Mystical romanticism in literature. Lecture: Romanticism as a literary movement


Romanticism- a trend in the art and literature of Western Europe and Russia in the 18th-19th centuries, consisting in the desire of the authors to oppose the reality that does not satisfy them with unusual images and plots prompted by life phenomena. The romantic artist strives to express in his images what he wants to see in life, which, in his opinion, should be the main, defining one. It emerged as a reaction to rationalism.

Representatives: foreign literature Russian literature
J. G. Byron; I. Goethe I. Schiller; E. Hoffman P. Shelley; S. Nodier V. A. Zhukovsky; K. N. Batyushkov K. F. Ryleev; A. S. Pushkin M. Yu. Lermontov; N. V. Gogol
Singularity of characters, exceptional circumstances
Tragic duel of personality and fate
Freedom, power, indomitability, eternal disagreement with others - these are the main characteristics of a romantic hero.
Distinctive features Interest in everything exotic (landscape, events, people), strong, bright, sublime
A mixture of high and low, tragic and comic, ordinary and unusual
The cult of freedom: the desire of the individual for absolute freedom, for the ideal, for perfection

literary forms

Romanticism- the direction that developed at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. Romanticism is characterized by a special interest in the individual and her inner world, which is usually shown as an ideal world and is opposed to the real world - the surrounding reality. In Russia, there are two main currents in romanticism: passive romanticism (elegiac), V.A. Zhukovsky was a representative of such romanticism ; progressive romanticism, its representatives were J.G. Byron in England, V. Hugo in France, F. Schiller, G. Heine in Germany. In Russia, the ideological content of progressive romanticism was most fully expressed by the Decembrist poets K. Ryleev, A. Bestuzhev, A. Odoevsky and others, in the early poems of A.S. Pushkin "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Gypsies" and the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon".

Romanticism- a literary movement that emerged at the beginning of the century. The fundamental principle for romanticism was the principle of romantic duality, which implies a sharp opposition of the hero, his ideal, to the world around him. The incompatibility of the ideal and reality was expressed in the departure of romantics from modern topics to the world of history, traditions and legends, dreams, dreams, fantasies, exotic countries. Romanticism has a particular interest in the individual. The romantic hero is characterized by proud loneliness, disappointment, a tragic attitude and at the same time rebelliousness and rebellious spirit. (A.S. Pushkin."Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Gypsies"; M.Yu.Lermontov."Mtsyri"; M. Gorky."Song of the Falcon", "Old Woman Izergil").

Romanticism(late 18th - first half of the 19th century)- most developed in England, Germany, France (J.Byron, V.Scott, V.Hugo, P.Merime). It originated in Russia against the backdrop of a national upsurge after the war of 1812, it has a pronounced social orientation, is imbued with the idea of ​​civic service and freedom-loving (K.F. Ryleev, V.A. Zhukovsky). Heroes are bright, exceptional personalities in unusual circumstances. Romanticism is characterized by an impulse, an extraordinary complexity, an inner depth of human individuality. Rejection of artistic authorities. There are no genre partitions, stylistic distinctions; striving for complete freedom of creative imagination.

Realism: representatives, distinctive features, literary forms

Realism(from latin. realis)- a trend in art and literature, the main principle of which is the most complete and correct reflection of reality through typification. Appeared in Russia in the XIX century.

literary forms

Realism- artistic method and direction in literature. Its basis is the principle of life's truth, which the artist is guided by in his work in order to give the most complete and true reflection of life and preserve the greatest lifelikeness in depicting events, people, objects of the outside world and nature as they are in reality itself. Realism reached its greatest development in the 19th century. in the work of such great Russian realist writers as A.S. Griboyedov, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy and others.

