"Dead souls" image of Nozdryov. The description of the hero is full, about thirty years old, broken small, black -haired, noisy, always cheerful, fresh, with black as tar, a presentation


"Dead Souls" is not accidentally received such a name. It conveys the mood that prevailed in Russia. The gallery of characters depicted by the author demonstrates the spiritual decline that the state has come to. Among the landlords with whom the protagonist meets, Nozdryov became a curious character, whose characterization Gogol gave in the middle of the work. Similar to Manilov and Plyushkin, Nozdrev also has individual features.

History of creation

The poem "Dead Souls" was created abroad. The first volume was published in 1841. Gogol wanted to demonstrate the vices and shortcomings of Russia. In the center of the story was a man who personified Russian society. In the image of Chichikov, qualities traditional for the domestic mentality are concentrated.

An analysis of the title "Dead Souls" proves its duality. The author also meant the souls of the dead peasants, who he ransomed, and the callous, empty souls of the landowners, whose life consisted in idleness and ignorance. Gogol conveyed the idea that the state does not respect the people, ready to stand up for the Fatherland at any moment.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol planned to write a satirical poem in the spirit of The Inspector General. Critics drew parallels between the images of Chichikov and, highlighting the matching descriptions of the characters, evaluating the entrepreneurial spirit of the heroes and adventurism. In Dead Souls, mockery towards the author is replaced by sadness. Although the plot of the work looks comical, the life goals and lifestyle of his contemporaries are unpleasant to Gogol.

Nozdryov was one of the heroes whom the writer criticized. According to literary critics, Pavel Trushkovsky, the writer's son-in-law, served as the prototype for creating the image. Gogol hinted to a relative about the capital that he let go to the wind by turning a gamble with a leather factory. The machinations of Trushkovsky brought the family into debt, for which the whole family paid off for 26 years.

Other critics suggest that Fyodor Tolstoy was the prototype for a colorful image. Such conclusions make it possible to draw letters to Gogol in which the author comments on Tolstoy's reaction to the work.

"Dead Souls"

Nozdryov was the third landowner to whom Chichikov came with a request to sell peasant souls. A thirty-five-year-old chatterer and reckless driver, Nozdryov was not an honest man, he was distinguished by great excitement and without hesitation would have done a dirty trick to his neighbor. Gogol draws a portrait of Nozdryov, speaking of lack of ambition, irascibility, hypocrisy and recklessness. The hero has no plans in advance, but the desire to live today is more than enough. Having accidentally met Chichikov in a tavern, heading towards, Nozdryov intercepts the buyer and takes him to his estate.

Chichikov refuses to play cards for souls and provokes an inadequate reaction from Nozdryov. Having quickly calmed down, the next morning the hero again offers the guest stakes, taking out checkers. Obviously cheating, Nozdryov loses, and only the appearance of the police captain saves Chichikov from his wrath. The cries of an annoyed player give rise to various rumors about Chichikov.

The first impression a character makes is funny. He talks nonsense, appears as a "broken guy", exchanges money won in cards for unnecessary knick-knacks. Nozdryov's restlessness pushed him to unpredictable actions. The hero fought in a noble assembly, did not shun petty dirty tricks, upset weddings and was offended by reproaches and condemnation. An emotional scoundrel and rogue, a lively brawler, Nozdryov acquired a colorful image in Gogol's work.

The estate where the hero lived complements his image more than a description of his appearance. A chaotic atmosphere, akin to the character of the owner of the estate, reigns everywhere. Nozdryov's prowess and energy find no use either in the service or in the economy. The master's house, which is in a disorderly state, does not arouse in Nozdryov a desire to sort things out. But, unlike his neighbors, the hero demonstrates incredible liveliness and opens a series of characters in whose soul at least something “alive” remains.

The carelessness of the owner led the estate into decay. The neglected house became evidence that Nozdryov is not a big fan of order and deliberation. Only the kennel was perfect. Weapons flaunted on the walls, testifying to the prowess of the owner, there were no books in the office and on the tables, which indicated the lack of prudence and serious interests of the hero. Nozdrev's favorite pastimes are cards and hunting.

