Interethnic relations in modern society briefly. About the nation and interethnic relations


Pre-class society is represented by such forms of community of people as clan and tribe.

Genus- a group of blood relatives who trace their origin along the same line.

Tribe- association of several genera.

Nationality- a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, culture, follows the tribe and precedes the nation.

Nations appear in the period of development of capitalist relations.

Nation- a historically established community, characterized by developed economic ties, a common territory, language, culture, psychological make-up, self-consciousness.

Nation signs:

1. unity of the territory

2. unity of language

3. common historical destiny

4. general culture

5. common self-consciousness-knowledge of the history of their people, respect for the nat. traditions, the feeling of national dignity

6. stable statehood

7. unity of economic ties

8. developed social. structure

Nationality- belonging to a particular nation

National minority- a significant set of people of a certain nationality living in the territory of a certain state, being its citizens, but not belonging to the indigenous nationality.

Diaspora - residence of a significant part of the population outside the country.

Ethnos- a set of people who have a common culture, aware of this community as an expression of a common historical destinies. It is a generalizing concept for a tribe, nationality, nation.

Gumilev. Theories of passionarity. The selected biochemical energy spews energy lava flows onto the earth, which leads to the emergence of an ethnos. When passionarity leaves ethnic groups, they die.

International relations:

1. relations between different states

2. relations between different nationalities within the same country

Forms of interethnic relations:

1. peaceful cooperation

Ethnic mixing (interracial marriages)

Ethnic absorption- assimilation- complete dissolution of one people in another (VPN, development of North America)

2. ethnic conflict

The main directions in the development of interethnic relations:

1. integration- desire for interaction, expansion of ties, perception of all the best (EU)

2. differentiation- the desire of the nation for self-development, sovereignty, opposition of various ethnic groups (protectionism, extremism, separatism, etc.). Separatism- the desire of the nation to secession, isolation.

Interethnic conflict- an extreme form of contradiction between rival national formations created to protect national interests.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

1. socio-economic - inequality in living standards, access to benefits

2. cultural and linguistic - insufficient use of language and culture in public life

3. ethnodemographic - the difference in the level of natural population growth

4. environmental

5. extraterritorial - non-coincidence of borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples

6. historical - past relationships of peoples

7. confessional

Types of ethnic conflicts:

1. state-legal - dissatisfaction with the legal status of the nation (Chechnya-Russia)

2. ethnoterritorial (Nagorno-Karabakh)

3. ethno-demographic - restrictions for newcomers compared to the indigenous nationality (Confederation of the Peoples of the Caucasus and Russian authorities)

4. socio-psychological - violation of human rights (the rights of Russians in the Baltic states)

Discrimination- belittling, belittling, infringement of rights

Nationalism-ideology and politics based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity.

Chauvinism- the extreme degree of nationalism.

Genocide - deliberate and systematic extermination of the population on racial, national or religious grounds.

Segregation-type of racial discrimination.

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

1. humanistic approach to solving nat. problems

Voluntary consent seeking and non-violence

Recognition of the priority of human rights over the rights of the state, society, peoples

Respect for the sovereignty of peoples

2. negotiations between conflicting parties

3. information path - the exchange of information between the parties on possible measures to overcome conflict situations.

4. application of the legal mechanism.

Nations and international relations

Ethnic communities (ethnic groups) - stable groups of people united by economic ties, territory, customs, beliefs, language and

other connecting factors.

Main forms of ethnic communities

For example: on the basis of the unification of the eastern tribes, more fully, the Krivichi, etc., an ancient Russian nationality was formed. It was the common root of the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian nationalities, which subsequently formed into a nation.

Check yourself.

1. Are the judgments correct:

A. Conflict can only have negative consequences.

B. One type of conflict is intrapersonal.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

2. One of the strategies in conflict is:

1) avoidance

2) reconciliation

4) opposition

3. Name three negative consequences of conflict.

4. Make detailed plans on the topics: "Conflict", "Social conflict", "Interpersonal conflict".

5. Write an essay on the topics: “Agreements prevent conflicts”, “Do not conflict: negotiate with the smart, deceive the fool”, “A wise person will always find a way not to start a war”, “Conflict is an intersection of interests. There are no guilty. There are only reasons."