Realism- a literary trend that established itself in Russian literature at the beginning of the 19th century and passed through the entire 20th century. Realism affirms the priority of the cognitive possibilities of literature, its ability to explore reality. The most important subject of artistic research is the relationship between character and circumstances, the formation of characters under the influence of the environment. Human behavior, according to realist writers, is determined by external circumstances, which, however, does not negate his ability to oppose his will to them. This determined the central conflict of realistic literature - the conflict of personality and circumstances. Realist writers depict reality in development, in dynamics, presenting stable, typical phenomena in their uniquely individual incarnation. (A.S. Pushkin."Boris Godunov", "Eugene Onegin"; N.V. Gogol."Dead Souls"; novels I.S. Turgenev, JI.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.M. Gorky, stories I.A. Bunina, A.I. Kuprin; P.A. Nekrasov.“Who in Rus' should live well”, etc.).

Realism- established itself in Russian literature at the beginning of the 19th century, continues to be an influential literary trend. Explores life, delving into its contradictions. Basic principles: objective reflection of the essential aspects of life in combination with the author's ideal; reproduction of typical characters, conflicts in typical circumstances; their social and historical conditioning; the prevailing interest in the problem of "personality and society" (especially in the eternal confrontation between social laws and the moral ideal, personal and mass); the formation of characters' characters under the influence of the environment (Stendhal, Balzac, C. Dickens, G. Flaubert, M. Twain, T. Mann, JI. H. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov).

critical realism- an artistic method and literary direction that developed in the 19th century. Its main feature is the depiction of the human character in organic connection with social circumstances, along with a deep analysis of the inner world of a person. Representatives of Russian critical realism are A.S. Pushkin, I.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov.

Modernism- the general name of the trends in art and literature of the late XIX - early XX centuries, expressing the crisis of bourgeois culture and characterized by a break with the traditions of realism. Modernists - representatives of various new trends, such as A. Blok, V. Bryusov (symbolism). V. Mayakovsky (futurism).

Modernism- the literary movement of the first half of the 20th century, which opposed itself to realism and united many movements and schools with a very diverse aesthetic orientation. Instead of a rigid connection between characters and circumstances, modernism affirms the self-worth and self-sufficiency of the human personality, its irreducibility to a tiresome series of causes and effects.

Postmodernism- a complex set of worldview attitudes and cultural reactions in the era of ideological and aesthetic pluralism (the end of the 20th century). Postmodern thinking is fundamentally anti-hierarchical, opposes the idea of ​​worldview integrity, rejects the possibility of mastering reality with the help of a single method or language of description. Postmodernist writers consider literature primarily a fact of language, therefore they do not hide, but emphasize the “literary nature” of their works, combine the style of different genres and different literary eras in one text. (A.Bitov, Caiuci Sokolov, D.A.Prigov, V.Pelevin, Ven.Erofeev and etc.).

Decadence (decadence)- a certain state of mind, a crisis type of consciousness, expressed in a feeling of despair, impotence, mental fatigue with the obligatory elements of narcissism and aestheticization of self-destruction of the individual. Decadent-in-the-mood works aestheticize fading away, a break with traditional morality, and the will to die. The decadent attitude was reflected in the works of writers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. F.Sologuba, 3.Gippius, L.Andreeva, M.Artsybasheva and etc.

Symbolism- a trend in European and Russian art of the 1870s-1910s. Symbolism is characterized by conventions and allegories, the emphasis in the word of the irrational side - sound, rhythm. The very name "symbolism" is associated with the search for a "symbol" that can reflect the author's attitude to the world. Symbolism expressed the rejection of the bourgeois way of life, longing for spiritual freedom, foreboding and fear of world socio-historical cataclysms. Representatives of symbolism in Russia were A.A. Blok (his poetry became a prophecy, a harbinger of "unheard of changes"), V. Bryusov, V. Ivanov, A. Bely.

Symbolism(late 19th - early 20th century)- artistic expression of intuitively comprehended essences and ideas through a symbol (from the Greek "symbolon" - a sign, an identifying sign). Vague allusions to the meaning unclear to the authors themselves or the desire to define in words the essence of the universe, the cosmos. Often the poems seem meaningless. Characteristic is the desire to demonstrate heightened sensitivity, experiences that are incomprehensible to an ordinary person; many levels of meanings; pessimistic perception of the world. The foundations of aesthetics have developed in the work of French poets P. Verlaine and A. Rimbaud. Russian symbolists (V.Ya.Bryusova, K.D.Balmont, A.Bely) called decadents ("decadents").

