Mikhail Zadornov early. Mikhail Zadornov: last applause


Mikhail Zadornov- a famous Russian writer, satirist, humorist, famous for his short stories, with which he himself performed on the stage. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Author of over ten books. He acted in films. After a serious illness, Mikhail Zadornov passed away on November 10, 2017.

Childhood and education of Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala (Latvian SSR). Mikhail's father is the famous Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov (1909-1992). Zadornov Sr. was a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel "Amur Father", worked as an actor and director in theaters in Siberia and the Far East. Mikhail's mother is Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova, nee Pokorno-Matusevich (1909-2003). Elena Zadornova worked as a proofreader, met her second husband in the Ufa newspaper. The first husband was a ministerial worker. By nationality, the mother of Mikhail Zadornov is Polish. Her father, the grandfather of Mikhail Zadornov, Melchior Iustinovich Pokorno-Matusevich was a nobleman and a royal officer. In the biography of Zadornov, it is noted that, through his mother, Mikhail Nikolaevich comes from the old gentry Polish family of Pokorno-Matusevich and the Olizarovsky family, which leads to King Stefan Batory. Paternal grandfather Zadornov Pavel Ivanovich worked as a veterinarian, died in prison, and was rehabilitated in 1956. Grandmother - Vera Mikhailovna Zadornova.

Father and mother of Mikhail Zadornov (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov has a brother Lolly (1930) and an older sister, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zadornova (1942), who works as an English teacher at the Baltic International Academy.

Mikhail Zadornov in childhood (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov graduated from Riga secondary school No. 10. After school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), as the writer himself wrote in his autobiography, in those years he dreamed of becoming an outstanding scientist, nuclear physicist, or designer of spaceships. From the first time, Zadornov did not enter the MAI because of the four in literature, but later Mikhail Zadornov transferred from the Riga Polytechnic Institute to the Moscow Aviation Institute with the loss of a year - from the third year to the second. Zadornov graduated from the institute in 1974 with a degree in mechanical engineering. There he began his career as an engineer at the Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering. Became Lead Engineer. At the same time, already in 1974 he began to publish. Also in the 70s, Mikhail Zadornov was the director of the student theater MAI "Russia". As Zadornov recalled, "MAI was deciphered as the Moscow Actors Institute with a slight aviation bias."

Chief director of the agitation theater Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov at a rehearsal (left); a scene from the prologue of the play by Mikhail Zadornov staged by the laureate of the 1st All-Russian Festival of amateur art of workers, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of the Rossiya propaganda theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute, 1980 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov / TASS)

Creativity of the writer and humorist

Mikhail Zadornov made his debut as a comedian on television in 1982 with the monologue "A student's letter home." A few years later, Zadornov became famous by reading the story "The Ninth Car". In addition to the author himself, many famous performers of those years performed his miniatures. Zadornov's stories in those years were so popular that after the collapse of the USSR on December 31, 1991, the comedian even made a New Year's address to the inhabitants of the already collapsed Union. Thus, at that amazing time, it was Mikhail Zadornov who summed up a kind of result for the existence of the USSR.

Satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov, 1993 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov and Alexander Chumichev / TASS)

In those years, Mikhail Zadornov could often be seen and heard in such programs as Full House, Laugh Panorama, Satirical Forecast, Daughters and Mothers, the satirist was a member of the jury of the KVN program. Over time, Mikhail Zadornov moved on to big solo concerts, in addition, he continued to write books. The first collection of Zadornov's stories, "A Line 15,000 Meters Long," was released back in 1988, followed by "The Mystery of the Blue Planet," "I Don't Understand!", "The Return." In 1997, a four-volume book by Mikhail Zadornov was released - “A great country with an unpredictable past”, then “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Zadorinki”. Also from the pen of Zadornov came the one-act comedy "Modern People" and a cheerful play for the sad movie "Blouse".

The premiere of the play "Blouse" directed by Vyacheslav Spesivtsev based on the play of the same name by the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov took place yesterday at the MET (Moscow Experimental Theater) Spesivtsev. Pictured: Mikhail Zadornov (left) and Vyacheslav Spesivtsev after the premiere (left), 2002 (Photo: Tatyana Balashova / TASS)

Comic Tournament "Big Hat" Description: Russia. Moscow. November 12, 1992 Tournament participants (from left to right) - Shamil Tarpishchev, adviser to the President of Russia on sports, Secretary of State Gennady Burbulis, writer Mikhail Zadornov and director of the Kremlin Cup - 92 tournament Eugene Scott in the Moscow sports complex "Olympic", 1992 (Photo : Roman Denisov/TASS)

For many years, Zadornov remained one of the most popular comedians in Russia; many hours of performances by the satirist were regularly shown on TV. He continued to publish books, so, only in 2016, five books were published: “Russians are a brain explosion”, “The Runes of Prophetic Oleg”, “Encyclopedia of Popular Stupidity”, “The Whole Truth about Russia” and “Invented in the USSR”. In 2017, Zadornov released Fervent Fiction and Mikhail Zadornov's Big Concert. The official website of the writer says that Mikhail Zadornov cannot influence the prices of his books in stores, so he decided to sell them on the Internet.

Laureates of the "Ovation" award: Masha Rasputina (in the nomination "Soloist of the Year") and Mikhail Zadornov (in the nomination "Best Writer - Satirist of the Year"), 1999 (Photo: Sergey Miklyaev / TASS)

In his speeches, the USA and the Americans got a lot from Zadornov, the phrase "they are stupid" ran like a red thread through the satirist's concerts.

Satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov and host of the TV program "Full House" Regina Dubovitskaya (right) during the performance "Full House Gets High" in the Central Concert Hall "Russia", 1997 (Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili / TASS)

Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has been actively performing amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which have often been criticized.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

The first wife of Mikhail Zadornov - Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina - was born in 1948, the daughter of the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina got married in 1971.

The second wife of Zadornov - Elena Vladimirovna Bombina - was born in 1964, works as an administrator for the writer.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife, 2016 (Photo: instagram.com/zadornovmn)

Mikhail Zadornov's daughter Elena was born in 1990. In 2009 she entered GITIS.

Mikhail Zadornov's illness

In October 2016, Mikhail Zadornov was forced to cancel part of the concerts scheduled for autumn and winter and leave the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show project on the NTV channel. The reason was the serious state of health of Zadornov. “I really have to cancel some of the shows before the New Year. First of all, those that are far from Moscow and require flights and long-distance heavy journeys. In the body, unfortunately, a serious ailment was found, which is characteristic not only of age. It is necessary to treat immediately, ”the writer commented on the latest health news on the VKontakte social network, without specifying what kind of disease he was diagnosed with.

Zadornov said where he is now, explaining that he will be treated in one of the best clinics in the Baltics. “I warn journalists: it is useless to call me, it is useless to look for me. And it is unlikely that you in this clinic will answer something specific about me. It is also pointless to call my relatives. I didn’t really tell them anything either, ”said the 68-year-old comedian.

Later, Zadornov denied rumors that he had incurable lung cancer and advised not to believe the "reliable newspapers" that write about it. Also, the writer had to “justify himself” that he was being treated in Latvia. “And now about the criticism, they say, Zadornov stigmatizes the EU, and he went there for treatment. I explain: there are doctors who have been observing me for many, many years. And I have been living for a long time. And these doctors preserved the best of Soviet medicine, and did not completely fall under the EU protocol, ”Mikhail Zadornov answered his critics.

Poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko and satirist Mikhail Zadornov (left to right) at the opening of the museum-gallery in Peredelkino, which displays paintings from the personal collection of Yevgeny Yevtushenko and his author's photographs. The event is dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the poet, 2010 (Photo: Evgeny Volchkov / TASS)

Despite the serious state of health, Mikhail Zadornov did not stop his concert activity. On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized after he became ill during a performance at the Meridian Concert Hall in Moscow. Because of the incident, the concert was interrupted, the artist was helped to leave the stage for the dressing room, after which the ambulance brigade was called.

A few days later, the writer's relatives told where Mikhail Zadornov is now. After an unsuccessful speech, the satirist in a sanatorium, where he felt better, and he set to work.

In February 2017, Zadornov's friend Vladimir Kachan said that the writer underwent a brain biopsy in Germany in December. “Now he is in the rehabilitation department. Doctors do not give any forecasts yet, they say: “Everything goes on as usual!” Treatment in the hospital is expensive. There are no questions about money yet,” Kachan said.

A friend of the writer Maxim Zabelin said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to leave the hospital in order to attend the filming of Once Upon a Time in America, or ... according to his own script. In the summer of 2017, Zadornov is due to play the role of Donald Trump in this film.

The latest news about Mikhail Zadornov's health was not encouraging, for example, in the news of many media in the summer of 2017 it was reported that Zadornov refused to continue treatment, said goodbye to friends in Russia and decided to stay in Jurmala among people close to him.

With reference to an unnamed friend of the satirist, the news reported that Mikhail Zadornov had brain cancer, the treatment did not help, and the writer was "melting before our eyes." The assistant and secretary of Mikhail Zadornov, Elena Zavarzina, denied this news about his health. Numerous admirers of his talent followed the latest news about Zadornov's condition, wishing the writer good health.

In October, Zadornov personally dispelled rumors about health and "inadequate" treatment of brain cancer. According to him, everything that is written in the press about his physical condition upsets him. Especially when famous people talk about visiting the artist, helping with treatment and “bringing rare medicines prepared in secret laboratories according to recipes found at the UFO crash site.”

In November 2017, Archpriest Andrei Novikov announced that "at the request of relatives and friends, he consecrated Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov." “Two months ago, Mikhail Nikolaevich brought repentance to God in the sacrament of confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow. He passes this most difficult period of his life as an Orthodox Christian reconciled with the Holy Church. I ask for prayers for the servant of God Mikhail, including, may the merciful Lord forgive him for the years of outrageous flirting with paganism, ”the archpriest’s Facebook page was quoted as saying that producer Iosif Prigozhin considers the death of the famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov a grave loss for the country.

In turn, the singer and composer Igor Nikolaev called Zadornov's decision to return to Orthodoxy before his death a wise step.

There were also those who wanted to promote themselves on the topic of the writer's death. So the satirist writer Yevgeny Shestakov said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to order texts from him, in order to then publish them under his own name.

“About ten years ago. Zhenya Viktorovich Shestakov is visiting Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. Who invited him to offer to write texts for him. Which will be published under the name of Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, and Zhenya will receive $ 500 for each. Zhenya refused. 2 witnesses. Sweets and tea were quite okay, ”the news was quoted by Yevgeny Shestakov’s post on Facebook.

In the comments under the writer's message, the musician stood up for Zadornov Yuri Loza, writing: “He honestly offered, you refused. What's wrong? He didn't steal the reprise from you."

