Mesopotamia in the first millennium BC. Healing in Babylonia and Assyria (2nd millennium - middle of the 1st millennium BC)


Part. 4. Rus' in the VI - I millennia BC.

"The word Rus' is more than 250 thousand years old."
Publication by I. Yadykin “ABOUT Rus', WAVING THE CENTURIES!”,
newspaper "Red Star", May 30, 2007

As stated earlier, in 5508 BC Russ returned to the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Northern Black Sea region.

Rice. 18. The territory of the Rus in 5508 BC

In 500 - 1500 years(in the 5th millennium BC) there is another split in the carriers of the haplogroup R1a1a1, which inhabited the Black Sea steppes. A powerful wave of carriers of the haplogroup R1a1a1b from the Dniester-Don region is moving north and towards the Volga. The descendants of the Rus are actively settling along the Russian Plain - Aryans and Scythians(according to the American company Family Tree DNA, Aryans and Scythians also belong to the haplogroup R1a1a1, its southeastern (Eurasian) branch). In 4700 years (in the VIII century BC), the Scythians migrate from the Russian Plain to the southeast, displacing the Cimmerians.

Rice. 19. Migration of Aryans and Scythians (haplogroup R1a1).

In 1500 - 3500 years(in the IV - III millennium BC) man for the first time get to know copper. This acquaintance happened through nuggets, which were taken for stones and tried to be processed in the usual way by hitting them with other stones. Pieces did not break off from nuggets, but were deformed and they could be given the necessary shape (cold forging). They did not know how to fuse copper with other metals to obtain bronze. In some cultures, to increase plasticity, nuggets were heated after forging, which led to annealing of defects formed as a result of cold deformation. The low distribution of copper is connected, first of all, with an insufficient amount of nuggets, and not with the softness of the metal - in regions where there was a lot of copper, it quickly began to displace the stone. Despite its softness, copper had an important advantage - a copper tool could be repaired, and a stone one had to be made anew. From the 4th millennium BC, copper and bronze tools began to replace stone ones. In the territory copper ore processing centers appear between the Dnieper and the Don, and centers for the extraction of copper ore in the Donbass. There comes a period of consolidation, social organization of tribes, the development of patriarchy, the formation of large, public associations.

Around 1500(IV millennium BC) Rus domesticated horse. “Recent studies of the teeth of the remains of a horse (a stallion from Dereivka, Ukraine, circa 4000 BC) have shown that the bits were used for their modern purpose. Ethnological parallels showed that the development of riding should have been accompanied by an increase in the demographic state and increased mobility. [ Source: D. Anthony, D. Ya. Telegin, D. Brown, "The Origin of Riding" // "In the World of Science", 1992. No. 2 pp. 36 - 42].

Simultaneously invented wheeled transport. [Source: Safronov V.A., "Indo-European ancestral homelands". Gorky, 1989].

Also in 1500s(in the 4th millennium BC) in Rus' Cimmerians appear.

Rice. 20. Migration of the Cimmerians (haplogroup R1a1).

In the "Book of Veles" (plate 6e), it is written about the relationship of the Rus with the Cimmerians. They are named after the Kimry: “There were Kimry, Also our fathers, but they shook the Romeevs and scattered the Greeks like frightened pigs.

The Greeks, faced with the people of the steppe part of the Northern Black Sea region, call them - Cimmerians. [Historical treatise "History" of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus].

Cimmerians belonged to the community of Rus - carriers of R1a1. [ Source: Akhmatnurov S.S. "Huns, runic writing, haplotype R1a1"].

The Cimmerians wore leather jackets, trousers, boots and pointed hats. Most often found on Cimmerian things a figure in the form of a diamond-shaped badge with concave sides and a circle in the middle. Almost always, such an icon fits into a circle, resulting in a simple four-petal rosette. Badges of this kind were usually decorated with round bronze plaques with holes for crossed straps at the bridle. The meaning of amulets could also be attached to the badge. There are also round plaques with an inscribed straight equilateral cross.

Having migrated from the territory of the Southern Urals and the Middle Volga region, the Cimmerians settled in the Black Sea region, and then began to settle and undertake campaigns further to the west. Simultaneously with the campaigns of the Cimmerians in Central Europe, a funeral rite is spreading - cremation, before the dead were buried in the ground. Cimmerians are often referred to as the archaeological cultures of the Northern Black Sea region, dating back to the early Iron Age, respectively, this time is called the "Cimmerian era" (XI-VII centuries BC).

In the Black Sea region, the Cimmerian era was marked by the flourishing of culture and economy. Cattle breeding and arable farming in the Azov region expanded. Was very iron and bronze metallurgy developed. Traces of the development of their mines and metallurgical production with slag and smelting residues were found in the Donbass near the city of Artemovsk. Manufactured first-class weapons - long steel swords, arrowheads, spears. But along with steel, they also used bronze tips, and battle axes. The main branch of the military was cavalry. They already used bridles, snaffles, which made it possible to maneuver horses well.

In 1700 - 2200 years(in 3800 - 3300 BC) on the territory of Rus', the Sredny Stog (or Skelyanskaya, Novodanilovskaya) culture develops, which is formed on the basis of the traditions of the Lower Don and Sur cultures in the interfluve of Kalmius and the Lower Don.

The Sredny Stog culture includes 4 burials near the Mariupol burial ground (the walls of the graves were reinforced with stone slabs, maces with a kidney-shaped pommel, pendants made of marmot teeth, boar fangs, copper beads, bracelets, a belt of mother-of-pearl threads, the grave was covered with stones from above). Upon contact of the Skelyan and Azov-Dnieper cultures, the following Eneolithic culture was formed - Kvityanskaya (late IV - I half of the III millennium BC), which laid the foundation for the emergence of mounds ("graves") in the Northern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov ("uterine" position of the deceased, head orientation to the east , plant litter, ocher as an element of the burial, the presence of cromlech - a stone ring outline).

This period also includes archaeological sites of the Sea of ​​Azov:

Nizhnemikhailovsky culture (3000 - 2600 years BC: mounds in the Ilyichevsk region of Mariupol, on the site of the power plant of the Ilyich plant) - was characterized by the creation of peculiar cult complexes - stelae and altars, burials with black-glazed pots with parting food;
. Zhytilovo-Volchanskaya culture (mid-3rd millennium BC: burials near the village of Sartana) - in addition to pots, there were also some kind of playing chips in the form of bones of kneecaps, astragalus and metapodia of sheep;
. pit culture (mid-3rd millennium BC: multiple burial mounds in the area of ​​Volonterovka and Novoselovka, near the villages of Kremenevka, Ogorodnoye, Chermalyk, etc.) - the orientation of the deceased to the sunrise and moon, the presence of horizontal platforms on top of the mound for funeral rituals. It is this culture that owns about 80% of all mounds of the Northern Black Sea region. In the barrows of the "Stone Graves" and in the city itself (the barrow at the intersection of Builders Avenue and the street of the Uritsky city of Mariupol, popularly - "Green Hill", on old maps - "Grandfather") traces of the copper-bronze era were found.

In 1993, during the construction of a water pipeline that ran along the outskirts of the Zelenaya Gorka barrow (Mariupol), bones were found, three burials dating back to the Bronze Age were found, it is possible that there are burials of the Scythian-Sarmatian period in the barrow. Individual mounds have a soil volume of more than 2000 m³, and a weight of more than 2400 tons. The found skeletons are quite tall (men - 173 cm, women - 160 cm). The find of the Mariupol archaeological expedition in 1984 was recognized as unique. Near Mariupol were found remains of four-wheeled wooden carts with solid wooden disc-shaped wheels. Scientists have dated this find 27th century BC. Thus, the wagons found in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov are today one of the oldest types of wheeled transport in the world(previously, the transport of Mesopotamia of the 26th century BC was considered as such).
The most characteristic cultures on the territory of Rus' at that time were the Trypillia and Yamnaya cultures.