Symbolism- pan-European, and in Russian literature - the first and most significant modernist trend. The roots of symbolism are connected with romanticism, with the idea of ​​two worlds. The traditional idea of ​​knowing the world in art was opposed by the Symbolists to the idea of ​​constructing the world in the process of creativity. The meaning of creativity is the subconscious-intuitive contemplation of secret meanings, accessible only to the artist-creator. The main means of conveying rationally unknowable Secret meanings is the symbol (“senior symbolists”: V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, D. Merezhkovsky, 3. Gippius, F. Sologub;"young symbolists": A. Blok, A. Bely, V. Ivanov).

Expressionism- a trend in literature and art of the 1st quarter of the 20th century, which proclaimed the subjective spiritual world of man as the only reality, and its expression as the main goal of art. Expressionism is characterized by catchiness, grotesqueness of the artistic image. The main genres in the literature of this trend are lyrical poetry and drama, and often the work turns into a passionate monologue of the author. Various ideological tendencies were embodied in the forms of expressionism - from mysticism and pessimism to sharp social criticism and revolutionary appeals.

Expressionism- a modernist movement that was formed in 1910 - 1920s in Germany. The expressionists sought not so much to depict the world as to express their idea of ​​the troubles of the world and the suppression of the human personality. The style of expressionism is determined by the rationalism of constructions, the tendency to abstraction, the sharp emotionality of the statements of the author and characters, the abundant use of fantasy and the grotesque. In Russian literature, the influence of expressionism manifested itself in the work of L. Andreeva, E. Zamyatina, A. Platonova and etc.

Acmeism- a trend in Russian poetry of the 1910s, which proclaimed the liberation of poetry from symbolist impulses to the "ideal", from the ambiguity and fluidity of images, a return to the material world, the subject, the elements of "nature", the exact meaning of the word. Representatives are S. Gorodetsky, M. Kuzmin, N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam.

Acmeism - a current of Russian modernism that arose as a reaction to the extremes of symbolism with its persistent tendency to perceive reality as a distorted likeness of higher entities. The main significance in the poetry of acmeists is the artistic development of the diverse and vibrant earthly world, the transfer of the inner world of man, the assertion of culture as the highest value. Acmeistic poetry is characterized by stylistic balance, pictorial clarity of images, precisely adjusted composition, and sharpness of details. (N. Gumilyov. S. Gorodetsky, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, M. Zenkevich, V. Narvut).

Futurism- avant-garde trend in European art of the 10-20s of the XX century. In an effort to create "the art of the future", denying traditional culture (especially its moral and artistic values), futurism cultivated urbanism (the aesthetics of the machine industry and the big city), the interweaving of documentary material and fantasy, and even destroyed natural language in poetry. In Russia, representatives of futurism are V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov.

Futurism- an avant-garde movement that arose almost simultaneously in Italy and Russia. The main feature is the preaching of the overthrow of past traditions, the crushing of the old aesthetics, the desire to create a new art, the art of the future, capable of transforming the world. The main technical principle is the principle of "shift", manifested in the lexical renewal of the poetic language by introducing vulgarisms, technical terms, neologisms into it, in violation of the laws of lexical word compatibility, in bold experiments in the field of syntax and word formation (V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky, V. Kamensky, I. Severyanin and etc.).

avant-garde- a movement in the artistic culture of the 20th century, striving for a radical renewal of art, both in content and in form; sharply criticizing traditional trends, forms and styles, avant-gardism often comes down to belittling the significance of the cultural and historical heritage of mankind, giving rise to a nihilistic attitude towards "eternal" values.

avant-garde- a trend in literature and art of the 20th century, uniting various trends, united in their aesthetic radicalism (dadaism, surrealism, the drama of the absurd, the "new novel", in Russian literature - futurism). Genetically connected with modernism, but absolutizes and takes its desire for artistic renewal to the extreme.

