Mystical things. Archaeological artifacts that do not fit into history


June 25th, 2013

Since the time of Darwin, science has more or less succeeded in logically fitting and explaining most of the evolutionary processes that have taken place on Earth. Archaeologists, biologists, and many other ... scientists agree, and are sure that already 400 - 250 thousand years ago, the beginnings of the current society flourished on our planet. But archeology, you know, is such an unpredictable science, no, no, and it throws up new finds that do not fit into the generally accepted model neatly folded by scientists. We present you the 15 most mysterious artifacts that made the scientific world think about the correctness of existing theories.
1. Spheres from Klerksdorp.

According to rough estimates, these mysterious artifacts are about 3 billion years old. They are disc-shaped and spherical objects. Corrugated balls are of two types: one of bluish metal, monolithic, interspersed with white matter, the other, on the contrary, is hollow, and the cavity is filled with white spongy material. Nobody knows the exact number of spheres, since miners with the help of kmd still continue to extract them from a rock near the city of Klerksdorp, located in South Africa.
2. Drop Stones.

In the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula, which are located in China, a unique find was made, the age of which is 10 - 12 thousand years. Drop stones, numbering in the hundreds, are like gramophone records. These are stone discs with a hole in the middle and a spiral engraving applied to the surface. Some scientists tend to believe that the disks serve as carriers of information about an extraterrestrial civilization.
3. Antikythera mechanism.

In 1901, the Aegean Sea revealed to scientists the mystery of a sunken Roman ship. Among other surviving antiquities, a mysterious mechanical artifact was found, which was made about 2000 years ago. Scientists managed to recreate the most complex and innovative invention for that time. The Antikythera mechanism was used by the Romans for astronomical calculations. Interestingly, the differential gear used in it was invented only in the 16th century, and the skillfulness of miniature parts from which the amazing device was assembled is not inferior to the skill of watchmakers of the 18th century.
4. Ica stones.

Unique stones were discovered in the Peruvian province of Ica by the surgeon Javier Cabrera. Ica stones are processed volcanic rock covered with engravings. But the whole mystery is that among the images there are dinosaurs (brontosaurs, pterosaurs and triceraptors). Perhaps, despite all the arguments of scientific anthropologists, the ancestors of modern man were already flourishing and engaged in creativity at the time when these giants roamed the earth?
5. Baghdad battery.

In 1936, a strange-looking vessel was found in Baghdad, sealed with a concrete plug. Inside the mysterious artifact was a metal rod. Subsequent experiments showed that the vessel performed the function of an ancient battery, since by filling a structure similar to the Baghdad battery with electrolyte available for that time, it is possible to get electricity of 1 V. Now you can argue who owns the title of the founder of the doctrine of electricity, because the Baghdad battery is 2000 years older than Alessandro Volta.
6. The oldest "spark plug".

In the mountains of Coso in California, an expedition that was looking for new minerals found a strange artifact, with its appearance and properties, it strongly resembles a “spark plug”. Despite the dilapidation, one can confidently distinguish a ceramic cylinder, inside of which there is a magnetized metal two-millimeter rod. And the cylinder itself is enclosed in a copper hexagon. The age of the mysterious find will surprise even the most inveterate skeptic - it is more than 500,000 years old!
7. Stone balls of Costa Rica.

Three hundred stone balls scattered along the coast of Costa Rica vary both in age (from 200 BC to 1500 AD) and in size. However, scientists are still not clear how exactly the ancient people made them and for what purposes.
8. Planes, tanks and submarines of Ancient Egypt.

There is no doubt that the Egyptians built the pyramids, but could the same inhabitants of Egypt have thought of constructing an airplane? Scientists have been asking this question since a mysterious artifact was discovered in one of the Egyptian caves in 1898. The shape of the device is similar to an airplane, and, given its initial speed, it could well fly. The fact that in the era of the New Kingdom the Egyptians knew such technical inventions as an airship, a helicopter and a submarine is told by a fresco on the ceiling of a temple located near Cairo.
9. Human palm print, 110 million years old.

And this is not at all the age for humanity, if we take and add here such a mysterious artifact as a petrified finger from the Arctic part of Canada, which belongs to a person and has the same age. And the footprint found in Utah, and not just a foot, but shod in a sandal, is 300-600 million years old! You wonder, so when did humanity originate?
10. Metal pipes from Saint-Jean-de-Livet.

The age of the rock from which the metal pipes were extracted is 65 million years, therefore, the artifact was made at the same time. Wow Iron Age. Another strange find was mined from a Scottish rock dating back to the lower Devonian period, that is, 360 - 408 million years ago. This mysterious artifact was a metal nail.
In 1844, the Englishman David Brewster reported that an iron nail had been found in a block of sandstone in one of the Scottish quarries. Its hat was so "grown" into the stone that it was not possible to suspect the falsification of the find, although the age of the sandstone, dating back to the Devonian period, is about 400 million years.
Already in our memory, in the second half of the twentieth century, a discovery was made, which scientists still cannot explain. Near the American town with the loud name of London, in the state of Texas, when splitting sandstone of the Ordovician period (Paleozoic, 500 million years ago), an iron hammer with the remains of a wooden handle was found. If we discard a person who did not exist at that time, it turns out that trilobites and dinosaurs smelted iron and used it for economic purposes. If we discard stupid mollusks, then we need to somehow explain the finds, for example, such as this one: in 1968, the French Druet and Salfati discovered in the quarries of Saint-Jean-de-Livet, in France, oval-shaped metal pipes, whose age, if dated by the Cretaceous layers, is 65 million years - the era of the last reptiles.