Relatives of the satirist noted that Mikhail Zadornov was very ironic about publicity and always guarded his and his relatives' lives from someone else's annoying interference. “Please show respect for his desire not to make a fuss about his death. We did not give anyone our consent to public discussions of his life and death in various talk shows and other television programs, in the print media and on the radio, ”the appeal of the writer Zadornov’s family was published in the news.

On the afternoon of November 15, Mikhail Zadornov was buried next to his father in the Latvian Jurmala at the Jaundubulti cemetery. The ceremony was attended by relatives and close friends of Mikhail Nikolaevich. The writer's funeral was held in the Alexander Nevsky Church in Riga. When the car with the artist's body left the territory of the cathedral, Zadornov's fans surrounded it. Many could not hold back their tears, the car was seen off with long applause.

At the age of 69, the writer and humorist Mikhail Zadornov died. Zadornov was diagnosed with cancer

Mikhail Zadornov (Photo: Evgeny Biyatov / RIA Novosti)

The writer and humorist Mikhail Zadornov died, he was 69 years old, RBC was told in the press service of the REN TV channel, which aired Zadornov's programs. Information about the death of Zadornov was confirmed to RBC by his colleague Roman Kartsev.

“I knew about it, I was lying with him in the same hospital in Moscow, I knew that he was very sick,” he added.

People's Artist of Russia Yuri Kuklachev, in a conversation with RBC, called Zadornov "a great clown." “We met when he was still unknown. He came to Izmailovo in 1988, came to the performance, was so delighted. And I, too, somewhere heard one of his monologues and said: "You, too, will soon be a star." He asked: “What is your success?” I said: “In order not to stop working,” said Kuklachev. According to him, recently Zadornov felt very bad and almost did not communicate with the Kuklachev family.

The writer and humorist Semyon Altov told RBC that he remembered Mikhail Zadornov as an energetic person who gathered full houses for his performances. “He has such crazy energy that he seems to have given it all to people around, and now it is over,” he said. Altov added that the satirist's concerts drew thousands of people and that in total this is "the population of some countries."

“I am in terrible grief,” TV presenter and humorist Yevgeny Petrosyan told RBC. “Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov is a unique phenomenon in the genre of humor. In addition to being one of the most witty people in the genre, I believe he was a philosopher of humor who helped people practically navigate life. His humor helped us to understand what is the meaning of the current moment in this or that area of ​​our life,” Petrosyan said. According to him, Zadornov achieved mutual understanding with the majority of his viewers, which "turned into some kind of spiritual interaction." “As an artist, he has not died, he will remain useful to people for decades to come, so he will live,” Petrosyan believes.

“He was an amazing person and a delightful satirist. This is a huge loss,” director Stanislav Govorukhin, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, told RBC.

“It is sad that he left, although it has been known for a long time about his illness. But whenever it happens, it's very unexpected and very sad. Misha was a very talented and very private person. Misha was always on his own, an independent creative person in every sense. We have known him for 50 years, but we saw him three or four times a year, not more often, ”playwright and screenwriter Arkady Inin told RBC.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called Zadornov "an outstanding artist and witty chronicler of the era."

The press service of the REN TV channel RBC also reported that in connection with the death of Zadornov, the channel will revise the broadcast schedule for Friday evening.

Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala. In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). During the training, he took part in the games of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Moscow Aviation Institute as an engineer at the department of aerospace heat engineering. In the second half of the 1970s, he was artistic director, playwright and director of the MAI student variety theater.

The first performance of the satirist on Soviet television took place in 1982: during one of the concerts, he performed the monologue "Letter from a first-year student to parents." In 1984-1985, he headed the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth", then for two years he worked as the head of the theater of the Club. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (now - the cultural center of the FSB). In the second half of the 1980s, Zadornov began performing with his own concerts.

On December 31, 1991, during the New Year's show, the humorist delivered a New Year's address to the people of Russia. The address of the country's President Boris Yeltsin was shown a day earlier.

Since the mid-2000s, Zadornov, in his monologues, has often criticized the "American way of life" and that the Russians imitate it.

Mikhail Zadornov in the fall of 2016 said that he had serious health problems. The satirist did not go into details about his condition, but noted that the treatment "is going to be difficult and long", in particular, he will have to undergo chemotherapy. On October 23, he was hospitalized, the day before that, the comedian had an epileptic seizure right during a performance on the stage of the Moscow recreation center "Meridian". It was reported that Zadornov was diagnosed with brain cancer.

“I am convinced that the patient’s condition is his own business, and it should not become a subject of discussion in the press,” he wrote a year later, on October 10, on his page on the VKontakte social network. He said that he was undergoing treatment in Germany and called it successful. “I continue the traditional treatment and am very grateful to the doctors of the Moscow clinic where I am now. They are doing everything possible and impossible for me to recover soon, ”added Zadornov.

In early November, it became known that Zadornov renounced paganism and converted to Orthodoxy. The rector of the Moscow Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills, Archpriest Andrei Novikov, told RBC that at the request of relatives and friends, he consecrated Mikhail Zadornov. “I performed the sacrament of unction. I know that he died, but I cannot comment on everything related to this, ”the archpriest explained.

Zadornov has published more than forty books. Most of them consist of humorous and satirical texts, others present the author's view of the history of the Slavs. In 2007, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Zadornov said that he “lives according to pagan laws and is very happy.”

The main belt asteroid 5043 Zadornov, discovered in 1974, is named after the satirist.

In memory of the satirist Mikhail Zadornov. Photo gallery
On November 10, at the age of 70, the satirist Mikhail Zadornov died. Last year he suffered from a serious illness.

