Mikhail Bublik: “I love everything: wine, vodka, cognac…. Mikhail bagel, biography, news, photos Where was the wedding of the singer Mikhail bagel


“What, you haven’t heard Bagel yet?! my sister asks me indignantly. - Well, you do ... He is now tearing everyone, so cool! The opportunity to listen to Bublik, and not on the record, presented itself to me soon. The artist performed as part of a combined chanson concert in Sochi. From the very first song, the audience began to dance. Charisma - over the edge! I went to the interview with Mikhail under the impression.

- Thanks It's nice! - the artist answers the compliment with a smile and, as if embarrassed, adds: - Of course, this is not quite right. When live musicians work with me, the atmosphere is completely different. The energy is straight up.

- Yes, and then whipped oh-ho-ho! Although chanson is such a genre ... Many people come drunk ...

- I do not consider chanson an alcoholic genre. It seems to me that more tipsy people come to the concerts of the Leningrad group than to the chansonnier. Another thing is that the format is like this - when people sit at tables. You either accept it or you don't. It doesn't bother me too much.

- In general, it’s strange to me that you were recorded as a chansonnier ...

- It's strange to me too, because inside I'm such a rocker. And he was brought up in general on other music. And then, today the chanson is completely different, you can see for yourself. This is not camp poetry. And it is not sung by repeat offenders with a feather on their sleeves, squatting cigarettes without a filter and speaking foul language. Chanson is multifaceted. For some reason, with the name of Edith Piaf, no one wrinkles their nose: “This is chanson!” And when they talk about Bagel, some brush it off: "Chanson!"

- I read your page on instagram, you actively communicate with fans there.

I'm interested in this story, yes. But I'm not a particularly active user.

But your fans listen to you. I heard that you were even presented with a moonshine when you hinted at the desire to have it.

- This is true. Once on the air on the radio, I said this as a joke. He said that I have everything, except, perhaps, such an apparatus. I was thinking about doing this. Three days later, my administrator calls and says, here, they say, they brought you a present. Of course, I was stunned. And most importantly, I still do not know who to thank. In general, they often give me icons and food gifts: pies, pickled mushrooms, cucumbers ... Well, teddy bears, of course (smiles).

In general, they often give me icons and edible gifts: pies, pickled cucumber mushrooms ... Well, teddy bears, of course

You have such a busy schedule. Did you manage to take a break this year?

- This summer I traveled almost all over Northern Italy, to the places where I dreamed of visiting. These are places associated with winemaking. I was in a real old Viete wine house, where barolo is produced - the legendary wine, known since the time of Napoleon. They took me to the basement and showed me the barrels. I asked if I could buy a bottle of lazaritto. And they answered me that they cannot sell a single bottle until 2025, because the pre-order is valid for the entire harvest. It is being sold at auction. A bottle costs about a thousand dollars. It's expensive for me, but I had to ask. I ended up buying another bottle. I am a big wine lover.

- That is, vodka, cognac - this is not your story?

- (Surprised.) Why, my! I love everything. Each drink has its own history. I'm not talking about alcoholism, but about cultural pastime.

- Michael, I made inquiries about you, but did not find anything about your personal life. Are you deliberately hiding it?

- Well, why? Who needs it, they know. It seems to me that my viewer is calm in this regard. Everything that I can offer, I do at concerts. By the way, I myself do not like to get acquainted with those artists who admire me. Because I'm afraid to be disappointed. We are all ordinary people in life with our own set of oddities and nuances. Therefore, I do not recommend this to my fans either.

This summer I traveled almost all over Northern Italy, to the places where I dreamed of visiting. These are places associated with winemaking.
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04.03.2013 22:25

Mikhail Bublik Biography (Mihail Bublik Biography) Russian singer

Mikhail Bublik was born on August 13, 1982 in a small Ukrainian city - Mariupol. If he had stayed there, perhaps his friends and relatives would have become his first and only fans, but by the will of fate, little Misha's parents changed their colorful village life to the bustle of the city and moved to Mariupol. Together with the move, the chances of a talented boy to get on stage have increased markedly. Yes, he, in fact, never missed them: at first he himself enrolled in a music school in the accordion class, and then he asked to play in the school group at all. He soon developed into a bandleader and songwriter whose talent had many admirers both at school and beyond.

The first thing you understand when you meet Misha Bublik is that he is a cheerful and very interesting person. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you know him for a long time or see him for the first time, you just immediately feel that communicating with him will bring a lot of pleasure - his smiling eyes speak for themselves. The kindness that lives in this young and talented guy, who with his creativity was able to win the favor of the Mariupol public, like a magnet, disposes to himself.

“I am kind,” Mikhail said, trying to describe himself in a few words. - I am also sentimental and very impressionable, while the latter is both an advantage and a disadvantage. I also have responsibility, and of course I try very hard to be punctual.”

And Misha is very talented. And he was able to prove it not only here, in Mariupol.

