International logistics training in universities. Logistician - what is this profession? Where do they study logistics


The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so confusing and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a relatively "young" profession of logistics, which today is gaining more and more popularity among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so confusing and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a profession whose representatives are responsible for developing the most optimal schemes for delivering the products of an enterprise to the end consumer with minimal time and material costs, and manage and control the movement of goods. We are talking about a relatively "young" profession logistician, which today is gaining more and more popularity among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

By the way, despite the fact that literally a few years ago most Russians had no idea what a logistics specialist does, today not a single large enterprise can do without the services of this specialist. Due to this, the logistics sector seems to be very promising for many applicants in terms of career growth and the achievement of material well-being. And indeed it is. But only if the future specialist knows all the features of this profession and is ready to put up with its shortcomings, which we will discuss in this article.

Who is a logistician?

A highly qualified specialist who is responsible for organizing the supply, transportation and warehousing of goods and services. In other words, this is a professional, on whose qualification the turnover of the enterprise entirely depends (including the customs clearance of goods and the provision of information services).

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logistike (calculation, reflection). This suggests that the main task of the logistician is to develop, through careful calculations, the most rational process for delivering goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. The first logisticians appeared in ancient Greece, but they had little in common with modern specialists, since their main duty was to organize army supplies. Later, logistics switched to "civilian", and merchants and trading companies began to perform the function of logisticians. In Russia, these specialists, who replaced warehouse managers and storekeepers, first appeared only at the very end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.

Functional content of the work of modern logisticians ( logistics managers) is strikingly different from the usual duties of a storekeeper or supply manager of the USSR period. If warehouse workers in the Soviet Union worked exclusively within their own enterprise, then the logisticians of our time solve all issues related to the turnover.

The duties of a logistician today include: development and coordination of a delivery route, control over the storage and shipment of goods, preparation of primary documentation, its systematization and formation of a register, placement of a finished order, execution of permits (passing customs control, cargo insurance, supply of Russian-language documentation, etc.). etc.), monitoring the actions of the transport service, making a forecast of optimal purchases.

What personal qualities should a logistician have?

Because the logistic work includes, among other things, the purchase of goods and constant communication with a huge number of people, representatives of this profession must necessarily have such personal qualities as:

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a successful logistician who would not have such professional knowledge and skills as knowledge of all types and methods of cargo transportation, features and nuances of warehouse and procurement logistics, modern technologies and software, at least one, and even better several foreign languages.

Advantages of the logistics profession

Since logistics is still in the development stage in Russia, the main the advantage of the logistics profession is, of course, the absence of problems with employment. After all, all large companies today need logisticians (some of them even have entire logistics departments), and real professionals in this area are sorely lacking.

Another advantage is that in order to become a logistician, it is desirable, but not necessary, to receive a special education - it is enough to be proactive and know all the features of logistics. However, as practice has shown, in the process of work, such specialists still enter the university in order to receive the appropriate education.

It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of "desk" and field work. That is, the work of a logistician can hardly be called boring and monotonous, which is ideal for young people who are in constant motion and looking for new experiences.

Disadvantages of the Logistics Profession

If speak about disadvantages of the logistics profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the huge responsibility. The slightest mistake made by a specialist can turn into big problems for the company: from unforeseen cash expenses to the loss of regular customers.

In addition, the disadvantages of this profession include:

  • small salaries at the beginning of a career (however, as experience is gained, wages also increase, so after 2-3 years of work a young specialist can count on a quite decent level of payment);
  • career growth is possible only in very large companies where there are logistics departments: here you can start working as an operator or dispatcher, and in 3-4 years you can take one of the leading positions;
  • it is rather problematic to get a special education of proper quality, since it is now only at the stage of formation.

Where can you get a job as a logistician?

Nevertheless, get a job as a logistician in Russia it is still possible. And you can do this in two ways. If you already have a higher education behind you, and you want to either change your field of activity and try your hand at logistics or improve your skills, then you can take an MBA profile program. If you have just recently graduated from high school or want to get a second higher education, then we recommend choosing between universities, the diplomas of which are most in demand among employers.

Despite the fact that logistics is a relatively "young" profession, it is known that back in the days of the Roman Empire at the beginning of our era, there was a position of an employee-logistician, whose duties included the distribution of food. But this profession most clearly manifested itself during the Second World War, when the American contingent that fought in Europe was completely supplied with rear units from another contingent.

