Mayakovsky mystery buff summary. "Mystery buff" - the embodiment of the ideas of new art


In the book, the author talks about the revolution. At the beginning of the Great October Revolution, the writer asked himself one question: "to participate or to refuse revolutions." The author participated in the revolution in Smolny. For the revolution, he wrote poetry in the form of satire, ditties and epigrams, feuilletons.

Creation "Mystery - Buff" was written in the comedy genre. Comedy helped to sing of working people in the days of capitalism. Creation has a satirical and epic character. Comedy embodies the spirit of a new generation of art. The comedy story includes such attributes as the flood, heaven, ark and hell. In addition, the devil Beelzebub and Saint Methuselah are indicated in the comedy. The work also describes a religious drama.

Social quarrels in the work are indicated in the form of "7 pairs of unclean." The 7 unclean forces include a blacksmith, a miner, a machinist, a laborer, a carpenter, a Red Army soldier, a laundress and a driver. At the end of the fight with "7 pairs of unclean" can destroy hell, overthrow God, destroy destruction, repair locomotives and much more. All actions in the book are described with wit and author's irony. The relevance of such a work is provided by Mayakovsky's utopian forecasts. During the revolution, this genre gained great relevance.

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  • Bath
  • Mystery Buff
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Mystery Buff. Picture for the story

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Current page: 1 (total book has 3 pages)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky


Second option

"Mystery-buff" - the road. Revolution road. No one can predict with accuracy what other mountains we will have to blow up, going this way. Today the word "Lloyd George" is boring into the ear, and tomorrow the British themselves will forget his name. Today, the will of millions is rushing towards the commune, and in fifty years, perhaps, the air dreadnoughts of the commune will rush to attack distant planets.

Therefore, leaving the road (form), I again changed parts of the landscape (content).

In the future, all those who play, stage, read, print Mystery Buff, change the content - make its content modern, today's, momentary.


1. Seven pairs of pure: 1) Abyssinian Negus, 2) Indian Raja, 3) Turkish Pasha, 4) Russian speculator, 5) Chinese, 6) Fat Persian, 7) Clemenceau, 8) German, 9) Pop, 10) Australian , 11) Australian wife, 12) Lloyd George, 13) American and 14) Diplomat.

2. Seven pairs of unclean: 1) Red Army soldier, 2) Lamplighter, 3) Driver, 4) Miner, 5) Carpenter, 6) Laborer, 7) Servant, 8) Blacksmith 9) Baker, 10) Laundress, 11) Seamstress, 12 ) Machinist, 13) Eskimo fisherman and 14) Eskimo hunter.

3. Compromiser.

4. Intelligentsia.

5. Lady with cardboard boxes.

6. Devils: 1) Beelzebub, 2) Ober-devil, 3) Messenger, 4) 2nd messenger, 5) Guard, 6) 20 clean with horns and tails.

7. Saints: 1) Methuselah, 2) Jean Jacques Rousseau, 3) Leo Tolstoy, 4) Gabriel, 5) Angel, 6) 2nd angel and 7) angels.

8. Sabaoth.

9. Active Promised Lands: 1) Hammer, 2) Sickle, 3) Cars, 4) Trains, 5) Cars, 6) Planer, 7) Pincers, 8) Needle, 9) Saw, 10) Bread, 11) Salt, 12) Sugar, 13) Matter, 14) Boot, 15) Board with a lever.

10. Man of the future.


1. The whole universe. 2. Ark. 3. Hell. 4. Paradise. 5. Land of debris. 6. Promised Land.



After a minute
we will show you...
Mystery buff.
I have two words to say:
thing is new.
To jump above your head
need someone to help.
Before new play
a prologue is needed.
Is the whole theater destroyed?
well-meaning people
this is very annoying.
Why do you go to shows?
To enjoy -
is not it?
Is it a pleasure to watch
if the pleasure is only on the stage;
only one third.
V interesting performance,
if you build everything
then your pleasure will be tripled,
and if
performance is uninteresting
it's not worth watching
and one third.
For other theaters
it doesn't matter to represent
for them
scene -
Sit, they say, quietly,
straight or oblique
and see someone else's life piece.
Look and see -
groaning on the couch
Aunt Mani
Yes Uncle Vanya.
And we are not interested
no uncle, no aunt,
you will find aunts and uncles at home.
We will also show real life,
but she
turned into an extraordinary spectacle by the theatre.
The gist of the first step is:
the earth is flowing.
Then - stomp.
Everyone is fleeing the revolutionary flood.
Seven pairs of unclean
and pure seven pairs,
that is
fourteen poor proletarians
and fourteen bourgeois bar,
and between them
with a couple of tearful cheeks -
The pole is overflowing.
The last shelter is crumbling.
And everybody starts to build
not even an ark
but the ark.
In the second act
the audience travels in the ark:
here you have autocracy
And democratic republic,
and finally
under the Menshevik howl,
the clean ones were thrown headfirst.
The third act shows
that the workers
nothing to be afraid of
even devils in the middle of hell.
In the fourth -
laugh harder! -
heavenly places are shown.
In the fifth act, devastation
wide open mouth,
crushes and eats.
Though we worked for a hungry belly,
but us
ruin was conquered.
In the sixth act -
commune -
the whole hall
sing at all throats!
Look in all eyes!
All is ready?
And hell?
And heaven?
Because of the stage.


At the glow of the northern lights, the globe of the earth, resting with its pole against the ice of the floor. Ropes of latitudes and longitudes cross with ladders all over the globe. Between two walruses propping up the world, an Eskimo hunter, with his finger on the ground, yells at another, stretched out in front of him by the fire.




There is no other business -
poke the ground with your finger.



Where is the hole?



What is flowing?


Fisherman (jumping up, running up and looking under the clamping finger)

The work of unclean hands.
I'll go warn the polar

Runs. A German squeezing out his sleeves jumps on him from behind the slope of the world. He looks for a second for a button and, not finding it, grabs the fur of a fur coat.


Ger Eskimo!
Ger Eskimo!
Terribly fast!
A couple of minutes...



