Silver hoof. Silver hoof Silver hoof performance for children 8 years old is interesting


On November 25, 2018, a number of interesting events will take place in Moscow. We want to choose events that are interesting for you and have a pleasant day.

Poster of events in Moscow on November 25, 2018

Campaign "Cultural Marathon"

On November 25, the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane will host the Cultural Marathon event, within which the Arkhip Kuindzhi exhibition will be open for free admission. Source -, the best events in Moscow.

The Cultural Marathon is an event organized by the Sistema Charitable Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Four museums will immediately open their doors for free visits: the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, the Tula State Museum of Weapons and the Museum of the World Ocean in Kaliningrad.

As part of the action on November 25 from 10:00 to 18:30, the Arkhip Kuindzhi exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery will be open for free admission. The exposition, which brought together more than 180 paintings, sketches and sketches from the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, regional collections and museum collections from neighboring countries, will be a discovery for both a wide range of art lovers and professionals.

Performance "Kysya"

On November 25, the legendary performance "Kysya" will take place in the Moscow Palace of Youth - a production that has broken all conceivable and unimaginable records for full houses. The leading roles are played by the brilliant and inimitable Dmitry Nagiyev and the brutal Igor Lifanov.

Both have not needed any special introduction for a long time, as they are recognized stars of the first magnitude in film, television and theater. Dmitry and Igor have been friends since their student days. And together they are engaged in many successful projects. But the most unexpected and even in many ways sensational record was set by the play "Kysya", the audience's excitement around which has not subsided for 16 years.

"Kysya" - a production based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin. Director Lev Rakhlin and the actors created on stage a funny, naughty and adventurous story of a St. Petersburg slop cat from the Don Juan breed. Dmitry Nagiev perfectly mastered the plasticity, habits and difficult feline philosophy. The main character - the cat Martin - has a hard time. However, everything that Kysia sees makes his little mind seriously think about the most important human values.

On the domestic stage, few private performances can compare with "Kysya" in terms of audience attention for all the years of its existence. The production was watched, probably, by all the stars: from Alla Pugacheva to Leonid Yarmolnik. "Kysya" toured in the most prestigious halls both in Russia and abroad.

Exhibition "Treasures of Russian Museums"

Until November 25, the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" hosts a unique exhibition "Treasures of Russian Museums". For the first time, more than 280 paintings by great artists from 50 Russian museums will be collected under one roof.

Never before in the history of Russia in a single collection were works of art from different parts of our vast Motherland shown: from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Khanty-Mansiysk to Feodosia and, of course, from Central Russia and the Volga region.

Many paintings presented at the exposition never left the limits of regional museums, although the names of their creators are known all over the world and top the list of great Russian artists. The canvases of Aivazovsky, Petrov-Vodkin, Kustodiev, Repin, Serov and many others, familiar to the general public or recognizable in narrow circles, will appear before the visitors of the Treasures of Russian Museums exhibition. Many paintings have been restored especially for the exhibition in the Manege.

Ice skating rink in Gorky Park

A skating rink began its work in Gorky Park, which this year was called the Factory of Happy People. This is how the English writer Herbert Wells described the park during his visit in 1934.

By the opening of this winter season, more than 1,500 new pairs of skates have been purchased. Some of the women's pairs will be equipped with lighting, as well as neon laces that shimmer in the dark. The unusual accessory will appear not only in rental shops, but also in the Park's souvenir shops and will be released as part of a winter collaboration with the Terekhov Girl brand.

A glass media room will be installed along the Central Alley, from where live concerts, DJ sets and draws will be broadcast to the entire rink on different days.

Exhibition “Mikhail Shemyakin. Metaphysical workshop»

From November 21 to January 27, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Gogolevsky Boulevard will host a large-scale retrospective of the artist Mikhail Shemyakin, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the master “Mikhail Shemyakin. Metaphysical Workshop.

The project, whose exposition includes more than 250 works in different techniques - painting, sculpture, graphics - covers the key periods of Shemyakin's work and introduces all areas of his activity.

The project includes works from the State Russian Museum, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the State Academic Mariinsky Theatre, the Fund of the artist Mikhail Shemyakin, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio fund, private collections and the personal collection of the artist in France. The curator and architect of the exposition was the artist Alexei Tregubov.

Mikhail Shemyakin. Metaphysical Workshop" at MMOMA is the first solo exhibition in Moscow for many years, representing all facets of the artist. As conceived by Alexei Tregubov, part of the museum enfilades is occupied by the so-called Shemyakin laboratories-workshops. The archival materials presented in them, sketches and drawings, acquaint the viewer with the process of creating works, help to trace their relationship with the temporal context.

Opening of the winter season in Izmailovsky Park 2018

November 25 will begin with the sports race "Father Frost Run" at different distances - from 500 m to 6.8 km in 23 age groups. Anyone can participate.