It would seem that Misha has only one way - to the stage. However, when it came time to choose a future profession, it turned out that in a provincial town known for its metallurgical plants, it is not so easy to break stereotypes. Therefore, a young, hopeful musician entered the Priazovsky State Technical University at ... the welding department. Yes, not only entered, but also graduated with a "red" diploma! But there was less and less time left for creativity.
photo Mikhail Bublik

Decisive and ambitious Misha left his hometown and went to Kharkov, where he entered the Kharkov Academy of Culture. It was there that experienced teachers helped him overcome the “yard tomboy singer” in himself and turn into a young artist, already consciously revealing his multifaceted creative potential.

Having gone headlong into his studies, Mikhail now did not forget about music for a minute. The popularity of his group was rapidly gaining momentum: their songs were played on the radio, they gave concerts not only in their native Mariupol, but also in Donetsk, Kharkov, Kyiv. And so, probably, it could have continued for a long time, if not for the intervention of the Prima Donna of the Russian stage - Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

In August 2010, literally on the eve of his birthday, Mikhail received a message from an unknown girl in one of the social networks. It said that she was grateful to A.B. for an introduction to his work. The singer did not immediately understand who he was talking about, and after the girl clarified that it was about Pugacheva, he completely decided that he was being played. However, curiosity got the better of him, and Misha decided to check what had been said. He easily found recordings of the broadcasts of "Radio Alla" on the Internet, and what a surprise it was when it turned out that the Primadonna not only put his songs on the air, but also spoke positively about them! It was a real gift of fate!

Misha posted the found recording of the program "Alla is looking for talents" on his blog, where Philip Kirkorov accidentally stumbled upon it. He also spoke flatteringly about the work of Mikhail, and even took the time to personally meet the young artist during his tour in Yalta.

“He took my disc and said that he would try to do everything in his power,” Mikhail Bublik shared his memories. - For Philip, this is a selfless act, since he does not produce us, he just had such a desire. And I don’t know what he did, but already on the way home from Yalta they called me and said: “Hello, we liked your song“ Sorry ”, we want to see you at the Peter FM music award ceremony.
photo Mikhail Bublik

Already in the autumn of the same year, Mikhail performed in the final of the "Alla is looking for talents 2010" competition in Moscow, where he had a chance to sing in front of Pugacheva herself. The meeting took place in a fashionable restaurant opposite the Mosfilm film studio. At first, the participants of the competition were expected by a buffet table. “Everything was at the highest level,” Mikhail noted.

Alla Pugacheva was not alone on the jury. The singer invited program directors, leading radio stations to help young talents not only with valuable advice, but also to show them to show business professionals, reports http://www.gl5.ru.

Mikhail told Priazovsky Rabochy about his impressions of the meeting with Alla Borisovna: “She looked amazing, joked, smiled, gave us good advice. Communication with her was only a pleasure.”

Mikhail performed at number eleven with a song that many listeners have long loved, "Together we will definitely be." Alla Borisovna interrupted some in the middle of the song, and listened to Bagel's songs with attention to the end. The entire event lasted about four hours. The prima donna personally listened to all the finalists. “And surprisingly, she never even got distracted,” Misha noted.
photo Mikhail Bublik

After the performance of the contestants, the jury members left for a meeting. As a result, incentive prizes went to absolutely all the contestants. “You are all winners, and I personally chose you all. I have already heard you sing, but now I can see, ”said Pugacheva.

However, some are more fortunate. So, the songs of Mikhail Bublik and some other performers were taken into rotation on the radio. Now Misha's songs can be heard on FM radio stations: "Russian Radio", "Love Radio" and "Radio Dacha". Also, Michael, in addition, received a cash prize from the Primadonna. And the main prize - "Golden Star" from Alla Borisovna went to the singer Sevara.

On Russia Day, Mikhail had the honor of performing on Red Square. Then there was the first performance at the Ice Palace, immediately after which, Mikhail Bublik went with a concert not to a fashionable club, as one might expect, but to the airport, from which the plane took him to distant Chechnya. The singer got a chance to sing his best songs for hundreds of military personnel from ordinary soldiers to high command. Needless to say, these tours have become a truly significant event in the artist's life.

From Mariupol, Misha moved to St. Petersburg, where he lived for about six months.

Mikhail Bublik currently lives and works in Moscow.

Hundreds of thousands of listeners of popular radio stations empathize with his songs.

The official page of Mikhail Bublik Vkontakte: http://vk.com/mikhail_bublik
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikhailBublik
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boobliksband
Official website: http://www.bublik.me/

Mikhail Bublik was born on August 13, 1982 in the Ukrainian province. As a child, he moved with his parents to Mariupol (Mariupol), a fairly large city, judging by those times. After this fateful step, the young talent has seriously increased the chances of becoming a regular on the stage.

In addition to believing in luck, Mikhail himself took all the necessary steps to get closer to his dream. He learned to play the accordion at a music school and later got accepted into the school band. A little time passed, and Bublik became the leader of a musical group and began to compose songs. It was obvious that his popularity would not be limited to the walls of the school, and soon Bublik got new admirers of his talent outside of it.

