Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Jubilee medal "50 years of the armed forces of the USSR Cool medals with the anniversary of 50 years


The 50th anniversary is not just another date that follows from the numbers in the passport. This is a special anniversary, meaning half a century, a round date, which is usually celebrated on a special scale. However, even if the hero of the day insists on a modest celebration in a narrow family circle, it is impossible to come to the holiday empty-handed. On the contrary, an unusual gift is needed, one that will reflect the solemnity of the festive moment and at the same time become an original way to prove the full degree of respect for the hero of the day. Thus, the idea arises to buy a 50th anniversary medal.

The Valley of Gifts online store offers a similar opportunity to everyone. The catalog of this Internet resource contains a wide range of various award products, including those that can be presented for an anniversary. Present, going on a visit to the anniversary, the hero of the occasion with original souvenirs Anniversary medal of 50 years. This is not just a souvenir, but a memorable insignia that will remain with the hero of the day forever. Such an award will take a worthy place in the interior of its owner, and all subsequent years will remind him of the glorious past anniversary. Therefore, buying a 50th anniversary medal is a great idea that will certainly resonate in the soul of the recipient. Such an award can be presented in a solemn atmosphere, right at the festive table, to the applause and toasts of the guests gathered at the anniversary. Such a gesture will never be forgotten by the hero of the occasion, which means that the anniversary will be one hundred percent successful.

When deciding to buy a 50th anniversary medal, each donor keeps in mind certain advantages of such a choice. Some would like to elaborate. Firstly, it is an inexpensive cost of such a presentation. Think about how much good memories can cost? In this case, you will present a guaranteed memorable gift that will be a great starting point for the next half century. The hero of the day will immediately place such an award in the most prominent place, being proud of such a sign of attention and demonstrating it to all those gathered.

An alternative to this presentation is an order with the inscription *For taking the anniversary of 50 years*, and an order with an engraving *For taking the milestone of 50 years*. At the same time, the specialists of the Internet resource Valley of Gifts offer an amazing opportunity to apply individual engraving to any award you choose. Thus, you can buy a 50th anniversary medal offered by our designers, or order an exclusive award in honor of the hero of the day. This approach to presentation will be received with delight, since the hero of the occasion receives as a present a unique symbolic gift, made personally for him.

The entire range of commemorative medals can be viewed on the corresponding page of our catalog at the link:

922 - The date of official adoption by the Bulgar Khanate as the state religion of Islam.

1619 - A Russian mission of 11 people headed by the first Russian ambassador to China, the Siberian Cossack Ivan Petlin, returned to Tomsk from Beijing, having gone there a year earlier.

1648 - The victory of Bogdan Khmelnitsky over the troops of the Commonwealth near Korsun.

1744 - By decree of Queen Elizabeth Petrovna, the death penalty was abolished in the Russian Empire.

1768 - Empress Catherine II issued a decree on the construction of a monument to Peter I - the future "Bronze Horseman".

1815 - Accession on the rights of a personal union of the Duchy of Warsaw to the Russian Empire under the name of the Kingdom of Poland.

1863 - Start of construction of the Odessa railway.

1866 - The solemn opening of the Nikolsky Edinoverie Monastery in Moscow took place.

1867 - The Red Cross Society was founded in Russia, although the first community of sisters of mercy operated during the Crimean War (1853-1856).

1867 - In Russia, a law on schismatics-Old Believers has been adopted.

1896 - In St. Petersburg, in the Aquarium Garden, the first film show in Russia took place.

1908 - In the Russian Empire, a law on compulsory primary education was adopted with a phased introduction into force over a period of 10 years.

1924 - The first issue of the Murzilka magazine was published in the USSR.

1930 - In the USSR, retariffing has been carried out in all branches of industry: production rates have been increased, prices have been lowered. As a result, wages were reduced by one and a half to two times.

1931 - The First All-Union Conference on Aerodynamics opened.

1934 - A warrant was issued for the first "arrest-search" of the poet O.E. Mandelstam.

1935 - The signing of the Soviet-Czechoslovak treaty of mutual assistance.

1935 - The Bureau of the Sochi City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks visited the apartment of the sick writer N.A. Ostrovsky and heard a report on his creative activity.

1943 - The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto was brutally suppressed.

1943 - German troops launched Operation "Gypsy Baron" to destroy Soviet partisans in Belarus and Ukraine.

1945 - In Prague, Soviet state security agencies arrested 59-year-old A.L. Bem, literary critic and critic, who gained fame even before the revolution.

