Milena name meaning character and destiny health. Darling in childhood


Today the name Milena is very common. This is not surprising, because it is so beautiful and harmonious. Often parents call their only daughter that, putting all their imagination into choosing a name. Indeed, next to Milena it is difficult to imagine sister Nastenka or brother Danil. What is the meaning of the name Milena?

What does the name mean

It is believed that the name Milena in its origin refers to the Old Slavonic culture. Milena means sweet, beloved, gentle, affectionate. Some onomastic researchers believe that we inherited it from the Communist Party of the USSR and is a combination of the abbreviated names Marx and Engels. But such a meaning of the name is refuted by the church calendar, according to which Milena celebrates her name day on August 7 on the day of memory of the Great Martyr Milica.

In European countries, there is a very similar and no less beautiful name Milen. But it has a completely different origin, being derived from the names Maria and Helen.

Girl character

The character of Milena in childhood is rather contradictory. The girl, thanks to her pretty appearance, causes tenderness and admiration of others. This makes her a little moody, selfish and sometimes arrogant. She also has such traits as laziness, lack of independence and infantilism. Milena is closed and uncommunicative, it is difficult for her to find friends. Parents should try to develop leadership qualities in their child and in every possible way encourage her to communicate with her peers frequently.

With age, Milena changes for the better. She becomes kinder, more cheerful. But even as an adult woman, she needs the support and approval of loved ones. The owner of this name is not at all a careerist. Often her main goal in life is to find a good husband with whom she will feel secure. The desire to please men makes Milena take care of herself with special zeal. She always looks great.

Despite the fact that it is rather difficult to find a common language with Milena, she is a very bright and interesting person, with her own opinion and self-esteem.

Astrological characteristic

A woman with such a tender name is ruled by the strongest planet Jupiter. Jupiter endows his wards with a strong character, pride, self-esteem, the ability to stand up for themselves. So call girls born under the constellations Sagittarius and Pisces. This will help their personalities to open up and realize themselves as much as possible.

Milena- an Old Slavonic name, etymologically similar to other names that have a common root "mil": Militsa, Milana, Milada, in which not only one basis can be distinguished, but also a common underlying meaning - the listed names come from the word "sweetheart".

Often they are used in colloquial speech as a diminutive form for each other, however, it is worth noting that these names are independent, and their owners have both a similarity in character, due to a common root, and certain differences.

The sound vibration of Milena disposes other people to a warm, positive perception of the bearer of the name. It has not found wide distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation, but its analogues (Meloni, Milen, Milaniya, etc.) are actively used in other countries.

Milena - character traits

Milena grows up as an affectionate girl, kind, sympathetic. In childhood, she often gets sick, mainly with colds, so her parents overprotect her, completely depriving her of independence in actions and decisions. All her life the girl is under the influence of her parents, she is deeply attached to them and always adheres to their rules. It will not be easy for her to change tactics and priorities after marriage.

Milena is a receptive and emotional person. In adulthood, he has excellent taste - he likes to look attractive and dress. She is inquisitive - she must certainly know everything about everyone, sensitive and incredibly talkative, she can chat with her friends on the phone for hours. The conversation is relaxed and easy.

In adolescence, she is somewhat shy of boys, but with age the situation changes, and she already flirts and flirts with them with ease. The pleasant, euphonious name Milena, which is also rare, distinguishes its owner from the background of the whole crowd. A sea of ​​​​fans and friends will inevitably revolve around her.

In general, the girl is active, but it’s hard for her to make a decision on her own, she thinks for a long time, reflects, she is tormented by doubts, and in the end, Milena even doubts whether she did the right thing in this or that situation? The girl is trying in every possible way to avoid cardinal changes in her life, she does not pursue wealth and career growth, but simply wants to live in abundance and be loved.

Milena - name compatibility

Milena, so accustomed to attention and affection, will always need guardianship and care. In childhood - from the parents, in adulthood - from the husband. Marriage enters relatively early. The reason for this is excessive amorousness, which drowns out the voice of reason. She completely surrenders to the hands of her beloved, forgetting about everything in the world.

Milena is a prudent wife and mistress, she forgives her husband a lot in order to save the marriage. The girl is afraid to have children, but takes this step for the sake of her beloved husband. Realizing the happiness of motherhood, she realizes that she was deeply mistaken in her fears. It is the child that makes the girl become more independent and responsible.

