Michael circle biography personal life children. Mikhail Krug: biography and interesting facts from life

  • Name: Michael
  • Surname: Circle
  • Date of Birth: 07.04.1962
  • Date of Birth: 01.07.2002
  • Place of Birth: Tver
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Eastern horoscope: Tiger
  • Occupation: chanson songwriter and performer

Michael Krug- "King of Russian chanson", this is the title he deserved from fans and colleagues. His songs in the genre of "prison romance" have gone to the people, they are sung by heart even by those who are far from this direction. Krug was a very generous, kind person. And, despite the fact that he himself has never been in prison, his songs are sincere, saturated with feelings: and he himself said that "the main thing is the state of mind."

Photo by Mikhail Krug

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug, whose real name is Mikhail Vorobyov, a native of the city of Tver. His parents had simple professions: dad worked as a civil engineer, mom worked as an accountant. Little Misha grew up with his older sister Olga.

Despite the boy's musical talent, later loved by millions of people, he dropped out of music school as a child. The guitar given to him by his parents has become a part of his life forever. His first idol was Vladimir Vysotsky, he selected and performed his songs at school. But the study of the Circle did not attract, he was very mediocre about attending classes. But he liked to drive football and stand as a goalkeeper on a hockey goal.

Having received a school certificate, Mikhail Krug began to master the business of an auto repairman. Later he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet troops. Upon arrival from the army, the childhood dream of the future bard finally came true - in 1983 he got a job as a driver for a production association of trucks. For the next ten years, he was registered at the enterprise, he was even appointed head of the convoy and sent to receive education at the Polytechnic University. But the “cabinet” existence did not suit his taste, he dropped out of school, returning to the rank of driver.

Great creative path of Mikhail Krug

In 1987, the future chansonnier married for the first time. He met his wife a year earlier. Svetlana pushed Krug to the stage; before that, all the songs he wrote went to the table. So Mikhail Krug began to demonstrate talent at various festivals. Participation in the author's song contest ended for the artist with the award of the first place.

In 1988, the first-born, Dmitry, appeared in the family. But a year later, the couple separated. The ex-wife accused her husband of treason, Krug, in turn, spoke unflatteringly about the thriftiness of the ex-wife.

After participating in the competition, the songs of the Circle began to go to the people. Sincere, filled with meaning, love, experiences and personal stories, everyone found something for themselves in them. They were as if universal, both romantic girls and thieves in law could listen to them. One of the jury members of that festival, E. Klyachkin, said that Mikhail should work in this direction. It was then that he decided to take the pseudonym Krug.

In 1989, at a studio in Tver, Mikhail Krug finished recording his first album. Tver Streets, like the next two albums, were not official. But pirated copies of the album were distributed throughout the country, the songs found more and more new listeners.

It took the circle a couple of years to make itself known on the Russian stage. The release of the official album Zhigan-Lemon in 1994 was a breakthrough for him. Colleagues in the genre spoke of Mikhail as a simple friendly person. The singer himself has already begun climbing the chanson-Olympus.

In 1996, a video was released for the song "It was yesterday." In 1997, Krug invited a new soloist to his team. In the same year he went to the chanson festival in Germany. Later he toured the cities of the USA, and in 2000 he went on a tour of Israel.

For the first time, the bard received the Ovation award in the Russian chanson category in 1998. The same year was marked by the release of the album "Madame". The song "Vladimirsky Central", included in the album, was criticized by many for excessive romanticization of places of detention. In any case, she won the love of listeners and gained unprecedented popularity in the vastness of Russian chanson.

In 1999, the audience watched a friendly musical battle between Mikhail Krug and Sergei Trofimov. At the Musical Ring, Krug overtook his opponent. Also, 1999 brought the artist another nomination for Ovation. In 2000, Mikhail Krug appeared before the audience as a crime boss in the film "April". In the same period, his sixth album "Mouse" was released. Events in personal life were added to creative success. The singer got married for the second time. His wife Irina, whom he met on tour in Chelyabinsk, previously worked as a waitress. Then, at the invitation of Mikhail, she became a costume designer in his team. She already had a child from her first marriage, and soon she gave birth to a son to Mikhail.

