I dream of a dog that died. Seeing your dead dog alive in a dream


In the case when a person dreamed of a dead dog, one should expect some difficulties in relations with a previously betrayed friend. It is possible that a quarrel arises due to unresolved issues that are of a material nature.

What if a dead dog is dreaming?

A dead dog can also be a signal that a loved one has begun or will soon begin to change. For spouses who have lived together for a sufficiently long period of time, the dream of a dead dog can be a signal of an imminent, but rather painful divorce.

When a person dreamed of a dead black dog, this most often indicates that all problems will be resolved very soon. When a dead dog has a light color, then there is a rather high risk of losing a significant amount of money or a promising job. A quarrel is also possible with the person who has provided some support for a sufficiently long period of time. In some cases, a dreaming of a dead dog of a white or simply light color can signal the existence of envious people.

If a person dreamed of a dead dog, with which he is trying in every possible way to bring him back to life, then it is quite likely that one of the relatives will find himself in an unpleasant situation in the near future and it will be necessary to spend a significant amount to solve it.

In some cases, when asking a question about what a dead dog is dreaming of, you can hear a completely unexpected answer. This is especially possible in the case when the animal came to life. For example, if you dreamed of a dog owned by a sleeping person, then it is quite possible that in the coming days old friends or relatives will appear, with whom contact has long been lost.

If a dog that died from a certain disease (for example, from cancerous tumors) came to life, then a person needs to take his health as responsibly as possible, as well as the physical condition of his relatives. The fact is that a dream of such a plan may portend the occurrence of such a disease.

If it seemed that a significant pool of blood had formed around a dead dog, then such a dream could signal a strong quarrel with children or parents.

What portends?

In the event that in a dream a dead dog suddenly came to life and tries to bite, it is necessary to adhere to some rules related to careful behavior. Very often, such a dream can portend an aggravation of relations with a long-time enemy.

If you dreamed that a lot of insects were swarming around a dead dog, then you should be very careful about your health. The risk of a situation in which, due to problems at work or in the family, chronic diseases can worsen is quite high.

When you had such a dream before an important event (a meeting or a long trip), then in order not to endanger yourself and your loved ones, you should postpone it for at least a few days. This dream is not very favorable before the planned very long flight.

A dream about a dead dog, which was dreamed of on a waning moon, may signal that. that all problems that have manifested themselves over a very long period of time will resolve themselves. But, if you had a dream on a full moon, then not everything will be so rosy.

A dream in which a dead dog was seen in almost all cases portends the onset of far from the most favorable events. True, for a more accurate interpretation, it is worth paying attention to the phase of the moon, as well as to what color the dead animal is. Do not ignore the numerous details.

Death in a dream is a symbol of trials in life. Therefore, a dead dog in a dream is not only upcoming problems, but also a signal that you will have to try to get through them with firmness.

Usually a dog in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's friends or loved ones. But why is a dead dog dreaming? According to popular dream books, this portends troubles, warns of an impending disaster: in work, in relationships, in achieving a goal. But at the same time, such a dream serves as a warning, suggests that a person has time to avoid them or, in any case, soften the blows from the consequences. How badly the dog's corpse is, how much an unpleasant event will affect a person in his real life.

What is encouraging, despite the severity of the interpretation, any dream book suggests considering death, in fact a natural process, as a transition or a radical change. A state that, as a rule, is unthinkable without the loss of something - convenient and familiar in favor of complete obscurity. Seeing a dream with a dead dog can be interpreted as emptiness due to losses, and at the same time it serves as a warning, which means that a person should be more responsible for certain obligations.


The breed of a living dog that died (also the color of its coat) has a semantic meaning, warning not only about the degree of difficulty. The interpretation of specific characteristics gives advice, communicates important information, directs to the right path. So, if it's a greyhound, then troubles should be expected in the very near future, given the high speed of a dog of a breed that is out of competition. Pitbull, Rottweiler or Staffordshire- breeds in the philistine understanding are classified as aggressive. Therefore, this qualitative indicator can be applied to sleep as well. Whereas Rottweiler, Great Dane, Boxer are traditionally interpreted as dogs that carry a protective principle. One way or another, but it is worth "listening" to a dream in which a dead dog of a certain breed is dreaming. This will enhance a person’s capabilities in life situations, help to better focus on their plans, a specific goal, and his efforts, even despite failures, will surely be rewarded.

Individual interpretations

Different conditions in a dream have original meanings. To determine them well, remember the color of the animal's fur.