For marriage, Milena needs a strong and affectionate man who can take care of the family and provide for it properly, such as Vasily, Timofey, Matvey, Yakov. Representatives of the names will not suit her at all: Andrei, George and Albert.

Milena - famous people with this name

Among celebrities with an unusually attractive name, one can single out M. Letizia, a former Canadian fashion model, and at the moment a professional wrestler, M. Hubshmannova, a specialist in Indian philosophy and a defender of gypsy rights, as well as M. Farmer, a French singer, actress, and M. Simonova - a TV presenter.

Milena - interesting facts about the name

- correspondence of the zodiac sign - Pisces, Sagittarius;
- cosmic body - Jupiter;
- colors of the name - blue, crimson, lilac;
- totem animal - swallow, grasshopper;
- plants - violet, lavender, jasmine, bluebell;
- talisman stone - amethyst.
The patroness of the name - blessed Milica - founded a monastery, led a pious lifestyle (name day on August 7).

The name Milena is soft and harmonious, it gives the impression that its bearer is a gentle and sweet girl. But the character of most Mils is very contradictory. She is both stubborn and inert, unemotional and temperamental. However, the nature of such a woman largely depends on the month of her birth.

Name origin

The most common version of the origin of the name Milena is Slavic. It is connected with the fact that in Russian there is a consonant word "sweetheart". According to this hypothesis, several names came from the root "mil":

  • Mila;
  • Milan;
  • Milena;
  • Militsa;
  • Milada.

Some researchers consider these words interchangeable forms of each other, others - related names.

A less popular version is the French one. It is believed that Milena is the result of the merger of two names that are widespread in France: Maria and Elena.

Forms of the name Milena

Short forms of the name:

  • Mila;
  • Mile;
  • Milka;
  • Milia.

Diminutive forms:

  • Sweetheart;
  • Milenka;
  • Cutie;
  • Milenushka;
  • Darling.

When writing poems about a girl named Milena, you can use the following rhymes: sea foam, sweet-voiced siren, stage, change. Various short adjectives also rhyme with this word: incomparable, priceless, precious, sacred.

Photo gallery: name forms

Milena - the full form of the name Mila - a short form of the name Milena Milena - one of the options for affectionate appeal to Milena

The name Milena is not in the Orthodox calendar. Such girls are usually baptized or Militsami. They also use the name of a saint who is revered on the baby's birthday.

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - MILENA.

Table: name variations in different languages

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Milena:

  • Vladislavovna;
  • Igorevna;
  • Olegovna;
  • Anatolievna;
  • Borisovna.

Nickname options for social networks

  • milenka;
  • miryshinka;
  • lena;
  • miilllenka;
  • mila.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • good nature;
  • sincerity;
  • charm.

Negative qualities:

  • impulsiveness;
  • arrogance;
  • waywardness;
  • selfishness.

Darling in childhood

From childhood, Milena gets used to the tireless care and increased attention of her relatives. Because of this, the girl becomes capricious, stubborn, able to manipulate her parents, achieving what she wants. If adults begin to indulge her and fulfill all the whims of the baby, Mila will grow up arrogant, eccentric and selfish. There may be the opposite effect - getting used to the fact that others decide everything for her, and she does not need to make efforts to achieve what she wants, the girl can become infantile and weak-willed. Because of this, in the future she may fall under the influence of unkind people and incur various troubles.

Little Milena usually grows up in love, caressed by the care and attention of her relatives.

However, the little owner of this name is sweet, friendly and ingenuous. She is not worried about worries, as her relatives decide everything for her. With her family and friends, Milenochka is relaxed and confident. True, as soon as she finds herself in society, she immediately gets lost, cannot defend her own opinion and coherently present her thoughts.

At school, a girl rarely shines with knowledge. She does not want to fight for the championship, does not seek to achieve any lofty goals. But Milena is happy to study those subjects that are truly interesting to her. Teachers appreciate such a student for diligence, calmness and obedience.

Teenage Milena

In her youth, Milena becomes more open and responsible, but still her capriciousness and selfishness do not disappear. Such a girl tends to doubt for a long time in making an important decision. She wants increased attention from others, but does not know how to win it.

Mila doesn't have too many friends. She is intractable, stubborn, her actions are sometimes very difficult to predict. The young owner of this name likes to command, so finding a common language with her is not easy. Milena prefers to make friends with guys rather than girls.