Agitation theater "Russia" of the Moscow Aviation Institute. 1980
(Photo: Alexander Sentsov / TASS newsreel)
Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala in the family of the writer Nikolai Zadornov ("Amur Father"). He studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering. During the training, he took part in the games of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. After graduation, he worked at the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering. He was the artistic director, playwright and director of the MAI student variety theater.

Zadornov began publishing humorous stories in 1974. Then he created the student theater "Russia", which was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Satirists Mikhail Zadornov and Lyon Izmailov
(Photo: Paziy Mikhail / PhotoXPress)
In 1984, Zadornov became the head of the department of satire and humor in the magazine Yunost. He wrote monologues for pop artists, and from the late 80s he began to perform himself. The satirical story "The Ninth Carriage" brought him popularity.

Beauty contest "Moscow beauty-88". The finalists of the competition answer the questions of Mikhail Zadornov.
(Photo: Vladimir Rodionov / RIA Novosti)
After perestroika, he began working as a screenwriter for the TV programs Smehopanorama, Full House, Daughters-Mothers, Satirical Forecast.

1992 Participants of the tennis tournament "Big Hat" (from left to right): Advisor to the President of Russia on sports Shamil Tarpishchev, Secretary of State Gennady Burbulis, Mikhail Zadornov and director of the Kremlin Cup - 92 tournament Eugene Scott
(Photo: Roman Denisov / TASS newsreel)
In 1991, he congratulated the Russians on the New Year on the air of Russian television. At the same time, Boris Yeltsin's speech was broadcast a day earlier. Yeltsin and Zadornov were friends, in 1993 Zadornov even got an apartment next door to him. In his book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk,” Alexander Korzhakov, the head of the security of the first president of Russia, wrote: “His friendship with Yeltsin began in Jurmala, during the holidays. Misha knew how to cheer up Boris Nikolaevich: he fell on the court amusingly, deliberately missed his mark, and made jokes. And just like that, half-jokingly, I entered into trust ... "

Photo: Loginova Natalia / PhotoXPress
Zadornov is the author of many books: “I don’t understand!”, “Hitch”, “End of the World”, “Return”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”. He acted in films: "Genius" (1991), "Depression" (1991), "I want your husband" (1992). He hosted the program "Neformat with Mikhail Zadornov" on the radio "Humor FM".

Photo: Alexander Drozdov / Interpress / TASS
In the mid-2000s, Zadornov began writing satirical stories about the United States and Americans. His phrase became a meme: “Well, you are stupid!” Later, the American Stupidity program appeared, dedicated to America. In it, the satirist talked about the influence of the United States on the culture and psychology of Russians, ridiculed the thoughtless copying of the American way of life.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal by cultural figures in support of Putin's policy in Ukraine and Crimea. In recent years, his programs have increasingly focused on events in Ukraine, for which the satirist was blacklisted and was banned from entering this country. “It would be worse if I was banned from leaving this country,” he commented on this decision.

Photo: Alexander Churin / PhotoXPress
In 2009, Zadornov was accused of plagiarism. He allegedly stole a story from the blog of Israeli writer Victoria Reicher. The satirist pleaded guilty and settled the dispute by paying her monetary compensation.

In 2006, he began to speak with monologues about the etymology of Russian words, which many considered pseudoscientific. The fact that Zadornov brings "ignorance to the masses" was accused by the doctor of philological sciences Viktor Zhivov in the program "Gordon Quixote". Despite criticism, he continued to engage in non-academic research on the history of the Slavs, made the film “Rurik. Lost Reality”, which premiered on REN TV. The painting has been called unscientific by many historians.

On November 10, it became known about the death of the famous artist, writer and satirist Mikhail Zadornov. A year ago, during a performance, he had an attack, followed by hospitalization and long-term treatment in a German clinic. But, despite the improvements that encouraged the artist and his family, after a slight remission, his condition began to deteriorate.

Therefore, having undergone a short-term rehabilitation after a course of chemistry, in a Moscow clinic after a long illness, and the latest news about this incident struck his fans to the core.

last will

Information appeared that the satirist took care not only of his affairs in terms of inheritance, but also discussed in advance with his relatives where he wanted to be buried. Zadornov Mikhail could not overcome the disease, and the latest news about his death became known to a wide audience. The artist's relatives said that they intended to bury the satirist next to his father, whose grave is in Latvia. Also, the last will of Zadornov was the wish that his body be transported to another country only by land, without using other means. According to the relatives, they have no right to break the word given to Mikhail and are obliged to fulfill his last will.

The comedian not only joked on stage, but also promoted the cultural and tribal values ​​of the Russian people. In his opinion, every person should know and honor his history, especially the history of his family, not forgetting his great ancestors.

Therefore, it was extremely important for him to be buried next to his father. Indeed, in this way, after death, he will remain with his ancestor and take a place next to him not only in the cemetery, but also in the afterlife.

Also, Mikhail Zadornov, who was killed by a terrible disease, published the latest news on the Telegram social network, where he expressed his last will. He asked not to be allowed to close the Russian-language library named after Nikolai Zadornov in Riga and to support its activities. According to the well-known artist, such a unique library has the right to exist, and therefore he sincerely hoped that it would continue to exist even after his death.

Humorist's legacy

For many fans, Zadornov's performances were not only an occasion to laugh at his jokes and have fun, but also instructive life lessons. Mikhail Nikolayevich taught me to take life's difficulties easier and not give up when troubles begin. His position in life and humorous attitude to many aspects of life, and everyday life, have become a role model for many generations of his fans.