Guests of the skating rink, as on the first day, are waiting for figure skating lessons and performances of cover bands, as well as creative master classes for children in the rental building. The event will end with an unusual light show. Entrance to the skating rink on November 25 by tickets.

silver hoof
(scenario of a puppet show based on the fairy tale by P.P. Bazhov)
Grandfather / Kokovanya - an old hunter and gold miner (actor)
Dasha - granddaughter of Grandpa (doll) / Darenka - granddaughter of Kokovani (doll)
Murenka - Darenka's cat (doll)
Silver hoof - magic goat - owner of precious stones (doll)

Prologue ("black office")

The curtain opens to stylized folk music, through the music you can clearly hear the clatter of hooves.

Nowadays. Country house. Room. In the middle of the room is a baby crib with slatted walls. On the wall above the bed hangs an old tapestry depicting a small deer - a roe deer with branched horns. The roe deer on the tapestry is drawn in such a way that it seems as if a deer is looking into the room.

From behind the scenes, "from the yard" you can hear the sound of a starting car and a voice.

Female voice: Mom, Dasha can't have strawberries, she's allergic, don't forget!
Child's voice: Dad, are you coming soon?
Male voice: Soon, Dashenka, but for now you will be with your grandfather, you will be with a woman. Tomorrow we will go to the forest, take a walk. We have a good place here, there are a lot of animals!
The second female voice (an older woman says): Well, father, well, what are you doing, you will catch a cold for the child! She's undressed! Go to the house!
Child's voice: Mom, bye, come soon!
Female Voice: Okay, okay!

The sound of a driving car is heard. A grandfather (actor) appears on the stage with his granddaughter in his arms (granddaughter-doll, dressed in pajamas).

Grandfather (playing with his granddaughter): Here, the plane is flying (circling the granddaughter). Wow, and landed in the crib!

She puts her granddaughter in bed.

Dasha (capriciously): Grandpa, I don't want to sleep!
Grandpa: And who yawned? And we have a strict account of yawns: the first yawn is over the threshold, the second is on the ceiling, and the third is in bed!
Dasha (capriciously): Well, grandfather! I'm already big, I'm already six and a half!
Grandpa: Big! Of course, the big one, which one (strokes her granddaughter on the head), but the big ones that don’t sleep? And I'll sing you a lullaby, if you want? You lie down, lie down...

Arranges granddaughter in the crib

Grandpa: Here, let me tuck you in from all sides ... Like this!
Grandfather (sings and shakes the cradle):
- Kitty, kitty, kitty,
Kitty, gray tail,
Come, cat, spend the night,
Download our Dashenka.

Dasha (raises her head): Grandpa, where is my Murenka?
Grandpa (confused): Who?
Dasha (laughing): Murenka! My cat! We brought it with us, (demandingly) find it!
Grandpa: Oh my God, now!

Grandfather: Mother, where is Dashurina's cat, well, such a shabby one?
Female Voice: Now! Ugh, here she is on a stool under the table!

While grandfather is away, Dasha gets up in bed and touches the drawing on the tapestry with her hand.

Dasha: Oh, what! Beautiful!

Grandpa is back. In his hands is a toy cat with a knitted muzzle and button eyes.

Grandfather: Here it is, your chumazik! Hold on. (Hands the toy to her granddaughter.) Why jumped up, lie down, lie down!

Settles granddaughter in bed. He puts the cat on the side of the bed.

Grandfather: Here is your Murenka, let's sing about her further. (sings)
- How do I give you a cat
I'll pay for the work
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk...
Dasha (gets up in bed again, seriously): Grandfather, firstly, Murenka is a cat, not a cat! Second, I don't want a lullaby!
Grandfather (bewildered): Well, who will sleep? (A little angry.) Dasha, you need to sleep, otherwise you won't grow up! (Tries to put her granddaughter to bed again)
Dasha (turns to the tapestry and touches the drawing): Grandfather, who is this?
Grandpa: This? Silver hoof.
Dasha: And who is he?
Grandfather: Here ... And she said, "I'm big"! This is such a goat, magical ...
Dasha: Is he alive?
Grandpa: Of course.
Dasha: Where does he live?
Grandfather: You lie down, and I'll tell you ... Just, mind you, lie quietly, otherwise the Silver Hoof will get angry!
Dasha (settling in bed): Is he evil?
Grandpa: No, just strict. Order loves ... well, listen ..., long, long ago, when I was not yet in the world, there lived an old man in our village alone, nicknamed Kokovanya.

Grandfather picks up Murenka and strokes her. Murenka "comes to life". Starts rubbing against his hands. Dasha gets up in bed.

Dasha: Oh, grandfather, Murenka caresses you! Revived!
Grandfather: And it should be like that ... It was like that, she pretended ... In fact, Murenka is smart, look at her eye ... she notices everything ...
Murenka arches its back and purrs.

Dasha laughs.

Grandfather: You listen and don’t interrupt ... Kokovan’s family didn’t have anyone left, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​taking an adopted child for himself, it means an orphan, well, to help him there and everything ... He began to ask his neighbors, and they say that, de, on settlements, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned. The older girls were taken to the master's needlework, and no one needs the younger one after the sixth year. And the hut was given to some kind of mountaineer, and he has more than a dozen of his own. Well, the hostess eats up the orphan, and even though she is small, she understands that she is also offended ...

Murenka continues to purr and rub against his grandfather's hand. Dasha goes to bed.

