous Dance".

Competition "Guess and name"
Fairy Domisolka:

My girlfriends never get bored: they dance, they sing songs.
I won't let you get bored either. I invite you to play.
This competition is held by Fairy Domisolka.
The winning team lines up with their backs to a table with musical instruments.

The music director plays any children's musical instrument. Fairy Domisolka randomly touches the children with her magic wand. The child who was touched, without turning, calls the musical instrument.
The game is repeated with the other team.
The jury takes into account the number of correct answers.

Competition "We are all musicians!"
Fairy Domisolka:

Tools you learned
But they didn't play.
I announce the final competition: "We are all musicians!"

Speech of the team "Ozorniki":
There is a little bit of everything in our orchestra.
There are drums and tambourines and spoons.

We have a metallophone.
I really like him.

We learned to play
Now let's perform.

We know a lot of melodies.
"Ah, you canopy" we will play for you.
Children perform in the orchestra the Russian melody "Ah, you, canopy."

Performance of the team "Naughty":
There are countless instruments in our group:
Drum, guitar.

Funny music flows
Naughty, groovy.

I went up the hill
I found the song.
Children perform in the orchestra the Russian folk melody "I went up the hill."

Fairy Domisolka thanks the guys.
Musical director:
: The final competition has come to an end.
While our esteemed jury is summing up, I propose to arrange a fun disco with Fairy Domisolka.
Children dance freely to cheerful modern music.

The jury sums up.
It is desirable that friendship wins at the end of the competition.
To do this, the jury gives the teams additional emoticons for the will to win, for solidarity and friendship, for creativity and ingenuity.

Natalya Gukova
KVN in the preparatory group of the kindergarten

Integrated lesson "KVN in the preparatory group of kindergarten"


Continue to teach children constructive thinking: build transport from wooden blocks according to imagination.

To fix the concept of "set", "combined sets".

To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.


Emblems for each team

3 green hoops, 3 pink hoops, 3 sets of three-dimensional bodies of different shapes and colors, the same for each team

3 rackets, 21 dice. 4 dice for team 1 with the letters mlo, for team 2 - kshaa, for team 3 - lsia.

Color signs, 9 plates, red circle, green triangle, blue square, jump ropes (blue, green, red, yellow - for each team.

Pictures of a car, plane, ship; building kit for each team.

Medals, certificates


Children come out to cheerful music and stand near their seats.

Vedas: Hello, dear parents and dear children! Today we have gathered in the club of the cheerful and resourceful.

Jokes, laughter, question, answer

The whole world knows that game

Children: KVN.

Educator: Well, it's time for us to start,

We want to wish you

To laugh and joke

Children: in KVN.

Educator: So that there is no sadness

So that you answer everything

So that the jury was satisfied

Children: in KVN.

Reb 1: Hello friends.

Today we have a special, unusual day.

We have prepared a fun and interesting KVN.

Reb 2: And so that everyone likes this KVN,

You need to show solid knowledge,

Be cheerful and resourceful.

Vedas: As in every game in KVN, we have a jury, let me introduce it ...

Three teams take part in our game.

Representation of teams, motto

Vedas: It's no secret that any KVN begins with a warm-up. And so we begin the warm-up. Each team will be asked a question in turn. You need to think carefully and answer it as quickly as possible, and most importantly correctly.

Warm up:

1How many ears do two hedgehogs have?

2 How many tails do four cats have?

3How many noses do three elephants have?

1How many nuts are in the empty glass?

2Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

3 If the tree is higher than the bush, then the bush ... (below the tree

1 If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil ... (shorter than the ruler)

2 If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ... (thinner than the rope)

3 If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger than the sister)

Vedas: The teams coped with the task. We ask the jury to sum up.

Moderator: Our next task is to merge sets. You need to determine whether the sets are merged or not. Girls play first. :

In a pink hoop - all yellow figures. What figures were placed? Why?

In the green circle - all the figures that do not have corners. What pieces are placed in the green hoop? Why? Are your sets merging? Why? What unites them?