It is difficult for peers to find a common language with young Milena because of her stubbornness and selfishness

This young lady is incredibly charming, she is not deprived of the attention of the stronger sex. The bearer of this name is cheerful, simple-hearted and benevolent. She is a pleasant conversationalist, can be both an attentive listener and an interesting storyteller. The attractiveness of Milenochka and a certain mystery inherent in her often cause admiration in other people.

It is difficult for such a girl to adapt, she hates change. Milena does not strive to become the most successful at the institute or the brightest in the company. The main thing for her is a stable life without surprises and unforeseen situations.

Instead of noisy gatherings in a big company, young Mila will prefer to spend the weekend with her family. This girl is accustomed to comfort and coziness, so it is almost impossible to ask her to go with friends to nature or to another city.

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Boris Higir, Milena is very stubborn, she will never agree to do anything against her beliefs and principles. Therefore, such a girl prefers to persuade everyone to her own opinion. She is envious, does not know how to sincerely rejoice in the success of others. When Mila learns about the success of others, she is tormented by the question, why is it not so with her?

The owner of such a name is a hospitable woman, although she is far from an ideal hostess. Milena does not like to clean, cook and care for pets and plants. In dealing with people, she is usually unemotional, reserved. Often such girls, even in adulthood, live with their parents, because they constantly need the support and care of other people.

Talents and hobbies

Milena is an inactive, domestic woman. Instead of a picnic in nature, an extreme hike in the years or a trip to the forest for mushrooms, she will most likely choose a relaxed quiet vacation at home or with her relatives. Such a girl is assiduous, therefore she chooses calm hobbies for herself that require attention and concentration:

  • knitting;
  • embroidery;
  • creating pictures from puzzles and the like.

Milena chooses quiet hobbies for herself: embroidery, knitting

Milena's career and business

In her work, Milena is attentive, accurate, restrained and fair. She is able to become an excellent doctor, teacher, economist or engineer. This woman can also choose a creative profession and will be happy to implement her ideas.

The owner of such a name usually does not have a rapid rise in her career. For this, she lacks determination and self-confidence. Even the slightest difficulties can scare Mila and make her quit halfway through.

Milena can become an excellent engineer

This is a very responsible, attentive and punctual worker. Milena is prudent, prudent, and therefore perfectly copes with her duties. The owner of such a name does not seek to stand out from the team and take the place of the leader. She does not want to take responsibility for others, such a girl is quite satisfied with the role of the performer.

It is unlikely that Milena will decide to open her own business. She does not believe in herself and her own abilities. In difficult situations, the girl doubts for a long time, does not dare to make a final decision. Because of this, he often loses in cases where it is important to act quickly and take risks.


Since childhood, Milena has a strong immune system. She has no predisposition to any disease. But for the sake of a beautiful appearance and harmony, this woman is able to torment herself with various diets. Because of this, she seems very fragile and weak. At the same time, such a painful look helps the girl to attract the much-needed attention of others.

Milena in love and marriage

Milena is a sensual and amorous woman. It is unusual for her to declare her love publicly. If her chosen one shows indifference to such a girl, he may never know what she really feels for him.

In relationships, Mila often becomes the leader. It is important for her that the partner constantly confirms her feelings with actions. When this woman falls in love, it's usually once and for all. She is ready to sacrifice her own interests for the sake of the chosen one, to give in to her principles so as not to destroy the love idyll.

For the sake of her beloved, Milena is ready to sacrifice her own interests

Milena has a charming appearance. She carefully selects for herself an image that emphasizes all her virtues. Such a girl attracts the attention of many men. At the same time, she keeps aloof and restrained. But when Mila begins to fully trust the chosen one, she becomes liberated, temperamental and passionate.

Choosing a life partner, the owner of such a name first of all pays attention not to the social status of a man, but to his spirituality, purposefulness. The views and beliefs of the chosen one are also important to her. This girl is in no hurry to leave her parents' house, she is calm and comfortable among her relatives and friends, who will do everything possible to make her feel happy. Mila decides to marry only out of great love.