Or this one: in the middle of the 19th century, explosive work was carried out in Massachusetts, and a metal vessel was found among the fragments of stone blocks, which was torn in half by an explosive wave. It was a vase about 10 centimeters high, made of metal resembling zinc in color. The walls of the vessel were decorated with images of six flowers in the form of a bouquet. The rock, in which this outlandish vase was kept, belonged to the beginning of the Paleozoic (Cambrian), when life was barely born on earth - 600 million years ago.
It cannot be said that scientists even took water into their mouths: they had to read that a nail and a hammer could fall into a gap and be flooded with soil water, with the formation of dense rock around them over time. Even if the vase failed along with the hammer, but the pipes in the French quarries could not fall into the depths by chance.
11. Iron mug in the corner

It is not known what the scientist would say if, instead of the imprint of an ancient plant, in a coal block, he would find ... an iron mug. Would the coal seam be dated by humans from the Iron Age, or still, the Carboniferous, when there weren't even dinosaurs? But such an object was found, and until recently that mug was kept in one of the private museums in America, in South Missouri, although with the death of the owner, the trace of the scandalous object was lost, to the great, it should be noted, relief of pundits. However, the photograph remains.
The mug had the following document, signed by Frank Kenwood: “In 1912, when I was working at the municipal power plant in Thomas, Oklahoma, I came across a massive block of coal. It was too big and I had to smash it with a hammer. This iron mug fell out of a block, leaving behind a recess in the coal. An eyewitness of how I broke a block and how a mug fell out of it was an employee of the company named Jim Stoll. I managed to find out the origin of coal - it was mined in the mines of Wilburton, in Oklahoma. According to scientists, the coal mined in the mines of Oklahoma is 312 million years old, unless, of course, dating by a circle. Or did man live with trilobites, those shrimp of the past?
12. Leg on a trilobite
in this - a trilobite crushed by a shoe! The fossil was discovered by a passionate lover of shellfish, William Meister, who in 1968 examined the vicinity of Antelope Spring, in Utah. He split a piece of shale and saw the following picture (in the photo - a split stone).

One can see the imprint of the shoe of the right foot, under which there were two small trilobites. Scientists explain this by the play of nature, and are ready to believe in the discovery only if there is a whole chain of such traces. The meister is not a specialist, but a draftsman who searches for antiquities in his spare time, but his reasoning is sound: the imprint of the shoe was not found on the surface of hardened clay, but after splitting a piece: the chip fell along the imprint, along the border of the compaction caused by the pressure of the shoe. However, they do not want to talk to him: after all, man, according to evolutionary theory, did not live in the Cambrian period. There weren't even dinosaurs back then. Or... geochronology is false.
13. The sole of the shoe on the ancient stone

In 1922, American geologist John Reid conducted a search in the state of Nevada. Unexpectedly for himself, he found a clear imprint of the sole of the shoe on the stone. A photograph of this wonderful find is still preserved.

Also in 1922, an article by Dr. W. Ballou appeared in the New York Sunday American. He wrote: “Some time ago, the famous geologist John T. Reid, while searching for fossils, suddenly froze in embarrassment and surprise at the rock under his feet. There was what looked like a human print, but not of a bare foot, but of the sole of a shoe that had turned to stone. The forefoot is gone, but retains the contour of at least two-thirds of the outsole. A well-defined thread ran around the contour, which, as it turned out, attached the welt to the sole. This is how the fossil was found, which is today the biggest mystery for science, since it was found in a rock that is at least 5 million years old.
The geologist took the cut piece of rock to New York, where it was examined by several professors from the American Museum of Natural History and a geologist from Columbia University. Their conclusion was unequivocal: the rock is 200 million years old - the Mesozoic, the Triassic period. However, the imprint itself was recognized, both by these and by all other scientists, as a game of nature. Otherwise, one would have to admit that people in shoes sewn with thread lived with a number of dinosaurs.
14. Two mysterious Cylinders

In 1993, Philip Reef was the owner of another amazing find. When tunneling in the mountains of California, two mysterious Cylinders were discovered, they resemble the so-called "cylinders of the Egyptian pharaohs."

But their properties are completely different from them. They consist half of platinum, half of an unknown metal. If they are heated, for example, to 50°C, then they retain this temperature for several hours, regardless of the ambient temperature. Then they cool almost instantly to air temperature. If an electric current is passed through them, they change color from silver to black, and then again acquire their original color. Undoubtedly, the cylinders contain other secrets that have yet to be discovered. According to radiocarbon analysis, the age of these artifacts is about 25 million years.
15 Mayan Crystal Skulls

According to the most common story, the "Skull of Destiny" was found in 1927 by the English explorer Frederick A. Mitchell-Hedges among the Mayan ruins in Lubaantun (modern Belize).
Others claim that the scientist bought this object at Sotheby's in London in 1943. In any case, this rock crystal skull is so perfectly carved that it appears to be a priceless work of art.
So, if we consider the first hypothesis correct (according to which the skull is a Mayan creation), then a whole rain of questions falls upon us.
Scientists believe that the Skull of Destiny is, in some ways, technically impossible. Weighing almost 5 kg, and being a perfect copy of a female skull, it has a completeness that would not be possible without the use of more or less modern methods, methods that the Mayan culture owned and which we do not know about.
The skull is perfectly polished. Its jaw is a hinged part separate from the rest of the skull. It has long attracted (and probably will continue to do so to a somewhat lesser extent) specialists from various disciplines.
Mention should also be made of the relentless attribution by a group of esotericists of supernatural powers, such as telekinesis, the emission of an unusual fragrance, color changes. The existence of all these properties is difficult to prove.
The skull was subjected to various analyses. One of the inexplicable things is that, made of quartz glass, and therefore having a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale (a scale of hardness of minerals from 0 to 10), the skull could be carved without such hard cutting materials as ruby ​​and diamond.
Studies of the skull, conducted by the American company Hewlett-Packard in the 1970s, determined that in order to achieve such perfection, it would have to be sanded for 300 years.
Could the Maya have deliberately designed this type of work, which was scheduled for completion in 3 centuries? We can only say with certainty that the Skull of Destiny is not the only one of its kind.
Several of these items have been found around the world and are made from other quartz-like materials. Among them is a whole jadeite skeleton found in the region of China/Mongolia, made on a smaller scale than a human, according to estimates, approx. in 3500-2200 BC.
There are doubts about the authenticity of many of these artifacts, but there is something that is certain: crystal skulls continue to delight daring scientists.
16. Salzburg Paralepiped