Naturalism(last third of the 19th century)- the desire for outwardly accurate copying of reality, an "objective" dispassionate image of a human character, likening artistic knowledge to scientific knowledge. It was based on the idea of ​​the absolute dependence of fate, will, the spiritual world of a person on the social environment, life, heredity, physiology. For a writer, there are no unsuitable plots or unworthy themes. Social and biological causes are put on the same level when explaining people's behavior. Received special development in France (G. Flaubert, the Goncourt brothers, E. Zola, who developed the theory of naturalism), French authors were also popular in Russia.

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Who was the representative of romanticism in literature, you will learn by reading this article.

Representatives of romanticism in literature

Romanticism is an ideological and artistic trend that arose in American and European culture of the late 18th century - early 19th century, as a reaction to the aesthetics of classicism. Initially, romanticism took shape in the 1790s in German poetry and philosophy, and later spread to France, England and other countries.

Basic ideas of romanticism– recognition of the values ​​of spiritual and creative life, the right to freedom and independence. In literature, the heroes have a rebellious strong disposition, and the plots were distinguished by the intensity of passions.

The main representatives of romanticism in Russian literature of the 19th century

Russian romanticism combined the human personality, enclosed in a beautiful and mysterious world of harmony, high feelings and beauty. Representatives of this romanticism in their works depicted not the real world and the main character, filled with experiences and thoughts.

  • Representatives of the romanticism of England

The works are distinguished by gloomy Gothic, religious content, elements of the culture of the working class, national folklore and the peasant class. The peculiarity of English romanticism is that the authors describe in detail travel, wanderings to distant lands, as well as their research. The most famous authors and works: Childe Harold's Journey, Manfred and Oriental Poems, Ivanhoe.

  • Representatives of German Romanticism

The development of German romanticism in literature was influenced by a philosophy that promoted the freedom and individualism of the individual. The works are filled with reflections on the existence of man, his soul. They are also distinguished by mythological and fairy-tale motifs. The most famous authors and works: fairy tales, short stories and novels, fairy tales, works.

  • Representatives of American Romanticism

Romanticism developed much later in American literature than in Europe. Literary works are divided into 2 types - Eastern (supporters of the plantation) and abolitionist (those who support the rights of slaves, their emancipation). They are overwhelmed with sharp feelings of struggle for independence, equality and freedom. Representatives of American Romanticism - ("The Fall of the House of Usher", ("Ligeia"), Washington Irving ("The Ghost Groom", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"), Nathaniel Hawthorne ("The House of Seven Gables", "The Scarlet Letter"), Fenimore Cooper (The Last of the Mohicans), Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin), (The Legend of Hiawatha), Herman Melville (Typey, Moby Dick) and (Leaves of Grass poetry collection) .

We hope that from this article you have learned everything about the brightest representatives of the current of romanticism in literature.

Romanticism is a trend in art and literature that arose at the end of the 18th century in Germany and spread throughout Europe and America.

Signs of romanticism:

Emphasized attention to the human personality, individuality, the inner world of a person.

The image of an exceptional character in exceptional circumstances, a strong, rebellious personality, irreconcilable with the world. This person is not only free in spirit, but also special and unusual. Most often, this is a loner who is not understood by most other people.

The cult of feelings, nature and the natural state of man. Denial of rationalism, the cult of reason and orderliness.

The existence of "two worlds": the world of the ideal, dreams and the world of reality. There is an irreparable discrepancy between them. This brings romantic artists into a mood of despair and hopelessness, "world sorrow".

Appeal to folk stories, folklore, interest in the historical past, the search for historical consciousness. Active interest in the national, folk. Raising national self-consciousness, focusing on originality among the creative circles of European peoples.

In literature and painting, detailed descriptions of exotic nature, stormy elements, as well as images of "natural" people, "not spoiled" by civilization, are becoming popular.

Romanticism completely abandoned the use of stories about antiquity, popular in the era of classicism. It led to the emergence and establishment of new literary genres - song ballads based on folklore, lyrical songs, romances, historical novels.