Now the boys are playing

In a pink hoop - all the cubes. What figures were placed? Why?

In the green hoop - all the balls. What pieces are placed in the green hoop? Why? Are your sets merging? Why?

We ask the jury to evaluate our teams.

Our next task will be the relay race. Each team has a bowl of dice in front of them. You need to put the cube on the racket and move it over the marked line without dropping it.

One, two, three, pick up the racket!

We ask the jury to evaluate not only the speed, but also the accuracy with which the cubes were transferred.

If the teams look carefully, they will see that something is drawn on some of the cubes. (letters) What letters?

You need to make 1 word from these letters.

What words did you get?

We ask the jury to sum up.

Presenter: The next competition is reading diagrams by the method of elimination and drawing up geometric shapes. And his captains will begin. The captains need to guess what color the figure is hidden under the third plate. The teams need to choose the rope of the desired color as soon as possible and, holding the rope with their hands, make a figure that the captain will guess. Only 3 colors (blue, green, red). The captain of team “1” reads the diagram first. What color is this? And here? Why? Under the plate is a red circle. What color will you take the jump rope? Children make a red circle.

The captain of team "2" reads the scheme. What color is here? And here? Why? Under the plate is a green triangle. What color will you take the jump rope? Children make a green triangle without letting go of the rope from their hands.

The captain of team "3" reads the scheme. What color is here? And here? Why? Under the plate is a blue square. What color will you take the jump rope? Children do, without releasing the rope from their hands, a blue square.

We ask the jury to sum up the competition and announce the intermediate results.

In the next competition, you need to name a number of objects or living creatures in one word.

1 Grasshopper, fly, dragonfly, Maybug (insects)

2 Sparrow, dove, waxwing, magpie ... (winter birds)

3 Nightingale, oriole, cuckoo, swallow ... (migratory birds)

1 Spruce, pine, birch, willow ... (trees)

2 Rose, tulip, aster, gladiolus ... (garden, flowers)

3 "Cherry, strawberry, currant, gooseberry, watermelon" (berries)

1 "House, barn, hut, skyscraper" (building).

2 "Brother, sister, grandmother, aunt, father" (relatives).

3 "Pencil, notebook, paper, pen, sketchbook" (stationery).

1 "Train, bike, plane, car, ship" (transport).

2 "Igor, Sergey, Ivan, Kirill" (male names).

3 "Table, bed, wardrobe, chair, armchair" (furniture).

We ask the jury to summarize the results of the competition.

The next competition is called "Numbers in a Row"

Each member of the team has a number from 1 to 7. While the music is playing, you are dancing, as soon as the music has died down, you need to line up with your team as quickly as possible in order from 1 to 7.

The second time during the dance, the children change numbers, and then line up from 7 to 1.

We ask the jury to sum up.

And in the next game, we invite not only team members, but also spectators to take part

Listen to little stories. If you hear a syllable or the word "three", then clap your hands once.

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside (clapping).

Small fish were seen

And not one, but THREE (clapping).

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait THREE (clapping) hours.

But managed during this time

I have a haircut (clapping) and sleep.

Dreaming boy hardened

Become an Olympic champion

LOOK (clap! At the start, do not be cunning (clap).

And wait for the team 1,2,3 (clapping).

And our last task is called "Construction of transport." Guys, what transport do you know? And what is it for? So now we will build transport with you. Now the captains will see what kind of transport you need to build.

1. Ship

3. Plane

Your task is to build this transport so that the opposing team guesses what type of transport it is. What did you get? What type of transport (water, land, air) does your building belong to? Why?

The jury sums up.

Host: Well, our competition has come to an end. Guys, what do you think was the most difficult? What did you do with ease?

Team awards

Related publications:

Spring has come to us ”(integrated lesson in the second younger group of kindergarten). Irina Alyokhina "Spring has come to us" (integrated.

"Gift from Masha and Misha." Integrated speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten"Gift from Masha and Misha" (integrated speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten)

"Journey to the senior group" (an integrated lesson in the middle group of the kindergarten).