The possibility of selling "dead souls" did not surprise or apprehensive Nozdryov. He was in some respects a lover of exchange and in such a deal he saw precisely the opportunity to exchange property with Chichikov. That's why he sold horses and a hurdy-gurdy to the guest, but in the end he agreed to play checkers.

Nozdryov was a natural hero of the city, so no one was surprised at his antics. It is to him that the townspeople turn with a request for help in finding out the identity of Chichikov. Despite being in demand among neighbors, Nozdryov remains a character about whom little is known. The very first impression about the hero immediately forms an attitude towards him, although the biography remains unknown. Apart from the fact that he was a card cheat, the reader knows little about Nozdryov.

His family remains under a veil of secrecy. The reader does not know anything about the parents of the landowner, but it is clear that he is a young widower who remained after the death of his wife with two children. However, they did not greatly burden the father, as they were in the care of the nanny.

Screen adaptations

The director Pavel Cherdyntsev became interested in the plot of the work in 1909, in whose film the director himself appeared in the image of Nozdryov.

Boris Livanov in the film "Dead Souls"

In 1960, he starred in a staged film by Leonid Trauberg. The production was organized in the format of a TV show.

A project similar in genre was shot by Alexander Belinsky in 1969. Nozdryov was embodied on the screen by Pavel Luspekaev.

The next film based on the classic work was released in 1984 thanks to director Mikhail Schweitzer. Vitaly Shapovalov acted as Nozdrev.

Alexander Abdulov on the set ("The Case of the Dead Souls")

"The Case of Dead Souls" by Pavel Lungin is a 2005 series that incorporates several storylines borrowed by the director from various Gogol's works. Nozdryova played in a multi-part project.

Nozdryov's characterization fits well into a brief formulation: a frantic landowner.

The adjective in this case must be understood in all the richness of the meanings recorded by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl in his explanatory dictionary.

The image and characteristics of Nozdrev in the poem "Dead Souls"

The author brought out a character without a name, considered the patronymic unimportant for the reader. And the surname sounds like a dog's nickname (in Rus', livestock was often called by the name of the owner).

Its origin is eloquent: part of the nose is a very characteristic element, associated among the people with the sexual sphere. The first impression is confirmed upon closer acquaintance.

Nozdryov is characterized as a “historical” person, because he always gets involved or provokes stories: scandalous, ugly and indecent, with gendarmes, fights and booze. He is also a master of writing unprecedented stories without any need: he will lie in such a way that he himself is already uncomfortable.

This is a "multilateral" person - in the sense of "all trades": change everything and anything for anything, break loose anywhere, join any project. Why not a young, restless, lively and nimble dog jumping from side to side?

The actions and inner content of the character are quite dog-like: enthusiastic throwing to a barely familiar person, sudden mood swings, passion for the game, the desire to win at any cost, public fights, a scent for fun gatherings. The desire to be a leader: he has everything the very best (two people barely pull a giant fish out of his pond, a stallion in his stall costs at least ten thousand, etc.).

Nozdryov's behavior is devoid of any consciousness or direction. Even beatings do not enlighten him, his memory is so short: he soon fraternizes with those who pushed him out.

As befits a well-born hound, a biography is attached to the character: 35 years old, was married, had two children, buried his wife, from the family he is more interested in a pretty nanny, he is rarely at home, constantly running away to all sorts of public gatherings, which he smells with his sensitive nose for several dozen verst.

Nozdrev, although a well-born creature, is devoid of the noble qualities of its prototype: in many mythologies, a dog is a protector of heroes, a guide to the kingdom of the immortals, a conqueror of monsters-enemies of man and the universe. The landowner from "Dead Souls" looks more like a stray lecherous dog hanging around near taverns and looking for all sorts of rubbish.