Mikhail Zadornov was a sincere, kind and open person. He easily made contact with his fans, did not hesitate to participate in events that he got by chance. So, in the city of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula, walking along the embankment and meeting the newlyweds, he sincerely congratulated the new married couple and took part in a photo session with the young with pleasure.

Mikhail Nikolayevich always expressed his extraordinary opinion, incomparable with other views. He did not like to play political games and always said what he thought, without fear of condemnation from the outside. That is why he was banned from entering many European countries, and before it became known about his illness, to Ukraine.

Throughout his life, Zadornov not only performed in humorous programs, but also made several films dedicated to the history of Russia. He glorified Slavic traditions and attracted young people to the study of real history.

Before the audience who watched his documentaries, Mikhail Nikolayevich posed questions that made him think about many gaps in Russian history. He believed that after 20-30 years textbooks would be rewritten, empty spaces on the pages filled. Then the Russians will finally know their full and true history. Unfortunately, Zadornov will not be able to see and read them personally.

Also, the famous satirist sent many humorous books to publishers, which began to be actively published since 1990. The writer wrote his first work in the 70th year, but the editors of the printing house did not like it. Therefore, the debut book was never published. But, over time, the author of satire and humor honed his writing skills and his works began to appear in printed copies, and in large editions. And when Zadornov gained popularity as an artist of humorous programs, his books became doubly popular.

But Mikhail Nikolayevich not only wrote books, but also helped others to read them. Joining forces with Aleksey Sheinin, in 2012 he opened the library in Riga. Nikolay Zadornov. The satirist created the interior personally, and many items were invented by him.

Zadornov had to smuggle the initial second-hand "capital" to Latvia illegally. But the idea found a response and already after 3 months 2000 people became its regular visitors. And many celebrities of the CIS countries shared copies of their favorite works.


After the death of Mikhail Zadornov, who failed to overcome the disease, the latest news on all Russian television channels has changed. Today, the broadcasting of some programs will be changed, which will work out of schedule:

  1. On the channel "Russia-1" will be launched a program called "Andrey Malakhov. Live”, which will cover the latest news about the life and death of the satirist. Due to the sudden death of the comedian, Malakhov's team had to quickly rewrite the script and collect the maximum amount of information about Mikhail Zadornov. The entire program will be dedicated exclusively to him.
  2. On October 10, the REN TV channel will show a documentary film released by Mikhail Zadornov in 2005 under the title “Prophetic Oleg. Acquired reality". The channel announced this in the news service. The channel employees believe that in this way they will honor the memory of this wonderful and extraordinary person who worked with them for many years.

The President of the Russian Federation did not stand aside either. Vladimir Putin, who was in a very close relationship with Mikhail Zadornov, hoped that the disease would not be able to defeat such a strong man, so the latest news was marked by the fact that the head of the country expressed his condolences to the relatives and fans of the great man.

At the same time, Vladimir Vinokur suggested that, in fact, Zadornov's death was another bluff and joke, which the yellow press spread in the shortest possible time. All this time, he tried to contact the relatives of the satirist in order to obtain reliable information about the death of the artist, but he could not phone either his daughter or his legal wife.

Therefore, he asks journalists not to rush to conclusions and not to publish information that has not been verified from the original source.

Otherwise, it may turn out that Mikhail Zadornov suddenly “rises from the dead”, absolutely unaware of the trouble that has happened, and ruins all the fun for journalists, completely refuting the information. Perhaps Vinokurov is right in expressing such an opinion. After all, more than once there have been cases when the “death of an artist” was a falsification and a lie deliberately spread by journalists. But when condolences come from the government, it is impossible to deny what happened. After all, after all, Mikhail Zadornov is not a mythical character who is able to be reborn from the ashes.

The death of Mikhail Zadornov was confirmed by his relatives by publishing a statement in Living Diaries and on the Vkontakte social network. They reported that the satirist died on November 10 at 9.15 am. The relatives also asked to show respect for the memory of the deceased and not to flaunt his "dirty linen", highlighting the negative aspects of his biography. Zadornov always tried to protect his personal life from outside interference, not allowing the press to delve into his family affairs.

The Mongol invasion left almost no trace in the Russian genomes; the Scythians were not our direct ancestors either. From whom did the Russians originate and what can be learned about them by DNA - in the material of RIA Novosti.

What does the Russian genome consist of?

"The Russian genome, like the genome of any other organism, contains four nucleotides: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine, which are orthophosphoric acid monoesters and connected by a phosphodiester bond. More than 99.5 percent of the nucleotide sequences in the genomes of all people on Earth are identical, and these half a percent or even less - one tenth - account for all the differences, "comments RIA Novosti Vladimir Bryukhin, a leading researcher at the Dobzhansky Center for Genomic Bioinformatics at St. Petersburg State University.

When DNA is inherited from generation to generation, various changes occur in its structure. These are insertions or gaps (deletions) of fragments, long or short repeats of a certain combination of nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms, when only one letter is replaced in some part of the gene, and other options. Some occur by chance (genetic drift), others are the result of adaptation to environmental conditions. All this, as a rule, is located in the non-coding part of the genome, the one that does not carry information about protein synthesis.

The resulting variant of the genome can be inherited and gain a foothold in the population. Then it serves as a marker by which some populations are distinguished from others. At the same time, it is far from always possible to unambiguously compare populations with historical people.

