Mitya Fomin is a Catholic. Dmitry fomin


Russian singer Mitya Fomin started his musical career as a soloist in a band hi-fi for which he became widely known. In the future, the singer chose a solo career. The most popular songs performed by Mitya were “Everything will be fine”, “That's all”, “Stupid people”, “Seventh petal”, “And we loved”.

Mitya Fomin was born in Novosibirsk in an intelligent family. Mom-engineer and father-docent became the first people who supported Mitya in all his endeavors. From early childhood, Mitya dreamed of performing on stage, he was attracted by the world of music and show business, but, guided by rationalism, after school he decided to go to medical school to become a doctor. Fortunately for Dmitry, shortly after enrolling, he received a much more interesting offer from fate - the opportunity to go first to England, and then to America to visit his friends.

In total, Mitya spent about a year abroad, and this significantly shook the usual worldview of a young man from Siberia. After the trip, Mitya realized that the world is great and full of opportunities, and his dreams need to be fulfilled. For several more years, this confidence grew in him, while the future singer continued to learn how to treat children. And shortly before the final exams, Mitya finally decided to make a breakthrough into a new life. Leaving his medical studies, he went to Moscow, where he applied to VGIK.

Just in case, Mitya returned to Novosibirsk in order to successfully pass the exams and receive a pediatrician's diploma, but then he finally allowed fate to carry him towards a creative career.

Musical career of Mitya Fomin

Moving to Moscow gave Dmitry Fomin not only an opportunity to get the education he needs, but also a significant meeting with old acquaintances from his native Novosibirsk. Compatriots Mitya, producer Eric Chanturia and composer Pavel Yesenin, immediately realized that Fomin is exactly what you need to create a new group. So in August 1998, the Hi-Fi group was officially created, in which Mitya Fomin became a soloist.

Hi-Fi gave the newly minted singer a great start - five successful albums were created in a few years. Mitya's voice has become a hallmark of Hi-Fi, and songs with his participation filled the lines of many hit parades. However, Dmitry always felt like a "deputy" of Pavel Yesenin, who claimed the main laurels of the group and often tried to perform Mitin's songs on Hi-Fi recordings himself.

After 10 years, Fomin decided to leave the project. As soon as his contract expired, Mitya severed all ties with Hi-Fi and his producer. A new page in his creative career began for him.

Mitya Fomin: “I always want to sing about love, and not because it is the most “winning” theme, but because it is eternal. It has always been, it will always be, and it is. Nothing is alien to me, let’s say, everyday, but I think that it’s better not to sing about it. ”

Dmitry became the new producer Max Fadeev but this collaboration did not last long. Six months later, Mitya completely took the reins of his career into his own hands. Since then, he has recorded three solo albums.

Mitya Fomin on television

In 2013 Mitya Fomin became a member of the original sports show "Tower" on Channel One. Among other contenders for the victory, Mitya “doomed” himself to numerous serious trainings. He, like the rest of the participants, had to master a number of difficult sports diving and prove that he does it best of all. Fomin did not reach the final, but for him participation in the project was a great way to raise his level of popularity.

In August 2013, the singer participated in the reality show of the NTV channel "Ostrov". Mitya Fomin reached the final, managed to survive in extreme conditions, but did not receive the main prize.

Since June 2015, Mitya Fomin has become the editor of the Psychology section of HELLO magazine. The artist graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Humanitarian-Economic and Technological Institute (GETI).

Since 2014, Mitya Fomin has hosted programs on the Muz-TV channel "ClipYou Chart" and "Russian Chart".

Mitya Fomin's personal life

In the First Channel show “Actually”, in which Dmitry Shepelev sorts out family problems with the help of a lie detector, the infamous socialite Ksenia Merz said that singer Mitya Fomin is the father of her daughter. Live, it was confirmed that Mitya Fomin is not the father. Prior to this, for a short time, Ksenia Merz and Fomin had an affair.