As a wife, the bearer of this name chooses a purposeful, strong-willed and wealthy man, next to whom she feels protected and confident in their wonderful and secure joint future. Milena is used to counting everything in advance. Therefore, she usually marries a man much older than her, with a solid life experience.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameRelationship Features
AlexanderA wonderful couple, both prefer an active and extreme lifestyle. They are constantly evolving and improving. But there is no stability in their family, and this can lead to the fact that Alexander and Milena will stop planning their future together and will rely only on luck.
DmitriyMilena and Dmitry are creative and talented people, they have many common interests, so their life is rich and varied. Usually these people are connected not only by interests and preferences, but also by a common cause. They may well build a successful family business. Partners completely trust each other, as a rule, their union is successful.
SergeyMilena is ready to do anything to get the attention and recognition of other people. Sergey, on the contrary, dreams of a quiet family life, in which the wife will be the keeper of the hearth and comfort. Therefore, the union of such a couple is very shaky and unstable.
AndreyAndrei is a man who is able to protect his beloved, care for and support literally everything. Milena is spoiled, in no hurry to leave her parents' house, as her mother and father continue to patronize even their adult daughter. In order for such a girl to decide to get married, her chosen one will have to make a lot of efforts.
AlexeiA wonderful tandem of two loving hearts promises a bright and varied family life. Romance and passion in their relationship do not allow feelings to cool down. Even infrequent quarrels and disagreements cannot destroy these strong love bonds.
EugeneMilena is a sensitive person, she can hardly endure losses and failures. But Eugene's optimism and love of life help her to look at life more simply and replace negative thoughts with bright hopes. These two are able to create a strong and happy family, as a man is able to take on all the problems of his beloved, showing love and care for her.
MaksimBoth partners are very strong-willed, purposeful people. Each of them is able to take the initiative in relationships. Therefore, Milena and Maxim have no time to be bored, their life is full of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. True, these two are quite stubborn. If they do not learn to find compromises, quarrels and conflicts can become reasons for parting.
VladimirMilena and Vladimir are simply made for each other. Their union is based on spiritual closeness, so there are practically no disagreements and conflicts in a couple. These are very creative and talented people who are able to diversify their lives. As for a joint future, this couple does not build empty illusions and never rely on luck. Their goals are very real. Together, they are able to realize their desires.
DenisTemperamental people are united in this union. They tend to show leadership qualities not only at work, but also with a loved one. This leads to the fact that between them constantly there are disagreements and quarrels. If Milena and Denis learn to yield to each other, their couple can build a strong and prosperous family.
ArtyomBoth partners are emotional and quick-tempered, because of this, quarrels and scandals do not subside in a couple. However, periodic bursts of emotions provide a good discharge and help to return to romance and tenderness. But if such violent showdowns occur quite often, this can lead to divorce.
IgorThe cohesion of this couple is explained by the harmony of love, fidelity and mutual understanding. Partners do not stop admiring each other, even after spending decades together. Milena and Igor are very close, no sorrows and hardships can upset their wonderful tandem.
NovelStrong-willed and energetic Roman is able to liberate the modest and vulnerable Milena. With him, she feels like behind a stone wall. Having melted the heart of his beloved, a man will receive a faithful and gentle life partner who will always appreciate and respect her husband.
VitalyThere are no masters and subordinates in this pair, each partner has the right to his own opinion. Milena and Vitaly always solve emerging problems in a quiet and peaceful environment. Their union is strong and durable.
Such people are very similar in beliefs and interests. The life of Milena and Vyacheslav is filled with unforgettable moments, every day they spend together is bright and interesting. The feelings of the owners of these names only become stronger over the years.

The meaning of each letter of the name

M - optimism, goodwill, the ability to be condescending to the imperfections of other people. Curious, at any age strive for self-development. Loyal friends will never leave you in trouble. Very attractive personalities.

And - people with this letter in their name are very sensual, they subtly perceive the beauty of the universe.

L are talented and creative people who know a lot about natural beauty. Strive for self-improvement.

E - extremely intractable. They tend to defend their point of view to the last, which often pushes people away from them. But this does not make them secretive and unsociable, on the contrary, such people like to communicate and spend time in the company of friends.

N - very stubborn personalities, in the new team they tend to keep their distance, they treat everyone with distrust. Give yourself completely to work. Lead a healthy lifestyle, strive for spiritual and physical development.

A is a symbol of all beginnings, the desire to start life from scratch. They tend to show leadership qualities at home and at work.

