Chaliapin Memorial Museum. Memorial estate F


Dear visitors, please note that on May 26 there will be no concert of the vocal group "Feast of Basses".



A series of lectures “Names. Events. Dates" in the new season 2018/2019. will tell about the life and work of composers-jubilees. Lectures are accompanied by rich audiovisual material.






to the 80th anniversary of Gennady Belov


to the 215th anniversary of Giacomo Puccini


to the 120th anniversary of Francis Poulenc


to the 200th anniversary of Charles Gounod


to the 360th anniversary of Henry Purcell

to the 180th anniversary of Modest Musorgsky


to the 80th anniversary of Valery Gavrilin

Lectures start at 16.00


concerts of vocal classes

Saint Petersburg State Conservatory

"Young Voices in the House of Chaliapin" is a traditional cycle of concerts in the House - Museum of F. I. Chaliapin, the fruit of many years of cooperation between the museum and the St. Petersburg State Conservatory. During the season, associate professors and professors of St. Petersburg State Conservatory present their students - young opera singers - to the public. The concerts include arias, romances and songs by famous foreign and domestic composers.





teacher class a.n. Kuznetsova

and senior lecturer

N.V. Biryukova.


Honored Artist of Russia CLASS

E.Ya. Umerova








class of Professor, Honored Artist of Russia T.V. Novikova


festive concert of students and teachers of the Department of Chamber Singing of St. Petersburg State Conservatory








CLASS Honored Worker of Culture, Associate Professor

e.v. Oparina






vocal group

"Pir Basov"

"Feast of Bass" - a vocal group led by Evgeny Kalvarsky. Members of the vocal group - owners of low voices of various timbres (baritone bass, high bass, low bass, extensive bass, profundo bass) - successfully perform at various venues in the city. The ensemble's repertoire includes romances and songs by famous foreign and domestic composers of the 18th - 20th centuries.

Artists: Evgeny Kalvarsky, Anatoly Zelenko, Alexander Sidak, Denis Soziev, Victor Monakhov

Concertmaster: Stanislav Vorontsovsky

Concerts start at 16.00



"Artists of the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra Play" - a traditional cycle of concerts in the House - Museum of F. I. Chaliapin. Every year, the artists of the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra present to the audience a series of original programs that allow you to take a fresh look at a particular period of musical history.

The estate of Fyodor Chaliapin in the center of Moscow on Novinsky Boulevard became the last Russian address of the great singer before his departure abroad and the first museum in Russia dedicated to his work. This memorial estate is one of the few surviving examples of an 18th-century city estate. Chaliapin acquired it in May 1910 in the name of his wife, Iola Tornaga. The Chaliapins made major repairs, gas and a telephone were installed in the main mansion, and a boiler room was equipped. In 1918, the mansion was nationalized, and 16 more families moved into the house. In total, Fyodor Chaliapin and his family lived here from 1910 to 1922. After Shalyapin's departure, his wife Iola Tornagi and eldest daughter Irina continued to live in it in a communal apartment.

1. Houses No. 25-27 on Novinsky Boulevard make up the estate complex, which did not burn down in the fires of 1812. At the beginning of the 20th century, this whole quarter was acquired by F.I. Chaliapin.

2. In the late 1970s, for the Olympics-80, they wanted to demolish the house, but through the efforts of museum workers and the public, they managed to defend this mansion.

3. In 1988, a museum was finally opened here.

5. Entrance from the courtyard to the main building of the Chaliapin Museum-Estate.

7. The chimneys of Chaliapin's house against the backdrop of the roof of the American embassy.

8. In the garden of the estate.

10. In 1978, the house, in a deplorable state, was transferred to the balance of the Glinka Musical Museum. And began complex and long-term work to restore the estate.