Rice. 21. Territory of Trypillia and Yamnaya cultures.

Tripol culture.
Trypillia culture- Eneolithic archaeological culture, widespread in VI - III millennia BC in the Danube-Dnieper interfluve, its greatest flowering fell on the period between 5500 and 2750 BC. This is one of the earliest agricultural crops in Eastern Europe. Trypillians grew several varieties of wheat, barley and millet. In addition, they were engaged in cattle breeding. Their farms had cows, pigs, goats, sheep. They also knew copper metalworking, they knew how to spin and weave. The most striking sign of culture is painted pottery, with the spiral motif being the most “popular” motif.
Trypillians lived in settlements, some of them can be called proto-cities - their size sometimes reached 450 hectares. As a rule, the layout of the settlements was correct, the dwellings were located in parallel rows, groups or concentric circles. The houses of Trypillians were adobe, some of them were two-storied. However, due to the fact that the fertility of the cultivated land was rapidly decreasing, the Trypillians were forced to move to a new place every 50-70 years. Tools and weapons were made from animal bones, flint, stone and copper.
The tribes were ruled by chiefs, and there were also supreme leaders of tribal unions. Religion was agrarian cults, the veneration of the Great Goddess, the dog was a sacred animal.
With the advent of the Rus (carriers of the haplogroup R1a1a1) part of the Trypillians joined their gene pool.

V.N. Tatishchev also writes about the migration of the clans of Prince Sloven from the Black Sea coast to the north in the Russian History:

« Prince nice, leaving in Thrace and Illyria near the sea along the Danube son of Bastarn, went by midnight and the great hail created, in your name Slavensk called. (...)".[

The period is characterized by the weakening of Babylon in the first third of the first millennium BC.

By the end of the first millennium, the tribes of the Amorites and Chaldeans approach Babylon (Amorites from the north, Chaldeans from the south). In the period from the 11th to the 9th centuries, they are trying to create their own state with a center in Babylon, but to no avail, they are dispersed throughout Mesopotamia.

At the end of the 9th century, Assyria unified northern Mesopotamia.

In the 9th-7th centuries. the last flowering of the Assyrian power takes place, it subjugates all of Mesopotamia. There are frequent uprisings in Babylon.

Babylon accumulates malice and plots.

Chaldean Babylon and Egypt create the Anti-Assyrian Coalition.

As a third force, the Medes (Indo-Europeans), “cannon fodder” L

The struggle with Assyria begins.

In the decisive BATTLE OF NINEVEH, the Assyrians lose.

Assyria ceases to exist. Babylon claims to take her place.

7th-6th centuries - THE NEW-BABYLON KINGDOM. The Babylonians-Chaldeans spread their cult everywhere (the god Marduk).

Nebohudnezzar No. 2 went to Egypt, but along the way he destroyed the Kingdom of Judah, destroyed the temple of Yahweh.

"Babylonian captivity"

Cyrus No. 2 - a Persian from the Achaemenid clan seized power in the Indo-European Union. War with Babylon.

6c. Persia conquers Babylon.

Several months of siege of Babylon, which was completed by Cambyses.

In Persia, there were troubles of succession to the throne, after which the aristocrats nominated Darius No. 1.

Egypt and Babylon become the richest regions during this period.

Persia uses a system of denunciations and total espionage.

After 500 The Greco-Persian Wars begin.

30. Periodization of the history of ancient India.

The history of South Asia can be divided into the following periods:
1. The most ancient civilization (Indian) dates back to about XXIII-XVIII centuries. BC e. (the emergence of the first cities, the formation of early state-in.
2. By the second half of the II millennium BC. refers to the appearance of Indo-European tribes, the so-called Aryans. The period from the end of the II millennium to the middle of the I millennium BC. is called "Vedic" - according to the sacred literature of the Vedas created at that time. Two main stages can be distinguished: the early (XIII - IX centuries BC) is characterized by the settlement of the Aryan tribes in Northern India, the late - by social and political differentiation, which led to the formation of the first states (VIII - VI centuries BC). .e.), mainly in the Ganges valley.
3. "Buddhist period" (V - III centuries BC) - the time of the emergence and spread of the Buddhist religion. From the point of view of socio-economic and political history, it was marked by the beginning of urbanization and the emergence of large states - up to the creation of the all-India Mauryan state.
4. II century BC - V c. e. can be defined as the "classical era", the time of the formation of the most characteristic features of the socio-political system and culture of South Asia.

31. Literature and religion of ancient India.

The religious and mythological ideas of the tribes of the Vedic era can be judged from the monuments of that period - the Vedas. containing rich material on mythology, religion, ritual. Vedic hymns were considered and are considered sacred texts in India, they were passed down orally from generation to generation, carefully preserved. The combination of these beliefs is called Vedism. Vedism was not a pan-Indian religion, but flourished only in East Punjab and Uttar. Prodesh inhabited by a group of Indo-Aryan tribes. It was she who was the creator of the Rigveda and other Vedic collections (samhitas). For Vedism, the deification of nature as a whole (by the community of celestial gods) and individual natural and social phenomena was characteristic: So Indra is the god of thunder and powerful will; Varuna is the god of world order and justice; Agni god of fire and hearth; Soma is the god of the sacred drink. In total, 33 gods are usually attributed to the highest Vedic deities. The Indians of the Vedic era divided the whole world into 3 spheres - heaven, earth, antarijna (the space between them), and certain deities were associated with each of these spheres. Varuna belonged to the gods of the sky; To
the gods of the earth - Agni and Soma. There was no strict hierarchy of gods; referring to
specific god, the Vedics endowed him with the characteristics of many gods. Creator
everything: gods, people, earth, sky, sun - there was some kind of abstract deity
Purusha. Everything around - plants, mountains, rivers - was considered divine, a little later
the doctrine of the transmigration of souls appeared. The Vedic believed that after death the soul
the saint goes to paradise, and the sinner to the land of Yama. Gods are capable of
were to die.

In Hinduism, the creator god comes to the fore, a strict hierarchy of gods is established. The Trimurti (trinity) of the gods Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu appears. Brahma is
ruler and creator of the world, he owned the establishment on earth of social
laws (tharm), division into varnas; he is the punisher of infidels and sinners. Vishnu -
this is a guardian god; Shiva is the destroyer god. The growing special role of two
the last gods led to the emergence of two directions in Hinduism - Vaishnavism and
Shaivism. A similar design was fixed in the texts of Puranas - the main ones.
monuments of Hindu thought prevailing in the 1st century AD. e. In early
Hindu texts speak of ten avatars (descents) of Vishnu. in the eighth
of these, he appears in the guise of Krishna, the hero of the Yadava tribe. This ovatara has become
favorite plot, and its hero is a character in numerous works. Cult
Krishna is so popular that a direction of the same name emerged from Vishnaism.
The ninth avatar, where Vishnu appears as a Buddha, is the result of inclusion in
Hinduism, Buddhist representations.
The cult of Shiva, who in the triad of the main gods personified destruction, gained great popularity very early. In mythology, Shiva is associated with various
qualities - he is both the ascetic deity of fertility, and the patron of cattle, and the dancer
shaman. Which suggests that locals have mixed into the orthodox cult of Shiva
The Indians believed that one cannot become a Hindu; one can only be born; that varna-
social role is predetermined forever and changing her sin. special power
Hinduism gained momentum in the Middle Ages becoming the main religion of the population. "Book of books"
Hinduism was and remains the "Bhagavad Gita" part of the ethical poem "Mahamharata", in
the center of which is the love of God and through this the path to religious liberation.