The tapestry comes to life to the grandfather's story: the head of the Silver Hoof peeps out of the section of the tapestry and looks into the crib where Dasha lies. A silver hoof jumps out of the tapestry and runs along the side of the cradle, clattering with its hooves. The clatter of hooves turns into a cry for an orphan.
Folk lamentation song “Who are you, dear mother” (Recorded in 1920, Staritsky district, Tver region)

Who are you, dear mother (father),
Settled, hopeful?
You left your dear children,
You are their small and stupid.
And without you, dear mother,
Your own children will suffer
They are cold and hungry
The red sun will not warm them,
Their dear mother will not caress,
Violent winds will break on them,
They will be lazy and not hasty,
They are round orphans.
There will be no one to pity them,
They stagger and roam,
Walking for good people
They get bored with good people.

First act ("black office")

Dasha's bed turns into a bench (the front wall is removed), on which Darenka sits and strokes the cat. The cat rubs Darenka's hand and purrs loudly. In the horizontal window of the black cabinet there are shadow puppets - silhouettes of people, children and adults sitting at a large table. At some distance the hostess at the spinning wheel.
Darenka (doll) is dressed in a white shirt with embroidery, a sundress, bast shoes, and a scarf on her head.
Kokovanya (actor) enters - a long coat, a peasant hat-pie, bast shoes.

Kokovanya: Hello (bows, points to Darenka), is it Grigoriev’s gift to you?
Hostess (shadow puppet, spinning a spinning wheel): This one. It’s not enough for one, so I picked up a tattered cat somewhere, we can’t drive it away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!
Kokovanya: Apparently, your guys are not affectionate. She's out there, you see, how she's purring. (Turning to Darenka). Well, little present, will you come to live with me?
Darenka (surprised): And you, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Darenka?
Kokovanya (laughing): And so, I didn’t think, didn’t guess, but accidentally hit ...
Darenka: Who are you?
Kokovanya: I'm kind of a hunter. In summer I wash my sands, I mine gold, and in winter I run after a goat through the forests, but I can’t see everything.
Darenka (with fear): Will you shoot him?
Kokovan: No. I shoot simple goats, but this, no, I won’t. I want to see where he stamps his front right foot.
Darenka (with curiosity): What do you need?
Kokovanya: But if you come to live with me, I'll tell you everything.
Darenka gets up from the bench and approaches Kokovana, looking up at him. Murenka follows her and rubs against Kokovani's legs.
Darenka: I’ll go… Just take this Murenka cat with you too. Look how good she is...
Kokovanya: There is no talk about that. Do not take such a sonorous cat - stay a fool! Instead of a balalaika, we will have in the hut.
Hostess: Al really take it?
Kokovanya: I'll take it. (Raises Darenka in his arms).
Hostess: And with a cat?
Kokovanya (puts Darenka on his shoulder, laughs): With a cat, with a cat!

Mistress (gets up from the spinning wheel): Go collect her belongings as soon as possible ...

Murenka rubs at Kokovani's feet and purrs.
Murenka: That's right, right.

Kokovani's hut. To the left of the audience is the front door. Viewers can see the corner of the Russian stove with the mouth. There is a table next to the stove. Darenka is sitting on a bench at the table opposite Kokovani. Kokovanya cuts a spoon and tells. Next to Darenka is Murenka, who accompanies Kokovani's story with either a tilt of her head or a loud "murr", or touches the old man with her paw if he falls silent. Above, in the horizontal window of the black study, which is also the window of the hut, everything that Kokovanya is talking about is reflected.

Kokovanya: That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front foot. Wherever he stamps that foot, the precious stone will jump out there. Once he stomps - one stone, two - two stones, and if he starts to beat with his foot, then a pile of precious stones will be poured.
Murenka (rubbing against Kokovani's side): You are right, right.
Darenka: Dedo, is he big?
Kokovanya (assessingly tilts her head, looks at the table): But, it will not be higher than our table. The head is chiseled, narrow, the legs are thin, slender.
On the horizontal screen, against the background of the autumn forest, the silhouette of the Silver Hoof appears. He stands so that he can be seen.
Darenka: Does he have horns?
Kokovanya: His horns are excellent! Simple goats have two branches, and this one has five.
Silverhoof tilts his head as if he is eating something. Horns on five branches glow with a silvery light.
Darenka: And who does he eat?
Murenka snorts as if laughing at Darenka.
Kokovanya: Nobody. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, it also eats up hay in stacks in winter.
The silver hoof (shadow doll) listens attentively, stretches its head, a twig appears in its mouth, which it chews.
Darenka: What kind of fur does he have?
Kokovanya: Brown in summer, like our Murenka.
Kokovanya is stroking a cat. Murenka stands on its paws, arches its back.
Kokovanya: And in winter - gray.
Darenka: Dedo, and he is stuffy.
Murenka snorts again as if from laughter.
Kokovanya (clasping her hands): What are you, Daria! How stuffy he is! These domestic goats are so-and-so smelly, and the forest goat, he smells like a forest!
Silverhoof nods his graceful head in agreement with Kokovaney.
Kokovanya (cutting the spoon again): I’ll go to the forest to look, where there are more goats grazing, so maybe I’ll see the Silver Hoof ...
The silver hoof jumps easily, bucking its legs. There is a slight clatter of hooves. Darenka shudders, listening, but Murenka flutters loudly, and the clatter of hooves disappears.
Darenka: Oh, dedo, how well you speak. It seemed to me that the hooves hit. And take me with you, in the fall ...
Kokovanya: Well, I also thought of it. In autumn, all goats have horns. A silver hoof in winter should be looked at, when everyone is hornless, and he will be the only one with horns. Then you can see it from afar... Well, okay, let's have dinner, and go to bed.
Darenka: Now, dedo.