So - today I'm sitting in my restaurant
on Friedrichstrasse.
In the window the sun
so it beckons.
like a bourgeois before the revolution, is clear.
The audience is seated
and quietly sheidemanit.
I've eaten soup
I look at bottle eiffels.
what kind of beef should I take?
And shall I take up the beef?
I'm watching -
and lunch stuck in my throat:
something is wrong with the Alley of Victories.
Stone Hohenzollerns,
standing between daisies,
suddenly flew upside down.
I run to the roof.
Beating around the tavern skeleton,
waterless surf,
hustle and bustle
flooded the quarters.
Berlin is a disturbing sea of ​​delirium,
invisible waves bass notes.
And for
and over,
and under,
and pre-
dreadnought houses!
And before I could spread my thoughts,
Is it from Foch, or from...



I am all
wet to the thread.
I'm watching -
everything is dry
but it pours, and it pours, and it pours.
And suddenly,
the ruins of Pompeii more pompous, painting
opened up -
Berlin was torn out
and drowned in the abyss,
at the world in a molten forge.
I woke up on the crest of current villages.
I collected all my yacht club experience, -
and so
in front of you
what is left of Europe now.


N-n-a little...


Relax, of course...


Yes, you say without these European yuleniya!
What do you need? It's not up to you.

German (showing horizontally)

Let me near your esteemed

The fisherman waves angrily at the fire, goes in the other direction - to warn the circle - and stumbles upon wet Australians running out from behind another slope.

Fisherman (retreating in surprise)

And there were no more disgusting faces ?!

Australian with wife. (together)

We are Australians.


I am Australian.
We had everything.
platypus, palm tree, porcupine, cactus!..

Australian (crying in surging feeling)

And now
we disappeared
everything is lost:
and cacti,
and platypuses,
and palm trees
everything sank...
everything at the bottom...

Fisherman (pointing to the sprawling German)

Here, go to them.
And then they are alone.

Getting ready to go again, the Eskimo stopped, listening to two voices from two sides the globe.

Kettle, wow!


Cylinder, wow!


Getting stronger!
Hold on to north latitude!


Get angry!
Grab the south longitude!

On the ropes of latitudes and longitudes, an Englishman and a Frenchman roll down from the globe. Everyone hoists a national banner.


The banner has been hoisted.
I am the owner full in the snowy bosom.


Englishman (laying out some goods)

No - mine
I am already trading.

Frenchman (getting angry)

No - mine
and you yourself look for another.

Englishman (furious)

Ah well!
Yes, to die!

Frenchman (furious)

Ah well!
I'll put a bump on your nose!

Englishman (climbs with fists on the French)

England hip hip!

Frenchman (climbs with fists on an Englishman)

Viv la France!

Australian (rushes to separate)

Well, the people!
Not the people, but pure rabble:
no more empires
no imperials
and they are still punching each other in the face.


Eh, you


Drop that you, right!


Well, a horde!

Right on the head of the newly gathered Eskimo, our merchant is thrown down.


this mess!
Am I Asia?
"Destroy Asia" - the decision of the Council of Ministers.
Yes, I was not an Asian!
(Calming down a little.)
Yesterday in Tula
I sit quietly in a chair.
How the doors will burst!
Well I guess -
from Cheka!
I have, you know,
her cheek turned pale.
God is merciful in the world:
It turns out that not Cheka is the wind.
It scratched a little
then it went
further more,
more - higher
poured into the streets
roofs blew...


Do you hear?
Do you hear the thud?
Lots of approaching voices.
Flood! flood! flood! about the flood! flood!

Englishman (horrified)

Oh my God!
Misfortune - like from a drainpipe,
And then there's this Eastern question.

In front of the negus, behind him - a Chinese, a Persian, a Turk, a rajah, a priest, a compromiser. The procession is closed by all seven pairs of impure ones pouring in from all sides.


At least a little blacker than snow, sir,
but nonetheless
I am an Abyssinian Negus.
My respect.
I have now left my Africa.
The Nile meandered in it, a boa-river.
How the Nile was furious, squeezing the kingdom into a river,
and drowned my Africa in it.
Although there is no name
but nonetheless…

Fisherman (annoyingly)

…but nonetheless
my respect.
Heard, heard!


Please don't forget
negus speaks to you,
and the negus wants to eat.
What is this?
Must be a delicious dog?


Negus mistakenly tries to sit on Lloyd George's walrus, which looks like two drops of water.


Go sit down, but don't get anyone dirty.

Englishman (frightened)

Fisherman (addressing others)

What about you?


Drown my China!


my Persia went to the bottom!


Even India,
heavenly India, and that one!


And only one memory remains of Turkey!

A lady breaks out of the crowd of clean ones with an infinite number of cartons.


Be careful!
Don't tear!
Silk is thin!

(to the fisherman.)

help put up the boxes.

She's so sweet!
What a spicy!..


The parasite is idle!


What nation will you be?


My nation is the most diverse.
First was Russian -
Russia has become narrow to me.
These Bolsheviks are such a horror!
I am a graceful woman
with a subtle soul -
I took and became an Estonian.
The Bolsheviks began to press on the outskirts -
I became a citizen of Ukraine.
They took Kharkov ten times -
I settled down in some republic in Odessa.
They took Odessa, Wrangel in the Crimea -
I took and obeyed him.
They drove the whites across the sea and across the field -
I'm already Turkish
Walking around Constantinople.
The Bolsheviks began to come closer -
and I'm a Parisian.
I walk in Paris.
Forty nations have changed, I confess, I -
now I have a Kamchatka nation.
What a lousy summer at the poles:
you can not show any toilet!

Fisherman (yells at clean)

What is this hum?

Compromiser (hysterically separated from the crowd)

Listen! -
I can't!
What is it?
There is no dry place in the world!
Leave me alone!
Let me go home
to the office!
I can't!
I thought there would be a flood according to Kautsky.
And the wolves are full
and the sheep are whole.
And now -
people are killing each other.
Lovely reds!
Lovely whites!
Look, I can't!


Don't rub your eyes...
don't bite your lips...

(Approaching the fire unclean, arrogantly.)

And which nations are you?!

Unclean (together)

Chase around the world
accustomed to our wandering people.
We are no nations
our work is our homeland.


Blacksmith (Frenchman, patting him on a fair belly)

The noise of the flood, I suppose, in your ears?