The very existence of the "parallelepiped" makes one wonder: is it the only one? Are there other similar (if not in form and composition, then at least in terms of the conditions under which they were found) objects? We do not mean ordinary fossil meteorites, which do not raise doubts about their nature; we are interested in objects of a clearly (or presumably) artificial nature. Those that fell into the earth's rocks during the formation of the latter. Somewhat tentatively, they can be called "unknown fossil objects" or NIO for short. "IN THE GENUINE THERE IS NO DOUBTS" Such finds are indeed known to science. 011/04/blog-post_6159.html


Some researchers are sure that extraterrestrial forms of intelligent life has visited our planet in the past. However, such statements are not scientifically confirmed facts and remain only assumptions and hypotheses.

UFO almost always has quite reasonable explanation. But what to do with artifacts, ancient strange objects that are found here and there? Today we will talk about ancient objects, the origin of which remains a mystery. Perhaps these things are proof of the existence of aliens?

The mechanism of extraterrestrial origin

Cogwheel of aliens from Vladivostok

At the beginning of this year, a resident of Vladivostok discovered a strange piece of equipment. This object resembled a part of a cogwheel and was pressed into a piece of coal with which the man was going to heat the stove.

Although unwanted parts of old equipment can be found almost everywhere, this thing seemed very strange, so the man decided to take it to scientists. After a careful study of the subject, it turned out that the object is made of almost pure aluminum and indeed has an artificial origin.

But the most interesting thing is that he 300 million years! The dating of the object fueled interest, since such pure aluminum and such a shape of the object clearly could not have appeared in nature without the intervention of intelligent life. Moreover, it is known that mankind has learned to make such details not earlier than 1825.

The artifact is incredibly reminiscent of parts of a microscope and other fine technical devices. Immediately there were suggestions that the item is part of an alien ship.

ancient statue

Stone head from Guatemala

In the 1930s researchers have discovered a huge sandstone statue somewhere in the middle of the jungles of Guatemala. The facial features of the statue were completely different from the features of the appearance of the ancient Maya or other peoples who lived in these territories.

Researchers believe that the facial features of the statue depicted representative of an ancient alien civilization, which was much more developed than the locals before the arrival of the Spaniards. Some have also suggested that the head of the statue also had a torso (although this has not been confirmed).

It is possible that later peoples could also sculpt the statue, but unfortunately, we will never know about it. The revolutionary Guatemalans used the statue as a target and almost completely destroyed it.

Ancient artifact or fake?

alien electric plug

In 1998 a hacker John J. Williams noticed a strange stone object in the ground. He dug it up and cleaned it, after which he found that it was attached to obscure electrical component. It was obvious that this device was created by human hand, and it was most similar to an electric plug.

The stone has since become well known in alien hunter circles and has been featured in some of the most famous paranormal publications. Williams, an electrical engineer by profession, reported that an electrical component that was pressed into a granite stone has not been glued or welded to it.

Many believe that this artifact is just a skillful forgery, but Williams refused to give the item for a more detailed study. He intended to sell it for 500 thousand dollars.

The stone was similar to ordinary stones that lizards use to keep warm. The first geological analysis showed that the stone about 100 thousand years, which allegedly proves that the item inside it was not man-made.

In the end, Williams agreed to cooperate with scientists, but only if they will fulfill his three conditions: he will be present at all tests, will not pay for research and the stone will not be damaged.

Artifacts of ancient civilizations

ancient aircraft

The Incas and other peoples of the Americas of the pre-Columbian era left behind a lot of very curious mysterious things. Some of them have been called "ancient planes" - these are small gold figurines that are very reminiscent of modern aircraft.

Initially it was assumed that these were figurines of animals or insects, but later it turned out that they have strange details, which are more like parts of fighter planes: wings, tail stabilizer and even landing gear.

It has been suggested that these models are replicas of real aircraft. That is, the Inca civilization could communicate with extraterrestrial beings that could fly to Earth on such devices.

The version that these figurines are just artistic image bees, flying fish, or other terrestrial creatures with wings.

lizard people

Al-Ubayd- an archaeological site in Iraq - a real gold mine for archaeologists and historians. A large number of objects have been found here. El Obeid culture, which existed in southern Mesopotamia between 5900 and 4000 BC.

Some of the artifacts found are especially strange. For example, some figurines depict humanoid figures in simple poses with lizard-like heads, which may indicate that these are not statues of gods, but images of some new race of lizard people.

There were suggestions that these figurines - images of aliens, which at that time flew to Earth. The true nature of the figurines remains a mystery.

Life in a meteorite

Researchers who studied the remains of a meteorite found on the island of Sri Lanka found that the subject of their research is not just a piece of stone that came from space. It was an artifact, literally. created outside the earth. Two different studies have shown that this meteorite contains extraterrestrial fossils and algae.

