Milena Zavoychinskaya aleta 2 read the draft version. Torrent Milena Zavoychinskaya - Collected Works


Milena Zavoychinskaya


How often our meetings are not accidental.

I she ran from work almost skipping, well, as far as possible in the dark over icy potholes and snow, as the frost and wind urged on, and very noticeably. Winter this year was early and cold. It's only the beginning of December, and the temperature has dropped well below minus twenty-five. And given how windy the city has become in recent years due to chaotic high-rise buildings, even with piercing winds. And I ran with a nimble mouse from home to the bus stop, from the bus stop to the subway, from the subway to the office and vice versa.

Every year I made a promise to myself to buy a warm, warm down coat and warm boots without heels, and every year naive optimism and the belief that there will definitely not be such frosts next year, and this winter is almost over, won. So it was now: the studs of winter boots desperately got stuck in snowdrifts and glided no less desperately on ice.

I lived in a one-room apartment of my brother, who went with his family to distant lands to work for the prosperity of capitalism and his own budget. The house was in a residential area, it was a long way to get to work and back, but I didn’t have to pay for a rented apartment.

I almost ran to the house, it only remained to cross the road to the entrance. And then an insurmountable obstacle suddenly appeared in my path. There was ice, a continuous skating rink, a headwind was blowing. I jogged briskly across the road, but no luck. Heels slipped, and the headwind carried me back. Three attempts ended in my unconditional defeat. I started, skidding with pins on the ice, miraculously maintaining my balance, and I was returned to the starting point.

Well, what is it! And funny and stupid! At least crawl across the road on all fours. And, unfortunately, not a single passer-by to ask for help. Stomping on the spot, I decided that I would wait, because at least someone from neighboring houses should appear. Well, at least dog lovers - now is just the right time for an evening walk. Jumping up so as not to finally get choked, I looked around in search of passers-by, preferably men who could take me in tow and transport me to the entrance, when I saw a cat from the side, on a lawn littered with dirty snow. He lay on his side, spreading his tail and paws, and did not move. It was a large, one might say, huge animal, only terribly thin and dirty. His fur was stuck together in icicles and clogged with snow, and his long tail, which must have once been fluffy, now looked pitiful. There was a feeling that the cat first got wet, and then suddenly turned out to be in the cold. It was impossible to tell what color his fur was.

After thinking for a second, I moved closer to see if he was alive or not. I am not a cat lady, I never had any animals at home, and even the fish that I was given in the second grade were safely bent after a week of life with me, so wonderful. Although I honestly fed them, cherished and cherished them, they fell ill with some kind of filth, covered themselves with something disgustingly white and floated up with their bellies up. I didn't try to get any more animals. And in adulthood, a busy schedule did not allow taking care of a pet in full force. But now this cat was sorry. Suddenly alive? It will freeze! Such a frost, and he lies right on the snow.

- Kitty, kitty. How are you? I leaned over and tried to examine the cat's face. - Kitty Kitty? Kitty?

When I decided that there was nothing you could do to help me, and began to straighten up, the cat opened his eyes and meowed in a choked voice. Oops, alive. Well, now what to do? I can’t leave anymore, but I won’t forgive myself later in life, at night I’ll have nightmares that I left a living creature to die like this. Carry home? But how? Dirty, sick... Maybe he was hit by a car and his bones were broken... Is this how I'm going to drag him? I can't even cross the road...

And then our local drunkard, grandfather Vasil, swam up to meet me from around the corner of my house. A harmless and overly sociable grandfather, whom everyone knew and even periodically fed or threw a little money. He did not have a wife, he was a widower for a long time, there are no children either, so he drank himself. No one had ever seen him sober, but he had never been drunk enough to wallow under a bench either. He was usually in a permanent state of average drunkenness and complaisance. Even his name, Vasily, was somehow imperceptibly changed into Vasil, and both old and young were addressed to him as "you". And now, swaying slightly, smiling and purring something under his breath, the grandfather was moving in my direction.

- Grandfather Vasil, grandfather Vasil !!! - I practically screamed with joy and was ready to throw myself on his neck - well, finally at least one living soul. - Grandfather Vasil, hello, help me get home, huh? And here's a cat ... And I'll give you some money, you'll go and buy something tasty for yourself.

- Hello, Aletka. Are you late like this? Young girls should already sit at home, and not run around to freeze their tails. What kind of cat? - Grandfather Vasil caught up with me and, smiling, breathed wine vapors. Following my gaze, he leaned over the cat. - Ooh, killer whale. Eck got you hooked. Not a tenant.

- Grandfather Vasil, help the cat to drag home. Still alive. It's a pity, it will freeze during the night, and I will try to treat him, feed him, and then, maybe, I will attach him somewhere. A? I smiled ingratiatingly.

Grandfather bent down, slipped his hands under the cat and, groaning, straightened up. The cat sagged limply and did not move. No matter how I died overnight in my apartment! Horror what! And what should I do with the corpse then? We need to move quickly into the heat.

- Come on, honey. Cling to your elbow, keep your grandfather company. - A neighbor, groaning in an uncomfortable position, carried a cat on his outstretched arms, and I, grabbing his elbow, stomped along. It's cold, oh my god...

We reached my apartment, I thanked grandfather Vasil and gave him two hundred rubles. Kota set up in the kitchen under the radiator, sacrificing, in the absence of any bedding or rugs, one of her least favorite towels. And she herself ran to the computer to search the Internet for information on what to do with frozen and starving cats. I was not financially ready to call a veterinary ambulance, they charge a lot for services, especially considering that it is already Friday and almost night. After a quick scan of the forums of animal lovers, I returned to the cat.

I looked around with interest: I'm curious where we were brought. True, it was already evening, and it was not possible to see much. There are some trees around, somewhere in the distance - hubbub and noise, and behind a high stone wall. And, by the way, it is noticeably cold. Brr. I was particularly cold in my transparent-naked dress. I looked at Sher with a question, this is his fiefdom.

We are in a park on the outskirts of the city. Now I will open a portal to the right place.

- So, guys, turn away, everyone, please. I need to change into something warmer, otherwise I'll die. - I shivered. - Yes, and now I’ll try to remove the wings, I won’t shock the general public.

My gop company looked at each other, shrugged and turned away. Moreover, my two bodyguards unobtrusively pushed everyone aside, even Sher and Ilmar, who at first tried to be indignant, but then waved their hand. Delan and Kiram stood between me and the others and blocked me with their broad backs and wings. Oh my smarties!

I took out jeans, some kind of T-shirt and a short leather jacket a la leather jackets from my bag. Modest, comfortable, and most importantly, windproof and warm. The problem remained in the wings. How did Enlil say - if you want, they will disappear? Okay, let's start the desire session. I closed my eyes, relaxed and began to want. I felt like it, opened my eyes and checked the result. I wanted badly. Double two - and the Indian hut figwam in the end. Take three... The wings disappeared on about the sixth try. Phew, well, otherwise I was already beginning to fear that Enlil had played a trick on me.

Quickly pulling off my dress, I changed into my things and, coming out from behind the backs of the bodyguards, smiled contentedly. And all the men were staring at me. It was fun to watch their faces. Ilmar, Merton, Delan and Kiram looked at my modest attire with displeasure. Well, excuse me, guys, I've had enough of these transparent rags. Cher just walked over the figure appraisingly and thought about something, probably deciding what things I need to buy here, for him my earthly clothes are quite familiar. But three elves, a gnome and an orc were a little stunned by my appearance. I don’t know what exactly it was that hooked them so much, but they looked at each other and clearly made some conclusions of their own. And I belatedly thought that maybe I got excited and put on clothes from my world in vain. I have no idea how the local ladies here dress. Maybe they have a fashion for dresses with a bustle and caps on their heads, and I'm so smart here, in jeans and a leather jacket ...

Seeing that I was ready, the drow conjured something, another teleport opened next to us, and now Cher gave everyone the go-ahead to step into it. In my hand, he again grabbed tightly, and I just as tightly held Merton. If I have already dragged a poor priest to distant lands, I will not leave it to the last, until I finally attach it. Cher looked sideways at this, gritted his teeth, but said nothing.

This time we found ourselves again among the trees, behind which we could see some large building that looked like a palace. That's where we went with all our friendly camp. Moreover, I perched on the Hammer, which was led by Cher, since stomping in the dark with my feet is not much joy, and in general I am tired today. I would now have something to eat - and in Lulu.

Cher, where are we going? There are so many of us now, maybe it’s better to go to a hotel? Can we all fit in your house? - I couldn't resist the first one.

- We'll fit in. Cher smiled happily. - We're almost there. Wait a little more.

From the park we went to the palace. Well, wow, for sure, the palace. With the front porch, with dressed-up courtiers scurrying around. Or rather, I assume that the courtiers, because how do I know how these elves dress? Interestingly, the girls are dancing, four in a row ... And what did we need in the palace? If Cher dragged us first to get acquainted with the local government, then he was in vain, I’m sure.

The drow smiled enigmatically, but was in no hurry to explain anything. And as soon as we reached the porch, several elves rushed to us at once with greetings and began to drag him away for a conversation. Sher seems to be well known around here. He apologized to us and, asking us to wait a couple of minutes, walked away with those who were meeting us. I dismounted and shifted next to Hammer, scratching Alf behind the ear and waiting for Cher to finish her conversations. On the one hand, it was curious, but on the other hand, I was already so tired of all this fuss that I simply did not have the strength to interfere. The people flitting around the palace looked at us with interest. But if they looked at the light elves as equals, at the aerlings with surprise, then the orc, dwarf and I caused a skeptical evaluating look, strongly smacking of contempt.

Suddenly, steps were heard behind and a melodious female voice said:

“And what are these bastards?”

I looked around and saw a very beautiful slender blonde in a silk dress, accompanied by three men. It's about us, right? Why are we hungry, I wonder? Everyone is well dressed, no worse than she is. Well, more precisely, I'm worse, of course, but I'm in jeans. Moreover, Merton in his white mantle definitely stood out.

– Larra Ilmaniel, these are the companions of Larr Shermanthael. He finally showed up today and brought this rabble with him, ”one of her escorts responded obsequiously.

“Ah, larr Shermanthael? And this girl is his new whore, or what? And where did he pick her up? She wrinkled her perfect nose in contempt and looked me up and down.

But she is in vain. I would still endure the caressing word "hungry", what is already there, I dearly love shabby jeans, in which there is a hole on the hole, so it does not hurt me at all. But she shouldn't have called like that. My group twitched and someone hissed about to answer, but I raised my hand for silence.

- And who are you? Would you like to introduce yourself? I looked at her kindly.

“Mortal, who gave you the right to speak to me?” - She was twisted. - However, okay, what else to expect from any trash, not the slightest idea about the rules of conduct. I am Lady Ilmaniel ver Salab, official favorite of the dark elf lord.

There was a friendly sniffing behind me, it seems that my escorts are holding back their laughter. Oh well.

- What?! the blonde screamed. - How dare you? - She began to move into ultrasound, you see how unpleasant it is to hear the truth about yourself. - Yes, I'll raze you to the ground, scum.

I glanced back at Sher, who had just noticed this performance and started walking towards us. And then she turned to the light elves.

“Dear Edelhir, would you by any chance tell me what is the punishment under elven law for insulting a member of the royal family of a foreign state?” - I decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to use a win-win option - to intimidate and put in place with the help of a wonderful thing, namely, jurisprudence.

The elf, hearing my words, abruptly fell silent. But after a second pause, it started up again:

“Who is this royal blood here?” Are you not? So all members of the royal family of people I know well.

– Larra Ilmaniel, before you is the youngest non-hereditary princess of the Aerlings Aleta from the royal family of Bertil, the prince consort of the Bertil clan Il'marei vas Korta-Honer. Well, I'll introduce myself, because you don't seem to recognize me either. I am Edelhir irn Elrinor of the Euwe clan, brother of the ruler of the light elves, and this is my son, Anoredel irn Elrinor of the Euwe clan. - Edelhir's voice drove ice nails into the blonde's coffin, and I mentally whistled. Wow, brother of the ruler of the light elves with his son. And I communicated with them so easily all this time ... Although now it is explained why Queen Larmena gave me only a list of their names, without surnames. They were encrypted, so clearly. But ... Wow, what a useful acquaintance I made. Super!

Ilmaniel was sleeping off her face, and her companions were visibly bored. Probably, the punishment still exists, so I’ll definitely find out what it is. It would be nice to flog this cutie with rods, otherwise, it seems, no one has even threatened her with a finger in her whole life. Here Cher finally reached us. He heard the end of the conversation, but still decided to clarify the rest.

“Nothing special, it’s just that this gentleman called us rabble, but this lady said that we were starving, called me your whore, scum and promised to raze me to the ground,” I said, looking affectionately into Ilmaniel’s eyes.

Judging by her half-conscious appearance, my gaze was as affectionate as that of a gyurza.

- That's how, then ... Larra, your father will certainly find out about your unworthy behavior and he himself will decide on the appropriate punishment. - Sher's voice chilled the blood, and his gaze covered the body of Ilmaniel with an ice shell. Cool, I want to learn that too. “You embarrassed us in front of representatives of two foreign royal families.

So, I've lost the thread of the conversation. What's with Shera's father? Is he some kind of bump here, or what, responsible for punishments? I wonder if Cher is smart enough not to spill the beans about our marriage, or is he going to brag about being married to a princess?

- Where is father? – meanwhile asked Cher.

“He is now on a friendly visit with the ruler in the Bright Forest,” one of the favorite’s companions reported helpfully.

She herself was biting her lip in fear, and horror was splashing in her eyes.

Cher winced and turned to us.

“Come on, Larry, they will show you your rooms,” he began to give orders. “Today it’s already late, so dinner will be brought to your chambers, and tomorrow I’ll be glad to see everyone at the common table, you will be shown. Aleta, Hammer will be taken to the stables and taken care of, and your furniture will be taken to the palace, then you decide where you put it.

He nodded, and one of the servants, who had previously stood aside and listened eagerly to the scandal, immediately ran up to me and tried to take an excuse from me to take Hammer away. I stroked my raven, whispered that I love him and tomorrow I will come to visit, and now let him go to rest.

- Alf, go with Hammer, check that our bird is not offended there, and then you will find me in the palace. I stroked them both again and gave the reins to the servant.

He shivered shiveringly, looking at the horn and hooves of my "bird", but obediently led Hammer somewhere to the side. And Alf spoke nearby, very proud and pleased, and looked slyly at Hammer: they say, I'm guarding you, birdie.

- Larry, larry. Cher nodded coldly to the favorite and her companions and went towards the porch.

- Your Highness. The white as a sheet beauty sat down in a curtsey, and her attendants bowed respectfully.

What? Highness? Cher is his highness? I looked at him in disbelief. And I only find out now? That is, for all the time that we were together, he did not even consider it necessary to explain and say anything to me? Didn't find one minute, either on Earth or here? Is he an aristocrat? And his house is big, is there enough room for all of us? And it means that his parents will find a bride for him, but he can’t marry me, can he? Well, still, on an ordinary simple dugout without a title, of course, it cannot. But how did I get into the princess, so I immediately fit him and, therefore, should he become the first husband? And I'm stupid!!! A deep resentment rose in my heart.

I quietly followed everyone towards the palace. We walked through the corridors. In some rooms Cher placed a dwarf, an orc and Merton. He took some room for two for my bodyguards. He singled out some separate large chambers for three light elves. I was silent all the way, as it was insulting to tears. Because only now I realized that, it turns out, all this time he was just using me. Finally Cher stopped at another door and opened it invitingly for Ilmar and me.

“Come in, this is my quarters. “I entered without saying a word. - Aletochka, you live here with me for now. And tomorrow I will give instructions to prepare separate rooms for you, everything you wanted, with a living room, an office. Ilmar, for you, the bedroom is behind that door, make yourself comfortable. Tomorrow, separate rooms will be prepared for you, too.

Ilmar frowned and was about to say something, but I interrupted him:

“Shermanthael, do you want to explain anything to me?” - I calmly looked at him and did not understand why all this time I thought that we were such close friends and I could trust him in everything.

- What? He winced at my tone. – What are you talking about?

“I ask, do you want to explain anything to me?” Are you really a dark elf prince?

- Well, yes. He shrugged. “I am indeed the crown prince of the dark elves. And as soon as your father returns, I will introduce you to him.

- It's clear. So you think you did the right thing by hiding it from me? I spoke the words with icy calm. “Do you think it’s completely normal for me to find this out just now?” And for all the time that we lived at my house, and then, already here, in Alzerat, you did not have one minute to tell me about this?

- Baby, well, think about it, because nothing terrible happened. Well, yes, I'm a prince, but that doesn't change anything. – He began to get nervous.

- No, Cher, it changes, and a lot. Isn't that why you were so scared about the bracelet when you thought I was going to marry you? Well, what, a commoner, and suddenly she is going to be engaged to you, the crown prince. So? He averted his eyes as I continued, “And once I found out I was accepted into the royal family of the Aerlings, did I immediately become good enough for you?” Well, of course, the princess ... An equal, such a dad is not ashamed to show. Come on, say something!