11. Restoration lasted more than 8 years.

12. Many authentic things - furniture, personal belongings of the father and mother, photographs, letters were transferred to the museum for its opening by the children of Chaliapin. The family of Chaliapin and his wife, the Italian ballerina Iola Tornaga, had five children. Chaliapin loved his children very much and was proud of their artistic achievements. Son Boris became a famous artist and painted portraits of prominent people, in addition, he painted more than 400 covers for Time magazine, including a portrait of Yuri Gagarin. Another son, Fyodor Chaliapin Jr., starred in Hollywood in more than fifty films (for example, he played the role of the blind Jorge in the thriller The Name of the Rose).

13. Since we are in the house, the mistress of which was Iola Tornaghi, it is necessary to say a few words about this beautiful woman. Iola Tornaghi performed in Italy, France, America and for two years was the prima ballerina of the Russian Private Opera S.I. Mamontov in Moscow. She was considered one of the best ballerinas of her time. They met Chaliapin at the Mamontov Theater. And in the summer of 1898, the couple got married. After the wedding, Iola Ignatievna, and that is what the prima was now called, had to leave the stage and devote herself completely to her husband and children. Many called Iola the guardian angel of the house. She was engaged in raising children, housekeeping, and dinner parties. Only she could safely criticize her husband's speeches, and Fedor Ivanovich always listened to her opinion.
In the room of the mistress of the house there are many authentic things of Iola Ignatievna. The main attention immediately attracts a portrait made by her son, the artist Boris Chaliapin.

14. Iola remained in Moscow almost until the end of her life. Now in Russia she is remembered more as the wife of Chaliapin than as the host of the Italian theater, who gave up her career for the sake of family well-being. For Tornaga, Russia became a second home: she lived here for more than sixty years, and returned to her homeland only a few years before her death. Of the things, Iola Ignatievna took with her only photo albums with pictures of Chaliapin.

Boris Chaliapin. Iola Ignatievna Tornagi-Chaliapina, 1934

15. Fragments of stucco.

17. On the right in the room is a rosewood table with a porcelain medallion, and above it is a pencil portrait of Iola, made by V.A. Serov in 1905.

18. Dress of Iola Tornaga-Chaliapina, on the wall there is a photograph of Iola in this dress.

19. When the younger children were about a year old, Chaliapin had a second family. In 1906, at the races in Moscow, Fyodor Chaliapin met Maria Petzold. At first they lived in a civil marriage, they had three daughters: Martha, Marina and Dasia. In 1922, the artist went into exile. Together with him, his new family went abroad. Officially, the marriage was formalized in 1927 already in Paris.

20. Enfilade of rooms on the first floor.

21. In the dining room, as before, there is Chaliapin's buffet with dishes, an extendable table for 24 people, chairs upholstered in leather. The walls are decorated with paintings by a great friend of the family, a wonderful artist K.A. Korovin. And on the table is a list of the artist's favorite dishes, once compiled by his chef. Author's family services are exhibited in the buffet. One is painted by the famous artist S.V. Chekhonin, the other - with a double-headed eagle and with the image of St. George.

23. Paintings by Korovin hang on the walls in the dining room.

24. View from the dining room towards the boudoir of the mistress of the house. In this room, the whole family and numerous guests gathered at a large dining table.

25. In the Green Drawing Room, Chaliapin received his friends - S.V. Rachmaninov, I.A. Bunin, M. Gorky, V.A. Serov, V.M. Vasnetsov. In this room, rehearsals of Chaliapin's small studio were held, in which Chaliapin's children and their friends were artists. Among them were the future famous masters of the theater - O.N. Androvskaya, R.N. Simonov, M.F. Astangov. Between the windows on the wall hangs Chaliapin's favorite painting "Portrait of a Gypsy" by the Irish artist A. O'Connell.

26. On a rosewood table with porcelain medallions stands the sculpture "Moscow cabman" by Paolo Trubetskoy.

28. The walls of the Green Living Room are decorated with landscapes by Russian artists - K.A. Korovina, A.K. Savrasova, V.D. Polenova, M.V. Nesterova, I.S. Ostroukhov. They gave Chaliapin their works as a sign of admiration for his talent. There is a grandfather clock from the English firm E. Norton in the room.