In 2003, the singer's fans were able to purchase the last album of the master of Russian chanson "Confession". But this event happened after the death of Mikhail Krug.

tragic death

At the peak of fame and popularity, when the singer was accompanied by creative success, and family life was established, the life of Mikhail Krug was cut short. On a summer night in 2002, from June 30 to July 1, armed men in masks broke into the artist's house. Mikhail was wounded by gunshots, but was able to get to a neighbor's house, and from there he was taken to the hospital. But tragedy was destined to happen. July 1, the great Russian chansonnier died. That night, the wife, children and mother-in-law of the singer were able to survive.

On July 3, a farewell ceremony took place with the "king of chanson". Not only relatives came to the Tver Drama Theater, but also artists, officials and, of course, countless admirers of Mikhail Krug's work. The singer was buried at the Tver Dmitrov-Cherkassky cemetery.

The investigation into the case dragged on for many years. Versions of the crime appeared one after another, including such as assault with the intent of robbery and contract killing. In 2008, Alexander Ageev and the Tver Wolves gang were arrested. Relatives identified one of the attackers, but the investigation was unable to collect enough evidence. However, Ageev is serving a life sentence for other crimes.

Five years later, in 2013, it was established that a certain Dmitry Veselov was involved in the murder. By the time the criminal was dead, Krug's widow identified him from the remains and photos. The leader of the "Wolves" confirmed Veselov's participation in the crime. In 2014, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an investigation into the murder of Mikhail Krug.

In 2007, a monument was erected in Tver in honor of the artist. Often there are festivals and concerts in memory of the Circle. The songs of Mikhail Krug are not forgotten even now, they have become classics of Russian chanson. "Vladimirsky Central", "Girl-Pie", "Fraer", "Magadan", "Kolshchik" - it seems that all of them and many others have forever sunk into the hearts and souls of listeners.

Name: Michael Krug

Age: 40 years

Place of Birth: Tver

A place of death: Tver

Activity: singer - bard, poet, composer, chanson

Family status: Was married

Mikhail Krug: biography

The real name of the singer and Russian chansonnier Mikhail Krug was Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov. He composed and performed his own musical compositions.

Mikhail had the opportunity to get a musical education in his childhood, when he began to learn to play the button accordion, but the boy left the music school. He became interested in sports, stood on the hockey goal. He often neglected schoolwork, missed it, and therefore the boy’s studies were very “limping”. Music has been the main thing for Misha since childhood.

The boy was 6 years old when he first heard the songs of Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky. The future bard at the age of 11 learned to play the guitar, like his idol, he firmly decided what his biography would be. As a teenager, Mikhail began to write poetry, and once he sang the song of his favorite poet and performer at school.

The young man served in the army, but his love for Vysotsky's songwriting did not decrease. Mikhail completely imitated his manner of performance.

Unfortunately, the prose of life required the guy to have a profession, and Mikhail received the profession of a locksmith and car repairman at a school in the city of Kalinin. He started working as a driver on a milk truck and worked for ten years.

After 4 years from the beginning of work in the motorcade, he was appointed head. But the leadership position required higher education, and Mikhail begins to study at the Polytechnic University. Vorobyov was not satisfied with office work, he left the institute and again went to work as an ordinary driver.

Music, songs

The circle joined the party of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and was his cultural assistant. There were many different turns in Mikhail's biography, politics was one of them. The circle still decides to get a higher education again. At the institute, having heard about the competition of the author's song, he takes part and takes first place. This victory inspired him to write his own songs.

Bard Evgeny Klyachkin presided over the jury of the festival, where Krug performed. Vorobyov took a pseudonym for himself after his victory in the competition. The first albums did not take long to appear, although many of the Krug's songs were stolen, but Mikhail rewrote his works and they were officially recorded in the singer's subsequent albums.

A documentary film was made about the Circle, which was shown by the Kultura channel. His video was released on the screens, Mikhail begins to perform abroad. For the first time he came to Germany to the chanson festival, where he performed on the same stage with the Zhemchuzhny brothers. The next tours were to America and Israel. Charity concerts are not alien to the performer, but he has his own special contingent - colonies and prisons.

New soloist and awards

Krug decided to change the composition in his group and took the soloist Svetlana Ternova. New songs appear in the repertoire, which were offered to the group of the circle by Arkady Severny and Leonid Efremov. Mikhail's calling card was the song "Vladimirsky Central". Mikhail was awarded the first significant Ovation Prize in 1998.

