Miguel ran onto the stage. Miguel and Denisova quarrel


Quite often, he enters into polemics with his new colleague Tatyana Denisova, who took the place of Yegor Druzhinin. The permanent mentor of the show "DANCES" does not hold back his emotions and is not shy in expressions. Miguel speaks openly on the topic of what differs between his views on creativity and Tatyana Denisova.

In the last episode of the show "DANCES", the conflict between the mentors escalated to the limit. The effect of an exploding bomb was produced by the performance of Yulianna Kobtseva and Wade Lyon. The number turned out, to put it mildly, spicy. Despite the fact that these participants represent the team of Tatyana Denisova, after the performance, Miguel was the first to speak, who defiantly turned away during the performance so as not to look at the stage: “I have a feeling that we are on a night channel. Comrades, what's going on?!" Tatyana replied that this is contemporary art. The colleague's statement angered Miguel even more. After the broadcast, the journalists asked Miguel to comment on the situation.

“The conflict arose because of Tatyana's statement that the number shown on the stage is contemporary art. But I know what contemporary art is, but Tatyana, judging by her performance and her comments, does not. I am responsible for my words, so I go into conflict. With this I want to remind another mentor of where he sits, for whom he is responsible, stating some facts. This number, in which a couple has sex in a sandbox, and then the guy pours himself with cream, could only be called modern art in the 40s of the last century. Now this is not so. I understand this,” said Miguel.

The permanent mentor of the show "DANCES" noted that he considers the presented number not vulgar, but irrelevant. According to Miguel, what Yulianna Kobtseva and Wade Lyon showed on stage was topical in our country in the late 80s - after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Also, the choreographer categorically disagrees with the colleague's opinion that a dancer must necessarily be beautiful. Miguel believes that art has other criteria.

Tatyana Denisova

“Having taken the place of a mentor in the show“ DANCES ”, Tatyana Denisova immediately began to say that she is a person of art, and I am a standard pop. But if you are a person of art, then you cannot have a criterion of beauty!” Miguel said. He also considers some of his colleague's decisions regarding the composition of the teams to be ambiguous: “When Teona and Julia Gaffarova, then Gaffarova made a rival in the battle. But Tatyana initially wanted Theon in her team and left this place for her, despite the obvious fact. She made a mistake."

In the light of everything that happened, Miguel indulged in nostalgia and remembered the ex-colleague on the project Yegor Druzhinin, with whom they sat side by side in the chairs of the mentors of the DANCE show for three seasons. “Egor was the person who carried not only a certain point of view, but also life. It was interesting to argue with Egor, because he is a very informed and educated person,” said Miguel. And he very evasively answered the question of journalists about whether he was interested in sitting on the jury this season.


“In the fourth season, I am interested in leading my team. No, not to win. It’s just interesting for me to follow the path of this season with her in order to open new beautiful moments of life, beautiful styles of choreography to people, ”summed up Miguel.

Speech by Yulianna Kobtseva and Wade Lyon, which fueled the conflict between Miguel and Tatyana Denisova

Watch the show "DANCES", season 4, on Saturdays at 21:30 on TNT.

Miguel is a dancer (photo can be seen below), singer, stage director, ballet soloist, choreographer and sound producer. Most familiar to Russian viewers from the project "Dances". There he acted as a choreographer-mentor and jury member.


In fact, the name of the hero of this article is not Miguel (the dancer took this pseudonym when he came to show business). His real name is Sergei Shesteperov. The future choreographer was born in Khimki in 1982. He inherited his colorful appearance from his father, Miguel Messa, a Cuban. Well, the boy was raised by his grandmother (a teacher of literature and Russian) and his mother (electromechanical engineer).

The parents of the dancer Miguel have a very tragic fate. In the 80s, Sergei's father was forced to go back to Cuba. The mother could not follow him. The choreographer was able to meet his father already significantly matured - at the age of 33. Miguel Messa came to Russia and spent a month with Sergei and his mother.


Shesteperov became interested in the art of dance at an early age. It all started when, at the age of four, the boy saw a scene from the ballet Giselle broadcast on TV. Seryozha was so inspired by this that he immediately began staging his play "Swan Lake". The boy's benefit performance took place in the circle of relatives and neighbors, to whom he demonstrated a four-act action together with his friend Masha.

The first two classes Sergei studied at the Zelenograd school. Then the future dancer was expelled from there. The situation was as follows: all Shesteperov's classmates were against the fact that a black guy studied English. The next day, the boy came to school with an October badge attached to the fifth point. Proceedings immediately followed, and a week later Serezha's mother was already looking for a new school for him. Such was the educational non-state institution - the secondary school "Harmony".

For three whole years (from the fifth to the eighth grade) Shesteperov attended the Fuete school of choreography for children. The future dancer graduated from school as an external student. Well, he continued to polish his artistic abilities at the Choreographic School, which was located at the Bolshoi Theater. There the young man received an excellent education and mastered classical dances well. At that time, Sergei was greatly influenced by Michael Jackson, who became his idol and his favorite performer.