Scientists have discovered a wide variety of genomes

There are almost two hundred nationalities in Russia, of which about eighty percent identify themselves as Russians. But even scientists consider them to be a "polyethnos", a mixture of ancient Balto-Slavic and Germanic tribes, Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples, and many smaller ethnic groups. The genomes of Russians from different regions, often neighboring ones, differ markedly. In a word, it is unrealistic to bring all the genetic diversity of Russians under a common denominator and obtain a certain genome of the "average Russian".

For this reason, for example, more than fifty populations, including thirty regional Russian ethnic groups, were chosen for the Russian Genomes project, which is being implemented under the auspices of St. Petersburg State University. So far, 330 genomes from 17 populations have been sequenced. This is not enough for statistics, but scientists recently shared some of the results.

"According to preliminary data, in general, Russians have a lot in common with the Finno-Ugric, Baltic and Western European genomes, which, however, reflects the history of migration and settlement of the people. Although there is no common unity yet: the genomes of the Pskov and Novgorod populations are similar to the Baltic do not differ from the Western Finno-Ugric ones, and the southern Russians are close to Western European ones and practically do not contain a Finno-Ugric component, unlike the Russians of the northwestern and central parts of Russia," the scientist continues.

Genes tell about the characteristics of health

Researchers are interested in both ethnic origin and health-related gene variants: predisposition to diseases, the effectiveness of drugs, the possible consequences of taking them.

"As our studies have shown, on average, each person's genome contains 50-60 genomic variants that affect the likelihood of developing a particular disease," Bryukhin notes.

It has long been known that some hereditary diseases are more common in some populations than others. For example, phenylketonuria, which is caused by a metabolic disorder and leads to mental retardation with improper nutrition, is not so rare among Europeans and Russians. But the Maris, Chuvashs, Udmurts and Adyghes almost don't have it. To what extent genetic differences are responsible for this remains to be seen.

"The prevalence of a genetic variant in the TBC1D31 gene associated, for example, with diabetic kidney disease, differs even between the Pskov and Novgorod populations by almost two times and seven times compared to the Yakut population," the scientist adds, emphasizing that these are preliminary data.

And if you scratch deeper

How do geneticists link DNA and ethnicity? They go on expeditions to various regions, take samples from the locals and write down what nationality they consider themselves to be, where their parents, grandparents are from. If at least three generations of a family lived in the same village and called themselves Russians, such a gene is attributed to this ethnic group, originating from a certain area.

Then, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA is isolated from saliva or blood samples in the laboratory and complete sequencing is performed. The results - chains of billions of letters - are analyzed in programs, isolating known markers, looking for new ones, and comparing them with each other. Extraction and sequencing methods, as well as analysis algorithms, are constantly being improved.

In 2015, scientists from the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with foreign colleagues, published the results of a large-scale study of Russian genomes. According to their data, the northern, central and southern groups are clearly distinguished. The difference is in the "substratum", that is, the ethnic groups that lived on the territory of the European part of Russia before the arrival of the Slavs and Balts.

Trying to identify this ancient ancestral substratum with current peoples is wrong. Scientists are inclined to conclude that it existed even before the division of populations into Slavs, Balts, Germans, Finno-Ugric peoples, and so on. We are separated from him by more than one millennium. Who these peoples were, the bearers of what cultures, remains to be seen.

The widespread opinion that the Slavs are the direct descendants of the Scythians and, in a broader sense, the Asians, is not confirmed for the same reasons: the Scythians lived two and a half thousand years ago. Russians may also have their genes, but only through the mediation of some other ethnic groups closer to us in time.

It's like the Neanderthal and Denisovan genes that Russians have, like most modern human populations, because we all come from the same ancestors who left Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Scientists also deny the great contribution of the Tatar-Mongols to the Russian gene pool. The yoke has influenced history and culture, but its trace is barely noticeable in the genes. The Asian component is present in a small amount, but more ancient, from the ethnic groups that inhabited Siberia long before the events of the XII-XIV centuries.

One of the illustrative examples is the study of the genomes of the Cossacks. Some historians admit that since the Cossacks lived on the border of Rus', protecting it from the raids of the Turkic-speaking tribes, they could eventually absorb the steppe (meaning the Mongol-Tatar) component.

Russian scientists, together with Ukrainian colleagues, decided to test this and sequenced the genomes of four Cossack groups. It turned out that ninety percent of the gene pool of the Don upper and lower, Kuban, Zaporozhye is similar to the East Slavic, as in Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. But the Terek Cossacks are an exception, they have a noticeable contribution of North Caucasian genes.

The study of the genomes of Russians and other ethnic groups living in the country is the mainstream of world science. Without this, it is impossible to establish the origin of modern populations, ancient migrations of the population, to clarify and test historical hypotheses. And this is necessary in order to study the spread of hereditary diseases, to discover genetic markers that will help make medicine targeted.

Distribution of haplogroups among Russian populations. Haplogroup - a set of genome variants present in a population that indicates ancestors. The diagrams show the similarity of the genomes of the central and southern Russians, Don Cossacks. Among the inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk region, the haplogroup N1c (brown), characteristic of the Finno-Ugric peoples, stands out sharply

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. Born July 21, 1948 in Jurmala (Latvian SSR) - died November 9, 2017 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian satirist writer, playwright, humorist, comedian, one of the first stand-up comedians in Russia, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Father - Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov (1909-1992), Soviet writer, Honored Cultural Worker of the Latvian SSR (1969), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel Amur Father (1952).

Mother - Elena Melchiorovna Zadornova (née Matusevich).