A year later, the performer took part in a musical competition and defeated Sergei Trofimov. A year later, the bard again received an Ovation. The year 2000 was marked by the fact that Krug played in the film "April", he got to play a crime boss.

The tragic death of Mikhail Krug

2 years passed, and the singer was attacked in his own house. It happened at night. The whole family of the Circle was in the house: his wife with children and mother-in-law. Two people entered the house, on the third floor they beat the singer's mother-in-law. Hearing the screams, the owners of the house came running, the criminals started shooting. Irina managed to escape, and Mikhail was seriously wounded twice. When the Circle came to its senses, the intruders fled. The children were sleeping at that time, the criminals did not reach them. The ambulance took Krug himself to the hospital, but Mikhail could not survive, he died in the morning, the doctors did everything they could. No one suspected that the singer's biography would be so tragic.

Personal life of Mikhail Krug

For the first time, Mikhail married a woman with a musical education. Svetlana produced her husband's performance in the future. She understood a lot of announced competitions. Svetlana was looking for more significant festivals and competitions and invited Mikhail to take part in them. The woman worked in the Model House. She sewed costumes for the podium with her own hands. A year after the marriage, the couple had a son, Dima. A year later, the couple broke up due to Mikhail's betrayals. Now Dmitry, having studied at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg, went to serve in the police.

Mikhail Krug (real name Vorobyov) is a Russian bard, chanson performer and, according to fans, "the king of Russian chanson." The author of the most popular composition in this genre is the song "Vladimirsky Central".


Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born in the city of Kalinin (now Tver) on April 7, 1962. His father was a civil engineer and his mother was an accountant. Mikhail became the second child in the Vorobyov family, whose daughter Olga was already growing up.

Misha Vorobyov spent his childhood and youth in the old proletarian district, about which he later wrote the song “My Dear City”. At the music school, the boy learned to play the button accordion, but did not finish his education. In a secondary school, Vorobyov studied poorly, and, as his relatives and friends recall, he constantly skipped classes.

At the age of six, Mikhail first heard the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky and immediately fell in love with the work of this poet and musician. This passion helped Misha fall in love with music lessons. At the age of 11, the boy had already mastered the guitar, and when he was 14, he wrote his first poems, which he dedicated to a classmate. Once at school, Mikhail sang the song of his idol Vysotsky, after which a scandal erupted.

Having received a certificate of maturity, the future musician went to the Kalinin School and received the profession of a repairman there, and then was called up for military service in the Sumy region of Ukraine.

Upon returning from the army, Mikhail continued to sing songs, imitating Vysotsky. From 1986 to 1993, Vorobyov worked as a driver, and after that for a short time he was the head of the city motorcade. Office work quickly bored him, and he returned to the driver's seat, where he worked until 1996.

Carier start

In 1987, Mikhail was sent from work to study at the Polytechnic University, which, however, he soon abandoned. In the same year, he decided to take part in the author's song contest, where he performed his composition "About Afghanistan" and won first place.

The first victory gave him more confidence, and he took up songwriting seriously. The bard Sergei Klyachkin, who was the chairman of the festival, also pushed him to work. The musician appreciated Vorobyov's talent and said to the debutant: "Misha, you need to work ...". The novice bard chose the pseudonym Mikhail Krug.

In 1989, Krug released his first album, Tver Streets. A year later, the second album appeared under the name "Katya" and the third - without a name at all. However, none of these records was released officially - all dispersed throughout Russia in a pirated way. Later, Krug himself re-recorded almost all the compositions from the albums on his next records.

Mikhail Krug - "Zhigan-lemon"

In 1994, a new album of the artist appeared - "Zhigan-Lemon", which became a turning point in the fate of the musician. Despite the fact that the name of the disc refers to the criminal theme, not only thieves, but also lyrical compositions were recorded on it. "Zhigan-Lemon" was subsequently reissued several times, and it was this album that became Mikhail Krug's symbolic invasion of Russian musical and poetic culture.

In 1994, a documentary film "Bard Mikhail Krug" was filmed about the musician, which was shown on the Kultura TV channel only in 1999. For some time, Krug was simply not allowed on television - the musician's videos began to be broadcast in 1996. The first viewers saw the video for the song "It was yesterday."

