"Dead Souls": the image of Nozdryov. The images of Korobochka and Nozdryov in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" Nozdryov's face


Nozdryov's characterization fits well into a brief formulation: a frantic landowner.

The adjective in this case must be understood in all the richness of the meanings recorded by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl in his explanatory dictionary.

The image and characteristics of Nozdrev in the poem "Dead Souls"

The author brought out a character without a name, considered the patronymic unimportant for the reader. And the surname sounds like a dog's nickname (in Rus', livestock was often called by the name of the owner).

Its origin is eloquent: part of the nose is a very characteristic element, associated among the people with the sexual sphere. The first impression is confirmed upon closer acquaintance.

Nozdryov is characterized as a “historical” person, because he always gets involved or provokes stories: scandalous, ugly and indecent, with gendarmes, fights and booze. He is also a master of writing unprecedented stories without any need: he will lie in such a way that he himself is already uncomfortable.

This is a "multilateral" person - in the sense of "all trades": change everything and anything for anything, break loose anywhere, join any project. Why not a young, restless, lively and nimble dog jumping from side to side?

The actions and inner content of the character are quite dog-like: enthusiastic throwing to a barely familiar person, sudden mood swings, passion for the game, the desire to win at any cost, public fights, a scent for fun gatherings. The desire to be a leader: he has everything the very best (two people barely pull a giant fish out of his pond, a stallion in his stall costs at least ten thousand, etc.).

Nozdryov's behavior is devoid of any consciousness or direction. Even beatings do not enlighten him, his memory is so short: he soon fraternizes with those who pushed him out.

As befits a well-born hound, a biography is attached to the character: 35 years old, was married, had two children, buried his wife, from the family he is more interested in a pretty nanny, he is rarely at home, constantly running away to all sorts of public gatherings, which he smells with his sensitive nose for several dozen verst.

Nozdrev, although a well-born creature, is devoid of the noble qualities of its prototype: in many mythologies, a dog is a protector of heroes, a guide to the kingdom of the immortals, a conqueror of monsters-enemies of man and the universe. The landowner from "Dead Souls" looks more like a stray lecherous dog hanging around near taverns and looking for all sorts of rubbish.

Description of the portrait of Nozdrev

The image of the dog also organizes the presentation of the portrait of the character. At the first meeting, he is a swarthy, well-built fellow, fresh and full-blooded, of medium height, with luxurious dark hair and pitch sideburns.

People like Nozdryov are open-minded, direct and daring. The valiant laughter awakens the dead sleeper, baring all his sugar-white teeth, making his cheeks tremble and jump like a laughing bulldog.

It is not for nothing that the abundance of hair is emphasized in the guise of a landowner: thick sideburns, disheveled thick hair, under a dressing gown on a naked body - a chest covered with some kind of beard. It seems to be a picturesque young man, but his essence is betrayed by dog ​​hair covering his body.

The attractiveness of Nozdryov is bodily, animalistic, even diabolical in some way. Appearance splashes with health, not killed, constant brawls and revels. Even ruddy cheeks-flews are endowed with magical plant power: the sideburns on them miraculously grow back better than the previous ones, torn out in the next fight.

Character traits, demeanor and speech

An analysis of the hero's statements shows that the "dog" manner of behavior is inseparable from Nozdrev's speech - highly expressive and expressive.

Monologues and remarks are distinguished by an abundance of exclamation marks and superlatives of adjectives.

Vocabulary jumps from enthusiastically caressing words to swearing and barracks expressions. He constantly swears, then curses, and the affectionate “soul” and “brother” are replaced by abusive “channel”, “fetyuk”, “scoundrel” and “shilnik”.

Moreover, swearing is also suitable for friendly treatment: he would even like to hang in a friendly way the squealing.

He likes to screw a foreign word into a conversation - only because of its sound, not understanding the meaning. Sometimes a soldier's naturalism emanates from the speech of a reveler; in a decent society, such expressions are not thrown.