Filmography of Mitya Fomin / Dmitry Fomin

  • 2016 Traffic Light Family
  • 2012 Spiritless
  • 2011 Best 3D Movie
  • 2011 SpiritLess
  • 2010 Step By Step
  • 2007–2008 Love is not showbiz
  • 1999 Let's get acquainted!

Mitya Fomin is a popular Russian singer, producer, director, presenter.

Close people of Mitya Fomin

The life path of a talented star began in the distant city of Novosibirsk. It was here in 1974, on January 17, that Dmitry Fomin saw the light. The boy grew up in a wonderful family. The head of the family, Anatoly Danilovich, worked at the city institute, led the regional center that regulates labor protection issues, and had a Ph.D. Mom Tamara Pavlovna has a higher education and works as an engineer responsible for filing documents for obtaining patents.

When Dmitry was thirty years old, his father died. And now the care of the dearest and closest person lies on his shoulders. Dmitry also has a sister, Svetlana. She is currently married to an Italian citizen and lives there.

The childhood of the future artist

Little Mitya in his dreams saw himself as an artist. For children's games, he wrote his own scripts. Together with a friend, he recorded author's programs on cassettes. Using a highchair with a reclining top, little Mitya imagined himself “on TV”. Mom, noticing the artistic abilities of her son, decided to send the child to the ballet school of the city. However, the strict verdict of the teachers about the inconsistency of the legs closed the doors to Mitya. But my mother did not give up and sent her son to a music school. Here the boy learned the basics of playing the piano.

Fomin's life doubts

In addition to his love of music, Mitya adored animals. He does not see life without dogs even in adulthood. And as a child, he looked after our smaller brothers at the local zoo. On the threshold of receiving his first diploma of education, Dmitry decided to become a veterinarian. At the same time, Tamara Pavlovna, realizing that this was an unpopular profession, slightly corrected her son's desire and offered him to enter a medical institute.

After studying for three years, Fomin takes an academic leave and goes on a trip with friends. First, the guys visit England, and end their journey in the USA. Mitya fell in love with America. Here he improves his English. Mitya Fomin also begins to create songs for his first poems.

Music choice

Mitya Fomin returns to his native land and finally feels that the profession of a doctor does not suit him. Before the state exams at the medical institute, he arrives in the capital of Russia.

The young man went to four educational institutions at once. The future singer prefers VGIK. Fomin is enrolled in the acting department. Meanwhile, he receives an offer to lead a newly minted team called Hi-Fi. The talented leader Eric Chanturia and the brilliant author of music and lyrics Pavel Yesenin convinced Mitya to take up this project. Having bypassed numerous competitors when entering VGIK, Dmitry Fomin did not study there for a single day.


It is 1998 that is the year of the emergence of the musical project Hi-Fi. The group celebrates its birthday on August 2. This musical group stood in the way of Dmitry getting an acting education. For ten years, singer Mitya Fomin was the frontman of this very popular group. At the end of 2008, the soloist of the project decides not to renew the contract. Mitya dreams of doing individual creativity.

The appearance of this project could be compared to an exploding bomb. The songs performed by them were played on all stations, and the clips were broadcast on TV screens. In addition to Mitya, the members of the group were originally Timofey Pronkin, Oksana Oleshko. An interesting fact is that not a single member of the project performed the song. All musical compositions are performed by Pavel Yesenin, who is one of the creators of the project.

Hi-Fi's premiere album was released at the end of the century. The first "Golden Gramophone" for the composition "Black Raven" was received by the team together with Mitya Fomin. The discography of this stage of the project consists of three albums. As a result of this collaboration, 12 clips were produced for songs from popular collections, 4 prestigious Golden Gramophone awards were received in the Best Song nomination, and the Muz-TV Award was awarded in 2005 for winning the Most Fashionable Group nomination. ". Having received all kinds of musical awards, having traveled all over the country and neighboring states with tours, Fomin feels that he has outgrown this project and needs to move on.