Cher looked away, shifted from foot to foot and remained silent.

“Let me ask you something else. Why didn't you inform Queen Larmena of your title? After all, you should have understood that if she knew about this, then there would be no question of any execution over you. In the worst case, they would hold him back and ask for a ransom. And you couldn't help but know. It is so? But you remained silent and allowed me to go on this idiotic venture with marriage. After all, I really saved Ilmar, he is not a prince, he would simply be stupidly executed. Notes? You weren't threatened by anything. - And then it dawned on me: - And the queen knew ... She could not help but know the name of the crown prince of a large state. So... that's what she meant, and that's why I was adopted so suddenly. I laughed bitterly, remembering all the glances and half hints of the Queen.

God, what an idiot I am! Oh fool! She puffed up with all her might, tried to pretend to be something, to help someone. But it turns out that everything is so simple ... The Aerlings, having adopted a rootless girl into the family, set up this stupid court, and I was seduced. And they intermarried with the drow, without losing anything, but, on the contrary, only benefited from the fact that they accepted me, and from the fact that this wedding was rigged. And now I am with two husbands, none of whom needs me myself, but only what this marriage gives them. Ilmar - life and freedom, and Sheru ... By the way, what did Sher gain from this marriage?

“Come on, Shermanthael dor’Oroville of the Reynolds, would you like to explain anything to me?” Why did you want this marriage? It was also beneficial for you to intermarry with the royal family of the Aerlings, right? I suppose your daddy will even be happy. I don't think many elves could do that. - I hardly dropped the words, and there was a lump in my throat.

“Baby, you don’t understand, everything is completely wrong,” Cher squeezed out and stepped in my direction.

- Do not come to me! I stepped back abruptly. - What? I did not get it? Well, tell me what else I do not understand? Why did you need all this? After all, you yourself never needed me, so, a sweet girl with whom you can giggle, fool around, you also saved your life, and helped you get home. You have never experienced even a slight love for me, so there is no need for la-la. So what is your benefit from this marriage? And I thought we were friends. – I took a deep breath. That's it, I can't do it anymore, it's time to stop this meaningless conversation, everything is already clear. “Your Highness, do you have one room in the palace for me?” Separate. I do not want to be near you for a minute, much less live in your rooms.

“Aleta, you don’t understand, don’t do this. Please. Cher tried again to come up to me and hug me.

- Dont touch me! “I almost screamed at him. - I thought that we were friends, I trusted you, but it turns out that you were just using me all this time. I can't see you. Have a room? If the rooms are over, then I'd rather stay at the hotel, but I don't want to be next to you for a second.

The room has been found. Ilmar tried to reach out to me with the words that he is my husband and I should spend the night next to him, because he does not trust anyone.

- Get out! – growled at Ilmar, so that he even recoiled. - I want to be alone, is it so hard to understand? And I don't owe anyone anything, okay? And the last thing I owe you is anything. They got freedom, gained wings, got profitable relatives - that's it, live happily, but leave me alone! - I was already carried, the hysteria was gaining momentum, but I simply could not stop.

And I clearly understood that it was hysteria. And I just need to stop pushing myself harder and harder, but I couldn't. It was an avalanche that was rushing down, and until it blows everything in its path and exhausts itself, it is useless to fight it. Maybe if Cher tried to say something intelligible, to explain, then I would stop. But he remained silent and averted his eyes, which meant that I was right about everything. And I slammed the door shut behind me. A little later, Alf came running and began to whine under the door when I did not open it, thinking that it was Cher or Ilmar again. Then dinner was brought, and again I opened it only after the servants began to bang on the door, almost shouting that the food was getting cold. Alf and I had dinner and went to bed.

At night there was a soft knock on the door.

“Aletochka, open it, talk to me,” I heard Sher’s quiet voice. “Baby, listen to me, please. It's not like that at all, you don't understand. Well, let me explain to you, open, please.

I covered my head with a pillow. Enough! Now what, it's her own fault. After all, Cher never tried to convince me that we were friends or that I meant anything to him. Well, think about it, he took advantage of the situation to enter into a politically advantageous marriage with a representative of the royal family of the Aerlings. So that's why he is a prince, more precisely, the crown prince. Politicians are all like that, and no matter what world they come from, the end justifies the means. So Cher got married politically competently, as soon as it turned out that as a bride I was more profitable than just a friend, and I could be more useful in something known only to him than his bride he mentioned. After all, it turns out that some other girl turned out to be a fool, or rather, a fool. Who knows, maybe she is just in love with Sher, who will figure them out, these drow.

Although I'm lying, it was insulting to tears. I would also understand if Cher wanted to marry me because I am me and because he has romantic feelings for me. If he had sought this marriage for my own sake, I would have understood and not even uttered a word, it would have been masculine. But to be used like this, to marry my title and not me… I felt like a thing.

Well, to hell with them all, I will endure a year - or how much it is supposed to be in a fictitious marriage - in the status of a wife, and then we will file a divorce and go our separate ways. All the same, not long left, literally in a few months the new academic year will begin and I will go to school. And tomorrow - shopping, nothing heals mental anguish and frustration so well as money spent with feeling, sense and arrangement. I finally calmed down. Ugh, I found something to worry about! Bainki, otherwise there will be bruises under the eyes tomorrow. And the first thing you will have to do in the morning is to apologize to Ilmar and explain it to him. And then I feel like the last bitch, snapped at him for no reason at all, but he had such eyes. Just massacre of babies. Oh, it's uncomfortable as before him ...

In the morning I woke up cold, hungry and thirsty for new experiences. I won't kill Sher, let him live, big-eared radish. But I myself will not tell anyone about myself, and especially to him. No, trust is not one-sided. After a quick wash, I slipped back into my jeans and T-shirt and pulled out my earthy moccasins. We must go to breakfast.

- Alf, let's go get grub. How about you eat an elephant? Mind one leg and my trunk, the rest is all for you. I winked at my shaggy boy.

The answer to me was an astonished expression of the muzzle, on which the questions were clearly read: “Who is an elephant? Girlfriend, are you sure that I have enough of this everything else? And then, maybe you’ll donate a trunk with a leg to me, and chew the grass yourself? ”

As soon as I slammed the door to my room, at the end of the corridor, the door to Sher's chambers immediately opened and, in fact, he jumped out. And something about his vidok was not very blooming, but slightly wrinkled and with black circles under his eyes. Didn’t sleep the night, or something, worried, go? Well, guess what, it's your own fault. And I don't feel sorry for him at all. Ilmar followed him out of the room. Oh, but it's embarrassing in front of him, you have to apologize.

- Hi boys. I waved to them. “Are we going to be fed or what?” If “or how”, then Alf and I are categorically against it.

I approached them. Cher stood and looked at me tensely, and Ilmar also looked, but offended.

- Ilmarchik, come here, my dear, I will kiss you. Don't be offended that I yelled at you yesterday. This is nervous stress, and my character is bad and violent, you get used to it. - I pulled Ilmar by the shirt, forcing him to bend over, and kissed his cheek.

– Will you tell me something? Cher asked softly.

And I'll tell you what not to say. I won’t kill you, and I won’t even swear with you anymore, don’t be afraid. We passed, that was, that was. All the same, we have a fictitious marriage, we are all able to endure for a year. I smiled coldly. And we have a lot of things to do today. How are you, with us, or will you provide an escort? I need to go to the bank, to the shops, and just to take a walk.

Cher smiled wryly in response. And we went to have breakfast, taking our whole company along the way. Alpha was taken by one of the servants to the kitchen, I told the monkey that he could eat the whole elephant himself, and I would manage with tea and buns, and the shaggy boy happily galloped off.

And delicious food in the palace, I liked it. The table for breakfast was laid very plentifully, as they say, first, second and compote, and with great pleasure I ate a piece of delicious cherry pie and smiled blissfully. Now I would like another cup of coffee instead of that herbal poison that they drink here, but I will organize this for myself later, but for now everything is fine. Then I just watched the rest of the breakfasters and whistled respectfully, mentally, of course, estimating the volume eaten by the orc and dwarf. Everything here was Suvorov style - you can eat breakfast yourself. However, something told me that they would not give dinner to the enemy.

As an escort, Cher went with us himself. As usual, I hung my bag on Alf, who smiled contentedly with a well-fed face, pulled on my jacket, and we went. Walking along the corridor, I quietly, without attracting anyone's attention, put an impressive purse with gold coins into Edelhir's hands and pointed expressively at his companions, slightly detaining my gaze at Merton. I have no idea whether this is a lot or a little by local standards, but in any case, they need to buy warm clothes, horses, weapons, and I hung Merton on them. So it's okay, I won't get poor. I have a lot of money right now, and that's exactly what I need to put in the bank. It was a little embarrassing that Edelhir, it turns out, is of royal blood and may misunderstand that I give them money, but, on the other hand, now his finances are sparse. And then he wants to return the debt, I will not object. The grooms brought out Hammer, who obediently knelt before me to the drow's contemptuous chuckles, and as soon as I perched, we set off.

On the way, it was decided that we would disperse in the city. I was with Sher and Ilmar - and, of course, with my bodyguards - these followed me with their tail - in one direction, and everyone else - in the other. As Edelhir assured me, they know the city well and can handle it themselves. And so we drove around the capital and turned our necks, or rather, I was driving, the rest were walking, and we all turned our necks, except Sher. And the drow quietly played the role of a tour guide.

I liked the city. Handsome, kind. Two- or three-storey houses made of dark stone behind fences with gardens. Clean cobbled streets. Many shops, taverns, statues and even fountains. A bit gloomy after the bright and iridescent city of the Airlings, but still Dakart made an impression. Such a strict masculine beauty, just like in the old towns of the Czech Republic with their charming mansions. Not gothic, of course, but beautiful, really beautiful.

And around the crowd of dark elves, who looked at us with interest. They assessed the wings of the Airlings appraisingly, looked with delight at the power of the Hammer, looked at the toothy face of Alpha with a smile. Personally, I did not cause such interest, rather, squeamish bewilderment. I look like a human. No matter what kind of goddess I was, an adoptive airling and it was not clear who else I was, I still outwardly remained similar to an ordinary ordinary human girl. Moreover, with a special beauty that does not shine, and even dressed, I don’t understand what. Against the backdrop of slender, tall and truly beautiful elves, I did not look so impressive. And if in the palace, where, at the suggestion of Sher and the scandal arranged by Ilmaniel, they already knew that I was not a person, but a guest from the royal family of the Aerlings, and therefore they did not allow anything extra to be addressed to me, then no one stood on ceremony. The oncoming drow, judging by their looks, didn't even consider me a reasonable being. Unpleasant. Especially after the reverent attitude that the Airlings had towards me. M-yes. Somehow the thought of studying in their School of Magic doesn't seem very wonderful to me anymore.

We started shopping from a clothing store, and a men's one at that. I, being a thrifty hamster, took warm things from the Earth, so now I was, although it was not hot and steam was coming out of my mouth, but not so much to give oak. Although, of course, it is cool in a leather jacket, it would be necessary to wear a sweater under it. But my team was slowly but surely covered with icicles. The brutal winged machos with red noses looked sad, so it was decided that we should warm up first, and then everything else.

Cher, why is it so cold? I expected that you are also warm here, like the Airlings, - I could not stand it and shivered shiveringly.

“Well, because the Aeller valley is much to the south, and it is closed by mountains,” Sher explained calmly. - It 'warm over there. In general, now is only the last month of the cool season. Here the helmant will end, the season of waiting for the heyday will begin, and it will become warmer.

I thought about it and began to figure out what month it is now on earth. After calculating the approximate time that I spent in the valley of the airlings, I came to the conclusion that now is the middle of February, rather, even the second half. Yes, winter, however. Even though there is no snow, it's good. The weather was about the same as in Europe: cool, but clean and dry. But it's still cold. I wrinkled my nose. Damn, it just wasn't enough to catch a cold.

We taxied to some store, in the window of which male mannequins were displayed. Hammer was taken from me by a tailor who jumped out of the store and tied to a wooden rack outside, and we were respectfully invited inside. After thinking for a couple of seconds, I removed the bag from Alf and, squatting in front of him, looked into his eyes.

“Alf, my friend, you stay outside with Hammer. Protect our odd-toed bird. And then suddenly someone wants to steal it, how are we without it? I'm counting on you.

Monimont snorted mournfully, stuck out his tongue at Hammer, but obediently walked over and sat next to him. But the vile "bird" quite noticeably pricked me with a horn in the ass as soon as I got up.

- Hummer! “I shook my fist at him. - You'll tear your jeans, you monster. I love you and I worry that nothing will happen to you. And you?

Cher was watching us with a smile, standing on the porch. I stole a glance at him. Is he going to never leave my side? Already on the porch of the store, and even under the protection of the Monemont, nothing threatens me. Having dealt with my living creatures, I passed Sher and was about to go inside, when the drow suddenly grabbed me from behind, pulled me to him and hugged me tightly, burying his nose in the top of my head. We were silent.

- I trust you. I don't trust anyone in all the worlds the way I trust you. It's just that I'm madly afraid of losing you, and yes, I took advantage of this opportunity. Couldn't take advantage of it. Understand me. Because I need you. Take it for granted: I can't live without you. He turned me around and looked into my eyes. - Sorry.

“Cher, don’t worry, I just lost my temper yesterday and said too much. I don't consider you an enemy. It was the usual nervous breakdown, hysteria. I smiled calmly at him.

“Baby, you just don’t understand. My freedom does not belong to me, whether I want it or not, no one would ask me. They would find me a politically advantageous bride, and that's it. And you can’t even imagine how happy I am that you could suddenly become it. Don't push me away, I'll do anything for you, whatever you want. Just let me have it. He leaned over and breathed it almost into my lips.

Oh, the knees were treacherously weakened. When such a handsome man looks into my eyes and practically touches my lips with his own, it is somehow difficult to think and get angry. So, we pulled ourselves together and breathe, breathe, and even the lungs somehow suddenly refused to work.

- World? Let everything be as before? - And this snake-tempter with dark circles under the eyes lightly kissed me.

Wow, legs, traitors, well, pull yourself together, I'll just settle here on the porch.

- Persuaded, peace. And all the same, you are an eared fool, although your highness, do you know about this?

- I know. He nodded. "So you will forgive me?" At all? And will we sleep together again?

Fuck you, damn. Who cares, but a lousy bath. And here I hung my ears, I thought lamour, toujour, romantic, that he needed access to me, and he needed access to the body. The brain quickly returned to its place, and the body began to work normally again.

- I will think. - I pulled away. - Let's go, it's cold. And she entered the store first.

Meanwhile, our satellites have already stocked up in full. The tailor, a handsome fair-haired elf, had just not fought in ecstasy when my wings began to choose things for themselves from him. And considering how much we picked out, his accountant must have fought in the same ecstasy, the shop is very expensive. Yes, but this is worth working on.

- Larr, what do you think about the fact that part of the amount will go as barter? I turned to the tailor.

- What barter? - he made a rack and, narrowing his eyes, carefully looked at me.

- Well, how is it? Good, of course. The company does not knit brooms, so everything will be just fine. Do you see these charming winged youths now? The tailor nodded. – Have you met many like them in your life?

“None,” the elf answered honestly.

- That's it. Because they are airlings. So, after a while, more similar specimens will gradually arrive here. And, as you understand, they will all need a wardrobe according to the climate and local fashion. And in terms of physiology. Well, there are specific raincoats, shirts-jackets of a certain cut. Are you cutting?

“Seku-oo,” drawled the tailor and looked at my boys with a carnivorous look.

“Here, look at these two amazing models. “I pushed Delan and Kiram forward. - They may come to you a couple more times, so that you use them as experimental specimens. Take measurements, check if your clothes are comfortable, and so on. Well, I'm telling the great master common truths. - I decided to sweeten the worm on the hook. - You can see it better. Then you will either have some stock of ready-made things, or you will clearly know how to fit quickly, efficiently and exactly where you need it. And in return, you will fit some of the clothes that they have chosen now, and give them as payment for their work as models. Is it okay?

- Suitable. - The tailor's fingers involuntarily clenched and unclenched, and it was clear that mentally he was already taking measurements, or that they were still taking measurements from models.

Boys, do you understand? I turned to my imperturbable bodyguards, and they nodded in the affirmative.

They have known universal peace for a long time, almost from the beginning of work for my modest person, but it must be continued to develop. So let them get busy, at the same time they will be in business, and they will earn extra money for pins. We will make men out of henpecked men. It is necessary to drive them to training with swords later, and Ilmar at the same time. I glanced at the blond. And he quietly backed away and tried to hide from the line of fire behind Sher. M-yes, Ilmar Zen has yet to comprehend. Nothing, I'll take care of it, it's not going anywhere. And I reached into my bag for money to pay for purchases, but Cher grabbed my hand and looked reproachfully.

“Aleta, are you out of your mind?” Are you going to pay for all this yourself?

“Umm… well, yes. These are my bodyguards and my husband. – I nodded at Ilmar.