Darenka takes a pot out of the oven. Murenka rubs at her feet. The silver hoof carefully looks at Darenka, as if he wants to remember, quietly stepping over with his legs, disappears.

Kokovani's hut. Darenka is busy setting the table. Murenka spins near her feet. A village street, a landscape of late autumn, is visible in the horizontal window.

Darenka: Here ... Grandfather will probably come from the forest hungry, but I have everything ready. (Sits on a bench, Murenka jumps on her knees)
Murenka: You are right, you are right.
Kokovanya in an Armenian coat and a hat appears at the door of the hut.
Kokovanya: Hostess, meet the guest!
Darenka rushes to Kokovana.
Darenka: Dedo! I already missed you!

Kokovanya picks up Darenka in her arms. Murenka rubs against his legs and purrs. Kokovanya bends down, carefully, so as not to drop the girl, runs it along the cat's back. Murenka rubs against his hand.

Murenka: Correctly returned, correctly.

Kokovanya lowers Darenka onto the bench, looks around the table, the hut, smiles, strokes his beard.

Kokovanya: Well done, hostess! Order everywhere!
Darenka: You, dedo, come on, eat!

He gives Kokovana a bowl, pours cabbage soup from a cast-iron pot, and gives him a spoon and bread. He sits down on a bench opposite Kokovani. Kokovanya eats. Murenka jumps up on the bench next to Darenka and looks at Kokovanya.

Kokovanya (pointing at the cat with a spoon): And they say that the creature is meaningless, but come on, I’m glad for the owner!
Murenka: You are right, right!
Kokovanya: Well, Darya Grigoryevna, well, a cook! How delicious!
Darenka (impatiently): Well, grandfather, have you seen the Silver Hoof?
Kokovanya: No, I didn’t see it ... Now there are a lot of goats grazing in the Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in the winter.
Darenka: And where to spend the night?
Kokovanya: There I have a winter booth near the mowing spoons. A good farce, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.
Darenka: Or maybe the Silver Hoof is grazing in that direction ...
Kokovanya: Who knows, maybe there.
Darenka: Dedo, take me with you. I’ll sit in the booth, and cook something too ... Maybe the Silver Hoof will come close, I’ll take a look.
Kokovanya puts down her spoon and clasps her hands.
Kokovanya: What are you! What you! Is it a good thing for a little girl to walk through the woods in winter! You have to ski, but you don't know how. Load it up in the snow. How will I be with you? Freeze more!
Darenka (begging): Take it, dedo! I can ski a little too!
Kokovanya (a little dissatisfied): Oh, I'm old, but stupid! Stole your head! (Thinking) Well, okay, not that. Obviously take...
Darenka joyfully bounces on the bench, hugs Murenka to her.
Darenka: Here, Murenushka, I will see the Silver Hoof! And maybe I'll get it! I'll take the rope with me!
Kokovanya (chuckling): Wow! Only, mind you, don’t pout in the forest and don’t ask to go home before the time!
Darenka (jumps off the bench, hugs Kokovanya): I won't, grandfather! Just take it!
Murenka: You thought right, right!
Darenka jumps on her knees. Kokovanya and Darenka are stroking a cat.

Kokovani's hut. On the bench is a small bag with straps. Darenka is stroking a cat that is sitting on a bench. Darenka in felt boots, a sheepskin coat and a warm scarf and mittens. Completely ready to go.

Darenka: We, Muryonka, will go to the forest with my grandfather, and you sit at home, catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.
Murenka sits up on the bench, stretches, looks slyly at Darenka.
Murenka: That's right. Right.
Kokovani's voice "from the street": Darenka, it's time.
Darenka: I'm coming, grandfather!
He puts the bag on his shoulders.
Darenka: Well, goodbye, Murenushka!

"Village Outskirts". The horizontal screen expands. Kokovanya and Darenka walk against the backdrop of a winter village street, beyond which the forest begins. They have bags on their backs.
- The old man is out of his mind!
- He took such a little girl into the forest in winter!
- It will freeze there, or the wolves will eat it!

Heart-rending dog barking and squealing is heard. Darrenka turns around.
In the shady window Murenka gallops after them, fighting off the dogs.

Darenka: Dedo, yes, this is our cat!

Makes a move to drop the bag from his shoulders and catch the cat. Kokovanya stops her.

Kokovanya (laughing): What are you! You will catch her! (Pointing up) Look, look, and he's not afraid of dogs! From so!

Murenka, under his words, gave a paw to one of the dogs, she squealed and jumped away, and Murenka flew up into a tree.