However, Mikhail did not immediately become a pro

professionally study music by enrolling in the Priazovsky State Technical University (Priazovsky State Technical University). He was a student of the welding faculty, after which he received a "red" diploma. The creative path was gradually covered with welding seams, and then, apparently, it was time to decide what to actually devote your life to.

Having made the only right decision, Bublik, full of healthy ambitions, came to Kharkov (Kharkiv) and began to study at the Kharkov Academy of Culture (Kharkiv State Academy of Culture). The teachers helped Mikhail "re-qualify" from a yard singer to a solid artist, now with all seriousness, step by step, revealing his singing talent.

Immersed in the educational process, B

The public devoted himself entirely to music, and at the same time the popularity of his group grew. Bublik and his team gave concerts in Kharkov, Donetsk (Donetsk) and Kyiv (Kiev), and their songs were leaked on the radio.

It is not known how successful the future of the singer would have been if the prima donna herself, Alla Pugacheva, had not appeared on his way. He accidentally found out that the Russian pop star was not only happy to put his songs on Radio Alla, but also spoke positively about them. Mikhail also received positive feedback from Philip Kirkorov. The king of the national pop scene even took the time to personally meet the young talent when he was on tour in Yalta (Yalta).

Following the obvious recognition of stars of this magnitude, Bu

Blik finally performed in front of Alla Pugacheva in the final of the "Alla is looking for talents" contest, which was organized in Moscow (Moscow). Mikhail also "stormed" The Red Square with his voice at the Day of Russia and successfully showed himself in the Ice Palace (The Ice Palace). Then he had the opportunity to convey his best songs to the military, and Bublik agreed to fly by plane to Chechnya (Chechnya), where both ordinary soldiers and the high military command liked his singing.

Leaving Mariupol, Mikhail spent almost half a year in St. Petersburg. Today he lives and continues to do his favorite thing in the Russian capital, day after day replenishing the ranks of fans who are not indifferent to his wonderful, full of deep meaning songs.

The childhood of Mikhail Bublik

Mikhail Bublik was born on August 13, 1982 in a village near Mariupol. Shortly after the birth of his son, his parents moved to Mariupol.

Misha was a very talented and musical child since childhood. In the big city, Mikhail's chances of getting on the stage he so dreamed of have increased markedly.

Bublik made a lot of efforts to make his dream come true. First, he himself, without anyone's help and patronage, entered a music school and began to learn to play the accordion. Then he became a member of the school vocal and instrumental group.

It took quite a bit of time for Misha to become not only an indispensable member of the group and songwriter, but also to take his rightful place as a leader - educated, intelligent, sociable and with a great sense of humor.

Mikhail did not immediately manage to become a professional musician. The fact is that in Mariupol, where the boy grew up, for many years it was believed that a real man must devote himself to metallurgy and work at one of the many plants that the city is famous for.

It is not so easy to change public opinion and the prevailing stereotypes, therefore, after graduating from school, Misha entered the Priazovsky State Technical University in Mariupol.

Accustomed to doing any job well, Mikhail Bublik conscientiously studied welding for five years. He perfectly mastered university science and received a "red" diploma. The only thing that upset the young man was that there was less and less time left to do what he loved - music.

The beginning of the creative career of Mikhail Bublik

After graduating from the university, Mikhail faced a serious question: who to be and what to do? To work by profession, but will he regret the choice he made for the rest of his life? In the end, the young man makes a decision: he leaves the city that has become his home and moves to Kharkov to continue his studies at the Academy of Culture.

It was in Kharkov, thanks to his desire and the efforts of experienced teachers, that the “courtyard singer, tomboy singer” managed to turn into a young and beginner, but able to reveal his rich inner world of a person and artist through creativity. Having immersed himself in his favorite pastime, Mikhail enthusiastically engages in music, creating new songs and working in the Booblik̕s band. The popularity of the group is growing, interest in musicians is gaining momentum. The songs of Misha Bublik are heard not only among friends, but also at reporting concerts and parties.

Soon several of the group's songs were played on the radio. The listeners liked the compositions so much that they began to be aired more and more often. Concert activities followed. The young musician and his group were joyfully greeted not only in the childhood city of Mariupol, but also in Kharkov, Donetsk and even Kyiv.

Smile of Fortune, great success of musician Mikhail Bublik

It is even difficult to imagine what the musician's creative path would be like if it were not for the fateful acquaintance with Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The beginning of this amazing story happened a few days before Mikhail was supposed to turn 28 years old, in August 2010.

"Walking" on the World Wide Web, on one of the pages, Mikhail Bublik saw a message addressed to him from a girl whom he did not know and had never even met. After reading it, the musician did not immediately understand what, or rather, who he was talking about, and even thought that the stranger had made a mistake or even decided to play a trick on the artist in this way. The news was embarrassing and haunting that the girl had become a big fan of the work of their group, thanks to the reviews of Alla Pugacheva herself. Mikhail knew only one Pugacheva, but could not believe that it was about Alla Borisovna. Curiosity made the musician not only find on the Internet all the recordings of the broadcasts of the popular radio station "Radio Alla", but also listen to them. Mikhail did not believe his ears, but his songs really sounded on the air, and the Russian pop prima donna herself spoke favorably of his work. Is this not a gift of fate?! So fortune has not yet smiled at him.

