The meteorologist confessed her love for the quivering geyhers. Reviews about "NTV" How old is Irina Polyakova prodigy


Irina Polyakova is a charming presenter and editor-in-chief of the TV show "Weather Forecast" on the NTV channel.


Irina Polyakova - a native Muscovite, was born on March 9, 1961. Ira's dad worked as a military engineer and from childhood taught his daughter to be disciplined and always achieve the goal.

Such an upbringing benefited the girl - she graduated from school with a gold medal and successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University.

At school, Ira was given all subjects with ease, but she especially liked geography lessons. In the senior class, the girl's father invited Polyakova to enter the Institute of Steel and Alloys.

The girl did not contradict her father and even took preparatory courses at this institute. But a chance helped her decide to enter the Faculty of Geography.

Two weeks before the entrance exams, my aunt came to visit my parents. Upon learning where the girl was going to do, the relative was stunned and said that this was not a female profession.

Aunt advised Polyakova to try to enter the Faculty of Geography of the prestigious Moscow State University. The advice of a relative made the girl think, and soon she followed him.

TV work

After graduating from Moscow State University with honors, Irina Polyakova decided to continue her studies and entered the graduate school of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, which she never completed.

Irina made her first television debut in the weather forecast as part of the Good Morning program, which was broadcast on Channel One.

According to the presenter, the work was not easy - she herself drew a map and switched the camera to different angles.

In 1998, the young presenter was invited to the Meteo-TV channel. According to Irina, the first releases of the news forecast were far from ideal - the newly-minted presenter often stammered with excitement, and the release was recorded several times.

But gradually she began to develop professionally, and already in 2002 Irina became the chief editor of the channel.

In 2006, Irina became the editor-in-chief of the weather channel on the well-known MTV+ TV channel.

Personal life

Little is known about Irina's personal life. Polyakova does not tell the press about her husband and does not even reveal his last name.

It is known that the presenter has a daughter, Vera. According to Polyakova, the birth of her daughter was a turning point in her life.

With daughter

Despite the strict nature, the TV presenter pampers her daughter. Irina's parents were strict and did not allow the girl much. Therefore, Polyakova brings up Vera, without forbidding her anything.


Irina is a versatile person. The TV presenter leads an active lifestyle. In her free time, the woman skates and skis, and also likes to participate in team sports.

Also in an interview, the TV presenter admitted that she is fond of Latin American dances and landscape design.

At the pace of presto

Hundreds of books, thousands of articles, a million words have been written about child prodigies. In its lifetime, humanity has seen more than a dozen gifted children, but when another 12-13-year-old miracle child passes the entrance exams to the university without any problems, history repeats itself: a serious hype rises around him, and in a matter of days he becomes a star. True, geeks are quickly forgotten - only a few remain on everyone's lips for a long time. They are only remembered if something terrible happens to them. Thanks to this scandalous topic, society has developed the idea that gifted children are flawed, that by the age of 20 their unique abilities disappear and they become uninteresting adults. We decided to get away from stereotypes, and if not dot the i's, then at least thoroughly understand who the miracle children are and tell the truth about them.

There are two types of especially gifted children. For some, mental abilities can develop very quickly, at the pace of presto, for others this process goes with some inhibition. In geeks, extraordinary abilities, sharply superior to ordinary ones, are immediately visible. They learn to speak and read at the same time. And there are a lot of such children - about 70-80%. It costs them nothing to master the ABC in 2 years and learn how to solve simple mathematical problems, but in the future they will have a rather difficult fate. The fact is that they get used to their stardom early, to the fact that everyone around them admires them, however, from the point of view of some significant achievements, geeks are not the most promising, the rapid pace of development does not guarantee high achievements. Although there are exceptions among them. For example, Robert Winner and Garry Kasparov have been successful. And yet, great scientific discoveries are made mainly by the so-called latent geeks - especially gifted children, whose development takes place at a normal pace. Such people included Andrei Kolmogorov, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein. The latter generally had too retarded development: he learned to speak at 4 years old, and to read - at 6 years old. However, the strength of his abilities was so strong that, despite all the difficulties, he became one of the greatest and inimitable scientists of the last century.