Pre-class society is represented by such forms of community of people as clan and tribe.

Genus- a group of blood relatives descending from one

Tribe- association of several genera.

Nationality- a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, culture, follows the tribe and precedes the nation. Nations appear in the period of development of capitalist relations.

Nation- a historically established community, characterized by developed economic ties, a common territory, language, culture, psychological make-up, self-consciousness.

Nation signs:

1. unity of the territory

2. unity of language

3. common historical destiny

4. general culture

5. common self-consciousness-knowledge of the history of their people, respect for the nat. traditions, the feeling of national dignity

6. stable statehood

7. unity of economic ties

8. developed social. structure

Nationality-belonging to a particular nation Ethnos- a set of people who have a common culture, aware of this community as an expression of a common historical destinies. It is a generalizing concept for a tribe, nationality, nation.

International relations:

1. relations between different states

2. relations between different nationalities within the same country

Forms of interethnic relations:

1. peaceful cooperation

Ethnic mixing (interracial marriages)

Ethnic absorption- assimilation- complete dissolution of one people in another (VPN, development of North America)

2. ethnic conflict

The main directions in the development of interethnic relations:

1. integration- desire for interaction, expansion of ties, perception of all the best (EU)

2. differentiation- the desire of the nation for self-development, sovereignty,

Confrontation of various ethnic groups (protectionism, extremism, separatism, etc.). Separatism- the desire of the nation to secession, isolation.

Interethnic conflict- an extreme form of contradiction between rival national formations created to protect national interests.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

1. socio-economic - inequality in living standards, access to benefits

2. cultural and linguistic - insufficient use of language and culture in public life

3. ethnodemographic - the difference in the level of natural population growth

4. environmental

5. extraterritorial - non-coincidence of borders with the boundaries of the settlement of peoples

6. historical - past relationships of peoples

7. confessional

Discrimination- belittling, belittling, infringement of rights Nationalism-ideology and politics based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity. Chauvinism- the extreme degree of nationalism.

Genocide - deliberate and systematic extermination of the population based on racial national or religious characteristics. Segregation-type of racial discrimination.

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

1. humanistic approach to solving nat. problems

Voluntary consent seeking and non-violence

Recognition of the priority of human rights over the rights of the state, society, peoples

Respect for the sovereignty of peoples

2. negotiations between conflicting parties

3. information path - the exchange of information between the parties on possible measures to overcome conflict situations.

4. application of the legal mechanism.

The goals of the national policy of the Russian Federation:

Legislative consolidation of the rights of nationalities

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of nationalities - harmonization of national interests

Principles of the national policy of the Russian Federation:

Equality of rights and freedoms of citizens

Prohibition of discrimination

Maintaining Integrity

Equality of subjects

Right to nationality

Peaceful conflict resolution

Support for compatriots abroad

Guaranteeing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Promoting the development of national cultures.


In this lesson, we will consider the concepts of "nation", "ethnos" and "interethnic relations". We will talk about interethnic conflicts that exist in different countries of the world, about how difficult it is for people to identify themselves in this world. For us, this topic is very important, since Russia is a multinational state that seeks to prevent the infringement of any ethnic group in its composition.

Theme: Social sphere

Lesson: Nations and interethnic relations

From the course of geography, you probably learned the term "ethnos", which is synonymous with the concept of "people". Ethnos- this is a stable set of people historically established in a certain territory who have common features and characteristics of culture and psychological make-up, as well as a consciousness of their unity and difference from other similar entities (self-awareness). If you looked at the ethnic map of the Earth, you could get a certain idea of ​​the distribution of ethnic groups. At the same time, the ethnic map is very conditional: looking at the map, you understand that Russians live in a certain territory, Americans live in another, etc. But the world is far from being so unambiguous. Even our state is multinational, that is, not only Russians, but also other ethnic groups live in it. In general, the concept of "ethnos", as well as the whole group of concepts relating a person to a particular cultural community, is rather ambiguous. These questions are really complex, it is easy to make a mistake in them, and the consequences of a mistake in identifying a person can be extremely serious, including for the entire society as a whole.