29. In the same place by the window - an old gramophone. Chaliapin liked to stand nearby and listen to music. This was often seen from the street by passers-by.

30. From the Green Living Room and through the front hallway you can get into the room of F.I. Chaliapin, where the artist liked to relax and work.

32. In the office there is a genuine chair of the artist from his Parisian apartment and a bookcase with things belonging to the singer. On the walls are portraits of F.I. Chaliapin in opera roles. On the table is an old clock from the English company E. Norton. Above them are photographs of I.E. Repin, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Chaliapin himself, together with the famous music critic N.D. Kashkin and Maxim Gorky.

33. On the desk - a bust of A.S. Pushkin, drawing by Chaliapin, depicting his father Ivan Yakovlevich. Here is a photograph of the only vocal teacher Chaliapin Dmitry Andreyevich Usatov.

34. Hallway.

35. In the front White Hall F.I. Chaliapin was preparing for concerts.

37. In the window - a perfume bottle "In honor of F.I. Chaliapin", Moscow, partnership Brokcard and Co. 1916

38. The billiard room completes the suite of rooms. In this room, Chaliapin received guests - A.V. Lunacharsky, V.V. Mayakovsky, I.M. Moskvin. Iola Ignatievna bought for her husband an expensive billiards by V.K. Schultz. The room has all the necessary attributes for the game - balls, a wooden cue stick, a triangle for balls, a board for recording the score.

39. In the billiard room on the wall hangs the telephone of the Danish joint-stock company L.V. & co. Stockholm.

41. This room now contains gifts to the Museum, which were made at different times by the children of Chaliapin, the widow and daughter of Boris. In addition, the works of Boris Fedorovich Chaliapin (1904-1979) are presented here. He graduated from VKhUTEMAS, and then continued his education in Paris. Boris Fedorovich had a wide range of artistic talent. This is evidenced by his works, including a number of magnificent portraits of outstanding artists of the twentieth century - musicians, theater, film and ballet artists. Portraits of close people have a special attraction. Boris Chaliapin owns a series of pictorial, graphic and sculptural portraits of his father.

B.F. Chaliapin. Self-portrait, 1932. Portraits of Irina Feodorovna and the artist's wife Helen Chaliapina

42. Card table in the living room: Chaliapin liked to play solitaire, and also played bridge with guests.

43. In the photo - F.I. Chaliapin and B.F. Chaliapin in front of the portrait of F.I. Chaliapin. Paris, 1923.

45. The portrait of Sergei Rachmaninov was created by Boris Chaliapin in 1929 in Clairefontaine, where the composer spent the summer months. On the right is a landscape by Boris Chaliapin (Bracchiana, Italy, 1960).

48. View towards the Garden Ring.

49. This building also belonged to the estate of Chaliapin.

50. Monument to F.I. Chaliapin (1873-1938) - Russian singer, soloist of the Bolshoi, Mariinsky theaters, the Metropolitan Opera, the first People's Artist of Russia (1918-1927, the title was returned in 1991), who had a huge impact on world opera art, was installed on Novinsky Boulevard in 2003 next to the house-museum (sculptor Vadim Tserkovnikov).

Chaliapin was buried in Paris. And both of his wives - Iola and Maria, died in Rome, Iola at the age of 92, and Maria - 82 years old. And in 1984, the eldest son of Chaliapin achieved the reburial of his father's ashes at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Fyodor Chaliapin acquired the mansion on Novinsky Boulevard in 1910 and lived here for 12 years until 1922. From this house he went abroad, and later a museum dedicated to him was opened in the mansion.

The building itself dates back to the end of the 18th century. Chaliapin made serious repairs here, installed a telephone and equipped a modern boiler room. Since 1914, there was an infirmary for soldiers, organized with the money of the singer. Then several families settled in the artist's house, but Chaliapin's wife and his eldest daughter also continued to live here.