Kokovanya (pretty): Don't get our cat! (To Darenka) Don't be afraid, granddaughter, she won't leave us behind, she'll come straight to the booth.
Darenka: Murenka, Murenka, keep up!

Act two ("black office")

Hunting booth Kokovani. Small stove on legs. Next to the stove there is a table and two benches. A horizontal screen-window through which a winter forest is visible. Darenka sits next to the stove on the bench. On the floor in front of the stove - Murenka, squinting at the fire. To the left of the audience is a door, next to it stands Kokovanya in a sheepskin coat and hat.

Kokovanya: You are a wise man, Daria Grigoryevna! How big judged. Of course, it is necessary to go to the factory for a horse, transport corned beef ... Only you are afraid, go, alone.
Darenka: Why be afraid of something! Our farce is strong, the wolves cannot achieve. And Muryonka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!
He gets up from the bench, hugs and kisses Kokovanya. Kokovan is leaving.

Balagan Kokovani. Darenka sits by the stove on a bench, dozing. Murenka sits next to her, sensitively raising her head and pricking her ears. There is a clatter, the sound of hooves. Darenka raises her eyes to the window.
In the horizontal window there is an evening winter landscape, against which a Silver Hoof (doll) appears in the distance. Darenka tosses her head, but everything immediately disappears.

Darenka (addressing the cat): Apparently, I dozed off. It seemed to me.
Murionka: You are correct. Right.

From the street again comes the sound of trampling, it is very close under the window. Darenka jumps up from the bench.

Darenka stands against the backdrop of a winter forest. The picture of the horizontal window is wider. A Silver Hoof (doll) appears in front of Darenka. The silver hoof raises the right front leg, on which the silver hoof shines brightly. On the head are horns with five branches. The silver hoof tilts its head to the right, then to the left, examining Darenka.
Darenka stretches out her hand to the Silver Hoof, but does not dare to approach. Beckons a goat.

Darenka: Me-ka! Me-ka!
Silverhoof laughs out loud and disappears.

Balagan Kokovani. Evening. Darenka is sitting by the stove with a cat on her lap.
Darenka (turning to the cat): I looked at the Silver Hoof. And I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I didn’t see only how that goat stomps with his foot, knocks out expensive stones. Another time, apparently, will show.
Murenka (rubbing against the girl's chin): You are right. Right.
Darenka: Come on, Murenushka, sleep. Maybe tomorrow the grandfather will come back. And it's still boring without him.

Darenka lies down on the bench in front of the stove, not letting Muryonka out of his arms. Murenka purrs loudly, lulling the girl. Then he raises his head, carefully frees himself from the arms of the sleeping Darenka, runs up to the door of the booth, pushes it and silently disappears.

Balagan Kokovani. Winter night in a horizontal window. The stove almost went out. Darenka is shivering on the bench, she is cold. Wakes up, jumps up, looks around. There is no cat.

Darenka (frightened): Murenka! Kitty-kiss!
He grabs a sheepskin coat and a scarf and runs out the door.

Month night. In the horizontal window, snow-covered fir trees, on which snow lies, are clearly visible. On the side of the stage, Kokovani's booth is covered up to the roof with snow.
Darenka in a scarf and sheepskin coat rushes about against the backdrop of the forest.

Darenka (frightened): Murenka, where are you?!
Murenka's voice: Moore!
Daria looks around. Murenka sits in a bright spot of the moonlight. Before

Silverhoof stands like a moray and shakes his head. Murenka touches the goat with her paw.
Murenka runs away. The silver hoof runs after her, catches up, gives a little horns. Murenka touches him with her paw and runs after him.

Darenka: Murenka! Kitty-kiss!

Murenka turns around and looks at Darenka.
Murenka: Moore!

Nods to Silverhoof. The goat starts kicking with his right foot. The silver hoof gleams in the moonlight. Colored flashes are pouring from under it, which knock on the crust like falling pebbles.
The silver hoof jumps onto the roof of the booth and kicks. The roof of the booth lights up with colored lights, the sound of falling pebbles intensifies.
Darenka is fascinated looking at the goat. Kokovanya appears. Suitable for Darenka.

Kokovanya (admiringly): From, mother honest!

Darenka (delighted): Dedo, come, come Silver Hoof! Murenka called him!

Murenka jumps onto the roof. Becomes next to the goat. Meows loudly. Silverhoof and Murenka disappear.
Kokovanya takes off his hat and rakes pebbles near the booth.

Darenka: Oh, dedo, do not ruin! Tomorrow we will love it!

PICTURE V. Epilogue ("black office")
Prologue picture. Grandfather holds Murenka on his knees and strokes her.
Grandpa: That's it...
Looks at the bed.

Grandfather (addressing Murenka): Our dragonfly goat fell asleep ...
Murenka (loudly): Moore!

Silverhoof peeps out of the tapestry, looks into the crib.
Grandfather (shaking his finger at Murenka and the Silver Hoof): Quiet, quiet! Wake up! Let him sleep, but fill his mind.

Silver Hoof and Murenka nod their heads in agreement.
A curtain.