In general, I paid for all purchases of Cher, minus the cost of clothes for Delan and Kiram. And we went to the women's store. I decided that I would not pack a lot of things, a couple of dresses, shirts and, most importantly, local trousers, since I had no desire to freeze my butt in a dress and ride in it. So, ignoring all the propriety that Cher told me about, I chose a pair of the softest skinny leather pants. Leggings are not leggings, but they are very, very tight. But it's comfortable and warm. Can I show a good figure? Eh, they would still have biker boots, and in general there would be a waste. They also picked up a few suitable shirts for me, a warm leather jacket with fur with a bunch of studs and a fur vest from some local mink-like animal, which I immediately pulled over my leather jacket. And, having heeded Cher's persuasion, she took a couple of dresses for the sake of appearances. Moreover, they promised to bring the dresses home to me after fitting, because, despite my fragile figure, it turned out that the elves are even more slender than me in the upper ninety, but at the same time noticeably taller.

In the shoe store, we picked up shoes for everyone. With me again there was a problem, since they did not have such small boots, and all the available ones were large for me, on average, by a couple of sizes. Therefore, we ordered everything with delivery to the palace, causing the seller to tremble, paid and left.

Then there was the bank. Oh-oh-oh, a bank is a bank. As Cher explained to me, all the banks in Alzerath are run by dwarves. And it's a whole network. That is, having come to any branch in any city, you can withdraw the required amount from your account. A drop of blood is enough to confirm that I am the very person who is the owner of this account. In addition, you can take a bill, so as not to carry heavy wallets with you, and present it for payment. In short - the civilization of bankers forever.

The branch of the bank in Dakarta was located in a monumental, squat building of dark stone. Focused gnomes in uniform scurried about businesslike, and stern clerks sat at several tables. I chose one and went over and sat down at his table.

- Good afternoon, dear, I want to open an account with you. Is it possible?

“Of course, Larry. In what metal? For what amount? For how long? The clerk picked up his pen and got ready to work.

- In gold. For a long time. For a big one.

- For a big one ... And more specifically? The dwarf looked up at me.

- A very large one. More specifically, it will have to be calculated now, and I'm afraid that it will take a long time. Do you have a separate room for these purposes? - I calmly looked at the serious bearded uncle. Do not explain to him that I have no idea how much of this very currency I have. I, apart from putting my wallets in a bag, and I have a lot of such wallets.

The clerk called another employee, whom he left in his place, and we proceeded to this most separate room. I left the guys waiting in the lobby, I didn’t want to advertise my well-being, and only Alpha took with me. They know less, sleep more peacefully. In the room where the clerk led me, there was a large stone table and several chairs, on one of which he invited me to sit down.

- Please, Larra, take out your money, we will count.

Well, I started taking it out. And she took it out and took it out ... When the pile on the table became the size of the gnome himself, and the gnome's eyes - the size of saucers, the clerk coughed and said that he would need helpers. Having pressed some button on the wall, the dwarf returned to me and continued to observe my movements with mute surprise. In short, five gnomes counted my modest bunch, and they counted for a long time. Finally, we summed up the final amount and signed contracts, which, fortunately for me, it was customary for the gnomes to read aloud, because they also had a magical component and had to be voiced. Then they took a drop of blood from my finger, it was also somehow magically fixed, and I put my fingerprint on the contract with it. The dwarf, with a lot of pleasantries, announced that I was one of the biggest contributors and that they were madly flattered and all that. And instead of wallets, I was given a magic figurine on a chain, which confirmed my deposit and allowed me to withdraw monthly interest on the deposit, if I need to do it quickly, not only at the bank branch, but also from any representative of the dwarf tribe, no matter the merchant or the master . And then the bank compensates him for this amount.

In general, we were very pleased with each other, when I suddenly thought that it was probably worth leaving most of my treasures in the bank for safekeeping. Which is what I asked the gnome about. He bowed and said that, of course, for the beautiful Larra, they would allocate the most wonderful cell where I could put a family necklace, or a diadem, or whatever I have. And I began to take out of the bag "what I have." Given that I had a lot of my own jewelry, which I greedily bought from the Aerlings, plus those that were given for the wedding, and even those that Queen Larmen presented to me, in total it was a lot, a lot. The gnome is sick. He fanned himself and held on to his heart, and we had to invite again those uncles who helped us count the gold coins. While we have described, evaluated and decomposed all this, a lot of time has passed. And I needed a cell the size of a good chest.

After the bank, we walked a little more. Cher kept trying to make peace, and I, diligently pushing resentment and anger to the bottom of my soul, tried to answer him calmly and not periodically break into a roar. Because it was still embarrassing. Very disappointing. It's disgusting that I was used, and there is no longer the former trust in him. But at the same time, I understood that declaring a vendetta against him was stupid. Adult people. In our history, we must somehow try to solve everything in peace, bypassing the stage “You are no longer my girlfriend, you are no longer my friend. Don't play with my toys…” And so I carefully pretended that everything was fine, that I was able to communicate. I don’t know, maybe one day something will change or I will change, and the old attitude towards Cher will return, but so far it has been difficult for me to behave normally with him.

We returned to the palace tired, hungry, cold, but extremely pleased with the walk. And most importantly, we bought everything you need. Warm local clothing, weapons for Delan and Kiram, and horses for all three Airlings. The company that had come with us from the Aeller Valley had also already prettied up and looked dressed for the season and quite respectably. I looked at Merton with pleasure. No, after all, what a smart girl I am that I pulled him out of there, I just love myself, good. What a cool guy he turned out to be, as soon as he took off this terrible white mantle and changed into normal men's clothes. He, noticing my appraising look, smiled at me affectionately.

“Aleta, what are you doing with this priest?” Why is he looking at you like that? Cher, who noticed Merton's smile, immediately lost his stride and slowed down.

- Nothing. He is my friend, very good. And what? I smiled back at Merton.

– How good? Why is he smiling at you like that? - Cher started to wind up.

“Cher, don’t get her. Merton - a former priest, that says it all - stood up for the guy Ilmar.

- Oh, how is it? And what does it say? And why, I wonder, why does this former priest look at my wife like that? - Cher was already openly freaking out.

“Oh, Cher, don't act like a jealous cat. I already told you that Merton is my friend. I looked tiredly at the drow. - And in general, you begin to tire with your jealousy, it seems that I did not give you a reason to consider me your property. If you're wondering why he's looking at me like that, go ahead and ask him yourself. And stop making scenes for me, you have not the slightest right to do so.

- And I'll ask. - Cher quickly approached Merton, who all this time stood aside and listened to our bazaar. - You…

“Because I love her,” Shera Merton interrupted calmly, without waiting for a question.

- She is mine! the furious drow hissed.

“I know,” Merton shrugged just as calmly. But it doesn't affect my feelings for her.

Oops, looks like something is about to happen. Ilmar and I looked at each other and, without saying a word, quickly stepped towards these fighting cocks. Cher really got it, but I feel sorry for Merton. There are strong suspicions that if it comes to a fight, then the drow will roll him away. Still, with the physical training of the priests, things are hardly going well.

Cher, are we going to have lunch today? I'm just dying of hunger. - I took the drow by the elbow and dragged him in one direction, and Ilmar, picking up Merton, led him to the other. On the way, I looked expressively at Edelhir. “By the way, when will your father arrive?”

“I don’t know, I already sent him the news that I had returned to the palace. I think soon, - this jealous man fell for my distraction. - And why do you need it?

- Well, why? Познакомиться. It's interesting to look at your daddy, and besides, you need to give him letters and letters from Queen Larmena, I'm kind of like a representative of the Aerlings. Do you want me to give them to you? Well, it turns out that you are the crown prince, - here I grimaced, - it means that you can also accept all the credentials.

- Not worth it. In another situation, I could act as a deputy father, but in this case, let's better wait for him, and you will discuss everything with him. Time endures. And I have accumulated a bunch of my own affairs that require my personal presence.

At dinner, Edelhir took over the fire, distracting Sher from the artillery attack with vicious glances in Merton's direction.

“Your highness, can you help us with teleports to the Bright Forest?” he asked Sher. “Our magic, unfortunately, has not yet recovered after being completely blocked by the magical brand for such a long period. So I can't do it myself.

- In the Light Forest? Cher thought. “No, larr, I won’t be able to enter the Bright Forest itself. I was there only once and did not have time to take the coordinates for opening the portals. And, unfortunately, Master Linkenkal is now with his father, just in the Light Forest. I can offer either to wait for them, and then they will help you, or I will open a portal to the border of our territories, and then you yourself.

Edelhir thought, rubbed the stem of the wine glass with his fingers, looked around at his companions.

- Well, to the border, then to the border. There we can contact the border guard, and they will send for us. Let's do it today, then. In principle, we are ready to leave immediately after lunch.

“Your highness,” boomed Bofur, “and we?” How about portals to Garethgarhol and Orohart? He nodded at the orc.

- Alas, gentlemen, the same thing. I have never been in the steppes and mountains with the gnomes. I can help with portals to the borders closest to your territories, if that suits you. Cher shrugged.

The dwarf and the orc looked at each other. Judging by the fact that they mostly kept together and a little apart from the elves, the guys clearly became friends during their time in captivity.

- So, we are also to the border, - Irrogor rumbled. - Then I'm on horseback. Bofur, will you come with me? Your mountains will not go anywhere, you promised that you will definitely attend the Steppe Awakening Festival, and we will drink with you.

- Yes, let's go. The dwarf laughed out loud. “But then you come to me, to the Mountain Shaking Festival.

Oh, it looks like these two have scribbled, and they will now visit each other. We looked at each other and hid our smiles.

Immediately after dinner, my entire team fled. The former slaves left to gather, I sent my bodyguards to train with swords. Well, I got ready to see everyone off. I caught Edelhir and took him aside to talk about Merton.

“Larr Edelheer, have you spoken to Merton?” Everything is fine, is he going with you? I asked softly.

“Yes, your highness, don’t worry. I take him under my care, and then we will figure out on the spot what to attach him to. By the way, do you know that he has a very good education? He studied, according to him at home, but he had excellent teachers. I think I'll send him to study with Anoredel.

- Oh, that would be nice. - I was glad. “Larr Edelheer, I have another question…financial.” What should I do, give Merton cash now to spend money, or open a bank account in his name and put some money in it?

– Larra Aleta, will you allow me to call you that? Stop it. He frowned. “I take Merton on full pay, believe me, I am not poor at all, and he will be given a monthly salary as a companion of my son. And then, after training, we'll see what to attach it to.

- Thank you. Thank you very much. I am very glad that we met and that everything worked out so well. Hope we see you again. I extended my hand to the elf, and he kissed my fingers.

- Absolutely. I look forward to visiting you. You've never been to the Bright Forest, have you? He looked at me carefully. - Come. I will introduce you to my daughter, she is a very good girl, I think you will find a common language. There are still a few months before the start of classes, you will be in time for the Feast of All Gods. I will be waiting for you. He smiled.

Hmmm, something tells me that I will run away from my husbands much earlier than this very holiday. Considering that it is only February on earthly terms, and they have this Feast of All Gods on the day of the summer solstice, I have every chance of either becoming a widow or making my husbands happy with my untimely death.

Ilmar went with me to see off the former slaves. For some reason unknown to me, Cher led everyone to open the portal to the same place where we arrived the night before, in the park behind the palace. The first sent a dwarf and an orc. These two noisily said goodbye to everyone, invited us all to visit and, talking cheerfully, stepped into the teleport somewhere on the border of the territory of the drow and the steppes. Then Sher began to open a portal for the light elves. And I approached Merton with a smile to say goodbye.

I'm glad you made the right choice. Learn, grow. And we'll definitely see you again sometime. “I held out my hand to him.

- Thank you, Aletochka. I am happy that you are in my destiny. He took my hand in his palms and squeezed. “And just know that I love you.” Shh, don't interrupt. He pressed his finger to my lips as I opened my mouth to answer him. “I don’t ask you for anything, I don’t expect anything, just know about my love and that you are the greatest happiness in my life.

Merton looked back at the waiting light elves standing near the already open teleporter. Then he grabbed me in an armful, kissed me quickly on the lips with a firm, confident kiss and stepped into the portal, ignoring Sher, who rushed towards him, and Ilmar, who clung to Sher and tried to prevent him from approaching us.

The elves followed, the portal closed, and Sher, escaping from Ilmar's grip, jumped up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

- What was it? Why is he kissing you? What kind of demon does he even touch you? You are my wife, do you hear? You are mine! He held me tightly by the shoulders and looked with completely crazy eyes.

- Hands off! “I freed myself from his grip. “Now listen to me very carefully. You make a scene like this one more time and it will be the last day you see me at all. I am not yours! And never was yours! Remember this once and for all. And I do not want to listen to your jealous scandals and tantrums. It's clear? – I looked at Ilmar. “That applies to you too. In the coffin, I saw all these maral mating games of yours. We are married fictitiously, and if I want to have a lover, I will do it and I won’t even ask you. Moreover, as an Aerling woman, I can even get married a third time. For my part, I won't mind if you get some girlfriends. I understand everything, the matter is young and the body demands its own.

Ignoring their looks - the reproachful Ilmara and the absolutely insane Shera - I waved to Alpha and walked towards the palace. Horrible! Well, is it necessary? I, you see, him! Yes, for what reason? We're not even lovers, let alone anything more. I began to shake with anger. I hate, I hate scenes like this. I had one suitor who was jealous of every post and guarded in the evenings at the house, all suspecting that someone would see me off, and he would catch me red-handed. I was sick of these endless scenes of jealousy, I went crazy with anger and attempts to explain that it was his sick imagination, and not I was guilty of something. Now for me, relationships with such jealous people are a taboo. I've had enough of that nightmare. I still remember with a shudder that relationship and how much effort I had to spend so that he would leave me alone.

I spent the rest of the day in my room. I went out only once to go to the guys and call for dinner, in the hope that Cher had already calmed down and we could talk normally again. She went to the door to the drow's room and listened. From the room came some kind of roar and the ringing voice of Sher:

Is she mocking me? Grahchen tosh! Ilmar, well, you tell me: is she blind? Does she see or understand anything? Rahaa Murdoch! Yes, I go crazy when I think ... What demon? “A heavy object crashed into the door.

Oh! I quickly walked away and returned to my room. Perhaps I’ll have dinner in a room alone, something scares me such global cataclysms in Sher’s emotions. In the morning there was a knock on my door, and a huge bouquet of flowers floated into the room, followed by Cher holding this bouquet. Well, Ilmar loomed behind him, acting as a support group. Cher hesitated, went into the room, put the flowers on the table and turned to me. I sat and waited, tracking their movements with my eyes.

"I apologize for yesterday's outburst," the drow finally managed. “I was out of my mind. I promise this won't happen again. Now let's go, rooms have already been prepared for you, which will always belong to you in this palace. - He hesitated. - World?

“I don’t know yet, Cher. - I got up. “I hope you keep your promise, for right now I have a burning desire to never see you again.”

The drow flinched as if from a slap.

I rolled my eyes. Here's what they seem to be thinking. Here the whole life is upside down, that every day something new, then scandals, then intrigues, and these two just to be in the same bed with me.

- Are you kidding me? Why are you so given this joint dream? There is nothing between us anyway, and there never will be, don't even count. I snorted. Some kind of idiocy. I'll think about it, but for now my answer is no.

The two looked at each other and led me to inspect the rooms. By the way, they were just amazing. Cher took into account all my wishes. There was a large living room with tables, a sofa, armchairs, pouffes and even a bench. Fireplace and large balcony with wicker chairs and a table. There was an office in which they placed a secretary and an armchair that I had brought from the Airlings. And a bedroom with a huge bed, mirrors, three armchairs. One door from the bedroom led to the dressing room, the second to the bathroom. And everywhere there were thick soft carpets, on which one could sit just like that.

From my living room, which was locked, there was a door to a room that was something between a dining room and a living room. There were two more doors, behind one of which were Ilmar's apartments, and behind the second - Sher. In short, these two shots were in such a hurry that all our rooms were next to each other and had one adjacent, connecting their common living-dining room.

I liked my quarters. They were really very beautiful and light, and I thawed out. So, having driven everyone out of her territory, she went to unload junk from her wonderful bag. After all, I don’t even know approximately how many things I have there now, I’ll have to hang everything in a row in the wardrobe, and then we’ll figure it out. I've never had so many clothes before. And I knew all my dresses by sight, but here I had to get acquainted with many things. “Alice is a pudding. Pudding is Alice."

And in the evening I went to sleep. Ha, naive fool. I really wanted to go to sleep, quietly and peacefully. And when I, all so languid and melancholic, swam out of the bathroom in pajamas, I found both of my husbands in the chairs. And both - only in towels on their hips.

- And what are you doing here? Yes, even in this form? I nodded at their terrycloths. And, trying not to stare at these two mountains of testosterone, she paraded past them to the bed.

- Well, we are after the bath, - Ilmar smiled.

“They came to sleep, we agreed, you promised to think about it,” Cher purred.

I quickly slid into bed, pulled the covers up to my chin and modestly adjusted my tank top. And these two ... bad non-humans ... threw off their towels and, in what mother gave birth, went to bed.