Have you thought about the question why we call the people Germans, but they live in Germany? This is far from a trivial question, and the answer to it is not so simple. There is such a rhyme: "German-pepper-sausage, bought a horse without a tail", which has been known since the 17th century, but is still alive. At first glance, it is not clear where these words come from. The fact is that in general all foreigners were called Germans in Rus'. When for the first time, even under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, foreigners began to come to Russia, they settled in settlements. Among them were representatives of different nations: the Dutch, Scots, French, but the majority were Germans. The Russians called these settlements German due to the fact that “dumb” people lived there, unable to communicate in Russian. The word "mute" in our language still has several meanings. On the one hand, a dumb person is a person who cannot speak, and on the other hand, not mine - this is a person who does not belong to my society, a stranger.

In reality, however, this people is certainly called Germanic, and it is necessary to speak of the Germanic language, and not of German. But this is how people are: we like to draw a clear line between ours and not ours. Therefore, accordingly, if we do not understand the culture of another person belonging to another people, he becomes dumb for us. The ancient Latins called all the peoples around them barbarians; they believed that a barbarian is a person who does not speak Latin, but only mumbles something, respectively, his traditions are not worth studying, his culture is primitive.

But the modern world gives us completely different patterns of behavior. We cannot treat other people as barbarians or as dumb. All people on Earth are equal and close to each other, because we live together, which means that there can be no strangers in our world.

The danger lies in the fact that our self-identification, our self-determination, the answer to the question: "Who am I?" is a rather complex process. Not all people are quite sure what nationality and ethnic group they belong to. On the one hand, it can be said that a person is Russian, since this is recorded at his request in his passport, but who he really is is a completely different question. In fact, he is a person who feels himself to be someone. Each person belongs to a particular culture, considers a language native to himself. Based on this very complex palette, which has many components, a people is formed.

In this regard, a problem arises. In modern society, we live in an extremely mixed, rather than narrow local groups. In ancient times, this was quite possible, people lived in focal areas, that is, there were tribes of people who were close in all the characteristics that we have discussed: the proximity of the language, cultural proximity, physiological proximity. These people really were a kind of folk community and lived together, everyone who lived outside their habitat area were neighboring peoples. Tribe- this is a collection of people, usually similar in physical type, united (in one form or another) by tribal relations, a common language and territory. At that time, people easily managed to maintain their cultural identity, such a clear self-identification was only beneficial, as it formed loyalty to their tribe or community. Still, man is a biosocial being, without society we are inconceivable. But now the modern world has become very confusing, it is all local, we can no longer say "where our tribe ends and the neighboring one begins." And in the modern world, we all need to learn how to live together, although learning is always really very difficult.

Some of you may have read Kipling's "Mowgli", in any case, you know exactly what this work is about. And we are talking about a boy who was raised by a pack of wolves. By the way, in the history of mankind there were cases when very young children got into some animal communities, and animals raised this child as their own. The question arises: what is the nationality of the Mowgli children? Since Mowgli was born into a family of people who belonged to a certain cultural and national community, in theory, he should also be a representative of some people. Due to certain life circumstances, he ended up among the wolves, but he remained a man. At the end of the book, Mowgli returns to the people, but who is he? Outwardly, Mowgli looks like a representative of the peoples of India, but by nature it is a wolf cub, because after all, we are all determined by the environment.

If you were born into a Russian family, but have lived all your life in the United States or Canada and accepted American culture as your own, then you can hardly be considered Russian. You roast a turkey for Thanksgiving and fireworks for Independence Day, you have become a real American. You will not become Russian thanks to a Russian surname, because you have habits like a typical American.

The same thing will happen to a person who, due to some circumstances, ended up in Russia for a long period. According to his passport, he can be Portuguese, Indian, Finn, anyone, but if this person grew up in this cultural environment, then most likely he will become what his environment wants him to be. Therefore, when we talk about interethnic relations, we must, first of all, talk about intercultural relations. The more we know about the culture of the neighboring people, the easier it is for us to communicate. People become who they are by perceiving the achievements of the environment in which they live. And if these people also do good, then it does not matter what nationality they are.

When mankind lived in pockets, that is, in a mono-ethnic world, there were no special problems with self-identification. Yes, people communicated, but they understood that in a foreign community there was a different charter and other orders. But now all our “tribes” have united, interethnic relations have appeared. Interethnic (interethnic) relations- relations between ethnic groups (peoples), covering all spheres of public life. We need to learn to understand the people who live next to us, and at the same time we need to demand that the people who live next to us learn to understand us. Only in this way the society will become strong and united, will be deprived of the problems of interethnic interaction, which are not so rare in the world today.