1947 - A film by N.N. was released on the screens of the USSR. Kosheverova "Cinderella".

1950 - A resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the construction of a complex of marine nuclear power plants V-10 at the IPPE site in the village of Obninsk (now the city of Obninsk).

1957 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the establishment of the medal "In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad."

1959 - A film by V.S. was released on the screens of the USSR. Ordynsky "Peers". First appeared in a movie (in a tiny episode) V.S. Vysotsky.

1960 - In the USSR, from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, the first experimental color television broadcast was held.

1967 - In Leningrad at the plant. N.G. Kozitsky made the first batch of color TV sets "Rainbow".

1969 - The Soviet interplanetary spacecraft "Venera-5" reached Venus.

1972 - Russian poet I.A. Brodsky was ordered to leave the USSR.

1972 - A plane crash in Svetlogorsk - a military transport plane fell on a kindergarten building.

1985 - The Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism and eradicate moonshine" was adopted, which was published the next day in all newspapers of the Soviet Union.

1990 - Beginning of the I Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR.

2004 - I place at the 49th international music contest "Eurovision" was taken by Ukrainian singer Ruslana.

2007 - The first synagogue in the last 63 years was opened in Estonia, the city of Tallinn.

2009 - The Eurovision Song Contest 2009 in Moscow has ended.

We give you a medal
We don't feel sorry for her.
For you dear
Golden man.
For kindness, kindness,
Friendship, loyalty, warmth.
We can't list everything.
This list is numerous.
Let there be a place for her
On your big chest.

For wisdom, patience,
For strength and zeal,
For hard work and courage

For the fact that your merits are all priceless,
For the good use of your time.
To the sound of fanfare, we present the medal.
Solemnly congratulations on your holiday!

We give you a medal
Rightfully deserved.
For your achievements
We shout loudly: "Bravo!".

Always be a leader and know
The medal is not given to everyone,
Let there be happiness in the soul
And the song flows in the heart!

Success, joy, warmth
And new achievements.
Medal - victory is a good sign
And an incentive to move forward!

We award you with a medal,
And we proudly ask you to wear it!
We hand it over personally,
She should be with you!

And we wish you much praise,
Successes different, and in everything.
We heartily congratulate you
May there be happiness every day!

Give you a medal
On this holiday, we decided
We've been looking for her for a long time
And finally, we bought
If you put it on
We will all be very happy
you deserve happiness
And, of course, awards!

There is a very important detail:
For great achievement
You got a medal
And not just congratulations!

You can be proud of yourself
But, you know, you should not relax,
After all, you need to strive for the best
And achieve new goals!

We give you a medal
As the highest sign of recognition,
With all our hearts we wish
Good and prosperity.

Reward let skillfully
Your suit decorates
And respect feeling
Calls on the other side.

We will celebrate your merits,
And plans going into the distance
Like the best gift in the world
We'll give you a medal today.

And let's say honestly and strictly:
We are very proud of you
Simple metal medal
Your character is golden!

Unfortunately it's not possible
Give happiness to people.
We wish it to you
And we want to give you a medal.

Let her remind
About success, about friends.
And makes sure that the owner
Didn't stay on the beans!

We give you a medal
For all your merits,
Get a worthy prize
Wear it on your chest!

You are a true friend, a real one,
You set a brilliant example
All the virtues and do not count,
Well, you are in the world!

The Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" was established by Decree Prez. USSR Armed Forces of December 26, 1967 and approved the Regulations on the medal and its description (Vedomosti of the USSR Armed Forces, 1967, No. 52). In addition to the Decree, Decrees Prez. The USSR Armed Forces of February 22, 1968 and "of December 19, 1969. By the Decree of the President of the USSR Armed Forces of July 18, 1980, Part 2 of Article 6 of the Regulations on the medal was declared invalid.

In accordance with the Regulations on the medal and the Decrees of Pres. The USSR Armed Forces, the jubilee medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" were awarded to: marshals, generals, officers, as well as foremen, sergeants, soldiers and sailors of long-term service, consisting by February 23, 1968 in the cadres of the SA, Navy, troops of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, troops and bodies of the KGB of the USSR; students and cadets of military educational institutions of the SL, the Navy, the troops of the MOOP of the USSR, the troops and bodies of the KGB of the USSR; marshals, generals, admirals, officers and long-term servicemen who have been retired or retired from active military service and have served in the SA, Navy, troops of MOOG1 of the USSR, troops and bodies of the KGB of the USSR for 20 or more calendar years; Heroes of the Soviet Union and persons awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees; former Red Guards, military personnel who took part in hostilities to defend the homeland in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, as well as persons awarded during the period of active military service the orders of the USSR or the medals "For Courage", Ushakov, "For Military Merit", "For Distinction in the protection of the state border of the USSR”, Nakhimov, “For labor prowess”, “For labor distinction”; partisans of the civil war and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The medal and the certificate to it were presented on behalf of Prez. USSR Armed Forces: military personnel commanders of military units, formations, and heads of institutions, institutions; persons who left the army - by the military commissariats at the place of residence of the awarded - according to the lists compiled on the basis of: documents confirming their 20-year service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, participation in hostilities and partisan movement, order books and certificates for the above awards.