The heyday of creativity

And already in the autumn of the same fateful 2010, Mikhail became a finalist in the competition for young performers "Alla is looking for talents" in the capital city of Moscow. There he had a unique opportunity to sing in front of Alla Borisovna herself. Later, on the Day of Russia, another significant event happened - among the famous and recognized artists who took part in the concert on Red Square was Mikhail Bublik.

Some time later, on the recommendations of Philip Kirkorov, whom Bublik met during the latter's tour in Yalta, the novice but promising Bublik was offered to perform at the Peter FM music award ceremony with the song "Forgive me" already beloved by the audience.

Then there was a performance at the Ice Palace, after which Mikhail immediately went to the airport. He was in a hurry to get on a plane flying to Chechnya. The young singer gladly took the opportunity to perform his songs for people who are doing difficult service in Grozny. Later, the artist will call these tours a real event that played a significant role in his life.

Mikhail Bublik today

Mikhail Bublik currently lives and works in Russia. For six months the musician lived in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, where he moved from Kharkov. Recently, Mikhail lives in Moscow.

Bublik's songs are constantly heard on music radio stations, and the musician himself is working on a new album, is passionate about the Battle of the Choirs project and continues to write songs that are very popular.

Then Mikhail Bublik moved to Kharkov and began to study at the Kharkov Academy of Culture. Mikhail Bublik is a very young man. Now Mikhail Bublik lives and works in Russia. Mikhail Bublik was born on August 13, 1982 in the Ukrainian province.

During his studies, Mikhail began to record songs, give concerts in Kharkov, Donetsk and Kyiv, after which he became popular both in Ukraine and in Russia. In 2010, Mikhail Bublik's debut single "Forgive" was released, with which he performed at the Peter FM music award ceremony in St. Petersburg.

Bublik, Mikhail Viktorovich

Mikhail began attending a local music school, where he learned to play the accordion. Becoming a singer and musician is almost an insult to public opinion, a challenge. And Mikhail Bublik gave up. Bagel decides on a desperate step: he leaves Mariupol for Kharkov. Soon Bublik is a student of the Kharkov Academy of Culture. Mikhail chose for himself the faculty of "Director of Variety and Mass Holidays".

PITER.FM / Artists / Mikhail Bublik / About the artist

In 2006, Mikhail's plans come true. Now the revived musical group is called "Booblik's band". The popularity of the group rapidly gained momentum. Today it is difficult to say how the fate and creative biography of Mikhail Bublik would have developed if not for His Majesty a happy accident. The stranger wrote that she was very grateful to Alla Pugacheva for the discovery called Mikhail Bublik.

Mikhail Bublik biography, photos - find out everything!

He invited Misha to his concert in Yalta. This meeting took place and became an excellent impetus in the musical and performing career of Mikhail Bublik. The autumn of 2010 brought a real gift to the young Mariupol singer: Mikhail becomes a finalist in the Moscow competition for young performers called "Alla is looking for talents."

Bublik appeared with one of his best compositions called "Sorry". Mikhail promises his fans that his first album will soon appear. Most of the singer's compositions are sad, about unhappy love. Nevertheless, Misha has a lot of fans, and there is hope that other, more cheerful motives will soon appear in Bublik's discography. Mikhail also 'stormed' Red Square with his voice at the Russia Day and successfully showed himself at The Ice Palace.

From an "uninvited guest" the ringleader and "energizer" Mishka Bublik turned into a group leader and songwriter, whose talent had many admirers, both at school and beyond.

Mikhail Viktorovich Bublik (born August 13, 1982 (19820813), Mariupol, USSR) is a Ukrainian and Russian pop singer, musician and performer in the pop music genre. He was a mentor of the choir of the Chelyabinsk region in the project "Battle of the Choirs" on the Russia-1 TV channel.

In autumn 2010, he moved to St. Petersburg and then to Moscow, where he lives to this day. He was a member of the musical project in the chanson genre "Three Chords" on Channel One. Sometimes in the shortest song you can feel both the character and the power and the degree of talent. In my opinion, this event is the appearance of such a musician and such songs! Friends! Soon Misha's family moved to Mariupol, where the opportunities to develop the young singer's talent were incommensurably higher than in the countryside.

The teachers helped Mikhail to “retrain” from a yard singer-swindler into a respectable artist, now with all seriousness, step by step, revealing his singing talent. Mikhail Bublik (do not even hope, this is not a pseudonym!) was born on August 13, 1982 in a small village in Ukraine.

Bublik Mikhail Viktorovich (b. 1982) - Russian and Ukrainian pop singer and composer, performs songs in the genre of pop music and chanson. Repeatedly became the winner of the "Chanson of the Year" awards.