Laundress (to him, mockingly and shrillly)

Would you lay down and sleep on the bed now?
Let you into the trenches and into the mines!

Red Army man (menacingly)

I would go to the trenches -
in the trenches of wet beds.

Seeing the brewing "conflict" between the pure and the impure, the Compromiser rushes to separate them.


Lovely! Well, don't! Don't swear!
Throw at each other askance.
Stretch out your hands
hug each other
Lord, comrades,
have to agree.

Frenchman (viciously)

Fisherman (viciously. Both the fisherman and the Frenchman crutch the neck of the Compromiser)

Oh you conciliator!
Oh you compromiser!

Compromiser (running away, beaten, whining)

Here you go,
I'm good to him
and he…
So it's always like this:
calling to agree
and you will be imposed on both sides.

The unclean pass, separating the squeamishly squeezing crowd of the clean, and sit down by the fire. The crowd of the pure closes behind them in a circle.

Pasha (pops out in the middle)

We need to discuss what happened.
Let's delve into the essence of the phenomenon.


It's a simple matter -

I think it's a flood.


And not a flood
otherwise b
it was raining.


there was no rain.


So this idea is also wild ...


But anyway -
What happened, believers?
Let's, believers, look at the root.


The people, in my opinion, became rebellious.


Think war, me.


I think the reason is different.
I think it's metaphysical...

Merchant (unhappy)

War is metaphysical!
Let's start with Adam!

In turn!
In turn!
Don't make sodom.


Let's talk gradually.
Your word, student!

(Justified in front of the crowd.)

And then he even has foam on his lips.


At first
everything was simple:
day changed to night
but only
the dawn was too raging alo!
After -
granite piles of capitals
and the sun itself is a motionless redhead, -
everything seemed to be a little fluid,
creep a little,
a little liquefied.
Then how it spills!
The streets are pouring
the melted house falls on the house.
The whole world,
melted in the blast furnaces of revolutions,
pouring down like a waterfall.
Chinese voice
Lord! Attention!
It's drizzling here!
Australian wife
Pretty drizzle!
Wet like pigs.


Maybe the end of the world is near
and we
we rally, yell and laugh.

Diplomat (clings to the pole)

Merchant (giving a knee to an Eskimo who is clamping a hole with the patience inherent in this people)

Hey, you!
Went to the walruses!

The Eskimo hunter flies off, and from the open hole a jet beats into those present. The clean ones scattered like a fan, yelling inarticulately.

A minute later, everyone rushes to the jet.

Shut up!

Receded. Only the Australian remained at the globe with his finger in the hole. In the general commotion, the priest perched on a couple of logs.

Losing the last inch!
The last inch is filled with water!

Who is this?
Who is that closet with the beard?

This is for forty nights and forty days!


The Lord advised him wisely.


There has been a similar precedent in history -
remember the famous adventure of Noevo.

Merchant (taking the place of the priest)

Get to the point!


Come on, brothers, let's build a kopcheg.
Australian wife
Right! The ark!


Here is the hunt!
Let's build a boat.


Two ships!


I will invest all my money!
Those were saved, but we are smarter than those, in any way.

General hum

Long live,
long live technology!


Raise your hands -
who agrees.

General hum

And you don't need hands
visible behind the eyes.

Both the clean and the unclean raise their hands.

Frenchman (taking the place of the merchant, he angrily examines the blacksmith, who raised his hand)

And are you there?
And don't you dare!
let's not take the unclean!
They will know how to scold us!

Do you know how to saw and plan?

Frenchman (drooping)

I changed my mind.
Take the unclean.


We will only select the non-drinkers and the broad-shouldered.

German (taking the place of the French)

T-s-s, gentlemen,
maybe you don't have to put up with
we don't know what's up with a fifth of the world.
Chatter, and did not even bother to find out
Are there Americans among us?

Merchant (happily)

Well, the head!
Not a man, but a German chancellor!
Joy cuts through the cry of an Australian.
What is this?

An American on a motorcycle rushes straight from the hall to the tensely peering.


(Stretches the paper.)

from drowned America
two hundred billion checks.

Silent sadness. And suddenly the cry of an Australian pinching the water.


What did they glare at? Will stare!
By God, take it out!
Fingers numb.

The clean ones fussed, rubbing against the unclean.

Frenchman (blacksmith)

Well, comrades,
build, huh?
Gentle Blacksmith
What about me
for me at least...

(Waving hand unclean.)

Aida, comrades!
Ride, so ride.

The unclean are rising. Saws. Planers. Hammers.


Hurry, comrades
Hurry, darlings!
Get to work!
In the hands of axes and saws!

Intellectual (moves aside)

Work -
and don't even think about it.
I'll sit right here
and sabotage.

(Screaming at the workers.)

Live turn around!
Ruby, don't miss it!

A carpenter

Why are you sitting with your hands folded?


I'm special, I'm irreplaceable...


Ark deck. In all directions, a panorama of lands crumbling into waves. A ladder-mast tangled with ropes rests against low clouds. To the side is the wheelhouse and the entrance to the hold. The clean and the unclean lined up along the close board.


I wouldn't want to go overboard today.


Look there:
not a wave, but a fence!


In vain I confused it with you.
Always like this
to no avail.
Mariners too!
Found a sea wolf.


Look, brought it up!
Humming and groaning.


What a fence!
Closed by a wall!


Yes, sir.
Very stupid!
I tell you with sorrow and pain, sir.
Would sit.
The earth is still holding on.
Whatever it is, but still a pole.


What are your wolves
waves caress.

Both Eskimos, the driver and the Australians at once.

What is this?
What about Alaska?


Well, it jumped!
What a stone sling.




Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!

Frenchman (burst into tears, crushed by memories)

My God!..

My God!..
used to
the whole family
let's gather at the tea table -

Baker (measuring the tip of the nail)

Wonderful, by God!
Well, it's not a pity
not so much.


I stocked up the vodka.
Got a glass?



let's go to the hold!

Eskimo hunter

Well, how's the walrus?
Isn't it very hot?