When we say that interethnic problems in Russia are of a serious nature, this does not mean that the Russian Federation is the only country in the world that has faced a lack of understanding between ethnic groups on its territory. Such problems exist almost everywhere, in every country in the world. Even if we look at Europe, which is quite prosperous in terms of interethnic dialogue, we will find that quite a few countries have interethnic problems. These problems, as a rule, fit into the concept of "separatism". Separatism- movement towards independence of a certain group or organization, striving for separation from a large association. For example, France has been fighting Corsican separatism for a very long time: a terrorist organization has been operating on the island of Corsica for a long time, which is fighting for the independence of this island from France. Similar manifestations of separatism are observed in Spain, where the Basque people are fighting for their own independence, again with the help of terrorist acts. A lot of films have been shot and many books have been written about the struggle of Great Britain with the IRA - the Irish Republican Army, which is also the clearest example of an interethnic conflict. If we look at North America, it turns out that Canada has a French-speaking part, and there is an English-speaking part, and it is the province of Quebec (French-speaking) that is stubbornly fighting to create its own state.

There are similar problems in the East. If we look at the Middle East, we will see an almost insoluble knot of contradictions associated with the Arab-Israeli confrontation. In essence, this is practically one people (Semitic-Hamitic group), their languages ​​are very similar, but the contradictions that have developed historically between peoples still cannot be resolved. An almost mononational state - China - also suffers from interethnic conflicts, because in reality China consists of a huge number of peoples and nationalities. The Chinese government is trying to keep this huge mass of people in its hands, but within China, the Uighur Autonomous Region stands out, the inhabitants of which are very different from the Chinese in terms of culture and language and want to secede. As a rule, Japan is cited as an example of an absolutely mono-ethnic state and, at the same time, there is a very small group of the indigenous population of the Japanese islands. In fact, the current Japanese are an alien people, and initially a people called the Ainu lived on these islands. These Ainu have been driven out and now live in a very small group of small Japanese islands. The Ainu make up 1% of the population of Japan, but still they are trying to achieve some kind of national rights for themselves.

It is good if this struggle is exclusively peaceful, but many examples of wars based on interethnic conflicts can be cited. That is why the problem of interethnic dialogue is especially acute for our state. Russia is multinational, it is written in the Constitution of our country that the Russian people are multinational. Imagine a situation if the government starts to “play” on this national field, saying that some people are exceptional here, while others are secondary, little needed, flawed. Then our state will simply cease to exist. Imagine that people who call themselves nationalists, that is, they say that they are fighting for the purity of their people, they will begin to defend the exclusivity of a people within the whole of Russia or a certain territory of Russia. It is from this moment, from this exclamation, that the history of our state will end. If we say that Russia is only for Russians, this means that we are losing the status of the Russian Federation, which consists of a huge number of subjects. To say that some of the subjects of our federation is intended only for the life of the titular people means losing the status of a Great Power. Speculation on issues of interethnic relations always ends in disaster. Any attempt to drive a wedge between representatives of different nations is a game with fire, which will lead to disaster.

We live in a very rich and happy country. In order for this country to continue to be so, we must be attentive to ourselves and to those around us. Only in this way can we increase the wealth that we inherited from our ancestors.

And in the next, final lesson, we will talk about what constitutes deviant behavior.


1. Kravchenko A.I. Social science 8. - M.: Russian word.

2. Nikitin A.F. Social science 8. - M .: Bustard.

3. Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social science 8. - M.: Enlightenment.

1. A single portal of social science ().

2. Scientific and educational journal "Skepsis" ().


1. Explain why the issue of self-identification for a person is so complicated in the modern world.

2. What is separatism? Give some examples of centers of separatism in the world.

3. * Write an essay on the topic: “A person who hates other people does not love his own” (N. Dobrolyubov).

MOU "Secondary School No. 16"




Lesson topic:

Nations and international relations

History and social studies teacher

Prytkova Svetlana Vyacheslavna


The lesson on the topic “Nations and interethnic relations” is held as part of the school course “Social Science” in the 11th grade during the study of the chapter “Social Development”, 2 hours of study time are allotted for the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: to deepen and systematize students' knowledge of historically established communities of people.