Outstanding representatives of romanticism in literature: George Gordon Byron, Victor Hugo, William Blake, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Walter Scott, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Schiller, George Sand, Mikhail Lermontov, Alexander Pushkin, Adam Mickiewicz.

Romanticism is a special kind of worldview, at the same time an artistic trend in the art of the late 18th - first quarter of the 19th century, formed in Germany. Gained worldwide significance and distribution. The direction of romanticism involved the opposition of the classic requirements of the rules. Romanticism also opposed the Enlightenment on a verbal level: the language of romantic works, striving to be natural, "simple", accessible to all readers, was something opposite to the classics with its noble, "sublime" themes, typical, for example, for classical tragedy.

An essential feature of romanticism as a literary trend is the so-called romantic dual world, most often understood as aspiration to the sublime and earthly at the same time, in addition, as a discord between the ideal and reality, or, in other words, the opposition of reality and dreams, of what is and what is, what is possible. Romanticism always opposes the real reality it rejects with another, poetic reality. For some romantics, the world is dominated by incomprehensible and mysterious forces that must be obeyed and not try to change fate (Chateaubriand, V.A. Zhukovsky). For others, world evil provoked protest, demanded revenge, struggle (early A.S. PushkinByron, Lermontov).

Romantics discovered the extraordinary complexity and depth of the human spiritual world; it is a whole universe full of contradictions. Romantics were interested in all passions, both high and low, which were opposed to each other. High passion - love in all its manifestations, low - greed, ambition, envy. Romanticism is characterized by the assertion of freedom and increased attention to the individuality of a person.

Interest in strong and vivid feelings, all-consuming passions, in the secret movements of the soul are characteristic features of romanticism.

Romantics turned to different historical eras, they were attracted by originality, attracted by exotic and mysterious countries and circumstances. A significant place is occupied by the landscape - first of all, the sea, mountains, sky, stormy elements, with which the hero has complex relationships. Nature can be at one with the hero, but it can also resist him, turn out to be a hostile force with which he is forced to fight. Romanticism is a cultural phenomenon in Europe and America. In different countries, his fate had its own characteristics.

2. By the beginning of the second decade of the 19th century, romanticism occupies a key place in Russian art, revealing more or less fully its national identity. Russian romanticism arose under different conditions than Western European. In the West, he was a post-revolutionary phenomenon and expressed disappointment in the results of the changes that had already taken place, in the new, capitalist society. In Russia, it was formed in an era when the country had yet to enter the period of bourgeois transformations. The military events of 1812 had a huge impact on the development of Russian romanticism

The Patriotic War caused not only the growth of civil and national self-awareness, but also the recognition of the special role of the people in the life of the national state. And the Decembrist uprising of 1825, which had a huge impact on the entire course of the artistic development of Russia, defining the range of issues and topics that worried Russian romantics. The topic of the people became very significant for Russian romantic writers. The desire for nationality marked the work of all Russian romantics, although their understanding of the "people's soul" was different. For Zhukovsky, nationality is, first of all, a humane attitude towards the peasantry and, in general, towards poor people. He saw its essence in the poetry of folk rituals, lyrical songs, folk signs and superstitions. In the work of the romantic Decembrists, the idea of ​​the folk soul was associated with other features. For them, the national character is a heroic character, a national identity. In their work, the main theme was not the fate of an individual, but the fate of the people, not personal happiness, but the public good. The poetry of the Decembrists sounded like a tocsin, calling for battle and feat, it glorified the joy of fighting for freedom.

Romanticism, like sentimentalism, paid great attention to the depiction of the inner world of man. But unlike the sentimentalist writers who sang of "quiet sensibility," the romantics preferred the depiction of extraordinary adventures and violent passions.