9,527,000 people were awarded the Jubilee Medal "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR".

The medal is round with a diameter of 37 mm, a thickness of 2.9 mm, made of golden brass, solidly stamped. On the front side of the medal there is a five-pointed red enamel star. In the intervals between the ends of the star - five beams of divergent rays. In the middle of the star, on a circle with a diameter of 19 mm, there is a bust of two soldiers of the Soviet Army - in a Budyonovka and a helmet. To the left of the circle is the date "1918", to the right "1968". Along the edge of the medal, laurel and oak branches are arranged in the form of a wreath, intertwined in the lower part with a ribbon. On the reverse side of the medal at the top is a five-pointed star with a hammer and a plow in the middle (the emblem of the Red Army from April 1918 to April 1922, worn as a cockade). Below the asterisk is the inscription "FIFTY YEARS OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE USSR" in three lines. The medal is bordered on both sides. The medal is connected by means of an eyelet and a ring to a pentagonal block covered with a turquoise-colored silk moire ribbon 24 mm wide. In the middle of the tape there is a longitudinal white strip 2 mm wide, to the left and right of which there is a red strip 2 mm wide and a white strip 0.5 mm wide

Jubilee Medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

Medal "50th Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"- State award of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus, established by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 5336-1 of July 7, 1993 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 296 of 03/22/1995 "On awarding the jubilee medal "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"", as well as recognized as the jubilee medal of Ukraine by the Decree of the Verkhovna Rada No. 3527-XII of 10/19/1993 (Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1995), the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the Decree of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2485-XII of October 26, 1993 and the jubilee medal of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 102 of March 14, 1995.


Awarding the jubilee medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" are subject to:

Servicemen and civilians who took part in the military operations on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, partisans and members of underground organizations operating during the Great Patriotic War in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, military personnel and civilians who served during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War in the Armed Forces of the USSR, persons awarded medals "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For the Victory over Japan", as well as persons with a certificate for the medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War war of 1941-1945" or certificate of a participant in the war;

Home front workers awarded for selfless work during the Great Patriotic War with orders of the USSR, medals "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For Labor Valor", "For Labor Distinction", "For the Defense of Leningrad", " For the defense of Moscow”, “For the defense of Odessa”, “For the defense of Sevastopol”, “For the defense of Stalingrad”, “For the defense of Kiev”, “For the defense of the Caucasus”, “For the defense of the Soviet Arctic”, as well as persons with the sign “Resident besieged Leningrad”, or a certificate for the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”;

Persons who worked in the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least six months, excluding the period of work in the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy;

Former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War.

Jubilee Medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" worn on the left side of the chest and placed after the jubilee medal "Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945".


medals "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

The medal is made of tombac in the form of a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm. On the front side of the medal are images of the Kremlin wall with the Spasskaya Tower, the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat and a festive fireworks display. At the bottom of the medal is an image of the Order of the Patriotic War and the numbers "1945-1995", along the circumference there are laurel branches. On the reverse side of the medal in the center is the inscription "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Below, along the circumference, is a laurel half-wreath. The edges of the medal are bordered with a rim. All inscriptions and images on the medal are convex.

The medal is connected to a pentagonal block, covered with a red silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide, by means of an eyelet and a ring. There are five stripes on the left edge of the ribbon: three black and two orange. Band width 2 mm. The extreme black stripes are bordered by orange stripes 1 mm wide.

Sketch of the medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" was designed by the chief artist of the St. Petersburg Mint of the GOZNAK association, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation A.V. Baklanov.


Presentation of the jubilee medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" made on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation:

Persons who have retired from the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - by military commissariats at the place of residence;

Persons who have retired from the troops and internal affairs bodies of the USSR and the Russian Federation, troops and state security bodies of the USSR and the Russian Federation - by the military commissariats at the place of residence or the relevant ministries and departments;

Home front workers, former partisans and members of the underground - the local administration.

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