Lesson objectives:

1. To form in students an understanding of the diversity of communities of people living on Earth.

2. To acquaint students with the development of the national question and forms of interethnic integration in Russia.

3. Show the positive and negative phenomena of nationalism.

3. To develop a negative attitude of young people towards national and interethnic conflicts. Formation of a tolerant attitude of young people towards people of a different nation, religion, views.

4. Determine the basic principles of national policy in modern Russia.

5. Show students that Chuvashia is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region.

Lesson type - combined - elements of a lecture, work with a textbook, heuristic conversation, student performances (advance task), multimedia presentation "Inter-ethnic relations of Chuvashia".


"Human and society". Textbook for 11th grade educational institutions. / L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, L.F. Ivanova. - M.: Enlightenment. 2004.

School dictionary of social science.10-11: a guide for students. / Under the editorship of L.N. Bogolyubova, Yu.I. Averyanov. - M.: Enlightenment. 2006.

Brief dictionary of social science terms. / Terentyeva G.G., CHI MGOU. - Cheboksary. 2005.

Lesson support: textbook, dictionaries, handouts, student reports, multimedia presentation "Inter-ethnic relations of Chuvashia".

During the classes:

1. - Updating knowledge.

2. Learning new material.

3. Summing up the lesson. Homework.

Lesson plan:

ethnic communities.

national identity.

The development of interethnic relations in the modern world.

Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts and ways to overcome them.

National Policy.

Basic concepts of the lesson: nation, ethnos, national identity, national policy, nationalism, genocide, tolerance.

Updating students' knowledge:

Students are invited to recall from the history course the definitions of "Nation", "interethnic relations", "interethnic conflicts", "nationalism", examples from the history of manifestations of extreme nationalism (fascism, chauvinism, racism, genocide).

Lesson problem: Are there interethnic conflicts in Russia (in Chuvashia) and what are the ways to overcome them.

Question 1. Ethnic communities

In the modern world there are various social communities.

Social communities are a relatively stable set of people, distinguished by more or less the same features of conditions and lifestyle, mass consciousness, to one degree or another by a commonality of social norms, value systems and interests.

Types of communities: family, clan, tribe, classes, social group, nationalities, nations, professional communities, labor collectives.

Let us dwell on the question "Ethnos - its main features and characteristics."

An ethnos is a stable set of people historically established in a certain territory who have common, relatively stable features of language, culture and psyche, as well as a consciousness of their unity and difference from other similar entities.

Tribe Nationality Nation

Ethnos features

Language of the nation, General historical Family-Norms of everyday

nationalities fate everyday behavior


Specific material

and spiritual culture

A nation is a certain form of existence of an ethnos, characteristic of a certain stage of historical development.

A nation is a historically formed community of people, which is characterized by a common economic life, language, territory, certain features of psychology, manifested in the characteristics of its culture, art and way of life.

Signs of a nation.

single race





Assignment: Read in the textbook on pages 222-223 an excerpt from the work of Ch. Aitmatov "The White Steamboat" and determine what historical memory is, why is it necessary for a person, people? Do you agree with the opinion of the author, prove your point of view.

Question 2. National identity

National self-consciousness - a set of social, moral, political, economic, aesthetic, religious, philosophical views that characterize the content, level and characteristics of the spiritual development of nations.

National interest - a set of needs and aspirations of the peoples of a particular state in creating the necessary living conditions for themselves, the consciousness of their sovereignty, the establishment of mutual relations with the peoples of other countries.

Question to the class: Give examples of the national interest of Russians, Chuvashs, Russians in general.

Studying the history of the development of nations and nationalities, they single out such processes as interethnic differentiation and interethnic integration.

International differentiation -

it is a process of separation, separation, confrontation of various nations, ethnic groups, peoples in a variety of ways.

Interethnic integration -

This is a process of gradual unification of various ethnic groups, peoples and nations through the spheres of public life.

Forms of interethnic differentiation

Self-isolation in general

Protectionism in the economy

Religious bigotry

Nationalism in various forms in politics and culture

Forms of interethnic integration

Economic and political unions

Transnational corporations

International cultural and folk centers

Interpenetration of religions and cultures, values

Reasons for interethnic integration

1. The impossibility of states to live in isolation, which is associated with specific changes in the economy of almost all modern countries.