Much later than the Vedism of India, Buddhism developed. The creator of this teaching, Sidgartha Shanyamuni, was born in 563 in Lumbin in a Kshatriya family. By the age of 40 he
attained enlightenment and became known as the Buddha. More accurate timing
the appearance of his teachings is impossible, but the fact that the Buddha is a real historical person is
it is a fact.
Like any religion, Buddhism contained the idea of ​​salvation.

32. Periodization of the history of ancient China.

1. The Xia dynasty (23-18 centuries BC) is mythological, nothing is known about it. But there was a certain Yuya who began to rule the Celestial Empire, founding the Xia dynasty.
2. Shang-Yin Dynasty (18-12 centuries BC) - strictly speaking, not a state. A characteristic feature of this tribe was a semi-nomadic life, agriculture. Cultivation of rice, which was consumed by the aristocracy, and then became the main cereal of all China, remaining so to this day. They also bred cows, sheep, dogs and horses, which were used in a team - horseback riding was not yet developed. Production of large houses and temples, metallurgy, winemaking, sericulture. United around the Yin oracle. Genus is the main characteristic of this time. Van is a ruler endowed with great, but still not absolute power (advised by an oracle, close associates, and even all the people). Vans do what they want in their territories. Divination. He relied on the support of the Supreme Deity and the late royal ancestors.
3. Western Zhou Dynasty (Feng capital) (11th-8th century BC)
4. Eastern Zhou (capital of Loi) (7-3 centuries BC)
5. Qin Dynasty (3rd century BC)
Qin Shi-huangdi forced him to recognize himself as the ruler with weapons.

33. Religion of Ancient China.

- Confucianism - (551-479 BC, Zhou period), founded by Confucius. Buddhism was also invented at this time. "Zun-chi" - the teachings of a noble person. He opposed trade and wealth. A person is moral and serves the family, fulfills his duty. Truths (only to one's family): humanity, devotion, fidelity, respect for elders, observance of all norms in the family. Each clan is isolated, but the state is also like a whole family. According to Confucius, the criterion for dividing society into "tops" and "bottoms" should not be nobility and wealth, but only knowledge of the precepts of ancestors and personal virtue. Strict obedience to elders, and this principle was carried out along the entire social vertical, starting with the emperor, and ending with the father of the family.
The Han era (3rd-2nd centuries BC) took as its basis Confucianism, which arose in the Eastern Zhou era (7th-3rd centuries BC).
The main principle: the proclamation of a calm, orderly life of subjects, controlled by the Son of Heaven (emperor) on the basis of virtue and justice.

Legalism is a philosophical school of the Zhangguo (Warring States) era, also known as the "School of Lawyers". The main idea of ​​the school was the equality of all before the Law and the Son of Heaven, which resulted in the idea of ​​distributing titles not by birth, but by real merit, according to which any commoner had the right to rise to the rank of first minister.
The Legists were infamous for the fact that when they came to power (in Qi and in Qin), they established extremely cruel laws and punishments.
The main point of contention among legalists is: Are rewards necessary at all, or are severe punishments sufficient? If rewards are needed, should they be generous or symbolic?

Taoism is a Chinese traditional teaching that includes elements of religion, mysticism, divination, shamanism, meditation practice, which also carries traditional philosophy and science.
Taoism must be distinguished from the Teachings of Tao, a later phenomenon commonly known as Neo-Confucianism. Taoism has almost never been an official religion - rather, it was a movement of the masses, lone scientists and hermits. But in the depths of Taoism, new ideas were regularly born or surfaced that inspired scientists, politicians, and writers. Peasant revolts in China and uprisings with the overthrow of dynasties also originated in the depths of Taoism. Taoism, with its concept of non-action, has traditionally been in opposition to Confucianism, which preached service to the sovereign and society. Another founder of Taoism is the ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu. Taoist tradition ascribes to him the authorship of one of the main books of Taoism - "Tao Te Ching". This treatise was the core around which the teachings of Taoism began to take shape.
- Moizm (mo jia) - an ancient Chinese philosophical school, developed a program for improving society through knowledge. The founder of the philosophical school is the ancient Chinese thinker Mo Tzu.
In the V-III centuries. BC. Moism was a serious competitor to Confucianism as the dominant ideology of China. Mo Tzu considered Confucian rites and ceremonies a senseless waste of public funds and called for personal submission to the will of heaven. If Confucius made a distinction between love for the family and parents and love for other neighbors, Mo Tzu called for loving everyone equally without distinction.

34. Culture of the societies of the Ancient East: general and specific features

The first model of the culture of civilizations is formed in Mesopotamia. The culture of Mesopotamia is preceded by the civilization of Jericho (6th millennium BC), Tochal-Kiyuk (6th-5th millennium BC). In the 5th-4th millennium BC. e. Civilization emerges in upper Mesopotamia. Initially, statehood in this region arises in the foothills, and only later descends into the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. civilization covers the lower Mesopotamia - Sumer appears.

On the flood lands in the valley of the Euphrates River, the agricultural peoples began to receive a huge surplus product for those times. But the need for its conservation and distribution, as well as the organization of community joint work on the regulation of water flows, the creation of irrigation facilities, led to the creation of the state very early. This state included both the city and the surrounding territory. It was proposed to call it nome, in contrast to the policy, the state-city. Nomes in ancient Sumer were located on a river or irrigation canal, and not on a trade route, which indicates a weak development of trade.

The temple was the center for organizing work and storing the surplus product. The temple was the center of the city, the state. Therefore, such a state is called "temple". The rulers of the "ensi" - the state - called themselves not by the name of the territory, city, but by the name of the god of this or that temple. The temples were the main owners of the land, the priesthood performed both secular functions - control and organization of work, and sacral - holding religious events. The priests of the temple were both government officials and employees of the city administration.

The gods are the masters of the territory, its guardians. But they are also personified forces of nature, astral bodies, cosmic elements. Each nome had its own gods. There was a struggle between the nomes, the victory of the nome led to the victory of the patron god. He occupied a dominant place in the pantheon of gods. Ancient Eastern religion - communal. Dogmas have not yet formed here, they have not yet been united into a system. The main thing in such a religion is ritual, rite, cult, and not faith, feeling, mental conversion, love. The feeling of faith, love for God will appear later. By the middle of the III millennium BC. e. (XXIV century BC) the nomes are united into a single state. It resembled a military alliance and remained fragile. The ancient Sumerians spoke a language unknown to us. It did not belong to the Semitic group of languages. But it is they who invent writing, first pictorial - pictography, then syllabic - cuneiform.