Village childhood

Dad, Viktor Mikhailovich, a former military man (paratrooper). Mom, Larisa Alekseevna, was engaged in housekeeping, which was not small in the village, and raising children. In addition to Mikhail, the family also had the eldest son Lyosha and two daughters, Yulia and Sveta. Despite the difficulties of rural life, it was always friendly and cheerful in the house, grandparents also lived with a large family of Bagels. Everyone gathered at the big table on the weekend, the grandmother sang folk songs very well, and the children fought for the right to receive a trophy aluminum spoon, with which grandfather went through the whole war.

As a child, Misha experienced all the delights of rural life. Parents kept piglets, and the boy liked to feed them. He dug fodder beets, laid them out on a wooden board and chopped them into several pieces with a sharp axe. Then he went to the piglets, gave them beets, stood on the side and watched with interest how they absorb everything with appetite, grunting with pleasure.

The earliest childhood years of Mikhail passed in the village, and then the family moved to the industrial city of Mariupol. Here they settled in an apartment in a multi-storey building, dad got a job at a metallurgical plant. But the Bublik family spent all weekends, holidays and vacations with their grandparents in the village. So rural life continued for Mikhail. He remembers well how his parents gave him daily tasks, such as digging up ten buckets of potatoes when it was harvest time. And until you do, there could be no talk of any festivities.

But with potatoes it was still half the trouble, it was possible to cheat and choose only large ones, then ten buckets were collected quickly (although then he got scolded for the fact that all the small potatoes remained uncollected). It was worse when my mother gave me the task to harvest raspberries or currants. As Mikhail recalls, it was generally impossible to collect these small berries, and half of them certainly went into the mouth instead of a jar. Now the singer loves to come to his parents' house in the village and eat natural berries and fruits directly from a bush or tree, or in the form of mom's jam.

According to the recollections of his father, Misha was different from other children in kindergarten. The child had a constant desire to do something good for others.


Still, there were much more opportunities in the city of Mariupol than in the village. Having started his studies in high school, soon Misha himself went and enrolled in a music school. I put my parents before the fact, and they had no choice but to go to the store and buy an accordion for their son.

Despite such a passion for music, no one in the family thought that Mikhail would connect his life path with her. The boy was very well versed in various drawings and diagrams, often asked questions to his father. Viktor Mikhailovich even jokingly said that, probably, the chief engineer of the plant would turn out from his son.

In adolescence, Misha and his friends often gathered on the street and played the guitar for girls, thus wanting to win the sympathy of the opposite sex. Every evening the same songs strummed, at some point I wanted something new, which prompted Bublik to try to compose music himself. He does not even remember his first composition now. But the passion for writing songs did not go away, but rather only intensified.

Soon this gift of writing was appreciated and the guy was accepted into the school vocal and instrumental ensemble DePRessia. A few months later, Mikhail was no longer just a member of the team, but its leader - sociable, sociable, educated, with a great sense of humor.

Higher education

Despite his love for music, after graduating from school, Misha entered the Priazovsky State Technical University to study and receive a normal male profession. He studied at the Faculty of Metallurgy and Welding, graduated from an educational institution with a red diploma. After that, he brought this document, gave it to his mother and went to study further in Kharkov at the Academy of Culture. The creative gut still made itself felt and overpowered. Misha began to study in the specialty "Director of variety art and mass holidays."

While studying at the academy, Bublik continued to write songs, and soon organized the Boolik̕s band. The teachers of the academy were able to make a novice artist out of a yard singer, and his group eventually went beyond performances in the company of friends. They began to be invited to concerts held in the city of Kharkov. Some time later, Mikhail and the team already performed in his native city of Mariupol, in Donetsk and Kyiv.

Several musical compositions were played on the radio, then they began to play more and more often. Mikhail Bublik gained momentum in popularity not only in Ukraine, his songs were already listened to on Russian radio.

The beginning of the creative path

And then His Majesty the case decided everything in the fate of Michael. In one of the social networks, a completely unfamiliar girl wrote to him, who said that she was very happy to get acquainted with the work of Mikhail and was grateful to Alla Pugacheva for this. At first, the bagel did not understand what Pugachev had to do with it, and began to correspond with the girl, from which he found out that a fan had heard his songs on the air on Radio Alla.

Mikhail listened to all the broadcasts, and indeed his songs sounded there. But not only did they sound there, the Primadonna also spoke well of them: “Oh, and I liked the man. Although the song is short, everything is felt in it: the power, the character, and the degree of talent. I was immediately hooked."

And a few days later, Philip Kirkorov wrote a flattering review on his Twitter page: “The appearance of such a musician and his songs is a real event.” A few weeks later, Bublik met Philip in Yalta, where he had a tour. The king of the pop scene took Mishin's CD with musical compositions and promised to do everything in his power. When Mikhail was returning from Yalta, they called him and offered to perform at the Peter FM music award ceremony with the song “Forgive”.

It was very unexpected. And now the self-taught musician from Mariupol stood in front of twenty thousand spectators on the stage of the St. Petersburg Ice Palace. And he had one dressing room with Tatyana Bulanova and Elena Vaenga.