An argument with a businessman about the ransom of dead souls is reminiscent of a conversation between a man and a barking dog - so abrupt and more and more aggressive are Nozdrev's remarks "You're lying!", "Scoundrel!" and so on.

Life goals

None. Nozdryov is only a big fan of walking. Get drunk and try your luck at cards, winning and immediately spending money and things.

Play for the sake of the game, win, win and win: at any cost - the most bizarre lies, marked decks, rearrangement of playing checkers on the board and even fists. This is a stupid, unconscious desire for some kind of victory over everyone and everything.

So Chichikov miscalculated again: the plan to beg dead souls for free from the lost desperate landowner was initially doomed to failure.

Description of the village and estate of Nozdrev

For more than two hours, the hospitable host took guests around his estate - and there is no more or less definite description of the Nozdrevskaya village in the book.

Only the impression of neglect, untidiness and abandonment.

They don’t wait for the master at home: to a mournful song, two peasants in the dining room whitewash the ceiling. There are two mares and an unsightly stallion with a goat wandering right there in the stable - the rest of the stalls are empty. Nozdryov boasts of a wolf cub on a leash - the future "perfect beast".

Wildness threatens to engulf culture in Nozdryov's realm: harrowed lands alternate with abandoned lands, marshy lowlands and sticky mud and forest in the distance.

Capaciously characterizes the brave landowner such a detail: having reached the border of possessions, the owner swears that the forest in the distance and beyond the forest is also his. Canine territoriality in action.

In the kennel, a handsome young man looks like the father of a family: the dogs are numerous, happy, well-groomed and treated kindly.

The interior of the landowner's house is represented only by an office. Where there are no books or paper, but sabers, two guns, false Turkish daggers, all kinds of smoking pipes are all around. Items of male military culture are randomly scattered, and among them is an extremely superfluous, always knocking down a hurdy-gurdy on a comic march.

By the way, Chichikov, who had hoped for freebies, slept badly in this house. All night long he was itching because of the unbearably painful biting small bugs.

Attitude to the economy

Absent. In his own home, he really cares about three passions: dogs, hunting, hunting territory. He does not give Chichikov what he wants, because he smells something unclean with his nose. And he also wants to drive the businessman at all costs - to catch him in a lie.

Nozdrev's attitude to others

Not amenable to logical explanation, the unconscious, which differs, however, in the passion to "shame on one's neighbor." He spreads gossip about his closest friends, upsets their weddings or trade deals.

At the next meeting, he reproaches that the spat upon person does not come to visit (the appeal is “Scoundrel” at the same time). Even after seeing off his son-in-law, he immediately says nasty things about him to Chichikov.

Nozdryov, like a dog, bites his hands playfully.

Favorite hobby

Let's summarize what the hero of "Dead Souls" likes to do:

  1. All feelings with violent force awaken all kinds of games in the handsome man - especially card games. Manic obsession with winning: does not disdain a marked deck, for which he often gets beaten. Inciting the game, he becomes as if possessed by a demon (as Chichikov thought to himself).
  2. Hyperbolic stories about their possessions, victories, premonitions, meals served, and so on.
  3. Arguments and bets without even pursuing any profit: after all, Nozdryov knows perfectly well that his possessions are ending behind the mark - but he argues with his son-in-law that he has already bought the territory behind it. But he does not even think about the inevitable loss and its cost.
  4. Hunting and dogs. He understands animals: what should be the nose, ears, ribs. Replenishes the home pack with new breeds. He cares better than about his own children: he orders to comb out fleas from a puppy, admires him, checks his condition.
  5. Drunkenness. Among the treats for guests is a variety of alcohol: port wine, Madeira diluted with rum or aqua regia, a bottle of bourguignon and champagne together, rowanberry spreading fusel.
  6. Attending fairs and other public gatherings.

Why is Nozdryov a dead soul

The main conclusion after analyzing the character: for all its attractiveness, this is just a shell of a person. But even through it, the animal essence of the landowner breaks through.

Illogicality, unconsciousness, wildness and unpredictability - this is the main characteristic of all his speeches and actions.