Sumer was at enmity with the Akkadian kingdom, which was formed by Semitic tribes. It was located in the middle Mesopotamia. As a result of a long struggle, Sumer was conquered and a state was formed that united the middle and lower Mesopotamia under the rule of Sargon the Ancient. In the XXII century. BC e. The kingdom of the Sargonids disintegrates under the pressure of the Zagros tribes, and in the 21st century a newly centralized state "Ur of the Chaldees" is formed, from where Abraham comes. Hundreds of thousands of clay tablets-documents remained from the dynasty of Ur, huge ziggurats - temple complexes - adorned the cities, a strict reporting system was developed, which was monitored by the bureaucracy. All subjects of the king were called slaves. A report has been preserved - a shepherd's tablet, in which he reports where the cattle grazed. There is a sign about writing off two pigeons to the royal kitchen. But all this has passed. A new state is being created - Babylon. History continued. The second model of the culture of civilization takes shape in ancient Egypt, in the Nile Valley. In terms of language, the population of Ancient Egypt belongs to the Semitic-Hamitic group, that is, it is related to the Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian languages, but there is a certain relationship with the Berber-Libyan, Kumite, Gadic languages. On the territory of Egypt, archaeologists have found traces of Paleolithic cultures, but it is impossible to associate them with one or another ethnic group. Copper items appeared very early in this area - in the 5th-4th millennium BC. e., but the period of systematic spread of bronze begins later - in the II millennium BC. e. and only among the elite. Until the Ptolemies, farmers used stone products. Hence the well-known conservatism of culture. The annual floods of the Nile brought rich harvests even without the improvement of tools.

The formation of civilization in Ancient Egypt takes place in the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e., about the same time as in Sumer. Initially, there were up to 40 nomes in Egypt - centers, in all likelihood, tribal principalities. The boundaries of the nomes were quite stable and persisted throughout history. The whole territory was divided into two parts: Upper and Lower Egypt. This division is also quite stable. Pharaoh was called "Lord" of "both lands". Initially, the nomes were formed, then the nomes united into two kingdoms, and then the kingdoms and lands were united into a single state. The state has a leading role in the unification of the country. The pharaoh combined the functions of a "king" - the head of the executive and judicial authorities, a "leader" - a leader in war, and a high priest who performs religious functions. The main cult reflecting the idea of ​​the unity of the state was the cult of the pharaoh. Pharaoh is a living god on earth. With the activities of the pharaoh, his health was associated with the well-being of the country, the productivity of the fields. The Hepset rite existed for a very long time. It was a ritual run of the pharaoh, during which the ruler demonstrated his strength, health and, as it were, was reborn anew - renewed. The ritual had a religious significance, as it symbolized the high yield of the fields. By order of the pharaoh, the Nile flooded. The entire population of Ancient Egypt was called the "slaves" of the pharaoh, although there were also free community members, artisans, etc. But they were required to work a certain amount of time for the state. Here, the state-temple sector very quickly absorbed and subjugated the communal-private sector.

Monument to the Millennium of the Russian State ... Wikipedia

Millennium: A millennium is a unit of time equal to 1000 years. Millennium is an American mystical series from the creators of The X-Files. "Millennium" (Eng. Millennium) a fantastic movie about traveling in ... ... Wikipedia

Millennium- ist. a period indicated either by Arabic numerals with an increasing case ending in editions for a trained reader (2nd millennium BC), or by words in mass publications (second millennium BC), or by Arabic numerals with ... ... Publishing Dictionary

MILLENNIUM, millennia, cf. 1. Time period of 1000 years, ten centuries. 2. what. Anniversary of an event that happened 1000 years ago. In 1862, the millennium of the founding of the Russian state was celebrated. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Millennium Millennium Genre Drama, Horror Idea Chris Carter Starring Lance Henriksen Terry O Queen Megan Gallagher Clea Scott Brittany Tiplady Country ... Wikipedia

MILLENNIUM, I, cf. 1. A period of a thousand years. 2. what. Anniversary of an event that happened a thousand years ago. T. city (a thousand years from the date of foundation). | adj. millennial, ya, her. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 anniversary (35) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (1000th anniversary) ... Spelling Dictionary

This term has other meanings, see Millennium (meanings). A millennium (also millennium) is a unit of time equal to 1000 years. Contents 1 Chronology 1.1 Ordinal ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Millennium (meanings). Millennium Millennium ... Wikipedia


  • Millennium of the most ancient coins of Russia. Consolidated catalog of Russian coins of the X-XI centuries, M. P. Sotnikova, I. G. Spassky. The book, dedicated to the millennium of Russian national coinage, consists of two main parts - a study and a consolidated catalog of coins of the original Russian coinage - and an appendix. ...
  • A Millennium of Russian History, N. A. Shefov. The book is richly decorated with a huge number of illustrations, clearly showing the bright centuries-old palette of the thousand-year history of Russia. This book is like a tape of an unprecedented movie; That…

Part of the Aryans from Semirechye moved south to India, crossed the Himalayas and in the IV-III millennium BC. e. ended up in the Punjab, a fertile valley in the floodplains of the five main rivers of this region, the Jelam, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej (Pyatirechye).

Arriving on the Hindustan peninsula, the Proto-Slavs-Aryans found people of the Stone Age there. And here they, calling themselves lynxes, will create one of the three greatest cultures of the Ancient East - a proto-Indian culture, quite urbanized and developed for its era.

Many scientists used to believe that the Indo-European language originated in India, but recently this hypothesis is losing its supporters.

According to the results of research by the National Geographic Society (USA), geneticist and anthropologist Spencer Wells claims that "the ancestral home of the Aryans is outside India." Citing for evidence the data on the time of the appearance of the M17 DNA marker in the southern steppes of Russia and Ukraine in the period from 5,000 to 10,000 years ago, he claims that at that time there was a massive invasion of the steppe peoples with their own language and culture from the north to India, which and led to the birth of the Indian civilization.

The Punjab are five rivers especially revered in Hinduism, which, together with the Indus (Sindhu) and Saraswati, make up the Vedic Semirechye mentioned in the Vedas.

(However, this concept could have been brought by the Aryans who came to India along with their faith and memory of their Siberian Semirechye, later "adapted" to Hinduism in realities understandable to Hindus). At this time, the main events of the Indian epic Mahabharata, sacred to the Vedas of Rus' and the Vedas of India, take place in Punjab.

Formation of the Indus Civilization

At the dawn of the history of modern mankind, the Indus civilization was formed in the Punjab. The epic "Mahabharata" places the main events of Hindu history on the Punjab plain.

The Vedic culture and literature of India, one of the oldest on the planet, which managed to survive in the centuries of Mohammedan domination, showed the modern world the brightest example of the knowledge and spiritual organization of the entire Indo-European society of Eurasia II-I millennium BC. e. in a pure form, not clouded by later distortions. No other Indo-European community of Eurasia was able to preserve the fruits of its spiritual knowledge and heritage given to it by the experience and knowledge of distant ancestors, as the Indo-European community of India managed to do.

The Book of Veles says that the descendants of Yar founded the Aryan kingdom in India and Iran. Some of them then migrated westward and by the 15th century BC. e. began to rule the Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni (Khanigalbat), an ancient state of the 16th-13th centuries. BC e. in northern Mesopotamia and adjacent areas.
Proto-Indian-Proto-Slavic civilization by 1800 BC. e. suddenly ceases to exist and the Proto-Slavs leave their homes at the foot of the Himalayas.

Due to the lack of reliable documentary data on the reasons for this, let us turn to the description of this situation in the Book of Veles.

"In the second millennium BC. e. in the zodiac era of Lada, in the region of Yin, in the high mountains in the Kullu valley, a great earthquake occurred and the houses of relatives were destroyed, and the cattle died, falling into the earth's crevices. The dying people then turned to Yaruna (Arjuna - in the Indian epic) to bring them out of the land engulfed in disaster. And Yaruna, together with his children Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv, ​​brought the ancestors of the Slavs from the Punjab through Iran and the Caucasus Mountains to the Dnieper and the Carpathians.