- Guys, aren't you crazy, dear ones? “I stared at them. And, I confess, I stared at what had previously been hidden under the towels.

Well, not every day such a striptease is shown, but what if I don’t see it anymore? You have to at least take a look at whom God sent to me as spouses, more precisely, the goddess, more precisely, the great-grandmother, so that her beloved. Wow, I kind of got it. Oh what-and-they sent me. I started chewing on my fist. And the muscles, and the cubes, and the drops of water on the chest and stomach, and what buttocks. Everyone, shoot me, otherwise I can't vouch for myself. I don't even remember the last time I was with a man.

“Boys, would you cover up, would you?” I mumbled.

And I slowly mumbled it, and my eyes even refused to blink, otherwise they would suddenly open again, and the movie had already ended. And these two monsters slowly walked to the bed, and in fact, the bastards, did not even try to hide behind. My heart was already trying to get out of my throat to also see what it was showing that my eyes would now fall out. I swallowed, not letting it out. Then it began to beat like crazy and scandalize that it was so dishonest and it also wanted to see. The brain tried to command its eyes to close, so as not to be subjected to such a psychological attack, but was sent. His eyes refused to close, but, on the contrary, they opened even more so as not to miss anything. Then the brain began to cynically figure out who I would like first. Terrible, in short. Honestly, if they now had swimming trunks, like strippers, I would, without hesitation, put all my savings there for a rubber band. Because you won't see such a thing in any strip club... Well, in short, what I saw now.

- We are not ashamed of you. You're not shy about us, either, - drawled Cher.

“But you don’t have to watch if you fear for your morality,” Ilmar added languidly.

They began to go around the bed on both sides to lie on either side of me. And I felt that my eyes, like those of a chameleon, were moving in different directions, because it was beyond my strength to let even one of them out of sight.

“Guys, cover up, otherwise I’m going to rape you both in a particularly perverted form, and we’ll have to suffer together all our lives, because then we won’t be divorced,” I decided to scare them.

“And we are not afraid of you at all,” Cher whispered, sliding under the covers to me.

I closed my eyes with an effort, trying to gather them together. Cher pressed on my shoulders and dropped me on the pillow. And then these two disturbers of my hormonal levels moved closer, kissed each on the shoulder from their side, wished me good night, turned away and got ready for bed. No, well, there are simply no words! What the hell is my grandmother and my great-grandmother having a good night?! I'm about to be torn apart by hormones. How, I wonder, am I supposed to sleep when two such incredible bodies lie on either side of me?

"Don't crawl," Sher muttered over his shoulder, turning his head slightly.

“Sweet dreams,” Ilmar replied and laid his wings more comfortably.

And they, calmly settling down, evenly breathed. No... Well, it's... Well, it's just... No way at all... I don't even have words, only interjections and dots. I lay down, hiding. It was difficult to breathe, the blood made a volcanic eruption, the heart still tried to jump out of the chest, hormones raged. And while I was calming down all this local storm in my body, these two were already peacefully snoring. Nightmare! And I struggled with my own body for half the night and tried to fall asleep in order to wake up in the morning from the knock of the door and a frightened oyk.

Opening my eyes with difficulty, I tore my head from the pillow and saw the maid looking at our rookery. I shifted my gaze to where she was looking. And, groaning, she dropped her head back, because these two shameless ones opened up at night and were now sleeping completely naked, clinging to me on both sides. God, I can imagine what gossip will go now and what they will think of me.

In general, this is how we did it. During the day we existed autonomously, and I practically did not see the guys. Cher asked to be patient a little and not to be bored, explaining that during his long absence, a certain number of urgent matters had accumulated here, requiring his personal presence, and he disappeared somewhere for days on end. Ilmar practiced with swords from morning to evening with my bodyguards, and I studied the palace and its surroundings. We met only for dinner, and by night the guys showed up in my bedroom, and we slept like babies. The servants and courtiers looked at each other and whispered after me, but no one dared to say anything in the eyes, so I just waved my hand at everything. It seems that no one knew that we were married, and therefore they believed that I was such an insatiable person that one man was not enough for me. Although sometimes I thought that this is not good and I look, to put it mildly, not very decent in their eyes, and maybe we should talk about the fact that we are married. In addition, as it turned out, the story of Ilmaniel's rudeness and that I, it turns out, was not a person, but an aerling, moreover, a princess, gained publicity and taught the palace audience to be careful. So there were no idiots to run into, but no one was in a hurry to be friends with me. The drow were studiously ignoring my presence, though very politely, not to be faulted.

A couple of times in the corridors I ran into the royal favorite. But she, too, made a stony face, looked askance at Alpha and, curtsying slightly, if she met my gaze, quickly left, practically ran away. And I'm glad, that's the last thing I wanted to communicate with this arrogant bitch.

Cher and I spent two evenings teaching me the local alphabet. It was faster on the computer, Cher Vaughn learned to read in just an hour, but even so, according to the book, I quickly got used to it. I learned the letters quickly, thanks to my new memory, and then it was only a matter of training and developing fluent reading skills in the local language. Which I did in my free time, studying the Airling history books I had brought with me. And it’s somehow wrong, I’m kind of their representative, but I don’t know a damn thing about my people.

On the third day, I discovered the ballroom. More precisely, judging by its size, the hall is not exactly a ballroom, but something like a small hall for something that requires a lot of mirrors. Oh, how happy I was, I haven't danced in such a long time. The body required the usual load, and the soul asked for music and dancing, so on the same day I occupied this hall for my studies. There was, however, some difficulty with changing clothes, since walking through the entire palace in the clothes in which my training usually took place was not comme il faut, the local drow shied away from me anyway. Therefore, I didn’t want to embarrass them with my sporty look, but it was inconvenient to change clothes in the hall. So I pulled my raincoat out of Sher's room and dressed in my room, then wrapped myself in it and, like a gloomy ghost, followed to the dance hall. And there she was already indulging in all serious, attaching her player to the window so that there was enough sunlight for the batteries. Lord, how it turns out I missed the Earth, friends and parents, music, the crazy rhythm of the big city and even my former job (I would never have believed that one day I would say this, but nevertheless ). So I turned on the music and, completely forgetting about everything in the world, danced. Several times I noticed that they were spying on me and eavesdropping on me. At first it interfered and I got lost, but then it became all the same. Let, the main thing is that they are silent and do not climb.

About a week after we arrived in Dakart, Sher announced that he was taking Ilmar, and they were leaving for two days to survey the borders, since the drow had business in outlying territories too, and the father still did not return. Having promised that they would return by the evening of the next day, the guys left immediately after breakfast, and I was left to myself. I still had absolutely nothing to do, and I frankly went crazy with boredom. Still, I'm not used to such a stupid and idle pastime. I was tired of reading, it was boring and cold to walk alone, and I’m not a fan of walking in nature, there were only trainings.

And as soon as Cher and Ilmar left, I changed clothes, took my equipment, wrapped myself in Sher's raincoat and wandered in the right direction. I had to go down one of the last stairs leading to the hall when I conceived a blasphemous act from the point of view of decorum. Actually, I had been planning to carry out this blasphemy for a long time, but somehow there were always too many drow around. Namely, I dreamed of sliding down the railing of one of those wide staircases that, like two wings, led from the second floor down to the front doors. It became an obsession, but the stairs were so long and their railings so smooth and wide that I thought it would be great to slide down. Childhood, of course, but the railing beckoned, and I only guarded the moment when there would be no one around so that I would not be caught. And now I'm finally lucky. Hooray!

I left the player at the wall to pick it up later, settled myself comfortably on the wide railing, wrapped myself in a raincoat and drove off. Oooh. It was cool, I didn't even think that I would like it so much. Since the stairs were spiral, by the middle I had already accelerated well, and at the very end, like a cork from a bottle, I flew up, crashed into some man and buried him under me. Damn, what kind of bad luck is this? That's where he emerged from, well, just that there was no one.

I raised myself on my elbows and accidentally pressed the man to the floor. He grunted. Here's something that reminds me of. Pushing my hair back from my face, I looked at the victim of my mischief.

“Man…” I began and looked closely. “Oh, what an interesting man you are.

Oh, what a man I crushed ... My God, and where only such handsome men are made ?! Burning dark brown with perfect features, he was incredibly handsome compared to other drow and even my husbands. His black hair was braided and arranged in some kind of complex braid, and very long, because it lay next to him on the floor. Black eyebrows and eyelashes and very dark purple eyes. And these eyebrows are raised in surprise, and violet eyes look at me with curiosity and, in fact, they are waiting for something.

Hello, larr. Did I pinch you? I shifted to get comfortable and smiled at him.

The man again grunted under my elbows, but did not try to get out, and I was also in no hurry to get up from him.

- There is little. Would you like to get up? He chuckled, and the corners of his lips twitched.

- You feel uncomfortable, don't you? - I tried to get up, but my elbow slipped again and the man grunted again.

- Oh! No, nothing, you better lie down. And then you will make a hole in me now. - This handsome man was already frankly amused.

- Yes? Well, excuse me. I just decided to take the stairs. Believe it or not, since childhood I have dreamed of riding such stairs someday, I have seen similar ones in estate museums.

- So how is it? Liked? He already had glee in his eyes.

Thanks, but I guess I'll refrain. – Elf all the same could not stand it and snorted with laughter.

- In vain. Honestly, such a thrill, just like on a carousel ride. You, if you decide, call, I will keep you company, there are two stairs. – I laughed too.

Then from somewhere behind came the piercing voice of the royal favorite, who was clearly moving in our direction. I winced.

- Okay, I'll go. And then here comes the royal bitch, oh, that is, the royal favorite. I don't want to face her. Between us, a creepy woman.

I slid sideways, ignoring the man's stifled chuckle, and stood up. She wrapped herself in her cloak again, covering her dancing mayhem, and ran up the stairs for her player.

The next day, I again did not know what to do, it was boring to the point of stupor, and I waited for the guys only in the evening. After reading at home, then for another half a day I poked around the palace and suddenly realized that I really wanted pancakes. And that I madly missed normal familiar food, and now I’ll just die if I don’t get these coveted thin lacy pancakes of mine. But I didn't know where these drow's kitchen was, so I had to ask Alpha to accompany me to where they give him tasty treats. Monimont smiled carnivorously, said that he was always ready to eat, and led.

In the kitchen, I was greeted by astonished silence and a few puzzled looks. I hesitated on the threshold.

“People, who is in charge here?” I finally decided, remembering that I was supposed to be the first to address the lower in rank.

“Me, your highness. Do you want something special for dinner? - An elf in a white cap stepped forward.

- Yes. Wish. Could you bake some pancakes? I really want to. I looked at him questioningly.

- Pancakes? The chefs looked at each other. - And what's that?

- Well, from the dough, such fried thin cakes. Do you know how?

They couldn't. Moreover, they have never even heard of such a strange dish, barbarians. After thinking, I decided that saving the dying of hunger is the work of the dying themselves, and therefore ordered me to give me an apron, ingredients and dishes. And also said that now I will show them a master class on cooking these same pancakes.

Yes, gentlemen of the cook. I’ll do it just for me now and ... um ... well, it doesn’t matter, so remember the proportions, then you will do it yourself. Drag two liters of milk, two eggs, salt, sugar, flour, vegetable oil. A liter is about that much. I pointed at a bowl on the table.

The chefs looked at each other and with great reluctance, but still provided me with a place and everything that I demanded. It was evident that they really did not want to let me into their fiefdom, but they did not dare to argue and simply began to carefully observe my manipulations. They didn't say anything out loud, though, so I stopped paying attention to it. For some, no, but I am Highness, although they do not like me.

The first three or four pancakes, which, as usual, came out lumpy, while I got used to the local frying pan and the thickness of the dough, Alf ate. Two more had to be donated to the head chef and his assistant for tasting. As for the rest, as soon as they had finished baking, I covered them with the silver lid given to me here so that they would not cool down, and dragged them to my room, taking all sorts of delicious additions to them and a bottle of wine.

And so Alf and I wandered along the corridor, terribly pleased with ourselves, and I was also in anticipation of how now I would arrange a belly festival called “Death to a figure” with these same pancakes. Alf dragged a string bag with wine and toppings for pancakes, and I the dish itself. And suddenly, already on the way to my chambers, I came face to face with the amazing drow of the past, who stood blocking the road and watched our procession with interest.

Hello, larr. I smiled at him. “Didn’t I bruise you yesterday?”

- Hello. No, we didn’t have time, I have a good, strong tunic. He slyly smiled back at me.

And I looked at his black leather tunic, worn over a white shirt. A good tunic, and the shirt underneath is good, and everything under the shirt and below is also ... very good. So, calmly, something brings me to the wrong steppe.

“So you are the same Airling princess who sleeps with two men at once, and one of them is Crown Prince Shermanthael?” The elf looked at me with interest, but I got bored.

I thought... And he came to collect gossip. Yes, and such a tactless one. Well, I sleep like I sleep, I will play my part, as expected.

- And for what purpose are you interested? Would you like to join? - I looked at him affectionately, sighed and lowered my eyelashes languidly, and then slowly raised them.

- Do you have any other vacancies? - The man chuckled with a smile, but was not embarrassed, but continued to flirt.

- Well, since I am the princess of the Airlings, I can generally have a whole harem. I'm even supposed to. By status. I smiled and bit my lower lip lightly.

Then the handsome man's eyelashes trembled, but he did not take his eyes off my lips.

- What smells so delicious to you? He changed the topic of conversation.

- Pancakes. How do you respect them?

- Pancakes? He raised his eyebrows in surprise. – What is it?

I removed the lid from the dish, and a mind-blowing aroma floated down the corridor. The man involuntarily swallowed.

- Want to try? - I watched the victim of taste sensations with a smile.

- Want. Can i? He smiled back at me.

- Why can't you. But not in the corridor, let's go, I'll treat you. We've almost arrived. I covered the dish with a lid and headed for the door to my quarters.

The elf followed me obediently.

"Excuse me, larr, what's your name?" I glanced over my shoulder at him.

You can call me Cyrus. And you?

- I'm Aleta. Ask.

I went into the living room, loaded a dish onto one of the low tables, and took the wine and toppings from Alf. She took out two wine glasses from the locker and nodded to Cyrus at the bottle. He understandingly took it and, having opened it, poured it into glasses.

“Come on, have a seat, Larr Cyrus. Now I will feed you. I hope you enjoy it, I baked it myself. What do you like with jam? There is also salted fish, sour cream, honey. I sat down on the carpet at the table and waved invitingly to my guest.

“You can just call me Kir. I do not know. What tastes better? He watched with interest as I arranged the pots of toppings and smiled at something.

Well, then try everything one by one.

And we started trying. Empirically, it turned out that Kira likes this dish most of all with salted red fish, if it is wrapped inside, and with honey, in which to dip. Well, I ate with lingonberry jam. And all this was washed down with wine, which was kindly given to me in the kitchen of the cook. All in all, we had a good time. I ate pretty quickly and after the third pancake I just drank wine in small sips, but Cyrus turned out to be either very hungry, or so imbued, but the pancakes quickly disappeared from the dish. Hmmm, it looks like Shera and Ilmar won't have anything left, but don't take it away now, if you invited it yourself.

Finally, he, too, sat up and fell off the table.

- Well, how do you like it?

- Divine. And I'm surprised you baked it yourself. He smiled contentedly and drank wine.

- Well, what to do if your cooks do not know how. – I laughed. - I had to get up to the stove. I'm glad you liked it. I think now you can eat them too, I taught the chefs here how to bake them.

We savored the wine and thought each of his own. Cyrus was not going to leave, but, on the contrary, he sat comfortably on the carpet, stretching out his legs and leaning back on the sofa, and watched me in a relaxed way.

- Kir, can we play cards? Are you in a hurry? - I thought that I didn’t know what to talk about with him, and the silence was obviously dragging on, but not expelling him.

- We can play. True, I do not know how, but if you teach me, then I will be happy.

I quickly went into the bedroom and returned with a deck of cards. Not that I'm such a gambler, so, sometimes, if only in good company. Yes, and I don’t know games especially, but for a fool, simple or throw-in, even I can teach this. Having dealt the cards, she told the rules, and we played the first training game, during which I explained everything.

- Here you go. Actually, this game is called "throw fool". The one who lost is a fool.

- Understood. What will we play? What are the usual bets? Kirk asked.

- Yes, no, in principle, just play - and that's it, well, or any nonsense. Desires, for example. And on stupid ones, such as crawling under the table and meowing or climbing onto a chair and crowing. But, I think, you and I should not play on the desire. - I giggled to myself, remembering Ailontar, and thought that my desires are sometimes very specific.

– What other bets are possible? Kirk chuckled in surprise.

- And even more stupid. Undressing, for example. The loser removes one thing from himself. Or on cracks. Or for interest - the one who won asks a question, and the loser must answer it honestly.

- No, she won’t go to the cracks, I can’t beat the girl. Kirk thought. - And it’s not worth the interest, suddenly we will start extorting state secrets from each other. And what else?

- Well, uh ... or kissing. But there are only two of us, so kissing also disappears.

- Fall away? Kirk glanced at my lips with interest. - Well then, let's undress, I don't mind.