Scientists reported that these fossils provide clear evidence panspermia(hypotheses that life exists in the universe and is transferred from one planet to another with the help of meteorites and other space objects). However, these assumptions have been criticized.

The fossils in the meteorite are actually very similar to the species that can be found in Earth's fresh waters. It may very well be that the object was simply infected while it was on our planet.

Tapestry "Summer holiday"

Tapestry called "Summer Holiday" was established in Bruges (the capital of the province West Flanders in Belgium) in 1538. Today it can be seen in bavarian national museum.

This tapestry is famous for depicting very UFO-like objects that hovered in the sky. There are suggestions that they were placed on a tapestry, which depicts the ascension of the victor to the throne, in order to associate a UFO with a monarch. UFO in this case serves as a symbol of divine intervention. This, of course, raised more questions. For example, why did medieval Belgians associate flying saucers with deities?

Trinity with Satellite

Italian artist Ventura Salimbeni is the author of one of the most mysterious altarpieces in history. "Disputa of the Eucharist" ("Glorification of the Holy Communion")- a picture of the 16th century, which consists of several parts.

The lower part of the picture does not differ in something strange: it depicts saints and an altar. However, the upper part depicts Holy Trinity (Father, Son and dove - Holy Spirit), which look down and hold on to a strange object that looks like a space satellite.

This object has perfectly round shape with a metallic sheen, telescopic antennas and a strange glow. Surprisingly, it incredibly resembles the first artificial satellite of the Earth. "Sputnik-1" launched into orbit in 1957.

Although the alien hunters are sure that this picture is evidence that the artist saw a UFO, or traveled through time, the experts very quickly found an explanation.

This object is actually Sphaera Mundi, a representation of the universe. In religious art, such a symbol has been used more than once. Strange lights on the ball - Sun and moon, and the antennas are scepters, that is, symbols of the authority of the Father and the Son.

Mayan artifacts

Ancient images of UFO

In 2012, the Mexican government released several ancient Maya artifacts that it had been hiding from the public. last 80 years. These objects were found in a pyramid that was found under another pyramid in the area Calakmul- the most powerful city of the ancient Maya.

These artifacts are notable for the fact that depict flying saucers, which can serve as evidence that the Mayans saw UFOs at one time. However, the authenticity of these artifacts is highly questionable in the scientific world, and even more so the pictures that appeared on the net. Most likely, these artifacts were created local artisans to cause a sensation fueling reports of the end of the world at the end of 2012.

Mysterious Artifact

Alien Sphere Betzev

This mysterious story happened mid 1970s. When the Betz family was investigating the damage from a fire that destroyed a large amount of forest on their property, they discovered a surprising find: a silver ball about 20 centimeters in diameter, completely smooth with a strange elongated triangular character.

At first, the Betzes thought it was some kind of NASA space object or a Soviet spy satellite, but eventually decided that it was just a souvenir and kept it for themselves.

Two weeks later, Betzev's son decided to play the guitar in the room where the ball was located. Suddenly an object began to respond to the melody, producing a strange pulsing sound, causing anxiety in the Betz dog.

Further, the family discovered even more strange properties of the object. If he was rolled on the floor, the ball could stop and abruptly change direction, while returning to the person who abandoned it. It seemed that he draws energy from the sun's rays, as on sunny days the ball became more active.

Newspapers began to write about the ball, scientists became interested in it, although the Betzes did not particularly want to part with the find. Soon the house began to happen mysterious phenomena: the ball began to behave like a poltergeist. Doors began to open at night, organ music began to sound in the house.

After that, the family was seriously worried and decided to find out what this ball is. What was their surprise when it turned out that this mysterious object was just plain stainless steel ball.

While there are many theories about where this strange ball came from and why it behaves this way, one of them turned out to be the most plausible.

Three years before the Betzes found the ball, an artist named James Derling-Jones I drove through these places in a car, on the roof of which I was carrying several stainless steel balls, which I was going to use in a future sculpture. On the way, one of the balls fell out and rolled into the forest.

According to the description, these balls were the same as the Betz ball: they could balance and roll in different directions as soon as they are slightly touched. The Betzes' house had uneven floors, so the ball didn't roll in a straight line. These balls could also make sounds due to the metal shavings that got inside during the production of the ball.

The legend of this chair dates back to when Thomas Busby was sentenced to death. Somehow, having quarreled with a counterfeiter, he greatly dispersed, hammering him to death with a hammer. Tom was sentenced to death at the trial in 1702 and granted his last wish. His last wish was a glass of whiskey, which he wanted to drink on his favorite bar stool. Having finished his whiskey, Tom said "Death will come quickly to the one who sits on my chair".

Thomas Busby was soon hanged. At that time, no one attached much importance to the words of a man doomed to death, but showing respect for the event, no one sat on this chair for 10 years. But one day a chimney sweep who worked nearby looked into the bar, there were no empty seats in the bar, except for Thomas Busby's favorite chair, and, under the astonished looks of the visitors, he sat down on this chair.
Having finished his whiskey, he paid and left the bar, he soon died falling off the roof. Word of this quickly spread around the area and the bar gained wide popularity, thanks to the cursed chair, which killed anyone who dared to sit on it. The current owner of the tavern, with the cursed chair, Anthony Earnshaw bought the bar in 1966, renaming it "Busby Chair" Two young pilots in 1967, having laughed at the old legend, sat down on the cursed chair. Then they quietly left. A few minutes passed and their car ran off the road and crashed into a tree! Both died on the spot.