It should be noted that in the "Book of Veles" there are inconsistencies in the time of the departure of the Slavs from India. The logical dating of it is 1800 BC. e. contradict the lines that previously said: “The second exodus of the ancestors of the Slavs in the 4th millennium BC. e. from India (Punjab) to Western Asia, to the Caucasus, to the Dnieper region and the Carpathians, which was headed by Yaruna - Arjuna. And they came there only in the III millennium.

“The Slavs left India, who returned to the ancient faith and glorified Svarog and Dazhbog, and the Aryans who revered Indra and Dyya remained in India. They began to differ in beliefs, but still retained the commonality of culture and language of the Hindus of the Punjab and the Slavs, especially the Carpathian Slavs-Hutsuls.

There is an undoubted similarity between the culture of the inhabitants of the Punjab and the Carpathian Hutsuls

Information about the exodus of the ancestors of the Slavs from India (the second exodus) was also preserved in the Vedic sources of India. According to the legends described in the Indian epic Mahabharata, the hero of the Indian Vedas Arjuna conquered the northern countries of the Cimmerians-danavas, that is, the northern ancestral home of Cimmeria (Kimpurusha-Virsha according to Sabha-parva).

The Sabha-parva also tells how “in these northern lands, Yaruna spread the true Vedic faith among the Uluk clans that worshiped Indra”, in which one can recognize one of the oldest Slavic tribes of the “street”. And the earthquake that caused the exodus of the ancestors of the Slavs from India began "when Krishna left the Earth."

From the book of German Markov. From Hyperborea to Rus'. Non-traditional history of the Slavs