Svetlana Razilova
Scenario of the performance for children of senior preschool age based on the tales of P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

silver hoof

Performance for older children

Characters: grandfather, Darenka, Murenka, Squirrel, bear,

silver hoof, fox, hare.

Forest clearing, snowdrops and willow on the screen.

Murenka. Hello friends! I am a Murenka cat. I live in a hut with my grandfather

forester. He has a granddaughter Darenka. The girl is so tiny, and

smart, grandfather helps in everything. Meow meow. And here is my master.

Grandfather. Spring stocks are out. And there is absolutely nothing to eat at home. What am I

will I feed you, granddaughter? There are no berries or mushrooms yet. Now if

would Silver hoof helped us.

Darenka. Grandpa, tell me what it is.

Grandfather. People say that he looks like Oleshka, so slender,

beautiful, with spots on his back, and his horns are like twigs, where the leg

knocks, people find precious stones there, only rarely see him

Darenka. Here's a look at him.

Grandfather. Okay, I'll try to find some game. And you, Darenka at home

stay, wait for me, but don't go into the forest, you'll get lost. One is not afraid


Murenka. She is not alone, she is with me, I will purr songs to her.

Darenka. Just come faster.

Grandpa leaves.

Squirrel. The sun is shining, the birds are flying, spring is on their wings. Grass in the forest

snowdrops appeared.

Bear. Yes, spring is the time to get up, have fun and play.

Chanterelle. And let's play "in a cunning fox".

Bunny. No, fox, it's not interesting to play with you, you always win. Chanterelle. I won't cheat, let's play.

The animals are playing "sly fox"

The crunch of branches is heard in the forest.

Squirrel. It looks like someone is coming.

Squirrels. He has a gun, hide!

Bear. Save who can!

Fox. Faster, in the hole!

Grandfather. Here's a hare, I'll shoot him.

Hare. Don't shoot, grandpa, I'll be useful to you. I have small children,

they are without me.

Grandfather. Okay, bunny, run, I'll look for other prey.

Hare. Thank you!

Grandfather. Oh bear, here's some good prey.

Bear. Do not shoot, grandfather, I will repay you kindly!

Grandfather. Okay, bear, go into the forest, and I'll look for other prey.

Bear. Thank you!

Grandfather. But the fox, I'll shoot her.

Fox. Don't shoot, grandfather, I have foxes in a hole, they are waiting for me, and I

I will repay well.

Grandfather. Okay, I’m not for myself, there’s absolutely nothing to feed my granddaughter Darenka!

Well, go, I'll look for other prey.

Grandfather. But the squirrel, at least I'll shoot it.

Squirrel. Have pity on me, grandfather, I will be useful to you.

Grandfather. OK. Apparently, you have to go home empty-handed. I have become old

for hunting, sorry for the animals.

Squirrel. Thank you! Grandpa is leaving.

Scene near Darenka's house.

Darenka. That this grandfather has not been walking for so long, maybe something happened to him,

I'll go look for him.

Murenka. Don't go, you'll get lost, it's already getting dark.

Darenka. And I'll take a flashlight, it's not scary with him, and you, Murenka, are at home

wait for grandpa. Grandpa, where are you? A-u-u-u! He is not here! I'll go and look.

Murenka the cat is looking out the window, someone is knocking on the door.

Murenka. Who knocks there? No one at home!

Fox. I caught you fish, tell your owner and his granddaughter

Murenka. Fish, meow, fresh, how I love it! Thank you! Who's there?

Bear. It's me - a bear, here is honey - a gift for your owner and his

granddaughters, please. He took pity on me and I will repay him well.

Murenka. Moore! Ok I will pass it on. Miracles, more and more gifts. Who

Squirrel. It's me - a squirrel, nuts for you from autumn stocks, for kind people

no pity.

Murenka. Thank you, I'll pass it over. Is anyone else coming?

Hare. It's me - a hare, I brought birch sap for grandfather and granddaughter, very


Murenka. Thank you, I'll pass it on, only something they lingered in the forest, I


scene in the forest.

Darenka. Awww! A-u-u! Grandpa, where are you? Oh, what is it that glows there? Oleshek!

What a beautiful! grandpa me told about the magic deer, it is,

probably he. Come here don't be afraid. silver hoof. Help me girl, my foot is stuck between the roots

trees. I can't get out.

Darenka. Now, I will help you.

Ser. Cop. Thank you. And why are you here in the forest all alone?

Darenka. I was looking for my grandfather, he went into the forest in the morning and did not return, you

didn't you meet him?

Ser. Cop. No, but beasts to me told that he is very kind, everyone

pity the animals.

Darenka. Yes. He is like that, he took pity on me as an orphan and the cat Murenka. But as

does your leg hurt?

Ser. Cop. No. Do you want me to take you home?

Darenka. Thank you, is it true that you magic hoof? me grandpa

told. I'd like to see how you hoof pebbles


Ser. Cop. True, I'll take you home, you'll see for yourself.

Darenka. Grandpa will be happy.

Darenka rides a reindeer, then disappears.

Grandpa's house. Grandpa returns from the forest.