Nothing is fried
nicely fried.
Clean ones. The unclean descend into the hold, singing along.
What do we have to lose? Are we afraid of the flood?
Legs loosened - stomped around the world!
Oh, and rest in steamboats.
And eating a walrus and sipping vodka is not a sin ...
Oh, it's not a sin!

The clean surrounded the whimpering Frenchman.


It's embarrassing, right!
Stop yelling!


Let's get through somehow
crawl to Ararat.


You will die of hunger, while the mountain is.


Lots of money
and without food you can hardly die.
I give half a million for a pound of bread
and two pounds of diamonds.


I sat in Cheka three times.
What the hell is this money to me now?!


Spit and rub.


What diamonds!
Now if a person has liver stones,
then you feel more secure -
belly stuffed.


No grub
one trough.


And then Sukharevka is closed.

Merchant (to the ass)

Nothing, humble monk,
now there is a Smolensky market on every square.


And butter, and milk, and cream in the market, -
substitute an empty pocket for a lid.


It's you who sits without milk, fool,
and the worker has a bonus,
the worker's nature, -
will receive
and exchange.


And I will change hats for eggs.


Change your last hat
and then sit
suck paw.

Pop (listening to the noise in the hold)


What to them!
Caught fish and eat.

Let's take a net or a prison and let's catch it too.


And how to deal with her?
I only know how to pick at a man with a sword.


I cast the net
I thought - I'll take out the fish,
and nothing -
one herb.

Pasha (contritely)

What have they grown up to?
the first guild - and eat algae.

Lloyd George (to Clemenceau)

Let's stop fighting.
What quarrel can there be with an Englishman
The main thing is that I have a belly, you have a belly.


And I have… belly.


How sad it is
with such a wonderful gentleman -
him and I didn't get a little carried away.

Lloyd George

Now we are not up to fights:
we have a common enemy.
Here's what I want to tell you...

He takes Clemenceau by the arm and leads him away. Whispering, they return.


We are all so clean.
Do we shed sweat at work?
Let's force the unclean to attack us


I would force them!
Yes, where do I
And any of them is oblique in the shoulders.

Lloyd George

God save the fight!
Don't fight
and while the menus are surviving,
while they sit
piya and orya,
let's take it and give them a pig ...


Let's choose a king!


Why a king?
Better than the city.


And then that the king will issue a manifesto -
all the food should be given to me, they say.
The king eats
and we eat
his loyal subjects.


German (happily)

I told you -
Bismarck's head!


Choose quickly!

But who?

English and French

And hold the reins in his hands.


What reins?


Well, how are they...
reins of government, or something ...
What are you picking on?
The meaning is one.


Get up, sir!

Real, real!


I'll be the lady of the court!

Lloyd George

Hurry, hurry
write the manifest:
with God's mercy, they say ...

Pasha and the Australian

And we are here
not to get out.

Pasha and others are scribbling a manifesto. A German with a diplomat is unwinding a rope before leaving the hold. Staggering, the unclean climb out. When the latter crawled onto the deck, the diplomat and the German change places - and the unclean are entangled.

German (shoemaker)

Get sworn in!

Shoemaker (poor understanding of events)

May I lie down better?


I will lie to you -
you won't get up for a hundred years!
Lieutenant Mr.
point the gun!


Sober up!
That's how it's easier.

Some impure (sad)

Gotcha brothers
like chickens in cabbage soup.


Hats off!
Who's got a hat?

The Chinese and the Raja (push the priest, standing under the cabin, headed by the negus)

Read on
read, stand without breathing yet.

Pop (on paper)

by the grace of God
king of fried unclean chickens
And Grand Duke on the same eggs,
not tearing off seven skins from anyone, -
we tear off six, the seventh is left, -
We declare to our loyal subjects:
drag everything -
fish, crackers, guinea pigs
and what there is edible other things.
Governing Senate
won't slow down
sort out the piles of goodness,
select and treat us.
An impromptu senate of pasha and rajah.
Listen, Your Majesty!

Pasha (disposes of)


You are in the cabins!
You are in the pantries!
So that the unclean does not eat anything dear.
(To the merchant, unwinding the baker for him.)
You go down into the hold with him.
I'll go over everything with the rajah on deck.
drag here
and come back again.

The joyful rumble of the pure.

We'll pile up a whole mountain of edibles!

Pop (rubbing his hands)

And then fraternally share the booty
according to Christian custom.

Convoyed clean, unclean descend into the hold. A minute later they return and dump all kinds of food in front of the negus.

Merchant (happily)

All searched
nothing else is equal.
What a product!
One word -
Well, guys, sharpen your teeth!


And the unclean ones?


You have to lock them down.

your majesty, wait.
One minute!

The unclean are driven into the hold, and while they are busy with them, the negus eats everything brought. The clean ones are back.


Coming, Lloyd George?

Lloyd George

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Mystery buff


Second option

Mystery buff. Second option

Prologue and insert to the second version of the Mystery-buff

Libretto "Mystery Buff" for the program of the performance in honor of the III Congress


"Mystery-buff" - the road. Revolution road. No one predicts

accuracy, what other mountains we will have to blow up, going this way.

Today the word "Lloyd George" is drilling in the ear, and tomorrow they will forget his name themselves

the English. Today, the will of millions is rushing towards the commune, and in fifty years,

maybe the air dreadnoughts of the commune will rush to attack distant planets.

Therefore, leaving the road (form), I again changed parts of the landscape

In the future, everyone who plays, bets, reads, prints

"Mystery-buff", change the content - make its content modern,

today, momentary.


1. Seven pairs of pure: 1) Abyssinian Negus, 2) Indian Raja, 3)

Turkish pasha, 4) Russian speculator, 5) Chinese, 6) Fat Persian, 7)

Clemenceau, 8) German, 9) Pop, 10) Australian, 11) Australian wife, 12)

Lloyd George, 13) American and 14) Diplomat.

2. Seven pairs of unclean: 1) Red Army soldier, 2) Lamplighter, 3) Driver, 4)

Miner, 5) Carpenter, 6) Laborer, 7) Servant, 8) Blacksmith 9) Baker, 10) Laundress,

11) Seamstress, 12) Machinist, 13) Eskimo fisherman and 14) Eskimo hunter.