In the same year, a British army sergeant insisted on sitting on the famous cursed chair. He died suddenly three days later! And before that, according to doctors, the sergeant had enviable health. A young builder in 1973 wanted to try his luck and sat down on a cursed chair ... three hours later he dies at a construction site, falling off the roof. After a few years, while cleaning the room, the cleaner trips and accidentally sits on the edge of the cursed chair. A few weeks passed and she was dying of brain cancer. Among the victims was a worker repairing a nearby roof in 1984, not believing in the curses, sat on a devil's chair ... that same evening the roof collapsed and the worker died. To protect people from the danger that the cursed chair carries, the owner of the bar removed it away from human eyes. But one evening, the hot food delivery man begged the owner to look at the legendary chair, and ... sat down on it. That same evening, he is hit by a truck that, for some unknown reason, drove onto the sidewalk off the road. Joseph Mainwing - Taylor - the vicar of the local church assured that the forces of evil were contained in the cursed chair, he repeatedly tried to consecrate it, but to no avail.

"Cursed chair" from Yorkshire (England) killed his 65th victim - a young American after she celebrated her 18th birthday, was torn apart by wild dogs. In 2009, with fellow students, Melissa Dolony celebrated her birthday in the Busby Bar. No one paid attention to how she ended up behind a rope enclosing a chair. The waiter who served the students noticed her next to the chair and rushed to her through the entire hall, shouting ... but it was too late. After the party, two blocks from the inn, she was bitten to death by stray dogs. “She was just an American who did not attach any importance to stories about all sorts of killer chairs, ghosts, mysticism - considering it all stupidity,” said her friend Gayla Ganby. We had a drink in honor of Melissa's eighteenth birthday. Most likely, alcohol gave her courage. She said she spat on Tom Busby and his chair. The next thing we all saw was Melissa laughing as she opened another bottle of beer while sitting on the damned chair.”

“All deaths were recognized as an accident,” said Nigel Staul, a famous historian from England who studied mystical objects, this legendary chair. “However, it is quite obvious to me that everyone who sat on a chair found his death under mystical circumstances. To understand this, you just need to delve into the details of the so-called accidents.

For example, the penultimate victim of the cursed chair was 37-year-old Ann Conelatter, an accountant from Trenton, New York, who was in Yorkshire on vacation. Leaving for England, she boasted to her friends that she would definitely sit on the devil's chair and, upon returning to America, would tell them about her feelings. The staff of the tavern, unfortunately, did not have time to prevent her from doing this, and her fate was sealed. 26 minutes passed after she sat on the chair, entered the hotel elevator, reached the sixth floor, the elevator cable broke, death was instantaneous.

Inn owner Tony Earnshaw was asked why he didn't destroy the cursed chair? But it was he who answered: “This chair was created by history, and I have no right to interfere in its course. And above all, I warn everyone of the danger. Well, if someone wants to tempt fate, well, that's their own business "

The cursed chair was donated to the local museum. The armchair was fixed on the wall, at a height of one and a half meters, next to it is a description of a detailed legend, with a list of victims and a warning about the gallows curse ...

Mysterious artifacts of ancient civilizations are located in the Nazca desert, represented by huge drawings. Amazing geoglyphs appeared in 200 BC, covering vast areas off the coast of Peru. Engraved on sandy ground, they illustrate animals and geometric figures.

The images, also represented by lines, are very similar to runways. The Nazca people, who created wonderful drawings, left no record of the purpose of large-scale images. Perhaps because of their prehistoric age, they had not yet discovered the benefits of a written language, or something else was holding them back.

Not advanced enough for a written language, they nevertheless left a great mystery to future civilizations. We still wonder how such complex projects were realized at that time.

Some theorists believe that the Nazca lines represent constellations and correlate with the positions of the stars. It is also speculated that the geoglyphs must have been viewed from the heavens, with some of the lines forming runways for alien visitors to Earth.

Another thing also amazes us, if the "artists" themselves did not have the opportunity to view images from the sky, then how did the Nazca peoples create absolutely symmetrical images? In the absence of records from that time, we have no acceptable explanation other than the involvement of extraterrestrial technology.


An artifact 35 centimeters long, according to legend, was discovered in the 1960s in Egypt. The researcher of the unknown Gregor Sporri, having met the owner of the artifact in 1988, paid $ 300 to photograph the finger and take an x-ray. There is even an X-ray image of the finger, as well as a seal of authenticity.

Original photo taken in 1988

However, not a single scientist studied the finger, but the person who owned the artifact, leaving no opportunity to hear the details. This may contribute to the fact that the giant's finger is a hoax, or testify to the civilization of the giants that lived on the earth before us.


According to the history of the artifact, Cho Pu Tei, a professor of archeology (who is a real archaeologist) in Beijing, was on an expedition with students to explore caves deep in the Himalaya mountains. Situated between Tibet and China, a series of caves were clearly man-made as they consisted of tunnel systems and rooms.

There were small skeletons in the cells of the rooms, speaking of a dwarf culture. Professor Tey suggested that they are an undocumented species of mountain gorilla. True, the ritual burial was very embarrassing.

Hundreds of disks with a diameter of 30.5 centimeters with ideal holes in the center were also found here. The researchers, having studied the paintings on the walls of the cave, came to the conclusion that the age is 12,000 years. Discs with a mysterious purpose date back to the same age.

Sent to Peking University, the discs of the Dropa tribe (as they are called) have been studied for 20 years. Many researchers and scientists tried to decipher the letters engraved on the discs, which were not successful.

Professor Tsum Um Nui from Beijing examined the disks in 1958 and came to the conclusion about an unknown language that had not previously appeared anywhere. The engraving itself was done to such a skillful level that it required a magnifying glass to read. All the results of decryption went to the area of ​​extraterrestrial origin of artifacts.

Tribal Legend: Ancient drops descended from the clouds. Our ancestors, women and children hid in caves ten times before sunrise. When the fathers finally understood the sign language, they found out that those who came had peaceful intentions.