“It was yesterday” - the first clip of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug performed abroad for the first time in 1997 - at the Russian Chanson in Germany festival, he sang with the Zhemchuzhny brothers. At that concert, Krug performed four songs, one of them - "Madame" - in a guitar version. In the same year, a new soloist Svetlana Ternova began working with Mikhail Krug.

In 1998, Russian migrants in American cities got acquainted with the work of the Russian performer, and in 2000 the musician went on a tour of Israel. Mikhail Krug very often gave charity concerts, performed for free in prisons.

It is worth noting that the artist himself has never sat in places not so remote.

Usually Krug sang songs of his own authorship, but Alexander Belolebedinsky wrote a number of compositions for him. These are “I went through Siberia”, “The process is over”, “Hello, mother”, “Sparks in the fireplace”, “Cry, violin (In every city)”, “Khaim” and “Student”. These songs were previously performed by Arkady Severny. But "Svetochka" was written by Leonid Efremov - the Circle only slightly changed the text of the original.

The most popular and beloved among fans was Mikhail's song "Vladimirsky Central", which became one of the most famous compositions of Russian chanson in general. The song was first performed on the album "Madame" (1998). There is an assumption that it is dedicated to the kingpin Sasha Severny.

Mikhail Krug - "Vladimir Central" (concert at Luzhniki, 2000)

In March 1998, Mikhail Krug received the Ovation Award in the Russian Chanson nomination. And in the fall of 1999, the musician entered the "Musical Ring" together with Sergei Trofimov and defeated his colleague in a friendly duel. In the same year, the singer took second place in the Russian Chanson competition. At that time, he became one of the most popular artists in the country, although the attitude towards his work among different circles of society was ambiguous - the creative intelligentsia called the success of the Circle a symbol of the crisis of Russian culture in a difficult time for the country.

Personal life of Mikhail Krug

For the first time, Mikhail married after serving in the army. The wife's name was Svetlana. She was a seamstress, and they met through a mutual friend. But family life was short-lived: the wife did not like that her husband often came home drunk, and her intelligent parents did not tire of reminding her that a graduate of a vocational school was not a match for her. In 1988, Mikhail Krug divorced his wife and sued her son Dmitry - he decided to raise the child on his own.

In 2000, Krug married a second time. His chosen one was a waitress from Chelyabinsk, Irina, with whom he, a client of the restaurant, fell in love at first sight. To constantly be close to this beautiful woman, the musician offered her a job as a dresser, but at first the girl refused. But, having weighed all the pros and cons, Irina later accepted a job offer and for a year simply fulfilled her tasks and toured with the Circle. The musician rented her a one-room apartment in Moscow and helped her financially in every possible way.

Finally, in 2001, Irina married Mikhail. She already had a daughter from another marriage, Marina, whom Krug took under his care and began to raise as his own. In 2002, a common child appeared in the family - son Alexander.

By the way, the musician was an adherent of monarchist political beliefs, a conservative and a homophobe, he supported the Domostroevsky way of life in the family and was disgusted with feminism. He considered the Russian stage "the dominance of homosexuals." Krug was a member of the LDPR and one of the assistants to its leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Death of Mikhail Krug. Versions

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, in the Tver village of Mamulino, the artist's house was attacked. At that moment, in addition to the singer, his wife, mother-in-law and children were in the house. Two unknown people entered the third floor of the house, attacked the artist's mother-in-law and began to inflict bodily harm on her. Krug himself and his wife Irina came running to the screams of the woman. Then the criminals opened fire on them. Irina was able to escape, and Mikhail, who covered her from bullets, received two severe wounds and lost consciousness. In the confusion, the attackers managed to escape.

The most different versions of the murder appeared one after another. Producer Vadim Tsyganov suggested that it was a banal robbery attempt. On the eve of the murder, the musician, together with Vika Tsyganova, Vadim's wife, recorded the disc "Vladimirsky Central-2" and was supposed to receive a large fee. According to another version, the artist became the victim of a planned and, possibly, even contract killing. After the death of her husband, Irina began performing under the pseudonym Irina Krug.

In 2007, a bronze monument was erected to Mikhail Krug on Radishchev Boulevard in Tver. A Russian bard and chansonnier sits on a bench and rests his hands on a guitar, next to him is a free place where everyone can sit down and take a picture. Funds for the installation of the monument were collected by the Mikhail Krug Foundation, which was headed by his older sister, Olga Medvedeva.