“Journey to the Land of Knowledge” (an integrated lesson in the senior group of the kindergarten) Author: Alyokhina Irina Valerievna, teacher of the first.

Natalia Tikhonenko
Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group

Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group

Target: consolidation of acquired knowledge in a playful way.



To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the sequence of days of the week;

Fix the composition of the numbers 8 and 9 from two smaller numbers;

Strengthen the ability of children to solve examples for addition.


Activate memory and attention;

Develop logical thinking and ingenuity;

Develop visual memory, ingenuity, imagination.


To create an emotionally positive attitude in children;

To cultivate respect for peers, a sense of empathy, mutual assistance, restraint;

To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.

Health saving tasks:

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health;

Help relieve fatigue and stress.

preliminary work:

Learning to count up to 20 and back;

Introduction to the composition of the number of two smaller numbers.

Dispensing material:

Image cards groups items for comparison;

Envelopes with geometric shapes;

Number houses.

2 teams participate preschool group each with 6 people. Each team has an emblem corresponding to the team name.

caregiver: Time moves, no right

We forget about it.

Business - time, hour - fun,

It's time to start KVN.

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and sit in their seats.

caregiver: Good afternoon, dear colleagues. We are glad to welcome you to our KVN « Mathematics is the queen of sciences» .

caregiver: I present to you the jury, which will help evaluate the completed tasks.

1 Kindergarten director…., 2. Kindergarten methodologist…3. A kindergarten teacher ….

Each contest will be worth 2 points. And now I want to introduce you to the teams that will participate in game:

1st team "CIRCLE"

Team captain: Cretsu Zahar

Our motto:

It's easier to decide and win!

2nd team "SQUARE"

Team captain: Artur Kiselev

Our motto:

Our "Square"

All sides are equal.

And all our guys

Friendship is strong.

caregiver: And now the teams will greet our guests


One two three four five,

We came here to play;

We will quickly shortchange you

We know mathematics!

caregiver: Teams! Attention!

We start the competition of the savvy,

resourceful, funny and friendly.

Each of you is required:

1. All tasks attentively listen and respond quickly.

2. Each of you must show resourcefulness, ingenuity and not let the team down.

caregiver: 1 contest - "Warm-up".

I ask each team questions that need to be answered quickly.

Circle: How many ears do two hedgehogs have?

Square: How many noses do three elephants have?

Circle Q: How many tails do four cats have?

Square: How many paws do two cubs have?

Circle: How many nuts are in the empty glass?

Square: What tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Circle Q: What is the name of the third day of the week?

Square: What day of the week comes after Thursday?

Circle: - What is the number that comes before the number 5?

Square: - What is the number that comes after 6?

Circle Q: What number is greater than 8 but less than 10?

Square Q: What number is less than 9 but greater than 7?

Circle: What are the single digit numbers?

Square: What are two-digit numbers?

2 contest - "Pick a Pair"


Each participant is given a mitten on which an example is written.

Exercise: Solve the example on your mitten and find the second mitten with the same answer. The colors of the mittens vary.

3 contest "Captain Contest"

caregiver: Captains, come to the board and do exercise: connect the dots together in order from 1 to 20 and name what you got.

Get started, and we will play a game with other team members "It happens - it doesn't happen"

You need to answer my questions with a full answer, not shout out, but raise your hand.

1. Is there a circle with three corners?

2. Does a squirrel with a squirrel have 4 tails?

3. Is a square round?

4. Do foxes and fox cubs have only 4 ears?

5. Does a hare have 4 paws?

6. The bunny went out for a walk,

The paws of the hare are straight. (not five, but four)

7. I have a dog

She has tails. (not 6, but 1)

Well done team, they did a good job, and we will check our captains.

4 contest "Number Houses"

caregiver: Number houses for each team are written on the easel. Each team member comes to the easel and writes the correct answer. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly gets 2 points.

Physical education minute

Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stamped 1,2,3 with their feet.

Hands clapped 1,2,3.

Reached up to the socks

Turned right, turned left

Everyone quietly sat down.