Nozdrev is a beast that never became a man, not inspired by the highest human qualities: reason, conscience and kindness. There is not even devotion to his own home in him.

Quotation characteristic of Nozdrev

The character, behavior and life of Nozdryov is like a dinner with which he treats guests. Dishes are not prepared for the human stomach. Something complex and shapeless, with burnt and uncooked fragments.

“It can be seen that the cook was guided by some kind of inspiration and put the first thing that came to hand: if there was a pepper near him - he poured pepper, if he caught cabbage - he popped cabbage, stuffed milk, ham, peas - in a word, roll it, go ahead, it would be hot, but some taste, surely, will come out.

Here is a micro image of the essence of Nozdryov: the richness of matter - but disorder, formlessness, disorganization, inconsistency, aimlessness.


The image of the frantic Nozdryov fits perfectly into the diabolical mystery of Dead Souls. Leaving the symbolic coffin - Korobochka's estate - he was carried away from the inn by the hellhound and forcibly took his legs away from her. Then he will meet with Cerberus Sobakevich.

In the first half of the 19th century, many writers assigned a huge role to the theme of Russia in their work. At that time, the ruthless tyranny of the landlords and officials reigned, and the life of the peasants was unbearably hard. The life of serf Russia is reflected in many works. One of them was a novel-poem written by N.V. Gogol, "Dead Souls". The image of Nozdrev, as well as Chichikov, Manilov and other heroes, is very bright and describes the attitude of all representatives of the aristocracy of that time to reality. The author in his work tried to convey to the readers the immorality that reigned at that time in all its manifestations.

General moods of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century

The domestic state system of that time developed with an emphasis on serfdom. Important moral values ​​were relegated to the background, and position in society and money were considered priorities. People did not strive for the best, they were not interested in either science or art. They did not try to leave to their descendants absolutely no cultural heritage. In achieving his goal - wealth - a person does not stop at nothing. He will deceive, steal, betray, sell. The current situation could not but excite thinking people, those who were far from indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland.

Representatives of the aristocracy in the work

The name "Dead Souls" was not chosen by the author by chance. It is very symbolic and perfectly reflects the mood of serf Russia. The author did not spare the colors, depicting a whole gallery of faces, showing the spiritual decline that threatens the fatherland. At the beginning of the story, the reader is presented with Manilov - an idle dreamer, a dreamer. The series of portraits ends with the image of Plyushkin. This representative of the nobility appeared as a "hole in humanity." In the work "Dead Souls" the image of Nozdryov appears approximately in the middle. In it you can see something from Plyushkin, something from Manilov.

Characteristics of the image of Nozdrev

For the first time in the work, he appears in the city of NN. The reader will learn nothing special about him except that he was a card cheat. His whole being was somehow absurd: he is ridiculous, talking nonsense, not thinking about the consequences of his statements. The author himself, depicting the image of Nozdrev, speaks of him as a "broken guy." Actually, this is true, and all the actions of the hero emphasize this. Nozdryov was accustomed to thinking little about the future. So, for example, he exchanged winnings in cards for absolutely unnecessary items and things that he lost the next day to other, more successful players. All this, according to Gogol himself, was due to some kind of briskness, briskness and restlessness of the character of the hero. This "energy" forced Nozdryov to perform other actions, mostly thoughtless and spontaneous.

Hero's vices

Everything that Nozdryov has - thoroughbred dogs, horses - all the best. But the boasting of the hero often has no basis. Despite the fact that his possessions border on someone else's forest, he speaks of it as his own. Illustrating the image of the landowner Nozdrev, it is impossible not to mention all in which he found himself. Either he is taken out of the noble assembly, then he takes part in a fight. One of the distinguishing features of the character is his tendency to do dirty tricks to people. Moreover, the more he approached the person, the stronger was the desire to annoy. So, Nozdryov upsets weddings and trade deals. However, he himself perceived his actions as pranks, not considering them offensive. Moreover, Nozdryov was even sincerely surprised if he heard that one of his acquaintances was offended by him.