The first solo steps of Dmitry Fomin

Having worked for many years in the Hi-Fi team, Mitya has acquired many acquaintances in the field of show business. The singer begins to work with some authors, to record his own songs. All his work is devoted to the most important human feelings - love and happiness. He begins to sing songs that fill the listeners with the desire to live, even if moments of disappointment, separation, and despair have come in life. All these events pass, and only true feelings and friends remain nearby. It was about this that Mitya Fomin began to write songs in his first solo album.

He understood that the success of a new musical venture largely depended on the work of the producer. In early 2009, Fomin formalizes his official collaboration with the famous and talented Maxim Fadeev. And by the end of spring, Mitya's first solo composition entitled "Two Lands" sounds on a popular radio station. In continuation of the song, a video is released, and the biography of Mitya Fomin is replenished with a victory in the MTV hit parade "Russian Ten". Such a fruitful joint work with Fadeev lasted only six months, and already in the autumn Fomin was left alone.

However, work on the collection of compositions continued. In the first days of the coming 2010, Mitya introduces listeners to his next song, “That's All”. She took the second position in the prestigious hit parade. This composition managed to withstand nineteen weeks.

Six months later, Fomin comes out with another work, “Everything will be fine.” Collaborating with the popular rapper StuFF, Mitya creates a video clip on the Mediterranean islands. This is his first directorial work. The song "Everything will be fine" sounds in rotation on the main Russian radio stations. The great popularity of the new song among the youth audience provided the work with the third position in the next chart. In the summer, the biography of Mitya Fomin is replenished with the debut solo collection “So It Will Be”. This fruitful year ends with another award. His song "Everything will be fine" was able to hold out for twenty-two weeks in the hit parade.

"Insolent Angel"

At the end of 2010, Mitya Fomin releases a video clip, which he shot as a director for the song "We'll Winter". She is the first in the next studio work "Insolent Angel". In the spring of the coming year, together with the popular Pet Shop Boys team, the singer recorded the next song "City Lights". The work was rewarded with a popular award and the highest step on Muz-TV. This single stayed on the chart for twenty-seven weeks.

In the summer of 2011, Fomin begins to create together with Christina Orsa. They are working on the video clip "Not a Mannequin". The artists decide to entrust this work to Marat Adelshin. For the first time this composition was released on television screens in the fall. At the same time, Mitya wins the Breakthrough of the Year nomination at a prestigious music award.

In the spring of 2012, Dmitry releases the second video clip "Good Song". Christina Orsa also helps him in this. The end of the spring of 2013 was marked by the release of the next collection "Insolent Angel", which included previously released songs and eight solo videos.

Solo project continues

As soon as work on the second album was completed, together with the invited DJ Kirill Klesh, Mitya presented the song "Home". In the fall of 2013, a video for this song began to be shown on television screens, in which the popular model and presenter Victoria Bonya starred.

In the spring of 2014, on the occasion of International Women's Day, Mitya releases another single, Barely Breathing. In autumn, another musical composition by Dmitry “Tomorrow will be different” is released. Fomin decided to work on the video clip in England. In London, together with a film crew from a foreign country, he shot an interesting video about human loneliness. In December 2014, at the solemn presentation of awards to the winners of the award, Mitya Fomin again sounded. The award he received this time was wanted by Bianca and other singers. However, it is the biography of Mitya Fomin that includes the victory and the title of "Best Club Artist".

Mitya Fomin decides to shoot a work in the form of a fairy tale or fantasy. To do this, he invites his former colleague, Ksenia Oleshko, to star in a video clip for his new song “This is how I love you.” The work takes place in beautiful Italian Florence. The work was presented to the audience for judgment in the spring of 2015. For this composition, the performer receives an award from the Music Box music channel. The latest album to date was released at the end of 2016.