We close our eyes tightly

Let's count up to ten in Kazakh.

We open, blink and continue to work.

5 contest "Comparison"

caregiver: Teams receive cards with a picture groups of objects. You must put a greater than, less than or equal sign. The teams that completed the task pass the cards to the jury for evaluation.

6 contest " "Geometric Fantasy"

caregiver: Each team receives an envelope with geometric shapes. Exercise: collect an animal from them while the music is playing and describe your work. Music plays during the task (within 3 min)

caregiver: Our mathematical KVN came to an end. The floor is given to the jury to announce the results.

Friendship won.

I give medals to all participants of the game "To the best connoisseur mathematics» !

caregiver: We played today

Everyone's mood was lifted.

It's time for us to say goodbye

Goodbye friends! (leave).

Related publications:

Synopsis of GCD. Mathematical holiday "Saving the Queen of Mathematics" for children of the preparatory group for school Program content: Educational area: "Cognitive development". Integration with areas: "Social and communicative development",.

Synopsis of the GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the preparatory group "Mathematical KVN" Abstract of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the preparatory group. Mathematical KVN Educational.

Mathematical leisure for the preparatory group Mathematical leisure for the preparatory group Program content Improve counting skills within 10, teach, name and lay out.

Mathematical leisure in the preparatory school group "Adventures in the country of Mathematics" Program tasks: 1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about numbers within 10 and the place of each in a mathematical series. 2. Exercise children in discernment.

KVN in mathematics (FEMP) in the preparatory group for school

"Journey to the Realm of Mathematics"

MBDOU "Kindergarten KV No. 27"

Educator: Mitrokhina L.V.

Target :

Maintain children's interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing perseverance, determination, resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor. To bring joy and pleasure to children with educational games.

Learning tasks:

    Continue to develop the ability to solve arithmetic examples.

    To consolidate the ability of children to analyze and synthesize, constructive thinking: to build new, more complex ones according to a given contour from the simplest geometric shapes.

    Exercise in counting within 10, in the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.

    To consolidate knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.

    To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, months of the year, seasons.

    To consolidate the ability to distinguish between concepts: older - younger, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, higher - lower, wider - narrower.

    To consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes.

Development tasks:

    To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

    Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention.

    Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.

Educational tasks:

    To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.

    Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Preliminary work with children:

individual lessons, the study of geometric shapes; conversations about the seasons, about the days of the week; solving mathematical and logical problems; learning the composition of numbers; determining the time by the clock, guessing riddles, solving constructive problems.

Preliminary work of the educator:

    Prepare demonstration and handout material.

    Prepare a soundtrack.

Methodical methods:

    Calming exercises before class.

    Verbal (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children).

    Visual (use of illustration).

    Game (journey to the realm of Mathematics).

    Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.


Magnetic board, numbers, signs.

Demo material:

Cards with numbers (for physical minutes), houses with numbers on the roof, pictures with the seasons.


envelopes with geometric shapes, balls with examples, cards with logical symbols and numbers.

Dictionary activation: names of geometric shapes; names of days of the week, months; the use of the words "plus", "minus", "equal" in speech

Event progress:

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and sit in their seats.

Educator: You all know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful. Two teams of intelligent and attentive will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Mathematics is a wonderful science, it develops logical thinking, attention, brain. No wonder it is called "mind gymnastics" and doing it is just as exciting as playing KVN. So, let's start KVN.Now I will introduce the jury that will monitor our game and evaluate the competitions,and at the end of the game will sum up and determine the winning team. Let me introduce our jury members: 1.,2.,3..

Each contest will be worth 2 points. And now I want to introduce

You teams that will participate in the game:

Team Members "Znayki"

Our motto: "Knowledge is power"

We are fun guys

We play different games

We win in KVN!

Team Members "Why"

Our motto: “Mind is good, but two is better”

We are not afraid of barriers.

We love to play KVN

Friendly, fair win!

Educator: Business - time, hour - fun,

KVN we start.

I competition "Warm-up".