3. Compromiser.

4. Intelligentsia.

5. Lady with cardboard boxes.

6. Devils: 1) Beelzebub, 2) Ober-devil, 3) Messenger, 4) 2nd messenger, 5)

Guard, 6) 20 clean with horns and tails.

7. Saints: 1) Methuselah, 2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 3) Leo Tolstoy, 4) Gabriel,

5) Angel, 6) 2nd angel and 7) angels.

8. Sabaoth.

9. Active Promised Lands: 1) Hammer, 2) Sickle, 3) Machines, 4)

Trains, 5) Cars, 6) Planer, 7) Pincers, 8) Needle, 9) Saw, 10) Bread, 11)

Salt, 12) Sugar, 13) Matter, 14) Boot, 15) Board with a lever.

10. Man of the future.


1. The whole universe. 2. Ark. 3. Hell. 4. Paradise. 5. Land of debris.

6. Promised Land.


After a minute

we'll show you...

Mystery buff.

I have two words to say:

thing is new.

To jump above your head

need someone to help.

Before a new play

10 requires a prologue.


Is the whole theater destroyed?

well-meaning people

this is very annoying.

Why do you go to shows?

To enjoy -

is not it?

Is it a pleasure to watch

20 if the pleasure is only on stage;


only one third.

in an interesting show

if you build everything

then your pleasure will be tripled,

performance is uninteresting

it's not worth watching

30 and one third.

For other theaters

it doesn't matter to represent


Sit, they say, quietly,

straight or oblique

and see someone else's life piece.

Look and see -

40 mean on the couch

Aunt Mani

Yes Uncle Vanya.

And we are not interested

no uncle, no aunt,

you will find aunts and uncles at home.

We will also show real life

turned into an extraordinary spectacle by the theatre.

The gist of the first step is:

50 the earth is leaking.

Then - stomp.

Everyone is fleeing the revolutionary flood.

Seven pairs of unclean

and pure seven pairs,

fourteen poor proletarians

and fourteen bourgeois bar,

and between them

with a couple of tearful cheeks -

60 Mensheviks.

The pole is overflowing.

The last shelter is crumbling.

And everybody starts to build

not even an ark

but the ark.

In the second act

the audience travels in the ark:

here you have autocracy

and democratic republic

70 and finally

under the Menshevik howl,

the clean ones were thrown headfirst.

The third act shows

that the workers

nothing to be afraid of

even devils in the middle of hell.

In the fourth -

laugh harder! -

80 heavenly places are shown.

In the fifth act, devastation

wide open mouth,

crushes and eats.

Though we worked for a hungry belly,

ruin was conquered.

In the sixth act -

commune -

the whole hall

90 sing at the top of your lungs!

Look in all eyes!

All is ready?

Because of the stage.



At the glow of the northern lights, the globe of the earth, resting with its pole against the ice of the floor. By

ropes of latitudes and longitudes are crossed by ladders around the globe. Between two

walruses propping up the world, the Eskimo hunter, with his finger on the ground, yells

another, stretched out before him by the fire.


100 There is no other case -

poke the ground with your finger.

Where is the hole?

What is flowing?

(jumping up, running up and looking under

pinching finger)

The work of unclean hands.

110 I'll go warn the polar

Runs. A German squeezing out his sleeves jumps on him from behind the slope of the world.

He looks for a second for a button and, not finding it, grabs the fur of a fur coat.

Ger Eskimo!

Ger Eskimo!

Terribly fast!

A couple of minutes...

So - today I'm sitting in my restaurant

on Friedrichstrasse.

In the window the sun

120 is so beckoning.

like a bourgeois before the revolution, is clear.

The audience is seated

and quietly sheidemanit.

I've eaten soup

I look at bottle eiffels.

what kind of beef should I take?

And shall I take up the beef?

130 Watching -

and lunch stuck in my throat:

something is wrong with the Alley of Victories.

Stone Hohenzollerns,

standing between daisies,

suddenly flew upside down.

I run to the roof.

Beating around the tavern skeleton,

waterless surf,

140 vanity in a row,

flooded the quarters.

Berlin is a disturbing sea of ​​delirium,

invisible waves bass notes.

dreadnought houses!

150 And before I could spread my thought,

Is it from Foch, or from...

wet to the thread.

everything is dry

but it pours, and it pours, and it pours.

the ruins of Pompeii more pompous, painting

opened up -

160 root

Berlin was torn out

and drowned in the abyss,

at the world in a molten forge.

I woke up on the crest of current villages.

I collected all my yacht club experience, -

in front of you


170 what is now left of Europe.

N-n-a little...

Calm down of course...


Yes, you say without these European yuleniya!

What do you need? It's not up to you.

(pointing horizontally)

Let me near your esteemed

The fisherman angrily waves his hand to the fire, goes in the other direction - to warn

circle - and stumbles upon the wet ones running out from behind another slope


(retreating in surprise)

And there were no more disgusting faces ?!

Australian with his wife.

We are Australians.


I am Australian.

180 We had everything.

platypus, palm tree, porcupine, cactus!..


(crying in overwhelming emotion)

we disappeared

everything is lost:

and cacti,

and platypuses,

and palm trees

everything sank...

190 all at the bottom...

(pointing to the sprawling German)

Here, go to them.

And then they are alone.

Getting ready to go again, the Eskimo stopped, listening to two voices with

Kettle, wow!

Cylinder, wow!

Getting stronger!

Hold on to north latitude!

Grab the south longitude!

On the ropes of latitudes and longitudes the Englishman and

Frenchman. Everyone hoists a national banner.


The banner has been hoisted.

200 I am the owner full in the snowy bosom.

No, sorry!

I hoisted before.

This is my colony.


(laying out some goods)

No - mine

I am already trading.

(starting to get angry)

No - mine

and you yourself look for another.



Yes, to die!


210 Ah, so!

I'll put a bump on your nose!


(climbs with fists at the Frenchman)

England hip hip!

(climbs with fists at the Englishman)

Viv la France!


(rushes to take it apart)

Well, the people!

Not the people, but pure rabble:

no more empires

no imperials

and they are still punching each other in the face.

220 imperialists!

Drop that you, right!

Well, a horde!

Directly on the head of the newly gathered Eskimo falls down

our merchant.


this mess!