Personal life: truth and fiction

Until today, there is no information about official marriage and children in the biography of Mitya Fomin. This fact leads to numerous speculations and gossip about the artist's sexual orientation. It is known that in 2010 Mitya had a close relationship with Ksenia Merz. However, the marriage never came to fruition. On the set of the television show "Island" Fomin became close to TV presenter Katerina Gordon. They even got married according to local customs. However, after returning to Moscow, the guys said that the relationship was feigned to raise the ratings.

Then there was information that Mitya was dating a girl named Vika, but the singer said that he had stopped close relations with her. The actor loves children very much, therefore, Mitya Fomin hopes, his personal life will change dramatically.

The popular singer is currently working on his fourth studio album; as a producer, he helps young talented people get on stage; as a certified psychologist, he writes the column "Psychology", where he helps to deal with the oddities of human behavior; as a host, he determines the places of Russian performers in the Russian Chart, which sounds on the Muz TV channel. Mitya Fomin plans to have a personal life and develop his own business.

On January 17, 1974, the biography of Mitya Fomin began in Novosibirsk, whose personal life never ceases to excite the minds of curious inhabitants. According to his passport, his name sounds like Dmitry Anatolyevich Fomin, but somehow he immediately got used to the abbreviated form "Mitya", considering it the most acceptable sound for him. To most Russian viewers, he is known as the ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group.

Dmitry Anatolyevich was born in the family of a candidate of technical sciences, who was his father Anatoly Danilovich. And a patent engineer, whose position was held by his mother Tamara Pavlovna. According to Mitya himself, his parents gave him a lot of freedom of action because they trusted him. It was this circumstance that became the main key to his future achievements. He also has a sister, Svetlana, who studies early music and lives in Italy.

From doctor to vocalist

Mitya learned to read before school, and, interestingly, he liked this activity. Parents did not need to once again force their son to read something. As soon as new books appeared at home, the kid pounced on them with the enthusiasm of a library regular.

Little Dima was interested in animals, and his parents were not at all surprised when he announced his desire to become a veterinarian. But in those days, the profession of a veterinarian meant living in the countryside, since it was there that the services of veterinarians were most often required. Mom advised him to first get the profession of a doctor, as it is more in demand. Being a good son, he followed his mother's advice.

Mitya entered Novosibirsk Medical Institute. True, he did not study for long, after which he took an academic leave and went to England, where he was invited by friends. And then he moved to the USA. There he lived for a year. During this time, he mastered English, was engaged in various work, began to write his own music. A year later, he returned to his homeland, and he was already an adult with his own outlook on life.

He continued his studies at the institute, although he understood that being a doctor was not his calling. The study was coming to an end and there were a few weeks left before the state exams. And here Dmitry again does something that no one expected from him; he goes to the capital, where he passes entrance tests to several theater universities in Moscow at once; at GITIS, at VGIK, at the Moscow Art Theater and at the Shchepkinsky School, since his plans had long been to become a student at a theater university.

After that, he returned to his native Novosibirsk, and, having passed the state exams, became a certified pediatrician. On the second day he again left for Moscow and became a student of VGIK. And the competition there was very serious - 70 applicants for one place. The natural talent and charisma of the Siberian did their job.

Mitya settled in the capital and soon met producer Eric Chanturia and composer Pavel Yesenin. He knew them back in Novosibirsk. They created a new musical group called Hi-Fi. The only thing missing was the main vocalist. Mitya Fomin became this vocalist.

August 2, 1998 is considered the birth date of Hi-Fi. It was on this day that the filming of the video began. for the song "Not Given". The group quickly gained popularity thanks to such songs as: “Forgive me”, “Not given”, “Homeless child”. Due to the tour, Mitya was forced to leave his studies at VGIK. Only the first three songs were recorded with Fomin's vocals. But Yesenin did not like them, and he recorded all subsequent compositions with his own voice.