1) Marina plucked into a mug

10 raspberries,

6 gave to my girlfriend.

How many berries are in the mug?


Six nuts mama pig

For children carried in a basket.

Hedgehog met a pig

And gave me four more.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring the kids in a basket?


Our cat has five kittens,

They sit side by side in a basket.

And the neighbor's cat has three!

So cute, look!

What is three and five?


The seven geese set off.

The two decide to take a break.

How many are under the clouds?

Count yourself, children.


II contest: "Settled residents" (Composition of a number from two smaller ones)

Each team has a set of cards with numbers from 1 to 9. Only those numbers can be settled in the house, which in total on the cards get the number indicated by the number on the roof of the house.

( The numbers change, and accordingly the child needs to find a different number for the pair each time.)

III competition - "Pick a couple"

Each participant is given a ball with an example written on it. Task: Solve the example on your ball and find the second ball with the same answer. Ball colors vary.

IV competition: "Guess the numbers" (Establishing connections and relationships between the numbers of the natural series)

Educator: I will tell you the numbers, and you, taking the necessary card with numbers, show which number is more (less) than the one named by 1. So:

What number is before 7? After 7? (Children show cards with numbers 6 and 8).

What number is greater than 3? (4)

What number is greater than 6 and less than 8? (Children show the number 7).

Name the neighbors of the number 8. (7 and 9)

Physical education:

Leading: And now I suggest you take a break and play with me

Vthe game "Arrows go in a circle."

This is where knowledge of clocks and time comes in handy.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out in a circle on the carpet. Children stand near the cards. The teacher stands in the center and pronounces poetic lines with the children (for correct answers, teams receive 1 point at the end of the game).

We are the clock, our precise move,

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands.)

Arrows go around

And they want to catch up with each other.

Arrows, arrows, take your time

You tell us the time!

Children squat next to the nearest card.

Educator. Five hours!

(Children sitting near the cards with the numbers 5 and 12 should stand up).

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

V competition of captains - "Seasons". ( highest score-2)

The task for captains consists of two parts.

I. Answer the questions:

1) How many seasons are there?

1) What are the seasons?

2) How many months are there in a year? Name them.

2) How many days are there in a week? Name them.

3) How many seasons are there?

3) What are the seasons?

4) What are the spring months?

4) What are the winter months?

II. Lay out the cards.

Task: Choose one picture of each season and arrange them in order. Explain your answer.

VI competition D / and "Tangram" is held. Children from geometric shapes lay out a hare and a cat.

VII competition "Continue the offer"

Znaiki. If the tree is taller than the bush, then the bush...?

Children: below the tree.

Why. If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?

Children: shorter than the ruler.

Znaiki. If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?

Children: thinner than a rope.

Why. If sister is older than brother, then brother...?

Children: younger than sister.

Znaiki. If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream...?

Children: already rivers.

Why. How many nuts are in an empty glass?

Znaiki. Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Why. Who will swim across the river faster - a chicken or a duckling?

VI II competition: "Scattered photographer".

Children are shown a composition of three three-dimensional bodies.

Task: name three-dimensional bodies and find the correct photograph of this composition.

Our contests are over. In the meantime, the jury sums up the results, we offer to play with the fans.

Didactic game with fans:

The objects that surround us are of different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, high, narrow, wide. I will name the word, and you will list what objects can be called this word.

Long - river, road, ribbon, rope, etc.

Round - ball, sun, orange, apple, etc.

Low - bush, house, table, child, etc.

High - house, table, chair, etc.

Educator. Here the game is over

It's time for us to part.

We say thank you to everyone

Thanks for the game.

Next comes the awarding of the winners (diplomas, medals).

Explanatory note to KVN (y) in mathematics (FEMP) in the preparatory group for school

This event contributes to the development of attention, ingenuity, observation, logic, thinking, memory, quick wits in children 5-6 years old. A variety of tasks contribute to the formation of the necessary skills and abilities in children, the development of creative imagination. The presented abstract is the author's work, built in accordance with the didactic and general pedagogical principles:

the principle of personal orientation;

the principle of complexity;

scientific principle.