2. Economic and political interconnection of states.

An example of interethnic integration in the modern world is the countries of Europe united in the European Union (EU). More examples can be found in the textbook on pages 225-226.

Question 3. The development of interethnic relations in the modern world

According to the results of the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, 145.2 million people (citizens of the Russian Federation) live in Russia. Russia is a multinational country: Russians - 79.8%, other nationalities - 19.2% (Tatars - 20%, Ukrainians - 10.6%, Bashkirs - 6%, Chuvashs - 5.9%, etc.)

The features of the development of modern relations between the Russian nation and other ethnic groups are built on the basis of:

Loss of the former high status of the Russian nation.

The growth of separatist tendencies in Russia.

Demographic and migration processes.

Question for reflection: What difficulties, problems connected with the national question, exist now in our country? What is nationalism?

Question 4. Nationalism. Interethnic conflicts and ways to overcome them

Nationalism is an ideology and policy based on the ideas of national exclusivity and superiority, the desire for national isolation, parochialism, distrust of other nations.

A vivid manifestation of nationalism in the modern world was demonstrated by German fascism, which led the world to the Second World War of 1939-1945. the terms "racism", "Nazism", "chauvinism", "genocide", "Holocaust" became synonymous with fascism.

Question for reflection: Do you think the national question became the reason for the collapse of the USSR?

An interethnic conflict is one of the forms of relations between national communities, characterized by a state of mutual claims, open opposition of ethnic groups, peoples and nations to each other, which tends to increase in opposition up to armed clashes, open wars.

Task: Name the causes of interethnic conflicts.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

The complication of the socio-economic development of the countries of the world, the existence of backwardness of many of them.

The ill-conceived or deliberately extremist policy of a number of statesmen.

colonial population.

Mistakes and miscalculations by the leadership of a number of countries in solving national issues.

Types of ethnic conflicts:

Regarding the disputed territories.

Because of the expulsion of the people from their territory and the return of the deported people to their historical homeland.

Due to arbitrary change of administrative boundaries.

Due to the forcible inclusion of the territory of the people in a neighboring state.

Between an ethnic majority and a compactly residing minority (indigenous nationality).

Regarding the lack of national statehood among the people and its dismemberment among other states.

Types of ethnic conflicts:

1. State-legal (dissatisfaction with the legal status of the nation, the desire for their own statehood; conflict with state power structures, which includes the nation).

2. Ethnoterritorial (defining the boundaries of the nation).

3. Ethno-demographic (protection of the rights of indigenous peoples).

4. Socio-psychological (change in lifestyle, violation of human rights).

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

Awareness by all people of the unacceptability of violence, the development of respect for the national feelings of all ethnic groups;

pursuing a loyal, well-thought-out policy of taking into account the interests of all peoples and nationalities.

Creation of effective international commissions, councils, and other organizations for the peaceful resolution of national disputes;

Representation of national-cultural autonomy to all interested national minorities, which will allow them to preserve their language, culture, religion and traditions.

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

Recognition of interethnic problems and their solution by methods of national policy:

Use of economic levers to normalize the situation.

Creation of a cultural infrastructure of consensus, observance of the principle of parity in the appointment of people of different nationalities to public office, support for national culture.

Question 5. National policy

An integral part of the political activity of the state, designed to regulate interethnic relations in various spheres of society, is national policy.

Humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations Basic principles of national policy Conditions for the harmonization of national relations

1. Refusal of violence and coercion.

2. Seeking agreement based on the consensus of all participants.

3. Recognition of human rights and freedoms.

4. Readiness for the peaceful settlement of disputed problems.

5. Implementation of the ideas of humanism, democracy, good neighborliness.

1. Harmonious combination of national and international interests, finding the optimal forms of correlation between national and international.

2. Recognition of the right of every people to self-determination, to form an independent state.

3. Priority of human rights over any interests of national sovereignty and autonomy.

4. Rejection of any form of chauvinism.

1. The presence of the rule of law.

2. Refusal of the national minority from separatism, recognition of all powers in defense as the supreme power, conduct of foreign affairs.

3. Providing compactly settled minorities with wide autonomy and self-government, the right to decide their own local affairs, including local taxes.