Mikhail Krug: murder solved?

And the case of the murder of the musician moved forward only in 2008: in Tver, the Tver Wolves gang was arrested, possibly related to the murder of the Circle. In one of its participants - Alexander Ageev - the widow of the musician Irina identified the killer of her husband. However, his involvement could not be proven. However, Ageyev was sentenced to life for other crimes.

Mikhail Krug is a famous Russian performer who received the status of "King of Russian chanson". His song "Vladimir Central" has become a kind of sample of musical works in the genre of "prison romance".

The songs of the Circle are known by heart even by people who are far from chanson, not only in Russia, but also far beyond the borders of the country.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vorobyov, better known as Mikhail Krug, was born on April 7, 1962 in Tver. He grew up in an intelligent Soviet family: his father Vladimir worked as a civil engineer, and his mother worked as an accountant at a cotton mill. The boy was named after his grandfather-front-line soldier. The family crowded into a small room in the barracks, where Krug's sister and the older generation of the Vorobyovs also lived. As a child, the boy dreamed of becoming a driver and driving a car.

He was also fond of music, he liked songs. Mikhail wanted to be like his idol in everything, and on his eleventh birthday, his parents gave his son a guitar. The neighbor showed the guy popular chords, and in a couple of days the young Krug was already playing his first songs. Once, the teachers of the music school heard his performance and suggested that the mother send her son to study.

At that time, the Vorobyovs were experiencing financial difficulties associated with buying a piano for their eldest daughter, and were not ready to pay for their studies, but they were lucky, and Mikhail was admitted to the budget department in the button accordion class. The boy liked to play the instrument, but the solfeggio and the choir quickly tired him. Krug's patience lasted exactly six months, after which he left the school.

Education never really fascinated Mikhail, even in high school he often ran away from lessons. The boy studied mediocre, preferring to spend time playing sports. He was seriously interested in hockey and football, acting as a goalkeeper.

After leaving school, Krug entered a vocational technical school as a car mechanic. Since the guy was interested in cars, his studies were much better. After college, Mikhail was drafted into the army, where he served in a part of the city of Lebedina in the Sumy region.

After the army, Vorobyov began working as a carrier of dairy products. Once the young man was almost fired from work for “speculation”: Mikhail swapped dairy products intended for the party elite with milk and sour cream, which was supplied to ordinary people. The quality of these products was strikingly different, and party leaders were furious at Krug's antics and even tried to bring him under the article. However, after ten years of work, Mikhail was promoted to the head.

The wife's parents insisted that Krug get a higher education, and the future chansonnier entered the Polytechnic Institute, where his musical biography began. The leadership position did not impress Krug, and he returned to the duties of a driver, and soon dropped out of college altogether.


Mikhail Krug began writing his first musical works at a young age. In 1987, as a student at the institute, Mikhail learned about the author's song contest, where the famous bard Evgeny Klyachkin was on the jury. The wife persuaded the guy to try his luck and perform on stage. The young musician was very worried and even drank a glass of vodka before going on stage for courage. He sang a song about Afghanistan and waited for the results, not really believing in his victory. Guys from all over the Soviet Union came to the competition, but it was Mikhail who won.

Inspired by the approval of the bard, in 1989 Vorobyov chose the creative pseudonym Krug for himself and recorded his first album, Tver Streets, at one of the studios in his native city. It also included one of the first compositions of the chansonnier "Morozovsky town", dedicated to the area where he lived as a child. In subsequent years, he released two more albums, which were subsequently stolen and re-recorded by "pirates", thanks to which they sold in huge circulation.

At the beginning of his creative path, Mikhail Krug met the instrumentalists of the Metallist Palace of Culture (Tver) and created the Fellow Traveler group together with them. The first concert performance of the musicians took place in the restaurant "Old Castle" in 1992. Later, the team participated in the recording of all albums of the singer's discography.

Mikhail Krug and the group "Companion"

The popularity of the artist brought his first official disc "Zhigan-lemon", recorded at the studio "Soyuz", which saw the world in 1994. Mikhail did not receive a penny for his work from this company, although he spent a considerable amount of money on recording.

Despite the abundance of thieves' slang in the album, Krug never went to prison and took such expressions from the internal use dictionary of the NKVD of 1924, which he accidentally bought at a flea market. His songs instantly became hits, and Mikhail himself became the star of Russian chanson.