One of the important achievements of romanticism is the creation of a lyrical landscape. For romantics, it serves as a kind of decoration that emphasizes the emotional intensity of the action. The originality of the themes of romantic works contributed to the use of metaphors, poetic epithets, and symbols. So, the sea, the wind was a romantic symbol of freedom; happiness - the sun, love - fire or roses; in general, pink color symbolized love feelings, black - sadness. The night personified evil, crime, enmity. The symbol of eternal variability is a sea wave, insensibility is a stone; images of a doll or a masquerade meant falsehood, hypocrisy, duplicity. Russian romantics, to a high degree, were characterized by the desire for a moral ideal. This ideal for them was the philanthropy and independence of the individual. Romanticism is associated in Russian literature with the names of its greatest representatives - Pushkin. Posadnitsa. In them, the writer sympathetically depicts the dissatisfaction of the human personality with the conditions of the environment that fetter it. These tendencies are developed more consistently and deeply in the poetry of V. A. Zhukovsky and Batyushkov. Zhukovsky is famous for his ballads, magnificent descriptions of nature and, of course, the unusual plot. A large place in his work was occupied by lyrical images of his native nature. In one of his early poems, the elegy "Evening", the poet reproduced a modest picture of his native land in this way:

All is quiet: the groves are sleeping; peace in the neighborhood

Stretched out on the grass under the bowed willow,

I listen how it murmurs, merged with the river,

A stream overshadowed by bushes.

A reed sways over the stream,

The voice of the noose, sleeping in the distance, wakes the villages.

Russian romanticism literary

I hear a wild cry in the grass of a corn-crutch...[ Bestuzhev-Marlinsky A. Op. T. 1. M., 1952. S. 119 This love for the depiction of Russian life, national traditions and rituals, legends and tales will be expressed in a number of Zhukovsky's subsequent works. Batyushkov, at the beginning of his career, sang of rural solitude, dreaminess, melancholy. Later, the nature of his poetry changes and he now glorifies wine and love, joy, pleasure and passion.

3. The problem of periodization of the literary process of the XIX century. is one of the most difficult problems facing literary critics both in the past and at the present time. Historical and literary science has put forward a number of principles of periodization. They do not replace each other in exact calendar terms. But this or that year acquires the character of a border era. And yet, Russian romanticism is usually divided into several periods: the initial (1801-1815). The literary life of this period is characterized by an increasingly aggravated struggle between the “new” and the “old”. In the first years of the new century, sentimentalism occupies a dominant position in literature. And the classicists are trying to defend the old literary positions.

Since the 1840s, rum has been losing its former positions and giving way to realism. But it does not cease to exist.

Almost all the major realist writers of the second half of the century: Turgenev, Goncharov, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, turned to the heritage of rum, one way or another processed his artistic experience. Often they created works that to some extent approached rum in their ideological and artistic principles. Later, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the Russian symbolists acted as the successors of the romantic traditions. the rejection of modernity, the bourgeois system that had established itself by that time in Russia, dreaming of a complete re-creation of life and the transformation of mankind - all this brings the symbolists closer to the romantics. With great strength, rum traditions were also manifested in the works of the young Gorky, such as Makar Chundra, the old woman Izergil, the song about the falcon. Rum traditions live in the Soviet Lit. Writers who strive for the direct tend to gravitate towards them. direct expression of their ideals. This influence is felt in the work of Paustovsky and other writers.

Romantics occupied various social and political positions in society. They all rebelled against the results of the bourgeois revolution, but they rebelled in different ways, since each had his own ideal. But with all the many faces and diversity, romanticism has stable features.

Disappointment in modernity gave rise to a special interest among romantics in the past: in pre-bourgeois social formations, in patriarchal antiquity. Many romantics were characterized by the idea that the picturesque exoticism of the countries of the south and east - Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey - is a poetic contrast to the boring bourgeois everyday life. In these countries, then still little affected by civilization, the romantics were looking for bright, strong characters, an original, colorful way of life.

All of them came from the denial of the Enlightenment and the rationalistic canons of classicism, which fettered the creative initiative of the artist. And if classicism divides everything in a straight line, into good and bad, into black and white, then romanticism divides nothing in a straight line. Classicism is a system, but romanticism is not. Romanticism advanced the advancement of modern times from classicism to sentimentalism, which shows the inner life of a person in harmony with the vast world. And romanticism opposes harmony to the inner world. It is with romanticism that real psychologism begins to appear. The main task of romanticism was the depiction of the inner world, spiritual life, and this could be done on the material of stories, mysticism, etc.

