Mikhail Borisov. “I became a millionaire in the Russian Lotto lottery”


Today we will tell you who Irida Khusainova is. Her biography will be discussed in detail later. We are talking about a TV presenter, film and theater actress, famous fashion designer and fashion designer.


Irida Khusainova was born in 1987, on October 16, in the city of Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. Later, she lived with her family for a short time in Murmansk. There she became interested in vocals. In 1993, our heroine was the winner of the competition called "Young Talents of Russia". She returned to her homeland. In 1995, she became a member of a vocal group called "Our Day". With this team, she successfully performed in the framework of many Russian and republican competitions. At the invitation (of the composer) she took part in a tour trip to Moscow, as well as recording the disc "Our Day".

Music and stage

Irida Khusainova has successfully started her solo career since 2003. In 2004, in the spring, she became a finalist at the All-Russian Variety Competition, held in Moscow. Since 2005, she has participated in various theatrical productions. Among them are Little Red Riding Hood and Kai and Gerda. She became a prize-winner at the regional festival "Moscow - Yalta - transit". I received an invitation to the international stage of this competition. The event took place in Yalta. In 2006 she became a student. Chose the Variety Faculty. She studied at the course of M. B. Borisov. I immediately learned to combine the academy with work.

Other activities

Irida Khusainova was the backing vocalist of Stas Mikhailov. She starred in serials, films, and also participated in television projects. She became the winner of the Grand Prix at the B. Brunov Variety Competition. She completed her studies. By that time, she had roles in many musical performances behind her. Among them it should be noted: "Eurovision 2009", "I go out alone on the stage", "West Side Story". After graduation, she began working on television. I got into the "Russian Lotto", where she became the co-host of M. B. Borisov. She took part in the project "Multichnosti". She worked in the theater of V. N. Vinokur. 2011 brought our heroine real success. She receives the Grand Prix at the Big Difference festival, which takes place in Odessa. From this moment on, our heroine is an actress of this program. She became known to the audience thanks to parodies of Madonna, singer Maxim, Laima Vaikule, Leonid Agutin, Nyusha, Anita Tsoi, Anzhelika Varum. In 2013, our heroine is preparing her debut collection of clothes, which is produced under her own brand IRIDA HUSAINOVA. Soon she opens a showroom in Kazan and Moscow. The regular customers of this store are the figures of show business, television and cinema. In 2014, our heroine acts as a permanent co-host in the framework of the Russian Lotto program. Now she performs in the CIS countries and Russia with her parody show. This project managed to gain popularity among viewers from different parts of the world. She also prepares a collection of clothes, actively starred in TV shows and movies.


Irida Khusainova began her professional career in 2009. Since then, she has managed to participate in a number of major television projects on federal television. Among them, it should be noted: "Parodays", "Full House", "Golden Gramophone" and "People of Friday". From 2007 to 2009, she starred in the series "Fire of Love" directed by Andrei Komkov and Konstantin Serov. In 2008, she got a role in the film Crazy Angel by Alexander Sukharev, Alexander Zelenkov and Anton Lutsenko. Speaking about the main achievements of our heroine, we should not forget about her brand IRIDA HUSAINOVA. The main attention here is paid to clothes for the fair sex. The collections combine mood-defining design style, fabric quality, creative color palette, fashion trends and original style. Now you know who Irida Khusainova is. Her photo can be seen in this article.

Welcome to the backstage of "Happy Morning"

The Sunday premiere of the new hour-long program "Happy Morning" has become an event for all lottery lovers. Now the drawing of the Housing Lottery, Russian Lotto, "6 out of 36" and "Golden Horseshoe" are held on NTV every Sunday starting at 8:20. To tell our readers how the program is created, we joined the work of the film crew.

Irida Khusainova has long been familiar to viewers as the co-host of the Russian Lotto. Few people know that she once studied at GITIS on the course of Mikhail Borisov, with whom she now holds lottery draws together. In the new program, Irida will also draw the Golden Horseshoe. 10 minutes before the start of work, she charges everyone on the set with her amazing mood.

The work of the operator is one of the most difficult on the set. After all, he can not miss anything from what is happening on the site. And in order for the camera to be ready to take the desired shot at any moment, the operator is always in touch with the director, who gives instructions through headphones.

While filming has not begun, hosts Victoria Panina and Sergey Shubenkov are getting used to the new scenery, rehearsing how they will launch the lottery machine during the drawing of the 206th draw of the Housing Lottery.

Leading Inna Voronina also studied at GITIS with Irida Khusainova. During the program, her partner will be ALEX (Analytical Lottery Electronic Computer System), a kind of Siri analogue in Happy Morning, which has a good sense of humor and knowledge of all aspects of the game.