  • Red dead dog talks about that the dreamer in reality yearns for a free life. The established order presses on him, he is clamped in the vice of routine.
  • A dream in which a person sees a dead dog with black hair suggests that you should expect problems because of friends or loved ones. He talks about lies, deceit, betrayal of a loved one, about what will bring pain.
  • The white color symbolizes the dreamer's conscious rejection of romantic relationships or love attachments.

Other meanings

Large dead dog embodies a person's insecurity. Perhaps he has matured important ideas, but doubts do not allow him to actively develop, implement them in life. However, there is a positive side to this dream. It is possible that in the near future he will have an influential patron who will help solve problems.

The dream book suggests trouble or quarrels with people from your inner circle if you see a dead dog. In addition, they will be so serious that mutual insults and threats may sound, after which it will be extremely difficult or almost impossible to restore friendly relations. For a man such a dream promises betrayal in the family. But among his friends there are people who care about his future and are ready to help at any time. For a girl, a similar dream plot means that you should prepare for the fact that her desires will come true and most often this applies to love relationships. But, perhaps, the young lady took wishful thinking and saw true love where it actually does not exist.

dead dogs (if there are several animals) indicates the possibility of financial risk due to negligence or due to other reasons.

Dream about your own dog who died means that a person will have to spend a lot of time to solve the current problem and think through every step and every action for the future. In other words, a dream-motivation that offers a painless way out of trouble.

Those who were deeply connected to their dog when it was alive, spending sleepless nights grooming if the animal was sick, have a cosmic connection to it that is beyond logical understanding. And no matter what these emotions convince themselves of as an energy that will never leave us, they are imprinted in the subconscious, often find a way out, manifesting themselves in dreams.

Experts believe that the subconscious of a person, excited by some event, in the specific case of the death of his pet, tries to free him in a dream. A dream in which he sees himself happy, enjoying life with his dog, implies that he cannot come to terms with the loss, and in his subconscious this thought is trying to find completion.

What else do dream books say about dogs in a dream? More on that in the video below.

People ... I have such a story. In general, when buying a puppy (Cocker Spaniel) His name was Archik (Archibalt). He was 1-2 months old when we took him. Everything was going fine. But since we rented an apartment, and our hostess is against animals, we decided to give him away, but I was against it, this is natural, because Archik protected me ... He loved, we played a lot with him, I fed him. I had a choice, either to my aunt or my cousin, since my sister was small (5-6) years old, I was afraid that she would torture Archik, and my aunt was no longer young, she had a dog, she lived for a long time 10-15 years I don’t remember well. In general, I gave it to my aunt ... But I didn’t know how wrong I was ... We arrived at my grandmother a year later, because it’s very difficult to get to her, and I just can’t stand traveling by car, and we wanted to buy our apartment. When I came to my grandmother for the whole summer, I was very happy to see them and Laura (Their dog). But when I arrived, it turned out that Laura had died: s True, it's a shame ... She was 5 years old. Grandpa was sad. Soon grandfather went to the hospital, his heart ached, but thank God, everything is fine with him. Then my grandmother told me something. (Archik lived with his grandmother for 3 months, and then they gave him away) Grandmother says: Angelica, do you know that this aunt of yours sold Archika to her neighbor? AT THAT MOMENT I FELT A HUGE SHOCK TO THE SOUL. ARCHIK WAS MY ONLY FRIEND. Then I asked ...: And now he is with a neighbor? Grandmother: “You know, Angelica ... It so happened that this neighbor sold it to another village ... It’s too late to return something” Tears rolled down my cheeks ... I sobbed into the pillow in the room, didn’t let anyone near me, I didn’t want to see people ... Many will say: Why kill yourself because of a dog? Guys… This Doggie was my best friend… I thought that it would be better for him…
When this aunt came to visit us, the first thing I asked was “How is Archik?” “Angelica, everything is fine with him.” Sighing, she went into the room… Barely holding back her tears… Entering the room, I quickly lay down and until she left I lay in the room and looked at the ceiling. Soon my aunt left… Grandmother brought some cookies that my aunt brought… I said with terrible resentment, “They must be poisoned.” Grandmother, sighing heavily, left their room ... Returning home, I slowly began to forget the whole story, but to this day I remember how Archik and I walked ... His muzzle ... I’ll go over the essence ... In the new year, I made a wish, “Let at least some news came, how is Archik?” That day I had a strange dream. I saw Archik in the long corridor of the house, after Archie ran away, dad came and said: Archik… Dead….” I went to where he was lying, there were three buckets near him, with milk, bones and his toys, I took some kind of ladle that was in a bucket of milk and opened Archie's mouth and poured milk into it, as if I knew that he is alive... In those moments, I seemed to have lost my senses... But tears were coming from my eyes... He woke up, then I was just torn with joy, he licked me... And that's it... The end... He died... Please tell me what this dream means... Thank you in advance.