Table: name matches

StoneAmethystA symbol of complacency, purity, peace and mercy. Contributes to the discovery of the hidden skills of the person who wears this stone. Helps to relieve irritation, blocks rage and evil thoughts. Gives peace and tranquility. Amethyst in a silver frame contributes to the establishment of friendships and partnerships. It helps women who want to have a baby to realize their dream. A stone in a gold frame directs a person's energy to creation, improves memory.
ColorpurpleVery quick-tempered, constantly as if asking for a conflict. They may well restrain their emotions, but they will never miss the opportunity to take part in a dispute or scandal. Not vindictive, quickly forget grievances. They do not admit their mistakes, so they never apologize to anyone.
Number5 These people hate routine, they are very active, constantly craving vivid emotions and thrills. Fives are good friends.
PlanetJupiterThose whose name is under the auspices of Jupiter are successful in literally everything, and luck follows them everywhere. As a rule, they are very purposeful, they know how to take the best from life.
ElementWaterAlways trust your inner voice. Their intuition helps to make the right choice and avoid trouble. Able to remain calm in any situation, they can always find the best way to solve a problem.
AnimalGrasshopperIn eastern countries, it is a symbol of success, prosperity, success, courage and prosperity. In Europe, this insect personifies windiness and inconstancy. In Rus', the grasshopper symbolized seclusion, observation and obedience.
Zodiac signFishExtremely touchy, but capable of sympathy. Many need to talk with them, as they are able to support and listen. But often such people themselves need advice. They usually doubt their own abilities and are hard pressed by the changes that take place in their lives.
TreeAshThe symbol of the axis of the universe, the personification of natural beauty, fertility and prosperity. Ash helps to find your life path. A talisman made of such wood can endow its owner with the gift of divination, but this ability is manifested in those who wish to find harmony and have no evil thoughts. Ash amulets also serve as a powerful protection against the negative energy of ill-wishers and witchcraft.
PlantBellA symbol of fidelity, responsiveness, sincerity and love. This plant is able to attract success, as well as protect from magical influences.
MetalBronzeA symbol of endurance, courage, power. A bronze talisman is able to protect against various ailments and avert misfortune.
auspicious daySaturday

When was Milena born?

Winter Milena is a closed and silent woman. To many, she seems cold-blooded and unflappable. But behind her indifference lies a very vulnerable soul that needs advice and support. Such a girl is afraid of responsibility, often she is not able to solve her problems on her own.

Spring Milena is a cheerful, prudent, reasonable woman. She always keeps her promises. Not afraid of responsibility, can find a way out of a difficult situation without anyone's help. Optimistic and sociable, others appreciate her for her punctuality and good nature.

Milena, born in spring, is cheerful and optimistic

Summer Milena is impressionable and sensual. Such a woman falls into despair even because of the slightest setbacks. But at the right moment, she is able to gather all her will into a fist, push all her suffering into the background and act. Usually this girl devotes herself completely to work. With her personal life, everything is not going smoothly, as the lack of time does not allow Mila to create a happy and stable relationship.

Autumn Milena is a secretive and insecure woman. She constantly needs the help of her family and friends. Afraid of difficulties. If problems arise halfway to the goal, she will not fight and overcome obstacles. Mila, both in work and in her personal life, does not like change.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn optimistic, sympathetic, energetic, benevolent woman who cannot stand loneliness. Milena-Aries is proactive, she is able to organize an unforgettable vacation for herself and her friends. Always longing for new discoveries and vivid impressions.
TaurusA shy and very touchy woman, inclined to trust absolutely everyone, her sincerity and kindness have no boundaries. But often the good nature of the girl gives her only disappointment. This is because not all people are pure in their intentions, many make friends with her only out of selfish motives. But the life of Milena-Taurus does not teach anything, she steps on the same rake again and again, opening up to barely familiar people.
TwinsA charming, graceful and very graceful woman who skillfully uses her attractiveness to achieve personal goals. Milena-Gemini is very smart and prudent, she believes that with the help of a beautiful appearance, great success in life can be achieved.
CancerAn open and trusting woman. It is as if from another world in which people are not capable of meanness and betrayal. Therefore, Milena-Rak constantly needs the support of relatives. This girl is used to stability, does not seek to take responsibility for anything.
a lionEternal fighter for justice. She strives to always tell people the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. Does not tolerate flattery and lies. Criticism of her is very upsetting for such a girl. Milena Leo is extremely intractable, always stubbornly stands her ground.
VirgoVery emotional and quick-tempered Milena-Virgo first does, and only then thinks about the consequences. Often her feelings take precedence over common sense. Quite independent, but often the desire for independence does not benefit the girl, because of her character, she often finds herself in various unpleasant situations.
ScalesA mysterious and dreamy woman who often has her head in the clouds. Usually her desires are divorced from reality. Milena-Libra often suffers from gullibility and naivety. She is poorly versed in people, tends to trust even unfamiliar personalities. But the lightness and innocence of the girl help her quickly forget insults.
ScorpionSelfish, arrogant and wayward Milena-Scorpio tends to dictate her own terms to others. Her stubbornness and intractability repel other people, because of this, the girl has practically no friends. Few are willing to put up with her domineering nature.
SagittariusCreative and talented Milena-Sagittarius is always looking for new ideas and inspiration. She is a very pleasant conversationalist, able to find an approach to any person. This woman, with enthusiasm and a gleam in her eyes, takes on the implementation of her ideas, but her interest is quickly lost, the girl is fascinated by more and more new things. Ultimately, Mila usually doesn't complete any of them.
CapricornA sincere, good-natured and at the same time very distrustful and vulnerable woman. Prefers to hide his true feelings and emotions from others. Often shows rudeness and even cruelty. Milena-Capricorn is painfully sensitive to criticism, but keeps her feelings secret from everyone.
AquariusOptimistic, sociable and simple-minded woman. Often attracts the admiring glances of others. Her cute appearance makes other people give up without a fight. Milena-Capricorn does not like to argue and is able to give in in order to maintain trusting and friendly relations.
FishMysterious, romantic and dreamy Milena-Pisces looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, which often leads to despair and disappointment. This woman is very naive, tending to think of people better than they really are. For her chosen one, the girl comes up with an impeccable image, far from reality.