The main features of the hero

Revealing the image of Nozdryov, the author depicts vulgarity in a certain falsely impudent form. Its origins can be traced in the comedies of Aristophanes and Plautus. However, there is a lot in the character and primordially Russian, national. The main Nozdrev are boasting, arrogance, a tendency to debauchery, unpredictability, energy. As the author himself notes, people of such a warehouse, as a rule, are "reckless, revelers, talkers", and in their faces one can always see something direct, daring, open. Among other things, they like to take a walk and are avid gamers. They are distinguished by sociability, combined with arrogance. Sometimes it seems that friendship with them can last a very long time, but with a "new acquaintance" such people can fight at a feast that same evening.

The contrast of internal and external in the character

The description of the image of Nozdrev in the work is quite clear. Depicting the hero, the author spares no artistic means. Expressive portrait of the character. Outwardly, this is a man of medium height, not badly built, with ruddy, full cheeks, snow-white teeth and resin sideburns. It was a fresh, healthy fellow, possessing physical strength. In an episode of the poem, the reader can trace the tradition of Russian heroism. However, the image of Nozdrev is a comic reflection of epic motifs. The contrast of its internal and external features is very noticeable. The way of life of Nozdrev is the direct opposite of the actions of the epic heroes. Everything that the character of the poem does makes no sense, and his "exploits" do not extend beyond a fight at a fair or card cheating. The image of Nozdryov comically reflects the motif of "big soul", "reckless revelry" - primordially Russian traits. The whole appearance of the character is only the appearance of that national "breadth" in a good way. The hero not only cannot claim "spiritual breadth", but also shows absolutely opposite qualities. Nozdrev is a drunkard, impudent and a liar. At the same time, he is cowardly and completely insignificant.

Household character

Depicting the landscape present in the episode of Chichikov's visit to Nozdrev, the author points to the carelessness of the owner. His economy was in a very disordered form and completely fell into decay. This, again, speaks of the lack of orderliness and thoughtfulness of Nozdryov's lifestyle. In his stable the stalls were empty, the house was neglected, it was a mess. The only place properly maintained was the kennel. On it, the landowner felt like a "father of the family." According to some critics, the hero himself is somewhat like a dog: he can bark and caress at the same time. Nozdryov's character traits are also reflected in the interior of the house. There are no papers or books in his office. However, the walls are hung with sabers, guns, Turkish daggers and various pipes. The barrel organ is symbolic in this interior. In this subject there is one pipe that did not want to calm down. This detail was a kind of symbol of the character's character. It shows the irrepressible energy, restlessness and briskness of the hero.

Nozdryov's behavior

The energy of the hero pushes him to various feats. So, for example, having a propensity to exchange, everything that he has, at the moment changes to something else. The hero immediately spends the money that has appeared at the fair, buying all sorts of perfectly smoking candles, collars, pistols, pots, tobacco, raisins and so on. But all purchased items are rarely delivered to the house, since on the same day he can lose everything. Despite the disorder of his life as a whole, Nozdryov shows a surprising consistency for him when making a deal with Chichikov. The landowner is trying to sell everything he can: dogs, a stallion, a hurdy-gurdy. After that, Nozdryov starts a game of checkers, an exchange of carts. But Chichikov notices cheating and refuses to play. Nozdrev's manners are also peculiar. His speech is always emotional, varied in composition, he speaks loudly, often screaming. But the image of Nozdryov is static in terms of the fact that he appears to the reader already fully formed. The backstory of the hero is closed, and in the course of the story the character does not undergo any internal changes.


Gogol, portraying Nozdryov, created a colorful and easily recognizable character. The hero is a typical braggart, scorcher, talker, debater, brawler, reveler. He doesn't mind drinking at all and loves to play. However, despite all the "typicality", some details and individual trifles give the character individuality. The whole story is permeated with a fair amount of humor. However, the work depicts the heroes, their characters, manners, actions and behavior, reporting a rather serious problem of that time - the loss of morality and spirituality. Gogol's novel-poem is "laughter through tears". The author created the work, tormented by the question of if people do not come to their senses and begin to change.