For 10 years, Mitya was the singer of the Hi-Fi group. As part of the group, he traveled all over Russia with concerts. Over the years, 4 music albums have been recorded. They included the following hits:

  • Foolish people.
  • Seventh petal.
  • Black Raven.
  • And we loved.
  • We are not angels.

By the end of 2008, Fomin decided to leave Hi-Fi. He decided to pursue a solo career. Yes, there were reasons for leaving. Moreover, while still a member of the group, he has already begun work on his solo program. In addition to music, Mitya also acted in films. He has films to his credit:

  • Let's get acquainted.
  • Love is not show business.
  • The traffic lights family.
  • The best 3D movie.
  • The Majors strike back.
  • Step By Step.
  • Spiritless.

In most of these films, he played himself.

Thanks to his love for sports, the ex-hi-fi soloist was able to keep his youth. To say how old Mitya Fomin is now, you can only look at his passport. Although he does not hide his real age.

Throughout his adult life, Mitya Fomin played with an orientation in his personal life. Until now, no one can say with complete certainty what orientation he adheres to. The singer carefully hides his personal life. When asked about his marital status, he calmly states that his personal life is not a property for the general public.

It is only known that the artist is still not married. Although the singer met with a secular diva for a long time Ksenia Merz, she never became Mitya Fomin's wife. And he was also credited with novels with Zhanna Friske and Katya Gordon.

It is not a problem for Mitya Fomin to organize a homoscandal. Once he came to a secular party with a gay guy.

The musician also has no children. In one broadcast of the program "Actually", the participants were Mitya and his former passion Ksenia Merz. Ksenia claimed that her daughter Stephanie was Mitya's child, and not her then-husband. But a DNA test disproved this version. In the same place, Merz admitted that she had repeatedly had abortions from Mitya, as she was afraid of losing her rich husband, and she was not going to leave for the musician. Merz's abortion statement is strong evidence that a blue tint is unlikely in Mitya Fomin's personal life.

Attention, only TODAY!

Mitya Fomin was born in Novosibirsk on January 17, 1974. After graduation, he entered the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. At the very beginning of his studies, Mitya takes an academic leave and goes abroad at the invitation of his friends. In England, and then in America, he takes on any job in order to somehow feed himself, learns the language, gets acquainted with musical theater and begins to write music himself. Through … Read all

Mitya Fomin was born in Novosibirsk on January 17, 1974. After graduation, he entered the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. At the very beginning of his studies, Mitya takes an academic leave and goes abroad at the invitation of his friends. In England, and then in America, he takes on any job in order to somehow feed himself, learns the language, gets acquainted with musical theater and begins to write music himself. A year later, Mitya returns to Russia. He continues his studies at the medical school, but understands that a career as a doctor is not at all what he aspires to.

A few weeks before the state exams, Mitya makes a desperate act. He leaves his native Novosibirsk for Moscow to start life from scratch and fulfill his old dream - to enter a theater university. Mitya successfully passes the first stage of qualifying rounds in several theater universities at once - at VGIK, the Moscow Art Theater School, the Shchepkinsky Theater School and GITIS. Further events developed very rapidly. Mitya returns to Novosibirsk, passes state exams, receives a diploma as a pediatrician, flies to Moscow on the same day and enters VGIK at the acting department. Having barely settled in Moscow, Mitya meets his old acquaintances from Novosibirsk - producer Eric Chanturia and composer Pavel Yesenin. It was they who invited him to become the soloist of a new musical project called Hi-Fi.

The successful start of a creative career makes Mitya face a choice between work and study. August 2, 1998 is the official birthday of the group Hi-Fi. The first hits of the band “Not given” and “Homeless child” instantly elevated the group to the category of “mega-stars”. The album "First Contact" soared to the top of the Russian charts. After studying at VGIK for half a year, Mitya realizes that due to the busy tour schedule and the resounding success of the group, he will have to abandon his studies. He leaves the institute, having made a choice in favor of music, creativity, tours, which dragged on for a long ten years. During this time, the group released 4 high-profile albums, recorded such hits as "Black Raven", "About Summer", "Stupid People", "Trouble", "And we loved", "We are not angels" and traveled all over the country with concerts.