If great scientific discoveries are made mainly by 20% of the most gifted, then what is left for geeks? - I asked Victoria Yurkevich, scientific director of the psychological laboratory of gymnasium No. 1530 "School of Lomonosov", where talented children study.

Fast result. Science is, first of all, creativity, the ability to come up with something of your own, - answered Victoria Solomonovna. - Children with rapid development are too focused on deep, high-quality, accurate study. Geeks are focused on results, they are not too interested in creativity. Moreover, they are quite critical. If ordinary children are spontaneous and it is easy for them to improvise, for example, to come up with a story on an abstract topic or draw a picture, then it is difficult for gifted children to do this. Because the act of creativity corresponds to an unattainable pattern: having a significant intellect, they will constantly compare themselves with great people and their creations. They don't want to do things they're not good at.

Another problem for geeks has to do with self-regulation. They don't have to beat themselves up. Average children accustom themselves to this early, and they perceive the word “must” normally: they don’t want to read, but they must; I'm too lazy to do the lessons, but it's necessary. The gifted have to break themselves. Parents blow off dust particles from them, and they are practically removed from housework. Because of this, they do not get used to doing what they do not like, and they do not develop the necessary strong-willed skills. Therefore, they are very vulnerable and prefer to communicate not with peers who consider them upstarts, but with admiring adults. Thus, an artificial world is created for geeks, where they are comfortable and warm. Any aggressive rejection from the outside can lead to disastrous and even tragic results. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to change the style of upbringing in the family. Perhaps the child would not have been gifted if it were not for the desire of the parents. Or rather, parents: mothers especially want their offspring to be the very best. By and large, mothers realize themselves through their children - they quit their jobs, work hard with them, and do not even think about replenishing the family. Dads and moms need to remember that after school, their child still has a whole life ahead of them, where they are unlikely to be the center of the universe. The world knows a lot of cases when gifted children, becoming adults, took their own lives. There is a stereotype in society that they went to extreme measures because their unique abilities are disappearing somewhere. Actually it is not. It's just that no one - neither parents, nor university professors, nor geeks themselves - knows what to do with these superpowers. In addition, miracle children never learned to communicate with their peers. They feel like outcasts, curse their minds and cannot find a way out. The situation can be changed only by the qualified help of psychologists who will work not only with a gifted child, but also with the whole family.

However, there are cases when geeks themselves, without anyone's advice and recommendations, dramatically changed their lives for the better.

Heels wash

all borders

We managed to find an accomplished child prodigy. Today, Irina Polyakova has four diplomas and works as a senior marketing coordinator in a large Russian company, and once, thanks to school, she was a downtrodden child.

My mother is a primary school teacher. When I was born, she quit her job and began to deal only with me in her early development methodology. So I had unusual features quite early, - Irina said. - I learned to read at the age of 2, and at the age of five I already read the 24-volume collected works of Jules Verne.

Ira went to first grade at the age of 6, and because she was so smart, not only children, but also teachers immediately disliked her. The latter did not want the girl to stand out from the crowd: she always did more tasks than was assigned, and instead of children's books she read Mark Twain. And for that she was given two. In order for the child to receive as little emotional trauma as possible, the mother went to work in the same school. But even despite maternal support, after the first year of study, Ira developed a heart disease.

Hell lasted until the 7th grade, which the girl got into at the age of 9. Classmates were friends with Ira only when something had to be written off. In the 8th grade, she moved to another school, where she studied in a math class. And although she always loved mathematics, in the last year of her studies she moved to the economics and law class. For material reasons: the mind must also bring money. After graduating from school at the age of 13, Ira easily entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics. And then she decided to radically change her life.