Mikhail Krug - "Kolschik"

Other performers of a similar genre reacted very favorably to the rising star, while the "official stage" accused him of indulging the aesthetic needs of people associated with criminal offenses. Indeed, Krug's compositions were quite popular with representatives of the criminal world, and the singer himself often visited correctional institutions, performing there with concerts.

Mikhail Krug - "Zhigan Lemon"

The popular performer also received the documentary film "Bard Mikhail Krug", filmed in 1995. In 1996, he released his third album, Live String, and a year later went on tour abroad. His first appearance in Europe was participation in the Russian Chanson in Germany festival, where he was very warmly received by the Russian-speaking population of the country. In the same year, Mikhail took the soloist Svetlana Ternova into his team, and also began to perform songs by Alexander Belolebedinsky. In 1996, Mikhail Krug recorded his first video "It was yesterday."

Mikhail Krug - "It was yesterday"

In 1998, Krug released the fourth album "Madame", which included one of the most famous songs of the chansonnier "Vladimir Central". The song brought even greater fame to the performer, although it was also criticized for excessively romanticizing prisons. Some sources claim that Krug dedicated this composition to a friend from the criminal world - Sasha Sever, but the performer did not officially confirm this version.

Vladimir Krug - "Vladimir Central"

In the same year, the popular Russian bard went on tour to America, where he visited five cities. He won the Ovation award in the Russian Chanson nomination. In 2000, Krug released his sixth album "Mouse" and went on tour in Israel, where he also enjoyed considerable success with listeners.

Mikhail Krug and Vika Tsyganova - "Come to my house"

In 2001, Mikhail Krug began cooperation with the singer. At concerts, the musicians performed with the compositions “Come to my house”, “Two fates”, “White snow”, “Swans” and others. After the death of the bard, the disc "Dedication" was released in memory of the Circle, which included tracks performed by the duet.

In 2003, the last album of the artist "Confession" was released, which Mikhail Krug managed to record before his tragic death.

Personal life

The personal life of Mikhail Krug was strongly interconnected with his music and creativity. In 1986, the chansonnier met his first wife, Svetlana. The young people were united by a common passion for music: the student was a solo guitarist in the institute's team. She supported Mikhail in everything and strove to develop his talents, looking for competitions and festivals for him where he could perform.

In 1987, the lovers got married. Relations with the family of the wife of the Circle did not develop in the most rosy way: Mikhail was a supporter of the patriarchal way of the family, while Svetlana's mother ruled everything. The girl's parents were also not happy with her son-in-law, their daughter was an excellent student who graduated from a prestigious educational institution, and her husband was still without a higher education.

In 1988, the couple had a son, Dmitry. In 1991, the couple divorced, and Mikhail received custody of his son. Later, Dmitry studied at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and got a job in law enforcement. Looking at the photo of a young man, fans of the chanson star note Dmitry's amazing resemblance to Mikhail.

10 years later, in 2000, Mikhail Krug married Irina Glazko. The singer met a girl in Chelyabinsk on tour and immediately offered the chosen one a job as a costume designer in his team, to which she agreed. For a year, the singer looked closely at Irina and only after that he offered to live together. The second wife of the chansonnier already had a daughter, and in 2002 she gave birth to the wife of a common son, Alexander. After the death of her husband, the girl devoted herself to chanson - she took the pseudonym Mikhail and began performing under the name.


Krug's life was cut short suddenly: on the night of July 1, 2002, unknown persons attacked his house. The criminals beat the singer's mother-in-law, and he himself was shot with pistols. The wife managed to hide in the neighbors' house, and the children were not injured due to the fact that they slept in their rooms. After recovering from his injuries, Mikhail managed to reach the neighbor's house, from where he was taken by an ambulance. In the car, the artist was still conscious and tried to joke with the doctors. At the hospital, the singer was immediately sent to the operating room. Despite the intervention of doctors, in the morning of the same day, Mikhail Krug died from his injuries.

The bard's death came as a big surprise to everyone. Relatives, colleagues, fans mourned. On the day of the funeral, a farewell to the author took place in the hall of the Tver Drama Theater. They came to the memorial service. There were representatives of the regional administration. The funeral procession, which went to the Dmitrov-Cherkasskoe cemetery, was several kilometers long.