Notable women

Notable women with this name:

  • Milena Vukotic - Italian actress;
  • Milena Letitia Ruchka (Rosa Mendes) - American professional wrestler, former Canadian fashion model;
  • Milena Kunis - American actress of Ukrainian origin;
  • Mylene Farmer - French singer and actress;
  • Milena Hyubshmannova - Czech linguist, specialist in Indian philology, advocate for the rights of gypsies;
  • Milena Canonero is an Oscar and BAFTA award-winning Italian costume designer.

Photo gallery: famous Milena

Milene Farmer - French singer Milena Vukotic - Italian actress Milena Canonero - Italian costume designer Milena Kunis - American actress Milena Letizia Ruchka - American wrestler Milena Hubschmannova - Czech linguist

Milena is an impulsive, arrogant and extremely short-tempered person. It is difficult to work with her, make friends and live together. However, others are condescending to the shortcomings of a woman with this name due to her good nature and responsiveness. Relatives love Mila for her attention and reliability.

The name of Milena and Milan, Milana: difference, similarity.

From the article you will find out if there are differences between such female names as Milena and Milanya, read about the origin of the names, about what character traits are inherent in girls with these names and what kind of energy they have.

The name of Milena and Milan, Milanya: are these names different or not, their similarities and differences?

A common mistake of many young parents, which brings confusion in the preparation of official documents, may be naming the child not at all with the name that was originally chosen by them. Similar situations arise if two different ones, but having the same sound, are taken for one name. A similar question arises for those who have chosen the name Milena or Milan for their daughter. Our article will help you understand the origin and features of these names.

Milan name: meaning, origin
  • Many female names are of Slavic origin. The derivative of the names Milan, Milena and several other variations is the Slavic male name Milan, which in turn was formed as an abbreviated form from the names Miloslav, Milomir. Obviously, when naming a boy with one of these names, confusion could also occur. The only way to avoid discrepancies in the name is to name the child according to the church calendar. There certainly will be indicated the exact version of the name of the saint.
  • During baptism, the girl receives the name Milica. There is a version of Melania. But at home, sooner or later, parents will begin to call the girl the variant of the name that they prefer.

But if you are faced with a difficult choice of a name and do not know which option to choose, then try the following:

  • Say each form of the name out loud, trying on under the names of both parents
  • Decide which of the names sounds more melodious
  • Say also several times the variants of names with patronymics. However, remember that the baby will begin to be called by name and patronymic only after she reaches a certain age. And until that time (in kindergarten, at school), the girl will be called simply by her first name. Also, in the company with the name, the surname will also sound.
  • Say first the first name, then the last name, and repeat with another name in the same way. Then vice versa: first the last name, then the first name. For example, Milana Larina - Larina Milana, Milena Grineeva - Grineeva Milana.
    The option that will cause you negative emotions or associations will disappear by itself.
  • Believe me, with this approach, you will definitely not name the baby with a name that you may not like later. However, if the sound of both options is approximately the same, then you need to find other criteria for choosing.