And after the concert, Major General of the Russian police Vladimir Kubyshko approached Misha and suggested that the artist give a concert in Chechnya. On a military plane, they first flew to Mazdok, where a meeting with journalists took place, and then the musicians were fed delicious boiled chicken and Ossetian cheese, delicious to the point of insanity. Then they flew in a military helicopter to Grozny. The concert was attended by the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliyev.

Unique singer and his music

In the fall of 2010, the singer moved to St. Petersburg, and from there he moved to Moscow, where he still lives. Mikhail Bublik's musical career developed rapidly, and soon after moving to Russia, he became an indispensable participant in the best concert venues of the vast country.

The most famous radio stations in Russia constantly played his songs. Four solo albums with Michael's compositions have been released:

  • "Art-shelling" (2012);
  • "Music about her" (2014);
  • "40,000 miles" (2015);
  • "Lighthouse" (2016).

Every year, Misha became a participant in the festival "Oh, take a walk!", As well as the winner of the "Chanson of the Year" award.

Participated in television projects:

  • on the channel "Russia-1" in the show "Battle of the Choirs" he was the mentor of the team from Chelyabinsk;
  • on Channel One participated in the project "Three Chords".

For Mikhail, it didn’t really matter what exactly he would do in life: sing, dance or play on the theater stage. The main thing for him was to give people joy, to make the world a better place every day.

Michael is a unique performer. Those who have listened to Bublik's songs at least once become fans of his work forever. His compositions are light and delicate, even seeming crystal clear, yet very deep. Mikhail not only sings, but also composes music and lyrics himself. He never plays to the audience at concerts, he gives all his best.

The singer believes that there are no ordinary people. All living on earth are extraordinary and talented, you just need to recognize and find your direction in time. He was lucky: he determined his path. He never plans anything and does not specifically choose themes for his songs, he just listens to himself from the inside and sings about what his heart tells him.

He does not attribute his songs exclusively to chanson. What Mikhail comes up with, he calls "New Lyrics". In general, he is an opponent of some clearly defined genres, for him there is only one concept - good music. The singer really is a representative of a new format in the music world. He is sincere and romantic, and his songs are not strained and not invented for money, they convey the feelings and experiences of Mikhail himself.

off stage

Mikhail retired from all social networks on the Internet, because he considers it a bad pastime. All he wants to share with his fans is music. The artist is not ready to tell everyone about the intimate details of his personal life. Time is such a precious pleasure that it is unacceptable to waste it. And social networks are real time killers, they are like smoking: the more you get carried away, the stronger the addiction appears.

The singer absolutely does not believe in omens. The day he was born was Friday the thirteenth, and nothing bad came of it, quite the contrary. In his opinion, superstitions work for those who believe in them. What happens in a person’s head is what happens, people themselves are often a source of misfortune due to their own negative thoughts. And no cat will affect the life situation more than human consciousness. The only thing Mikhail never does before concerts is he doesn't eat nuts and seeds. It's not superstition, it's just that these foods have an effect on the vocal cords.

Misha is madly in love with his parents. But when he breaks out to his homeland in Mariupol, after endless meetings with friends, he does not have time to properly communicate with mom and dad. Parents still live in a private house, are engaged in agriculture. Dad has a separate hobby - this is an apiary. Only when Mikhail comes to visit, he does not approach the evidence, so that the bees do not bite. But the May honey, which the father pumped up, tastes with pleasure.

Once a year, Misha always brings his mom and dad to Moscow for ten days. They go to restaurants, ride a boat on the Moscow River. True, according to Mikhail, when his mother comes, you can not go to restaurants: she cooks his favorite dishes from childhood so deliciously. And in the preparation of cutlets, no Moscow restaurant will surpass mom.

Mikhail loves to read, but, unfortunately, due to the busy tour schedule and a series of concerts, there is not always time for reading. His favorite book is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Among artists, Mikhail likes landscape painters, he especially loves the work of Shishkin.

The singer loves dogs, he would very much like to get himself a Labrador puppy and raise a friend. But, realizing all the responsibility that a person bears for an animal, he cannot afford it yet. After all, Mikhail is constantly on the road, is it possible to doom a dog to boredom, sadness and longing for the owner?

Michael loves life in any of its manifestations. He says that both in sadness and in joy one must be aware: life is beautiful, one must always move forward. The most important thing is not to become a neutral person, empty and indifferent to the outside world, people. As long as a person is able to feel, he lives. Happiness for a singer consists of two parts. The first is to realize oneself as a person, that is, to receive satisfaction from one's work and creativity. The second part is to keep close and dear people alive and healthy.

The most important thing that Mikhail Bublik calls for with his songs of people: “Always love truly with all your heart and soul, never cheat with love, because the day and hour will come anyway when the deceit will manifest itself.”

The childhood of Mikhail Bublik

Mikhail Bublik was born on August 13, 1982 in a village near Mariupol. Shortly after the birth of his son, his parents moved to Mariupol.