He graduated from Riga secondary school No. 10. In one of his speeches, he said that he first appeared on stage in the second grade, playing turnip. Moreover, “it was pulled out so elegantly that Bis shouted, Bravo, they say, pull it out again!”.

In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in mechanical engineering.

In 1974-1978 he worked at the same institute at the department 204 "Aviation and space heat engineering" as an engineer, then as a leading engineer.

Began publishing in 1974. In the 1970s and 1980s, Mikhail Zadornov was the stage director of the MAI student theater "Russia". With the staff of the agitation theater he traveled to many corners of the USSR, was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1984-1985 - head of the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth".

He made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue "A Student's Letter Home", but real popularity came in 1984 when Zadornov read his story "The Ninth Car". Zadornov's stories and miniatures were read from the stage by many famous artists, and starting from the late 1980s, he began to perform his own works.

Mikhail Zadornov is famous for the fact that on December 31, 1991 at 23:45 it was he, and not as usual - the head of state or the announcer - who spoke with the New Year's address to the inhabitants of the country (by that time to the inhabitants of Russia, since the USSR ceased to exist on December 26). In his speech, which was broadcast live, Zadornov got so carried away that he spoke a minute longer, so the broadcast of the chiming clock had to be delayed. However, Boris Yeltsin's appeal was also recorded and even broadcast on television, but after Zadornov's appeal.

In 2010, at the end of December, Mikhail Zadornov again delivered a New Year's address. This time with the help of the Internet.

Since 1990, books by M. N. Zadornov have been published: “The End of the World”, “I Don’t Understand!”, “Return”, the one-act comedy “Modern People”, a funny play for a sad movie “Blouse”, a four-volume book - “A Great Country with unpredictable past”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Hitch”. He acted in films (the film “I Want Your Husband” (1991), the film “Genius” (1991), “Depression” (1991).

In 1992, he was on the jury of the Major League of KVN at two quarterfinals. In 1998 he was a member of the jury at the KVN festival "Voicing KiViN 1998" in Jurmala.

Mikhail Zadornov is the winner of the Golden Calf and Ovation awards.

In 1996 he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the international festival "MORE SMEHA", Riga.

In 1993, Mikhail Zadornov received an apartment in the “nomenklatura house” for high-ranking officials at the address: Moscow, Osennaya st., 4/2, where there were also apartments of B. N. Yeltsin, V. S. Chernomyrdin, A. V. Korzhakov and others

In December 2009, Mikhail Zadornov opened a library in Riga named after his father, Nikolai Zadornov. The opening of the library was timed to coincide with the centenary of the birth of Nikolai Pavlovich. The library is declared public and free.

On May 27, 2010, in the village of Voskresenskoye, Zadornov presented to the public a monument to A. S. Pushkin's nanny Arina Rodionovna, made by sculptor Valery Shevchenko from bronze in Arina Rodionovna's height - 160 centimeters. Mikhail Nikolayevich initiated the project, the monument was erected at the expense of his fund. The grand opening of the monument is scheduled for June 5, 2010, to the XXV regional Pushkin holiday, dedicated to the 211th anniversary of the poet's birth.

Currently, Mikhail Nikolaevich is active on the Internet - he has his own blog in LiveJournal and a blog on the website of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Also, in the summer of 2010, Mikhail Zadornov registered on the VKontakte social network and uploaded to his page unique videos of the concert “It's Hard to Live Easy”, which was shown on the REN-TV channel only at the end of December 2010. In addition, Mikhail Zadornov has his own channel on youtube.com, where he also posted these recordings.

Traditionally, Zadornov conducts his speeches standing, holding papers with the texts of his numbers in his hand. However, recently (since 2007) he has included in his programs the performances of gymnasts Irina Kazakova and Dmitry Bulkin, as well as the Yudi break dance team, whom he met at the Minute of Glory talent competition, where he was on the jury. With these young people, he sits on the splits, stretches, walks on his hands and stands on his head, flapping his legs. Since 2004, Zadornov’s friend and co-author has also taken part in Zadornov’s concerts: the satirist writer from Riga Harry Polsky, who since 2010 has been running a permanent heading “Zadornovosti” at concerts.

Mikhail Zadornov is also the author of musical works. The song “Dadu Vnedrezh” by Mr. Dadud, allegedly performed by Mikhail Gorbachev, was cut from a speech by Mikhail Zadornov, in which he parodied the President of the USSR with his voice, ridiculing his illiteracy. The idea to write a feuilleton was given by Yevgeny Petrosyan. As part of the “Perky Day” concerts, Mikhail periodically sings a special musical theme and even sings some monologues under it. On the official website of the satirist, mixes of his performances made by Valery Tsarkov (Dj Valer) are posted: “The West is a trap”, “New Year in Russian”, “Girya”, “Pops”.

He brought Maxim Galkin to the big stage and is still friends with him.

Mikhail Zadornov is widely known for his critical statements about modern Western (primarily American) culture and lifestyle. As a protest against discrimination against the Russian team at the 2002 Winter Olympics, he canceled an American visa.

Since 2006, Zadornov has been actively performing with numerous amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words that are not consistent with the achievements of science in this area. He received support from the decipherer of the so-called "runic syllabic writing" V. A. Chudinov.

Despite the lack of support from professional historians and philologists, Zadornov continues to engage in non-academic research on the history of the Slavs. In 2012, the satirist showed himself in a new role by making a non-commercial pseudo-documentary film “Rurik. Lost Reality". On May 14, 2012, a special website and forum were opened to raise funds for its creation and to discuss the filming process. The film premiered on December 12 on REN TV. Historians criticized the picture for pseudo-science, one-sidedness and populism in the approach to the topic. The anti-Normanist ideas of the filmmaker were characterized by Dr. L. S. Klein as "militant dilettantism".