This event consists of nine tasks, including consolidation of knowledge of months, days of the week, seasons; direct and reverse counting; "neighbors of the number"; the composition of the number from two smaller ones; physical minutes; problem solving and examples; definition of a geometric shape. In her work she used author's and methodical manuals:

“One is a step, two is a step” / Mathematics for children 5-6 years old / L. G. Peterson, N. P. Kholina, Juventa, 2006

magazine "Preschool education"

Novikova V.P. "Mathematics in kindergarten" (preparatory group) M. "Mosaic - Synthesis"

Kuvaeva N.L. "Summaries of classes in mathematics" M.2008.

KVN in mathematics (FEMP) in the preparatory group for school

"Journey to the Realm of Mathematics"

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 215"

Educator: Bykova E. G.

Target :

Maintain children's interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing perseverance, determination, resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, understanding of humor. To bring joy and pleasure to children with educational games.

Learning tasks:

  • Continue to develop the ability to solve arithmetic examples.
  • Exercise in counting within 10, in the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, months of the year, seasons.
  • To consolidate the ability to distinguish between concepts: older - younger, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, higher - lower, wider - narrower.

Development tasks:

  • To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.
  • Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention.
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.

Educational tasks:

  • To cultivate independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.
  • Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Preliminary work with children:

conversations about the seasons, about the days of the week; solving mathematical and logical problems; determining the time by the clock, guessing riddles, solving constructive problems.


Magnetic board, numbers, stopwatch, balloons.

Demo material:

Cards with numbers (for physical minutes),


Counting sticks, cards with numbers, "chamomile" with tasks, "mittens" (example and answer) - for each child (12).

Dictionary activation:names of geometric shapes; names of days of the week, months; the use of the words "plus", "minus", "equal" in speech

Event progress:

The music is playing, the audience is in their seats.

Leading: You all know that KVN is a game of the cheerful and resourceful. Two teams of intelligent and attentive will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Mathematics is a wonderful science, it develops logical thinking, attention, brain. No wonder it is called "mind gymnastics" and doing it is just as exciting as playing KVN.

Leading: Time moves, no right

We forget about it.

Business - time, hour - fun,

It's time to start KVN.

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and sit in their seats.

Now I will introduce the jury, which will monitor our game and evaluate the competitions, and at the end of the game will sum up and determine the winning team. Allow me to introduce the members of our jury: 1.,2.,3..

Each contest will be worth 2 points. And now I want to introduce

You teams that will participate in the game:

1st team "CIRCLE"

Your motto:

It's easier to decide and win!

2nd team "SQUARE"

Your motto:

At our "Square"

All sides are equal.

And all our guys

Friendship is strong.

Presenter: And now the teams will greet our guests


One two three four five,

We came here to play;

We will quickly shortchange you

We know math!

The first competition is "Warm-up".

Questions for the first team:

1. What is the shortest month of the year.

2. Name the last month of the year.

3. How many days are there in a week?

4. How many seasons, name them?

5. Name the neighbors of the number 15 (14 and 16).

6. Sparrows sat on a tree. After 2 more flew to them, they became 4. How many sparrows were sitting on a tree?

Questions for the second team:

1. What is the shortest month in the name of the year?

2. What is the first month of the year?

3. How many months in a year?

4. Name the days of the week.

5. Name the neighbors of the number 18 (17 and 19)

6. Kittens drank milk from a saucer. After 1 more approached them, there were 5 of them. How many kittens drank milk?

Leading: Guys, the warm-up went well, you showed excellent knowledge. Now let's count the points. Jury word. After the warm-up ahead of the team ...

The second competition - "Pick up a couple" (highest score-2)

Each participant is given a mitten on which an example is written.

Exercise: Solve the example on your mitten and find a second mitten with the same answer. The colors of the mittens vary.

Third competition: "Chamomile" ( captains pull out a petal with a riddle from a flower)

1. One evening to the bear

The neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, "oblique",

A wolf with a rogue fox.