Here I was already thinking, estimating the number of things I was wearing now and how many parties I would last if suddenly I didn’t have any luck. It turned out okay, given the trousers with a belt, shirt, vest, jewelry, shoes and stockings. Nothing. I'm not sure if that's a good idea though - oh, and Cher will knock me over the head if she finds me. But, on the other hand, it is interesting to look at this Kira without a shirt, and you can stop in time, completely undressing is not included in my plans. I think it’s possible up to a shirt, I have it long, like a tunic, it covers my butt if it’s loose.

And we started playing. At some point, we ran out of a bottle of wine, and, looking out into the corridor, I asked a servant running past to bring a couple more, and we continued the game. Somehow imperceptibly ended the second bottle, and the third. I practically did not drink, only drank a little, but Kira was already fine. He smiled, flirted and seemed to have a lot of fun with our game.

Cyrus played with full dedication, recklessly, we even argued noisily a couple of times, he accused me of cheating, while I myself took out a tucked card from behind his sleeve, and he was loudly indignant that this was an accident and he had nothing to do with it. Well, he looks like such a decent elf. At the same time, he was outrageously lucky, and if I hadn’t been wearing so many jewelry, then we would have had to stop the game a long time ago, since I simply wouldn’t have anything to shoot. In general, we mentally had fun, for a long time I have not played ordinary cards with such pleasure.

- Byto. Aleta, you lost again. Kirk laughed out loud.

- Come on, Kir. If I knew that you were so lucky at cards, I wouldn’t even sit down to play with you, ”I muttered, taking off the second stocking. - Later I will teach you to play checkers and backgammon, there are no stakes. Want to? Or chess, but, really, I'm not much of a chess player.

Actually, by agreement, this was our last game, since I had nothing more to shoot, now I was left only in underwear and a long shirt, and Kir was sitting in some white underpants, and he had only some kind of cunning hair clip. Yes, and only my great-grandmother's ring and a moonstone pendant remained on my jewelry, but I did not plan to take them off under any circumstances, so our card tournament came to an end.

Baby, we're back. What makes you smell so good?

The door opened, two of my husbands appeared on the threshold of the living room and froze in a daze on the threshold, looking around our group with a stunned look. Cyrus, who was sitting with his back to the door, also looked around and looked at them with a smile. Yes, I present a spectacle. We sit with the drow on the floor, with cards in our hands, surrounded by empty bottles and mountains of things, mixed with mine and his, which we just threw into one heap.

- Dad? Shera confused.

- Dad?! – surprised Ilmara.

- Dad?! - full of resentment mine.

I coughed. Well, your mother! Yours, Cher, dad! Why, why am I so unlucky?! I just met such an amazing man, at the sight of which the hamstrings are shaking, and rolled her lips, but for you, Aletochka, meet your own father-in-law. It's even worse than Meet the Fockers. This is generally ... the first part of their surname, and many times.

Cyrus stretched and stood up smoothly, while Cher stared at his underpants and raised his eyebrows.

“Father, what are you doing here?”

“Your Aleta treated me to pancakes and we played cards. Kirk laughed. “I don’t remember how many centuries I didn’t have so much fun.

Cher looked at me. Oh, what will happen now ... But Cher did not say a word, but simply looked at me, and I felt that I was becoming terribly ashamed. And that I think I'm stupid. My ears started to burn. Standing up quietly, I retreated to my bedroom to get dressed. Without looking, she pulled on the first dress that came across instead of a shirt and returned to the living room. Cyrus, too, had already put on his pants and shirt, turned to me and coughed. What else? I did get dressed. I lowered my eyes to check what was wrong. Oh! All wrong. The dress I hurriedly put on was one I had brought back from the Airlings, sheer and with slits down the sides. Cher and Ilmar didn't say anything, just watched me blush rapidly.

I hesitated, and then went to the sofa and sat down with an independent look. Everything, I slept so I slept, why flutter now. I’ll get my share of the due ... uh ... well, what do jealous husbands say to their wives when they are caught red-handed?

“Cher, would you introduce your companion to me?” - Cyrus broke the long pause, watching my throwing with a grin. - And come in, eat pancakes, they are still warm. I'll tell you to bring wine.

Ilmar and Cher came up to me and, after standing for a couple of seconds, nevertheless sat down on the sofa on two sides of me. I took a breath. The scandal seems to be delayed.

- Meet your father. This is Il'marei vas Korta-Honer, Prince Consort of the Aerlings and second husband of the younger non-crown princess of the Bertil Aleta family.

Cyrus had already dressed and sat down in a chair across from us.

- Second? He chuckled, looking at me curiously. - And who is the first?

- Me, father, me.

Oh, how I want to become small, small and invisible and climb somewhere under the plinth ...

Kira's face fell. He looked at Sher for a long time, probably expecting him to say he was joking. But Cher remained silent. And I was silent. And Ilmar was silent.

– Yes, Shermanthael, you know how to present surprises. How did you get hurt?

Cyrus shook his head and looked at me.

- Well, how do you, Aleta, live in such a marriage? You are,” he stammered, “you are not an Airling by birth. Why did you go for it?

At this point, I looked at Sher, calling for help. Still, it seems to me that he himself should explain himself to his parent. But he only shrugged his shoulders dejectedly, looked at me askance, but said nothing. Again, everything was dumped on me. Boys, let nettles down the drain for you. And by the way, daddy Shera seems to know who I am, it's just me, naive bastard, caught like the last idiot.

“Because if I had not taken them as husbands, they would have been executed. I shrugged sadly. “And believe me, I myself am horrified by such a triple marriage. And we don’t know who, how and when we should turn to have it terminated, because we have a fictitious marriage, there is nothing between us. We're just friends. – I winced. - True, in the palace everyone thinks that we are lovers, since no one knows that we are married, and we are not going to tell anyone about it.

- That's even how. Fictitious? - Kir looked at me so attentively that I even shivered, got up and walked around the room. Yes, you gave me the news. Cher, are you aware that I just returned from Brightwood and arranged for you to marry the sovereign's niece? Everything has already been discussed, a preliminary agreement has been concluded, and Anoriel irn Elrinor from the Euwe clan will arrive in Dakart in the near future for the betrothal ceremony.

- But this is impossible! Her father could not give consent to this marriage. Cher looked up at his father in surprise.

“Cher, her father went missing with his son gods knows how many years ago. The agreement was concluded with the ruler and her mother.

- Yes, her father was found, and her brother was found. They were in the harem of the Queen of the Airlings. Aleta ransomed them and took them here with me and Ilmar.

Cyrus, who was pacing the room, stumbled and turned to us.

– And where are they?

- I think already at home. I sent them to the borders of our lands with the Light Forest, they were going to contact the border guard there. Looks like you missed each other by just a day.

“Your news can drive you crazy,” Sher’s dad drawled.

Ah-ah-ah... Such... Such... And dad... I can't turn my tongue to call him that. He looked a little older than Cher, just as tall, just as handsome, just a little more mature and serious. Looking at him, it was immediately clear that this was already a man, and not a young guy. And Cher is very similar to his father, only a younger version. I watched Cyrus with longing. There is no happiness in life. And if there is, it's not in mine, that's for sure. Vladyka caught my eye and lost his stride. Oh…

- Cyrus, I'm sorry, I don't know your full name. I think you should talk to Cher in private, there's probably a lot of things you need to discuss. Pulling myself together, I glanced sympathetically at Sher, who breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, it seems that he, too, did not feel warm to listen to his father's educational speech in our presence.

“You are right, Aleta. And call me as before, for you I am Cyrus. Cher, who was sitting next to him, shuddered and somehow strangely looked at his father.

- That is great. Cher, Ilmar - let's go to the table and eat the pancakes before they are completely cold. At the pace,” I commanded, and the guys obediently moved and started eating. They seemed to be glad to have a break in the interrogation.

- Cyrus, and I have one last question for you, as a ruler. What exactly am I supposed to do and write to issue an official note of protest or, as it is properly called, with accusations of insulting me as a member of the ruling royal house of the Airlings? - I'll take care of other showdowns for now in order to distract Cyrus from Sher, and I myself need to distract myself. And by the way, I still wonder what his full name is.

- What are you about? he didn't understand.

- I'm talking about your mistress. - Cyrus slowed down, and I continued: - When we first arrived in Dakart, she uttered a whole bunch of nasty things and threats to me and Edelhir irn Elrinor. Personally, I, being Aleta Olkhovskaya, would calmly survive this. Chai is not the first slut, who imagines herself to be God knows what, that I have met in my life. But as a princess of the Bertil family, I am compelled to demand that this be properly investigated and she be punished accordingly. I guess larr Edelheer will back me up.

- Ta-a-k. Well, in more detail. - Kir flowed onto the sofa to the vacant seat next to me. I shivered again. Crap…

And I told him in detail. In paints, not sparing emotions on the description of the behavior of this bitchy grymza. I do not mind. No, really, what does she allow herself? It would be nice if there was still a queen, otherwise she was an ordinary aristocrat, and besides, she was badly brought up. And all her merit is only that she managed to get into bed with the ruler. I glanced at Kira. Although hand on heart, I understand it. Only something tells me that it was by no means the physical virtues of this ... This ... Well, in general, this ... Who was sitting next to me that attracted her there. Well, what an attractive man, there are no forces. Cyrus sat, comprehending everything that I told him. Then he glanced briefly at Sher.

“Shermanthael, what did you say to her?”

- That you yourself will figure it out when you arrive, and appoint a proper punishment for her and her sycophants.

- Great. It's just great. Kirk squinted wickedly. – Aleta, you demand the maximum punishment?

“Eh… well, yes. Maybe. And what is the maximum? - I got lost.

- The death penalty.

“Well…” I closed my eyes in confusion. - It's a bit too much.

- Is it? You think properly. According to the laws of the Bright Forest, this is followed by the death penalty. What is the punishment for the Airlings, if you represent their ruling house?

“Death penalty,” I whispered. But it’s true, not only am I a woman, and the Aerlings generally have a hard time with this, I also now belong to the royal family.

Cyrus smiled and narrowed his eyes slightly.

But maybe there is something softer? Well, a little? But according to the law, I mumbled.

- The most sparing thing that can be done in this case is deprivation of the title and exile. Forever. For her and her descendants, if there are any.

“I agree,” I said quickly, before Cyrus changed his mind.

This girl Ilmaniel, of course, is vile, and a fool, since she allows herself such antics, but do not execute her for this.

- Well, well ... I'll be waiting for you tomorrow in my office. I think we have a lot to discuss. Cyrus smiled, looking at me through his eyelashes, covered my hand with his and shook it, and I felt myself melting. “And grab your checkers. After the settlement of all business issues, I will play with you with pleasure. More,” he added in an enveloping voice.

Cher choked on his pancake and coughed.

Cher, how are you? Careful. Breathe in through your nose, and breathe out and cough through your mouth. I yanked my hand away and switched to Sher.

He cleared his throat and wiped away the tears that had come out of his cough.

- Everything is fine. Choked, he croaked.

- Are you okay? If you're done, then let's go to my office. We have a lot to discuss. Kirk slowly stood up. - You were gone for a long time, tell me everything calmly and in order.

Cher nodded, cleared his throat again, and stood up too. Ilmar and I got up after them to say goodbye.

- Aleta, I was very glad to meet you, you are charming. And you bake delicious pancakes. Cyrus leaned over and kissed my hand, pretending not to look at all into the neckline of my dress and even through the dress itself, which did not at all hide my lacy earthy underwear. Hm….

- Mutually. I gave a forced smile and looked at Cher. - Waiting for you?

Cher looked at me thoughtfully.

“No, I’ll be free late and go to bed, no need to wait,” he turned and left the living room, followed by Kir.

I plopped down dejectedly back on the couch and hunched over. There was a feeling as if a rod had been taken out of me and I was now spreading into a puddle. N-yes. Well, evening, I did things. Sher seems offended. I'm generally sad. I don't understand what Ilmar feels. And he, without saying a word, came up and sat down next to me, and I crawled under his arm, snuggling against his warm side. We sat in silence.

- Did you really like him? Ilmar spoke first.

- Who? I winced at his question.

- Kir. I saw the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. Between you just sparks did not fly.

“Kir…” I drawled. – Yes, Ilmar, I liked it. But, alas, nothing can happen between us. No matter how much I or he suddenly want it. I threw my head back and looked at Ilmar.

- Why? He smiled kindly at me. “You can have a whole harem if you want. If he wants you too, and Kir wants you, it shows. And you want it. You never look at me or Sher the way you were looking at him now,” he added sadly.

“Il, he’s Sher’s father, you understand? I just can't do this to Cher while we're married. Let there be nothing between us, let us just be friends. But… Cyrus is his father. And then… Who am I and who is Cyrus? There is an abyss between us, and what you saw is just a physical attraction. Agree, he is a very attractive and charismatic type.

- Understand. Come here. - Ilmar dragged me to his lap, hugged me tightly and shook me like a child. “There's nothing between you and Cher just because you don't want it. If you'd only let him, you'd have it all by now.

- Hey, I can't. And you know, I've never been interested in Cher as a girl. He just used to consider me his property, hence all these outbursts of jealousy. All the time that we have known him, there were no men in my environment, and he was used to being the only one next to me. And after all, we only kissed him once, not counting the wedding, and then it was more like drunken courage, even at my house, there. And as his companion, girlfriend, and even more so his wife, he never even considered me, which he told me himself, personally. Now, when I suddenly gained the title and became a princess, he changed his mind. Before that... Let me tell you something. Just swear to me that all this will remain between us.

- I swear. - Ilmar leaned over and lightly, almost without touching, kissed me on the lips.

“Il, the thing is, I’m not from this world. I am an ordinary person, a completely simple human girl with no powers, as I always thought. And I've only been in Alzerat for a little over a month. And I got here just on the eve of our acquaintance with you, having really fallen out of the teleport in your mountains along the way. Only this path was from my home world, which is called Earth. And Cher brought me here.

And I told Ilmar about our meeting with Sher, about how I nursed this half-dead cat and how then I considered him an ordinary pet all the time. And about how one day I accidentally returned his elf form to him, and then after one rite that we had to perform in order to save his life, she became immortal. And about a letter from my great-grandmother, who, in some unknown way, knew that one day I would meet a representative of another world. After thinking, she told me about that scene with my gift, and how scared Cher was, deciding that I was imposing myself on him as a wife. After all, he honestly told me then that he would never be able to marry me. And he didn’t even try to court me or seduce me, although I liked him and I didn’t mind if he showed even a little persistence then. But I did not interest him as a woman absolutely. And all these fits of jealousy began only now, after this wedding, he completely went off the rails and became inadequate and unbearable. Because he decided that I was more profitable for him than some abstract bride that his father found for him. Here I sighed. Father, uh...

"Do you really think you're not interested in him as a woman?" Can't you see that he's crazy about you, hence his jealousy, and these tantrums. Yes, he loses his head when he sees you. Ilmar shook his head reproachfully. “Do you know that he made me swear that I would not use my right as a husband to force you?” Only if you love me and you yourself want our marriage to become real? That's why the three of us sleep, so that you yourself choose and make a decision, and he alone is afraid to sleep with you. He is afraid that he will break loose, and then you will not forgive him.

Strange. It doesn't look like Ilmar is cheating on me, but...

- Ilmar, you are confusing something. After all, he even had a bride, and we parted for only three days, while I wandered through the mountains and looked for the way to the airlings.

- Aleta, you are his bride. He was engaged to you. Remember your gift to him, the bracelet. He put it on himself, consciously. Even if he did not know that it would work as an engagement, he only hoped for a miracle, and you gave this bracelet as an ordinary piece of jewelry. But then the magic worked so that from the minute he put it on, you were engaged. He learned about it only here, in the palace. The father told him. And he didn’t even have time to tell you, you see how it all happened.

"But why didn't he explain anything to me?" Didn't try to talk to me, tell me about all this and his feelings, if he has any? - I was even confused by such revelations and from the fact that I learn all this from my second husband.

- Did you give him the opportunity? Ilmar looked at me reproachfully. “Well, do you really not like him at all?”

I sat down, comprehending the information.

- I like it very much, it's wonderful. And I always liked it, only now he never tried to court me during the entire time of our acquaintance. Cher, after all, made it clear to me at the very beginning that as a girl he did not need me. And then I got really mad at him. Ilmar, I used to consider him just a friend, and I treat him as a friend. Well, it seems ... Ugh, damn it. Now I don't know what I feel for him. – I thought. - But not in love, that's for sure, and he did nothing to make me suddenly fall in love with him.

“How stupid and blind you are. - He hesitated. - And I? Do you like me?

- Very. You are like a dream, like a fairy tale, like a bright angel. Even just looking at you is pleasant, and I am thrilled by your blue eyes. You are an incredibly bright being.

You are calling me an angel again. He smiled. - Who is this?

– Angels? They are representatives of the pantheon of my religion. They look like you: just as beautiful, bright, amazing and with the same white wings. Helpers of God, protecting people, helping them not to commit sins. Well, if you explain it very primitively, I am an atheist and I am not familiar with religious aspects. They live in heaven, in paradise. And they are sinless. – I stroked Ilmar's cheek with a smile.