I realized that I no longer want to be an outcast. Due to communication, or rather, due to the lack of such with peers, a strong inferiority complex could develop, but Victoria Solomonovna Yurkevich, who noticed me in time, and books on psychology helped to avoid this. As a result, I grew up to be a normal person.

At the university, Ira did not advertise her age. The truth was revealed only in the 2nd year, but friends no longer began to pay attention to this. In addition, at the age of 15 it is easier to be outwardly similar to 16-18-year-olds - a little makeup and 13-centimeter heels blur age boundaries. And in terms of mental development, Ira was in no way inferior to her classmates. Moreover, while studying at the university, she even wrote a course on accounting and financial analysis, which they continue to study until now.

It was difficult for you to communicate with your classmates. Have you ever been depressed about this?

I am an optimist and believe in the good. Frankly, it was hard, even very hard, but the school only hardened me. I appreciate the friendship that I was deprived of in childhood, I treat any relationship with care. Frankly, I would not want another fate: at the age of 23, I fully provide for myself, help my parents. The only thing I want to wish the parents of gifted children is that they do not focus only on studying, but also pay attention to whether their child has communication problems. If so, then be sure to contact psychologists. Only they can explain to the child that their gift is not a problem, but an advantage.

Unfortunately, when Ira was studying, there were no specialized schools for child prodigies. Now such educational institutions exist, and they need to be supported. After all, they are fulfilling a difficult mission: growing the future of our science.

Greenhouse for future Newtons

On September 1, 2003, the boarding school "Intellectual" was opened in Moscow. The peculiarity of this educational institution is that they intend to teach gifted children to realize their potential. The teaching staff and the special psychological service will develop in intellectuals perseverance, the ability to overcome failures, work in a team, and creatively pose and solve problems. At the same time, boarding school students do not lose their childhood. On the contrary, an interesting life awaits them here. They will have campaigns and expeditions, campfire songs, older comrades and younger friends.

Gymnasium No. 1530 "School of Lomonosov" has existed since 1994, and here they have already got their hands on the cultivation of geeks. Today, the star of the school is Lera Voryakhova. This is a truly unusual girl: extraordinary mental abilities in her were laid down by nature. Mom only pushed their development when she began to deal with the child from the cradle. Now Lera is less than seven years old, and she easily studies in the 6th grade. She grasps everything on the fly, she is interested in everything, her thirst for knowledge is insatiable. The teachers of the Lomonosov school not only do not hinder its development, but always meet the needs of the child: at the lesson, Lera can ask the teacher an expanding question, and then he will definitely explain this topic as well. It is clear that the girl would not be able to study in a public school or in a class, so the deputy director of the gymnasium, Larisa Sokolova, is developing individual training programs for her. Today, Lerin's schedule includes history, geography, natural science, two foreign languages ​​and mathematics, which she is passionate about. And in 2001, she participated in the Lomonosov Readings with the report "Three centuries of Russian poetry." Last year, the topic of the study was "Obsolete Words".

Lera has an uncomplicated intellect, a pure mind. Its prospects are obvious, - shared Larisa Sokolova.

In order for the girl to continue to remain as bright, the teachers and psychologists of the Lomonosov school are doing everything possible. According to the head of the psychological laboratory of gymnasium No. 1530, Ekaterina Kurilovich, only the joint activity of a student, teacher, parent and psychologist can lead to amazing results.

This year, 12-year-old Ksenia Lepeshkina entered the Financial Academy (see "UG" No. 28 of July 8 and No. 36 of September 2, 2003), and Ernesto Sanchez Shaidu entered the Bauman University (see "UG" No. 36 of September 2 of this year). How do you feel about the fact that such young creatures enter universities?