Where to study logistics?

This question is asked by many who want to get the profession of a logistician. First of all, it is necessary to realize that a candidate for the position of a logistician must master a number of general educational disciplines: mathematics, computer science, fundamentals of law, geography, etc.

Since most modern companies work with foreign partners, the responsibility of a logistician will also include English proficiency.

Complete higher education in the specialty "logistics" can be obtained by citizens with a complete secondary education.

Applicants draw up an application for admission and designate the form of study (in-patient, correspondence, etc.), as well as provide the necessary documents. Most often, this is a document about the previously received educational level, the results of the GIA, a medical certificate, photographs.

The period of study for higher education takes from 4 to 5 years. Many practice obtaining a specialty "logistics" as a variant of the second higher education. Among the well-known universities are the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, the State University-Higher School of Economics, the State University of Management.

Today, even graduates of the 9th and 11th grades can master the specialty "Operational Activities in Logistics" in full-time and part-time forms. The term for the first is 2 years, and for the second - 1 year.

The National Open Institute of Russia remains the only secondary specialized institution that organizes classes without interrupting school or work.

After graduating from college, graduates can get a full higher education at the institute without USE results. The cost of training is 30 thousand rubles. St. Petersburg Polytechnic College provides an opportunity to master the basics of the logistics profession for graduates of the 9th (2 years 10 months) and 11th grades (1 year 10 months)

There is a program "School - College - University" in the technical school. It makes it possible to extend education, but already at the university according to a more simplified program. The cost is 46 thousand rubles.

Salary and demand for the profession of logistics

It is important to remember that a young specialist is unlikely to be offered a large salary, since real experience is more important. The cost of training depends on the region and ranges from 30,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles.

The profession of "logistics" remains quite in demand, so it is quite easy for young specialists to get a job. Practical experience and professionalism are of great importance. A logistician can work at any enterprise where there is production, delivery and storage of products.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so confusing and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a relatively "young" profession of logistics, which today is gaining more and more popularity among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so confusing and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a profession whose representatives are responsible for developing the most optimal schemes for delivering the products of an enterprise to the end consumer with minimal time and material costs, and manage and control the movement of goods. We are talking about a relatively "young" profession logistician, which today is gaining more and more popularity among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

By the way, despite the fact that literally a few years ago most Russians had no idea what a logistics specialist does, today not a single large enterprise can do without the services of this specialist. Due to this, the logistics sector seems to be very promising for many applicants in terms of career growth and the achievement of material well-being. And indeed it is. But only if the future specialist knows all the features of this profession and is ready to put up with its shortcomings, which we will discuss in this article.

Who is a logistician?

A highly qualified specialist who is responsible for organizing the supply, transportation and warehousing of goods and services. In other words, this is a professional, on whose qualification the turnover of the enterprise entirely depends (including the customs clearance of goods and the provision of information services).

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logistike (calculation, reflection). This suggests that the main task of the logistician is to develop, through careful calculations, the most rational process for delivering goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. The first logisticians appeared in ancient Greece, but they had little in common with modern specialists, since their main duty was to organize army supplies. Later, logistics switched to "civilian", and merchants and trading companies began to perform the function of logisticians. In Russia, these specialists, who replaced warehouse managers and storekeepers, first appeared only at the very end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.

Functional content of the work of modern logisticians ( logistics managers) is strikingly different from the usual duties of a storekeeper or supply manager of the USSR period. If warehouse workers in the Soviet Union worked exclusively within their own enterprise, then the logisticians of our time solve all issues related to the turnover.

The duties of a logistician today include: development and coordination of a delivery route, control over the storage and shipment of goods, preparation of primary documentation, its systematization and formation of a register, placement of a finished order, execution of permits (passing customs control, cargo insurance, supply of Russian-language documentation, etc.). etc.), monitoring the actions of the transport service, making a forecast of optimal purchases.

What personal qualities should a logistician have?

Because the logistic work includes, among other things, the purchase of goods and constant communication with a huge number of people, representatives of this profession must necessarily have such personal qualities as:

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a successful logistician who would not have such professional knowledge and skills as knowledge of all types and methods of cargo transportation, features and nuances of warehouse and procurement logistics, modern technologies and software, at least one, and even better several foreign languages.