Description of the portrait of Nozdrev

The image of the dog also organizes the presentation of the portrait of the character. At the first meeting, he is a swarthy, well-built fellow, fresh and full-blooded, of medium height, with luxurious dark hair and pitch sideburns.

People like Nozdryov are open-minded, direct and daring. The valiant laughter awakens the dead sleeper, baring all his sugar-white teeth, making his cheeks tremble and jump like a laughing bulldog.

It is not for nothing that the abundance of hair is emphasized in the guise of a landowner: thick sideburns, disheveled thick hair, under a dressing gown on a naked body - a chest covered with some kind of beard. It seems to be a picturesque young man, but his essence is betrayed by dog ​​hair covering his body.

The attractiveness of Nozdryov is bodily, animalistic, even diabolical in some way. Appearance splashes with health, not killed, constant brawls and revels. Even ruddy cheeks-flews are endowed with magical plant power: the sideburns on them miraculously grow back better than the previous ones, torn out in the next fight.

Character traits, demeanor and speech

An analysis of the hero's statements shows that the "dog" manner of behavior is inseparable from Nozdrev's speech - highly expressive and expressive.

Monologues and remarks are distinguished by an abundance of exclamation marks and superlatives of adjectives.

Vocabulary jumps from enthusiastically caressing words to swearing and barracks expressions. He constantly swears, then curses, and the affectionate “soul” and “brother” are replaced by abusive “channel”, “fetyuk”, “scoundrel” and “shilnik”.

Moreover, swearing is also suitable for friendly treatment: he would even like to hang in a friendly way the squealing.

He likes to screw a foreign word into a conversation - only because of its sound, not understanding the meaning. Sometimes a soldier's naturalism emanates from the speech of a reveler; in a decent society, such expressions are not thrown.

An argument with a businessman about the ransom of dead souls is reminiscent of a conversation between a man and a barking dog - so abrupt and more and more aggressive are Nozdrev's remarks "You're lying!", "Scoundrel!" and so on.

Life goals

None. Nozdryov is only a big fan of walking. Get drunk and try your luck at cards, winning and immediately spending money and things.

Play for the sake of the game, win, win and win: at any cost - the most bizarre lies, marked decks, rearrangement of playing checkers on the board and even fists. This is a stupid, unconscious desire for some kind of victory over everyone and everything.

So Chichikov miscalculated again: the plan to beg dead souls for free from the lost desperate landowner was initially doomed to failure.

Description of the village and estate of Nozdrev

For more than two hours, the hospitable host took guests around his estate - and there is no more or less definite description of the Nozdrevskaya village in the book.

Only the impression of neglect, untidiness and abandonment.

They don’t wait for the master at home: to a mournful song, two peasants in the dining room whitewash the ceiling. There are two mares and an unsightly stallion with a goat wandering right there in the stable - the rest of the stalls are empty. Nozdryov boasts of a wolf cub on a leash - the future "perfect beast".

Wildness threatens to engulf culture in Nozdryov's realm: harrowed lands alternate with abandoned lands, marshy lowlands and sticky mud and forest in the distance.

Capaciously characterizes the brave landowner such a detail: having reached the border of possessions, the owner swears that the forest in the distance and beyond the forest is also his. Canine territoriality in action.

In the kennel, a handsome young man looks like the father of a family: the dogs are numerous, happy, well-groomed and treated kindly.

The interior of the landowner's house is represented only by an office. Where there are no books or paper, but sabers, two guns, false Turkish daggers, all kinds of smoking pipes are all around. Items of male military culture are randomly scattered, and among them is an extremely superfluous, always knocking down a hurdy-gurdy on a comic march.

By the way, Chichikov, who had hoped for freebies, slept badly in this house. All night long he was itching because of the unbearably painful biting small bugs.

Attitude to the economy

Absent. In his own home, he really cares about three passions: dogs, hunting, hunting territory. He does not give Chichikov what he wants, because he smells something unclean with his nose. And he also wants to drive the businessman at all costs - to catch him in a lie.