NOZDREV is a character in N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" (the first volume of 1842, under the qualification, called "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls"; second, volume 1842-1845). Literary sources of the image of N. - images of liars and braggarts in the dramaturgy of Ya.B. Knyazhnin, A.P. Sumarokov, I.I. Khemnitser, I.A. ”, Glazdurin from the novel by F.V. Bulgarin “Ivan Vyzhigin”. In the image of N., the features of Gogol's characters Ikharev and especially Khlestakov are developed.

The image of N. represents the type of a “broken fellow”, a reveler of “restless briskness and liveliness of character”, a “historical person”, because N. every time gets into history: either he is taken out of the gendarme hall, or pushed out by his own friends, or he gets drunk in sideboard, or lying about holding a blue or pink horse. N. is also eager for the female sex, in his words, not averse to “taking advantage of strawberries” (he is a frequenter of provincial theaters and a fan of actresses, his children are brought up by a “pretty nanny”). N.'s main passion is "to spoil his neighbor": N. spread fables, upset a wedding, a trade deal, but still considered himself a friend of the one to whom he spoiled. N.'s passion is universal, does not depend on either rank or weight in society. According to Gogol, like N., a person “with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest” spoils (“And he will spoil like a simple collegiate registrar”). The surname N. is a metonymy of the nose (an absurd double separation occurs: the nostrils from the nose, the nose from the body). A number of proverbs and sayings correlate with the image and character of N.: “poking your nose into someone else’s business”, “they torn off the curious Varvara’s nose”, “stay with your nose”, “keep your nose in the wind” (cf. Gogol: “His sensitive nose heard for several tens of miles, where there was a fair with all sorts of congresses and balls ...”). The portrait of N. is also built on the metonymy of the face (sideburns) and is consistent with his metonymic surname: “He sometimes returned home with only one sideburn, and then quite liquid. But his healthy and full cheeks were so well created and contained so much plant power that the sideburns soon grew again, even better than before.

Things around N. are identical to his boastful and reckless nature. On the one hand, they illustrate the randomness, disorderliness of N., on the other hand, his gigantic claims and passion for exaggeration. Everything in N.'s house is splattered with paint: the men are whitewashing the walls. N. shows Chichikov and Mizhuev the stable, where the stalls are mostly empty; a pond where earlier, according to N., “there was a fish of such size that two people could hardly pull out a thing”; a kennel with thick and clean dogs, “who amazed by the strength of black meats”; a field where N. was catching a brown hare by its hind legs. N.'s office reflects his warlike spirit: instead of books, sabers, guns, Turkish daggers hang on the walls, one of which was mistakenly carved: "Master Savely Sibiryakov" (Gogol's alogism emphasizes the absurdity of N.'s lies). Barrel N. plays a militant song "Malbrug went on a campaign." The metonymic principle in the image of N. is consistently carried out by Gogol: the pipe in N.'s hurdy-gurdy exactly repeats the essence of the owner, his senselessly fervent disposition: then she whistled alone. Even the fleas in N.'s house, which had been biting Chichikov all night, were, like N., "intelligent insects." The energetic, active spirit of N., in contrast to the idleness of Manilov, is nevertheless devoid of inner content, absurd, and ultimately just as dead. N. changes anything: guns, dogs, horses, barrel organ - not for the sake of profit, but for the sake of the process itself. For four days, without leaving the house, N. picks up a marked deck, "which one could rely on as a true friend." N. is a sharpie, he solder Chichikov with Madeira and rowanberry with the smell of fuselage in order to beat him at cards. Playing checkers with Chichikov, N. manages to push the checkers into kings with the cuff of his robe sleeve.

If Manilov cares about "delicate" details, Sobakevich - about the whole, then N. neglects both. N.'s food expresses his reckless spirit: “some things got burnt, some didn't cook at all. It can be seen that the chef was guided by some kind of inspiration and put the first thing that came to hand<...>pepper ... cabbage, stuffed milk, ham, peas - in a word, go ahead, it would be hot, but some taste, surely, will come out.