In their imagination, the romantics transformed the unattractive reality or went into the world of their experiences. The gap between dream and reality, the opposition of beautiful fiction to objective reality, lay at the heart of the entire romantic movement. Romanticism for the first time poses the problem of the language of art. An artist is an interpreter of the language of nature, an intermediary between the world of the spirit and people. However, romanticism was not a homogeneous trend: its ideological development went in different directions. Among the romantics were reactionary writers, adherents of the old regime, who sang of the feudal monarchy and Christianity. On the other hand, romantics with a progressive outlook expressed democratic protest against feudal and all kinds of oppression, embodied the revolutionary impulse of the people for a better future.

Romanticism left a whole era in the world artistic culture, its representatives were: in literature W. Scott, J. Byron, Shelley, W. Hugo, A. Mickiewicz, and others; in the fine arts of E. Delacroix, T. Gericault, F. Runge, J. Constable, W. Turner, O. Kiprensky and others; in the music of F. Schubert, R. Wagner, G. Berlioz, N. Paganini, F. Liszt, F. Chopin and others. They discovered and developed new genres, paid close attention to the fate of the human personality, revealed the dialectic of good and evil, masterfully revealed human passions, etc.

Romanticism in literature

Romantics often idealized a patriarchal society in which they saw the kingdom of kindness, sincerity, and decency. Poetizing the past, they went into ancient legends, folk tales. Romanticism has received its own face in every culture: among the Germans, in mysticism; for the British - in a person who will oppose himself to reasonable behavior; the French - in unusual stories.

In literature, images of players appear - people who play with fate. We can recall such works by European writers as Hoffmann's "The Gambler", Stendhal's "Red and Black" (and red and black are the colors of roulette!), and in Russian literature these are Pushkin's "Queen of Spades", Gogol's "Gamblers", "Masquerade" Lermontov.

Romantic writers affirmed the values ​​of the spiritual and creative life of the individual, depicted strong passions, spiritualized and healing nature, which was also unrealistic. The landscape in their works is either very bright, or vice versa, exaggerating, it is devoid of halftones. All this was done in order to more accurately convey the feelings of the characters. Here are the names of the world's best romantic writers: Novalis, Jean Paul, Hoffmann, W. Wordsworth, W. Scott, J. Byron, V. Hugo, A. Lamartine, A. Mishkevich, E. Poe, G. Melville and our Russian poets - M. Yu. Lermontov, F. I. Tyutchev.

A ROMANTIC HERO is a player, he plays with life and fate, because only in the game can a person feel the power of rock.

The romantic hero is an individualist. Superman who lived through two stages: 1) before the collision with reality; he lives in a "pink" state, he is seized by the desire for a feat, a change in the world. 2) after a collision with reality; he continues to consider this world both vulgar and boring, but he becomes a skeptic, a pessimist. Having clearly understood that nothing can be changed, the desire to a feat is reborn into a striving for dangers.

Every culture has its own romantic hero, but Byron, in his Childe Harold, gave a typical representation of the romantic hero. He put on the mask of his hero (this suggests that there is no distance between the hero and the author) and managed to comply with the romantic canon. The heroes of romanticism are restless, passionate, indomitable. These are exceptional characters in exceptional circumstances. A romantic hero, whoever he may be - a rebel, a loner, a dreamer or a noble romantic - is always an exceptional person, with indomitable passions, he is necessarily internally strong. This person has a pathos, invocative speech.

Signs of a romantic work.

First, in every romantic work there is no distance between the hero and the author. Secondly, the author of the hero does not judge, but even if something bad is said about him, the plot is built in such a way that the hero is, as it were, not to blame. The plot in a romantic work is usually romantic. Romantics also build a special relationship with nature, they like storms, thunderstorms, cataclysms.

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