Am I Asia?

"Destroy Asia" - the decision of the Council of Ministers.

Yes, I was not an Asian!

(Calming down a little.)

Yesterday in Tula

I sit quietly in a chair.

230 How the doors will burst!

Well I guess -

I have, you know,

her cheek turned pale.

God is merciful in the world:

it turns out, not Cheka - the wind.

It scratched a little

more - higher

poured into the streets

roofs blew...

Do you hear the thud?

Flood! flood! flood! about the flood! flood!


Oh my God!

250 Misfortune - like from a drainpipe,

And then there's this Eastern question.

In front of the negus, behind him - a Chinese, a Persian, a Turk, a rajah, a priest, a compromiser.

The procession is closed by all seven pairs of impure ones pouring in from all sides.

At least a little blacker than snow, sir,

but nonetheless

I am an Abyssinian Negus.

My respect.

I have now left my Africa.

The Nile meandered in it, a boa-river.

How the Nile was furious, squeezing the kingdom into a river,

and drowned my Africa in it.

260 Though there is no name,

but nonetheless...


But nonetheless

my respect.

Heard, heard!

Please don't forget

negus speaks to you,

and the negus wants to eat.

Must be a delicious dog?

270 I'll give those - doggy!

It's a walrus, not a dog.

Negus mistakenly tries to sit on a similar one as two drops of water on

Walrus Lloyd George.

Go sit down, but don't get anyone dirty.



It's not me walrus

he is a walrus

and I'm not a walrus

I am Lloyd George.

(referring to the others)

What about you?

280 Drown my China!

my Persia went to the bottom!

Even India,

heavenly India, and that one!

And only one memory remains of Turkey!

A lady breaks out of the crowd of clean ones with an infinite number of cartons.

Be careful!

Don't tear!

Silk is thin!

290 help put the cardboard boxes.

(out of the clean crowd)

She's so sweet!

What a spicy!..

The parasite is idle!

What nation will you be?

My nation is the most diverse.

First was Russian -

Russia has become narrow to me.

These Bolsheviks are such a horror!

I am a graceful woman

300 with a thin soul -

I took and became an Estonian.

The Bolsheviks began to press on the outskirts -

I became a citizen of Ukraine.

They took Kharkov ten times -

I settled down in some republic in Odessa.

They took Odessa, Wrangel in the Crimea -

I took and obeyed him.

They drove the whites across the sea and across the field -

I'm already Turkish

310 Walking around Constantinople.

The Bolsheviks began to come closer -

and I'm a Parisian.

I walk in Paris.

Forty nations have changed, I confess, I -

now I have a Kamchatka nation.

What a lousy summer at the poles:

you can not show any toilet!

(yells at the clean ones)

320 What is that hum?


(in hysterics separates from the crowd)

Listen! -

I can't!


What is it?

There is no dry place in the world!


Leave me alone!

Let me go home

to the office!

330 Listen!

I can't!

I thought there would be a flood according to Kautsky.

And the wolves are full

and the sheep are whole.

And now -

people are killing each other.

Lovely reds!

Lovely whites!

Look, I can't!

340 Don't rub your eyes...

don't bite your lips...

(To approaching the fire unclean, arrogantly.)

And which nations are you?!


Chase around the world

accustomed to our wandering people.

We are no nations

our work is our homeland.

They are proletarians!


350 Proletarians...

(to the Frenchman, patting him on his belly)

The noise of the flood, I suppose, in your ears?

(to him, mockingly and shrillly)

Would you lay down and sleep on the bed now?

Let you into the trenches and into the mines!

Red Army man

I would go to the trenches -

in the trenches of wet beds.

Seeing the brewing "conflict" between the pure and the impure, to separate

the compromiser rushes them.


Lovely! Well, don't! Don't swear!

Throw at each other askance.

Stretch out your hands

hug each other

360 Gentlemen, comrades,

have to agree.

For me to agree?

It's too much!

(viciously. Both the fisherman and the Frenchman crutch their necks


Oh you conciliator!

Oh you compromiser!


(running away, beaten, whining)

I'm good to him

370 So always:

calling to agree

and you will be imposed on both sides.

The unclean pass by, separating the squeamishly squeezing crowd of the clean, and sit down at

campfire. The crowd of the pure closes behind them in a circle.

(pulls out in the middle)


We need to discuss what happened.

Let's delve into the essence of the phenomenon.

It's a simple matter -


And I think it's a flood.

And not a flood

it was raining.

there was no rain.


So, this idea is also wild ...

But anyway -

What happened, believers?

Let's, believers, look at the root.

The people, in my opinion, became rebellious.

Think war, me.


390 in my opinion, the reason is different.

I think it's metaphysical...


War - metaphysical!

Let's start with Adam!

In turn!

In turn!

Don't make sodom.

Let's talk gradually.

Your word, student!

(Justifies himself to the crowd.)

400 And then he even has foam on his lips.


everything was simple:

day changed to night

the dawn was too raging alo!

410 granite piles of capitals

and the sun itself is a motionless redhead, -

everything seemed to be a little fluid,

creep a little,

a little liquefied.

Then how it spills!

The streets are pouring

the melted house falls on the house.

The whole world,

melted in the blast furnaces of revolutions,

Lord! Attention!

It's drizzling here!

Australian wife

Pretty drizzle!

Wet like pigs.

Maybe the end of the world is near

we rally, yell and laugh.


(snuggles up to the pole)

Get here!

430 It won't drip here.

(kneeling the one who is clamping the hole with the inherent

this people with the patience of an Eskimo)

Went to the walruses!

The Eskimo hunter flies off, and from the open hole a jet beats into those present.

The clean ones scattered like a fan, yelling inarticulately.

A minute later, everyone rushes to the jet.

Shut up!

Receded. Only the Australian remained at the globe with his finger in the hole. IN

general commotion perched on a couple of pop logs.

440 We lose the last inch!

Who is that closet with the beard?

This is for forty nights and forty days!


The Lord advised him wisely.


There has been a similar precedent in history -

remember the famous adventure of Noevo.

(moving into the place of the priest)

Nonsense -

450 and history, and precedent, and in fact ...

Get to the point!