By the 2nd millennium BC refers to the Fatyanovo culture (archaeological) of the Bronze Age in the Upper Volga region and the Volga-Omsk interfluve. Named after the village of Fatyanovo near Yaroslavl. Ground graves with stone and copper tools and weapons, ceramics, jewelry and other things. Economy: cattle breeding, partly agriculture / C /
In the beginning. 2 thousand BC Unioro (Bunyoro) arose - a feudal state in East Africa (existed until the 16th century) / C /
2 thousand years BC (4 thousand years ago) - Andronovo culture (Bronze Age) - in Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, the Southern Urals / C /
By the 2nd millennium BC include the main buildings of Stonehenge - the largest megalithic religious building in the UK, near the city of Salisbury. Some scholars consider Salisbury an ancient astronomical observatory /C/
By the 2nd millennium BC refers to the Sintashta burial ground of the Bronze Age on the Sintosh River in the Chelyabinsk region, burials - in chambers with weapons, tools / C /
By 2 ... 1 millennium BC refers to Marduk - the central deity of the Babylonian pantheon, the main god of the city of Babylon merges with Enlil into a single image of the lord (the lord of the gods, from the Kassite translation of 16 ... 13 centuries BC - Bel, his son Nabu, wife - Tsarpanitu) / Mi344 /
1500 -1700 BC. the antiquity of Sanskrit. The oldest monument of Indian literature - a collection of Vedic hymns "Rigveda" (Skt. Rgveda) dates back to 1500-1700. BC. An enormous literature has been created in Sanskrit. It is a living language preserved in the oral tradition, one of the 23 official state languages ​​of India, where at least 14 Sanskrit universities operate. /AND/
At the end of the 2000 to. AD the 30 billionth person was born since the beginning of its formation 600 thousand years ago, the total population was 5 ... 10 million people / NIZH1988 /
In 2 ... 1 thousand BC. there were Hetto-Luvian languages ​​(Anatolian) - a long-extinct group of Indo-European languages ​​spoken by the peoples of Asia Minor and adjacent regions (Ket, Lik (Ysky A and B, etc.) / C /
In the 20 ... 5 centuries BC. in the Chinese collection "San-Hei-Din" ("Ancient legends about the seas and mountains") contains the first special descriptions of minerals /G349/
In the 19...18 centuries. BC e. the state of the Hittites arose, which defeated Babylon, defeated the state of Mitannia, made even Egypt, the first power of the Ancient World, be afraid. On the territory of modern Turkey, material traces of an ancient power were found: part of the capital of the ancient Hittite empire - the city of Hattusas, a bronze tablet with the text of the treaty of the Hittite king Tuthalia IV. The Hittites built on the Anatolian plateau, as the chronicles say, 1600 cities / NIZH1-01-56 /
By the 19th...6th centuries BC. refers to Babylon - the capital of ancient Babylonia (Iraq), a city in the form of an elongated rectangle with an area of ​​​​10 km2, surrounded by brick walls with jagged towers, many architectural monuments (the Ashtar Gate - 6th century BC - run by the Berlin Museums, the Tower of Babel - 7- the tiered ziggurat of the god Eteminanka - middle 7th century BC, the palace-fortress with hanging gardens of Babylon - one of the wonders of the world -7th century BC, the temple of the goddess Ninmah - 7th century BC, temple of the god Marduk-Esagil - 7th century BC) / BSG /
By the 19th century BC. refers to Palmyra (Syria) an ancient city with the correct layout, the sanctuary of Bela with a temple (1 ... 3 centuries) / BSG /
By 1850 B.C. refers to the settlement of Cotos (Peru) on the eastern slopes of the central mountainous region of Peru, the remains of stone buildings on platforms with adobe floors, burials in stone boxes, various ceramics, the first appearance of corn / BSG /
From the 18th century BC. there was an ancient Heliopolis in Baalbek (Lebanon), now - the ruins / BSG /
By the 18th...17th century BC e. a bright civilization of the Bronze Age developed, a contemporary of the pyramids of the Middle Kingdom, Egypt and the famous palaces of the Cretan-Miccenaean culture - "Country of Cities" - an area on the southern slopes of the Ural Mountains (near Chelyabinsk), stretching for 350 km from north to south and from west to east - a compact group of 21 cities discovered from space and aerial photographs - the national cultural and natural park Arkaim (named after the largest of the cities) - the ancestral home of Europeans; the people who lived here were (according to scientists) the first representatives of the Indo-European culture, knives, spears and an adze made of bronze, the remains of clay vessels, a lamp were found, circles and squares on the ground, streets, outbuildings were found /РБ/
In the 18...12 centuries. BC. there was a Hittite language - belongs to the Indo-European family of languages ​​\u200b\u200b(Hittite-Luvian group), known from cuneiform monuments, cuneiform of Akkadian origin / C /
At 18 ... early. 12th century BC. the Hittite kingdom existed - the state of Asia Minor, Egypt's rival in the struggle for dominance in Western Asia, collapsed / C /
All R. 18th century BC. Festus - the center of the Aegean culture in the south of Crete was rebuilt after the earthquake /C/
OK. 1750 BC the tribes of Central Asia invented horse-drawn chariots and with them rushed to the lands of the Middle East and Egypt, seizing power for a long time / AAz /
1710 m - the depth of the deepest Voronya cave in Abkhazia.
OK. 1700…1600 BC. - the time of the creation of the megalithic cult building of Stonehenge (now Great Britain), earthen ramparts, huge stone slabs and pillars form concentric circles / BSG /
By the 17th...14th century BC. refers to the Unetice culture (archaeologist) of the Bronze Age in Central Europe, named after the Unetice burial ground near Prague, the remains of settlements, hillforts and soil burials, economy: agriculture, cattle breeding / C /
In the 17th century BC. in the ritual of a thunderstorm and in the annals of King Hattusilis I, Vurunsem (Vurusem, a probable translation is “ruler of countries”) is mentioned - in the mythology of the Hatti (proto-Hittites) one of the main deities, the wife of the god of thunder Tara, the mother of the goddess Metzulla and the god of thunder of the city of Nerik /Mi135 /
In 1650 BC The Egyptian Middle Kingdom fell under the onslaught of the conquerors.
1632 m - the greatest depth of the cave - in Austria (Lamprechtsofen) / G185 /
1610 m - the depth of the Mirold mine in France - one of the deepest cavities in the world / G186 /
Before 1600 BC - the age of a multi-layered coastal settlement in the Peloponnese near Argos in Greece / BSG /
From 1580 BC in the Valley of the Kings (Egypt) there is a royal necropolis (tombs of the pharaohs) in a rocky plain opposite Thebes, in 1922 the tomb of Tutankhamen / BSG / was discovered
In the 16th century BC. pharaoh - the title of the ancient Egyptian kings / C /
In the 16…14 centuries BC. the sun god Amon in Egyptian mythology in the era of the XVIII (Theban) dynasty of the New Kingdom becomes the all-Egyptian god, I identify Amon with the sun god Ra (the name Amon-Ra is found in the Pyramid Texts) /Mi38/
By the 16th-14th centuries B.C. refers in Egypt (the era of the XVIII dynasty) one of the references to the god of the morning sun named Horus (Gor-Ahuti, Garahuti, Horus of both horizons, Horus from the land of light) - a solar deity similar to Ra-Garahuti /Mi159 /
K (16…13) c.c. BC. refers to the heyday of the ancient Greek city of Corinth in Argolis (Peloponnese), 1 of the centers of the Aegean culture / C /
OK. 16...12 centuries BC - the age of the Tshciniec culture (archaeological) of the Bronze Age in Poland, named after the burial ground near the village of Tshciniec, the remains of settlements, burial mounds and soil burials have been preserved / C /
In 1580 ... 1080. BC. in the era of the New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, the development of gold deposits reached its peak, under Pharaoh Thutmose I (1555 ... 1501 BC) about 40 tons of gold were mined per year / Г507 /
In the 2nd floor 2 thousand BC in the north-west of Peru, the Chavin civilization is being formed and existed for more than 500 years. The main building material of the Chavinians was stone. Later, the civilizations of Paracas, Nazca, Mochica or Muchik (later - its direct successor Chimu), Tiahuanaku with the most ancient states of Mesoamerica (the cultural and historical region of Mesoamerica) - the Olmecs (1200 ... 900 BC) appeared in the Central Andes .), which had a digital system, a calendar and hieroglyphic writing / EY /
K ser. 2 thousand BC refers to the Sinai letter - a form of ancient Semitic writing on the Sinai Peninsula, not deciphered / C /
OK. 1520 BC there was a giant eruption of the Santorini volcano in the Aegean Sea, which is associated with the death of the Minoan culture and, possibly, Atlantis. After the explosion of the volcano, which destroyed its summit part, an earthquake and tsunami began /G/
Before 1500 BC there were civilizations over a large area that smelted metal tools from meteorites, therefore not a single ancient meteorite in the habitat of that civilization has been found at present / AAz198 /
By 1500 B.C. includes the center of culture of the Mayan civilization Kaminalguyu (Guatemala) near the city of Guatemala, several large groups of pyramidal hills, walls with inscriptions, figured and painted ceramics / BSG /
OK. 1500 BC The ancient Britons used the stone block observatory Stonehenge to determine lunar eclipses from the movements of the Earth and the Sun.
OK. 15th c. BC. the remains of a man 40 ... 45 years old, 160 ... 165 cm tall, were buried, and next to it was a grave with the remains of a small child who had milk teeth (burial near Almetyevsk, Tatarstan, belongs to the so-called "log culture") / RG23.09.00 /
K ser. 2 thousand BC refers to the Trialeti mound in Kushchi (now Georgia) with a burial hall with an area of ​​175 m2 /BSG/
K ser. 2 thousand BC refers to the Seima burial ground near Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) with bronze and stone tools and decorations /BSG/