Carier start

A gifted young man was noticed during his studies. 1999 is the year from which the creative biography of the dancer Miguel began. At the age of seventeen, he received an offer to participate in the new Metro show. According to experts, this was the first musical in Russia, where dramaturgy was harmoniously combined with vocals, music and choreography. For Miguel, the performance was the beginning of a career as an artist of this genre.

Then the young man was invited to solo in the Russian version of the ballet Notre Dame de Paris, based on the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo. Further, Shesteperov got into the Russian version of the musical Romeo and Juliet. He still considers work in this project one of the most significant stages in shaping his own career.

Rather paradoxically, it was not participation in Romeo and Juliet that contributed to the development of the dancer as a creative person, but, on the contrary, leaving the musical. Miguel was kicked out because he was late for one of the rehearsals. According to the young man, if this had not happened, he would have remained an artist exclusively within the framework of musicals.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, Miguel had a desire to try himself in the Star Factory project. This was already the fifth season of the show, where the “prima donna” herself, Alla Pugacheva, became the artistic director. Having shown the magnificent art of the reader, excellent vocal abilities, plasticity and excellent artistry, the young man reached the final of the TV show.

After success at the Factory, Shesteperov was regularly invited to organize productions of various mass events - concerts and fashion presentations. Miguel also took part in the creation of video clips and filming. The young man collaborated with brands such as Hess, Levays and Mercedes-Benz. He also choreographed for several films (“Rzhevsky against Napoleon”, “Merry Men”, “Hitler Kaput!”). Shesteperov had a chance to work as a choreographer on the circus project "The Secret of Giant Elephants".

Alan Badoev is the person with whom the dancer Miguel soon began to cooperate. The biography of the choreographer changed creatively when he started working with this talented Ukrainian clip maker. Since 2011, Alan and Miguel have been filming videos for compositions by various artists: Zara and Alexander Rosenbaum - "Love for an encore", Valery Meladze - "Stay with me", Max Barskikh - "Student" and many others.


This grandiose project became a new stage in the development of Miguel's creativity. The young man was involved in the dance project as the main choreographer, jury member, producer and co-author. "Maidan's" started in 2011 on the Ukrainian channel "Inter". Well, the action itself was filmed on the "Independence Square" in the center of Kyiv.

Previously, only a couple of dozen people took part in Shesteperov's productions. Now he was hiring up to five hundred dancers in every city that was selected for the project. Plus, the preparation was carried out in a short time (about three days) and I had to rehearse for eight hours a day. In an interview, Miguel admitted that he slept for a whole week after the end of the project. But the creative activity and efforts in such harsh conditions more than paid off - the show went great, and was subsequently included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dance project in the world. Let's go further.

Film about Lyudmila Gurchenko

The dancer Miguel, whose biography can serve as a role model for aspiring artists, managed to work with the great actress and singer before her death. A documentary film about the life of Lyudmila Markovna was the last appearance of the legendary artist on the screen.

Then the choreographer recalled how much he was worried before the first meeting with Gurchenko, and how pleasant it was for him to work with her later. The actress shocked Shesteperov with her full creative dedication. She never complained about being tired and did everything that Miguel had planned as a director of filming.

A television

In September 2011, a project was launched on the Inter channel, which had a very pretentious name - Show No. 1. Philip Kirkorov himself became the music producer. In the final of the project, the Unreal Boys team won, which was not inferior in brightness and drive to its leader Miguel. Since November, the choreographer has been producing them.

In February 2012, "Unreal Boys" took fourth place in the National selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. And in August they were nominated for the prestigious Golden Star award from Alla Pugacheva as part of a music festival held in Yalta. By the way, it was directed by Miguel.

In the fall, another excellent project, ShowaStgoon, was launched on the Ukrainian Novy Kanal. The program was directed by Miguel together with Oleg Bondarchuk. During the transfer, its participants reincarnated as legendary musicians of the present and the past - Lady Gaga, Stevie Wonder, Madonna, Elvis Presley and many others.

The project of the First Channel "One to One" became the Russian version of the TV show described above. Shesteperov was involved in it as a choreographer. Miguel also directed a talent contest on the NTV channel called "Big Change" and the reality show "I Want to VIA Gru", which opened such stars as Erika Herceg, Misha Romanova and Anastasia Kozhevnikova.

Show "Dancing"

The hero of this article got into this project of the TNT channel in 2014. Moreover, Miguel became not only the leading dance director, but also a jury member and co-producer. Shesteperov's colleague in the show was the famous actor and choreographer Yegor Druzhinin.

It is worth noting that the dancer Miguel (biography, the artist's personal life is often featured in the thematic media) proved to be an extremely impartial and strict judge. For example, he brought to tears in 2016 a project participant named Keiko Lee. The choreographer subjected her dance to harsh criticism, which was completely undeserved, according to his colleagues on the jury.