Come on, brothers, let's build a kopcheg.

Australian wife

Right! The ark!


Here is the hunt!

Let's build a boat.

Two ships!


I will invest all my money!

Those were saved, but we are smarter than those, in any way.

General hum

460 Long live,

long live technology!

Raise your hands -

General hum

And you don't need hands

visible behind the eyes.

Both the clean and the unclean raise their hands.

(having taken the place of the merchant, he looks at the blacksmith with malice,

raised his hand)

And are you there?

And don't you dare!

let's not take the unclean!

Do you know how to saw and plan?


I changed my mind.

Take the unclean.

We will only select the non-drinkers and the broad-shouldered.

(getting into the place of the Frenchman)

T-s-s, gentlemen,

maybe you don't have to put up with



we don't know what's up with a fifth of the world.

Chatter, and did not even bother to find out

480 whether there are Americans between us.


Well, the head!

Not a man, but a German chancellor!

Joy cuts through the cry of an Australian.

An American on a motorcycle rushes straight from the hall to the tensely peering.


Gracious sovereigns,

where is the ark being built here?

(Holds out paper.)

from drowned America

two hundred billion checks.

Silent sadness. And suddenly the cry of an Australian pinching the water.


What did they glare at? Will stare!

490 By God, I'll take it out!

Fingers numb.

The clean ones fussed, rubbing against the unclean.

(to the blacksmith)

Well, comrades,

build, huh?

Gentle Blacksmith

What about me

at least for me...

(Waving his hand to the unclean.)

Aida, comrades!

Ride, so ride.

The unclean are rising. Saws. Planers. Hammers.


Hurry, comrades

Hurry, darlings!

500 Get to work!

In the hands of axes and saws!


(steps aside)

Work -

and don't even think about it.

I'll sit right here

and sabotage.

(Screaming at the workers.)

Live turn around!

Ruby, don't miss it!

Why are you sitting with your hands folded?


I'm special, I'm irreplaceable...


Ark deck. In all directions, a panorama of lands crumbling into waves. IN

low clouds rests against a ladder-mast tangled with ropes. In the side cabin

and entrance to the hold. The clean and the unclean lined up along the close board.

I wouldn't want to go overboard today.

Look there:

not a wave, but a fence!

In vain I confused it with you.

Always like this

to no avail.

Mariners too!

Found a sea wolf.


Look, brought it up!

520 Buzzing and groaning.

What a fence!

Closed by a wall!

Very stupid!

I tell you with sorrow and pain, sir.

Would sit.

The earth is still holding on.

Whatever it is, but still a pole.

What are your wolves

530 waves caress.

Both Eskimos, the driver and the Australians at once.

What about Alaska?

Well, it jumped!

What a stone sling.


Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!

(crying over the memory)

540 My God!..

My God!..

the whole family

let's gather at the tea table -


(measuring the tip of the nail)

Wonderful, by God!

Well, it's not a pity

not so much.


550 I have stocked up some vodka.

Got a glass?

There will be.

let's go to the hold!

Eskimo hunter

Well, how's the walrus?

Isn't it very hot?

Nothing is fried

nicely fried.

Clean ones. The unclean descend into the hold, singing along.

What do we have to lose? Are we afraid of the flood?

560 Legs loosened - stomped around the world!

Oh, and rest in steamboats.

And eating walrus and sipping vodka is not a sin ...

Oh, it's not a sin!

The clean surrounded the whimpering Frenchman.

It's embarrassing, right!

Stop yelling!

Let's get through somehow

crawl to Ararat.

You will die of hunger, while the mountain is.


570 Lots of money

and without food you can hardly die.

I give half a million for a pound of bread


and two pounds of diamonds.


I sat in Cheka three times.

What the hell is this money to me now?!

Spit and rub.

What diamonds!

580 Now if a person has liver stones,

then you feel more secure -

belly stuffed.


No grub

one trough.


And then Sukharevka is closed.

Nothing, humble monk,

now there is a Smolensky market on every square.

And butter, and milk, and cream in the market, -

substitute an empty pocket for a lid.

590 It's you who'll sit up without milk, you fool,

and the worker has a bonus,

the worker's nature, -

and exchange.

And I will change hats for eggs.


Change your last hat

and then sit

suck paw.

(listening to the noise in the hold)

Look, roar!


600 What are they!

Caught fish and eat.

Let's take a net or a prison and let's catch it too.


And how to deal with her?

I only know how to pick at a man with a sword.

I cast the net

I thought - I'll take out the fish,

and nothing -

610 one herb.


What have they grown up to?

the first guild - and eat algae.

Lloyd George

(to Clemenceau)

Let's stop fighting.

What quarrel can there be with an Englishman


The main thing is that I have a belly, you have a belly.


And I have... belly.


How sad it is

with such a wonderful gentleman -

him and I didn't get a little carried away.

Lloyd George

Now we are not up to fights:

we have a common enemy.

Here's what I want to tell you...

He takes Clemenceau by the arm and leads him away. Whispering, they return.


We are all so clean.

Do we shed sweat at work?

Let's force the unclean to attack us



I would force them!

Yes, where do I

And any of them - oblique in the shoulders.

Lloyd George

God save the fight!

Don't fight

and while the menus are surviving,

while they sit

piya and orya,

let's take it and give them a pig ...


Let's choose a king!


Why a king?

640 Better than a policeman.


And then that the king will issue a manifesto -

all the food should be given to me, they say.

The king eats

and we eat

his loyal subjects.


I told you -

Bismarck's head!


650 Choose quickly!

English and French


And hold the reins in his hands.

What reins?

Well, how are they...

reins of government, or something ...

What are you picking on?

660 Meaning one.

Get up, sir!

Tell -

it will be a real king

Or just pretend?

Real, real!

I'll be the lady of the court!

Lloyd George

Hurry, hurry

670 scribble the manifest:

with God's mercy, they say ...

Pasha and the Australian

And we are here

not to get out.

Pasha and others are scribbling a manifesto. A German with a diplomat is unwinding in front of

exit from the hold rope. Staggering, the unclean climb out. When is the last

crawled out onto the deck, the diplomat and the German change places - and the unclean are entangled.