Grandfather. Darenka, where are you, granddaughter? Why did she go into the woods alone? Need her

find. And you, Murenka, why did you let her go alone?

Murenka. I told her, but she did not listen, then the animals came in, gifts

brought, thank you for your kindness.

Grandfather. Darenka! Granddaughter!

Darenka rides a deer, grandfather goes to meet them.

Darenka. Grandpa, I'm here. I was looking for you in the forest!

Grandfather. Here she is my good one, and this silver hoof brought you himself,

what a miracle! Ser. Cop. Hello, grandfather, you have a good granddaughter, kind and you are the same,

I want to reward you for your kindness! These gems will bring

you happiness.

Darenka. The main thing is that grandfather does not get sick and lives a long time. That's so beautiful!

Thank you! I knew, I believed that happiness would definitely come to us

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An old man lived in our factory alone, nicknamed Kokovanya.

Kokovani had no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew anyone, and the neighbors said:

Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the master's needlework, but no one needs one girl in the sixth year. Here you take it.

It's not good for me with a girl. Boy would be better. I would teach him my business, I would raise an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

I knew Grigory, and his wife too. Both were funny and smart. If a girl goes after her parents, she will not be sad in the hut. I'll take her. Will it just go?

Neighbors explain:

She has a bad life. The clerk gave the hut to Grigoriev to some goryuny and ordered for this to feed the orphan until she grows up. And he has a family of more than a dozen. They don't eat enough on their own. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. Even though she is small, she understands. It's a shame for her. How will not go from such a life! Yes, and persuade, come on.

And that's true, - answers Kokovanya. - I'll get it somehow.

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees - the hut is full of people, big and small. A girl is sitting by the stove, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinned that rarely anyone will let her into the hut. The girl strokes this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovanya looked at the girl and asked:

Is it Grigoriev's gift to you? The hostess replies:

She is the most. Not only one, so I picked up a tattered cat somewhere. We can't drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

Unkind, apparently, your guys. She's purring.

Then he asks the orphan:

Well, little gift, will you come to live with me? The girl was surprised

You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Daryonka?

Yes, - he answers, - it just happened. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

Who are you? - the girl asks.

I, - says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, mine gold, and in the winter I run through the forests for a goat, but I can’t see everything.

Will you shoot him?

No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won’t do this. I have to look at the hunt, in which place he stomps with his right front leg.

What is it for you?

But if you come to live with me, I'll tell you everything. The girl was curious about the goat to find out. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

I'll go. Only you take this cat, Muryonka, too. Look how good.

About this, - answers Kokovanya, - what to say. Do not take such a sonorous cat - you will remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, she will be in our hut.

The owner hears their conversation. I'm glad that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to her. I quickly began to collect Daryonka's belongings. Afraid lest the old man change his mind. The cat seems to understand the whole conversation too. It rubs at the feet and purrs: “R-correctly thought it up. Correct.”

So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him. He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny, and has a small nose with a button. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps after them.

So the grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darena and the cat Muryonka began to live together. They lived and lived, they didn’t make much good, but they didn’t cry for living, and everyone had a job. Kokovanya went to work in the morning, Daryonka cleaned up in the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and the cat Muryonka went hunting - she caught mice. By the evening they will gather, and they will have fun.

The old man was a master of fairy tales. Daryonka loved to listen to those tales, and the cat Muryonka lies and purrs:

“R-correctly speaking. Correct.”

Only after every fairy tale will Daryonka remind:

Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?
Kokovanya made excuses at first, then he said:

That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front foot. Wherever he stomps with this hoof, an expensive stone will appear there. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he starts to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.

He said this, and was not happy. From that time on, Daryonka's only conversation was about this goat.

Grandpa, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, and the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:

Grandpa, does he have horns?

The horns, - he answers, - are excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and this one has five branches.

Grandpa, who does he eat?

No one, - answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

Grandpa, what kind of fur does he have?

In summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Muryonka, and gray in winter.
Kokovanya began to gather in the forest in the fall. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazes more. Daryonka and let's ask:

Take me, grandfather, with you! Maybe I can even see that goat from afar.
Kokovanya and explains to her:

You can't see it from a distance. All goats have horns in autumn. You can't tell how many branches there are. In winter, it's a different matter. Simple goats go without horns in winter, and this one - Silver Hoof - always with horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then it can be recognized from a distance.

This is what he answered. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest.
Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Daryonka:

Now in the Poldnevsky side a lot of goats graze. I will go there in the winter.

But how, - asks Daryonka, - will you spend the night in the forest in winter?

There, - he answers, - I have a winter booth near the mowing spoons. A good farce, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Daryonka asks again:

Dedo, is Silverhoof grazing in the same direction?

Who knows. Maybe he's there too.

Daryonka is here and let's ask:

Take me, grandfather, with you! I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silverhoof will come close - I'll take a look.

The old man waved his hands.

What you! What you! Is it a good thing for a little girl to walk through the woods in winter! You have to ski, but you don't know how. Load it up in the snow. How will I be with you? Freeze more!

Only Daryonka does not lag behind:

Take it, grandfather! I don't know much about skiing. Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself: “Is it possible to reduce? Once he visits, he will not be asked for another.