Milana as a child

Name of Milan

  • The sweet-sounding name of Milan also gives charm to its bearer. The girl, who was called by this name, already in her early years begins to behave as if she was created for carpet paths. The baby's favorite pastime is trying on mother's outfits in front of the mirror. A girl from childhood begins to understand cosmetics and understands the need for its use.

Milana as a child

  • The girl Milana does not cause problems for her parents with the difficulties that arise at school: she is easy to study, but the girl does not make much effort and zeal in comprehending school disciplines.
    During her school years, Milana does not miss the opportunity to gossip, show her peers in new outfits, and whisper with her girlfriends.
  • For the girl Milana, it is important to constantly get new sensations, because she needs a change of scenery, communication with interesting people.
  • Having become an adult, Milana can easily leave her familiar place and go to another city or even a country. Despite the desire to constantly change the situation and environment, Milana knows how to make friends and old friends are just as important to her as new acquaintances. If necessary, Milana will not only listen to them, but also support them, help them to the best of their ability in solving the problems that have arisen.
  • Like the name of the girl, she herself is a very romantic and emotional nature. She takes to heart everything that happens around her.
  • Milana often chooses an activity in which she can devote herself to charity or help those in need of care.

What are the character traits of a Milana woman

Milana's personal life

  • Milana can be relaxed and at ease in the company of a man to whom she is not indifferent. Milana likes it when a man tries to win her over.
  • After Milana gets married, she becomes an ideal hostess: household chores are not a burden for her, she constantly keeps herself in good shape.

Diminutive variant of the name:

  • Milka
  • Milusha
  • Milusya

Video: The meaning of the name. Milan

Name Milena

  • The name Milena and all its variations have one root "mil", which reflects the character traits inherent in the bearer of the name. The name itself speaks of Milena as a sweet girl.
  • Although the names Mila, Milena, Milana have a common etymology, they are completely independent forms. The bearers of these names may have both similar features and have certain differences.
  • The sound vibrations of the name affect others in such a way that they tune in to the warm, positive perception of the bearer of this beautiful name. It is not often possible to meet a girl with this name in our country, however, in other countries there are many carriers of a name similar in etymology. For example, Meloni, Milen, Milan.

Name Milena: meaning

What is the character of the girl Milena?

  • As a child, Milena is affectionate, kind and sympathetic. The only thing that can bother her parents is frequent colds. However, this circumstance plays into the hands of the girl, because she is even more cared for and overprotected. Such behavior of parents can lead to the fact that Milana grows up completely devoid of independence.
  • Her actions and decisions will be controlled by her father and mother for a long time, since she is under their influence. The girl is strongly attached to her parents and is ready to adhere to their rules, regardless of whether she likes it or not.
  • Milena hardly adjusts to a different tactic that differs from her parents or changes their priorities even when she is married.

Milena's character

  • Milena has great taste. As an adult, she always tries to look attractive, dresses with taste.
  • Milena's curiosity does not allow her to stay away from the lives of others: she is interested in the news and problems of those who are nearby. Milena can spend a lot of time in conversations with her friends, because she is very talkative by nature. The ease and ease of Milena's conversations sets the interlocutors to revelations.
  • In her early years, she may be shy of boys. However, over time, shyness is replaced by light flirting and coquetry.
  • Thanks to the unusual, rare and harmonious name, Milena always easily stands out from the background of the whole crowd, and therefore the girl does not experience a lack of fans and friends.
  • Milena is quite active, but makes independent decisions with difficulty. She needs more time to think, to think. Milena may be tormented by doubts, after which she may doubt whether her actions were correct.
  • Cardinal changes in life scare Milena, so she avoids them in every possible way. Chasing wealth, striving for career growth is not about Milena. A girl with a romantic name needs only prosperity and a loving person nearby.
  • A girl from childhood is surrounded by the care of her parents and relatives. She gets used to attention, affection, because care and guardianship is what Milena needs throughout her life. As a child, she receives all this from her parents, and as an adult, from her husband.
  • Due to excessive amorousness, Milena marries early. The voice of reason in the candy-bouquet period is simply drowned out by ardent feelings. A girl is able to forget about everything in the world when her loved one is next to her.

Milena has been surrounded by the care of her parents and relatives since childhood.