Nozdrev's attitude to others

Not amenable to logical explanation, the unconscious, which differs, however, in the passion to "shame on one's neighbor." He spreads gossip about his closest friends, upsets their weddings or trade deals.

At the next meeting, he reproaches that the spat upon person does not come to visit (the appeal is “Scoundrel” at the same time). Even after seeing off his son-in-law, he immediately says nasty things about him to Chichikov.

Nozdryov, like a dog, bites his hands playfully.

Favorite hobby

Let's summarize what the hero of "Dead Souls" likes to do:

  1. All feelings with violent force awaken all kinds of games in the handsome man - especially card games. Manic obsession with winning: does not disdain a marked deck, for which he often gets beaten. Inciting the game, he becomes as if possessed by a demon (as Chichikov thought to himself).
  2. Hyperbolic stories about their possessions, victories, premonitions, meals served, and so on.
  3. Arguments and bets without even pursuing any profit: after all, Nozdryov knows perfectly well that his possessions are ending behind the mark - but he argues with his son-in-law that he has already bought the territory behind it. But he does not even think about the inevitable loss and its cost.
  4. Hunting and dogs. He understands animals: what should be the nose, ears, ribs. Replenishes the home pack with new breeds. He cares better than about his own children: he orders to comb out fleas from a puppy, admires him, checks his condition.
  5. Drunkenness. Among the treats for guests is a variety of alcohol: port wine, Madeira diluted with rum or aqua regia, a bottle of bourguignon and champagne together, rowanberry spreading fuselage.
  6. Attending fairs and other public gatherings.

Why is Nozdryov a dead soul

The main conclusion after analyzing the character: for all its attractiveness, this is just a shell of a person. But even through it, the animal essence of the landowner breaks through.

Illogicality, unconsciousness, wildness and unpredictability - this is the main characteristic of all his speeches and actions.

Nozdrev is a beast that never became a man, not inspired by the highest human qualities: reason, conscience and kindness. There is not even devotion to his own home in him.

Quotation characteristic of Nozdrev

The character, behavior and life of Nozdryov is like a dinner with which he treats guests. Dishes are not prepared for the human stomach. Something complex and shapeless, with burnt and uncooked fragments.

“It can be seen that the cook was guided by some kind of inspiration and put the first thing that came to hand: if there was a pepper near him - he poured pepper, if he caught cabbage - he popped cabbage, stuffed milk, ham, peas - in a word, roll it, go ahead, it would be hot, but some taste, surely, will come out.

Here is a micro image of the essence of Nozdryov: the richness of matter - but disorder, formlessness, disorganization, inconsistency, aimlessness.


The image of the frantic Nozdryov fits perfectly into the diabolical mystery of Dead Souls. Leaving the symbolic coffin - Korobochka's estate - he was carried away from the inn by the hellhound and forcibly took his legs away from her. Then he will meet with Cerberus Sobakevich.

"Dead Souls" image of Nozdryov

The description of the hero is complete, about thirty years old, broken small, black -haired, noisy, always cheerful, fresh, with black, like tar, bacenbards. This frivolous reveler and braggart is full of health, he exudes ingenuous narcissism and reckless prowess.

The meaning of the name Surname Nozdrev is the metonymy of the nose (“poke your nose into one’s own business”, “keep your nose in the wind”, “stay with your nose”). Metonymically, Gogol compares Nozdryov with his own hurdy-gurdy, or rather with a restless pipe. The pipe (nostril) in Nozdryov's hurdy-gurdy exactly repeats the essence of the owner, his senselessly perky disposition: "Nozdryov had long ceased to twirl, but in the hurdy-gurdy there was one very lively pipe, which did not want to calm down, and for a long time it whistled alone."