At the end of 2008, the permanent soloist of the Hi-Fi group Mitya Fomin makes a difficult decision - to leave his native team. Increasingly, he comes up with the idea that he needs to grow and develop further on his own, especially since there were all the prerequisites for this. While still a member of the group, Mitya begins to collaborate with several authors, records solo songs, and is preparing a solo program in full swing. The realization that he had already exhausted himself as a member of the group became too obvious.

On January 1, 2009, Mitya Fomin's contract with the Hi-Fi group ends, which he decides not to renew, starting his solo career. For two months, Mitya has been forming a creative team, recording new musical material, successfully touring, while the artist realizes that without a good, progressive producer, it will be difficult for him to win an audience and rise to the top of the hit parades.

On March 1, 2009, cooperation between Mitya Fomin and producer Maxim Fadeev officially began. Of all the material with which Fomin came to Fadeev, Maxim chose the song "Two Lands".

At the end of March, the premiere of the song took place on the radio station "Russian Radio", and on May 26, the premiere of the video on the MTV channel. We are currently working on our debut album.

Official site.

Mitya Fomin is a popular Russian singer, former soloist of the Hi-Fi group. In addition, Mitya is an excellent dancer, songwriter, winner of numerous awards. It was with his participation that the musical group "Hi-Fi" ascended to the heights of popularity.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Fomin was born in Novosibirsk in 1974. His father was an assistant professor at the local communications institute, and his mother worked as a patent engineer. According to the artist, parents always gave their son the right to choose, so he did not follow in their footsteps and chose a profession on his own.

Dmitry himself said that he always knew who he would become. From childhood, he "played the artist" and sang to pop records. However, after school, he entered the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. In his last years at school, he wanted to become a veterinarian, but his parents advised him to get a decent medical education.

In his third year, Mitya suddenly took an academic leave - he was invited to England by friends. This was followed by a trip to the USA. There, the enterprising Dima took on any job, taught English. During his life abroad, he became interested in musical theater and began composing music himself.

By the way, Mitya's older sister was also involved in music: Svetlana graduated from the conservatory and played in the ensemble of early music. She later went to Italy to live with her artist husband. A year later, Fomin returned to Russia and continued his studies at the medical institute, although at that moment he had already decided what he wanted to devote his life to - musical creativity. Before the state exams at the university, Mitya took a decisive step and left for Moscow to start life anew. He cherished the dream of entering the capital's theater university. Parents supported the choice of their son.

Dmitry's dreams quickly began to turn into reality: he successfully passed the first round at VGIK, GITIS, Sliver, and the Moscow Art Theater School. However, he did not want to leave his first education unfinished and, returning to his native Novosibirsk, he passed the exams and received a diploma in pediatrics. Immediately after that, he returned to the capital and entered the acting department at VGIK.

Many talented and resourceful people from all over the country have always flocked to Moscow, so it is not surprising that soon in the capital Mitya met his old acquaintances from Novosibirsk - composer Pavel Yesenin and producer Eric Chanturia. They invited the artistic guy to become the soloist of the new musical pop project "Hi-Fi".

Mitya Fomin and "Hi-Fi"

On August 2, 1998, the Hi-Fi group officially appeared; in addition to Mitya, Oksana Oleshko and Timofey Pronkin became its members. The name for the ensemble (from the English. High Fidelity means "high quality sound reproduction") was invented by Alisher, a well-known fashion designer and producer of Shura. Already the first song "Not Given", for which an original and stylish video clip was shot, produced the effect of an exploding bomb - a band unlike any other appeared on the Russian stage.