In 1961, a very strange artifact was discovered in the mountains of Coso, California. Looking for additions to their show, the owners of a small gem shop set out to collect a few pieces. However, they were lucky to find not just a valuable stone or a rare fossil, but a real mechanical artifact of ancient times.

The mysterious mechanical device looked like a modern car spark plug. Analysis and X-ray examination revealed a porcelain filling containing copper rings, a steel spring and a magnetic rod on the inside. Complementing the mystery is an unidentifiable powdery white substance inside.

After conducting research on the artifact and marine fossils covering the surface, it turned out that the artifact "petrified" about 500,000 years ago.

However, scientists were in no hurry to analyze the artifact. They were probably afraid of accidentally disproving generally accepted theories by saying that we are not the first technologically advanced civilization. Or the planet really was a popular place for aliens, often repaired on Earth.


In the past century, divers have been cleaning up ancient Greek treasures at the site of the wreck of the Antikythera ship dating back to 100 BC. Among the artifacts, they found 3 pieces of a mysterious device. The device had bronze triangular prongs and is thought to have been used to track the complex movements of the moon and other planets.

The mechanism used a differential gear consisting of over 30 gears of various sizes with triangular teeth, which were always counted down to prime numbers. It is believed that if all teeth are proven to be prime numbers, then they can clear up the astronomical mysteries of the ancient Greeks.

The antikythera mechanism had a knob that allowed the user to enter past and future dates and then calculate the positions of the sun and moon. The use of differential gears made it possible to calculate angular velocities and calculate lunar cycles.

No other artifacts discovered since this time are advanced. Instead of using a geocentric representation, the mechanism was built on heliocentric principles, which were not common at the time. It seems that the ancient Greeks managed to independently build the world's first analog computer.

Alexander Jones, a historian, deciphered some of the inscriptions and said that the device used colored balls to represent the Sun, Mars and the Moon. Well, from the inscriptions, we found out where the device was created, but no one said how it was made. Is it possible that the Greeks knew more about the solar system and technology than we previously thought?


Egypt is not a unique place for theories about ancient aliens and high technology. Small gold items dating back to 500 AD have been found in Central and South America. era.

More precisely, dating is a kind of challenge, since the items are entirely made of gold, so the date was estimated by stratigraphy. This may fool some people into thinking it was a hoax, but the artifacts are at least 1,000 years old.

Artifacts are interesting for their amazing similarity to ordinary planes for us. Archaeologists have designated the finds as zoomorphic, for their resemblance to animals. However, comparing them with birds and fish (having similar characteristics from the point of view of animals) seems to be pulled to the right conclusion. In any case, such a comparison is highly questionable.

Why do they look so much like airplanes? They have wings, stabilizing elements and landing mechanisms that have encouraged researchers to recreate one of the ancient figures.

Crafted to scale yet accurately proportioned, this ancient artifact appears very much like a modern fighter jet. After the re-creation, it was documented that the plane, although not very aerodynamically good, flew wonderfully.

Is it possible that ancient cosmonauts visited us 1000 years ago and left the design solutions for what we now call "airplanes"? In addition, the aerodynamic characteristics on the home planet of the "guests" may be different from terrestrial conditions.

Perhaps this is a model of a space shuttle (by the way, we are designing the same shape). Or is it more plausible to think that the artifact represents an overly inaccurate depiction of birds and bees?

It is possible that the ancient world was in contact with a variety of alien races, as evidenced by the rich collection of stories detailing the encounters. Many cultures separated by thousands of years contain stories of flying objects and technologies so advanced that it seems to us like a hoax.

Items trailing a bloody trail of death, mysterious illnesses and frightening stories have always attracted people who are attracted by evidence of the existence of inexplicable phenomena in our world. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been a huge number of artifacts that are considered cursed: spirits or other otherworldly entities lived in them, next to them people felt discomfort, someone's evil will and sudden illness, which could end in failure both for the owners of the item and for ordinary people. guests. We've rounded up 25 damn things you should know about.

The same mirror with silhouettes (this time - tourists)

The house, surrounding buildings, and land around Myrtle Plantation is considered one of the most famous cursed places in the United States. The ghosts of black slaves have been seen there more than once. This farm is located in the town of St. Francisville, Louisiana. There are so many legends around the plantation that it would be enough for a series of horror films. The most famous story is about the cursed mirror. According to the story, one of the housewives, Sarah Woodruff, was poisoned by slaves. Sarah's two young daughters were also sacrificed with her. Because of the voodoo curse that the sorcerers cast on women, their souls were locked in a mirror. Visitors to the plantation say that handprints constantly appear on the mirror, and figures in old-fashioned dresses can regularly be seen in it.

The skull itself cannot be seen, so one can only guess what it looks like

In the small village of Burton Agnes, there is a house built in the 17th century under Queen Elizabeth. According to history, three Griffith sisters lived in the estate. One of the sisters, Katherine Ann, went for a walk one day, where she was attacked by robbers. They took away the family ring and beat her half to death. Before her death, Catherine asked the sisters to leave her head within the walls of the estate. Even in death, she could watch over her family and guard the estate. Of course, the request was not fulfilled. Then strange things began to happen in the house: rustles, screams, things moved by themselves. When the head of the deceased was nevertheless transferred to the building, the devilry stopped. However, every time they tried to return the skull to the cemetery, he began to scream heart-rendingly.