Advantages of the logistics profession

Since logistics is still in the development stage in Russia, the main the advantage of the logistics profession is, of course, the absence of problems with employment. After all, all large companies today need logisticians (some of them even have entire logistics departments), and real professionals in this area are sorely lacking.

Another advantage is that in order to become a logistician, it is desirable, but not necessary, to receive a special education - it is enough to be proactive and know all the features of logistics. However, as practice has shown, in the process of work, such specialists still enter the university in order to receive the appropriate education.

It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of "desk" and field work. That is, the work of a logistician can hardly be called boring and monotonous, which is ideal for young people who are in constant motion and looking for new experiences.

Disadvantages of the Logistics Profession

If speak about disadvantages of the logistics profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the huge responsibility. The slightest mistake made by a specialist can turn into big problems for the company: from unforeseen cash expenses to the loss of regular customers.

In addition, the disadvantages of this profession include:

  • small salaries at the beginning of a career (however, as experience is gained, wages also increase, so after 2-3 years of work a young specialist can count on a quite decent level of payment);
  • career growth is possible only in very large companies where there are logistics departments: here you can start working as an operator or dispatcher, and in 3-4 years you can take one of the leading positions;
  • it is rather problematic to get a special education of proper quality, since it is now only at the stage of formation.

Where can you get a job as a logistician?

Nevertheless, get a job as a logistician in Russia it is still possible. And you can do this in two ways. If you already have a higher education behind you, and you want to either change your field of activity and try your hand at logistics or improve your skills, then you can take an MBA profile program. If you have just recently graduated from high school or want to get a second higher education, then we recommend choosing between universities, the diplomas of which are most in demand among employers.


Individual approach to each listener. An individual curriculum is drawn up, a schedule for studying modular blocks, passing final tests. An individual approach is provided by the teacher. The listener can ask any questions in any quantity and at any time.

High quality education: interactive tests and practical work for each module of the course, the implementation of which allows you to master the methods and technologies that meet the realities of modern business.

Location independence and cost reduction. Most full-time students incur travel costs (and if the training takes place in another city, then also for accommodation) comparable to the cost of education. With distance learning, only the acquisition of knowledge is paid, and unproductive time spent on travel is eliminated.

Free access to additional materials. The listener gets access to all information resources accumulated by the experts of the Logistics Coordinating Council since 1997.

High standards of training and confirmation of the quality of education. Over the past 17 years, more than 9000 specialists have been trained at the KSL Training Center, successful career growth and high positions of our graduates are a confirmation of the high quality of the knowledge gained. Upon completion of the program and passing the final certification, you will receive a state document similar to that issued in full-time education.


After filling out an application on the website, you receive all the necessary instructions and documents and can immediately begin training according to a convenient individual schedule that has been formed and agreed with you. All you need for training is a computer with an Internet connection.

The training takes the form of studying the modular blocks of the chosen program, including interactive and video materials, solving practical problems and participating in business games, as well as individual consultations. Even “non-advanced” users easily perceive the learning process in the Remote System.

If you want to attend face-to-face classes or get face-to-face advice from a teacher, the Training Center will provide you with such an opportunity. If you want to learn not the whole program, but only part of it, you can take advantage of our modular approach.

Upon completion of training under the advanced training program, a certificate of the established form is issued with the qualification "manager-logistician", when passing the professional retraining program, a diploma of the established form is issued.

The Training Center of the Logistics Coordinating Council implements distance learning programs based on its own Distance Learning System (LMS) in the following areas:



The course is designed specifically for the heads of companies and logistics departments, as well as professionals with significant work experience. The program concentrates knowledge and best practices that help specialists not only better understand logistics processes, but also provide an opportunity to apply universal methods of management and organization of logistics in companies in various industries.

The course is addressed to managers and management personnel, procurement and supply specialists, specialists in the field of production planning and warehouse management in the field of production and wholesale and retail trade. The structure of the course consists of full-time classes conducted by specialists in the field of logistics and part-time, the material of which the students study on their own.

The meaning of the work of a logistician is to organize the process of delivering goods from one point to another with minimal transportation costs. At first glance, it may seem that the work is simple and understandable, but in fact this profession requires maximum effort, care and responsibility.