The creators of the program pay special attention to the audience in the studio. Anyone can take their place. To do this, you must leave a request by phone +7 499 270-27-27 (round the clock) or send an e-mail. After the editor contacts you, get ready and feel free to come to us!

During the program, Victoria Panina and Sergey Shubenkov work not only on the main stage, but also with the audience. What is characteristic - both here and there they do it in tandem. According to many viewers who first came to the shooting, this may not be accidental. “A beautiful couple,” the lottery lovers whisper on the sidelines.

Russian Lotto is a long-liver of Russian television. As its presenter Mikhail Borisov jokes, Russian Lotto has the tart taste of victory with 22 years of aging. In the first issue of Happy Morning, Mikhail Borisov and Irida Khusainova will play the 1152nd draw of the Russian Lotto.

Tellingly, the age of the audience gathered in the audience is completely different. Someone came to see how our pranks are going. Someone - to look at the leading close. And someone - to catch luck by the tail.

Taking the kegs out of the bag, Mikhail Borisov improvises every time, playing with their numbers: “Number 9: dot below. Number 14: favorite song of the astronauts. Number 11: drumsticks. Number 13: Irida Khusainova's favorite number. Number 23: two stomps, three slams. It is not surprising that his acting talent is so loved by the audience.

A little more than a month remains before the new year. Christmas gifts are already appearing on store shelves, and shopping centers are being decorated with garlands and Christmas trees. At this time, everyone, young and old, is waiting for something magical. The winners of the Russian Lotto, who were lucky enough to win large sums in past New Year's draws, are sure that the New Year's miracle exists and can happen to everyone. Many of them gladly shared their feedback on Russian Lotto.

Winning in "Russian Lotto" is a gift of fate

Aleksey Tishkov from the city of Zadonsk in the Lipetsk region believes that his winning the lottery is a real New Year's miracle. The man had never bought lottery tickets before and before the New Year he decided to do it for the first time. Apparently, he believed in his luck, and she did not let him down: he brought one of the purchased tickets to the lucky 1,000,000 rubles.

- I have a happy birthday - I was born on the bright holiday of Christmas, so I was lucky, Alexei argues.

The winner is the driver. He said that the win came in very handy. A man has been building his house for a long time. All did not have money to complete the decoration. Now this problem is completely solved, and it was necessary to buy only one ticket for happiness.

Andrei Mironov from St. Petersburg was given a ticket for a million by his mother-in-law. She prepared a whole gift set of ten tickets for her beloved son-in-law.

- It so happened that I could not watch the TV broadcast of the draw along with everyone. Therefore, the result of the circulation was checked without me. But I'm not upset at all, because winning is a great success. I hope that someday we will be so lucky,- shares the winner.

How to manage the winnings, Andrey decided to consult with the whole family. The mother-in-law will have the last word, because if not for her, the Mironov family would hardly ever feel like millionaires.

“Reviews about the Russian Lotto lottery do not deceive”

A lottery ticket for the New Year's draw helped Ksenia Gomozova's dream come true from Moscow. The girl really wanted to have her own apartment. And now, having won 1,000,000 rubles in the Russian Lotto lottery, she will be able to move out of her parental home.

Ksenia bought three tickets for the New Year's edition: for herself and for her two brothers. They did not watch the TV broadcast of the draw and decided to immediately check the result on the Stoloto website.

- As it turned out, my brothers' tickets won 115 rubles each, but I was a little more lucky. Of course, we immediately did not believe our eyes and for a long time could not imagine that we really became millionaires. Of course, we hoped to win, but it was more like a fairy tale, a New Year's gift,- the girl recalls the happy moment with a smile.

Ksenia said that she has a large and friendly family. She herself is studying to be a computer operator. Her older brother Andrei works as an assistant driver in the subway. The guy sees something mysterious and mystical in his profession, especially after reading all the Metro 2033 books. And the younger brother of the winner, Oleg, is still at school.

Evgeny Lukyanov from the Sverdlovsk region has always been sure that it is real to win. He read reviews of real people about Russian Lotto more than once on the Stoloto website and hoped one day to be among the lucky ones who give interviews after their big victory. His wish was also fulfilled by the New Year's edition.

Eugene is seriously tuned in to win. He bought as many as 18 tickets. Everyone chose independently, because all his household members are sure that the head of the family has a happy hand.

- We had a lot of tickets, we did not have time to keep track of all during the TV broadcast of the draw, so we decided to write out the numbers of the kegs that Mikhail Borisov pulled out of the bag. And after that, in a calm atmosphere, they began to cross out the numbers. When we saw that we had won a whole million, we were so excited that we tore the edge of the ticket a little. Then they worried that they would not accept him and that they would not give us the winnings. But everything turned out without deceit,- says the winner in his review of the "Russian Lotto".