4. Recognition of the cultural autonomy of minorities, formation from the central budget, teaching, broadcasting in the language of the ethnic minority.

5. The maximum shift of the center of gravity of making power decisions to the local local level.

Assignment: Having studied the section "National Policy" in paragraph 19, write out in a notebook the main principles of the national policy of the Government of the Russian Federation (pp. 229-230 of the textbook "Man and Society", § 19).

Consolidation of the studied topic.


Arrange the ethnic communities in the order of their historical development:

A). nationality; B). genus; IN). clan; G). tribe;. D). nation.

2. A modern nation can be defined by signs:

A). single territory; B). mutual language; IN). specifics of economic activity; G). spiritual unity; D). kinship unity.

3. Historically established groups of people include:

A). nationality; B). classes; IN). states.

Correct answer options (for self-test):

B, C, D, A, D.

Homework: § 19. Terms - learn. Tasks on pages 231-232 No. 3, 5.6.

Viewing a multimedia presentation "Inter-ethnic relations of Chuvashia", prepared by students Grigoriev A, Yudina N., Yakovleva T.

Certificate of attending a social studies lesson in grade 11 A

history teacher - Prytkova S.V.

The lesson was attended by: director for water resources management - Sheveleva I.V., deputy. director for BP - Lysikova Z.M.

Lesson time.

The lesson of social science was held as part of the study of the section "Social development of modern society." The relevance of the topic of the lesson is caused by the current state of society, in which nationalism, extremism, armed clashes on national and religious grounds still exist. In the context of the development of ideas and principles of tolerance and the prevention of extremism, the lesson was intended to show, using the example of Chuvashia, that the peoples of Russia can live peacefully, taking into account their national, religious, cultural traditions and interests.

At the lesson, which had a combined nature of activity, various teaching methods were used - a lecture, a conversation, work with a textbook was used, a multimedia presentation of students on the topic "Interethnic relations of Chuvashia" was demonstrated.

The teacher clearly built the structure of the lesson, at the beginning of the lesson, the activation of students' knowledge was carried out with the support of existing knowledge of history; then the main problem of the lesson was clearly stated and the objectives of the lesson were defined. The teacher methodically competently combined the lecture presentation of the material with a conversation and work on the paragraph test (an independent form of work for students).

Participants in the educational process - students 11A, actively participated in the discussion of problematic issues related to nationalism, the skinhead movement in Russia, expressed their negative attitude towards chauvinism, racism and fascism in all its manifestations.

A group of students 11A demonstrated the result of their work on the project "Interethnic Relations of Chuvashia", prepared in the framework of the city competition "The world in which I live." The multimedia presentation reflected that Chuvashia is a multi-ethnic region, both religiously and culturally. The work of the students was evaluated positively.

At the end of the lesson, students were offered a test to consolidate their knowledge, students could test their knowledge themselves with the help of a “key with answers”.

The psychological mood of the lesson was positive, the activity of students in the lesson is high. The teacher was able, taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of high school students, to build a lesson and achieve a positive course of the lesson.

Homework was given taking into account a differentiated approach to students.

The lesson deserves a positive assessment.

Deputy Director for Water Management Sheveleva I.V.

Deputy Director for VR Lysikova Z.M.

What determines the existence of a nation? What role does national self-consciousness play in the formation of an individual and a nation? What is characteristic of interethnic relations in the modern world? What are the causes of interethnic conflicts and what are the ways of their civilized overcoming? What should be the national policy?

In addition to classes and other social groups, the social structure of society is made up of historically established communities of people: tribes, nationalities, nations. Modern humanity is represented by about three thousand different peoples, and in our country there are more than a hundred of them. At the same time, there are about 200 independent states in the world. So, most peoples live in multinational states.

No matter how dear the historical memory of our national roots is to us, it is important to understand something else: we all live and will always live together with people of different nationalities. This requires from each of us special personal delicacy and responsibility in dealing with people of other nationalities.

It is worth remembering that different peoples have more in common than differences, and their commonality is constantly growing, as the interdependence, interconnection and integrity of the world are increasing.