Dream interpretation dead dog

Animals have always been considered a very important symbol. They were endowed with special properties, and it was believed that if a living being comes in a dream, then it can be a talisman or a guide to secret worlds. Dreams were interpreted with special care if the animal was dead.

If you dreamed of a dead dog, you can expect a cooling of relations with friends and relatives. To dream that a beloved dog that exists in reality has died is bad. Your quick temper and habit of directly telling the hard bitter truth can lead to a break in any ties with you for a while.

It is difficult to understand why a dead dog is dreaming. The dog is a symbol of loyalty and friendship. This is a support in the form of close people and strong relationships that have developed over a long time. Therefore, a dead dog says that these ties can break at any moment, regardless of your will.

What does sleep mean

In order to interpret what a dead dog is dreaming of, it is important to take into account such moments that could appear in a dream:

What kind of dog dreamed

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be deep and as exhaustive as possible, you need to remember which dog appeared in the dream. If this was a dog that exists in reality, and you love him very much, then perhaps you are just worried about his health. Especially if you need to carry out some veterinary procedures.

Seeing an unfamiliar dead animal in a dream is not a very good sign. It is possible that you are hoping for the help of an unfamiliar person who simply will not provide it to you. All losses on this project will fall solely on your shoulders.

A dog that exists in reality

If you dreamed of a beloved dog who has long been dead dead, this is a good sign. Such a dream suggests that a long-standing friendship does not rust, and the people with whom you have communicated for a long time still have warm feelings for you. Fate will give you the opportunity to meet again. And communication will not only be productive, but will also open up new horizons of activity for you.

  • Look for a dog for a long time, and find it dead in the booth, where your live real dog always sleeps - beware of betrayal or betrayal by the people closest to you, an ancient dream book warns.
  • I dreamed of a wounded dog who was bleeding to save him, but he died anyway - one of the closest relatives would treat you very badly. The resentment from this act will corrode you from the inside for a long time to come.
  • Seeing your dog as a small puppy, which was bitten by big dogs or wolves, will suffer greatly in bureaucratic litigation. Do not rely on a lawyer - he will be powerless. Any of your actions will stumble upon obstacles. If possible, it is better to go to the world. So you lose much less.
  • To find a dead dog in your own bed in a dream - to divorce and a long division of common property, the family dream book warns.
  • I dreamed of a long-dead dog, as if alive - a good sign. Guardian angels often appear in this guise. But, just in case, it is better to give up dangerous entertainment.

A song that doesn't exist in reality

If you don't have a dog

If the dog that you first saw in a dream dreamed of a dead dog, you should not be very scared. Such dreams, although unpleasant, are interpreted neutrally. Most often, these are dreams that try to encourage us to become better, to understand what was previously difficult or incomprehensible. And if a familiar dog in a dream personifies a specific person from a close or distant environment, then an unfamiliar dog is an emotion or character trait.

  • To stumble on a dead dog on the road - you will have to meet rudeness and sheer ignorance, says the latest dream book.
  • To find in a dream in the corpse of an animal in your own apartment - be very careful, do not tell anyone where and how far you are going. Your home is under the gun of robbers.
  • To drag a lifeless body on a leash in a dream - you should not struggle to find a way out of an impasse, the dream book advises from A to Z. In your case, it is just as useless as trying to reanimate the dead. Just leave all efforts and devote valuable time to your loved ones and loved ones.
  • To dream of a torn corpse, or one that has been lying for a long time (with an abundance of flies or worms) - soon you will find out the terrible truth that you knew about, but were afraid to admit even to yourself.

What did the animal die of?

In order to correctly interpret the dream in which the animal came dead, it is important to consider the causes of his death. If it was natural, then relationships with people close to you will gradually fade away. And they will stop only when they can’t give you anything emotionally.

The dream in which the dog was killed or died right in your arms, causing a storm of emotions, is important and disturbing. This is a sign that it will be difficult and painful to tear the threads that bind you.

Kill yourself in a dream

One of the most common night dreams is a dream in which you personally kill a pet. It is believed that if he is unfamiliar to you and behaved very aggressively, then this is a good sign. But if this is your favorite pet that suffered from your hand - be vigilant. You can be too cruel with your family, and the next outburst of anger will cause a completely surprising reaction for you.