Exposition of the house-museum of Chaliapin

The exposition of the museum consists of several rooms on two floors. The first room once belonged to Iola, the first wife of the artist. Her portrait, painted by her son Boris, also hangs here, there are family photographs and wedding ribbons on wedding candles. On the other wall is a landscape depicting Mount Ayu-Dag (the artist was not indifferent to the Crimea and enjoyed relaxing there).

The next room of the museum is the dining room, in which the most famous musicians, writers, artists and poets of that time often sat. Table conversations always began with political topics or art, and ended with funny stories and hilarious jokes. There are many paintings on the walls in the dining room by Konstantin Korovin, who was a friend of Chaliapin and often gave him his works.

After the dining room, we go to the Green Living Room, passing through which the artist got into his personal office.

The next room can be called a rest room. Now it contains gifts that were transferred to the museum by the descendants of Chaliapin. Not everyone knows that the famous singer also drew well, here you can see his self-portrait.

In the White Hall, which is a good concert venue, you can still hear great music. It was here that two great people, Chaliapin and Rachmaninoff, rehearsed their performances.

Fedor Ivanovich himself was not too committed to fame, but in the Chaliapin Museum on the second floor, the descendants decided to exhibit all the awards and gifts that the singer had ever received. In one of the halls, mannequins are hung with costumes for performances in which the artist has played not only in the capital, but throughout the country. Nicholas Roerich took part in the creation of one costume. On the walls are sketches of scenery made by Bilibin and Korovin.

In the last hall of the house-museum of Chaliapin, evidence of the generous charitable work that the singer provided to the wounded is presented. He not only allocated several spacious rooms in his house in Moscow for the infirmary, but also gave his entire mansion in St. Petersburg as a hospital. These medical institutions were maintained from the personal funds of the singer, and his children helped take care of the wounded. He himself often talked with the fighters, sang his songs to them.

From personal belongings, documents, photographs, furniture and all other exhibits of the Chaliapin Museum, you can not only get to know the singer himself better, but also feel the traditions and history of his family and all of Russia in those years. Today, the concert hall of the museum hosts performances by young artists, festivals and conferences.

The house on Novinsky Boulevard is associated with the life and work of the outstanding Russian singer, the famous bass Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. This is Chaliapin's first own Moscow house, it is filled with a special "home" Chaliapin atmosphere.

The museum is rich in authentic items of the Chaliapin family. Among them are pieces of furniture, a Bechstein piano, grandfather clocks, wedding candles of Fyodor and Iola, theatrical costumes, programs of performances, posters ... There are many paintings in the house donated to Chaliapin by artists: V. Serov, K. Korovin, V. Polenov, M. Nesterov, M. Vrubel. A large collection of his own works was donated to the Museum by the singer's son Boris Chaliapin.

Currently, the Memorial Estate is open to visitors. They are waiting for exhibitions, thematic and sightseeing tours, concerts of famous and young performers, meetings of subscription cycles, children's parties.

The gallery of the Memorial Estate of F. I. Chaliapin forms a single complex with the House-Museum. In its premises, exhibitions are held dedicated to both history and topical issues of Russian vocal art; they acquaint visitors with the materials of specialized museums and private collections. The Gallery space hosts evenings and concert subscriptions on various topics - Musical Capitals of the World, Artistic Families, Meetings on Novinsky Street, Piano Evenings at the Chaliapin House, Choral Assemblies, Debut at the Chaliapin House, etc. Well-known domestic and foreign singers conduct master classes in the house of the great Russian performer.

Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin bought a house on Novinsky Boulevard in 1910, at the age of 37. He lived here for twelve years, this is the heyday of his talent, the time of mature skill, deeply conscious creativity, world-wide fame.

After the purchase of the building, Chaliapin's wife, the Italian ballerina Iola Tornaghi, took care of its repair. The former house of the merchant K. Bazhenova, built at the end of the 18th century, was rebuilt in a new European way: gas, water supply, bathrooms, and a telephone appeared in it. Not only the house was improved, but also a vast garden, where they installed a gazebo with a view of the Moscow River and cozy benches, planted a linden alley, jasmine and lilac bushes, and laid out flower beds. For the Chaliapins, it was a real family home, where both adults and children lived comfortably - and Fyodor Ivanovich had five of them.