Portrait The landowner Nozdrev is a great lover of entertainment, balls and revelry. Nozdryov has a bright appearance, which emphasizes his violent character. Nozdrev is a dashing gentleman with a ruddy and fresh face. Nozdryov looks young and cheerful, despite his 35 years and drinking. He was of medium height, a very well-built fellow, with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and jet-black whiskers. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to spurt from his face ... "

The details of the furnishings of Nozdryov's Things reflect the character of their owner: randomness, disorder, passion for exaggeration. The stable where most of the stalls are empty, the pond where fish of unprecedented size used to live, the field where Nozdryov used to catch a hare by its hind legs. Nozdrev's office: sabers, guns, Turkish daggers. The pipe in the hurdy-gurdy, which did not want to stop, reflects his nature. Even the fleas in Nozdryov's house are especially aggressive.

The meaning of the image Gogol, depicting Nozdryov, created a colorful and easily recognizable character. The hero is a typical braggart, scorcher, talker, debater, brawler, reveler. He doesn't mind drinking at all and loves to play. However, despite all the "typicality", some details and individual trifles give the character individuality.

Nozdrev- a dashing 35-year-old "talker, reveler, reckless driver"; the third landowner with whom Chichikov starts a bargain about dead souls.

The acquaintance takes place in the 1st chapter, at a dinner at the Prosecutor's; it is renewed by chance - in a tavern (ch. 4). Chichikov is heading from Korobochka to Sobakevich. Nozdryov, in turn, together with his "son-in-law Mezhuev" returns from the fair, where he drank and lost everything, right down to the crew. N. immediately lures Chichikov to his estate, at the same time certifying Sobakevich as a "Jewish mob", and the hero of the novel himself (who is not too willing to agree to follow N.) - Opodeldok Ivanovich. Having delivered the guests, he immediately leads to show the household. He starts with a stable, continues with a wolf cub, which is fed only raw meat, and a pond, where (according to N.'s stories, invariably fantastic) pikes are found, each of which can only be pulled out by two fishermen. After the kennel, where N. among the dogs looks “just like the father of the family,” the guests head to the field; here, of course, the hares are caught by hand.

N. is not too preoccupied with dinner (they sit down at the table only at 5 o'clock), since food is far from the main thing in his exuberant life. On the other hand, N. drinks are plentiful, and, not content with their “natural” quality, the owner invents incredible “compositions” (bourgoignon and champagne together; rowanberry “with a taste of cream”, however, reeking of fuselage). At the same time, N. spares himself; noticing this, Chichikov slowly pours out his glasses as well. However, in the morning, the owner, who “spared” himself, comes to Chichikov in a dressing gown, under which there is nothing but an open chest, overgrown with “some kind of beard”, and with a pipe in his teeth - and, as befits a hero of the hussar, he assures that he has "The squadron spent the night." There is a hangover or not - it does not matter at all; it is only important that a decent reveler should suffer from drinking.

The motive of "false hangover" is important to the author in yet another respect. The night before, during a bargain, N. quarreled to death with Chichikov: he refused to play cards with a violent "seller" for dead souls; refused to buy a stallion of "Arab blood" and get souls "in addition." But just as N.'s evening cockiness cannot be attributed to alcohol vapors, so the morning peacefulness cannot be explained by forgetfulness of everything that was done in a drunken stupor. N.'s behavior is motivated by a single spiritual quality: unrestraint, bordering on unconsciousness.

N. does not conceive, does not plan, does not “mean” anything; he just doesn't know how to do anything. Recklessly agreeing to play checkers with him for the soul (since checkers are not marked), Chichikov almost becomes a victim of Nozdrev's revelry. The souls put "on the line" are valued at 100 rubles; N. cuffs his sleeves three checkers at a time and in this way puts one of them into kings - leaving Chichikov no other choice but to mix the pieces. Reprisal seems imminent. The mighty Porfiry and Petrushka seize the hero; N. shouts in excitement: “Beat him!” Chichikov is saved only by the appearance of a formidable police captain with a huge mustache, parodying both the deus ex machina (“God from the Machine”) of the ancient Greek tragedy, and at the same time the finale of The Inspector General.