Then the musicians released the single "Homeless", and then the debut album "First Contact" (1999). Their work became popular, and the disc ascended to the top of the Russian charts. A successful start and a busy work schedule forced Fomin to abandon his studies at VGIK after the first semester. Over the years of the musician's participation in the Hi-Fi group, she has released four albums. Their visiting cards at concerts throughout the country were such songs as "The Seventh Petal", "Stupid People", "And We Loved", "We are not angels."

Hi-Fi - "Homeless"

It is noteworthy that in none of the Hi-Fi songs we will hear the voice of Mitya himself, although we are already accustomed to associating it with this particular vocal. In the compositions of the group, Pavel Yesenin himself invariably sings, who also composes music for the group. He never denied that Fomin had good vocal abilities, but decided that his voice conveyed the concept of the project better. And, probably, Yesenin was right - the songs "Hi-Fi" among other pop artists have their own sound.

While working in the group, Mitya got bored of being Pavel Yesenin's "animator", constantly singing to the soundtrack and at the same time not taking any part in recording songs. Therefore, at the end of their 10-year contract, the musician decided to go free swimming and pursue his solo career.

Mitya stayed in the Hi-Fi team for 10 years, but all this time Pavel Yesenin sang instead of him.

For his own project, he already had a lot of developments at that time. While still a member of Hi-Fi, Mitya collaborated with the authors, recorded songs and prepared his own program. On January 1, 2009, Mitya left the group that made him famous. Two months after leaving the group, Mitya had already assembled a creative team, which he named after himself.

Solo career of Mitya Fomin

Fomin understood that despite his fame, he could not do without the help of a producer. Therefore, on March 1, 2009, he signed a contract with Maxim Fadeev, to whom he presented his material, as a result of which the song "Two Lands" was chosen. The composition was soon presented on the radio station "Russian Radio", and after its premiere, a clip was released by Evgeny Kuritsyn. The video managed to reach the first place of the prestigious MTV "Russian Ten" chart.

Mitya Fomin - "Two lands"

Despite such a successful start, six months later, Mitya stopped working with Maxim Fadeev. In early 2010, the artist presented his second single, "That's All". For six months, she was put on the radio more than 350 thousand times and she stayed in the Golden Gramophone hit parade for 19 weeks, reaching 2nd place.

In the same year, the singer's third single appeared called "Everything will be fine", which was heard even by those who are far from the world of pop music. The song was distributed to Russian radio stations and climbed to third place on the chart. With this track, Mitya Fomin won the Golden Gramophone award for a 22-week stay on the chart.

Having successfully presented the singles, in the summer of 2010 Mitya Fomin released his first album, So It Will Be. The genre of the disc was characterized by critics as light dance, ambient, chill-out, relaxation. Many noted that the artist works on Hi-Fi technology, largely repeating their sound.

In early 2011, the fifth single of the artist "City Lights" appeared, recorded with the participation of the legendary British pop group "Pet Shop Boys". The video, which was filmed in St. Petersburg and Havana, took first place in the Muz-TV chart, and the song received the Golden Gramophone.

Mitya Fomin - "We will winter"

In the summer of 2011, Mitya became the winner of the Fashion People Awards in the Fashion Breakthrough nomination and received the RU.TV award in the Real Arrival nomination. At the same time, the singer released the song "Gardener" and presented it on the air of "Russian Radio".

Literally a month later, Mitya Fomin presented a new project in Minsk - a musical and circus performance "Everything will be fine." The artist released his eighth single "Good Song" in the spring of 2012, and in 2013 he pleased the fans with his second album - "Insolent Angel".

Mitya Fomin's personal life

Almost nothing is known about the personal life of a popular musician - he either hides such information in every possible way, or leads the life of an inveterate bachelor. A couple of times he went to social events with famous girls in the world of show business, but none of these acquaintances led to something serious. During the reality show "The Island" in 2013, he "played" a comic wedding with

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