N. is impulsive and angry. In a drunken state, N. whips the landowner Maksimov with rods, and is going to beat Chichikov with the help of hefty servants. N. is able to praise and scold at the same time, not embarrassed in the expressions: “I bet my head that you are lying!”, “... after all, you are a big swindler<...>If I were your boss, I would hang you on the first tree” (about Chichikov); "... it's just a zhidomor" (about Sobakevich). N. - the initiator of the scandal around the "dead souls", he was the first to betray the secret of Chichikov at the governor's ball, after which "in the middle of the cotillion, he sat on the floor and began to grab the dancers by the floors." N., in a conversation with officials, confirmed that Chichikov was a spy, he was a fiscal still at school, that he prints fake banknotes and that guards were posted at his house for the night, but Chichikov changed all the banknotes to real ones in one night, that he, N. , helped Chichikov kidnap the governor's daughter, etc.

In the staging of the poem, the role of N. was played by I.M. Moskvin, B.N. Livanov.

In R.K. Shchedrin's opera Dead Souls, N.'s part was intended for tenor (the first performer was V.I. Piavko, 1977).


literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .

See what "NOZDREV" is in other dictionaries:

    - (foreigner) impudent, unbridled rowdy, scoundrel Cf. Real nozdrevschina repelled me from him ... it always seemed to me that he would hand me either a greyhound dog or a hurdy-gurdy at home. Leskov. Selected grain. Wed So you don't want to play? No,… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    NOZDREVATY NOZDREV NOZDRYAKOV NOZDRUNKOV The surnames are old. From the worldly name or nickname Nozdrya (as well as Nosov from Nos) and its derivative forms or from the nickname Nozdrevaty. Names formed from the names of various parts of the body were not uncommon. In ... ... Russian surnames

    Dead souls (first volume) Title page of the first edition Author: Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol Genre: Poem (novel, novel poem, prose poem) Original language: Russian ... Wikipedia

    Nozdrev (inosk.) impudent, unbridled brawler, scoundrel. Wed I was repelled by real nozdrevschina ... it always seemed to me that at home he would hand me either a greyhound dog or a hurdy-gurdy. Leskov. Selected grain. Wed So you don't... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Nozdrev M. 1. Literary character. 2. Used as a symbol of a brawler, a fighter and an unceremonious person. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Nozdrev ("Dead Souls")- See also Landowner. A man in his thirties. Dark-haired, of medium height, very well-built fellow, with full ruddy cheeks, snow-white teeth and jet-black sideburns. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed... Dictionary of literary types

    Nozdrev ("Dead Souls")- See also... Dictionary of literary types

    nostril- nostril oh ...

    nostrility- nostrils, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    porous- nostril aty ... Russian spelling dictionary


  • Japan , A. Lavrentiev , A. Rodionov , D. Vorontsov , M. Shcherbino , O. Maslennikov , S. Gneushev , S. Diykov , S. Nozdrev , Yu. Chegodar , Yu. Partners", published in 1990. The changes that have taken place, as well as the comments of specialists and readers, are taken into account. This edition continues to introduce… Category: Economy Series: Our business partners Publisher:

The image of Nozdryov in the poem Dead Souls


1. Introduction

2. General characteristics

3. Nozdrev and Chichikov


Of all the landowners represented in the poem "Dead Souls", Nozdryov stands out sharply. Chichikov not only failed to make a deal with him, but was also in serious danger of being beaten.

Nozdrev is a man at the age of thirty-five. His whole appearance breathes health and strength. Nozdryov is good-looking and understands this very well. The main distinguishing feature of the character of this landowner is an indefatigable thirst for activity. But this frenzied energy is directed in a completely useless direction. Nozdrev left two children from his dead wife, in whom he is absolutely not interested. He cannot sit quietly at home. Nozdryova is constantly drawn to adventure.