The lucky one has many plans to win. The Lukyanov family is building a house. Most likely, the spouses will direct the won million to him.

This year, the Russian Lotto lottery has also prepared a grand New Year's gift for its participants. One billion rubles will be raffled off in the celebratory draw. Yes, yes, not a million, but a billion! This means that the first lottery billionaire may appear in the country. An unprecedented drawing will be shown live on one of the federal channels.

According to Stoloto, the largest distributor of state lotteries in Russia, a colossal amount of 1 billion rubles will definitely be drawn. It will go to the winner of the jackpot of the 1264th draw. And if no one wins in the jackpot category - the winner of the second round. But the gifts from the lottery do not end there. In addition to the billion, 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each will be drawn. Who will be able to use their luck, we will find out on January 1. Do not miss a truly historic draw of the popular Russian Lotto lottery.

When only a month and a half remains before the New Year, Stoloto announces the circulation "" with an increased prize fund of 1 billion rubles. As usual, the circulation will be made on 01/01/2019.

"Billion" - is a special edition of "Russian Lotto". The Stoloto company will hold the draw according to exactly the same rules as regular draws, but the prize fund will be increased.

Such a circulation was already carried out by the company last year and was called the "Golden Billion".

How was the "Golden Billion" in 2018?

Live on the NTV channel on January 1, 2018, a special draw of the Golden Billion lottery was held. In the history of "Russian Lotto" it was 1212 circulation. You can buy a ticket until the evening of 12/31/2017 at ground points of sale and until the morning of 01/01/2018 on the official Stoloto website.

Then 42.5 million coupons took part in the lottery. The raffled prize fund amounted to 2.125 billion rubles. The host took out 88 barrels during the draw, which means that the probability of winning was from 1 to 2.25 to 1 to 2.37, which is much higher than in ordinary draws.

The biggest gains from that tirade were:

  • 250 million rubles - to the winner;
  • 161 thousand - 62 winners;
  • 40 winners received 1 country house each, which can be exchanged for 1 million rubles;
  • 181 thousand - 55 winners.

The remaining participants, who were lucky enough to win, received amounts from 101 to 131 rubles, their number exceeded 17 million people.

What are the prizes in 2019?

This year, in the 1264th draw, several types of rewards will also be offered:

  • 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each;
  • the main prize is 1 billion rubles;
  • other monetary incentives.

Those players who won the first two rounds continue to play until the very end of the draw. The lucky ones who won in the third and other rounds end the game on this.

Where to buy tickets?

You can buy coupons in different ways:

  • at the Stoloto office or lottery machines;
  • on the official portal "Stoloto";
  • at land points of sale;
  • via SMS;
  • at points of sale of partner stores: Pyaterochka, Russian Post, Rostelecom, etc.

The ticket price is 100 rubles. Its price does not change regardless of the point of purchase. Often, you can buy a ticket only for the next draw, but in this case, as an exception, the Stoloto company allows you to purchase a coupon in advance, in a mobile application or on the website. To do this, when purchasing a coupon, you must select a circulation of 1264.

How to play?

The coupon has 2 fields, each of which has 15 numbers.

If you purchase a ticket at land-based points of sale, then in this case the numbers will already be affixed. When purchasing a coupon on the Internet, you can choose the numbers yourself.

What are the chances of winning?

There are several options:

  • in 2018, 42,500,003 coupons were sold, and only one player took the main prize, which indicates a winning chance ratio of 0.000002%;
  • there were 40 players who won the country house, so the chance of winning is 0.00009%;
  • 55 people received 181,000 rubles, the chance is 0.0001%;
  • the chances of 62 players who received 161,000 rubles each were 0.00012%;
  • the chances of winning other prizes in the game are 40%, but in this case the winnings will be small, in the region of 101-131 rubles. If you subtract the cost of the ticket, then the net profit will be a very small amount.

It is worth noting that in the 01.01.2019 draw, the chances of winning will be different - more or less, since in this case, coupons will be purchased by a different number of players.


This is the only Russian Lotto New Year's draw when the main prize will be drawn in any case, which means that one or more players will be able to receive a large amount.

The circulation is carried out live on one of the federal channels, so you can follow it yourself and celebrate the New Year.

All players who become winners will be able to receive their prizes within 6 months. To do this, you need to contact the Stoloto office. If the winnings are more than 100,000 rubles, then you will need to send the details of your bank account to the central office of the company and the winnings will be transferred there.

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