K ser. 2 thousand BC refers to the settlement of Jerusalem on Mount Ophel, in 1000 BC. a city was built with the famous Temple of Solomon / BSG /
25 centuries were cuneiform tablets, deciphered in 1872 by the restorer of the British Museum George Smith, discovered during excavations of the capital of Assyria - the "den of lions" of Nineveh /AMK27/
By the 1st floor 2 thousand BC refers to the Neolithic settlement of Skara Brae on the Orkney Islands (Great Britain), the houses are lined with stone from the inside due to the lack of timber / BSG /
(2 ... 1) thousand BC .... the beginning of our era - the time of the Olmec culture - the culture of the Indians, pyramids, statues / C /
2nd millennium BC….1st century AD - the remains of the settlement of Meluprey of the Neolithic, Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Northern Kampuchea / C /
2 thousand BC e., 1 half - the time of the existence of the Okunev culture of the Bronze Age in Southern Siberia (South Khakassia near Okunev ulus) / C /
2000…1970 BC - the years of the reign of the founder of the XII dynasty Amenethet I / C /
For 2 thousand years BC. arithmetic tables were used to carry out the simplest calculations in Babylon / BESM /
By the 2nd millennium BC include inscriptions in Chinese script /C/
By the 2nd millennium BC include calculations of series with a finite number of members (arithmetic and geometric progressions) /BESM/
In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. there was a Maikop culture of the Eneolithic in the North Caucasus: burial mounds, settlements / C /
In the 2nd floor 2 thousand BC there was a Tazabagyab bronze culture (archaeological) in the southern Urals (monuments near the Tazabagyab canal in Karakalpakstan) /C/
At the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. The Chaldeans knew all 12 constellations of the Zodiac /ЗС3-81/
Ser. 2 millennia BC - the beginning of the formation of the Vedas (the Sanskrit word "Vedas" means "knowledge") - the most ancient literary monuments of India - collections of texts reflecting the ancient religious beliefs of the population of the Ganges valley. The most important part of the Vedas consists of 4 collections: Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. The ancient Indians believed in many gods, it is said that there were 3399 /NKA1-347/
2nd half of the 2nd millennium BC .... chief. 1 thousand BC - the period of the Srubna culture (archaeol.) of the Bronze Age - in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of the European part of the former USSR - burial mounds, treasures, remains of settlements, economy - nomadic cattle breeding, agriculture / C /
By the 17th century B.C. refers to the earliest known works with the initial information of geometry on the calculation of areas and volumes, which came down from Ancient Egypt / BESM /
In 1650...1620. BC. under the leadership of King Hattusili I, the so-called ancient Hittite state was created by an Indo-European tribe that came to Anatolia from the shores of the Black or Caspian Seas, displacing the aboriginal Hittites and adopting the name of this people and the cuneiform script, apparently from the Assyrians from the merchants who kept their trading posts here /NIZH1-01- 57/
In the period 1620 ... 1590. BC. the Hittites defeated Babylon, later mastered the secret of iron production, products from which were valued more than gold, they were first forged from meteorites - pieces of iron that fell from the sky, blades from which were superior to bronze ones. The professed religion is polytheistic - the gods were both their own and dominant in neighboring states, therefore, the reliance in faith was on many gods - if one does not hear, then the other will help, in the Hittite temple near the city of Sarissa (founded in the 16th century BC southeast of the capital Hattusas, the size of the temple is 50 * 36 meters) spatial geometry played a leading role, but the neighbors did not have such knowledge in that era /NIZH1-01-58/, the temple in its geometric proportions laid the relationship associated with the golden ratio 8.65 /14=about 0.618, the point of the pyramid closest to the center of the square in the photograph divides the width of the square in the golden ratio, bisects the hypotenuse of the conditional triangle, which passes through the point of the pyramid and the upper right corner of the square surrounding the pyramid, other wonderful proportions and angles now known /E /
In the 16th century BC. the king of the Hittites Telepina prepared a "constitution" according to which even the beginning of the war was in the hands of the royal council /NIZH1-01-63/
In (1559...1534) BC. Ahmose I, the Egyptian pharaoh, liberated Egypt from the rule of the Hyksos /C/
In 1525...1473. BC. the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III ruled, having conquered many lands of Western Asia, Syria, Palestine, which became the provinces of Egypt / NIZH1-01-59 /
1500 BC there were menageries in ancient Greece - the forerunners of zoological parks (zoos - scientific and educational institutions), zoology existed in ancient Greece under Aristotle, who distinguished in the writings of approx. 500 species of animals and made the first attempt to classify them / Bi217 /
In the 15th century BC. in Nineveh and Kalhu there were cult centers of Nabu - in Akkadian mythology, the god of scribal art and wisdom, the patron of Borsippa, a suburb of Babylon /Mi383/
In 1470 BC on the island of Thira in the Aegean Sea, the entire volcanic mountain exploded and rose into the air, only a narrow ring of the island of Santorin remained above the water, the explosion destroyed the entire flowering Crete-Mycenaean culture in the Eastern Mediterranean / VAM152 /
OK. 1470 BC the city of Festus - the center of the Aegean culture in the south of Crete was destroyed by an earthquake / C /
OK. 1470 BC in the Aegean Sea on the island of Thira - the center of a flourishing Minoan culture centered on the island of Crete - a volcano erupted. The tsunami wave in some harbors reached 50 m, the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete was destroyed, in other places it fell into decay. These events appear in two dialogues of Plato /ААз245/
OK. 3.5 thousand years ago (1450 BC plus or minus 50 ... 100 years) the volcanoes of Nisyros and Santorina (active in our time) destroyed the entire Minoan culture of the Minoan kingdom with a powerful fleet of the Eastern Mediterranean, as evidenced by the preserved without signs of an armed seizure the Palace of Knossos off the North coast of Crete with preserved large jugs, which were also found in Akrotidi. The date of the earthquake (according to the age of pumice) was also confirmed by radiocarbon analysis: 1450 BC. plus or minus 50 ... 100 years. An eruption on the island of Thira in the Aegean Sea, where volcanoes are located, raised about 60 cubic meters into the air. km of material that collapsed into the sea and its environs and caused enormous multiple waves, Europe does not know of such a power catastrophe. Perhaps the Minoan state and its islands of Crete (with the Minotaur) or Tyra was the desired Atlantis, described by Plato (427 ... 347 BC) in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, in which Critias tells the history of Atlantis as told by Solon, who, in turn, heard it in Egypt /EB49, 56/
1450 BC dates back to the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep II, the exodus of the sons of Israel dates back to the same time, the waters of the Nile turned red from red volcanic ash (according to the Bible, “water turned into blood”), frogs came to the ground and covered the ground due to the rise of groundwater / TO YOU/
Co 2nd floor 15th century ... early. 14th c. BC. refers to the Tel-El-Amarna archive - a collection of cuneiform tablets of the diplomatic correspondence of the Egyptian pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty with the rulers of the countries of Asia Minor /C/
By the 15th century BC .... 12th century. AD include the remains of Phoenician, Roman and Byzantine structures in Beirut (Lebanon), the former names of Berit, Beruta / BSG /
1410 m - the depth of the deepest cave in the world, the St. Bernard cave in France, followed by Pierre-Saint-Martin (France) 1350 m and the not fully explored Snezhnaya cave in Abkhazia near Lake Ritsa (1190 m).
In 1405 ... 1367 BC. ruled by Amenhotep III, in which Aton (“the disk of the sun”) for the first time acts as the god of the sun, the body of Ra is the solar disk, the ruler of Egypt (XVII dynasty), under which there was a maximum development of the power of Egypt /Mi70/
By the 14th century BC. refers to Amarna (Tel el-Amarna) - the ruins of the ancient Egyptian capital Akhetaton - palaces, temples, houses, barns, workshops, built in 1365 BC. pharaoh Akhenaten, the famous Tel el-Amarna archive of documents, carved steles with inscriptions /BSG/
In the 14th century BC. the ancient Egyptian sculptor created portraits of Pharaoh Amenhotep V and Queen Nefertiti, distinguished by their exceptional fineness of modeling /C/
From the 14th century BC the cult of Marduk spreads in Assyria, but there it is opposed by the local deity Ashur /Mi344/
From the 14th century BC, in the Minusinsk hollow in Siberia, 300 km south of Krasnoyarsk upstream of the Yenisei, bronze production was established (earlier than in China) - 360 ancient bronze mirrors dating from different eras were found here /NIZH4-01 -126/
From the 14th century BC Long - in Chinese mythology, a fantastic creature, a dragon - found in the inscriptions on fortune-telling bones of the Yin era, is mentioned in the 1st century dictionary "Showen" ("The Interpreter of Signs") as rising into the sky in spring and descending into the abyss of water in autumn; a symbol of the power of Yang and the heavenly beginning / Mi326 /