The hospitable estate was often visited by many famous figures of Russian culture: S. Rachmaninov and L. Sobinov, M. Gorky and I. Bunin, K. Korovin and K. Stanislavsky.

In 1918, the house was nationalized and became a communal apartment for 60 years. In 1978, the building was transferred to the State Central Museum of Musical Culture named after. M. I. Glinka for the creation of the Museum of F. I. Chaliapin. It took eight years of complex repair and restoration work in order to restore the house the way Chaliapin knew it.

The interiors of the house were recreated from photographs and stories of the singer's children. The White Hall, the Green Living Room, a dining room, an office, a billiard room... Life in these rooms went according to routine, it was not disturbed by the busy tour schedule of the artist. In the White Hall, Chaliapin rehearsed with many of his guests, celebrated benefit performances in the dining room, and Fyodor Ivanovich liked to read in his office. Chaliapin adored billiards, a table for the game of the company "V. K. Schultz” was given to him by his wife.

Now, as in the time of Chaliapin, the light-yellow facade of the house faces Novinsky Boulevard, figured chimneys flaunt on its green roof, and decorative vases on the pillars of carved cast-iron gates.

Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin bought his first own house in 1910 - until that moment, the great singer rented apartments in different places in Moscow. Built at the end of the 18th century, the former house of the merchant Bazhenova was rebuilt in a new way, under the leadership of Chaliapin's wife, the Italian ballerina Iola Tornaga - gas, water supply, bathrooms and a telephone appeared. Not only the building on Novinsky Boulevard was improved, but also a vast garden, in which a gazebo with a view of the Moscow River, cozy benches, a linden alley, jasmine and lilac bushes, beautiful flower beds with bright flowers appeared. For the Chaliapins, this became a real family nest, in which both adults and children lived well (Fyodor Ivanovich had five of them).

S. Rachmaninov, L. Sobinov, M. Gorky, I. Bunin, K. Korovin, K. Stanislavsky - repeatedly visited their friend within these walls. But… after nationalization in 1918, the house became a communal apartment for 60 years. And only in 1978 was, finally, handed over to the State Central Museum of Musical Culture to them. M.I. Glinka - to create a museum. Eight years of the most difficult repair and restoration work restored the house the way Chaliapin knew it. The light-yellow façade faces the boulevard again, figured chimneys flaunt on the green roof, and decorative vases on the pillars of carved cast-iron gates.

The interiors of the house were recreated from photographs and stories of children. The White Hall, the Green Living Room, the dining room, the study, the billiard room (knowing that Chaliapin loved billiards, his wife gave him a V.K. Schultz table to play with) - life went on in these rooms according to routine. And even a busy tour schedule did not violate her. The actors of the small studio named after Chaliapin staged performances in the Green Living Room, the singer celebrated his benefit performances in the dining room, and rehearsed with his numerous guests in the White Hall.

The museum is rich in authentic items of the Chaliapin family - pieces of furniture, a Bechstein piano, grandfather clocks, wedding candles of Fyodor and Iola, theatrical costumes, performance programs, posters. So, in the office where Fedor Ivanovich liked to read, his favorite books were preserved - Pushkin, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Turgenev. There are many paintings in the house. Paintings by Chaliapin were presented by V. Serov, K. Korovin, V. Polenov, M. Nesterov, M. Vrubel. A large collection of his works was donated to the museum by the son of the singer Boris Chaliapin.

In the three halls of the second floor there is a large collection of relics that have not been exhibited before. The “Mask and Soul” hall tells about Chaliapin's performances on the imperial stage and in the private opera of S. I. Mamontov. Theatrical costumes for the roles of Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov, Don Quixote are presented. In the “Idol” hall, honorary orders received by F.I. Chaliapin in different countries, and a mourning brooch made for the sad date - the death of the singer, are of particular interest.

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