He has a special passion for the card game and the dispute for money. The most interesting thing is that Nozdryov's money in itself is not interested either. He is attracted by the element of excitement and risk. He often plays to the nines, but gets inexplicable pleasure from it. Due to bad luck or a simple inability to play cards, Nozdryov often resorts to an unclean game. For this, he invariably gets beaten. However, the glibness of Nozdryov's character is such that after a while he again communicates on friendly terms with those who punished him for deceit.

Nozdryov constantly lies to everyone he meets. His lies are selfless. He invents all sorts of fables ("horse ... blue or pink wool"), obeying some kind of perverted inspiration. Perhaps, having uttered another stupidity, Nozdryov himself begins to sincerely believe in it. At least he's willing to bet he's right. This landowner cannot live without getting involved in some kind of story. If a normal person is ashamed after this, and he tries to hide his participation, then Nozdryov begins to tell everyone about the story, repeatedly embellishing the story with fiction.

Nozdryov almost immediately turns to you in a conversation with Chichikov, which unpleasantly surprises him. Having met him in a tavern, he almost forces Chichikov to visit him. Complete chaos reigns in Nozdryov's house. There is no shortage of booze. Chichikov notices one important detail: Nozdryov tries to get his guests drunk, while he himself remains sober. Broken fellow is not such a simpleton. All Chichikov's attempts to make a deal fail. Nozdryov is not interested. He is ready to play cards, checkers for dead souls, to make some kind of meaningless exchange. The heated quarrel almost ends badly for Chichikov. He leaves Nozdryov's house with great relief.

Nozdrev is a frivolous playboy. Money does not linger in his hands, the economy is gradually slipping through his fingers. The bubbling energy still supports Nozdryov, but someday he will still end up in a debtor's prison.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was a very bilious person and he drew images for his heroes of the poem "Dead Souls" from his friends, buddies and acquaintances. Fortunately, society at that time was small and almost everyone knew each other.

So Nozdryov was drawn by Gogol from two very famous people. Appearance and image from Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, yes, yes - our great poet, and character from the legendary, but half-forgotten Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy.

An American (a relative of Leo Tolstoy), a desperate fidget, duelist, gambler and adventurer. He traveled with Kruzenshtern and Rezanov to America, managed to get everyone and quarrel, and even wanted to seize ships and piracy, was landed on the Aleutian Islands, managed to get out of there, and reached St. Petersburg on foot from Kamchatka. He fought in several wars and the war of 1812, was demoted twice to the soldiers, but retired as a colonel, killed eleven people in duels, and so on and so forth.

Fyodor Tolstoy was close in character to Pushkin; they were friends and probably joked and teased the withdrawn Gogol. Here Nozdrev, he recouped them.

Nozdryov's age in the poem is 35 years. He is young, healthy and very energetic:

“He was of medium height, a very well-built fellow with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and sideburns as black as pitch. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to be spurting from his face. .."

Gogol pays special attention to his sideburns:

"... his thick and very good sideburns ...", which, however, often thinned after Nozdryov was beaten for them for another trick.

The indefatigable energy of Nozdryov makes him lie, cheat, bully everyone around him:

"Nozdryov was in some respects a historical person. Not a single meeting where he was could do without history. Some kind of story would certainly happen: either the gendarmes would take him out of the hall by the arms, or their own friends would be forced to push him out."

He is incorrigibly passionate - cards, checkers, bets, anything, just to compete and argue. With people, Nozdryov is always on "you", always clings to the familiar, to the best comrade. But he can’t resist, so as not to do meanness to his friend:

"There are people who have a passion to spoil their neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all ... Nozdryov had the same strange passion."

At the same time, he is not malicious, not vindictive: he lies, and puts up, and subservient from a pure heart.

"... which can only happen in Rus' alone, after a few time he already met again with those friends who thrashed him, and met as if nothing had happened .."

From everything it is clear that this type of people was sharply unpleasant for Gogol. Nikolai Vasilievich expressed his attitude towards Nozdrev in the words of the coachman Chichikov:

"What a nasty gentleman!" Selifan thought to himself.

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