Retreating Chichikov hopes that the first meeting with N. will be the last; however, they still have two more meetings, one of which (ch. 8, the scene of the provincial ball) will almost ruin the buyer of "dead souls". Suddenly colliding with Chichikov, N. shouts out loud: “Ah, Kherson landowner, Kherson landowner!<...>he trades in dead souls!” - which gives rise to a wave of incredible rumors. When the officials of the city of NN, finally confused in the "versions", call on N., he immediately confirms all the rumors, not embarrassed by their contradictory nature (ch. 9). Chichikov bought several thousand worth of dead souls; he is a spy, a counterfeiter; was going to take away the governor's daughter; the priest Sidor from the village of Trukhmachevka was supposed to marry for 75 rubles; Chichikov - Napoleon; ends N. with complete nonsense. And then he himself (in the 10th chapter) informs the "Kherson landowner" about these rumors, paying him a visit without an invitation. Having again completely forgotten about the offense inflicted, N. offers Chichikov help in "taking away" the governor's daughter, and for only three thousand.

Like all the other heroes of the poem, N. as if "transfers" the outlines of his soul to the outlines of his life. At home, everything is in disarray. There are wooden goats in the middle of the dining room; there are no books and papers in the study; “Turkish” daggers hang on the wall (on one Chichikov sees the inscription: master Savely Sibiryakov); N.'s favorite hurdy-gurdy, which he calls the organ, starts playing the motive "Mallbrug went camping", ends with a familiar waltz, and one lively pipe cannot calm down for a long time.

The surname N. connects him with the comic characters of Russian "nosological" literature, whose humorous flavor was provided by endless jokes over the noses of the characters. Clothes (striped arkhaluk), appearance (blood with milk; thick black hair, sideburns), gestures (youngly throws off his cap), manners (immediately switches to "you", climbs to kiss, calls everyone either "darlings" or "fetkzhami") , continuous lies, cockiness, passion, unconsciousness, readiness to spoil your best friend without any purpose - all this from the very beginning creates a recognizable literary and theatrical image of a violent clicker. N. is recognizably connected with Buyanov's vaudeville type, with Khlestakov from The Government Inspector. But unlike the "difficult" Khlestakov, who in his inspired lies outlives the wretchedness of his own existence, N. does not "outlive" anything. He simply lies and crap "from the briskness and glibness of character." A characteristic episode is in which N. shows Chichikov and Mezhuev his possessions - and, bringing them to the “border” (a wooden post and a narrow ditch), suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, begins to assure: “... everything that you see on this side , all this is mine, and even on the other side, all this forest that is turning blue over there, and everything beyond the forest, all mine. This "brute force" evokes Khlestakov's unbridled fantastic lie. But if N. overcomes anything, it is not himself, not his social inferiority, but only the spatial tightness of the surrounding life; his truly boundless lie is the reverse side of Russian prowess, which N. is endowed with in abundance. And unlike the “nosological” characters, from the Buyanovs, from Pirogov, from Chertokutsky and similar empty heroes, N. is not completely empty. His violent energy, which does not find proper application (N. can play solitaire recklessly for weeks, forgetting about everything in the world), nevertheless gives his image strength, a bright personality, puts him in a peculiar hierarchy of negative types, derived by Gogol, in a relatively high place - “ third from the bottom.

In essence, if before N. Chichikov (and the reader) they meet with hopeless, mentally dead characters who have no and cannot have a place in the coming, transformed Russia (the image of which was to be created in the 3rd volume of the poem), then with N. begins a series of heroes who retained at least something alive in themselves. At least a lively, for all its stupidity, character and a lively, rudely vulgar, but expressive speech (the countess, whose hands are the most slender superflue; dogs with a "fortress of black meats", etc.). That is why N. is endowed with a kind of conditional semblance of a biography (whereas Manilov is completely devoid of a biography, and Korobochka has only a hint of a biographical background). Let this “biography” be parodic and monotonous: “robbery” adventures of a “historical figure”. That is, a person who always gets into all sorts of stories. That is why, having appeared on the pages of the novel as early as the 1st chapter, he not only actively acts in two chapters, 4th and 6th, but also participates in chapters 8 to 10. His image does not seem to fit within the closed boundaries of a single episode; N.'s relationship with the novel space is built on the same type as his relationship with space as such - "all this is mine, and even on the other side<...>all is mine". It is no coincidence that the author brings Chichikov with N. in a tavern - that is, on the way back to the side road lost by the coachman Selifan, symbolizing the path to the future.