Dreamed of a dead dog

If you had a dream in which the dog lies dead, this is a warning that at the most crucial moment your intuition can let you down. And in order not to ask later why additional troubles happen at the most important period of your life, you need to rely on logic and tactical calculation. Do not trust your instincts when signing important documents and when communicating with unfamiliar people.

  • Seeing a dream in which a dog that is alive in reality appears dead is a bad sign, says the latest dream book. The subconscious is trying to warn you that problems in the psycho-emotional sphere may happen. This may apply to both you and younger members of your family.
  • There is a dream in which you tried to revive your pet - you should not dwell on past defeats. After all, future victories are based on a certain experience, although it can be very painful.
  • I dreamed that an old and decrepit dog died, or a sick one - those relationships that have outlived themselves are ready to come to naught. The longer you artificially support them, new, vivid sensations will not be able to come into your life.

Own feelings and emotions

In such dreams, it is very important to analyze your own feelings and emotions. This is exactly that unique individual interpretation that no dream book can provide. Especially if you dream of a long-dead pet.

  • To rejoice at a meeting with a dog that died a long time ago - you can meet childhood friends and have a great time with them, says the dream book of righteous interpretations.
  • Frightened by the barking coming from the lifeless corpse of a dog - the past grievances that you inflicted on your enemies do not give them rest. They, having no real opportunity to harm you, will spread evil rumors and slander you.
  • Crying a lot over a dog that died in a dream - to fun and a grand party with nice people.
  • A dream that frightened or disturbed speaks of a strong emotional attachment to friends or close relatives.

Your mark:

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    For what dreaming for a long time deceased dog? dream interpretation informs: in reality a serious conflict with loved ones is possible, up to enmity. You should heed the warning, try to control your words and actions in order to avoid quarrels. see her in dream alive- it means that reconciliation with one of the former friends awaits. dreaming alive deceased dog may have another interpretation: soon you will meet a person whom you no longer expected to see. Read completely

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    Hello! Please tell me dreamed today is mine deceased dog live, she stood near the window and told me, pointing to the window, that she wanted to go there, to the street, and she precisely specified that she was on the street. Why this dream? Sonmir Dipped him in the snow (now July) because he was dirty ... everything is already for himself for a long time wrote and pooped. I washed it with snow, his front paws froze .. I warmed them up ... I was able to warm them up in dream!!!Read completely

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    deceased dog in dream dreaming dream dogs deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    See in dream alive dog is one thing. Why dreaming deceased dog and how to interpret this dream? dream interpretation Miller: interpretation sleep about deceased dog.Elya 2016-01-16 11:32:53. To me, dreamed our dog,already for a long time dead.She dreamed,alive.and healthy. near, the hearth, it’s on our street, the kitchen is open. dog was very smart, and very serious. 15 years ago died.Read completely

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    Dog died By dream book. Furry four-legged helper in dream associated with sincerity, devotion, friendship. dreamed, What died own dog, which is already for a long time died, prophesy dream book the renewal of an old friendship that will bring the dreamer great joy and moral satisfaction. Young girl, what's the point dreaming for a long time dead pet, dream book prophesies a resumption of relations with a former young man. Read completely

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    For what dreaming deceased Dog in dream By dream book? if you dreamed deceased dog is a warning that your good friend is in danger of sudden death. I dreamed two dogs alive(died they already for a long time)…in dream they went for a walk in a dark rattling forest, it was night, and they got lost, I was very worried and was going to go in search. in the end, they themselves showed up, cheerful. Read completely

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    dead dog in dream personifies the collapse of hopes or the end of close relationships to find out why dreaming dead dog, you should remember your dream and look into Were alive and healthy. I see my beloved dog, but she for a long time died, I really miss her.Read completely

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    For example, if dreamed dog, which was owned by a sleeping person, then it is quite possible that in the coming days old friends or relatives will appear, with whom the connection was for a long time lost. If dog, deceased from a certain disease (for example, from cancerous tumors) came to life, then a person needs to take his health as responsibly as possible, as well as the physical condition of his relatives. The fact is that dream such a plan may portend the occurrence of such a disease. Read more

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    For what dreaming deceased, dead dog. Looks like live. Licks face, caresses. dead dog see in dream- a bad sign that portends problems at work, in the family, the collapse of hopes, dismissal, loss of a close friend, betrayal. However, in some situations, a meeting with for a long time a forgotten friend with whom, as you might have thought, your paths parted, or your former love decides to return to you, or you meet a hitherto unknown relative. Read more