Science appeared relatively recently, and it explains the question of interest to us: "Logistician - what kind of profession is this?" The term "Logistics" until recently was known to a rather narrow circle of specialists, but today this concept is becoming more widespread. In general, the definition itself comes from the ancient Greek language and means "the art of calculating and reasoning." The Greeks understood logistics as a process of performing certain calculations, and state controllers were called logisticians. The Roman Empire also had servants who bore the title of "logisti", and their main duties included the distribution of food. Also in a number of countries, science had a close connection with military affairs: logisticians provided the armed forces with material resources, monitored the content of supplies and food. In many ancient textbooks on military affairs, the term meant "rear, supply of troops."

Logistician - what is this profession?

The successful operation of many trading companies depends on the work of a logistician. It is they who are responsible for ensuring that the goods from the supplier are delivered to the buyer with minimal costs, in the right quantity, of a certain quality and just in time. This should also take into account the interests of all participants: the manufacturer, the customer and even the driver. So, a logistician - what kind of profession is this? Few sciences and scientists give the answer to this question. But one thing is known for sure - the work does not tolerate inattention, forgetfulness and carelessness.

Job Responsibilities

The responsibilities of a logistician are many and varied. Specialists of this profession are responsible for the interaction of sales, accounting, warehouse and purchasing departments. Develop regional and local routes for the delivery of goods. Choose the best transport for the transportation of products. Control the delivery time and timely payment of contracts concluded by the company. They prepare the necessary documentation, conduct an inventory of the warehouse and motivate employees to work more fruitfully. But their most important duty is to reduce the costs and expenses of the enterprise to a minimum when transporting goods and rationally allocating the company's resources.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

The profession of "logistician" is quite in demand today, the pros and cons of which are, as in any other job. The main advantage of logistics is that due to the rapid development of commodity relations between countries, competent and experienced specialists in this field will always be in demand. The disadvantage is that it is very difficult for a person without initial work experience to “enter” this area. But if this succeeds, workers receive not only a successful career, but also good wages. In Western countries, a good specialist can receive several thousand dollars for his work, in the capital of Russia a logistician can receive from 70 thousand rubles, in the regions this figure drops to 25-30 thousand rubles. But, as in any profession, a lot depends on the corporation itself, work experience, qualifications and knowledge.


Not everyone can work in this area. In connection with the demand for this work these days, the profession of "logistics" receives positive feedback from employers. Here we need sociable, mobile specialists who can analyze and work with a large amount of information. It is also necessary to be able to think creatively and work not at the behest of the boss, but independently. A logistician is not an office worker, here one must be prepared for frequent trips and business trips in order to solve problems on the spot. But you still have to sit in the office, looking through documents and looking for new ways to save the company's money. Also, the employee must be able to negotiate with customs officers, truck drivers, suppliers and customers. All international companies require excellent knowledge of not only English, but also several other foreign languages ​​from applicants.

Profession logistician: where do they teach?

In order to comprehend the basics of science in this area, you will need to pass the exam: mathematics, Russian language and social science. Some universities additionally require the passing of a foreign language, mainly English, since it is recognized as the global one and is used in negotiations in almost all countries of the world.

You can get the profession of a logistician today in almost any university in the country. Specialists in this field are trained:

  • Moscow State University V. M. Lomonosov.
  • Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov.
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
  • State University of Management.
  • Moscow State Technical University. Bauman.
  • Russian University of Chemical Technology Mendeleev.

And for those who do not want to return to the student bench again, is it possible to master this specialty? Where to get the profession of a logistician, consultants of special MBA courses will help you to answer. They train good specialists. Counselors will also help you apply for a job if you already have a university degree. You can also purchase "crusts" at the Institutes for Advanced Studies. As a rule, they are created for employees and employees of companies who came to lectures by order of the personnel departments. It is impossible to study from scratch at the Institutes for Advanced Studies, it is better to spend time and get a higher education. You can also study the profession in business schools. There is much less theory and much more practical classes and seminars. In such institutions there is a team of not just teachers, but also practitioners.

Foreign educational institutions

Foreign educational institutions also provide training in the specialty "logistics". What kind of profession, we have already found out. Studying abroad has always been identified with high-quality and prestigious education. But do not think that, having received a diploma from even the most prestigious university in the United States or Canada, you will find a job in a large company. Still, abilities and work experience come to the fore, what you can do and how you adapt to the environment.

Today, a logistician is a profession in demand, the world is developing, and trade and economic relations are developing along with it. A competent logistics specialist is a person who knows how to manage the company's inventory, organize the movement of goods, while reducing the company's costs to a minimum.

Certified item: automobile scales of poosny weighing.

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