Not very good, but nowhere to go. We cannot prohibit minors from receiving higher education. But the school should think that they are turning out a 12-year-old child for whom socialization in a university can be a problem. After all, it may turn out that he does not want to study at all, ”Ekaterina Alexandrovna answered. - I think that it is not necessary to give a basic education and skip classes. You can go to the expansion of the curriculum, horizons, personal development. And until the child is ready for high school. That is exactly what we will do with Leroy. She is in 6th grade on probation and we won't let her go until she's ready for it.

Let's wait too. It is quite possible that in ten years the star of the young scientist Valeria Voryakhova will light up in the sky of Russian science.

It’s hard for me to listen to the presenter, sometimes I can’t even catch where the weather is, etc. Everything flows in a continuous stream without pauses and stops. I honestly don’t like it very much and I switch to another channel, by the way, Prokhor Chaliapin, in my opinion, tells the weather forecast more pleasantly and more clearly.

Hello. 1. Polyakova - a nasty, boring voice, she doesn’t know how to dress. 2. Skvortsov, if you were an actor, then go to the circus and make faces there.

Vile intonations, maybe a woman is normal, but the presentation is disgusting.

What does Alena Dubluk smoke before the broadcast? It is impossible to listen to her, as well as look at her, her pupils are dilated, her eyes are stoned.

Mrs. Polyakova Irina! This is not the first month I have been participating in this chorus of spectators deeply dissatisfied with your "work". At one time it was possible to escape from you by quickly turning off the sound. But today! Not only did you, madam, howl at the first sound. Egor Kolyvanov asked you a question so clearly, and in response there was a certain sound jelly, muesli, in general, a mixture of sounds. But this is not enough. I understand that age takes its toll, you have gained a little more weight than the screen allows, but to put on a bright pink robe that expands you even more ...

TV weather forecasters cover the map of the North Caucasus, where there are weather figures! Nothing is visible!

Does anyone teach announcers the skill of intonation? The weather with Irina Polyakova is terrible. Is it true. Deliberate intonation, unnatural, very unpleasant for hearing - earlier such an announcer would not have been allowed to go to television for a cannon shot. It's a shame for our TV broadcasting and, especially, for my favorite NTV channel. Given that over time, the intonation skill has not improved, we can conclude that Irina Polyakova has a defect in diction, and she is not suitable for working on television as a presenter.

Is it someone else who noticed the Korean way of howling at Polyakova, or after the next weather forecast, I am writing about this for the second time. How nasty she is, that's for sure, the guts turn out from her voice.

Lord. I have always enjoyed watching your news reports. Recently, Irada Zeynalova's manner of conducting a news program has become unbearable for my entire family. We switch the TV to another program when it starts reporting the news. Why speak as fast from the screen as the lady from the wedding in Malinovka. There is a normal style of conversation in Russian culture. Try to suggest that she take lessons from specialists, maybe she will try and be able to speak normally. Moscow...

Who is Irina Polyakova? The biography of this amazing woman worries all the people watching her releases on NTV. However, few people know how she lives, what she dreams about and what she does in her free time.


The talented TV presenter Irina Polyakova was born in Moscow. The biography of this wonderful girl confirms the fact that from birth she was given the opportunity to become a meteorologist.

The life of little Irina was not as simple as that of her peers. She was lucky to be the daughter of a military engineer. From an early age, she was accustomed to strict discipline with a certain daily routine. Such an upbringing taught her to be a strong-willed nature, never give up and never allow herself to relax.

It is not surprising that the little girl was the most obedient in kindergarten, she always brought good grades home, and she graduated from the most prestigious university in the country - Moscow State University - with honors.

love for geography

After the presenter appeared on the TV screen, many viewers began to look for an answer to the question of who Irina Polyakova was. The biography, year of birth of the girl is of great interest to her fans. Someone thought that she was a former model or theater actress. After all, her bright and charming appearance could only prompt such thoughts.

But this girl never dreamed of becoming a celebrity. From school, she had a craving for geographical sciences. Of course, she easily mastered all the subjects at school. However, the study of the continents, the climate, the population in each country aroused her particular interest. It was he who became the impetus in choosing the main profession.