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    Dog in dream from Maly dream book. If you dreamed dog, which growls and rushes at you, then you should beware of the intrigues of enemies, and if dog flirts with you - this is for well-being and true friends. If you dreamed that your dogs excellentDashka, Izhevsk | 30 January 2013 08:00. To me in dream dreamed daddy's for a long time deceased dog I loved her very much. In dream She was live and ran, when I called her, she jumped around my mother (in life they didn’t communicate very much) and didn’t come up to me, but they went on with my mother ... Read more

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    deceased dog in dream- it is a symbol of protection, as a rule dreaming in moments of experience and thus through dream symbolically indicates a good outcome and vain efforts and experiences, since our dogs always in life they feel and know without words that the owner is ill. Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

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    However, if dead had a dream to you alive, and at the same time you experienced great anxiety or were very scared, then this unpleasant dream warns of coming trials and tribulations in your life. Also if in dream you see that the person who for a long time died, suddenly appeared alive, That dream may indicate changes in the weather. Dead speaks. Kiss deceased. deceased dog.Read completely

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    For what dreaming Dog dead Tue January 12, 2016, 11:06:34 AM. This night to me had a dream dream that my chihuahua got a fatal disease and dies in terrible agony. It's impossible to save her. All these torments I see in dream.For what dreaming Dog dead Tue December 29, 2015, 08:10:42 AM. in life dog died,A dreaming live with chopped off paws without blood. Oksana.Read completely

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    Today dreamed that we walk around the city with her. I get on the tram, she comes in too and suddenly runs out of the tram. the tram closes the doors and rides. dog understands what she did stupidly and it's hard to understand why your subconscious mind needed an image dogs, which for a long time not with you. I will assume that this image is connected with the past.Read completely

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    Napala in dream play on me) In general, this is a boy, he grabbed his teeth without hurting his head, so that I would tear it off) I wanted to play ... Dream something nice, but the dog was already poisoned very much for a long time, it is not in alive. What would that mean, tell me? In general, dog in dream- this is for friends, friendship. But if you dreaming dog, which lived with you and then died, then, perhaps, you just somehow remembered her, got bored. A in dream your subconscious gave you her image.Read completely

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    deceased dog in dream- it is a symbol of protection, as a rule dreaming in moments of experience and thus through dream symbolically indicates a good outcome and vain efforts and experiences, since our dogs always in life they feel and know without words that the owner is ill. Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    deceased dog in dream- it is a symbol of protection, as a rule dreaming in moments of experience and thus through dream symbolically indicates a good outcome and vain efforts and experiences, since our dogs always in life they feel and know without words that the owner is ill. Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

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    « dream interpretation sick Dog dreamed, for what dreaming in dream sick Dog». dreamed sick dog.all the insides are sick and visible through the decayed belly. dog lies, then breathes, then no. I check alive she or not it seems that here will die. And she is everything lives. Next to her is always an unfamiliar fly. He is trying to heal her and ease her suffering.Read completely

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    dreams about sex with for a long time deceased people from ancient times were considered a very bad sign for a dreamer. An example of this is the fate of the famous Roman commander Mark Antony. Just before he died, he saw in dream that is in love with the progenitor of the Romans Romulus. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming deceased dog caresses to in dream.Read completely

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    Those who died, But in dream alive: mother - good luck; father - to support. Note: themselves dead cannot be in dream. Their image is only a symbol. If dream black or gray dog, then this is unfortunately; howling - bad news. If dog good-natured, waving its tail - soon you will meet friends whom for a long time not seen.Read completely

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    deceased dog in dream- it is a symbol of protection, as a rule dreaming in moments of experience and thus through dream symbolically indicates a good outcome and vain efforts and experiences, since our dogs always in life they feel and know without words that the owner is ill. Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream.Read completely

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    dream interpretation - Dead Human had a dream alive. Dream where is grandma live and Grandpa late, but revived means that the Dreamer is internally preparing for the upcoming, but unpredictable changes in the emotional sphere (Revived Grandfather does not say goodbye and says in surprise that he will still see his granddaughter, who is getting off the Train). dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming deceased dog caresses to in dream.Read completely

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    See in dream for a long time dead girlfriend not only alive but pregnant - beware of the dangers. Why dreaming deceased dog.dreamed familiar girl, she for a long time died, asked me to give her a manicure and go to the sea with her, I kind of got ready, but on ...

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