Milena's personal life

  • In marriage, Milena is prudent, able to forgive her husband a lot, just for the sake of saving the marriage. She is a good hostess.
  • Milena does not strive for early motherhood, however, if her beloved husband dreams of children, then she takes this step. Raising children brings her joy and opens up all the facets of maternal happiness, and Milena realizes how much she was mistaken in her anxieties and fears. With the birth of a baby, she becomes more independent and responsible.
  • The ideal husband for Milena is a strong and affectionate man. She chooses as a companion someone who is able to take care of the family, provide it properly. These qualities are possessed by Vasily, Timothy, Matvey, Jacob, each of which can become her ideal companion. Men with the names Andrei, George, Albert do not suit Milena.

Video: The meaning of the name Milena - The Secret of the Name

The name Milena and Milan, Milana: the origin of the names

Milan's name is of Russian origin.

The name Milena is of Russian, Slavic origin.

Name Melania Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Milena chooses as a companion someone who is able to take care of the family, provide it properly

The meaning of the name Melania is described in the video.

Video: The meaning of the name Melania


Milena and Milana, Milana: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport?

  • Milaniya name synonyms: Melanya, Malan, Malana, Melana, Lana, Lanya, Melasha, Mil, Mila, Molya, Melanyushka, Malanyushka, Malanya, Malasha, Malya, Melly, Meli, Mel, Mel, Melina, Nike.
  • Milan name synonyms: Milanka, Mila, Lana, Mil, Milka, Milyanka, Milenka, Milinka, Milunka, Milka, Milica, Tsitsa, Milka, Lena, Lenka.
  • Synonyms for the name Milena: Militsa, Milla, Milada, Milusha, Milomir, Milovzor, ​​Milolika, Miloslava.

Full and abbreviated name, how will it be on behalf of Milena and Milan, Milanya?

All three names have different meanings and origins, however, among the short forms, the same options can be distinguished:

  • Milanka, Mila, Lana, Mila, Milka
  • Milyanka, Milyanka, Milinka
  • Milunka, Milka, Milica, Tsitsa, Milka, Lena, Lenka

Full name form:

  • Milena
  • Milan
  • Milana

Can Milena be called Milana, Milanya and vice versa?

The names have one root "mil", and are considered related, but do not confuse, for example, the name of Milan with Milena. Having a different origin, the names also endow their bearers with different features. However, some variations of one name may sound like an affectionate variation of another, being independent and independent forms.

Can Milena be called Milana, Milanya and vice versa


The name Milena means "tender", "sweet".

Name origin

Milena is a female name with Old Slavic roots. The origin of the name is connected with the Old Slavonic words, which mean "sweet", "gentle".

Name characteristic


Little Mile is growing up as a kind, sympathetic girl. Often a baby with that name is prone to many diseases, usually colds. Therefore, her parents constantly take care of her, take care of her. As a result, Mile can grow up completely dependent on her parents and other relatives. In school years, a girl usually seeks protection from classmates and friends.


Mature Milena becomes more independent, learns to take care of herself. But overprotection in childhood usually does not go unnoticed. A girl can be very capricious, often she believes that everyone is obliged to pay special attention to her. For this reason, it is often left to live in the parental home for as long as possible. Even in adulthood, she takes the care of her parents for granted.

Milena is a very emotional and sensitive person. She is inquisitive, loves communication. Milena is one of those girls who can chat on the phone for hours. At the same time, she sincerely does not understand how others may not have enough time for long telephone conversations.

Has great taste and sense of style. Usually a girl is well versed in the world of fashion and design.

Milena is unable to quickly make independent decisions. She will think for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons, and, at the same time, most often in the end she will remain dissatisfied with the result.


Usually chooses a specialty that requires impartiality and attentiveness. The profession of a teacher, doctor, economist, accountant, engineer is suitable for her.

Personal life

As indicated in the description of the name Milena, a girl with that name usually marries early. As a rule, she passes from under parental care to the guardianship of her husband. Often a girl's life partner is much older than her. As a husband, she chooses an affectionate, but at the same time, a strong man who is able to provide her with a decent standard of living. Such a woman usually gladly gives leadership in the family to her husband, herself doing housework and raising children. Milena makes a good hostess who knows how and loves to receive guests.

Name compatibility

The name Milena is successfully combined with patronymics Viktorovna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Petrovna, Alexandrovna, Vladimirovna, Mironovna, Antonovna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Jacob, Matvey, Timofey, Vasily.

name day

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Milena: Milena Vukotic, Milena Kunis, Milena Canonero, Milena Hubshmannova, Milena Letizia.

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