After graduating from school, Irina entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Geography. Here she was once again convinced that this was indeed her calling. Strict upbringing, love for the chosen profession - all this helped the girl become the owner of a red diploma.


For the first time, Irina Polyakova, whose biography is now no secret to anyone, tried her skills in practice while still in graduate school at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia. Here she showed herself from the best side. For her, being in this place was a good life lesson.

For the first time she appeared on TV screens, becoming a TV presenter of the weather forecast on NTV. Getting into this position was not easy. But she surpassed all competitors, showed her outstanding abilities and made a successful start in her career for herself.

Six years later, a new important stage appeared in her life. Now she was a leading employee at Meteo-TV

A few years later, the biography of Irina Polyakova was supplemented by a new fact - she took the position of chief editor of the NTV-plus television channel.


The most important event in the life of the presenter was the birth of her charming daughter. In each of her interviews, she claims that for her this is not just a child, but a whole planet around which her life will always revolve. She named her baby Vera.

Unlike her parents, who kept her strict, the heroine of our article pampers her little princess. Irina Polyakova (photo, biography make it clear that she is a woman with a strong-willed nature), despite her strict nature, she never puts her career above her family. First of all, she takes care of her husband and daughter, and after that she devotes herself to work.

As for the chosen one of the TV presenter, she keeps him a secret from all her fans. Only relatives and friends know who was lucky enough to become the husband of this beautiful girl.


A presenter with an attractive appearance loves everything related to an active lifestyle. She enjoys skiing, skating, rollerblading and playing team games. All this, according to her, will give a real rest for the soul, a lot of new experiences and positive energy.

Polyakova loves to give joy to everyone around her. In addition to the main work, she also holds ceremonial events. She and her team created the agency "Big City", the main purpose of which is the organization of holidays, parties and special events.

Irina also enjoys spending time at home with her family. Because of her chosen profession, she always has to eat right, exercise and keep fit. But sometimes the beauty allows herself to relax. In her free evenings, she prepares delicious culinary dishes and delights her beloved daughter and husband with them.

When asked if the star loves her job, Irina Polyakova unequivocally gives a positive answer. She claims that the opinion of the audience is of great importance to her, and tries to do everything to justify their trust.

Now, most of the male population believes what weather forecasters say when they see a stunning, bright brunette on TV screens. This is Irina Polyakova, whose biography is described in this article.

Irina Polyakova is one of the most beautiful TV presenters at the moment, not only on the NTV + and Meteo-TV channels, where she broadcasts weather forecasts, but also among popular pop divas in general. Looking ahead, I would like to add that her career began in 1991 and not on any gray channel, but on Channel One, which, most likely, was the start in Irina's popularity.

Biography of Irina

Irina Polyakova is born March 9, 1961, in Moscow. Her father, a military engineer, from childhood instilled in the girl a love of order and discipline, achieving perfection was one of the priority tasks in her upbringing, which resulted in a medal at the end of high school, and later a red diploma at the MSU gegrafak. It is not difficult to guess that Irina is a meteorologist by profession.

Next step in her career - Postgraduate studies at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, in fact, here she went through the school of preparing meteorological information for the media. After a successful start as a presenter on Channel One, in 1998 Irina became the leading employee of Meteo-TV, 2002 opens the door for her along with the position of chief editor of the channel.

In 2006, "First Meteo" was opened - a channel for satellite NTV +, where Irina became the chief editor - I think that such a result is the dream of many.

Among Irina Polyakova's hobbies are landscape design and Latin American dances - slightly incompatible directions, but still it is.

Personal life

The turning point for Irina was the birth of her daughter Vera, to whom she devotes a significant part of her life, if not to say that her whole life, briefly interrupting her work.

There is no information in Internet sources about who is the husband of Irina Polyakova, but the fact that she is married is the place to be.

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