“I am not at all sinless. He smiled back and raised his eyebrows playfully. “And if you would let me, I would prove it.” He mustered up his courage and asked, “Why don't you want me to remain your husband? I could make you happy if you let me.

– Because I want you to be happy, Ilmar. Because I want you to meet a girl that you love with all your heart, and she will love you. And that you are always together and be happy. You deserve it.

- But you do not admit the thought that you can become this girl?

- Ilmar, let's be honest with each other, since this is the first time we've been talking like this. You're not in love with me even the slightest. You feel gratitude for me, sympathy, perhaps you even like me, just like you like me. But it's not love. Not the kind of love that happens between a man and a woman. What we have with you is more like kindred feelings. Attachment, friendship, desire to be near, communicate, share. But you do not burn in flames from the thought of me, do not die from desire. Your arm hairs don't stand on end, you don't catch your breath, and your knees don't tremble when I'm around you. You do not go crazy with jealousy at the thought that another man will touch me. It is so? Admit it yourself, and you will understand what I mean.

He nodded slowly, as if spellbound by listening to me.

- And I want you to have all this, Ilmar. To love and burn with passion. And just thinking about her would give you goosebumps and sweetly cramp your stomach. And so that the one, your only one, also madly loves you. So that you drown in each other's eyes and melt at the touch of your fingers. And the whole world would be for you in each other's breath, and the nights that you would spend next to each other were full of passion and pleasure. So that you get married and live a long happy life together, and you would not need anyone else. So that your love for each other is so great that neither troubles nor misfortunes, if they suddenly happen, do not overshadow your feelings. And so that you have children who would live in a happy family, see your love and be happy too, knowing that true love is not a fairy tale, that it is possible. I wish you this with all my heart, Ilmar. I kissed him affectionately on the cheek, and he looked at me with a bleary look.

- But nevertheless, what if suddenly ... Well, after some time, we could mutually love each other and experience all this?

- Well, then no one can prevent us from getting married again, but for love. I smiled at him.

- Fine. I won't mind a divorce," he said softly. I hope all this will be in my life. And I also wish you the same, Aletochka. May the gods hear me. I really want you to find your happiness too, because I have no one closer and dearer than you. Just promise that you will not disappear from my life, that you will remain my close friend.

- Will! Necessarily will. She is the one, your favorite and the only one! And I will not disappear, I promise, - I firmly stated and added quietly: - And the gods hear you, Ilmar.

“Then we need to see the Lord of the Winds. He sealed our marriage, he can and terminate. Do you know where to find it? You did communicate.

- I know. He's with the dragons. - We sat in silence, just enjoying the moments of complete mutual understanding and peace that comes when a controversial, difficult situation is resolved.

“Aleta, tell me about your world,” Ilmar asked thoughtfully.

- Tell? Let me show you something, shall I? Wait. I slid off his lap and headed for the bedroom.

In my bottomless bag, I had albums with photographs that I took with me as a keepsake, so that when I miss the Earth especially much, I could look through them and remember my home. And now I was going to show them to Ilmar.

I showed him my parents, my brother and his family. My friends and girlfriends laughing with me in the photos from the prom at the academy. Just shots snatching out pieces of my former life. Me and my friend Yulia on trips to the sea. Here we are smiling at the lens at the hotel and on excursions, here she is balancing on one leg on the pier and laughing, but here I am on the beach, sleepily staring at her when she woke me up with a click of the camera. She showed photos from various holidays, which we celebrated either with a stormy company, or with the family. And the ones that show me in dance and tracksuits in dance classes. Here we are with Oleg in flight after an unsuccessful support, he almost fell, and I, with bulging eyes, fly on top of him. We also got photos of Sher when he was first a cat, and then in his normal form. And Cher is on them in earthly clothes, and so ... simple and understandable, cheerful, slightly stunned and confused. She showed a bunch of photos from the celebration of the last New Year in the country. Cher, all covered with snow, in a padded jacket and felt boots, disheveled and with a red nose, selflessly sculpts a snowman with the guys. So I’m inserting next to him not a woman, but a snowman’s nose-carrot. Here Olezhka laughs, clutching his stomach, looking at our work.

I showed all these pieces of my former life to Ilmar and talked about it. And so I wanted to go home at that moment, to tears, to pinching in my nose, to a lump in my throat. To turn on the TV, surf the Internet, call a friend and chat with her for two hours about nothing. We rarely saw her lately, as she hastily jumped out of marriage and got a baby, but we always chatted on the phone for a long time. And I really wanted to drink tea with pies in my parents' kitchen, and for dad to ask me smart questions, and when I didn’t know the answer, he would say that I am a glamorous blonde who only pretends to be an educated brown-haired woman. And my mother would laugh and say that it’s just that he is already too smart and old, and I have my whole life ahead of me to learn. I wrinkled my nose.

- Wait, Ilmar, I'll show you something else. I took the photo albums, put them back in my bag and brought the CD player. - I'll give you one song to listen to. You most likely won’t understand the words, so take a piece of paper, I’ll dictate them to you first, so that you know what is being sung about.

Ilmar obediently took the sheet, and I dictated to him the words of Kipelov's song "I am free." I knew the words by heart, but I was embarrassed to sing in front of strangers, because, in general, having an ear for music and understanding when someone was out of tune, at the same time I myself categorically did not know how to sing correctly. As soon as Ilmar finished writing, I turned on the disc. And the song burst into the room. Ilmar looked at the record player in bewilderment and, at the first sounds of music, recoiled in surprise. And literally in a couple of minutes I fell into a trance and, as if spellbound, listened to the song. And I turned them on to him one after another, first my favorites in Russian, then foreign pop music. Cheerful dance music cheered up, and Ilmar smiled too.

Do you want me to teach you how to dance? – I jumped up and extended my hand to Ilmar with a smile.

Then I taught Ilmar earthly dances, and we laughed when he could not repeat the hip-hop movements after me and he got confused in his legs and arms. And the sight of an airling dancing a lambada is something in general. We couldn't even laugh anymore, we just sobbed with laughter. Sirtaki Ilmar liked much more, and we jumped a little, lifting our legs and getting no less pleasure from this than the tourists who came to Greece. But from the dances that are full of video clips of modern pop divas, Ilmar seems to have a shock. Because it didn’t occur to me, accustomed to such frank movements, to be shy, and I selflessly twisted my booty and twisted in modern club dances. And then, Jamaican and Brazilian dances, which gave many movements, are for the fragile male psyche ... I don’t even know what to compare with, the blow is for sure, I just can’t think of what and for what.

And then Ilmar asked what dance Cher was talking about and if I could dance something for him. I ran away, changed into one of the belly dance costumes and returned to Ilmar. He was even confused by such an outfit, but again he did not fall into a stupor, given that the outfits of their women are also very far from the dresses of the nuns, and it seems that he had nowhere to fall deeper after a couple of reggae dances that I just showed him . So he prepared to watch.

And I danced. Oh-oh-oh, it turns out that Ilmar had more to fall into. And far and deep. When I got closer and began to quickly move my hips, making the belt with coins jingle merrily, his eyes just did not fall out. And when I let a wave through my stomach, my pride, with which I killed more than one hour, practicing in front of the mirror, his jaw rolled somewhere down the floor. Yes, earthly dances are a terrible force. Only, it seems, I overdid it ... Because Ilmar stopped laughing, smiling too, but his eyes darkened, and the boy “swam”. Tex, it's time to tie, danced - and be.

In general, the evening and half of the night were fun. We had fun until the pain in the abdominal muscles, we laughed so much, and our lips strove to spread into a smile again. It was already beginning to brighten outside the window, and our eyes began to stick together, so we quickly put ourselves in order and fell on the bed like tin soldiers - to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, Ilmar was no longer there, and when he left, I did not hear. I lay in bed, basking on the sheets, as I absolutely did not want to get up. Finally she got out and walked around the bedroom, listening to her feelings, then froze in the center of the room. Body and soul sang and rang like a stretched string. I had the feeling that if I now stood on tiptoe and pushed off, I would take off, I was so permeated with some amazing lightness. It's like all my blood is full of air bubbles, like I can float like a balloon without touching the ground. It was a wonderful evening, and after our conversation there was a feeling that a mountain had been removed from my soul, choking me and bending me to the ground. And for a while I became myself again, an ordinary girl who loves music, dancing, having fun with friends, traveling ...

I stood on my tiptoes with a smile, threw back my head and stretched up to feel my weightlessness. The door slammed behind me. “But Ilmar has returned,” I thought, and turned to the door with a smile.

– Aleta, how long can we wait for you?! - And Cyrus quickly flew into the room without knocking. - I asked you to come to me in the morning, everything is worth it. Cher and Ilmar left early in the morning and will return in the late afternoon, and the maids assure you that you are still sleeping, although it is already dinner.

- A? - I was dumbfounded.

He stumbled upon the confused me, stumbled, opened his eyes, froze, then abruptly turned away and turned his face to a large mirror in which I was completely reflected. And I dropped my hands and froze in a panic, not knowing which way to run and what to grab to hide behind. And Cyrus froze again, looking at my reflection, then nevertheless turned away from the mirror and abruptly left the room.

Wow!!! Is this actually my private bedroom or a front yard? Well, okay, the maids, I have already come to terms with their constant presence, after all, this is their job. But my own father-in-law, who flies into the bedroom when I parade through this very bedroom in only microscopic pajamas, is already too much. I just don't know what to say. And even if I am not burdened with unnecessary complexes and, to be honest, my most modest swimsuit is much more frank than this pajama, but the fact itself ?! And in general… And if I was naked?! I also died, rushed to the bed and wrapped myself in a sheet, wondering what I should do now and if Kir had already left. Then I decided, just in case, to check, otherwise I’ll lie down in the bath now, and suddenly he’s waiting there and still breaks in. I'm afraid that my delicate psyche can not stand it.

I crept to the door and peered cautiously into the living room. Well, it's definitely worth it, waiting. I coughed, adjusting my makeshift toga made from a sheet. He turned quickly at my voice and ran his eyes over the sheet and over my bare shoulders.

- Sorry. I didn’t think that you were really still sleeping, because it’s been so long already,” Cyrus finally squeezed out.

"Don't you think I can do whatever I want in my bedroom?" Including sleep at least until the evening, and not alone? I got angry.

No, of course, I like him very much, frankly speaking, I am drawn to him, the charisma of the peasant is unreal. But damn, he's my father-in-law!!! Why the hell is he breaking into my bedroom? And why did Alf let him do it? I looked around for my living creatures, but it seems that this ogre beetle was grazing in the kitchen again. Here's a glutton!

“But Cher and Ilmar had already left, and I thought… Never mind, though. I apologize to you. - He switched to a business tone: - And now, if I did wake you up, get ready. I'm waiting for you in my office. Cher said you had papers for me from the Airling Queen and that you were their plenipotentiary. Still need to draw up documents with charges against Ilmaniel ver Salab. I have already contacted Brightwood, Edelhir irn Elrinor fully supports your demand for a proper punishment for her. True, he insists on a more severe measure than you asked for. Therefore, we will have to reconsider this case and decide what kind of punishment to apply to Lady Ilmaniel. For now, she is under house arrest.

- Okay, I'll get ready and come to your office. Only... I'm hungry, please take care of breakfast for me, or you'll have to wait while I eat at my place.

- I'm waiting for you as soon as possible. Breakfast will be ready upon your arrival. – Kirk abruptly turned around and went out into the corridor.

Airling plenipotentiary, you say? Well, I'll arrange for you now ... You will receive a representative of the Aerlings in all its glory! I took a quick bath and sorted through the mountain of dresses that were foisted on me in the palace of Queen Larmena with assurances that I must certainly have a supply of court dresses suitable for a princess. Now, Cyrus, I'll give you shock therapy. You will forget about all your business and about breaking into my bedroom like this, without knocking or warning. I opted for a fitted emerald green dress that matched my eye color perfectly. Of course, transparent, only with embroidery along the hem, the edge of the sleeves and the neckline. She also wore matching high-heeled shoes and underwear made from those gem-embroidered patches she'd also brought back from the valley.

The maid came and helped me pull my hair up into a ponytail that opened my neck and fasten the princess' headband on it. I also put on a medallion and a ring, otherwise I would suddenly have to fasten some papers with my personal seal. Then she tinted her eyelashes, added a little blush and a transparent lip gloss. When I put on the chosen dress, the maid's eyes went wide, but she did not dare to say anything, but only watched me with square eyes. Get you a princess. And this royal bitch will receive, and this dark elven lord, let him choke with saliva. So fuck up such a joyful morning!!!

I entered Kira's office, where the maid kindly escorted me, in a fighting mood. The blood boiled and demanded revenge, and the shocked looks of the courtiers and servants only added courage. When I entered, Cyrus was standing with his back to the door at a table near the window, pouring something into a cup from a silver teapot. I quickly walked over to the writing desk and unloaded the mountain of scrolls I had with me for the drow.

- Come on, Aleta. Your breakfast has already been brought, a minute, please,” he said, without looking back and continuing to carefully pour something.

- Thank you. I'm dying as I want ... - I purred, making a significant pause, - something ... - pause again, - to eat.

Cyrus twitched, looked back at my provocation, and dropped the lid of the teapot on the table. And that's it for you!!! You'll know how to stare at naked girls next time. Vladyka stood, forgetting about the trickle of tea that continued to flow past the cup, and devoured me with his eyes. What did you think? Aerlings are not khukhry-muhry for you, they have such dresses that any sex shop on Earth would choke with envy. Ilmar and Sher are used to it and do not react, one might say, they already have immunity to such clothes. And for an unprepared viewer, this should be knocked down on the spot. I remember how Sher almost missed the mark just from my Turkish dance outfit.

- Ki-i-ir? I drawled.

- What? - hoarsely squeezed out the object, not taking my crazed eyes away from me.

- I want tea. And you pour it on the floor.

- What? He looked down at his hands and abruptly set the teapot down on the table. There were puddles on the table and on the floor around.

“Maybe we should call the maid?” Let him clean up and take care of me? I smiled kindly at him.

Cyrus went to his desk, trying to loosen his shirt collar as he went, and rang the bell. After a couple of minutes, the maid cleaned up all the puddles, carefully poured me a cup of their local herbal tea, and pushed a saucer of cake over to me. Fu, muck, with cream. I hate such sugary things, but today I have to eat.

I went, slightly swaying on my heels, to the chair at the table and sat down. Cyrus also sat down, shielding himself from me with his desk. And maybe I like this game. I quite smiled. At least flirt with someone, otherwise boredom is mortal. I’ll have a little fun and remember the past, otherwise I’ll lose my knack completely. Nothing, of course, with Cyrus, I will not allow myself. I'm not that immoral and I just can't do that to Cher, he's his father. But can I at least flirt a little and fool the head of a handsome man? Especially since yesterday he himself was flirting frantically, sometimes driving me into a blush.

Well, now is the time to remember the lessons on seducing males that I was given back in sixteen years. Where is the spoon and the pie? To me, my darlings. Now I will eat.

- Cyrus, for now, read the papers from Queen Larmena. And I'll have breakfast.

Vladyka obediently took one of the documents, opened the seal, and, unrolling the scroll, went deep into reading. And I started making cake. How is it needed? Scoop a little cream with a spoon, lick, savor, scoop again, lick. Brr, I hate cream. And who just came up with the idea that all girls love sweets? I would now rather eat a pickled cucumber or a sandwich with smoked sausage. Okay, you'll have to be patient. Take a sip of tea and that nasty sweet cream again. And don't look at Kira, why? I already see with peripheral vision that he will now earn strabismus, tracking the movement of the spoon and my lips. Oh, that's it, I can't take it anymore, I'm starting to feel sick from this cake now. I put down my saucer and finished my tea.

She looked at Kira, he was still carefully reading the document. Except… I got up and walked over to the table, leaned over, carefully took the paper out of his fingers, turned it over and put it back into his hands. Still, reading upside down is somehow not very good.

- I think it will be more convenient for you. - And she smiled.

Kira's face turned to stone, and the tips of his ears turned pink. My God, what a beauty. How old are you, my dear, that you still have not forgotten how to blush because you were caught unawares? You would be on Earth, our glamorous moray eels would tear you to shreds, you would not have time to come to your senses. And after all, I didn’t even use heavy artillery, everything was within the bounds of decency, I don’t allow myself anything extra. No more than in business negotiations with clients, so, slightly distracting, in order to conclude a more profitable contract. And I dressed decently, just in the fashion of my adopted family and race, and I eat modestly, I didn’t even finish this unfortunate cake. However, that's enough, we played, and it will be. Things first. I sat down on a wooden chair with armrests, standing close to the table.

- So, where do we start? From the discussion of Lady Ilmaniel's wrongdoing, or from the credentials of the Aerlings? I asked in a calm and business tone. - I suppose, since you have already begun to read the documents, then we will discuss what agreements can be concluded between our peoples and how to try to establish trade?