But, allowing humanity to be preserved in all its inherent versatility and originality, the rapprochement of peoples does not mean the denial of their national characteristics. On the contrary, it is the originality of their culture that serves as a living source of the spiritual wealth of mankind, the uniqueness of world culture.

ethnic community

In the course of history, such historically established forms of community of people as clan, tribe, nationality, nation were considered. The development of these communities is associated with the growth of productive forces, the expansion of economic ties, and the formation of certain social and cultural prerequisites. Thus, clan and tribe are characteristic of primitive society. Nationality consists of the emergence of classes and states. Capitalism activates economic and cultural ties, creates a single national market, eliminates the economic fragmentation of the medieval state, unites the various nationalities that make up a single national whole. A nation emerges.

Along with the concepts of "tribe", "nationality", "nation", the concept of ethnos was also established in science. This Greek word means "people" and does not have an unambiguous characteristic. An ethnos is understood as a historically formed set of people in a certain territory who have a common culture, language, consciousness of their unity.

A nation is formed over a long historical period as a result of the combination, "mixing", "melting" of representatives of various (related and unrelated to each other) tribes and nationalities. Modern scientific theories do not give an unambiguous answer to the question about the features of this community.

At the beginning of the XX century. the main sign of the nation was considered a common language, economic life, mental warehouse. One of the theorists of Marxism, K. Kautsky, considered the commonality of territory, language, economic life and traditions to be the signs of a nation. Kautsky did NOT absolutize these signs, believing that in the absence of one or more of them, the nation continues to exist. There was another point of view: only if all the indicated signs are present, one can speak of a nation.

Significant shifts in the understanding of the nation occurred in the last third of the 20th century. Corresponding to modern ideas, territorial, linguistic and economic unity is of great importance at the stage of nation formation. In the future, under the influence of integration and migration processes, these signs often lose their defining role, although they retain their significance.

The unity of the nation, according to the researchers, can be supported both by material and, in some nations, by psychological factors, common spiritual values, origin and historical destiny.

Another common approach is to consider a nation as a community of citizens of a given state.

In the future, we will use the word "nation" in the ethno-cultural sense, that is, in the sense of the highest form of ethnic community.

A great source of national community and national responsibility is historical memory. For the Ukrainian people, who have been in colonial dependence on other states for 600 years, this is especially important.

To remember the lessons of the past, to respect the ancestors, to beware of false deeds, to spend the night responsible to the generations - these are important functions of historical memory, which helps to unite the national community, but most importantly - makes you feel your self-awareness and the right to be independent.

One of the most tangible results of the historical path is the national culture: fairy tales, legends, historical stories, songs, dances, music, special artistic skills, manifested in temple buildings, icons, household life; this is a folk epic, where national differences are clearly pronounced ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is easy to distinguish from "Manas" or "Kalevala"), this is the work of writers, artists, composers, including modern ones, where national color, national legends are reflected . First of all, through culture, a person is connected with his nation.

The Ukrainian nation arose in the process of a long struggle for its independence, which rallied and united the Ukrainian people.

The modern Ukrainian language was formed on the basis of the Old Slavonic language, but absorbed a lot of words from other languages ​​- Polish and Latin, Greek, Tatar, Russian, English, German, etc.

It would be wrong to imagine the process of development of peoples as an ideally direct path of movement from one community to another. Mankind is a living multicolored world of peoples. It is in constant motion: peoples appear, flourish, disappear. And every nation has its own path, its own destiny.

You know from history that many previously known peoples ((went into oblivion (Phoenicians, Scythians, Polovtsy, etc.), and some modern peoples arose in antiquity (for example, Armenians, Georgians). The English nation was formed in the 16th century ., Ukrainian - in the 17th-18th century, German - in the 19th century Dozens of nations were formed and are being formed in the 20th century Present-day humanity is represented by all the variety of historically established forms of community: today clans and tribes, nationalities and nations live on Earth, which is associated with variety of natural, climatic, economic, social and cultural conditions of their life.

As for the concept of "nationality", it means that a person belongs to a particular nation. In most countries of the world, nationality is determined not by government agencies, but by the person himself voluntarily. Today on Earth there are more and more people who were born from mixed marriages (that is, from parents of different nationalities), they have the right to choose the nationality of each of their parents. In the vast majority of modern democratic states, the choice of nationality is an inalienable right of every individual, one of the conditions for his freedom. Citizens of Ukraine also have this right.

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