Misha was a very talented and musical child since childhood. In the big city, Mikhail's chances of getting on the stage he so dreamed of have increased markedly.

Bublik made a lot of efforts to make his dream come true. First, he himself, without anyone's help and patronage, entered a music school and began to learn to play the accordion. Then he became a member of the school vocal and instrumental group.

It took quite a bit of time for Misha to become not only an indispensable member of the group and songwriter, but also to take his rightful place as a leader - educated, intelligent, sociable and with a great sense of humor.

Mikhail did not immediately manage to become a professional musician. The fact is that in Mariupol, where the boy grew up, for many years it was believed that a real man must devote himself to metallurgy and work at one of the many plants that the city is famous for.

It is not so easy to change public opinion and the prevailing stereotypes, therefore, after graduating from school, Misha entered the Priazovsky State Technical University in Mariupol.

Accustomed to doing any job well, Mikhail Bublik conscientiously studied welding for five years. He perfectly mastered university science and received a "red" diploma. The only thing that upset the young man was that there was less and less time left to do what he loved - music.

The beginning of the creative career of Mikhail Bublik

After graduating from the university, Mikhail faced a serious question: who to be and what to do? To work by profession, but will he regret the choice he made for the rest of his life? In the end, the young man makes a decision: he leaves the city that has become his home and moves to Kharkov to continue his studies at the Academy of Culture.

It was in Kharkov, thanks to his desire and the efforts of experienced teachers, that the “courtyard singer, tomboy singer” managed to turn into a young and beginner, but able to reveal his rich inner world of a person and artist through creativity. Having immersed himself in his favorite pastime, Mikhail enthusiastically engages in music, creating new songs and working in the Booblik̕s band. The popularity of the group is growing, interest in musicians is gaining momentum. The songs of Misha Bublik are heard not only among friends, but also at reporting concerts and parties.

Soon several of the group's songs were played on the radio. The listeners liked the compositions so much that they began to be aired more and more often. Concert activities followed. The young musician and his group were joyfully greeted not only in the childhood city of Mariupol, but also in Kharkov, Donetsk and even Kyiv.

Smile of Fortune, great success of musician Mikhail Bublik

It is even difficult to imagine what the musician's creative path would be like if it were not for the fateful acquaintance with Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The beginning of this amazing story happened a few days before Mikhail was supposed to turn 28 years old, in August 2010.

"Walking" on the World Wide Web, on one of the pages, Mikhail Bublik saw a message addressed to him from a girl whom he did not know and had never even met. After reading it, the musician did not immediately understand what, or rather, who he was talking about, and even thought that the stranger had made a mistake or even decided to play a trick on the artist in this way. The news was embarrassing and haunting that the girl had become a big fan of the work of their group, thanks to the reviews of Alla Pugacheva herself. Mikhail knew only one Pugacheva, but could not believe that it was about Alla Borisovna. Curiosity made the musician not only find on the Internet all the recordings of the broadcasts of the popular radio station "Radio Alla", but also listen to them. Mikhail did not believe his ears, but his songs really sounded on the air, and the Russian pop prima donna herself spoke favorably of his work. Is this not a gift of fate?! So fortune has not yet smiled at him.

The heyday of creativity

And already in the autumn of the same fateful 2010, Mikhail became a finalist in the competition for young performers "Alla is looking for talents" in the capital city of Moscow. There he had a unique opportunity to sing in front of Alla Borisovna herself. Later, on the Day of Russia, another significant event happened - among the famous and recognized artists who took part in the concert on Red Square was Mikhail Bublik.

After some time, on the recommendations of Philip Kirkorov, whom Bublik met during the latter’s tour in Yalta, the novice but promising Bublik was offered to perform at the Peter FM music award ceremony with the song “Forgive me”, already beloved by the audience.

Then there was a performance at the Ice Palace, after which Mikhail immediately went to the airport. He was in a hurry to get on a plane flying to Chechnya. The young singer gladly took the opportunity to perform his songs for people who are doing difficult service in Grozny. Later, the artist will call these tours a real event that played a significant role in his life.

Mikhail Bublik today

Mikhail Bublik currently lives and works in Russia. For six months the musician lived in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, where he moved from Kharkov. Recently, Mikhail lives in Moscow.

Bublik's songs are constantly heard on music radio stations, and the musician himself is working on a new album, is passionate about the Battle of the Choirs project and continues to write songs that are very popular.

Mikhail Bublik (do not even hope, this is not a pseudonym!) was born on August 13, 1982 in the Ukrainian outback. If he had stayed there, perhaps his friends and relatives would have become his first and only fans, but by the will of fate, little Misha's parents preferred the bustle of the city and moved to the city of Mariupol, which was large by the standards of that time. Together with the move, the chances of a talented boy to get on stage have increased markedly. Yes, he, in fact, never missed them: at first he himself enrolled in a music school in the accordion class, and then he asked to play in the school group at all. Soon the guy turned into the permanent leader of the group and songwriter, whose talent had many admirers both at school and beyond.