Dancer Miguel: personal life

The first love of the choreographer was Maria Ryzhkova. This is the same girl who helped Shesteperov with the production of his first ballet in his life at the age of four. But in the future, the relationship of the couple did not work out.

In 2016, Miguel recruited a team of dancers and went with them to Cyprus. After the concert, from which the locals were delighted, two pictures appeared on the choreographer's Instagram. On them, Shesteperov hugged and kissed a girl. These photos raised a question among fans: "Has the biography of the dancer Miguel and his wife changed in terms of personal life or not"? Soon the fans recognized the extravagant companion of the choreographer. She turned out to be one of the participants in the show "Dancing" named Anastasia Vyadro. The girl has been married for five years and, together with her husband Dmitry, is raising a daughter. So the posted photos turned out to be a comic provocation.

The current marital status of the hero of this article is a secret with seven seals. Only one thing is known for certain - now he is single. The media attributed to the choreographer a relationship with the artist Natalia Gordienko. The reason was an article in which the dancer Miguel, his biography and wife were presented. Attached is a photo of the happy couple. In fact, it was just a joint project. As part of this photo shoot, young people tried on wedding dresses. And so the artists are connected exclusively by friendly relations.

Rest and vocation

In one of the interviews, the dancer Miguel said that he can really relax only in the Maldives. And so that nothing distracts him, he goes there all alone. For example, in the summer of 2014, the choreographer lived on the island in a small house, and there was only the sea, he and the Sony Playstation prefix.

Miguel considers dancing and choreography to be his vocation. Only doing these areas, he experiences real pleasure on stage. Well, the hero of this article does not consider himself a singer and does not even like the sound of his own voice.

Role models

Dancer Miguel, whose biography is full of bright events, has several idols. These are the French prima ballerina Sylvie Guillem, the Argentine artist Jorge Donna, as well as Darrell Bullock and Bob Fossey (choreographed for Michael Jackson based on his style). Mats Ek - this is who the dancer Miguel especially admires. The wife of this Swedish choreographer named Ana Laguna also admires the hero of this article. In the past, she was an excellent dancer.

If we consider Russian show business, then Miguel really likes how Vlad Sokolovsky, Anastasia Stotskaya, Sergey Lazarev and Kristina Orbakaite move on stage.


At the end of the summer of 2017, the next season of "Dancing" started on the TNT channel. Shesteperov retained his place on the jury, but Yegor Druzhinin was replaced by another choreographer - Tatyana Denisova. The winner of the show will receive 3 million rubles.

There is another project that Miguel agreed to participate in. The dancer (biography, personal life, photos of the artist are presented above) decided to take a drug test live on the Money or Shame program. He stated that he did not even drink alcohol, so he would easily demonstrate to the audience the purity of his own body.

Miguel is a fan of computer games. They help the choreographer take a break from work and "turn off the brain."

Shesteper sees some ideas for his dance performances, as well as costumes for numbers, in a dream. And in order for inspiration to come to him more often in night visions, Miguel bought a huge and very comfortable bed. The choreographer sleeps with a lot of pillows: one between his legs, another under his head, he hugs the third, and the rest are randomly scattered.

Miguel's favorite dishes are salads "Mimosa", "Herring under a fur coat" and dumplings. Also, the dancer is not averse to eating sweets.

As a child, Shesteperov was interested in editing and filming videos. In one of the interviews, the choreographer admitted that if it were not for dancing, he could become an excellent director. Miguel has a desire to make a picture about the life of dancers. Not fictional, but real - in restaurants and nightclubs. Moreover, it is imperative to add real funny stories to the film, in which he himself repeatedly became a participant.

Hats are Shesteperov's favorite accessory. Most of the hats that Miguel wears on the set of the Dancing show belong to the artist himself, and not to the stylists, as most viewers think. In his house, the choreographer set aside an entire room for caps and hats.

Vitaly Luzhinsky from Volgograd, who was named Miguel's son, was selected for the 4th season of the Dancing show. The judges immediately noticed the similarity of the external data of the 21-year-old guy and the famous choreographer. The guy said he was expecting a comparison.

Initially, the judges warmly received the guy, but after the performance, Vitaly received a huge portion of criticism. The guy's "father" was especially harsh. He compared his ability to sing and the guy's ability to dance, said that he sings terribly. He said that the guy just ran around the stage, jumped and waved his arms, and that he did not pass.

However, after Luzhinsky went backstage, a heated discussion began and the judges decided that he should be given a second chance. Only as an exception they asked the "son" to go on stage. And after Miguel said that the guy goes to the next stage and this is the general decision of the jury. According to the outstanding choreographer, the thing is that Vitaly left behind a special train.

Two dancers participated from Volgograd. However, if the first one was more fortunate, then the second participant did not even go on the air.

Tatiana Ryazanskaya

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