We must pay tribute to Cyrus - he quickly moved away, and we set to work. We signed several treaties on non-aggression, on friendship and cooperation, on the composition of diplomatic missions, discussed what exactly the Aerlings could export and what they would need as imports. We discussed logistics. In short, all sorts of economic nonsense, since they taught us well at the academy, I remember it all very well, and I have experience in the economic sector, quite a bit, of course, only two years, but at least something.

Several times we switched to raised voices, vigorously defending our point of view about how much interest who should receive. And the first always began to raise his voice Cyrus. Well, yes, you shouldn’t shout at me, I myself can bark, if necessary, and put me in my place too. My boss was the same type, it was not for nothing that his nickname was Bulldog. And it's not because of his appearance, he's just fine with that. But here's a dead grip, if it clings to a client, then until it squeezes out its own, it will not back down. Well, I accompanied him at the negotiations more than once, so my school is good. About flirting and making eyes at each other, we have long forgotten. What the hell, flirting, big things are being done here, internationally. And we argued to the point of hoarseness, each insisting on his own.

“Aleta, you are unbearable,” Cyrus barked and slammed his fist on the table. “You don’t have any patience left. Well, why should I agree to these extortionate interest, explain to me?

“But you don’t have to endure me, I’ll leave myself when we finish all the work.” - I also switched to a roar. “And why did you decide that you should receive sixty percent, and the Airlings only forty?” With what such joy? Do you need these contracts? Need! And they need it! So there is nothing to arrange a robbery in broad daylight. In half, period. How the merchants will negotiate among themselves is not our concern. But at the state level, let it be equally.

- How are you talking to me? Haystar! Why should I listen to all this, and even agree? - reaching a white heat, he jumped up and leaned over the table towards me.

Wow, how did I get him. Well, nothing, it’s not for you to talk with your eared bunnies. And there is nothing to scare me. I can show my character just as well. I have on my side the experience of centuries of schemers of all nationalities, as well as business sharks. And in general, let him say thank you that we are now relatives and I am friendly towards him. And it wouldn't seem like much. And then, if you talk to me in a civilized way, I won’t even utter a peep, but I’ll crumble all over in curtsy. But you don’t need to yell at me, then my brakes fly off.

- Don't raise your voice at me. I’m not your subject, there’s nothing for me to show a terrible lord in anger here, ”I purred and also stood up smoothly, leaned my hands on the table and leaned forward a little, so that Cyrus’s nose stuck to my neckline.

He shut up and looked down with interest. Angrily let out a breath through clenched teeth and slowly sat back down. I also sank into a chair. And suddenly Cyrus threw back his head and began to laugh out loud, sincerely, from the heart. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him in disbelief. And what's so funny, you might ask? We've been here for four hours now, like crazy, arguing over every contract, without making the slightest concession to each other. And in general, I'm already hungry, and coffee would not hurt to drink. I'm not a lawyer, so why the hell am I sitting here arguing with a dark elf lord, I'd like to know?

- Oh. Now I understand Shermanthael. Cyrus laughed and wiped away a tear. - Okay, let's make it equal. And I really hope that there will be someone more compliant than you at the embassy. Well, this is some kind of nightmare, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate with you for your own benefit. You can't even imagine how my hands itch to strangle you.

- That's great, it would have been like that for a long time. I want to eat, by the way, and you are arguing here. I smiled kindly at him.

“You know, you will make a great queen. - He stretched with pleasure, and I even envied, I also really wanted to get up and stretch, my muscles were so numb.

– Yes, it wouldn’t hurt to eat, it turns out that it’s already evening, but I didn’t notice, I’ve been working so much ... We should find out if Cher and Ilmar have returned.

He rang the bell and asked the appropriate questions to the servant. It turned out that the guys were not there yet, and then Cyrus ordered dinner to be brought to the office for us.

We ate calmly, taking a break in our stormy debates, rested, on the whole we talked peacefully about nothing, as they say, about nature, about the weather. And proceeded to the last two treaties remaining today. And again I found a scythe on a stone, we just couldn’t come to a consensus. Cyrus insisted that this should be beneficial primarily for the drow, because they are supposedly a more developed and cool nation and they have more opportunities. And I did not agree with this nationalistic nonsense and defended the interests of the Aerlings. Well, what to do? He called himself a mushroom, so don't show off, mushrooms. So I loaded Kira in full.

- Aleta! You are absolutely impossible! Cyrus howled, jumped up and scurried around the room. - I'll strangle you now, and I don't give a damn that this will cause a world scandal. You've driven me so far that I'm already shaking. - He quickly stepped towards me, rested both hands on the armrests of my chair and hung over like a punishment from heaven.

The door slammed and someone entered.

- Father? Aleta? What is going on with you? You scream so loudly that you can hear the whole corridor, the servants are already shying away from the door.

I looked out from under Kir's arm and looked at Sher and Ilmar standing in the doorway with a smile.

“And here we are signing contracts. I giggled. “Kir wants to strangle me. He probably doesn’t like me,” I added capriciously and looked up into the eyes of the lord hovering over me.

Oh! He looks like he's going to turn on me now. And, it seems, was not going to choke. Kir looked deeply at me, at my lips, which I demonstratively capriciously puffed out, squinting like a fool, and his look was ... Such ... Well ... Not killing, in short. He slowly straightened up, looked over his shoulder, lingered on one of the guys with his eyes, then walked around the table and sat down in an armchair. He unbuttoned his shirt collar and leaned back heavily in his chair.

- Shermanthael, take your girlfriend and take her away. Otherwise, I am not responsible for myself. We'll finish everything later. He darted a glance at Sher and stared grimly at the papers. He didn't even look at me.

Well, hello there. And what does it mean? I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the guys. We got to my rooms, and I happily settled down on the sofa in the living room. Somehow it happened that it was the most comfortable living room and we all rested in it. The guys practically never visited their rooms, if only to change clothes or take a bath.

- Aleta, what happened to you? The father is not himself at all. How did you get him like that? Cher looked at me with interest, but without the slightest hint of a smile.

- I don't know. We signed contracts, spent more than five hours in his office, arguing over every piece of paper. Well, they quarreled a bit. They shouted at each other to prove their point. I shrugged.

- What? Yelled and quarreled? With my dad? Sher's eyes were just square. I have never seen such wide open big eyes even in cartoons.

- Well, yes. So he did not agree and shouted at me. Well, I yelled back a little.

“And he didn’t cut you?”

- Well, as you can see, no. True, he said that his hands itched to strangle me. I giggled again.

“And I understand him. You are completely unbearable. For information, his last mistress, who dared to call him Cyrus, he kicked out of the palace on the same night. And I have never even heard of someone yelling at him. I suspect there have never been such suicides at all. Cher shook his head. “And he himself, in all my seven hundred plus years, has never once raised his voice. It was enough for him to just look and calmly say, and everything was as he wanted. Now I understand why the servants and courtiers looked so frightened and why they tiptoed around his office.

Ilmar, sitting in a chair opposite, snorted with laughter, but, catching Sher's gloomy glance, he pretended to just cough. Hmm ... It's even strange, I wouldn't say that Kir is such a calm type. On the contrary, it seemed to me very emotional, reckless and open. Miracles!

Guys, are you hungry? Maybe ask for dinner? - I changed the conversation.

The boys looked at each other and nodded. Dinner arrived pretty quickly. I didn’t want to eat anymore, so I just sat and rested, and the guys, like wolves, pounced on the food. Looks like they haven't eaten all day. Having finished eating, they moved to the sofas with glasses in their hands.

“Aleta, why are you suddenly wearing those Aerling clothes again?” Cher asked after a while. “We don’t accept such frank things, you’ve already seen it.

“And your father said he needed me as a proxy for the Aerlings to make treaties. So I dressed like a princess. You see, she even put on a wreath. I poked my finger into my hair. - And a medallion, and a ring with a seal. And besides, I don't have your court dresses. Only two, and even then quite simple, everyday.

“I will send you tailors tomorrow. Cher looked at me reproachfully. “It's just not good that my wife has no dresses at all. He stuttered. - Yes?

And he had such a look at that moment ... I looked at Ilmar, and then, as if by chance, pointed to the door with my eyes. I should still talk to Cher. Ilmar smiled understandingly, stretched and stood up with an independent look.

- Aletochka, Cher, I'm insanely tired today, I can't get used to such a long ride. I'm going to bed, see you in the morning.

- Sherchik?

I moved even closer. He glanced at me again and set the glass down on the table.

- Sherchik, well, don't be a beech. Let's make peace, shall we? I moved even closer and lightly leaned against his shoulder.

“I didn’t quarrel with you,” he finally said.

- I know. “I gathered my courage. - Excuse me, you fooled me. It's out of boredom... I'm already raging just in this palace of yours. You are never there, I'm all alone all day long. I nudged him lightly with my shoulder.

- I'm on the road. It's hard there, riding all day, I can't carry you with me.

- Yes, I understand. I just wander around the palace all day long as a restless person, there is nothing to do at all, and all the time I am alone, I don’t even have anyone to talk to. The courtiers shy away from me, this grymza Ilmaniel pours contempt upon meeting. And after all, you won’t even tell her any nasty things in response, she’s silent.

“Father will insist on her execution,” Cher said after a pause.

- How is it? Why should he, she's his mistress. - I was in a hurry.

Because it's a good opportunity to take her out. Ilmaniel is too dangerous and tries to play her own games, but there is no legitimate reason to get rid of her, she is from too noble a family. So her father kept her with him, so that she would be under supervision, although she could not be caught red-handed by the hand. And before that, she intended to become my wife, and now it was terrible.

- Wow…

I thought. However, what a dirty game turns out. How to sleep with her, it’s so normal, but the opportunity arose to execute - and all bed games are forgotten. Brr. Something to me dad Shera does not seem so charming at all. Beautiful, of course, there are no words, well, Cher is no worse. And, I hope, not so cynical and… Cruel? Pragmatic?

- Yeah. Well, okay, I'm not talking about her. I about myself. I admit I was wrong. Do not be angry.

- What are you talking about? He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. And again a lilac sideways glance.

Ugh, you fucking bastard. After all, he understands what he’s talking about, but no… Well, you’ll have to inject yourself.

- About cards. And about your dad. I sighed sadly. “I confess that it was a terrible stupidity on my part. Do not be offended by me.

He lifted me up and placed me on his knees. Hooray! Hooray! Thawed out.

- I'm not angry. I know my father too well. If he turns on all his charm, then he has no equal and no one has a chance to resist. There is also, among other things, a racial feature, well, the impact on the opposite sex. He kissed my temple. “That’s why I was surprised that you were arguing and yelling at each other. In your place, any other would already be lying in his bed and, thrilled with delight, would sign everything that he requires.

Oh how?! So daddy ... Although, yes, the charm and sex appeal of a man gush and go wild. Cher is probably right, and the local ladies are simply swooning with ecstasy if he pays attention to them. I also couldn't resist. But this means that such a crossover suddenly happened not with my brains, but dad did something tricky? Oh how bad.

He won't try to get me into bed. I'm married, - I said after thinking.

"Are you so sure about that?" I saw the way he looked at you. And how are you on it. And then, you yourself told him that we have a fictitious marriage, which means that nothing will stop him if he plans to get you or force us to divorce. He needs this divorce so that I can marry Anoriel.

- M-yes. But you're still the best! I leaned in.

- Better? - And a sly look already with a smile.

- Certainly. All your own is always better. And you're my eared one, aren't you? My. So you are better. I stroked my pointed ear with my finger, and Cher took in a frantic breath.

– Sher, Ilmar and I talked yesterday. He agrees to a divorce. We will go to the dragons to find the Lord of the Winds and ask them to separate us. “I dropped a trial balloon.

- Here's how. And he agreed so easily?

Why shouldn't he agree? Sher, Ilmar is not in love with me. Of course, he agreed, we clarified everything in our relationship.

- And what are you planning next? Will you marry this priest of yours?

“Listen, have you overheated, for an hour, on your trips?” Why should I marry Merton? I got up from Sher's lap and sat down in a chair.

Well, he loves you. And a crooked smile.

- Cher! “I started to get angry again. “Well, you must understand that he just thinks so. Well, judge for yourself, I don’t have any special abilities, I have a lot of cockroaches in my head, and I’m clearly not the sweetest and softest girl, I don’t even have a special appearance. I am the most ordinary simple girl. Do you really think he would have really fallen in love with me if we had met under different circumstances? I just happened to be the only girl around him. Understand this. He will now settle in, look around and forget this love of his, meet some cute elf or human girl, fall in love for real and get married. What I wish him with all my heart.

Something flashed over my head. Oh! I looked up. No, it seemed.

“And when do we leave?” Cher asked after a pause.

"Well, you want to divorce us both, don't you?" He smiled bitterly. So everyone has to go.

Cher, what do you want? You have no desire to talk to me normally? What do you think about this elf, the daughter of Edelhir, who is coming to you to be engaged?

“Aleta, I already tried to explain to you. He rubbed his forehead. Now you see that no one asks my opinion? Father does not even care about the fact that I saw this Anoriel only once in my life, two hundred years ago. And nobody asks her. Everything was decided for us. And here you are... Father insists on our divorce, he needs to intermarry with the Light Forest. Today, this is more important than kinship with the Airlings.

- And you? You still haven't answered me, what do you want? I looked at him carefully and tried to understand what he was thinking.

- Don't you understand?

No, Cher, I don't understand. Tell me. You either be or don't be. Do something like a song says.

“I don’t want to get divorced,” Cher finally said after a pause.

And it's all? Does he not want a divorce? Somehow it's all wrong. That's not how the whole conversation goes. For some reason, I naively hoped that he would now reveal his attitude towards me, maybe he would suddenly say that he loves me. He will try to win, to seduce, to seduce, in the end. And he just does not want to marry this bright elf. But no goog about wanting to be with me. Well, what kind of question: "Don't you understand?" I don't understand, yes, I don't understand anything. If Ilmar had not given me at least some of the information yesterday, I would not even have guessed that, apart from possessive feelings, Sher has some other interest in me. And then they just tell me that he does not want to marry another. Like, I don’t want to divorce you, and you decide for yourself whether to stay or not.

Damn elves with their twisted brains! So where is the romance? Where is fleur? Well, how about wooing a girl, dating there under the moonlight, kissing on a bench at the entrance? Candy-bouquet period? Shoot eyes, flirt and all that? Wow, ugly bastard!

Somehow it became insulting to herself for her naive sentimentality and belief in a fairy tale. It's time to grow up and understand that there are no fairy tales. And I'm good too. This Cyrus ... And I somehow relaxed, forgot myself and suddenly believed in my own irresistibility. But get it, Aletochka, face the truth. You are not all wonderful, but just a wise old elf, who God knows how many centuries, or even millennia, wants to divorce you from his own son in order to profitably marry him. Sher still didn't say anything. I lowered my eyes and thought.

Perhaps I will suggest that he leave this marriage fictitious for one year. Let him deal with his life, his dynastic brides, with his despotic father, but I'm tired. Enough. I'll enter this School of Magic, and that's it, adyes, amigos, see you in a year. I've had enough of these inhuman men and their foolish behavior. And it's very good that I built an impregnable wall around myself and did not allow Sher to crawl into my soul with racial charm. Now I’ll make a right-of-way around it so that daddy certainly doesn’t break through. Study, study and study again, everything, as grandfather Lenin bequeathed. And from the palace, probably, it is necessary to move out. I have enough money to buy or rent some house in the city, closer to the school.

Cher, come on. I thought for a minute, trying to formulate what I was about to say. – In the next few days we are going and leaving to the dragons, to look for the Lord of the Winds. Ilmar and I are getting a divorce now. And with you...

And suddenly there was a loud demanding knock on the door.

Yes, what is it! Not a palace, but the devil knows what! Everyone goes back and forth, as if to their own home, in the morning they break into the room without knocking, at night they hammer on the door. I gritted my teeth in anger and shouted for them to come in. They did not enter, but the knock was repeated. Well, who is this shy one among us? With a sad sigh, I went to open it for my midnight visitor, so that he. She jerked open the door, already opened her mouth and prepared to express her all phi and met Kir's gaze. Didn't understand?!

- Aleta, good evening again. May I come to you? You promised to play some kind of checkers or backgammon with me. Do it please. He entered the room without noticing Sher. And he looks kind of crumpled. Drunk, or what, I do not understand? - You have completely taken me out of my mental balance today, I just can’t calm down. Even the tincture did not help.

I turned to Sher in confusion, crying out for help. Cyrus also turned, following my gaze, and came face to face with Cher. Oh mommies! A familiar phrase popped up in my head in a panic: “It’s not my fault, he himself came!” Something I have a keen desire to crawl under the sofa, so these two look at each other. And they are silent. Both.

Phew. It even threw me into a fever. There was no sadness ... It seems that Cyrus really decided to use his charm so that I and Sher would switch to him. Well, well, a potential bride is on the way, and then I, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, confuse all the cards. I grabbed some paper from the table and started fanning myself. Oh. Maybe faint? Interesting, will it help? Will they notice at all or will they burn holes in each other with their eyes? We must intervene, but how? Crap. I'll have to play these backgammon checkers, I didn't have enough cards. With an air of independence, I walked past them into the bedroom and brought back the backgammon board. She plopped down on the table and waved Kira invitingly.