It would seem that Misha has only one way - to the stage. However, when it came time to choose a future profession, it turned out that in a provincial town known for its metallurgical plants, it is not so easy to break stereotypes. Therefore, a young, hopeful musician entered the Priazovsky State Technical University at ... the welding department. Yes, not only entered, but also graduated with a "red" diploma! But there was less and less time left for creativity.

Decisive and ambitious Misha left his hometown and went to Kharkov, where he entered the Kharkov Academy of Culture. It was there that experienced teachers helped him overcome the “yard tomboy singer” in himself and turn into a young artist, already consciously revealing his multifaceted creative potential.

Having gone headlong into his studies, Mikhail now did not forget about music for a minute. The popularity of his group was rapidly gaining momentum: their songs were played on the radio, they gave concerts not only in their native Mariupol, but also in Donetsk, Kharkov, Kyiv. And so, probably, it could have continued for a long time, if not for the intervention of the Prima Donna of the Russian stage, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

In August 2010, literally on the eve of his birthday, Mikhail received a message from an unknown girl in one of the social networks. It said that she was grateful to A. B. for her acquaintance with his work. The singer did not immediately understand who he was talking about, and after the girl clarified that it was about Pugacheva, he completely decided that he was being played. However, curiosity got the better of him, and Misha decided to check what had been said. He easily found recordings of the broadcasts of "Radio Alla" on the Internet, and what a surprise it was when it turned out that the Primadonna not only put his songs on the air, but also spoke positively about them! It was a real gift of fate!

Misha posted the found recording of the program "Alla is looking for talents" on his blog, where Philip Kirkorov accidentally stumbled upon it. He also spoke flatteringly about the work of Mikhail, and even took the time to personally meet the young artist during his tour in Yalta.

Already in the autumn of the same year, Mikhail performed in the final of the "Alla is looking for talents" competition in Moscow, where he had a chance to sing in front of Pugacheva herself. On Russia Day, Mikhail had the honor of performing on Red Square. Then there was the first performance at the Ice Palace, immediately after which, Mikhail Bublik went with a concert not to a trendy club, as one might expect, but to the airport, from which the plane took him to distant Chechnya. The singer got a chance to sing his best songs for hundreds of military personnel from ordinary soldiers to high command. Needless to say, these tours have become a truly significant event in the artist's life.

From Mariupol, Misha moved to St. Petersburg, where he lived for about six months. Currently Mikhail Bublik lives and works in Moscow. Hundreds of thousands of listeners of popular radio stations empathize with his songs.

Mikhail Bublik was born on August 13, 1982 in the Ukrainian province. As a child, he moved with his parents to Mariupol (Mariupol), a fairly large city, judging by those times. After this fateful step, the young talent has seriously increased the chances of becoming a regular on the stage.

In addition to believing in luck, Mikhail himself took all the necessary steps to get closer to his dream. He learned to play the accordion at a music school and later got accepted into the school band. A little time passed, and Bublik became the leader of a musical group and began to compose songs. It was obvious that his popularity would not be limited to the walls of the school, and soon Bublik got new admirers of his talent outside of it.

However, Mikhail did not immediately become professionally engaged in music, having entered the Priazovsky State Technical University (Priazovsky State Technical University). He was a student of the welding faculty, after which he received a "red" diploma. The creative path was gradually covered with welding seams, and then, apparently, it was time to decide what to actually devote your life to.

Having made the only right decision, Bublik, full of healthy ambitions, came to Kharkov (Kharkiv) and began to study at the Kharkov Academy of Culture (Kharkiv State Academy of Culture). The teachers helped Mikhail "re-qualify" from a yard singer to a solid artist, now with all seriousness, step by step, revealing his singing talent.

Immersed in the educational process, Bublik devoted himself entirely to music, and at the same time, the popularity of his group grew. Bublik and his team gave concerts in Kharkov, Donetsk (Donetsk) and Kyiv (Kiev), and their songs were leaked on the radio.

It is not known how successful the future of the singer would have been if the prima donna herself, Alla Pugacheva, had not appeared on his way. He accidentally found out that the Russian pop star was not only happy to put his songs on Radio Alla, but also spoke positively about them. Mikhail also received positive feedback from Philip Kirkorov. The king of the national pop scene even took the time to personally meet the young talent when he was on tour in Yalta (Yalta).

Following the obvious recognition of stars of such magnitude, Bublik finally performed in front of Alla Pugacheva in the final of the "Alla is looking for talents" competition, which was organized in Moscow (Moscow). Mikhail also "stormed" The Red Square with his voice at the Day of Russia and successfully showed himself in the Ice Palace (The Ice Palace). Then he had the opportunity to convey his best songs to the military, and Bublik agreed to fly by plane to Chechnya (Chechnya), where both ordinary soldiers and the high military command liked his singing.

Leaving Mariupol, Mikhail spent almost half a year in St. Petersburg. Today he lives and continues to do his favorite thing in the Russian capital, day after day replenishing the ranks of fans who are not indifferent to his wonderful songs filled with deep meaning.

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