The investigation into the death of the Circle lasted more than 10 years, at first versions were put forward about a contract killing and an attempted robbery, because then the singer finished work on his last album and expected to receive a fee.

In 2008, the Tver Wolves gang was arrested, where in one of the criminals the widow of a chansonnier identified her husband's killer. Although they could not prove the involvement of Alexander Ageev in the murder of the Circle, nevertheless he received a life sentence for other crimes.

In 2014, the leader of the Wolves officially confirmed that the high-profile murder of the Circle was committed by the late bandit Dmitry Veselov. In the same year, information was made public that the attack was planned due to the unwillingness of Mikhail Krug to pay tribute to the criminal authority A. Kostenko, known in narrow circles under the nickname Scrap. The criminals only wanted to intimidate the singer by attacking his mother-in-law. But the artist who was at home violated the plans of the racketeers.


  • 1994 - "Zhigan-lemon"
  • 1995 - "Green Prosecutor"
  • 1996 - "Live String"
  • 1998 - "Madam"
  • 1999 - "Rose"
  • 2000 - "Mouse"
  • 2002 - "Dedication"
  • 2003 - "Confession"

(1962 - 2002)

Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov (Mikhail Krug) was born in 1962. The seventh day of April was marked by the birth of the future singer and composer, whose popularity not only outlived him, but continues to grow over the years.

Mikhail's childhood years were spent in the old Tver district, now bearing the name "Proletarka Yard" (the old name is "Morozovsky Town"). Already at the age of 14, he wrote the first romantic poems intended for a classmate. Under the influence of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, Mikhail began to master the guitar and for the first time tried out as a vocalist.

After graduating from a secondary school in his hometown (8 classes) and an automobile repair school, having served his military service, in 1987 Mikhail continued his studies and entered the institute. The biography of Mikhail Krug was not easy at all. Having married immediately upon returning from the army, he was never able to improve relations with his wife's parents: the guy did not correspond to the ideas and principles of his wife's family, since he had neither a prestigious education nor a prestigious position.

At the institute, Mikhail takes part in a student competition, the theme of which was an author's song. First place in the competition, acquaintance with E. I. Klyachkin, who chaired the Eighth Festival of Author's Songs, an irresistible desire to work on himself and his own songs prompts Mikhail to leave the institute, and then give up the post of head of the motorcade.

The starting point in the biography of Mikhail Krug was the title of laureate, which he received in 1987 at the Author's Song Festival, held in Tver. From that moment on, Mikhail Krug firmly decides to link his life forever with an extraordinary bard song.

His first albums ("Tver Streets", "Katya" and an untitled album) were recorded in his hometown at the Tver studio. The fate of these albums is sad: without an official release, the songs were distributed in a pirated way. Mikhail Krug rewrote all these songs and included them in the following albums "Madame", "Mouse", "Rose" and "Green Prosecutor". Many of these songs were dedicated to Marina, Mikhail's first love.

In 1994, "Zhigan - Lemon" was released - the first official album, and 2 years later Mikhail Krug performed at the Moscow festival "Russian Chanson".

Since 1997, Mikhail Krug has been touring with Svetlana Ternova, a vocalist he heard at the Song Festival. Successful tours take place not only on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, but also in the cities of Germany and the USA.

In March 1998, Mikhail Krug received the prestigious Ovation Award. This period is full of constant foreign tours, writing songs for the new album "Mouse" (2000) and filming in the feature film "April" (the role of the authority of a criminal structure). In addition, in 1999 the film "Bard Mikhail Krug" was released, the shooting of which was completed back in 1994.

The work of Mikhail Krug was tragically cut short along with the life of a popular bard: the master of Russian chanson was killed in his house on the night of July 1, 2002. Having received several gunshot wounds to the chest and heart, Mikhail Krug died in the hospital.

The funeral of Mikhail Krug took place with the participation of thousands of fans of his work, including not only crime bosses and "brothers", but also completely ordinary people who had nothing to do with "prison romance". The variety and eccentricity of the famous Bard's songs resonated in the hearts of millions of devoted and grateful fans, subdued by the gentle melody of the sound and the bold sharpness of the lyrics.

The perpetrators of Mikhail's death have not been found, but all admirers of his talent are sure: the highest justice exists, and the killers will be punished!

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