But the bear couldn't

Share the pie

The bear sweated from labor

Help him quickly

Count all the animals. (7)

(B. Zakhoder)

2. Grandma baked a sweet cake

I called all my grandchildren and granddaughters,

My grandmother had many grandchildren

She divided the pie into ten parts.

A piece - Marina,

A piece - Svetlana,

A piece - Danila,

A piece - Maryane

Ilyusha, Kiryusha, Alena and Masha

Our smallest granddaughter.

And Vova just sat down at the table

I ate two pieces right away.

How many grandparents did the grandmother have?
Did she treat everyone to a pie? (9 grandchildren)

3. Ignat went out into the yard,

I saw familiar guys

And there were exactly 5

Ignat got candy

And he gave two to each.

And no more candy left

He didn't even get it

Give me a quick answer:

How many candies were there? (10)

4. 10 cones hung on the Christmas tree,

A couple of boys were walking through the forest.
The boys picked two cones.

How many cones are left on the tree

When did the boys leave the forest? (6)

5. Good hedgehog in the market

Bought some boots for the family.

Boots on the leg - for yourself,

A little less - to the wife,

With buckles - son

With clasps - daughter.

How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family

And how many boots did he buy? (Legs - 16, boots - 16)

6. Hares ran through the forest,

Wolf tracks on the road considered

A pack of wolves has passed here

Each paw in the snow is visible.

The wolves left eight tracks,

How many, tell me, were there wolves? (2)

Physical education:

Leading: And now I invite teams to play with me

V the game "Arrows go in a circle."

This is where knowledge of clocks and time comes in handy.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out in a circle on the carpet. Children stand near the cards. The teacher stands in the center and pronounces poetic lines with the children (for correct answers, teams receive 1 point at the end of the game).

We are the clock, our precise move,

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands.)

Arrows go around

And they want to catch up with each other.

Arrows, arrows, take your time

You tell us the time!

Children squat next to the nearest card.

Educator. Five hours!

(Children sitting near the cards with the numbers 5 and 12 should stand up).

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Fourth competition: "Guess the numbers" ( Establishing connections and relationships between the numbers of the natural series)

Leading: I will tell you the numbers, and you, taking the right card with numbers, show which number is more (less) than the one named by 1. (The numbers 5, 6, 7 are called). So:

Which number is greater than 3 or 5? (5)

What number is before 7? After 7? (Children show cards with numbers 6 and 8).

What number is greater than 6 and less than 8? (Children show the number 7).

Name the neighbors of the number 8. (7 and 9)

Leading: Well done! You know that KVN is a game of the cheerful and resourceful. Therefore, I offer you fun tasks for ingenuity.

Blitz poll.

Questions for the first team:

1. What kind of comb will not comb your head? (rooster).

2. How many ears do two mice have? (Four).

3. How do day and night end? (soft sign).

4. How many legs does a chicken have? (chicken has no legs).

5. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (one granddaughter Masha).

6. The rooster laid an egg. Who will get it? (to no one).

7. There were 4 bears and 3 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals were in the zoo?

8. 5 apples grew on a birch. 3 apples fell to the ground. How many apples are left on the birch? (not at all, apples do not grow on a birch)

Blitz poll.

Questions for the second team:

1. What animal helps to cross the road? (Zebra).

2. How many tails do two donkeys have? (Two)

3. What bird is called the postman? (Dove).

4. How many nuts are in the empty glass? (the glass is empty, so there is nothing in it).

5. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in the back. How many legs does an animal have? (4 legs).

6. Which animals always sleep with their eyes open? (Fish).

7. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).

8. The long-awaited January has come. First, 1 apple tree bloomed, then 3 more plum trees. How many trees have blossomed? (The trees do not bloom in January).

Leading: You did a good job. Well done! And our game continues. Guys, a wise owl flew to visit us. She also wants to participate in our game.(The owl greets the children and offers them their tasks)

Owl: Guys, I flew to you from the forest. In my forest, I know every corner. I know where my girlfriends squirrels live, my friends are hares and where the bear sleeps in the den. Guys, you can find out too. If you correctly complete my tasks, then you will get a map of our forest.