Doll in her prison

Thanks to the efforts of Hollywood, the Annabelle doll is one of the most famous cursed objects. It became a popular topic of urban legend after the publication of a book by the demonologist couple, Ed and Lorraine Warren (they became famous through the DeFeo investigation in Amityville). According to one version, the doll became the receptacle for the spirit of the deceased girl. On the other hand, a demon lives in it. The doll independently changes position, writes messages and can kill. Annabelle is now in a closed and sealed glass case at the Warren Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut.

Creepy picture and prints of children's hands on it

The eerie canvas is the center of many urban legends. The painting was painted by American artist Bill Stonehen in 1972. Bill reportedly took a photograph of himself at the age of five for the painting. What caused the writing of a terrible composition is still unknown. "Hands" were almost immediately recognized as a cursed work of art. Several people died because of them. In 2000, "Hands resist him" were put up for sale and now wander from one owner to another. It is believed that a person who looks at the original for a long time goes crazy.

Miss Baker's dress is still terrifying

In the middle of the 19th century, in 1849, a young and pretty lady from a respectable Pennsylvania family fell in love with an ordinary hard worker from a metallurgical plant. The girl's name was Anna Baker. The girl's father was against such a union, which cast a shadow on the presentability of the family. The wedding, for which the dress had already been bought, was canceled. Anna could not come to terms with her father's order and took a vow of celibacy, not giving her heart to anyone else. Miss Baker died in 1914, usually a maid. Since then, her wedding dress has been considered cursed. It's on display at the Baker home. Museum visitors report that the dress itself moves and brings misfortune to the beloved, who even dared to stand next to the window.

Blood and paint created a mystical horror coming from the canvas

One of the most famous cursed paintings in the world. The history of its creation is shrouded in darkness; the owner found the painting in the attic. According to his grandmother, the author painted "The Suffering Man" by mixing the paint with his own blood. On the canvas, the artist captured his fears and sins. After the picture was finished, the author committed suicide. Sean Robin, owner of The Suffering Man, claims that next to the painting, everyone feels uncomfortable. At night, noises, voices and heavy breathing are heard near her.

Thomas chair nailed to the wall

This chair has been considered cursed since the execution of Thomas Busby in 1702. Busby was a murderer and robber who operated in North Yorkshire in the UK. Thomas treasured this chair very much and even killed his father-in-law, who sat on the chair without the permission of the owner. According to legend, Busby drank poisoned wine while sitting on this piece of furniture. His last words were to curse anyone who uses the chair to face death. According to legend, the chair took many lives. Only four are officially recorded, which are directly related to the curse of the criminal. All of Busby's belongings are now on display at the Creekby Museum. Just in case, the chair is suspended from the ceiling.

The mask is like a living face. Better not come close

In the Maori Museum in Wellington, New Zealand, there is a whole collection of cursed objects. Some of them are dangerous for children, others for the elderly. Still others can cause ailments for pregnant women and women with menstruation. These include Maori combat masks. Women of the tribe were forbidden to approach men who were going to war. In addition, pregnancy was considered among the Maori as a dangerous sacred act, which is dangerous for adult representatives of the stronger sex to know about. It is believed that the principles of warlike men remained with them even after death.

Cursed diamond in all its glory

This diamond is one of the largest in the world. "Hope" (Hope) is estimated at 250 million dollars. Its bluish brilliance and size have attracted people since the stone was cut and shaped by an unknown jeweler (in the 17th century). Immediately, stories began to circulate around the jewelry, repeating the same thing: “Hope” is cursed and brings bad luck to anyone who wears it. It is believed that the curse has been on the jewel since the time when an English merchant pulled out a huge stone from the eye socket of an Indian statue of a deity. This sacrilege did not go unnoticed by higher powers. The merchant who took the stone was torn to pieces by a pack of dogs.

Funeral golden mask of a young pharaoh

It is believed that everyone who participated in the opening of the tomb of the young pharaoh in 1923 fell victim to the curse. The warning was written on the walls of the tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Also, all things from the tomb are considered cursed, and in particular, the posthumous golden mask, which only a primary school student does not know.

Mummy Otzi, bringing misfortune

The mummy of a man who lived 5,000 years ago was found in a glacier. The corpse was dubbed "Otzi". It is perfectly preserved (as well as mammoths in permafrost). The remains were discovered in the Otsalian Alps (hence the name) by two hikers on the border between Italy and France in 1991. It is unclear why Otzi is considered a cursed corpse, but since his discovery, at least seven people have died violent deaths under mysterious circumstances. All of them are in some way connected with the storage or transportation of the Iceman.

The damn doll really looks creepy

This doll was given to a boy named Robert Otto. It was made from straw and cloth by a Haitian nanny. Although the black nurse did not stay long in the family, Robert became attached to her and then dragged the doll everywhere with him and even gave her his name. After some time, the guests of the house began to feel uncomfortable next to the doll. Many felt threatened and even evil by her. Family members also began to notice strange phenomena: Robert spoke to himself in different voices, objects moved independently. The doll was thrown into the attic, but she continued to bring misfortune to the family, even when Robert grew up and got married.

The remains of a car whose ghost is seen on the A-3 highway

Accidents on the A-3 in the UK are not uncommon. But one day, a control panel at a police station in Surrey received a call that made people's hair stand on end: a frightened young lady told about a car rushing through cars, turning off a bridge and disappearing into the air, flashing headlights. The patrol did not find any trace of an accident near the road. What was the surprise of the policemen when the remains of a car with a decomposing corpse were found a little in the distance. An autopsy showed that the young man was six months before the events. Spiritualists claim that the car was cursed and now its ghost will travel along the roads of Surrey, bringing death to everyone who saw it.