In the work, Mayakovsky describes the revolution. As soon as the Great October Revolution, the author could not make a final decision whether to participate in it, or still bypass this very grandiose and large-scale period in our history. Still, the writer chose the decision to help the Bolsheviks carry out the revolution. During the process itself, he was in Smolny. In order to somehow bring some benefit to the people who started the revolution and the whole movement in general, Mayakovsky began to write various poems in a satirical form, as well as various ditties and other elements of agitation in favor of the Reds.

The work "Mystery - Buff" was written in the comedy genre. This genre was designed mainly for ordinary workers and proletarians, during the times of capitalist oppression. This comedy combines epic and satirical qualities. The work expresses the spirit of art younger generation. The story contains various motifs and elements borrowed from the Bible, such as heaven and hell, the ark and the flood. The divine Methuselah and the demon Beelzebub are also mentioned in the comedy. In addition to all of the above, in this comedy there is a drama on the theme of religion.

Social conflicts in comedy are presented in the form of 7 impure couples. These pairs include: a blacksmith, a miner, a machinist, an attendant, a carpenter, a military man, a laundry woman, and a driver. At the end of the battle with unclean vapors, it is possible to destroy hell, remove God, remove destruction, repair locomotives and many other things. All phenomena in the work are described with wit and irony. Mayakovsky's Utopian Predictions Provide Relevance this work far ahead. IN historical period revolution in our country this genre was very popular.

Picture or drawing Mystery-Buff

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel

    In the novel there is a story about Gargantua and his son Pantagruel. At first we are talking about the birth of the first, his feat. Then about the birth of the second, his heroic actions.

  • Summary of Green Green Lamp

    At the beginning of the story, one of the heroes is in a wonderful situation: a mature, respected and influential millionaire. But this power, apparently, bored him. I wanted something more to sell and buy, hire and fire.

Mayakovsky Vladimir

Mystery Buff

Vladimir Mayakovsky

"Mystery Buff"


Heroic, epic and satirical

image of our era


"Mystery-buff" - the road. Revolution road. No one can predict with accuracy what other mountains we will have to blow up, going this way. Today the word "Lloyd George" is boring into the ear, and tomorrow the British themselves will forget his name. Today, the will of millions is rushing towards the commune, and in fifty years, perhaps, the attack is far away.

planets, the air dreadnoughts of the commune will rush. Therefore, leaving the road (form), I again changed parts of the landscape

nym, today, momentary.

D E J S T V U Y T:

1. Seven parchists: 1) Abyssinian Negus, 2) Raja

Indian, 3) Turkish pasha, 4) Russian speculator, 5)

Chinese, 6) Fat Persian, 7) Clemenceau, 8) German, 9) Pop,

10) Australian, 11) Australian wife, 12) Lloyd George,

13) American and 14) Diplomat. 2. Seven couples: 1) Red Army soldier, 2) Lantern

box, 3) Driver, 4) Miner, 5) Carpenter, 6) Laborer, 7) Servant,

8) Blacksmith, 9) Baker, 10) Laundress, 11) Seamstress, 12) Machinist,

13) Eskimo fisherman and 14) Eskimo hunter. 3. Compliant. 4. Intelligence. 5. D a m a s c a r t o n c a m 6. Devils: 1) Beelzebub, 2) Ober-devil, 3) Vestovy, 4) 2nd

messenger, 5) sentry, 6) 20 clean with horns and tails. 7. Saints: 1) Methuselah, 2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 3) Leo Tolstoy,

4) Gabriel, 5) Angel, 6) 2nd angel and 7) angels. 8. S a v a f. 9. C u n c e

1) Hammer, 2) Sickle, 3) Cars, 4) Trains, 5) Cars, 6)

Planer 7) Pincers, 8) Needle, 9) Saw, 10) Bread, 11) Salt, 12)

Sugar, 13) Matter, 14) Boot, 15) Board with a lever. 10. Man to the future.


1. The whole universe. 2. Ark. 3. Hell. 4. Paradise. 5. Land of debris.

6. Promised Land.

N e h i s t y

We'll show you in a minute... Mystery buff. I have to say two words: this is a new thing. To jump above your head, you need someone to help. A new play needs a prologue. First, why is the whole theater destroyed? Well-intentioned people will be very outraged by this. Why do you go to shows? To get pleasure right? And how great is the pleasure to watch, if the pleasure is only on the stage; the stage is only one third. So, in an interesting performance, if you build everything up, then your pleasure will increase three times, but if the performance is uninteresting, then you should not look even at one third. For other theaters, it is not important to present: for them, the stage is a keyhole. Sit, they say, quietly, straight or obliquely and see a piece of someone else's life. You look and see aunt Manya and uncle Vanya nasty on the sofa. And we are not interested in either uncles or aunts, aunts and uncles, and you will find houses. We will also show real life, but it has been turned into an extraordinary spectacle by the theater. The essence of the first act is this: the earth is leaking. Then - stomp. Everyone is fleeing the revolutionary flood. Seven pairs of impure and seven pairs of clean, that is, fourteen poor proletarians and fourteen bourgeois-bars, and between them, with a pair of tear-stained cheeks, Mensheviks. The pole is overflowing. The last shelter is crumbling. And everyone begins to build not even an ark, but an ark. In the second act, the audience travels in the ark: here you have an autocracy, and a democratic republic, and finally overboard, under the Menshevik howl, the clean ones were thrown headfirst. In the third act, it is shown that the workers do not need to be afraid of anything, even devils in the middle of hell. In the fourth, laugh harder! heavenly places are shown. In the fifth act, devastation, with its vast mouth gaping, crushes and devours. Although we worked for a hungry belly, we defeated devastation. In the sixth act, the commune, the whole hall, sing at the top of your lungs! Look in all eyes!

All is ready? And hell? And heaven?

Because of the stage.

Ready! Let's!


At the glow of the northern lights, the globe of the earth, resting with its pole against the ice of the floor. Ropes of latitudes and longitudes cross with ladders all over the globe. Between two walruses propping up the world, esk im o o h o t n i k, burying his finger in the ground, yells to the other

gom, stretched out in front of him by the fire.

About h o t n i k

bawl. There is no other business to poke the ground with your finger.

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