Here he says:

Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don’t roar in the forest and don’t ask to go home until the time.
As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovanya laid two sacks of breadcrumbs on a hand sledge, stocked him with hunting supplies and other things he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot for herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle, and even a rope. “Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch Silverhoof with this rope?”

It’s a pity for Daryonka to leave her cat, but what can you do! Stroking the cat goodbye, talking to her:

Muryonka and I will go to the forest with my grandfather, but you sit at home and catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs herself: “P-ra-vil came up with it. Correct.”

Let Kokovanya and Daryonka go. All neighbors marvel:

The old man is out of his mind! He took such a little girl into the woods in winter!

As Kokovanya and Daryonka began to leave the factory, they heard that the little dogs were very worried about something. They raised such barking and squealing, as if they saw an animal on the streets. They looked around - and this is Muryonka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Muryonka had recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs don't even dare to approach her.

Daryonka wanted to catch a cat and take it home, but where are you! Muryonka ran to the forest, and to the pine tree. Go get it!

Daryonka shouted, but she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They look - Muryonka runs sideways. And so I got to the booth.
So there were three of them in the booth. Daryonka boasts:

It's more fun that way.

Kokovanya agrees:

Known to be more fun.

And the cat Muryonka curled up in a ball by the stove and purrs loudly: “You speak right. Correct.”

There were a lot of goats that winter. It's simple. Kokovanya dragged one or two to the booth every day. They accumulated skins, salted goat meat - they couldn’t be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how to leave Daryonka with a cat in the forest! And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She says to the old man:

Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. You have to take the corned beef home. Kokovanya was even surprised:

What a wise man you are, Darya Grigoryevna! How big judged. Just be afraid, come on, alone.

What, - answers, - to be afraid! Our farce is strong, the wolves cannot achieve. And Muryonka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!

Kokovanya left. There was Daryonka with Muryonka. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked the goats ... As it began to get dark, I became afraid. Just looking - Muryonka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down by the window, looked in the direction of the slanting spoons and saw - some kind of lump was rolling from the forest. As I rolled closer, I saw - it was a goat running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and on the horns there are five branches. Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She waited, she waited, she returned to the booth, and she says:

Apparently, I dozed off. It seemed to me. Muryonka purrs: “You speak right. Correct.”

Daryonka lay down next to the cat and fell asleep until the morning.

Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Daryonka became bored, but did not cry. Stroking Muryonka and saying:

Do not be bored, Muryonushka! Tomorrow grandfather will certainly come.

Muryonka sings her song: “You speak right. Correct.”

Again Daryonushka sat at the window, admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed - suddenly a clatter passed along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and there was a clatter along the other wall, then along the one where the window was, then - where the door was, and there was a rattling from above. Quietly, as if someone is light and fast walking.

Daryonka thinks: “Didn’t that goat, yesterday, come running?”

And before that she wanted to see that fear did not hold. She opened the door, looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He raised his right front leg - he stomps, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the horns of a goat have five branches.
Daryonka does not know what to do, and beckons him like a home:

Me-ka! Me-ka!

The goat laughed at that! Turned around and ran.
Daryonushka came to the booth, tells Muryonka:

I looked at Silverhoof. And I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I didn’t see only how that goat stomps with his foot, knocks out expensive stones. Another time, apparently, will show.

Muryonka know your song sings: “You speak right. Correct.”
The third day has passed, and all Kokovani is gone. Daryonka was completely clouded. Tears dripped. I wanted to talk to Muryonka, but she was not there. Then Daryonushka was completely frightened, ran out of the booth to look for a cat.

The night is monthly, bright, far visible. Daryonka looks - a cat is sitting close on a slanting spoon, and a goat is in front of her. He stands, raised his leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.

Muryonka shakes his head, and the goat too. It's like they're talking. Then they began to run along the mowing spoons.

The goat runs and runs, stops and starts to beat with a hoof. Muryonka will run up, the goat will bounce further and again beat with its hoof. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then they returned to the booth itself.
Then the goat jumped onto the roof and let's hit it with a silver hoof. Like sparks, pebbles fell from under the legs. Red, blue, green, turquoise - all sorts.

By this time, just Kokovanya returned. Can't recognize his booth. All of it has become like a heap of expensive stones. So it burns and shimmers with different lights. A goat stands at the top - and everything beats and beats with a silver hoof, and the stones roll in and roll out.

Suddenly Muryonka jumped there too! She stood next to the goat, meowed loudly, and neither Muryonka nor Silver Hoof was gone.

Kokovanya immediately piled up half a hat of stones, but Daryonka asked:

Do not touch, grandfather! We'll take another look at that tomorrow afternoon.

Kokovanya obeyed. Only in the morning, a lot of snow fell. All the stones fell asleep. Then they raked the snow, but found nothing. Well, that was enough for them, how much Kokovanya piled into his hat.

Everything would be fine, but Muryonka is a pity. She was never seen again, and Silverhoof didn't show up either. Amuse once - and will be.

And on those slanting spoons where the goat rode, people began to find pebbles. Green ones more. They are called chrysolites. Did you see?

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