(There are sheets of paper in front of the children.)

Draw 3 squares in the upper right corner, squirrels live here. In the lower left corner, draw 5 triangles, hares live there. In the upper left corner, draw a large circle - this is the bear's lair. In the lower right corner draw 4 rectangles - a hedgehog family lives there, and in the center of the sheet draw an oval - this is a forest lake. Now, guys, you won't get lost in our forest.

Leading: Thank you, wise Owl, for participating in our game.

Owl: Well, it's time for me to go home, goodbye guys.

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results of the Owl contest, I will ask some funny questions to the fans.

Fan game:

1. How many corners does a circle have?

2. How many stars are in the sky during the day?
3. How many ears do three mice have?
4. How many horns do two cows have?

5. How many sides does a rectangle have? (Four).
6. How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea? (No one).
7. Mom knitted three scarves and three mittens for the children. How many mittens does she have left to knit? (Three).
8. Which fairy tales have numbers in their names? (Snow White and the seven dwarfs, three pigs, three fat men, three bears, a fairy tale about a dead princess and 7 heroes)

9. How many characters lived in the tower? (6)

10. How many characters pulled out a turnip in the fairy tale "Turnip"? (6)

Physical education for everyone: Pinocchio

Pinocchio stretched

One - bent down, two - bent down

Raised hands to the sides,

The key is apparently not found.

To get us the key

You have to get on your toes.

Fifth competition. Foremost - captain competition.(highest score-2)

The task for captains consists of two parts.

1. "Make a figure."

Each has 5 counting sticks. The captain of the “Circle” team must collect 2 rectangles from them, and the captain of the “Square” team must collect 2 triangles from them.

2. "A fun challenge."

Captains are offered fun tasks that they must solve in 30 seconds. Then give the correct answer.

1) The hedgehog went mushrooming

And found 6 saffron milk caps

3 he put in a basket,

The rest are on the back.

How many redheads are carrying

On their needles hedgehog? (6-3=3)

1) Four ripe pears

Swinging on a branch

Pavlusha took off two pears,

And how many pears are left (4-2=2)

2) Nadyusha has five notebooks,

Blots in them and a mess.

Nadia needs a draft.

Vasya, the first student,

Gave another notebook to Nadia

How many notebooks does she have?


2) The squirrel sisters were sitting

Six of us in a hollow on a spruce.

Another one rushed to them -

She escaped the rain.

Everyone is now warm.

How many squirrels are in the hollow?


Leading: Well done! Completed assignments.

Sixth competition "Continue the offer"

Circle. If the tree is taller than the bush, then the bush...?

Children: below the tree.

Square. If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?

Children: shorter than the ruler.

Circle. If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?

Children: thinner than a rope.

Square. If sister is older than brother, then brother...?

Children: younger than sister.

Circle. If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream...?

Children: already rivers.

Square. How many nuts are in an empty glass?

Circle. Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Square. Who will swim across the river faster - a chicken or a duckling?

Didactic game with fans:

The objects that surround us are of different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, high, narrow, wide. I will name the word, and you will list what objects can be called this word.

Long - river, road, ribbon, rope, etc.

Round - ball, sun, orange, apple, etc.

Low - bush, house, table, child, etc.

High - house, table, chair, etc.

Presenter: Here the game is over

It's time for us to part.

We say thank you to everyone

Thanks for the game.

In the meantime, the jury is summing up, we havemusical break "Song of Balloons". At the end of the song, the participants in the game throw balls to the audience.

the guys will sing the song "Two-two, four."


Novikova V.P. "Mathematics in kindergarten" (preparatory group) M. "Mosaic - Synthesis"

Kuvaeva N.L. "Summaries of classes in mathematics" M.2008.

“One is a step, two is a step” / Mathematics for children 5-6 years old / L. G. Peterson, N. P. Kholina, Juventa, 2006

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