From the 14th century BC the name Joshua (“god [Yahweh] is help”, suggests the identity of the name Jesus with the name Yeshua, which is known from diplomatic correspondence from the Egyptian archive of El Amarna - in the Old Testament tradition, the assistant and successor of Moses, who led the conquest of Canaan by Israel, came from the tribe of Ephraim and originally bore the name Hosea (a form corresponding to the name Yeshua), under the leadership of Joshua, the Israelites come to the banks of the Jordan, enter Jericho and exterminate all life in it, sparing only the family of the harlot who sheltered the scouts /Mi233/
By the 14th century B.C. refers to the name Dionysus (Bacchus, Bacchus) mentioned on the tablets of the Cretan linear letter "B" - a deity of eastern (Thracian or Lydian-Phrygian) origin - in Greek mythology, the god of the fruitful forces of the earth, vegetation, viticulture, winemaking, the spread and establishment of the cult of Dionysus in Greece refers to 8…7 centuries BC. /Mi190/
By the 14th...11th century BC. include the most ancient, apparently, parts of Shujing - "The Book of Historical Documents", "The Book of History", "The Book of Documents", the second name is "Shang shu" - "Ancient Scripture" - a monument of ancient Chinese literature and history, 58 chapters have been preserved, contains elements of myths , heroic tales, historical legends / C /
In 1380...1340. BC. the Hittites under King Suppiluliuma I liberated Syria from subordination to Egypt / NIZH1-01-59 /
In 1368 ... 1351 BC. Amenhotep IV ruled, in which Aten (“the disk of the sun”) for the first time acts as the embodiment of all the main gods of the sun, Amenhotep IV declared Aten the only god of all Egypt, forbidding the worship of other gods, while changing the name Amenhotep (“Aton is pleased”) to Akhenaten ( “Pleasant to the Aton”, “Useful to the Aton”), the pharaoh himself became the high priest of the Aton, after the death of the pharaoh, the veneration of Aion as the only god of Egypt ceased /Mi70/
1351...1342 BC. years of life of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun from the XVIII dynasty / C /
OK. 1350 BC in the eastern part of Asia Minor began to smelt iron /ААз/
OK. 1300 BC in Asia Minor, a method was developed for smelting copper from ore, iron was stronger than copper, but this required a high temperature of charcoal, while molten meteorite iron contained cobalt and nickel, which made it brittle and brittle. Only the addition of charcoal - carbon - to iron made it more durable, so alloying was discovered / AAz407 /
By 1300 B.C. include human remains found on the territory of Mexico City in Mexico / R 26012005 /
In 1292 BC Pharaoh Ramses II began to reign in Egypt, in April 1288 BC. after the battle of two armies for 15 years and in 1272 BC. a peace treaty of 18 paragraphs was engraved on a silver plate, Ramses II the Great married two princesses at once - the daughters of the Hittite king Hattusili III /NIZH1-01-62 /
At the end of the 13th ... beginning of the 14th centuries. the state of Türkiye arose in Asia Minor / C /
In the 13th century BC. Ashur - the central deity of the Assyrian pantheon in Akkadian mythology, originally the patron god of the city of Ashur, then receives the titles "Great Mountain", "Lord of all countries", "Father of the gods" and merges with Enlil ("patron god of Nippur") into a single image – Bel (“lord”) /Mi80/
OK. 1260 BC there was a Trojan War - a 10-year war of a coalition of Archean kings led by Agammennon - the king of Mycenae against Troy / C /
In the 13th century BC. there was a Trojan war, described in the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" by Homer / EJ /
In 1260 B.C. a peace treaty was signed between Egypt and the Hittites (in the Babylonian language, and in Egypt immortalized in hieroglyphs, which helped to decipher the riddle of the Hittite language - an Indo-European language) between Ramses II and the Hittite king Hattusili III /NIZH1-01-56 /
By 1250 B.C. include two temples in Abu Simbel, carved into the rocks during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II (at the facade - stone colossi 18.3 m high) / BSG /
OK. 1250…612 BC. - the time of the existence of the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud near the city of Mosul, a citadel with a ziggurat, temples and palaces, huge winged bulls made of stone, ivory reliefs and tiles / BSG /
By the 13th...7th century. V. BC. refers to the Central Transcaucasian archaeological culture of the late Bronze and early Iron Ages in Transcaucasia - the remains of settlements, hoards of bronze things, burial grounds, the oldest swords and daggers in the former USSR, axes, jewelry, iron knives and spears (Mingachevir, Mchashen, Samtavr burial ground) / C /
From the 13th century BC. there was a Phoenician letter - a kind of ancient Semitic consonant writing, used in Phoenicia, Palestine and Carthage, the ancestor of the Aramaic, square, Greek letter / C /
13th century BC e.-2nd century AD e. - the time of the writing of the Bible - libraries of ancient ideological, historical and literary monuments created in the Middle East over 15 centuries /NKA 1-305/
Before 1230 BC (presumably during the reign of the XII dynasty in Egypt - c. 1305 ... 1196 BC) historical events took place, reflected in the legends of Moses, Moshe - in the traditions of Judaism and Christianity, the first prophet Yahweh and the founder of his religion, a religious mentor and the political leader of the Jewish tribes in the so-called exodus from Egypt to Canaan (Palestine); for 3 months after the exodus from Egypt, on the full moon, the people go to Mount Sinai, on which Moses received from Yahweh 10 commandments (decalogue, decalogue) - prohibitions and commands that regulate human behavior before God / Mi372 /
OK. 1230 BC - the time to which the Egyptian evidence refers, certifying the presence of the tribal union of Israel in Canaan (some experts distinguish between Israel as a whole and immigrants from Egypt, led by Moses) / Mi372 /
In 1200 BC the kingdom of the Hittites was attacked by hordes of the so-called peoples of the sea, the empire of the Hittites fell apart / NIJ /
In 1200 BC Bogazkoy archaeological culture monument (ancient Hattusas, the capital of the Hittite kingdom) was destroyed, the Hattusas area is 120 hectares, surrounded by a massive wall with 3 gates decorated with monumental reliefs, 4 temples, the rock sanctuary of Yazyly-Kaya, a repository with clay tablets from the history of the Hittites (over 100 tablets ) /BSG/
By the time ok. 1200 BC, during the reign of Ramesses II, historians attribute the exodus of the ancient Jews from Egypt; One of the books of the Old Testament, Exodus, is dedicated to the Exodus. History researcher Velikovsky attributed the Exodus to 1500 BC. , and the Ipuwer papyrus - an Egyptian witness to the catastrophe in Egypt (blood all over the Land of Egypt) - by 1500 BC. instead of 2200 BC
From the 12th century BC. the people of the Philistines inhabited the southeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea - from among the "peoples of the sea", waged wars with the Jews, in the 8th century BC. conquered by Assyria, the name Palestine comes from the Philistines /C/
From the 12th century BC. to ser. 5th c. AD there was an ancient world civilization (16.5 centuries) / KSP /
By 1160 ... 130 years. BC. includes a settlement on the Navdatoli River (India), rectangular houses made of logs and bamboo, decorated with friezes of stylized people and animals, one of the earliest places for rice cultivation / BSG /
OK. 12th century BC there was a state of Tunisia in North Africa, on whose territory the Phoenician colonies were founded, the main of which was Carthage / C /
Before 1100 BC the oldest city of Tartessus was founded in southern Spain (according to ancient legends), its location was not found / RG31.07.98 /
By 1100 BC. e. refers to the end of the Aegean culture (Crete - Mycenaean culture), a conditional term for the culture of Ancient Greece of the Bronze Age. Geographical variants of the Aegean culture - Minoan on the island of Crete, Helladic - in mainland Greece, Cycladic - on the islands of the Aegean Sea / C /
To the beginning 12th c. BC. ... 126 BC refers to Pergamum (now Turkey) - the capital of the Kingdom of Pergamon, the ruins of the theater, the sanctuary of Athena Nikephora, the foundation of the Great Altar of Zeus (180 BC) / BSG /
Until the 11th century BC - age of settlements in Anyang (China) - from the Neolithic to the era of the Yin (Shan) kingdom, palaces, temples, craft and residential quarters, tombs / BSG /
In (11...9) c.c. BC. was the dependence of the ancient country of Edom in Western Asia between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba from the Israeli tribes, in (9 ... 7) centuries. BC. - depending on Assyria, in (7 ... 6) centuries BC. - from Babylon, etc. /WITH/
By 11 ... 7 centuries BC. refers to the mention of Zhi-nuy ("weaver"), in ancient Chinese mythology, the daughter (granddaughter) of Tiandi ("heavenly ruler") /Mi612/
K (11...6) c.c. BC. refers to the monument of Chinese literature Shijing (Book of Songs), contains 350 songs and poems reflecting the diverse phenomena of the spiritual and social life of China, their selection and editing is attributed to Confucius / C /
In the 11…10 centuries BC. the Indian epic contains information about stones, the experience of their use. Such information is also contained in ancient Egyptian papyri, Chinese chronicles / G349 /
In 1027...256 (or 249) BC refers to the Zhou era - an era in the history of ancient China and the Chinese dynasty. was marked by the rise of Chinese culture (the philosophical schools of Confucianism, Fajia, Taoism, etc. appeared) / C /
In 1027 ... 256 (or 249) BC. in the Zhou era, cast iron was smelted from iron ore, they knew how to make steel products / Г510 /
1020 m - a record diving depth of the Soviet submarine K-278 ("Komsomolets") in 1984 in the Barents Sea / RG17.10.00 /
Several hundred volcanic cones, destroyed by waves, are submerged to a depth of 1000 ... 1300 m in the oceans and seas /AAA24/
From 1 thousand to 3 thousand m - the depth of deposits of gas, gas condensate /С/

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