- Sit down, Cyrus. Let's play backgammon. There is no need to think too much here, I am also tired in general, today was a very long day.

Cyrus came up and sat down at the table, he no longer looked at his son. But Cher was about to leave. Where? Well, stand! I lightly kicked the elf, who had already begun to move towards the door in his own half, and imperceptibly showed my fist. Why else, leave me here alone at night looking at my father?! Crazy, right?

“Cher, please order us wine, fruit, and something delicious.” A? Only without cream, I beg you. Well you know what I love.

Cyrus looked up at my words about the cream. Well, what are we watching? Yes, yes, a hint to you, the girl does not like cream, next time at meetings do not feed such poison. And yes, Cher knows what I love. But you don't.

And we started playing backgammon. For the first three games, everything was somehow strained. Cyrus hesitated, Cher remained silent, I toiled from the awkwardness of the situation and from my unhappy thoughts. But gradually everyone moved away, and the elves have good wine. The men drank some kind of sweet, but they brought me a bottle of tart dry, and I savored it little by little. By the fourth game, Cyrus and I had already gone into a rage, he recklessly threw the dice and reacted violently to the number of points that had fallen, I also got a taste.

And then there was a knock at the window. As? Where? Out the window? We are on the fourth floor. What kind of climbers complained? We looked at each other, Cher got up and, going to the window, carefully opened one sash. And something fluttered into the room.

This something was a dragon, but very small, the size of a large chicken. With big round eyes, a fat belly, short hind legs and neat forepaws that look like handles, and with cute wings, like a bat. There was a crest along the long flexible neck, spikes at the end of the long tail, and two small horns on the head. And he was all so colorful. That's like a parrot. The scales on the back and sides are bright purple, on the belly - light purple, the wings are orange, the crest and horns are black. And the eyes are the same as mine, bright green, with a red rim around the pupil. In short, absolutely rastaman dragon.

He flew into the room, made a confident circle around it, flopped down on the back of the chair and looked around us.

- Well, what are you staring at? – gave this creature a hoarse voice.

- Oh! How lovely! - I died, took a step towards him and raised my hand to touch.

- Well, do not touch! the creature hissed. “Is that you, the Hearing Keeper?” Enlil sent me.

“Me,” I agreed obediently. - What for?

- What does it mean - why? Well, you yourself said that you need only a foul-mouthed parrot for complete happiness. So, I'm for him.

- Are you a parrot? - I started to laugh. Well, Enlil, well, he made me happy.

- You're blind, aren't you? Open up your eyes. Vo gives, and also the Keeper. Where do you see feathers? - Something spread its wings to the sides and twisted in place, demonstrating the absence of feathers.

“Yeah, so you’re just a swindler?” I snorted with laughter.

- No. - The multi-colored thing drooped. - Not grown up yet. Only intemperate language, so they kicked me out of the pack. And Enlil said that you are just like me, and do not have enough. So here he is, me.

“What, all dragons are like you?” I thought they were big.

"You're head-banged, aren't you?" Something multi-coloured was indignant. “I’m a rainbow dragon, a rare endangered species, by the way. Do you like it? - He put his hips on his hips and stuck out his fat belly, on which lay a large pendant hanging on a chain from his neck.

- Wow! Like it. Only you watch your tongue, otherwise I wish you to bite. Well, what is your name, wonderful creature?

“Orek,” the creature introduced itself and shuffled modestly with its hind paw.

- Well, what kind of Orek are you? - I smiled. - You are so nice and pot-bellied, just like Nut.

- Yes? - The miracle has dawned. But it immediately frowned. - No, well, you are the Keeper, what are you? I'm an adult already, well, almost. What kind of Nut am I to you?

- Good good. Orek so Orek, I'm not arguing. I giggled.

- You, Guardian, listen, Dana handed you something, take it off your neck. - And the dragon poked the pendant with the finger of its front paw. “They invite you and Enlil to the wedding. So pack your stuff and let's go, the guests are almost all here.

– Yes you that?! I cried out happily. “Dana is marrying Enlil?! Oh, how glad I am.

Lord, what happiness! At least someone marries for love, my great-grandfather is getting married now, and Dana finally waited. Oh how happy I am for them. And Enlil was found! Divorce! Divorce! If this wedding had not hung over Cher, I would have divorced him right now. And freedom to parrots, that is, to me. Or maybe, well, him?

- Who is Dana? Who is Enlil? - immediately followed by two questions from Cyrus and Sher, who had previously observed our acquaintance with Orek on the sidelines.

“Dana is my friend, the goddess of rivers. And Enlil, he is, uh, her fiancé, the Lord of the Winds,” I answered obediently, deciding to keep silent about my relationship with God.

“Your friend is a goddess of rivers?! - Kir.

"I won't let you go alone!" - Cher.

- In-in, Enlil said so that the eared and winged one will not let you go alone, therefore the invitation is also for husbands. So collect what you need to take there, take your men and your animal, and let's go faster. The ceremony will take place at dawn. Just take off the transference amulet, it's heavy, it barely dragged it to you. When you are ready, hold a stone in your fist. Orek pointed at the pendant again.

I obediently took it off the dragon and put it around my neck.

“Cher, get ready, quickly. We are leaving now, - I gave instructions and ran towards Ilmar's rooms.

She flew into the bedroom to Ilmar and began to pull on the shoulder of the sleeping aerling.

- Ilmar, get up, quickly. Climb! Get ready, we're flying to the Lord. Like lightning, and to me, - and ran back to her.

Cyrus sat alone in my living room and watched all this excitement with bewilderment.

- Aleta! he called to me as I raced past him towards the bedroom. "You don't want to explain anything to me?"

- A? What? Cyrus, no time. We'll be late for the wedding if I play for time, all later.

- Alf! To me, troglodyte! I barked into space, because I don’t know where my furry living creatures loitered, it always disappeared and appeared on its own, checked that everything was in order with me, and again evaporated. He immediately appeared out of thin air. - Alf, in the living room, run, wait for us. Do not offend the dragon.

I quickly left some things in my bag in case I had to change into something warmer there, I myself also changed into my only normal dress - an earthy white sundress, pulled on a denim jacket on top and returned to the living room. I think I won’t freeze, it’s unlikely that the gods celebrate their wedding where it’s cold. Cher was already there, fortunately he was dressed and he needed to take only a weapon and a cloak.

“Listen, Keeper,” said Orek.

Just call me by my first name. I'm Aleta, I interrupted him.

- Yeah, Aleta. You are ... You are going to the gods, at least bring yourself into a worthy appearance.

I looked down at my white sundress. It would be nice if I could change into something smart. So there is nothing, and there is no gift for the wedding either.

“O demons of the rainbow and gloomy clouds, fool, open your wings,” Orek blurted out, seeing that I did not understand his remark about a decent appearance.

Ah, wings? Well wings - I can. I closed my eyes, concentrated and really wanted to return my airy wings, shining and iridescent. A minute later, a familiar sensation appeared behind me, and I opened my eyes with a smile to stumble upon Kir's astonished and enthusiastic expression.

- Aaaa? He stood up and stepped towards me with his hand outstretched.

– All then, Cyrus. All explanations later.

A sleepy, but fully collected Ilmar appeared on the threshold. Obviously not understanding anything, he came up and stood next to me, Sher and Alf.

- Aleta? I don't get it, what's the rush?

– Ilmar, meet Orek. He brought an invitation to the wedding. - I took the dragon in my arms, and it fell apart comfortably. - We are to the Lord of the Winds, to his wedding, and then get divorced.

- Already? So fast? And sad blue eyes.

- Divorce? - And purple panic over the edge.

– Is that how? Divorce? - Violet eyes with an expression of something ... What?

Aleta Milena Zavoychinskaya

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Title: Aleta

About the book Milena Zavoychinskaya "Aleta"

There are purely masculine books, like action films about war, human cruelty, and there are women's books - these are real women's novels. Of course, it cannot be denied that sometimes men want to read something cute, while women, on the contrary, have a desire to read a more serious book.

The work of Milena Zavoychinskaya "Aleta" refers precisely to such girlish novels. The book will help you relax, unwind, enjoy a beautiful story of love and travel. In addition, there is mysticism and even the other world.

The story tells about a girl named Aleta. One day she saw a homeless cat and decided to save him by taking him with her. But the cat turned out to be not even a cat at all, and Aleta herself is not an ordinary person. She owns magic, and is even a descendant of the great gods. In the other world, she is not the last person, so the girl gets not only strength, but also the opportunity to endlessly go shopping and buy what she wants.

The book "Aleta" is a little rustic in that the main character, although a very outstanding and original personality, but at the same time, her actions are a little embarrassing. But in general, you can find justification for it everywhere. After all, it is not every day that you are told that you are a descendant of great magicians, and give you the opportunity to go shopping every day.

Milena Zavoychinskaya created an unusual world that exists in parallel with ours, where magical creatures live, who sometimes enter our world. Like the cat that Aleta picked up. After all, he turned out to be a dark elf - a slender handsome man with very strange requirements. For example, he likes to watch when Aleta takes a shower.

In the book "Aleta" there will be a huge number of different animals. And they are all very bright and interesting, besides gifted with various supernatural abilities, intelligence and outstanding appearance. So you definitely won't be bored here.

In addition, Milena Zavoychinskaya has a very good sense of humor. You will laugh and be touched by the adventures of the main character.

The book "Aleta" is most likely designed for teenage girls. Here is a real fairy tale about how a simple girl becomes a Princess, and not just somewhere, but in a magical world. In addition, she gains immortality and great strength, and most importantly, she ends up in a city ruled by women, which means that she is provided with shopping every day, as well as massages, spas, and other pleasant procedures. But on the other hand, the book is very funny and kind, and will appeal to older women. It will help you escape from worldly problems and enjoy a funny story with animals that, like all pets from our world, get into funny situations, drawing their mistress into them.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book "Aleta" by Milena Zavoychinskaya in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

All girls dream of an incomparable honeymoon in a fabulous corner of the planet. How about a pre-wedding trip? And not just in a fairytale corner, but in a parallel world described by Milena Zavoychinskaya. Elves, matriarchy, love and the union of destinies - how do they fit together? Answer: Zavoychinskaya Milena Aleta 2 book, when it comes out, then it will be possible to find out all the details.

New coming books - alien worlds, catastrophes, elves and princes

We have been waiting for the continuation of the story of the restless Aleta since 2013, when the first part was presented. The author has outlined work in this direction, but there is still no formal data on when the 2nd book about Aleta by Milena Zavoychenskaya will be released. By the way, those who like fantasy from domestic authors may also be interested in. This is another fantasy novel patiently awaited by fans.

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I gently shook my leg to shake him off, then leaned over and pushed him aside, and again tried to seep past his mother. She did not move or make any movements, she just watched us carefully as well.

I'm good, really. You don't have to eat me. - Feeling very stupid, I tried to convince the animal that I should be released. - Honestly. I've even shared the last chicken with your baby. And he himself came to me, I did not pull him out.

She finally turned her unblinking gaze from me to her baby. And with an imperceptibly quick movement, she slipped past me and ended up next to him. Phew! I breathed a sigh of relief and almost ran away. Life doesn’t teach me anything, I didn’t even have to stay in the cave when I discovered the lair there.

I had already run about two hundred meters, when this mother-beast again appeared in front of me and blocked my way. I don't understand anything. Well, how does she do that? Is it teleporting? After all, she did not run past me, for sure. She held her baby by the scruff of her teeth. We stood and looked at each other. Then she suddenly glided towards me, I even held my breath, and she suddenly poked me in the hands of her son, who was hanging in her teeth, funny twitching his paws. Out of surprise, I picked up the little animal and now stood with him in my arms, not knowing what to do next.

Um. Thank you of course, but what should I do with it? I have no more food left, I have nothing to treat him now. Maybe I shouldn't give it?

The mother of the baby stood and again, without blinking, looked into my eyes. For a second, I looked at the fluttering living creatures in my hands, and when I looked up again, we were already together. Class! Is it that she gave me her child for adoption? Wow. Does this happen in nature at all?

Yeah boy. It's cool we hit you. So, together now we will live, live, and make good?

The baby did not walk well, so he had to be carried in his arms. When my arms were already falling off from the weight, I twisted it into my jacket and fixed it on myself in the likeness of a sling, in which mothers carry children. So we finally got to the bottom. When I reached the river, I untangled the cub from my jacket, put it on the ground, threw my bag next to it and fell exhausted on my back. How hard those two days were. Plus, I got a pet again. But I swore already that I would not get any more animals. Sher was enough for me in abundance - enough impressions for a lifetime. So no, again my pity failed me.

We should also come up with a name for the baby, and then try to find out from people who it is at least in general. And the way Pushkin does it - "Not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown little animal."

Well, pundel? Let's think of a name, shall we? You and I seem to be on the same team now. I sat down and looked around for the animal.

But while I was resting, he hid somewhere in the grass, and my bag lay lonely next to me. And next to it is another bag, and also mine. I blinked my eyes at this second bag in amazement. And she blinked back at me.

What we have - we do not store;

lost - weep.

Kozma Prutkov

Finally, Aleta's preparations are over. How funny she was, packing so many things as if she was going to the desert. At first I tried to hint at this to her, and then I decided that let it be. If only she could do it faster.

Thank the gods, finally. Brownie Petrus did not deceive me, the portal really opened without any problems. It's strange how I didn't think of such a simple way myself. Not otherwise, the lack of magic affected my mental abilities. The trembling of the haze around us showed that the last stage had come, one moment remained, and I would be at home, in Alzerat. I mentally imagined the place where I planned to be transported. The portal opened, and we were spinning, when suddenly Aleta jerked sharply from me. Cursing, I tried to hold her, but something went wrong and she was torn off, and I was thrown out of the portal.

Oh, the landing wasn't as pleasant as it could have been. I was dragged across the grass and slammed into a tree. I jumped up at lightning speed, looking around, but ... I was alone. The flight was nowhere to be found. Grahchen tosh!!! What's happened? After all, everything worked as it should, I was standing exactly in the place that I mentally imagined when building the portal ... An extensive park in the vicinity of the palace. You can see the roofs of the palace, on foot I will be there in a couple of hours.

I quickly went to the palace straight to the court magician. Father will wait, and I urgently need someone who can trace the portal while there are traces of magical interference. That the moatti was somewhere here in Alzerata was beyond doubt. The moonstone in my earring glowed with the same even light, and I still felt that everything was in order with her, our connection was still in place. The only question is where it was thrown. And this needs to be figured out as soon as possible.

Having reached the palace, I broke into the laboratory of Master Linkenkal, our court magician. And, of course, I immediately stumbled upon it. After briefly explaining the situation, I asked him to follow me and help track down the portal. We were on the spot quickly, on horseback it was not far at all. But ... Master Linkenkal could not help me in any way. Confirmed that the release of the second channel occurred here on Alzerata. But where exactly he could not trace.

Grahchen tosh!!! Yes, what is it. How to find her before she gets into trouble? It is necessary by any means to get into the closed library of the father and get to the entries in the forbidden book of spells. Surely in the section describing the rite "Shanet moatti" there should be some information about the possibility of contact between two moatti in such cases. After all, I feel that everything is in order with her so far, she is alive, not injured.

Yes, I will. Anreniel will cover me, I will tell him everything. We'll figure something out together.

The world is small, and the more acquaintances appear,

the world gets smaller.

I saw cats without smiles, but a smile without a cat ... - I quoted a well-known phrase in a trembling voice, looking at the second bag ..

At that moment, the bag began to tremble, and a round nose bulged in the middle, and then the whole muzzle. Just a picture of the surrealists - a bag, and from the bag the eyes of my new pet looked at me tenderly, and the nose moved funny.

Baby? It's you? - not believing myself, I called.

And then the bag in some incomprehensible way spread, changed color and texture and turned into an animal, which funny bucking with a fat backside, rushed to fawn over me.

Honestly, I just don't have the words. A brutal mother who moves at an incredible speed and finds herself where she was not there a second ago, and then suddenly gave me her child for adoption, I somehow survived. But here is her child, which in an unthinkable way from a four-legged fat and shaggy kitten turned into a black smooth bag, and at the same time managed to look and move its nose, and then back into a beast - this is beyond my understanding. I turned the animal in different directions, poked a thick belly with my finger, felt it, tugged at its paws - but it looked normal. Shaggy, chubby, funny. Yes.

The baby and I fraternally shared our meager supply of food, namely the humble chicken foot and the pack of crackers that was in my bag. To put it mildly, we did not have enough food, we wanted to eat absolutely ugly. Considering that this puppy, not a puppy, and I don’t know who, had a brutal appetite, so most of our modest dinner went to him.

Yes, baby, looking at you, I remember one equally funny and equally voracious alien, Alpha. His phrase "I sat quietly, peacefully. Then I got hungry. Further, as if in a fog!" - suits you exceptionally. - I sighed. - Perhaps I'll call you Alf. In addition, you are the first living being that I met on this planet.

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