Nozdrev, distinguished by extreme sociability, easily makes friends with Chichikov. Meanwhile, the relationship between the characters soon deteriorates. As a result of a quarrel with the landowner, Chichikov fails to acquire the dead peasants from him.
“The people are prominent,” Nozdrev’s property is noted to stand out noticeably among others and attract attention to himself. This figure in the work is given special attention:
“We will do better if we say something about Nozdryov himself, who, perhaps, will have a chance to play not the last role in our poem,” the author notes.
Nozdryov loves to draw the attention of others not only to his own person, but also to what he owns:
“Come on, put it here on the floor. ...Here's a puppy! ... Look at the ears, just feel with your hand. ... A real face, ”the landowner draws attention to the dignity of his puppy.
“They are always talkers,” Nozdrev is characterized as a person who loves communication. Indeed, in the course of the action, the character talks almost incessantly with others:
“All three of them could talk freely throughout the journey,” the landowner constantly communicates with his companions.
Similarly, Nozdryov communicates a lot with Chichikov:
“The conversation that the travelers had among themselves ...” - the landowner is talking with his acquaintance.
Being a "good comrade", Nozdryov has a feeling of attachment to his friends:
“They will make friendship, it seems, forever,” the character’s friendship is strong.
The landowner developed a particularly close relationship with Lieutenant Kuvshinnikov, to whom he is strongly attached:
“We were always together with him,” Nozdryov is inseparable from his friend.
At the same time, the character is sincerely convinced that it is impossible not to become attached to his friends:
“I know that you would not part with Lieutenant Kuvshinnikov,” Nozdrev believes that Chichikov would also become attached to the lieutenant.
Nozdryov loves his comrades and often praises them:
“The staff captain Kisses ... so glorious! ... Lieutenant Kuvshinnikov ... Ah, brother, what a lovely man!
In the same way, Nozdryov, as it seems to him, was immediately imbued with love for Chichikov, as soon as he met him:
"Kiss me, soul, death loves you!" - the landowner confesses his love for his new acquaintance.
An analysis of Nozdrev's character shows that he strives to attract attention, communication, affection and love. Thus, the hero is characterized by needs of a communicative type. Meanwhile, the character often behaves in the opposite way: he imperceptibly cheats, is not sociable, easily forgets his former attachments, and conflicts. The heroes of Pushkin's works have similar features: "The Snowstorm", "The Stone Guest", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...".
For example, loving to attract the attention of others, Nozdrev, as a rule, does not pay attention to what his interlocutor wants:
“Listen, brother: well, to hell with Sobakevich, let's go to my place,” the landowner suggests to Chichikov to ignore his planned visit.
Prone to cheating, Nozdryov, while playing with Chichikov, imperceptibly moves one of his pieces:
“Nozdryov, moving a saber, and at the same time moved another saber with a cuff,” the landowner secretly makes an extra move.
Despite his sociability, Nozdryov often keeps quiet about his adventures. So, he prefers to remain silent about “inflicting personal insult on the landowner Maximov with rods in a drunken state”:
“I didn’t even see the landowner Maksimov,” the character is silent about the fight.
However, Nozdryov does not commemorate the old to his friends:
“Some time later I met again with those friends who had beaten him, and met again as if nothing had happened, and he, as they say, was nothing, and they were nothing.”
Easily converging short with people, Nozdryov just as easily forgets his attachments.
“It so happens that a friend will fight with them that same evening at a friendly feast,” the landowner seems to forget about friendship.
Similarly, Nozdryov quite soon breaks off relations with Chichikov, barely having time to make friends with him:
“I used to think that you were at least somewhat decent person, but you don’t understand any conversion. It’s impossible to talk with you as with a close person, ”the landowner no longer considers his acquaintance a close friend.
Despite the fact that Nozdryov loves his comrades, he often comes into conflict with them:
“They are reputed ... for good comrades and at the same time they are very painfully beaten,” the snooty landowner.
So, having barely met Chichikov, Nozdryov gets into a fight with him:
"Beat him!" - shouted Nozdryov, ... as if he was approaching an impregnable fortress, ”the hero provoked another conflict.
At the same time, Nozdrev’s recent love for a new acquaintance quickly turns into hatred:
“Fstyuk is simple! ... The stove-maker is ugly! From now on, I don’t want to have anything to do with you, ”the landowner Chichikov shows his disgust.
Like Pushkin's characters, Nozdryov is distinguished not only by a certain set of aspirations, but also by ways of satisfying his desires.
For example, wanting to draw the attention of the interlocutor to something, Nozdryov usually persistently calls him to this. In particular, wanting to demonstrate his britzka, the landowner almost forces Chichikov to look at it:
“Look out the window on purpose! “Here he bent Chichikov’s head himself, so that he almost hit it against the frame.”
Nozdryov shows increased attention to what he is passionate about, including dogs and horses. So, the landowner, together with his guests, goes to inspect his possessions:
“Nozdryov ... led the guests to inspect everything that he had in the village ... First of all, they went to inspect the stable.”
When communicating with others, Nozdryov is sometimes in a hurry to speak out:
“Where did you go? - said Nozdryov and, without waiting for an answer, continued: - And I, brother from the fair. Congratulate: blown into fluff! - the landowner blurted out the news.
On the other hand, Nozdryov sometimes pauses in communication with his friends. For example, after a “tiff” with Chichikov, he defiantly does not talk to him for some time:
“It would be better if you just didn’t show me in front of my eyes!” - the landowner does not want to communicate with the guest.
Nozdryov, who quickly converges with people, is overly affectionate:
“They will soon get to know each other, and you won’t have time to look back, as “you” are already telling you,” the landowner of the familiar behaves, having barely met.
Nozdryov can be so annoying that even his friends are often forced to distance themselves from him:
“Either the gendarmes will drive him out of the hall by the arms, or they will be forced to push out their own friends,” periodically isolate the landowner from society.
Nozdryov loves gambling and has a "passion for cards." At the same time, the character was often so absorbed in the game that he “argued and started turmoil at the green table,” and if he won something, he immediately “lost it”:
“Plowed into fluff! Do you believe that I have never been so blown in my life, ”Nozdryov was not able to stop in time, carried away by the game.
Meanwhile, leading a wild life, Nozdrev leaves his own children without parental care:
"The wife soon went to the next world, leaving two children who he definitely did not need."
The analysis of Nozdrev's character shows that he has communicative needs, which also distinguish the characters of Pushkin's works: "The Snowstorm", "The Stone Guest", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...". Like Pushkin's heroes, Gogol's Nozdryov is characterized by characteristic ways of satisfying his desires, associated with character traits.
Noticeably standing out from the background of others, Nozdrev attracts increased attention to himself. However, in certain cases, he tries to act discreetly, for example, by cheating during the game. The character often encourages others to pay special attention to something. At the same time, Nozdryov himself shows increased attention to what interests him.
Nozdryova is distinguished by love for communication. Meanwhile, the character tries to keep quiet about the things that compromise him. During the conversation, the landowner seeks to speak out, but if he does not like the interlocutor, he takes a break in communicating with him.
Nozdryova is distinguished by affection for his friends. However, he forgets his former attachments just as easily. The character is sometimes so affectionate when communicating with others that they have to distance themselves from him.
Nozdryov is distinguished by love for his comrades. However, this does not prevent him from constantly entering into conflicts with people. The character is consumed by a passion for the card game, thoroughbred dogs, horses. At the same time, his own children are actually left without parental care.

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