A prominent place in the work of Zadornov is occupied by the reform of Russian education, including the introduction of a mandatory USE. Since 2010, he has published a number of critical articles on this topic (“USE - a control shot at the education system”, “Narrow-minded, forward - 2”, “Treason”), spoke negatively about the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko.

In his monologues, he repeatedly said that for several years he had not voted for anyone in principle. However, he nevertheless took part in the 2011 State Duma elections, supporting the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In the 2012 presidential elections in Russia, he supported Gennady Zyuganov. Materials written by Zadornov sometimes appear on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, they are also published in Pravda and in Soviet Russia.

He is a supporter of the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement and spoke very warmly about Vladimir Megre, with whom he is close friends. Some considered Zadornov's support actually a hidden irony, but in other interviews, Zadornov firmly expressed support for the movement.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal by cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policy of Russian President V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea. Included in the list of persons who are prohibited from entering Ukraine.

Vegetarian since the age of 50.

In 2009, Zadornov was accused of plagiarism for retelling a story about a hatul-madan (scientist cat) from the blog of a LiveJournal user of the Israeli writer Victoria Reicher (pseudonym Neivid). The writer apologized and settled the issue with compensation of 100,000 rubles. However, this is not the first time. The widely known short story "The Brick Hunter's Papers" is an adaptation of an American urban legend famous on the Internet in the Darwin Award version (1998).

Known in Runet, Dmitry Puchkov ("Goblin") expressed his negative opinion about the work of Zadornov.

During one of his concerts, broadcast in 2010 on Channel One, Mikhail Zadornov gave a number of negative characteristics to the residents of Vladivostok, in particular to women: “All women are dressed like, well, as advertised in glossy fashion magazines, that is, all the girls in Vladivostok look like prostitutes”, - this and some other statements caused indignation of the Internet community of the seaside capital.

Illness and death of Mikhail Zadornov

In early October 2016, it was announced that the satirist had canceled a number of his concerts due to illness.

He wrote on social networks: “I must bring to your attention, because otherwise various rumors will soon creep about me: I really have to cancel some of the concerts before the New Year. First of all, those that are far from Moscow, and flights and long-distance difficult journeys are required. body, unfortunately, discovered a serious ailment, characteristic not only of age. It is necessary to treat immediately. I don’t want to give any clarifications, so as not to cause saliva in our icteric journalists. Otherwise, all this journalistic slush will begin, and I need balance and perfect calmness. Therefore I remind you again: part of the concerts in Moscow and cities close to Moscow remain. Details can be found on my website. And distant concerts are canceled for very good reasons."

Zadornov again came up with explanations, actually confirming the rumors about cancer. He announced the upcoming chemotherapy.

"Firstly, teach: there are no reliable newspapers in our time. Secondly, this is completely untrue. In general, I think that everything is not as hopeless as it sometimes seems. In any case, one must resist. Yes, the treatment will be difficult and long. And therefore, many concerts are canceled. For such therapy as chemistry, you need to save energy, not spill it on all sorts of side fuss, "Zadornov wrote.

In November 2016, the comedian was operated on in Germany.

In June 2017, he decided to forego therapy in order to devote all of his remaining time to his family and friends.

When it became clear that traditional medicine was powerless against the disease, desperate relatives transported the artist to a medical center in the Moscow region and invited a man whom the press dubbed "Polish Kashpirovsky" to him. The healer turned out to be a certain Leo Shah (real name - Lev Shakhnovich).

In the fall of 2017, it became known that during the fight against oncology,. He chose his confessor - Archpriest Andrei Novikov. He confessed at the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow, received the sacraments of unction and communion.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov.

November 15, 2017 - at the Yaundubulti cemetery, next to the grave of his father, Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov. Before that, a funeral was held in Riga in the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Mikhail Zadornov - Well, stupid

The growth of Mikhail Zadornov: 178 centimeters

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov:

First wife - Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina (b. 07/26/1948), daughter of the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia Jan Eduardovich Kalnberzin, studied in a parallel class at the elite Riga school No. 10 with Mikhail, then together at the Moscow Aviation Institute, got married in March 1971 , lecturer at the university.

The second wife - Elena Vladimirovna Bombina (b. 1964) - administrator of the satirist. Daughter - Elena Zadornova (b. 1990) entered the Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS.

Filmography of Mikhail Zadornov:

1991 - Genius - cameo (uncredited)
1991 - Depression (Depresija - Latvia) - official covering drug trafficking
1992 - I want your husband - Andrey

Scripts by Mikhail Zadornov:

1992 - I want your husband
2003 - Buying your husband! (Pērku jūsu vīru! - Latvia)
2008 - Arkaim - standing by the sun (documentary)

Mikhail Zadornov - Prophetic Oleg. Found true

"We must pay tribute to our state, which teaches history boringly. As a result, it turned out that my film was hooked. The story is interesting! And there are a lot of lies about it. by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Kremlin. That's why I decided to shoot the next film. By the way, I sent my film about Rurik to the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, and two months later Putin said that two points of view on the Ruriks should be presented in textbooks. As a result, in the textbook according to history, they brought what Karamzin wrote about, that Rurik could be a Slav, and not necessarily a Scandinavian, "says Mikhail Zadornov.

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