Not only dolls can be cursed

Of course, the number itself cannot be attributed to material objects, but it can easily be cursed. There is an urban legend about the Bulgarian number +359888888888. There are such “beautiful” numbers in any country, but they like to exaggerate around this. According to legend, the number appeared 10 years ago and during this time it changed three owners: the first died of cancer, the other two were shot dead. The phone operator that owned the number has suspended it and is currently out of service. However, the Internet claims that this number can call anywhere in the world. And the one who picks up the phone will soon die.

A wine cabinet sold for several tens of thousands of dollars just for the 'damned' label

This wine box, referred to as the "Dybbuk box", would be an unremarkable trinket if it were not supposedly inhabited by a malevolent spirit from Jewish folklore. This spirit can not only do evil, but also suck out life. The box gained fame after being sold at an online auction. This story became the basis for the 2012 horror film The Box of Damnation. Everyone who had been the owner of the box for at least a little time complained of nightmares and strange illnesses.

A vase that should not be held in the hands of anyone

This 15th century carved silver vase was created as a wedding gift for a Neapolitan bride. Unfortunately, the girl never went up to the altar: she was killed the night before the ceremony. This vase was found in the hands of the dead bride. Then she was given to the girl's family as property, but she did not stay anywhere for a long time: they used to say that the vase was cursed. The silver item became widely known in 1988, when an antiquarian found it with a note: “Beware ... This vase will bring you death!”. After that, she was kidnapped, and a series of mysterious deaths followed, which stopped when the artifact was returned to the family.

Only a small part of the army of thousands of clay sculptures

The importance of this archaeological discovery cannot be underestimated: a huge army of terracotta statues created for the posthumous protection of Emperor Qing Shi Huang. But for the farming family that unearthed the first clay soldiers in 1974, the find was a curse: the land was confiscated by the government, the houses were demolished, and hotels and souvenir shops were opened in their place. One of the discoverers committed suicide. All the rest ended up in poverty.

Some researchers believe that the reproductions were varnished, and therefore did not burn.

The uniqueness of this object lies in the fact that not only the original is considered cursed, the painting “The Crying Boy” by Giovanni Bragolin. In 1985, the Sun newspaper (a British tabloid) published an article stating that in many houses where fires had occurred, a reproduction of this painting, or even just a photograph of it, was found. Moreover, the “boy” did not suffer at all from the flame and heat. After the publication, a legend appeared that the original canvas depicted an orphan whose house burned down.

Exposition of figurines in the museum

Lemb, a small village on the island of Cyprus, became an important archaeological center when, in 1878, an ancient settlement was found there, and many female figurines were found on its territory. The dating of limestone artifacts is 3500 BC. According to the stories that surround the find, the four families who owned the figurines after the discovery were victims of accidents and unexplained deaths. The last representatives of one of them gave ancient figurines to the Edinburgh Royal Museum. The museum caretaker reportedly died a few months after the handover.

the inhospitable shores of the island of Pécs

This island is a favorite haunt of cursed artifact and ghost hunters. The island is uninhabited, but tourists constantly come to it. Pecs is located on the Detroit River in Canadian territory. According to legend, the French-Canadian Laforet family built a manor on the island and lived in peace with local tribes in the middle of the 18th century. But in 1883, a local businessman named Hyrum Walker wanted to get his hands on the land. Laforet left, but in the end the mother of the family shouted: "No one can own the island!". Soon the Walkers built a luxurious estate on Pec, but mysteriously died one after another. Since then, no one has lived on the island. The summer residence in Newport, Rhode Island was a museum of various mystical artifacts that Oliver Bellecour collected from around the world. It was for them that this luxurious mansion was built at the end of the 19th century. The residence is considered one of the places with strong paranormal activity. All ghost hunters in the USA know about him. The dance hall is the hub of ghost activity. It is believed that no one can sit on chairs. Particularly impressionable visitors fainted next to the dining table. This huge, transparent stone was found, like many other large diamonds, in India. It recently turned 700 years old since it was cut. And all these years it has been considered cursed (however, it is not surprising: any treasure is an object of envy and desire). Over the centuries, that blood diamond has been responsible for many male deaths, even among the royal family of Britain. To avoid the curse, only women can wear the Kohinoor.

Mount Uluru is beautiful, but fraught with many dangers

This sacred mountain, called Uluru by the natives, is a unique rock formation of monolithic sandstone in the middle of the plain. Australian shamans say that you can not even take a stone from the slopes of Ayers Rock. This will bring the wrath of the gods and a curse. Of course, tourists do not listen to the natives, considering this a stupid invention. However, many of those who took a piece of Uluru with them mail their souvenir back. In letters, they claim that after the trip, families of tourists are haunted by illness and misfortune.

The wall of Blarney Castle, where the stone is located

This stone is built into the wall of the Irish Blarney Castle in the town of Cork. It is believed that kissing a stone is to attract good luck. But if you try to break off at least a piece and take it with you, then failure, financial difficulties, quarrels and even death await you. As in the case of Uluru, many "vandals" returned souvenirs to their homeland.

Facade of the hotel "Driskol"

This painting is located at the Driscoll Hotel in Austin, Texas. The painting depicts a cute girl of 4–5 years old, but the terrible events are connected with another child - a girl named Samantha Houston, the daughter of a former US senator. Her family was relaxing in the hotel, and Samantha was playing with a ball on the stairs. A tragedy happened - the baby fell off the steps and broke her neck. The hotel workers say that this painting is the fault. According to another version, the girl liked the picture so much that she began to live in it after her death. Everyone who is close to the Love Letters experiences dizziness, panic, and some are even lifted into the air by an unknown force.

“Mysticism, witchcraft, spirits - all this will attract people. After all, if there is something inexplicable and evil beyond the line, then there must be good. And where there is goodness, there is always a place for hope. Hope and faith that death is only the beginning.

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